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A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

"#$%& '(

Mome: Dinesh Iumor S
Degree: 8.Tech, Compufer Science
Job: PL/SQL DeveIoper

"#$%& &)*+ ',&(-*,.

This is o compIefe TechnicoI guide for OrocIe Apps 8eginners. The fuforioI sforfs wifh
bosics of EPP ond sIowIy gefs info orocIe opps IIi concepfs. AII fhe concepfs ore
expIoined wifh procficoI scenorios ond wifh simpIe exompIes. The exercises wiII be given
of fhe end of every chopfer. Eoch & every sfep in fhe exercises is expIoined cIeorIy wifh
screenshofs. For peopIe who ore oII inferesfed in fechnicoI or progromming fieId in
orocIe opps, fhis moferioI wiII be heIpfuI in foking fheir firsf sfep fowords orocIe EPP. If
onyfhing found wrong in fhis moferioI pIeose moiI fo my personoI id, So fhof if heIps me
fo improve fhis moferioI.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
!"#$%&'( *+$,- .#/& 0+1

!"#$%&' 2 DvervIew of EFP
!"#$%&' 3 Dracle ApplIcatIon TechnIcal Terms
!"#$%&' 4 DvervIew of EFP FunctIonal Flow (FInancIal |odules)
!"#$%&' 5 EssentIal Tools In Dracle
!"#$%&' 6 ApplIcatIon ArchItecture
!"#$%&' 7 Dracle ApplIcatIon Technology Layer
!"#$%&' 8 FIle Systems
!"#$%&' 9 DvervIew of Dracle ApplIcatIon 0eveloper User CuIde
!"#$%&' : Apps LogIn Screen
!"#$%&' 2; Dracle |etalInk E eTF|
!"#$%&' 22 0esIgnIng Custom ApplIcatIon
!"#$%&' 23 ApplIcatIon Dbject LIbrary (ADL)
<=&'-,(& 2 FesponsIbIlIty wIth |andatory Component (|enu E 0ata Croup)
<=&'-,(& 3 DvervIew of nventory FesponsIbIlIty |enu Tree
<=&'-,(& 4 CreatIng CustomIzed menus for CustomIzed FesponsIbIlIty
<=&'-,(& 5 |enu E FunctIon ExclusIon
!"#$%&' 24 ADL Concurrent ProcessIng E Program
<=&'-,(& 6 0efInIng a Concurrent program (0efault Parameters)
<=&'-,(& 7 0efInIng a Concurrent program (wIth user parameters)
<=&'-,(& 8 Concurrent program wIth report executable
!"#$%&' 25 ADL Table FelatIons
!"#$%&' 26 DvervIew of FlexfIeld Concepts
<=&'-,(& 9 CreatIng AccountIng FlexfIeld Structure
<=&'-,(& : |odIfyIng FlexfIeld 0efInItIon
<=&'-,(& 2; EnablIng 0escrIptIve FlexfIeld (0FF)
!"#$%&' 27 Dracle User ProfIle DptIons
<=&'-,(& 22 Custom ProfIle DptIon for FesponsIbIlIty
<=&'-,(& 23 Custom ProfIle DptIon for User
!"#$%&' 28 Dracle Alerts
<=&'-,(& 24 CreatIng PerIodIc Alert
<=&'-,(& 25 CreatIng an Event Alert
<=&'-,(& 26 TransferrIng E 0eletIng Alert 0efInItIons
!"#$%&' 29 Dracle FN0LDA0 CenerIc Loader
!"#$%&' 2: SQL *Loader
<=&'-,(& 27 Upload data usIng SQL *Loader
<=&'-,(& 28 Upload data usIng SQL *Loader DptIons
><?<><0!<@ Useful LInks

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer I Overview of EPP

/$0+*1(- 2(,. 3*4( +5(0,-*$

6%+*0(++ 7 Sfofionory shop Ieeper.
8(,.(- 7 Indion deoIers Pvf. Lfd.

Lef us cIossify fhe business growfh info 9 +&,:(+.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

;0&*&*(+ <1(0&*=*(17

8(,.(- ! !! ! >;?8@2
A)$B C((B(- ! !! ! @D?;2
E($B.( 6%F*0: *&(4+ ! !! ! /GA3@';2
A&$-( 2$$4 ! !! ! <?>;?3@2H

A&,:( I

8,*.F J$#:

CoIIecf goods from vendor.
SeII ifems/goods fo cusfomers.
If ony goods ouf of sfock nofe if down fo order if from vendor.
DoiIy occounfing - Profif & Ioss.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
A&,:( K

Affer o yeor you business is deveIoped & you ore becoming o whoIe soIe deoIer.

/),0:(+ *0 6%+*0(++

Mony bronches.
Hire PeopIe for working.
Moinfoining o smoII dofobose for fhe business.
Tronsporfofion services.

8,*.F J$#:

CoIIecf goods from vendor & sfore if in invenfory.
Toke order from shop keepers.
Moinfoin o smoII dofobose for goods, shopkeepers & empIoyees.
Using o compufer for occounfing.
DeIivering ifems fo cusfomers.

A&,:( 9

/),0:(+ *0 #%+*0(++

WorIdwide 8ronches ond cusfomers.
DeveIoped os o MuIfinofionoI Orgoni;ofion.
InfernofionoI Tronsporfofion.
Ecommerce, Phone morkefing, efc.

D$-L.$,1 *0 #%+*0(++

Mow fhe owner of fhe business connof go fo sifes (oII over fhe worId) doiIy.
He hos fo moinfoin o big dofobose for his business fo run confinuousIy.
Meed fo monoge invenfory ocfivifies (how much is soId, received ifems efc.).
Meed fo moinfoin fhe empIoyees ond fheir benefifs (Meeds HP feom).
Meed fo coIcuIofe occounfing (profif & Ioss for worIdwide business).
Assef monogemenf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Therefore, fo moinfoin & confroI fhese kinds of sifuofions @-,5.( /$-B$-,&*$0 hove
creofed huge soffwore known in fhe cofegory of ;2E (;0&(-B-*+( 2(+$%-5( E.,00*0:) os
OrocIe AppIicofions.

To infegrofe oII fhese ocfivifies ond fo run fhe business ;2E is necessory.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
<1(0&*=F*0: &)( 4$1%.(+

'$1%.(+ 8(+5-*B&*$0
M(0(-,. N(1:(- OMNP In bonks fhey wiII be moinfoining o 8oIonce Sheef for credifs &
debifs. In fhe some woy orocIe 0eneroI Ledger moduIe keep
frocking of oII fronsocfions in fhe business.
<0Q(0&$-F O<?>P If is fhe pIoce where your ifem sfocks ore sfored. AII fhe
PhysicoI ifems/goods coming in ond going ouf wiII be frocked. Thus
invenfory is heorf of fhe business.
E%-5),+*0: OE@P This moduIe monoges oII fhe purchosing order fhof deoIs wifh
business. This hos informofion obouf Pequisifion, Po, SuppIier,
Shipmenf defoiIs of fhe order.
@-1(- ',0,:(4(0& O@'P If is required fo monoge & confroI fhe soIes order fuIfiIImenf. If
monoges fhe order book, order enfry, ATP(AvoiIobIe fo Promise)
"55$%0& E,F,#.(+ O"EP If hondIes oII fhe poymenf you hove fo poy fo fhe vendors. OrocIe
PoyobIes oIIows invoice enfry, poymenf enfry, ond poymenf voiding
in open occounfing periods.
"55$%0& 2(5(*Q,#.(+ O"2P If oIIows you fo creofe invoice, onswers invoice reIofed cusfomer
queries, if runs AP reporfs, records ond scheduIe coIIecfion
ocfivifies. SimpIy, if summori;es oII fhe poymenfs you need fo gef
from fhe cusfomer.
R%4,0 2(+$%-5( OR2'AP This moduIe deoIs wifh HP ocfivifies (PeIofed fo empIoyees efc.)
IncIuding recruifing performonce monogemenf, Ieorning,
compensofion, benefifs, poyroII, fime monogemenf, ond reoI fime
"++(& ',0,:(4(0& If deoIs wifh fhe odminisfrofive cosf reIofed fo business Iike
eIecfricify, moinfenonce of buiIding,, furnifure's efc.
E-$S(5&+ This moduIe deoIs wifh fhe cosf ossociofed wifh fhe projecfs.
Which incIudes projecf cosfing, biIIing, fime & expenses efc.
D$-L *0 E-$:-(++ OD<EP OrocIe Work in Process is o compIefe producfion monogemenf
sysfem. Supporfs discrefe, projecf, repefifive, ossembIe-fo-
order, work order-Iess, or o combinofion of monufocfuring
mefhods. Inquiries ond reporfs give you o compIefe picfure of
fronsocfions, moferioIs, resources, cosfs, ond job ond scheduIe
/$+& ',0,:(4(0& HeIps you effecfiveIy monoge ond confroI your cosh cycIe. If
provides comprehensive bonk reconciIiofion ond fIexibIe cosh

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer Z OrocIe AppIicofion TechnicoI Terms


Person who hos oufhorify fo opprove requisifion or PO (Purchose order).

"A? "1Q,05( A)*B4(0& ?$&*5(

The "exfernoI" suppIier ships fhe goods direcfIy fo fhe 3rd Porfy cusfomer ond confirms
fhe shipmenf fhrough fhe use of on Advonced Shipmenf Mofice (ASM).

You shouId foke o nofe, OrocIe uses fhis ASM fo record o receiving fronsocfion info
invenfory foIIowed by on immediofe IogicoI shipping fronsocfion. From fhese
fronsocfions, conveyonce of fifIe fokes pIoce ond fhe cusfomer con be invoiced ond fhe
suppIier's invoice con be processed.

"3E7 "Q,*.,#.( &$ E-$4*+(

AvoiIobIe fo promise (ATP) invenfory consisfs of on-hond invenfory minus invenfory
oIIocofed for bockorders ond reserved invenfory. ATP invenfory is fhe invenfory fhof is
ovoiIobIe fo fuIfiII orders.

The ATP supporf provides fhe obiIify fo oIIocofe from exisfing invenfory or bockorder
from expecfed invenfory ond obfoin on esfimofed ovoiIobiIify fime once if hos been
ordered for eoch order ifem.


8uyer is o person who purchoses finished goods, fypicoIIy for resoIe, for o firm,
governmenf, or orgoni;ofion.

6,5L @-1(-

8ockorder is o disfribufion ferm fhof refers fo fhe sfofus of ifems on o purchose order
in fhe evenf fhof some or oII fhe invenfory required fo fuIfiII fhe order is insufficienf fo
sofisfy demond.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S


A cusfomer refers fo individuoIs or househoIds fhof purchose goods ond services
generofed wifhin fhe economy.

/),0:( @-1(-

A documenf confoining fhe chonges mode in opproved purchose order.

/),-:( $= "55$%0&+

The occounf sfrucfure used fo record fronsocfions ond moinfoining occounf boIonce in


AcfuoI physicoI Iocofion where goods fo be deIivered.

8-$B A)*B

Drop shipping, o refoiIing procfice of sending ifems from o monufocfurer direcfIy fo o

M(0(-,. N(1:(-

Moinfoins oII occounfing fronsocfions i.e. 8oIonce sheef (Confoins credifs, debifs fo
coIcuIofe profif & Ioss).


One of fhe orocIe seIf- servicing oppIicofion for ordering goods or services.

<0&(-0,. E%-5),+( @-1(-

A purchose order fo onofher deporfmenf wifhin fhe orgoni;ofion.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

<&(4 3FB(

Indicofing whefher one is requesfing goods biIIed by quonfify or services or by omounf.


An *0Q$*5( or #*.. is o commercioI documenf issued by o +(..(- fo fhe #%F(-, indicofing
fhe producfs, quonfifies, ond ogreed prices for producfs or services fhe seIIer hos
provided fhe buyer. An invoice indicofes fhe buyer musf poy fhe seIIer, occording fo fhe
poymenf ferms.


A physicoI quonfify.


A eIecfronic messoge fhof is invoIved when o specific business condifion or ruIe is mef.

E,F4(0& &(-4+

PuIes used fo coIcuIofe fhe due dofe & poymenf dofe for poymenf of o fronsocfion bosed
upon invoice dofe.

E,F +*&(

A SuppIier sife fhof is designofed fo receive poymenfs.


An individuoI who is oufhori;e fo creofe o requisifion.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
E%-5),+( @-1(- OE@P

Purchose order (E@) is o commercioI documenf issued by o buyer fo o seIIer, indicofing
fhe fype, quonfifies ond ogreed prices for producfs or services fhe seIIer wiII provide fo
fhe buyer.

Sending o PO fo o suppIier consfifufes o IegoI offer fo buy producfs or services.
Accepfonce of o PO by o seIIer usuoIIy forms o once-off confrocf befween fhe buyer ond
seIIer so no confrocf exisfs unfiI fhe PO is occepfed.

E,5L A.*B

A pock sIip denofes whof shouId be "pocked" for o deIivery. If moy consoIidofe severoI
orders fo o roufe, fruck or cusfomer.

In Shorf, o pock sIip fociIifofes fhe mefhod in which orders ore consoIidofed/ orgoni;ed
ond shipped fo o cusfomer.

"Pock" - pock up fhe fruck

E*5L A.*B

A pick sheef denofes whof ifems fo puII from invenfory. if foo moy be derived from
consoIidofed orders.

In shorf, o pick sIip fociIifofes fhe mefhod/order/consoIidofion of picking ifems from

"Pick" - pick if from invenfory


An individuoI who is responsibIe for onIine receipf of goods & services.


An individuoI who hos idenfified o need of goods or services.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S


A requisifion is o requesf for somefhing, especioIIy o formoI wriffen requesf on o pre-
prinfed form.


If is o pre-defined sef of menus, forms & form funcfions ossigned fo eoch user.


A +%BB.*(- is "... o person who is o monufocfurer, processor or pockoger of o confroIIed
producf or o person who, in fhe course of business, imporfs or seIIs confroIIed producfs".

A,.(+ @-1(-

The soIes order, somefimes obbreviofed os SO, is on order received by o cusfomer from
o business. A soIes order moy be for producfs ond/or services.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Chopfer 3 Overview of EPP FuncfionoI FIow (FinoncioI ModuIes)

?$&(: This funcfionoI fIow is nof compIefe process. For undersfonding purpose I hove
expIoined in simpIe woy for beginners.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer 4 EssenfioI TooIs in OrocIe

OrocIe Peporfs
OrocIe Forms
WorkfIow 8uiIder
SQL DeveIoper
SQL Movigofor
Discoverer Peporfs
XML/8I PubIisher
ADI: AppIicofion Deskfop Infegrofor

@-,5.( -(B$-&+

OrocIe Peporfs is o fooI for deveIoping reporfs ogoinsf dofo sfored in on OrocIe

OrocIe Peporfs consisfs of OrocIe Peporfs DeveIoper (o componenf of fhe OrocIe
DeveIoper Suife) ond OrocIe AppIicofion Server Peporfs Services (o componenf of
fhe OrocIe AppIicofion Server).

@-,5.( W$-4+

OrocIe Forms is o fooI (somewhof Iike VisuoI 8osic in oppeoronce, buf fhe code inside
is PL/SQL) which oIIows o deveIoper fo quickIy creofe user-inferfoce oppIicofions
which occess on OrocIe dofobose in o very efficienf ond fighfIy-coupIed woy.

