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2013 ended with the World Youth Championships in Al Ain, UAE. It was a wonderful spectacle, with a record 1 !

0 pla"ers from 120 countries ta#in$ part. With coaches, trainers, parents and other officials, a%out 3000 people in all. We ma#e a start in this issue, %ut there will %e much more o&er the ne't wee#s.

our $lo%al sponsor

We are loo#in$...
can "ou )or more li#el" "our parents* help us(

+his is ,armon" -,U, World Under .irls Champion from Canada. /he is a champion pianist as well )see p.0*. In this issue1 2 In the 2e$innin$ %" I$or /u#hin 3 World Youth Championships, Al Ain, United Ara% Emirates ! A /imple +actic 3 4in 2nd in our /imple +actics series %" 5/+ 6e&in 78Connell 0 ,armon" -hu )Canada* World Under .irls Champion a champion pianist as well 4u99les %" 5/+ 6e&in 78Connell Gens na S!"!s )We are one famil"* Ali :ihat Ya9ici Chairman, 5I;E<Ci/

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In the Beginning
In the Beginning 177 )Chess Ca"p#<?@0*

Chess Camp 3 by Igor Sukhin

Into the endin$1 =ueen Endin$s, 5our >oo#s and an Aesthetic 4osition...
In the Beginning 179 )Chess Ca"p 3<!10*

White to mo&e1

2lac# to mo&e1

In the Beginning 178 )Chess Ca"p 3<?@@*

In the Beginning 180 )Chess Ca"p#-56$*

2lac# to mo&e.

White to mo&e.

177. 1. h7b7#. 178. 1... c7f4#.

179. 1... d2d5#. 180. 1. c4a4#.

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 065 FIDE Chess in Schools sponsored by... ??

World Youth Chess Championships

+hese were pla"ed at the &er" end of 2013 in Al Ain in the Emirate of A%u ;ha%i, part of the United Ara% Emirates.

+he tournament %e$an on ;ecem%er 10 and ran throu$h until ;ecem%er 2@. 5or man" of the world8s population, it seems stran$e to ha&e a tournament spannin$ the Christmas period, %ut it is perfectl" normal in man" countries, especiall" in Africa and Asia. As a special concession to the AWesterners8, Christmas ;a" )2! ;ecem%er* was a free da". +he openin$ ceremon" featured a camel and a falcon. +he falcon is em%lematic of the UAE, althou$h Westerners tend to associate the camel with that part of the world.

We will return a$ain and a$ain to this e&ent o&er the ne't issues of this fan9ine. We will introduce "ou to each and e&er" one of the twel&e new World Champions1 under< , 10, 12, 1?, 1B, 1 in each of two cate$ories, .irls and 7pen.

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 065 FIDE Chess in Schools sponsored by... ??

,ere8s what the countr" medal tall" loo#ed li#e1

+op of the .irls Under

+he 12 Champions are1 And here8s the main tournament hall1 Open $roups1 4ra$$nanandhaa >.2., India 10 A. Cian$, U/A 12 A. ,a#o%"an, Armenia 1? Ci ;., China 1B 6arthi#e"an, D., India 1 4. Idani, Iran Girls: ,. -hu, Canada 10 /aloni#a, /., India 12 /hen$'in -., China 1? /. +sola#idou, .reece 1B .u +., China 1 C. +omni#o&a, >ussia.

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 065 FIDE Chess in Schools sponsored by... ??

A Simple Tactic Pin

7ne of the simplest of all tactics is the pin. It is almost as important as the for# ,ere it is shown in its simplest form1

by ST !e"in #$Connell
+his is an e'ample of an absol!%e pin. A%solute pins are those where somethin$ is pinned to the #in$ and so the pinned piece is not allowed to mo&e off the line alon$ which the pinnin$ piece is wor#in$ 3 it would %rea# the rules. +here is a second important #ind of pin, the nor"al pin. ,ere is an e'ample.

I e'pect "ou can see a for# here ) c3c6+) %ut it is 2lac# to mo&e, so... 1... d8a5

+he %lac# #ni$ht is pinned a$ainst the %lac# Eueen. It is a nor"al pin %ecause there is no law a$ainst mo&in$ the #ni$ht, althou$h 2lac# would pro%a%l" not want to, losin$ the more &alua%le piece A%ehind the curtain.8 A popular En$lish phrase is Apin and win8 3 attac#in$ a pinned piece a second time and winnin$ it. 5or e'ample, here 1. c2 g6+ If 1. c2c6+ e8f7 and 2lac# has defended the #ni$ht a second time, so attac#in$ somethin$ a second time does not necessaril" win material. 1... e8f8 2. g5xf6. White has won a piece1

We sa" that the %ishop pins the white Eueen, which is pinned to the white #in$ alon$ the a!<e1 dia$onal. 2e careful not to sa" that the Eueen cannot mo&e here, she can )to a!, %? or d2*, althou$h she cannot %e sa&ed.

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 065 FIDE Chess in Schools sponsored by... ??

