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P5I",IPA4 ,!A5A,T;5S
T!; ,;"T5A4 I"T;44IG;",; AG;",$ (,IA)
,h-rles Allen, Assist-nt Lirector, ,ollection, &CC8O:'' P. ,o2er 3l-c%, Lirector, ,ounterterrorist ,enter (,T,), &CCCO:'': Lennis 3l-ir, Associ-te Lirector, @ilit-ry Support, &CC O&CCGQ Lirector o2 "-tion-l Intelligence, :''CO:'&' 5ich-rd 3lee, ,hie2, Alec St-tion (bin 4-den Unit o2 ,ounterterrorist ,enter), &CCCO:''& 9illi-= ,-sey, Lirector, &C8&O&C87 Lu-ne RLe#eyS ,l-rridge, oper-tions o22icer -nd 2ounder o2 the ,ounterterrorist ,enter 5-y=ond L->is, ,IA contr-ctor, -rrested in P-%ist-n in :'&& Porter Goss, Lirector, :''*O:''G 5obert Grenier, ,hie2 o2 St-tion, Isl-=-b-d, &CCCO:'':Q Lirector, ,ounterterroris= ,enter, :''*O:''G T @ich-el !-yden, Lirector, :''GO:''C Stephen 0-ppes, Leputy Lirector, :''GO:'&' Art 0eller, oper-tions o22icer in P-%ist-n, :''G @i%e, Lirector, ,ounterterroris= ,enter, :''GO 5oss "e#l-nd, oper-tions o22icer in 4-tin A=eric- -nd ;-stern ;uropeQ l-ter, top o22ici-l -t ,IA he-dUu-rters 4eon P-nett-, Lirector, :''CO:'&& P-=es P->itt, Leputy Lirector, 6per-tions, &CCCO:''* L->id Petr-eus, Lirector, :'&&O:'&:Q ,o==-nder, United St-tes ,entr-l ,o==-nd, :''8O:'&' ;nriUue Pr-do, oper-tions o22icer #or%ing the ,ounterterrorist ,enter -nd l-ter 3l-c%#-ter e=ployee Pose 5odrigueA, Lirector, ,ounterterrorist ,enter, :'':O:''*Q Leputy Lirector, 6per-tions, :''*O:''7 George Tenet, Lirector, &CC7O:''*

L;PA5T@;"T 6< L;<;"S;

5obert Andre#s, Acting Assist-nt Secret-ry o2 Le2ense 2or Speci-l 6per-tions -nd 4o#DIntensity ,on2lict, :''&O:'': Stephen ,-=bone, Under Secret-ry o2 Le2ense 2or Intelligence, :''3O:''7 @ich-el <urlong, Le2ense Lep-rt=ent o22ici-l in>ol>ed in in2or=-tion oper-tions #ho e>entu-lly o>ers-# pri>-te spying oper-tion 5obert G-tes, Secret-ry o2 Le2ense, :''GO:'&& Gener-l St-nley @c,hryst-l, ,o==-nder, Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (PS6,), :''3O:''8 Ad=ir-l 9illi-= @c5->en, ,o==-nder, Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (PS6,), :''8O:'&& Ad=ir-l @ich-el @ullen, ,h-ir=-n, Point ,hie2s o2 St-22, :''7O:'&& Tho=-s 6K,onnell, Assist-nt Secret-ry o2 Le2ense 2or Speci-l 6per-tions -nd 4o#D Intensity ,on2lict, :''3O:''G 4eon P-nett-, Secret-ry o2 Le2ense, :'&&O:'&3 Lon-ld 5u=s2eld, Secret-ry o2 Le2ense, :''&O:''G

T!; 9!IT; !6US;

Pohn 3renn-n, Assist-nt to the President 2or !o=el-nd Security -nd ,ounterterroris=, :''CO:'&3 5ich-rd ,l-r%e, ,ounterterroris= ,oordin-tor, &CC8O:''&

Sh-%il A2ridi, P-%ist-ni physici-n hired to spy 2or the ,IA 4t. Gener-l @-h=ud Ah=ed, LirectorDGener-l, InterDSer>ices Intelligence (ISI), &CCCO:''& 4t. Gener-l Ali P-n Aur-%A-i, P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry co==-nder responsible 2or oper-tions in <eder-lly Ad=inistered Trib-l Are-s (<ATA) 5-y=ond L->is, ,IA contr-ctor -rrested in 4-hore in :'&& 4t. Gener-l ;hs-n ul !-U, LirectorDGener-l, InterDSer>ices Intelligence, :''&O:''* P-l-luddin !-UU-ni, le-der o2 cri=in-l net#or% b-sed in P-%ist-ni trib-l -re-s #ho h-s c-rried out -tt-c%s -g-inst A=eric-n troops in A2gh-nist-n Gener-l Ash2-U P-r>eA 0-y-ni, LirectorDGener-l, InterDSer>ices Intelligence, :''*O:''7Q ,hie2 o2 Ar=y St-22, :''7O 3-itull-h @ehsud, P-%ist-ni T-lib-n le-der -2ter the de-th o2 "e% @uh-==-d 9-Air 3rig-dierDGener-l As-d @unir, ISI st-tion chie2 in Pesh-#-r, :''&O:''3 ,-=eron @unter, United St-tes A=b-ss-dor in Isl-=-b-d, :'&'O:'&: 4t. Gener-l Ah=-d ShuV- P-sh-, LirectorDGener-l, InterDSer>ices Intelligence, :''8O:'&: !-2iA @uh-==-d S-eed, he-d o2 4-sh%-rDeDT-ib- (RAr=y o2 the PureS) "e% @uh-==-d 9-Air, P-%ist-ni T-lib-n le-der in trib-l -re-s

Ibr-hi= -lDAsiri, =-ster bo=b =-%er 2or -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul- (AWAP) Abdulr-h=-n -lDA#l-%i, son o2 An#-r -lDA#l-%i An#-r -lDA#l-%i, r-dic-l pre-cher -nd =e=ber o2 AWAP #ho #-s -n A=eric-n citiAen Ali Abdull-h S-leh, President, &CC'O:'&:

Aden !-shi <-r-h Ayro, e-rly le-der o2 -l Sh-b--b Shei%h !-ss-n L-hir A#eys, le-der o2 Isl-=ic ,ourts Union @ichele RA=ir-S 3-ll-rin, A=eric-n business#o=-n -nd go>ern=ent contr-ctor S-leh Ali S-leh "-bh-n, 0eny-n =e=ber o2 -l W-ed-Ks ;-st A2ric- cell %illed in :''C Alli-nce 2or the 5estor-tion o2 Pe-ce -nd ,ounterDTerroris= (A5P,T), collection o2 ,IAD2unded So=-li #-rlords Al Sh-b--b (RThe $outhS), -r=ed #ing o2 Isl-=ic ,ourts Union

P5646GU;7 T!; 9A5 3;$6"L

RGood intelligence #or%, ,ontrol h-d -l#-ys pre-ched, #-s gr-du-l -nd rested on - %ind o2 gentleness. The sc-lphunters #ere the eXception to his o#n rule. They #erenKt gr-du-l -nd they #erenKt gentle either.Y.Y.Y.S \Pohn le ,-rr], Tin%er, T-ilor, Soldier, Spy

scorted by P-%ist-ni police=en, the burly A=eric-n spy #-s brought into -

cro#ded interrog-tion roo=. A=id - cl-tter o2 ringing =obile phones -nd cross t-l% -=ong the cops spe-%ing - =ish=-sh o2 Urdu, PunV-bi, -nd ;nglish, the in>estig-tor tried to decipher the 2-cts o2 the c-se. RA=eric-, you 2ro= A=eric-^S R$es.S R$ouKre 2ro= A=eric- -nd you belong to the A=eric-n e=b-ssy^S R$es,S the -nXious A=eric-n >oice boo=ed -bo>e the ch-tter. R@y p-ssport\-t the site I sho#ed the police o22icerY.Y.Y. ItKs so=e#here. ItKs lost.S 6n the Vu=py >ideo 2oot-ge o2 the interrog-tion, he re-ched bene-th his chec%ered 2l-nnel shirt -nd produced - Vu=ble o2 identi2ic-tion b-dges 2ro= - l-ny-rd -round his nec%. It #-s one o2 the 2e# things he h-d =-n-ged to hold on to -2ter the ch-otic scene -t the tr-22ic circle. RThis is -n old b-dge. This is Isl-=-b-d.S !e sho#ed the b-dge to the =-n -cross the des% -nd then 2lipped to - =ore recent b-dge pro>ing his e=ploy=ent in the A=eric-n consul-te in 4-hore. A telephone r-ng, -nd one o2 the o22icers in the cro#ded roo= disp-tched #ith the c-ll Uuic%ly. R9e -rrested -n e=b-ssy =-n. I #ill c-ll you b-c%.S The interrog-tion resu=ed. R$ou -re #or%ing -t the consul-te gener-l in 4-hore^S R$es.S RAs -Y.Y.Y.Y^S RI, I Vust #or% -s - consult-nt there.S R,onsult-nt^S The =-n behind the des% #-s s%eptic-l. !e p-used 2or - =o=ent -nd then shot - Uuestion in Urdu to -nother police=-n. RAnd #h-tKs the n-=e^S R5-y=ond L->is,S the o22icer responded. R5-y=ond L->is,S the A=eric-n con2ir=ed. R,-n I sit do#n^S RPle-se do. Gi>e you #-ter^S the o22icer -s%ed. RLo you h->e - bottle^ A bottle o2 #-ter^S L->is -s%ed. Another o22icer in the roo= l-ughed. R$ou #-nt #-ter^S he -s%ed. R"o =oney, no #-ter.S 3ehind the ch-ir #here L->is h-d t-%en - se-t, -nother police=-n #-l%ed into the roo= -nd -s%ed 2or -n upd-te. R Is he underst-nding e>erything ^ And he Vust %illed t#o =en^S 5-y=ond Allen L->is\- 2or=er high school 2ootb-ll -nd #restling st-r 2ro= #estern Nirgini-, - retired Ar=y Green 3eret -nd oneti=e pri>-te soldier 2or 3l-c%#-ter USA, -nd no# - cl-ndestine ,IA oper-ti>e in P-%ist-n\h-d hours e-rlier been n->ig-ting dense tr-22ic in 4-hore, his thic% 2r-=e #edged into the dri>erKs se-t o2 #hite !ond- ,i>ic. A city once ruled by @ugh-ls, Si%hs, -nd the 3ritish, 4-hore is P-%ist-nKs cultur-l -nd intellectu-l c-pit-l, -nd 2or ne-rly - dec-de h-d been on the

2ringes o2 A=eric-Ks secret #-r in P-%ist-n. 3ut by :'&&, the =-p o2 Isl-=ic =ilit-ncy inside P-%ist-n h-d been redr-#n, -nd 2-ctions th-t once h-d little cont-ct #ith e-ch other h-d ce=ented ne# -lli-nces to sur>i>e the ,IAKs drone c-=p-ign in the #estern =ount-ins. Groups th-t h-d 2ocused =ost o2 their energies dre-=ing up bloody -tt-c%s -g-inst Indi- h-d begun -ligning the=sel>es closer to -l W-ed- -nd other org-niA-tions #ith - thirst 2or glob-l Vih-d. So=e o2 these groups h-d deep roots in 4-hore, #hich #-s the >ery re-son #hy 5-y=ond L->is -nd - ,IA te-= h-d set up oper-tions 2ro= - s-2e house in the city. 3ut no# L->is #-s sitting in - 4-hore police st-tion, h->ing shot t#o young =en #ho h-d -ppro-ched his c-r #ith guns dr-#n, #hile riding - bl-c% =otorcycle, -t tr-22ic circle congested #ith c-rs, bicycles, -nd ric%sh-#s. L->is h-d t-%en his se=i-uto=-tic Gloc% pistol -nd blo#n - h-nd2ul o2 bullets through the #indshield, sh-ttering the gl-ss -nd hitting one o2 the =en in the sto=-ch, -r=, -nd else#here on his body. As the other =-n 2led, L->is got out o2 his !ond- -nd shot se>er-l rounds into his b-c%. !e r-dioed the A=eric-n consul-te 2or help, -nd #ithin =inutes - Toyot- 4-nd ,ruiser #-s in sight, c-reering in the #rong direction do#n - oneD#-y street. 3ut the c-r struc% -nd %illed - young P-%ist-ni =otorcyclist -nd then le2t #ith L->is still st-nding in the =iddle o2 the ro-d. An -ssort=ent o2 biA-rre p-r-phern-li#-s sc-ttered -t the scene, including - bl-c% =-s%, -pproXi=-tely one hundred bullets, -nd - piece o2 cloth #ith -n A=eric-n 2l-g. The cell phone inside L->isKs c-r cont-ined photos o2 P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry inst-ll-tions, t-%en surreptitiously. 9ithin d-ys o2 the deb-cle -t the tr-22ic circle, the ,IA director #ould lie to P-%ist-nKs spy=-ster during - phone c-ll -nd pri>-te =eeting, denying th-t L->is #or%ed 2or the ,IA. President 3-r-c% 6b-=- #-s >-gue during - press con2erence -bout L->isKs role in the country, c-lling 2or the rele-se o2 R our diplo=-t in P-%ist-n .S The ,IAKs st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d, #ho h-d -rri>ed in the country Vust d-ys be2ore the shootings, 2ought openly #ith the A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor there, insisting th-t the United St-tes gi>e no ground, -nd cut no de-ls, to secure L->isKs rele-se. The g-=e in P-%ist-n h-d ch-nged, he s-id, -nd the ti=e o2 2riendly rel-tions bet#een the ,IA -nd P-%ist-nKs spy ser>ice h-d p-ssed. <ro= no# on, things #ould be h-ndled -ccording to @osco# 5ules \the un#ritten, un2orgi>ing #-ys o2 spycr-2t pr-cticed bet#een ene=ies during the ,old 9-r. In -n inst-nt, the bloody -22-ir see=ed to con2ir= -ll the conspir-cies ginned up inside cro#ded b-A--rs -nd corridors o2 po#er in P-%ist-n7 th-t the United St-tes h-d sent - >-st secret -r=y to P-%ist-n, =en #ho so#ed ch-os -nd >iolence -s p-rt o2 co>ert A=eric-n #-r in the country. The #i2e o2 one o2 L->isKs >icti=s, con>inced th-t her husb-ndKs %iller #ould ne>er be brought to Vustice, s#-llo#ed - leth-l -=ount o2 r-t poison. 3ut the L->is -22-ir -lso told - bigger story. The 2or=er Green 3eret hired by the ,IA 2or - =-nhunt in P-%ist-n #-s the 2-ce o2 -n A=eric-n spy -gency th-t h-s been tr-ns2or=ed -2ter - dec-de o2 con2licts 2-r 2ro= decl-red #-r Aones. "o longer tr-dition-l espion-ge ser>ice de>oted to ste-ling the secrets o2 2oreign go>ern=ents, the ,entr-l Intelligence Agency h-s beco=e - %illing =-chine, -n org-niA-tion consu=ed #ith =-n hunting. And Vust -s the ,IA h-s co=e to t-%e on t-s%s tr-dition-lly -ssoci-ted #ith the =ilit-ry, #ith spies turned into soldiers, so h-s the opposite occurred. The A=eric-n =ilit-ry h-s been dispersed into the d-r% sp-ces o2 A=eric-n 2oreign policy, #ith

co==-ndo te-=s running spying =issions th-t 9-shington #ould ne>er h->e dre-=ed o2 -ppro>ing in the ye-rs be2ore C_&&. Prior to the -tt-c%s o2 Septe=ber &&, the Pent-gon did >ery little hu=-n spying, -nd the ,IA #-s not o22ici-lly per=itted to %ill. In the ye-rs since, e-ch h-s done - gre-t de-l o2 both, -nd - =ilit-ryDintelligence co=pleX h-s e=erged to c-rry out the ne# A=eric-n #-y o2 #-r. The historic-l contours o2 the #-rs in A2gh-nist-n -nd Ir-U -re by no# #ell %no#n. 3ut 2or =ore th-n - dec-de - sep-r-te -nd p-r-llel #-r h-s been #-ged, - d-r% re2lection o2 the Rbig #-rsS th-t A=eric- beg-n -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. In sh-do# #-r #-ged -cross the globe, A=eric- h-s pursued its ene=ies using %iller robots -nd speci-lDoper-tions troops. It h-s p-id pri>-teers to set up cl-ndestine spying net#or%s -nd relied on =ercuri-l dict-tors, unreli-ble 2oreign intelligence ser>ices, -nd r-gt-g proXy -r=ies. In pl-ces #here the United St-tes couldnKt send ground troops, 2ringe ch-r-cters =-teri-liAed to pl-y outsiAe roles, including - ch-inDs=o%ing Pent-gon o22ici-l #ho te-=ed up #ith - ,IA 2igure 2ro= the Ir-nO,ontr- sc-nd-l to run -n o22DtheD boo%s spying oper-tion in P-%ist-n, -nd -n heiress 2ro= the horse country o2 Nirgini-, #ho bec-=e obsessed #ith So=-li- -nd con>inced the Pent-gon to hire her to hunt -l W-ed- oper-ti>es there. The #-r h-s stretched -cross =ultiple continents, 2ro= the =ount-ins o2 P-%ist-n to the deserts o2 $e=en -nd "orth A2ric-, 2ro= the si==ering cl-n #-rs o2 So=-li- to the dense Vungles o2 the Philippines. The 2ound-tions o2 the secret #-r #ere l-id by conser>-ti>e 5epublic-n president -nd e=br-ced by - liber-l Le=ocr-tic one #ho bec-=e en-=ored o2 #h-t he h-d inherited. President 3-r-c% 6b-=- c-=e to see it -s -n -ltern-ti>e to the =essy, costly #-rs th-t topple go>ern=ents -nd reUuire ye-rs o2 A=eric-n occup-tion. In the #ords o2 Pohn 3renn-n, one o2 President 6b-=-Ks closest -d>isers #ho= 6b-=- e>entu-lly t-pped to run the ,IA, inste-d o2 the Rh-==erS A=eric- no# relies on the Rsc-lpel.S The -n-logy suggests th-t this ne# %ind o2 #-r is #ithout costs or blunders\surgery #ithout co=plic-tions. This isnKt the c-se. The #-y o2 the %ni2e h-s cre-ted ene=ies Vust -s it h-s obliter-ted the=. It h-s 2o=ented resent=ent -=ong 2or=er -llies -nd -t ti=es contributed to inst-bility e>en -s it h-s -tte=pted to bring order to ch-os. It h-s shortDcircuited the nor=-l =ech-nis=s 2or ho# the United St-tes -s - n-tion goes to #-r, -nd turned the A=eric-n president into the 2in-l -rbiter o2 #hether speci2ic people in 2-rDo22 l-nds li>e or die. This #-y o2 #-r h-s h-d =-ny successes, including the e>entu-l %illing o2 6s-=- bin 4-den -nd his =ost trusted 2ollo#ers. 3ut it h-s -lso lo#ered the b-r 2or #-ging #-r, -nd it is no# e-sier 2or the United St-tes to c-rry out %illing oper-tions -t the ends o2 the e-rth th-n -t -ny other ti=e in its history. 9h-t 2ollo#s is - story -bout -n eXperi=ent th-t h-s l-sted =ore th-n - dec-de, -nd #h-t h-s e=erged 2ro= the l-bor-tory.

- gli=pse o2 the 2uture Vust #ee%s -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. The he-d o2 the 3ritish Secret Intelligence Ser>ice, @IG, Le-rlo>e c-=e to the United St-tes #ith other top 3ritish intelligence o22ici-ls to sho# solid-rity #ith the United 0ingdo=Ks closest -lly. Le-rlo>e -rri>ed -t ,IA he-dUu-rters in 4-ngley, Nirgini-, to deli>er the =ess-ge person-lly th-t 3ritish spies #ere opening up their boo%s, gi>ing the ,IA r-re -ccess to -ll the @IG 2iles on =e=bers o2 -l W-ed-. The 3ritish h-d tutored the A=eric-ns in the d-r% -rts during 9orld 9-r II but h-d long -ppro-ched the spy g-=e di22erently. In &C*3, one =e=ber o2 9inston ,hurchillKs Speci-l 6per-tions ;Xecuti>e co=pl-ined th-t the RA=eric-n te=per-=ent de=-nds Uuic% -nd spect-cul-r results, #hile the 3ritish policy is gener-lly spe-%ing longDter= -nd plodding.S !e pointed out the d-ngers o2 the str-tegy c-rried out by the 622ice o2 Str-tegic Ser>ices, the ,IAKs precursor, #hich relied on blo#ing up #e-pons depots,
SI5 5I,!A5L L;A546N; SA9

cutting telephone lines, -nd l-ndD=ining ene=y supply lines. The A=eric-ns h-d =ore =oney th-n br-ins, he #-rned, -nd the 6SSKs Rh-n%ering -2ter pl-ying co#boys -nd red Indi-nsS could only le-d to trouble 2or the -lli-nce . Le-rlo>e h-d gro#n up in the cl-ssic 3ritish spying tr-dition. !e gr-du-ted 2ro= WueensK ,ollege -t the Uni>ersity o2 ,-=bridge, - tr-dition-l recruiting ground 2or the 3ritish secret ser>ices, -nd h-d ser>ed in 2oreign postings in A2ric-, ;urope, -nd 9-shington. 4i%e his predecessors, -s the he-d o2 @IG he signed -ll intern-l =e=os #ith his code n-=e, R,S\by tr-dition, -l#-ys in green in%. Shortly -2ter his pl-ne, c-rrying the c-ll sign AS,6TD&, l-nded in 9-shington, Le-rlo>e 2ound hi=sel2 inside the ,ounterterrorist ,enter -t ,IA he-dUu-rters. 6n l-rge screen, ,IA o22icers #ere #-tching >ideo o2 - #hite @itsubishi truc% dri>ing -long - ro-d in A2gh-nist-n. Le-rlo>e h-d %no#n th-t the United St-tes h-d de>eloped the -bility to #-ge #-r by re=ote control, but he h-d ne>er be2ore #-tched the Pred-tor drone in -ction. Se>er-l =inutes #ent by -s the @itsubishi #-s 2r-=ed by the crossh-irs -t the center o2 the >ideo =onitor, until - =issile bl-st #-shed the entire screen in #hite. Seconds l-ter, the picture cl-ri2ied to sho# the #rec%-ge o2 the truc%, t#isted -nd burning . Le-rlo>e turned to - group o2 ,IA o22icers, including 5oss "e#l-nd, -n -gency >eter-n #ho =onths e-rlier h-d t-%en - Vob -s p-rt o2 - group o>erseeing the Pred-tor progr-=. !e cr-c%ed - #ry s=ile. RIt -l=ost isnKt sporting, is it^S

&7 P;5@ISSI6" T6 0I44

R $ou -re there to %ill terrorists , not =-%e ene=ies.S \P-%ist-ni president Per>eA @ush-rr-2 to U.S. -=b-ss-dor 9endy ,h-=berlin, Septe=ber &*, :''&

he lights in the 9hite !ouse Situ-tion 5oo= di==ed, -nd the ,IA =en beg-n the

slide sho#. The pictures h-d been t-%en in h-ste -nd #ere gr-iny -nd out o2 2ocus. So=e #ere o2 =en getting into - c-r, or #-l%ing do#n the street. The scene in the d-r%ened roo= rese=bled - =-2i- =o>ie, #here <3I o22icers sip co22ee -nd scroll through photogr-phs o2 =ob %ingpins. In this c-se, ho#e>er, the i=-ges #ere o2 =en #ho the ,entr-l Intelligence Agency #-s proposing to %ill. G-thered -round the t-ble #ere -ll the >ice presidentKs =en, including leg-l -d>iser L->id Addington -nd chie2 o2 st-22 I. 4e#is 4ibby, -n old 9-shington h-nd %no#n -s RScooter.S At the he-d o2 the t-ble, Nice President Lic% ,heney #-tched the rogues g-llery o2 slides #ith intense interest. It #-s - cold, l-teD2-ll d-y in :''&, Vust #ee%s -2ter President George 9. 3ush h-d signed - secret order gi>ing the ,IA po#er it h-d lost in the &C7's, -2ter - series o2 grisly -nd so=eti=es co=ic re>el-tions -bout ,IA -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pts h-d led the 9hite !ouse to b-n the spy -gency 2ro= eXter=in-ting A=eric-Ks ene=ies. 6n th-t d-y in the Situ-tion 5oo=, the ,IA #-s reporting b-c% to the 9hite !ouse on ho# it intended to use its ne#ly -cUuired license to %ill . The t#o ,IA o22icers le-ding the present-tion, Pose 5odrigueA -nd ;nriUue Pr-do, told the group th-t the ,ounterterrorist ,enter #-s recruiting ,IA o22icers 2or - highly cl-ssi2ied ne# progr-=7 - proVect to insert s=-ll te-=s o2 -ss-ssins into other countries to hunt do#n -nd %ill the people th-t the 3ush -d=inistr-tion h-d =-r%ed 2or de-th. A=ong the photogr-phs #-s one o2 @-=oun L-r%-A-nli, - Syri-n #ho the ,IA belie>ed h-d helped org-niAe the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s -nd #-s li>ing in the open in Ger=-ny. There #-s -lso - picture o2 Lr. Abdul W-deer 0h-n, - hero in P-%ist-n 2or his #or% de>eloping its -to=ic bo=b but - >ill-in in the 9est 2or secretly tr-ns2erring nucle-r technology to Ir-n, 4iby-, -nd other p-ri-h st-tes. 3y shooting e-ch photogr-ph -t close r-nge, the ,IA #-s =-%ing -n eerie, un=ist-%-ble point7 9e c-n get close enough to t-%e their pictures, so #e c-n get close enough to %ill. 3ut behind the br->-do #ere un-ns#ered Uuestions. !o# #ould ,IA hit sUu-ds slip unnoticed into Ger=-ny, P-%ist-n, -nd other countries^ ,ould - group o2 A=eric-n -ss-ssins re-lly set up - net o2 sur>eill-nce -nd then, -t the -ppointed ti=e, =-n-ge to put - bullet into the he-d o2 their t-rget^ The -gency h-d 2igured out none o2 the logistics, but 5odrigueA -nd Pr-do h-d not co=e to the 9hite !ouse prep-red to -ns#er det-iled Uuestions -bout the oper-tions. They #ere Vust loo%ing 2or per=ission. ,heney told the= to get to #or%.

