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!lll L.

CenLer for lnsLrucLlonal uevelopmenL | ClayLon SLaLe unlverslLy
2000 ClayLon SLaLe 8lvd., Morrow, CA 30260
revlsed 8-3-2008
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Case wrlLlng ls a process LhaL beglns wlLh Lhe declslon Lo use a case and ends wlLh Lhe use of
Lhe case ln class. 1he enLlre sequence of sLeps ln Lhe process can be found ln llgure 1. 1he
suggesLed acLlvlLles for case wrlLlng conLalned ln Lhls gulde are meanL Lo asslsL faculLy ln
organlzlng and presenLlng lnformaLlon ln Lhe case formaL. 1he focus ls on Lhe wrlLlng process.

SLep 1: !"#$ /'(+(*
ldenLlfy Lhe needs
SLep 2: 0#)"12(#3(*+ )3$ *$$.#
1he search for speclflc lssues, ldeas, and lndlvlduals or
organlzaLlons LhaL mlghL supply Lhe case lnformaLlon
SLep 3: 4*()("2 !5*)"6)
1he esLabllshmenL of access Lo maLerlal on Lhe case sub[ecL
SLep 4: 7")" !522$6)(5*
1he gaLherlng of Lhe relevanL lnformaLlon for Lhe case
SLep 3: 83$ &'()(*+ 9'56$##
1he organlzaLlon and Lhe presenLaLlon of Lhe daLa and
SLep 6: :$2$"#$
1he obLalnlng of permlsslon from Lhe approprlaLe lndlvlduals Lo
use Lhe case for educaLlonal purposes.

llgure 1: 1he Case WrlLlng rocess AdopLed from Leenders & Lrsklne (1989)

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8efore conslderlng Lhe speclflc acLlvlLles lnvolved ln Lhe wrlLlng process, you should be aware of
some baslc lnformaLlon concernlng cases. usually cases descrlbe parLlcular slLuaLlons ln whlch
people are engaged ln complex lssues and are forced Lo Lake acLlons on a dllemma. Cases are
ofLen used ln problem-based learnlng, ln whlch sLudenLs are placed ln a problem slLuaLlon and
are encouraged Lo Lake Lhe role of problem solvers. ln Lhls lnsLance, cases are acLlon provoklng
- deslgned Lo presenL a problem LhaL places sLudenLs Lo be ln Lhe shoes of a relevanL declslon -
maker ln LhaL parLlcular slLuaLlon for analysls and acLlon recommendaLlons.

Cccaslonally, cases are deslgned Lo provlde references Lo dlfferenL aspecLs relaLed Lo Lhe
problem confronLed. CfLen Lhls Lype of case does noL only descrlbe a problem slLuaLlon, buL
also lncludes Lhe chosen soluLlon and Lhe ouLcome of Lhe soluLlon. SLudenLs revlew Lhese Lypes
of cases and reason abouL how and why a soluLlon succeeds or falls. 1hrough Lhls reasonlng
process, sLudenLs obLaln a deeper undersLandlng of all Lhe relevanL facLors ln a parLlcular
problem slLuaLlon.

!lll L. Lane
CenLer for lnsLrucLlonal uevelopmenL | ClayLon SLaLe unlverslLy
2000 ClayLon SLaLe 8lvd., Morrow, CA 30260
revlsed 8-3-2008
>"2-$ 5= !"#$#
Cases puL sLudenLs ln an acLlve learnlng mode. ln oLher words, cases lnvlLe sLudenLs Lo do
speclflc Lasks and Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe Lhlngs Lhey are dolng. ln essence, cases presenL sLudenLs
wlLh opporLunlLles Lo analyze and solve relevanL real-world pracLlcal problems. Cases challenge
sLudenLs Lo LesL whaL Lhey learn Lhrough pracLlce lnsLead of merely LesLlng Lhelr memory. 1hus,
cases are useful ln lnsLrucLlon LhaL lnvolves hlgh-order Lhlnklng such as problem solvlng and
lnLerpreLaLlon. Moreover, cases promoLe Lransfer. AcLlve learnlng and engagemenL ln solvlng
problems causes sLudenLs Lo beLLer apply whaL Lhey learn Lo slmllar problem slLuaLlons ln Lhe
real world.