,owe&er, Fust as attac#in$ a pinned piece a second time does not necessaril" win it, winnin$ material does not necessaril" win the $ame1 2... d8d2+ 3. e1-f1 7r 3. e1xd2 stalemate. 3... d2f2+

4. f1xf2 stalemate.

In "our own $ames, "ou ma" often %e a%le to pin somethin$. /omethin$ ma" alread" %e pinned and then perhaps "ou can ta#e ad&anta$e of that pin and not onl" %" attac#in$ somethin$ a second time. ,ere are a few e'amples. White to mo&e in the first two, 2lac# to pla" in the third one.

In the top dia$ram, White has a &er" profita%le a%solute pin with 1. b5c4. In the middle dia$ram, White e'ploits the a%solute pin a$ainst the fB<pawn %" 1. e1xe5+. 5inall", 2lac# wins a piece1 1... d4xe4 and if 2.d3xe4 d8xd2.

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 065 FIDE Chess in Schools sponsored by... ??

%armony &%' World (irls 'nder ) Champion

,armon" comes from Canada. /he li&es in the town of >ichmond ,ill in the 4ro&ince of 7ntario. walt9es %" Chopin here )cop" and paste the lin# into "our we% %rowser*1
http1HHwww."outu%e.comHwatch(&I0%W9u04 d$D0

,ere is the decisi&e $ame ),armon" had White*1

1.d2d4 d7d5 2.c2c4 c7c6 3. g1-f3 g8f6 4.e2e3 e7e6 5. b1-d2 b8d7 6.b2b3 f8d6 7. c1-b2 0-0 8. f1-d3 b7 b6 9.0-0 c8b7 10. d1-e2 f8e8 11. f3 e5 d6c7 12.f2f4 h7h6 13. a1-c1 c6c5 14.c4xd5 f6xd5

,ere she is recei&in$ her $old medal. /he scored @ points from her 11 $ames, @ wins and two losses. ,armon" is still unrated, %ut her national ratin$ )1B00* rou$hl" matched her ratin$ performance in Al Ain. +he runner<up and sil&er medallist was 2at<Erdene DU:.U:-UC of Don$olia. /he also scored @ points and lost onl" one $ame, %ut that was a$ainst ,armon" )in the &er" first roundG*. +hat meant that ,armon" too# the title on tie %rea# )decisi&e $ame %etween them*. 2at< Erdene is seen here on the ri$ht1

,armon" is also a talented pianist. /he has alread" performed twice at Carne$ie ,all in :ew Yor#. In 2012 she won the Canadian Dusic Competition for under 0. You can watch and listen to her pla" two

15. e5xd7 d8xd7 16. d3b5 b7c6 17. b5xc6 d7xc6 18.d4xc5 b6xc5 19. b2 d4 c7b6 20. d2e4 d5b4 21. e2g4 e6e5 22. d4xe5 c6g6 23. g4xg6 f7xg6 24. e4xc5 b4xa2 25. c1-c4 a8c8 26. e5d4 a2b4 27. f1-c1 b4d5 28. g1-f2 g8f7 29. f2f3 d5f6 30. c5b7 c8xc4 31. c1xc4 e8e7 32. b7d6+ f7g8 33. d6c8 e7b7 34. c8xb6 a7xb6 35. c4c6 b6b5 36. d4xf6 g7xf6 37. c6xf6 g8g7 38. f6 e6 g7f7 39. e6e5 f7f6 40. f3e4 b5 b4 41. e5a5 b7b6 42. e4d5 f6f5 43. d5c5 b6b8 44. a5b5 b8a8 45. c5xb4+ f5e4 46. b5e5+ e4d3 47. e5e6 a8g8 48. b4c5 g6g5 49.f4 f5 g8f8 50.g2g4 h6h5 51.h2h3 h5xg4 52.h3xg4 f8c8+ 53. e6c6 c8b8 54.b3 b4 d3xe3 55.f5f6 e3f4 56.f6f7 f4xg4 57. c6f6 b8f8 58. c5d6 g4h5 59. d6e7 g5g4 60. e7xf8 g4g3 1-0.

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 065 FIDE Chess in Schools sponsored by... ??


selected %" !" # $ %e&in O'()nnell )*

3 White to pla". ;ou%le trou%leG

1 2lac# to pla". >emem%er the last issueG

>onit CEJI+A: 3 2erenice ;e +ACA:CE European Youth Ch u10 .irls, 2ud&a 2013

Darta /A>.U/I:A 3 /ila CA.CA> European Youth Ch u10 .irls, 2ud&a 2013

2 2lac# to mo&e. E'ploit a pin(

4 2lac# to pla". Cots of chec#s here.

2old%aatar AC+A:+UYA 3 Co%ar >A,DA+K7:7JA

World Youth Championship u .irls, 2013 !O*+"IO,! "O P+--*.!

/alome 2EI+>I/,JICI 3 Kerl"n Dae /A: ;IE.7 World Youth Championship u .irls, 2013

FIDE-CiS FSM Magazine 065 FIDE Chess in Schools sponsored by... ??

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