P5;SIL;"T G;65G; 9. 3US!,

the son o2 - 2or=er director o2 centr-l intelligence

T 2or #ho= the -gency h-d ren-=ed its he-dUu-rters in 4-ngley, inherited - shrun%en -nd dispirited spy ser>ice, - sh-de o2 #h-t it h-d been during the ,old 9-r. 3ut in the 2in-l =onths o2 :''&, 3ush h-d put the ,IA in ch-rge o2 - glob-l =-nhunt, -nd its per2or=-nce h-d bu22ed up the -gencyKs i=-ge o2 itsel2 -s ni=ble -nd responsi>e to the de=-nds o2 the co==-nderDinDchie2\the -ntithesis o2 the lu=bering, bure-ucr-tic Pent-gon. The ,IA #-s no# running - secret #-r -t the direction o2 the 9hite !ouse, -nd the -gencyKs once ignored ,ounterterrorist ,enter h-d beco=e the #-rKs 2r-ntic co==-nd post. The center h-d once been - b-c%#-ter #ithin the ,IA, >ie#ed by =-ny -t 4-ngley -s - collection o2 odd Ae-lots #ho h-d ended up there -2ter 2-iling -t =ore prestigious -ssign=ents. 3ut -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s the ,ounterterrorist ,enter beg-n the =ost dr-=-tic eXp-nsion in its history, -nd o>er the course o2 - dec-de it #ould beco=e the ,IAKs be-ting he-rt. !undreds o2 cl-ndestine o22icers -nd -n-lysts #ere t-%en o22 the Asi- -nd 5ussides%s -nd re-ssigned to the =-Ae o2 h-stily built cubicles V-==ed inside the ,T,Ks oper-tions hub. The l-yout bec-=e so co=pleX th-t people h-d di22iculty 2inding their colle-gues. ,-rdbo-rd street signs #ere erected to help 2ind cubicles loc-ted -long R Us-=- 3in 4-ne S -nd R1-#-hiri 9-y.S A sign #-s e>entu-lly posted -bo>e the centerKs door\const-nt, oppressi>e re=inder th-t -nother terror -tt-c% could be d-ys, or e>en =inutes, -#-y. The sign re-d, T6LA$ IS S;PT;@3;5 &:, :''&. Lirecting the #hirl#ind in the #-rKs e-rly =onths #-s P. ,o2er 3l-c%, - 2l-=boy-nt o22icer #ho h-d been obsessed #ith hunting 6s-=- bin 4-den e>er since he r-n the ,IAKs st-tion in 0h-rtou=, the c-pit-l o2 Sud-n, #hen bin 4-den #-s li>ing in eXile in the country. 3l-c% h-d culti>-ted -n i=-ge inside the ,IA -s so=ething o2 - cross bet#een - =-d scientist -nd Gener-l George P-tton. 6n Septe=ber &&, #hen so=e 2e-red th-t the 2in-l hiV-c%ed -irpl-ne =ight be he-ded to#-rd 4-ngley, 3l-c% re2used to -llo# ,T, o22icers to e>-cu-te ,IA he-dUu-rters -long #ith the rest o2 -gency personnel. In the =onths th-t 2ollo#ed, ,IA director George Tenet r-rely #ent to the 9hite !ouse #ithout 3l-c% -t his side, -nd - =ythology de>eloped -bout 3l-c%Ks deter=in-tion to %ill o22 -s =-ny -l W-ed- oper-ti>es -s possible . Luring -n 6>-l 622ice =eeting t#o d-ys -2ter the -tt-c%s, 3ush -s%ed 3l-c% #hether the ,IA #-s up to h-ndling its ne# -ssign=ent, #hich in>ol>ed inserting p-r-=ilit-ry te-=s into A2gh-nist-n to -lly the=sel>es #ith A2gh-n #-rlords -nd 2ight the T-lib-n. In ghoulish hyperbole, 3l-c% cl-i=ed th-t by the ti=e the ,IA #-s done #ith -l W-ed-, bin 4-den -nd his brethren #ould R h->e 2lies #-l%ing -cross their eyeb-lls .S Th-t #-s the %ind o2 t-l% 3ush #-nted to he-r, -nd he too% -n i==edi-te li%ing to the bo=b-stic counterterroris= chie2. 3ut so=e o2 the presidentKs #-r c-binet cringed -t the =-cho t-l% -nd beg-n re2erring to 3l-c% -s R the 2liesDonDtheDeyeb-lls guy .S 3l-c%Ks eX-lted st-tus #ith those #ho counted in the 9hite !ouse led to 2riction inside the ,IA -nd const-nt b-ttles #ith his boss, P-=es P->itt, #ho= he considered #e-% -nd uni=-gin-ti>e. P->itt he-ded the Lirector-te o2 6per-tions, the br-nch o2 the -gency responsible 2or -ll 2oreign espion-ge -nd co>ert -ction =issions, -nd thought 3l-c% #-s - sho#bo-t -nd - co#boy. !e belie>ed th-t 3l-c% #-s 2-r too e-ger to get the ,IA in>ol>ed in the %ind o2 o>erse-s eXploits th-t h-d been - const-nt source o2

trouble 2or the -gency, -nd in the ye-rs be2ore the C_&& -tt-c%s they h-d 2ought bitterly o>er #hether the ,IA should e=br-ce the -r=ed Pred-tor to hunt -nd %ill bin 4-den in A2gh-nist-n. 3ut the success o2 the ,IAKs initi-l str-tegy in A2gh-nist-n in l-te :''& #-s - >ictory 2or 3l-c% -nd the ,ounterterrorist ,enter, -nd it see=ed to pro>e to the ,IAKs detr-ctors th-t there #ere >irtues to - s=-ll c-dre o2 o22icers -t the ,IA running - c-=p-ign -g-inst - di22use org-niA-tion li%e -l W-ed-. Te-=s o2 ,IA p-r-=ilit-ry o22icers, l-ter Voined by Ar=y Green 3erets, h-d turned - r-gged collection o2 A2gh-n =iliti-s into conUuering -r=y. 5iding on horses -nd in rusted So>ietDer- -r=ored >ehicles, the A2gh-ns h-d dri>en the T-lib-n 2ro= 0-bul -nd 0-nd-h-r. The str-nge ne# con2lict h-d -lso upended ho# the United St-tes #-ged #-r. The tr-dition-l #-rti=e ch-in o2 co==-nd\p-ssing 2ro= the 9hite !ouse to the secret-ry o2 de2ense to - 2ourDst-r co==-nder #ith - st-22 o2 hundreds to build -nd eXecute - #-r pl-n\h-d Uuietly been circu=>ented. The ,IA director #-s no# - =ilit-ry co==-nder running - cl-ndestine, glob-l #-r #ith - s%eleton st-22 -nd >ery little o>ersight. Tenet beg-n pushing -ggressi>ely to bul% up the ,IAKs p-r-=ilit-ry te-=s in A2gh-nist-n, -nd he sold the 9hite !ouse on - progr-= to c-pture terrorists, hide the= in secret V-ils, -nd subVect the= to -n 6r#elli-n regi=en o2 brut-l interrog-tion =ethods. 6nly 3ush, ,heney, -nd - s=-ll group -t the 9hite !ouse #ere o>erseeing decisions -bout #ho should be c-ptured , #ho should be %illed, -nd #ho should be sp-red. This #-s -n -brupt ch-nge 2or Tenet, #ho in the ye-rs be2ore the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s h-d li%ed to tell his bosses -t the 9hite !ouse th-t ,IA o22icers should st-y re=o>ed 2ro= the process o2 =-%ing policy. !e e>o%ed -n -l=ost =on-stic i=-ge o2 the spies -t 4-ngley producing intelligence -ssess=ents, #hile those R-cross the ri>er,S -t the 9hite !ouse -nd in ,ongress, =-de decisions b-sed on these -ssess=ents. P-=es P->itt #ould l-ter tell in>estig-tors 2ro= the C_&& ,o==ission th-t one lesson 2ro= the Ir-nO,ontr- sc-nd-l o2 the &C8's #-s th-t R #e donKt do policy 2ro= `4-ngley aY.Y.Y. -nd you donKt #-nt us to.S I2 th-t ide- h-d -lre-dy been so=ething o2 - use2ul =yth, cert-inly by l-te :''& the ,IA could no longer cl-i= th-t it stood -p-rt 2ro= =essy decisions -bout #-r -nd pe-ce. 3ush de=-nded th-t Tenet co=e to the 6>-l 622ice e-ch d-y 2or the presidentKs d-ily brie2\it #-s the 2irst ti=e since the -gencyKs 2ounding th-t the ,IA director, r-ther th-n - lo#erDle>el -n-lyst, pro>ided the regul-r =orning brie2ing -t the 9hite !ouse. 4i%e his ,IA predecessors, Tenet #-s e-ger 2or the -ccess to the president, -nd e>ery =orning he -nd ,o2er 3l-c% -rri>ed -t the 9hite !ouse #ith the c-t-logue o2 terrorist plots -nd plotters to tell - r-pt -udience -bout the steps th-t the ,IA #-s t-%ing to protect the country. The d-ily -udiences #ith the president =-de Tenet -nd the ,IA indispens-ble to the 9hite !ouse, #hich h-d -n ins-ti-ble -ppetite 2or in2or=-tion -bout -ny thre-ts. 3ut such highDle>el -ttention #-s -lso beginning to h->e - distorting e22ect on the -n-lysis th-t the ,IA #-s producing\=-%ing it n-rro#er, =ore t-ctic-l. !undreds o2 ,IA -n-lysts #ere no# #or%ing on terroris=, #hich #-s underst-nd-ble in the -2ter=-th o2 -n -tt-c% th-t %illed ne-rly three thous-nd A=eric-ns. 3ut it bec-=e i==edi-tely ob>ious to the -n-lysts th-t the p-th to c-reer -d>-nce=ent -t the ,IA #-s to st-rt #or%ing on terroris=, #ith the go-l o2 producing so=ething th-t =ight be re-d to the president e-rly one =orning inside the 6>-l 622ice. And #h-t the 9hite !ouse #-s =ost interested in #ere le-ds -bout the #here-bouts o2 speci2ic -l W-ed- oper-tors, not bro-der subVects li%e the le>el o2 support -l W-ed- h-d in the @usli= #orld or the i=p-ct th-t A=eric-n =ilit-ry -nd intelligence oper-tions =ight h->e on r-dic-liAing ne# gener-tion o2 =ilit-nts. The ,IA 2ocused its e22orts -ccordingly.

;>en the l-ngu-ge o2 spycr-2t #-s gr-du-lly ch-nging. ,IA c-se o22icers -nd -n-lysts h-d once used the ter= Rt-rgetingS -s they =-de decisions -bout #hich 2oreign go>ern=ent o22ici-l should be t-rgeted 2or in2or=-tion or #hich 2oreign n-tion-l could be turned into - ,IA in2or=-nt. ;>entu-lly, Rt-rgetingS c-=e to =e-n so=ething Uuite di22erent 2or the -n-lysts #ho =o>ed into the ,ounterterrorist ,enter. It =e-nt tr-c%ing do#n so=eone dee=ed - thre-t to the United St-tes, -nd c-pturing or %illing hi=. The 2ights bet#een ,o2er 3l-c% -nd P-=es P->itt intensi2ied, -nd by e-rly :'': 3l-c% h-d decided to le->e the cl-ndestine ser>ice -nd t-%e - Vob -t the St-te Lep-rt=ent . !is repl-ce=ent #-s Pose 5odrigueA, #ho h-d been one o2 the ,ounterterrorist ,enterKs top o22icers -nd the hu=ble counterpoint to 3l-c%. ,o2er 3l-c% h-d @iddle ;-st eXperience -nd #-s one o2 - h-nd2ul o2 ,IA o22icers #ith inti=-te %no#ledge -bout the terror net#or% led by 6s-=- bin 4-denQ 5odrigueA h-d ne>er ser>ed in the @usli= #orld -nd spo%e no Ar-bic. 3ut he #-s close to P->itt, -nd so=e cl-ndestine o22icers suspected th-t 5odrigueA initi-lly h-d been inst-lled -t the center so th-t P->itt could %eep t-bs on 3l-c%. A n-ti>e o2 Puerto 5ico -nd the son o2 t#o te-chers, 5odrigueA h-d Voined the intelligence -gency in the =idse>enties -2ter gr-du-ting 2ro= the Uni>ersity o2 <lorid-Ks l-# school. !is underco>er c-reer h-d been spent =ostly inside the 4-tin A=eric- di>ision, the ho=e o2 the ,IAKs -d>entures in "ic-r-gu-, ;l S-l>-dor, -nd !ondur-s during the &C8's. 3ut -t th-t ti=e 5odrigueA #-s still Vunior enough to ->oid being en=eshed in the Ir-nO,ontr- in>estig-tions th-t #ould cripple the di>ision 2or ye-rs. 5odrigueA #-s #ell li%ed inside the cl-ndestine ser>ice but h-d ne>er distinguished hi=sel2 -s one o2 the best c-se o22icers in his ,IA peer group. !e ser>ed in - nu=ber o2 ,IA st-tions in 4-tin A=eric-, including 3oli>i- -nd @eXico, -nd 2ostered -n i=-ge -s - =->eric% #ho li%ed to stic% it to bure-ucr-ts -t 4-ngley #ho he thought #ere =icro=-n-ging 2ield oper-tions. !e #-s -n ->id horseb-c% rider, -nd #hile he #-s st-tion chie2 in @eXico ,ity he n-=ed his 2->orite horse 3usiness, instructing subordin-tes th-t i2 one o2 the bosses -t 4-ngley c-lled to inUuire -bout his #here-bouts they should be told th-t 5odrigueA #-s R out on 3usiness .S 9hen he too% o>er the 4-tin A=eric- di>ision, in &CC , it #-s once -g-in in tur=oil. Pohn Leutch, President ,lintonKs second ,IA director, h-d Vust 2ired - nu=ber o2 c-se o22icers 2or #h-t the ,IA euphe=istic-lly c-lls Rclose -nd continuing cont-cts #ith 2oreign n-tion-ls.S In other #ords, the =en do#n in 4-tin A=eric- #ere h->ing illicit -22-irs, -nd there #ere concerns th-t their pro=iscuity could =-%e the= >ulner-ble to bl-c%=-il. 5odrigueA soon 2ound trouble o2 his o#n. 9hen - childhood 2riend #-s -rrested in the Lo=inic-n 5epublic on - drug ch-rge, 5odrigueA inter>ened to stop Lo=inic-n police 2ro= be-ting his 2riend #hile in prison. It #-s - cle-r con2lict o2 interest 2or the he-d o2 the ,IAKs 4-tin A=eric- di>ision to inter>ene #ith - 2oreign go>ern=ent on beh-l2 o2 - 2riend, -nd the spy -gencyKs inspector gener-l repri=-nded 5odrigueA 2or sho#ing R- re=-r%-ble l-c% o2 Vudg=ent.S !e #-s re=o>ed 2ro= the Vob . 3ut by :''& his c-reer h-d rebounded, -nd 5odrigueA 2ound hi=sel2 -=ong nu=ber o2 4-tin A=eric-n h-nds\including his 2riend ;nriUue Pr-do\helping to run the ,IAKs ne# #-r. !e bec-=e - regul-r -t the d-ily P.@. =eetings -round TenetKs con2erence t-ble, #here senior ,IA o22ici-ls recei>ed d-ily b-ttle2ield upd-tes -bout oper-tions in A2gh-nist-n -nd else#here. It #-s during one o2 those sessions th-t 5odrigueA =-de -n o22h-nd suggestion th-t #ould le-d to one o2 the =ost 2-te2ul decisions o2 the 3ush -d=inistr-tion. The Uuestion be2ore the group #-s #h-t to do #ith -ll the T-lib-n 2ighters th-t

A=eric-n troops -nd ,IA o22icers #ere pic%ing up in A2gh-nist-n. 9here could they be held o>er the long ter=^ The =eeting turned into - br-instor=ing session, #ith >-rious ,IA o22icers suggesting countries th-t =ight be #illing to -ccept the det-inees. 6ne o22icer suggested the Ushu-i- prison, on Argentin-Ks Tierr- del <uego, - desol-te 2-cility -t the botto= o2 the #orld. Another suggested the ,orn Isl-nds, t#o tiny spec%s in the ,-ribbe-n Se- o22 the "ic-r-gu-n co-st. 3ut -ll o2 these suggestions #ere dis=issed -s unre-listic options. <in-lly, 5odrigueA o22ered up -n ide-, -l=ost in Vest. R9ell, #e could put the= -t Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y,S he s-id. ;>eryone -round the t-ble l-ughed, thin%ing -bout ho# =uch it #ould -nger <idel ,-stro i2 the United St-tes #ere to V-il the prisoners o2 its ne# #-r on the A=eric-n =ilit-ry b-se in ,ub-. 3ut the =ore they thought -bout the prospect, the =ore e>eryone thought Gu-ntbn-=o -ctu-lly =-de sense. It #-s -n A=eric-n 2-cility, -nd the 2-te o2 the prison #ould not be Veop-rdiAed there -s it could be in -nother country i2 the go>ern=ent ch-nged le-dership -nd decided to %ic% the United St-tesK prisoners out. And, the ,IA o22ici-ls 2igured, - prison -t Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y #ould be outside the Vurisdiction o2 A=eric-n courts. A per2ect loc-tion, it see=ed. ,ub- bec-=e the ,IAKs top reco==end-tion 2or the ne# A=eric-n prison, -nd soon enough the -gency #ould build its o#n secret V-il in one corner o2 the Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y prison co=pleX. A =-Xi=u=Dsecurity 2-cility, it #-s dubbed Str-#berry <ields by ,IA o22icers bec-use the prisoners presu=-bly #ould be there , -s the 3e-tles s-ng, R2ore>er.S

se>en thous-nd =iles -#-y 2ro= 9-shington, the 2irst #-r o2 the t#entyD2irst century #-s turning out to be - 2-r =essier -22-ir th-n it h-d 2irst -ppe-red inside the #-rren o2 cubicles -t the ,IA or in tidy Po#erPoint present-tions deli>ered in #oodDp-neled o22ices on the top 2loors o2 the Pent-gon. 3y e-rly :'':, A2gh-nist-n #-s neither - d-ily shooting #-r nor - hope2ul pe-ce but - t#ilight con2lict beset by co=petition -nd =istrust bet#een soldiers -nd spies. A=eric-n =issions #ere o2ten b-sed on sh-rds o2 intelligence 2ro= unreli-ble sources, -s #hen doAens o2 "->y S;A4s -nd @-rines spent eight d-ys digging up gr->es -t - c->e co=pleX -t 1h-#-r 0ili, in e-stern A2gh-nist-n, b-sed on intelligence th-t 6s-=- bin 4-den =ight h->e been %illed in - recent -irstri%e on the b-se. They #ere hoping to eXhu=e bin 4-denKs body -nd pro>ide - re-son to end the A2gh-n #-r -2ter Vust three =onths. They dug up - h-nd2ul o2 bodies but didnKt 2ind #h-t they #ere loo%ing 2or. So=eti=es, poor co==unic-tion bet#een the ,IA -nd the =ilit-ry h-d de-dly results. 6n P-nu-ry :3, - te-= o2 Ar=y Green 3erets l-unched - r-id in the d-r% o2 night on t#o co=pounds -t !-A-r W-d-=, - hundred =iles northe-st o2 0-nd-h-r. The co=pounds consisted o2 se>er-l buildings perched on the side o2 - hill. As -n A,D&3' gunship circled o>erhe-d, t#o te-=s stor=ed the co=pounds si=ult-neously . St-cc-to bursts o2 A0D*7 gun2ire erupted 2ro= the buildings -s the te-=s ble# hole in the outer #-lls. The A=eric-ns returned 2ire -nd beg-n =o>ing 2ro= roo= to roo= -s so=e 2ought h-nd to h-nd #ith the suspected T-lib-n gun=en. 3y =issionKs end, the A=eric-ns h-d %illed =ore th-n 2orty people inside the co=pounds, -nd the A,D&3' h-d reduced the structures to rubble. 3ut #h-t the soldiers le-rned #hen they returned to their b-se #-s th-t, d-ys e-rlier, the ,IA h-d turned the =en inside the t#o co=pounds -#-y 2ro= the T-lib-n -nd con>inced the= to 2ight 2or the other side. !-nging in one o2 the buildings th-t night
6" A ,!A6TI, 3ATT4;<I;4L

#-s the 2l-g o2 the ne# go>ern=ent o2 A2gh-nist-n, led by !-=id 0-rA-i. The ,IA h-d ne>er told the speci-lDoper-tions t-s% 2orce th-t the doAens o2 A2gh-n =en li>ing in the co=pounds #ere no# their -llies. The con2usion in A2gh-nist-n #-s p-rtly the result o2 nor=-l b-ttle2ield tur=oil, but it -lso h-d its origins in the Voc%eying bet#een the Pent-gon -nd ,IA 2or supre=-cy in the ne# A=eric-n con2lict. Secret-ry o2 Le2ense Lon-ld 5u=s2eld h-d 2elt stung th-t ,IA p-r-=ilit-ry te-=s h-d been 2irst into A2gh-nist-n. It #-snKt Vust - =-tter o2 logistics, though it #-s true th-t the pl-toons o2 Green 3erets h-d been del-yed by b-d #e-ther -nd proble=s getting -ccess to b-ses -round A2gh-nist-n. It #-s th-t the in>-sion #-s, -t its inception, concei>ed -nd led by the ,IA #ith the U.S. =ilit-ry in - supporting role. The -bility o2 the ,IA to =o>e =ore s#i2tly th-n the =ilit-ry #ith Vust - 2r-ction o2 the Pent-gonKs budget -nd =-npo#er gn-#ed -t 5u=s2eld. !e beg-n o>erh-uling the Pent-gonKs bure-ucr-cy to ensure it didnKt h-ppen -g-in. 5u=s2eld h-d been struggling in his e22orts to re>-=p - Le2ense Lep-rt=ent he s-# -s hidebound -nd controlled too =uch by p-rochi-l =ilit-ry ser>ices consu=ed #ith protecting their priAed #e-pons syste=s. A 2or=er de2ense secret-ry during the <ord -d=inistr-tion, 5u=s2eld h-d returned to the Pent-gon -2ter - success2ul turn in the business #orld. !e h-d -=-ssed - person-l 2ortune -t the ph-r=-ceutic-l co=p-ny G. L. Se-rle, #here he rolled out hit products li%e "utr-S#eet -nd or-nge @et-=ucil, -nd #hen he too% o>er the Pent-gon he =-de his intentions cle-r7 !e #-nted to -pply the l-#s o2 the pri>-te sector to - blo-ted Le2ense Lep-rt=ent. At siXtyDnine, 5u=s2eld #ould soon beco=e the oldest de2ense secret-ry in A=eric-n history, -nd his 2reUuent co=pl-ints -bout Le2ense Lep-rt=ent #-ste so=eti=es h-d the 2l->or o2 - gr-nd2-ther spinning t-les o2 li2e during the Lepression. !is e22orts to re=-%e the Pent-gon dre# i==edi-te co=p-risons to those o2 5obert @c"-=-r-, the de2ense secret-ry during the 0ennedy -nd Pohnson -d=inistr-tions #ho -rri>ed 2ro= <ord @otor ,o=p-ny #ith his R9hiA 0ids,S deter=ined to ch-nge the Pent-gonKs culture. So=e gener-ls, put o22 by 5u=s2eldKs -ppro-ch, dubbed the group o2 -ging business=en th-t 5u=s2eld h-d brought in to run the >-rious =ilit-ry ser>ices the R9heeAe 0ids.S 3y the ti=e th-t A=eric-n Airlines <light 77 sl-==ed into the Pent-gonKs #estern 2-c-de on the =orning o2 Septe=ber &&, :''&, the =ilit-ry h-d -lre-dy success2ully th#-rted =-ny o2 5u=s2eldKs =ore -=bitious -tte=pts to c-ncel eXpensi>e, ,old 9-rOer- #e-pons. There #-s open specul-tion in 9-shington th-t 5u=s2eld =ight be the 2irst top =e=ber o2 the 3ush -d=inistr-tion to step do#n. 3ut o>er the neXt ye-r he soon turned into the =ost >isible -nd popul-r =e=ber o2 President 3ushKs c-binet. The United St-tes pushed the T-lib-n out o2 A2gh-nist-nKs cities by Lece=ber :''&, using -n inno>-ti>e #-r pl-n 2or #hich 5u=s2eld recei>ed public credit, -nd his blunt, highDpro2ile press brie2ings =-de hi= the public 2-ce o2 the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs ret-li-tion 2or the terrorist -tt-c%s th-t h-d %illed ne-rly three thous-nd A=eric-ns. 5u=s2eld didnKt =ince #ords or l-pse into =ilit-ryspe-% #hen t-l%ing -bout the -i=s o2 the #-r. !e t-l%ed -bout R%illing T-lib-n.S 5u=s2eld -lso s-# e-rly on th-t =uch o2 the ne# #-r #ould be #-ged in d-r% corners o2 the #orld, -#-y 2ro= decl-red #-r Aones. It #ould loo% nothing li%e the in2-ntry s%ir=ishes o2 the nineteenth century, the trench #-r2-re o2 the <irst 9orld 9-r, or the t-n% b-ttles o2 9orld 9-r II. The Pent-gon needed to st-rt sending soldiers into pl-ces #here\by l-# -nd tr-dition\only spies h-d been -llo#ed to go. <or inst-nce, the Pent-gon -t the ti=e didnKt h->e - dedic-ted counterterroris= cell li%e the ,IAKs ,ounterterrorist ,enter, but #ithin #ee%s o2 the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, 5u=s2eld proposed building one o2 his o#n. 6nly bigger. In - =e=or-ndu= to ,IA director Tenet, 5u=s2eld #rote, R<ro= e>erything I he-r, ,T, is too s=-ll to do - :*D7 Vob,S -nd sent Tenet - propos-l describing his pl-n 2or - Point Intelligence T-s% <orce 2or ,o=b-ting Terroris=,

-n entirely ne# org-niA-tion th-t =ight gi>e the Pent-gon control o2 the ne# #-r. <our d-ys -2ter he sent the propos-l to Tenet, 5u=s2eld put his thoughts -bout the scope o2 the ne# #-r into - topDsecret =e=or-ndu= 2or President 3ush. The #-r #ould be glob-l, he s-id, -nd the United St-tes needed to be up 2ront -bout its ulti=-te go-ls. R I2 the #-r does not signi2ic-ntly ch-nge the #orldKs politic-l =-p,S he #rote to the president, Rthe U.S. #ill not -chie>e its -i=.S The Pent-gon did not yet h->e the =-chinery in pl-ce to c-rry out such - #-r, -nd 5u=s2eld %ne# it -s #ell -s -nyone. There #-s =uch to do.

in e-rly <ebru-ry :'':, three A2gh-n =en -nd - young boy Vu=ped 2ro= - #hite truc% -nd into the d-r%ness, their clothes billo#ing -round the= -s the rotors 2ro= -n A=eric-n =ilit-ry helicopter churned dust into the s%y. They #->ed their h-nds #ildly -s - group o2 co==-ndos -ppro-ched the= #ith gun b-rrels pointed 2or#-rd . <orty =iles to the north, inside - =-%eshi2t oper-tions center -dV-cent to 0-nd-h-r Air2ieldKs bo=bedDout p-ssenger ter=in-l, speci-lDoper-tions troops #-tched the =ission un2old on - >ideo 2eed pro>ided by - ,IA drone. The speci-lDoper-tions co==-nder, "->y c-pt-in 5obert !-r#-rd, pic%ed up - secure phone -nd c-lled his bosses in 0u#-it to tell the= -bout the c-pti>es. @ull-h 0h-irull-h 0h-ir%h#-, the T-lib-n le-der e>eryone h-d been hunting, he s-id, #-s no# in custody. There #-s - long p-use -t the other end o2 the phone. <in-lly, 4t. Gener-l P-ul @i%ol-she%, in 0u#-it, spo%e up. RI2 they -re not the right people,S he -s%ed, R#ill you be -ble to return the=^S !-r#-rd shot - puAAled loo% to the other o22icers inside the co==-nd center. T-%ing - bre-th to let his -nger p-ss, he -ssured the gener-l th-t the det-inees #ho h-d Vust been h-ndcu22ed -nd sho>ed into - helicopter -nd #ere 2lying b-c% to the 0-nd-h-r b-se could\i2 necess-ry\be returned to the pl-ce #here they h-d been -rrested. 9h-t @i%ol-she% h-d Vust le-rned, but !-r#-rd still didnKt %no#, #-s th-t it #-s not @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- -nd his -ides inside the helicopter. 0h-ir%h#-, the T-lib-n interior =inister, #-s dri>ing in - di22erent #hite truc% th-t h-d Vust crossed the border into P-%ist-n. And the ,IA %ne# it. It #-s the 2ourth =onth o2 the A2gh-n #-r, -nd A=eric-n troops #ere pouring into the country in gre-ter nu=bers. A ne# go>ern=ent h-d Vust been inst-lled in 0-bul, -nd @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- h-d spent d-ys negoti-ting #ith the ne# A2gh-n presidentKs h-l2 brother, Ah=ed 9-li 0-rA-i, -bout surrendering -nd beco=ing - ,IA in2or=-nt. Ah=ed 9-li hi=sel2 #-s on the ,IAKs p-yroll\-n -lli-nce th-t ye-rs l-ter #ould be - source o2 tension bet#een the ,IA -nd the =ilit-ry in 0-bul\-nd A=eric-n spies rel-yed the =ess-ge to @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- th-t he could ->oid -rrest -nd - long stint in the ne#ly built prison -t Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y. 3ut -2ter se>er-l d-ys o2 negoti-tions, @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- #-snKt sure he could trust the A=eric-ns. !e phoned -nother T-lib-n co==-nder to tell hi= he #-s pl-nning to esc-pe to P-%ist-nQ the c-ll #-s intercepted by A=eric-n =ilit-ry spies. The intelligence o22icers #-rned @i%ol-she%, #ho told ,-pt-in !-r#-rd, in 0-nd-h-r, to c-pture the T-lib-n =inister be2ore he =-de it o>er the border. The helicopters too% o22 -nd he-ded south to gr-b 0h-ir%h#-, #ith the ,IA Pred-tor th-t #-s tr-c%ing his #hite truc% le-ding the #-y. 3ut the ,IA h-d - di22erent pl-n. The #-r in A2gh-nist-n h-d 2orced the spy -gency
6" A ,4;A5 "IG!T

into - tight e=br-ce #ith P-%ist-nKs spy -gency, the Lirector-te 2or InterDSer>ices Intelligence (ISI), -nd ,IA o22icers thought they =ight be -ble to get P-%ist-ni spies to c-pture @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- -nd encour-ge hi= to beco=e -n in2or=-nt. 6r, -t le-st, highDpro2ile -rrest o2 - T-lib-n le-der in P-%ist-n =ight e-rn Isl-=-b-d so=e good#ill in 9-shington. Shortly -2ter the =ilit-ry helicopters li2ted o22 2ro= 0-nd-h-r, the ,IA drone pulled o22 2ro= tr-c%ing 0h-ir%h#-Ks truc%, le->ing the troops in the helicopter blind -bout the loc-tion o2 their t-rget. Intelligence o22icers inside the speci-lDoper-tions co==-nd post beg-n scre-=ing into their phones to resu=e the Pred-tor sur>eill-nce. It #-s se>er-l =inutes be2ore - second ,IA Pred-tor -rri>ed\-nd beg-n tr-c%ing -n entirely di22erent #hite truc%. The ,IA #-s no# le-ding the co==-ndos in the helicopter to the #rong t-rget, #hile @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- -nd his entour-ge sped o>er the desert border -t Spin 3old-% -nd into P-%ist-n. L-ys l-ter, -2ter se>er-l =ore 2ruitless rounds o2 negoti-tion to turn 0h-ir%h#- into -n in2or=-nt, P-%ist-ni security 2orces closed in on the house #here he #-s hiding, in the >ill-ge o2 ,h-=-n. P-%ist-ni spies h-nded the T-lib-n le-der o>er to ,IA o22icers in Wuett-, P-%ist-n, -nd @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- beg-n his long Vourney to Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y, ,ub-. !e bec-=e one o2 the isl-nd prisonKs 2irst in=-tes . As 2or the three =en -nd the young boy #ho h-d been -rrested -nd brought to detention 2-cility in 0-nd-h-r, they #ere lo-ded b-c% into helicopters -nd 2lo#n 2orty =iles south, #here their truc% #-s in the s-=e spot it h-d been be2ore theyKd been -=bushed by the A=eric-n helicopters. The A2gh-ns #ere sent on their #-y #ith se>er-l boXes o2 =ilit-ry @e-ls 5e-dyDtoD;-t. 6ut o2 respect 2or the det-ineesK 2-ith, the =e-ls cont-ining por% h-d been re=o>ed.