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WrlLlng cases ls a challenglng Lask, buL Lhe learnlng ouLcomes LhaL sLem from Lhelr use can be
rewardlng. Case wrlLlng lnvolves complex and reflecLlve endeavors as well as Lhe opporLunlLy
for creaLlve expresslon. A case wrlLer has Lo analyze, evaluaLe, lnLerpreL, and synLheslze
lnformaLlon and ldeas. ln facL, wrlLlng cases can enrlch one's Leachlng and research. 1he wrlLlng
process comprlses four ma[or acLlvlLles: plannlng, organlzlng, drafLlng, and revlslng.

lannlng ls Lhe esLabllshmenL of a scheme LhaL lays ouL Lhe lmporLanL acLlons and Lhe essenLlal
elemenLs ln wrlLlng a case. ln order Lo do LhaL, a case wrlLer needs Lo: (1) ldenLlfy Lhe purpose
of Lhe case wrlLlng Lask, (2) ldenLlfy Lhe learner aLLrlbuLes, and (3) declde whaL lnformaLlon
should be puL lnLo a case. An effecLlve way Lo carry ouL Lhe process ls Lo ask yourself quesLlons
for each acLlon you Lake.

(1) ldenLlfylng Lhe purpose of Lhe case wrlLlng Lask: ln an educaLlonal seLLlng, Lhe funcLlon of
Lhe case ls lnsLrucLlonal. 1herefore, Lhe quesLlons Lo conslder when wrlLlng perLaln Lo whaL
your sLudenLs are supposed Lo learn wlLh Lhe case (learnlng ouLcomes) and whaL conLexL
Lhe case ls Lo be used ln Lhe course.
WhaL are Lhe learnlng ouLcomes for Lhe case?
Learnlng ouLcomes speclfy whaL sLudenLs are expecLed Lo know and whaL Lhey are
expecLed Lo be able Lo do, value, or feel aL Lhe compleLlon of an lnsLrucLlonal segmenL
(nlLko, 1996). 1haL ls Lo say, you have Lo Lhlnk abouL or llsL Lhe learnlng lssues you
would llke sLudenLs Lo engage ln whlle sLudylng Lhe case, and Lhe learnlng ouLcomes
LhaL sLudenLs should reach afLer compleLlng work on Lhe case. LvenLually, Lhe learnlng
ouLcomes help you deLermlne Lhe conLenL of Lhe case ln Lerms of Lhe concepLs, rules
and prlnclples needed.
Pow ls Lhe case used ln Lerms of Lhe lnsLrucLlonal sequence?
a. A case can be presenLed aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe lnsLrucLlon Lo ellclL sLudenLs'
aLLenLlon. 1he problem scenarlo presenLed ln Lhe case funcLlons as a sLlmulus Lo
moLlvaLe sLudenLs Lo engage learnlng.
b. A case can also acL as an anchor LhaL supporLs Lhe learnlng of Lhe conLenL or skllls of
Lhe sub[ecL. lor example, some new aLhway courses ln Parvard Medlcal School
!lll L. Lane
CenLer for lnsLrucLlonal uevelopmenL | ClayLon SLaLe unlverslLy
2000 ClayLon SLaLe 8lvd., Morrow, CA 30260
revlsed 8-3-2008
plan cases and oLher exerclses around a weekly Lheme LhaL lnLegraLes blosclence
and cllnlcal learnlng lssues.
c. ?ou can ask sLudenLs Lo read and analyze Lhe case before comlng Lo class. As a
resulL, lecLures and dlscusslons ln class can revolve around Lhe concepLs, rules and
prlnclples LhaL are embedded ln Lhe problem slLuaLlon.
d. AnoLher way ls Lo presenL Lhe case ln class and employ a role-play acLlvlLy Lo lnvolve
sLudenLs ln Lhe problem solvlng process.
e. A case can be used as an example LhaL lllusLraLes Lhe ldeas LhaL have been LaughL ln
class or as anoLher lnsLance LhaL represenLs dlfferenL aspecLs of Lhe problem
slLuaLlon LhaL sLudenLs encounLer ln Lhe case sLudles. lor example, ln buslness
course, Lhe lnsLrucLor can glve a serles of cases LhaL deal wlLh a common Lheme
abouL managemenL buL dlsplays dlfferenL slLuaLlons, sLraLegles and behavlors from
dlfferenL perspecLlves, such as a company owner, general manager or employees.
1hese cases are useful for addlng breadLh and depLh Lo Lhe lnsLrucLlon.
f. 1he lnsLrucLor can also use Lhe case Lo assess sLudenLs' learnlng. AfLer a perlod of
sLudy, sLudenLs are glven a case and are asked Lo wrlLe answers Lo quesLlons abouL
Lhe case.

ln general, cases may be coordlnaLed wlLh lecLures and oLher class acLlvlLles or Lhey may sLand-
alone. 8y examlnlng how you wanL Lhe case Lo supporL your Leachlng and your sLudenLs'
learnlng, you are able Lo declde whaL your case should do and how you should wrlLe your case.

