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Section A

Choose the correct answer.

1. 3500 BC, the Sumerians developed the _____ writing. A. laptop BON S B. !nternet C. telephone ". Cunei#orm $. %hat is the #a&t a'out in#ormation( A. !n#ormation &an onl) 'e o'tained #rom reading. B. !n#ormation ma) &ome in various #orms su&h as arti&les and &harts. C. *nowledge &annot 'e a&+uired through e,perien&e or investigation. ". -essages re&eived through signs and s)m'ols are not &onsidered as in#ormation. 3. Communi&ation is ______ o# transmitting messages. A. an a&t B. a #un&tion C. a situation ". a domination .. A ____________ is a &ommuni&ation without te&hnolog). A. lea#let B. drama C. maga/ine ". newspaper 5. !n _____ we &an predi&t the sto&0 e,&hange mar0et 'ased on the in#ormation that we have. A. sport B. li#est)le C. 'usiness ". entertainment 6. is also a process whereby information is exchanged between individuals using symbols, signs or verbal interactions. 1he a'ove statement re#ers to2 A. &omputers B. advertising C. photograph) ". &ommuni&ation 3. S&ientists &an predi&t the #ormation o# a tsunami using the latest _____ and give warnings to avoid &atastrophi& disasters in the a##e&ted &ountries. A. 0nowledge B. geograph) C. anthropolog) ". te&hnolog)


4. An aeroplane is 'uilt using the appli&ation o# _________ 0nowledge. A. art B. graphi& C. s&ienti#i& ". investigation 5. 1hus the invention o# &ellular phones, television and other ele&troni& devi&es are important in enhan&ing _________as a whole. A. games B. animation C. multimedia ". &ommuni&ation 10. !nternet was 0nown as _________. A. *iller Net B. -ulti Net C. 6aring Net ". A78AN91 11. _________was 0nown as the #irst &omputation tool. A. -ar0 1 B. A'a&us C. %eaving :oom ". Apple -a&intosh 1$. !n 153;, Steve 6o's 'uilt the #irst ________ &omputer. A. !BB. "ell C. -i&roso#t ". Apple -a&intosh 13. 1he mi&ropro&essor was invented during the __________ &omputer era. A. #irst generation B. third generation C. #ourth generation ". se&ond generation 1.. Sili&one &hips were manu#a&tured in ______ at the Sili&one <alle). A. 14$3 B. 1544 C. 15;1 ". 153. 15. 1he latest invention in the new era o# &omputers is2 A.!BB.%eaving :oom C. Apple -a&intosh ". 7o'oti& Computers


1;. %hi&h is #alse( A. 15.1 -ar0 1 B. $00A" A'a&us C. 143; 8as&aline ". 1;$0 Napier=s Bone 13. __________ is a #ourth generation &omputer s&ientist. A. Steve 6o's B. 6ohn Bardeen C. %illiam -au&h ". Blaise 8as&al 14. 7e&hner was invented ')_______. A. 6ohn Napier B. Charles Ba''age C. 6oseph -arie 6a&+uard ". >ott#ried %ilhelm <on :ei'ni/ 15. Charles Ba''age invented the __________. A. A'a&us B. Napier=s Bone C. %eaving :oom ". -e&hani&al Cal&ulator -a&hine $0. !n ________, 9&0ert and -au&hl) 'uilt the the rate o# 10,000 additions per se&ond. A. 1455 B. 15;1 C. 15.. ". 1535 N!<AC whi&h &ould &al&ulate at

$1. A s&ientist named ____________ invented a &al&ulating ma&hine &alled the 8as&aline in1;53. A. 6ohn Napier B. -i&hael "ell C. Blaise 8as&al ". Charles Ba''age $$. 8"A stands #or ________________. A. primar) digital assistant B. pro&essor digital addon C. personal digital assistant ". proto&ol dis0 administrator $3. _____________ was one o# the #irst generation &omputer s&ientists. A. Bill >ates B. Steve 6o's C. 6ohn Napier ". 8resper 9&0ert


$.. 1he #irst &omputer that was delivered to the &lient was ___________. A. -ar0 1 B. !B- 3;0 C. N!<AC ". C"C$;00 $5. _______________ was invented to provide memor). A. 1he va&uum tu'e B. 1he pun&hed &ard C. 1he magneti& tape ". 1he magneti& &ore $;. Charles Ba''age invented the -e&hani&al Cal&ulator -a&hine in ________. A. 1;33 B. 1401 C. 14$3 ". 15.1 $3. A 'an0 &ler0 trans#ers mone) into )our a&&ount. 1his transa&tion is stored in the _____________. A. wor0station B. super&omputer C. em'edded &omputer ". main#rame &omputer $4. ____________ uses &omputers to e,periment new graphi& designs with possi'le interiors. A. An artist B. A s&ientist C. An ar&hite&t ". A resear&her $5. Customers 'ene#it #rom 9le&troni& Ban0ing in terms o#2 !. $. hours servi&e !!. 9le&troni& ?und 1rans#er !!!. 9le&troni& Cash "eposits !<. 9le&troni& :oan Appli&ation A. !, !!, and !!! B. !, !!, and !< C. !, !!!, and !< ". !, !!, !!!, and !< 30. 1ea&hers 'ene#it #rom the use o# &omputers in s&hools 'e&ause &omputers@ !. wea0en learning !!. &an enhan&e intera&tive learning !!!. &an 'e used as an e##e&tive tea&hing aids !<. &an strengthen &ognitive development A. ! and !!! B. !! and !!! C. !!, !!!, and !< ". !, !!, !!!, and !<