:7 A @A55IAG; A@6"G SPI;S

R P-%ist-n h-s -l#-ys seen such =-tters in bl-c% -nd #hite.S \4t. Gener-l @-h=ud Ah=ed, he-d o2 P-%ist-nKs Lirector-te 2or InterDSer>ices Intelligence, Septe=ber &:, :''&

ener-tions o2 ,IA o22icers h->e gr-du-ted 2ro= RThe <-r=,S the -gencyKs tr-ining

2-cility in the Nirgini- tide#-ter, h->ing le-rned the 2irst lesson o2 spycr-2t7 There is no such thing -s - 2riendly intelligence ser>ice. The spy ser>ices o2 other n-tions -re =e-nt to be penetr-ted, their o22icers RturnedS to #or% 2or the United St-tes by spying on their o#n countries. <oreign intelligence ser>ices =-y be use2ul 2or Voint oper-tions but ne>er 2ully trusted. The gre-ter the reli-nce on li-ison ser>ices 2or -n oper-tion, the gre-ter the d-nger th-t the oper-tion gets blo#n. It #-s - philosophy th-t #or%ed #ell enough during the ,old 9-r, #hen the ,IAKs pri=-ry =ission #-s ste-ling the secrets o2 the So>iet Union -nd its client st-tes\tr-dition-l 2oreign espion-ge. 3osses -t 4-ngley %ne# th-t the So>iets #ere trying to do the eX-ct s-=e thing to the United St-tes -nd %ne# th-t @osco# h-d pl-nted its o#n spies in 2oreign intelligence ser>ices to position itsel2 2or gre-ter -ccess to A=eric-n secrets. The pri=-ry re-son 2or getting close to 2oreign spies #-s 2or counterintelligence purposes7 2iguring out ho# deeply -nother 2oreign spy ser>ice h-d penetr-ted the ,IA -nd c-tching the =oles be2ore they burro#ed too deeply. 3ut the dict-tes o2 - ne# #-r Uuic%ly ch-nged the rules o2 the spying g-=e. The ,IAKs top priority #-s no longer g-thering intelligence on 2oreign go>ern=ents -nd their countries, but =-n hunting. The ne# =ission put - pre=iu= on getting det-iled intelligence -bout speci2ic indi>idu-ls, -nd it =-ttered little ho# th-t in2or=-tion #-s collected. As - result, the ,IA i==edi-tely bec-=e =ore reli-nt on the 2oreign spy ser>ices th-t h-d spent ye-rs building dossiers on terror org-niA-tions. Lesper-te 2or in2or=-tion to stop the neXt -tt-c%, the ,IA #-snKt pic%y -bout choosing its 2riends. Luring the e-rly ye-rs -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, the ,IAKs rel-tionship #ith spy ser>ices #ith uns->ory histories o2 brut-lity\;gyptKs @u%h-b-r-t, Pord-nKs Gener-l Intelligence Lirector-te, e>en the intelligence ser>ice o2 @u-==-r G-dd-2iKs 4iby-n p-ri-h st-te\gre# =uch closer. So=e le-ders o2 these countries relished the ide- o2 lecturing the United St-tes -bout the gritty business o2 terrorist hunting. 6>er dinner in ,-iro in e-rly 6ctober :''&, ;gypti-n president !osni @ub-r-% -d>ised Lon-ld 5u=s2eld th-t bo=bs #ould do little good in A=eric-Ks ne# #-r -nd th-t the United St-tes should Rput your =oney into buying -llies on the ground in A2gh-nist-n.S @ub-r-%, - =odernDd-y ph-r-oh #ho h-d consolid-ted his po#er p-rtly by crushing Isl-=ist =o>e=ents in his country, no doubt s-# he h-d =uch to g-in 2ro= - =uscul-r p-rtnership #ith - United St-tes th-t #-s groping 2or - ne# str-tegy -g-inst terrorists. 9ith - rhetoric-l 2lourish, he told 5u=s2eld th-t the 2ight -g-inst terroris= #-s necess-ry R to s->e the pl-net .S

3ut 2or - ,IA no# -t #-r, there #-s no rel-tionship =ore i=port-nt th-n th-t #ith P-%ist-nKs Lirector-te 2or InterDSer>ices Intelligence. <or ye-rs, it h-d h-d -ll the #orst Uu-lities o2 - 2-iling =-rri-ge7 3oth sides h-d long -go stopped trusting e-ch other but couldnKt i=-gine e>er splitting up. In this #-y, the r-pport bet#een the spy ser>ices #-s Vust the U.S.OP-%ist-ni rel-tionship in =ini-ture. The close bonds bet#een the ,IA -nd ISI during the &C8's, #hen A=eric-n -nd P-%ist-ni spies r-n guns into A2gh-nist-n -nd tr-ined =uV-hedeen to shoot do#n So>iet helicopters, h-d 2r-yed during the &CC's. 9-shington h-d lost interest in postDSo>iet A2gh-nist-n -nd i=posed h-rsh s-nctions on Isl-=-b-d -s punish=ent 2or the countryKs cl-ndestine nucle-r progr-=. P-%ist-n beg-n nurturing the T-lib-n, - group o2 se=iliter-te P-shtun tribes=en 2ro= the southern p-rt o2 A2gh-nist-n, -s - counter#eight to the 2-ctions th-t co=prised the "orthern Alli-nce, #hich h-d long recei>ed support 2ro= Indi-. The ISI h-d >ie#ed the T-lib-n -s P-shtun -llies #ho, #hile str-nge -nd 2-n-tic-l, could %eep the "orthern Alli-nce 2ro= t-%ing o>er A2gh-nist-n -nd setting up #h-t Isl-=-b-d 2e-red #ould be -n Indi-n proXy st-te -long its #estern border. P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry o22ici-ls -lso 2igured th-t 2or -ll they h-d done to eXpel the So>iet Union 2ro= A2gh-nist-n, they h-d e-rned the right to hold the strings o2 the go>ern=ent in 0-bul. 9ith P-%ist-ni intelligence pro>iding succor to the T-lib-n #ith both =oney -nd -d>ice on =ilit-ry str-tegy, -nd #ith the spigot o2 =oney 2ro= 9-shington to Isl-=-b-d shut o22, A=eric-n o22ici-ls st-tioned in Isl-=-b-d during the &CC's 2ound they h-d no le>er-ge #ith the ISI #hen they de=-nded th-t P-%ist-ni spies push the T-lib-n go>ern=ent in 0-bul to h-nd o>er 6s-=- bin 4-den. The United St-tes turned up the pressure in l-te &CC8, -2ter -l W-ed- si=ult-neously bo=bed the A=eric-n e=b-ssies in 0eny- -nd T-nA-ni-, but P-%ist-nKs spy ser>ice #-s un=o>ed. The A=eric-ns in P-%ist-n sent - string o2 c-bles to 9-shington det-iling their 2rustr-tions. 6ne St-te Lep-rt=ent c-ble 2ro= Isl-=-b-d in Lece=ber &CC8 c-rried - dry, underst-ted subVect he-ding7 R Us-=- bin 4-din 7 P-%ist-n see=s to be le-ning -g-inst being help2ul.S 9hen one A=eric-n diplo=-t brought up bin 4-denKs n-=e during - =eeting #ith Gener-l ;hs-n ul !-U, - 2uture ISI chie2, the P-%ist-ni gener-l gre# testy. R I c-nnot underst-nd #hy you A=eric-ns -re so concerned -bout A2gh-nist-n,S he sn-pped. 6n the =orning o2 Septe=ber &&, :''&, Gener-l @-h=ud Ah=ed, the he-d o2 the ISI, h-ppened to be in 9-shington =eeting #ith l-#=-%ers inside - secure ch-=ber o2 the !ouse Per=-nent Select ,o==ittee on Intelligence. A short, stoc%y =-n #ith bushy #hite =ust-che eXtending -cross the =iddle o2 both chee%s, Ah=ed h-d t-%en o>er the ISI -2ter the &CCC =ilit-ry coup th-t inst-lled Gener-l Per>eA @ush-rr-2 -s president, -nd he did little to hide his sy=p-thies 2or the T-lib-n. !e once scolded P-%ist-n =ilit-ry -n-lyst #ho h-d told President @ush-rr-2 th-t P-%ist-nKs policy to#-rd the T-lib-n #-s hurting its st-nding #ith other n-tions. RThe T-lib-n,S the ISI chie2 s-id, R is the 2uture o2 A2gh-nist-n .S 6n th-t =orning on ,-pitol !ill, Ah=ed #-s h->ing - 2riendly eXch-nge #ith 5epresent-ti>e Porter Goss, the co==itteeKs top 5epublic-n, reg-ling the congress=-n #ith his %no#ledge o2 obscure 2-cts -bout the A=eric-n ,i>il 9-r. Goss h-d #r-pped boo% -bout the ,i>il 9-r to gi>e to Ah=ed -s - gi2t, but the ple-s-ntries #ere cut short #hen co==ittee st-22ers r-ced into the =eeting roo= to tell the l-#=-%ers -nd the ISI chie2 th-t the second pl-ne h-d Vust hit the 9orld Tr-de ,enter. R@-h=udKs 2-ce turned -shen,S rec-lls Goss. The P-%ist-ni spy=-ster Uuic%ly eXcused hi=sel2 2ro= the

=eeting -nd Vu=ped into the e=b-ssy c-r #-iting 2or hi= . The boo%, still #r-pped, #-s le2t inside the roo=. The 2ollo#ing =orning, Gener-l Ah=ed #-s c-lled to the o22ice o2 5ich-rd Ar=it-ge, the deputy secret-ry o2 st-te, #ho #-s in no =ood 2or diplo=-tic correctness. President 3ush h-d -nnounced the night be2ore th-t the United St-tes #ould tre-t both the terrorists -nd their p-trons eUu-lly, -nd Ar=it-ge presented the ISIKs dile==- in @-niche-n ter=s. RP-%ist-n 2-ces - st-r% choiceQ either it is #ith us or it is not,S Ar=it-ge told the P-%ist-ni spy chie2, s-ying the decision #-s bl-c% -nd #hite, #ith no gr-y. Insulted by Ar=it-geKs bluntness, Ah=ed responded th-t -lthough P-%ist-n h-d long been -ccused o2 Rbeing in bedS #ith terrorists, nothing could be 2urther 2ro= the truth. !is country #ould b-c% the United St-tes #ithout hesit-tion, he s-id, -ssuring Ar=it-ge th-t RP-%ist-n h-s -l#-ys seen such =-tters in bl-c% -nd #hite.S Ar=it-ge #-rned th-t the United St-tes #-s prep-ring - l-undry list o2 de=-nds 2or P-%ist-n th-t #ere li%ely to c-use R deep introspectionS in Isl-=-b-d . The ter=s o2 the ,IAOISI =-rri-ge #ere discussed the neXt d-y. Ar=it-ge told Gener-l Ah=ed th-t the United St-tes #-nted un2ettered -ccess to P-%ist-ni -irsp-ce -nd the -bility to c-rry out =ilit-ry -nd intelligence oper-tions inside P-%ist-n. A=eric-lso #-nted -ccess to P-%ist-ni ports, -irstrips, -nd b-ses in the =ount-ins -long the border #ith A2gh-nist-n. <in-lly, he insisted th-t the ISI h-nd o>er to the ,IA -ll the intelligence it h-d -bout -l W-ed. Ah=ed -ssured Ar=it-ge he #ould p-ss the list o2 de=-nds to @ush-rr-2. 3ut, he s-id, P-%ist-n #-nted so=ething in return7 -ssur-nce th-t it #ould be rei=bursed 2or its support in the c-=p-ign -g-inst -l W-ed-. I2 P-%ist-n #-s going to turn -g-inst the T-lib-n -nd -gree to - #-r on its #estern border, it #ould need to be re#-rded 2or it. The p-r-=eters o2 A=eric-Ks dys2unction-l rel-tionship #ith P-%ist-n in the postD C_&& er- h-d been set7 The United St-tes insisted on the right to #-ge - secret #-r inside P-%ist-n, -nd Isl-=-b-d eXtr-cted =oney in return. President @ush-rr-2 h-d -cceded to =ost, but not -ll, o2 9-shingtonKs reUuire=ents. <or inst-nce, he put li=its on #here A=eric-n pl-nes could 2ly in P-%ist-ni -irsp-ce, 2e-ring th-t the United St-tes =ight try to conduct sur>eill-nce 2lights o>er P-%ist-ni nucle-r sites. !e -lso denied the United St-tes -ccess to =ost =ilit-ry b-ses, -llo#ing the A=eric-n =ilit-ry to st-tion personnel -t only t#o -ir b-ses7 Sh-=si, in the south#estern region o2 3-lochist-n, -nd P-cob-b-d, in the northern pro>ince o2 Sindh . In the end, 9-shington -nd Isl-=-b-dKs rene#-l o2 their >o#s le2t both sides belie>ing they h-d gi>en up =ore th-n they #ere getting, cre-ting recri=in-tions -nd resent=ent th-t #ould boil o>er ye-rs l-ter. The rhetoric 2ro= 9-shington h-d been un-=biguous, -nd @ush-rr-2 %ne# it. A =-n #ho h-d spent his c-reer in the =ilit-ry, he considered his options -s i2 this #ere #-r g-=e. !e l-ter #rote in his =e=oir th-t i2 he h-d chosen to protect the T-lib-n, the United St-tes #ould consider P-%ist-n - terrorist st-te -nd, 2or -ll he %ne#, #ould -tt-c% P-%ist-n, e>iscer-te P-%ist-nKs =ilit-ry, -nd seiAe the countryKs nucle-r -rsen-l. Indi- h-d -lre-dy o22ered its b-ses 2or the A2gh-n #-r, -nd @ush-rr-2 2igured th-t soon enough the United St-tes could be 2lying co=b-t =issions 2ro= - b-se in A=rits-r, in north#estern Indi-. The bo=bers #ould stre-% o>er P-%ist-ni territory on their #-y into A2gh-nist-n, -nd b-c% -g-in -2ter they h-d deli>ered their de-dly p-ylo-ds. ;>en #orse, the Indi-ns could seiAe the opportunity to open -n o22ensi>e in 0-sh=ir, #ith

A=eric-Ks blessing. The str-tegic b-l-nce in South Asi-, #hich h-d long -ligned P-%ist-n #ith the United St-tes -g-inst Indi- -nd its historic -lly 5ussi-, #ould ch-nge per=-nently. P-%ist-n #ould be - crushed, i=po>erished outc-st . 6n the e>ening o2 Septe=ber &C, @ush-rr-2 told the people o2 P-%ist-n ho# he h-d -ns#ered 9-shingtonKs de=-nds. !e #-s dressed in - crisp =ilit-ry uni2or=, but his 2-ce #-s h-gg-rd -nd dr-#n, the toll o2 endless =eetings #ith his gener-ls, ci>ili-n politici-ns, religious le-ders, -nd A=eric-n diplo=-ts. !is tele>ised speech #-s not denunci-tion o2 -l W-ed- or the T-lib-n, -nd -t no ti=e did @ush-rr-2 conde=n the -tt-c%s on the 9orld Tr-de ,enter -nd the Pent-gon. !e inste-d 2r-=ed his decision to help A=eric- in n-rro#, n-tion-listic ter=s. Indi- h-d -lre-dy pledged its 2ull support to 9-shington, he s-id, -nd "e# Lelhi #-s deter=ined to ensure th-t R i2 -nd #hen the go>ern=ent in A2gh-nist-n ch-nges, it sh-ll be -n -ntiDP-%ist-n go>ern=ent.S !e s-id th-t P-%ist-n h-d 2our priorities7 the security o2 its bordersQ the 0-sh=ir c-useQ the re>i>-l o2 its econo=yQ -nd, 2in-lly, the protection o2 its Rstr-tegic -ssets.S Th-t 2in-l ite= on the list #-s not Vust - re2erence to the nucle-r -rsen-l th-t P-%ist-n h-d built to destroy Indi-. P-%ist-nKs =ilit-ry h-d other Rstr-tegic -ssetsS to consider. 3y :''&, groups li%e the A2gh-n T-lib-n -nd the =iliti- net#or% run by =uV-hedeen le-der P-l-luddin !-UU-ni #ere considered critic-l ele=ents o2 P-%ist-nKs de2enses, -nd @ush-rr-2 =-de it cle-r in the speech th-t night th-t he still reg-rded the T-lib-n -s -n i=port-nt bul#-r% -g-inst Indi-. ;>en -s he #-s le-ning on @ull-h 6=-r to gi>e up bin 4-den, he told the country th-t the t-ctic #-s - #-y to e=erge 2ro= the crisis R#ithout -ny d-=-ge to A2gh-nist-n -nd the T-lib-n.S Things #erenKt, in 2-ct, bl-c% -nd #hite. 6ne #ee% -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, -nd one night be2ore President 3ush in 2ront o2 - Voint session o2 ,ongress -ccused the T-lib-n o2 R-iding -nd -betting =urder,S @ush-rr-2 #-s still hoping th-t the T-lib-n could re=-in in po#er. 9-shington h-d been co=2orted by the belie2 th-t @ush-rr-2 h-d pushed -ll o2 his po%er chips to the center o2 the t-ble on - bet on the 3ush -d=inistr-tion. In 2-ct, he -dopted - 2-r =ore nu-nced str-tegy\- str-tegy th-t e>en -2ter =ore th-n - dec-de o2 #-r in A2gh-nist-n, =-ny A=eric-n o22ici-ls #ould still h->e di22iculty discerning. The ISI #-s still hoping th-t -nother bloody A2gh-n #-r could be ->oided, especi-lly one th-t =ight repl-ce the T-lib-n #ith the T-Vi%s -nd UAbe%s o2 the "orthern Alli-nce. A2ter Gener-l Ah=ed returned to Isl-=-b-d, he i=plored A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor 9endy ,h-=berlin not to st-rt - #-r out o2 re>enge. A true >ictory in A2gh-nist-n, Ah=ed s-id, #ould co=e only by negoti-ting. RI2 the T-lib-n -re eli=in-ted,S he s-id, R A2gh-nist-n #ill re>ert to #-rlordis= .S To try to con>ince T-lib-n le-der @ull-h @oh-==ed 6=-r to gi>e up bin 4-den, Gener-l Ah=ed 2le# to 0-nd-h-r on - pl-ne lo-ned by the ,IA. 6=-r, - 2or=er =uV-hedeen co==-nder #ho h-d lost one eye during the So>iet #-r, =oc%ed the P-%ist-ni gener-l -s the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs err-nd boy -nd reVected the de=-nds. !e issued - stinging rebu%e to his longti=e ISI bene2-ctor. R $ou #-nt to ple-se the A=eric-ns , -nd I #-nt to ple-se God,S he s-id.

h-d cre-ted di>isions in the ,IA 2ro= the beginning, #ith ri2ts opening bet#een o22icers -t 4-ngley -nd those posted -t the ,IA st-tion in Isl-=-b-d. ,o2er 3l-c%, the ,T, chie2, pressed to i==edi-tely -r= the "orthern Alli-nce -nd begin

- push south to#-rd 0-bul. 3ut 5obert Grenier, the Isl-=-b-d st-tion chie2, 2ought -g-inst the pl-n. !e #-rned th-t -ny =o>e to -r= - =iliti- b-c%ed by Indi- -nd 5ussicould i==edi-tely destroy rel-tions #ith P-%ist-n Vust -s they #ere th-#ing -2ter ye-rs o2 =istrust . These intern-l 2ights got - #ider -udience three #ee%s -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, #hen ,IA o22icers #ent to the Pent-gon 2or - telecon2erence bet#een 9-shington, Isl-=-b-d, -nd United St-tes ,entr-l ,o==-nd he-dUu-rters, in T-=p-. Luring the c-ll, Grenier s-id th-t -ny ground o22ensi>e using the "orthern Alli-nce ought to be put on hold to gi>e the ISI =ore ti=e to pressure the T-lib-n to rele-se bin 4-den. 3-c%ing the "orthern Alli-nce could le-d to -nother bloody A2gh-n ci>il #-r, Grenier s-id, -dding th-t -n -ir c-=p-ign could be enough 2or the ti=e being to bring the T-lib-n to negoti-tions. 3ut !-n% ,ru=pton, - ,T, o22icer #ho h-d been design-ted by ,o2er 3l-c% to run the ,IAKs #-r in A2gh-nist-n, thought Grenier #-s being n-i>e. !e #-s =erely re2lecting the ISIKs position, ,ru=pton thought, -nd #-s displ-ying - b-d c-se o2 Rclientitis.S A2ter the =eeting, ,ru=pton told 5u=s2eld he thought th-t Grenier #-s de-d #rong . Grenier =-y h->e been ch-nneling the concerns o2 the ISI, but they #ere h-rdly unre-son-ble #orries. <or #ee%s, ISI o22ici-ls h-d been #hispering to their ,IA counterp-rts in Isl-=-b-d th-t - #-r in A2gh-nist-n could spin #ildly out o2 control. It #ould upset - delic-te b-l-nce in the region, they s-id, perh-ps e>en le-ding Indi- -nd P-%ist-n to#-rd - 2ullDblo#n proXy #-r inside A2gh-nist-n. As the negoti-tions dr-gged on -nd Septe=ber turned to 6ctober, the ,IA Uuietly beg-n inserting p-r-=ilit-ry te-=s into A2gh-nist-n to =-%e cont-ct #ith the #-rlord co==-nders #ho 2ought under the "orthern Alli-nce b-nner. @e-n#hile, - torrent o2 thre-t in2or=-tion continued to co=e into the -gencyKs ,ounterterrorist ,enter 2ro= ,IA st-tions in the @iddle ;-st -nd South Asi-. 6n 6ctober , t#o d-ys be2ore the United St-tes dropped the 2irst bo=bs on A2gh-nist-n, Ar=it-ge sent -n eyesDonly c-ble to A=b-ss-dor ,h-=berlin de=-nding th-t she =eet i==edi-tely #ith Gener-l Ah=ed. !e #-nted - si=ple =ess-ge deli>ered to @ull-h 6=-r, -nd he #-nted Ah=ed to deli>er it. I2 -nother -tt-c% #-s tr-ced b-c% to A2gh-nist-n, Ar=it-ge #rote, the A=eric-n response #ould be de>-st-ting7 R ;>ery pill-r o2 the T-lib-n regi=e #ill be destroyed .S The d-y -2ter A=eric-Ks #-r in A2gh-nist-n beg-n, @ush-rr-2 repl-ced Gener-l Ah=ed -t the ISI. ,IA le-ders in 9-shington h-d been pressing 2or Gener-l Ah=ed to be s-c%ed, -nd his repl-ce=ent #-s -n uncontro>ersi-l choice. Gener-l ;hs-n ul !-U, -n urb-ne co==-nder #ho -t the ti=e #-s le-ding the -r=yKs corps in Pesh-#-r, h-d been p-rt o2 the c-b-l o2 =ilit-ry le-ders #ho inst-lled @ush-rr-2 in po#er in &CCC, -nd unli%e Ah=ed, he h-d no ob>ious loy-lties to the T-lib-n. 9ithin #ee%s he #-s sitting by @ush-rr-2Ks side -t the United "-tions, #here @ush-rr-2 -nd 3ush =et 2or the 2irst ti=e since the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s to discuss A=eric-Ks pl-ns in A2gh-nist-n. To prep-re 3ush 2or the =eeting, Secret-ry o2 St-te ,olin Po#ell #rote the president - =e=o th-t pr-ised @ush-rr-2 -nd s-id uneUui>oc-lly th-t P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent h-d R-b-ndoned the T-lib-n.S RPresident @ush-rr-2Ks decision to 2ully cooper-te #ith the United St-tes in the #-%e o2 Septe=ber &&, -t consider-ble politic-l ris%, -bruptly turned our st-lled rel-tionship -round ,S the =e=o beg-n. In hindsight, Po#ellKs -n-lysis #-s n-i>e\it #-s #h-t A=eric-n o22ici-ls #-nted to belie>e -nd chose to he-r. @ush-rr-2 h-dnKt 2und-=ent-lly

