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Beam Torsional Section Properties Calculations

Dr Ivar KJELBERG CSEM SA, Systems Engineering Division Neuchtel, Switzerland, 2009 June 14

Chapter 1

3D Euler Beam FEM Models are simple and calculates rapidly, and are a valid solid model representations for many situations, Therefore, they are very efficient to use for preliminary calculations, conceptual designs or just geometry optimisations, They require though, to introduce by hand, beam section data such as: Area, Inertia, Torsional moment, Height, Width, and local reference orientations, Most, if not all of these values, might be simply entered by a geometric section sketch and then performing a PDE resolution on this geometry
(in fact just what COMSOL is all about),

For asymmetrical beams sections, their spatial 3D (workplane) orientation is important and must be visualised for model coherence checks. Neither Warping Torsional Constants nor warping effects are considered.
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Chapter 1

Typical Euler 3D Beam Data in COMSOL (smeul3d)

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Chapter 1

Important warning for the Engineers

The Torsional Constant or St. Venant Torsional Constant (pls do not mix with polar moment even if sometimes they have the same value !), is a theoretical measure of the resistance of a structural member to pure or uniform torsion, Those values can be found in most of the manufacturer technical data or i.e. Handbooks of Steel Construction (there are several, i.e. CISC 2000) Their provided values are often calculated based on simplified formulas, Practical tests show that they are often optimistic with respect to observed failures: i.e. measured failure values 30% lower for thin wall hollow square tubes, do not underestimate the importance of your safety-factors.
Theoretical and measured torsional behaviour of Rectangular Hollow Sections, D. J. Ridley-Ellis, J.S. Owen & G. Davies, School of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham, UK, Proceedings of the Twelfth (2002) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Kitakyushu, Japan, May 2002.
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Chapter 2 Theory

Some Formulas
From Timesheko or Landau & Lifchitzs books on elasticity and torsion theory one can find that the calculations of the Torsional Constant Jc is similar to solving a PDE for a simply supported membrane under constant pressure load:

u = 1


Jc = 4 (u ) dx dy


With u being constant on all boundaries, u = 0 on external boundaries (set arbitrary), and S the total area of each enclosed surface, For a closed bulk surface this is a rather straightforward calculations, directly solved in a few seconds by COMSOL, once the geometry is drawn. For open or hollow surface shapes with one or several openings the calculations are slightly more complex and the set-up of the boundary conditions slightly more cumbersome, but then just as quickly solved. For asymmetric beam shapes, the origin and orientation of the coordinate frame of the work plane is important, define the workplane with caution.

u n ds = dx dy = S

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Chapter 2 Theory

The remaining constants

The remaining beam data required are already calculated by COMSOL in the Postprocessing Geometric Properties window once the model is initialised,
(as these values are calculated from the meshed geometry (?), hence they are a good indication of the geometric similarity of the mesh, when compared to CAD calculations values),

Area Inertia

Iyy = y 2 dx dy

A = 1 dx dy


Izz = x 2 dx dy

These values can be calculated as: Options Integration Subdomain Coupling Variables Important Note: Inertia formulas depend on the workplane orientation and the internal COMSOL convention of change of vector names: 3D Euler Beams are defined with length along X.
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Chapter 3 COMSOL Features

Iyy = y 2 dx dy

Area and Inertia Calculations

Area and inertia calculations as Subdomain Integration Variables for a simple I beam 2D shape, gives same results as the Geometry Properties window.

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Chapter 3 COMSOL Features

Jzz = x 2 + y 2 dx dy

COMSOL Geometric Properties of Meshed Geometry (?)

Same values as displayed by COMSOL. These values are only displayed and cannot be access, so they must be recalculated if needed in any equations. Note: mass value is MISSING in 2D !

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Chapter 3 COMSOL Features

M = dx dy dz

Mass Calculations as Model Validation

Checking the mass of a model or part of a model, in addition to area, inertia etc. is a good validation for CAD import and mesh coherence (i.e. have you, by any chance, also meshed the hollow volume inside your tubes ?)
Mass calculations can also be obtained in the Geometric Properties window for solid 3D, when the density is defined as rho_smsld (valid for smsld application mode, adapt if other). In 3D Euler Beam mode you must do a Postprocessing Subdomain Integration of: rho_smeul3d * A_smeul3d to get the weight, check the units !