31. %hi&h o# the #ollowing a&tivities depend on &omputer te&hnolog)( A. >oing to s&hool. B. ?inishing our home wor0. C. Bu)ing a 'us ti&0et at a main station. ". %ithdraw mone) #rom the A1- ma&hine. 3$. %hat is a &omputer s)stem( A. A set o# &ustomised so#tware used #or a&&ounting. B. A set o# &omputer &omponents on the mother'oard. C. A personal &omputer is not an e,ample o# a &omputer s)stem. ". A set o# hardware and so#tware whi&h pro&esses data in a meaning#ul wa). 33. 9&ommer&e pla)s an important role in the e&onomi& s&ene. !t in&ludes distri'ution, __________, __________, and servi&ing produ&ts that are done ele&troni&all). A. 'u)ing, selling B. drawing, s0et&hing C. monitoring, dis&ussing ". negle&ting, empowering 3.. 9du&ation &an 'e improved ') _________. A. students 'eing taught ') using &omputers B. 'eing tea&her &entred and students are spoon #ed C. having a small num'er o# students in a &lassroom so that the students &an pa) attention ". students sur#ing the Net to gather more in#ormation more than what was given in the te,t'oo0 35. Several aspe&ts have 'een &onsidered as the advantages o# the &omputerised s)stem. 1he) are2 !. 1ime !!. 8ro#it !!!. 8rodu&tivit) !<. 6o' opportunit) A. ! and !!! B. ! and !< C. !, !!, and !!! ". !, !!!, and !< 3;. 1he !nternet is ____________ than the other modes o# &ommuni&ation su&h as telephone, mailing or &ourier servi&e. A. slower B. unrelia'le C. e,pensive ". &ost e##e&tive


33. %hi&h o# the #ollowing are the impa&ts o# !C1 on the so&iet)( !. Sharing !!. 7elia'ilit) !!!. 9,pensive !<. >lo'alisation A. !! and !< B. !, !! and !< C. !, !!, and !!! ". All the a'ove 34. %hat is one o# the negative ph)si&al impa&ts o# using !C1 te&hnolog)( A. Stress B. Asthma C. *idne) #ailure ". Aeart disease 35. 1he !nternet is where we &an get lots o# in#ormation at a __________ &ost. A. lower B. higher C. medium ". moderate .0. %hi&h o# the #ollowing statements is related to the !mpa&t o# !C1 on the so&iet)( !. !n#ormation travels 'orderless through the !nternet. !!. 8eople &an re&eive in#ormation #aster ') using !C1 te&hnolog). !!!. sing &omputers #re+uentl) and #or long hours is harm#ul to health. !<. 1oda) the )ounger generation pre#ers to sit in #ront o# &omputers than so&ialise with others. A. ! and !!! B. !! and !< C. !!, !!! and !< ". All the a'ove .1. As more and more people 'e&ome we' in#ormed, &ommuni&ation through ________ in&reases. A. #a, B. email C. telephone ". wal0ieBtal0ie .$. %ith !C1 te&hnologies, an) &ommuni&ation &an 'e made without ____________. A. email B. online &hat C. writing materials ". instant messages .3. sing !C1 te&hnologies &an &reate a paperless o##i&e environment. A. 17 9 B. ?A:S9


... %ith the internet, the intera&tion among so&ieties is unlimited. A. 17 9 B. ?A:S9 .5. 1he usage o# !C1 te&hnologies su&h as to &reate pornographi& we'sites &an have a negative impa&t on the so&iet). A. 17 9 B. ?A:S9

Section B
Answer the following questions.
.;. 7earrange the &omponents 'elow a&&ording to their te&hnologi&al advan&ement2




Section C
47. Communication has impro !" an" ! o# !" to $aci#itat! our "ai#% acti iti!s. In th! !ar#% %!ars pi&!on 'as us!" to comunicat!" (ut in th! n!' !ra n!t'or) 'as intro"uc!". In th! *+st c!ntur%, ! !r%thin& r!#at!" to communication uti#i-!s t!chno#o&% to .s!n" out/ or "iss!minat! in$ormation to a 'i"!r au"i!nc!. In$ormation can (! .s!nt out/ in man% 'a%s. 0rit! "o'n th! ! o#ution o$ communication $rom th! !ar#% to n!' !ra. Evolution of%!ars Communication



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N&ME) ****************+IC NO) *********** ,ORM) ,O-R ********++ Answer Sheet : UB1
Section A 1 2 3 ! # 16 17 1 1" 2$ 31 32 33 3! 3# =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= " 1$ 21 22 23 2! 2# 36 37 3 3" !$ 6 7 =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= 11 12 13 1! 1# 26 27 2 2" 3$ !1 !2 !3 !! !# =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D= =A= =B= =C= =D=

Section B i %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ii %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% iii %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Section C


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