shi2ted P-%ist-nKs 2oreign policy -s =uch -s he h-d reprised - de-l th-t Gener-l @uh-==-d 1i-DulD!-U, P-%ist-nKs 2or=er president, h-d struc% #ith the A=eric-ns during the &C8's. @ush-rr-2 #ould help the United St-tes get #h-t it #-nted in A2gh-nist-n, -nd P-%ist-n #ould be p-id h-ndso=ely. @ush-rr-2 h-dnKt =-n-ged to pre>ent the #-r, but he #-nted it to be short -nd 2or the United St-tes to le->e his neighborhood -s Uuic%ly -s possible. This is the =ess-ge he brought to 3ush -t the United "-tions7 Lo #h-t you need to do to eXpel 6s-=- bin 4-den -nd his 2ollo#ers 2ro= A2gh-nist-n, but the l-st thing the United St-tes should do is st-y in A2gh-nist-n 2or ye-rs . As it turned out, the P-%ist-nis h-d =isre-d the A=eric-ns Vust -s b-dly -s the A=eric-ns h-d =isre-d the P-%ist-nis. In the =onths -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s string o2 intelligence c-bles 2ro= ISI he-dUu-rters #ent out to P-%ist-nKs e=b-ssies in 9-shington -nd else#here. The spy ser>iceKs -n-lysts concluded th-t the United St-tes h-d no pl-ns 2or - longDter= co==it=ent to A2gh-nist-n beyond the de2e-t o2 -l W-edthere, - conclusion th-t h-d been in2or=ed by the %no#ledge th-t 9-shington h-d lost interest in A2gh-nist-n -2ter the l-st #-r -s soon -s the So>iets h-d #ithdr-#n. This is ho# it -ppe-red to As-d Lurr-ni, - retired P-%ist-ni lieuten-ntDgener-l #ho h-d run the ISI during the &CC's. Lurr-ni #-s ser>ing -s P-%ist-nKs -=b-ss-dor to S-udi Ar-bi- in l-te :''&, #hen the ISI c-bles beg-n -rri>ing in the 2oreign e=b-ssies. A=eric-Ks ne# #-r in A2gh-nist-n, Lurr-ni s-id ye-rs l-ter, Rsee=ed -s i2 it #-s going to be - >ery shortDter= -22-ir .S P-%ist-ni spies #ere still trying to ensure th-t it #-s, -nd in "o>e=ber -nd Lece=ber :''& they held - series o2 secret =eetings #ith A2gh-n trib-l le-ders to deter=ine ho# =-ny outer l-yers o2 the T-lib-nKs 2ollo#ers could be peeled -#-y 2ro= the =o>e=entKs 2-n-tic-l core. Luring one o2 these =eetings, Gener-l ;hs-n ul !-U, the ne# ISI chie2, s-t do#n #ith P-l-luddin !-UU-ni in Isl-=-b-d. Gener-l ul !-U h-d c-lled !-UU-ni to the c-pit-l to g-uge the loy-lties o2 the #iAened =iliti- le-der. !-UU-ni h-d once been the ,IAKs gre-test -lly in A2gh-nist-n, during the #-r -g-inst the So>iets, but in the ye-rs since h-d pledged loy-lty to -l W-ed- -nd h-d built up spr-#ling cri=in-l e=pire 2ro= his b-se in @ir-nsh-h, in "orth 9-Airist-n. It bec-=e cle-r during the =eeting th-t !-UU-ni #-snKt -bout to be turned. The A=eric-n in>-sion o2 A2gh-nist-n, !-UU-ni told Gener-l ul !-U, #-s no di22erent 2ro= the So>iet #-r ye-rs e-rlier. 9ith chilling prescience, he predicted th-t the ne# #-r #ould pl-y out Vust -s the l-st one h-d. !-UU-ni s-id th-t he could not stop A=eric-n bo=bers, but e>entu-lly the United St-tes #ould h->e to send in l-rge nu=bers o2 ground troops. 9hen th-t h-ppened, !-UU-ni told the ISI chie2, he #ould be on le>el ground #ith the A=eric-ns . They c-n occupy -ll the cities, but they c-nKt occupy -ll the =ount-ins, the =ilitile-der continued, -s Gener-l ul !-U rec-lls the =eeting. RSo #e #ill go to the =ount-ins -nd #e #ill resist. Pust li%e #e did -g-inst the So>iet Union.S "e#s th-t the 2-=ous co==-nder h-d been in Isl-=-b-d Uuic%ly spre-d to the A=eric-n e=b-ssy, -nd ,IA st-tion chie2 5obert Grenier i==edi-tely >isited Gener-l ul !-U to get =ore in2or=-tion. "ot only h-d !-UU-ni been in the c-pit-l, ul !-U -c%no#ledged, but he h-d =et #ith hi=. !e h-dnKt bothered to tell the ,IA chie2, he s-id, bec-use nothing producti>e c-=e 2ro= the =eeting .

RI donKt thin% he is going to be help2ul,S ul !-U s-id.

- ne# gener-l to le-d the ISI, @ush-rr-2Ks purge o2 Isl-=ists inside the =ilit-ry #ent only so 2-r. At the s-=e ti=e Gener-l ul !-U too% o>er the =ilit-ry spy ser>ice, @ush-rr-2 -ppointed 4t. Gener-l Ali P-n Aur-%A-i, - close 2riend -nd longti=e T-lib-n sy=p-thiAer, to t-%e o>er the -r=yKs corps in Pesh-#-r, the s-=e Vob th-t ul !-U h-d Vust >-c-ted. Pesh-#-r, - bustling =-r%et city, is the c-pit-l o2 P-%ist-nKs "orthD9est <rontier Pro>ince, - territory n-=ed by the 3ritish 2or its position -t the outer edge o2 the RsettledS l-nds. T The Vob in Pesh-#-r -lso g->e Gener-l Aur-%A-i o>ersight o2 the <eder-lly Ad=inistered Trib-l Are-s, the h-rsh, =ount-inous l-nds ruled by #ild =en o2 the 9-Air -nd @ehsud tribes -nd #here the go>ern=entKs #rit =e-nt little. The 3ritish h-d h-d little success t-=ing the trib-l l-nds th-t h-d been p-rt o2 the 3ritish 5-V, -nd e>entu-lly g->e up. As - t#entyDthreeDye-rDold Vourn-list >isiting Indi- in &8C7, 9inston ,hurchill spent siX #ee%s #ith 3rit-inKs @-l-%-nd <ield <orce -nd sent disp-tches to The L-ily Telegr-ph describing the sno#c-pped =ount-ins #here R r-nge -2ter r-nge is seen -s the long surges o2 -n Atl-ntic s#ell, -nd in the dist-nce so=e glittering sno# pe-% suggests - #hiteDcrested roller, higher th-n the rest.S RThe drenching r-ins #hich 2-ll e-ch ye-r,S ,hurchill continued, Rh->e #-shed the soil 2ro= the sides o2 the hills until they h->e beco=e str-ngely groo>ed by nu=berless #-terDcourses, -nd the bl-c% pri=e>-l roc% is e>ery#here eXposed.S Pust -s the l-nds h-d ch-nged little since ,hurchillKs ti=e, the people o2 the trib-l -re-s re=-ined 2iercely distrust2ul o2 outsiders. It is - pl-ce, 3rit-inKs 2uture pri=e =inister obser>ed, #here Re>ery =-nKs h-nd is -g-inst the other, -nd -ll -g-inst the str-nger.S Gener-l Aur-%A-i h-d long -go pro>en his loy-lty to @ush-rr-2 -s -nother o2 the =ilit-ry conspir-tors behind the &CCC coup. According to so=e -ccounts it h-d been Aur-%A-i #ho sho#ed up -t 2or=er president "-#-A Sh-ri2Ks house, pointed - gun in his 2-ce, -nd told hi= th-t the =ilit-ry #-s t-%ing ch-rge in P-%ist-n. !e #-s co==-nding 2igure #ho h-d been r-ised in the trib-l -re-s -nd h-d spent enough ti=e in the =ount-ins to %no# th-t regul-r P-%ist-ni troops #ere not tr-ined 2or the =ission they #ere -bout to undert-%e. !e told @ush-rr-2 he doubted there #ere =-ny 2oreign -l W-ed- oper-ti>es 2leeing -cross the border into P-%ist-n. 3ut ,IA o22icers in Isl-=-b-d thought di22erently. @onths -2ter P-%ist-ni soldiers =o>ed into the trib-l -re-s, ,IA o22icers beg-n 2eeding the ISI ste-dy reports -bout the -rri>-l o2 Ar-b 2ighters in the =ount-ins, but Gener-l Aur-%A-iKs =ilit-ry p-trols turned up nothing. Grenier, the ,IAKs Isl-=-b-d st-tion chie2, s-id th-t Aur-%A-i -nd other P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls #ith #ho= he =et #orried th-t P-%ist-ni troops ru=bling through =ount-in >ill-ges could touch o22 - trib-l uprising. The o22ici-ls didnKt #-nt to belie>e th-t -l W-ed- h-d est-blished - ne# b-se in P-%ist-n, less th-n - hundred =iles 2ro= the b-ses in A2gh-nist-n #here the group h-d pl-nned the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. It #-s R -n incon>enient 2-ct ,S s-id Grenier. Aur-%A-i held the Pesh-#-r co==-nd until his retire=ent in :''* -nd 2or ye-rs continued to deny the presence o2 Ar-b 2ighters in the trib-l -re-s. In :'' , he told reporter th-t the notion th-t 6s-=- bin 4-den =ight be hiding in P-%ist-n #-s purely conVecture, -nd he ne>er s-# -ny e>idence th-t Ar-b 2ighters h-d set up oper-tions in the trib-l -re-s.
A4T!6UG! !; !AL I"STA44;L

The hunt 2or bin 4-den -nd -l W-ed- in P-%ist-n, he s-id, #-s pointless.

3rig-dierDGener-l As-d @unir h-d Vust -ssu=ed his post -s the ISIKs chie2 o2 st-tion in Pesh-#-r #hen the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s occurred, -nd it #-snKt long be2ore the A=eric-ns beg-n -rri>ing there. They c-=e in s=-ll nu=bers -t 2irst, no =ore th-n - doAen, -nd set up -t the 2orti2ied U.S. consul-te inside the city. It #-s l-te :''&, -nd they h-d co=e to #or% #ith their P-%ist-ni counterp-rts to hunt do#n -l W-ed- oper-ti>es esc-ping the 2ighting in A2gh-nist-n. They h-d co=e to #or% #ith As-d @unir. RI h-d ne>er =et - ,IA =-n,S @unir rec-lled, t-%ing long dr-gs o2 - 3enson d !edges cig-rette, the s=o%e so=eti=es obscuring - 2-ce #ith the rugged loo%s o2 -n -ging 3olly#ood le-ding =-n. !is thoughts turned #ist2ully to the e-rly ye-rs -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s #hen the spies o2 A=eric- -nd P-%ist-n see=ed to be 2ighting the s-=e ene=y. R9e #ere Vust li%e 2riends.S The A=eric-ns, led by - ,IA o22icer n-=ed 0eith, #ere -t 2irst suspicious o2 @unir -nd =ost e>eryone else 2ro= the ISI. 3ut -2ter t#o #ee%s, @unir s-id, the suspicions h-d dissol>ed . Pesh-#-r #-s the #estern=ost city in #hich the ,IA could est-blish - l-rge b-se, -nd by the =iddle o2 :'': the -gency h-d turned the A=eric-n consul-te there into hub 2or espion-ge oper-tions. Antenn-s #ere erected on the roo2, ne# co=puters #ere inst-lled, cl-ndestine o22icers -rri>ed using thin co>ers. It #-s, in e22ect, - spy st-tion posing -s - diplo=-tic outpost. @unir -lso re=e=bered the other =en #ho -rri>ed, the Rtechnic-l people.S @unir #ouldnKt h->e %no#n, but the technic-l te-=s #ere p-rt o2 - sh-do#y Pent-gon unit c-lled Gr-y <oX\o22ici-lly the Ar=yKs Intelligence Support Acti>ity, b-sed -t <ort 3el>oir, in Nirgini-\#hich sent cl-ndestine o22icers -round the #orld #ith speci-l eUuip=ent to intercept co==unic-tions. 9ith their -rri>-l, the d-t-b-se o2 suspicious cellDphone nu=bers th-t the U.S.OP-%ist-ni te-= used to tr-c% do#n -l W-ed- -round Pesh-#-r -nd in the trib-l -re-s eXp-nded dr-=-tic-lly. T#el>e nu=bers turned into one hundred, one hundred into t#el>e hundred. "-=es o2 Algeri-ns, 4iby-ns, S-udis, -nd others th-t neither the ,IA nor the ISI h-d he-rd be2ore #ere -dded to the roster, -nd the Rlist gre# li%e cr-Ay,S @unir s-id. @ost o2 the 2oreigners th-t @unir -nd the A=eric-ns #ere hunting h-d =o>ed into P-%ist-n bet#een Lece=ber :''& -nd April :'':, h->ing esc-ped 2ro= the A=eric-n bo=bing c-=p-ign -t Tor- 3or- -nd the Sh-hDiD0ot N-lley, in e-stern A2gh-nist-n. They #ere Ar-bs -nd UAbe%s -nd ,hechens -nd n-ti>es o2 other ,entr-l Asi-n countries. So=e #ere loo%ing to =-%e their #-y b-c% to the Ar-b st-tes o2 the Persi-n Gul2. So=e #ere si=ply loo%ing 2or - ne# ho=e -nd beg-n l-ying do#n roots by =-rrying loc-l P-shtun #o=en. ;-ch d-y the ISI -nd ,IA oper-ti>es in Pesh-#-r #ould pore o>er - thic% st-c% o2 tr-nscripts 2ro= intercepted con>ers-tions -nd then use the intelligence to pl-n r-ids to c-pture =ilit-nts in -nd -round Pesh-#-r. The intelligence 2ro= the intercepts #ent only so 2-r, -nd #ith - sod-Dstr-# >ie# o2 the #-r, the spies in Pesh-#-r so=eti=es =-de -rrests they #ould ne>er h->e =-de i2 theyKd h-d -ccess to =ore in2or=-tion. 6nce, in Pune :''3, they tr-ced the cell phone o2 -n Algeri-n oper-ti>e, Adil !-di -l P-A-Kiri, to - l-rge public s#i==ing pool ne-r Pesh-#-r. 9hen they -rri>ed there they 2ound =ore th-n - hundred =en in the pool. 9ithout - photogr-ph o2 -l P-A-Kiri there #-s no #-y they could =-%e the -rrest. 6ne o2 the ISI oper-ti>es c-lled the phone nu=ber they suspected belonged to -l P-A-Kiri -nd #-tched -s - be-rded =-n s#-= to the side o2 the pool to pic% up his ringing cell phone. A te-= o2 Pesh-#-r police=en
3UT 6T!;5S 0";9 3;TT;5.

rushed to the =-n, dripping #et in his s#i=suit . 3ut they h-d -ccidently -rrested - double -gent. Unbe%no#nst to the=, -l P-A-Kiri h-d been in2or=ing on -l W-ed- 2or 3rit-inKs @IG . The Algeri-n =-n #-s shipped to Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y, -nd 3ritish intelligence h-d one less in2or=-nt. $e-rs l-ter, @unir %eeps =-ny o2 the spy stories to hi=sel2, stic%ing to - code he -lso eXpects his A=eric-n p-rtners to honor. !e thin%s -bout the respect th-t the t#o spy ser>ices once h-d 2or e-ch other, respect th-t =ight e>en h->e been so=ething -ppro-ching trust. It #-s - Rthoroughly enVoy-bleS ti=e, he s-id, -nd - =o=ent th-t he %no#s c-n ne>er be reDcre-ted bec-use o2 the ye-rs o2 suspicion th-t #ould 2ollo#. The success o2 the oper-tions led by As-d @unir -nd the ,IA o22icers -round Pesh-#-r, together #ith the c-pture o2 senior bin 4-den lieuten-nts li%e 0h-lid Shei%h @oh-==ed -nd 5-=Ai bin -lDShibh in other P-%ist-ni cities, led =-ny top 3ush o22ici-ls to belie>e th-t the p-rtnership #-s #or%ing. The -l W-ed- 2igures in P-%ist-n #ere being #his%ed out o2 the country to A2gh-nist-n, to Th-il-nd, to 5o=-ni- -nd other countries th-t h-d -llo#ed the ,IA to construct secret prisons on their soil. The ,IA #-s sending =illions o2 doll-rs to the ISI #hen the bills 2or Isl-=-b-dKs support c-=e due. So lucr-ti>e h-d the -rr-nge=ent beco=e 2or the P-%ist-nis th-t - Vo%e circul-ted in Isl-=-b-d th-t 2or e-ch terrorist the ISI helped c-pture, t#o ne# ones needed to be cre-ted to %eep the r-c%et going. As As-d @unir s-# it, the >-gue -=bitions the ISI h-d in :''& to =-int-in its ties to the A2gh-n T-lib-n -nd the !-UU-ni "et#or% h-d, by :''3 -nd :''*, =orphed into c-re2ully cr-2ted str-tegy to use these groups to Isl-=-b-dKs -d>-nt-ge 2or - post#-r A2gh-nist-n. The P-%ist-ni -n-lysis h-d been pro>en #rong7 The #-r in A2gh-nist-n h-d not turned out to be - short -22-ir. @oreo>er, the decision by the 3ush -d=inistr-tion to in>-de Ir-U in :''3 #-s proo2 to =-ny in the P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry -nd intelligence ser>ices th-t 9-shington h-d lost interest in A2gh-nist-n -nd #ould once -g-in =-%e - ch-otic eXit 2ro= the country. P-%ist-n needed to protect itsel2. RThe A=eric-ns c-=e to A2gh-nist-n #ithout h->ing - pl-n in tot-lity7 e!o# do #e enter -nd ho# do #e eXit^KS s-id @unir. RThey #ere not interested -t th-t ti=e in the T-lib-n. Their 2ocus #-s on -l W-ed-. RP-%ist-n did h->e second thoughts th-t these people, the A=eric-ns, -re not going to secure A2gh-nist-n,S he s-id. R9e thought,YeThey #ill le->e, -nd #e #ill h->e to li>e #ith the A2gh-ns.KS !e p-used, t-%ing -nother dr-g 2ro= his cig-rette. R9e h->e our o#n interests -nd our o#n security concerns.S

37 ,46A0DA"LDLAGG;5 @;"
R,ert-inly #e donKt need - regi=ent o2 clo-%D-ndDd-gger =en, e-rning their c-=p-ign ribbons\-nd, indeed, their pro=otions\by pl-nning ne# eXploits throughout the #orld. Theirs is - sel2Dgener-ting enterprise.S \Sen-tor <r-n% ,hurch, &C7G

here #-s - ti=e, not >ery long -go, #hen the ,IA #-s out o2 the %illing business.

9hen 5oss "e#l-nd Voined the spy -gency, in the l-te &C7's, the ,IA #-snKt loo%ing to pic% -ny 2ights -bro-d. "e#l-nd #-s 2resh out o2 gr-du-te school, -nd the ,IA #-s reeling 2ro= the body blo#s it h-d -bsorbed 2ro= congression-l co==ittees th-t h-d in>estig-ted the -gencyKs co>ert -ctions since its 2ounding, in &C*7. ,ongress #-s tightening its control o>er secret -cti>ities, -nd ch-stened ,IA le-ders beg-n to re2ocus the -gencyKs -cti>ities on ste-ling the secrets o2 2oreign regi=es\tr-dition-l espion-ge\r-ther th-n o>erthro#ing the= or trying to %ill their le-ders. President Pi==y ,-rter, #ho h-d c-=p-igned to put -n end to the ,IAKs o>erse-s -d>entures, h-d inst-lled Ad=ir-l St-ns2ield Turner -t 4-ngley p-rtly to rein in - spy -gency he thought h-d run -=o%. "e#l-nd -nd - gener-tion o2 ,IA c-se o22icers #ho Voined the -gency during this period #ere told th-t the ,IA #ould only in>ite trouble i2 it got b-c% into the #or% o2 %illing. 3y the end o2 his c-reer, "e#l-nd #ould see the -gency co=e 2ull circle on the =-tter o2 leth-l -ction, -nd he #ould co=e to Uuestion the #isdo= o2 the ,IAKs e=br-ce o2 its role -s the #illing eXecutioner o2 A=eric-Ks ene=ies. The ,IA h-d been est-blished #ith - rel-ti>ely si=ple =ission7 collect -nd -n-lyAe intelligence so th-t A=eric-n presidents could %no# e-ch d-y -bout the >-rious thre-ts 2-cing the United St-tes. President Tru=-n h-d not #-nted the -gency to beco=e A=eric-Ks secret -r=y, but since - >-gue cl-use in the "-tion-l Security Act o2 &C*7 -uthoriAed the ,IA to Rper2or= such other 2unctions -nd duties rel-ted to intelligence -22ecting the n-tion-l security,S A=eric-n presidents h->e used this Rco>ert -ctionS -uthority to disp-tch the ,IA on s-bot-ge oper-tions, prop-g-nd- c-=p-igns, election rigging, -nd -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pts . <ro= the st-rt, critics Uuestioned #hether the United St-tes needed - spy ser>ice sep-r-te 2ro= the Le2ense Lep-rt=ent. In de2ending the -gencyKs independence, ,IA directors h->e pointed out #h-t they h->e th-t the Pent-gon does not. It h-s - c-dre o2 underco>er o22icers #ho c-n c-rry out co>ert =issions o>erse-s #here the h-nd o2 the United St-tes is hidden. The ,IA -ns#ers directly to the president, the -rgu=ent goes, -nd c-n c-rry out his orders =ore Uuic%ly, -nd =ore Uuietly, th-n the =ilit-ry. The residents o2 the 6>-l 622ice h->e turned to co>ert -ction hundreds o2 ti=es, -nd o2ten h->e co=e to regret it. 3ut =e=ories -re short, ne# presidents -rri>e -t the 9hite !ouse e>ery 2our or eight ye-rs, -nd - 2-=ili-r p-ttern pl-yed out o>er the second h-l2 o2 the t#entieth century7 presidenti-l -ppro>-l o2 -ggressi>e ,IA oper-tions, =essy congression-l in>estig-tions #hen the det-ils o2 those oper-tions #ere eXposed, retrench=ent -nd soulDse-rching -t 4-ngley, criticis=s th-t the ,IA h-d beco=e ris%D ->erse, then -nother period o2 -ggressi>e co>ert -ction. So=eti=es the cycle beg-n -t the >ery st-rt o2 - presidency. Luring his 2irst #ee% in o22ice, President Pohn <. 0ennedy told his -d>isers he didnKt belie>e th-t the ,IA #-s -ggressi>e enough in Nietn-= -nd set in =otion - secret #-r -g-inst !-noi th-t #ould e>entu-lly beco=e

the l-rgest -nd =ost co=pleX co>ert -ction o2 its ti=e. The ,IAKs -=bi>-lence -bout c-rrying out -ss-ssin-tions #ent b-c% to the spy -gencyKs predecessor, the 622ice o2 Str-tegic Ser>ices. ,re-ted in &C*: under the le-dership o2 its 2ierce co==-nder, 9illi-= P. Lono>-n, the 6SS #-s - p-r-=ilit-ry org-niA-tion 2irst, espion-ge ser>ice second. Lono>-nKs Rglorious -=-teursS spent =uch o2 9orld 9-r II s-bot-ging r-il#-ys, blo#ing up bridges, -nd -r=ing "-Ai resisters throughout the ;urope-n the-ter. Still, e>en Lono>-n got cold 2eet -t the end o2 the #-r -bout - progr-= to tr-in -ss-ssins to %ill "-Ai le-ders. 3y &C* , the 6SS h-d tr-ined -bout one hundred 9ehr=-cht deserters to hunt do#n Ger=-n le-ders\2ro= Adol2 !itler -nd !er=-nn Gfring do#n to e>ery SS o22icer -bo>e the r-n% o2 c-pt-in. <or those org-niAed %illings, the -gents #or%ing 2or the R,ross ProVectS #ould be p-id t#o hundred doll-rs per =onth. 3ut the te-=s #ere ne>er sent into Ger=-nyQ Lono>-n #rote to his st-22 th-t such - R#holes-le -ss-ssin-tionS progr-= #ould Rin>ite only trouble 2or the 6SS.S Inste-d o2 %illing top "-Ais, Lono>-n s-id th-t they ought to be %idn-pped -nd interrog-ted 2or intelligence. The #-r ended be2ore -ny %idn-ppings could t-%e pl-ce. Lec-des l-ter, the Sen-te co==ittee led by <r-n% ,hurch, o2 Id-ho, h-d origin-lly intended to loo% only -t do=estic -buses by the -gency, such -s illeg-l #iret-ps. 3ut in e-rly &C7 , President Ger-ld <ord =-de -n o22h-nd co==ent to reporters, s-ying th-t i2 in>estig-tors dug deep enough, they =ight unco>er - nu=ber o2 ,IA -tte=pts to -ss-ssin-te 2oreign le-ders. 9hen his re=-r%s #ent public, the ,hurch ,o==ittee =-de -ss-ssin-tions the princip-l 2ocus o2 its he-rings . <or siX =onths, sen-tors he-rd -bout plots to %ill P-trice 4u=u=b-, in the ,ongo, -nd to position -n eXploding se-shell ne-r #here <idel ,-stro snor%eled in ,ub-. The iconic i=-ge o2 the he-rings c-=e #hen co==ittee =e=bers p-ssed -round - pistol th-t the ,IA h-d built to shoot poison d-rts -nd Sen-tor 3-rry Gold#-ter pointed the gun into the -ir -s he loo%ed through its sights. ,IA director 9illi-= ,olby tried to =-%e cle-r th-t the #e-pon h-d ne>er been used, but the i=-ge endured. 3e2ore the co==ittee h-d e>en #r-pped up its #or%, President <ord signed -n eXecuti>e order b-nning the go>ern=ent 2ro= c-rrying out -ss-ssin-tions o2 2oreign he-ds o2 st-te or other 2oreign politici-ns. I2 -nything, President <ordKs -ss-ssin-tion b-n #-s his -tte=pt to put li=its on his 6>-l 622ice successors, to pre>ent 2uture presidents 2ro= being too e-sily dr-#n into bl-c% oper-tions. The ,hurch ,o==ittee pointed out th-t, 2or -ll the ,IAKs Uuestion-ble -cti>ities during its e-rly dec-des, it #-s -l#-ys the 9hite !ouse encour-ging rec%less oper-tions li%e coup -tte=pts -nd %illing 2oreign le-ders. The ,IA o22ered secrecy, -nd secrecy h-d -l#-ys seduced A=eric-n presidents. As Sen-tor ,hurch #rote in his co==itteeKs 2in-l report, R once the c-p-bility 2or co>ert -cti>ity is est-blished, the pressures brought to be-r on the President to use it -re i==ense.S ,hurch Uuestioned #hether A=eric- e>en needed the ,IA -t -ll. Inste-d o2 %eeping -YRregi=ent o2 clo-%D-ndDd-gger =enS -t the presidentKs dispos-l, ,hurch belie>ed th-t the St-te Lep-rt=ent #ould be =ore th-n c-p-ble o2 t-%ing on co>ert oper-tions i2 the need -rose but should do so only in the c-se o2 dire e=ergency, perh-ps to R ->ert - nucle-r holoc-ust or s->e - ci>iliA-tion .S

