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The Poker Shrink Volume 1 Too Much Poker is no Good

August 13, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

The 2006 World Series of Poker is fort !seve" da s lo"g. #f ou ha$$e" to %e WS&P staff it's eve" lo"ger. Some media (o%s do "ot i")lude da s off a"d for the $la ers it )a" literall %e more tha" si* +eeks of $la i"g $oker ever , si"gle da . #s it a" +o"der that alo"g a%out the e"d of +eek si* a massive, $ervasive )li"i)al de$ressio" sets i" to all )or"ers of the $oker )ommu"it , The first da of the Series there is "othi"g %ut good thoughts, gra"d resolve a"d high ho$es. -ut a mo"th or more later the realit is that less tha" fort $la ers have 2006 WS&P %ra)elets o" their arms. .u"dreds of re)og"i/a%le $rofessio"al $la ers have e*a)tl /ero mo"e fi"ishes a"d do/e"s more have some )ash %ut "o fi"al ta%les a"d "o )ham$io"shi$. The dealers are tired, the staff is )ra"k a"d over+orked0 the media, +ell these folks te"d to +ork o" the edge to %egi" +ith, so it's "o sur$rise that more a"d more harsh thoughts a"d +ords are e*)ha"ged.

The "um%er of floor )alls seems to go u$ ever da , more $la er $e"alties are give", more dis$utes at the registratio" +i"do+, the li"e gro+s at the $la er )om$lai"t desk, a"d # eve" +it"essed a "ast argume"t over )old 1re")h 1ries i" the Poker 2it)he". What is goi"g o" here, .as this %e)ome the Weird Series of Para"oia, Well, a grou$ diag"osis is 3uite sim$le. A large grou$ of $eo$le have %ee" re$eati"g the same a)tivities da after da after da for +eeks o" e"d. &ver 405 of the o"e )riti)al su%!segme"t of this )ommu"it 6the $la ers7 is guara"teed to have a %ad result ever si"gle da . This

result mea"s "ot o"l the loss of mo"e a"d therefore a "egative salar %ut also the "o"! attai"me"t of their goals a"d eve" their dreams. Pla ers are the domi"a"t grou$ i" this mi)ro so)iet a"d as a +hole the +ill al+a s have a %ad result to )o$e +ith. Add to that the )om$lete la)k of a su$$ort s stem for most of the $la ers a"d is it a" +o"der that ever o"e seems to %e a %it out of sorts. There ! # have (ust diag"osed "i"e or te" thousa"d $eo$le as )li"i)all de$ressed. 8o+ )learl this is "ot the )ase, there are ma" $la ers a"d staff +ho are doi"g (ust fi"e a"d it is i"teresti"g a"d $erha$s i"formative to see (ust ho+ these i"dividuals are )o$i"g +ith the de$ths of the World Series e*$erie")e. The high fu")tio"i"g su%!grou$ +ho a)tuall e"(o the +hole Series e*$erie")e has several traits i" )ommo". 1irst, the do "ot live $oker 29:;0 the leave the grou"ds of the <io Suites .otel a"d =asi"o. The i"tera)t +ith $eo$le outside of the $oker )ommu"it a"d +he" the are +ith mem%ers of this )ommu"it the a)tuall talk a%out thi"gs other the" $oker. The ge"erall eat +ell, e*er)ise, get ade3uate slee$ a"d limit their )o"sum$tio" of al)ohol a"d drugs. #" other +ords, those +ho are "ot de$ressed $ut themselves a"d their +ell!%ei"g ahead of the game of $oker, +hether that is their (o% or their ho%% . De$ressio" strikes ma" $eo$le. T+o of the most )ommo" ma"agea%le )auses are (o% stress a"d mo"e stress. #f our (o% is $oker a"d our livelihood )omes from $oker +i""i"gs. >ou (ust might %e su%(e)t to (o% related de$ressio". ?a" $eo$le e*$erie")i"g de$ressio" feel like the have "o e"erg a"d )a"'t )o")e"trate. &thers feel irrita%le all the time for "o a$$are"t reaso". These s m$toms te"d to %uild over several +eeks. =o$i"g +ith eve" lo+!level de$ressio" is )riti)al %e)ause it affe)ts our +ork a"d if our +ork is $la i"g $oker, a s$iral of de$ressio" )a" %e the ultimate @tilt@ to our game. The ver first 3uestio" # ask a $la er +ho is e*$erie")i"g a" s m$toms isA @Tell me +hat ou are doi"g %esides $la i"g $oker,@ ?a" $la ers move i"to the <io for the duratio" of the World Series. The live here, the $la here, the eat here a"d the o"l go off!site to atte"d $oker fu")tio"s or to $la $oker at a"other )ardroom i" to+". ?ost da s duri"g the Series it's over 10B degrees i" Las Cegas, so there is a $erfe)t e*)use "ot to take a +alk or get out i" "ature. D*er)ise is availa%le i" the ma" hotel g ms a"d s$as %ut @the are al+a s so )ro+ded.@ 1i"di"g health food is reall o"l a mi"or )halle"ge these da s %ut the fast food, fried food o$tio" is ever $rese"t a"d, of )ourse, dri"ks are free i" a" )ard room ou )hoose to $la .

Pla ers get i" a ) )le of all $oker all the time, +hi)h mea"s i" tour"ame"t $oker, the have a "egative e*$e)tatio" of somethi"g like 415 ever time the go to +ork. 8o +o"der some $eo$le are de$ressed after a mo"th of this rele"tless series of tour"ame"t a)tio". De$ressio" )a" hurt our game a"d %egi" a lo"g, do+"+ard s$iral that )a" affe)t ever as$e)t of our life. The )ure is (ust outside the )ard room, the ke is ou have to get u$ a"d +alk outside.

The Poker Shrink, Volume 2 Psychology at the Table

August 1E, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

# did a little $s )hologi)al stud at the (ust )om$leted 2006 World Series of Poker. This +as (ust m o+" little i"3uir %ut the results sur$rised me so mu)h that # thought # +ould share them +ith ou. # +a"ted to ask +i""ers of eve"ts a%out $s )holog a"d $oker. # used t+o ke 3uestio"sA @Do ou use $s )holog i" our game,@ @S$e)ifi)all ho+ did ou use $s )holog i" our WS&P +i",@ Logisti)all getti"g a" i"tervie+ +ith a WS&P %ra)elet +i""er )a" %e diffi)ult. After a +i", "ot o"l are the immediatel $ou")ed u$o" % offi)ial $hotogra$hers a"d WS&P media staff %ut the also have the DSP8 )ameras to deal +ith a"d the" the have the small matter of getti"g $aid. So a %ra)elet +i""er is %asi)all i"a))essi%le for a%out t+o hours after their +i" a"d the" usuall the +ould like to s$e"d some time +ith frie"ds a"d famil . Si")e most fi"al ta%les e"d +ell after mid"ight, the +i""er is ofte" (ust $lai" tired. So # made it a $ra)ti)e to tr to )at)h the )ham$io" the da after their +i" a"d # also su$$leme"ted the i"tervie+ $ool +ith +i""ers of the Se)o"d =ha")e eve"ts ru" ea)h eve"i"g at the WS&P. All together # +as a%le to get i"tervie+s +ith 29 first $la)e fi"ishers0 12 %ra)elet +i""ers a"d 12 se)o"d )ha")e +i""ers. #f # +as "ot a%le to lo)ate a )ham$io" +ithi" 29 hours of their +i", # de)ided the @.o+ did ou use $s )holog @ 3uestio" +ould "ot get a fresh a"s+er, so # let them go. # must admit # +as sur$rised % the res$o"ses # re)eived.

#" all, 23 of the 29 )ham$io"s res$o"ded +ith immediate @>esF@ a"s+ers to the 3uestio"A 'Do ou use $s )holog i" ou game,' -ut most i"teresti"g ma %e the o"e $la er +ho said "o. .e told me that he did "ot read %ooks o" $oker a"d $la ed the +a he lear"ed at home as a outh a"d used +hat he had lear"ed at the ta%les, "o $s )holog , "o s stem, "o game $la". The" he +e"t o" to des)ri%e ho+ +he"ever he ra" a su))essful %luff to %reak out of a ru" of %ad )ards0 he +ould al+a s sa +hile mu)ki"g his %luffA @#t's a%out time # got some )ards.@ .e said he al+a s liked to give a misleadi"g )omme"t o" %luffs or o" mo"ster ha"ds he did "ot sho+. .e felt this $ut his o$$o"e"ts off a" reads the +ere maki"g o" him. 8o+ # do"'t k"o+ a%out ou %ut that ta)ti) )ertai"l 3ualifies u"der m defi"itio" of $s )holog . The other $la ers all agreed immediatel that $s )holog +as $art of their game. .ere are +hat # thought +ere some great of the e*am$les amo"g the ma" the gave me i" res$o"se to the 3uestio"A '.o+ did ou use $s )holog i" our WS&P +i",' Pla er A. This %ra)elet +i""er got moved to a ta%le o" Da &"e that he k"e+ +ould %reak ver soo". At %est he +ould get t+o rou"ds of %li"ds %efore movi"g to et a"other ta%le. &" the first ha"d he got a lot of his )hi$s i" +ith a to$ $air a"d flush dra+ o"l to fi"d himself out!ki)ked a"d dra+i"g dead to the "ut flush. .e hit a ru""er, ru""er %oat for the mo"ster su)k!out. .is o$$o"e"t +e"t o" a ma(or tilt. A fe+ ha"ds later our %ra)elet +i""er hit a"other %ig su)k!out a"d the" hit a third %efore the ta%le %roke. Those he tells me +ere his o"l %ig )ome!from!%ehi"d ha"ds i" the e"tire tour"ame"t u"til late i" Da Three (ust as the got to the fi"al 2; $la ers, he is reseated agai" +ith the $la er he had made the ru""er, ru""er %oat agai"st t+o da s earlier. &" the ver first ha"d, he has a+ful odds to a ha"d %ut he is u$ agai"st a short sta)k a"d @that@ first da $la er has (ust (oi"ed the ta%le. .e thought +asA @+hether # make the ha"d or "ot, # )a" rei"for)e m loose image agai"st this o"e $la er a"d domi"ate him if # get (ust o"e o$$ortu"it .@ .e makes the $la , does get the su)k!out +i", k"o)ks the short sta)k out a"d eve"tuall at the short!ha"ded 1i"al Ta%le s$ri"gs the tra$ o" the first $la er to take 405 of his sta)k. That ha"d, he told me, +as +hat +o" the %ra)elet. Pla er -. This %ra)elet +i""er told me that he rehearsed four @false tells@ the "ight %efore the fi"al ta%le. &"e +ith )hi$s, o"e +ith ha"d gestures, o"e voi)e a"d o"e +ith the use of time. .e used them all for the first t+o levels at the fi"al ta%le a"d the" )ha"ged u$ o"e at a time. .e told me he did this %e)ause the three fi"al ta%le %u%%les 610th, 11th a"d 12th7 all +ere %usted after givi"g off o%vious tells a"d he felt several of the other eight fi"al ta%le $la ers +ere usi"g reads heavil to dire)t their game. Pla er =. This is m favorite from a Se)o"d =ha")e eve"t +i""er, +ho +as $la i"g i" his first live tour"ame"t a"d o%viousl first fi"al ta%le, first mo"e fi"ish et). .e +as, % his o+"

admissio", "ervous as @a )at i" a room full of ro)ki"g )hairs.@ So he ke$t u$ a )o"sta"t )o"versatio" +ith his t+o %uddies o" the rail a"d the $la ers at the ta%le, a"d the dealer, the floor, the )o)ktail +aitress. .e said he +as so "ervous that if he did"'t talk, he thought he might sto$ %reathi"g. # got to +at)h this fi"al ta%le0 # a"d ever o"e else thought this gu +as )alm to the $oi"t of %ei"g disi"terested. .e +ould talk +hile i" a ha"d, talk %efore the flo$, after the tur" a"d eve" +he" he got %ad %eat. 1ear 3ualifies as $s )holog tooF

The Poker Shrink, Vol 3 - The !riendly "ome Game

August 2B, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

#t's 1rida "ight, the $ret/els are i" the %o+l, the %eer is o" the i)e. >ou have t+o "e+ de)ks of )ards, Dave is %ri"gi"g his ammu"itio" %o* full of those heav )la )hi$s a"d all of the +ives a"d girlfrie"ds are some+here else 6e*)e$t Leslie +ho $la s golf from the ?e"'s tees a"d ge"erall goes home after from these games a tad ri)her7. Gust like i" thousa"ds of other %aseme"ts, re). rooms a"d garages a)ross the )ou"tr , it's time for a "i)e frie"dl game of $oker. A frie"dl game of $oker, # have some frie"dl advi)e %ased o" some sou"d $s )hologi)al resear)h. #f ou are a serious or semi!serious $oker $la er0 sto$ $la i"g these frie"dl home games immediatel . Walk a+a a"d "ever )ome %a)k.

Wh , -e)ause the frie"dl home game )a" )ost ou lots of mo"e . .ere's ho+. See if this sou"ds familiar. >ou start the game after ou have traded kid stories, +ork stories a"d talked a%out the Tigers or Devil <a s or Seaha+ks. The %eers )ome out, e*)e$t for those

gu s +ho have %ee" o" the +ago" for a de)ade or more, a"d the games %egi". 1ift )e"t:a %u)k stakes0 ma %e H1 I H2. Dve" though Goh" +ill deal Seve" =ard high all "ight, the other games start fairl soo"A -la)k ?ariah, 1ollo+ the Juee", S$it!i"!the!&)ea", Si* =ard Push!Pull +ith a Shu)k at the D"d for a -u)k 6m olde favourite7. #f ou fall aslee$ a"d )all ever ha"d other ha"d at ra"dom ou might lose a hu"dred %u)ks u"til the @%ur"@ games start arou"d mid"ight. This is a frie"dl home game that ou have $la ed off a"d o" for ears +ith gu s 6a"d Leslie7 ou +e"t to high s)hool +ith, ou golf +ith, +ere i" the ?e"'s Krou$ at )hur)h +ith. This is a)tuall fu" a"d rela*i"g a"d a good +a to harmlessl %lo+ off some steam a"d e"(o a "ight a+a from the +ork a"d famil life. #t's fu". #t's harmless. L"less ou are a serious $oker $la er. The $ro%lem is that ou have trai"ed ourself to make )orre)t odds %ets i" a )ash game or tour"ame"t setti"g a"d "o+ ou are goi"g to @$la for fu"@ ou are goi"g to @make the )r i"g )all for the last %u)k@ ou are $la i"g @frie"dl .@ # am telli"g ou those loose!frie"dl )alls are goi"g to )ree$ i"to our real game a"d )ost ou mo"e . This is a" old s$orts $s )holog a*iom a%out mus)le memor . Sim$l stated ou do "ot trai" agai"st our %est stroke. Te""is $la er, golfers, %asket%all $la ers all get i"to a @groove@ a"d k"o+ that is +here the +a"t to %e. Wh +ould ou the" $ur$osel $la outside our o$timal game, 1u// Moeller tells the stor of $la i"g a )harit eve"t +ith three other $ros a"d as $art of the )ele%rit e"tertai"me"t fa)tor, the $ros all $la ed +ith "o +oods a"d o$$osite ha"ded +edges. &"e of the other $ros, +hose "ame ou +ill "o lo"ger remem%er, lost his e"tire short game after 1E holes +ith a left $it)hi"g +edge, a"d +as "ever heard from agai". =ould that %e true for $oker, ou ask, Let's ask the $rofessio"als. <e)e"tl # +as at a =harit Poker eve"t +ith some of the %iggest "ames i" tour"ame"t $oker. There +ere several %ra)elets i" atte"da")e a"d a goodl ha"dful of 1ull Tilt, Lltimate -et a"d Do le's <oom $rofessio"als s)attered arou"d the room. ?ost of the $ros +ere either $la i"g their ha"ds %li"d or looki"g at (ust o"e )ard or sig"i"g autogra$hs a"d "ot $la i"g their )ards at all. >es, the +ere havi"g fu" a"d es ever $ro +ho made the mo"e do"ated their +i""i"gs. So, the +ere (ust (oki"g arou"d a"d havi"g fu" for a good )ause, right, Well, # asked. Sure the all said it's for )harit , u"til o"e of m frie"ds took me aside a"d saidA

"You know that's not the only reason we don't play these cards. You see we are just like everyone else, if we play we play to win but if we play and don't play to win, don't play to trap the other charity guests or don't read tells or do any of the things we do in a real game, then we can lose our edge." Whe" # the" asked a fe+ more $rofessio"als if that +as i"deed the )ase, the all agreed. >ou do"'t ask a $rofessio"al to $la do+", to do less, to ease u$. 8ot i" $oker, "ot i" fl i"g $la"es or drivi"g ra)e )ars. Whe" ou are fi"e tu"ed to high level of )om$etitio", ou do"'t ru" a ra)e i" se)o"d gear. "Why do you think we play Chinese oker on the sidelines of all the events! You can still gamble, you can still bet, but you can turn off the reads and the moves and the strategy." These fi"al +ords from a t+o time WS&P %ra)elet +i""erA ""on't ever do for fun, what you do for a living, it dulls the edge." Pass the Pret/els. Deu)es a"d &"e!D ed Ga)ks are +ildF

The Poker Shrink, Vol # - $n%iety and !ear

Se$tem%er 01, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Last "ight # heard a el$ from the kit)he", # +e"t to dis)over m sig"ifi)a"t other, the )at a"d a ti" gre rode"t i" a fro/e" m#nage a mouse s)e"e. # dro$$ed a dish to+el o" the mouse a"d tra"s$orted ?i)ke outside 6+e do )at)h I release at m house7. Later, m lovel @other@ saidA @# )a"'t %elieve # +as afraid of a mouse.@ Well, she +as"'t. >ou are afraid i" a +ar /o"e or +he" ou )ome arou"d a )urve o" a rai" dark "ight a"d there is a semi!tra)tor trailer i" our la"e. She did have some a"*iet over the rodentia commonalus i" the kit)he" a"d its im$e"di"g doom i" the (a+s of our domesti)ated tiger. -ut ho+ ma" times have ou heard or saidA @# +as afraid of his %ig sta)k@ or @# +as afraid of that flush dra+ o" the %oard.@ 8o+ fairl o%viousl +e do "ot e*$erie")e @real@ fear at the $oker ta%le. .o+ever, +hether +e are talki"g a"*iet , tre$idatio", a"gst, a$$rehe"sio", )o"ster"atio", distress, dou%t, fai"thearted"ess, (itters, misgivi"gs, sus$i)io", timidit , u"ease or +orr 0 +e are talki"g a%out thoughts feeli"gs a"d emotio"s that )a" a"d $ro%a%l should affe)t our $oker game. 1ear is a" u"$leasa"t feeli"g of $er)eived risk or da"ger, +hether it %e a real risk or a" imagi"ed da"ger. 1ear also )a" %e des)ri%ed as a feeli"g of e*treme dislike to+ards )ertai" )o"ditio"s, o%(e)ts, $eo$le, or situatio"s su)h asA fear of heights, fear of s"akes, fear of a o"e!outer o" the river, et).

1or those +ho are read to sa A @# am "ever afraid at the $oker ta%le.@ Let me ask ou to imagi"e this situatio". After the flo$ ou make a si/ea%le %et o" a semi!%luff. >ou have"'t got a made ha"d %ut ou )learl have outs, lots of outs a"d outs to a %ig ha"d. Gust as our raise hits the ta%le, the $la er to our left sa sA @All!i"F@ 1eel that, =ome o"N..1eel that, Whatever ou +a"t to )all that feeli"g that is +hat +e are talki"g a%out here. =all it fear. =all it u"ease or dis!ease. =all it +hat ou like, it ha$$e"s at the ta%le a"d ou should k"o+ ho+ to deal +ith it %e)ause that feeli"g )a" hel$ our game or )ost ou all our )hi$s. =all a" thi"g ou like, (ust do"'t %e afraid of usi"g it to +i". 1eari"g o%(e)ts or )o"te*ts )a" %e lear"ed0 i" a"imals +e )all this fear )o"ditio"i"g. .uma"s are a"imals a"d +e lear" fear, +e lear" to %e a"*ious i" )ertai" situatio"s +he" )o"fro"ted +ith )ertai" stimuli or eve"ts. We )a" also u"lear" fears that +e have %ee" )o"ditio"ed i" our life to have. >ou are holdi"g $o)ket 2i"gs, o" the flo$ a" A)e hits. What do ou fear, Well the A)e, of )ourse. -ut if ou do"'t lead out +ith a %et holdi"g 2i"gs the" +o"'t the other $la er %et to )o"firm our +orst fears, A"d +o"'t a good $la er al+a s %et i"to a" A)e flo$ +he" the see ou )he)k!fold to that %et, <e$la)e that fear of the A)e +ith a %etter more $rofita%le fearA # fear that "o o"e +ill )all m $re!flo$ raise a"d # +ill o"l +i" the %li"ds +ith m Po)ket 2i"gs. 1ear of su))ess a"d fear of failure also )ome i"to $la at the $oker ta%le. 1ear of failure, i")ludes dou%ts a%out our o+" +orthi"ess for su))ess a"d:or fears of +hat su))ess +ill %ri"g. Wa"t evide")e that ever o"e does"'t reall +a"t to +i". Gamie Kold, 2006 World Series of Poker 8o Limit .old 'em =ham$ said duri"g the fi"al da s of the Series that he +as terrified of +i""i"g!!"ot %e)ause of the t+elve millio" dollar $ri/e %ut %e)ause he fears the fame that a vi)tor +ill %ri"g. #" a" i"tervie+ +ith DSP8.)om, Kold e*$lai"ed the idea of i"sta"t )ele%rit +as so over+helmi"g that he )o"sidered dum$i"g his )hi$s to fi"ish se)o"d. @# do"'t +a"t it,'' Kold said, @#'ve see" +hat it's do"e to other $eo$le.@ Sa +hat ou +ill a%out ?r. Kold. 1ear of su))ess a"d fear of failure a"d (ust outright fear hau"t ever ta%le i" ever $oker room o" the $la"et. Trust me0 # am reall afraid it's true. #'ll have more o" fear a"d a"*iet i" m "e*t arti)le, +he" +e deal +ith ho+ our fears )a" give off )ostl tells at the ta%le.

The Poker Shrink, Volume & - 'es(onses to !ear

Se$tem%er 10, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

# +a"t to tha"k several readers +ho +rote me a%out last +eek's arti)le o" '1ear at the Ta%les'. A$$are"tl # had $la ed do+" a)tual fear a %it too mu)h for some $oker $la ers. 1ear or a"*iet is a real o))urre")e +ill $la i"g $oker a"d this +eek # +ill address the $rimar effe)ts those $s )hologi)al states )a" have o" our $la a"d our $rese")e at the ta%le. #ts +orth "oti"g that m o+" relu)ta")e to )all mild a"*iet duri"g a $oker game a)tual fear is a $erso"al trait that # m self have )ultivated +he" $la i"g $oker. # am "ot afraid at the ta%les, # do "ot e*$erie")e the i")reased heart rate +he" # make a %ig %luff or flo$ a mo"ster. -ut that is lear"ed %ehavior. # re)all ho+ # felt the first time # shoved over 100,000 )hi$s i"to a $ot o" a sto"e )old %luff0 # thought m heart +ould (um$ out of m )hest, hit the ta%le a"d %ou")e over to m o$$o"e"t %eati"g outA @-luffF -luffF -luffF@ 8o+, ears later, a"d +ith a good deal of $s )hologi)al trai"i"g # mostl register some+here %et+ee" disi"terested a"d aslee$ at the ta%les %ut that is a $oker %ehavior that serves me +ell. # o"l have i")reased heart rate a"d agitated %ehavior +he" a )ertai" red head +alks i"to the )ard room. As a first ste$ i" ma"agi"g our o+" ta%le fear, ou "eed to "oti)e our o+" rea)tio"s to fear, a"*iet a"d )o)ktail +aitresses a"d lear" either to )o"trol those rea)tio"s or use them to our adva"tage. Let's take a look at the some of the $h si)al a"d $s )hologi)al rea)tio"s to fear a"d a"*iet . #")reased heart rate is most )ommo" $h si)al rea)tio" to stress, fear, ha$$i"ess, a loud "oise, +at)hi"g our favorite team o" TC, or meeti"g a loved o"e at the air$ort. #")reased heart rate su$$lies more o* ge" to the %rai" a"d other orga"s a"d $re$ares ou for a"

eve"tualit 0 fight, flight or straight flush dra+. We have all heard of the @1ight or 1light@ stimulus res$o"se, +hi)h su$$osedl li"ks %a)k to the da s +he" +e +ere )aveme":)ave+ome". There is "o reaso" to li"k i")reased heart rate (ust to our "ea"derthal da s. We are (ust as likel to "eed more o* ge" as 1red 1li"tsto"e +as. The ke at the $oker ta%le is to "oti)e if ou have this rea)tio" o"l +he" ou %luff or o"l +he" ou hit a %ig ha"d. #f it's o"e or the other the" ou "eed to do somethi"g to $reve"t givi"g off a tell. #f our heart starts %a"gi"g at the %a)k of our ri%s a" time ou are i" a %ig ha"d %luff or mo"ster, the" do"'t +orr a%out it. A tell "eeds to mea" somethi"g s$e)ifi) the others $la ers )a" get a read o". .eart rate registers i" ma" $h si)al a"d $s )hologi)al +a s. The most )ommo" reada%le tell are the a)tual vei"s sta"di"g out o" our forehead or "e)k. 1ollo+ed % i")reased i" res$iratio", ra$id e e moveme"t a"d:or $u$il dilatio". 8e*t, the te"sio" $rodu)ed % fear or a"*iet )a" )ause "ervous moveme"ts, most ofte" +ith the ha"ds or a" overall i")rease i" +hat might %e )alled fidgeti"g or mus)le fle*i"g. The i")reased )ir)ulatio" )auses us to @+ake! u$@ (ust a %it a"d +e the" +a"t to move or talk. +e have "ervous ha"ds. #f ou @k"o+@ ou +ill fold our %luff to a reraise or that ou +ill $ush all!i" +ith our made ha"d the" ou ma a)tuall a$$ear )alm ! eve" too )alm, +hi)h )a" also %e a tell. The first ste$, agai", is k"o+i"g +hat ou do +he" u"der stress +hile $la i"g. Pa atte"tio" to our o+" rea)tio"s +he" "e*t at the ta%le. 8e*t +eek, +e +ill )over more of the most )ommo" $h si)al tells that are triggered % stress, a"*iet a"d fear.

The Poker Shrink) Volume * - +ontrolling ,our !ear at the Poker Table
Se$tem%er 1B, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Let's fi"ish our fo)us o" fear a"d a"*iet at the $oker ta%le % remem%eri"g that most of the $h si)al a"d $s )hologi)al )ha"ges asso)iated +ith fear are i"volu"tar . >ou do"'t )o"s)iousl i")rease our heart rate0 ou do"'t )ause our fa)e to flush +he" ou hit the $erfe)t )ard o" the river. .o+ever, most i"volu"tar rea)tio"s +e have are to a great e*te"t )o"trolla%le +ith $ra)ti)e a"d e*$erie")e. Ph si)al )ha"ges ha$$e" i")ludi"g fle*i"g of mus)les, )hest e*$a"sio" due to i")reased %reathi"g +hi)h i" tur" is due to $al$itati"g heart rate, e es dilate a"d e elids "arro+. #" $oker, +he" someo"e has a %ig ha"d the are t $i)all read for )o"fro"tatio" a"d )a" e*hi%it some of these )hara)teristi)s0 this is the @fight@ res$o"se. Duri"g a %luff, ou might e*$e)t a $la er to %e a"*ious, %ut if the i"te"d to fold if re!raised the ma look 3uite )alm, this is the @flight@ res$o"se. .ere are the ke s to look for i" o$$o"e"ts a"d the res$o"ses to lear" to )o"trol i" our o+" game. 1. 1a)e a"d D esA D es ma %e the +i"do+ to the soul %ut su"glasses )o")eal most o)ular rea)tio"s. So i"stead, look at our o$$o"e"t's e"tire fa)e. The mu)h talked a%out @$oker fa)e@ is "ot o"l diffi)ult to lear" to e*e)ute0 it ofte" va"ishes eve" i" the %est of $la ers duri"g mome"ts of high stress. Talki"g to a" o$$o"e"t +ill ofte" shatter their )alm fa)ial e*$ressio"0 if it +as that fragile, +hat does that tell ou a%out their ha"d,

1a)ial re)og"itio" soft+are %reaks do+" the )ommo" huma" fa)ial e*$ressio"s i"to ma"agea%le a"d reada%le )om$o"e"ts. >ou k"o+ +hat sad"ess looks like a"d ou k"o+ +hat "ervous"ess looks like. #f ou're "ot sure, google fa)ial e*$ressio"s a"d get ourself some %asi) k"o+ledge. Also eve" the su"glass $rote)ted e es )a""ot )over the tur"i"g of the head to look a+a from the flo$ or the looki"g do+" at the sta)k or hole )ards. Stress, a"*iet a"d fear )a" make a $la er look a+a from the %ig flo$ a"d do+" to their )hi$s %efore the have )o"s)iousl de)ided to %et. The sig"s are ver su%tle %oth i" other $la ers a"d i" ou. 2. The .a"dsA &" the other ha"d 6sorr 7 most $la ers +ho have "earl $erfe)ted the $oker fa)e have "o )o"trol over their ha"ds. 8ot o"l do the shake or "ervousl s)rat)h, ofte" $la ers +ill move their ha"ds i" )om$letel differe"t +a s +ith a ha"d as o$$osed to +he" the are dra+i"g of %luffi"g. -e )areful, ho+ever, of ha"ds shaki"g0 as +ith most $h si)al ma"ifestatio"s of stress a"d fear o"l 'most' $eo$le trem%le +he" afraid %ut a large su%set trem%les +ith a"ti)i$atio" of the %ig ha"d. >ou "eed to $i)k u$ the rea)tio" a"d the" have validatio" of its mea"i"g. ?ost im$orta"tl do"'t assume %e)ause our ha"ds shake +he" ou are afraid that this is true for ever o"e. &h a"d o"e more thi"g, o"e of the most diffi)ult false tells to give out is trem%li"g ha"ds, it is ver hard to trem%le o" )omma"d. Ko ahead tr it. 3. =om$lete -od Posture. >our e es are a )om$o"e"t of our fa)e. >our ha"ds are a $art of our arm. >our e es, ha"ds, fa)e a"d ever thi"g else a $la er )a" see a%out ou at the ta%le are $arts of our %od . #f ou +a"t to take )o"trol of our fear as it gives off tells to others $la ers, take )o"trol of our %od . There are t+o +a s to do this. 1irst, ou have to %e a+are of +hat ou are doi"g at the ta%le, +hi)h mea"s ou "eed a %udd or t+o to s+eat ou. >ou )a"'t 'read' ourself. &")e the give ou some ti$s o" our $ote"tial tells, # suggest a holisti) a$$roa)h. Deal +ith the $s )hologi)al rea)tio"s to fear a"d stress % re)og"i/i"g them a"d deal +ith the $h si)al ma"ifestatio"s % rela*i"g our e"tire %od . #t is mu)h easier to rela* ourself tha" to attem$t to o"l lo+er our heart rate or to slo+ our "ervous e es. Some o%vious )ha"ges i" $osture %ased o" their )ards are shoulders slum$i"g or the o$$osite sitti"g u$ straighter. The" there is the lea" for+ard, +hi)h usuall mea"s %luff a"d the eas lea" %a)k, +hi)h i"di)ates stre"gth. -ut these are )ommo" %od rea)tio"s to fear a"d elatio", lots of $la ers k"o+ this, so the are )ommo" false tells. The %est +a to over)ome rea)tio"s to fear at the ta%le is reall 3uite sim$le. Pla more. The

more ofte" ou e")ou"ter %ig ha"ds, the more ofte" ou ru" risk %luffs, the more routi"e the %e)ome for ou, the less stressful the are to ou a"d the less our mi"d a"d %od rea)t to the a"*iet . D*$erie")e, i" this )ase, trul is the %est tea)her.

The Poker Shrink, Volume Se-en .hat is Poker Psychology, Part /ne
Se$tem%er 22, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

This %egi"s a series of arti)les o" Ps )holog a"d Poker. #" this first arti)le +e e*$lore t+o %asi) 3uestio"sA What is Ps )holog , I What is Poker Ps )holog , 1uture arti)les +ill ask a"d a"s+er the o$$osite 3uestio"A What is "ot Poker Ps )holog a"d the" +e +ill take a fe+ +eeks to )o"sider reverse $s )holog a"d its use at the $oker ta%le. So +e %egi" +ith a sim$le 3uestio"A What is Ps )holog , Too ofte" +ords a"d their mea"i"g get ge"erali/ed i" ever da usage. Oero* is the e*am$le +ill al+a s use as the e*am$le, "ot ever ma)hi"e is a Oero* %ut +e all sa A @Oero* that re$ort@ i"stead of @)o$ those $a$ers@. Ps )holog is o"e of those terms. Let's %e ver s$e)ifi) a%out +hat $s )holog is a"d is "ot. 1or a good defi"itio" of (ust a%out a" thi"g # al+a s tur" to the se)o"d %est thi"g a%out the i"ter"etA Wiki$edia.

" sychology is an academic and applied field involving the study of the human mind, brain, and behavior." The ke +ord here is %ehavior. #" $s )holog a"d i" $arti)ular $oker $s )holog +e are attem$ti"g to mask, hide or give misi"formatio" a%out our o+" %ehavior0 +hile, at the same time, $re)isel i"ter$reti"g the %ehavior of our o$$o"e"ts. Also +he"ever ou see the +ords @mi"d@ or @%rai"@ used i" a $s )hologi)al )o"te*t remem%er the @%od @ is i")luded i" these ge"eral terms. Ps )hologi)al rea)tio"s are those of the mi"d, %rai", %od a"d, if ou +ill,

heart a"d soul. The )om$lete )om$le* of huma" $erso"alit is the field of $s )holog a"d is the set of fa)tors +e are attem$ti"g to @read@ +he" +e em$lo $oker $s )holog . ?ore from Wiki$ediaA " sychology also refers to the application of such knowledge to various spheres of human activity, including problems of individuals' daily lives and the treatment of mental illness." .ere is +here $oker $s )holog hits the +all of our $athologi/ed moder" )ulture. #f ou thi"k ou have a gam%li"g $ro%lem, there is a" E00 "um%er o" the +all of ever )asi"o a"d at the %ottom of ever i"ter"et gam%li"g site. We are "ot talki"g a%out me"tal ill"ess or a" other similar $ro%lems here, u"less it is the $ro%lem of ho+ to get that )alli"g statio" i" seat four to fold to our o$e"i"g raise +ith $o)ket Ga)ks. We are goi"g to talk a%out @$ro%lems of dail lives@ o"l i"sofar as those $ro%lems have to do +ith the $s )holog of $la i"g +i""i"g $oker. Poker is "ot a" ill"ess, des$ite +hat some $oliti)ia"s i" )o"gress +ould have ou %elieve a"d adults have ever right to $la $oker or %et o" a horseshoe mat)h if that is +hat the +ish to do. 1i"all , Wiki$edia fi"ishes u$ +ith thisA " sychology differs from anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology in seeking to e$plain the mental processes and behavior of individuals." #f +e )ould o"l see i"to our i"dividual o$$o"e"ts mi"d a"d heart +e +ould k"o+ ho+ the i"te"d to %ehave o" ea)h ha"d. Si")e +e )a"'t 3uite do that, ho+ do +e do the "e*t %est thi"g a"d a$$ro*imate their %ehavior to $redi)t it a"d to re)og"i/e it +he" it ha$$e"s, The a"s+er lies "ot i" k"o+i"g ea)h i"dividual o$$o"e"t %ut rather i" re)og"i/i"g that there is a fi"ite set of emotio"s, thoughts, feeli"gs a"d rea)tio"s availa%le to ea)h of us i" a" situatio". Whe" +e thi"k a%out $oker the a)tio"s reall are limited to fold, %et, raise, )he)k. The i"te"t of $oker $s )holog is to gai" i"formatio" a%out our o$$o"e"t me"tal $ro)ess +he" the take o"e of these ver sim$le a)tio"s. The other side of the )hi$ is to limit the i"formatio" ou give out +he" ou %et, )he)k or raise a"d eve" to distort that i"formatio" to our adva"tage. .ere is this +eek's assig"me"t. The 2006 WS&P is ru""i"g right "o+ "earl 29:; o" DSP8. Whe" ou +at)h tr to get a read o" the $la ers i" a" ha"d "ot %ase o" +hat Lo" or 8orma" are sa i"g %ut o" ho+ the $la er is a)ti"g a"d +hat the are sa i"g. Sure it's more diffi)ult si")e ou )a" see the hole )ards 6do ou have the 1i"al Ta%le o" tivo,7 %ut give it a tr . ? first o%servatio"A 8oti)e ho+ ma" $la ers, after mu)h thought, make the %ad )all o" the river.

8e*t +eek, more o" this to$i) i")ludi"g +hat it is "ot Poker Ps )holog .

The Poker Shrink, Volume 0ight .hat is Poker Psychology, Part T1o
Se$tem%er 24, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

#" Part &"e of this series o" Ps )holog a"d Poker, # talked a%out the %asi)s of +hat $s )holog is. #" this arti)le # +a"t to )ome at this from a differe"t a"gle % talki"g a%out +hat is not $oker $s )holog . # said last +eek that $oker $s )holog is mostl a%out %ehavior ! %oth ours a"d our o$$o"e"ts. Lsi"g $oker $s )holog to %etter our game is a%out "oti)i"g the %ehavior of our o$$o"e"ts a"d usi"g that i"formatio" to make more $rofita%le de)isio"s. Poker $s )holog is also a%out usi"g i"formatio" to ma"i$ulate our o$$o"e"ts i"to )ha"gi"g their %ehavior to our adva"tage. 1i"all , $s )holog also hel$s ou to re)og"i/e a"d disguise our o+" %ehavior at the $oker ta%le. The most )ommo" as$e)t of $oker that is ofte" referred to +he" talki"g a%out $oker $s )holog is readi"g o$$o"e"ts, ho+ever, readi"g a $la er at the ta%le is "ot $oker $s )holog . Let me e*$lai". #magi"e ou have (ust arrived at a "eigh%orhood $art . Gust %efore arrivi"g at the same $art o"e )ou$le had a fight, the +ife i" a"other )ou$le got "e+s that her father had %ee" take" ill a"d she +ould %e fl i"g out i" the mor"i"g to %e +ith her dad. The hus%a"d i" a"other $air (ust fi"ished a ear lo"g $ro(e)t the da %efore a"d his small )om$a" +o" their %iggest )o"tra)t ever. A"d o"e lad had some of the %est se* of her life last "ight, she is a))om$a"ied at the $art % her hus%a"d, +hom she +as "ot +ith last "ight. 8o+ are ou the t $e of $erso" +ho might $i)k u$ o" a" of this from (ust talki"g +ith these

$eo$le, Do ou have a "atural a%ilit to se"se emotio"s or me"tal state i" others %ehavior, s$ee)h or %od la"guage, #f so, the" ou have a "atural a%ilit to read $eo$le a"d ou have a great adva"tage i" lear"i"g to read $oker $la ers. &r are ou the gu +ho does"'t k"o+ his +ife or girlfrie"d is u$set u"til the )u$ hits the +all %eside our head. Well, fortu"atel this a%ilit to read someo"e is a skill that )a" %e lear"ed +hether ou have the "atural head start or "ot. -ut this skill i" readi"g $la ers is "ot $s )holog 0 it is (ust a skill. <eadi"g $la ers is a "e)essar $oker a%ilit i" the same )ategor as k"o+i"g $ot odds a"d )al)ulati"g our outs o" the river. So +hat's the %ig deal +ith +hether or "ot readi"g $la ers is $s )holog or "ot, Well the issue is that ma" $la ers thi"k the are readi"g o$$o"e"ts +he" the are o"l readi"g $atter"s of $la . Seat t+o likes to tra$ a"d tra$s +ith his %ig ha"ds %ut "ot his mo"ster ha"ds0 he $ushes hard +ith his mo"sters. Kood read. Seat seve" tosses his )hi$s i" the $ot o" a %luff a"d $la)es them i" +ith a made ha"d. A"other good read %ut still "ot $s )holog . These reads +ill make ou a"d save ou mo"e . Lsi"g the reads to alter the game +ill make ou a +i""er. Ps )holog i"s$e)ts the %ehavior of differe"t $la ers a"d usi"g $s )holog allo+s ou to i"ter$ret a"d eve" )ha"ge their %ehavior to our adva"tage. Let's look at a" e*am$le +ith seat t+o. &ur read is that seat t+o tra$s +ith %ig ha"ds %ut "ot mo"sters. Tra$s are )hea$ to )all do+", seat t+o is tr i"g to get ou to %et for him. So +ith our read ou "o+ $s )hologi)all ma"i$ulate. >ou )he)k alo"g o" several of his tra$s a"d +he" he s$ri"gs it ou fold a"d )omme"tA @>ou got that flush, huh,@ or it o" the river, did a,@ Small i"vestme"ts i" small %ets a"d )omme"ts that a$$ear to suggest ou are u"a+are of the tra$s. Later, +he" ou have the "uts a"d seat t+o tra$s ou )a" )ome over the to$ for all of those small %ets $lus the %ig %et he made a"d ofte", %e)ause his @move@ +orked i" the $ast, he +ill )all ou do+" or $ush all!i" +ith se)o"d %est. Poker Ps )holog is a" add!o" to our %asi) $oker skill set. >ou first o%serve the %ehavior0 the" ou )o""e)t the %ehavior to a $la i"g $atter" a"d fi"all ou use that k"o+ledge to ma"i$ulate the game to our adva"tage. 8e*t +eek, more o" $oker $s )holog .