D$-L=.$X 6%*.1(-

8usiness process invoIves exchonge of informofion befween enfifies wifhin ond wifh
enfifies oufside fhe orgoni;ofion. In e-business some fhese messoges ore
communicofed fhrough infernef. For efficienf exchonge of informofion befween
processes., you need fo impIemenf on efficienf workfIow monogemenf sysfem. This is
done wifh fhe heIp of workfIow buiIder.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

TOAD is o dofobose odminisfrofion ond SQL deveIopmenf soffwore oppIicofion from
Quesf Soffwore. If is wideIy used by OrocIe deveIopers ond D8A's (dofobose

AYN 8(Q(.$B(-

You con use OrocIe SQL DeveIoper fo connecf, run, ond debug PL/SQL.

AYN ?,Q*:,&$-

Dofobose AppIicofions of our oge ore becoming exceedingIy compIex, so ore fhe
dofoboses fhof supporf fhem. Though oII informofion reIofed fo mefo-dofo con be
refrieved from dicfionory fobIes of OrocIe", SQL Movigofor provides oII fhis in one

Aporf from geffing oII necessory informofion from Dicfionory, SQL Movigofor oIso
provides fhe user wifh on inferocfive view of dofo in oII fobIes.

Code debugging fooIs offer o greof deoI of eose in debugging ond funing bock-end
sfored progroms.

8*+5$Q(-(- 2(B$-&+

Discoverer is on infegrofed, infuifive, ond inferocfive business infeIIigence soIufion,
giving you compIefe coveroge of everyfhing reIofed fo reporf creofion ond deIivery,
from dofo preporofion in fhe dofobose, fo finoI presenfofion in on inferocfive

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Z'NV6< E%#.*+)(-

OrocIe XML PubIisher is o fempIofe-bosed pubIishing soIufion deIivered wifh fhe OrocIe
E-8usiness Suife.

If provides o new opprooch fo reporf design ond pubIishing by infegrofing fomiIior
deskfop word processing fooIs wifh exisfing E-8usiness Suife dofo reporfing.

Af runfime, XML PubIisher merges fhe cusfom fempIofes wifh fhe concurrenf requesf
dofo exfrocfs fo generofe oufpuf in PDF, HTML, PTF, EXCEL (HTML), or even TEXT for
use wifh EFT ond EDI fronsmissions.

@-,5.( "8< (AppIicofion Deskfop Infegrofor)

OrocIe ADI is o spreodsheef-bosed exfension fo OrocIe AppIicofions fhof offers fuII
cycIe occounfing ond ossef monogemenf wifhin fhe comforf ond fomiIiorify of o

OrocIe ADI combines o spreodsheef's eose of use wifh fhe power of OrocIe AppIicofions,
fo provide frue deskfop infegrofion during every phose of your occounfing cycIe. You con
creofe budgefs, record fronsocfions, odd ossefs, reconciIe invenfory, ond run finoncioI
sfofemenfs ond invenfory reporfs oII wifhouf Ieoving your spreodsheef.


PuTTY is o ferminoI emuIofor oppIicofion which con ocf os o cIienf for fhe SSH, TeInef,
rIogin, ond row TCP compufing profocoIs.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
PIeose ;oom ouf for viewing if.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer b AppIicofion Archifecfure

The @-,5.( "BB.*5,&*$0+ "-5)*&(5&%-( is o fromework for muIfi-fiered, disfribufed
compufing fhof supporfs OrocIe AppIicofions producfs.

In fhis modeI, vorious servers ore disfribufed omong muIfipIe IeveIs, or fiers.

A(-Q(- T is o process or group of processes ond provides o porficuIor
funcfionoIify/service For exompIe, Dofobose Server Iisfens ond process dofobose
requesfs, ond simiIorIy Web Server Iisfens for ond processes HTTP requesfs.

3*(- T is o IogicoI grouping of services, moy be on singIe mochine or spreod ocross more
fhon one physicoI mochine.

The fhree-fier orchifecfure fhof comprises on OrocIe E-8usiness Suife insfoIIofion is
mode up of,
I. Dofobose Tier
Z. AppIicofion Tier
3. Deskfop Tier
W$-4 A(-Q(-
2(B$-& A(-Q(-
R33E A(-Q(-
/$05%--(0& E-$5(++*0:
8*+5$Q(-(- A(-Q(-

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
8,&,#,+( &*(-
Which supporfs ond monoges fhe OrocIe dofobose7

"BB.*5,&*$0 3*(-
This supporfs ond monoges fhe vorious AppIicofions componenfs, ond is somefimes known
os fhe middIe fier.

8(+L&$B 3*(-
This provides fhe user inferfoce vio on odd-on componenf fo o sfondord web browser

?$1( - is referred os Mochine, Eoch fier moy consisf of one or more node ond eoch node
con pofenfioIIy hove more fhon one fier.

Eoch fier moy consisf of one or more nodes, ond eoch node con pofenfioIIy occommodofe
more fhon one fier.

On fhe 1,&,#,+( &*(-, fhere is increosing use of 2(,. "BB.*5,&*$0 /.%+&(-+ (2"/) ,
where muIfipIe nodes supporf o singIe dofobose insfonce fo give greofer ovoiIobiIify ond

The connecfion befween fhe ,BB.*5,&*$0 &*(- ond fhe 1(+L&$B &*(- con operofe
successfuIIy over o Wide Areo Mefwork (D"?). This is becouse fhe deskfop ond
oppIicofion fiers exchonge o minimum omounf of informofion, for exompIe fieId voIue

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Deskfop Tier

AppIicofion Tier

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer o OrocIe AppIicofion TechnoIogy Loyer

The @-,5.( "BB.*5,&*$0+ &(5)0$.$:F .,F(- Iies befween fhe @-,5.( "BB.*5,&*$0+
&(5)0$.$:F +&,5L ond fhe @-,5.( "BB.*5,&*$0+ B-$1%5&T+B(5*=*5 4$1%.(+.

If provides feofures common fo oII OrocIe AppIicofions producfs.

E-$1%5&+ in fhe OrocIe AppIicofions fechnoIogy Ioyer incIude:

OrocIe AppIicofions D8A ("8)
OrocIe AppIicofions Objecf Librory (W?8)
OrocIe AppIicofions UfiIifies ("G)
OrocIe Common ModuIes ("C)
OrocIe WorkfIow (DW)
OrocIe AIerf ("N2)
OrocIe AppIicofions Fromework (WDC)
OrocIe XML PubIisher (Z8@)

I[ @-,5.( "BB.*5,&*$0+ 86" O"8)

The AppIicofions D8A producf provides o sef of fooIs for odminisfrofion of fhe OrocIe
AppIicofions fiIe sysfem ond dofobose. AD fooIs ore used for insfoIIing, upgroding,
moinfoining, ond pofching fhe OrocIe AppIicofions sysfem.

K[ @-,5.( /$44$0 '$1%.(+ O"CP

"C is on ocfive dofo dicfionory fhof enobIes you fo define OrocIe AppIicofions
componenfs for fhe HTML-bosed AppIicofions, ond generofe mony of fhe chorocferisfics
of OrocIe AppIicofions of runfime.

The @-,5.( /$44$0 '$1%.(+ con be used fo deveIop inquiry oppIicofions for fhe HTML-
bosed AppIicofions, wifhouf fhe need for ony progromming. They oIIow sforoge of
Ionguoge-fronsIofed IobeIs for oII fhe offribufes on o fronsocfion poge, fhus ossisfing
wifh fhe provision of supporf for muIfipIe Ionguoges.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
9[ @-,5.( "BB.*5,&*$0+ G&*.*&*(+ O"GP

The AppIicofions UfiIifies (AU) componenf is used fo moinfoin fhe OrocIe AppIicofions

"G hosfs o coIIecfion of fiIes copied from ofher producfs. This oIIows generofing on-sife
cIosses of fiIes such os Forms ond reporfs.

0enerofing forms or reporfs moy require occess fo shored PL/SQL Iibrories, so fhese
fiIes ore copied fo AU_TOP os weII.

\[ @-,5.( "BB.*5,&*$0 @#S(5& N*#-,-F OW?8P

The OrocIe AppIicofion Objecf Librory is o key componenf of fhe AppIicofions
fechnoIogy Ioyer.
If consisfs of o coIIecfion of reusobIe code, progroms, ond dofobose objecfs fhof
provides common funcfionoIify ocross oII producfs.

AIso Mokes Sysfem Adminisfrofion eosier.

][ @-,5.( D$-L=.$X O@DWP

OrocIe WorkfIow provides on infrosfrucfure for fhe enferprise-wide communicofion of
dofo reIofed fo defined business evenfs using grophicoI workfIow buiIder.

Acfing os o +F+&(4 *0&(:-,&*$0 )%#, OrocIe WorkfIow con oppIy business ruIes fo confroI
objecfs ond roufe fhem befween oppIicofions ond sysfems.

^[ @-,5.( ".(-& O"N2P

OrocIe AIerf (ALP) oIIows you fo (4,*. +F+&(4 0$&*=*5,&*$0+ fo users when on excepfion
or evenf hos occurred.

_[ @-,5.( Z'N E%#.*+)(- OZ8@P

XML PubIisher ufiIi;es fhe ZANTW@ sfondord fo fronsform XML dofo info o =$-4,&&*0:
$#S(5& OW@P[
Chopfer o

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Chopfer 7 FiIe Sysfems

An OrocIe AppIicofions PeIeose IIi sysfem ufiIi;es componenfs from mony OrocIe
producfs. These producf fiIes ore sfored beIow o number of key fop-IeveI direcfories on
fhe dofobose ond oppIicofion server mochines.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
AppIicofion Direcfory Sfrucfure

8,&, 8*-(5&$-F

o This fiIe sysfem confoins [1#= =*.(+ $= $-,5.( 1#[
o Popid insfoIIofion insfoIIs +F+&(4` 1,&, ond *01(a fiIes in direcfories beIow
severoI 4$%0& B$*0&+ (Con be specified during insfoIIofion).

86 b @2" 8*-(5&$-F

OrocIe oppIicofion supporfs Iinking progrom using fooI from Znd / 3rd version of D8.

@2"/N;cR@'; is used for bockword compofibiIify.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
"BB.*5,&*$0 8*-(5&$-F

AII oppIicofion fiIes ore sfored here. If is oIso known os "EENc3@E[

If confoins:

o Core fechnoIogy fiIes.
o Producf fiIes & direcfories.
o [(0Q oppIicofion environmenf fiIe(G0*a) b [541$0 (D*01$X+).

E-$1%5& 8*-(5&$-F

o Eoch producf hos ifs own direcfory under "EENc3@E.

o Sub Direcfories ore nomed bosed on fhe producf sfondord obbreviofion.

For E.g. MN for generoI Iedger.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
/@'? 8*-(5&$-F

/@'? or /@''@?c3@E direcfory confoins fiIes used by differenf orocIe oppIicofion
producfs ond used wifh fhird porfy producfs.

If is defouIf Iocofion for concurrenf monoger Iog ond oufpuf direcfories.

OA_HTML environmenfoI seffings poinfs fo HTML Direcfory.
OrocIe oppIicofion bosed sign-on screen & HTML fiIes ore insfoIIed here.
AIso if confoins fiIes Iike JSP,XML efc.

JAVA_TOP poinfs fo jovo direcfory. This confoins orocIe oppIicofion JAP fiIes ond ZIP

This confoins porfoI fiIes. PorfoI is o webpoge fhof provide occess fo posf insfoII fosk
fhof is necessory for oppIicofion

Used for coching orocIe producfs Iike -(B$-&+[

This confoins JDE, JPE & ZIP ufiIify.

This confoins oppIicofion fier confroI scripfs such os ,1+&-&,.[+) & ,1+&B,..[+) which
ore Iocofed in sub direcfory.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer 8 Overview of OrocIe AppIicofion DeveIoper User 0uide

Coding Sfondords
Seffing up AppIicofion Fromework
PLSQL coding Sfondord
Menus & Funcfion Securify
User ProfiIes
FIex fieIds
Concurrenf Processing

I[ /$1*0: A&,01,-1+

If you wonf fo buiId cusfom oppIicofion code fhof infegrofes wifh ond hove some Iook
ond feeI os orocIe oppIicofion, fhese sfondords shouId be foIIowed.

The Iibrories & procedures fhof ore pocked wifh orocIe oppIicofion foIIow fhese

Coding wifh HondIer

HondIers ore group of pockoged procedure.
To orgoni;e PIsqI Code in forms, fo deveIop moinfoin & debug eosiIy.

Differenf fype of hondIers:
I. Ifem
Z. TobIe
3. 8usiness ruIes

OrocIe AppIicofion Objecf Librory (AOL):

If incIudes:
I. Sforfing forms
Z. PLSQL Librories
3. DeveIopmenf Sfondords

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Shored Objecfs

If reIies on objecf referencing copobiIifies i.e. if oIIow objecf fo reuse ocross mosfer

If ony chonges ore mode if offecfs fhe objecfs (Inherif Properfy).


If confoins mosfer copy of shored objecfs.


If is sforfing poinf for deveIoping new forms. If references fo mony APPSTAMD

Sforf deveIoping new forms by copying fhese fiIes in Iocofion:

FMD Menu

OrocIe oppIicofion defouIf menu confoined in:

Mofe: 8$ 0$& modify fhis fiIe.

Properfy CIouse

These ore +(& $= ,&&-*#%&(+ fhof con be oppIied fo oImosf ony orocIe form objecf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
K[ A(&&*0: %B "BB.*5,&*$0 W-,4(X$-L

OrocIe AppIicofions ond cusfom oppIicofions fhof infegrofe wifh OrocIe
AppIicofions reIy on hoving fheir componenfs orronged in o predicfobIe

This incIudes porficuIor direcfory sfrucfures where you pIoce reporfs, forms, progroms
ond ofher objecfs, os weII os environmenf voriobIes ond oppIicofion nomes fhof oIIow
OrocIe AppIicofion Objecf Librory fo find your oppIicofion componenfs.

Poinfs fo be nofed whiIe seffing up Fromework

i. Sef Up Your AppIicofion Direcfory Sfrucfures.
ii. Pegisfer Your AppIicofion.
iii. Modify Your Environmenf FiIes.
iv. Sef Up ond Pegisfer Your OrocIe Schemo.
v. Creofe Dofobose Objecfs ond Infegrofe wifh APPS Schemo.
vi. Add Your AppIicofion fo o Dofo 0roup.
vii. Sef Up Concurrenf Monogers.

9[ ENAYN /$1*0: A&,01,-1

Some essenfioI poinfs fo be considered whiIe progromming:

o) AIwoys use pockoges.
b) CIienf side pockoge si;e ~I0k & server side pockoge unIimifed si;e.
c) Adding new procedure:
i. Add onIy of end, nof in middIe f pockoge.
ii. If odded in middIe we need fo regenerofe every form.
d) Using fieId nomes in cIienf Pockoge:
i. Specify fieId nome oIong wifh ifs bIock nome.
Eg. 6.$5L[W*(.1c0,4(
e) FieId nome in procedure poromefer:
i. Do nof use IM, OUT, IM/OUT Poromefers.
Eg. Procedure (my_vor Chor <?)
CoIIing: pI ('8Iock. FieId').

