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Cadi Ayyad University ENCG Teacher: Mr.

BENLAHCEN Hicham Class: S2

P nct ati!n " les

P nct ati!n mar#s are symbols which

$. organize the structure of written language, 2. and indicate intonation and pauses to be observed when reading aloud.
Punctuation marks are also used to avoid ambiguity. For example, "woman, without her man, is nothing" has a different meaning from "woman: without her, man is nothing" End % nct ati!n mar#s: . Full stop , or period !."

#sed a full stop at the end of a sentence: $he stood up and went away. $he was furious. #sed for abbreviations: %o. !%ompany" &.P. !&ember of Parliament"

'. (uestion marks !)"

(uestion marks are used at the end of direct *uestions: +here do you live) ,re you crazy) -id you do the homework) #se a *uestion mark at the end of tag *uestions: .ou will help me, won/t you) 0e likes soccer, doesn/t he)

1. 2xclamation marks !3"

#sed to indicate strong emotions: $he/s so beautiful3 +hat a nice girl3 0ow interesting3 #sed after inter4ections: 5h3 6t/s awful. 0i3 +hat/s up)

Cadi Ayyad University ENCG Teacher: Mr. BENLAHCEN Hicham Class: S2

C!mmas &'(

%ommas are used between items in a series or list. 7he last two items of the series usually do not need a comma between them. 7hey are separated by "and". 6 like spaghetti, fish, pizza and couscous. %ommas are also used between ad4ectives or adverbs: 6/d like to have a big, black, 8erman car. $he speaks slowly, *uietly and elo*uently. ,fter the street address and city in an address: 19 0assan 66 $treet, :abat, &orocco. ;efore or after direct speech: 0e said,"6 hate being treated like that." "6/m sorry", she replied. ;efore a coordinating con4unction !for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so" 0e woke up late, so he had to drive to work.

Semic!l!ns &)(

$emicolons are used instead of a full stop or period to separate independent sentences: 7hey woke up early< then they went 4ogging. #se a semicolon to separate items in a series when those items contain punctuation such as a comma: 7hey visited the 2iffel 7ower, Paris< ;ig ;en, =ondon< and the statue of liberty, >ew .ork

C!l!ns &:(

#se a colon to introduce a list: 0e visited three cities last summer holiday: &adrid, :oma and ,thens. 7o introduce an idea or an explanation: 0e had one idea in mind: to see her as soon as possible. 7o introduce direct speech or a *uotation: 7he secretary whispered in his ear: ".our wife is on the phone. "

*ashes &++(

7o introduce parenthetical information: 6 put on a blue 4acket ?the one my mother bought me? and blue 4eans. 7o show an afterthought: 6 explained to him my point of view? at least 6 tried3

A%!str!%hes &,(

#se an apostrophe to indicate a missing letter or letters in a contraction. 6/m fed up with his stories

Cadi Ayyad University ENCG Teacher: Mr. BENLAHCEN Hicham Class: S2

#se an apostrophe plus the letter "s" to show possession. &y brother/s girlfriend is such a sweet girl.

- !tati!n mar#s &..(

(uotation marks are used to *uote speech, sentences or words. $he said, "6 love you."

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