The Poker Shrink, Volume 2ine .hat is Poker Psychology, Part Three
&)to%er 06, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

#" t+o $revious arti)les, # have talked a%out the use of $s )holog i" $oker. We all k"o+ that de)e$tio" is a %ig $art of $la i"g the game. A" o"e a%ove the amateur:fish skill level also k"o+s that givi"g off false i"formatio" to our o$$o"e"ts is also a" as$e)t of the game. -ut +e also k"o+ that the k"o+ledge of false tells is "ot e*a)tl a se)ret. .ere +e e"ter the realm of +hat is ofte" )alled reverse $s )holog . %everse psychology is the term that describes the outcome where advocacy of one course of action persuades someone to do the opposite. 6Wiki$edia.)om7 This is $re)isel +hat +e are doi"g +he" +e give off false tells. We a"ti)i$ate that $la ers at the ta%le, +ho are a%le e"ough to +at)h for tells, +ill see our false sig"als a"d make i")orre)t i"ter$retatio"s of our ha"d. &r +e a)tuall make )ertai"l $la s duri"g i"e*$e"sive ha"ds to lead $la ers to %elieve +e $la a )ertai" +a +ith the ho$es of usi"g the '$la"ted' false i"formatio" later to +i" a %ig ha"d. -oth of these as$e)ts of a solid $oker re$ertoire fall i"to the )ategor of reverse $s )holog . Let's look at a" e*am$le of ea)h0 first false $la to $la"t a" image of our $la that ou +ill reverse later. Last "ight # +as $la i"g a H9:HE game at the Kold Strike i" Tu"i)a +he" a $la er # k"e+ sat do+" o" m right. # k"e+ him %e)ause # had see" him +i" a @%ra)elet@ a"d go dee$ i" several other ma(or eve"ts. So, es # +as a %ig sur$rised he +as taki"g a seat i" a H9:HE game %ut he

me"tio"ed right a+a that he +as (ust killi"g time +aiti"g for a 8L seat to o$e" u$. .e $la ed the first si* ha"ds dealt to him, lost five, +o" o"e o" a huge su)kout a"d sho+ed his )ards o" all si* o))asio"s. The" he $ulled %a)k a %it a"d i" (ust a fe+ ha"ds +e"t o" a huge rush to the tu"e of a%out H3B0. Dver o"e at the ta%le 6e*)e$t me, # sa+ him +i" the %ra)elet remem%er7 %ut ever o"e else at the ta%le +as after his )hi$s. Whe" it +as all over a"d # got "i"e folds to m 3O raise LTK +ith 220 he lea"ed over a"d saidA @>ou k"o+ if ou +aste thirt or fort %u)ks +he" ou first sit do+", these %o s +ill )all our $o)ket 2i"gs.@ A $erfe)t a"d sim$le e*am$le of reverse $s )holog . Sho+ a st le of $la that is "ot our st le a"d sho+ it +he" ever o"e is looki"g at the "e+ gu at the ta%le. These earl reads te"d to e"dure lo"g after ou have )ha"ged u$ our game. The other use of reverse $s )holog is a %it more )om$li)ated if "ot more su%tle. #" this e*am$le ou a)tuall give off a tell that most $la ers at the ta%le +ill re)og"i/e %ut ou give it i" the o$$osite situatio" from +hat is e*$e)ted. Das e*am$leA most of us k"o+ that +he" a $la er looks at the flo$ a"d the" immediatel looks a+a , the flo$ has hit him. Pla ers i"sti")tivel look a+a %e)ause the se"se that stari"g at a flo$ mea"s ou like it. So if ou 3ui)kl look a+a from flo$, some $la ers +ill i"ter$ret this to mea" ou have hit it %ig. 8o+ here is the %ig $ro%lem +ith reverse $s )holog . #f the other $la ers k"o+ a%out false tells the ma read ou as usi"g reverse $s )holog 0 so the ma read ou as stro"g +he" ou falsel sig"al +eak %e)ause the thi"k ou are a good e"ough $la ers to give a false tell. So the thi"k that ou thi"k that the thi"k ou +ould thi"k that if o"l the thought thatNN &ut it's so simple. 'll ( have to do is divine from what ( know of you) are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet or his enemy's! *ow, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. ( am not a great fool, so ( can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. &ut you must have known ( was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so ( can clearly not choose the wine in front of me. 8o o"e said this +as eas . 8e*t +eek, some fi"al +ords o" $s )holog , reverse $s )holog a"d $oker.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 13 - /-erreaction 4 5nder 'eaction to the 6nternet Gaming 7ill
&)to%er 13, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

.o+ ma" times have ou see" someo"e elli"g at their hus%a"d or girlfrie"d or kids a"d thoughtA @.e's "uts.@ or @That +oma" is )ra/ .@ We all te"d to ide"tif a"d la%el %ehavior that is @too@ loud or @too@ %i/arre or @too@ a" thi"g. >ou see +e all have a fairl u"iform defi"itio" of +hat is "ormal a"d therefore +hat is a%"ormal. The over+helmi"g "um%er of $eo$le are "ormal a"d "ot me"tall dera"ged %ut +e all sometimes a)t outside the "orm. @#t +as a )ra/ da .@ @# (ust go "uts +he" # hear talk like that.@ 8o+ +e do"'t a)tuall mea"t that +e, ourselves, are )li"i)all me"tall distur%ed, +ell +e do"'t mea" that most of the time. -ut sometimes there are those eve"ts +here a +hole lot of us or a +hole su%set of us (ust get a %it )ra/ at the same time a"d ofte" for the same reaso". The #"ter"et Kami"g -ill $assed % the L.S. =o"gress +as o"e of those times for $oker $la ers. There +ere t+o e*treme rea)tio"s to the $assage of the %ill a"d %oth e*hi%it %ehaviors that at least some of us, might +a"t to re)o"sider. The first rea)tio" should %e familiar to a" o"e readi"g this arti)le, the +orld +ide +e% +e"t "utsF 1orums, %logs, +e%sites (ust freaked out over the %oth the $assage of the %ill a"d the late "ight $oliti)al ma"euveri"g that %rought it to a vote. Duri"g that first +eeke"d # s$e"t several hours ea)h "ight lurki"g i" various o"li"e )ard rooms readi"g ta%le )hat o" the

Kami"g -ill a"d i"varia%l the rea)tio" +as vo)iferous, u"a"imous a"d i" most )ases had little or "othi"g to do +ith +hat the legislatio" +as a)tuall a%out. &")e agai" @+e@ +ere usi"g the fa)eless i"ter"et to go )olle)tivel @"uts@ +ith ver little i"formatio" a"d eve" less reaso"ed, measured )o"sideratio" of the a)tual fa)ts. # ha$$e"ed to %e i" Tu"i)a, ?ississi$$i +he" the #"ter"et Kami"g legislatio" $assed0 so # also got to liste" to a fair amou"t of ta%le talk i" live games a"d tour"ame"ts. A" i"formal surve of all sour)es had the @misi"formatio" fa)tor@ o" the legislatio" at +ell over 405. .o+ever, to %e fair there +ere some +ell reaso"ed a"al sis a"d )omme"tar out there also. The $s )hologi)al 3uestio" isA +h do +e rea)t like this, The a"s+er 3uite sim$l is that huma" %ei"gs are "ot fo"d of )ha"ge a"d, i" $arti)ular, "ot fo"d of )ha"ge that redu)es our o$tio"s or )urre"t $atter"s of %ehavior. The s)ie"tifi) +ord for @ever thi"g (ust fi"e@ is homeostasis. #" $s )hologi)al terms homeostasis mea"s a state of $s )hologi)al e3uili%rium o%tai"ed +he" te"sio" or a drive has %ee" redu)ed or elimi"ated. >ou +a"t to $la $oker o"li"e0 ou $la $oker o"li"e. >ou +a"t to $la $oker o"li"e0 ou )a"'t $la F .omeostasis disru$ted a"d the su%(e)t rea)ts. -ut i" this )ase the situatio" +asA >ou +a"t to $la $oker o"li"e0 =o"gress $asses a la+ that might $reve"t that a"d ou 6@+e@7 go "utsF This is a" i"a$$ro$riate emotio"al rea)tio" to a" eve"t that ma or ma "ot have future )o"se3ue")es a"d et the rea)tio" is immediate, emotio"al a"d drive" % misi"formatio". # +ould suggest that su)h a res$o"se is "ot o"l i"a$$ro$riate %ut is "ot the )ool, )alm, measured res$o"se o"e +ould +ish to )ultivate i" order to $la to$ "ot)h $oker. The old $oker a*iom to remem%er here isA @Leave our emotio"s at the door.@ .o+ever, overrea)tio" to )ha"ge is "ot the o"l $s )hologi)al s "drome i" $la arou"d the #"ter"et Kami"g La+. Gust as stra"ge a"d e3uall 3uestio"a%le is a" u"der rea)tio" to )ha"ge, threat or trauma. Some of the o"li"e $oker sites +e"t (ust a %it )ra/ , i" fa)t, as ou k"o+ several had )losed the a))ou"ts of L.S. $la ers eve" %efore the legislatio" $assed. &" the other side of the aisle, several sites made stro"g stateme"ts a%out remai"i"g o$e" to L.S. $la ers. .o+ever, as a grou$ the o"li"e $oker sites have do"e "earl "othi"g to lo%% =o"gress o" %ehalf of their %usi"ess model. &"e has to +o"der +ith the $oliti)al realities of 21st )e"tur Ameri)a" $oliti)s +h the o"li"e sites took su)h a $assive a$$roa)h to this threat to their )om$a"ies a"d their futures. &verrea)tio" i" this )ase )aused some slee$less "ights for ma" $la ers a"d those asso)iated +ith the ma" small %usi"esses that are $art of the o"li"e $oker $he"ome"o". L"der rea)tio" )ould )ost a sele)t grou$ of site o+"ers te"s of millio"s of dollars i" future fi"a")ial gai". # have to +o"der if a more $roa)tive res$o"se might "ot have %ee" a +iser a"d sou"der

%usi"ess a"d $s )hologi)al de)isio" for those i"timatel i"volved i" the %usi"ess of i"ter"et $oker. 1or further )ou"seli"g o" the disadva"tages of u"der rea)tive %ehavior, those o"li"e o+"ers might +ish to address a" email toA $okershri"kPhotmail.)om

The Poker Shrink, Vol 11 - +ontinued 'eaction to the /nline Gambling 7ill
&)to%er 20, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Last +eek's arti)le +as a%out the rea)tio"s to the L"la+ful #"ter"et Kami"g D"for)eme"t A)t. Si")e the" # have heard from several readers a"d $oker %uddies a%out a"other '$s )hologi)al' rea)tio" to the $ossi%le $e"di"g shutdo+" of a))ess to o"li"e $oker for L.S. $la ers. The 3uestio" isA +hat are L.S. $la ers doi"g +ith the mo"e the alread have sitti"g i" their o"li"e a))ou"ts. #" light of the "e+ legislatio" a"d its $e"di"g im$leme"tatio", a reaso"a%le $rude"t $erso" might tell ou that the have +ithdra+" the mo"ies the have o"li"e. #, %ei"g a reaso"a%le $rude"t $erso", +ill tell ou that is e*a)tl +hat # did +ith the mo"e # had i" m a))ou"t at Part Poker. .o+ever, Part had alread %lo)ked L.S. $la ers from $la i"g )ash games a"d tour"ame"ts +he" # )ashed out, so m +ithdra+al +as merel %ookkee$i"g. &ther $la ers at Part had go"e o" a gam%li"g s$ree %efore the )utoff date last 1rida , rather tha" +ithdra+ their fu"ds. Lo+!limit )ash games %e)ame )lassi) '"o fold'em, hold'em' ta%les. Tour"ame"t "um%ers s+elled +ith $la ers 'goi"g for it' +ith their remai"i"g %a"kroll rather the" make a +ithdra+al. #mmediatel after the Part Poker deadli"e 6the a)tual sig"i"g of the %ill o" 10:137 the a)tio" at Part dried u$ to the $oi"t that the eve" )a")elled the "um%er o"e +eekl eve"t of the o"li"e $oker )ale"darA the Su"da ?illio". So +hat e*a)tl +as this %ehavior % $la ers at Part a"d else+here to the "e+ legislatio" all a%out, Well, a)tuall it +as "either a" u")ommo" rea)tio" "or u"health . Thi"k of the reaso"i"g %ehi"d havi"g a +ake i"stead of a fu"eral0 or a %a)helor 6%a)helorette7 $art the "ight %efore the +eddi"g0 or a" eve"t (ust %efore the e"d of a" era 68e+ >ear's Dve, e"d of

the s)hool ear, the movi"g saleN.7. We as huma"s te"d to )ele%rate eve" at the %ri"k of a disaster or at the e"d of a" era. #t is, i" fa)t, a ver "ormal rea)tio" to )ha"ge. .o+ever, i" this )ase, "ot ever o"e +as )ele%rati"g or at least "ot ever o"e +as )ele%rati"g the same +a . # s$oke to o"e $rofessio"al $la er +ho told me he had s$e"t @ever +aki"g hour@ o" Qa" o"li"e $oker siteR $la i"g o"l the ta%les +here $la ers +ere @usi"g u$ their %a"krolls.@ .o+ did he k"o+, Well a$$are"tl the $la ers +ere talki"g a%out +hat the +ere doi"g i" ta%le )hat. @#t +ould %e u"fair to fish to )all these gu s fish. The +ere literall givi"g their mo"e a+a . #"stead of getti"g rivered or su)ked out o", sa o"e time i" te", +hi)h might %e "ormal odds0 at these ta%les it +as almost as if the +ere $la i"g their dra+s +ith the )ards e*$osed. # "ever had a losi"g sessio" a"d had several +here # (ust had to )ash out a"d take a "e+ seat %e)ause m sta)k +as (ust too i"timidati"g to the "e+er $la ers. #t +as like the +ere a%a"do"i"g the si"ki"g shi$ %ut leavi"g their valua%les %ehi"d. # +as (ust sur$rised there +ere so fe+ sharks i" the +ater +ith me.@ #" %usi"ess this is )alled the @Tita"i) S "drome@ a"d it has t+o a$$li)atio"s i" the )urre"t $ost!i"ter"et gami"g la+ era. 1irst, the $la er's rea)tio" is o"e +e all should avoid as $oker $la ers. There is "ever a reaso" to sta at the ta%le a"d toss those last fe+ )hi$s i" %efore ou go home. There is "ever a good reaso" "ot to +alk a+a from a losi"g sessio" %efore ou go %roke. There is )ertai"l "o reaso" to loose" u$ our game to sui)idal limits sim$l %e)ause ou are too la/ to )ash out a"d move our %a"kroll to a "e+ site. Lots of o"li"e $oker sites are "ot )losi"g %ut # have also +it"essed looser $la o" those sites des$ite their assura")es the are "ot shutti"g off L.S. $la ers. >es, it is huma" "ature to rea)t %ut it is $oor $oker $la to %ri"g outside $ressures or "e+s to our game a"d %e)ome a %li"d gu$$ after ears of $la i"g our @A@ game. #f ou are guilt of this %ehavior, it's time to take a look at the level of $rofessio"alism ou are %ri"gi"g to the ta%les. A se)o"d a$$li)atio" of the @Tita"i) S "drome@ has to do +ith ho+ the o"li"e sites have rea)ted to the "e+ legislatio" or rather ho+ the rea)ted %efore it +as $assed. # have said this %efore a"d do/e"s of +riters have +ritte" similar +ords over the last si* mo"ths. The "e+ la+s +ere "ot a" i)e%erg that )re$t u$ o" the o"li"e $oker i"dustr . 8o"e of this should have %ee" a sur$rise to a" e"ter$rise that +as e"gaged i" sou"d %usi"ess $la""i"g. The $la ers ma %e e"gagi"g some +eak"ess i" their game +he" the go h $er!do"ke +ith their remai"i"g %a"kroll0 the o"li"e sites have a lot more at stake a"d should "ot have %ee" si"gi"g '8earer m Kod to Thee' +he" Preside"t -ush sig"ed the L"la+ful #"ter"et Kami"g D"for)eme"t A)t. There are $s )hologi)al as$e)ts to $la i"g $oker a"d to ru""i"g a $oker %usi"ess0 o")e agai" someo"e "eeds some %usi"ess:$oker thera$ .

The Poker Shrink, Vol 12 - 5nderlying 8e(ression

&)to%er 2;, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

There is a lot of de$ressio" i" the $oker +orld these da s. Dve" more the" usual. # +ould like to suggest toda that ever o"e i" the $oker )ommu"it $a atte"tio" to themselves a"d to their $oker )ohorts, %uddies a"d $als. De$ressio" )a" "ot o"l affe)t our game0 it )a" affe)t our life a"d es, it )a" take a life. =li"i)al de$ressio" is a state of i"te"se sad"ess, mela")holia or des$air that has adva")ed to the $oi"t of %ei"g disru$tive to a" i"dividual's so)ial fu")tio"i"g a"d:or a)tivities of dail livi"g. Although a lo+ mood or state of de(e)tio" that does "ot affe)t fu")tio"i"g is ofte" referred to as de$ressio", )li"i)al de$ressio" is a $s )hologi)al diag"osis a"d is differe"t from the ever da mea"i"g of @%ei"g de$ressed@. QWiki$ediaR #f ou or someo"e ou k"o+ is or ma %e )li"i)all de$ressed, the most im$orta"t a)tio" ou )a" take is to get hel$ or get them hel$. &" the other ha"d, +hat +e all "ormall )all @%ei"g de$ressed@, +hile "ot as serious is still a ver u")omforta%le +a to live our life. 1urthermore, )ommo" de$ressio" )a" lead to )li"i)al de$ressio" if "ot dealt +ith. De$ressio" of either t $e is "ot somethi"g ou )a" (ust @s"a$ out of.@ #t's )aused % a" im%ala")e of %rai" )hemi)als, alo"g +ith other $h si)al a"d me"tal fa)tors. Poker is a game of highs a"d lo+s, +i"s a"d losses. To$ tour"ame"t $la ers e*$erie")e a @failure rate@ +ell i" e*)ess of 405. Dver $la er o" the $la"et has had a ru" of %ad )ards. Losses are $art of the game. De$ressio" is "ot.

Losi"g more mo"e tha" ou )a" afford0 losi"g to su))essive ru""er, ru""er %ad %eats0 %u%%li"g i" et a"other tour"ame"tS"o"e of these are goi"g to make ou feel good a%out the state of our $oker game. -ei"g sad is a reaso"a%le res$o"se to these eve"ts, %ei"g u"ha$$ , a"gr , frustratedN.all a))e$ta%le huma" rea)tio"s. .o+ever, a )o"ti"ued state of de$ressio" is "ot o"l u"health a"d i"a$$ro$riate0 it )a" also %e a +ar"i"g sig" of dee$er trou%le ahead.

<ight "o+ ma" se)tio"s of the $oker )ommu"it are a %it de$ressed % the effe)ts of the L"la+ful #"ter"et Kami"g D"for)eme"t A)t. Pla ers are losi"g a))ess to a fu" ho%% or eve" a lu)rative (o%. Poker media are losi"g (o%s0 o"li"e i"vestors are losi"g $ortfolio value. >es it is de$ressi"g0 these are "ot good times for $oker. -ut +hat to do, 1irst, talk to someo"e. The +orse effe)t of de$ressio" is isolatio". >ou are "ot alo"e a"d ou sim$l must rea)h out to those ou trust, those ou love a"d those i" the same %oat ou are i". #f ou k"o+ of someo"e ou eve" thi"k might %e de$ressed, rea)h out to them "o+ a"d rea)h out agai" tomorro+. Some of the saddest +ords ou +ill ever hear areA @# o"l +ish # had k"o+".@ 8e*t, ou 6or the 7 "eed to get a+a from $oker. Ket out a"d take a +alk. Take a va)atio"0 go to a movie 6"ot <ou"ders7. There is more to life tha" $oker. Take time a+a eve" to the e*te"t of taki"g a set amou"t of time, measured i" da s or %etter +eeks, )om$letel a+a from $oker. Ket some $ers$e)tive o" Life. D*er)ise. We all k"o+ that sitti"g at a ta%le or i" fro"t of a )om$uter s)ree" for e"dless hours is drai"i"g0 the $ositio" 6$arti)ularl i" fro"t of a s)ree"7 )a" also %e addi)tive a"d addi)tio" leads dire)tl to de$ressio". 1i"ish this arti)le a"d go take a +alk, right "o+. Whe" ou )ome %a)k, )all someo"e or %etter et, go a"d see them. ?edi)atio"A Dve" mild, "o"!)li"i)al de$ressio" ofte" res$o"ds to short!term a"ti!de$ressa"t medi)atio". There are literall do/e"s of o$tio"s ou )a" dis)uss +ith our $h si)ia". Do"'t %e afraid to ask for a @short!)ourse@ $res)ri$tio" 6o"e or t+o +eeks7 a"d if the medi)atio" does "ot +ork +ithi" that time, go %a)k a"d get a differe"t $res)ri$tio". We are "ot all $h siologi)all the same a"d some meds +ork for some a"d "ot for others. There is "o shame i" taki"g a $ill for a short!term remed .

The Poker Shrink, Vol 1# - The Psychology o9 a Poker Tournament

8ovem%er 10, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Dver $oker tour"ame"t is differe"t. The stru)tures are differe"t, the $la ers are differe"t a"d )ertai"l the )ards are differe"t. <e)og"i/i"g ho+ a tour"ame"t is differe"t )a" i")rease our )ha")es of maki"g the mo"e . >our $re!game ought to i")lude at least a" a+are"ess of the i"ter"al $s )holog of a $oker tour"ame"t. To fi"d the $s )holog of a tour"ame"t, ask 3uestio"s likeA Wh are $la ers here, Wh are the $la i"g this eve"t, .o+ )a" # use this k"o+ledge to gai" a" adva"tage, Let me illustrate +hat # mea" % the @$s )holog of a tour"ame"t@ % usi"g a )urre"t 8L.D eve"t # have %ee" $la i"g the last several +eeke"ds. The tour"ame"t is Lltimate Poker =halle"ge %ei"g $la ed ea)h +eeke"d at -i"io"s i" do+"to+" Las Cegas. This is a ear!lo"g set of tour"ame"ts, so if ou are goi"g to %e i" Las Cegas i" the )omi"g ear ou might +a"t to )o"sider m a"al sis if ou i"te"d to sit do+" at o"e of these ta%les. So +hat is the i"ter"al $s )holog of this eve"t, Well it is the )om%i"atio" of the -i"io"s )ele%rit "ame a"d the televisio" )overage that gives these eve"ts their u"i3ue $s )holog . 1irst, this is -i"io"s, the origi"al home of the World Series of Poker. Poker tourists ofte" make the trek to do+"to+" Las Cegas to $la at -i"io"s0 the hold four small %u !i" 8L.D tour"ame"ts ever da . -ut the $oker tourists are also there +he" the H390 Lltimate Poker =halle"ge eve"ts go off o" the +eeke"ds, the see the $erma"e"t televisio" fi"al ta%le set!u$, the see the $revious da s eve"t %ei"g ta$ed, the see the s)atteri"g of $rofessio"al $la ers

i" the LP= eve"ts a"d the ofte" $lu"k do+" their )ash for a seat i" the %igger %u !i" LP= eve"t. 1or that reaso" the Lltimate Poker =halle"ge eve"ts have a ver fish flavor, $arti)ularl i" the earl rou"ds. Juite fra"kl , # have "ever see" so ma" first!timers $la i"g i" this si/e %u !i" eve"t %efore. #de"tif i"g the dead mo"e is eas %e)ause the tell ou @This is m first eve"t@ or the ask a%out the %li"ds ever time the )ome arou"d. 8o+ the $s )hologi)al as$e)ts of su)h a mi* of $la ers re3uire a savv $la er to make ma" su%tle ad(ustme"ts. 1or e*am$le, after a ta%le )ha"ge, # fou"d m self "e*t to a lad +ho asked a%out the %utto" a"d %li"ds ever rou"d. She sim$l )ould "ot @get it@ ho+ the %utto" moved, a"d therefore ho+ the %li"ds moved. T+o seats $ast her +as $rofessio"al 2e""a Games a"d "e*t to him +as the su$er!aggressive tour"ame"t )hi$ leader. Da)h ha"d had a ver differe"t make!u$ of $la ers +ith varied $s )hologi)al reaso"s for their $la . The $s )holog of the eve"t )ha"ged as the da +ore o", $la ers +ere elimi"ated a"d the TC fi"al ta%le loomed ever )loser. These )a" %e ver tough ta%les to $la , tr i"g to isolate that fish a"d avoid the sharks. .o+ever, there +ere still $la ers i" the eve"t +ho had "ot )o"sidered the motivatio"s of the other $la ers. The had "ot )o"sidered the $s )hologi)al as$e)ts of the $la a"d therefore the )ould "ot ma"i$ulate the others $la ers +ith their %ets a"d raises. There is more to the $s )holog of a ta%le or a" eve"t tha" ho+ a %et or raise +ill $rodu)e the desired effe)t i" a $arti)ular ha"d. The ke is ho+ our move +ill affe)t the $arti)ular $la ers i" the ha"d +ith ou. <eadi"g a $la er "eeds to %e do"e re$eatedl duri"g a tour"ame"t, readi"g a ta%le is more )om$li)ated still %ut readi"g the tour"ame"t is eas a"d ou )a" do it %efore the )ards are i" the air. To determi"e the $s )holog of a" give" tour"ame"t, (ust ask ourselfA Wh are $la ers here toda , Wh are the $la i"g this eve"t, .o+ )a" # use this k"o+ledge to gai" a" adva"tage,

The Poker Shrink, Volume 1& - /(timism at the Poker Table

8ovem%er 1;, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Some ears ago # $arti)i$ated i" a stud o" o$timism0 s$e)ifi)all ho+ did a" o$timisti) attitude affe)t the results of various tests a"d games. Latel , # have +o"dered ho+ these results might a$$l themselves to $oker. Let's look at (ust o"e of the results of that stud a"d the" a$$l it to the $oker ta%le. =ollege stude"ts +ere askedA @Are ou likel to s)ore i" the to$ half of our )lass o" this test,@ The" the stude"ts +ho had said the +ere goi"g to s)ore i" the to$ half +ere told the test had %ee" +ritte" to %e ver diffi)ult a"d the +ere asked agai" if the +ould s)ore i" the to$ half. A full ;B5 of the stude"ts "o+ said the +ould %e u"likel to make the to$ half. Dve" though the test +as goi"g to %e more diffi)ult for ever o"e, the stude"ts felt the +ould do +orse. =ha"ge the 3uestio" arou"d a"d tell the stude"ts +ho felt the +ould "ot s)ore i" the to$ half that the test had %ee" made ver eas a"d sure e"ough, "earl ;B5 of those stude"ts felt the +ould "o+ s)ore i" the to$ half. Advertiseme"t

#" the fa)e of a shared adversit 6harder test7 or a shared %e"efit 6easier test7 the stude"ts rated their )ha")es +ithout )o"sideri"g that ever o"e +as taki"g the same test. Their o+" )ha")es should "ot have )ha"ged at all %ut their $er)e$tio" +as that the shared %e"efit or adversit +as affe)ti"g o"l them a"d "ot the e"tire grou$. Let's take that reaso"i"g to the $oker ta%le. >ou have %ee" $la i"g i" a tour"ame"t for several hours at the same ta%le. The $la ers at our e"d of the ta%le have %ee" there the +hole time +ith ou a"d there has %ee" a fair amou"t of )o"versatio". The k"o)kouts all )ame from the other e"d of the ta%le a"d so there +as a %ig tur"over do+" there. A ver large sta)k gets moved i"to o"e of those seats. This "e+ $la er 6O7 is aggressive a"d talkative 6loud7 a"d a %it dru"k. .e immediatel %egi"s ru""i"g over the ta%le a"d +hile he is distra)ted +ith the )o)ktail +aitress or o"e of his %uddies at a"other ta%le, the 3uiet )o"versatio" at @ our e"d@ of the ta%le is a%out him. @A good $la)e to dou%le through@ a"d @gotta %e lu)k to $la that hammered@0 ou k"o+ the )o"versatio" a"d ou k"o+ the situatio". The "e+ $la er re$rese"ts either a shared adversit for the ta%le or a shared %e"efit. -ut $oker is "ot a team game. >et time a"d time agai", +e see $la ers u"derestimati"g their )ha")es of +i""i"g agai"st @O@ +he" i" a ha"d alo"e agai"st him a"d overestimati"g their odds +he" u$ agai"st @O@ a"d o"e of their lo"g term ta%le mates. Someho+ a" i"dividual game %e)omes a team game, almost al+a s +ith u"i"te"ded a"d %ad results for a" $la er +ho loses sight of their i"dividual goals. #"adverte"t soft $la )a" o))ur agai"st the @frie"dl @ $la ers a"d over or u"der aggressive $la agai"st $la er @O@. Wh , The sim$l a"s+er is huma" "ature. The more )om$lete a"s+er is that $oker is "ot life. Des$ite all the $oker meta$hors 6@the should have folded that offer@, @that relatio"shi$ +as "ever goi"g to %e the "uts@7, des$ite the la"guage of $oker %ei"g used i" ever da situatio"s S$oker is a game of i"dividual $la . =oo$eratio" is almost "ever a solid $oker strateg . Letti"g shared %e"efits or eve" )ivilit at the ta%le )ha"ge ho+ ou $la is "earl al+a s a losi"g strateg . Studies have sho+" time a"d time agai" that the average o$timism of a set of )om$etitors i")reases i" the fa)e of a shared %e"efit a"d de)reases i" the fa)e of a shared adversit . -ut $oker does "ot have a @set of )om$etitors@0 ever o"e at the ta%le is a" i"dividual. To the e*te"t that a" @)ommu"it @ feeli"gs at the $oker ta%le )ha"ge our $la i" the slightest, ou have a leak i" our game. &$timism at the $oker ta%le should %e $art of our game a"d maki"g the other $la ers $essimisti) a%out their game should %e too.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 1* - !ood, Psychology and Poker

8ovem%er 29, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

What %etter time tha" the da after Ko%%ler Klutto" to talk a%out food, $s )holog a"d $oker. #f ou do"'t alread k"o+ ho+ eati"g 6or "ot eati"g7 affe)ts our game, the" # have to askA +hat +ere ou thi"ki"g, &r %etter still +hat +ere ou eati"g, Poker tour"ame"ts )a" ofte" i"volve eight or more hours +ith o"l short %reaks a"d limited sele)tio"s for "ourishme"t. So a" o%vious 3uestio" for a" $oker $la er +ould %eA .o+ does hu"ger affe)t m game, &" the fli$ side +ould %e the 3uestio" ho+ does food a"d i" $arti)ular, a %ig meal, effe)t m de)isio" maki"g $ro)ess at the ta%le, 1irst, a 3uestio" or t+o, Do ou have a" )o"siste"t $re$aratio"s ou do %efore a lo"g tour"ame"t, Do ou )o"sider ho+ mu)h rest ou get the "ight %efore, &r ho+ mu)h e*er)ise ou get, #f "ot, the" do"'t +orr a%out ho+ mu)h or ho+ little ou eat, "o %ig deal. #f, ho+ever, ou are serious a%out $la i"g our %est $ossi%le game duri"g a lo"g tour"ame"t the" ou must $la" for rest, slee$, food a"d dri"k. >ou should k"o+ ho+ our me"tal a)uit is shar$e"ed or dulled % food a"d % +hi)h foods. 8ot ever o"e is the same %ut it is a" a%solute guara"tee that +hat ou $ut i" our mouth +ill have a" effe)t o" +hat goes o" i" our %rai" a"d it )a" take less tha" 1B mi"utes for food or dri"k to )ause a sig"ifi)a"t alteratio" i" %rai" fu")tio". >ou sim$l have to $a atte"tio" to ho+ ou feel %efore ou eat a"d i" the several hours after ou take i" "ourishme"t. -lood sugar levels are the first %io!marker to sho+ the effe)ts

of food %ut our e"tire $h si)al self +ill rea)t to food. The lear"i"g )urve is sim$le0 if ou make a" "otes at all o" our $la sim$l add food as a"other )ategor to %e o%served. What did ou eat, +he" did ou eat it a"d ho+ +as our )o")e"tratio", fo)us a"d de)isio"!maki"g hel$ed or hi"dered after the food, sim$le "otes is all ou "eed. 8o+ that takes )are of ou a"d food duri"g a game, ho+ a%out our o$$o"e"ts, Well i" tour"ame"ts there is ofte" a di""er %reak a"d $la is sig"ifi)a"tl affe)ted % the $la er's rea)tio" to the lo"g food %reak. 1irst, as the tour"ame"t a$$roa)hes the di""er %reak, ma" of the short sta)ks +ill %e)ome looser a"d more aggressive. 8o+, ou alread k"o+ that short sta)ks get aggressive +ith lesser a"d lesser holdi"gs as their sta)ks d+i"dle a"d the %li"ds i")rease. A $e"di"g lo"g di""er %reak makes ma" of the short sta)ks eve" more +illi"g to $ush their sta)ks +ith i"ferior holdi"gs. Wh , #t's the $ure $s )holog of havi"g to kill a" hour or more k"o+i"g ou have a short sta)k sitti"g o" the ta%le a"d ma %e o"l o"e more )ha")e to make our move. Short sta)ks do"'t +a"t to @ha"g arou"d@ for a" hour or lo"ger di""er %reak a"d the" )ome %a)k to eve" higher %li"ds a"d %ust out i" five mi"utes. #t's the food e3uivale"t of @Dead ?a" Walki"g.@ -etter to @$ush or go home@ %efore the lo"g %reak rather tha" after. ?a" a tour"ame"t +i""er has $i)ked u$ )hi$s $re i"g o" the starvi"g mi""o+s (ust %efore di""er. Sure, eve" the short sta)ks $i)k u$ %ig ha"ds sometimes, %ut it's the odds a"d tre"ds that over the lo"g term make for )o"siste"t +i""ers. So remem%er, short sta)ks get eve" looser as a lo"g di""er %reak )omes u$ o" the tour"ame"t )lo)k. Gust i" )ase, the short sta)ks at our ta%le are u"a+are of the tour"ame"t stru)ture, it "ever hurts to $oi"t outA @Thirt mi"utes u"til di""erF@ &" the other side of the di""er %reak, ou +ill fi"d a ta%le of +ell fed a"d ofte" dro+s or distra)ted $la ers. -e )areful more )areful here, "ot ever o"e (ust ate a full turke di""er +ith all the holida fi*i"gs. Some $la ers take a +alk or eve" )at)h a 3ui)k sho+er duri"g the %reak. 2"o+ th self a"d th stoma)h %ut +at)h out for the $la er +ho k"o+est themselves too. 8o+ is there a" $um$ki" $ie left,

The Poker Shrink, Vol 1: /riginal Position

De)em%er 01, 2006, 0

Su$$ose ou had the $o+er to set u$ all the rules of so)iet . >ou get to %e the )reator of the la+s a"d so)ial )o"ve"tio"s for ho+ ever o"e +ill a)t a"d i"tera)t i" ever as$e)t of life. >ou get to )reate the @so)ial )o"tra)t@ for the +orld. Sou"d good, &2, there is o"e small item # forgot to me"tio"A >ou do"'t get to k"o+ our role i" this +orld u"til after ou make the rules. >ou )ould %e a ri)h retiree0 ou )ould %e a si"gle mom +ith t+o (o%s, a migra"t farm +orker or a re)e"t ?-A graduate +ith a si* figure salar a"d a gorgeous girl:%o frie"d. >ou might +a"t to $o"der this idea for a mome"t0 it is )alled the theor of @&rigi"al Positio"@. Tr googli"g &rigi"al Positio", # re)omme"d the Wiki$edia e*$la"atio". So ho+ does this theor a$$l to $oker a"d $s )holog , Well ou sit do+" at a tour"ame"t ta%le a"d ou k"o+ "o"e of the other $la ers. This is the 'origi"al $ositio"' %ut (ust as ou +ould k"o+ that some rules of )o"du)t +ould %e "e)essar i" )reati"g a so)iet 0 ou also k"o+ somethi"g a%out tour"ame"t $oker. >ou are "ot maki"g u$ the rules of $oker %ut ou should %e )o"stru)ti"g, i" our head, the stru)ture of this ta%le. >ou start maki"g reads eve" %efore the )ards are i" the air. # am suggesti"g that our origi"al $ositio" )ould %e defe)tive a"d hi"deri"g our a%ilit to +i" the tour"ame"t. So ou %ri"g to the ta%le some %asi) @k"o+"s@ a%out $oker $la ers i" ge"eralA +eak, tight, fish, $ro et). >our (o% is to +i" the tour"ame"t a"d to do that ou "eed to read these u"k"o+" $la ers % %uildi"g o" our %asi) k"o+ledge of $oker $la ers a"d the i"formatio" ou )olle)t duri"g the $la is used to modif our origi"al $ositio". .ere )omes the $ro%lemA .o+ to se$arate ge"eral k"o+ledge of the game from s$e)ifi) i"formatio" o" i"dividual

o$$o"e"ts at the ta%le. 1or e*am$leA the lad i" seat eight. >ou $erha$s %egi" +ith the $ositio" that female $oker $la ers te"d to %e +eak!tight a"d eas to $ush off a $ot % )omi"g over the to$. This is, after all, a H200 %u !i", that ai"'t A""ie Duke do+" there i" seat eight. &" the other ha"d, are ou a%le to )ha"ge that read as $la $rogresses or is our origi"al $ositio" harde"ed i"to some sort of $oker truth that ou )a"'t modif %ased o" the $la at the ta%le, .oldi"g to a ge"eralit o" i"dividual $la ers is a mistake made % la/ $la ers +ho do "ot fo)us o" maki"g reads %ased o" the ta%le a)tio". 8o+ all of this seems fairl straightfor+ard, at least # ho$e it does, ou read the ta%le ou %uild u$ $la er $rofiles %ased o" +hat a)tuall ha$$e"s duri"g the tour"ame"t. -ut "o+ let's tur" to the ver esse")e of the $s )hologi)al )om$o"e"t of &rigi"al Positio" theor . >ou do "ot k"o+ +ho ou are or +hat our status is %efore ou e"ter the are"a. #" other +ords ou might "ot +a"t to assume ou are the %est $la er at the ta%le0 (ust as ou also ma "ot +a"t to assume ou are dead mo"e . >our develo$i"g a"al sis o" this little si"gle ta%le so)iet should i")lude a read o" ourself a"d our $ositio" i" the ta%le's food )hai". Assumi"g a" thi"g a%out our skills or a%ilities i" the mi* of these other )om%ata"ts %efore the )ards are dealt +ill i"evita%l $reve"t ou from formi"g a )orre)t vie+ of the e"tire $la i"g field. >ou are o"e of te" or "i"e or eight mem%ers of this little +orld a"d )orre)tl $la)i"g ourself i" the order of thi"gs +ill allo+ ou to see ourself as other see ou a"d that ma %e the %est $ositio" for a" $oker $la er.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 1; The $natomy o9 Tilt

De)em%er 0E, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

#t does"'t matter if it's the fi"al ta%le of the ?ai" Dve"t of World Series of Poker or a H2:H9 game at our lo)al )asi"o0 $la ers go o" tilt. We have all see" ?ike ?atuso+ lose it at the ta%le a"d +e have see" the dru"k, i"ter"et +i/ go %allisti) +he" the )lueless $la er i" seat t+o su)ks out o" a ru""er, ru""er. The 3uestio" is +h , Wh do +e all, at o"e time or a"other, lose our )ool at the $oker ta%le, Wh do some $la ers tilt less a"d others go off at the slightest do+"tur", Wh , # got to thi"ki"g a%out this the other "ight +he" # $la ed a tour"ame"t at the Ce"etia". &" the first ha"d, %efore ever o"e +as eve" seated, # had $o)ket Juee"s i" the small %li"d a"d the %utto" +as dealt $o)ket Ga)ks. .e ma"aged to %lo+ off t+o!thirds of his sta)k % over$la i"g the Ga)ks a"d +e"t o" u%er!tilt. .e thre+ his )ards at the dealer for five straight ha"ds u"til she )alled him o" it a"d the" he argued +ith her. .e %asi)all %rooded a"d %it)hed for the %etter $art of a" hour a"d "earl got tossed % the floor for overall %ad %ehavior. 1ortu"atel , he eve"tuall took a +alk a"d the" got a mira)le river )ard to sta i" the tour"ame"t, )alm do+" a"d eve"tuall talk +ith me at duri"g the se)o"d %reak. This +as a fairl good $oker $la er +ith "o )o"trol of his emotio"s.

So # got to +o"deri"g, is it (ust the )ards or is there somethi"g else goi"g o" +he" $la ers tilt, This %egs the more sim$listi) 3uestio"A Wh do $la ers get a"gr , A"d eve" more sim$l A Wh does a" o"e get a"gr , A"ger is a" a$$ro$riate $s )hologi)al rea)tio" to $er)eived da"ger. As +e %e)ame more )ivili/ed the da"ger )ha"ged from sim$l $h si)al da"ger to the more su%tle $er)eived da"ger

of la"guage. We get a"gr +he" +e are i"sulted or +e feel slighted or ridi)uled. &r +e feel a"ger +he" our religio" or ra)e or (o% or thoughts are )halle"ged or %elittled. &fte" a"gr )omes as a result of mis$er)e$tio" or misi"ter$retatio" of someo"e's +ords or a)tio"s. At other times +e get a"gr sim$l +he" thi"gs do"'t go our +a . This +ould seem to %e the )ase at the $oker ta%le +he" %ad )ards or @%ad $la @ $uts a $la er o" tilt. .o+ever, $s )hologi)al studies have sho+" for ears that a"ger 6a"d i" this )ase tilt7 o"l o))ur +he" there are )ertai" fa)tors alread i" $la)e +ithi" a $erso" %efore the a)tual trigger i")ide"t o))urs. We all k"o+ @a"gr @ $eo$le. There are amo"g us those $erso"s +hose i"itial res$o"se to the +orld is a"ger. These are usuall males a"d if ou +ere lu)k the +ere some%od else's dad. -ut these e*treme e*am$les of a" a"gr $erso" give us the )lues to +h a" o"e, of a" tem$erame"t, goes o" tilt. The %asi) 3uestio" ou have to ask ourself a%out tilt isA Wh did # get a"gr , .ere are the most )ommo" $re)ursors to tilt at the $oker ta%leA 17 >ou are $la i"g +ith mo"e ou )a""ot afford to lose. This +as the )ase +ith our tilt%o at

the Ce"etia", he had to go %orro+ the re%u HB0 from a frie"d at a"other ta%le. .e )learl should "ot have %ee" i" the tour"ame"t +ith his last H12B a"d he do"ked off most of his )hi$s o" the first ha"d. Kood situatio" for getti"g a"gr %ut "ot +he" ou k"o+, as +e all do, that ou )a""ot $la our @A@ game o" tilt.