(2) ldenLlfylng Lhe learners: Llke any klnd of wrlLlng, lf you wanL your readers Lo undersLand Lhe
lnformaLlon and ldeas you are Lrylng Lo convey, you have Lo search for Lhe common ground
you and your readers share, and explolL Lhls common ground ln your wrlLlng. ln Lhls
lnsLance, Lhe readers are Lhe sLudenLs.
Pow much do sLudenLs know abouL Lhe sub[ecL?
An effecLlve case should make sLudenLs lnLeresLed ln and moLlvaLe Lhem Lo acqulre a
deeper undersLandlng of Lhe concepLs and rules LhaL have been LaughL or Lhey are golng
Lo learn. Awareness of Lhe level of enLry skllls of sLudenLs ls helpful ln deLermlnlng whaL
learnlng lssues should be pursued ln Lhe case and ln deLecLlng Lhe dlfferences beLween
Lhe learnlng ouLcomes and Lhe prlor knowledge sLudenLs have of Lhe sub[ecL maLLer.
1he dlfferences help you declde whaL lnformaLlon ls necessary Lo lnclude ln Lhe case and
whaL oLher Leachlng maLerlals should be supplemenLed so LhaL sLudenLs can empower
Lhemselves as problem solvers. llnally, Lhe academlc background of sLudenLs helps Lo
deLermlne Lhe Lone of Lhe case. Word-cholce and Lhe exLenL of explanaLory deLall
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe quallLy and characLer of Lhls Lone.
WhaL are Lhe funcLlons of sLudenLs ln Lhe case sLudy?
usually sLudenLs ln a case sLudy lmpllclLly assume Lhe roles of Lhe declslon-makers ln Lhe
case. Powever, a case developed for role-playlng ls presenLed somewhaL dlfferenLly
from Lhe one deslgned Lo provoke dlscusslons among sLudenLs. Whlle boLh have rlch
descrlpLlons of Lhe problem lssues ln Lhe case and enable Lhe dlscovery of concepLs,
!lll L. Lane
CenLer for lnsLrucLlonal uevelopmenL | ClayLon SLaLe unlverslLy
2000 ClayLon SLaLe 8lvd., Morrow, CA 30260
revlsed 8-3-2008
prlnclples or rules Lo be learned, a case lnvolvlng role-playlng may requlre Lhe case
wrlLer Lo embed more deLalled lnformaLlon. lnformaLlon such as Lhe poslLlons and Lhe
percepLlons of Lhe people lnvolved, are essenLlal ln helplng sLudenLs make lnferences
durlng Lhelr declslon maklng. SomeLlmes, Lhe case wrlLer also needs Lo provlde oLher
exLernal resources for sLudenLs Lo use ln order Lo work ouL Lhe lssue or problem Lhey
confronL. Cn Lhe oLher hand, a case for dlscusslon may presenL sLralghLforward and
comprehenslve lnformaLlon abouL Lhe conLexL ln whlch Lhe problem arlses, Lhe chosen
soluLlon, and lLs consequences.