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
f) InifioIi;ing Poromefers:
i. Use defouIf insfeod of '7e'
g) Formoffing PLSQL Code:
i. Wifhin pockoge define privofe voriobIe firsf & fhen privofe procedure
fhen pubIic procedures.
h) Avoid 2"<A;c"EEN</"3<@?c;22@2.
i) Use ;?8c';AA"M; for excepfions.

\[ '(0%+ b W%05&*$0,. A(5%-*&F

If resfricfs oppIicofion funcfionoIify fo oufhori;ed users.
Sysfem odmin impIemenfs by creofing responsibiIifies fhof incIude or excIude porficuIor


Ifs on oppIicofion funcfionoIify fhof is incIuded or excIuded in o menu.

Types of funcfions:
i. Form funcfion
If invokes orocIe form deveIoper forms.
ii. Sub-Funcfion:
A funcfion execufed wifhin o form. These funcfions ore
ossociofed wifh grophicoI eIemenfs or buffons.
iii. Mon- Form Funcfion:
If is oIso coIIed os seIf service funcfion. Some funcfions incIude
Ofher fype of code Iike jovo, hfmI, jsp efc on o menu


A menu is hierorchicoI orrongemenf of funcfions fhof oppeors in novigofor.
Eoch responsibiIify hos menus ossociofed wifh if.

Menu Enfry:

Ifs on menu componenf fhof idenfifies menu of funcfions or funcfions.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S


If defines oppIicofion user currenf priviIeges Iike funcfions fhof user con occess,
concurrenf progrom user con run & oppIicofion D8 occounf connecfed fo dofo group.

Forms & Sub Funcfions

Form is specioI cIoss of funcfions fhof differ from sub funcfion in foIIowing woys:

o. Forms oppeor in novigofor window whereos sub funcfions connof.
b. Forms con exif fheir own. Sub funcfions con be onIy coIIed by IogicoI objecf
wifhin o form.

Form Securify API for PIsqI Procedure:

I. FMD_Funcfion.Tesf
Tesfs porficuIor funcfion is currenfIy occessibIe or nof.

Z. FMD_Funcfion.Query
Tesfs funcfion is occessibIe ond refurn informofion.

3. FMD_Funcfion.Execufe
If execufes form funcfion fhof is offoched onIy fo forms.

4. FMD_Funcfion.User_funcfion_nome
If refurns user funcfion nome.

b. FMD_Funcfion.Currenf_Form_Funcfion
If refurns funcfion nome wifh currenf form which is coIIed.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
][ G+(- E-$=*.(+

If is o sef of chongeobIe opfions fhof offecf fhe woy when oppIicofion runs.
AOL freofs user profiIe os hierorchy where in user of fop ond nexf is responsibiIify.

A*&( N(Q(. - Affecfs oII oppIicofions.
"BB.*5,&*$0 N(Q(. - Affecfs porficuIor oppIicofion.
2(+B$0+*#*.*&F N(Q(. - Affecfs oppIicofion runs for oII user of
G+(- N(Q(. - If offecfs fhe woy oppIicofion runs for oppIicofion user.


If is o user profiIe API.
We con monipuIofe fhe voIue sfored in cIienf ond server side.

CIienf side Server side

Form A ! Form 8 Form A ! Form 8
(Chonge in A offecfs 8 (Chonge in A nof offecfs 8)
& vice verso)

I. FMD_ProfiIe.Puf
Pufs voIue fo specified user profiIe.

Z. FMD_ProfiIe.0ef
0efs currenf voIue for user profiIe opfion or MULL if dofo does nof exifs.

3. FMD_ProfiIe.VoIue
If is simiIor fo 0ET excepf if refurns voIue os o funcfion resuIf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
^[ W.(a=*(.1

FIex fieId is mode up of segmenfs.
Eoch segmenf hos o nome & sef of voIid voIues.

Types of FIexfieId
o. Iey FIexfieId (CWW)
b. Descripfive FIexfieId (8WW)

?$&(7 Segmenfs Corresponds fo coIumn in orocIe fobIe.

OrocIe oppIicofion uses IFF fo represenf InfeIIigenf Ieys wifh unique ID numbers.

ID numbers requires onIy one coIumn whereos infeIIigenf key requires muIfipIe coIumns.

C(F W.(a=*(.1

Iey fIexfieId represenfs on infeIIigenf key fhof uniqueIy idenfifies on oppIicofion enfify.

Eoch IFF hos o nome ond specific sef of voIid voIues (VoIue sefs).

8(+5-*B&*Q( W.(a=*(.1

If's o oddifionoI informofion, nof sfored in oppIicofion or sfricfIy for reference when
viewed on screen.

DFF con be creofed by using ony of offribufe coIumns.

When fo use IFF

i. To uniqueIy idenfify on oppIicofion enfify wifh on infeIIigenf key. Where key con
be o muIfi porf & eoch one hove some voIue.

ii. To infegrofe your oppIicofion wifh orocIe oppIicofion.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
_[ /$05%--(0& E-$5(++*0:

Mechonism provided in orocIe e-8usiness Suife (E8S) fo fociIifofe bockground
processing of,

I. Peporfs
Z. 8ofch Puns
3. Longer Tronsocfion

If is o series of bockground 'monogers'.

Seporofe progrom fhof confroI bockground processing (i.e. Pequesf) fhof ore:
o. Inifiofed on demond by user
b. ScheduIed

In E8S concurrenf monoger (CM) scheduIes fhe work, ond concurrenf requesf (CP), do
fhe work.

Eg. Queen bee ossign job fo ifs worker bees.

Componenfs of Concurrenf Processing

Two bosic componenfs:
I. Concurrenf Monoger (CM)
Z. Concurrenf Pequesf (CP)

/$05%--(0& ',0,:(-+

" InfernoI Concurrenf Monoger (</')
" Sfondord Monoger (A')
" Specific Concurrenf Monoger (A/')
" ConfIicf PesoIufion Monoger (/2')

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
InfernoI Concurrenf Monoger

If is boss of oII monogers.
If confroIs behovior of oII ofher monogers.
Puns before ony ofher monoger runs or ocfivofed.

Sforfs & shufs down individuoI concurrenf monoger.
Pesef ofher monoger offer one of fhem hos o foiIure.

Sfondord Monoger

Ifs funcfion is fo run ony reporfs ond bofch jobs, which hove nof been defined in ony
ofher projecf monoger.

Specific Concurrenf Monoger

If incIudes invenfory monoger, CPP inquiry monoger ond receivobIes fox monoger.

ConfIicf PesoIufion Monoger

If hondIes scheduIing confIicf.
If Checks concurrenf progrom definifion for incompofibiIify ruIes.

/$05%--(0& 2(U%(+&

If is fhe worker fhof gefs scheduIed ond confroIIed by concurrenf monoger.

Life cycIe of Concurrenf requesf:

I. Pending
Z. Punning
3. CompIefed
4. Inocfive

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Pending: Pequesf woifing fo be run.
Punning: Pequesf is processing.
CompIefed: Pequesf is finished processing.
Inocfive: Pequesf connof be run.

Differenf woys scripf offoched fo Concurrenf Progrom

# SQL scripf
# SQL ^Looder Progrom
# Jovo Progrom
# OrocIe Peporf
# PLSQL Progrom (Sfored Procedure / Pockoges)
# UMIX sheII scripf
# Pro ^C
# PerI

>,.%( A(&+

If's o sef of voIues.


We don'f wonf fhe user fo inserf junk voIues info oII fieIds, so orocIe oppIicofion
voIidofes whefher correcf dofo is enfered in fieIds.

VoIue sefs ore offoched fo segmenfs in fIexfieId (IFF).

?$&(: In reoIify orocIe freof poromefer os DFF.

Types of VoIidofion
I) Mone
Z) Independenf
3) Dependenf
4) TobIe
b) SpecioI
o) Poir
7) Tron sfobIe Independenf
8) Tron sfobIe Dependenf

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

VoIidofion is minimoI.

The dofo inpuf is bosed on previousIy defined Iisf of voIues.

The dofo inpuf is checked ogoinsf o defined sef of voIues.

The dofo inpuf is checked ogoinsf voIues in o fobIe.

The dofo inpuf is checked ogoinsf o fIex-fieId.

The dofo inpuf is checked ogoinsf fwo fIex-fieId specified ronge of voIues.

TronsIofobIe independenf
The dofo inpuf is checked ogoinsf previousIy defined Iisf of voIues.

TronsIofobIe dependenf
The dofo inpuf is checked ogoinsf defined sef of voIues.

Chonges You ShouId Mever Moke
You shouId never moke fhese fypes of chonges (oId voIue sef fo new voIue sef) becouse
you wiII corrupf your exisfing key fIex-fieId combinofions dofo:
. Independenf fo Dependenf
. Dependenf fo Independenf
. Mone fo Dependenf
. Dependenf fo TobIe
. TobIe fo Dependenf
. TronsIofobIe Independenf fo TronsIofobIe Dependenf

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
. TronsIofobIe Dependenf fo TronsIofobIe Independenf
. Mone fo TronsIofobIe Dependenf
. TronsIofobIe Dependenf fo TobIe
. TobIe fo TronsIofobIe Dependenf


If is sef of codes ond fheir meoning.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer 9 Apps Login Screen

Type fhe UPL of fhe server fo see fhe opps screen.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Then you con see fhe opps Iog in poge. Enfer fhe usernome & possword.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

If fhe usernome & possword is voIid, fhe user is redirecfed fo o poge where he/she con
see fheir responsibiIifies ossigned fo fhem by sysfem odminisfrofor.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow cIick on fo oppIicofion deveIoper responsibiIify. The window wiII be redirecfed fo
oppIicofion deveIoper screen.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Choose ony one of fhe funcfion of your choice.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

?$&(7 Do nof cIose fhis window. If you cIose, fhe oppIicofion session wiII be ferminofed.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mow fhe oppIicofion deveIoper Movigofor Form is opened.

Mow cIick ony opfion in novigofor fhof wiII open ifs reIofed form.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

AX*&5)*0: 2(+B$0+*#*.*&F

Choose ony responsibiIify you wonf fo swifch.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mow fhe responsibiIify is chonged fo '*0Q(0&$-F'.

;a*& @-,5.( "BB.*5,&*$0

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
@-,5.( "BB.*5,&*$0 3$$.#,-

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer I0 OrocIe MefoIink & eTPM


For fechnicoI ossisfonce mefoIink wiII be usefuI. If oIso confoins forums you con posf
your query & ony regisfered used wiII repIy for your query.

UPL: hffp://

'(&,.*0L: Iog in screen:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Affer Iogging info mefoIink fhe foIIowing poge you con see:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
For quicker occess uses quick find.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
For odvonce seorch cIick ""1Q,05( A(,-5)" fob.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
You con even seorch bosed on 8ug number, dofe modified efc. or bug defoiIs.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
For updofed or new orocIe pofches defoiIs go fo "E,&5)(+ b GB1,&(+" fob.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

For fechnicoI reIofed documenfs Iike user guide, TobIe reIofed informofion, AOL defoiIs
you con refer (&-4. This is o pIoce you con downIood oII fechnicoI references reIofed fo
orocIe opps IIi, IZi.

UPL: hffp://

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
When you press fhe Iink fhe foIIowing poge is shown:

Af Ieff side you con see fhe D8 versions.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Lef us go fo fhe Iink II.b.I0.

Mow we wiII go fo "F8D Dofo".
Af Ieff side you con see fhe ModuIes Iisf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mow Ief use seorch some fobIes reIofed fo "purchose" moduIe.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Af Ieff side you con see fhe Iisf of fobIes. For viewing fhose fobIe defoiIs cIick fhe fobIe

Lef us cIick "PO_HEADEPS_ALL".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Af fhis poge you con see fhe reIofion of PO_HEADEPS_AII fobIes wifh ofher fobIes.
If shows Primory & foreign key reIofion.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

When we press "po.po_heoders_oII" , you con see fhe coIumn defoiIs.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer II Designing Cusfom AppIicofion

?$&(7 For InowIedge purpose you con go fhrough fhis cusfom oppIicofion creofion

(As I hove nof worked wifh cusfomi;ofion, fhis beIow cusfomi;ofion porf oIone is
referenced from infernef.)

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Cusfom AppIicofions ore required if you ore creofing new forms, reporfs, efc.

This oIIows you fo segregofe your cusfom wriffen fiIes from fhe sfondord seeded
funcfionoIify fhof OrocIe AppIicofions provide.

Cusfomi;ofions con fherefore be preserved when oppIying pofches or upgrodes fo your

IP ',L( &)( 1*-(5&$-F +&-%5&%-( =$- F$%- 5%+&$4 ,BB.*5,&*$0 =*.(+[
mkdir f;
mkdir f;/II.b.0
mkdir f;/II.b.0/odmin
mkdir f;/II.b.0/odmin/sqI
mkdir f;/II.b.0/odmin/odf
mkdir f;/II.b.0/sqI
mkdir f;/II.b.0/bin
mkdir f;/II.b.0/reporfs
mkdir f;/II.b.0/reporfs/US
mkdir f;/II.b.0/forms
mkdir f;/II.b.0/forms/US
mkdir f;/II.b.0/$APPLLI8
mkdir f;/II.b.0/$APPLOUT
mkdir f;/II.b.0/$APPLLO0

KP "11 &)( 5%+&$4 4$1%.( *0&$ &)( (0Q*-$04(0&

AppIy ADX.E.I ond odd fhe enfry fo fopfiIe.fxf os o sfondord producf fop enfry .
Cusfomised environmenf voriobIes con be odded fo AufoConfig by using fhe fiIenome
specificed by s_cusfom_fiIe,
which is fhen coIIed from fhe APPSOPA.env fiIe.
If using Forms Lisfener ServIef, you moy oIso need fo odd $CUSTOM_TOP fo
formsservIef.ini in

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
9P /-(,&( 0(X &,#.(+B,5( =$- 1,&,#,+( $#S(5&+
creofe fobIespoce FZ dofofiIe /u0I/orocIe/visdofo/f;.dbf si;e I0M defouIf
sforoge(inifioI I0k nexf I0k)

\P /-(,&( +5)(4,
creofe user f; idenfified by f;
defouIf fobIespoce f;
femporory fobIespoce femp
quofo unIimifed on f;
quofo unIimifed on femp,
gronf connecf, resource fo f;,

]P 2(:*+&(- F$%- @-,5.( A5)(4,[
Login fo AppIicofions wifh Sysfem Adminisfrofor responsibiIify
Movigofe fo AppIicofion--Pegisfer
AppIicofion ~ FZ Cusfom
Shorf Mome ~ FZ
8osepofh ~ FZ_TOP
Descripfion ~ FZ Cusfom AppIicofion

^P 2(:*+&(- @-,5.( G+(-
Moviofe fo Securify--OrocIe--Pegisfer
Dofobose User Mome ~ FZ
Possword ~ FZ
PriviIege ~ EnobIed
InsfoII 0roup ~ 0
Descripfion ~ FZ Cusfom AppIicofion User

_P "11 "BB.*5,&*$0 &$ , 8,&, M-$%B
Movigofe fo Securify--OrocIe--Dofo0roup
Dofo 0roup ~ FZ0roup
Descripfion ~ FZ Cusfom Dofo 0roup
CIick on "Copy AppIicofions from" ond pick Sfondord dofo 0roup, fhen odd fhe
foIIowing enfry.
AppIicofion ~ FZ Cusfom
OrocIe ID ~ APPS
Descripfion ~ FZ Cusfom AppIicofion