,!U5,! LIL"KT G;This

#ish, but the ,IA h-d been duly ch-stened by the ti=e th-t 5oss "e#l-nd gr-du-ted 2ro= Trinity ,ollege, in ,onnecticut, in the l-te &C7's. The son o2 -n intern-tion-l business=-n, he h-d spent =ost o2 his li2e in 4-tin A=eric- -nd Sp-in, -nd spo%e 2luent Sp-nish. Gi>en his upbringing -nd interest in intern-tion-l -22-irs, "e#l-nd 2igured th-t he =ight be destined 2or - c-reer -s - diplo=-t, but he chose 2irst to pursue - =-sterKs degree -t the 4ondon School o2 ;cono=ics . At -n opulent holid-y p-rty in Lece=ber &C78, -t the residence o2 the A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor in @-drid, "e#l-nd #-s recruited to beco=e - spy. !e h-d 2lo#n 2ro= 4ondon to @-drid to see his p-rents, #ho #ere li>ing in Sp-in, -nd during the p-rty =-n in his e-rly 2i2ties -ppro-ched hi= -nd told hi= he #or%ed -t the e=b-ssy. A2ter 2i2teen =inutes o2 s=-ll t-l%, in both ;nglish -nd Sp-nish, the =-n -s%ed "e#l-nd i2 he #-nted to #-l% through the g-rdens o2 the residence -nd spe-% in pri>-te. The =-n #-s "estor S-ncheA, the ,IAKs st-tion chie2 in @-drid -nd - >eter-n cl-ndestine o22icer #hose storied c-reer in the secret ser>ice #-s in its t#ilight. An -rdent -ntico==unist, S-ncheA h-d Voined the ,IA not long -2ter its 2ounding -nd h-d been -t the center o2 =-ny o2 the co>ert oper-tions in>estig-ted by the ,hurch ,o==ittee. !e h-d helped engineer the success2ul &C * coup -g-inst P-cobo grbenA GuA=bn, in Gu-te=-l-, -nd h-d gi>en - poisonD2illed syringe disguised -s - #riting pen to - ,ub-n -gent in -n -tte=pt to %ill ,-stro . S-ncheA told "e#l-nd he =ight =-%e - good ,IA c-se o22icer -nd g->e his n-=e to the -gencyKs st-tion in 4ondon. Three =onths l-ter, "e#l-nd #-s sitting in - b-re roo= -t ,IA he-dUu-rters #-iting 2or his psychologic-l e>-lu-tion. A =-n #-l%ed in, s-t do#n, -nd -s%ed "e#l-nd only t#o Uuestions. RSo, you gre# up in @eXico^S R$es.S R9h-tKs the di22erence bet#een -n enchil-d- -nd - tost-d-^S Though puAAled by the Uuestion, "e#l-nd ne>ertheless eXpl-ined the di22erence bet#een the t#o dishes. A2ter - brie2 ch-t -bout @eXic-n 2ood, "e#l-nd politely told his inter>ie#er th-t they better st-rt the psychologic-l e>-lu-tion bec-use he needed to get to his neXt inter>ie#. RAnd he s-id, e"o, #eKre done,KS "e#l-nd re=e=bers. 5oss "e#l-nd #-s in the ,IA. !e 2inished up -t the 4ondon School o2 ;cono=ics -nd o22ici-lly Voined the spy -gency on "o>e=ber , &C7C. It #-s Vust - d-y -2ter students in Ir-n stor=ed the A=eric-n e=b-ssy -nd siX #ee%s be2ore So>iet p-r-troopers l-nded in 0-bul -s the >-ngu-rd o2 the hundreds o2 thous-nds o2 troops #ho #ould in>-de A2gh-nist-n o>er the 2ollo#ing =onths. The t#o e>ents con>ulsed ,IA he-dUu-rters, especi-lly the 2i2tyD three =e=bers o2 5oss "e#l-ndKs cl-ss. Top -gency o22ici-ls ordered -ll tr-inees eXcept those 2luent in - l-ngu-ge not spo%en in the @usli= #orld to be 2unneled to#-rd -ssign=ents in the @iddle ;-st or ,entr-l Asi-. 3ec-use he spo%e Sp-nish, "e#l-nd #-s one o2 - doAen tr-inees eXcluded 2ro= the Rdr-2t.S 3y the ti=e "e#l-nd h-d co=pleted his c-seDo22icer tr-ining, 5on-ld 5e-g-n h-d beco=e president -nd the ,IA h-d - ne#2ound interest in 4-tin A=eric-. ,oc-ine #-s 2lo#ing o>er the border into the United St-tes, -nd the 5e-g-n -d=inistr-tion #-s deeply #orried -bout the gro#ing po#er o2 le2tist guerrill- =o>e=ents in ,entr-l A=eric-. "e#l-nd h-d - =entor in "estor S-ncheA, #ho by then h-d le2t @-drid -nd

t-%en o>er the ,IAKs 4-tin A=eric- di>ision. <ro= his perch -t he-dUu-rters S-ncheA #-s -ble to guide "e#l-ndKs e-rly c-reer, -nd he put hi= -t the center o2 the -ction. !e #-s sent 2irst to 3oli>i-, then the #orldKs coc-ine c-pit-l, #here he #-s directed to culti>-te sources in the drug c-rtels. !e spent =uch o2 his ti=e in the 3oli>i-n lo#l-nds, posing -s -n A=eric-n business=-n -nd trying to =-%e 2riends -=ong the drugDrunners in the city o2 S-nt- ,ruA. !e dr-n% #ith the=, bet on coc%2ights, =et their #i>es -nd =istresses, -nd dro>e #ith the= out o2 the city to e-t duc% #ith =-ngo -nd pine-pple in r-=sh-c%le bung-lo#s -long the ro-d le-ding into the Vungle. 9hen he #-snKt in S-nt- ,ruA, he #-s in the 3oli>i-n c-pit-l o2 4- P-A, -#-iting the neXt coup -tte=pt. The ,IA st-tion in 3oli>i- too% pride in predicting e-ch coup be2ore it h-ppened, -nd the -gency o22icers there didnKt #-nt to blo# their per2ect tr-c% record. 3ut "e#l-nd got - br-cing dose o2 re-lity -bout his pl-ce in the #orld #hen the one success2ul =ilit-ry o>erthro# during his tour in 3oli>i- e-rned only - s=-ll =ention on the inside p-ges o2 the "e# $or% Ti=es. The pre>ious 2our -tte=pts h-dnKt e>en =-de it into the p-per. The 5e-g-n -d=inistr-tion h-d identi2ied the 3oli>i-n go>ern=ent -s - p-rtner in the #-r on drugs. 3ut -s he st-rted to penetr-te the 3oli>i-n drug net#or%s, "e#l-nd beg-n to #rite intelligence reports -bout the r-=p-nt corruption -=ong top o22ici-ls in 4- P-A, =-ny o2 #ho= #ere on the p-yroll o2 the c-rtels. The =inister o2 the interior #-s protecting the drug %ingpins 2ro= prosecution, -nd they #ere p-ying hi= o22 in r-nches, Ve#els, -nd c-sh. The reports #ere h-rdly #h-t the A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor in 4- P-A #-nted to re-d. <or "e#l-nd, the eXperience in 3oli>i- #-s - 2irst gli=pse o2 ho# 9-shingtonKs policy o2 propping up corrupt go>ern=ents to ser>e - singul-r go-l\in this c-se the #-r on drugs\could under=ine longDter= A=eric-n interests. !e -lso beg-n to Uuestion #hether the ,IA should re-lly be in ch-rge o2 the drug #-r, or #hether the 5e-g-n -d=inistr-tion h-d Vust le-ned on the -gency bec-use =essy #-rs -re best 2ought in secret. T#o dec-des l-ter he #ould h->e si=il-r Uuestions -bout the ,IAKs role in the #-r -g-inst terrorists.

to 3oli>i-, the ,IAKs 4-tin A=eric- di>ision #-s rel-ti>ely sleepy corner o2 the spy -gencyKs Lirector-te o2 6per-tions. 3ut it #ould soon beco=e the center o2 the ,IAKs uni>erse, l-rgely bec-use o2 dyn-=ics =-ny p-y gr-des -bo>e "e#l-nd. In Pune &C8&, "estor S-ncheA le2t the -gency 2or the Pent-gon. !is repl-ce=ent #-s Lu-ne 5. ,l-rridge, - ginDdrin%ing -nd h-rdDch-rging spy o2 the old school #ho #-s eX-ctly in the =old sought by 9illi-= P. ,-sey, 5on-ld 5e-g-nKs ne#ly inst-lled ,IA chie2. 0no#n to -ll -s RLe#ey,S ,l-rridge gre# up in - "e# !-=pshire 2-=ily o2 st-unch 5epublic-ns (his nic%n-=e #-s - tribute to Go>ernor Tho=-s ;. Le#ey, o2 "e# $or%) -nd e-rned degrees 2ro= 3ro#n -nd ,olu=bi- be2ore Voining the ,IA in &C . !e #-s e-ger to b-ttle the So>iet Union on e-ch sh-do#y 2ront o2 the ,old 9-r . 3y &C8&, he h-d ser>ed underco>er in "ep-l, Indi-, Tur%ey, -nd It-ly, o2ten posing -s - business=-n -nd using pseudony=s li%e Le#ey @-rone -nd L-X Preston 4e3-ron . 9ith - highDoct-ne person-lity -nd - pre2erence 2or #hite suits -nd poc%et sUu-res, ,l-rridge -ttr-cted - 2ollo#ing -=ong younger underco>er o22icers. !e #-s 2ond o2 s-ying th-t the ,IAKs cl-ndestine ser>ice R=-rches 2or the president,S but his push 2or -ggressi>e cl-ndestine oper-tions so=eti=es in2uri-ted St-te Lep-rt=ent diplo=-ts . ,l-rridgeKs boss in 5o=e, A=b-ss-dor 5ich-rd G-rdner, c-lled hi= R sh-llo# -nd de>ious
9!;" ";94A"L 9AS LISPAT,!;L

.S 9hen he returned to 9-shington, in &C8&, ,l-rridge Uuic%ly de>eloped - r-pport #ith ,-sey. 6n ,l-rridgeKs 2irst d-y b-c% -t ,IA he-dUu-rters, ,-sey c-lled hi= into his o22ice -nd s-id th-t the 5e-g-n -d=inistr-tion #-s #orried -bout ,ub- -nd the S-ndinist- go>ern=ent in "ic-r-gu- ReXporting re>olutionS throughout ,entr-l A=eric-, p-rticul-rly to ;l S-l>-dor. 9ithin - #ee%, ,l-rridge c-=e b-c% #ith - pl-n7 T-%e the #-r to "ic-r-gu-. St-rt %illing ,ub-ns. ,-sey, - 2or=er 6SS =-n, e=br-ced the pl-n i==edi-tely. !e told ,l-rridge to dr-2t - secret 2inding 2or the president to sign, -uthoriAing - co>ert #-r in ,entr-l A=eric. It #-s >ery e-rly into his presidency, but 5on-ld 5e-g-n #-s -lre-dy -cceler-ting co>ert -cti>ities both in 4-tin A=eric- -nd in A2gh-nist-n, #here he incre-sed support to the =uV-hedeen 2ighting So>iet troops. 5e-g-n #-s initi-ting - ne# turn o2 the cycle7 The Rris%D->erseS ,IA #-s once -g-in running secret #-rs -bro-d. ,l-rridge #-s Vust the =-n to be in ch-rge o2 the ,entr-l A=eric-n 2ront, -nd he used - ,IA slush 2und to buy guns, -==unition, =ules, -nd he->y #e-pons 2or the "ic-r-gu-n ,ontr-s, the rebels resisting the go>ern=ent. !e #or%ed closely #ith the Pent-gonKs speci-lDoper-tions troops, -nd #ith -n -ide -t the 9hite !ouse "-tion-l Security ,ouncil, 4t. ,olonel 6li>er "orth, to build the ,ontr-s up into - guerrill- 2orce he hoped #ould preoccupy the S-ndinist- go>ern=ent -nd pre>ent it 2ro= spre-ding its in2luence -round A=eric-Ks b-c%y-rd. The ,IAKs budget 2or "ic-r-gu- #-s tinyQ ,l-rridge -nd the -gencyKs 4-tin A=eric- h-nds used to Vo%e th-t the U.S. "->y pushed tr-sh o2 gre-ter >-lue o22 its -ircr-2t c-rriers in - single =orning th-n the ,IA h-d to spend in "ic-r-gu- in -n entire ye-r.

o2 his peers -t the ,IA s-# the #-rs in ,entr-l A=eric- -s eX-ctly #h-t the spy -gency needed to ->oid. 3ut by &C8 "e#l-ndKs #or% in the ,IAKs 4-tin A=eric- di>ision brought hi= to the he-rt o2 the co>ert #-rs o2 the 5e-g-n er-. !e -rri>ed in ,ost- 5ic- Vust =onths -2ter - secret ,IA oper-tion to =ine "ic-r-gu-Ks h-rbors h-d unle-shed - 2ury in ,ongress -nd ulti=-tely led l-#=-%ers to put ne# rules in pl-ce -bout #hen the intelligence co==ittees #ere to be noti2ied -bout ,IA co>ertD-ction progr-=s . The =ining oper-tion, #hich Le#ey ,l-rridge cl-i=s he dre-=t up o>er - gl-ss o2 gin -nd - cig-r, cost ,l-rridge his Vob -s chie2 o2 the 4-tin A=eric- di>ision. !e =o>ed l-ter-lly inside the ,IAKs cl-ndestine ser>ice, t-%ing o>er ,IA oper-tions in ;urope. In ,ost- 5ic-, "e#l-nd s-# 2irsth-nd the #-r th-t Le#ey ,l-rridge h-d built. ,IA o22icers in ,ost- 5ic- #ere =-n-ging the southern 2ront o2 the ,ontr- #-rQ the northern oper-tions #ere run out o2 !ondur-s. ,ongress h-d, by then, b-nned the 5e-g-n -d=inistr-tion 2ro= supporting the "ic-r-gu-n rebels, but the ,IAKs st-tion chie2 in ,ost- 5ic-, Poe <ern-ndeA, #-s #or%ing #ith 6li>er "orth to deli>er supplies to the rebels. "e#l-ndKs Vob #-s to penetr-te the go>ern=ent in the c-pit-l o2 @-n-gu- in order to deter=ine the pl-ns -nd intentions o2 senior "ic-r-gu-n politic-l -nd =ilit-ry o22ici-ls\tr-dition-l espion-ge #or%. !e =et #ith -gents, #rote intelligence reports -bout the str-tegy o2 the S-ndinist- go>ern=ent, -nd put those reports into the stre-=
56SS ";94A"L A"L @A"$

o2 cl-ssi2ied c-bles going b-c% to 4-ngley. 9h-t #-s biA-rre, ho#e>er, #-s th-t other ,IA o22icers in ch-rge o2 running the ,ontr-s #ere doing the eX-ct s-=e thing. A=eric-n co>ert o22icers #ould =-%e decisions -bout #hich S-ndinist- t-rgets the ,ontr-s should hit -nd then #rite up intelligence reports predicting #hich t-rgets #ere -bout to be hit. The c-bles #ere sent b-c% to 9-shington, -nd, not surprisingly, the predictions #ere usu-lly correct. The ,IA #-s, in other #ords, gener-ting its o#n intelligence. RI thought this #-s so nuts,S "e#l-nd rec-lled. RTh-tKs not the #-y #e #ere t-ught. 3ut th-tKs the #-y you do it in - p-r-=ilit-ry situ-tion.S The A=eric-n e22ort in "ic-r-gu- ste-dily unr->eled -=id re>el-tions th-t =oney h-d been di>erted to the ,ontr-s 2ro= the s-le o2 !A90 =issiles to Ir-n, - s-le bro%ered by 6li>er "orth in -n -tte=pt to secure the rele-se o2 A=eric-n host-ges held in 3eirut. "e#l-nd #-tched -s the Ir-nO,ontr- in>estig-tion slo#ly ensn-red his ,IA bosses, p-st -nd present. !is st-tion chie2 in 3oli>i-, Pi= Ad%ins, #ho h-d =o>ed to !ondur-s to run ,ontr- oper-tions 2ro= the north, #-s 2ired 2ro= the -gency #hen it e=erged he h-d -uthoriAed helicopter 2lights to c-rry supplies into "ic-r-gu-. Poe <ern-ndeA #-s indicted on Pune :', &C88, on counts o2 obstruction o2 Vustice -nd =-%ing 2-lse st-te=ents, -lthough the ch-rges #ere e>entu-lly dropped. "estor S-ncheA, "e#l-ndKs 2irst =entor -t the ,IA, #-s suspected o2 in>ol>e=ent in the illeg-l oper-tions #hile #or%ing -t the Pent-gon but #-s ne>er ch-rged #ith - cri=e. The ,ontr- deb-cle #-s - se-ring eXperience 2or "e#l-nd. !e dis-greed #ith =uch o2 #h-t he #itnessed in ,entr-l A=eric-, but he #-s bitter th-t -gency o22icers #ere being bled dry de2ending the=sel>es #hile senior 9hite !ouse o22ici-ls esc-ped punish=ent. 3ut it t-ught hi= - lesson th-t he #ould -pply ye-rs l-ter, #hen President George 9. 3ush -uthoriAed the ,IA to c-rry out the =ost eXtensi>e co>ertDoper-tions c-=p-ign in its history, -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. Th-t lesson^ Get e>erything in #riting. R9hen #e got into things li%e leth-l -uthorities, detention policies, -ll o2 these things, I =-de sure this #-s signed up -nd do#n Pennsyl>-ni- A>enue,S he rec-lls. R9hy^ 3ec-use I h-d been there be2ore.S

2i>e ye-rs be2ore Ir-nO,ontr- in>estig-tors #ould c-tch up to Le#ey ,l-rridge -nd indict hi= on perVury ch-rges. 3ut be2ore th-t, he con>inced ,-sey to upend the -gencyKs bure-ucr-cy to de-l #ith - thre-t th-t neither the ,IA nor the Pent-gon h-d spent =uch ti=e thin%ing -bout7 Isl-=ic terroris=. In - t#oDye-r sp-n beginning in &C83, terrorist groups #ith n-=es un2-=ili-r to =ost A=eric-ns #ent on - stunning intern-tion-l %illing spree. The sp-te o2 -tt-c%s beg-n #hen - bo=b ripped through the A=eric-n e=b-ssy in 3eirut -nd %illed siXtyDthree e=ployees, including eight ,IA o22icers. 4-ter th-t ye-r, - truc% p-c%ed #ith eXplosi>es %illed :*& @-rines sleeping in their b-rr-c%s in 3eirut, -n -tt-c% th-t h-d been ordered by -n underground terror cell c-lled the Isl-=ic Pih-d 6rg-niA-tion (- co>er n-=e -t the ti=e 2or !eAboll-h) to protest the =ilit-ryKs illD-d>ised deploy=ent to 4eb-non. In Pune &C8 , 4eb-nese hiV-c%ers %illed - U.S. "->y di>er during the T9A <light 8*7 host-ge st-ndo22, -nd in 6ctober &C8 - P-lestini-n terrorist %no#n -s Abu Abb-s hiV-c%ed the Achille 4-uro cruise ship, ordering the %illing o2 - siXtyDnineDye-rDold A=eric-n tourist n-=ed 4eon 0lingho22er. !is body #-s thro#n o>erbo-rd. Struggling 2or - response, 5e-g-n o22ici-ls considered gi>ing the ,IA the -uthority to hunt -nd %ill 4eb-nese terrorists using te-=s o2 loc-l hit =en. 6li>er "orth #rote dr-2t o2 - presidenti-l 2inding th-t included l-ngu-ge gi>ing the ,IA -uthority to Rneutr-liAe S =ilit-nts #ith de-dly 2orce. ,-sey #-s intrigued by the ide- o2 using 4eb-nese hit
IT 96U4L 3; A"6T!;5

=en, but his deputy #-s -pp-lled. Pohn @c@-hon, #ho still bore sc-rs 2ro= the congression-l in>estig-tions o2 the &C7's -nd h-d gro#n #e-ry o2 ,-seyKs eXploits, #-s enr-ged #hen he he-rd -bout the pl-n. !e #-s sure th-t cre-ting hit sUu-ds >iol-ted President <ordKs -ss-ssin-tion b-n. R Lo you %no# #h-t intelligence =e-ns to these people^S he -s%ed ,-sey, re2erring to 9hite !ouse o22ici-ls. RItKs tossing - bo=b. ItKs blo#ing up people.S And, he s-id, -ny blo#b-c% 2ro= decision to st-rt %illing terrorists #ould be 2elt not -t the 9hite !ouse but -t the ,IA. RTo the rest o2 the #orld,S he #-rned ,-sey, RitKs not -d=inistr-tion policy, itKs not -n "S, ide-\itKs those cr-Ay b-st-rds -t ,IA.S 3ut ,-sey #-s not con>inced by @c@-honKs obVections, -nd he thre# his support behind 6li>er "orthKs propos-l. In "o>e=ber &C8*, President 5e-g-n signed - secret 2inding -uthoriAing the ,IA -nd the Pent-gonKs Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd to go -he-d #ith the tr-ining o2 4eb-nese hit =en . 3ut the pl-n #-s ne>er c-rried out, -nd the 2inding #-s ulti=-tely rescinded by 5e-g-n -=id opposition 2ro= the St-te Lep-rt=ent -nd the ,IAKs old gu-rd. <or=er ,IA director 5ich-rd !el=s, #eighing in 2ro= his retire=ent, told -n -ide to Nice President George !. 9. 3ush th-t the United St-tes should not -dopt the Isr-eli =odel o2 R 2ighting terroris= #ith terroris= .S ,-sey h-d hoped th-t the r-sh o2 terroris= #ould end -s Uuic%ly -s it beg-n. 3ut so=e ,IA o22icers -t the ti=e thought th-t ,-sey si=ply didnKt underst-nd the ne# thre-t , -nd - bloody ,hrist=-sti=e -tt-c% -t the ;l Al tic%et counters inside the Nienn-nd 5o=e -irports in &C8 destroyed -ny hope th-t terroris= #ould 2-de -#-y. P-lestini-n gun=en doped up on -=phet-=ines %illed nineteen people during the -irport spree. The grisliness o2 the -tt-c%s #-s dri>en ho=e to A=eric-ns through the de-th o2 -n ele>enDye-rDold A=eric-n n-=ed "-t-sh- Si=pson. A terrorist shot the girl -t close r-nge -s she l-y in her 2-therKs -r=s. Shortly -2ter the -tt-c%s in Nienn- -nd 5o=e, ,l-rridge =-de his -rgu=ent to ,-sey 2or - ne# ,IA c-=p-ign -g-inst Isl-=ic terroris=. ,l-rridge thought the -gency #-s in - de2ensi>e crouch, -nd he #on the directorKs blessing to begin -n eXp-nsi>e ne# #-r . ,l-rridgeKs propos-l #-s to cre-te - dedic-ted group inside the ,IA de>oted solely to intern-tion-l terroris=. It #ould be - R2usion centerS #here cl-ndestine o22icers #ould #or% neXt to -n-lysts, piecing together clues -bout possible thre-ts -nd g-thering intelligence in order to c-pture or %ill terrorist le-ders. 9h-t sounds li%e - st-nd-rd bure-ucr-tic reorg-niA-tion #-s, -t the ti=e, Uuite contro>ersi-l. The ,IA is -ctu-lly 2r-g=ented, cliUuish culture, =ore li%e - public high school th-n =-ny inside the -gency c-re to -d=it. Poc%ish p-r-=ilit-ry o22icers tend to shun the nerdy -n-lysts, #ho reg-rd the p-r-=ilit-ry oper-ti>es -s %nuc%leDdr-ggers. At the top o2 the pyr-=id -re the c-se o22icers\the spies #ho go out into the #orld\#ho belie>e they -re doing the re-l #or% o2 the ,IA -nd li%e to bo-st th-t they donKt 2ollo# orders 2ro= des% Voc%eys -t he-dUu-rters. There #-s i==edi-te resist-nce to ,l-rridgeKs ide- 2ro= cl-ndestine o22icers #ith @iddle ;-st eXperience. They belie>ed th-t the center #ould be st-22ed by o22icers #ho didnKt underst-nd the nu-nces o2 the Isl-=ic #orld -nd #ould cre-te =esses th-t the o22icers st-tioned o>erse-s #ould h->e to cle-n up. ,h-sing terrorists, they sni22ed, #-s

police #or%, better suited to the <3I th-n the ,IA. <in-lly, =-ny o22icers si=ply didnKt trust ,l-rridge -nd s-# the center -s e=pire building. The ,ounterterrorist ,enter #-s, there2ore, born -=id the si=il-r tensions th-t the ,IA #ould eXperience -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s\bet#een c-se o22icers in Isl-=-b-d -nd ,T, oper-ti>es -t 4-ngley, bet#een those pushing 2or unil-ter-l oper-tions -nd those #-rning th-t such oper-tions could sh-tter delic-te rel-tions #ith 2oreign intelligence ser>ices. ,-sey ignored the intern-l obVections -nd -ppro>ed ,l-rridgeKs propos-l, -nd the ,ounterterrorist ,enter beg-n oper-tions on <ebru-ry &, &C8G. The ,T,Ks birth n-rr-ti>e #-s 2-=ili-r7 The 9hite !ouse #-s struggling #ith - proble= it couldnKt 2ind -n -ns#er 2or, so it loo%ed to the ,IA 2or - solution. And the ,IA #-s h-ppy to oblige. The cre-tion o2 the ,T, #-s -lso signi2ic-nt bec-use, 2ro= the beginning, ,T, o22icers #or%ed closely #ith =ilit-ry speci-lDoper-tions troops -nd -llo#ed the =ilit-ry to be - p-rtner in cl-ndestine =issions. The Pent-gonKs Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd #-s 2ounded one ye-r -2ter the ,T,, -nd oper-ti>es 2ro= both org-niA-tions >ie#ed e-ch other -s %indred souls, i=bued #ith the spirit o2 3ill Lono>-nKs 6SS. Unli%e other p-rts o2 the ,IA, the ,ounterterrorist ,enter didnKt turn up its nose -t the =ilit-ry. The Pent-gonKs co==-ndos #ere p-rtners #ith the terrorist hunters -t the ,T,. 9hen the ,ounterterrorist ,enter beg-n oper-tions, there #ere no ongoing co>ert oper-tions -g-inst intern-tion-l terrorist groups, -nd the ,T, beg-n #or%ing #ith Ar=y p-r-=ilit-ry units li%e Lelt- <orce to penetr-te the Abu "id-l org-niA-tion -nd !eAboll-h . 4-#yers #or%ing 2or President 5e-g-n dre# up secret leg-l =e=os concluding th-t hunting -nd %illing terrorists did not >iol-te the &C7G -ss-ssin-tion b-n, Vust -s l-#yers #or%ing 2or Presidents George 9. 3ush -nd 3-r-c% 6b-=- #ould do dec-des l-ter. These terrorist groups #ere plotting -tt-c%s -g-inst A=eric-ns, the l-#yers -rgued, so %illing the= #ould be sel2Dde2ense, not -ss-ssin-tion. 3ut getting the leg-l -uthorities is only one step, -nd it doesnKt gu-r-ntee th-t politici-ns #ill bless speci2ic leth-l oper-tions. Luring the e-rly ye-rs o2 the ,ounterterrorist ,enter, the 9hite !ouse h-d little politic-l c-pit-l to spend con>incing ,ongress o2 the need to %ill terrorists in secret. The Ir-nO,ontr- in>estig-tions h-d s-pped the energies 2ro= 5e-g-nKs n-tion-lDsecurity te-= -nd gi>en =ore clout to -d>isers li%e "-tion-l Security Ad>isor ,olin Po#ell -nd Secret-ry o2 St-te George ShultA, #ho urged -g-inst -ny =ore o>erse-s eXploits. There #-s no longer the sto=-ch 2or - 2ight, rec-lled <red Turco, #ho #-s Le#ey ,l-rridgeKs deputy -t the ,T, -nd l-ter too% o>er the center. R The #heels h-d 2-llen o22 2or 5e-g-n .S