(3) uecldlng whaL lnformaLlon should be puL lnLo Lhe case: 1he quesLlon of how Lo obLaln Lhe
lnformaLlon should be consldered early ln your plannlng because Lhe avallablllLy of
lnformaLlon dlrecLly lnfluences your cholce and quallLy of conLenL. Moreover, Lhe
componenLs of a case also deLermlne whaL lnformaLlon ls needed.
Where ls Lhe source of Lhe maLerlals?
Lvery wrlLlng Lask requlres research. AfLer you ldenLlfy Lhe case lssues, you have Lo sLarL
looklng for maLerlals Lo make Lhe case real and acLual. 1he maLerlals may come from
dlfferenL sources. ?ou mlghL draw Lhe case maLerlals from Lhe reflecLlons on your own
personal experlence, from sLorles LhaL you have heard from frlends or colleagues, or
from arLlcles and publlcaLlons. 1he maLerlals also can be obLalned from lnLervlews wlLh
experLs on Lhe sub[ecL maLLer LhaL you are deallng wlLh or wlLh Lhe personnel ln a
parLlcular organlzaLlon LhaL you are lnLeresLed ln and LhaL ls relaLed Lo your case lssues.
WhaL makes a case?
An effecLlve case glves sLudenLs a learnlng experlence Lo engage real-world problem(s).
1herefore, Lhe ma[or elemenL of Lhe case resldes ln Lhe auLhenLlclLy of Lhe conLexL
where Lhe problem ls slLuaLed as well as Lhe problem lLself. lrom Lhls sLandpolnL, a case
should aL leasL conslsL of a descrlpLlon of Lhe seLLlng (Llme and place), Lhe characLers
(personallLy and responslblllLy), and a sequence of evenLs LhaL are presenL ln Lhe
problem or declslon-maklng slLuaLlon. 1here should be lnformaLlon avallable and Lrue
enough ln Lhe case LhaL wlll make lL relevanL and help sLudenLs become lnvolved ln Lhe
learnlng experlence. lor example, a cllnlcal case for medlcal sLudenLs usually has Lo do
wlLh a paLlenL's healLh problem. 1o enrlch Lhe reallLy ln Lhe case, Lhere should be
relevanL maLerlals, such as records of physlcal examlnaLlons (x-rays and scans), and Lhe
dlalogues beLween Lhe paLlenL and Lhe docLor.

Crganlzlng ls Lhe arrangemenL of ldeas LhaL supporL Lhe purpose of Lhe case. ln Lhls parL of Lhe
case-wrlLlng process, you Lackle Lhe problem of how Lo presenL case maLerlals. 1he ma[or
concerns here are Lhe narraLlve sLrucLure and Lhe presenLaLlon of Lhe naLure of complexlLy of
Lhe lssues ln Lhe case. 1yplcally, cases are presenLed ln a narraLlve formaL, whlch ls deslrable
because of Lhe bellef LhaL a sLory provokes Lhe reader Lo acLlvely engage Lhe lnformaLlon. Also,
cases are prlmarlly problem based ln naLure. Cases are mosLly governed by a problem scenarlo,
!lll L. Lane
CenLer for lnsLrucLlonal uevelopmenL | ClayLon SLaLe unlverslLy
2000 ClayLon SLaLe 8lvd., Morrow, CA 30260
revlsed 8-3-2008
whlch ls more open-ended and conLroverslal, and Lherefore brlngs ouL dlverse oplnlons and
mulLlple soluLlons.

(1) SLrucLurlng ln a narraLlve sLyle: Cases resemble llfellke sLorles and conLaln more descrlpLlon
and deLall Lhan slmple presenLaLlons of concepLs, rules and prlnclples. 1hus, sLudenLs are
more moLlvaLed Lo geL lnvolved ln Lhe slLuaLlon and lLs resoluLlon. Cases, slLuaLed ln a
problem conLexL, are also more easlly recalled by sLudenLs and Lransferred Lo a new
problem slLuaLlon. All of Lhese reasons make Lhe use of cases effecLlve ln lnsLrucLlon.
WhaL does a narraLlve conslsL of?
A narraLlve ls a sLory of an evenL. lL lncludes whaL happened, who was lnvolved, when lL
happened, why lL happened, and how lL happened. A case sLrucLured ln a narraLlve sLyle
lays ouL a sequence of evenLs LhaL develop Lhe sLory. 1he narraLlve brlngs Lhe characLers
and acLlons Lo llfe. 1herefore, ln a narraLlve, you musL have deLalls of a speclflc seLLlng, a
llsL of acLors wlLh names and descrlpLlons of personallLles, a progresslve dlsclosure of
acLlons, and Lhe problems or lssues LhaL evolve Lhe case.
Pow ls a narraLlve organlzed?
1he usual way Lo organlze a narraLlve ls chronologlcally, ln Lhe order ln whlch evenLs
occur. ?ou may organlze ln order of lmporLance, or sLarL wlLh Lhe seLLlng and Llme, or
Lhe acLual evenL. SomeLlmes lL can be more effecLlve Lo sLarL wlLh Lhe end of Lhe acLlon,
or somewhere ln Lhe mlddle, and Lhen Lell Lhe sLory Lhrough a serles of flashbacks. no
maLLer how you organlze Lhe case, Lhe prlnclple ls Lo make Lhe narraLlve sLrucLure clear
by LranslLlon and keep sLudenLs lnLeresLed and focused on Lhe polnLs LhaL you wanL Lo