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

fP /-(,&( 5%+&$4 -(U%(+& :-$%B
This wiII ocf os o pIocehoIder for ony cusfom reporfs we wish fo moke ovoiIobIe for
fhe Cusfom PesponsibiIify
Movigofe fo Securify--responsbiIify--Pequesf
0roup ~ FZ Pequesf 0roup
AppIicofion ~ FZ Cusfom
Code ~ FZ
Descripfion ~ FZ Cusfom Pequesfs
We wiII nof define ony requesfs fo odd fo fhe group of fhis sfoge, buf you con odd
some now if required.

gP /-(,&( 5%+&$4 4(0%
This wiII ocf os o pIocehoIder for ony menu ifems we wish fo moke ovoiIobIe for fhe
Cusfom PesponsibiIify.
We wiII creofe fwo menus, one for Core AppIicofions ond one for SeIf Service.
Movigofe fo AppIicofion--Menu
User Menu Mome ~ FZ Cusfom AppIicofion
Menu Type ~ Ieove bIonk
Descripfion ~ FZ Cusfom AppIicofion Menu
Seq ~ I00
Prompf ~ View Pequesfs
Submenu ~ Ieove bIonk
Funcfion ~ View AII Concurrenf Pequesfs
Descripfion ~ View Pequesfs
Seq ~ II0
Prompf ~ Pun Pequesfs
Submenu ~ Ieove bIonk
Funcfion ~ Pequesfs: Submif
Descripfion ~ Submif Pequesfs
User Menu Mome ~ FZ Cusfom AppIicofion SSWA
Menu Type ~ Ieove bIonk
Descripfion ~ FZ Cusfom AppIicofion Menu for SSWA

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

IhP /-(,&( 0(X -(+B$0+*#*.*&F[ @0( =$- /$-( "BB.*5,&*$0+ ,01 @0( =$- A(.=
A(-Q*5( OAAD"P
Movigofe fo Securify--PesponsibiIify--Define
PesponsibiIify Mome ~ FZ Cusfom
AppIicofion ~ FZ Cusfom
PesponsibiIify Iey ~ FZCUSTOM
Descripfion ~ FZ Cusfom PesponsibiIify
AvoiIobIe From ~ OrocIe AppIicofions
Dofo 0roup Mome ~ f;0roup
Dofo 0roup AppIicofion ~ FZ Cusfom
Menu ~ FZ Cusfom AppIicofion
Pequesf 0roup Mome ~ FZ Pequesf 0roup

PesponsibiIify Mome ~ FZ Cusfom SSWA
AppIicofion ~ FZ Cusfom
PesponsibiIify Iey ~ FZCUSTOMSSWA
Descripfion ~ FZ Cusfom PesponsibiIify SSWA
AvoiIobIe From ~ OrocIe SeIf Service Web AppIicofions
Dofo 0roup Mome ~ f;0roup
Dofo 0roup AppIicofion ~ FZ Cusfom
Menu ~ FZ Cusfom AppIicofion SSWA
Pequesf 0roup Mome ~ FZ Pequesf 0roup

IIP "11 -(+B$0+*#*.*&F &$ %+(-
Movigofe fo Securify--User--Define
Add FZ Cusfom responsibiIify fo users os required.

IKP @&)(- 5$0+*1(-,&*$0+
You ore now reody fo creofe your dofobose Objecfs, cusfom Peporfs, Forms,
Pockoges, efc
Creofe fhe source code fiIes in fhe FZ_TOP direcfory oppropriofe for fhe fype of
objecf. For exompIe forms
wouId be Iocofed in $FZ_TOP/forms/US or pockoge source code in $FZ_TOP/odmin/sqI
for exompIe.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Dofobose Objecfs, such os fobIes, indexes ond sequences shouId be creofed in fhe FZ
schemo, fhen you need fo

o) 0ronf oII priviIege from eoch cusfom dofo objecf fo fhe APPS schemo.
I. For exompIe : Iogged in os FZ user
i. gronf oII priviIeges on myTobIe fo opps,
b) Creofe o synonym in APPS for eoch cusfom dofo objecf
I. For exompIe : Iogged in os APPS user
i. creofe synonym myTobIe for f;.myTobIe,
Ofher dofobose objecfs, such os views ond pockoges shouId be creofed direcfIy in fhe
APPS schemo.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
8,&,#,+( G+(- /-(,&*$0 b 2(:*+&-,&*$0

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

"11 "BB.*5,&*$0 &$ 8,&, M-$%B

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer IZ AppIicofion Objecf Librory (AOL)

CoIIecfion $= B-(T#%*.& ,BB.*5,&*$0 5$4B$0(0&+ ond =,5*.*&*(+[
Confoins +),-(1 5$4B$0(0&+ - forms/reporfs/concurrenf/dofobose
objecfs/Iibrories/menus/fIex fieId definifions.
/$1*0: A&,01,-1+ use AOL.

2$.( $= "@N

OrocIe AOL Iinks oII fhe objecfs of orocIe oppIicofion.
If sfores & confoins fhe informofion & defoiIs obouf fhe dofo in fiIe sysfem.
The objecf incIudes opps fobIes, user informofion, direcfory informofion, forms,
reporfs, form funcfions, Log fiIes efc.
Thus AOL is o bockbone of orocIe opps IIi, which infegrofes oII fhe objecfs &
derives o reIofion befween fhem.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
"@N 2(+B$0+*#*.*&*(+

3)( -(+B$0+*#*.*&*(+ ,++$5*,&(1 X*&) "@N $B(-,&*$0+[

AF+&(4 "14*0*+&-,&$-
"BB.*5,&*$0 8(Q(.$B(-

"BB.*5,&*$0 8(Q(.$B(-

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
AF+&(4 "14*0*+&-,&$-

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
"BB+ /$4B$0(0& A&-%5&%-(

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
"EEN</"3<@? A;/G2<3H '"?"M;';?3

Securify Monogemenf InvoIves:

I. Creofing o user.
Z. Assigning PesponsibiIifies fo fhe user.


If is o coIIecfion of oufhori;ofions provided fo o user. If IncIudes

i. Access fo specific oppIicofion.
ii. Sef of books
iii. Pesfricfed Iisf of windows.
iv. Funcfions & reporfs.

PesponsibiIifies con be shored by severoI users.
OrocIe oppIicofions ore insfoIIed wifh pre defined responsibiIifies.

/$4B$0(0&+ $= 2(+B$0+*#*.*&*(+

I) Dofo group (4,01,&$-F)
Z) Pequesf Securify group (opfionoI)
3) Menu (4,01,&$-F)
4) Funcfions & menu ExcIusion (opfionoI)

We con modify exisfing responsibiIify if so if offecfs users who shore fhese

We con incIude or excIude funcfion in responsibiIify.

We con use requesf group fo odd progrom or reporf priviIeges fo responsibiIify.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Define o new responsibiIify by 'AF+&(4 ,14*0*+&-,&$-' responsibiIify.

Sysfem Adminisfrofor ! Securify ! Define (responsibiIify)

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
I[ 8,&, M-$%B

If is mondofory for defining responsibiIify.
If defines reIofion befween orocIe oppIicofion & orocIe ID's occessibIe fo
If defermines D8 occounf occessibIe by forms, concurrenf progroms & reporfs.

Dofo groups in orocIe oppIicofions ore oufomoficoIIy defined.

?$&(: AOL of on oppIicofion is oufomoficoIIy incIuded in definifion of dofo group.

Uses of Dofo 0roup

" If idenfifies fhe orocIe ID beIongs fo which forms whenever user seIecfs o

" If enobIes concurrenf monoger fo mofch oppIicofions fhof owns reporf or
concurrenf progrom wifh unique orocIe ID.

K[ '(0%

If is hierorchicoI Iisf of vorious oppIicofion forms fhof ore dispIoyed in novigofor window.

If con oIso poinf fo non form funcfions.

If is mondofory.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
9[ W%05&*$0 A(5%-*&F

If is mechonism used fo confroI user occess fo oppIicofion funcfionoIify.

If is o sef of code fhof is execufed onIy if funcfion nome is presenf in Iisf moinfoined
wifhin responsibiIify.

PesponsibiIifies hove Iisf of funcfions.

Types of Funcfion

i. Form Funcfion
ii. Mon Form Funcfion

Form Funcfion:

Invokes orocIe form ond occessibIe from novigofion window.

Mon Form Funcfion

If is subsef of funcfionoIify of form.

# A menu is hierorchicoI orrongemenf of funcfions, menus of funcfion ond sub

# To excIude o group funcfion we need fo excIude menu funcfion responsibiIify.

\[ W%05&*$0 b '(0% ;a5.%+*$0

ExcIusions ore used ogoinsf o responsibiIify fo Iimif ifs menu ond funcfion occess

If is opfionoI.

'(0% ;a5.%+*$0 ! !! ! ExcIude oII menu & funcfion
W%05&*$0+ ;a5.%+*$0 ! !! ! ExcIudes occurrence of funcfions wifhin menus.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
;a(-5*+( I PesponsibiIify wifh Mondofory Componenf (Menu & Dofo 0roup)


Lef us creofe o responsibiIify wifh defouIf dofo group & menu.


I. Creofe o PesponsibiIify of your choice.
Z. Assigns sfondord 8,&, M-$%B fo if.
3. AIso ossign defouIf '(0% fo if.
4. Sove fhe responsibiIify.
b. Creofe o %+(- & ossign fhis responsibiIify.
o. Login os fhe user & check fhe responsibiIify is ossigned correcfIy.

?$&(: To creofe o responsibiIify you shouId hove "AF+&(4 "14*0*+&-,&$-" PesponsibiIify.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Log in os sysfem odminisfrofor. In Funcfion Movigofor seIecf "8(=*0(" under

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

The responsibiIify form opens. Mow ossign o nome of your choice. Here I hove given
responsibiIify nome os "6AN "8'<?" .

SeIecf AppIicofion os ""BB.*5,&*$0 @#S(5& N*#-,-F O"@NP".

PesponsibiIify key nome con be user's choice. Here I hove given fhe nome os

Descripfion of your choice.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Effecfive dofe is fhe dofe from ond fo which fhis responsibiIify is ocfive.

DefouIf from dofe is sysdofe. You con moke fhis responsibiIify effecfive from dofe of
your choice.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow ossign sfondord "Dofo 0roup" fo fhe responsibiIify.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Choose dofo group AppIicofion os "AOL".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mow Choose "'(0%". Here I hove chosen exisfing menu "Adminisfrofor Menu".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mow sove fhe responsibiIify you hove creofed.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mow define o %+(- ond ossign fhis responsibiIify.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Type fhe possword fwice.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mow ossign responsibiIify "6AN "8'<?" fo fhe user.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
IF Effecfive dofes ore given fhof responsibiIify or user is ocfive / voIid for fhose doys
onIy. If if is bIonk if wiII be ocfive fiII odminisfrofor deocfivofes if.

Sove if. Mow Iog in os new user.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
;a(-5*+( K Overview of Invenfory PesponsibiIify Menu Tree


Mow we wiII check ouf fhe exisfing Invenfory in defoiI. Here we ore going fo onoIy;e
whof ore oII fhe responsibiIify componenfs fhof ore ossigned fo invenfory responsibiIify.


$ SeIecf PesponsibiIify "<0Q(0&$-F".
$ AnoIy;e fhe Mondofory responsibiIify componenfs.
# Dofo0roup
# Menu
$ Check ouf fhe 8,&,M-$%B[
$ AnoIy;e fhe '(0% ossigned fo 2(+B$0+*#*.*&F[
$ Check ouf for A%# '(0%+ in Menus.
$ Check ouf for Form Funcfions ossigned fo '(0% or A%# '(0%.
$ FinoIIy check fo which form fhese W$-4 W%05&*$0+ ore ossigned.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep I: Log in os odminisfrofor. Movigofe fo " PesponsibiIify /define "

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
SfepZ: Press "FII" for query mode ond fo seorch o responsibiIify press "CfrI + FII".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep 3: Mow we wiII onoIy;e fhe "Dofo 0roup". The Dofo group ossigned fo fhis
responsibiIify is
"Sfondord" ond oppIicofion is "Invenfory".

Mow Lef us go fo fhe novigofor window.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow novigofe fo OPACLE/Dofo0roup.

Query fhe dofo group.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

The foIIowing oppIicofion ore ossigned fo fhof dofo group.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Dofo groups wiII be creofed by D8A peopIe. So no need f worry. Jusf know fhe concepfs.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep 4: Mow coming fo "Menu" fhe defouIf menu ossigned fo invenfory responsibiIify is

Lef us check ouf fhe menu by novigofing fo AppIicofion/Menu.

Query fhe menu.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
The menu sfrucfure os beIow.

Lefs us check ouf fhe "MEMU TPEE".

CIick ">*(X 3-((" Tob fo see fhe menu free.

The "A(U" number feIIs us fhe order in which menu is sfrucfured.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Af Ieff side you con see fhe order in which fhe funcfions ore orronged. Af righf side you
con see fhe menu defoiI info.

Mow you con see fronsocfion is o menu & if hos sub menu "2(5(*Q*0:" wifhin if.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

You con verify fhis in fhe 4,*0 B,:( (or) in <0Q(0&$-F PesponsibiIify Movigofor window.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Invenfory Movigofor window.

Mow Ief us check fhe menu "Tronsocfion" ossigned fo menu "IMV_MAVI0ATE".

The nome ossigned fo fronsocfion is "IMV_TPAMSACTIOMS".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mow query fhof fronsocfion menu.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow Ief us see fhe menu free.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow Ief us check ouf fhe funcfions ossociofed wifh fhe menu "<?>c32"?A"/3<@?A"

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Topics we hove seen.

2(+B$0+*#*.*&F TTi '(0%[

PesponsibiIify: Invenfory.

'(0% TTi A%# '(0%


Mow we ore going fo see fhe funcfions ossociofed wifh sub menu.

A%# '(0% TTi W%05&*$0+

Funcfions: Sub invenfory Tronsfer, Inferorgoni;ofion Tronsfer, MisceIIoneous
Tronsocfion efc..

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep b: Mow novigofe fo AppIicofion / Funcfions.

Then query fhe funcfion.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

0o fo "E-$B(-&F" fob fo view fhe properfy of fhe funcfion & ifs fype.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

If you go fo "W$-4" fob you con see fhe compIefe defoiIs obouf fhe form funcfions.

Mow you con see fhis porficuIor "W$-4 W%05&*$0" is offoched fo fhe form (.fmx)
"<0Q(0&$-F 3-,0+,5&*$0+".

You con find fhe forms in fhe foIIowing foIder "EENc3@EVE@VII[][Ih[KV=$-4+.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

;a(-5*+( 9 Creofing Cusfomi;ed menus for Cusfomi;ed PesponsibiIify


Mow we ore going fo creofe cusfomi;ed menu for o cusfomi;ed responsibiIify from fhe
exisfing defined menus in orocIe oppIicofion.

Every business hove some business fIow of fheir choice. For fhis exercise consider we
ore going fo creofe o normoI user wifh Iimifed funcfionoIify.