56SS ";94A"L 4;<Tthe

Vungles o2 ,entr-l A=eric- cynic-l -bout ho# the Ir-nO,ontrsc-nd-l h-d sh-ttered the -gencyKs cl-ndestine ser>ice. 3ut unli%e his ,IA bosses, he h-d not beco=e en=eshed in the un2olding sc-nd-lQ in 2-ct, he recei>ed - pro=otion. !e -nd se>er-l o2 his conte=por-ries #ere ele>-ted to beco=e chie2s o2 o>erse-s st-tions in ;-stern ;urope, Vobs th-t put the= in ch-rge o2 -gency oper-tions in >-rious So>iet s-tellite st-tes. Still in his e-rly thirties, "e#l-nd bec-=e the youngest st-tion chie2 in the history o2 the ,IAKs di>ision h-ndling ;-stern ;urope -nd the So>iet Union. In &C88, the ,IA didnKt see th-t -s =uch o2 - ris%. RThey put us there bec-use they #ere pretty con2ident th-t nothing #-s going to h-ppen,S s-id "e#l-nd. RAnd, boy, did they 2uc% up.S 9ithin - ye-r, the 3erlin 9-ll h-d cru=bled -nd re>olution h-d spre-d throughout ;-stern ;urope. As the ,IAKs top o22icer in 5o=-ni-, "e#l-nd #-s in ch-rge o2 %eeping the 3ush -d=inistr-tion in2or=ed -bout the coll-pse o2 the regi=e o2 "icol-e

,e-usescu, #ho 2led 3uch-rest #ith his #i2e -s cro#ds s#elled in the streets during the #ee% be2ore ,hrist=-s &C8C. 6n ,hrist=-s L-y, #ith 5o=-ni-n p-r-troopers holding "icol-e -nd ;len- ,e-usescu in custody, "e#l-nd 2ound hi=sel2 trying to con>ince the o22icers o2 the unit holding the couple not to eXecute the= #ithout -t le-st conducting so=e %ind o2 tri-l. At le-st, th-tKs #h-t "e#l-ndKs bosses -t 4-ngley h-d told hi= to tell the 5o=-ni-n troops. RAnd so #e 2orced the= to go through - tri-l, -nd it l-sted, li%e, t#enty =inutes,S he s-id. 9hen th-t 2or=-lity #-s dispensed #ith, the pl-toon co==-nder -s%ed 2or three >olunteers to 2or= - 2iring sUu-d. 3ut #hen the 5o=-ni-n dict-tor -nd his #i2e #ere put up -g-inst the #-ll, their h-nds bound behind their b-c%s, the entire pl-toon opened 2ire. 9ith the end o2 the ,old 9-r c-=e the end o2 the ,IAKs de2ining =ission. ,ountering the -d>-nce o2 ,o==unis= h-d been the -gencyKs lodest-r, Vusti2ying dec-des o2 2-rD2lung oper-tions in 4-tin A=eric-, the @iddle ;-st, -nd ;urope. The budget cuts to the Pent-gon -nd ,IA during the &CC's hit the -gencyKs cl-ndestine ser>ice p-rticul-rly h-rd, #ith o>erse-s st-tions shuttered -nd the tot-l nu=ber o2 ,IA c-se o22icers sl-shed. 6>er-ll spending on hu=-nDintelligence collection #-s cut by :: percent o>er the dec-de. President ,linton, A=eric-Ks 2irst b-byDboo=er president -nd oneti=e Nietn-= 9-r protester, #-s - n-tur-l s%eptic o2 the ,IA -nd g->e his spy chie2s little ti=e during his 2irst ter=. 5. P-=es 9oolsey Pr., ,lintonKs 2irst ,IA director, s-id th-t ,linton p-id little -ttention to intelligence issues -nd h-d pri>-te =eetings #ith his spy chie2 only once - ye-r. R9e h-d >ery little -ccess, 2r-n%ly,S 9oolsey s-id. A2ter he le2t the ,IA he Vo%ed th-t the =-n #ho cr-shed - stolen ,essn- pl-ne on the South 4-#n o2 the 9hite !ouse, in Septe=ber &CC*, #-s -ctu-lly hi= trying to get - =eeting #ith the president . The -gency #-s -lso still 2-cing - rec%oning 2or the -ggressi>e oper-tions in 4-tin A=eric- o>erseen by Le#ey ,l-rridge in the &C8's. In &CCG, -n intelligenceDo>ersight bo-rd issued - report det-iling the eXtensi>e hu=-nDrights -buses c-rried out 2or =ore th-n - dec-de by ,IA -ssets in Gu-te=-l-. It -lleged th-t bet#een &C8* -nd &C8G se>er-l ,IA in2or=-nts #ere -lleged to h->e R ordered, pl-nned, or p-rticip-ted in serious hu=-nDrights >iol-tions such -s -ss-ssin-tion, eXtr-Vudici-l eXecution, torture, or %idn-pping #hile they #ere -ssets\-nd th-t the ,IA #-s conte=por-neously -#-re o2 =-ny o2 the -lleg-tions.S The Gu-te=-l- re>el-tions h-d been tric%ling out 2or ye-rs, le-ding ,IA director Pohn @. Leutch to i=pose ne# restrictions on -gency c-se o22icers consorting #ith uns->ory ch-r-cters. The drug lords #ith #ho= 5oss "e#l-nd h-d once bet on coc%2ights in 3oli>i- #ould no# be o22Dli=its to ,IA o22icers, -s #ould terrorists #ho =ight be -tte=pting to %ill A=eric-ns. Leutch, - che=ist #ith - Ph.L. 2ro= the @-ss-chusetts Institute o2 Technology, c-=e to 4-ngley 2ro= the Pent-gon -2ter President ,linton re=o>ed P-=es 9oolsey 2ro= the ,IA Vob in &CC . !e #-nted to build spy s-tellites -nd o>erse-s listening posts, not send cl-ndestine o22icers on s#-shbuc%ling secret =issions. !e didnKt trust the -gencyKs cl-ndestine ser>ice, -nd they tre-ted hi= li%e - >irus th-t h-d in>-ded the host body. 6ne o2 his initi-ti>es #-s to h->e the ,IA #or% =ore closely #ith the =ilit-ry on issues other th-n counterterroris=, #hich by the =idDnineties h-d returned to being -n issue o2 little i=port-nce -t the ,IA. Since the end o2 the Gul2 9-r, in &CC&, Pent-gon gener-ls h-d co=pl-ined th-t the ,IA h-d been useless in penetr-ting S-dd-= !usseinKs regi=e be2ore the #-r bro%e out -nd Vust -s b-d in helping the =ilit-ry hunt Ir-Ui 2orces in the desert. Leutch ordered ,IA o22icers to ser>e in =ilit-ry co==-nd posts -round the globe to =-%e sure th-t the -gency #-s gi>ing its best intelligence on

glob-l thre-ts. Leutch belie>ed th-t the ,IAKs role o2 supporting the =ilit-ry #-s so essenti-l th-t in &CC he -lso cre-ted - topDle>el Vob to ser>e -s - li-ison to the Pent-gon, - post th-t #ould be held by - senior =ilit-ry o22icer. So=e inside the -gency Vo%ed th-t e=bedding ,IA oper-ti>es inside =ilit-ry co==-nds -nd 2l-g o22icers inside the intelligence -gency #-s the bure-ucr-tic eUui>-lent o2 - host-ge s#-p. The 2irst =ilit-ry o22icer t-pped 2or the ,IA Vob #-s Nice Ad=ir-l Lennis ,. 3l-ir, #iry $-n%ee 2ro= 0ittery, @-ine, #ho h-d gr-du-ted 2ro= the "->-l Ac-de=y in &CG8 -nd #ent on to 6X2ord Uni>ersity -s - 5hodes schol-r, #here he bec-=e 2riends #ith young 3ill ,linton. 3l-ir =et resist-nce -l=ost i==edi-tely 2ro= ,IA o22icers #ho #ere s%eptic-l -bout the threeDst-r -d=ir-l #ith - di= >ie# o2 the ,IAKs tr-c% record on co>ert -ction. As 3l-ir s-# it, the -gency should be 2ocusing on collecting -nd -n-lyAing intelligence, not on bl-c% oper-tions th-t only ser>ed to get the United St-tes in trouble. R Going b-c% to the history o2 ,IA co>ert oper-tions, I thin% you c-n =-%e the -rgu=ent th-t i2 #e h-d done none o2 the= #e #ould prob-bly be better o22, -nd cert-inly no #orse o22 th-n #e -re tod-y,S 3l-ir #ould s-y ye-rs l-ter. So=e -t 4-ngley s-# 3l-ir -s - Pent-gon =ole. 3ut his presence -lso r-ised bigger 2e-rs th-t the Pent-gon #ould consu=e the -gency -nd th-t the ,IA #ould lose its spot -s the presidentKs loy-l intelligence ser>ice. The =en, -s Le#ey ,l-rridge h-d s-id, =-rched 2or the president. 3l-ir soon 2ound hi=sel2 2ighting b-ttles #ith the ,IAKs Lirector-te o2 6per-tions on the biggest issue o2 the ti=e, the #-r in the 3-l%-ns. 6ne o2 the 2ights #-s o>er - ne# sur>eill-nce tool the ,IA h-d borro#ed 2ro= the Air <orce to spy in 3osni-, - g-ngly, insectDli%e -irpl-ne c-lled the 5WD& Pred-tor. The ,IA h-d been 2lying the Pred-tor to spy on Serbi-n troop positions, -nd senior -gency o22icers proposed inst-lling >ideo screens inside the 9hite !ouse to -llo# President ,linton -nd his -ides to #-tch the li>e drone 2eed. 3l-ir -d=ired the ,IAKs initi-ti>e in de>eloping the Pred-tor but thought it #ould be - #-ste o2 the presidentKs precious ti=e #-tching - drone 2eed. !e suspected th-t the ,IAKs cl-ndestine ser>ice #-s Vust trying to sho# o22 its ne# toy 2or President ,linton. R 9h-tKs the president going to do #ith it^S 3l-ir re=e=bers -s%ing. RAnd they s-id, eIt needs to go into the 9hite !ouse in c-se the president #-nts to %no# #h-tKs going on in 3osni-.K RAnd I s-id, eTh-tKs ridiculoush The president is not going to loo% through this little sod- str-#hKS Leutch ulti=-tely sided #ith 3l-ir, -nd the ,IA ne>er 2ed the Pred-tor >ideo into the 9hite !ouse. It #-s - silly 2ight, but 2or 3l-ir, th-t episode -nd other b-ttles he 2ought #ith the -gencyKs cl-ndestine ser>ice #ere telling re=inders th-t the Lirector-te o2 6per-tions #ould try to bite -ny -r= trying to bloc% its direct p-th to the 6>-l 622ice. @ore th-n - dec-de l-ter, #ith -nother Le=ocr-tic president in ch-rge, 3l-ir #ould try once -g-in to get bet#een the ,IA -nd the 9hite !ouse. It #ould be 2-t-l to his c-reer.

*7 5U@S<;4LKS SPI;S
R 9e see= to h->e cre-ted our o#n ,IA, but li%e Topsy, uncoordin-ted -nd uncontrolled.S \Leputy Secret-ry o2 Le2ense <r-n% ,-rlucci, &C8: R Gi>en the n-ture o2 our #orld , isnKt it concei>-ble th-t the Lep-rt=ent ought not to be in - position o2 ne-r tot-l dependence on ,IA in situ-tions such -s this^S \Secret-ry o2 Le2ense Lon-ld 5u=s2eld, :''&

n "o>e=ber :''&, -s te-=s o2 A=eric-n Green 3erets, ,IA oper-ti>es, -nd A2gh-n

#-rlords #ere dislodging the T-lib-n 2orces 2ro= 0-bul -nd 0-nd-h-r, Lon-ld 5u=s2eld 2le# to <ort 3r-gg, "orth ,-rolin-, - spr-#ling b-se in <-yette>ille th-t 2or ye-rs h-d been ho=e to l-rge nu=bers o2 the =ilit-ryKs speci-lDoper-tions troops. It #-s pri=-rily =e-nt to be - d-y 2or gl-dDh-nding, #ith 5u=s2eld =eeting #ith the Speci-l <orces co==-nders to th-n% the= 2or #h-t h-d been, thus 2-r, - surprisingly e-sy in>-sion o2 A2gh-nist-n. A2ter - =orning o2 congr-tul-tions -nd Po#erPoint present-tions, 5u=s2eld #-s dri>en to - #-lledDo22 co=pound str-ddling <ort 3r-gg -nd -dV-cent to Pope Air <orce 3-se. It #-s the ho=e o2 the Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (PS6,), - highly cl-ssi2ied org-niA-tion co=prised =ostly o2 Ar=y Lelt- <orce oper-ti>es -nd =e=bers o2 the "->-l Speci-l 9-r2-re Le>elop=ent Group, co==only c-lled S;A4 Te-= SiX. PS6, #-s - s=-ll oper-tion-l -r= o2 the l-rger U.S. Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd, -nd -t the ti=e the Pent-gon re2used to -c%no#ledge the group e>en eXisted. PS6, put on - sho# 2or the >isiting de2ense secret-ry. To de=onstr-te its -bility to insert co==-ndos into countries undetected, soldiers p-r-chuted out o2 - pl-ne -nd l-nded right in 2ront o2 5u=s2eld. 6ne o2 the=, #e-ring - suit -nd c-rrying - brie2c-se, shed his p-r-chute -nd #-l%ed -#-y 2ro= the l-nding Aone in his #ingtip shoes. 5u=s2eld #-s -lso t-%en to - Rshoot house,S #here he #-tched - pr-ctice host-geD rescue oper-tion\the PS6, oper-ti>es pretending to %ill o22 -ll host-geDt-%ers #ithout h-r=ing the c-pti>es . 5u=s2eld #-s i==edi-tely sold. 3y th-t point, the speci-lDoper-tions group #-s #ell eXperienced in sho#ing o22 2or >isiting o22ici-ls. $e-rs e-rlier, in &C8G, 5epresent-ti>e Lic% ,heney #ent to <ort 3r-gg 2or - d-y o2 =eetings #ith Lelt- <orce co==-nders -nd he-rd -bout ho# Lelt- <orce #-s using d-t-b-ses to =ine in2or=-tion -bout possible terroris= thre-ts. In the =iddle o2 - brie2ing -bout 4eXis"eXis\the no#DubiUuitous ne#sD-ndDdocu=ent d-t-b-se th-t #-s then - no>elty\,heney -s%ed the =ilit-ry brie2er to se-rch the d-t-b-se 2or his n-=e. The top story #-s - ne#s -rticle -bout - bill in the !ouse o2 5epresent-ti>es th-t

,heney h-d sponsored -nd ho# -nother congress=-n h-d s-id the d-y be2ore th-t he #ould >ote -g-inst it. ,heney #-s li>id. !e ordered the #-tch o22icer to tr-c% do#n the congress=-n -nd then, 2ro= inside the oper-tions center, he scre-=ed -t the =-n o>er the phone. R 9e h-d to cle-r the pl-ce out,S re=e=bered Tho=-s 6K,onnell, then - top PS6, intelligence o22icer, #ho s-id th-t ,heney see=ed li%e R- ch-nged =-nS #hen he s-# the po#er o2 using d-t-b-ses to g-ther in2or=-tion -bout speci2ic indi>idu-ls. <ro= th-t point on, s-id 6K,onnell, R,heney #-s in his co=2ort Aone de-ling #ith speci-l oper-tors.S Se>enteen ye-rs l-ter, on - si=il-r pilgri=-ge to <ort 3r-gg, ,heneyKs old =entor Lon-ld 5u=s2eld -lso thought he #-s getting - gli=pse o2 the 2uture. Acco=p-nying 5u=s2eld on the trip #-s 5obert Andre#s, #ho h-d been -t 5u=s2eldKs side -l=ost const-ntly in the #ee%s since the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. Andre#s #-s the Pent-gonKs top ci>ili-n o22ici-l in ch-rge o2 speci-l oper-tions, -nd, li%e Nirgil in L-nteKs In2erno, he h-d been guiding 5u=s2eld through - d-r% #orld, #hich h-d eXp-nded dr-=-tic-lly since 5u=s2eldKs 2irst tour -s de2ense secret-ry, during the <ord -d=inistr-tion. 5u=s2eld couldnKt h->e 2ound - =ore eXperienced guide. A 2ol%sy n-ti>e o2 Sp-rt-nburg, South ,-rolin-, Andre#s gr-du-ted #ith - che=ic-lDengineering degree 2ro= the Uni>ersity o2 <lorid- in &CG' -nd Voined the Ar=y -s p-rt o2 -n 56T, co==it=ent he thought #ould %eep hi= in uni2or= 2or Vust t#o ye-rs. Inste-d, by &CG3 he h-d Voined the Green 3erets -nd beg-n #h-t #ould turn into 2i>e dec-des i==ersed in the #orld o2 speci-l oper-tions -nd intelligence. The 2ollo#ing ye-r, he le2t 2or Nietn-= -s - young Speci-l <orces c-pt-in, bound 2or the 2irst o2 t#o tours -s p-rt o2 co>ert p-r-=ilit-ry unit running - secret #-r -g-inst "orth Nietn-= #ith s-bot-ge, -ss-ssin-tion, -nd bl-c% prop-g-nd-. The group, %no#n o22ici-lly by the bl-nd bure-ucr-tic n-=e @ilit-ry Assist-nce ,o==-nd, Nietn-=\Studies -nd 6bser>-tion Group (@A,NOS6G), conducted the l-rgest -nd =ost intric-te co>ert oper-tions the United St-tes h-d c-rried out since the d-ys o2 the 6SS . Andre#s returned 2ro= Nietn-= -nd #rote - boo%, The Nill-ge 9-r, -bout the eXtensi>e intelligence net#or%s in South Nietn-=ese h-=lets th-t the ,o==unists h-d set up during the e-rly &CG's -nd used to out=-neu>er South Nietn-=ese -nd A=eric-n 2orces during the #-r. The boo% #-s b-sed -l=ost eXclusi>ely on interrog-tion reports o2 c-ptured "orth Nietn-=ese Ar=y -nd Niet ,ong soldiers -nd the -ccounts o2 "orth Nietn-=ese de2ectors. Andre#sKs boo% #-s #idely re-d inside the ,IA, -nd in &C7 , Vust -2ter S-igon 2ell to troops 2ro= the "orth, he #-s -s%ed to #or% -t 4-ngley -s the he-d o2 - te-= scrubbing the -gencyKs cl-ssi2ied -n-lysis o2 Nietn-=. R;ssenti-lly, it #-s loo%ing -t intelligence 2-ilures,S rec-lled Andre#s, #ho c-=e to re-liAe th-t A=eric-Ks proble=s in Nietn-= h-d -s =uch to do #ith - deep ignor-nce o2 the culture -nd psychology o2 the Nietn-=ese -s -ny speci2ic =ilit-ry blunders. !e st-yed -t the ,IA 2or 2i>e ye-rs be2ore le->ing to #or% in the de2ense industry -nd begin #riting - string o2 spy thrillers -nd =ysteries, including one c-lled The To#ers. The boo% #-s -bout - 2or=er ,IA oper-ti>e 2r-ntic-lly trying to de2use - terrorist plot inside the United St-tes. 6n the co>er #-s - picture o2 the 9orld Tr-de ,enter. Andre#s #-s siXtyD2our ye-rs old #hen he returned to the Pent-gon in :''&, -nd he #-s sitting by 5u=s2eldKs side on Septe=ber : , #hen Gener-l ,h-rles !oll-nd, he-d o2 U.S. Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (S6,6@), pro>ided the 2irst brie2ing -bout ho# the =ilit-ry #ould 2ight its #-r -g-inst -l W-ed-. 5u=s2eld h-d ordered !oll-nd to co=e up #ith - pl-n 2or - #orld#ide c-=p-ign beyond the -l W-ed- stronghold o2 A2gh-nist-n, -nd #hen

5u=s2eld g-thered his -ides -round - con2erence t-ble, he h-d eXpected to be told th-t =ight be possible. The brie2ing got o22 to - pro=ising st-rt, #hen !oll-nd sho#ed - =-p -nd tic%ed o22 the list o2 countries\A2gh-nist-n, P-%ist-n, So=-li-, $e=en, @-urit-ni-, e>en p-rts o2 4-tin A=eric-\#here the =ilit-ry belie>ed 6s-=- bin 4-denKs lieuten-nts #ere hiding. 5u=s2eld bec-=e -ni=-ted -nd interrupted the gener-l. R!o# soon c-n #e begin oper-tions in these countries^S he -s%ed. !oll-nd considered the Uuestion. A2ter - p-use, he told 5u=s2eld eX-ctly #h-t the ir-scible de2ense secret-ry didnKt #-nt to he-r. R9ell, it #ould be di22icult, bec-use #e donKt h->e -ny -ction-ble intelligence,S !oll-nd replied. There #-s -nother proble=7 S6,6@ #-snKt e>en prep-red to 2ight th-t %ind o2 #-r\or -ny #-r, 2or th-t =-tter. The co==-ndKs Vob #-s only to tr-in speci-lD oper-tions troops, get the= re-dy to 2ight, -nd send the= o22 to the Pent-gonKs other region-l =ilit-ry he-dUu-rters in the @iddle ;-st, the P-ci2ic, -nd else#here. The region-l co==-nders Ve-lously gu-rded their o#n p-tches o2 the globe -nd loo%ed di=ly -t the prospect o2 S6,6@ running its o#n =issions on their tur2. Things then #ent 2ro= b-d to #orse #hen 5u=s2eld -s%ed !oll-nd -nother Uuestion, one he 2igured =ight get -n -ccept-ble response. 9hen #ould speci-lD oper-tions troops get into A2gh-nist-n -nd begin the #-r there^ R9hen #e get cle-r-nce 2ro= the ,IA,S !oll-nd replied. 5obert Andre#s loo%ed o>er -t 5u=s2eld, #ho= Andre#s rec-lled #-s in the process o2 Rscre#ing hi=sel2 into the ceiling.S In - =-tter o2 =inutes, he h-d been told th-t not only did his eXpensi>e speci-lDoper-tions troops l-c% -ny intelligence -bout -l W-ed-Q they -lso couldnKt e>en go to the b-ttle2ield #ithout getting per=ission 2ro= George Tenet -nd the ,IA. This #-s so=ething th-t 2rustr-ted 5u=s2eld 2reUuently during the =onths -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, so o2ten th-t he once co=pl-ined to Gener-l To==y <r-n%s, co==-nder o2 U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd -nd the gener-l in ch-rge o2 the A2gh-n #-r, th-t e>en though the Le2ense Lep-rt=ent #-s =-ny ti=es the siAe o2 the ,IA, the =ilit-ry #-s li%e R little birds in - nest , #-iting 2or so=eone to drop 2ood in their =ouths.S L-ys -2ter the #-r in A2gh-nist-n beg-n he h-d d-shed o22 -n -cerbic =e=o to Point ,hie2s ch-ir=-n Gener-l 5ich-rd @yers. RGi>en the n-ture o2 our #orld,S 5u=s2eld #rote, RisnKt it concei>-ble th-t the Lep-rt=ent ought not to be in - position o2 ne-r tot-l dependence on ,IA in situ-tions such -s this^S 5u=s2eld h-d long been critic-l o2 the intelligence -gency. In &CC8, #hen he #-s ch-ir=-n o2 -n independent co==ission to -ssess the b-llisticD=issile thre-t to the United St-tes, he #rote - letter to Tenet th-t #-s - #ithering indict=ent o2 ,IA Vudg=ents -bout the =issile c-p-bilities o2 Ir-n -nd "orth 0ore-. 3ut no#, in the =idst o2 - ne# #-r, he re-liAed he en>ied the spy -gencyKs -bility to send its oper-ti>es -ny#here, -t -ny ti=e, #ithout h->ing to -s% per=ission. R$ou c-n legiti=-tely tr-ce the ch-nge in #-r2-re b-c% to the re-liA-tion th-t #e didnKt h->e the intelligence to 2ight the #-r #e #-nted to 2ight,S s-id Andre#s -bout his bossKs decisions in the ye-r -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. 5u=s2eld concluded th-t the only -ns#er #-s to =-%e the Pent-gon =ore li%e the ,IA.