(2) resenLlng Lhe naLure of Lhe complexlLy of case problem: keep ln mlnd LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon
Lo be presenLed should [usLlfy Lhe lnLenLlon and Lhe purpose of Lhe wrlLlng Lask. An
lmporLanL ob[ecLlve ln Lhe use of cases ln learnlng ls Lo enhance sLudenLs0 ablllLy ln crlLlcal
Lhlnklng and problem solvlng. ln Lhe case sLudy, sLudenLs are encouraged Lo analyze a
problem from dlfferenL perspecLlves. 8eslde Lhe exLenslve analysls, sLudenLs are also
requlred Lo apply boLh values and [udgmenLs Lo reach a flnal soluLlon or a consensus Lo a
Pow should Lhe case reveal mulLlfaceLed phases of a problem?
A ploL should be lmplemenLed ln Lhe case. 1he ploL should revolve around an lnLeresL or
confllcL-arouslng lssue. 1he ploL should provlde uncerLalnLy and draw sLudenLs lnLo Lhe
parLlculars of Lhe sub[ecL maLLer relaLed Lo Lhe case and Lhe roles of Lhe acLors lnvolved
ln Lhe case. lor example, a case deallng wlLh Lhe welfare pollcy may well ralse
conLroversy abouL Lhe poslLlve and negaLlve lmpacLs of new welfare leglslaLlon.
Pow does Lhe case show dlfferenL perspecLlves?
A case wrlLer should reveal Lhe lnformaLlon ln a way LhaL Lhe dlscusslon of Lhe case or
Lhe suggesLed soluLlon for Lhe case wlll draw sLudenLs lnLo conLenLlon of dlfferenL
lnLerpreLaLlons, dlfferenL [udgmenLs, dlfferenL declslons and, consequenLly, dlfferenL
!lll L. Lane
CenLer for lnsLrucLlonal uevelopmenL | ClayLon SLaLe unlverslLy
2000 ClayLon SLaLe 8lvd., Morrow, CA 30260
revlsed 8-3-2008
acLlons Lo Lake. 1he besL way Lo enhance such effecLs ls Lo dlsplay conLrasL and
comparlsons of dlfferenL oplnlons by uslng dlrecL quoLaLlons and dlalogues.

urafLlng ls puLLlng your ldeas and LhoughLs down on Lhe paper. 1he acLlvlLy Lransforms ldeas
lnLo concreLe words and senLences, however, Lhe focus of Lhe acLlvlLy lles ln developlng Lhe
ldeas raLher Lhan on spelllng, grammar, or paragraphlng. When you sLarL Lo wrlLe, you should
know how Lhe case ls used ln Lhe lnsLrucLlon and whaL sLudenLs are golng Lo learn ouL of Lhe
case. ln oLher words, you have Lo make sure your wrlLlng ls congruenL wlLh Lhe learnlng lssues
LhaL organlze Lhe sLudy of Lhe case. ln Lhls sLage, an ouLllne of Lhe case ls shaped. AfLer Lhe
acLlvlLles of plannlng and organlzlng Lhe case, a case wrlLer should have ldeas abouL whaL Lo
wrlLe abouL ln Lhe case and how Lo presenL Lhose ldeas ln Lhe case. Moreover, maLerlals and
lnformaLlon for developlng Lhe case should also be aL hand. urafLlng forces Lhe wrlLer Lo furLher
develop Lhe ldeas and dlgesL Lhe maLerlals and lnformaLlon LhaL were gaLhered from personal
experlences, Lhe lnLervlews, documenLs, or oLher sources.
WhaL ls Lhe cenLral ldea of Lhe case?
1he cenLral ldea of Lhe case emerges durlng Lhe plannlng acLlvlLy of Lhe wrlLlng process.
lL ls Lhe conLrolllng ldea LhaL provldes Lhe focus of Lhe case. ln facL, lL derlves from Lhe
learnlng ouLcomes whaL Lhe sLudenLs should know and do. 1he aLLenLlon of Lhe case
should focus on Lhe learnlng lssues LhaL you wanL sLudenLs Lo explore.
Pow should Lhe cenLral ldea of Lhe case be supporLed?
1he case ls a means of learnlng and presenLs a descrlpLlon of a problem or declslon
slLuaLlon where Lhe learnlng lssues are embedded. 1hus, Lhe developmenL of Lhe case
evolves ln such a way so LhaL Lhe descrlpLlon wlll lead sLudenLs Lo explore Lhe learnlng
lssues and engage Lhem ln flndlng and solvlng problems. 1he key ln developlng a case ls
Lo glve sufflclenL lnformaLlon Lo help sLudenLs slLuaLe Lhemselves ln Lhe case. Whlle you
are wrlLlng, you wlll be decldlng whaL sLudenLs need Lo know Lo undersLand Lhe case.
lor example, ln Lhe sLudy of lnLernaLlonal pollcles, lf you wanL Lo supporL a learnlng
lssue abouL esLabllshlng dlplomaLlc relaLlonshlp beLween Lwo counLrles, you should
presenL Lhe facLs, explanaLlons and evldences abouL Lhe currenL relaLlonshlp beLween
Lhese Lwo counLrles and why Lhere ls a need Lo esLabllsh Lhe relaLlonshlp. ln Lhe sLudy of
llghLenlng deslgn, you may wanL Lo glve Lhe descrlpLlons of Lhe slze of Lhe room, Lhe
funcLlon of Lhe room, and how Lhe elecLrlcal ouLleLs are lald ouL ln Lhe room. All of Lhls
lnformaLlon helps supporL Lhe developmenL of Lhe case.