27 >ou +ere alread a"gr %efore ou got to the ta%le. The "ast %ehavior has more to do +ith our girlfrie"d "ot +a"ti"g ou to $la or our %oss %ei"g a (erk esterda tha" a" thi"g that ha$$e"s at the $oker ta%le. <emem%er the old adageA Leave our emotio"s at the door. 37 >ou misu"dersta"d the game a"d thi"k our o+" @skill@ should make u$ for the variatio" i" the )ards. This is )ommo"l k"o+" as the Phil .ellmuth fa)torA @#f it +ere"'t lu)k, # +ould +i" ever tour"ame"t.@ 8o o"e a"d # mea" "o o"e +i"s ever ha"d or ever ra)e. T+o outers ha$$e". A good solid $oker $la er u"dersta"ds that the u"derdog +i"s sometimes or the odds +ould %e 100 to 0 a"d "o o"e +ould ever gam%le. 97 >ou are a" a"gr $erso" % "ature a"d tilt is (ust a +a to a)t out our de)idedl misera%le vie+ o" life. Ket some hel$. Life is too short to s$e"d it mea" a"d a"gr . #" the alter"ative!! sta a+a from m ta%le. ? rate is H200 a" hour, H900 if ou are a" a"gr )lie"t. L"til "e*t +eekA Tilt Less, Wi" ?ore, a"d D"(o #t A Lot ?ore.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 1< - 7ad 7eha-ior

De)em%er 1B, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

'The $ri)e o"e $a s for $ursui"g a" $rofessio" or )alli"g is a" i"timate k"o+ledge of its ugl side.' !!Games -ald+i" # +as readi"g a" arti)le re)e"tl i" +hi)h Li"da Goh"so" )omme"ts a%out %ad %ehavior at the $oker ta%le. She's agai"st it, a"d i" fa)t so am #. -ut +hat 6if a" thi"g7 do $la ers do a%out it, A"d should the , Juite fra"kl , if ou %elieve that the %ehavior of others $la ers at the ta%le does "ot affe)t our $la the" # +ill suggest that ou are $la i"g the +ro"g game. Some of the +orst %ehavior # have ever see" at a $oker ta%le +as do"e to tilt the other $la ers. Disti"guishi"g %et+ee" %ad %ehavior as $s )hologi)al gamesma"shi$ a"d (ust ig"ora"t $la er:dealer a%use is a skill +orth i")or$orati"g i"to our game a"d $ro%a%l a skill ou alread have %ut ma "ot %e usi"g to the %e"efit of our game. Advertiseme"t

As far as gamesma"shi$ goes +e )ould )ite ?e" 'The ?aster' 8gu e" or the ever $o$ular ki"g of %ad %ehavior Phil .ellmuth, alo"g +ith hu"dreds of i"ter"et +a""a%es. 8o+ +hether the $o+ers i" $oker +a"t to regulate this t $e of %ehavior is reall a 3uestio" for ea)h tour,

ea)h )asi"o a"d ea)h $la er to have a" o$i"io" o", +rite a rule to e"for)e or (ust talk e"dlessl a%out +hile the dealer shuffles u$ for the "e*t ha"d. # $erso"all fi"d su)h %ehavior to %e tra"s$are"t a"d # either ig"ore it or eve" %etter use it o" the $la er i" a sort of reverse $s )holog . Let me give ou a" e*am$le. There is a $arti)ular semi!$ro $la er +ho stares at other $la ers +ith a look that )ould s)are a four ear old. .e also seems to make some $oker $la ers u"eas +ith his dark s)o+l. This $ast ear i" Tu"i)a he tried the @fa)e@ o" me a"d # lau")hed i"to the follo+i"g s$ee)hA @Does that have a" effe)t at all o" a" o"e %ut our dog, >ou a)tuall thi"k ou are goi"g to get a read o" me %e)ause ou look at me +ith that Ph llis Diller fa)e, >ou )a" look all ou +a"t this ha"d is mi"e a"d ou "eed to fold that ragged to$ $air.@ # sa+ him tr the @fa)e@ o" a"other $la er +ho immediatel %roke out i"to a re"ditio" of @>ou got the )utest little %a% fa)e.@ #" %oth )ases the S)o+ler )alled a"d i" %oth )ases he lost the ha"d. Kamesma"shi$ is $art of the game0 +hether ou use it or it is used o" ou de$e"ds o" ho+ ou $re$are for it %efore ou get to the ta%les. &utright %ad %ehavior also ha$$e"s at the $oker ta%les a"d ou should also %e $re$ared for it0 agai" to the %e"efit of our game. #f rude"ess or dealer a%use )ha"ges our game i" a" +a the" ou "eed to ste$ u$ to the situatio". #f ou )a" let it go a"d allo+ the floor to ha"dle the situatio" the" do that0 %ut +e all k"o+ that floor staff are "ot al+a s 3ui)k or de)isive i" deali"g +ith $la ers +ho are out of li"e. So +hat do ou do +he" a $la er disru$ts our ta%le a"d our game, 1irst, it is im$orta"t to remem%er that the a%usive $la er is affe)ti"g our game a"d our e"(o me"t. The ke reaso" $la ers are (erks or %lo+hards at the ta%le is to get others to "ot take them o" i" ha"ds. Sure the ma %e dru"k or ma have take" a %ad %eat or t+o %ut it's a )ard game "ot surger , the shuttle lau")h or eve" a $utt to +i" The ?asters. ? first suggestio" is to have the dealer )all the floor. 8oti)e # did "ot sa ou should )all the

floor0 ou +a"t the dealer to do it. >ou a))om$lish several thi"gs +ith this $ro)edure. 1irst, the dealer is em$o+ered to re$ort the a%use, +hi)h the should. Se)o"d, the a%usive $la er a"d ever o"e else at the ta%le +ill k"o+ ou "ot o"l ha"dle ourself +ell at the ta%le %ut ou also +ill "ot take a" a"gle shooti"g moves from a" o"e. >ou )o"trol the ta%le % )alli"g out the a%usive $la er +ithi" the rules a"d esta%lish ourself as a $la er "ot to %e take" lightl . The a%usive $la er has a)tuall give" ou a" o$$ortu"it to gai" a" edge sim$l % doi"g somethi"g ever o"e else +ishes the had the )ourage to do. Poker is a su%tle $s )hologi)al game, ever edge ou )a" take hel$s.

The Poker Shrink, Vol= 23 - >ea-e ,our 0motions at the 8oor?or 2ot@
De)em%er 22, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

>ou've heard it said at the ta%le do/e"s of times0 +he"ever a $la er goes o" tilt ou thi"k it ! ever $oker %ook me"tio"s itA @Leave our emotio"s at the door of the $oker room.@ Kreat advi)e %ut )om$letel im$ossi%le. >ou might as +ell ask a $la er to leave their %rai" at the door. We are % "ature emotio" lade" )reatures. >ou )a"'t leave our emotio"s at the door. Like most folks %its of advi)e there is truth to %e fou"d i" the ge"eral idea %ut let's take a look at ho+ our emotio"s )a" +ork for ou as +ell as agai"st ou at the $oker ta%le. A $la er goes o" tilt0 the (ust @go off@ after a %ad %eat or a mo"ster su)k out. What )omes "e*t, The do"k off the rest of their )hi$s0 the ver%all a)t out at the dealer or a"other $la ers0 the take a +alk a"d shake it off. There are lots of +a s to rea)t to tilt %ut the 3uestio" remai"sA Wh tilt i" the first $la)e, The a"s+er to that 3uestio" usuall )a" %e fou"d i" the a"s+er to this 3uestio"A 'What +as alread goi"g o" +ith that $la er %efore the sat do+" at the $oker ta%le,' The ma(orit of ta%le tilts ha$$e" %efore the $la er ever gets to the ta%le. .e")e, the advi)eA @Leave our emotio"s at the door.@ Si")e +e realisti)all )a""ot ever do that )om$letel 0 let's tr some %etter or at least differe"t advi)e. 17 The "e*t time ou tilt0 do a $ost!game a"al sis of the tilt (ust like ou do the $ost!game o" our $la . Sure, ou rethi"k the over!the!to$ move +ith the AJs %ut ou do"'t )o"sider the loss of fo)us +he" ou lose to the AGo )aller, >our rea)tio", our tilt, is (ust as mu)h a $art of

our game as $la i"g suited )o""e)tors u"der the gu". #f ou look at our "egative res$o"ses to a %ad %eat, ou +ill i"varia%l see that it )osts ou )hi$s a"d )osts ou mo"e .

27 8oti)e ho+ other $la ers rea)t to a %ad %eat. .o+ does that gu sta"d u$ a"d sa A @8i)e ha"d, Sir@ after someo"e hits a ru""er!ru""er o" him, .is rea)tio" is emotio"al, (ust as mu)h as slammi"g the ta%le or thro+i"g the )ards %ut +ho do ou thi"k has a %etter )ha")e of $la i"g the "e*t ha"d u"der )o"trol,

37 <eall , trul u"dersta"d that someo"e hitti"g a three!outer o" the river agai"st ou +ill ha$$e" a%out ;5 of the time. A 435 )ha")e to +i" still mea"s ou lose sometimes.

97 Pre$aratio" for the %ad %eats is su%sta"tiall more )riti)al to our overall su))ess at $oker tha" is ho+ ou riffle our )hi$s at the ta%le. Whi)h of these t+o have ou s$e"d more time o", This is "ot ro)ket s)ie")e %ut it is huma" s)ie")e. The ke to huma" s)ie")e is o%servatio". Ps )hologists, so)iologists, a"thro$ologists all rel o" o%servi"g huma" %ei"gs i" their "atural state. #f ou are havi"g $ro%lems +ith tilt or +ith our emotio"s at the ta%le the" o%serve $la ers +ho do "ot have that $ro%lem. What are the doi"g, What are the "ot doi"g, .o+ are the a)ti"g a"d rea)ti"g %efore the %ad %eat, The ke to usi"g our emotio"s to our %e"efit is $re$aratio" a"d o")e ou have our emotio"al state at a $erfe)t $it)h for our $oker game the" ou +ill %e a%le to move to the more adva")ed lesso"sA Lsi"g others less tha" o$timal emotio"al states to $ut them o" tilt a"d i")rease our +i""i"g $er)e"tage. -ad %eats ha$$e" %ut the resulti"g tsu"ami should s+ee$ a+a ours. our o$$o"e"ts )hi$s ! "ot

The Poker Shrink, Vol 21 -- Problem Poker) Part 6

De)em%er 24, 2006, Dr. Tim Lavalli

1or the "e*t several +eeks # am goi"g to take u$ the issue of ' roblem oker.' We +ill )over +hat heath )are $rofessio"als sa a%out $ro%lem gam%li"g i" ge"eral a"d +e +ill take a look at some e*am$les of '$ro%lems' amo"g %oth re)reatio"al a"d $rofessio"al $oker $la ers. ?ost im$orta"tl , # +ill attem$t to tra"slate the ge"erali/ed issues of $ro%lem gam%li"g i"to la"guage a"d e*am$les that illustrate the differe")es that ' roblem oker' $rese"ts0 $ro%lems that are u"i3ue to the +a $oker is $la ed a"d a%used % $oker $la ers. Ps )hologi)al a"d %ehavioral issues arou"d $oker are "ot s "o" mous +ith those issues addressed % the literature o" gam%li"g i" ge"eral. @ roblem oker@ is a u"i3ue set of $erso"al a"d so)ial %ehaviors0 re)og"i/i"g them +ill %e %e"efi)ial to our e"(o me"t of the game a"d the health a"d +ell!%ei"g of ourself a"d our $oker $la i"g frie"ds a"d famil . -efore ou sto$ readi"g this arti)le %e)ause @ ou do"'t have a $ro%lem +ith $oker@ # +ould like ou to )o"sider this. >our goal at the $oker ta%le is to +i" mo"e . &"e +a +e all k"o+ to +i" more mo"e is to have a read o" a"other $la er. #f there are $la ers +ith roblem oker issues at our ta%le, the" readi"g them a"d k"o+i"g ho+ the +ill $la %e)ause the have a $ro%lem mea"s ou )a" out$la them. # k"o+ it sou"ds mer)e"ar to use someo"e's $ro%lem to take their )hi$s %ut ou +ill e*$loit ever other tell or +eak"ess to gai" a" adva"tage, +h "ot this o"e, A"d if ou do"'t someo"e else at the ta%le +ill. So ou $ro%a%l do"'t have a oker roblem, +hi)h mea"s this series of arti)les )a" o"l make ou mo"e . 8o, "o do"'t tha"k me. #" all of m $revious +riti"g o" $oker, # have avoided a" me"tio" of $ro%lem gam%li"g a"d roblem oker. #t has %ee" m o$i"io", u$ u"til "o+, that there +as $le"t of literature,

e"ough %ooks, +e%sites a"d E00 "um%ers to )over the issues fa)ed % those $la ers +ho @have a $ro%lem.@ <e)e"tl , ho+ever, # have )ha"ged m mi"d as more a"d more $eo$le have asked me 3uestio"s a%out this dark side of $oker. These 3uestio"s have )ome from m frie"ds a"d )olleagues %oth $oker $la ers a"d "o" $la ers. Cer re)e"tl the 3uestio"s have %egu" to )ome from the $la ers themselves. # su$$osed +he" ou $ut ourself out there as @+he oker ,hrink@ these 3uestio"s are i"evita%le %ut +he" a $rofessio"al $oker $la er +hose "ame is re)og"i/a%le to the e"tire $oker +orld asked me some ver $oi"ted 3uestio"s a fe+ +eeks %a)k, # de)ided it +as time to address the issue of roblem oker. #f ou do a +e% sear)h o" @gam%li"g@ ou are goi"g to get a lot of hits for @$ro%lem gam%li"g,@ "ot so for a sear)h o" @$oker.@ We do"'t hear a lot a%out roblem oker. # thought # +ould start % taki"g some time to address the u"i3ue issues that hau"t the dark side of $oker toda . This +ill take a )ou$le of +eeks to full e*$lore %ut # +ould suggest that if ou read these "e*t fe+ arti)les +ith a" o$e" mi"d ou +ill re)og"i/e a frie"d or $oker %udd i" these des)ri$tio"s. >ou ma eve" see a %it of ourself i" these e*am$les. Poker is a great game, it's so)ial a"d e"tertai"i"g. Poker $rese"ts a $rofou"d set of )halle"ges to a +ide ra"ge of a"al ti) a"d so)ial skills. Poker is i"deed a game that takes a mome"t to lear" a"d a lifetime to master. Poker is also gam%li"g a"d all of the holier!tha"!thou )riti)ism +e all hear from famil a"d self!righteous frie"ds a"d %us !%od do!gooders has some %asis i" fa)t. The fa)t is that huma" "ature leads some $eo$le to have addi)tio"s of all ki"ds a"d $oker )a" %e o"e of those addi)tio"s. #t +ould serve us +ell to "ot hide from this fa)t of our "ature. So let's start +ith addi)tio". Addi)tio" is a me"tal or $h si)al disorder $re)i$itated % a )om%i"atio" of ge"eti), %iologi)al:$harma)ologi)al a"d so)ial fa)tors. Addi)tio" is )hara)teri/ed % the re$eated use of su%sta")es or %ehaviors des$ite )lear evide")e of "egative )o"se3ue")es arisi"g from the %ehavior. 8oti)e the terms @$harma)ologi)al@ a"d @su%sta")es@, addi)tio" is too ofte" thought to %e o"l those %ehaviors asso)iated +ith drugs, al)ohol or other i"gesti%les, like to%a))o. &fte" other @addi)tio"s@ are referred to % the less severe termA @de$e"de")ies@. ?a" $eo$le, %oth $s )holog $rofessio"als a"d la $erso"s, "o+ feel that +e should %e s$eaki"g of $s )hologi)al addi)tio" i" su)h areas as gam%li"g, food, se*, $or"ogra$h , )om$uters, +ork, e*er)ise a"d eve" sho$$i"g. #f the first ste$ i" a @)ure@ is admitti"g there is a $ro%lem0 the" the first ste$ i" addressi"g roblem oker is ide"tif i"g the %ehavior. Whether +e )all it a" addi)tio", a )om$ulsio" or a de$e"de") 0 it is the "egative )o"se3ue")es that )learl defi"es the %ehavior. >ou do"'t have

a" issue +ith roblem oker if ou do"'t have a" "egative )o"se3ue")es from $la i"g $oker. -ut +e all k"o+ there are $la ers +ith %ig oker roblems.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 22 - Problem Poker) Part 66) .hat is 6t 0%actlyA
Ga"uar 0B, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

-.d *ote) +o read the introduction of this series, check out roblem oker) art () 'n (ntroduction/ So the 3uestio" arisesA Are roblem oker a"d $ro%lem gam%li"g "ot the same issue, Dve" more s$e)ifi)all , do"'t most gam%lers have multi$le $ro%lems, Are"'t the %etti"g o" s$orts a"d $la i"g )ra$s or %la)k(a)k a"d $la i"g $oker, #" ma" )ases the a"s+er is, of )ourse, es. .o+ever, +ould ou sa that someo"e +ho has a" al)ohol $ro%lem has the same addi)tio" as someo"e +ho )om$ulsivel overeats, &r eve" more $oi"ted, is the a%use of al)ohol the same if its @o"l o" the +eeke"ds@ % someo"e +ith a (o% a"d a famil versus someo"e +ho is a" @o" the street@ +i"o, The su%tleties that surrou"d a" addi)tio" are +orth "oti)i"g +he" treatme"t a"d )are or )ures are the goals. So let's take a detailed look at some of the %asi) i"formatio" o" $ro%lem gam%li"g a"d see ho+ roblem oker is the same a"d ho+ it is differe"t. The ke )om$o"e"t that disti"guishes $oker from other forms of gam%li"g is sim$l that +he" ou $la $oker ou are "ot $la i"g agai"st the house. Poker ma "ot legall %e a game of skill %ut does "ot have a" i"here"t @edge@ to the house. #" )asi"o, )ardroom or o"li"e $oker the @house@ )olle)ts a fee for ru""i"g the game %ut the )om$etitio" is amo"g the $la ers seated at the ta%le. #t is this ke fa)tor i" $oker that makes the issues of roblem oker differe"t

from other forms of gam%li"g. Pro%lem gam%li"g is gam%li"g %ehavior +hi)h )auses disru$tio"s i" a" ma(or area of lifeA $s )hologi)al, $h si)al, so)ial or vo)atio"al. The term @$ro%lem gam%li"g@ i")ludes, %ut is "ot limited to, the )o"ditio" k"o+" as @$athologi)al@, or @)om$ulsive@ gam%li"g, a $rogressive addi)tio" )hara)teri/ed % i")reasi"g $reo))u$atio" +ith gam%li"g, a "eed to %et more mo"e more fre3ue"tl , restless"ess or irrita%ilit +he" attem$ti"g to sto$, @)hasi"g@ losses, a"d loss of )o"trol ma"ifested % )o"ti"uatio" of the gam%li"g %ehavior i" s$ite of mou"ti"g, serious, "egative )o"se3ue")es. Qderived from the Ameri)a" Ps )hologi)al Asso)iatio" defi"itio"R Live $oker is differe"t. &ther $la ers 6other $eo$le7 must +it"ess our losses0 there is more tha" a mere %etti"g sli$ to toss a+a . To lose )o"siste"tl a"d heavil at a $oker ta%le re3uires maki"g %ad de)isio"s i" $u%li) over a"d over agai" a"d goi"g i"to our +allet over a"d over agai". There is a ver $u%li) fa)e to $la i"g $oker, +hi)h is +h ma" $la ers e")ou"ter their %iggest losses o"li"e. The i"ter"et has %rought $ro%lem gam%li"g i"to our homes a"d offi)es a"d has made it fa)eless. Pushi"g a %utto" is mu)h easier a"d addi)tivel a"o" mous. 1or the a)tio" (u"kie, eve" %ei"g a ma"ia) i" a $oker room mea"s o"l 30 ha"ds a" hour. &" the i"ter"et $la ers )a" e"ter 10 or 20 games simulta"eousl . The adre"ali"e high of multi$le ta%les is a fas)i"ati"g a"d frighte"i"g addi)tio" to %ehold. roblem oker is almost "ever see" as a" isolated live a)tio" $he"ome"o"0 there are either other gam%li"g as$e)ts, su)h as s$orts %etti"g a"d other ta%le games or there is a" o"li"e )om$o"e"t. ?a" e*$erts thi"k that $athologi) gam%li"g is a" addi)tio" %e)ause of the @rush@ ou feel +he" ou +i" a"d lose mo"e . #" tour"ame"t $oker eve" the %est $la ers i" the +orld lose more tha" 4B5 of the time. #" ha"d for ha"d live a)tio" games, ou )a" $la ever ha"d %ut it's a guara"teed losi"g $ro$ositio" a"d still ma "ever %e e"ough a)tio". -ut %e o"d the @rush@ of +i""i"g a"d %e o"d the )ash of +i""i"g, $oker "o+ offers a"other addi)tive $ri/e. With the adve"t of televisio", $oker "o+ offers )ele%rit . &ther tha" Gimm the Kreek, "ame a famous gam%ler, &2, "o+ "ame fiftee" famous $oker $la ers. #f ou have )ome to Poker8e+s.)om a"d ou have read this far !! "ame te" more famous $oker $la ers. 8o $ro%lem, rightF 1ame, )ele%rit as +ell as fortu"e are "o+ there for a" o"e to have, sim$l % $la i"g $oker a"d eve" if ou do"'t a)tuall +i" the World Series, ou )a" $la at the ta%le +ith Goh"" =ha" or =hris ?o"e maker or Kreg <a mer. #ts fame, its fortu"e, its drug, se*, ro)k!"!roll, its $okerF Addi)tio" %ehavior "eeds a goal a"d a fo)us. The @rush@ is )learl o"e t $e of drug, so is fortu"e, a"d so too is fame. roblem oker

8e*t +eek, more o" the u"i3ue )hara)teristi)s of roblem oker.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 2# - Problem Poker) Part 6V) 8iagnosis

Ga"uar 1E, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Toda +e have t+o differe"t sets of 3uestio"s used to diag"ose a 'gam%li"g $ro%lem.' # have t+eaked the 3uestio"s to a$$l to $oker a"d have follo+ed ea)h set of 3uestio"s +ith some )omme"ts of m o+". Test T1A T+e"t Juestio"s 6=ou"t the @ es@ a"s+ers7 1. Did ou ever lose time from +ork or s)hool due to $oker, 2. .as $la i"g $oker ever made our home life u"ha$$ , 3. Does $oker $la i"g affe)t our re$utatio", 9. .ave ou ever felt remorse after $la i"g, B. Do ou ever $la $oker to get mo"e +ith +hi)h to $a de%ts or other+ise solve fi"a")ial diffi)ulties, 6. Does $oker ever )ause a de)rease i" our am%itio" or effi)ie") , ;. After losi"g did ou feel ou must retur" as soo" as $ossi%le a"d +i" %a)k our losses,

E. After a +i" did ou have a stro"g urge to retur" a"d +i" more, 4. Do ou ofte" $la $oker u"til our last dollar +as go"e, 10. Do ou ever %orro+ to fi"a")e our %a"kroll, 11. .ave ou ever sold a" thi"g to fi"a")e our $oker $la i"g, 12. Are ou relu)ta"t to use our @$oker %a"kroll@ for "ormal e*$e"ditures, 13. Does $oker ever make ou )areless of the +elfare of ourself or our famil , 19. Do ou ever sta at the ta%le lo"ger tha" ou had $la""ed,

1B. .ave ou ever $la ed $oker to es)a$e +orr or trou%le, 16. .ave ou ever )ommitted, or )o"sidered )ommitti"g, a" illegal a)t to fi"a")e our %a"kroll, 1;. Does $oker $la i"g or thi"ki"g a%out $oker )ause ou to have diffi)ult i" slee$i"g, 1E. Do argume"ts, disa$$oi"tme"ts or frustratio"s )reate +ithi" ou a" urge to $la , 14. Do ou ever have a" urge to )ele%rate a" "o"!$oker good fortu"e % $la i"g a fe+ hours of $oker, 20. .ave ou ever )o"sidered self destru)tio" or sui)ide as a result of our $oker $la i"g, Seve" @ es@ a"s+ers is )o"sidered a $ro%lem, 3uite fra"kl o"e @ es@ to T20 is e"ough. &" the other ha"d, some of these fairl sta"dard 3uestio"s are dou%le!edged s+ords. Take T12, for e*am$leA if ou kee$ our $oker %a"kroll se$arate from our livi"g e*$e"ses the" kee$i"g them se$arate, e*)e$t i" a famil emerge") , a)tuall makes good fi"a")ial se"se. 8um%er T19A >es sometimes ou do sta at a lu)rative ta%le lo"ger tha" ou had $la""ed, as lo"g as ou are "ot missi"g our kid's %irthda $art 6or %irth7N. Well ou get the $i)ture0 if ou said @8o@ to all of these the" ou $ro%a%l do"'t a)tuall $la $oker. -ut if ou or someo"e ou k"o+ does hit the seve" or eight @ es@ a"s+er threshold0 it ma %e time to re)o"sider the game. .ere is a"other list that is a %it more refle)tive. The 3uestio"s are "ot so easil a"s+ered @ es or "o@ %ut )o"sider the @s3uirm fa)tor@ as ou read the 3uestio"s. The more u")omforta%le ou feel +ith ea)h 3uestio", the more time ou should take to a"s+er ho"estl a"d thoroughl . Test T2A @Pro%lem@ %ehavior as i"di)ated % five 6or more7 of the follo+i"gA 1. Preo))u$atio" +ith $oker 6e.g., $reo))u$ied +ith relivi"g $ast $oker e*$erie")es, $la""i"g the "e*t game, or thi"ki"g of +a s to get mo"e for our %a"kroll e*)lusivel 70 2. 8eed to $la $oker +ith i")reasi"g limits, %u !i"s or stakes to i")rease the e*)iteme"t0 3. .avi"g made re$eated u"su))essful efforts to )o"trol, )ut %a)k or sto$ $la i"g0 9. -ei"g restless or irrita%le +he" attem$ti"g to )ut do+" or sto$ $la i"g0 B. Pla i"g $oker to es)a$e from $ro%lems or of relievi"g a @do+"@ mood 6e.g., feeli"gs of hel$less"ess, guilt, a"*iet or de$ressio"70 6. After losi"g mo"e at the ta%le, retur"i"g to get eve" 6)hasi"g o"e's losses70 ;. Lies to famil mem%ers, thera$ist, or others to )o")eal the e*te"t of i"volveme"t +ith $oker 6+hether +i""i"g or losi"g70 E. .as )ommitted illegal a)ts su)h as forger , fraud, theft, or em%e//leme"t to fi"a")e %a"kroll0 4. .as (eo$ardi/ed or lost a sig"ifi)a"t relatio"shi$, (o%, or edu)atio"al or )areer o$$ortu"it

%e)ause of $oker 6@the (ust do"'t u"dersta"d@70 10. <elies o" others to $rovide mo"e to relieve a des$erate fi"a")ial situatio" )aused % losses0 This se)o"d list is a %it tougher to +iggle a+a from. The esse"tial fa)tor to a" diag"osis )omes do+" to the %asi)sA #s $oker 6a game7 i"terferi"g +ith our life 6"ot a game7. 8e*t +eek, after the diag"osis of roblem oker, there is treatme"t.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 2& - Problem Poker) Part V) Treatment /(tions
Ga"uar 26, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

>ou have heard it said a thousa"d timesA #f ou )a"'t s$ot the fish at our ta%le i" the first te" mi"utes, the" the fish is $ro%a%l rou"d of %li"ds, the" it's $ro%a%l ou +ith the $ro%lem. ou. Let's look at that a"other +a A #f ou )a"'t s$ot the roblem oker $la er at our ta%le i" the first

>ou k"o+ i" ever medi)al s)hool )lass there is o"e do)tor!i"!trai"i"g +ho hears ea)h "e+ set of disease s m$toms a"d immediatel %elieves the have that ill"ess. 1or others the )ould"'t diag"ose their o+" ill"ess if their life de$e"ded o" it. So ho+ ma" of ou have read the first four $arts of this series a"d have diag"osed all of our %uddies as havi"g a @ oker roblem@, As # said at the %egi""i"g, +e are all huma", +e all have addi)tive te"de")ies. -ut re)og"i/i"g our o+" follies, foi%les a"d faults is ofte" e*tremel diffi)ult. ? addi)tio"s are )ho)olate a"d $oker $la i"g redheads from Te*as %ut it took ears of thera$ a"d %u i"g sto)k i" .ershe 's to re)og"i/e those addi)tio"s i" m self. # am $o+erless over )o)oa %ea"s a"d gumdro$s. Advertiseme"t

Gust as there are ma" addi)tio"s, so too are there ma" levels of oker roblems a"d as ma" treatme"ts a"d )ures as there are i"dividuals +ho $la . &" the @eas fi*@ e"d of the s)ale is someo"e +ho has read these arti)les, re)og"i/ed their $ro%lem a"d has (ust )losed all of their o"li"e a))ou"ts a"d go"e %a)k to )oa)hi"g so))er. 8i)e ha"d, SirF 1or others the )ure is "ot so eas . Let's look at the mi"dset, or i" some )ases 'mi"d games' that are the )e"tral eleme"t of ma" roblem oker issues. #f ou )a" over)ome these u"fortu"atel +ides$read %eliefs, ou are half+a home to resolvi"g our $ro%lem. Poker $la ers ofte" %elieve their $la i"g a%ilities to %e su$erior to other $la ers des$ite )o"siste"t evide")e 6losses7 to the )o"trar . Poker gives evide")e sessio" % sessio" that ou are +ro"g i" our %eliefs, ou lose a"d lose agai". >et the )om$ulsio" is fueled % a "o"!evide"tiar %elief that +e are %etter. @#t's (ust a ru" of %ad )ards.@ &r @#t's (ust o"e %ad %eat after a"other.@ =e"tral to the $ro%lem a"d treatme"t of $athologi) gam%li"g is hel$i"g the $atie"t over)ome irratio"al thoughts. Pathologi) gam%lers %elieve the have the a%ilit to )o"trol ra"dom or )ha")e eve"ts % rel i"g o" su$erstitious %ehavior or methods. Dve" +he", as i" $oker, these su$erstitio"s are that t+o!outer su)k!outs +ill ha$$e" for ou, %ut "ever agai"st ou. Treatme"t goals for $atie"ts +ho are $athologi) gam%lers or $atie"ts +ho are %ei"g treated for $ro%lems like al)oholism te"d to %e similar i" that the fo)us o" restori"g a "ormal +a of thi"ki"g a"d livi"g to $atie"ts. A variet of a$$roa)hes are used i" the treatme"t of the $athologi) gam%ler. ?odeled after Al)oholi)s A"o" mous, Kam%lers A"o" mous is the $rimar self!hel$ grou$ a"d uses a 12!ste$, a%sti"e")e!%ased treatme"t $rogram. The effi)a) of Kam%lers A"o" mous has "ot %ee" demo"strated i" )o"trolled studies a"d, u"like al)oholism, some resear)hers have dis)overed that )om$lete a%sti"e")e from gam%li"g ma "ot %e "e)essar for su))essful treatme"t. 8o+ several readers have )omme"ted that givi"g someo"e i"formatio" like this 6 ou reall do"'t have to 3uitF7 is )ou"ter!$rodu)tive to hel$i"g those +ith roblem oker issues. .o+ever, # must $oi"t out that +hile Kam%ler's A"o" mous does hel$ some $ro%lem gam%lers, the $rogram does "ot have the su))ess that Al)oholi)s A"o" mous does a"d the t+o $ro%lems are "ot )orrelated +ith a" $roved s)ie"tifi) studies o" treatme"t. Dri"ki"g to e*)ess a"d gam%li"g to e*)ess do "ot have the same root )auses a"d therefore ma "ot %e treata%le % the same methods for all $atie"ts. A )urre"t a"d +idel dissemi"ated theor is that $eo$le e"gage i" gam%li"g %e)ause it has the )a$a)it to )reate e*)iteme"t. We are %a)k agai" to the idea of the @rush@ ma" $la ers feel at the ta%les. #" our i")reasi"gl )o"trolled %utto"ed!do+" so)iet +e ofte" seek %ehaviors

a"d distra)tio"s that i"volve risk!taki"g. <isk!taki"g is rei"for)ed % the emotio"al e*$erie")es that follo+, su)h as relief from %oredom, feeli"gs of a))om$lishme"t, a"d the @rush@ asso)iated +ith seeki"g e*)iteme"t. 1or ma" i"dividuals the mere a)k"o+ledgme"t that the are seeki"g relief from the ordi"ar is suffi)ie"t for them to re)og"i/e their risk! taki"g %ehavior a"d re!)ha""el that %ehavior a+a from a $ro%lem area. We do"'t all "eed ears of thera$ or grou$ sessio"s0 ofte" +e sim$l "eed to sto$, look a"d o%serve our a)tio"s to see the error of our +a s. -ei"g @addi)ted@ to H2:H9 limit hold'em is $ro%a%l "ot a oker roblem for most of us. #t is sim$l a so)ial issue or (ust outright %oredom. Pla i"g the H900:HE00 +ith the mi"imum %u ! i" +hi)h re$rese"ts our e"tire %a"kroll is a" e"tirel differe"t issue a"d a horse of a differe"t )olor. Pla i"g the H90 tour"ame"t duri"g our +eeke"d i" Las Cegas +hile ti$$i"g the +aitress HB for our seve"th Ga)kI=oke is re)reatio"al $oker0 doi"g that duri"g the HB0,000 .&<SD eve"t at the World Series is either )om$letel )om$ulsive roblem oker or the +a to get $u%li)it for our soo" to %e $u%lished %ook. We are all i"dividuals a"d (udgi"g ourselves or someo"e else agai"st +hat is @"ormal@ is al+a s $ro%lemati) %ut the first ste$ i" i"terve"tio" or treatme"t al+a s remai"s the sameA Do ou have a $ro%lem, =a" ou see it is a $ro%lem, Do ou +a"t to do somethi"g a%out it, 8e*t +eek, +e look at the Professio"al side of roblem oker.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 2: - Problem Poker) V66) Some !inal Thoughts
1e%ruar 04, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

&ver the $ast si* arti)les # have attem$ted to outli"e some of the issues, fa)ts a"d treatme"t alter"atives for those $oker $la ers +ho are deali"g +ith the s$e)trum of )o"se3ue")es of roblem oker. There are a fe+ fi"al )omme"ts a"d o%servatio"s # +a"t to add to +ra$ u$ this series. Whe" # started this series # $oi"ted out that roblem oker is a term +e do "ot hear a lot a%out %ut +he" +e do it te"ds to %e attri%uted to ma" more $la ers tha" it a)tuall effe)ts. Poker is a ver i"teresti"g game a"d is $la ed a"d "ot a%used % the over+helmi"g ma(orit of $arti)i$a"ts. Demo"i/i"g or $athologi/i"g $oker $la i"g is sim$l a" overrea)tio". # also have said that huma"s are % "ature $ote"tial addi)ts, this is true of all of us at all times. .o+ever, most of us )o"trol our addi)tive a"d )om$ulsive %ehavior a"d should "ot, i" a free so)iet , %e su%(e)ted to restri)tio"s o" our %ehavior %e)ause some mi"orit of $la ers might have a $ro%lem deali"g +ith self!restrai"t, res$o"si%ilit a"d i"deed freedom itself. A))ordi"g to the Ameri)a" Ps )hiatri) Asso)iatio"A @Kam%li"g is "either a fi"a")iall "or a $s )hologi)all risk!free e*$erie")e. #" additio" to the $ossi%ilit that gam%lers +ill lose their mo"e , the also risk e*$erie")i"g a variet of adverse %iologi)al, $s )hologi)al, a"d so)ial )o"se3ue")es from gam%li"g.@ # am "ot goi"g to disagree +ith this stateme"t %ut # +ould like ou to )o"sider thisA @Life is "either a fi"a")iall "or a $s )hologi)all risk!free e*$erie")e. #" additio" to the

$ossi%ilit that a $erso" +ill lose their mo"e , freedom, health or eve" their life0 the also risk e*$erie")i"g a variet of adverse %iologi)al, $s )hologi)al, a"d so)ial )o"se3ue")es from livi"g.@ # ho$e # have made m $oi"t. Poker is a" e"(o a%le re)reatio"al a)tivit $arti)i$ated i" +ithout harm m millio"s of i"dividuals +orld+ide. The )ost of $la i"g $oker should %e ke$t i" $ers$e)tive as +ould the e*$e"se of a" other re)reatio" or ho%% . Kam%li"g is "ot more or less i"here"tl addi)tive tha" se*, +ork, e*er)ise, eati"g or $la i"g the sto)k market. There are )ertai" thi"gs i" life that are more addi)tive tha" others. .eroi" is addi)tive for ma" $eo$le, so is to%a))o a"d ma" other su%sta")es. -ehaviors, o" the other ha"d, are far less addi)tive tha" drugs a"d %ehavioral addi)tio"s are a matter of )hoi)e for the over+helmi"g ma(orit of huma"s. Pla i"g $oker a"d havi"g issues +ith roblem oker are for 44.45 of us, a )hoi)e +e make. There is a differe")e %et+ee" Pathologi)al Kam%li"g or =om$ulsive Kam%li"g a"d Pro%lem Kam%li"g. There is a differe")e %et+ee" )om$ulsivel $la i"g $oker a"d havi"g a $ro%lem +ith $oker. Does the differe")e matter, A%solutel , esF We all have $ro%lems at o"e time or a"other0 $art of livi"g is deali"g +ith $ro%lems that arise. A+are"ess is the ke to re)og"i/i"g a $ro%lem %efore it %e)omes a )om$ulsio" or a" addi)tio". =alls to $ro%lem gam%li"g toll free "um%ers (um$ dramati)all +he" the ads o" DSP8 ru" duri"g the WS&P %road)asts0 "ot sur$risi"gl that is +hat advertisi"g is su$$osed to do. #"ter"et gam%li"g "o+ a))ou"ts for E5 of those )alls. -ut here are some statisti)s that ofte" go u"der!re$orted. Less tha" 15 of $ro%lem gam%li"g issues that rise to the level of $rofessio"al )are i"volve $la i"g $oker. As high as 1B5 of )alls to gam%li"g hotli"es are made % famil a"d frie"ds +ho are )o")er"ed a%out the moralit of someo"e's gam%li"g a"d "ot "e)essaril a%out a" a)tual gam%li"g $ro%lem. # %ri"g u$ these "um%ers a"d these thoughts i" m fi"al arti)le o" roblem oker o"l to reem$hasi/e that the high risk i"volved i" $la i"g $oker is almost )om$letel attri%uta%le to i"dividuals alread at risk for )om$ulsive gam%li"g %ehavior. The risks of roblem oker are "ot i"here"t i" the game %ut i" the $s )hologi)al make!u$ of some i"dividuals +ho $la it.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 2; - The !undamental $ttribution 0rror

1e%ruar 16, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Whe" a" resear)her studies huma" %ei"gs, the are attem$ti"g to dis)over @+h @ somethi"g ha$$e"s 6or $erha$s @+h @ somethi"g does"'t ha$$e"7. Therefore, it is im$orta"t to dis)over the sour)e of the %ehavior, the reaso" or reaso"s that somethi"g o))urs. &f )ourse, +hat +e are tr i"g to do is get it right0 to a)tuall dis)over +h a $erso" a)ts the +a the do %ut ofte" times the resear)her gets it +ro"g. The "um%er o"e reaso" a resear)her gets somethi"g @+ro"g@ is that eve" as a trai"ed o%server +e attri%ute the out)ome to some a)tio" or thought or feeli"g that is, i" fa)t, "ot the )ause of the result. #" $s )hologi)al resear)h this is ofte" a mistake made %e)ause +e thi"k +e have o%served the )ause of some eve"t that +as either i"ter"al to our su%(e)t 6@i" their head or heart or soul@7 or $erha$s +e o%serve the $erso" rea)ti"g to someth"g e*ter"al to them out there i" the %ig +ide +orld. -asi)all , +e get the +ro"g ')ause' li"ked u$ +ith the right 'effe)t'. .ere is a $oker e*am$leA A $la er u"der the gu" lim$s +ith $o)ket 2i"gs. The flo$ )omes E;2 rai"%o+, our ')o+%o lim$er' %ets out a"d gets t+o )allers. The tur" is a"other E a"d our lim$er goes for the takedo+" a"d gets reraised all!i" % the gu +ith the E;o %oat. The 22 $la er lame"ts his @%ad lu)k@. .e attri%utes his loss to a" e*ter"al fa)torSlu)k a"d $erha$s to the do"ke $la of the E;o $la er. -ut +e all k"o+ +hat the real )ause is, right, We k"o+ the @lu)k@ i"volved )a" %e dire)tl attri%uted to lim$i"g +ith $o)ket 2i"gs. #f ou make the a$$ro$riate raise the" the E;o folds a"d @lu)k@ "ever )omes i"to $la . The $la er i" this e*am$le has made +hat +e )allA The 1u"dame"tal Attri%utio" Drror. .e has tied the outsome of the ha"d to a" e*ter"al fa)tor 6lu)k7 rather the" a" i"ter"al fa)tor 6de)isio" to lim$ +ith 2i"gs7.