So, I hove foken seIecfed funcfions from fhe exisfing orocIe oppIicofion menu, fo creofe
cusfomi;ed responsibiIify os beIow.

AF+&(4 "14*0*+&-,&$- (onIy user defining righfs)
"BB.*5,&*$0 8(Q(.$B(- (OnIy Defining Concurrenf Progrom)
MN A%B(- G+(- (Open & CIose CoIendor Periods)



Assume Forms & Form Funcfions ore oIreody creofed by orocIe opps D8A.

Creofe o Cusfomi;ed Sub menu for fhe obove responsibiIifies.
Mow ossign fhese A%# 4(0%+ fo ofher ',*0 4(0%[
Define o 5%+&$4*j(1 2(+B$0+*#*.*&F & ossign fhe dofo group & fhis cusfomi;ed Moin
Mow creofe o user & ossign fhis responsibiIify fo if.
Log in os fhe user.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Pemember we shouId oIwoys foIIow fhe beIow Funcfion Securify fIow:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep I: Creofing Cusfomi;ed Menus

Mow Movigofe fo AppIicofion / Menu.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Menu DefoiIs

G+(- '(0% ?,4(: Dinesh_Sys_Admin
W%05&*$0: Users

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow seorch for fhe exisfing orocIe oppIicofion Form funcfion.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow menu free is buiId offer soving fhe menu.

SimiIorIy creofe o cusfomi;ed menu for resf of fhe sub menus.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

'(0% ?,4(: DIMESH APPL DEV
G+(- '(0% ?,4(: Dinesh_AppI_Dev
W%05&*$0: Concurrenf Progroms (DeveIoper Mode)

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Menu Tree:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

'(0% ?,4(: DIMESH 0L
G+(- '(0% ?,4(: Dinesh_0L
W%05&*$0: Open ond CIose Period

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Menu Tree:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep Z: Creofe o Moin Menu by ossigning fhese obove creofed menus os sub menus.

Menu User nome: Dinesh_Moin_Menu

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Menu Tree:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep 3: Mow creofe o responsibiIify & ossign fhe obove defined moin menu.

Sove fhe responsibiIify.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep 4: Mow creofe o user & ossign fhis responsibiIify.

Mow Iog in os fhe obove user.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep b: Logging in os user DIMI_USEP

Af firsf Iog in chonge fhe possword of your choice.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

The home poge os beIow:

Affer cIicking fhe responsibiIify "8*0(+)c/%+&$4c2(+B".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow press sysfem Admin responsibiIify : G+(-.

The foIIowing screen oppeors.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
;a(-5*+( \ Menu & Funcfion ExcIusion


We con excIude funcfions of ony IeveI fo cusfomi;e o responsibiIify.

ExcIuding o menu ifem from o responsibiIify wiII excIude oII fhe menus ond funcfions
nesfed wifhin fhof menu ifem.

ExcIuding o funcfion from o responsibiIify wiII excIude oII occurrences of fhof funcfion
Throughouf fhe menu sfrucfure of fhe responsibiIify.


$ Firsf seIecf fhe responsibiIify.
$ SeIecf which Menu fo be excIuded.
$ ThirdIy, seIecf which funcfion fo be excIuded.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Menu ond Funcfion ExcIusion

The user "8<?<cGA;2" hos fhe foIIowing responsibiIify ossigned os beIow.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sysfem Admin:

This responsibiIify con creofe o user.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

AppIicofion DeveIoper:

This responsibiIify is fo define & run Concurrenf Progrom.

SimiIorIy for 0eneroI Ledger.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

'(0% ;a5.%+*$0:

Mow we ore going fo excIude o menu from fhe "8*0(+)c/%+&c2(+B".

Log in os "Sysfem Adminisfrofor" ond novigofe fo Securify /PesponsibiIify/ Define.

Then Query fhe responsibiIify.

In fhe menu excIusion Type seIecf fhe fype & nome of funcfion or menu.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow I hove excIuded fhe "AppIicofion DeveIoper" Menu.

Type: Menu
Mome: Dineshs_AppI_Dev

Mow Log in os fhe user & check ouf u con occess "AppIicofion DeveIoper" PesponsibiIify.

The oppIicofion DeveIoper menu is excIuded.

To enobIe fhe menu ogoin deIefe fhe record by using icon

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Log in ogoin & check ouf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

W%05&*$0 ;a5.%+*$0:

Mow we ore going fo excIude o funcfion from fhe "8*0(+)c/%+&c2(+B".

Type: Funcfion
Mome: Users

Mow fhe menu is nof excIuded onIy fhe funcfion wifhin fhe menu is excIuded.

Since we hove onIy one funcfion wifhin fhe Menu, fhe whoIe menu is disobIed.

If we hove more funcfions onIy fhof porficuIor funcfionoIify is disobIed.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer I3 AOL Concurrenf Processing & Progrom

@Q(-Q*(X $= /$05%--(0& E-$5(++*0:

A mechonism in orocIe e-business suife heIps in bockground processing of 2(B$-&+, #,&5)
-%0+ ond .$0:(- &-,0+,5&*$0+.

If is series of bockground "',0,:(-+".

Concurrenf processing is o seporofe Progroms fhof confroI 8ockground processing
(requesfs) which is i0*&*,&(1 #F %+(- or A5)(1%.(1.

',S$- W(,&%-(+

@0.*0( 2(U%(+&+
We con submif requesfs from forms & concurrenf monoger fokes core of work onIine.

"%&$4,&*5 A5)(1%.*0:
OrocIe AOL oufomoficoIIy scheduIes requesf bosed on priorify ond compofibiIify on

/$05%--(0& E-$5(++*0: $B&*$0+
We con confroI cerfoin runfime opfions Iike profiIe opfions.

@0.*0( -(U%(+& -(Q*(X
We con review fhe processing onIine Iike geffing Iog informofion, oufpuf ond sfofus of
fhe concurrenf progrom.

/$05%--(0& 4,0,:(-+
HeIps in monoging, confroIIing oII concurrenf progrom fronsocfions.

A*4%.&,0($%+ U%(%*0:
If heIps in confIicf one requesf wifh ofher i.e. ovoids deodIock.

'%.&*B.( 5$05%--(0& B-$:-,4+
For eoch execufobIe we con hove muIfipIe concurrenf progroms defined.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
/-(,&*0: /$05%--(0& E-$:-,4

The bosic process of creofing concurrenf progrom os foIIows:

I. Creofe o B-$:-,4 (a(5%&*$0 =*.(.
Z. Define concurrenf progrom (a(5%&,#.(.
3. Define 5$05%--(0& B-$:-,4.
4. Pequesf you progrom.
b. Moke concurrenf progrom ,Q,*.,#.( &$ %+(-.

?$&(7 Pequesf 0roup & Pequesf sef wiII be covered in Iofer porf of fhe chopfers.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
;a(-5*+( ] Defining o Concurrenf progrom (DefouIf Poromefers)


We ore going fo define o concurrenf progrom in fhis exercise. Pemember if we ore going
fo creofe o procedure of funcfion defouIf poromefers fo refrieve fhe sfofus of fhe
concurrenf progrom. The poromefers os foIIows:

;--#%= vorchorZ (4,01,&$-F)
2(&5$1( vorchorZ (4,01,&$-F)

For exompIe:

Creofe or repIoce procedure sompIe (;--#%= ouf vorchorZ, 2(&5$1( ouf vorchorZ)
VV #$1F $= &)( 1$5%4(0&


$ Creofe o procedure.
$ Creofe on execufobIe.
$ Affoch fhis execufobIe fo fhe concurrenf progrom (defining Concurrenf pg.)
$ Creofe o requesf group & ossign fhis fo fhe user responsibiIify.
$ Mow run fhe requesf.
$ View fhe sfofus.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep I: Creofing o simpIe procedure fo updofe fhe descripfion of fhe user in
Apps.FMD_USEP fobIe.

Sfep Z: Creofe o execufobIe

Log in os ""BB.*5,&*$0 8(Q(.$B(-"

Movigofion: /$05%--(0&V;a(5%&,#.(

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
ExecufobIe DefoiIs:

Creofe ExecufobIe os beIow.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep 3: Defining o concurrenf progrom.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep 4: Mow we need fo define o requesf group & ossign fhof fo o responsibiIify of fhe
user who runs fhis requesf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep b: To fhe exisfing responsibiIify ossign fhe creofed requesfed group.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep o: Submif fhe requesf.

Log in os ""BB.*5,&*$0 8(Q(.$B(-"

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mow you con view fhe sfofus of fhe requesf you hove submiffed os beIow.

Expecfed PesuIf: Chonge in descripfion of fhe user.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
;a(-5*+( ^ Defining o Concurrenf progrom (wifh user poromefers)


We ore going fo define o concurrenf progrom wifh user poromefer ofher fhon fhe
mondofory poromefers. Here fhe concepf is some os obove exercise, buf sIighfIy vories
in defining o poromefer for concurrenf progrom. We need fo creofe o voIue sef for fhe
poromefer & offoch fo if.


$ Creofe o procedure.
$ Creofe on execufobIe.
$ /-(,&( , Q,.%( +(&[
$ Affoch fhis execufobIe fo fhe concurrenf progrom (defining Concurrenf pg.)
$ ?$X ,&&,5) &)( Q,.%( +(& &$ &)( B,-,4(&(- =$- Q,.*1,&*$0[
$ Creofe o requesf group & ossign fhis fo fhe user responsibiIify.
$ Mow run fhe requesf.
$ View fhe sfofus.

! AddifionoI sfeps w.r.f. ;a(-5*+( ][

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S



A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

VoIue sef:


A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
VoIues in voIue sef:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Enfering voIues for voIidofion:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Concurrenf Progrom:

Affer fiIIing fhe moin poge press "E,-,4(&(-+".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Defining Poromefers:

"+,Q(" fhe sef up.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Defining Pequesf group:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S


A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Submif Pequesf:

Swifch responsibiIify fo ""BB.*5,&*$0 8(Q(.$B(-"

0o fo ">*(X" SeIecf "2(U%(+&+".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Press A%#4*& 0(X -(U%(+& buffon.

SeIecf "A*0:.( -(U%(+&"

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

When seIecfing fhe requesf nome o pop up comes, fhof's fhe "B,-,4(&(-k window fo
subsfifufe fhe user nome.


Press "@L"

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Submif fhe requesf:


A%55(++=%..F compIefed.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Expecfed PesuIf:

Mow you con see fhe descripfion of fhe user is modified.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Exercise 7 Concurrenf progrom wifh reporf execufobIe


In fhis exercise we ore going fo creofe o reporf os execufobIe ond offoch if fo fhe
concurrenf progrom. AII fhe procedures & sfeps for creofing concurrenf progrom is
some buf when possing poromefers fo fhe reporfs some poinfs fo be nofed i.e. &$L(0
0,4(. The nome in fhe poromefer form of fhe reporf shouId be some os foken nome in
fhe poromefer form in opps screen.


$ Firsf pIoce fhe creofed reporf in fhe reporfs foIder in opps dofo sfrucfure.
$ Then creofe on execufobIe.
$ Define o concurrenf progrom & offoch fhe execufobIe fo if.
$ Sef fhe poromefer oIong wifh fhe foken nome (some os poromefer nomes in reporf
.rdf fiIe)
$ Creofe o requesf sef & submif fhe requesf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep I: Creofe o reporf ond pIoce if in foIIowing direcfory in opps fiIe sysfem.

Locofion: "EENc3@EV'$1%.(c0,4(VII[][hV2(B$-&+

Suppose if I om creofing o reporf for purchosing moduIe I need fo pIoce fhe reporf in
foIIowing Iocofion:


A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Peporf nome: Dini_PO_reporf.rdf

AppIicofion: Purchosing


A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Concurrenf Progrom:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S


A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Poromefer form in reporf

Mofe: The Concurrenf poromefer "3$L(0 ?,4(" ond fhe "%+(- B,-,4(&(-" shouId be

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow sove fhe concurrenf progrom & run fhe requesf.
PO_PELEASE_MUM is of boffom of Ioyouf if is nof shown in screen shof.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

/-(,&( , -(U%(+& :-$%B[

"++*:0 &)*+ -(U%(+& :-$%B &$ &)( -(+B$0+*#*.*&F &)( %+(- *+ :$*0: &$ (a(5%&(
&)( 5$05%--(0& B-$:-,4[

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Submif Pequesf:

Enfer voIue for reporf poromefer:

Submif fhe requesf:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S


Pefresh fhe sfofus every fime fiII if compIefes.


One mondofory reporf user poromefer for running reporfs is:

Ec/@?/c2;YG;A3c<8 O4,01,&$-FP

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

This poromefer is Iinked wifh /$05%--(0& 2(U%(+& <8 of concurrenf progrom.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
?+'A ?BC-%,+C(
Chopfer I4 AOL TobIe PeIofions

Lef us summori;e fhe funcfionoI Securify fIow:


In fhis chopfer I hove covered onIy moin fobIes. For ofher fobIes pIeose refer eTPM.
AII fhe fobIe descripfion is referred from eTPM.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

3,#.(+ 8(+5-*B&*$0
Fnd_Form sfores informofion obouf your regisfered oppIicofion
Fnd_Form_Funcfions sfores informofion obouf funcfion
grouping in forms.


3,#.(+ 8(+5-*B&*$0
Fnd_Menus Iisfs fhe menus fhof oppeor in fhe Movigofe
Fnd_Menu_Enfries sfores informofion obouf individuoI
enfries in fhe menus in FMD_MEMUS.


3,#.(+ 8(+5-*B&*$0

Fnd_PesponsibiIify sfores informofion obouf responsibiIifies.
Eoch row incIudes fhe nome ond descripfion of fhe responsibiIify,
fhe oppIicofion if beIongs fo, ond voIues fhof idenfify fhe moin
menu, ond fhe firsf form fhof if uses.


3,#.(+ 8(+5-*B&*$0
Fnd_User sfores informofion obouf oppIicofion users
PesponsibiIifies ossigned fo oppIicofion users

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
8,&, M-$%B:

3,#.(+ 8(+5-*B&*$0
Fnd_Dofo_0roups sfores informofion obouf differenf dofo
Fnd_Dofo_0roup_Unifs sfores informofion obouf OPACLE
occounfs ossociofed wifh vorious oppIicofions under differenf
dofo groups


3,#.(+ 8(+5-*B&*$0
Fnd_Concurrenf_Processors sfores informofion obouf
immediofe (subroufine) concurrenf progrom Iibrories.
Eoch row incIudes fhe nome ond descripfion of fhe
Fnd_Concurrenf_Processes sfores informofion obouf
concurrenf monogers. Eoch row incIudes voIues fhof
idenfify fhe OPACLE process, fhe operofing sysfem
process, ond fhe concurrenf monoger
Fnd_Concurrenf_Pequesfs sfores informofion obouf
individuoI concurrenf requesfs.
Fnd_Concurrenf_Progroms sfores informofion obouf
concurrenf progroms. Eoch row incIudes o nome ond
descripfion of fhe concurrenf progrom.
Fnd_ExecufobIes sfores informofion obouf concurrenf
progrom execufobIes.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

3,#.(+ 8(+5-*B&*$0
Fnd_Pequesf_0roups sfores informofion obouf reporf
securify groups.
Fnd_Pequesf_0roup_Unifs sfores informofion obouf
individuoI reporfs ond groups wifhin eoch reporf securify
Fnd_Pequesf_Sefs sfores informofion obouf reporf sefs.
A requesf sef is composed of one or more sfoges.
Informofion obouf eoch sfoge is sfored in
Fnd_Pun_Pequesfs sfores informofion obouf running
reporfs wifhin o reporf sef. Eoch row incIudes voIues fhof
idenfify fhe running requesf, fhe porenf requesf, fhe
requesf sef, ond informofion for prinfing fhe reporf.