8evlslng lnvolves re-readlng, evaluaLlng, and maklng changes Lo lmprove Lhe wrlLLen case.
Whlle re-readlng, you have Lo be an ob[ecLlve, crlLlcal reader. Whlle evaluaLlng, you need Lo
know whaL Lo look for ln your case, l.e., you have Lo ldenLlfy ma[or case componenLs and [udge
Lhem wlLh a seL of prlnclples or crlLerla. SomeLlmes, lL helps Lo have someone else revlew your
case ln order Lo provlde an ob[ecLlve evaluaLlon. WheLher you are self revlewlng or havlng
!lll L. Lane
CenLer for lnsLrucLlonal uevelopmenL | ClayLon SLaLe unlverslLy
2000 ClayLon SLaLe 8lvd., Morrow, CA 30260
revlsed 8-3-2008
someone else revlew, lL ls helpful Lo conslder Lhe followlng quesLlons durlng Lhe revlew

1. Wlll Lhe case produce Lhe lnLended learnlng ouLcomes?
2. Are Lhe problem lssue(s) presenLed ln Lhe case relaLed Lo Lhe learnlng ouLcomes?
3. ls Lhe case sufflclenLly compleLe, complex and focused?
4. uoes Lhe case presenL a slLuaLlon, problem, or lssue?
3. Are all Lhe elemenLs of a narraLlve sLyle used ln Lhe case (l.e., a sLoryLelllng sLyle, Lhe
conLexLual descrlpLlons of Lhe slLuaLlon, Lhe porLrayals of Lhe cenLral characLers, Lhe
developmenL of a serles of evenLs, and an lnLeresLlng ploL evoklng dlfferenL
6. Are Lhe evenLs and acLlons ln Lhe case sequenced ln a loglcal order?
7. Are Lhe evenLs connecLed wlLh approprlaLe LranslLlonal slgnals?
8. ls Lhe conLenL ln Lhe case accuraLe, relevanL, and approprlaLe ln Lerms of sub[ecL
9. lf Lhere are exLernal resources, are Lhey approprlaLe?

1he lnLenL of Lhls gulde ls Lo help you Lhrough Lhe case wrlLlng process and avold some of Lhe
plLfalls assoclaLed wlLh case wrlLlng. lf you have any quesLlons or would llke Lo dlscuss case
wrlLlng wlLh someone aL Lhe CenLer for lnsLrucLlonal uevelopmenL, please conLacL

Abel, u. (1997). WhaL makes a good Case? !""#$% '() *)+,-)..)/ 01 !2/03)45 "4,) "-)4/657
#02,) 89:;< =>:?
ArmsLrong, L. C., WeLzel M. S., & Wllkerson, L. aper Case uevelopmenL Culde.
8arneL, S., & SLubbs, M. (1993). 8arneL & SLubbs's pracLlcal gulde Lo wrlLlng wlLh readlng. 7Lh
edlLlon. new ?ork, n?: ParperColllns college ubllsher.
Lmend, S. (1989). A gulde Lo new aLhway case wrlLlng. Cfflce of LducaLlonal uevelopmenL,
Parvard Medlcal School.
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