The 1u"dame"tal Attri%utio" Drror is a $rett straightfor+ard )o")e$t, +hi)h has %ee" su$$orted i" )ou"tless studies a)ross all t $es of %ehaviors. Dsse"tiall , +hat it mea"s is that i"dividuals have a te"de") to attri%ute other $eo$le's %ehaviors to i"ter"al rather tha" e*ter"al )auses. =o"versel , es$e)iall +he" deali"g +ith )hoi)es or %ehaviors that have a "egative out)ome, $eo$le have a te"de") to attri%ute their o+" %ehaviors to e*ter"al rather tha" i"ter"al )auses. QWiki$ediaR ?ore sim$l $ut, +e thi"k the %ad stuff that ha$$e"s to us is "ot our fault a"d +e te"d to thi"k the e*a)tl the o$$osite +he" someo"e else does the same thi"g. So our ')o+%o lim$er' a%ove +ould o%serve that a" o"e else lim$i"g +ith a %ig $air is maki"g a %ad $la a"d is therefore a %ad $la er %ut +he" the $la er himself does it, the result is attri%uta%le to %ad lu)k. #" $oker, this )a" tra"slate to $la ers assumi"g that a" o$$o"e"t is a +eak or $oor $la er +he" he or she makes some de)isio"s that tur"s out u"favora%l , +hi)h mea"s that a reall good move % a"other $la er, +hi)h should $ut ou o" "oti)e that the $la +ell0 does, i" fa)t, make ou thi"k the $la $oorl +he" the $la does"'t +ork. #f it's a good move, it's a good move0 regardless of the out)ome. The 1u"dame"tal Attri%utio" Drror is a" error i" thi"ki"g. We are seeki"g i"formatio" at all times at the $oker ta%le %ut +he" +e fi"d it, the" +e "eed to )orre)tl $la)e it i" the )o"te*t of the game. The %ad results )ome +he" +e %e)ome less o%(e)tive %oth i" evaluati"g our o+" $la a"d i" estimati"g the stre"gths of our o$$o"e"ts. A"d like so ma" as$e)ts of $oker, this o"e )a" %e used agai"st ou % a trul gifted $la er. Let me give ou a" e*am$leA &"e %us "ight i" the KoldStrike $oker room i" Tu"i)a, # +as $la i"g a HB:H10 game +aiti"g for a tour"ame"t to start. A $la er # re)og"i/ed took the seat o" m left. 8o+, # k"e+ this $la er a"d # k"e+ he +as slummi"g at these limits. .e regularl $la ed mu)h higher limits %ut he too +as +aiti"g for the tour"ame"t a"d this +as (ust a" @o$e" seat@ to kill some time. .e $la ed five of the first si* ha"ds dealt to him, lost them all a"d sho+ed margi"al or dra+i"g ha"ds that should have %ee" folded. Withi" the "e*t t+o rou"ds, he took do+" several $ots of over H200 ea)h. As he raked i" the last $ot, he tur"ed to me a"d saidA @>ou sho+ these %o s a fe+ %ad ha"ds +he" ou first sit do+" a"d the +ill $a ou off the rest of the "ight.@

.e might "ot have %ee" a%le to "ame the 1u"dame"tal Attri%utio" Drror %ut he sure k"e+ ho+ it +orked. .e gave the ta%le ever reaso" to la%el him a +eak $la er a"d the all a$$lied the la%el0 the" he s+it)hed u$ his game a"d the did "ot )ha"ge their assessme"t of him. At the ta%le al+a s seek i"formatio" a%out our o$$o"e"ts %ut al+a s %e fle*i%le e"ough to

)ha"ge it as "e+ i"formatio" is a)3uired. At the ta%le a"d a+a from the ta%le, al+a s assess a"d reassess our o+" $la a"d +e +illi"g to admit +he" it reall is ou a"d "ot the )ards or our o$$o"e"ts maki"g the +eak $la s. The u$side of u"dersta"di"g the 1u"dame"tal Attri%utio" Drror is that +he" ou %e)ome )lear a%out +he" it is our $la a"d +he" it is our o$$o"e"t's $la %e)ause ou have a lot more i"formatio" a%out them. 8o+ (ust %e sure that there is"'t some sl devil at our ta%le +ho has also read this arti)le. >ou k"o+ that he k"o+s that ou k"o+ he k"o+s too.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 2< - Psychological $s(ects o9 Table Talk) Part /ne
1e%ruar 23, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

There are literall a do/e" $ote"tial arti)les o" the $s )holog of ta%le talk. Toda # +a"t to deal +ith ta%le talk a"d floor )alls. <emem%er that a good $oker $la er +ill %e $a i"g atte"tio" to ever thi"g that is said at the ta%le. Dver thi"g i")ludes i"tera)tio"s +ith the dealers a"d floor staff. Let's take a look at a" e*am$le that ha$$e"ed (ust last eve"i"g. # +as $la i"g i" a lo+ %u !i" tour"ame"t +he" the follo+i"g i")ide"t o))urred. A first time $la er +as i" the --, it +as the third rou"d of %li"ds a"d he had o"l large )hi$s i" his sta)k, so he $ut out a B00 to )over the 100 %ig %li"d. While the a)tio" +as still at the far e"d of the ta%le, he asked the dealer for his )ha"ge for the %li"d. She re$liedA @#'ll get that +he" the a)tio" )omes to ou.@ A mid!$ositio" $la er raises to B00 a"d +he" the a)tio" gets to the --, the dealer sa sA @&2, there +e go, +ould ou like to )all,@ The -- $la er sa sA @>es@ %ut the" rea)hes for )hi$s to raise a"d sa sA @# +a"t to raise.@ The dealer gets a stri)ke" look a"d $ro$erl )alls for the floor a"d retells the stor %ut relates it this ma""erA @The $la er saidA @# )all.'@ The floor rules the a)tio" sta"ds at a )all. 8o+ this little stor +ould %e over had "ot a"other $la er at the ta%le s$oke" u$A @D*)use me, +hile # agree +ith our ruli"g,@ he said to the floor @that is "ot ho+ the a)tio" took $la)e.@ As he told the )orre)t )hai" of eve"ts a"d the dealer got that same stri)ke" look agai"0 the floor liste"ed, $o"dered a"d the" $ro$erl a$oligi/ed for the dealer's ver%al dire)tio" to the $la er

%ut agai" ruled that the )all stood as the %lig %li"d's a)tio". #"teresti"g floor situatio" %ut it's the ta%le talk that +e +a"t to address. A" o"e +ho did "ot alread k"o+ that the $la er i" the -- +as a first time amateur "o+ k"e+ it for sure. ?ore im$orta"tl , ever o"e also k"e+ that the $la er +ho s$oke u$ +asA a7 A k"o+ledgea%le $la er0 %7 A fair $la er0 )7 A $la er +ho k"o+s the rules d7 A $la er +ho follo+s the a)tio" )losel We )a" a"d should assume that this $la er has "o+ raised his ta%le image %ut, of )ourse, the 3uestio" is +as that somethi"g he +a"ted to do, <emem%er ever a)tio" at the ta%le is %ei"g o%served, (udged a"d used % other $la ers i" assessi"g our $la . Was this small floor )all a sig"ifi)a"t e"ough eve"t for this $la er to give a+a all of this i"formatio" a%out himself, 8o+ )ertai"l the $la er ma have +ished to esta%lish his image, i" +hi)h )ase, missio" a))om$lished. All too ofte", ho+ever, $la ers give a+a u""e)essar i"formatio" a%out themselves +he" the rule should %eA 'The less the k"o+ the %etter.' Thi"k a%out this the "e*t time a floor )all is made at our ta%le, if ou do"'t "eed to %e i"volved $erha$s ou should"'t. Do $a atte"tio" to +ho s$eaks a"d +hat the sa a"d i" $arti)ular to +ho makes the floor )all. Ke"erall , it is the dealer +ho )alls the floor %ut did the dealer )at)h the $re)i$itati"g i")ide"t or did a"other $la er, .o+ did the $la ers rea)t to the floor )all a"d the floor de)isio", Did someo"e go o" tilt +he" the )all +e"t agai"st them, Did someo"e get a"gr a"d dema"d the floor i" the first $la)e, a"d it the did, +ere the reall a"gr or +as this some ki"d of a)t to esta%lish a 'Do"'t mess +ith me' ta%le image. Dver thi"g that ha$$e"s at the ta%le is +orth taki"g i" a"d addi"g to our a"al sis of our o$$o"e"ts. Do"'t take a %reak +he" the floor is )alled0 "ot +he" free i"formatio" is a%out to %e give".

The Poker Shrink, Vol 33 - There is Psychology and then there is Psychology
?ar)h 02, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Sometimes its %etter to make our $oi"t ver 3uietl a"d other times ou +ill %e a lot more su))essful maki"g a +hole lot of "oise. Last +eeke"d # got a ver i"teresti"g lesso" i" $s )holog at the $oker ta%le a"d u"like so ma" of the lesso"s +e get at the ta%les, this o"e did"'t )ost me a" thi"g, i" fa)t, # made four hu"dred dollars (ust for %ei"g 3uiet. # +as $la i"g a H2:H9 "o limit hold'em ri"g game at o"e of the $oker rooms o" the Las Cegas stri$. The room # +as $la i"g i" s$reads H2:H9 "o limit a"d H1:H2 "o limit games. # have fou"d that the H2:H9 game is mu)h more $rofita%le, sim$l %e)ause it has less %a"kroll s+i"gs for m st le of $la . &%viousl other st les of $la do "ot $erform as +ell i" this game or # +ould "ot %e maki"g a stead $rofit at there. &" this "ight it +as )lear fairl earl that the other $la er at the ta%le +as seated do+" o" the far e"d i" seat seve". .e a)k"o+ledged m first %ig ha"d +ith a +r smile a"d he "oti)ed that # got out of the +a of a smooth sto$!"!go move that made him a si/ea%le $rofit. .e talked amia%l +ith his e"d of the ta%le a"d # +as m "ormall 3uiet self at m e"d. .e k"e+ +hat # +as doi"g, # k"e+ his $la" a"d +e +ere %oth )o"te"t to "ot tres$ass o" ea)h other's $ots. Let's )all him Arthur. Soo", ho+ever, a "ear% H1:H2 game %ega" to heat u$. #f the did"'t have their o+" )o)ktail +aitress, the should have. Several of the $la ers k"e+ ea)h other a"d )learl the H200 ma*imum %u !i" +as "ot a" issue for ma" of the $la ers. The game +as loud a"d getti"g louder0 the $ots +ere %ig a"d getti"g %igger. Soo", Arthur +as +alki"g over to +at)h them gam%le +he" he +as out of the ha"d at our ta%le. =learl , he +as hat)hi"g a $la". After

o"e mo"strous a"d loudl )o"tested ha"d, # +aved the %rush over a"d 3uietl re3uested a ta%le )ha"ge to that ta%le. A%out fiftee" mi"utes later t+o of the more relu)ta"t $la ers at the @%ig ta%le@ +ere %usted o" a ru""er!ru""er su)kout a"d the floor )ame % a"d told %oth Arthur a"d m self that our seats +ere availa%le. Arthur gave me a sur$rised look0 he had "ot see" me re3uest the ta%le )ha"ge. While maki"g the ta%le s+it)h, Arthur saidA @# "oti)e ou te"d to %e ver 3uiet at the ta%le.@ A"d # re$liedA @>es a"d that +ill )o"ti"ue.@ As +e hit the ta%le Arthur +as )alli"g for the )o)ktail +aitress a"d orderi"g a @Dou%le Ga)k a"d =oke.@ # 3uietl sli$$ed i"to m seat do+" at the other e"d. # am sure # +as the o"l o"e +ho "oti)ed that he $la)ed his order +ith the same +aitress he had had a )o"versatio" +ith a fe+ mi"utes earlier %a)k at our old ta%le0 the same +aitress he had ti$$ed ver ge"erousl . Whe" she arrived +ith his dri"k a"d he immediatel ordered a"otherA @2ee$ them )omi"g, darli"'.@ # +as also the o"l o"e +ho +ould have give" odds that there +as a lot of =oke a"d "o Ga)k i" those dri"ks. Arthur had his $s )hologi)al $la" to im$leme"t a"d # had mi"e. ?i"e +orked eve" %etter +ith Arthur (oi"i"g i" the fu" a"d $la i"g lots of $ots. -ut +he" he raised to H90 a"d got three )allers %efore # made it H200 all!i", he +as the o"l o"e +ho folded his )ards to m $o)ket a)es. A"d +he" he had re%ought o")e a"d made a flat HE0 )all of a H20 o$e" a"d H90 raise, # tossed m $o)ket $air i"to the mu)k %e)ause # k"e+ Arthur had fou"d his ha"d. After he took do+" a" HE00U $ot, he took a stroll a"d +he" he )ame %a)k m seat +as em$t . # +at)hed from outside the $oker room as he $la ed a"other rou"d, folded ever ha"d a"d the" made a falsel dru"ke" e*it +ith a H600 $rofit for a" hour's +ork. Arthur had his $s )hologi)al read o" +hat it +ould take to make that o"e %ig ha"d a"d he +as +illi"g to gam%le H200 to fi"d it. # had m read o" the ta%le a"d u"der the disguise of Arthur's a)t, # o"l had to i"vest HB0 to )olle)t m H900 $rofit. .is read +as great0 mi"e +as good %ut give" a %ig assist % the loud $seudo!dru"k at the far e"d of the ta%le. Wat)h )arefull the "e*t time ou see o"e of those shark sho+s o" the Travel =ha""el0 +at)h for the %arr)uda $i)ki"g u$ the %ig leftover )hu"ks of fish. There are all ki"ds of $s )holog to %e em$lo ed at the ta%les0 this +as a tale of (ust t+o of them.

The Poker Shrink - Vol 31 - $bsolute Threshold and Signal 8etection Theory
?ar)h 04, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

A%solute threshold is a ver s$e)ifi) $s )hologi)al a"d se"sor term. A%solute threshold refers to the smallest i"te"sit of a stimulus that has to %e $rese"t for the stimulus to %e dete)ted. The most )ommo" e*am$le of this i"volves se"sitivit to heat. Thi"k of a" ele)tri) %ur"er o" a stove. >ou $la)e our ha"d o" the %ur"er a"d the" tur" it o" lo+. At first ou +o"'t feel a" thi"g %e)ause it is takes time for the )oils to heat u$. Dve"tuall it +ill get +arm e"ough for ou to dete)t heat0 there is some tem$erature that is (ust hot e"ough for ou to "oti)e it. #" this )ase our a%solute threshold is the $oi"t at +hi)h it is (ust hot e"ough for ou to dete)t the $rese")e of the heat. 8o+ for someo"e else the a%solute threshold )ould %e higher or lo+er0 soo"er or later. #" $s )holog su)h a variatio" i" $er)e$tio" or feeli"g is referred to as a threshold.

A threshold sim$l im$lies that there are differe"t levels of res$o"se or $er)e$tio" to )ertai" stimuli, +hi)h varies amo"g $eo$le. We all have differe"t levels of res$o"se to heat, light, sou"d, )olor a"d do/e"s of other se"sor i"$uts. >our $arti)ular res$o"se or $er)e$tio" of a stimulus is our threshold. #t is $ossi%le to measure +he" ou %e)ome a+are of somethi"g a"d ofte" our a+are"ess $re)edes our )o"s)ious re)og"itio" of the stimulus. >ou k"o+ +he" someo"e sa sA @The "oise from those fluores)e"t lights is drivi"g me )ra/ .@ >ou had"'t eve" "oti)ed the a""o i"g %u// %ut "o+ that someo"e has me"tio"ed it, ou )a"'t sto$ heari"g it. Did ou a)tuall "ot hear the "oise %efore, &r +as our a%solute threshold for the "oise reset,

&2, +hat's the a$$li)atio" of a%solute threshold to $oker, Cer sim$le. >our skills of o%servatio" at the ta%le "ot o"l )a" %e im$roved %ut )a" a)tuall %e reset. This mea"s that ou )a" dete)t a"d utili/e more vital i"formatio" from our o$$o"e"ts % resetti"g our threshold of a+are"ess. There is a"other i"teresti"g )o")e$t i" $s )holog )alled sig"al dete)tio" theor +hi)h sa s that our a%ilit to o%serve is "ot a" a%solute 3ua"tit %ut rather de$e"ds o" situatio"al a"d motivatio"al fa)tors. Sim$le e*am$le, ou lear" more a%out our $oker ta%le o$$o"e"ts +he" ou are $a i"g atte"tio" a"d are "ot tired, distra)ted or dru"k. Seems o%vious %ut +ait there is somethi"g mu)h more su%tle a"d valua%le to our game a"d our %a"kroll goi"g o" here. Let's sa that ou are looki"g at the $la er i" seat t+o +he" he ta%les his A2o to $i)k u$ a $ot, +hi)h is to sa ou are +at)hi"g the a)tio" i"stead of the )o)ktail +aitress as she +alks a+a from the ta%le. -e)ause ou are +at)hi"g the ta%le, ou also hear the $la er i" seat seve" sa A @Pla ed %ig sli)k a %it faster that time.@ A"d the seat t+o $la er res$o"dsA @Well # +as i" earl $ositio" this time.@ 8o+ ou have three $ie)es of i"formatio" i"stead of o"e a"d ou have also reset our threshold to a higher level to re)eive more i"formatio". .o+, .ere is the $oi"t. A%solute threshold )a" %e reset to re)eive more i"formatio" 6@to feel the heat soo"er@7 sim$l % $a i"g atte"tio". Sig"al dete)tio" is e"ha")ed % $a i"g atte"tio" to more i"formatio" a"d the a%ilit to remem%er the i"formatio" a"d a))ess it later i" the game is also i")reased % %oth $a i"g atte"tio" a"d havi"g more i"formatio" availa%le. 8oti)e that "o+here have +e me"tio"ed remem%eri"g the i"formatio" or stori"g the memor . #" fa)t, studies have sho+" that +ith a%solutel "o attem$t to i")rease memor or use a" memor tri)ks +hatsoever, a" i"dividual +ill re)all more i"formatio" sim$l % $a i"g )loser atte"tio" to eve"ts as the u"fold. The additio"al i"formatio" a)tuall makes ou more se"sitive to more su%tle )lues ou +ould have missed $reviousl . - resetti"g our thresholds higher, ou remem%er more of +hat ou see a"d hear eve" +ith "o )o"s)ious effort o" our $art to save those memories. #t is a $rove" fu")tio" of threshold %ehavior that as ou make more refi"ed o%servatio"s, ou sim$l retai" more i"formatio". The sim$l truth at the $oker ta%le isA 'Pa i"g Atte"tio" Pa s'.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 32 - >uck or VarianceA Magic or MathA

?ar)h 16, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Gust ho+ mu)h lu)k is there is $oker, # have stood +ith some of the %iggest "ames i" $oker a"d heard them toss out "um%ers like B05 or 105. ?ore )om$li)ated a"s+ers ofte" sou"d like @405 short term %ut o"l B5 lo"g term@ or @a lot more toda +ith all the do"ke s i" the game@. -ut "ot o")e have # heard a" of the great $la ers, or average $la ers or eve" a si"gle 1rida "ight fish give the o"l , the o"e a"d o"l )orre)t a"s+er to this 3uestio". So +hat is this ultimate a"s+er, +here is no such thing as luck in poker0 There is varia%ilit a"d varia")e %ut ou k"o+ a"d # mea" ou k"o+ that over time it all eve"s out0 ou k"o+ ou +a"t the do"ke )alls all da , ever da 0 eve" though a four!outer o" the river +ill sometimes k"o)k ou out of a tour"ame"t. 1rom a $s )hologi)al $ers$e)tive # +a"t to argue that a" %elief i" lu)k is detrime"tal to our %a"kroll a"d to our a%ilit to $la @A@ game. -efore # make m argume"t, let's take a" e*am$le of +hat some )all lu)k or %ad lu)k a"d +hat should %e )orre)tl ide"tified as varia")e. >ou k"o+ +hat varia")e is right, # 3uote ?ike =aroA @A measure of the s$read of a statisti)al distri%utio" a%out its mea" or )e"ter. With res$e)t to $oker, the distri%utio" of our results over a set of ha"ds or sessio"s, or the s+i"gs i" a $ositive or "egative dire)tio" of )ash flo+. The greater the varia")e, the +ilder the s+i"gs0 the lo+er the varia")e, the more likel a give" sessio" results +ill %e )lose our

to o"e's average result.@ 8o+ if ou $la $erfe)t statisti)al $oker the" our varia")e +ill %e %ased o" the times that the @odds@ or the @distri%utio" of results@ go agai"st ou. &r +hat some +ould )all @%ad lu)k@ for ou a"d @good lu)k@ for our o$$o"e"t. 8o+ to our e*am$leA >ou a"d o"e o$$o"e"t are all!i" o" the tur", the )ards are tur"ed over, ou are ahead a"d our o$$o"e"t has four outs. What does this mea" statisti)all , Well i" a B2 )ard de)k ou )a" see E )ards 69 o" the %oard a"d 2 ea)h i" 2 ha"ds7, so there are 99 u"see" )ards a"d 9 of them +i" for our o$$o"e"t a"d lose for ou. Statisti)all +ill +i" 90 times out of 99 or 10 out of 11 times. So "o reaso"a%le $erso" should disagree that o" average 1 time i" 11 the +ill lose i" this situatio". Ask a" good $oker $la er if the are +illi"g to risk their tour"ame"t o" a 10 to 1 dra+ a"d the +ill sa A @>esF@ Dver si"gle time. The 3uestio" is sim$le, do ou sa es to this $ro$ostio" ever si"gle time, #f ou do the" ou u"dersta"d varia")e a"d ou re(e)t the fu// logi) of lu)k. 1urthermore, ou u"dersta"d that sitti"g do+" at a $oker ta%le e"gages ou i" a game that is, i" fa)t, gam%li"g a"d ou are doi"g this volu"taril . 8o+ the 3uestio" arisesA Wh does a %elief i" lu)k have a "egative effe)t o" m game, The leak i" our game o))urs "ot +he" ou are u"lu)k 6+he" the statisti)al varia")e goes agai"st ou7 %ut +he" ou are lu)k 6+he" ou are the do"ke "eedi"g the 9 outer or the ru""er, ru""er diamo"ds7. >ou hit our mira)le )ard a"d ou thi"kA @# got so lu)k F@ Wro"gF >ou got our )hi$s i" +ith the +orst of it, ou risked our tour"ame"t o" a 1 i" 10 $la %ut %e)ause ou thi"k @lu)k @ ou do "ot do the a"al sis of @Wh did # do that,@ >ou do"'t lear" from our mistakes, i"stead to +rite off our tour"ame"t survival to @Lu)k.@ Tell the truth, do ou a"al i/e o"l the ha"d ou %ust out o" or do ou look )arefull as the ha"ds +here ou got @lu)k @, #f +e trul lear" from our mistakes the" im$rovi"g our game must i")lude admitti"g our mistakes a"d taki"g a look at them. Do"'t %lame our losses o" lu)k, it +as varia")e. Do"'t )redit our su)kouts to lu)k %ut rather take a good, lo"g hard look at ho+ ou tem$ted varia")e a"d lear" "ot to do that. Ket it i" 10 to 1 "ot the other +a arou"d. ou

The Poker Shrink, Vol 33 - $ccommodation and $ssimilation

?ar)h 23, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

# +a"t to %e ver $re)ise toda +ith the $s )hologi)al )o")e$ts of a))ommodatio" a"d assimilatio". These are similar terms that refer to lear"i"g a"d ad(ustme"t. These are ver similar )o")e$ts, %ut "ot the same )o")e$t, a"d to a$$l them at the $oker ta%le ou "eed to u"dersta"d the su%tle differe")e. 1irst let's take a look at a tour"ame"t situatio" that +e all have fa)ed. >ou sit do+" to our ta%le i" a dee$ sta)k tour"ame"t a"d ou k"o+ a%solutel "o o"e at our ta%le. -efore the first )ard is dealt ou are liste"i"g to the $la ers talk, ou have $i)ked u$ that seat three is a first time tour"ame"t $la er a"d that the dealer k"o+s seat five % "ame a"d he $la s this same tour"ame"t ever mo"th a"d usuall satellites i". >ou hear that the eve"t is %igger tha" usual toda %e)ause a %o+li"g tour"ame"t is i" to+" this +eeke"d a"d ma" of the additio"al $oker $la ers are i" that grou$. Seat o"e is a %o+ler a"d sa s that a%out thirt of the %o+lers are $la i"g a"d some of them @got their first hold'em lesso" this mor"i"g from the floor staff.@ &")e the )ards are i" the air, ou %egi" to add i"formatio" a%out all the $la ers at our ta%le, (ust like a" other tour"ame"t, )orre)t, 8ear the e"d of the se)o"d level there is a mo"ster $ot, the %o+ler i" seat o"e takes do+" the huge $ot a"d %usts a $la er +ith a move that seems a lot more so$histi)ated tha" ou had give" seat o"e )redit for. Were ou +ro"g a%out his skill level, &r did he "ot eve" k"o+ ho+ good the $la +as that he (ust made, >ou )ertai"l +a"t to +at)h him more )losel to tr a"d figure out if this is a" o$$o"e"t ou "eed to %e +ar of or (ust a lu)k fish. The" i" (ust a fe+ ha"ds, the floor fills the va)a"t seat at our ta%le +ith a mo"ster sta)k. 8o o"e should

have that ma" )hi$s this earl i" the tour"ame"t %ut there the are, three full ra)ks %ei"g $ut do+" i" seat seve" o" our immediate right. Well this is goi"g to )ha"ge ever thi"g. >ou have t+o "e+ $ie)es of i"formatio" to take i" a))ou"t i" our reads of our ta%le %ut these are ver differe"t levels of i"formatio" that re3uire a slightl differe"t ki"d of res$o"se o" our $art. The %o+ler i" seat o"e has $rese"ted ou +ith some i"formatio" that does "ot 3uite fit +ith our $i)ture of him %ased o" his $rior $la . This is "e+ i"formatio" ou "eed to @assimilate.@ The $s )hologi)al term 'Assimilatio"' refers to a $ro)ess of fitti"g "e+ i"formatio" i"to a" alread e*isti"g frame+ork. >ou might sa ou +a"t to add i"formatio" to the data%ase o" that $la er %ut the "e+ i"formatio" is )o"tradi)tor or at least adds a "e+ dime"sio" to seat o"e's $la . >ou make se"se of this "e+ i"formatio" % referri"g to alread )olle)tive i"formatio" a"d the" make either tem$orar or $erma"e"t ad(ustme"ts to our read o" that $la er. Seems sim$le e"ough. 8o+ +e tur" to the mo"ster sta)k +ho has (ust %ee" moved to the ta%le, ou have "o i"formatio" o" him e*)e$t, u"less he is o" o"e he)k of a ru" of )ards, the gu $ro%a%l )a" $la some $oker. &" his first ha"d he )omes out raisi"g a"d takes do+" the $ot a"d the" re! raises a" earl mi"imum %et o" ha"d "um%er t+o. Looks like he k"o+s +hat to do +ith a %ig sta)k. .e is defi"itel goi"g to affe)t our game0 he is seated o" our immediate right, a)ti"g %efore ou o" almost ever ha"d. -ut +aitF >ou are "ot the o"l $la er a%out to %e affe)ted % this %ig sta)k, the +hole ta%le is a%out to ad(ust. This mea"s that all of the i"formatio" a"d reads ou have o" the ta%le are a%out to )ha"ge %e)ause ever o"e 6+ell at least the good $la ers7 are goi"g to ad(ust to the mo"ster sta)k. #"formatio" ou $i)k u$ "o+ is goi"g to %e differe"t %e)ause the ta%le )ir)umsta")es are differe"t. This is the $ro)ess of a))ommodatio". 'A))ommodatio"' is $ro)ess of revisi"g e*isti"g $er)e$tio"s, a"d u"dersta"di"g so that "e+ i"formatio" )a" %e i")or$orated. #" order to make se"se of some "e+ i"formatio", ou a)tual ad(ust i"formatio" ou alread have to make room for this "e+ i"formatio". 8o+, ou are "ot (ust addi"g a "e+ % te of i"formatio" like ou did +he" the seat o"e $la er made a move, "o+ all i"formatio" goes i"to the "e+ data file la%eledA @+ith a mo"ster sta)k at the ta%le.@ Kood $la ers are goi"g to make ad(ustme"ts to the %ig sta)k0 the are goi"g to $la differe"tl . -ad $la ers are goi"g to do somethi"g too0 the are goi"g to tur" i"to ro)ks +he"ever the %ig sta)k $la s a ha"d. Kood, atte"tive $la ers looki"g to )olle)t more a"d %etter reads are goi"g to a))ommodate the "e+ stru)ture of the ta%le a"d ad(ust their reads to take i"to a))ou"t the "e+ sheriff i" to+". A))ommodate the "e+ set of )ir)umsta")es a"d ad(ust our reads to $re!mo"ster a"d $ost!mo"ster sta)k )ategories. Pro%a%l +he" he is "ot i" a ha"d the @$re@ file data +ill %e more %e"efi)ial to ou a"d +he" he is i" a ha"d refer to

the @$ost@ file data to ad(ust our $la . Similar %ut "ot the same i"formatio", (ust as the $ro)esses of 'assimilatio"' a"d 'a))ommodatio"' are similar %ut "ot the same.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 3# - The ,erkes-8odson >a1 o9 $rousal

?ar)h 30, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Arousal. See, "o+ # have our atte"tio". The >erkes!Dodso" $s )hologi)al theorem states that a" orga"ism's $erforma")e )a" %e im$roved if that orga"ism is aroused i" some ma""er. >es, this )o")e$t +as first e*$lai"ed duri"g e*$erime"ts +ith la% rats +here food $ellets +ere $aired +ith se* or $erha$s reru"s of the ?i)ke ?ouse =lu%, # forget the details. This is +h the la+ uses the term 'orga"ism' a"d "ot huma". .o+ever, +e are defi"itel orga"isms a"d +e do res$o"se as stated i" the >erkes! Dodso" La+ of Arousal. The sim$le idea is that the $erforma")e +e +ish to e"ha")e, let's sa somethi"g small a"d ma"agea%le like, oh # do"'t k"o+, +i""i"g the ?ai" Dve"t of the World Series of Poker0 that $erforma")e )a" %e e"ha")ed % i")reasi"g our level of arousal.

The >!D La+ holds that +e ma im$rove our $erforma")e % %ei"g aroused from our average or "ormal state. So first +e "eed to have a %aseli"e state, +hi)h as far as $oker goes +ould %e, ho+ are ou "ormall +he" ou sit at the $oker ta%le, Seriousl ! thi"k a%out that for a mome"t0 +hat is our "ormal state of mi"d +he" ou $la $oker, Are ou rela*ed, A"*ious, #"timidated, . $er!Alert, Whatever our "ormal )o"ditio" is at the ta%le, the >!D La+ states that if ou )a" %e aroused i" some ma""er over a"d a%ove that "ormal state, ou +ill $erform %etter. &f )ourse, there are ma" +a s to %e aroused 6let's "ot go thereF7, %ut there is a do+"side. #f the level of arousal i")reases too mu)h, $erforma")e de)reases. &f )ourse, this level is differe"t i" ever o"e a"d so are the +a s to a)hieve a level of effe)tivel heighte"ed arousal.

A good e*am$le of this is a" athlete +ho $erforms %etter i" the 'real game' tha" he:she does duri"g $ra)ti)e. There is more a$$ro$riate arousal 6stress, e*)iteme"t, eve" the )ro+d "oise7 duri"g the real games +hi)h i")reases their $erforma")e $ositivel . -ut, if the $ressure %e)omes too mu)h, their $erforma")e )a" de)rease 6the )hokeF7. Some $la ers do %etter +ith more $ressure0 ou +a"t the %all i" their ha"ds +he" the game is o" the li"e. -ut >erkes!Dodso" sa s that ever o"e's 6$oker7 $la i"g +ould %e %etter if +e i")reased our arousal i" some +a . So ho+, The easiest +a to a)hieve i")reased arousal i" a ver me"tal game like $oker is to go +ith the me"tal. # o")e $la ed +ith a $la er +ho al+a s k"e+ +hat the 'average sta)k' +as i" the tour"ame"t. #f he +as %elo+ average, he +as )o"sta"tl $la""i"g to take a $ot that +ould get him %a)k to average. &")e at average, he set a "e+ goal of average $lus 2B5 a"d so o". .e +as al+a s a)tivel $lotti"g a"d $la""i"g to a)hieve this "e*t )hi$ sta)k goal. .e ke$t me"tall a)tive0 he +as a)hievi"g a heighte"ed level of me"tal arousal via the average sta)k )om$utatio". A"other )ommo" +a to sta i"volved a"d e"gaged is to $ut the others $la ers o" a ha"d ea)h a"d ever deal. >ou ma "ot al+a s get to see their hole )ards a"d ou ma "ot al+a s %e right %ut the e"gageme"t +ith the game +hile ou are "ot i" a ha"d kee$s ou shar$ a"d aroused. Arousal i" this se"se )a" %e i"ter$reted as @a little edg ,@ a little more of some O fa)tor tha" ou usuall are. There is "o reverse >erkes!Dodso" La+ of Arousal %ut # am goi"g to i"ve"t o"e right here o" the s$ot. Let us )all it the -u)k"er!8or+ood &"li"e La+, +hi)h states that ma" good live $oker $la ers are u"a%le to su))essfull )om$ete i" o"li"e $la %e)ause the are "ot suffi)ie"tl e"gaged, i"terested or aroused % )li)ki"g a mouse to $la agai"st fa)eless o$$o"e"ts "amed 'All!i" Al' or '<aise?e8o+.' These $la ers like to fa)e a" o$$o"e"t a"d see the tour"ame"t field "arro+ rather tha" (ust see the "um%ers o" the s)ree" de)rease. 1or them the o"li"e e"viro"me"t $rovides too little arousal, if ou are su)h a $la er, # have o"l t+o $ossi%le solutio"sA either $la more tha" o"e ta%le to ram$ u$ the e*)iteme"t, or sti)k +ith live $la +here the o$$o"e"ts are flesh a"d %lood. .o+ever, ou deal +ith this issue, remem%erA a little arousal is our frie"d.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 3& - Selecti-e $ttention

A$ril 06, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Sele)tive atte"tio" is $ur$osel fo)usi"g our )o"s)ious a+are"ess o"to a s$e)ifi) stimulus. 8o+ that sou"ds a" a+ful lot like (ust $lai" old $a i"g atte"tio". -ut take this test +ith me. 2ee$ looki"g at the +ords o" our )om$uter s)ree"0 do "ot look a+a from the s)ree". 8o+ i" our $eri$heral visio" there are some o%(e)ts!+hat are the , Pi)tures o" the +all, A sofa, The )at, Whatever the are (ust "ote them +ithout looki"g a+a from these +ords. 8o+ ho+ a%out sou"ds, Traffi) "oises, Someo"e talki"g i" the "e*t room, Televisio" or radio, 8ote these too. .o+ do ou feel, Tired, .ard )hair, Sitti"g +ith our legs )rossed too lo"g, All of these se"satio"s, ou +ere "ot $a i"g atte"tio" to +he" ou %ega" taki"g m little test. -ut ou are "o+. Wh , -e)ause ou +ere sele)tivel $a i"g atte"tio" to the )o"te"t of this arti)le. Tha"ks # a$$re)iate our atte"tio".

So "o+ ou are seated at a $oker ta%le i" a %ig tour"ame"t room. The )ard room ma"ageme"t makes some effort to mi"imi/e distra)tio"s0 ho$efull ou are "ot "ear a %a"k of @Wheel of 1ortu"eF@ slot ma)hi"es. The PA s stem is used o"l as "eeded. So outside distra)tio"s are ke$t to a mi"imum, e*)e$t for the $lasma s)ree"s +ith the 8=AA tour"ame"t, the ver attra)tive $la er i" seat four 6sele)t the ge"der of our )hoi)e7, a"d the hu"ger $a"gs i" our stoma)h a"d !! +here is that )o)ktail +aitress,, >ou get the $i)ture right, >ou are "ever +ithout se"sor i"$ut from $ote"tiall hu"dreds of sour)es. So ou must $a sele)tive atte"tio" (ust to +alk to our ta%le, "evermi"d $la @A@ game. our

1i"e, fi"eF >ou sa . Pa atte"tio", do"'t get distra)ted. So +hat, Well sele)tive atte"tio" is more tha" (ust $a i"g atte"tio", it is a )o"s)ious a)tio" o" our $art to fo)us our atte"tio" o" a )ertai" as$e)t of the game a"d to e*)lude ever thi"g else %ut +hat i"volves the game. >ou fo)us o" the tour"ame"t a"d i" additio" ou sele)tivel $a atte"tio" to a $arti)ular as$e)t of the game. .ere is the %est e*am$le # have ever e*$erie")ed. Some ears ago # +as doi"g tour"ame"t re$orti"g a"d +as +orki"g the e"tire s)hedule of a WS&P )ir)uit eve"t, # +as re$orti"g o" 1E fi"al ta%les i" 1E da s. # +as fortu"ate to %e +orki"g alo"g side o"e of the %est tour"ame"t dire)tors i" the %usi"ess, Goh"" Krooms. Da)h da Goh"" a"d # +ould sta"d side!% !side +hile the fi"al ta%le $la ed out, # +ould re$ort o" m la$to$ a"d Goh"" ra" the ta%le a"d % the +a also ra" his floor staff for the other eve"ts a"d satellites. So "either of us +as fo)used o" the ta%le at ever mome"t. We de)ided o" da 1B to tr a little sele)tive atte"tio" e*$erime"t. We +ere goi"g to +at)h the fi"al ta%le $la ers for %etti"g tells +ith their )hi$s a"d ha"ds. The idea +as that +e ea)h +ould fo)us o" the ho+ the $la ers $ut their )hi$s i"to the $ot as the %et, +e +ould tr to $i)k u$ a" tells. The $la" +as "ot to )om$are "otes u"til the se)o"d %reak, at t+o hours i"to the fi"al ta%le. What +e +ere doi"g +as $a i"g sele)tive atte"tio" to o"e $arti)ular as$e)t of the game. At the se)o"d %reak there +ere si* $la ers remai"i"g a"d +e agreed o" five of our reads. Seat o"eA Al+a s $la)ed stro"g %ets i" the $ot a"d al+a s tossed %luffs. This is the most )ommo" )hi$ tell. Seat t+oA This +as the o"l $rofessio"al at the ta%le a"d +e %oth agreed he $ut his )hi$s i" the $ot e*a)tl the same +a , ever si"gle time he %et. Seat threeA This $la er +ould al+a s $la)e his )hi$s i" the $ot %ut if he +as %luffi"g or o" a dra+, he +ould )ou"t them out i"to $iles of five. Whe" he had a made ha"d he (ust $ut i" a sta)k. Seat fourA A"other $la er +ho $la)es )hi$s +ith the "uts a"d tosses them +ith the %luff. A ver eas read %e)ause he also talked +he" he +as %luffi"g a"d +as 3uiet +he" he had a made ha"d. Seat fiveA &ur o"l disagreeme"t. # thought this gu +as (ust too errati) to %e read for

a" thi"g. Goh"" felt he tossed his )hi$s a"d made his %et more 3ui)kl +he" he had a ha"d. Goh"" +as right0 o")e # had his read the $la er did i"deed a)t fast a"d toss )hi$s +ith good ha"ds. Seat si*A This gu fum%led, dro$$ed, mis)ou"ted a"d ge"erall a)ted like he had "ever $la ed a tour"ame"t %efore i" his life. We fou"d out later, +he" he %usted i" 3rd $la)e, that he had "ever $la ed a tour"ame"t %efore i" his life. 8o o"e at the ta%le had made these reads or seats o"e a"d four +ould have %usted out several times. -ut +ould"'t ou have liked %ei"g at this ta%le +ith these reads. The )all it sele)tive atte"tio"0 tr it "e*t time ou are at a ta%le.