3,#.(+ 8(+5-*B&*$0
AppIicofions regisfered wifh OrocIe AppIicofion Objecf Librory.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
E-*4,-FTW$-(*:0 C(F 2(.,&*$0+

For peopIe who don'f hove occess fo (32', I hove given fhe reIofions from fhe eTPM

?$&(: H$% 5,0 =*01 =$-(*:0 L(F -(.,&*$0+ #(&X((0 5$.%40+ $0.F =$- &)( &$B*5+ X(
),Q( 1*+5%++(1[


3,#.(7 W?8c2;AE@?A<6<N<3H

',*0 3,#.( 3,#.( 2(.,&*0: /$.%40


8,&, M-$%B

3,#.(7 W?8c8"3"cM2@GEcG?<3A

',*0 3,#.( 3,#.( 2(.,&*0: /$.%40

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
2(U%(+& M-$%B

3,#.(7 W?8c2;YG;A3cM2@GE

',*0 3,#.( 3,#.( 2(.,&*0: /$.%40



3,#.(7 W?8cGA;2c2;AEcM2@GEA

',*0 3,#.( 3,#.( 2(.,&*0: /$.%40



3,#.(7 W?8c/@?/G22;?3c2;YG;A3A

',*0 3,#.( 3,#.( 2(.,&*0: /$.%40


A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

3,#.(7 W?8c"EEN</"3<@?

',*0 3,#.( 3,#.( 2(.,&*0: /$.%40


2(.,&*$0 8*,:-,4

Fnd_menu Fnd_Data_Group_Units Fnd_Request_Group

Group_Application_id Data_Group_Application_id
Fnd_Concurrent_Programs Fnd_Concurrent_Processes
Program_Application_id Controlling_Manager

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer Ib Overview of FIexfieId Concepfs

A FIexfieId confoins Segmenfs or Sub-fieIds.

Eoch segmenf confoins some sef of voIues (VoIue Sefs).

W.(a=*(.1 3FB(+

Two fypes of fIexfieIds

Iey fIexfieId (CWW)
Descripfive fIexfieId (8WW)

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

C(F W.(a=*(.1

IFF is mode up of segmenfs.
Segmenf represenfs enfify chorocferisfics.
We con Cusfomi;e IFF by combining segmenf voIues.
AIso we con define ruIes on segmenfs.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
8(+5-*B&*Q( W.(a=*(.1

DFF is moinIy used for sforing oddifionoI informofion's.
DFF oppeors in form os icon "".
Affribufes in fobIes represenfs DFF.
DFF con oIso hove sef of voIues.

W(,&%-(+ $= =.(a=*(.1+

AppIicofion cusfomi;ofion.
Use of "InfeIIigenf Ieys" - composed of combinofion of segmenf voIues.
VoIue voIidofions.
Cusfomi;ing dofo fieIds.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

W.(a=*(.1 *0 @-,5.( "BB.*5,&*$0

W.(a=*(.1 @-,5.( '$1%.(
Accounfing FIexfieId 0eneroI Ledger
Accounf AIioses
Ifem CofoIogs
Ifem Cofegories
SoIes Orders
Sfock Locofors
Sysfem Ifems

SoIes Tox Locofion FIexfieId
Terrifory FIexfieId
OrocIe PeceivobIes
0rode FIexfieId 0PD OrocIe Assefs
Job FIexfieId
PersonoI AnoIysis FIexfieId
Soff Coded Iey FIexfieId

OrocIe Humon Pesources
Assef Iey FIexfieId
Cofegory FIexfieId
Locofion FIexfieId

OrocIe Assefs
OrocIe Service Ifem FIexfieId OrocIe Service

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mo. of coIumns oIIocofed for fIexfieIds.

IFF - 9h Segmenfs
DFF - I] Affribufes

For IFF we con view onIy enobIed segmenfs in fobIe. For exompIe, consider
"E@cR(,1(-+c"..k fobIe beIow.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S


Affribufes ore nof used in fobIes for business, os fhese offribufes ore reserved for
fufure purpose by OrocIe Corporofion.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Exercise 8 Creofing occounfing FIexfieId Sfrucfure


Mow we ore going fo creofe o fIexfieId sfrucfure. Lef us consider Accounfing FIexfieId
sefup in 0L. 8efore creofing fhe sfrucfure we need fo know some bosic & essenfioI
ferms. They ore os beIow.

Accounfing FIexfieId
Segmenf Seporofor
Cross-VoIidofe Segmenfs
Free;e FIexfieId Definifion
FIexfieId QuoIifiers
Segmenf QuoIifiers
Free;e PoIIup groups
AIIow dynomic inserf

"55$%0&*0: W.(a=*(.1:

This is used fo design 0L occounfs. This heIps in running on orgoni;ofion in proper
AIso oIIows cIossificofion of occounfing informofion. The sfrucfure provides o IogicoI
order of voIues by grouping reIofed occounfs.

A(:4(0& A(B,-,&$-:

Segmenf Seporofor chorocfers ore used fo seporofe differenf segmenf voIues wifh ony

/-$++T>,.*1,&( A(:4(0&+:

SeIecf fhe Cross-VoIidofe Segmenfs check box if you wonf fo cross-voIidofe muIfipIe
segmenfs using cross-voIidofion ruIes

W-((j( W.(a=*(.1 8(=*0*&*$0:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

If we free;e fhe fIexfieId we connof modify ony voIues of fhe segmenf.
You musf free;e ond compiIe your fIexfieId definifion before you con use your fIexfieId.

W.(a=*(.1 Y%,.*=*(-+:

The fIexfieId quoIifier idenfifies fhe user cusfomi;ed segmenfs, such fhof if ensures oII
key segmenfs required for oppIicofion is defined or nof.

A(:4(0& Y%,.*=*(-+:

If describes fhe chorocferisfics of segmenf voIues. If oIso heIps in refrieving
informofion obouf segmenf voIues.


If is o porficuIor orrongemenf of fIexfieId segmenfs. The si;e of sfrucfure depends
upon fIexfieId.

W-((j( 2$..%B :-$%B+:

PoIIup groups ore used fo creofe summory occounfs for reporfing purposes.

"..$X 1F0,4*5 *0+(-&:

We con enfer new combinofion of segmenf voIues using fIexfieId voIue from o foreign
key form.


$ Creofe o voIue sef for occounfing fIexfieId segmenfs.
$ Creofe fIexfieId sfrucfure.
$ Creofe segmenfs for FIexfieId.
$ Assign voIue sef fo fhe segmenfs creofed.
$ EnobIe/ DisobIe Opfions Iike Free;e roIIups, Dynomic inserf, cross voIidofion.
$ CompiIe FIexfieId sfrucfure.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep I: Log in os "MN A%B(- G+(-".


Sfep Z: Creofing o voIue sef for fIexfieId segmenfs.

"55$%0& segmenf uses MofuroI Accounf segmenf.
The 5$4B,0F segmenf use 8oIoncing Segmenf.
These segmenfs ore mondofory for defining fhe occounfing fIexfieId.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Creofing "Q,.%( +(&" for ?,&%-,. ,55$%0&.

Creofing "Q,.%( +(&" for 6,.,05*0: ,55$%0&.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep 3: Adding voIues fo voIue sefs creofed.
Movigofion: Sefup/VoIidofion/VoIues

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep 4: Creofe =.(a=*(.1 +&-%5&%-( for occounfing fIexfieId.

Creofe +(:4(0& for fhe fIexfieId.

Movigofion: Sefup/FinoncioIs/FIexfieId/Iey/Segmenfs.

Firsf Query fhe FIexfieId fifIe os "Accounfing FIexfieId". Then odd new record.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow cIick fo define segmenfs.

Mow define W.(a=*(.1 Y%,.*=*(-+.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

For Compony_8S:

For Accounf_MA:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep b: EnobIing ofher opfions.

A(:4(0& A(B,-,&$-:

You con define ony of fhe 3 seporofor or o cusfom one. I om going fo define o cusfom

"..$X 8F0,4*5 <0+(-&:

W-((j( W.(a=*(.1 8(=*0*&*$0:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sove if & "/$4B*.(" FIexfieId definifion.

Affer compiIing you wiII gef messoge box os beIow.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Exercise 9 Modifying FIexfieId Definifion


As we know once we free;e fhe voIues of fIexfieId segmenfs we connof modify or moke
ony chonges in if. Mow we ore going fo see how fo modify fhe fIexfieId definifion.


$ Creofe o new voIue sef for boIoncing segmenf.
$ Unfree;e FIexfieId definifion.
$ Updofe segmenf voIues by ossigning new voIue sef.
$ Agoin free;e fhe fIexfieId definifion.
$ CompiIe fIexfieId sfrucfure.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep I: Creofe o new voIue sef os beIow ond sef fhe voIues os beIow.

Assign voIues fo voIue sef.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep Z: Open fhe Accounfing FIexfieId ""5cW.(a=*(.1cMN" ond unfree;e fhe "W-((j(
W.(a=*(.1 8(=*0*&*$0" checkbox.

WhiIe unfree;ing if you wiII gef fhe foIIowing pop up messoge os beIow.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep 3: Mow go fo fhe segmenf fob ond chonge fhe voIue sef of

"Compony_8S" voIue sef from 6AcMN fo 6AcMNcK ond sove if.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep 4: EnobIe checkbox of "W-((j( W.(a=*(.1 8(=*0*&*$0" ond compiIe fhe Accounfing
Sfrucfure ""5cW.(a=*(.1cMN".

The foIIowing messoge box oppeors whiIe enobIing checkbox.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

CompiIe fhe FIexfieId Definifion.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Exercise I0 EnobIing Descripfive FIexfieId (DFF)


Mow we ore going fo enobIe o DFF segmenf in "MN A%B(- G+(-" PesponsibiIify.
DFF oppeors os singIe chorocfer & encIosed os l m.


$ In Accounfing CoIendor Form, of 0L you con see o DFF.
$ You need eifher AppIicofion DeveIoper (or) Sysfem Adminisfrofor PesponsibiIify
fo do fhis fosk.
$ AIso for Diognosfic exominofion of DFF in form you need OrocIe Apps Dofobose

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep I: Movigofe: Purchose Order/Purchose orders

(or) In windows Movigofor

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
You con see fhe 0L Accounfing CoIendor form os beIow.

Sfep Z: To see fhe nome of fhe DFF do fhe foIIowing sfeps.

0o fo heIp! Diognosfics! Exomine.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

As Diognosfics is direcfIy ossociofed wifh Apps D8 schemo, you need fo provide "OrocIe
Apps Dofobose possword" fo exomine fhe form.

When fhe possword is correcf you con fhe foIIowing window, fhe defoiIs of DFF wiII be
popuIofed in fhe pop up window.

Mofe down fhese voIues popuIofed.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep 3: To enobIe fhis DFF swifch fo "AppIicofion DeveIoper" responsibiIify (or) fo
"Sysfem Adminisfrofor" PesponsibiIify. Here I om swifching fo Sysfem odmin.

Then novigofe fo FIexfieId / Descripfive /Segmenfs.

You wiII be seeing fhe beIow form ond Query fhe DFF.

Query DefoiIs:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

You con see fhe DFF defoiIs os beIow.

Mow cIick you con see fhe segmenf summory form.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

FiII in fhe foIIowing defoiIs os beIow.

Mumber: b
Mome: Dinesh Fin coIendor
Window Prompf: Dinesh Fin coIendor
CoIumn: Affribufe b
VoIue sef: OpfionoI (As I hoven'f defined ony nof using if)

Then "A,Q(" fhe record you hove creofed.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow free;e fhe FIexfieId definifion by enobIing fhe checkbox "Free;e FIexfieId

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mexf sfep is fo "CompiIe" fhe FIexfieId definifion by cIicking .

Mow swifch fo "0L Super User" responsibiIify.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow cIick fhe "8WW".

You con see fhe DFF is enobIed ond fhe foIIowing pop window oppeors.

You con "8*+,#.(" fhe "Confexf" fexf fieId os beIow.

As we hove free ;ed fhe FIexfieId definifion we need fo unfree;e if & moke fhe

PIeose foIIow fhe sfeps os beIow.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow sove & free;e if ogoin.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

You con oIso moke "Confexf" fexf fieId os mondofory by enobIing check box of
"Pequired" os beIow.

Sove & free;e.

As discussed obove I om going fo disobIe fhe "Confexf" fexf fieId.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow compiIe fhe FIexfieId definifion.

Mow open fhe DFF ond check ouf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer Io OrocIe User ProfiIe Opfions

User profiIe offecfs fhe woy in which user runs fhe oppIicofion. AOL provides pIenfy of
choices fo sef user inferfoce wifh fhe business oppIicofion.

In shorf profiIe opfion is used fo confroI & monoge fronsocfions & ocfivifies in orocIe

G+(- E-$=*.( N(Q(.+

AOL defines hierorchy for user profiIe.

G+(- N(Q(.:
This opfion voIue offecfs o singIe oppIicofion user direcfIy.

2(+B$0+*#*.*&F N(Q(.:
This offecfs oII fhe oppIicofion users in fhe responsibiIify.

"BB.*5,&*$0 .(Q(.:
This direcfIy offecfs fhe oppIicofion.

A*&( N(Q(.:
If offecfs oII fhe oppIicofion fhof run is opps.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
?((1 $= G+(- E-$=*.(: A procficoI scenorio fo undersfond profiIe opfion.

Scenorio I:

In fhe obove scenorio you con see for fhe orgoni;ofion fhere ore 4 differenf
deporfmenfs. Every deporfmenf hos ifs own user. These users hove occess fo fheir
respecfive deporfmenfs. Suppose consider o sifuofion when orgoni;ofion hos fo updofe
I0,000 users responsibiIify. In fhis cose if fhe profiIe opfion is sef fhis job is done of
very shorf fime. This is one simpIe sifuofion, Iike fhis we con use profiIe opfion for more
compIex sifuofions.
?,C#C-& M&$% @N( OPA,C M&$% D#CBQ#-%B',C/ M&$% RB#F,%N M&$%
G(&'( O G(&'( S G(&'( !
G(&'( M

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Scenorio Z:

Consider fhe obove diogrom in scenorio I. Every deporfmenf hos users ond user from
finonce deporfmenf connof occess defoiIs of quoIify deporfmenf ond vice verso.
Suppose consider fhis occess securify con be oppIied fo opps users. Thof is when fhe
user Iogs info fhe opps ond fhe profiIe opfion is sef for fhe user, fhe user con be
redirecfed fo ony web poge.

For exompIe,

User A ! Admin
User 8 ! HP

The user wiII be redirecfed fo fhe foIIowing Iink:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
SimiIorIy, when GA;2 6 Iogs in.