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

Jc = 4 (u ) dx dy

Torsion Calculation:

a) Simple Closed Section

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

u = 1

Torsion Calculation:

a) Simple Closed Section, Procedure

Open COMSOL with a new 2D geometry and General PDE Static Analysis application mode g , Draw or import your Geometry 2D shape, Mesh and solve on default PDE settings, nothing more, Calculate your torsional constant as Postprocessing Subdomain Integration of 4*(ux^2+uy^2) . Units are [m^4], if geometry is in meters, Optionally define the variables for global use.

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

Jc = 4 (u ) dx dy

Example W610x125 Steel Beam

(612, 229,19.6,11.9 mm)

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COMSOL Torsion Calculations

Jc = 4 (u ) dx dy

Example W610x125 Steel Beam, without fillets

Compare to: techdocs/updates/tor sionprop.pdf

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

Jc = 4 (u ) dx dy

Torsion Calculation:

b) Hollow Sections

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

u = 1

Torsion Calculation:

b) Hollow Sections, Procedure

Open COMSOL with a new 2D geometry and General PDE Static Analysis application mode g, Draw or import your Geometry 2D shape, Select all interior closed subdomains and deselect Active in this domain to keep only the bulk material domain, all other parameters are kept as default.

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

u =0

Along External Boundary

Torsion Calculation:
On outer boundaries define Dirichelet default boundaries: G=0 and R = -u

b) Hollow Sections, Procedure cont.

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

u n ds = dx dy = S

Torsion Calculation:

b) Hollow Sections, Procedure cont.

On inner boundaries define Dirichelet boundaries with G = BC_I1 and R = 0 define a new BC_Ii for the i inner boundaries, in case of multiple holes, In the weak tab use constraint (0=) uTx+uTy on all inner boundaries.

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

u n ds = dx dy = S

Torsion Calculation:

b) Hollow Sections, Procedure cont.

Define the global equations for the boundary equations, one per closed hollow section (there is only one BC_I1 in the example below),

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

u n ds = dx dy = S

Torsion Calculation:

b) Hollow Sections, Procedure cont.

Calculate the internal area, one per internal surface by an Option Integration Coupling Variable Subdomain Integration Variable Area_I1 , with the expression 1 , respectively Area_Ii for all i hollow sections .

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

u n ds = dx dy = S

Torsion Calculation:

b) Hollow Sections, Procedure cont.

Calculate the internal boundary integrals, one per internal surface by an Option Integration Coupling Variable Boundary Integration Variables Int_du_I1 with expression ux*nx_g+uy*ny_g , respectively Int_du_Ii , with the same expression, for all i hollow sections.

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

Jc = 4 (u ) dx dy

Torsion Calculation:
Mesh and solve PDE settings,

b) Hollow Sections, Procedure cont.

Calculate the torsional constant as Postprocessing Subdomain Integration of 4*(ux^2+uy^2) . Units are [m^4], if geometry is in meters, Optionally define the variables for global use in the material Subdomain.

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

Jc = 4 (u ) dx dy

Example 40x80x8 mm Hollow Rectangular Tube

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Chapter 4 COMSOL Torsion Calculations

Jc = 4 (u ) dx dy

40x80x8 mm Hollow Rectangular Tube

with fillets

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Chapter 5

For complex tube shapes it much faster to use COMSOL calculate the correct theoretical Torsional Constant for 3D Euler Beams application mode, For implementation of bulk sections the setup time is minimal, for hollow shapes only slightly longer, This approached allows further to observe some of the effects of the geometry on the torsional constant value, although one should not forget the stress concentration effects of sharp corner, that are not observed before the full bulk model is set-up and run. Finally, one should not forget that FEM models need extensive experimental metrology validation on representative prototypes to check their validity, as many hidden assumptions are taken during the modelling.

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Chapter 6

Suggestions for COMSOL Improvements

Allow the user to simply draw-in the beam shapes, or import it from a database, into a local COMSOL workplane, when working with 3D Euler Beams application mode, Have all calculated beam variables filled in by COMSOL, by PDE resolution, Leave the user select calculated or own constant values for beam parameters (for those who prefer or have custom data-bases and standards) Better visualise and simplify generation of the local coordinate vectors for beams on the global 3D view, Make the full beam shapes to appear in the 3D, once 2D section shape is defined (with user controlled on/off and rendering switches), Have some stress information mapped back to the section shapes, as the stress build-up is not observed when doing 3D Beam calculations

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