The Poker Shrink, Vol 3* - 'egression To1ard the Mean

A$ril 13, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

<egressio" to+ard the mea" is the te"de") for a" series mathemati)al eve"ts to average out. This sim$l mea"s that eve"ts like e*treme tests s)ores or terri%le river su)kouts or 'holes!i"!o"e' te"d to ha$$e" rarel a"d +he" see" as a mathemati)al average this makes logi)al se"se. This average is +hat +e )all the statisti)al mea" s)ore. Kolf is a good e*am$le0 if # have a te" ha"di)a$ the" # +ill average shooti"g a%out a" E2. # should "ever shoot a 62 a"d if # do"'t dri"k or $la Augusta 8atio"al, # ho$efull +ill "ever shoot a 102. -ut 40's ha$$e", a lot, a"d o")e i" a great +hile so do medium:lo+ ;0's. #" a" arti)le several +eeks ago # said @There is "o su)h thi"g as lu)k i" $oker.@ ? argume"t +as, a"d still is, that lu)k is sim$l a la/ +a to des)ri%e the la+s of math as a$$lied to $oker or a" other game that )a" i"volve )ha")e. Several readers a"d some of m $oker %uddies $oi"ted out that this @that o"l +orks if ou $la $oker ever da a"d live to %e ;93 ears oldF@ Lo"g %ad ru"s )a" seem like some m thi)al )reature +e +a"t to )all @%ad lu)k@ or a rigged ra"dom "um%er ge"erator if ou $la o"li"e. ? argume"t remai"s the same, it is all mathemati)al a"d it +ill all regress to+ards the mea" if give" e"ough ha"ds a"d e"ough time. -ut # k"o+ ou @lu)k@ fa"s +a"t some $roof, so # de)ided to tr a short!term semi!s)ie"tifi) demo"stratio" for ou. .ere is the set!u$ for m test. A grou$ of m $oker %uddies +ere i" to+" for a lo"g +eeke"d of, +hat else, $okerF After a" i"itial %riefi"g, # %ought the dri"ks, # gave them 3OB )ards a"d asked them to kee$ them out o" the ta%le a"d mark i" the left )olum" ever time a

2 or 3 or 9 outer hit $ost!flo$. The e*$erime"t +as @o"l @ $ost!flo$ a"d o"l for 2, 3 a"d 9 outers. # ask them to "ote ever time it ha$$e"ed at their ta%le +he" it hitF a"d +he" it did"'t hit. 8o+ a" $oker $la er k"o+s that i" realit these lo+ $er)e"tage su)kouts mostl do"'t ha$$e" %ut the $ote"tial for them o))urs ofte". So +e did have the $ro%lem of sta i"g fo)used to )at)h all the times the @lu)k fa)tor@ did "ot +eigh i" a"d s"a$ the %est ha"d off. We also had several math $ro%lems, like sometimes the 9 outer o"l )omes i"to $la after the tur" or a 3 outer %e)omes a" 11 outer +he" the tur" makes a flush dra+. # did me"tio" that this +as semi!s)ie"tifi) right, 8o+ this +as a lo"g +eeke"d, the ; $la ers i" the e*$erime"t $la ed ;1 tour"ame"ts over B da s0 four of the $la ers +ere ver dilige"t +ith their "otes, most of the time0 t+o +ere good %ut ma have missed several times +he" the 'outer' did "ot hit %ut "earl ever o"e got it +he" the )ard hit 6the )olle)tive @&.F@ at the ta%le hel$s a lot +ith remem%eri"g to +rite do+" the su)kouts7. #t's a lot harder to remem%er to mark do+" +he" the ;; loses, like it should, to the AA. Si")e ou get to see the flo$ a"d at least t+o $la er's ha"ds for a total of seve" )ards, usuall a 2 outer has a 2 i" 9B )ha")e of hitti"g0 a 3 outer, 3 i" 9B0 a"d the 9 outer 9 i" 9B. Plus ou get a )ha")e o" the tur" a"d a"other o" the river to a true $ost!flo$ @outer@. Plus, +e k"o+ +e missed some of the i"sta")es +he" the mira)les )ards did "ot )ome a"d the %est ha"d $ost!flo$ sim$l took do+" the $ot. So +e had a"other meeti"g, $ost tour"ame"t T;1, i" order to $i)k a reaso"a%le @magi) "um%er@ for the )orre)t fre3ue") of su)k!outs 61S&7. After some fairl reaso"a%le dis)ussio" of $ro%a%ilities fueled % rum0 )ou$led +ith a fair assessme"t of the a))ura) of the "um%ers o" our 3OB )ards. Gust ho+ ma" times did +e miss the 9 outer "ot hitti"g o" the river, We added t+o tad$ole tails, several e es of "e+t, more of the aforeme"tio"ed rum0 shook "ot stirred the mi*ture a"d )ame u$ +ith our 1S& "um%er of 45 $lus or mi"us .B5. &ur 1S& "um%er of 45 states that a true <egressio" to the Su)k &ut ?ea" +ould have the total "um%er of 2, 3 a"d 9 outers that hit o" the tur" or river i" our semi!s)ie"tifi) e*$erime"ts %ei"g 45 or roughl 1 i" 11. A $ote"tial 2 or 3 or 9 outer should )ome from %ehi"d to +i" the ha"d o"e i" ever eleve" times. The results of our <egressio" to the ?ea" e*$erime"t. #" 2,E99 re)orded i"sta")es of 2, 3 a"d 9 outers0 2;B hit or a 4.;5 fre3ue") , +hi)h $roves %e o"d a reaso"a%le s)ie"tifi) )ertai"t thatA @There is "o lu)k i" $oker.@ Dis)uss. 8e*t +eekA .um$t Dum$t )ould %e $ut %a)k together agai"

The Poker Shrink, Vol 3: - The Strategy o9 Tension

A$ril 20, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

We ofte" read )rossover arti)les %et+ee" $oker a"d %usi"ess, $oker a"d sto)k tradi"g, $oker a"d other s$orts, eve" $oker a"d relatio"shi$s. >ou k"o+ the titles # mea"A '2ee$i"g a $oker fa)e +he" our +ife asksA 'Does this dress make me look fat,'' &r '-luffi"g the -ossA Aski"g for that -ig <aise.' Poker termi"olog is ever +here. ?ost of the time, the similarit %et+ee" $oker a"d somethi"g else has a lot to do +ith huma" "ature. -ei"g +ho +e are, +e huma"s te"d to use +hatever +orks i" o"e $art of our life as a strateg i" other areas. #t is 3uite sim$le, if the hammer +orks o" the "ail, it $ro%a%l +ill +ork o" the fro/e" lat)h, the stu)k fl +heel a"d the %lo)k of i)e )u%es. 1or the "e*t )ou$le of arti)les, # am goi"g to look at some )o")e$ts that origi"ate far, far a+a from )asi"os, )ardrooms a"d $oker games. Let's start +ith terrorism. The strategy of tension 6#talia"A strategia della tensione7 is a +a to )o"trol a"d ma"i$ulate $u%li) o$i"io" usi"g fear, $ro$aga"da, disi"formatio", $s )hologi)al +arfare, age"ts $rovo)ateurs, false flag terrorism a)tio"s a"d eve" terroristi) a)tio"s. QWiki$ediaR #" the +ords of historia" Da"iele Ka"ser, @#t is a ta)ti) +hi)h )o"sists i" )ommitti"g %om%i"gs a"d attri%uti"g them to others.@ #t is the i"te"tio"al )reatio" of te"sio" i" order to i"flue")e others to a))e$t our idea or our solutio" to relieve that te"sio" or to avoid further te"sio" a"d dis)omfort. The ke here, for $oker at least, is that there is a "atural te"de") for us to avoid te"sio" a"d dis)omfort. Therefore, if someo"e )ould )reate te"sio" at the $oker ta%le a"d also offer a mea"s % +hi)h a $la er )ould avoid more te"sio", the" the might %e a%le to ma"i$ulate other $la ers via the Strateg of Te"sio". Let me give ou a" e*am$le.

Several ears ago # +as )overi"g a tour"ame"t +he" # sa+ a ver highl regarded $rofessio"al $la er use the Strateg of Te"sio". # did "ot )om$letel u"dersta"d the e"tire $ro)ess at the time %ut si")e # have see" him do this several times si")e, # am "o+ )o"vi")ed it is a )o"s)ious ta)ti) o" his $art. # am "ot goi"g to "ame this $la er, ou +ill see +h later ! let's (ust )all him Le". Le" +as at a fairl tough fi"al ta%le, a%out t+o hours i"to $la +ith si* $la ers still remai"i"g. Le" %egi"s to ask the floor a )ou$le of 3uestio"s. 8othi"g too $ush %ut he is )learl )om$lai"i"g a%out ver mi"or $oi"ts. The" # "oti)e he %egi"s to +at)h the dealer's ver )losel , looki"g for the smallest mistake. 1i"all , +he" a dealer "egle)ts to move the %utto" %efore the deal %egi"s, Le" s"a$sA @Where is the %utto",@ The floor ste$s i" a"d makes sure the mistake is )orre)ted %ut Le" does "ot let u$. .e )o"ti"ues to loudl )om$lai" thatA @We are $la i"g for a lot of mo"e here.@ .e $i)ks at ever $oi"tA %li"ds %ei"g $osted, %ets %ei"g $ulled i"to the $ot0 he is rele"tless a"d alter"ates %et+ee" loudl a"d lo"gl )om$lai"i"g for all to hear a"d a dee$, %roodi"g, read to e*$lode sile")e. Le" had esta%lished a ver te"se situatio" at the fi"al ta%le. Wh , .o+ likel are ou to reraise a" a"gr $la er, A" a"gr , $rofessio"al $la er ou have see" o" televisio", A" a"gr , $rofessio"al $la er, the floor staff have %ee" )alli"g % "ame a"d liste"i"g to a"d tr i"g to )alm, 8oti)e Le" did "ot atta)k a"other $la er he fo)used o" floor staff a"d dealers. >et he )reated a ver te"se situatio" a"d the" e*$loited it to his adva"tage. # have i" the $ast three ears see" Le" do this several more times0 ea)h time +ith amateur $la ers at the ta%le +ho might a)tuall %e i"timidated % this %ehavior. At o"e su)h eve"t +here there had a)tuall %ee" a $h si)al )o"fro"tatio" %et+ee" Le" a"d a"other $la er, # +as sta"di"g "e*t to the ta%le )ou"ti"g )hi$s +hile the tour"ame"t +as o" a %reak. Le" looked at me a"d s"arledA @>ou do"'t "eed to )ou"t m )hi$s.@ # lea"ed do+" a"d re$liedA @Le", there are"'t a" other $la ers arou"d0 ou )a" )ut the a"gr ma" a)t +ith me.@ .e looked u$ at me, smiled a"d +ith a t+i"kle i" his e e saidA @Do"'t tell them m tri)ks.@

The Poker Shrink, Vol 3; - 'eading a Player 1ith +lusters

A$ril 2;, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Dver o"e +a"ts to %e a%le to read a" o$$o"e"t at the ta%le %ut +hat does it mea" +he" he riffles his )hi$s, Wh did she smile +he" she made that %et o" the tur", #s that "ervous t+it)h reall a tell a"d if it is does it mea" he has a good ha"d or he is ru""i"g a %luff, Perha$s there is (ust too mu)h i"formatio" rather tha" "ot e"ough. Dver $la er tries to give off mi"imal reada%le tells %ut ma" $la ers, $arti)ularl the talkative o"es, a)tuall give ou more i"formatio" tha" ou )a" $ro)ess. <ather tha" tr to thro+ out the useless i"formatio" looki"g for the useful, $erha$s ou might tr looki"g for a grou$ of sig"s that all $oi"t i" the same dire)tio". This $ro)ess of fi"di"g similar thi"gs that te"d to have the same mea"i"g is )alled )lusteri"g. What if rather tha" tr i"g to figure out if that "ervous t+it)h mea"s a mo"ster ha"d, +hat if ou )ould look for half a do/e" tells that all $oi"ted to that same )o")lusio". =lusteri"g, ofte" )alled data )lusteri"g, is the )lassifi)atio" of o%(e)ts i"to differe"t grou$s, or more $re)isel , the $artitio"i"g of a data set i"to su%sets 6)lusters7, so that the data i" ea)h su%set share some )ommo" trait. QWiki$ediaR A" %od la"guage sig"s, s$ee)h $atter"s, t+it)h, or tell "eed to %e evaluated as a )luster a"d "ot as ra"dom, u"related eve"ts. &"e tell alo"e might (ust %e a $erso"al "ervous ha%it, so +e look for more eleme"ts of ide"tifia%le )lusters.

Let's start +ith the $la er +ith a stro"g ha"d0 +e o%viousl +a"t to look for sig"s of )o"fide")e or stre"gth. This is )alled a Positive Dvaluatio" =luster a"d ma )o"sist of a" or all of the follo+i"g data sig"sA ! Lea"i"g for+ard 6the most )ommo" tell of a mo"ster ha"d70 ! .ead slightl tilted 6our "e)ks te"d to get rigid a"d straight +he" +e lie or are afraid70 ! 1ree ha"d resti"g o" ta%le 6%ut this must %e a )ha"ge to "ormal %ehavior70 ! Legs u")rossed 6agai" o"l if "e+ %ehavior70 ! Dilated $u$ils 6it's +h $eo$le +ear su"glasses at the ta%le7. The "e*t )luster goes +ith the Positive Dvaluatio" =luster %ut "ote the differe")es, this o"e is )alled the =o"fide")e =luster. <emem%er a )o"fide"t $la er might %e +ro"g, the might %e a %ad $la er %ut )o"fide")e should tell ou a lot a%out ho+ the +ill $la there ha"d. Sig"s of the )o"fide"t $la erA ! Lea"i"g %a)k +ith ha"ds %ehi"d their head 6this is the easiest tell i" $oker to read70 ! .a"ds $ressed together to form a tria"gle 6 ou have see" this a thousa"d times i" movies70 ! .a"ds o" hi$s or sur$risi"gl ha"ds i" $o)kets eve" +hile seated. &" the o$$osite side of the s$e)trum is the 8egative Dvaluatio" =luster, this $la er does "ot feel good a%out their ha"d a"d +ill sho+ these sig"sA ! Lea"i"g %a)k from the ta%le0 ! Legs )rossed 6agai" o"l as a )ha"ged %ehavior70 ! .ead %o+ed 6the easiest tell to fake70 ! -od tur"ed:$oi"ti"g a+a from ta%le 6"ot i")ludi"g talki"g to the )o)ktail +aitress70 ! =o"stri)ted $u$ils 6makes ou +a"t to %u su"glasses, does"'t it70 ! 1ree arm $la)ed a)ross )hest as a %arrier, or %oth arms folded a)ross )hest 6the first tell # had to lear" to %reak70 ! 1ree ha"d resti"g o" )hi", su$$orti"g their head! ofte" +ith a fi"ger a)ross the mouth 6a"other tell that $la ers +ill fake70 ! Slo+ e e ru%%i"g 6a" moveme"t to the e es is a sig" of +eak"ess7. #f a $la er is u"sure of their $la the" the o$$osite of the =o"fide")e =luster is the .esita"t =luster, )o"sisti"g ofA ! =losi"g ha"ds or eve" tightl )le")hi"g fists0 ! Stroki"g the )hi" 6this o"e is the least relia%le, as some folks do this +he"ever the thi"k70

! S)rat)hi"g ears or "e)k %elo+ or %ehi"d the ear 6"o reall F70 ! S)rat)hi"g to$ or %a)k of head 6%ut "ot the "ose or forehead7. The ke to usi"g )lusteri"g is that ou )a" gai" k"o+ledge a"d verif it % fi"di"g several )lustered ma""erisms i" a si"gle $la er duri"g a si"gle ha"d. &"e tell alo"e is risk , t+o is %etter, three )ould lead to )o"firmatio".

The Poker Shrink, Vol 3< - 6s There Psychology in the Poker +hi( TrickA
?a 09, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Wh do $la ers do )hi$ tri)ks, The eas a"s+er, of )ourse, is that the are %ored a"d the have )hi$s availa%le. -ei"g )reatures +ith o$$osa%le thum%s +e te"d to t+irl $e")ils, )li)k $e"s a"d %asi)all do a" thi"g +ith our ha"ds a"d availa%le o%(e)ts to kill time. -ut there are other as$e)ts to )hi$ tri)ks or )hi$ flourishes as the are )alled a"d those are i"timidatio" a"d image. &"e of the first sig"s that ou have %ee" s$e"di"g a lo"g time o" the felt is the +a ou @)ut@

our )hi$s +he" ou make a %et. >ou do"'t )ou"t out a $ile of five )hi$s, ou s"a$ )ut the sta)ks a"d ma %e give a si"gle sta)k the o"e fi"ger s$ill. A )lear i"di)atio" to the other $la ers at the ta%le that ou are "ot a $oker rookie.

This is $re)isel the as$e)t of )hi$ flourishes that le"ds itself to a $s )hologi)al i"ter$retatio". What are the reaso"s, other tha" %oredom, to sho+ )hi$ tri)ks at the ta%le a"d are there a" reaso"s "ot to do them, 1. (ntimidationA Juite sim$l if ou have %ee" arou"d $oker lo"g e"ough to %e a%le to riffle a sta)k of t+e"t )hi$s, the" ou $ro%a%l have e"ough e*$erie")e for a" $la er +ho )a" %e i"timidated to a)tuall %e i"timidated. Ask a" $ro +h the first lear"ed a )hi$ flourish a"d the +ill admit it +as for ta%le )red. 2. +able (mageA Like it or "ot, ou have a ta%le image a"d other $la ers rea)t to that image

a"d )o"s)iousl or u")o"s)iousl ad(ust their $la to+ards ou to that image. Gust thi"k of our o+" rea)tio" to someo"e +ho fum%les their )hi$s a)ross the %etti"g li"e a"d the seaso"ed $la er +ho s"a$ )uts their soldiers i"to the $ot. 3. ,tress %eliefA Studies have sho+" ma" times those re$etitive moveme"ts do"e +ithout )o"s)ious thought are distra)tio"s from stress. #t's +h +e drum our fi"gers or t+irl hair or eve" )he+ gum. 9. Covering +ellsA Sure riffli"g ou )hi$s )a" relieve a %it of stress %ut % doi"g (ust o"e re$etitive move a $la er )a" also su$$ress a" u")o"s)ious $h si)al tells. #t's like fo)usi"g our mi"d o" o"e thought to the e*)lusio" of all other thoughts. #" this )ase ou fo)us our "ervous e"erg o" o"e taskA a )hi$ flourish a"d therefore ou are mu)h less likel to give off other $h si)al tells to our o$$o"e"ts. Gust %e )areful "ot to use a $arti)ularl )hi$ move +he" ou are %luffi"g a"d a"other +he" ou hold the "uts. B. %espect and *otice from "ealers and 1loor ,taffA Some of the %est )hi$ tri)ksters started their )areers as dealers, +here )hi$ ha"dli"g is a sig" of stro"g ta%le )o"trol. Dealers ofte" u")o"s)iousl treat other dealers a"d e*!dealers +ith more res$e)t. This might eve" give ou a" edge +ith the dealer a"d the floor i" )lose ta%le de)isio"s. 6. 2aintaining 1ocusA This o"e ou +ill "eed to tr for ourself. Some $la ers fi"d a good lo"g three mi"ute )hi$ riffle +ill hel$ their )o")e"trate +he" maki"g a %ig )all or fold at a )ru)ial $oi"t i" a tour"ame"t. &thers +ill "oti)e that the )hi$ ha"dli"g is distra)ti"g to their )o")e"tratio"0 ou de)ide +hi)h grou$ ou fall i"to. Agai", %e )areful, do"'t riffle o" the %luff raises a"d sto$ riffli"g +ith the mo"ster ha"d. ;. (t looks coolF >es, it does a"d the $ros do it %ut agai" thi"k a%out this for a mome"t!#s looki"g like a $rofessio"al +hat ou +a"t, Sometimes a fum%li"g amateur gets atta)ked a lot more tha" the smooth )alli"g $ro. There are times +he" %ei"g mistake" for a rookie at the ta%le is the %est image to have. .o+ ou ha"dle or misha"dle our )hi$s is a great +a to distra)t our o$$o"e"ts from our a)tual skill level. Poker is a game of $s )holog 0 our )hi$s a"d ho+ ou ha"dle them are $art of that $s )hologi)al game.

The Poker Shrink, Vol #3 - The Titanic Syndrome

?a 11, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

# guess this arti)le should %e )alled @Tedd a"d the Tita"i) S "drome@ %ut let's "ot get ahead of the stor . Tedd is a $oker $la i"g %udd of mi"e. Last +eek he asked me if # had heard of the Tita"i) S "drome. # had, it goes somethi"g like thisA -usi"esses, $arti)ularl start!u$ e"tre$re"eurial o"es, te"d to i")or$orate )urre"t +idel a))e$ted %usi"ess ma"ageme"t strategies at some $oi"t i" their develo$me"t. &"e of the %ig )urre"t rage ma"ageme"t te)h"i3ues is )alled @)ha"ge ma"ageme"t.@ - +hi)h it is mea"t that +hat kee$s a good %usi"ess afloat is sta i"g )urre"t a"d )ha"gi"g +ith the times or @ma"agi"g )ha"ge.@ Seems sim$le e"ough a"d +he" )orre)tl a$$lied +orks 3uite +ell. .o+ever, "e+ ver su))essful %usi"esses ofte" thi"k the are i"vul"era%le. So at times their @)ha"ge ma"ageme"t@ is reall misa$$lied to a more serious $ro%lemSthe have hit a" i)e%erg a"d the %usi"ess is goi"g u"der. .ere )omes the Tita"i) S "dromeA the i"a%ilit to re)og"i/e i)e%ergs o" the hori/o" a"d the" to u"der!ma"age +he" ou a)tuall hit the %ig i)e )u%e. Tedd felt his game had go"e )old %ut a"other $la er had told him he +as dead +ro"g a"d he +as i" the middle of a Tita"i) S "drome %reakdo+" 6meltdo+",7. Tedd did"'t get it, so +e sat do+" to a"al /e his game. Tedd $ulled out his %a"kroll "ote%ook a"d sho+ed me his results $ages for the last three mo"ths. Sure e"ough a%out five +eeks %efore the "um%ers had s+it)hed from E05 +i""ers to 405 losers. # dre+ a li"e +here the %ig s+it)h o))urred a"d the" a"other li"e +here Tedd had )ha"ged games from HB:H10 Limit .old'em to H1:H2 8o Limit .old'em. Those t+o li"es +ere less tha" a +eek a$art, so # had to ask Tedd +h he had s+it)hed games. # got a %lah! %lah!%lah a"s+er that fi"ished +ithA @-ut eve" +he" # s+it)hed %a)k to the limit game # got )rushed.@ True e"ough, Tedd +as losi"g at %oth games "o+.

# k"o+ ho+ Tedd $la s, at least # k"o+ ho+ he $la s limit0 he al+a s $la s at o"e of the %ig @lo)als@ rooms off the stri$. .e $la s duri"g the da a"d therefore is $la i"g a lot of re)reatio"al ro)ks. Tedd )ha"ges u$ his game, sees a fair "um%er of flo$s a"d al+a s makes the value %et. -ut the 8o Limit game is "ot $o$ulated % the same ro)ks as the limit game a"d # "oti)ed Tedd 's sessio"s +ere "o+ more i" eve"i"g a"d eve" late at "ight0 differe"t game a"d differe"t $ool of $la ers. .ere is +here the shuffli"g of the de)ks )hairs o" the si"ki"g shi$ %ega" for Tedd . .e reali/ed he +as "ot $la i"g o$timal strateg for the 8o!Limit game, so he started to tr some other moves. Si")e, he +as i" a losi"g streak, the "e+ moves +ere usuall o"l i")or$orated for a si"gle sessio" or less a"d the" he +as o" to somethi"g else. .ave ou ever stood o" the first tee after readi"g a" arti)le i" a golf maga/i"e a"d tried to kee$ ou head do+", our el%o+ i", roll our +rist, flatte" the )lu% fa)e, rotate our hi$s, follo+!thru a"d the" reali/e ou forgot to tee u$ the %all, Tedd +as i"volved i" massive )ha"ge ma"ageme"t +ithout havi"g ide"tified the $ro%lem a"d +orse et he had take" his %roke" game %a)k to the limit game, +here he had %ee" +i""i"g a"d +as "o+ losi"g there tooF There +ere "o+ t+o flou"deri"g Tita"i) Tedd $oker shi$s %oth taki"g o" +ater a"d leaki"g )hi$s like )ra/ . So +hat did # tell Tedd , @Tedd , m %o , have ou )o"sider taki"g u$ =ra/ Pi"ea$$le,@ A (oke, (ust a (oke. @Tedd , m %o , go %a)k to the limit game %ut o"l after ou remem%er our +i""i"g strateg a"d )a" sti)k +ith it religiousl . &")e ou %egi" to +i" agai", the" ou ma )o"sider $la i"g some "o limit, %ut # suggest ou do that o"li"e at lo+ stakes u"til ou figure out that game. ? %est advi)e is that if ou )a"'t kee$ the t+o game strategies se$arate that ou sti)k +ith limit o"l . #t's %ad e"ough to have o"e shi$ si"ki"g %ut ou kee$ this u$ a"d ou )ould lose the +hole Tedd 1leet.@ Last # sa+ Tedd , he +as sitti"g at the HB:H10 limit ta%le +ith a %ig sta)k a"d a %ig smile %ut # dete)ted a lo"gi"g for the de)k )hairs over o" the "o limit ta%le.

The Poker Shrink, Vol #1 - +ogniti-e 8issonance) >earning 9rom the 7ad 7eat
?a 1E, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

=a" ou reall lear" from a %ad %eat, # mea", )a" ou lear" somethi"g other tha" the gu i" the three seat is a do"ke a"d the $oker gods hate ou, 1irst, let's %e )lear. A %ad %eat ha$$e"s o"l +he" ou get our mo"e i" +ith the %est ha"d a"d the other $la er dra+s out o" ou +ith less tha" a B05 dra+. #" fa)t, some +ould go further a"d sa a true %ad %eat has to %e somethi"g +ith lo"ger odds tha" a three!outer. -ut +e all agree that a %ad %eat must %e statisti)all a ')ome from %ehi"d' eve"t. The lo"ger the odds of the se)o"d ha"d maki"g the %eat, the +orse the %eat feels. Poker +isdom might sa that ou must forget the %ad %eat a"d (ust +alk a+a . 8e*t ha"d, "e*t tour"ame"t, "e*t sessio". There might (ust %e somethi"g to lear", though, i" taki"g the %eat, %ut ou "eed to %e a%le to )learl a"al /e all of the eleme"ts that +e"t i"to the $ai"ful e*$erie")e. This is +here )og"itive disso"a")e )omes i"to the $i)ture. =og"itive disso"a")e, as )ommo"l u"derstood, is the $er)e$tio" of i")om$ati%ilit %et+ee" t+o )og"itio"s, +hi)h )a" %e defi"ed as a" eleme"t of k"o+ledge, i")ludi"g attitude, emotio", %elief, or %ehavior. Whe" ou take the %ad %eat ou )ertai"l have rea)tio"s that )a" i")lude attitude 6 ou get a"gr 7, emotio" 6 ou stalk a+a from the ta%le talki"g to ourself7, %elief 6that gu is a do"ke F7, a"d %ehavior 6take it +ell or take it %adl , it's still %ehavior7.

8o+, here )omes the tri)k $art. The theor of )og"itive disso"a")e states that )o"tradi)ti"g )og"itio"s serve as a drivi"g for)e that )om$els the mi"d to a)3uire or i"ve"t "e+ thoughts or %eliefs, or to modif e*isti"g %eliefs, so as to redu)e the amou"t of disso"a")e 6)o"fli)t7 %et+ee" )og"itio"s. #" "o"!s)ie"tifi) terms, )o"fli)t makes us u")omforta%le, so +e attem$t to relieve that dis)omfort % )omi"g u$ +ith "e+ %eliefs or %ehaviors to i" some +a re)o")ile this )o"fli)t. This te"sio" that +e +a"t to relieve +ill drive us to fi"d "e+ +a s to do +hatever it +as +e (ust did that )aused the te"sio". -utF #" $oker it is $ossi%le to relieve the dis)omfort a"d "ot lear" a" thi"g at all. #f ou +alk a+a from a %ad %eat a"d our e"tire thought $ro)ess is 'That gu +as a" idiot' or '# am (ust u"lu)k ', the" ou have lost a valua%le o$$ortu"it to im$rove our game. Work +ith the te"sio". Work +ith the dis)omfort of the %ad %eat a"d ask ourself, @What reall ha$$e"ed,@ Gust ho+ good +ere our odds, Did ou have a"other $la that risked less of our sta)k, Was that $la er likel to make su)h a )all %ased o" his $revious $la , A"d if he +as, did ou have the %est odds to make the )all or that %ig re!raise, >ou see, the dis)omfort +e "aturall feel +he" +e take a %ig hit at the ta%le $rese"ts a" o$$ortu"it for a"al sis a"d im$roveme"t !! %ut o"l if +e $ut the right eleme"ts i"to the )o"fli)t. &"l if our )og"itive disso"a")e )omes from a" ho"est, fa)tual assessme"t of the ha"d i" 3uestio" )a" +e im$rove. Sure, ma %e the gu did make a terri%le )all, %ut $erha$s ou also had %ee" steali"g like a %a"dit, a"d our all!i" move looked like a semi!%luff to him. ?a %e if ou had )he)ked a"d let him %et out, the" )ome %a)k over the to$, he +ould have laid it do+" a"d there "ever +ould have %ee" those ru""er!ru""er )lu%s. =og"itive disso"a")e suggests that a %it of dis)omfort )a" %e a good lear"i"g tool !! i" fa)t, a great lear"i"g tool !! if +e )hoose ou use it.

The Poker Shrink, Vol #2 -- The Pareto Princi(le and the 2inety-2inety 'ule
?a 2B, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

There is a some+hat humorous %ut all too true rule i" %usi"ess ofte" )alled the '8i"et !8i"et <ule.' There are literall hu"dreds of variatio"s of the 8i"et !8i"et <ule i" %usi"ess a"d other )reative e"deavors. #" )om$uter $rogrammi"g, for e*am$le, its versio" of the 8i"et !8i"et <ule goes somethi"g like thisA @The first 405 of the )ode a))ou"ts for the first 405 of the develo$me"t time. The remai"i"g 105 of the )ode a))ou"ts for the other 405 of the develo$me"t time.@ That the total develo$me"t time sums to 1E05 is a humorous o%servatio" of the te"de") of e"gi"eeri"g, %udget $la""i"g, $rodu)t develo$me"t, )o"stru)tio" $ro(e)ts or "earl a" huma" e"deavor to overru" its origi"al s)hedule. We all k"o+ this a"d et +e all make s)hedules. &f )ourse, there must %e a"other rule some+here that sa sA @#f ou do"'t make a s)hedule to eve"tuall %e overru", the" the $ro(e)t +ill take eve" lo"ger.@ The 8i"et !8i"et <ule is a variatio" of the Pareto $ri")i$le. The Pareto $ri")i$le 6also k"o+" as the E0:20 rule7 states that, for ma" $he"ome"a, E05 of the )o"se3ue")es stem from 205 of the )auses. #talia" e)o"omist Cilfredo Pareto origi"all o%served that E05 of i")ome i" #tal +e"t to 205 of the $o$ulatio". #t is a )ommo" rule of thum% i" %usi"ess0 e.g., @E05 of our sales )ome from 205 of our )lie"ts.@ 6Wiki$edia defi"itio"7 So let's a$$l the Pareto Pri")i$le to $oker. De$e"di"g u$o" the limits ou $la the "um%ers might %e E0:20 or eve" 40:10, as the 8i"et !8i"et <ule might i"di)ate. ? o%servatio" is

that the lo+er the limits, the higher the ratio0 the 8i"et !8i"et <ule might %e more a$$ro$riate at H9:HE %ut the Pareto Pri")i$le 6E0:207 +ould %e more a$$li)a%le at H20:H90 a"d a%ove. .ere are the t+o variatio"s # have )ome u$ +ith for $oker. Pareto Poker Pri")i$le T1A E05 of our +i"s )omes from 205 of our o$$o"e"ts. Pareto Poker Pri")i$le T2A E05 of our $rofit )omes from 205 of our $la s. Pri")i$le T1 is $erha$s the easier of the t+o. ?ost good $oker $la ers k"o+ that other good $oker $la ers +ill "ot e"ter a %ig $ot +ithout some ki"d of a ha"d0 the +ill "ot )hase a $ot for all their )hi$s a"d the )a" make the %ig la !do+". &" the other ha"d, the +eakest $la ers at the ta%le +ill do e*a)tl the o$$osite of this, +hether the are )hasers or over! aggressive ma"ia)s. Targeti"g those $la ers a"d o$e"i"g u$ our game +he" the are i" the $ot +ith ou is a $rofit!maki"g strateg , (ust as $la i"g more )o"servativel agai"st the other good $la ers is a good loss!redu)tio" move. &ver time, the ma(orit of our $rofits +ill )ome from our o$$o"e"t's mistakes. Therefore, it makes $rofita%le se"se to $la more ha"ds agai"st the $oor $oker $la ers tha" agai"st the %etter o"es. >ou +ill fi"d over time that the ma(orit of our $rofits )ome from that small $er)e"tage of trul $oor $oker $la ers. Pri")i$le T2 is a %it tri)kier %e)ause it has t+o $arts. 1irst, ou +ill %e maki"g $la s at the ta%leA )he)k!raisi"g0 sto$!'"'!gos0 semi!%luffs0 all the tri)ks i" our %ag. To make these $la s $rofita%le, ou "eed to %e a%le to re)og"i/e +he" the have go"e +ro"g a"d to let them go %efore the %ig %ets hit o" the tur" a"d river. All this is the first $art. The se)o"d $art, +hi)h is $erha$s a more adva")ed $la , is that ma" reall good moves at the $oker ta%le "eed a set!u$. >ou "eed to make the first %et a"d fold to the reraise a fe+ times to set the $la er u$ for the %ig kill. &r ou "eed to "ot defe"d our %li"ds, i" order to $ou")e +he" the %li"d stealer gets too greed . So, ou are usi"g moves a"d $la s that ou k"o+ +ill lose ou small amou"ts of )hi$s, i" order to set u$ the %ig s)ore. #t's a" i"teresti"g rule of thum% that ou might e*$e)t o"l 1 i" B moves to %e $rofita%le 6E0:20 $ri")i$le agai"7 %ut it surel is more $rofita%le the" the $la er +ho $la s ever move to the %itter a"d )ostl e"d. =o"sider our o+" game. Do ou have a" E0:20 rule i" $la)e, Are ou read for 40:10, 8oti)e that the higher the ratio, the more dis)i$li"ed ou "eed to %e. #f ou're maki"g 405 of our $rofit from 105 of our moves a"d o"l 105 of the other $la ers, the" ou are $la i"g

t+i)e as tight as the E0:20 $la er. What is our Pareto Poker Pri")i$le "um%er,

The Poker Shrink, Vol #3 -- $necdotal 0-idence

Gu"e 01, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

A"e)dotal evide")e is i"formatio" ou o%tai" from a su%(e)tive re$ort, a" o%servatio", or some ki"d of e*am$le that ma or ma "ot %e relia%le. #" additio", a"e)dotal evide")e is "ot s)ie"tifi)all valid or re$rese"tative of testa%le fa)ts. Let's take a look at a real!+orld 6"o"!$oker7 e*am$le to illustrate a"e)dotal evide")e. A lad )laims her arthritis $ai" +e"t a+a )om$letel %e)ause she +ore )o$$er %ra)elets o" her a"kles a"d +rists. A medi)al do)tor a"d resear)h s)ie"tist +ill tell ou that there is a%solutel "o s)ie"tifi) studies that sho+ )o$$er %ra)elets, )o$$er $e""ies or )o$$erheads relieve arthriti) s m$toms. The lad )ould %e i" remissio", or she ma have )ha"ged her diet, or this might (ust %e a $la)e%o effe)t. The 'evide")e' that the )o$$er %ra)elet hel$ed her medi)al $ro%lem is a"e)dotal, +ithout %asis i" s)ie"tifi) fa)t, mea"i"g evide")e o%tai"ed u"der rigid a"d s$e)ifi) test )o"ditio"s. .o+ever, the lad "o lo"ger is i" $ai". 8o+ some $oker re$orts rel i"g o" a"e)dotal evide")eA @# %usted out of the tour"ame"t +ith $o)ket Ga)ks, # al+a s lose +ith Ga)ks.@ @The )o"ti"uatio" %et is the most over!used move i" $oker.@ @# )a" "ever get m A)es to sta"d u$ +he" it reall )ou"ts.@ 8oti)e that these stateme"ts te"d to )o"tai" +ords likeA 'al+a s,' 'most' a"d '"ever.' We all k"o+ that $la ers maki"g su)h stateme"ts are sim$l lau")hi"g i"to a %ad %eat stor . We k"o+ the odds0 +e k"o+ that A2 is a ver good starti"g ha"d %utN. We k"o+, +e k"o+, +e

k"o+. .o+ever, +e also te"d to rel o" a"e)dotal evide")e +he" it )omes to our game, our %ad %eats a"d the su)kouts that take us out of the tour"ame"t. These stateme"ts also te"d to )o"tai" +ords su)h as 'our' or 'us.' >ou see, huma"s 6that +ould %e 'us'7 te"d to %e more o%(e)tive +he" thi"gs ha$$e" to others a"d more su%(e)tive +he" the ha$$e" to us. ?akes se"se0 +e are the 'su%(e)t' of the eve"t +he" it ha$$e"s to us a"d +e te"d to "ot %e o%(e)tive to+ards %ad stuff ha$$e"i"g to us. - the +a , this +orks the o$$osite +a , too. #f ou +i" +ith JTo several times i" a tour"ame"t, ou +ill %e more likel to $la JTo later i" that same eve"t 6remem%er <o%ert Carko" i i" 20027. So +hat's the $ro%lem, We all k"o+ that "o o"e reall loses all the time +ith $o)ket Ga)ks a"d +e k"o+ that AJo is "ot a +orse ha"d tha" ;2o, %e)ause +e k"o+ that $eo$le mu)k the ;2o a"d $la the AJ, +hi)h is +h ou lose more +ith AJ tha" ;2. .ere is +hat is +ro"g +ith rel i"g i" a" +a o" a"e)dotal evide")e. The game of $oker has )ertai" o%(e)tive eleme"ts S B2 )ards, "um%er of outs to the flush, odds o" the dou%le gut!%uster dra+ S a"d it has )ertai" su%(e)tive eleme"ts S reads o" other $la ers, aggressive or loose o$$o"e"ts, ta%le image. #f ou allo+ su%(e)tive assessme"ts to )ree$ i"to the o%(e)tive $ortio"s of the game, ou sim$l make our de)isio"s less relia%le a"d therefore less $rofita%le. There are alread lots of su%(e)tive (udgme"ts for ou to make i" a ha"d of $oker. Wh )o"vert other $ortio"s of the game, +here ou have good, relia%le, o%(e)tive i"formatio", to the less solid su%(e)tive realm, A"e)dotal evide")e $roves "othi"g. Should ou rel o" it, Sure, +he" it's reads or tells or the 'dum% lu)k fa)tor' of the do"ke i" seat four. -ut +he" ou have good solid fa)ts to %a)k u$ our $la the should %e tem$ered % the su%(e)tive i"formatio" "ot tra"sformed i"to some $oker m tholog . Kreat $oker $la ers use all of their skills to make the %ig de)isio"s %ut the seldom rel o" a hu")h or a ra%%it's foot. #t ma look that +a o" televisio", %ut da after da at the ta%les, good solid fa)tual evide")e +i"s the )ash time after time after time. D*)e$t +he" # get Ga)k!De+e suited S that's m lu)k ha"d.

The Poker Shrink, Vol ## -- Gall s >a1

Gu"e 0E, 200;, Dr. Tim Lavalli

"' comple$ system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. ' comple$ system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system." This has %e)ome k"o+" as Kall's La+ a"d )a" %e fou"d i" the %ook S stema"ti)sA .o+ S stems <eall Work a"d .o+ The 1ail. #t +ould seem rather i"tuitive that a" )om$le* s stem +ould have %egu" as a sim$le s stem0 ho+ever, that is +hat +e ofte" )all evolutio"ar thi"ki"g, +hi)h mea"s +e assume thi"gs evolve "aturall . We k"o+, of )ourse, that ma" thi"gs do "ot evolve, %ut rather are )reated % huma"s a"d ofte" )reated to the s$e)ifi)atio"s of other huma"s... or +orse et S a )ommitteeF

#" %usi"ess $ro(e)ts, $arti)ularl soft+are $ro(e)ts, Kall's La+ is a" argume"t i" favor of u"ders$e)ifi)atio". Whe" maki"g a desig" s$e)ifi)atio", for e*am$le, kee$ it sim$le. Desig" somethi"g sim$le, a"d if a"d +he" it +orks, ou )a" add more %ells a"d +histles. #" fa)t, if ou desig" to a %aseli"e )o")e$t, ou +ill ofte" fi"d that s stems, $rodu)t li"es, et). +ill gro+ o" their o+". The do i"deed evolveF #f, ho+ever, ou )o"stru)t a ver )om$le* s stem, the" ou are likel fi"d that "ot o"l does it "ot do +hat it +as mea"t to do, %ut ou also )a""ot fi* it. Take our $oker game. #s there a lot of fa") $la i" our game, #s it +orki"g, #f "ot, let me ask thisA Did ou ever have a %asi) $oker game that +orked, &r $erha$s did ou read a lot of %ooks, +at)h a lot of

televisio" $oker a"d lose a lot of mo"e , Poker games are %uilt, "ot %ought or lear"ed or )reated i" seve" da s. #f ou are "ot +i""i"g at $oker 6%e ho"est +ith ourself7 tha" ask the ver sim$le 3uestio"A @Whe" +as # last a +i""i"g $la er, Was there a %asi) game that +as u"i3uel m o+" a"d +as a +i""i"g game,@

D*am$les of )om$le* losi"g games are the $reviousl me"tio"ed '1a") !Pla S "drome,' the 'Al+a s Slo+ Pla ' a"d the '=o"sta"t Tra$$er,' "ot to me"tio" the '?a"ia)' a"d the 'Loose! Aggressive 1orever' strategies. Kall's La+ suggests that 'fi*i"g' these games ma "ot %e the +a to go, a"d i" fa)t, it ma %e im$ossi%le. >ou have t+o )hoi)es for re%uildi"g our game. T1A #f ou had a +i""i"g game at o"e time, the" ou "eed to literall go %a)k to that game. #de"tif a"d stri$ a+a all the add!o"s that have )ri$$led our game a"d %egi" agai". This $ro)ess is diffi)ult %e)ause it re3uires ou to a)tuall remem%er +hat +orked a"d the" to lo)ate all of the $ote"tiall +i""i"g strategies that ou have added that i"stead )reated a )om$le* a"d losi"g s stem. There are $ra)ti)all "o $oker $la ers +ho )a" do this alo"e, eve" +ith great sessio" "otes. >ou "eed a )oa)h or a $oker %udd to do the a"al sis +ith ou. The" ou have to $la some $oker +ithout resorti"g to all of those losi"g tri)ks ou have 'lear"ed'. <emem%er that i" a"d of themselves these are "ot losi"g strategies0 it is o"l the )om$le* game s stem that ou have )o"stru)ted arou"d them that has %e)ome severel %roke". &fte" the task is too diffi)ult to )o"sider, or as Kall suggestsA @A )om$le* s stem desig"ed from s)rat)h "ever +orks a"d )a""ot %e $at)hed u$ to make it +ork.@ T2A #" this )ase, our %est )ourse of a)tio" is to start over. '-a)k to the %asi)s' is a +ell! k"o+" $hrase %e)ause it so ofte" is the )orre)t )ourse of a)tio". As Kall remi"ds usA @>ou have to start over +ith a +orki"g sim$le s stem.@ To make this less of a $ai"ful task, a"s+er this 3uestio" ho"estl A Did ou ever have a sim$le, +orki"g, fu")tio"i"g, +i""i"g $oker game, #f ou did, the" at +hat level a"d +ith +hat %a"kroll, Sure, it's hard to start over +ith the %asi)s, %ut if ou have "ever a)tuall had the %asi)s i" our game the" it's "ot reall starti"g over, is it, A"d is $la i"g a %asi) $oker game reall harder to do tha" sitti"g at the higher!limit ta%les a"d losi"g sessio" after sessio" after sessio", >our )all, %ut Kall sa sA @2ee$ it sim$le, stu$id.@ &h, +ait, that might have %ee" Mi$$ .