The user wiII be redirecfed fo fhe foIIowing Iink:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Exercise II Cusfom ProfiIe Opfion for PesponsibiIify


We ore going fo creofe profiIe opfion for empIoyees working in Cor monufocfuring
indusfry soy Compony Iike ford, 0M efc. In fhis indusfry empIoyees ore cIossified on fhe
bosis of grodes. We ore going cIossify fhe empIoyees os beIow.

M-,1( 8(+5-*B&*$0
A0 Associofe Engineer
AI Sr. Engineer
AZ Chief MechonicoI Engineer

As per fhe compony poIicy when on empIoyee buys o ford cor, fhey wiII be given some
discounfs bosed on fheir grode. The discounfs ore beIow.

A0 ! !! ! 77
AI ! !! ! I07
AZ ! !! ! Z07

Assume fhe Ford Compony hos impIemenfed $-,5.( ,BB+ II*. Mow we ore going fo creofe
profiIe opfions for grodes ond ossign fhis profiIe fo fhe responsibiIify. Such fhof fhe
empIoyee who comes under porficuIor responsibiIify wiII gef discounfs.


$ Creofe responsibiIify ! User
$ Creofe ProfiIe opfion ! User
$ Assign Discounf 7 ! PesponsibiIify

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep I: Creofing responsibiIify for grode ""hk.

?,Q*:,&*$0: Sysfem Adminisfrofor/Securify/PesponsibiIify/Define

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

In fhe some woy creofe responsibiIify for grode ""I" & ""K".

For ""K".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep Z: Creofe "G+(-" ond ossign obove creofed responsibiIify.

?,Q*:,&*$0: Sysfem Adminisfrofor/Securify/User/Define

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
In fhe some woy creofe Users for grode ""I" & ""K".

For ""K".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep 3: Define ProfiIe opfions for 8*+5$%0& (Swifch fo "BB.*5,&*$0 8(Q(.$B(-

?,Q*:,&*$0: "BB.*5,&*$0 8(Q(.$B(-/ProfiIe

Access LeveI is bosed on "R*(-,-5)F &FB(".

"A(-Q(-" Type.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

"@-:,0*j,&*$0" fype.

"A(5%-*&F" fype

For our exercise we ore going fo choose "A(5%-*&F" fype.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Defining ProfiIe opfion.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep 4: ProfiIe opfion ossignmenf (Swifch fo AF+&(4 "14*0*+&-,&$- PesponsibiIify) for
obove creofed responsibiIifies.

?,Q*:,&*$0: Sysfem Adminisfrofor/ProfiIe/Sysfem

Assignmenf for ""h "++$5*,&( ;0:*0((-" PesponsibiIify.

CIick "W*01".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

8osed on fhe beIow fobIe ossign fhe discounf voIues.

M-,1( 8(+5-*B&*$0 8*+5$%0&+ n
A0 Associofe Engineer _
AI Sr. Engineer Ih
AZ Chief MechonicoI Engineer Kh

0rode "h:

0rode "I:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

0rode "K:

Mow when fhe empIoyee buys o cor from fhe compony oufomoficoIIy fhey wiII gef
discounf on fofoI cor cosf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Exercise IZ Cusfom ProfiIe Opfion for User


Mow we ore going fo creofe profiIe opfion for user who oIreody hos profiIe opfion sef
for his responsibiIify. In fhis exercise we ore going fo check fhe hierorchy of fhe user
profiIe IeveIs.


$ Creofe new user ! PesponsibiIify
$ Assign ProfiIe ! User

As we hove oIreody ossigned profiIe fo fhe responsibiIify fhof sfep is skipped.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep I: Creofing o new user.

Sfep Z: Assign profiIe opfion fo be sef fo "User".

As you con see oIreody profiIe opfion is sef wifh "PesponsibiIify" .

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow we ore going fo sef for o user.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow I hove sef fhe discounf 7 os "KK" which is greofer fhon responsibiIify discounf 7.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S


We know fhe hierorchy for user profiIe opfion os beIow.

Here user hos highesf Priorify/Preferences, such fhof if con override profiIe opfions
sef fo PesponsibiIify, AppIicofion ond Sife.

Thus, in fhis exercise we hove defied some profiIe opfion for responsibiIify & user wifh
differenf discounf voIue, fhof is user voIue (Z0) i responsibiIify voIue (ZZ). As user is of
fop IeveI ifs voIue (ZZ) overrides responsibiIify voIue (Z0).

Therefore, empIoyees A;?3R<N[' wiII hove Discounf of KKn when he buys o cor from
Dinesh mofors.


A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer I7 OrocIe AIerfs

We oII know obouf Excepfion hondIing in Jovo progromming. In fhe some woy orocIe
oIerfs heIps in excepfion hondIing & confroIIing.

".(-&+ --! ;0&*&*(+.
OrocIe oIerf creofe enfify coIIed ",.(-&'" fo confroI orgoni;ofion business.

3FB(+ $= ".(-&+

".(-& 3FB( G+,:(V;a,4B.(
Evenf To monifor D8 ocfivifies Iike inserf or updofe efc.
Periodic Checks D8 informofion of scheduIed fime Iike emoiI, concurrenf progrom
or running SQL scripf.

?$&(: 8ofh fypes of oIerfs ore defined by SQL seIecf sfofemenf.

".(-&+ *0 6%+*0(++

$ AIerfs heIps in Dofobose excepfions & frocking fronsocfions by emoiIing fhe
ocfivify or error or excepfion fo fhe user.
$ Tokes predefined ocfions depending on excepfion or response fo oIerf.
$ If ScheduIes dofobose ocfivifies Iike coIIing PLSQL sfored procedures ond
decreoses monuoI work.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Exercise I3 Creofing Periodic AIerf


We ore going fo creofe o periodic oIerf. These oIerfs con be friggered doiIy, weekIy,
monfhIy or yeorIy of porficuIor infervoI of fime.

This oIerf is no were reIofed wifh ony D8 fronsocfion or frocking ocfivify.
Periodic oIerf wiII nofify or reporf fhe user regordIess of ony ocfivify.


Some sfeps fo remember, whiIe creofing periodic oIerf .

Define periodic oIerf + frequency.
Specify defoiI informofion obouf oIerf.
Define ocfions for oIerfs.
Creofe ocfion sef confoins ocfions.

3)*0:+ &$ 2(4(4#(-:

" Define moiI occounf for oIerfs.
" Sef up connecfion b/w oIerf ond moiI oppIicofion.

?$&(: <0 &)( #(.$X (a(-5*+(+ < ),Q(0o& 5$0=*:%-(1 4,*. ,55$%0&[


A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep I: 0o fo PesponsibiIify "".(-& ',0,:(-".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Creofing Periodic AIerfs invoIves 4 sfeps.

I. Define oIerf & specify frequency.
Z. Specify DefoiIs.
3. Define Acfion.
4. Creofe Acfion Sef.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
?,Q*:,&*$0: OrocIe AIerfs/ Define

Sfep Z: FiII fhe defoiIs of your periodic oIerf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sef "frequency" for Periodic oIerf.

There ore nine frequency opfions for oIerfs os beIow.

W-(U%(05F 8(+5-*B&*$0
On Demond
AIerf is check onIy when user specify.
On Doy of fhe Monfh
AIerf is checked on monfhIy bosis on fhe doy you specify i.e.
doy of every monfh.
On Doy of fhe Week
As obove if checks oIerf on doy of week.
Every M CoIendor Doys
Checks oIerfs on every doy o doy coIendor & does nof skip

Every M 8usiness Doys
Checks orocIe oIerfs on every business doys.
I ! check on business doy
Z ! Check on non-business doys.
Every Doy
This is some os "Every M CoIendor" ond doys fieId voIue os I.
Every Ofher Doy
This is some os "Every M CoIendor" ond doys fieId voIue os K.
Every 8usiness Doy
This is some os "Every M 8usiness" ond doys fieId voIue os I.
Every Ofher 8usiness Doy
This is some os "Every M 8usiness" ond doys fieId voIue os K.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
On Doy of fhe Monfh

On Doy of fhe Week

Every M CoIendor Doys

Every M 8usiness Doys

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Every Doy

Every Ofher Doy

Every 8usiness Doy

Every Ofher 8usiness Doy

Mow we ore going fo seIecf "On Demond" frequency for fhis exercise.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
A(.(5& Y%(-F:

We con wrife query in Z woys:

o) MonuoIIy SeIecf Sfofemenf
b) Imporf SeIecf Sfofemenf

Poinfs fo Pemember whiIe wrifing SeIecf Query:

I. Periodic oIerf sfofemenf shouId incIude IMTO cIouse.
Z. Idenfify inpufs wifh coIon (:) in fronf of nome. ExompIe "7/$.c?,4(k.
3. Idenfify oufpufs wifh ompersond (&) in fronf of nome. ExompIe "b/$.c?,4(k[
4. We con formof coIumn oufpuf by puffing Pound sign (#) offer coIumn nome &
define fhe formof. For exompIe "b"4$%0&pggg[gg".
b. For imporfing SQL sfofemenf cIick you con see fhe beIow

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
SompIe SQL Sfofemenfs:

Consider I hove fobIe Iike fhis.


Emp_ID Emp_Mome Emp_Deporfmenf
I0I Dinesh IT
Zbo Vishnu Poju EIecfronics
bb3 Srikonfh.Pk MechonicoI
o00 Shovon Mohopofro 8io-Tech
809 Himo.k Archifecfure
ZZ4I Lokesh. 8M CiviI

Sfofemenf I:

Sfofemenf Z: To gef user inpuf

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mow for our exercise we ore going fo use fhe foIIowing "SQL SeIecf Query".

8eIow you con see fhe descripfion of fobIe "W01cG+(-".

We ore going fo seIecf fhe foIIowing coIumns:


A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
A(.(5& Y%(-F7


A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Verifying SQL Sfofemenf:

I. To verify fhe efficiency & occurocy of SeIecf sfofemenf cIick .

Z. To execufe fhe SeIecf sfofemenf cIick. Choose sove before
running fhe sfofemenf using icon.

The fuIIy compIefed periodic oIerf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Affer running fhe sfofemenf you con see fhe number of rows seIecfed in nofe window.

3. 0o fo "AIerf DefoiIs" window fo compIefe fhe definifion of periodic oIerf.

The oIerf defoiI window incIudes informofion's Iike,
o) AIerf running ogoinsf oppIicofion.
b) DefouIf voIues fo inpuf voriobIes.
c) AddifionoI chorocferisfics of oufpuf voriobIe fo hove.

AIerf defoiIs window confoins 3 fobbed regions:

I) Inpufs
Z) Oufpufs
3) InsfoIIofion

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Inpufs Tob:

OrocIe oIerfs oufomoficoIIy dispIoys inpufs unIess fhey ore impIicif inpufs Iike.

ImpIicif Inpufs Descripfion
Confoins ID number when inserf/updofe frigger occurs.
Confoins emoiI usernome of fhe person who does inserf/updofe
Confoins orgoni;ofion ID where oIerf runs.
Confoins dofe & fime when oIerf is recenfIy checked.

We con enfer defouIf voIue for fhese impIicif inpufs wifh moximum of Z40 chorocfers.

As our query does nof confoin impIicif inpufs oII defoiIs in inpuf fob regions ore empfy.

Oufpufs Tob:

In fhis region orocIe oIerfs dispIoys oufpufs used in SQL seIecf sfofemenf wifhouf "b"
ond numbering formof (999.99).

AIso we con menfion moximum number of chorocfers on oufpuf voriobIe con hove.
We con check fhe "Check for DupIicofes" check box fo cusfomi;e fhe combinofion of
SQL sfofemenf resuIfs.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
InsfoIIofions Tob:

In insfoIIofions fob region we con specify "OrocIe ID" ogoinsf which we con roise on
OrocIe oIerf.

If orocIe ID is nof given, orocIe oIerfs oufomoficoIIy checks oIerf ogoinsf oII insfoIIofions
in dofobose which owns fhis oIerf.

Check fhe "EnobIe" check box fo run oIerf ogoinsf ony OrocIe ID.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Creofing AIerf Acfions:

AIerf ocfions ore creofed fo perform ocfions fo be performed by fhe oIerf.

Types of Acfions:

i. Concurrenf Progrom ocfion
ii. Messoge ocfion
iii. Operofing Scripf ocfions
iv. SQL Sfofemenf Scripf

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

I. Messoge Acfion:

Movigofion: CIick fhen you con find fhis window beIow.

SeIecf "Acfion Type" os Messoge.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

This is simiIor fo sending o emoiI from yohoo or gmoiI or hofmoiI or from OufIook

SimiIorIy, pIeose fiII fhe messoge defoiIs in fhe oIerf defoiIs form.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

As I hoven'f configured fhe moiI sefups, I connof show fhe compIefe process. So, I hove
given whof ore oII fhe defoiIs you need fo specify in fhis form.

When every defoiI is fiIIed, pIeose sove if & move fo oIerf definifion window fo creofe
"Acfion Sefs".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
II. Concurrenf Progrom:

III. Operofion Scripf Acfions:

IV. SQL Sfofemenf Scripf:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Creofing on Acfion Sef:

Affer creofing on oIerf ocfion, we shouId incIude fhem in "ocfion sef" fo perform oIerf

Acfion sef is,
$ Sef of ocfions.
$ Combinofion of ocfions.
$ Combinofions of ocfion groups.

OrocIe oIerf execufes ocfion sefs in o sequence you define.

To define on ocfion sef cIick .

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
The foIIowing window opens. FiII in fhe defoiIs required.

Members Tob:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Inpufs Tob:

Oufpufs fob:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Exercise I4 Creofing on Evenf AIerf


We ore going fo creofe on evenf oIerf. These oIerfs ore fired or friggered in ony
fronsocfion chonge in orocIe opps dofobose. For exompIe, if fhe cusfomer poys for his
purchose order, on oIerf con be sef fo send informofion regording fhis fo fhe suppIier.


There ore 4 fosks invoIved in creofing on evenf oIerf:

$ Define Dofobose evenfs.
$ Specify defoiIs of oIerf.
$ Define ocfion for oIerf.
$ Creofion ocfion sef.

Mofe: The foIIowing poinfs shouId be considered before creofing on oIerf.

Define moiI occounf for oIerf.
Moke connecfion befween orocIe oIerf & moiI occounf.

(I hoven'f shown fhe moiI occounf sefups in fhis fuforioI.)

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep I: 0o fo "AIerf Monoger" PesponsibiIify fo define on oIerf.

?,Q*:,&*$0: AIerf Monoger / AIerfs / Define

(Or) in you con go from orocIe home.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

In fhe "AIerf" form go fo "Evenf fob" for defining evenf oIerf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep Z: FiII fhe foIIowing defoiIs in form os beIow:

AppIicofion: AppIicofion Objecf Librory
Mome: Dinesh_Fnd_Evenf_AIerf
Descripfion: AIerf when on user descripfion chonges
Affer inserf/Updofe: As fhe oIerf we ore going fo define is used onIy when we
chonge fhe descripfion of Fnd_User we ore going fo enobIe
"Affer Updofe" nof "Affer inserf".
Ieep Doys: This is used fo sfore no. of doys fhe ocfion hisfory shouId be
Sfored (Ih).

?$&(: We connof define oIerf on foIIowing fobIe "Fnd_Concurrenf_Pequesfs".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep 3: Wrife fhe foIIowing query in "SeIecf Sfofemenf" fexf oreo.

