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184.) The Church constantly calls forth all men to partake in the grace of Christianity.

Along with the Church, its members call and reach out to many and be closer to the sa iour !esus Christ" howe er these members, those whom we may call the e angeli#ers, need themsel es e angeli#ing from li ing life of too worldly a Church. There are many issues surrounding the Church, mo ing around the world tapping on serious $uestions affecting the li es of societies internationally. The %ope discusses in Chapter 1, concluding in Chapter &, the need of not only bringing in the world to Christianity and the Church, but bringing the Church out of the world and into the world where Christianity truly lies. The Church does not control society, nor is it a controlling group wherein ital solutions should be made. Christianity offers to its members the knowledge and wisdom needed to spread out the word of 'od, the gospel, the graces and lo e, which are all beneficial to man(s self) alidity as a Christian and a human being. As the Church possesses these traits, they must be able to *analyse with ob+ecti ity the situation which is proper to their own country(, following the morality of each situation. The Church today is so sunken beneath these issues of mere ideas that the reality of their positions is somewhat lost behind translation between what people place as priorities and what they choose to ignore in the li es of Christians. ,ith what the %ope has written, there is a great sense of humility lying beneath the te-t. Although the Church has a great influence on a large number of societies, the .atican does not e-ert effort per se in the interpretation of social realities or the proposal of solutions to contemporary problems, we are gi en our freedom and intellect to study and alidate each problem oursel es. As a Christian, it is our duty to ob+ecti ely discuss and deliberate solutions on situations which pose threats to our faith and credibility. /ather than trying to ask the magisterium or e en our parish priest answers to many of these underlying $uestions, we must put in the effort to lose our ignorance to the teachings of the faith and morality so that we may deduce and yield rational and efficient solutions to many of the scenarios happening in our world.

18&.) The %ope emphasi#es two main issues which he belie es as fundamental and ital to this coming of age. ,ith all the problems the world faces, economically et al, he belie es that focusing on these issues will definitely shape the future of humanity0 1nclusion of poor in the society" and, %eace and 2ocial 3ialogue. 4 eryone is e-posed to opportunities of getting what they want, whene er they want. They are approached with limitless possibilities for consumption and distraction, which leads to *a kind of alienation at e ery le el(. ,ith the inclusion of the poor in the society, the %ope underlines not only the literal, but the theological aspect of the poor which is not only affected by the market, but by the minds of each indi idual. 5any are poor when their mentality falls to an indi idualism or self)centered indifference plainly for themsel es" it is not only limited to the economic aspect, but also reaches the mind and soul of man. As is defined theologically, the %ope points out that each indi idual Christian and e ery community is called to be an instrument in aiding, liberating the poor, allowing them to fully be part of our society. The %ope also calls out that it is not only the Church that goes out to the poor, but for the Church to be poor and for the poor. To eradicate or e en minimi#e the issue of the poor will lead to peace and social dialogue" through the balance of po erty, social +ustice will occur and flatten out the fluctuations which happen through the oppression the poor(s integral de elopment. 1t is in these lines that solidarity is being e-claimed by the %ope, for all to participate effecti ely in the de elopment of the nation(s economy, and ultimately the society of the poor. This solidarity does not mean indi idualism, rather it e-claims a new and natural mindset which thinks in terms of community and the priority of life. 5an should abide by this ser ice of +ustice by allowing and reali#ing the social priority of goods and ser ices realistically before 6pri ate properties7. 1dea is not sufficient when it comes to including the poor in society, missionary acts such as gi ing and sharing what is needed by the poor what is theirs to begin with. %ri ate ownership though is not a problem as it is re$uired to protect and increase them in order to ser e more the common good and include what is needed in our society. Through these acts, we open possibilities of de elopment and structural transformations which allow a greater future for humanity.

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