The Poker Shrink, Vol= #&) The Premack Princi(le

1e%ruar 02, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

While o%servi"g )hildre" i" the '60s, David Prema)k "oti)ed that some $are"ts used o"e %ehavior to rei"for)e a"other. 1or e*am$le, our so" likes to $la video games %ut does "ot like to )lea" his room. >ou, the $are"t, +a"t the room )lea"ed a"d ou also +a"t our so" to s$e"d less time $la i"g video games. &"e %ehavior 6$la i"g the video game7 ha$$e"s ofte" a"d relia%l 0 the other 6)lea"i"g the room7 ha$$e"s less a"d )om$letel u"relia%l . So the +ise 6or ma"i$ulative7 $are"t offers more video game time +he" the so"'s room is )lea". &"e %ehavior a)ts as a re+ard for the other. >es, of )ourse, there is some de%ate a%out re+ard!%ased %ehavior, %ut most $are"ts +ill take the )lea" room i" e*)ha"ge for the game $la i"g. Advertiseme"t

# +as remi"ded of the Prema)k Pri")i$le last summer duri"g a World Series of Poker 8L.D $relimi"ar eve"t. 1ive $rofessio"al $la ers +ere seated "earl %a)k!to!%a)k at four ta%les0 amo"g the $ros +ere Phil .ellmuth, ?ike ?atuso+, La "e 1la)k a"d .u)k Seed. The fifth $la er +ill remai" a"o" mous %e)ause he +as the o"e usi"g a form of the Prema)k Pri")i$le, a"d although # am givi"g a+a the strateg , # am "ot goi"g to ide"tif him % "ame. Let's )all him... -ill.

.ere's ho+ the $la +e"t. #t +as the first rou"d of %li"ds, +hi)h mea"s i" the dee$!sta)k WS&P stru)ture, there are ver fe+ )hi$s i" $la relative to )hi$ sta)ks. The five $ros +ere talki"g %a)k a"d forth, maki"g last!lo"ger %ets a"d dis)ussi"g other $ro$ %ets the had heard of i" the '0E Series. The +ere $a i"g a lot more atte"tio" to the )o"versatio" tha" to the earl ha"ds of the tour"ame"t. -ill the Pro +as the farthest a+a from the )e"ter of the )o"versatio", so he )o"ti"uall lea"ed %a)k i" his )hair to talk to the other $la ers. #" fa)t, he +as ofte" u$ out of his )hair talki"g to the other $ros. Whe" seated, -ill $la ed 3uite a fe+ ha"ds a"d folded o" the flo$ or tur" to )o"ti"uatio" %ets. #t a$$eared he +as seei"g a lot of ha"ds %ut +as "ot goi"g to get i"volved i" a" %ig $ots. Das read. A"d he a$$eared to %e more i"terested i" )hatti"g +ith the other $ros the" $la i"g his )ards. At o"e $oi"t, ma %e 30 ha"ds i"to the tour"ame"t, -ill looked at his )ards a"d )ame i" for a raise, his first raise. .e $aid atte"tio" to the ha"d a"d )alled a %et o" the flo$ of 2!E!6. Whe" a deu)e hit the river a"d the other $la er %et the $ot, -ill ta"ked for a mi"ute, the" sho+ed his $o)ket 3uee"s a"d mu)ked. The other $la er sho+ed his A!2 a"d the game moved o". -ill +e"t right %a)k to his distra)ted )hatti"g a"d foldi"g a lot of ha"ds $ost!flo$. Whe" the $la ers retur"ed from the %reak after rou"d o"e, -ill remai"ed sta"di"g. .e looked at his )ards a"d folded them for a )ou$le of deals +hile i" a )o"versatio" +ith ?ike ?atuso+ a%out the DPT %li"d stru)ture versus the WS&P stru)tures. Whe" he fi"all took his seat, he )o"ti"ued to a$$ear more i"terested i" )o"versatio" a+a from the ta%le. The" )ame this ha"d. A" earl !$ositio" $la er o$e"ed for a raise0 this $la er had take" several $ots from our $ro +ith $ost!flo$ %ets. -ill )alled $re!flo$ +hile talki"g to Phil .ellmuth a%out a" u$)omi"g )harit tour"ame"t. &" the flo$ of A!2!E, the earl !$ositio" raiser %et o"e!third of the $ot a"d -ill )asuall )alled, still talki"g to Phil. The tur" +as a si* a"d the DP $la er %et half the $ot0 -ill had to ask +hat the %et +as %e)ause he +as "ot $a i"g atte"tio", a"d he a$ologi/ed a"d )alled. The river %rought a"other ki"g a"d after a $ot!si/ed %et from the earl $la er, -ill raised, the DP s"a$$ed out his all!i" %et a"d -ill i"sta!)alled. The dealer shouted, @All i" a"d a )allF@ for the DSP8 )ameras that had %ee" hoveri"g "ear this grou$ of ta%les, a"d .u)k Seed a"d La "e 1la)k stood u$ to see the ha"d. Whe" ever o"e +as read , the DP sho+ed A!2 for ki"gs full a"d our disi"terested $rofessio"al sho+ed $o)ket a)es, for a)es full, the +i" a"d the dou%le!u$. As he +alked a+a from the ta%le, .u)k saidA @Did the reall thi"k -ill +as"'t $a i"g atte"tio",@

Did -ill set that u$, Well, es he did. # k"o+ %e)ause # asked him o" the "e*t %reak. .e did"'t )all it the Prema)k Pri")i$le %ut # +ill. Let our o$$o"e"ts do somethi"g the relia%l like to do !! take our )hi$s % %etti"g ou off a $ot !! a"d there% make it easier for them to do somethi"g the do"'t relia%l do, like $la a %ig $ot out of $ositio" +he" ou do"'t fold.

The Poker Shrink, Vol= #*) $ttribution Theory

1e%ruar 04, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Attri%utio" theor des)ri%es the +a i" +hi)h $eo$le e*$lai" %oth their o+" %ehavior a"d that of others. A))ordi"g to this theor , $eo$le te"d to see either i"ter"al or e*ter"al )auses as the determi"i"g fa)tor i" most %ehavior. #f ou see a )hild )r i"g i" a store, ou might thi"k @That kid is a %rat@ 6i"ter"al7, or ou might thi"k @# +o"der if he is hurt or ill@ 6e*ter"al7. >ou are attri%uti"g the )hild's )r i"g to either a" i"ter"al or a" e*ter"al )ause. #" $oker, if a $la er $la s a ha"d $arti)ularl %adl tilt or dru"k or distra)ted.@ The disti")tio" )a" %e im$orta"t to our game. #f ou are at the ta%le +ith a trul %ad $la er the" ou )a" take adva"tage of that fa)t over a"d over0 %ut if a $la er is o" tilt a"d he takes a %reak, he ma +ell )ome %a)k "o lo"ger o" tilt a"d read to $la a mu)h stro"ger game. #f ou mistake"l attri%uted their %ad $la to the i"ter"al fa)t that this gu is (ust a %ad $la er, ou )ould lose a lot of )hi$s +he" he )omes %a)k +ith his @A@ game. So, let's ask the im$orta"t 3uestio"A Whe" ou lose a )lose ha"d to a"other $la er, +hat is our first thought, @.e is a do"ke .@ @.e out$la ed m.@ @.e got lu)k .@ The )orre)t a"s+er is, ou should"'t have the same first thought ever time ou lose a ha"d. >ou should revie+ the ha"d i" order to )orre)tl attri%ute the loss to skill or lu)k. -ut eve" more im$orta"tl , ou should make a" i"ter"al:e*ter"al de)isio" a%out %oth the other $la er's a)tio"s a"d our o+". 1ar too ofte" +e dismiss our o+" mistakes % $utti"g the do"ke la%el o" our o$$o"e"t. Sure he ma have $la ed the ha"d %adl , %ut ho+ a%out ou, 1or ea)h ha"d +here ou $i)k u$ a read, ou +a"t to attri%ute the other $la er's $la to them ou might attri%ute it i"ter"all , as i" @That gu is a %ad $oker $la er,@ or e*ter"all , like @That gu is o"

)orre)tl . #f the reall are a ro)k or a ma"ia) 6i"ter"al7 tha" so %e it, as ou the" have a good, solid, lo"g!sta"di"g read. .o+ever, if the +ere maki"g a move +ith o"e ha"d to sho+ the )a" %e aggressive, the" $erha$s the +ere (ust se"di"g a sig"al to the ta%le 6e*ter"al7 a"d the +ill "o+ go %a)k to $la i"g tight. A$$l i"g attri%utio" theor to other $la ers is the eas $art. Gust do"'t $ut a %ig la%el o" a $la er 6ro)k, ma"ia), %luffer7 u"til ou are sure. -etter to go +ith several e*ter"al reads 6@.e $la s A!2 fast@7 a"d +ork u$ to the %ig la%el. #" most small %u !i" tour"ame"ts ou "ever reall have e"ough i"formatio" o" a $la er to make a %ig i"ter"al read. #f ou (um$ to su)h a )o")lusio" it )ould )ost ou +he" the $la er )omes out +ith a )o"tradi)tor $la . #t's "ot that the are )ha"gi"g u$ their game0 it's that ou attri%uted a st le to them %ased o" too little i"formatio". The se)o"d a$$li)atio" of attri%utio" theor i" $oker is mu)h more diffi)ult. >ou have to attri%ute motivatio" a"d a)tio"s to our o+" $la . We'd all like to thi"k +e lose those %ig ha"ds to a lu)k%o* or a huge su)kout, %ut +e reall k"o+ this is "ot true. Sometimes +e make a %ad read or a %ad $la 0 +e make a mistake a"d +e should attri%ute that loss to either a" i"ter"al or a" e*ter"al fa)tor of our o+" games. #f it's e*ter"alA +e +ere tired, +e missed the read, +e got distra)ted. et). 8ote the mistake a"d move o". #f it's i"ter"al, the" there's some +ork to do. #f ou are $ushi"g +ith to$ $air:to$ ki)ker a"d getti"g s"a$$ed off time after time, ou have a leak i" our game. >ou are )learl mis$la i"g TPT2 a"d it's a" i"ter"al issue. Attri%uti"g our mistakes )orre)tl a"d taki"g a)tio" to $lug the leaks is fu"dame"tal to im$rovi"g our game. <emem%er a))uratel attri%uti"g our o+" %ehavior is more diffi)ult tha" attri%uti"g the other $la er's a)tio"s a"d )orre)ti"g i"ter"al %ehavior is more diffi)ult tha" fi*i"g e*ter"al mistakes.

The Poker Shrink, Vol= #:) +on-ergentB8i-ergent Thinking

1e%ruar 16, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Who does"'t marvel as Da"iel 8egrea"u makes those u"%elieva%le reads o" televisio", # mea", +ho does"'t +a"t to sa , @# am foldi"g m 3uads to our ro al flush,@ a"d %e right, -ut %e )areful, tr i"g to %e as good a"d as e"tertai"i"g as $rofessio"al $oker $la ers )a" have its $itfalls. Tr i"g to %e too good of a reader )a" hurt ou at the $oker ta%les. #" $s )holog , +he" someo"e is tr i"g to fi"d that o"e $erfe)t, e*a)t a"s+er0 +e sa the are e"gaged i" convergent thinking. This is $ro)ess i" +hi)h a $erso" attem$ts to fi"d the o"e, true a"d si"gle )orre)t a"s+er to a 3uestio", a 3uestio" su)h asA @What is the s$eed of a )omet,@ -ut )o"verge"t thi"ki"g ma "ot %e the %est )ourse of a)tio", if our 3uestio" is, @What is m o$$o"e"t holdi"g,@ We +ere all taught +he" +e first lear" to @read@ other $la ers that +e should tr to $ut our o$$o"e"t o" a ra"ge of ha"ds. This is )alled divergent thinking, +hi)h is sim$l the thought $ro)ess +here ou attem$t to fi"d ma" $ossi%le res$o"ses to a si"gle 3uestio". Diverge"t thi"ki"g is ver useful at the %egi""i"g of a resear)h $ro(e)t, +he" o"e tries to figure out +hat $ossi%le a"s+ers must %e tested. -ut more im$orta"tl for our $oker a$$li)atio", diverge"t thi"ki"g allo+s us to )o"sider that there reall is more tha" o"e a"s+er to the 3uestio". @What does he have i" his ha"d,@ Pla ers o$e" +ith a ra"ge of ha"ds a"d if ou "arro+ that ra"ge too 3ui)kl , ou )a" easil %e tri)ked % a +eak holdi"g develo$i"g i"to a +i""er. #f ou $ut a $la er o" A!2 $re!flo$ a"d the

flo$ )omes G!9!2, ou might %et hard +ith a" $air. -ut if ou had $ut the $la er o" A!2, A!J, A!G or a" middle $air, the" ou have some )ause to %e )autious. The se)o"d $art of this diverge"t:)o"verge"t $ro)ess is "ot to get too )o"fide"t. # k"o+ a ver su))essful 8L.D )ash $la er +ho al+a s sits do+" +ith the ma*imum %u !i" a"d tries to lose his first t+o or three ha"ds. <eall . .e $la s loose a"d sho+s his ha"ds a )ou$le of times i" the first rou"d after he sits do+". .e also orders a dri"k a"d loudl tells the )o)ktail +aitress that he e*$e)ts to see a lot of her, he the" ti$s her %ig for ever o"e to see. .e is tr i"g to get other $la ers at the ta%le to make a )o"verge"t read that he is loose, aggressive a"d 3uite fra"kl stu$id. .e also is loud, over%eari"g a"d has too mu)h mo"e , +hi)h he does "ot value at the $oker ta%le. The diverge"t thi"ki"g $ro)ess i" res$o"se to his @)omi"g to the ta%le@ a)tio"s is either that, @>es, he is a" idiot a"d a )ash ma)hi"e,@ or that, @8o, he is setti"g ou u$ a"d +ill lose si*t %u)ks earl to +i" our sta)k later.@ Kuess +hat, #t +orks. &ka , so ou are goi"g to leave our o$tio"s o$e" a"d e"gage i" diverge"t thi"ki"g. >ou are i" a sho+do+" situatio" a"d ou are revie+i"g the %etti"gA @Did ou a)tuall )all m o$e"i"g raise +ith a three i" our ha"d, # )a" %eat our t+o $air, %ut tri$ threes is a +i""erN.@ As ou re)o"stru)t ho+ the ha"d +as $la ed, i" order to de)ide if ou are goi"g to make the %ig )all o" the river0 ou have a disti")t adva"tage i" re)reati"g the ha"d if ou e"gaged i" diverge"t thi"ki"g. #f A!3 suited +as a $ossi%ilit for this $la er $re!flo$, the" it does have to %e )o"sidered o" the river. -ut if ou have %ee" readi"g this $la er all "ight a"d he "ever $la ed a small a)e to a" o$e"i"g raise, the" our diverge"t thi"ki"g should have alread ruled out A! 3 a"d ou )a" )o"fide"tl make the )all. Diverge"t thi"ki"g +orks %oth +a s. >ou "ot o"l leave ourself o$e" to $ossi%ilities, ou also )a" )lose off some of those hau"ti"g dra+s +he" ou have diverge"tl $ut our o$$o"e"t o" ha"ds for several hours. 2"o+i"g +hat he does"'t have is sometimes (ust as im$orta"t as +hat he does.

The Poker Shrink, Vol #;) 7locking

1e%ruar 23, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Sometimes it sur$rises me (ust ho+ ofte" our %asi) i"sti")ts overrule our reall %ig %rai". Darl e*$erime"ts sho+ed that %ehavioral s)ie"tists )ould )o"ditio" rats a"d $igeo"s to re)reate )ertai" %ehaviors o" )ue. >ou k"o+ the oldA hear a %ell a"d get fed, or $e)k a %la)k dot a"d get a treat. Those are )alled )o"ditio"ed res$o"ses. The la% a"imal lear"s that a )ertai" stimulus leads to a regular res$o"se. The light mea"s food, the +histle mea"s a hu"gr )at. Somethi"g like that. 1urther resear)h dis)overed that o")e a" a"imal +as )o"ditio"ed to o"e stimulus the +ould "ot lear" a"other o"e. So if ou @taught@ the rat that $ushi"g the red lever mea"t a food $ellet +ould a$$ear %ut the %la)k lever $rodu)ed "othi"g, the rats +ould $ush the red o"e %ut "ot the %la)k o"e. #f ou the" added a ello+ lever, the rat treated ello+ like %la)k or "o food. Wh , Well the su%(e)t rode"t had alread asso)iated red +ith food a"d the (ust did"'t have the me"tall )a$a)it to %roade" their a)tio"s to )o"sider that ello+ might also mea" food. <ed +as food a"d that +as that. Dffe)tivel , the first!lear"ed )o"ditio"ed res$o"se blocks out a" later )o"ditio"i"g eve" if the later asso)iatio" is (ust as stro"g as or stro"ger tha" the first. A stro"g )o"ditio"ed res$o"se relatio"shi$ stro"gl %lo)ks a" further asso)iatio"s to the origi"al stimulus. -ut +e huma"s are a lot smarter tha" that, right, Well let's see. At the 200; World Series of Poker, # had di""er +ith t+o $rofessio"al $oker $la ers, +ho had %ee" $la i"g at the same ta%le for the first si* hours of that da 's tour"ame"t. Duri"g di""er the +ere talki"g a%out several ha"ds that had %ee" $la ed at their ta%le +he" Pro A saidA @A"d # )a"'t %elieve the gu i" seat four has"'t %usted out, he $la s so %adl .@

To +hi)h Pro - re$liedA @>eah a"d he has that mo"ster tell.@ Pro AA @>ou sa+ that, too, # mea" does "o o"e else at the ta%le get it,' Pro -A @# k"o+ "either of us has %ee" a%le to get him heads u$ all da a"d the other $la ers do"'t seem to have a )lue.@ Pro AA @A"d he $la s so ma" ha"ds, he is %ou"d to give us those )hi$s %efore the da is over.@ So, of )ourse, # had to ask a%out the tell a"d after %ei"g s+or" to se)re) , Pro A saidA @Dver time he has a stro"g ha"d, he makes his %et a"d the" leaves his ha"d out o" the ta%le i" a fist. .e "ever does that if he is %luffi"g or o" a dra+, o"l +he" he is stro"g.@ Pro -A @What, .e has a stro"g tell too,F@ Pro AA @That's "ot the tell ou had,@ Pro -A @8o, # have a +eak tell o" him. Whe" he is +eak, he $la s +ith his )hi$s after he makes his %et. With a stro"g ha"d or a stro"g dra+ he "ever tou)hes his )hi$s after a %et.@ So the gu i" seat four had t+o differe"t tells a"d ea)h $ro had $i)ked u$ o"e of them. #t tur"s out that duri"g the ver first rou"d of $la , +he" %li"ds +ere lo+0 Pro A had lost a $ot to seat four +he" the $la er gave off his stro"g tell a"d Pro A $i)ked u$ o" it. Also i" the earl rou"ds Pro - had take" a $ot from the $la er i" seat four +he" he gave the +eak tell a"d Pro - $i)ked u$ o" that o"e. So ea)h $ro had a )o"firmed tell a"d a$$are"tl +ere blocked from $i)ki"g u$ the $la er's other tells. Where is it +ritte" that a $la er +ill o"l have o"e tell, The a"s+er is S "o+here. =learl if ou are +eak e"ough to have a tell, ou )ould have more tha" o"e. -ut the a%ilit to $i)k u$ o" a se)o"d or third tell is %lo)ked % our little re$tilia" %rai". D*)e$t that "o+ ou k"o+ a%out %lo)ki"g a"d )a" fo)us our atte"tio" to sear)h for those other tells. Gust %e sure to remem%erA <ed mea"s foodF

The Poker Shrink, Vol #;) 7locking

1e%ruar 23, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Sometimes it sur$rises me (ust ho+ ofte" our %asi) i"sti")ts overrule our reall %ig %rai". Darl e*$erime"ts sho+ed that %ehavioral s)ie"tists )ould )o"ditio" rats a"d $igeo"s to re)reate )ertai" %ehaviors o" )ue. >ou k"o+ the oldA hear a %ell a"d get fed, or $e)k a %la)k dot a"d get a treat. Those are )alled )o"ditio"ed res$o"ses. The la% a"imal lear"s that a )ertai" stimulus leads to a regular res$o"se. The light mea"s food, the +histle mea"s a hu"gr )at. Somethi"g like that. 1urther resear)h dis)overed that o")e a" a"imal +as )o"ditio"ed to o"e stimulus the +ould "ot lear" a"other o"e. So if ou @taught@ the rat that $ushi"g the red lever mea"t a food $ellet +ould a$$ear %ut the %la)k lever $rodu)ed "othi"g, the rats +ould $ush the red o"e %ut "ot the %la)k o"e. #f ou the" added a ello+ lever, the rat treated ello+ like %la)k or "o food. Wh , Well the su%(e)t rode"t had alread asso)iated red +ith food a"d the (ust did"'t have the me"tall )a$a)it to %roade" their a)tio"s to )o"sider that ello+ might also mea" food. <ed +as food a"d that +as that. Dffe)tivel , the first!lear"ed )o"ditio"ed res$o"se blocks out a" later )o"ditio"i"g eve" if the later asso)iatio" is (ust as stro"g as or stro"ger tha" the first. A stro"g )o"ditio"ed res$o"se relatio"shi$ stro"gl %lo)ks a" further asso)iatio"s to the origi"al stimulus. -ut +e huma"s are a lot smarter tha" that, right, Well let's see.

At the 200; World Series of Poker, # had di""er +ith t+o $rofessio"al $oker $la ers, +ho had %ee" $la i"g at the same ta%le for the first si* hours of that da 's tour"ame"t. Duri"g di""er the +ere talki"g a%out several ha"ds that had %ee" $la ed at their ta%le +he" Pro A saidA @A"d # )a"'t %elieve the gu i" seat four has"'t %usted out, he $la s so %adl .@

To +hi)h Pro - re$liedA @>eah a"d he has that mo"ster tell.@ Pro AA @>ou sa+ that, too, # mea" does "o o"e else at the ta%le get it,' Pro -A @# k"o+ "either of us has %ee" a%le to get him heads u$ all da a"d the other $la ers do"'t seem to have a )lue.@ Pro AA @A"d he $la s so ma" ha"ds, he is %ou"d to give us those )hi$s %efore the da is over.@ So, of )ourse, # had to ask a%out the tell a"d after %ei"g s+or" to se)re) , Pro A saidA @Dver time he has a stro"g ha"d, he makes his %et a"d the" leaves his ha"d out o" the ta%le i" a fist. .e "ever does that if he is %luffi"g or o" a dra+, o"l +he" he is stro"g.@ Pro -A @What, .e has a stro"g tell too,F@ Pro AA @That's "ot the tell ou had,@ Pro -A @8o, # have a +eak tell o" him. Whe" he is +eak, he $la s +ith his )hi$s after he makes his %et. With a stro"g ha"d or a stro"g dra+ he "ever tou)hes his )hi$s after a %et.@ So the gu i" seat four had t+o differe"t tells a"d ea)h $ro had $i)ked u$ o"e of them. #t tur"s out that duri"g the ver first rou"d of $la , +he" %li"ds +ere lo+0 Pro A had lost a $ot to seat four +he" the $la er gave off his stro"g tell a"d Pro A $i)ked u$ o" it. Also i" the earl rou"ds Pro - had take" a $ot from the $la er i" seat four +he" he gave the +eak tell a"d Pro - $i)ked u$ o" that o"e. So ea)h $ro had a )o"firmed tell a"d a$$are"tl +ere blocked from $i)ki"g u$ the $la er's other tells. Where is it +ritte" that a $la er +ill o"l have o"e tell, The a"s+er is S "o+here. =learl if ou are +eak e"ough to have a tell, ou )ould have more tha" o"e. -ut the a%ilit to $i)k u$ o" a se)o"d or third tell is %lo)ked % our little re$tilia" %rai". D*)e$t that "o+ ou k"o+ a%out %lo)ki"g a"d )a" fo)us our atte"tio" to sear)h for those other tells. Gust %e sure to remem%erA <ed mea"s foodF

The Poker Shrink, Vol= #<) Trans9erence

?ar)h 02, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

&"e of the most )ommo" a"d most im$orta"t as$e)ts of $s )hologi)al thera$ is the )o")e$t of transference. #" ver %asi) la"guage, there are times i" our various relatio"shi$s +he" +e @tra"sfer@ our o+" "eeds, desires, a"d fears o"to someo"e else. #" thera$ , the most )ommo" o))urre")e is +he" a $atie"t either likes or dislikes their thera$ist. #f someo"e remi"ds ou of a lovi"g $are"t or a "ast %oss, ou might also assume the have other 3ualities of that $erso"0 ou tra"sfer the feeli"gs a%out o"e $erso" to a"other. The ke to a" form of tra"sfere")e is that it is "earl al+a s u")o"s)ious. As +e all k"o+, u")o"s)ious assum$tio"s or a)tio"s at the $oker ta%le )a" )ost us mo"e , so tra"sfere")e duri"g a game is somethi"g to %e avoided. >ou have to %e )areful, though. Tra"sfere")e a"d getti"g reads are "ot the same %ut the )losel resem%le o"e a"other. >ou hear a gu talki"g a %it of trash i" a ha"d a"d +he" it $la s out ou fi"d he +as %luffi"g. 8o+ that is a read ou +a"t to kee$ i" mi"d, as he ma %e talki"g to )over u$ a %luff. .o+ever, his trash talki"g also remi"ds ou of Goh" that (erk that $la s at lot at our lo)al )ard room. Goh" is a $ai" i" the %utt a"d "o fu" to $la +ith %ut he does give a+a a lot of )hi$s +he" he dri"ks, a"d this gu is dri"ki"g, too. That se)o"d o%servatio" is tra"sfere")e0 it is a" emotio"al rea)tio". >ou have "o fa)tual %asis that this )urre"t $la er +ill give a+a his )hi$s like Goh" does. >ou (ust do"'t like to $la agai"st Goh" %e)ause he is, i" our estimatio", a (erk. >es, this gu ma %e (ust as %ig of a (erk, %ut that does "ot mea" he +ill $la $oker like Goh" does. >ou have the first sig" of a" a)tual tell +ith his trash!talki"g o" the %luff ha"d, %ut the rest of our i"formatio" is a%out Goh", rather tha" this $la er0 +hatever ou do, do"'t tra"sfer o"e $la er's game o"to a"other.

Tra"sfere")e "eed "ot %e "egative0 i" fa)t, i" thera$ the most )ommo" sig" of tra"sfere")e is +he" a $atie"t a)tuall %egi"s to like the thera$ist. Patie"ts )a" eve" fall i" love +ith their thera$ists. This is u"dersta"da%le, as +he" ou tell our dee$est se)rets to someo"e a"d the liste" a"d do "ot (udge ou, the the" seek to su$$ort our feeli"gs a"d hel$ ou make se"se of them +ithi" the )o"te*t of our life situatio". #t is o"l "atural that o" a" u")o"s)ious level, $atie"ts ofte" tra"sfer ver stro"g $ositive feeli"gs o"to someo"e the see i" a" offi)e o")e ea)h +eek. #t's u"dersta"da%le, %ut is %ased o" a )li"i)al, "ot a so)ial, relatio"shi$. -asi"g attra)tio" o" the artifi)ial )o"stru)tio" of the +eekl )lie"t!thera$ist i"tera)tio" is tra"sfere")e. The same )a" %e said a%out the so)ial )o"ta)t at a $oker ta%le. Someo"e talks +ith ou a%out the sto)k market or our kids or %asket%all. >ou develo$ a ki"d of rela*ed frie"dshi$ a"d the" ou are i" a %ig $ot agai"st them. #f the @good@ feeli"gs ou have to+ards this $erso" )ha"ges ho+ ou $la our ha"d, ou are the vi)tim of tra"sfere")e. Perha$s the +ere eve" havi"g the )o"versatio" +ith ou to gai" that edge. 8o+, # am )ertai"l "ot suggesti"g that ou "ot %e frie"dl a"d )o"versatio"al at the $oker ta%le. .o+ever, ou defi"itel should "ot allo+ frie"dl %a"ter a"d )amaraderie to alter our game. The situatio" at a $oker ta%le is (ust as artifi)ial as the thera$ sessio", a"d remem%er that the ke as$e)t to tra"sfere")e is that it is "earl al+a s u")o"s)ious. #f ou are "ot a+are ou are missi"g that river %et to the frie"dl old gu i" seat five or that ou "ever )he)k!raise the attra)tive ou"g lad i" seat t+o, the" $erha$s ou "eed to take a lo"g, hard look at ho+ our u")o"s)ious is affe)ti"g our +i" rate. At the $oker ta%le our goal should %e to tra"sfer )hi$s to our sta)k a"d that is the o"l transference there should %e.

The Poker Shrink, Vol= &3) 'ehearsal

?ar)h 04, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

<ehearsal is e*a)tl +hat ou thi"k it isA $ra)ti)i"g somethi"g, ofte" re$eatedl , %efore ou "eed to $erform the a)t. We most ofte" thi"k of a)tors rehearsi"g s)e"es or li"es of dialog a"d this is a $erfe)t e*am$le of +h rehearsi"g )a" %e"efit our $oker game. A)tors +a"t to %e )om$letel familiar +ith their li"es a"d +ith their moveme"ts %efore that have to $erform a s)e"e. The reaso" is that the +a"t to %e a%le to a)t i" $erha$s a variet of +a s +ithout havi"g to fo)us o" +hat +ords the have to sa or +hat a)tio"s the must $erform as their )hara)ter. A)ti"g is "ot a%out the +ords0 it is a%out ho+ a" a)tor delivers i" thought, +ord a"d deed. 8o+ thi"k a%out that, as it a$$lies to $oker. >ou "ot o"l do"'t +a"t to give a+a a" )lues a%out our ha"d or our thoughts at a $oker ta%le, ou also sometimes +a"t to give false tells i"stead. So there are several as$e)ts to rehearsi"g that a$$l to $oker. 1irst a"d foremost, ou do"'t +a"t to )hoke +he" ou should %e maki"g the %ig %et or eve" the %ig la do+". 1or e*am$leA Advertiseme"t

A $la er $ushes all i" a"d if ou make the )all, ou are all i" for our tour"ame"t life. >our read tells ou that ou have a 6B5 )ha")e of %ei"g ahead a"d the huge $ot dema"ds that ou

make the )allN %utN. it is for all our )hi$s a"d this is a %ig tour"ame"t a"d ou +ill still have a (ust!%elo+!average sta)k if ou fold. What if our read is +ro"g, >ou la)k the )o"fide")e0 ou are 3uestio"i"g ourself at the ta%le. At this $oi"t # +ould askA @.ave ou ever had to make this de)isio" %efore,@ Dver %ee" i" this situatio" i" a HB tour"ame"t o"li"e or a lo+!limit )ash game, #f "ot, +h "ot, <ehearsi"g for a %ig $oker de)isio" re3uires that ou $la e"ough at ver )omforta%le limits that ou have e*$erie")ed this ki"d of situatio" %efore. #t's "ot e"ough to have read a%out it i" a %ook a"d defi"itel "ot e"ough to sim$l k"o+ the $ot odds. >ou "eed to have %ee" here %efore a"d made the move. Gust for a mi"ute, re)all several of the %iggest ha"ds ou have ever $la ed0 it does"'t matter if ou +o" or lost the ha"d. >ou remem%er them, do"'t ou, # +ill ve"ture that ou do"'t remem%er the "e*t time a similar situatio" )ame u$ i" a later tour"ame"t %e)ause ou alread had that move i" our arse"al. >ou had rehearsed it i" a real!time tour"ame"t situatio" a"d ou made the move0 $ro%a%l , ou have made it several times si")e. <ehearsi"g does a )ou$le of thi"gs for our game. 1irst, rehearsi"g gives ou the )o"fide")e to make the right move. That )o"fide")e mea"s ou are also "ot goi"g to %e givi"g off a" $h si)al tells, like shaki"g ha"ds or fum%li"g )hi$s. This rehearsed steadi"ess mea"s ou also are read to give false tells a"d du$e our o$$o"e"ts. <ehearsal also mea"s that ou +ill %e a%le to mai"tai" our stead a)tio" eve" i" the $ressure ha"ds. #f ou al+a s take 30 se)o"ds to )he)k, raise, %et or fold0 the" eve" at this $ressure $oi"t of the tour"ame"t, ou +ill take 30 se)o"ds %e)ause ou have rehearsed u"der $ressure. The o%vious 3uestio" isA =a" a de)isio" i" a HB sit!'"'!go reall %e the same as o"e i" a World Series of Poker tour"ame"t, The a"s+er is esF -ut ou have to rehearse as if that HB ta%le mea"t somethi"g. >ou have to %ri"g our @A@ game a"d ou must make the de)isio" %ased o" the same $oker skill a"d k"o+ledge that ou +ould %ri"g to a WS&P fi"al ta%le. #f it's @(ust a five!%u)k satellite@ the" ou are "ot o$timall rehearsi"g. A"d +ithout that fo)us a"d )ommitme"t, the rehearsal +ill "ot give ou the )o"fide")e or $h si)al )o"trol to make the same move i" the %ig eve"t. 8o+ get out there a"d do itN a"d do it agai".

The Poker Shrink, Vol= &1) 6m(losion

?ar)h 16, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Last +eek # +rote a%out rehearsal a"d suggested that rehearsi"g $arti)ularl diffi)ult de)isio"s at the ta%le +ould make those de)isio"s easier, +ith less )ha")e of a $la er givi"g off a" $h si)al tells. # heard from o"e of m old $s )holog $rofessors, +ho suggested # )over @the other side@ of this $he"ome"o". .e referred me to a thera$euti) te)h"i3ue k"o+" as implosion. #m$losio" is a $ro)ess i" +hi)h )lie"ts imagi"e a"d relive )ertai" aversive s)e"es or a"*iet ! $rodu)i"g situatio"s. The thera$ )o"sists of havi"g ma" differe"t e*$osures to the same "egative stimulus %ut i" a safe or less!a"*ious e"viro"me"t. The theor %ehi"d im$losio" is that the "egative stimulus +ill eve"tuall lose its a%ilit to make the )lie"t a"*ious. This is similar to +hat # suggested i" the rehearsal arti)le, +he" +e sim$l $la a lot of lo+!limit o"li"e ha"ds to $rodu)e ma" e*am$les of situatio"s that $rodu)e our a"*iet . We all k"o+ it )a" %e hard to $ush all i" +ith to$!$air:to$!ki)ker, %ut less so for a dollar tha" for a thousa"d. -ut there is a"other +a to use im$losio" theor to dese"siti/e ourself to diffi)ult $oker de)isio"s. >ou do"'t have to @imagi"e@ the a"*iet $rodu)i"g situatio"0 ou )a" a)tuall re$rodu)e them. Let us su$$ose that our $ro%lem is firi"g the third %ullet o" the river after ou have made the $ost!flo$ )o"ti"uatio" %et a"d fired out a"other %et o" the tur". #m$losio" theor +ould suggest that ou "eed to do this e"ough times that fa)i"g su)h a situatio" +ill $rodu)e /ero a"*iet . This remi"ded me of a lear"i"g te)h"i3ue # +as sho+" over a de)ade ago, a"d it +as a%out $oker.

? first $oker tea)her +as a tight lo+!limit )ash!game $la er, +ho gre+ u$ +ith stud a"d dra+ games. .e later taught himself te*as hold'em at some of the earliest o"li"e $oker sites. # am "ot sure +e )ould eve" )all those earl games @sites,@ %e)ause the +ere 1005 te*t!%ased, %ut # digress. Goh", m tea)her, +as havi"g a lot of $ro%lems +ith firi"g that third %ullet a"d he e*$lai"ed that he had a similar $ro%lem lear"i"g to fearlessl make the )o"ti"uatio" %et +he" the flo$ missed him 6the first %ullet7. &")e he had that mastered, he had to over)ome the fear of thro+i"g a+a )hi$s % maki"g a"other %et o" the tur" +ith "o ha"d 6the se)o"d %ullet7 a"d eve"tuall he had to fa)e the a"*iet of the third %ullet o" the river, +he" he had made a%solutel "o ha"d a"d all the )ards +ere out. .ere +as Goh"'s solutio" a"d a $erfe)t e*am$le of im$losio" dese"siti/atio". Goh" +as $la i"g lo+!limit stakes o"li"e $oker a"d he +ould )ommit to firi"g all three %ullets ever si"gle time the situatio" arose. 8ever mi"d a" reads he had o" the other $la ers or o" a $arti)ular ha"d. .e +as goi"g to make all three %ets ever )ha")e he got u"til he +as so dese"siti/ed that he +ould "ot sho+ a" a"*iet or )o")er" or a" $h si)al tells as he made those %ets. >es, his +i" rate suffered, %ut as he said, @# +as $a i"g for m lesso"s,@ a"d he +as $la i"g ver lo+ stakes. - )o"sta"tl )ommitti"g to the three %ets, Goh" "o lo"ger ha"d to make those three de)isio"s0 the %ets +ere )omi"g out ever si"gle time. #t did"'t take lo"g for his )o")er"s a%out the three!%ullet move to )om$letel disa$$ear0 the" it +as (ust a matter of movi"g u$ i" limits a"d taki"g his "e+ fearless $la to the live games. Whether ou +a"t to see this ki"d of $ra)ti)e as rehearsing or implosion is "ot as im$orta"t as +hether ou )a" )ommit to follo+i"g through u"til ou have trul gotte" $ast the a"*iet . Poker is a%out leavi"g our emotio"s at the door a"d $la i"g our @A@ game +ithout fear. #t takes $ra)ti)e to leave the emotio"s %ehi"d, %e)ause "o"e of us )a" !! or should !! )om$letel )o"trol our emotio"s. L"less +e are seated at the gree" felt.

The Poker Shrink, Vol= &2) The 7utter9ly 099ect

?ar)h 23, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Ps )holog is, at least i" $art, a%out tea)hi"g us ho+ to effe)tivel )o$e +he" life deals us set%a)ks. There are ma" +a s to deal +ith life's little $ro%lems. &"e $arti)ularl effe)tive +a is $ers$e)tive. Putti"g our $ro%lem i" the $ro$er $la)e i" our overall life. .ere is o"e +a to gai" su)h $ers$e)tive. The %utterfl effe)t serves as a meta$hor for life i" a )haoti), u")o"trolla%le, u"$redi)ta%le +orld. S$e)ifi)all , it suggests that small eve"ts )a" have ver large effe)ts. The )ommo"l used e*am$le is of a %utterfl fla$$i"g its ti" +i"gs over Ga$a" a"d setti"g off a +i"d )urre"t that eve"tuall )auses a hurri)a"e i" Ameri)a a +eek later. The $oi"t,

Ti" )ha"ges i" o"e $la)e )a" have huge ramifi)atio"s later o" i" a"other. .ere is a )o")rete $oker e*am$le. #ts late i" Da &"e of a ma(or tour"ame"t, ou are read to )ome over the to$ of a" o$e"i"g %et +ith our G!G %ut the %ig sta)k ste$s i" first a"d moves all i". >ou toss our (a)ks i" the mu)k a"d )urse our lu)k +he" the %ig sta)k sho+s 4!4 a"d takes out the other gu +ith A!2. That +as our $ot a"d the" ou hear that the %ig sta)k got that +a earlier i" the da +he" he +as dealt $o)ket a)es three times a"d ra" do+" $o)ket 3uee"s or ki"gs to %uild his sta)k. .e is (ust lu)k %ut "o+ ou have to deal +ith him sitti"g o" our right reraisi"g $ot after $ot i" fro"t of ou. #ts "ot ho+ he is $la i"g that %ugs ou, it's the eas +a he got his %ig sta)k +ith all those a)es. The a)es +ere the %utterflies0 the hurri)a"e is "o+ sitti"g at our ta%le. <ela*. >ou k"o+

all those short sta)ks ou took out to get our )hi$s, Well, the are the result of the same %utterfl effe)t. .ere is m time!tested %ad %eat re)over tool, usi"g the ra"dom, )haoti) la"guage of the %utterfl effe)t. # )all it the @6EE:6E;@ truism. >ou have (ust +o" a 6EE!$la er $oker tour"ame"t, ou are getti"g our $i)ture take" a"d our first!$la)e $ri/e )ou"ted out i" -ellagio )hi$s. 8o "eed for a" $s )hologi)al su$$ort here S )o"gratulatio"s. 8o+ tur" the +heel slightl , ou are $assi"g the fi"al ta%le a"d see them givi"g the $ri/e mo"e to a"other $la er, ou %usted out of that tour"ame"t te" hours ago. -ut ou see that tour"ame"t o"l had 6E; ru""ers a"d (ust o"e less $la er mea"t the differe")e i" +i""i"g or losi"g for ever si"gle o"e of the 6E; or 6EE $la ers. The fi"al e"tra"t i" a" tour"ame"t )ha"ges the e"tire eve"t. =ards are dealt differe"tl at his first ta%le +ith a" e*tra $la er. Ta%les %reakdo+" (ust a %it faster +ith more $la ers. Pla ers are distri%uted to the em$t seats arou"d the room i" a differe"t order. That do"ke does"'t give ou his )hi$s i" the @6E;@ tour"ame"t %e)ause he is seated at a differe"t ta%le. #" the @6EE@ eve"t, ou got those )hi$s a"d the got ou $ast that o"e %ad %eat a"d allo+ed ou to $la o" a"d eve"tuall +i". 8o, # am "ot sa i"g that it's all ra"dom or that lu)k +i"s out over skill at the $oker ta%le. -ut # am defi"itel sa i"g that there are ha"ds %ei"g $la ed at other ta%les that +ill eve"tuall have a ma(or effe)t o" ho+ ou $la our )ards later i" the tour"ame"t.