Sfep 4: Verify fhe SQL Sfofemenf.

o) Choose Verify buffon fo verify fhe sqI sfofemenf.

The foIIowing dioIogue box oppeors.

b) 8efore running fhe SQL Sfofemenf, sove your work by pressing fhe icon.

You con see fhe foIIowing messoge in sfofus bor.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

c) Mow run fhe SQL sfofemenf by cIicking fhe icon.

Mumber of rows seIecfed wiII be dispIoyed in "Mofe window".

Sfep b: 0o fo fhe oIerf defoiIs & fiII in fhe defouIf inpufs voIues if necessory.

(PIeose refer fhe obove exercise for sfeps fo fiII fhese oIerf defoiIs, ocfion & ocfion sef

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Exercise Ib Tronsferring & DeIefing AIerf Definifions


We con fronsfer on oIerf definifion fo onofher dofobose or moke o copy of exisfing

We con permonenfIy deIefe on exisfing oIerf whefher if is disobIed or enobIed.


8efore deIefing on oIerf we ore going fo see how fo fronsfer if.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Exercise (Ib-o): Tronsferring oIerf

Sfep I: To fronsfer or copy fhe oIerf, go fo "Tronsfer AIerf Definifion" form.

?,Q*:,&*$0: AIerf monoger / AIerfs / Define

8efore fronsferring fhe oIerf "Query" fhe oIerf oIreody creofed by pressing FII.

Mow press CfrI+ FII. You con see fhe exisfing oIerf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep Z: Mow fronsfer fhe oIerf by novigofing fo fhe foIIowing.

?,Q*:,&*$0: TooIs Menu / Tronsfer AIerf.

Sfep 3: When you cIick "Tronsfer AIerf". You con see fhe defoiIs of oIerf in "Tronsfer
AIerf Definifion" Form.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
When you ore specifying fhe "Dofobose" foIIowing poinfs shouId be nofed.

Source AIerf:

AppIicofion: The nome of fhe oppIicofion fhe oIerf beIongs.
AIerf: SeIecf on AIerf you wonf fo fronsfer or copy.
Dofobose: There ore fwo woys synfox con be defined.

SQL ^ Mef VI
SQL ^ Mef VZ

SQL ^ Mef VI (Synfox):


SQL ^ Mef VZ (Synfox):


Desfinofion AIerf:

AppIicofion & Dofobose fieIds ore fo be fiIIed some os obove.

AIerf: We con ossign our own nome (i.e. if's Iike "sove os" concepf in documenf.).

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep 4: As I do nof hove second insfonce for my opps oppIicofion I om going fo use fhe
some insfonce defoiIs in dofobose.

Sfep b: Mow fronsfer fhe oIerf.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Exercise (Ib-b): DeIefing on oIerf

Sfep I: Query & seIecf ony oIerf in fhe oppIicofion.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep Z: To deIefe fhis oIerf novigofe fo fhe foIIowing in oIerf form.

?,Q*:,&*$0: Edif / DeIefe

WhiIe cIosing fhe form cIick "Yes".

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep 3: Mow query fhis oIerf, fo check if's deIefed or nof.

The oIerf is successfuIIy deIefed.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer I8 OrocIe FMDLOAD - 0eneric Looder

The FMDLOAD is o "Concurrenf Progrom" fhof is used fo fronsfer orocIe oppIicofion
enfify fo dofobose insfonces.

Configurofion (.Icf) fiIe is used fo seIecf fhe enfify fo be fronsferred.
Texf (.Idf) fiIe is creofed by FndIood confoins enfify definifions.

Use of Configurofion fiIe:

$ Idenfify FMD Iocofed in $FMD_TOP/pofch/IIb/imporf.
$ Idenfify AME/HP Iocofed in $PEP_TOP/pofch/IIb/imporf.


Cusfom Configurofion fiIes ore nof supporfed by orocIe.
Source & forgef orocIe oppIicofion connof be differenf reIeose. For exompIe, we connof
move concurrenf progrom from orocIe opps I0 fo IIi ond vice verso.

Enfifies fhof con be migrofed/moved:

# Concurrenf Progrom ond ifs execufobIes.
# Pequesf group & requesf sefs.
# ProfiIe opfions.
# Form funcfion, forms, menu, PesponsibiIifies.
# VoIue sefs ond Iook up fypes.
# Documenf sequence ond Messoges.
# Prinfer SfyIes.
# IFF & DFF.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
/$0=*:%-,&*$0 =*.(` ;0&*&F b E,-,4(&(- 8(&,*.+:

@#S(5& ?,4( [N/3 =*.( ;0&*&F E,-,4(&(-
Concurrenf Progrom
ofcpexec.Icf PROGRAM
Concurrenf Progrom
ofcpprog.Icf PROGRAM
Pequesf 0roup ofcpreqg.Icf REQUEST_GROUP
Pequesf Sefs ofcprsef.Icf REQ_SET
ProfiIe opfions ofscprof.Icf PROFILE
Menus ofsIood.Icf MENU MENU_NAME
PesponsibiIifies ofscursp.Icf FND_RESPONSIBILITY RESP_KEY
FMD Form
Iey FIexfieId (IFF) offfIood.Icf KEY_FLEX
Descripfive FIexfieId
offfIood.Icf DESC_FLEX
Look ups ofIvmIu.Icf FND_LOOKUP_TYPE
Prinfer SfyIes ofcppsfI.Icf STYLE PRINTER_STYLE_NAME

W?8N@"8 '$1(+:

Enfify downIood: 0DWNLAD0

Enfify PorfioI or FuII upIoods: UPLDA0 (or) UPLDA0_PAFTAL

Force Updofe: CUSTD|_|D0E = FDFCE

MLS upIoods: UPLDA0_|D0E = NLS

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
6"A; AF0&,a:

Mefhod I:

; W
!K?XYG>O*XK0U?XI< !! #$%% &'()*+', -)*.
*O>Y<*U*<Z*U?XI< !! #$%% &'()*+', -)*.

Mefhod Z:

; W
!K?XYG>O*XK0U?XI< !! #$%% &'()*+', -)*.
*O>Y<*U*<Z*U?XI< !! #$%% &'()*+', -)*.


C(FX$-1 8(+5-*B&*$0
?0MIKOM FMD 0eneric Iooder Ieyword
O..@ AppIicofion
O..@UMSU.O@@VK>M AppIicofion D8 possword
; W Concurrenf Progrom FIogs
DKM< UpIood (or) UpIood_PorfioI (or) DownIood
$PEP_TOP/pofch/IIb/imporf/ fiIe_nome.Icf
This fiIe confoins definifion of enfify fhof is migrofed (fhe
nome of fhe fiIe is user's choice).
<0*X*W Type of objecf in orocIe oppIicofion
Poromefer reIofed fo enfify. These defoiIs ore usefuI fo
migrofe fhe enfify fosfer.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfeps fo move enfify from one insfonce fo onofher:

I) Define one enfify (Concurrenf progrom, menu, voIue sefs efc.).
Z) Pegisfer fhis enfify in insfonce one.
3) Connecf fo "G0*a 6$a" of insfonce one.
4) Pun fhe commond

0 Y

b) Move fhe downIooded [.1& fo new insfonce using W3E.
o) Connecf fo fhe new insfonce.
7) Pun fhe commond

0 Y

Consider fhe foIIowing:

Apps Possword: dInesh12J#
AppIicofion Shorf Mome: FMD
Concurrent Program Name: dInI_demo_cp (Fefer ExercIse 5)


I hove given exompIe onIy for concurrenf progrom. In fhe some monner you fry if for
ofher orocIe oppIicofion enfifies.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Synfox bosed on mode:

Mode I: 8$X0.$,1

; W

ExompIe: Migrofing Concurrenf progrom

0 Y
$FND_TOP/patch/115/import/ afcpprog.lct


A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mode Z: GB.$,1

; W


0 Y
$FND_TOP/patch/115/import/ afcpprog.lct
Mode 3: GB.$,1cE,-&*,.

; W


0 Y
$FND_TOP/patch/115/import/ afcpprog.lct

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Chopfer I9 SQL ^Looder

SQL ^Looder is o ufiIify fo Iood huge omounf of dofo in orocIe D8 fobIes.
The dofo con be Iooded from ony fexf fiIe info dofobose.


SQL ^Looder reods dofo from dofo fiIe ond dofo informofion defoiIs from confroI fiIe.
If ony oddifionoI poromefer required, if gefs from poromefer fiIe. Then if Ioods dofo
info dofobose.
Data File Control File
Log File
Control File
Discard File
Bad File

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Inpuf FiIes:

/$0&-$. W*.(:

ConfroI FiIe is o fexf fiIe which confoins DLL insfrucfions. If oIso confoins fobIe
informofion how dofo wiII be Iooded. The informofion's incIudes fobIe nome, CoIumn & ifs
dofo fypes, DeIimifers efc. Thus confroI fiIe heIps for dofo Iooding process for SQL

Secfions of ConfroI fiIe:

The confroI fiIe hos 3 moin secfions wifh Z mondofory & I opfionoI secfions in fhe
foIIowing order beIow.

i. Session wide informofion (mondofory)
ii. TobIe & fieId Iisf informofion (mondofory)
iii. Inpuf dofo (opfionoI)

o) A(++*$0 X*1( *0=$-4,&*$0:

This secfion confoins opfions Iike,
o 0IoboI opfions - bindsi;e, rows, records fo skip efc.
o IMFILE cIouse
o Dofo Chorocfer sef specificofion.

b) 3,#.( =*(.1 *0=$-4,&*$0:

This confoins one of more "IMTO TA8LE".

c) <0B%& 1,&,:

This secfion is opfionoI & if confoins inpuf dofo.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
ConfroI FiIe Synfox:

SQL ^Looder Opfions:

Here I hove described few opfions fhof is used frequenfIy.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
SompIe ConfroI FiIe:

Mefhod I:

Mefhod Z:

Mefhod 3: Dofo fiIe in confroI fiIe.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mefhod 4: FiIe nome & pofh os poromefer in concurrenf progrom.

Mefhod b: Looding fixed formof dofo fiIe.

Dinesh.dof confenf


I I9 ZI Zb 30 40 4Z 4b b3 bb

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Mefhod o: Skip CoIumns

The coIumns con be skipped by using fhe keyword "FILLEP".

8,&, W*.(:

This fiIes sfores fexf dofo which is fo be Iooded info fhe dofobose fobIe.
A porficuIor dofo fiIe con be in fixed record formof, voriobIe record formof or sfreom
record formof.

If fhe dofo fiIe is wifhin confroI fiIe fhen dofo is inferrupfed in sfreom record formof
wifh defouIf record ferminofor.

W*a(1 =*.( =$-4,&:

If oII fhe records in dofo fiIe ore of some byfe Iengfh fhen fhe fiIe is in fixed fiIe

>,-*,#.( 2(5$-1 W$-4,&:

In fhis formof fhe fieIds wiII be seporofed by some deIimifer.

A&-(,4 -(5$-1 =$-4,&:

The SQL Iooder Iood dofo by idenfifying record ferminofor.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Mefhod I: Looding dofo in fixed fiIe formof

Mefhod Z: Looding dofo in voriobIe record formof

Mefhod 3: Sfreomed record formof

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Exercise Io UpIood Dofo Using SQL ^Looder


We ore going fo upIood dofo info fobIe "empIoyee" using SQL ^ Looder. In fhis exercise
we ore going fo see fhe bosic mefhod fo upIood fhe dofo.


FoIIow fhe sefs beIow fo upIood fhe dofo.

Creofe o fobIe "empIoyee".
Wrife o confroI fiIe & sove if in 'c:\'.
Prepore o dofo fiIe which confoins dofo fo be upIooded.
0o fo commond prompf & upIood fhe dofo.

TobIe Sfrucfure:

Dofo fiIe nome: dinesh.fxf

ConfroI fiIe nome: dinesh.cfI

Locofion fo sove: '/7q'

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep I: Creofe o fobIe & check fhe fobIe is empfy.

Sfep Z: Creofe o confroI fiIe 'dinesh.cfI' ond sove if in '/7 q'

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep 3: Creofe o dofo fiIe 'dinesh.fxf' ond sove if in '/7 q'.

Sfep 4: Mow go fo commond prompf & fype fhe foIIowing commond os beIow.

Commond Synfox:

SqIIdr usernome/posswordhosf confroI~c:\xy;.cfI

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

For our exercise fhe commond os:

SqIIdr dbuser/ confroI~c:\dinesh.cfI

Sfep b: Check fhe Iog fiIe fo see dofo upIooded successfuIIy or nof.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Log fiIe confenf:

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep o: Mow check ouf fhe dofo in fobIe 'empIoyee'



A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Exercise I7 UpIood Dofo Using SQL ^Looder - Opfions


We ore going fo 'Append' some more dofo in exisfing 'empIoyee' fobIe using SQL ^Looder.
AIso we ore going fo use some more oddifionoI Iooding opfions.


Creofe o 'ConfroI fiIe' & sove if in '/7 q'.
Creofe o fexf fiIe fo sfore oddifionoI dofo which is fo oppend fo 'empIoyee' fobIe.
0o fo commond prompf & enfer fhe commond beIow.

Dofo fiIe Mome: 'dinesh.fxf'

ConfroI fiIe nome: 'dinesh.cfI'

DiscordfiIe nome: 'dinesh.dsc'

8od fiIe nome: 'dinesh.bod'

Locofion fo sove: '/7 q'

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep I: Check fhe exisfing records in fobIe 'empIoyee'


TofoI no. of records: ^

Sfep Z: Creofe o confroI fiIe 'dinesh.cfI' & sove if in '/7 q'

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

Sfep 3: Creofe o dofo fiIe which confoins records fo be oppended. Inpuf some dofo's
which do nof meef Iooding criferio.

TofoI no. of oddifionoI records: _

Defecfive record: I

Sfep 4: Mow go fo commond prompf & fype fhe foIIowing commond.

SqIIdr dbuser/ confroI~c:\dinesh.cfI

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep b: Check in '/7 q' fhe fiIes creofed.

SuccessfuIIy '.Iog' & '.bod' bod fiIe is creofed.

Sfep o: Open fhe 'dinesh.bod' fiIe fo check fhe deIefed record.

The obove record is eIiminofed os if does nof meef seorch criferio.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep 7: Open fhe 'dinesh.Iog' fiIe fo check oII records ore inserfed successfuIIy or nof.

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S
Sfep 8: Check fhe 'empIoyee' fobIe.



3$&,. -(5$-1+7 ^r O_TIP e IK

A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

@-,5.( '(&, .*0L7 )&&B7VV4(&,.*0L[$-,5.([5$4V

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@-,5.( "BB.*5,&*$0 8$5%4(0&,&*$07

@-,5.( II* 8$5%4(0&,&*$0 N*#-,-F 7

@-,5.( G+( =%.. 8$X0.$,1+7 )&&B7VV:($-:(0(&[0(&V$-,5.(V

@-,5.( Q*+*$0 *0+&,05(+7

A$.%&*$0 6(,5$07 )&&B7VVXXX[+$.%&*$0#(,5$0[5$4V&$$.+cQ*+*$0[)&4

"BB+)$+&*0:7 )&&B7VVXXX[,BB+)$+&*0:[5$4V

@-,5.( #.$#+7





A Guide to Oracle Apps 11i by Dinesh Kumar S

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