L6"A4L 5U@S<;4LKS ,6",;5"S#erenKt

entirely ne#. In &C8', -2ter - 2iery deb-cle in the L-shtDe 0->ir, Ir-nKs Gre-t S-lt Lesert, the Pent-gon decided it needed =ore o2 its o#n

spies. The cl-ndestine =ission th-t April to rescue 2i2tyDt#o host-ges i=prisoned in the A=eric-nDe=b-ssy co=pound in Tehr-n #-s sn-%ebitten 2ro= the st-rt7 Three o2 the eight helicopters in>ol>ed in the rescue oper-tion de>eloped =ech-nic-l proble=s on the #-y to the re=ote l-nding stripQ -nother cr-shDl-nded -t the rendeA>ous pointQ -nd, shortly -2ter co==-nders g->e the order to -bort the =ission, - helicopter c-ught in s-ndstor= collided #ith - =ilit-ry c-rgo pl-ne, %illing eight soldiers in -n eXplosion th-t lit up the desert s%y. And yet the botched =ission in Ir-n #-s not, in the =ilit-ryKs >ie#, si=ply - tr-gic con2luence o2 n-i>e eXpect-tions, poor pl-nning, -nd 2-iled eXecution. In the =inds o2 so=e o2 the co==-ndos #ho #-tched their 2riends die in the eXplosions in the desert, 6per-tion ;-gle ,l-# h-d been p-rtly undone by the 2-ilure o2 the ,entr-l Intelligence Agency to pro>ide t-ctic-l in2or=-tion -bout #h-t to eXpect during the =ission. ;>en be2ore its dis-strous conclusion, the oper-tion h-d been beset by 2ights bet#een the ,IA -nd the =ilit-ry -bout ho# to g-ther intelligence 2or the =ission. The spy -gency h-d -lre-dy sho#n it #-s un-ble to underst-nd the dyn-=ics o2 the Ir-ni-n 5e>olution, #ith ,IA director St-ns2ield Turner l-=enting during "-tion-l Security ,ouncil =eetings th-t the -gency h-d 2e# sources in the country -nd #-s l-rgely relying on A=eric-n ne#sp-per reports -nd the 33, 2or in2or=-tion. The Lelt- <orce co==-nder 2or the =ission didnKt trust the ,IA o22icers -ssigned to collect intelligence in Ir-n be2ore the oper-tion, so he sent 2or=er Green 3eret 5ich-rd @e-do#s into the country to conduct sur>eill-nce o2 the e=b-ssy co=pound #here the host-ges #ere being held. Tr->eling on - 2-%e Irish p-ssport -nd =-s%ing his 9est Nirgini- -ccent #ith - brogue, @e-do#s h-d cle-red custo=s posing -s R5ich-rd 0eith,S - ;urope-n -uto=obile eXecuti>e. 62 course, the A=eric-n troops ne>er e>en =-de it into Tehr-n to c-rry out the rescue. 3ut gener-ls -t the Pent-gon co=pl-ined th-t the Le2ense Lep-rt=ent h-d no -bility to send its o#n people on cl-ndestine spying =issions to help p->e the #-y 2or co==-ndo oper-tions. In - =e=or-ndu= to the he-d o2 the Le2ense Intelligence Agency in Lece=ber &C8', one gener-l on the Pent-gonKs Point St-22 #rote -bout Rserious -nd persistent in2or=-tion de2iciencyS -nd the need 2or - group o2 R reli-ble hu=-n obser>ers .S 9ith the Pent-gon =-%ing pl-ns 2or - second rescue -tte=pt in Ir-n, the Point ,hie2s o2 St-22 h-stily cre-ted - group o2 such obser>ers. It bec-=e %no#n -s the <ield 6per-tions Group. The group bore the un2ortun-te -crony= <6G, -nd did >ery little. The host-ges #ere rele-sed on the d-y o2 President 5e-g-nKs in-ugur-tion, in P-nu-ry &C8&, =-%ing -nother rescue -tte=pt in Ir-n unnecess-ry. 3ut e>en -2ter <6G #-s disb-nded, Ar=y chie2 o2 st-22 ;d#-rd @eyer s-# the need 2or - per=-nent c-dre o2 Pent-gon spies -nd, -t one Pent-gon =eeting, b-r%ed, R IKll be d-=ned i2 #e e>er get c-ught in -nother Ir-ni-n host-ge situ-tion #here #e c-nKt 2ind out #h-tKs going on or #here #e c-nKt get into the country.S The =ilit-ryKs Intelligence Support Acti>ity (ISA) #-s born. These progr-=s during the e-rly &C8's #erenKt the Pent-gonKs 2irst 2or-y into the hu=-nDintelligence g-=e. 3ut pre>ious spying e22orts h-d been h-lting, in p-rt bec-use o2 resist-nce 2ro= top gener-ls -nd -d=ir-ls, #ho thought th-t soldiers shouldnKt -lso be spies . 3ut the 6per-tion ;-gle ,l-# 2i-sco g->e gre-ter le>er-ge to those #ho #-nted to eXp-nd the Pent-gonKs r-n%s o2 hu=-n spies, =ost pro=inently the Ar=yKs Gener-l @eyer. The Intelligence Support Acti>ity opened -n o22ice inside the Pent-gon #ith -pproXi=-tely 2i2ty people but #ith -=bitions o2 gro#ing to 2i>e ti=es th-t siAe. The

unitKs o22ici-l bl-Aon 2e-tured >-rious sy=bols to represent the 2-iled Ir-ni-n rescue =ission -nd c-rried the phr-se S;"L @;, dr-#n 2ro= - p-ss-ge 2ro= the 3oo% o2 Is-i-h7 R Also I he-rd the >oice o2 the 4ord, s-ying, e9ho= sh-ll I send, -nd #ho #ill go 2or us^K Then I s-id, e!ere -= Ih Send =e.KS The ISA #-s set up in &C8& #ith - l-rge bl-c% budget, - br-sh, h-rdDch-rging Ar=y colonel -s its co==-nder, -nd per=ission to c-rry out secret spying oper-tions #ithout e>en h->ing to noti2y the Point ,hie2s o2 St-22. They #ere the per2ect ingredients 2or toXic recipe. The #orld o2 secret oper-tions is 2illed #ith TypeDA person-lities, -nd cl-ndestine unit #ith unli=ited 2unds -nd - >-gue =ission is bound to push leg-l bound-ries. The ISA run by ,olonel Perry 0ing #-s no eXception. Al=ost 2ro= the beginning, 0ing l-unched - nu=ber o2 o22DtheDboo%s oper-tions -round the globe. Undoubtedly the =ost color2ul #-s -n oper-tion to 2unnel =oney -nd eUuip=ent to - retired Green 3eret pl-nning - pri>-te =ission to rescue A=eric-n P69s suspected o2 being held in 4-os. <or se>er-l ye-rs, P-=es R3oS GritA h-d been tr->eling to Southe-st Asi- to g-ther in2or=-tion -bout possible P69s, trips th-t #ere b-n%rolled by TeX-s tycoon !. 5oss Perot. 3y e-rly &C8&, shortly -2ter the cre-tion o2 the ISA, GritA belie>ed he h-d 2ound h-rd e>idence th-t doAens o2 P69s #ere being held -t - c-=p in centr-l 4-os. The in2or=-tion h-d co=e 2ro= - s-tellite i=-ge o2 the c-=p t-%en ye-rs e-rlier, in #hich the 2igures 3 -nd : see=ed to h->e been 2or=ed\- possible sign-l 2ro= P69s to #ho=e>er =ight be #-tching 2ro= the s%y . !e beg-n pl-nning - rescue =ission -nd e>en g->e it - code n-=e7 Nel>et !-==er. GritA -sse=bled - te-= o2 t#entyD2i>e retired Speci-l <orces soldiers, tr-ined the= -t - c-=p in <lorid-, -nd sent - sep-r-te group to Th-il-nd to l-y the ground#or% 2or the =ission into 4-os . As GritA prep-red 2or the =ission, =-ny =e=bers o2 the ISA cont-cted hi= -nd o22ered their support7 tens o2 thous-nds o2 doll-rsK #orth o2 c-=er- eUuip=ent, r-dios, pl-ne tic%ets to 3-ng%o%, -nd polygr-ph eUuip=ent to deter=ine #hether loc-l sources pro>iding in2or=-tion -bout the P69 c-=p =ight be lying. The ISA -lso g->e s-tellite photos -nd other intelligence in2or=-tion to GritAKs te-=. ,olonel 0ing h-d begun supporting GritA #ithout noti2ying top Pent-gon o22ici-ls. Th-t turned out to be - proble=, -s the Point ,hie2s o2 St-22 -ll the #hile h-d secretly been dr-#ing up their o#n pl-ns 2or - rescue =ission -t the eX-ct s-=e c-=p in 4-os. The Point ,hie2sK pl-n c-lled 2or sending - reconn-iss-nce te-= o2 4-oti-n =ercen-ries -cross the border 2ro= Th-il-nd into 4-os to deter=ine #hether there #ere indeed -ny P69s being held there. I2 the =ercen-ries 2ound proo2 th-t the P69s #ere -t the c-=p, the Pent-gon #ould l-unch - rescue oper-tion =odeled -2ter the Ir-ni-n host-ge rescue =ission, sending - Lelt- <orce te-= into the c-=p. 9hen top Pent-gon -nd ,IA o22ici-ls le-rned -bout GritAKs p-r-llel rescue =ission, secretly supported by the ISA, they thre-tened to shut the group do#n. They thought th-t GritAKs 2reel-ncing h-d end-ngered the o22ici-l rescue oper-tion -nd th-t ,olonel 0ing h-d gone beyond his brie2. As it turned out, no rescue =issions #ere c-rried out on the c-=p in 4-os, -nd no de2initi>e proo2 #-s e>er 2ound th-t P69s #ere held there. Secret-ry o2 Le2ense ,-sp-r 9einberger ordered the Pent-gon inspector gener-l to in>estig-te -ll o2 the ISAKs oper-tions. 3esides the GritA episode, the ISA h-d -lso been secretly running underco>er oper-tions in P-n-=- ,ity to =onitor Gener-l @-nuel "orieg- -nd #-s in>ol>ed -t the =-rgins o2 -n eXtensi>e net#or% o2

2ront co=p-nies used 2or co>ert =ilit-ry -cti>ities -round the #orld. The net#or% o2 co=p-nies, p-rt o2 progr-= c-lled $ello# <ruit, helped en-ble so=e o2 the secret de-ls o2 the Ir-nO,ontrsc-nd-l th-t c-=e to light se>er-l ye-rs l-ter. The inspector gener-lKs report on the ISA #-s blistering. It portr-yed the group -s rogue unit #ith little -dult super>ision -nd docu=ented pro2lig-te spending by the intelligence unit, including - string o2 biA-rre purch-ses7 - 5ollsD5oyce, - hotD-ir b-lloon , -nd - dune buggy. The report stunned both 9einberger -nd Leputy Secret-ry o2 Le2ense <r-n% ,-rlucci. In @-y &C8:, ,-rlucci #rote - =e=o c-lling the report Rdisturbing in the eXtre=e.S ,-rlucci h-d -rri>ed -t the Pent-gon 2ro= the ,IA, #here he h-d been Ad=ir-l St-ns2ield TurnerKs deputy -nd h-d seen the toll th-t ye-rs o2 unsuper>ised bl-c% oper-tions h-d t-%en on the ,IA. R 9e should h->e le-rned the lesson o2 the K7's,S ,-rlucci #rote in his =e=o -bout the inspector gener-lKs report, but inste-d R#e h->e cre-ted -n org-niA-tion th-t is un-ccount-ble.S !e =-de co=p-rison to the ch-r-cter o2 Topsy, 2ro= !-rriet 3eecher Sto#eKs Uncle To=Ks ,-bin, - young sl->e girl #hose origins -nd gro#th nobody in the boo% could eXpl-in7 R9e see= to h->e cre-ted our o#n ,IA,S he #rote, Rbut li%e Topsy, uncoordin-ted -nd uncontrolled.S The 2ollo#ing ye-r, #hen A=eric-n troops #ere pl-nning to in>-de Gren-d- to rescue - group o2 =edic-l students t-%en -s host-ges, the =ission co==-nder re2used to include the ISA in the oper-tion bec-use he didnKt trust the out2it or its le-der, ,olonel 0ing. As it turned out, A=eric-n co==-ndos 2u=bled -round the ,-ribbe-n isl-nd in 6ctober &C83 #ith little ide- o2 #here the =edic-l students #ere being held. R 6ur intelligence -bout Gren-d#-s lousy,S rec-lled Le#ey ,l-rridge, #ho #-s chie2 o2 the ,IAKs 4-tin A=ericdi>ision -t the ti=e. R9e #ere oper-ting >irtu-lly in the d-r%.S I2 things #erenKt b-d enough 2or the ISA, the ,IA #-s -lso trying to gut its oper-tions. The spy -gency #-s suspicious o2 the =ilit-ry building -n intelligence e=pire -nd dis=issi>e o2 the ide- th-t =ilit-ry o22icers could be -ny good -t espion-ge. This p-rtly re2lected - #ider insecurity -t 4-ngley -bout the Pent-gon. Since its 2ounding, in &C*7, the ,IA h-d been the Pent-gonKs s=-ller sibling, d#-r2ed by the Le2ense Lep-rt=entKs =-npo#er -nd =uscle in the 9-shington budget #-rs. The ,IA director didnKt e>en control =ost o2 A=eric-Ks bigDtic%et intelligence progr-=sQ the constell-tion o2 spy s-tellites -nd glob-l listening posts th-t -ccounted 2or 8' percent o2 #h-t the United St-tes spent on spying #-s 2unded through the Pent-gonKs budget. Luring his 2irst stint -s de2ense secret-ry, under President <ord, 5u=s2eld 2ought 2reUuent tur2 b-ttles #ith the ,IA -nd 9hite !ouse, -rguing th-t i2 he #-s p-ying 2or these progr-=s, he #-s going to control the=. I2 there #-s one -re- #here the ,IA 2igured it h-d -n -d>-nt-ge o>er the Pent-gon, it #-s in the re-l= o2 hu=-n spying. So #hen the Pent-gon cre-ted - progr-= li%e the ISA, =-ny -t the ,IA s-# it -s - direct thre-t to the -gencyKs eXistence. ,IA le-ders #hispered into the e-rs o2 =e=bers o2 the congression-l intelligence co==ittees th-t the Pent-gonKs spies #ere -=-teurs -nd #ere tripping o>er ,IA c-se o22icers o>erse-s. ,o>ert oper-tions could be blo#n, they s-id, -nd underco>er o22icers =ight die. 62 course, the 2-ct th-t the ,IA #-s trying to under=ine Pent-gon spying e22orts =-de =ilit-ry le-ders trust the ,IA e>en less -nd #-nt to eXp-nd their o#n spying oper-tions e>en =ore. Luring one =eeting in &C83, #hen ,IA director 9illi-= ,-sey =et #ith the Point ,hie2s inside the Pent-gonKs secure con2erence roo=, %no#n -s RThe T-n%,S Gener-l @eyer #-s, -s usu-l, co=pl-ining th-t the ,IA ne>er did -nything to

help the =ilit-ry. ,-sey tried to Uuiet the gener-l by pointing out th-t his predecessor, Ad=ir-l St-ns2ield Turner, h-d been - =ilit-ry =-n. 3ut Gener-l @eyer #ould h->e none o2 it. R @r. ,-sey, #h-t you s-y is true,S he s-id. R3ut th-t son o2 - bitch didnKt do - godd-=ned thing 2or the =ilit-ry during -ll his ti=e -t ,IA.S

gener-lKs report, -nd e>en -2ter ,-rlucci tried to get rid o2 ,olonel 0ingKs group, it ne>er #ent -#-y. In 2-ct, the unit #ould e>entu-lly beco=e cornerstone o2 5u=s2eldKs e22orts to dr-=-tic-lly eXp-nd the Pent-gonKs spying oper-tions. 3y l-te :''&, the ISA h-d e>ol>ed into the secret spying unit, codeDn-=ed Gr-y <oX, th-t beg-n #or%ing #ith As-d @unir -nd P-%ist-ni spies in #estern P-%ist-n. 3-sed Vust beyond the 9-shington belt#-y, -t <ort 3el>oir, Nirgini-, Gr-y <oX co=prised se>er-l hundred oper-ti>es #or%ing underco>er in o>erse-s -ssign=ents. They speci-liAed in pl-nting e->esdropping de>ices in h-rdDtoDre-ch pl-ces\the de>ices could then lin% up to the l-rge listening st-tions th-t the "-tion-l Security Agency h-d set up -round the globe. 3ut in :''&, the group #-s such - littleDdiscussed, 2ringe org-niA-tion th-t it h-d been nic%n-=ed RThe Secret Ar=y o2 "orthern Nirgini-.S 9hen 5u=s2eld 2irst =et the co==-nder o2 Gr-y <oX -nd le-rned det-ils o2 the groupKs oper-tions, he s-id, R I2 I h-d %no#n you guys #ere doing -ll this be2ore C_&&, IKd prob-bly h->e thro#n you -ll in V-il.S 3ut #ith 5u=s2eld no# consu=ed #ith i=pro>ing -nd better coordin-ting the Pent-gonKs so=e#h-t =e-ger hu=-n spying c-p-bilities, he ordered -n incre-se in Gr-y <oXKs budget -nd closer coordin-tion bet#een the spying unit -nd Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd, the secreti>e unit th-t h-d so i=pressed 5u=s2eld during his trip to <ort 3r-gg in "o>e=ber :''&. Since th-t d-y, 5u=s2eld incre-singly h-d co=e to see PS6, -s eX-ctly the secret -r=y he needed to 2ight - glob-l #-r. 3ut PS6, in :''& #-s in no position to be 5u=s2eldKs Pr-etori-n Gu-rd 2or #orld#ide con2lict. Lelt- <orce -nd S;A4 Te-= SiX #ere niche 2orces, co=prising no =ore th-n se>er-l hundred oper-ti>es -nd un-ble to sust-in the=sel>es 2or oper-tions l-sting =ore th-n t#o d-ys. Lelt- <orce tr-ined -l=ost eXclusi>ely 2or host-geDrescue =issions, -nd S;A4 Te-= SiX h-d spent ye-rs tr-ining 2or the =ission o2 securing A=eric-Ks nucle-r -rsen-l inside the country i2 the need should e>er -rise. "either h-d h-d the tr-ining or eUuip=ent 2or 2-rD2lung oper-tions l-sting #ee%s or =onths. R5u=s2eld Vust got the notion th-t `PS6,a h-s this c-p-bility to get in -ny#here, %ill -ll the right people -nd s->e -ll the right people\#hy not use this thing^S s-id 5obert Andre#s. R9h-t he didnKt re-liAe #-s th-t it #-snKt set up 2or sust-ined co=b-t oper-tions.S 3ut 5u=s2eld s-# the -ppe-l in PS6,Ks independence. It could be - stri%e 2orce -ns#ering directly to the de2ense secret-ry -nd the president, not under the control o2 so=e 2ourDst-r gener-l #orried -bout his tur2. It could be li%e the ,IAKs Lirector-te o2 6per-tions\unburdened by the #eight o2 - hidebound =ilit-ry bure-ucr-cy. I2 5u=s2eld could thro# =oney -t the co==-nd, -llo#ing Lelt- <orce -nd S;A4 Te-= SiX to enl-rge their r-n%s -nd buy enough eUuip=ent 2or lengthy o>erse-s deploy=ents, he 2igured he could send it >irtu-lly -ny#here. 3ut #-s it e>en leg-l 2or hi= to do th-t^ The Pent-gonKs -cti>ities -re go>erned by Title &' o2 the United St-tes ,ode, -nd ,ongress historic-lly h-s tried to li=it ho# the =ilit-ry oper-tes outside o2 decl-red #-r Aones. This is p-rtly born 2ro= concerns th-t A=eric-n soldiers oper-ting beyond b-ttle2ields could be c-ught -nd tried -s spies r-ther th-n gr-nted the usu-l Gene>- ,on>ention protections. 3y contr-st, the
;N;" A<T;5 T!; I"SP;,T65

president c-n order the ,IA (#hich is go>erned by Title ') to send its o22icers -ny#here in the #orld . Under those rules, i2 - ,IA o22icer is c-ught spying in - hostile country, the A=eric-n go>ern=ent =ight deny -ny %no#ledge o2 his -cti>ities -nd let hi= rot in V-il. A2ter the Ir-nO,ontr- sc-nd-l o2 the &C8's, ,ongress tried to pl-ce e>en =ore restrictions on secret oper-tions. The Intelligence AuthoriA-tion Act o2 &CC& =-nd-ted th-t -ll co>ert -ctions be -uthoriAed by - #ritten presidenti-l 2inding, eXpl-ining the need 2or the secret -cti>ity, -nd th-t the 9hite !ouse noti2y the !ouse -nd Sen-te intelligence co==ittees shortly -2ter the 2inding is issued to the ,IA. And yet the &CC& -ct cont-ined - signi2ic-nt loophole7 It eXe=pted the Pent-gon 2ro= these burdenso=e reUuire=ents i2 the =ilit-ry #-s conducting secret oper-tions it considered to be Rtr-dition-l =ilit-ry -cti>ities.S The l-# o22ered little guid-nce -s to #h-t constituted Rtr-dition-l =ilit-ry -cti>ities,S p-rtly bec-use the George !. 9. 3ush 9hite !ouse -nd Pent-gon h-d success2ully lobbied ,ongress to %eep the l-ngu-ge >-gue. These -cti>ities #ere ulti=-tely de2ined -s -ny oper-tions c-rried out by the =ilit-ry th-t #ere connected to R ongoingS or R-nticip-tedS hostilities . In other #ords, the Pent-gon could Vusti2y sending troops to -ny country in the #orld i2 it could =-%e the c-se th-t the United St-tes #-s -t #-r inside th-t country\or =ight be -t so=e point in the 2uture. These -rc-ne pro>isions #ere little discussed 2or - dec-de, until the d-ys -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s #hen ,ongress g->e President 3ush - s#eeping =-nd-te to #-ge #-r -ll o>er the globe. According to the pro>isions o2 the AuthoriA-tion 2or Use o2 @ilit-ry <orce (AU@<), the United St-tes #-s not -t #-r #ith -ny one p-rticul-r country but -t #-r in -ny country #here -l W-ed- #-s oper-ting. The =e-sure, in e22ect, g->e 5u=s2eld the license he #-s loo%ing 2or to c-rry out - glob-l #-r. Still, it too% ti=e 2or the de2ense secret-ry to eXploit these ne# po#ers. "ot long -2ter the 2-ll o2 0-bul, in l-te :''&, the energies o2 senior le-ders -t the Pent-gon turned -l=ost i==edi-tely to pl-nning 2or -n in>-sion o2 Ir-U. And beyond the -l W-eds-2e h->ens li%e P-%ist-n, the Pent-gon h-d di22iculty 2iguring out #here else the United St-tes could hunt -l W-ed-. In the counterterroris= >ern-cul-r, the reUuire=ent #-s to R2ind, 2iX, -nd 2inishS terrorists. 3ut -s 5u=s2eld #ould -d=it ye-rs l-ter, R 9e h-d the -bility to 2inish . 9e Vust couldnKt 2ind -nd 2iX things.S

#ere 2eeling Uuite sure o2 the=sel>es during the 2irst h-l2 o2 :''3. The in>-sion o2 Ir-U h-d see=ed, -t 2irst, to con2ir= =uch o2 5u=s2eldKs >ision 2or - ne# #-y o2 #-r. The =-rch to 3-ghd-d th-t h-d l-sted b-rely - =onth #-s conducted #ith - rel-ti>ely s=-ll in>-sion -r=y\testing the de2ense secret-ryKs philosophy th-t -d>-nces in technology, t#inned #ith - #-r pl-n th-t e=ph-siAed speed o>er =uscle, could #in the #-rs o2 the t#entyD2irst century. !is s%epticis= -bout the ,IAKs intelligence h-d -lso led hi=, the ye-r be2ore the in>-sion, to set up - s=-ll shop -t the Pent-gon\o>erseen by Under Secret-ry o2 Le2ense 2or Policy Lougl-s P. <eith\to si2t through r-# intelligence to pro>e th-t S-dd-= !ussein #-s in le-gue #ith Isl-=ic terrorists. 6nce A=eric-n troops h-d re-ched 3-ghd-d, =-ny o2 5u=s2eldKs -ides h-d con>inced the=sel>es, it #-s only - =-tter o2 ti=e be2ore they #ould 2ind de2inite proo2 o2 - lin% bet#een !ussein -nd 6s-=- bin 4-den -nd - post 2-cto Vusti2ic-tion 2or the in>-sion. Ulti=-tely, A=eric-n troops 2ound no such e>idence, -nd the conclusions o2 5u=s2eldKs intelligence shop #ere l-rgely discredited. 3ut #ith S-dd-= !ussein gone -nd the -d=inistr-tion di>ided -bout #hether Syriought to be the neXt t-rget o2 the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs Rregi=e ch-ngeS str-tegy,
5U@S<;4L A"L !IS T;A@

5u=s2eldKs pl-nning 2or the glob-l speci-lDoper-tions #-r intensi2ied. 5obert Andre#s h-d le2t the Pent-gon, -nd 5u=s2eld repl-ced hi= #ith Tho=-s 6K,onnell, -nother >eter-n o2 the p-r-=ilit-ry #-rs o2 Nietn-= -nd - 2or=er Gr-y <oX co==-nder. 6K,onnell h-d deployed to Nietn-= in &C7' -s - =ilit-ry -d>iser to the PhoeniX Progr-=, the contro>ersi-l ,IADled c-=p-ign to turn the tide o2 the #-r by c-pturing -nd -ss-ssin-ting Niet ,ong le-ders. !e h-d spent =ost o2 his -dult li2e in the speci-lD oper-tionsD-ndDintelligence #orld, -nd he h-d been PS6,Ks top intelligence o22icer #hen 5epresent-ti>e Lic% ,heney >isited the co==-nd in &C8G. !is Vob inter>ie# #ith 5u=s2eld h-d gone p-rticul-rly #ell, =ostly bec-use 6K,onnellKs >ie#s on the Pent-gonKs -uthorities -nd the role o2 speci-lDoper-tions troops #ere eX-ctly #h-t 5u=s2eld #-nted to he-r. R I2 #eKre -t #-r , #hy do I h->e to put =y people under ,IA -uthority^S 5u=s2eld -s%ed 6K,onnell e-rly on during the =eeting. R$ou donKt,S 6K,onnell replied Uuic%ly. R$ou h->e the po#er to send U.S. 2orces into -ny p-rt o2 the #orld th-t you #-nt.S In 6K,onnellKs =ind, ,ongress h-d gi>en the Pent-gon bro-d -uthorities to c-rry out - glob-l #-r to g-ther intelligence or l-unch %illing oper-tions, -nd 5u=s2eld ought to use the=. !e s-# p-r-llels to the Nietn-= 9-r, #hen President "iXon st-rted secret bo=bing c-=p-ign in ,-=bodi- -nd 4-os bec-use he belie>ed those countries h-d beco=e s-2e h->ens 2or ene=y 2ighters. 3ut the di22erence, 6K,onnell thought, #-s th-t 5u=s2eld h-d e>en =ore -uthority th-n "iXon h-d, bec-use no# ,ongress h-d essenti-lly gi>en the Pent-gon its blessing to send troops #here>er it belie>ed -l W-ed2ighters #ere hiding. At the ti=e, 5u=s2eld #-s -lso loo%ing 2or le>er-ge in his 2ights #ith the ,IA -nd he decided to consolid-te -ll o2 the =ilit-ryKs disp-r-te -nd o2ten h-ph-A-rd intelligenceD g-thering oper-tions into one o22ice. !e t-pped his loy-l -ide Stephen ,-=bone -s the 2irst under secret-ry o2 de2ense 2or intelligence, gi>ing the br-iny -nd pric%ly ,-=bone eXtr-ordin-ry po#er to o>ersee -ll Pent-gon spying e22orts. 5u=s2eld #ould e>en re>-=p the ci>ili-n line o2 succession in the Pent-gon hier-rchy in the e>ent he -nd his deputy died or #ere inc-p-cit-ted. ,-=bone, the intelligence chie2, #-s put neXt in line -nd gi>en -n o22ice right neXt to 5u=s2eldKs. 5u=s2eld -ppointed -s ,-=boneKs deputy 4t. Gener-l 9illi-= RPerryS 3oy%in, Lelt- <orce >eter-n #ho h-d been in the Ir-ni-n desert in &C8' during the botched oper-tion to rescue the A=eric-n host-ges. 3oy%in #-s - bornD-g-in ,hristi-n #ho #ore religion on his slee>e -nd occ-sion-lly spo%e -bout the #-r -g-inst @usli= eXtre=ists in biblic-l ter=s. !e o2ten c-lled it - #-r -g-inst RS-t-nS -nd once told church congreg-tion th-t in the e-rly &CC's he %ne# th-t his hunt 2or - So=-li #-rlord #ould be success2ul bec-use he R%ne# th-t `hisa God #-s - re-l God -nd `the So=-liKsa #-s -n idol.S 3oy%in #-s -lso e>-ngelic-l -bout pushing the =ilit-ry to the edge o2 its leg-l -uthorities. Since the 3eirut host-ge crises o2 the &C8's, he h-d been 2rustr-ted th-t Pent-gon bure-ucr-ts h-d been too ti=id -bout =-%ing use o2 groups li%e Lelt- <orce . As he did #ith 6K,onnell, 5u=s2eld peppered 3oy%in #ith Uuestions during his Vob inter>ie# -bout the li=its o2 the de2ense secret-ryKs -uthorities to send troops outside o2 #-r Aones. 3oy%in g->e - si=il-r response -s 6K,onnell h-d7 $ou h->e the -uthority, -nd you ought to use it. $ou donKt need to put your troops under the control o2 the ,IA. 5u=s2eld got - boost in his e22orts to build -n e=pire 2or uncon>ention-l #-r2-re in the su==er o2 :''*, #hen the C_&& ,o==ission reco==ended in its 2in-l report th-t