>ou k"o+ +e al+a s laugh at the a%solute do"ke +ho makes it to the fi"al ta%le as the )hi$ leader, %ut +e forget all the other reall %ad $la ers +ho gave us their )hi$s so that +e )ould %e at the fi"al ta%le to %eat that do"ke . The $oi"t, There are ra"dom eve"ts that ha$$e" a+a from our ta%le that ou )a""ot )o"trol. The a)tuall have as mu)h to do +ith +ho +i"s a"d +ho loses as our o+" $la $oker. So +he" ou do get hit +ith the %ad %eat, the )old de)k or the )ooler, the %est thi"g ou )a" do for our sa"it is to +alk a+a from the ta%le +ith t+o thoughts i" our headA 1irstA @Seve"!deu)e off!suit %eats $o)kets a)es 125 of the time.@ Se)o"dA @There are a lot of %utterflies i" Ga$a".@

=he)k out the Poker Stars 1irst De$osit -o"uses o" Poker8e+s.)om ! -e sure to e"ter the %o"us )ode o"l +he" maki"g >our first de$osit to Poker Stars

The Poker Shrink, Vol= &3) The Cust-.orld Phenomenon

?ar)h 30, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

The (ust!+orld $he"ome"o" is the $s )hologi)al te"de") for $eo$le to %elieve that the +orld is (ust or fair a"d that $eo$le therefore get +hat the deserve. We all hold this %elief to some e*te"t, so +he" somethi"g good ha$$e"s to ou, ou might )o")lude that the +orld is (ust %e)ause ou are a good $erso". #" the same +a , +he" ou see somethi"g "ot so good ha$$e" to someo"e else, ou ma )o")lude that the did somethi"g to %ri"g o" their trou%le. &ther+ise, it +ould "ot have o))urred, si")e the +orld is a (ust $la)e. 1or ma" ears i" $rofessio"al $oker, Phil .ellmuth +as a $rime advo)ate of the (ust!+orld

$he"ome"o"0 Phil felt a"d he told ou that he deserved to +i" the ha"d or the tour"ame"t %e)ause i" a (ust a"d fair +orld the %est $la er should +i". ?ike ?atuso+ +as the $oster )hild for the other side of this stor . ?ike +ould tell ou ho+ %ad he ra" a"d ho+ he "ever +o" a )oi" fli$ %e)ause it +as "ot a (ust or fair +orld. ?ike has )ha"ged his attitude a"d "o+ o$erates o" a more $ositive e*$e)tatio" vie+ of life. Phil, +ell, Phil is al+a s goi"g to %e Phil. The 3uestio" isA Where do ou fall o" the fair! +orld s$e)trum, #s $oker a fair game, #s the $oker ta%le a good or a %ad e*am$le of the (ust!+orld $he"ome"o", Should ou eve" )o"sider fair"ess +he" $la i"g $oker, 1irst of all, $oker ma %e a" a%solutel $erfe)t model for a fair!+orld vie+ of life. We all k"o+

the %est starti"g ha"d i" hold'em is $o)ket a)es. We also k"o+ the +orst starti"g ha"d is deu)e!seve" off!suit. We k"o+ that, right, The" +e also should k"o+ that i" a heads!u$ ha"d %et+ee" the +orst a"d the %est starti"g ha"ds, +ith all of the )hi$s i" $re!flo$, the $o)ket a)es +ill +i" a$$ro*imatel EE5 of the time. #" a (ust!+orld s)e"ario, the %ig ha"d +i"s, %ut i" the real +orld, "ot a differe"t evil, %i//aro versio" of realit %ut i" the same (ust!+orld:real +orld, the seve"!deu)e off!suit +i"s the ha"d 125 of the time. >ou k"o+ that right, So +he" ou +i" EE5 of the time a"d lose 125 of the time, ho+ is it that ou are so u$set 125 of the time a"d "ot e3uall a"d o$$ositel ha$$ the other EE5 of the time, 1air is fair. >ou are "ot a good $erso" for +i""i"g +he" ou get our )ards i" right0 "or, are ou a" evil, +orthless lout +he" our %ig ha"ds lose to mer)iless su)kouts. The $ro%lem arises +he" our game suffers +he" the fair!+orld model eve"s out a"d +e do take some %ad %eats. #f all of life +ere as eas as the $er)e"tages a"d $oker odds that arise from a B2!)ard de)k, the" +e +ould all %e )ruisi"g alo"g i" a (ust +orld. -ut the +orld is "ot 3uite so eas to $redi)t as a $oker game. Whi)h %egs the 3uestio", if $oker does i"deed )ome do+" to math a"d $redi)ta%ilit , the" +h do $la ers get so u$set, a"d +h do the tilt after a %ad! $er)e"tage river )ard, The a"s+er is sim$le. We do thi"k the +orld is (ust, +e do k"o+ that thi"gs eve" out over time. We do k"o+ +e are a)tuall +i""i"g EE5 of the time. -ut +e te"d, %e)ause +e are huma", to fo)us o" o"e ha"d or o"e tour"ame"t or o"e )ash game sessio", a"d that is "ot a @+orld@ vie+. The $er)e"tages that affe)t the %ig +orld take $la)e over time, a time a lot lo"ger tha" o"e ha"d of $oker. So for our o+" sa"it , for our o+" me"tal health a"d for our %lood $ressure, remem%erA #t a)tuall is a (ust +orld, at least at the $oker ta%le, +hi)h does "ot mea" that t+o $airs, deu)es a"d seve"s, +ill "ot %eat our $o)ket a)esN sometimes. Ket i" o" the a)tio" +ith a Poker Stars marketi"g )ode ! #" additio" to %ei"g the sour)e for all thi"gs $oker, Poker8e+s delivers the %est %o"us )odes a"d marketi"g )odes availa%le o" the i"ter"et.

Poker Shrink Vol= &#) Successi-e $((ro%imations

A$ril 06, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

# +as $la i"g $oker the other eve"i"g a"d after losi"g et a"other ha"d, the ou"g $la er "e*t to me mum%ledA @?a", # (ust )a"'t $ut that old gu o"to a ha"d.@ # +as a %it sur$rised %e)ause the ge"tleme" he +as referri"g to had $la ed a"d sho+" do+" a lot of ha"ds i" the last )ou$le of hours a"d # had +hat # +as sure +as a reall good read o" him. @What did ou $ut him o" that ha"d,@ # asked. The distraught $oker $la er saidA @A)e!ki"g or a)e!3uee".@ 8ot a %ad read, e*)e$t that the ge"tlema" had %et (ust like he had a middle $air a"d the" sho+ed $o)ket "i"es. A short time later, as the $la er folded agai", he said 3uietl to meA @There's a"other A!2 read go"e +ro"g.@ Stra"ge, # thought the older ge"tlema" +as o")e agai" %etti"g like he had a medium!si/e $air a"d sure e"ough, he +as $la i"g $o)ket seve"s. # +o"dered +h m ou"g ta%lemate had "ot ad(usted his read to at least i")lude the

$ossi%ilit of a medium $o)ket $air, )o"sideri"g the $revious ha"d +e had dis)ussed. The %roke our ta%le for the eve"i"g tour"ame"t a short time later a"d # had a )ha")e to talk +ith the ou"g $la er a%out his reads. What # reali/ed from his des)ri$tio" +as that he +as "ot maki"g good reads, %ut +hat he +as doi"g i"stead +as remem%eri"g the %ad reads a"d "ot ad(usti"g his read o" the older $la ers. The" # remem%ered # had heard this several times %efore from $oker $la ers lear"i"g to make reads.

The $ro)ess of getti"g a read o" a"other $la er is )om$letel a%out k"o+i"g +hat he has a"d %asi"g our $la o" that forek"o+ledge. <eadi"g is "ot a%out %ei"g as good as Da"iel 8egrea"u or %ei"g a%le to )all out someo"e's hole )ards. What this $la er +as doi"g +as feedi"g his ego, or i" this )ase destro i"g it, %ut he +as "ot readi"g to gai" i"formatio" a"d +i" more )hi$s. .e missed a ste$, +hi)h i" $s )holog +e )all @su))essive a$$ro*imatio"@ a"d a$$are"tl he is "ot alo"e i" this oversight. Lsi"g su))essive a$$ro*imatio" +e graduall )a" refi"e our a)tio"s, de)isio"s, or o$tio"s to a more $re)ise $oi"t. #f +e re+ard or $raise a )hild for attem$ti"g to read, he +ill tr agai". We the" $raise him for readi"g a +ord, the" a $hrase, a se"te")e, a"d a $aragra$h. We are su))essivel re+ardi"g %ehaviors that are ste$s i" the $ro)ess of readi"g. As +e su$$ort ea)h "e+er a)hieveme"t, +e a$$roa)h the goal +e are after. So, ou make the A!2 read o" a $la er %e)ause he lim$ed u"der the gu" a"d the" %et out o" the dis)o""e)ted flo$. Whe" he sho+s do+" E!E, ou sim$l ad(ust our read. 8e*t time he lim$s u"der the gu", ou $ut him o" a medium $air0 the" +he" he sho+s the A!2, ou )a" ad(ust agai". .e $la s A!2 a"d medium $airs the same +a +he" he is u"der the gu". >ou do"'t )are if our reads are %rillia"t, ou should"'t )are ho+ ma" times ou have to ad(ust our read. The idea is to get it right. - usi"g su))essive a$$ro*imatio", ou allo+ ourself the latitude to make a %igger ra"ge of reads a"d ou, over time, "arro+ i" o" a $la er's te"de")ies +ithout dis)ardi"g our origi"al reads. #t o"l makes se"se to $ut a $la er o" A!2 earl 0 it is a ver )ommo" ha"d to $la . -ut +he" ou are +ro"g a%out that read, it's "ot a failure0 it is sim$l a mis!a$$ro*imatio" of ho+ this $la er $la s $oker. All ou are reall after is a solid )orre)t read. >ou )a" effe)tivel "arro+ i" o" a trul great read +ith a series of su))essive a$$ro*imatio"s. Goi" the e*)iteme"t a"d get our Poker Stars ?arketi"g =ode 1rom Poker8e+s.)om ! The leadi"g sour)e of $oker "e+s a"d i"formatio".

Poker Shrink Vol= &&) 6nter9erence

A$ril 13, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

#"terfere")e has to do +ith re)alli"g $reviousl k"o+" i"formatio". There are eve"ts that )a" a"d do i"terfere +ith our a%ilit to have a" a))urate re)all. #" $oker, this is ofte" a $ro%lem +he" +e tr to remem%er ho+ a $arti)ular o$$o"e"t has $la ed $revious ha"ds. There are t+o t $es of i"terfere")e. Proa)tive i"terfere")e is +he" +e have trou%le lear"i"g to remem%er somethi"g "e+ %e)ause of some $reviousl held memor . &"e of the more o%vious e*am$les of $roa)tive i"terfere")e is lear"i"g to drive a" automo%ile o" the other side of the road. #f ou have ever tried this, ou k"o+ that +hile it might %e $ossi%le to 3ui)kl lear" to sta o" the o$$osite side of a %us road, it is 3uite a"other feat of "avigatio" to make a tur" a)ross a" ur%a" i"terse)tio" a"d get ourself i" the )orre)t la"e o" the other e"d of the tur".

The other t $e of i"terfere")e is retroa)tive i"terfere")e, +hi)h is (ust the o$$osite. With retroa)tive i"terfere")e, some "e+ i"formatio" is $rese"ted that makes it diffi)ult to re)all some older memor . A good $oker $la e*am$le is +he" a $la er ou had a tight, )o"servative read o" sudde"l )omes out firi"g a )ou$le of ha"ds i" a ro+ a"d takes do+" a $ot or t+o +ith +eak starti"g ha"ds. #s that $la er )ha"gi"g u$ his $la , &r +as our read (ust +ro"g, -oth are good 3uestio"s to ask, %ut +hat ou +a"t to avoid is i"terfere")e. -e)ause if ou let "e+ %ehavior +i$e out our older memor of ho+ this $la er a)ted, ou are losi"g +hat )ould %e valua%le i"formatio" to retroa)tive i"terfere")e. The last ha"d is "ot more valua%le tha" the ha"d $la ed a" hour ago. #f our re)all is )orre)t, the" do"'t let it go (ust %e)ause the $la er has made a )o"tradi)tor

move. What is most i"teresti"g a%out i"terfere")e for $oker $la ers is that all of us have a te"de") to allo+ i"terfere")e of o"e ki"d over the other. ?ost $la ers are more likel to have old i"formatio" domi"ate a" "e+ $la from a"other $la er. We te"d to get lo)ked i"to a read +e have a"d +ill almost al+a s ig"ore "e+ )o"tradi)tor $la . We reall do"'t like to alter our reads. -asi)all , +e all have a te"de") to %e $roa)tive i"terfere")e vi)tims0 +e (ust do"'t like to )ha"ge our mi"ds. -ut )learl a" old read is "o more valua%le tha" a "e+ o"e, so %e fle*i%le. 8o+ if ou ha$$e" to %e a retroa)tive i"terfere")e $la er, # have some %ad "e+s. #t is ofte" ver diffi)ult to %reak a retroa)tive memor $atter". <emem%er, +ith retroa)tive memor +e te"d to remem%er the "e+ $la a"d forget the old o"e. #f that is ho+ our %rai" "ormall re)alls, ou are goi"g to have to +ork o" this $ro%lem to over)ome retroa)tive i"terfere")e. We all k"o+ +e should )ha"ge u$ our $la a"d "ot fall i"to $atter"s. What if ou dis)over that ever $la er at our ta%le is a 100 $er)e"t retroa)tive i"terfere")e memor $erso", All ou +ould have to do is "ever re$eat ourself. #f ou $la a %ig ha"d aggressivel the +ill all remem%er that, so the "e*t %ig ha"d ou slo+!$la a"d the 'll %e remem%eri"g the aggressive $la . >ou (ust s+it)h u$ ea)h ha"d a"d "o o"e ever gets a read o" ou. The realit is that there is "o $erfe)t $atter" to var i"g our $oker $la %ut there is o"e reall good ti$ +he" ou do )ha"ge it u$ V make sure the see itF Sho+ those %luffs. ?ake a sho+ of that river )he)k!raise. #f ou are tr i"g to kee$ the other $la ers off our game, take adva"tage of their i"grai"ed "eed for i"terfere")e a"d get that "e+ i"formatio" out there. #t does"'t matter if it i"terferes +ith their old reads or their "e+ reads, (ust as lo"g as ou kee$ them guessi"g. &" the other ha"d, figure out +hether ou are sus)e$ti%le to $roa)tive or retroa)tive i"terfere")e, a"d %e a+are of our o+" te"de") to give more or less )redit to "e+ or old i"formatio". A read is a read is a read, "o matter ho+ "e+ or old it ma %e. Ket i" o" the a)tio" +ith a Poker Stars marketi"g )ode ! #" additio" to %ei"g the sour)e for all thi"gs $oker, Poker8e+s delivers the %est %o"us )odes a"d marketi"g )odes availa%le o" the i"ter"et.

The Poker Shrink, Vol= &*) The Cust-noticeable 8i99erence

A$ril 20, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

There is a )o")e$t i" $s )holog )alled the Differe")e Threshold, +hi)h is )ommo"l referred to as the W(ust!"oti)ea%le differe")eX. Te)h"i)all , $s )hologists defi"e these as a )ha"ge i" a" form of stimulatio" that a $erso" +ill "oti)e at least fift $er)e"t of the time. 1or e*am$le, ou are asked to hold a )u$ that has +ater i" it. >ou )lose our e es a"d as more +ater is added 6+ithout a" sou"d7, ou sa +he" ou "oti)e a" i")rease i" +eight. &%viousl , the +eight of a si"gle dro$ of +ater +ill "ot %e "oti)ed, %ut filli"g the )u$ half full +ill at some $oi"t trigger the differe")e threshold. The (ust!"oti)ea%le differe")e )a" %e used to measure the i")rease i" a" stimulusA light, sou"d, +eight, heat, )oldN a"d eve" $oker tells. #t might %e o%vious that if someo"e is givi"g off a su%tle tell !! $erha$s a "ervous t+it)h !! that the %igger or more fre3ue"t the tell, the more likel it is to %e read % a" o$$o"e"t. &" the other ha"d, the more atte"tive ou are to su%tle )lues a"d tells the more likel ou are to $i)k them u$, +hile the other $la ers at the ta%le might miss them. These are good e*am$les of the (ust!"oti)ea%le differe")e. .ere is a" e*am$le # +as sho+" % a $rofessio"al $oker $la er. .e told me to +at)h a )ertai" $la er at his ta%le. Whe"ever that $la er made a %ig %et, he +ould sit %a)k i" his )hair. The further %a)k he sat the more )o"fide"t he +as i" his ha"d. #f he sat full for+ard lea"i"g to+ards the ta%le, he +as %luffi"g. ?id!+a mea"t he +as o" a dra+ +ith some outs. All the +a %a)k i" his )hair a"d he held a mo"ster. #t had take" the $ro a )ou$le of hours to get this i"formatio" a"d )orre)tl assig" the right read. .e +as o$erati"g % o%servi"g a (ust! "oti)ea%le differe")e i" the $la erYs $osture. Later, a"other $la er sho+ed me a differe")e as$e)t of this idea. .e told me that +he" he +as last to a)t i" a ha"d o" the river, he al+a s took adva"tage of the situatio" to se"d a message to the other $la ers at the ta%le. 1irst, he made his de)isio" o" the ha"d i" $la . &")e he k"e+ +hat his $la +ould %e, he took adva"tage of %ei"g last to a)t 6W%ei"g o" stageX he )alled it7. .e +ould se"d a message to ever o"e at the ta%le. 1or i"sta")e, he +as

goi"g to fold +hat he +as sure +as a se)o"d!%est ha"d. -ut %efore he folded he talked a%out the ha"d i" su)h a +a that he a$$eared to %e struggli"g +ith the de)isio" to fold. #" this +a he +as tr i"g to dis)ourage $la ers from %luffi"g him, % maki"g it a$$ear that he +as havi"g a hard time la i"g do+" a ha"d. .ere is +hat he told meA W>ou almost "ever are $utti"g o" the a)t for the $la er +ho is i" the ha"d +ith ou, the are alread $a i"g atte"tio". >ou are talki"g or a)ti"g to get the other $la ers to $a atte"tio" a"d $i)k u$ the read ou are tr i"g to give. >ou gotta talk (ust e"ough to get them i"terested %ut "ot too mu)h that the $i)k u$ o" the fa)t that ou are deliveri"g a message.X #" other +ords, ou are tr i"g to get the $la ers to W(ust "oti)eX our $oker $la !! (ust e"ough to get the message %ut "ot e"ough to "oti)e that the message )omes gift!+ra$$ed +ith a %o+ a"d is $ro%a%l ti)ki"g like a +ell!$la"ted time %om%. The (ust!"oti)ea%le differe")e +orks ma" +a s, %ut the more su%tle the W(ust "oti)ea%leX is, the more ouYll %e"efit from the i"formatio" give" or re)eived. Are ou looki"g for a PokerStars.)om marketi"g or %o"us )ode, ! >ou've )ome to the right $la)e, get i" the a)tio" +ith Poker8e+s.)om

The Poker Shrink Vol= &:) $da(tation

A$ril 2;, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Thi"gs )ha"ge at a $oker ta%le. Pla ers get tired. The get short!sta)ked or %ig!sta)ked. -li"ds go u$, a"tes ki)k i". Pla ers %ust out a"d are re$la)ed % "e+ $la ers. The mo"e %u%%le a$$roa)hes0 someo"e goes o" tilt. The o"e )o"sta"t at a" $oker ta%le is that thi"gs )ha"ge. Thi"gs )ha"ge i" life. To %e su))essful, +e also must )ha"ge. We have to kee$ u$ +ith tre"ds i" the market, +ith the gro+i"g )a$a)ities of our kids. We have to kee$ u$ +ith te)h"olog , e)o"omi)s, $oliti)s, a"d the latest musi), food, movies, a"d realit sho+s. Ada$tatio" refers to a" i"dividualYs a%ilit to ad(ust to )ha"ges a"d "e+ e*$erie")es. Ada$tatio" relates to a $erso"Ys a%ilit to a))e$t "e+ i"formatio", to i"tegrate that i"formatio" a"d the" alter his %ehavior a))ordi"gl . A high degree of ada$ta%ilit is a $ositive trait i" ra$idl !)ha"gi"g e"viro"me"ts su)h as $oker games. 8ot ever o"e is highl ada$ta%le, i" life or i" $oker, %ut ada$ta%ilit is somethi"g ou )a" lear" or relear". The first sim$le ste$ is to remem%er that +hat ou k"o+ a%out other $la ers is su%(e)t to )ha"ge, %e)ause the are ada$ti"g too. Several ears ago # +as $la i"g i" a %ig %u !i" eve"t i" Tu"i)a, ?ississi$$i. Gust after the di""er %reak, # +as moved to a ta%le +ith t+o $rofessio"al $la ers. &"e of these $la ers ou +ould all k"o+ a"d the other +as a ver su))essful lo)al $ro. =learl these t+o +ere %oth %etter $oker $la ers tha" # +as, a"d m game $la" +as to avoid them. The W%igX $ro +as o$e"i"g a lot of $ots for three times the %ig %li"d $lus a"tes, a"d lim$i"g i"to $ots +ith more tha" t+o lim$ers i" fro"t of him. -e)ause he +as so regular i" his %etti"g amou"ts, # )ould"Yt $i)k u$ a" thi"g from his %ets. Though it +as )lear that allo+i"g him to lim$ from late $ositio" +as a %ad idea, the ta%le +as letti"g him get a+a +ith it a"d the" he +ould take over the ha"d $ost!flo$. The o"l thi"g # did "oti)e +as that he +as avoidi"g the other $rofessio"al at the ta%le, (ust as # +as doi"g. 8o "eed to mess +ith the good $la er +he" the rest of the ta%le is givi"g ou eas )hi$s.

The" the se)o"d $ro also lim$ed i"to a ha"d a"d $la ed %a)k $ost!flo$, a"d he got $ro "um%er o"e to la it do+". # sa+ this ada$tatio" a"d the ver "e*t time the same s)e"ario $la ed out, # lim$ed i"to the ha"d +ith "othi"g a"d reraised $ro "um%er o"e off the $ot $ost! flo$. # had ada$ted V al%eit +ith the assist of the demo"stratio" from $ro "um%er t+o V %ut # had ada$ted. The" +e lost a $la er a"d a "e+ $la er +as %rought to our ta%le. &" the ver "e*t ha"d, $ro "um%er o"e %roke his $atter" a"d o$e"ed the $ot for o"l t+i)e the %ig %li"d. # +as dum%fou"ded0 # had m read, it had %ee" good for hours, so +hat +as this, # +as goi"g to "eed to ada$t to somethi"g %ra"d "e+. .o+ do ou ada$t to "e+ i"formatio", 1ortu"atel , this ha"d did"'t rea)h a sho+do+", %ut the 3uestio" still remai"ed. Tha"kfull , the "e+ additio" to the ta%le tur"ed to $ro "um%er o"e a"d saidA WWell # see ou are u$ to our old tri)ks.X To +hi)h the $ro re$liedA WDo"Yt %e givi"g free i"formatio" to the fish.X AhaF This "e+ move +as targeted at the "e+ $la er. .e )learl had a" Wold tri)ksX read o" the $ro, a"d the $ro +as attem$ti"g to rei"for)e that read +ith +hat the "e+ $la er thought +as his "ormal st le. So # +as goi"g to "eed to ada$t to the "e+ move % $ro "um%er o"e a"d to the st le he +as ada$ti"g to the "e+ $la er. # +o"dered +hat $ro "um%er t+o +ould do %ased o" this "e+ $la er at the ta%le. .o+ ma" more ada$tatio"s +ere taki"g $la)e, Did # me"tio" that $oker )a" %e a diffi)ult game, Did # me"tio" that thi"gs are al+a s )ha"gi"g, .o+ good are ou at ada$ti"g to the )ha"gi"g game of $oker, Goi" the )om$etitio" a"d get our PokerStars marketi"g )ode from Poker8e+s.)om ! Whi)h offers the %est %o"us I marketi"g )odes availa%le o" the i"ter"et.

Poker Shrink Vol= &;) !oot-in-the-8oor Phenomenon

?a 09, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

The foot!i"!the!door $he"ome"o" )omes from the foot!i"!the!door te)h"i3ue, +hi)h vaguel alludes to a salesma" +ho literall $uts his foot i" the door so ou )a"Yt slam it i" his fa)e. The idea is that if ou +ill at least liste", the" ma %e ou +ill %u . &r to $ut it i" $s )hologi)al termsA if ou +a"t someo"e to do somethi"g %ig, first tr to get him to do somethi"g small. The $he"ome"o" is the te"de") for $eo$le to agree to a large re3uest after the have agreed to a mu)h smaller o"e. So if ou +a"t our %udd to hel$ ou move to a "e+ home, ou might first tr aski"g him if he +ill hel$ ou move our sofa. &")e he agrees to the sofa, ou )a" tr the livi"g room fur"iture, a"d %efore ou k"o+ it heYll %e loadi"g those %o*es ou have"Yt u"$a)ked si")e the last time ou moved. 8o+ there is also a reverse $ro)ess here, +here +hat ou reall +a"t is (ust the smaller item %ut to get it ou first re3uest a mu)h larger o"e. @Sa -o%, )a" ou s$are the +eeke"d to hel$ me move m si*!%edroom house full of sofa %eds a"d steamer tru"ks, 8o, Well the" )ould ou hel$ me move (ust this ta%le,@ That is )alled the door!i"!the!fa)e te)h"i3ue. ?ea"i"g, ou e*$e)t to get the door slammed i" our fa)e % maki"g the %ig re3uest, %ut usuall ou )a" get the smaller o"e %e)auseN +ell, %e)ause ou guilted him i"to it. 8o+ ou ask, as ou ofte" doA @What has this got to do +ith $oker,@ =o"gratulatio"s, ou made the fi"al ta%leF Te" $la ers are movi"g to the fi"al ta%le, taki"g their )hi$s out of the ra)ks a"d orderi"g "e+ dri"ks. The are also )he)ki"g the $a outs o" the s)ree" a"d it sa s "i"e $la ers are %ei"g $aid a"d most of the mo"e goes to first a"d se)o"d $la)e. #f ou are o"e of the medium sta)ks, this is the $erfe)t time for ou to make a suggestio"A W.e , ho+ a%out +e give te"th $la)e a save, Kive him %a)k his mo"e .X Lsuall , $la ers +ill agree to this a"d (ust as usuall the mo"e )omes out of the first!$la)e $ri/e. So ou give "othi"g a+a a"d ou are ide"tified as the gu +ho is +illi"g to make a deal.

Later, the ta%le is do+" to si* or seve" $la ers a"d ou are still a medium sta)k, ma %e ou have eve" sli$$ed a %it, %ut ou +ere the gu +ho made the ge"erous offer to give te"th $la)e some mo"e . 8o+, +he" ou start talki"g a%out a deal, $eo$le +ill liste" to ou. >ou got them to agree to a little deal, "o+ ou are goi"g for a %igger o"e. #tYs the old foot!i"!the! door te)h"i3ue a"d the other $la ers are $s )hologi)all more likel to a))e$t the idea of a )ho$ from ou, %e)ause of the first smaller deal ou got them to a))e$t. Si")e +e all k"o+ that s$lit $ri/e $ools te"d to give ever o"e )ash that is more tha" third $la)e a"d less tha" se)o"d $la)e, ou are $ro%a%l al+a s goi"g to )ome out %etter +ith a deal tha" +ithout. L"less ou are fairl sure of a se)o"d!$la)e fi"ish +ith a shot at +i""i"g the +hole thi"g, ou +a"t the deal. &"e )autio" a%out the door!i"!the!fa)e te)h"i3ue, +here ou make a" outrageous deal offer i" ho$es of getti"g o"e "ot as good %ut a lot fairer V that seldom +orks i" $oker. ?ake a %ad offer a"d the other $la ers +ill remem%er it. So, go +ith the foot!i"!the!door, make a fair offer a"d %uild u$ good+ill for the fi"al deal. A"d if ou sudde"l hit a ru" of )ards a"d take over the )hi$ lead, +ell, tr the foot!i"!the!mouth te)h"i3ueA -e 3uiet a"d +i" it allF

Poker Shrink Vol= &<) 0%tro-ersion

?a 11, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

We have all heard of $erso"alit traits, +hi)h +e usuall thi"k of i" terms su)h as domi"a"t or sh , +eak or %itter, ha$$ or (o less. -ut $erso"alit trait theor is a %it more )om$le* tha" that, a"d "ot sur$risi"gl there are some stro"g )orrelatio"s %et+ee" $erso"alit traits a"d good $oker $la i"g. This %ri"gs us to +hat # like to )all W$oker traits.X What makes a good +ell!rou"ded, eve" +ell!liked $erso" is "ot "e)essaril +hat makes for a good $oker $la er. A"d like so ma" other as$e)ts of our lives, some thi"gs +e )a" )ha"ge a"d others +e )a"Yt. LetYs take a look at +hat $s )holog has develo$ed over ma" ears o" +hat is )alled trait theor , a"d letYs see +hat that )a" tell us a%out %e"efiti"g from our good $oker traits a"d ma"agi"g our %ad o"es. The most )ommo"l a))e$ted $erso"alit trait has t+o sidesA e*troversio" a"d i"troversio". Cer ge"erall , +e te"d to %e outgoi"g, e*$ressive, a"d talkative or +e are sh , reserved, a"d 3uiet. As ou $ro%a%l k"o+, the ma(orit of $eo$le fall ver )lose to the mid! ra"ge o" the i"troversio":e*troversio" s)ale. Sure, +e ma %e more reserved i" most situatio"s %ut a W"ormalX i"troverted $erso" +ill have s+i"gs to the e*troverted side i" some areas. While ou ma thi"k that frie"d of ours +ho is "ever 3uiet a"d al+a s o" the go is the $erfe)t e*trovert, he $ro%a%l has mome"ts of $ea)e a"d 3uiet as +ell. Ke"erall s$eaki"g, $eo$le te"d to %e slightl o"e +a or the other. 8o+ at the $oker ta%le, either trait )a" %e good for our game or it )a" )reate $ro%lems. 1irst of all, a $oker fa)e is mu)h easier for a" i"trovert. 8ormall reserved a"d 3uiet, the i"trovert has a mu)h easier time "ot sho+i"g emotio"s at the ta%le. The e*trovert o" the other ha"d is $ro"e to talki"g a"d %ei"g demo"strative a"d telltale leaks are mu)h more likel to ha$$e". #f ouYre a" e*trovert, ou might talk louder or faster +he" ou have a good ha"d. >ou might develo$ a "ervous edge to our voi)e +he" ou are %luffi"g. &" the fli$ side, i"troverts do get e*)ited a"d "othi"g e*)ites them more tha" flo$$i"g that mo"ster ha"d after hours of mo"oto"ous fold, fold, fold. -ut hidi"g that e*)iteme"t u"der"eath a )alm, sere"e surfa)e )a" %e a lot more diffi)ult for the i"trovert. .e +a"ts to (um$ for (o %ut he must mai"tai" that )alm, $la)id fa)e. .ard to do.

The e*trovert o" the other ha"d is alread loud a"d talkative, %ut +he" he has to thi"k lo"g a"d hard a%out a ha"d, ever o"e +ill "oti)e the )ha"ge. The ke , of )ourse, is mi*i"g u$ our $la or i" this )ase mi*i"g u$ our ta%le image. &r ou )a" go the other +a a"d (ust master o"e of the t+o traits. =hris 1erguso" is a good e*am$le of the $erfe)t i"trovert at the ta%le. .e takes the same amou"t of time +ith ea)h a)tio"0 he sta s u"emotio"al %ehi"d that hat a"d those su"glasses. >ou "ever k"o+ +hat =hris is thi"ki"g. Da"iel 8egrea"u is a" e*am$le of the "ear!$erfe)t e*trovert. .e loves to talk. .e talks +he" he is i" a ha"d, he talks +he" he is out of a ha"d, a"d he loves to talk i"!%et+ee" ha"ds. .e talks a%out s$orts, <o)k movies, a"d sometimes he eve" talks a%out $oker V %ut he al+a s talks. Tr , (ust tr , to $i)k u$ a ver%al tell o" Da"iel. The ke to this most )ommo" $erso"alit trait is to k"o+ th self. 2"o+ +hat ou "aturall do i" a stressful situatio" a"d +ork either to )o"trol those rea)tio"s, or de)ide to go +ith them % %ei"g all ou )a" %e, either as a $oker e*trovert or a $oker i"trovert.

Poker Shrink Vol= *3) 2euroticism

?a 1E, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

The most studied $erso"alit trait i" $s )holog is "euroti)ism. Put ver sim$l , if a" i"dividual s)ores ver high o" the "euroti)ism trait, he +ill te"d to e*$erie")e more "egative emotio"s a"d he +ill e*$erie")e them more stro"gl . Peo$le +ho s)ore lo+ o" this trait are ofte" referred to as emotio"all sta%le0 these i"dividuals are less likel to rea)t or overrea)t to stress a"d the re)over more 3ui)kl from emotio"al trauma. &")e agai", the ma(orit of i"dividuals te"d to )luster arou"d the middle of a s)ale %et+ee" these t+o e*tremes. We k"o+ that +e are likel to %e more o"e +a or a"other at times. Gust thi"k of tee"agers versus the rest of the +orld a"d ou +ill see the effe)ts of hormo"es o" "euroti)ism. -ut the do gro+ out of it.

8ot sur$risi"gl there are some $eo$le +ho are sta%le i" most situatio"s, %ut u"sta%le i" others. War is a" e*treme e*am$le %ut a" large stressor situatio" )a" a"d does trigger the $ote"tial for a high "euroti)ism o))urre")e. .ere is the o%vious $oker e*am$le. &ur $la er is havi"g a" average da i" the earl rou"ds of a $oker tour"ame"t. The" he $la s %a)k!to!%a)k ha"ds agai"st $la ers he has a great read o". #" %oth )ases, he gets the other $la er all i" a"d the o$$o"e"t is dra+i"g to t+o outs. &" %oth ha"ds the t+o!outers hit a"d our $la er is )ri$$led. This is a $erfe)t storm of )o"ditio"s to +at)h for eleme"ts of "euroti)ism to arise. #t is im$orta"t to remem%er that +e measure "euroti)ism o" a slidi"g s)ale. #f the $la er is )alm a"d $la s o" +ithout )omme"t or distur%a")e, the" +e )a" sa that he is lo+, $erha$s ver lo+, o" the "euroti)ism s)ale. &" the other ha"d, +e are all e*$e)ti"g this $la er to go o" tilt. .e )ertai"l is (ustified i" that rea)tio", %ut +e also k"o+ that i"te"se "egative rea)tio" +ill $ro%a%l )ost him a" )ha")e of getti"g %a)k i"to )o"te"tio" i" this tour"ame"t. =ertai"l , ever o"e has his or her %reaki"g $oi"t. D)o"omi) )alamities, floods, a))ide"ts, deaths i" the famil V these )a" all )ause ma(or rea)tio"s i" the high e"d of the "euroti)ism

s)ale. -ut does a" o"e a)tuall thi"k that a" thi"g that )a" ha$$e" at the $oker ta%le is i" the same )ategor as these huge life eve"ts, &" a "ormal )alm da , of )ourse "ot. -ut $la ers )a" a"d do get so fo)used o" a $oker game that their +hole +orld "arro+s do+" to the gree" felt. This is all leadi"g to the $rove" $s )hologi)al fa)tA that +e are a%le i" some res$e)ts to )o"trol our emotio"al i"vestme"ts i" various situatio"s. That )o"trol )a" mea" less "egative rea)tio"s a"d less stress i" life. A"d less tilt i" $oker. 1or i"sta")e, +e k"o+ that i"troverts have a" easier time )o"trolli"g their emotio"s i" diffi)ult mome"ts. D*troverts te"d to feel the good a"d the %ad ver 3ui)kl a"d ver stro"gl . So if ou te"d to %lo+ u$ +he" the )ards do"Yt ru" our +a , o"e suggestio" +ould %e to slo+ do+", 3uiet do+", a"d go i"ter"al to sto$ the %leedi"g. Se)o"dl , +e k"o+ that as a ge"eral rule, the older $eo$le get the less likel that it %e)omes the +ill %e i"volved i" sudde" emotio"al u$sets. This is "ot o"l a fu")tio" of havi"g see" a"d e*$erie")ed more as +e age, %ut also +e sim$l have go"e through the u$s a"d do+"s of our earl ears a"d e*$erie")e tells us that $arti)ularl the Wdo+"sX (ust are"Yt +orth it. We te"d to still feel the $ai" %ut +e do"Yt i"vest our e"tire %ei"g i" it. So, )a" high s)ale "euroti)ism %e treated, Well, es. A hu"dred ears of $s )holog a"d $s )hiatr are aimed dire)tl at that goal. =a" the $ro%lem of high "egative emotio"al rea)tio" at the $oker ta%le %e treated, >es agai". Cer sim$l A ou o%serve our %ehavior. >ou "oti)e 6usuall after the fa)t7 that ou rea)ted or overrea)ted to a situatio". >ou "ote that this rea)tio" +as a "egative to our game. 1i"all , ou slo+l modif our %ehavior to rea)t less % )almi"g ourself at the ta%le. #f ou are )a$a%le of seei"g our %ehavior as "egative the "e*t da , the" ou are )a$a%le of )ha"gi"g that %ehavior to lesse" the "egative emotio"al stress o" ourself a"d o" our game.

Poker Shrink Vol= *1) +onscientiousness

?a 2B, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

The $erso"alit trait that )overs orga"i/atio", dis)i$li"e, deli%eratio", a"d )areful"ess is )alled )o"s)ie"tious"ess. &fte" the sim$le )om$ariso" is made %et+ee" someo"e +ho kee$s a "eat, +ell!ordered home a"d someo"e +ho is mess a"d s)attered. There is "othi"g +ro"g +ith that e*am$le, %ut )o"s)ie"tious"ess is a trait that %egs us to look at the e*tremes. What do ou see +he" ou see a mess house +ith )lothes o" the floor a"d dishes i" the si"k, #f ou thi"k a"d see la/ , disorga"i/ed, or eve" less i"tellige"t the" ou $ro%a%l see a "eat home as sig"s of i"dustrious"ess, orga"i/atio", a"d i"tellige")e. &2, +hat a%out a house +here all the fur"iture has $lasti) )overs, The %ooks o" the shelf are all i" a $erfe)t ro+ 6a"d $ro%a%l )olor )oordi"ated7. The floors are +ashed, +a*ed, a"d $olished ever da a"d the %ed sheets are star)hed a"d $ressed. A %it mu)h for ou, That is the $ro%lem +ith e*tremes. There is o"e more e*am$le to )o"sider %efore +e get to $oker. .o+ ma" of us k"o+ or have heard a%out a))ou"ta"ts +ho do ama/i"g +ork +ith the %ooks at +ork %ut "ever %ala")e their o+" )he)k%ook at home, =o"siste") is "ot somethi"g +e should assume +he" it )omes to )o"s)ie"tious"ess. &fte" S i" fa)t ver ofte" S $eo$le sho+ +idel differe"t levels of these traits %et+ee" +ork a"d home. &r %et+ee" +ork a"d ho%% , or famil a"d %usi"ess. -ala")e is ver im$orta"t +he" talki"g a%out )o"s)ie"tious"ess. -ala")e is e3uall im$orta"t +he" talki"g a%out the various traits of )o"s)ie"tious"ess a"d $oker. We te"d to thi"k of self!dis)i$li"e, thorough"ess, a"d deli%eratio" as $ositive 3ualities. ?ost of the time the are, %ut "earl a" thi"g take" to the e*treme %e)omes a $ote"tial lia%ilit . LetYs take the deli%erate, math!%ased $oker $la er. .e k"o+s the odds. .e has take" the time to meti)ulousl lear" all of the math a"d is a%le to )al)ulate $ot odds i" a" i"sta"t. -ut he has go"e too far a"d %e)ome a math $erfe)tio"ist at the ta%le. So a good $oker $la er +ill k"o+ that he is goi"g to la his ha"d do+" to a" all!i" %et, %ut if ou give this $la er 2!to!1 odds he +ill make the )all ever time. .e )a"Yt hel$ it0 he is )o"trolled % his math dis)i$li"e. # had

this e*a)t $la er i" m home game for ears. # al+a s lost more $ots to him tha" # +o", %ut # also al+a s +o" more )hi$s tha" # lost. LetYs look at a" e*am$le of the other e*treme of )o"s)ie"tious"ess. A $la er +ho is less motivated a"d less goal!orie"ted. .e is"Yt la/ , (ust a %it too laid %a)k. .e misses reads0 he is havi"g a good time at the ta%le. -ut +he" the %ig ha"d )omes u$, he is la)ki"g i"formatio" he )ould have )olle)ted a"d he has also give" out i"formatio" he should have ke$t to himself. A" eas read, +ho does"Yt k"o+ +here he is i" the ha"d. 8o+, as +ith all of these $oker traits +e have revie+ed, most of us do "ot )ome i" at the e*tremes. We mostl are "ear the )e"ter of the s)ale a"d +e have tried as +e %uilt our game to a))umulate more good traits a"d elimi"ate the %ad o"es. Let me suggest that k"o+i"g our te"de")ies )a" %e ver im$orta"t, $arti)ularl i" lo"g tour"ame"ts. Put sim$l , if ou are $ro"e to %ei"g too tight, too meti)ulous, or too loose a"d too )asual, that is +here our game +ill te"d to )ree$ +he" ou are tired after $la i"g lo"g hours. We are )reatures of ha%it a"d although +e are )a$a%le of modif i"g our %ehavior, +e do )arr +ith us the te"de")ies that +e +ere %or" +ith. So, that old )aveat to know thyself +ill ofte" assist ou i" sta i"g o" )ourse i" the middle of the lo"g $oker road, i"stead of )rashi"g a"d %ur"i"g off the stee$ )liffs at the edge.

Poker Shrink Vol= *2) $greeableness

Gu"e 01, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

There is good advi)e a"d there is %ad advi)e. There is +arm a"d fu// advi)eA W-e ki"d, %e ha$$ .X A"d there is hard $ra)ti)al advi)eA WDver %od for himselfFX Sometimes our "atural te"de")ies )a" lead us a+a from our goals0 sometimes ou have to kee$ our e e o" the $ri/e. A"d that )a" mea" a)ti"g i" +a s that are )ou"ter to our usual +a of %ei"g. The fa)t is that i" most so)ial situatio"s, +e te"d to a)t a"d s$eak i" +a s that go alo"g +ith the +a thi"gs are. We te"d to %e agreea%le. Agreea%le"ess is a $erso"alit trait that )a" %e )ategori/ed as sim$l %ei"g $leasa"t a"d a))ommodati"g i" a so)ial situatio". #t is the +a most $eo$le a)t most of the time. As +ith the other $erso"alit traits +e have dis)ussed, there are ra"ges of this t $e of %ehavior. Those +ho are "ormall agreea%le te"d to %e frie"dl , hel$ful, )o"siderate, ho"est, de)e"t, a"d trust+orth . Those +ho +ould s)ore lo+ o" a" agreea%le"ess measure are "ot "e)essaril a"ti!so)ial. .o+ever the do te"d to $la)e $erso"al self!i"terest ahead of so)ial a))e$ta")e. The )o"sider themselves first a"d the grou$ last. 8o+ # k"o+ +hat ou are thi"ki"g. 1irst, ou thought that agreea%le $eo$le +ere the "i)e gu s a"d re$rese"ted the ma(orit of all of us a"d the less agreea%le +ere (ust the "ast , mea", u"ha$$ fe+. -ut +he" ou sa+ that a lo+ agreea%le"ess measure mea"t ou +ere (ust self!i"terested0 +ell the" it got a %it more )om$li)ated. A"d that is e*a)tl the fa)t of life i" most so)ial i"tera)tio"s. There are situatio"s +here +e do have to thi"k a%out ourselves. The measure of su))ess is ofte" (ust ho+ self!i"terested +e are. The do+"side, of )ourse, are those $eo$le so o%sessed +ith mo"e , fame, $ossessio"s, a"d +i""i"g that the ma(orit of us o"l +a"t to see them o" the greed!%ased realit sho+s. The emotio"al divisio" is o%viousA +ho is our hero, ?other Teresa or Do"ald Trum$, Agai", letYs "ot forget that agreea%le"ess is measure o" a slidi"g s)ale a"d +e )a" a"d $erha$s should %e a%le to modif our %ehavior %ased o" )ir)umsta")e. # mea", at some time

if a ma"ager is "ot goi"g to ste$ u$ a"d ma"age the" he ma s)ore high o" the agreea%le"ess s)ale a"d he )a" take that high ra"ki"g right to the u"em$lo me"t li"e. This is "ot a" all!good or all!%ad measureme"t. So, have ou see" the )orrelatio" to $oker, The %asi) fa)t of $oker life is that ou are tr i"g to take )hi$s from other $la ers. The do+" a"d dirt %aseli"e of $oker is that ou +i" +he" the lose. Dver %od got that, -e)ause, # k"o+, ou have $la ed i" those lo+!limit )ash games +here that is "ot the )ase, $eo$le are )he)ki"g it do+" a"d soft!$la i"g other lo)als. Juite fra"kl , # do"Yt k"o+ +hat game that is, %ut it is "ot $oker. So the 3uestio" for ou isA =a" ou %e frie"dl a"d )o"siderate a"d ge"erous a"d hel$ful, lo al, )ourteous, ki"d, %rave, )lea", a"d revere"t...a"d "ot lose our edge, =a" ou have the killer i"sti")t at the $oker ta%le a"d still %e a fu" $la er, # +ould seriousl suggest that ou )o"sider this as a 3uestio" ou might "eed to address i" our game. Let me give ou t+o o%servatio"s that # have "oti)ed over the ears. 1irst, if ou are serious a%out our game, ou have $ro%a%l sto$$ed $la i"g i" our Wfrie"dl X home game. 8o+ ou ma have a "e+ home game +ith other serious $la ers, %ut ou )a"Yt kee$ our edge if ou $la (ust for fu". Se)o"d, the %est )ash game $la ers # k"o+ )a" %e $erso"a%le at the ta%le %ut it "ever affe)ts their $la a"d i" fa)t, their agreea%le"ess is a)tuall $art of their game. >ou like them so ou might "ot $la as hard agai"st them or V a"d this is the o"e # see more ofte" V ou like them %e)ause the are so $erso"a%le a"d ou overlook the killer i"sti")t the o$e"l dis$la +he" i" a ha"d. Do"Yt %e the $la er +ho smiles as the other gu rakes i" the $ot. -e the raker a"d do"Yt forget to smile.

Poker Shrink Vol= *3) +on9irmation 7ias

Gu"e 0E, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

Does this sou"d familiar, >ou have %ee" +orki"g o" our skills at readi"g $la ers a"d ou have im$roved a lot. >ou are a)tuall sur$rised ho+ ma" reads ou had %ee" missi"g i" the $ast. >ou are $ushi"g hard +ith +i""i"g ha"ds, ou are a%le to make )hi$!savi"g la do+"s a"d our +i" rate is u$. At some $oi"t ou move u$ to the "e*t!highest limit game a"d our reads %egi" to falter. # have heard this stor so ma" times that # have to %elieve there are ma" $ossi%le e*$la"atio"s. We assume the )om$etitio" is %etter, +hi)h mea"s o" average the $la ers are $la i"g ever as$e)t of $oker a %it %etter. LetYs take a look at o"e $ossi%ilit for our faili"g reads that is a matter of "ot ad(usti"g to the im$roved )om$etitio". #" $s )holog there is somethi"g )alled the confirmation bias. # am sure ou have +it"essed this i" %usi"ess or so)ial situatio"s. =o"firmatio" %ias is e*hi%ited +he" someo"e has a $ositio" or a" o$i"io" +hi)h he %elieves i" so stro"gl that he )a" o"l see evide")e that su$$orts his $ositio". .e )om$letel ig"ores a" i"formatio" that +ould )o"tradi)t his o$i"io". Su)h a %ias )a" destro la%orator resear)h0 ou a)tuall do "ot see +hat is right i" fro"t of ou. =o"firmatio" %ias )loses our mi"ds to "e+ i"formatio" a"d +ill +ork agai"st us i" "earl a" %usi"ess, so)ial, or $erso"al situatio". Wat)h a" of the $oliti)al dis)ussio" sho+s o" televisio" a"d $i)k o"e +here ou do"Yt k"o+ the $oliti)al lea"i"gs 6left or right7 of the )omme"tators or guests. .o+ lo"g does it take ou to $i)k u$ o" their $ositio", Lsuall , the first se"te")e right, These $oliti)al e*$erts make their livelihood % %ei"g +alki"g, talki"g e*am$les of the )o"firmatio" %ias. There is "o reaso"a%le WotherX side. There is "o argume"t that )a" s+a them from their $ositio". The are )om$letel )losed!mi"ded o" the su%(e)t. The are a%solutel sure of themselves a"d +ill hear "othi"g of a" other $ositio"s. So, %a)k to that higher!limit $oker ta%le. Wh are our reads so off, Well, ou have gotte" )omforta%le +ith those reads %e)ause the +ere +orki"g so +ell at the lo+er!limit ta%les. 8o+ that ou have moved u$ to a %etter )lass of $la er, ou "eed to o$e" our readi"g skill set u$ agai" a"d take i"to a))ou"t the i")reased skill of our o$$o"e"ts. #f "ot, the" ou are guilt of

the )o"firmatio" %ias. >ou thi"k if that read +as right %efore, it has to %e right "o+. The )o"ti"uatio" %et mea"t this a"d "ot that, +h +ould it )ha"ge "o+, #f ou are a%le to readdress our readi"g a%ilit +ith a "e+ a"d o$e" mi"d, ou +ill fi"d that our reads are reall "ot that far off. Pla ers )ha"ge some from level to level, %ut it is still $oker. What ou "eed to do is t+eak a"d ad(ust our $revious $ositio" a"d ou +ill fi"d that some reads still +ork a"d others (ust "eed o"e more level of )om$le*it . A)tuall , # have %ee" told % ma" $la ers that movi"g u$ i" levels a)tuall makes for easier reads, o")e ou reali/e that the higher ou go the fe+er ma"ia)s ou e")ou"ter. -ut ou have to %e o$e" to seei"g that )ha"ge a"d "ot lo)ked i" to our $revious $ositio". The sim$le )ou"ter!age"t to getti"g )aught i" the )o"firmatio" %ias is (ust to remem%er that )ha"ge is $art of the game of $oker. 1irst, ou did"Yt read $la ers at all. The" ou lear"ed to read the ro)ks a"d )alli"g statio"s. Dve"tuall , ou got a read o" the %etter $la ers. As ou move u$ i" stakes, there are (ust more good $la ers a"d ou "eed to %e o$e" to more a"d %etter reads.

Poker Shrink Vol= *#) 0ustress

Gu"e 1B, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

&"e of m favorite )o")e$ts i" all of $s )holog is eustress. Whe" +e thi"k of stress, +e usuall are )o"sideri"g somethi"g that is a "egative for the huma" %ei"g. -ut i" fa)t, stress is a "ormal $art of ever da life a"d )omes i" %oth good a"d %ad forms. The W%adX t $e of stress is distress. Whe" +e are i" distress +e $ote"tiall have a +hole series of "egative )o"se3ue")es. Distress or too mu)h stress, or eve" stress +ithout relief over a lo"g $eriod of time, )a" "egativel affe)t ever as$e)t of our life. Distress )a" lead to "umerous serious ill"esses su)h as high %lood $ressure a"d a variet of )ardia) )o"ditio"s. .igh amou"ts of stress +ill )ause slee$ $ro%lems, +hi)h lead to e*)ess tired"ess a"d loss of fo)us. A redu)ed immu"e s stem )a" also result dire)tl from high levels of stress. #" the moder" +orld +he" ou go to see a medi)al $rofessio"al, he )ould 3uite literall $ri"t at the %ottom of our i"take )hartA redu)e stressF Diet, e*er)ise, oga V there are do/e"s of +a s to address distress i" o"eYs life. -ut +e are talki"g a%out $oker, "ot life, a"d +e are talki"g a%out eustress, "ot distress. Dustress is the WgoodX t $e of stress. >es, read that slo+l V the good t $e of stress. We "eed motivatio" to $erform at our %est. Dustress is )li"i)all the o$timal amou"t of stress that +ill $romote health, gro+th, a"d to$!level $erforma")e. Thi"k a%out this for a mome"t. >ou are give" a %ig assig"me"t at +ork, o"e that is )riti)al for the )om$a" a"d $ro%a%l ver im$orta"t i" our getti"g that "e*t $romotio" a"d raise. 8o+ +hat does it feel like +he" the assig"me"t )omes +ith the follo+i"g i"stru)tio"sA 17 WThe deadli"e has %ee" moved u$, +e "eed this )om$leted % Tuesda FX 27 WThis is )riti)al to the "e*t 3uarterYs %udget, +e "eed this i" three +eeks.X 37 WKet this to me +he" ou )a".X

All of these are goi"g to i"du)e some level of stress0 ou (ust got a %ig assig"me"t. -ut as far as $romoti"g a level of eustress ou might dra+ o" to %e $rodu)tive, # thi"k ou )a" see that i"stru)tio" T2 is o$timal. So ou are a%out to %egi" a %ig $oker tour"ame"t. .o+ do ou feel, Do ou have %utterflies i" our stoma)h, This is a four!da , %ig %u !i" eve"t. So +hi)h of these seems o$timal for a $la er to make a ru" at the )ham$io"shi$, A7 ? game has %ee" +a off0 # "eed to fo)us o" +i""i"g this o"e. -7 These thi"gs are "ever de)ided o" Da &"e, # )a" al+a s golf tomorro+. =7 # have %ee" +orki"g o" m game. # am read to fo)us a"d $la +ell. =a" ou reall +i" a four!da eve"t o" Da &"e, #s )asual the +a $oker game, &r is some "ervous"ess a$$ro$riate a"d health , ou +a"t to a$$roa)h our

Kreat a)tors +ill tell ou that the are al+a s "ervous %efore the go o" stage. 8o matter ho+ ma" times the have $erformed the same $art, the al+a s get ke ed u$. Stage fright is the result of distress, %ut a trul great $erforma")e starts +ith eustress. -e $re$ared to $la . =halle"ge ourself to $la our %est game. 1o)us from the first ha"d a"d sta alert to the )halle"ge ea)h a"d ever ha"d. Someo"e is tr i"g to take our )hi$s ever time ou e"ter a $ot. #f ou are "ot $re$ared to %attle for those )hi$s, the are. Dustress is good stress0 it kee$s us goi"g a"d gives us a" edge. >ou )a" lear" to )ultivate eustress % me"tall $re$ari"g %efore ou sit do+" at the $oker ta%le. &"e more little thi"g to k"o+ a%out eustress. Whe" ou are +orki"g or $la i"g i" a state of good stress, it is less likel that somethi"g "egative, su)h as a %ad %eat, +ill fli$ ou i"to distress. #f ou are "eutral or o" )ruise )o"trol, distress is mu)h easier to fall i"to. Dustress a)ts as a $reve"tative for tilt.

Poker Shrink Vol= *&) "abituation

Gu"e 23, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

.uma" %ei"gs get used to thi"gs. 8e+ sights a"d sou"ds eve"tuall %e)ome familiar. Dve" somethi"g that is i"itiall ver e*)iti"g )a" %e)ome routi"e. 3abituation is this te"de") +e all have to+ards a de)reased res$o"se to )ertai" stimuli. A lot of the )ha"ges +e make i" our lives are to avoid ha%ituatio". We move fur"iture, )ha"ge ho+ +e drive to +ork, read differe"t t $es of %ooks S all %e)ause +e are tired of a )ertai" $atter". &" the other ha"d, there are some thi"gs that W"ever gro+ oldX. A Z6B ?usta"g )o"verti%le )a" forever fas)i"ate some gu s. ?a %e musi) does it for ou a"d ma %e, (ust ma %e, +hat tur"s ou o" ever si"gle time is $oker. =o"gratulatio"s, that is o"e form of ha%ituatio" ou do "ot have to over)ome. -ut +he" it )omes to our favorite game there are several as$e)ts of ha%ituatio" to )o"sider.

1irst a"d most o%viousl ha%ituatio" )a" sim$l mea" +e are %ored. #f $oker %ores ou, the" 3uite fra"kl ou should 3uit $la i"g. Wh +ould ou risk mo"e doi"g somethi"g that is "ot e"gagi"g ou, +he" ou k"o+ that i"atte"tio" +ill make ou a losi"g $la er, Ko do somethi"g else +ith our mo"e a"d more im$orta"tl +ith our time. #f ou are a $la i"g $oker for a livi"g, the" +e have a"other "ame for ha%ituatio"A the gri"d. A"d ou have a $ro%lem. &ver)omi"g the mi"d!"um%i"g effe)ts of $oker ha%ituatio" is "earl im$ossi%le. Sitti"g at the ta%le hour after hour doi"g somethi"g ou are )om$letel %ored % is "ot o"l a horri%le life, %ut our mi"dset )a""ot %e su)h that ou )a" $la our WAX game. There are )ertai" tri)ks ou )a" use, %ut the %est advi)e for the $rofessio"al is the same as it is for the amateur. Ket a life +here ou do"Yt have to sit o" our ass a"d %e %ored. .a%ituatio" has a third %ad )om$o"e"t a"d that is falli"g i"to $atter"s. Whe" ou $la o" remote )o"trol, ou te"d to make the same moves a"d the same %ets i" similar situatio"s. 8o+ that is fi"e if our %ets are the same "o matter +hat is i" our ha"d, %ut +hat ha$$e"s more ofte" is that ou %egi" to raise +ith good ha"ds a"d lim$ +ith dra+s. &r, eve" +orse, ou develo$ o%vious tells %e)ause ou (ust are"Yt $a i"g atte"tio". Ask a" good $la er +ho

gives off the easiest tells to read. .e +ill usuall tell ou that it is first the amateur a"d the" the tired $la er. .a%ituatio" leads to tells, +hi)h i" tur" lead to losses. 8e*t, some good "e+s. .a%ituatio" has some good a$$li)atio"s for our game. There are as$e)ts of the game that should %e)ome se)o"d "ature to ou. 1or i"sta")e, ou +a"t to al+a s $ut our )hi$s i" the $ot the same +a . =hi$ tells are some of the easiest to read a"d therefore the most looked for % our o$$o"e"ts. >ou a)tuall )a" ha%ituate ourself to move our )hi$s the same +a ever si"gle time ou %et. Sure ou ought to )he)k ourself ever so ofte", %ut ha%its are good +he" the are $re)isel the same at the ta%le. A lear"ed $oker fa)e is a" e*am$le of a solid, )o"siste"t ha%ituatio". Doi"g somethi"g re$eatedl a"d )o"siste"tl % ha%it )a" also %e a mea"s of remi"di"g ourself of skills a"d $ra)ti)es ou al+a s +a"t to have i" our game. .ere is o"e # +as taught % a $rofessio"al # reall res$e)t. Dver tour"ame"t rou"d, +he" the )lo)k starts to +i"d do+" to the %reak, $la ers start to get a"*ious to get o" +ith the %reak. So did m frie"d, %ut the" he started this $ra)ti)e of goi"g arou"d the ta%le $la er % $la er, revie+i"g his reads o" ea)h o"e of them. 8ot o"l is this a good memor tool to rei"for)e our reads, %ut this ritual that is "o+ ha%ituated kee$s him fo)used o" the ha"ds for the last fe+ rou"ds of ea)h sessio". .a%ituatio" )a" hel$ our game or it )a" hurt ou. >our )hoi)e.

Poker Shrink Vol= **) 6llusory +orrelation

Gu"e 24, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

A leads to -, a"d - leads to =, so A leads to =. We all have some se"se of +hat is logi)al a"d +hat is "ot. -ut "ot ever o"e is a logi)al $erso" a"d +e all have )ertai" %eliefs that others +ould fi"d illogi)al or stra"ge, or eve" outright +a)ko. -ut +he" ou su%tra)t religio" a"d magi) a"d m sti)al %eliefs, most of us k"o+ +hat is se"si%le a"d +hat is "o"se"se. 1or i"sta")e, $o)ket (a)ks "ever +i". Well +e all k"o+ that is "ot true %ut +e also k"o+ $o)ket (a)ks are sus)e$ti%le to flo$s +ith a" a)e, ki"g, or 3uee". These are logi)al "um%ers a"d odds, +hi)h do "ot su$$ort the stateme"tA WPo)ket (a)ks "ever +i".X 8o matter +hat the logi) or math sa s there +ill al+a s %e $eo$le +ho %elieve )ertai" "o"! fa)tual relatio"shi$s e*ist i" their isolated little +orlds. Sometimes $eo$le (ust W%elieveX there is some hidde" relatio"shi$ %et+ee" o"e eve"t a"d a"other. Dve" though +e all k"o+ a"d +e )a" $rove these relatio"shi$s do "ot e*ist, the $ersist i" the mi"d of the %eliever. This is )alled a" illusory correlation. Peo$le li"k together t+o eve"ts +ith "o evide")e %ut their o+" %elief. WAsia" dealers al+a s deal me %ad )ards.X WA)es "ever hold u$ agai"st a %ig sta)k.X W8ever $la the last ha"d %efore a tour"ame"t %reak.X WLu)k +i"s out over skill ever time.X W>ou )a"Yt +i" mo"e agai"st a ta%le full of %ad $la ers.X >ou )a" $ro%a%l list a"other half a do/e" similar u"fa)tual, u"true, u"thi"ka%le a"d do+"right sill "otio"s that ou have heard $oker $la ers mutter. So +hat, the Yre idiots right, Well es, %ut are ou sure ou do"Yt have similar illusor )orrelatio"s affe)ti"g our game,

Are there $oker rooms ou do "ot $la %e)ause the are %ad lu)k for ou, #Ym "ot talki"g a%out rooms ou do"Yt like %e)ause of the staff or the lighti"g V (ust rooms +ith %ad mo(o. >ou reall thi"k ou )a"Yt +i" i" a room %e)ause the $oker ghosts i" that room do"Yt like ou, Are there games ou do "ot $la or have "ot tried %e)ause ou are"Yt a" good at them, =areful +ith this o"e. There are some ver su%tle skill sets for some games that are "ot as im$orta"t i" others a"d if ou do"Yt have that skill, +ell ma %e ou should avoid that game. Deu)e!to!seve", for i"sta")e, reall is a $ositio" game. Pot!limit games $ut a %ig em$hasis o" %etti"g a"d %et!si/i"g. 8o+ +e )a" make a" argume"t that ou +ould im$rove our skills if ou tried those games, %ut +e give ou the W# do"Yt $la that game +ellX argume"t as lo"g as it does"Yt have some +eird W%e)auseX atta)hed to it. W# do"Yt $la ra// %e)ause # (ust do"Yt get dealt %ad ha"ds.X W# do"Yt $la lo+%all %e)ause # (ust )a"Yt dra+ to a lo+ ha"d.X 1i"all , # +a"t to talk a%out those lu)k )harms, lu)k )ard )overs, a"d magi)al $i)tures that $eo$le %ri"g to the ta%le. Add to that $la ers a"d fa"s +ho $ra for their su))ess. Whether ou )o"sider this magi)al thi"ki"g, m sti)al i"terve"tio", or sor)er , # +ould like to $oi"t out that ou are i"voki"g s$irits, gods, demo"s a"d other+orldl $o+ers to hel$ ou gam%leF ?ight it "ot %e the )ase that i" these %elief s stems there might %e $rohi%itio"s agai"st su)h $ra)ti)es a"d might ou "ot %e i"voki"g $o+ers that +ill o$$ose our +i""i"g, A"d might ou "ot %e %asi"g our +i"s a"d losses o" somethi"g as +ell!fou"ded asA WSte$ o" a )ra)k, %reak our motherYs %a)kX, #llusor )orrelatio" re$la)es thoughtful a)tio" that # assume ou have lear"ed % $la i"g solid $oker, +orki"g o" our game, readi"g good $oker %ooks a"d $ra)ti)i"g our $oker )raft. Wh +ould ou +a"t to set all that aside +he" ou k"o+ that a)es versus deu)e!seve" offsuit is al+a s a" EE:12 $ro$ositio", 'lways. Dve" +he" our o$$o"e"t is a voodoo $riestess +ith a shru"ke" head o" her )ards a"d %ats fl i"g arou"d her head. P.S. .o+ever, %e ver "i)e to her +he" our a)es hold u$, (ust i" )ase.

Poker Shrink Vol= *:) The "a1thorne 099ect

Gul 06, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

The 3awthorne .ffect des)ri%es a" a)tual mistake dis)overed % some resear)hers. The origi"al stud +as attem$ti"g to dis)over the relatio"shi$ %et+ee" +orker $rodu)tivit a"d +orki"g e"viro"me"t. The first varia%le i"trodu)ed +as lighti"g. The 3uestio" +asA +ould %etter lighti"g mea" higher +orker out$ut, a"d the" +ould $oorer levels of lighti"g redu)e +orker out$ut, At first the data +as all over the %oard, there +as higher $rodu)tivit +ith less light a"d the" more +ith more light a"d the" eve" more +ith "ormal lighti"g. #t %ega" to seem like lighti"g made "o differe")e, et the +orker $rodu)tivit +as u$ a"d the" do+" %ased o" somethi"g else, or +as it "othi"g at all, This sort of i"formatio" is "ot u")ommo" i" resear)h setti"gs %e)ause resear)hers have "ot )o"trolled for all of the eleme"ts i" the e"viro"me"t. At some $oi"t o"e of the (u"ior assista"t resear)hers "oti)ed that the $rodu)tivit levels of the +orkers +e"t u$ +he" the resear)hers +ere o%servi"g them. #t did"Yt matter +hat the level of lighti"g +as, it +as the atte"tio" of the resear)her S eve" the mere $rese")e of the resear)her S that +as affe)ti"g the $rodu)tivit of the +orkers. .e")e, +e have the .a+thor"e Dffe)t, +hi)h is defi"ed as )ha"ges i" %ehavior % test $arti)i$a"ts related to the atte"tio" the are re)eivi"g from the resear)hers. =learl the .a+thor"e Dffe)t )a" s)re+ u$ a lot of good resear)h, so ou have to )o"trol for it, mi"imi/e it, a"d ge"erall get the resear)her out of the +a . -ut the .a+thor"e Dffe)t also demo"strates that +e )a" affe)t ho+ others rea)t to situatio"s % $utti"g ourselves i"to their e"viro"me"t a"d %asi)all steali"g the motivatio". We )a" make ourselves the motivator or the i"strume"t of )ha"ge. # am remi"ded of the $hraseA #f ou do "othi"g else +ith our life, ou )a" at the ver least %e a %ad e*am$le. So for our $oker e*am$le of the .a+thor"e Dffe)t, +e tur"ed to the $ere""ial %ad %o of $okerA Phil .ellmuth. .o+ ma" times have ou see" this, Phil raises a $ot a"d gets reraised. Does"Yt matter if Phil folds "o+ or +hether he folds after the flo$ +he" the other $la er %ets out. .e folds. -ut as

he folds, Phil +ill sa somethi"g to the effe)t ofA 4ust keep doing that, coming after me, stealing my raises. 4ust keep doing that and ( will trap you. ( will get that big hand and your will throw out another of your stealing raises and ( will set the big trap and take all of your chips. 4ust keep doing what you are doing. What (ust ha$$e"ed here, Well, the )orrelatio" should have %ee"A Phil +ill %a)k do+" to a reraise or Phil +ill fold to $ressure. -ut the )orrelatio" has "o+ %e)omeA ou made a mistake $la i"g %a)k at Phil, if ou do it agai", it +ill )ost ou all our )hi$s. The $rese")e of Phil 6a"d his mouth7 has altered the fa)ts as the a)tuall $la ed out. Phil lost that ha"d, the other $la er did i"deed get him to la his ha"d do+" a"d that +as that. -ut it +as"Yt. A" outside i"flue")e has e"tered the s)e"e a"d )ha"ged the results. PhilYs a"ti)s are "o+ more im$orta"t to the game tha" +hat a)tuall ha$$e"ed i" the ha"d. This a)tuall is great $oker strateg o" PhilYs $art. .e has %e"efited from a lost ha"d. .e has )ha"ged the results of the resear)h i" his favor. ?a %e the should )ha"ge the "ame from the .a+thor"e Dffe)t to the .ellmuth Dffe)t. The $ro%lem is, if ou asked $oker $la ers to defi"e the .ellmuth Dffe)t, ou +ould get a hu"dred differe"t a"s+ers a"d most of them +ould"Yt %e $ri"ta%le here. The .a+thor"e Dffe)t is a )ha"ge i" %ehavior %ased solel o" the atte"tio" someo"e else sho+s for the su%(e)t. >ou )a" )ha"ge the $er)e$tio" of +hat reall goes o" i" a $oker game % %ei"g i"volved i" the game a"d maki"g our $rese")e more of a" i"flue")e tha" the a)tual $la at the ta%le.

Poker Shrink Vol= *;) /((onent Process Theory

Gul 13, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

&2, this o"e )a" get a %it tri)k %ut opponent process theory has some stro"g a$$li)atio"s to $oker $la i"g. The %asi) theor states that emotio"s are $aired, somethi"g like a $ositive a"d a "egative. 1ear a"d relief +ould %e a" o%vious e*am$le. The o%servatio" +as made over thousa"ds of e*am$les sho+i"g that +he" o"e emotio" is e*$erie")ed, the other is re$ressed. ?akes se"ses ou are "ot likel to %e feeli"g relief from fear +hile ou are %ei"g )hased % a hu"gr %ear. a7 Dmotio"s are $aired as o$$osites. %7 Whe" ou feel o"e emotio" the other is su$$ressed. 8o+ mi"d ou, this +orks %oth +a s. &")e the da"ger is over a"d ou are feeli"g relief, the fear is the" re$ressed. Dis)overed "e*t +as the real heart of the o$$o"e"t $ro)ess theor A +he" the first emotio" is ver stro"g, the o$$osite emotio" +he" e*$erie")ed is ver lo+. LetYs take %u"gee (um$i"g. The first time ou are s)ared to death %ut ou fi"all (um$ a"d after+ard it is (ust &2. -ut our %uddies +ho have %ee" (um$i"g a lo"g time a"d +ere "ot as afraid are feeli"g great relief a"d a $ost!(um$ high. The theor sa s that the more ou get used to the first $aired emotio", the higher the e*$erie")e of the se)o"d $aired emotio". This is +h street drug use al+a s leads to a disaster. >ou "eed more a"d more of the drug to get the same high, %ut the o$$osite rea)tio"s 6+ithdra+al et).7 get stro"ger. The more ou are ha%ituated to a drug the stro"ger the o$$osite +ithdra+al rea)tio" +ill %e. As the u$side %e)omes familiar, the do+"side gets more a"d more i"te"se. 8o+ o" the $ositive side, the more ou fa)e u$ to our fears i" a"*iet !$rodu)i"g situatio"s, the more the $ositive effe)ts of su))ess a"d relief +ill rise. As ou %e)ome less a"*ious to s$eak i" fro"t of a grou$ or )o"fro"t a "ast %oss, the stro"ger ou +ill get %e)ause the o$$osite feeli"gs of )o"fide")e a"d self!assura")e +ill %e)ome larger a"d stro"ger.

So, o" to $oker. >ou reall have a $ro%lem firi"g three %ullets o" a %luff or semi!%luff. #t ma "ot %e the same fear as ru""i"g from that a"gr %ear, %ut it is fear. 1ear of losi"g our mo"e , fear of %usti"g out of the tour"ame"t. -ut ou )ommit to getti"g the three!%ullet %luff i"to our game, so ou (ust do it. <ather 3ui)kl ou +ill dis)over t+o thi"gs ha$$e"i"g. The rush ou get from our o$$o"e"t foldi"g o" the river is reall great a"d it gets stro"ger the more ofte" it ha$$e"s. Se)o"dl , +he" the move does"Yt +ork the resulti"g letdo+" (ust is"Yt as %ig a deal as ou remem%er it the first time our %luff failed. The ke here is that ou u"dersta"d the good emotio" V the o"e ou +a"t to get at the e"d of a +i""i"g ha"d. #t +ill i")rease as our tre$idatio" over maki"g the move de)reases. LetYs thi"k a%out that for a mi"ute. # told ou that resear)h )learl sho+s a drug addi)t gets less of a WgoodX high as he gets ha%ituated to the drug, a"d more of the W%adX aftereffe)ts a"d +ithdra+al s m$toms. 8o+ # am telli"g ou that % $ushi"g through resista")e ou have at the ta%le, % maki"g stro"ger moves, % taki"g risks a"d maki"g adva")e $la s, ou +ill get a %igger rush, a %igger $ositive emotio"al re+ard from a game ou alread like to $la . >ou like to $la $oker, right, So ou +ill "aturall e"(o it eve" more if ou take more risks a"d lear" to add a move that right "o+ is i"timidati"g to ou. <isk:re+ard evaluatio"A >our game gets %etter, ou feel %etter, a"d ou +i" more )hi$s. The o"l do+"side is ou have to kee$ fi"di"g more )om$le* moves to add to our $oker game so that our game +ill kee$ getti"g %etter, ou +ill kee$ feeli"g %etter, a"d ou +ill +i" eve" more )hi$s. That +ould %e +i"!+i"!+i"F

Poker Shrink Vol= *<) 'ecency and Primacy 099ects

Gul 21, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

-oth the %ecency .ffect a"d the rimacy .ffect have fairl sim$le e*$la"atio"s %ut some "ot! so!sim$le a$$li)atio"s. 1irst as a" e*$la"atio", thi"k of %ei"g asked to remem%er a list of items. >ou are more likel to remem%er the first items o" the list the" the middle items. This is the Prima) Dffe)t. .o+ever, as the list gets lo"ger a"d ou are more over+helmed +ith tr i"g to hold them all i" our memor , ou ma get )o"fused a"d the" o"l remem%er the last item or items $rese"ted. This is the <e)e") Dffe)t. The <e)e") Dffe)t has a %roader a$$li)atio" i" that +e are $ro"e to %ase our a)tio"s o" our most re)e"t o%servatio"s S the last thi"g +e sa+ or heard. 1or i"sta")e, ou see some fool almost get hit % a %us %e)ause he did"Yt look %oth +a s %efore ste$$i"g off the )ur%. # guara"tee at the "e*t )ross+alk ou +ill look %oth +a s. Advertiseme"t

Peo$le +ho %et o" s$orts are ofte" vi)tims of the <e)e") Dffe)t. A team that has %ee" terri%le all seaso" sudde"l has a great +eek a"d +i"s a game agai"st a reall good o$$o"e"t. The gam%ler sees this, $arti)ularl if he lost mo"e o" the game, a"d thi"ksA Well these gu s have dis)overed somethi"g, the looked good i" that game so # should %et o" them "e*t +eek. &f )ourse, the terri%le team the" retur"s to their losi"g +a s a"d the gam%ler is )o"fused. #f this team +as terri%le for eight +eeks, +h +ould o"e good or lu)k game )ha"ge his assessme"t, Wh , The <e)e") Dffe)t. S+it)hi"g over to $oker. The gu i" Seat 9 +ho ou thought +as a )alli"g statio" (ust made a great three!%arrel %luff agai"st the %ig sta)k a"d took do+" a huge $ot. Seat 9 the" e"ters

the ver "e*t $ot for a %ig o$e"i"g %et. What do ou thi"k, -e )areful. #f ou have three or four hours of reads that s)ream Wro)kX, +h +ould o"e ha"d )ha"ge our read, Agai", itYs the <e)e") Dffe)t. >ou (ust sa+ the %luff a"d "o+ ou thi"k this gu is a reall good $la er %e)ause of o"e ha"d, Sure, he might %e )ha"gi"g u$ or he might have (ust +oke" u$. >es, it is +orth $a i"g )lose atte"tio" to his $la %ut o"e re)e"t ha"d does "ot +i$e out hours of good reads. The <e)e") Dffe)t is fairl eas to over)ome0 +e (ust lear" that o"e ha"d is o"e ha"d, a"d +e fa)tor ea)h ha"d i"to our read of a $la er. #f a re)e"t ha"d has a" additio"al i"formatio" +e add that to the mi*, a"d +e might "ote that the re)e"t $la might sig"al a )ha"ge S %ut o"e ha"d is o"e ha"d. 8o+ the Prima) Dffe)t is more diffi)ult to over)ome. &")e +e lo)k i" o" a read of a $la er, +e like to thi"k that +e have him figured out )old. There are "e+ $la ers )omi"g to the ta%le a"d +e "eed to )o")e"trate o" getti"g some earl reads o" them. #t is ver )ommo" to +a"t a $revious, earlier read to sti)k. We have a te"de") to go +ith +hat +e sa+ a"d read first, a"d to "ot +a"t to )ha"ge that read. #tYs huma" "ature to hold o" to older %eliefs0 +e )all this the Prima) Dffe)t. #tYs true at the $oker ta%le or i" a" of our o$i"io"s, +hether the %e a%out a $erso" or $oliti)s, religio" or art. We have a" o$i"io" a"d +e te"d "ot to )ha"ge that o$i"io" +ithout a motivati"g fa)tor. #" $oker the stro"g motivati"g fa)tor is that $la ers do )ha"ge u$ their $la a"d if ou do"Yt alter our reads o" them, it +ill )ost ou )hi$s. >ou )a"Yt avoid the effe)ts of <e)e") or Prima) . >ou )a" sta o$e" to )ha"gi"g our reads o" a $la er %ased o" solid "e+ i"formatio" S %ut "ot (ust a" si"gle a)tio" that )o"tradi)ts +hat ou alread k"o+.

Poker Shrink Vol= :3) 6nteraction 099ect

Gul 2;, 2004, Dr. Tim Lavalli

All fold to the small %li"d, +ho )om$letes. The %ig %li"d raises, the small %li"d folds. The" t+o rou"ds later, same s)e"ario, same result. 8e*t rou"d there is a lim$er, the small %li"d )om$letes, the %ig %li"d raises, a"d %oth o$$o"e"ts fold. This is eas for the %ig %li"d. T+o rou"ds later a"other lim$er, the small %li"d )om$letes agai", the %ig %li"ds raises agai", a"d the lim$er reraises. &o$sF That is a" e*am$le of the interaction effect. Ke"erall s$eaki"g, i" s)ie"tifi) resear)h +e have a de$e"de"t varia%le a"d a" i"de$e"de"t varia%le. The i"de$e"de"t varia%le 6iv7 affe)ts the de$e"de"t varia%le 6dv7. So al)ohol as the i"de$e"de"t varia%le affe)ts slee$, the de$e"de"t varia%le. Al)ohol )a" $ut ou to slee$ a"d +e )a" demo"strate that +ith a stud sho+i"g the effe)t of the iv o" the dv.

8o+ i" most e*$erime"tal testi"g +e are looki"g to see if the i"de$e"de"t varia%le +ill have a" effe)t o" the de$e"de"t varia%le a"d +e re$ort +hat that effe)t is. So, does "oise 6iv7 affe)t slee$, We make "oise a"d see if it +akes someo"e u$ or $erha$s $reve"ts him from falli"g aslee$. We give kids food +ith high sugar )o"te"t 6iv7 a"d see if the %ehave 6dv7 a" differe"tl . -ut sometimes there is more tha" o"e i"de$e"de"t varia%le. As i" our first $oker e*am$le. The de$e"de"t varia%le +as +i""i"g the ha"d. The i"de$e"de"t varia%le +as the other $la er S %ut +he" +e i"trodu)ed the lim$er, that mea"t +e had t+o i"de$e"de"t varia%les a"d +e "eeded %oth of them to fold to our %ig %li"dYs raise. What is )lear is that e*$erime"ts get more )om$li)ated +he"ever there is more tha" o"e i"de$e"de"t varia%le. >ou take a slee$i"g $ill, ou fall aslee$. #f ou take slee$i"g $ill +ith a glass of vodka, ou fall reall dee$l aslee$. T+o i"de$e"de"t varia%les i"tera)t to )ause a differe"t rea)tio" or a "e+ de$e"de"t varia%le.

.ere the i"de$e"de"t varia%les are doi"g somethi"g +e did "ot a"ti)i$ate0 the might a)tuall %e i"flue")i"g ea)h other. This $ote"tial is +hat +e )all the i"tera)tio" effe)t. >ou raise, the lim$er reraises, a"d the small %li"d makes it four %ets. Thi"gs have )ha"ged. Those i"de$e"de"t varia%les are i"tera)ti"g a"d %ei"g ver i"de$e"de"t. At the $oker ta%le, +e are deali"g +ith lots of i"de$e"de"t varia%les a"d the )ha"ge as the i"tera)t. 1or i"sta")e, the ro)k o$e"i"g a ha"d i" late $ositio" is "ot the same as that ro)k o$e"i"g u"der the gu". Same $la er, differe"t i"de$e"de"t varia%le a)tio". Add i" a"other $la er, a"d "o+ the )a" i"tera)t +ith ea)h other a"d ou have to )o"sider the i"tera)tio" of their $ositio"s, sta)k si/es, et). A"d, of )ourse, fa)i"g the $la er i" Seat 3 a"d the $la er i" Seat ; is "ot the same set of i"de$e"de"t varia%les as fa)i"g $la ers i" Seats 3 a"d B. 8o+ )learl +e )a" take this to a%surd limits. With a full ta%le of $la ers a"d a movi"g dealer %utto" a"d shifti"g sta)k si/es, ver 3ui)kl the )om%i"atio" of i"de$e"de"t varia%les makes the i"tera)tio" effe)t somethi"g that "o o"e )ould kee$ tra)k of. -ut at a more %asi) level, +e )a" lear" from the i"tera)tio" effe)t that some se)o"d a"d third i"de$e"de"t varia%les are +orth $a i"g atte"tio" to. =ertai"l , +he" the third $la er e"ters the ha"d this )ha"ges the $la drasti)all . Whi)h is +h +e ofte" tr to isolate agai"st (ust o"e $la er S +e +a"t to redu)e the i"tera)tio" effe)t %et+ee" those t+o $la ers, %et+ee" those t+o i"de$e"de"t varia%les. The ke to usi"g the i"tera)tio" $ossi%ilities to our adva"tage, like a" other edge ou might get at the $oker ta%le, is %ei"g a+are of the $ossi%ilities. Whe" %oth $la ers )he)k to ou, the $ut ou i" a $ositio" of $o+er. &f )ourse, "o+ t+o $la ers are also i" $ositio" to )he)k! raise ou, if ou %et. The )ard o" the tur" "o+ has to miss t+o other dra+i"g ha"ds "ot (ust o"e. -ut +he" it does, ou have t+o $ote"tial )r i"g )alls to i")rease our $ot. A famous s)ie"tist o")e said to his stude"tsA W<emem%er the im$orta"t $art a%out i"de$e"de"t varia%les is that the are i"de$e"de"t, +e do"Yt )o"trol them a"d therefore the )a" )ha"ge ever thi"g +e thi"k +e k"o+ a%out the de$e"de"t varia%le.X &r a%out the $oker game.

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