the ,IA be stripped o2 -ll o2 its p-r-=ilit-ry 2unctions -nd th-t the Pent-gon ser>e -s the only -gency c-rrying out cl-ndestine #-r2-re. The co==ission h-d eXcori-ted the ,IA 2or its in-bility to %ill 6s-=- bin 4-den -nd thought th-t the -gencyKs cl-ndestine oper-tions #ere in dis-rr-y. The p-nel reco==ended th-t the ,IA i=pro>e intelligence collection #ith less reli-nce on 2oreign spy ser>ices, o>erh-ul the #-y it conducted -n-lysis, -nd per2or= RnonD=ilit-ryS co>ert -ctions, li%e prop-g-nd- c-=p-igns. Secret #-rs -nd drone stri%es, the co==ission belie>ed, #ere the Vob o2 the Pent-gon. R9hether the price is =e-sured in either =oney or people, the United St-tes c-nnot -22ord to build t#o sep-r-te c-p-bilities 2or c-rrying out secret =ilit-ry oper-tions, secretly oper-ting st-ndo22 =issiles, -nd secretly tr-ining 2oreign =ilit-ry or p-r-=ilit-ry 2orces,S reco==ended the co==ission in its 2in-l report, published in Puly :''*. Th-t, o2 course, #-s eX-ctly #h-t 5u=s2eld thought, -nd d-ys -2ter the report #-s rele-sed he -s%ed To= 6K,onnell to get =ore in2or=-tion -bout #h-t led to the reco==end-tion. A2ter spe-%ing #ith Pohn 4eh=-n, the 2or=er "->y secret-ry -nd C_&& co==issioner, 6K,onnell reported b-c% th-t the co==ission h-d 2ound the ,IAKs -ppro-ch to p-r-=ilit-ry oper-tions R=uddled.S In - =e=o to 5u=s2eld, 6K,onnell #rote th-t 4eh=-n h-d told hi= the C_&& ,o==ission #-s struc% by the ,IAKs Run#illingness to t-%e ris%S -nd the 2-ct th-t the -gency #-s Rreluct-nt to pull the trigger #hen opportunities #ere presented.S The biggest proble=, 4eh=-n h-d told 6K,onnell, #-s th-t the Pent-gon h-d the c-p-bilities 2or huntingD-ndD%illing oper-tions, but the ,IA h-d the -uthorities . 5u=s2eld put ,-=bone in ch-rge o2 in>estig-ting #hether this reco==end-tion could be en-cted, -nd soon ,-=bone #-s -s%ing deeper Uuestions -bout #hether ,IA oper-tions should be p-red do#n e>en 2urther. In l-te Septe=ber :''*, ,-=bone #rote to 5u=s2eld th-t he #-snKt sure it =-de sense 2or the ,IA to be c-rrying out -ny co>ert -ction\#hich he s-id could be >ie#ed -s -n Roper-tion-l -cti>ity not unli%e th-t o2 - ,o=b-t-nt ,o==-nder.S In other #ords, =-ybe the Pent-gon should be t-%ing o>er co>ert -ction -s #ell. The proble=, ,-=bone #rote, #-s th-t the ,IA #-s in ch-rge o2 both co>ert -ction -nd -n-lysis, cre-ting the potenti-l 2or Rbi-sS #hen -ssessing the e22ic-cy o2 - speci2ic co>ert -ction. Put di22erently, the ,IA #-s set up to gr-de its o#n #or% . The point =ight h->e been sel2Dser>ing, but it got to the he-rt o2 - =ore pro2ound Uuestion7 ,-n -n -gency in ch-rge o2 - t-rgetedD%illing c-=p-ign -g-inst -l W-edpro>ide disp-ssion-te -ssess=ents -bout the i=p-ct th-t >ery c-=p-ign #-s h->ing on the strength o2 -l W-ed-^ It #-s - Uuestion 6b-=- o22ici-ls #ould 2-ce ye-rs l-ter -2ter the spy -gency esc-l-ted its drone #-r in P-%ist-n. In the end, both 5u=s2eld -nd ,IA director Porter Goss -d>ised President 3ush th-t the Pent-gon didnKt need to #rest secret =ilit-ry oper-tions -#-y 2ro= the ,IA. 5u=s2eld h-d beco=e con>inced th-t he could do #h-t he #-nted\e>en i2 the ,IA #-s doing it in p-r-llel\under the b-nner o2 Rtr-dition-l =ilit-ry -cti>ities.S Goss h-d -lso #-ged - Uuiet lobbying c-=p-ign to protect the ,IAKs tur2, urging 9hite !ouse o22ici-ls not to consider the C_&& ,o==issionKs reco==end-tion. It #-s - te=por-ry =o=ent o2 -gree=ent 2or the Pent-gon -nd ,IA -nd h-rdly -n end to the b-ttles bet#een the t#o -gencies. Alre-dy by :''*, s=-ll te-=s o2 PS6, oper-ti>es h-d begun 2-nning out on spying =issions -cross the globe, to South A=eric- -nd A2ric- -nd Asi- -nd the @iddle ;-st. They #ent to <r-nce to try to g-ther intelligence -bout Isl-=ic =ilit-nt groups there, -nd one te-= h-d to le->e P-r-gu-y in - hurry -2ter one o2 5u=s2eldKs spies pulled - gun in the =iddle o2 - b-r 2ight. As one 2or=er Pent-gon o22ici-l #ho helped o>ersee the progr-= put it, R9e h-d -ll these guys running -round trying to be P-=es 3ond, -nd it

didnKt #or% >ery #ell.S So=e o2 the te-=s, gi>en the innocuousDsounding n-=e @ilit-ry 4i-ison ;le=ents, #ere st-tioned inside A=eric-n e=b-ssies. 6thers ste-lthily entered 2oreign countries -nd beg-n their spying =issions #ithout noti2ying the A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor or ,IA st-tion chie2 in the country. 3ec-use the #hole #orld #-s no# - #-r Aone, Pent-gon o22ici-ls 2igured, the speci-lDoper-tions te-=s #ould -ns#er to =ilit-ry co==-nders, not to the ci>ili-n -=b-ss-dor. 6ne -2ternoon, the A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor to Pord-n, ;d#-rd 9. Gneh=, #-s sitting in his o22ice #hen the e=b-ssyKs de2ense -tt-ch] #-l%ed in -nd put - note on his des%. It #-s - =ess-ge 2ro= the Pent-gon, sent directly to the -tt-ch] -nd =e-nt 2or only hi= to see . A =ilit-ry intelligence te-= #ould soon be -rri>ing in Pord-n, the note re-d, -nd the te-= #ould be g-thering in2or=-tion -bout the st-bility o2 the Pord-ni-n regi=e. 3y no =e-ns, the =ess-ge re-d, #ere the -=b-ss-dor or the ,IA st-tion chie2 to be told -bout the Pent-gonKs -cti>ities in Pord-n. The de2ense -tt-ch] sitting in the -=b-ss-dorKs o22ice h-d, o2 course, ignored this -d=onition. A2ter the =eeting, Gneh= pro=ptly told the ,IA st-tion chie2, #ho, -s Gneh= re=e=bered it, Rhit the roo2.S

7 T!; A"G5$ 3I5L

RThis is - politic-l #-r -nd it c-lls 2or discri=in-tion in %illing. The best #e-pon 2or %illing #ould be - %ni2e, but IK= -2r-id #e c-nKt do it th-t #-y. The #orst is -n -irpl-ne.S \4t. ,olonel Pohn P-ul N-nn, A=eric-n o22icer in Nietn-=

22icers inside the oper-tions roo= -t the ,IAKs ,ounterterrorist ,enter #-tched

>ideo o2 the Toyot- 4-nd ,ruiser bu=ping o>er the desert ro-d in $e=enKs @-Krib pro>ince, the legend-ry birthpl-ce o2 the Wueen o2 Sheb-. It #-s -n unco=2ort-ble ride 2or the siX =en cr-==ed into the dusty 2ourDbyD2our, but nothing -bout the truc% typic-lly #ould h->e r-ised suspicions -=ong $e=eni police or soldiers on th-t d-y in "o>e=ber :'':. 3ut 2ro= the b-c%se-t o2 the truc%, - cell phone belonging to W-ed S-li= Sin-n -lD!-rethi #-s betr-ying the loc-tion o2 the =ost #-nted =-n in $e=en. An -r=ed ,IA Pred-tor #-s 2lying o>erhe-d. The United St-tes h-d 2ingered -lD!-rethi -s the =-ster=ind o2 the :''' bo=bing o2 the destroyer U.S.S. ,ole, -n -tt-c% th-t %illed se>enteen s-ilors -s the ship #-s re2ueling in the Gul2 o2 Aden. The -tt-c% h-d put -lD!-rethi ne-r the top o2 the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs list o2 -l W-ed- oper-ti>es =-r%ed 2or de-th, -nd #hen - te-= o2 A=eric-n speci-lDoper-tions troops l-nded in $e=en in the spring o2 :'':, they =-de hunting -lD!-rethi - priority. 3ut -lD!-rethi #-s - >eter-n o2 the =uV-hedeen #-r in A2gh-nist-n during the &C8's, -nd #h-te>er sur>i>-l s%ills he h-dnKt le-rned #hile b-ttling the So>iets he h-d honed during - dec-de o2 hiding 2ro= the secret police in the United Ar-b ;=ir-tes -nd 2ro= the shoc% troops loy-l to $e=eni president Ali Abdull-h S-leh. In :''', 6s-=- bin 4-den h-d sent -lD!-rethi to $e=en to pl-n the ,ole bo=bing -nd to set up -l W-ed- tr-ining c-=ps. @ore th-n once, -lD!-rethi h-d e=b-rr-ssed President S-leh by esc-ping c-pture Vust -s $e=eni troops #ere closing in. The =ercuri-l S-leh h-d i==edi-tely seen the 2in-nci-l bene2its o2 siding #ith the United St-tes in its ne# #-r but h-d insisted th-t the 3ush -d=inistr-tion do it on his ter=s. !e h-d =-n-ged to st-y in po#er in $e=en since the &C7's by n->ig-ting the sho-ls o2 trib-l blood 2euds -nd Shieite sep-r-tists, -nd he #-snKt -bout to let A=ericbegin - ste-lth #-r in his country #ithout getting so=ething in return. 6n - trip to 9-shington t#o =onths -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, he =-n-ged to #r-ngle i*'' =illion in -id during =eetings #ith President 3ush, 5u=s2eld, -nd ,IA director George Tenet. !e g->e his blessing to - s=-ll group o2 A=eric-n speci-lDoper-tions troops co=ing to $e=en but insisted th-t they 2ire #e-pons only in sel2Dde2ense. 9ithout telling S-leh, the Pent-gon -lso sent oper-ti>es 2ro= Gr-y <oX, the Ar=y spying unit th-t speci-liAed in intercepting co==unic-tions, -long #ith the co==-ndos. And yet S-leh h-d been -n e-sy sell #hen it c-=e to the Pred-tor. In spring :'':, A=b-ss-dor ;d=und !ull reUuested - =eeting to get the $e=eni president to -gree to drone 2lights in the country. 3y then, !ull %ne# S-leh #ell enough to %no# -bout his #ild =ood s#ings -nd #h-t t-l%ing points =ight best -d>-nce the spy -gencyKs c-se. A group o2 ,IA o22icers, #ho h-d -rri>ed 2ro= 4-ngley d-ys e-rlier, brought - l-ptop co=puter #ith -n -ni=-ted >ideo de=onstr-ting ho# the drones #or%ed. The >ideo included gr-phics o2 !ell2ire =issiles hitting c-rs -nd =ud co=pounds. S-leh bro%e into - s=ile -s he #-tched, -nd he see=ed proud th-t $e=en

#ould be the 2irst pl-ce outside o2 A2gh-nist-n th-t the ,IA #-s prep-ring to use the Pred-tor. 3ut the A=eric-ns still h-d to 2ind -lD!-rethi, #ho eluded sur>eill-nce by s#itching bet#een 2i>e di22erent cellDphone nu=bers. The Gr-y <oX te-= h-d identi2ied se>er-l o2 the=, but -lD!-rethi #-s -l#-ys c-re2ul enough to use the phones sp-ringly. 6n "o>e=ber *, ho#e>er, the sur>eill-nce net got its 2irst big c-tch . The cell phone in the b-c% o2 the 4-nd ,ruiser #-s be-=ing its sign-l into the s%ies, -nd Gr-y <oX oper-ti>es sent - 2l-sh =ess-ge to -n-lysts -t the "-tion-l Security AgencyKs spr-#ling he-dUu-rters, -t <ort @e-de, @-ryl-nd. Sep-r-tely, the ,IA h-d disp-tched -n -r=ed Pred-tor 2ro= its drone b-se in LVibouti, Vust -cross the 5ed Se2ro= $e=en. As the Pred-tor =o>ed into position -bo>e the 4-nd ,ruiser, -n -n-lyst -t <ort @e-de he-rd -lD!-rethiKs >oice o>er the cell phone, b-r%ing directions to the dri>er o2 the 2ourDbyD2our. 9ith con2ir=-tion th-t -lD!-rethi #-s in the truc%, the ,IA #-s no# -uthoriAed to 2ire - =issile -t the >ehicle. The =issile c-=e o22 the Pred-tor drone -nd destroyed the truc%, %illing e>eryone inside. W-ed S-li= Sin-n -lD!-rethi #-s e>entu-lly identi2ied in the rubble by - distinguishing =-r% on one o2 his legs, #hich #-s 2ound -t the scene , se>ered 2ro= his body. President S-lehKs go>ern=ent #-s Uuic% to issue - co>er story7 The truc% h-d been c-rrying - c-nister o2 g-s th-t triggered -n eXplosion. 3ut inside the ,ounterterrorist ,enter, the i=port-nce o2 the =o=ent #-s not lost. It #-s the 2irst ti=e since the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s th-t the ,IA h-d c-rried out - t-rgeted %illing outside - decl-red #-r Aone. Using the s#eeping -uthority President 3ush h-d gi>en to the ,IA in Septe=ber :''&, cl-ndestine o22icers h-d =ethodic-lly g-thered in2or=-tion -bout -lD !-rethiKs =o>e=ents -nd then coolly inciner-ted his >ehicle #ith -n -ntit-n% =issile.

3$ T!IS TI@;,=-ny

inside the spy -gency h-d 2orgotten th-t the ,IA h-d ne>er re-lly #-nted the -r=ed drone. It h-d been considered - blunt -nd unsophistic-ted %illing tool, -nd =-ny -t the ,IA #ere gl-d th-t the -gency h-d gotten out o2 the -ss-ssin-tion business long -go. 4ittle =ore th-n - ye-r be2ore the $e=en stri%e, - deb-te #-s still r-ging -s spies 2ought #ith spies -bout the =or-lity o2 using drones to %ill terrorists. ,h-rles ;. Allen, - longti=e ,IA -n-lyst -nd - 2ierce -d>oc-te 2or the Pred-tor, #ould l-ter describe the #hole period -s - R bloody struggle .S 3y the l-te &CC's, 5oss "e#l-ndKs gener-tion o2 ,IA o22icers, #ho h-d Voined the -gency -2ter the re>el-tions o2 the ,hurch ,o==ittee -nd President <ordKs b-n on -ss-ssin-tions, h-d -scended to le-dership positions -t 4-ngley. The rise to po#er o2 the postD,hurch gener-tion h-d - direct i=p-ct on the type o2 cl-ndestine oper-tions the ,IA chose to conduct -round the #orld. The -gencyKs p-r-=ilit-ry br-nch h-d been -llo#ed to #ither, - re2lection o2 the ,IAKs -ntip-thy to#-rd returning to the #-rs o2 the p-st. The ,IA #-s e>en di>ided -bout #hether it could Vusti2i-bly %ill 6s-=- bin 4-den. 6ne 2or=er he-d o2 the ,ounterterrorist ,enter #ould l-ter tell the C_&& ,o==ission th-t he #ould h->e re2used - direct order to %ill bin 4-den in the ye-rs be2ore the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s.

RThe corpor-te >ie# inside ,IA #-s e9e donKt #-nt to do co>ert -ction. And i2 #e do co>ert -ction, #e #-nt it to be ne-t -nd cle-n. 9e donKt #-nt to be in>ol>ed in %illing people. 3ec-use #eKre not li%e th-t. 9eKre not @oss-d,KS s-id 5ich-rd ,l-r%e, #ho ser>ed in both the ,linton -nd 3ush -d=inistr-tions -s the top 9hite !ouse o22ici-l responsible 2or counterterroris=. 3y :''', the ye-r th-t "e#l-nd le2t underco>er oper-tions in the 2ield 2or - senior =-n-ge=ent Vob -t 4-ngley -s - ,IA li-ison to the Pent-gon, bin 4-den h-d repe-tedly sho#n he could stri%e -t the ti=e -nd pl-ce o2 his choosing, 2ro= the A=eric-nD e=b-ssy bo=bings in 0eny- -nd T-nA-ni- in &CC8, to the -tt-c% on the ,ole in $e=en t#o ye-rs l-ter. The ,linton -d=inistr-tion h-d 2e# good ide-s #hen it c-=e to 2iguring out #here the -l W-ed- le-der #-s -t -ny gi>en ti=e -nd then %illing hi= be2ore he #ent so=e#here else. Inside the 9hite !ouse Situ-tion 5oo=, discussions -bout bin 4-den turned into -bstr-ct deb-tes -bout #hether the 9hite !ouse =ight be >iol-ting the &C7G b-n on -ss-ssin-tions by choosing one %illing =ethod o>er -nother. ,l-r%e re=e=bered one =eeting #hen "-tion-l Security Ad>isor S-ndy 3erger bec-=e so enr-ged by the deb-tes, he shouted -t e>eryone in the roo=. R!e s-id, eSo, you guys -re per2ectly 60 i2 3ill ,linton %ills bin 4-den #ith - To=-h-#% =issile, but i2 3ill ,linton %ills hi= #ith 7.G:D=illi=eter round in the =iddle o2 the eyes, th-tKs b-d^ ,ould you tell =e the di22erence bet#een %illing hi= #ith - To=-h-#% -nd -n @&G^K R3erger #-s -bout to h->e - he-rt -tt-c%,S s-id ,l-r%e. R!e #-s -ll s#e-ty -nd red in the 2-ce -nd yelling -t the=.S President ,linton #-snKt -=used by the l-c% o2 options. R $ou %no# ,S ,linton told Point ,hie2s ch-ir=-n Gener-l !ugh Shelton, Rit #ould sc-re the shit out o2 -l W-ed- i2 suddenly - bunch o2 bl-c% ninV-s r-ppelled out o2 helicopters into the =iddle o2 their c-=p.S "ot h->ing ninV-s -t its dispos-l, the Pent-gon h-d -greed to st-tion t#o sub=-rines in the Ar-bi-n Se- th-t could 2ire To=-h-#% cruise =issiles into A2gh-nist-n on short notice. 3ut #ithout 2resh intelligence -bout bin 4-denKs #here-bouts, the sub=-rines #ere o2 little use, -nd top -d=ir-ls beg-n -git-ting to =o>e the= else#here. The ,IA h-d one T-lib-n source 2eeding in2or=-tion to the A=eric-ns, but his tips #ere usu-lly t#entyD2our hours old, insu22icient 2or 9hite !ouse -ppro>-l o2 =issile stri%es into A2gh-nist-n. <l-iling 2or ide-s, cl-ndestine o22icers =et #ith A=eric-n de2ense contr-ctors -bout building bli=ps or hotD-ir b-lloons to t-%e pictures o2 A2gh-nist-n -t thirty thous-nd 2eet but scr-pped the ide- #hen they considered the diplo=-tic c-l-=ity i2 #ind gusts 2ro= the !indu 0ush =ount-ins #ere to push - bli=p hundreds o2 =iles o22 course -nd into ,hin-\possibly o>er - nucle-r re-ctor. ,l-r%e h-d - 2rosty rel-tionship #ith George Tenet -nd P-=es P->itt, the he-d o2 the ,IAKs Lirector-te o2 6per-tions, -nd decided to go -round the= 2or ne# ide-s. !e c-lled senior ,IA -n-lyst ,h-rles ;. Allen, #ho h-d been -t the -gency 2or 2our dec-des -nd by then #-s in his =idsiXties. 3right, iconocl-stic, -nd ornery, Allen bore sc-rs 2ro= the -gencyKs p-st b-ttlesQ the Ir-nO,ontr- sc-nd-l h-d de-lt his c-reer gl-ncing blo#. 3ut he h-d -lso e=erged -s so=ething o2 - legend -=ong ,IA -n-lysts 2or being - lonely >oice in &CC', predicting th-t S-dd-= !ussein #ould in>-de 0u#-it. ,l-r%e -s%ed Allen to conduct -n independent re>ie# o2 >-rious options 2or spying in A2gh-nist-n. Allen #ent to the Le2ense Lep-rt=ent 2or ide-s -nd =et #ith o22icers #or%ing 2or the Pent-gonKs Point St-22. They discussed 2-rD2etched ide-s, such -s putting - gi-nt

telescope on - =ount-intop -nd tr-ining it on bin 4-denKs Lerunt- tr-ining c-=p, ne-r P-l-l-b-d, #here -l W-ed- h-d eXperi=ented #ith che=ic-l #e-pons. 3ut there #-s -nother, =ore re-listic option. Allen #-s told -bout - series o2 secret tests the Air <orce h-d been conducting in the desert. There #-s - ch-nce, Pent-gon o22ici-ls s-id, th-t the ,IA could 2ind bin 4-den using - drone. 3y :''', the @WD& Pred-tor #-s #ell %no#n inside the s=-ll, gee%y 2r-ternity o2 =ilit-ry engineers -nd intelligence -n-lysts #or%ing -t the eXperi=ent-l 2ringes o2 electronic spying. The Pred-tor h-d -lre-dy h-d so=e success -s - spying tool in the 3-l%-n #-rs, spotting Serbi-n troop concentr-tions -nd hunting 3osni-n Serb le-ders. Lrone pilots oper-ted the pl-nes out o2 - h-ng-r in Alb-ni- th-t the ,IA h-d rented in eXch-nge 2or t#o truc%lo-ds o2 #ool bl-n%ets. The drone >ideo #-s be-=ed into the o22ice o2 ,IA director 5. P-=es 9oolsey Pr., #ho co==unic-ted #ith the pilots through - crude eD=-il lin% . 9oolsey h-d =-n-ged to get - s=-ll st-sh o2 =oney to 2und the proVect 2ro= 5epresent-ti>e ,h-rlie 9ilson, the h-rdDdrin%ing TeX-s congress=-n #ho h-d used si=il-r budget tric%ery to 2und the ,IAKs #-r in A2gh-nist-n during the &C8's . The =ount-inous terr-in in the 3-l%-ns h-d =-de it i=possible to 2ly the drones using Rline o2 sightS technology\#ith the pilot oper-ting the drone through - direct sign-l to the -irpl-ne\so during the &CC's the =ilit-ry h-d =-de strides 2lying the Pred-tors by bouncing - sign-l o22 - s-tellite hurtling through sp-ce. 3ut the Pred-tor couldnKt c-rry - #e-pon. It -lso loo%ed li%e - g-ngly insect -nd h-d - loud engine th-t =-de it sound li%e - 2lying l-#n=o#er. Unli%e =ost pl-nes, its st-biliAers pointed do#n r-ther th-n thrusting up into the s%y, -nd #hen one =-Vor tr-de =-g-Aine published its 2irst story -bout the Pred-tor, the photo #-s upside do#n . 3ut - h-nd2ul o2 Air <orce o22icers inside the ser>iceKs 2lyboy culture s-# the potenti-l in un=-nned syste=s -nd beg-n -d>oc-ting 2or the Pred-tor. Allen brought the Pred-tor ide- b-c% to 5ich-rd ,l-r%e -t the 9hite !ouse. They 2igured th-t both Tenet -nd P->itt #ould be -g-inst the ide-, so they #-ited to tell the= -bout the Pred-tor option until - pl-n h-d been cobbled together to send the Pred-tor into A2gh-nist-n. 9ithout telling Tenet, ,l-r%e c-lled - 9hite !ouse =eeting -nd in>ited the Pred-torKs biggest -d>oc-tes7 ,h-rlie Allen, ,T, chie2 ,o2er 3l-c%, -nd 5ich-rd 3lee, the he-d o2 the ,T,Ks bin 4-den hunting unit, #hich h-d been gi>en the code n-=e Alec St-tion. 3lee #-s - c-reer c-se o22icer #ho h-d ser>ed in se>er-l ,IA st-tions in A2ric-, -nd shortly -2ter he too% o>er Alec St-tion, in &CCC, he led - te-= into A2gh-nist-nKs P-nVshir N-lley to reest-blish ,IA cont-ct #ith Ah=-d Sh-h @-ssoud, the le-der o2 the "orthern Alli-nce, #ho= -l W-ed- #ould end up %illing Vust t#o d-ys be2ore the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. 3lee #-s s=-rt -nd intense but occ-sion-lly sullen, le-ding so=e o2 his colle-gues to thin% o2 hi= -s -loo2. !e h-d gro#n up - ,IA br-t, the son o2 - he-d o2 the ,IAKs So>iet di>ision #ho h-d b-ttled #ith the -gencyKs legend-ry he-d o2 counterintelligence, P-=es Angleton, o>er the direction o2 cl-ndestine oper-tions -g-inst the So>iet Union. L->id 3lee #on the 2ight -nd success2ully penetr-ted the 0G3 #ith doAens o2 highly pl-ced =oles during the &C7's. "o# his son #-s -t the 2ront o2 - >ery di22erent ,IA #-r. 3y @e=ori-l L-y #ee%end :''', ,lintonKs n-tion-l security -d>iser, S-ndy 3erger, thought th-t the ,IA h-d dic%ered -round too long -bout the Pred-tor -nd de=-nded decision on the drone 2lights. Gener-l Pohn Gordon, the ,IAKs deputy director, -rr-nged

- h-sty =eeting -t 4-ngley th-t Uuic%ly degener-ted into - shouting =-tch. P->itt, #ho by then h-d been told -bout the Pred-tor option, =-de it cle-r he opposed h->ing ,IA spy 2lights o>er A2gh-nist-n. R9here #ould the drones be b-sed^S he -s%ed, -nd R#h-t i2 they #ere shot do#n^S The ,IA shouldnKt be oper-ting its o#n -ir 2orce, P->itt s-id. The =eeting, one p-rticip-nt s-id, bec-=e R- re-lly ugly scene.S A2ter the session, Allen c-lled ,l-r%e to tell hi= -bout P->ittKs opposition. ,l-r%e thought P->ittKs #orries #ere ludicrous -nd th-t the pl-n presented -l=ost Aero ris%. R$ou %no#,S he told Allen, Ri2 the Pred-tor gets shot do#n, the pilot goes ho=e -nd 2uc%s his #i2e. ItKs 60. ThereKs no P69 issue here .S Tenet #-s -lso s%eptic-l #hen he he-rd -bout the Pred-tor d-ys l-ter, -nd he didnKt relish the prospect o2 -s%ing UAbe%ist-ni strong=-n Isl-= 0-ri=o> to -llo# the ,IA to b-se Pred-tors -t -n old So>iet -ir b-se ne-r the A2gh-n border. At the ti=e, the ide- o2 the ,IA est-blishing =ilit-ryDstyle b-ses -ny#here in the #orld see=ed cr-Ay\-nd dr-in on the -gencyKs li=ited budget 2or co>ert -ction. 3y Pune, ho#e>er, ,l-r%e h-d #on the -rgu=ent, -nd the 9hite !ouse h-d -ppro>ed =o>ing Pred-tors to the 0-rshiD0h-n-b-d Air 3-se, in UAbe%ist-n. 3ut ,IA o22icers h-d -nother proble=7 ho# to get enough s-tellite b-nd#idth 2or the drone 2lights. Air <orce engineers by th-t point h-d de>ised - #-y to 2ly the Pred-tor 2ro= thous-nds o2 =iles -#-y by bouncing the sign-l o22 - s-tellite -nd rel-ying the 2eed through - ground st-tion in Ger=-ny. This -llo#ed the ,IA to st-tion Pred-tor pilots >ery close to ho=e, in - con>erted r-cec-r tr-iler set up in - p-r%ing lot -t 4-ngley. 3ut the -gency still h-d to rent b-nd#idth 2ro= co==erci-l s-tellite co=p-nies, #hich pro>ed h-rder th-n eXpected. 9ith ne#s org-niA-tions suc%ing up -ll o2 the s-tellite b-nd#idth in their prep-r-tions to co>er the 6ly=pic G-=es in Sydney, the Pred-tors #ere -l=ost grounded -s the ,IA 2r-ntic-lly se-rched 2or - s-tellite co=p-ny #ith tr-nsponder sp-ce to rent . The spying 2lights beg-n in Septe=ber :''', -nd the ,IA 2le# =ore th-n - doAen drone =issions o>er A2gh-nist-n in the 2-ll be2ore the #inter #inds in the =ount-ins beg-n bu22eting the Pred-torKs 2r-gile -ir2r-=e, =-%ing the 2lights too ris%y. Se>er-l ti=es, ,l-r%e dro>e out to 4-ngley to #-tch the >ideo be-=ed into the tr-iler in the p-r%ing lot. RIt #-s Vust science 2ictionQ it #-s unbelie>-ble,S he s-id. Luring one 2light o>er bin 4-denKs T-rn-% <-r=s tr-ining c-=p, ne-r 0-nd-h-r, the Pred-tor spotted truc% con>oy dri>ing into the c-=p. 6ut #-l%ed - t-ll =-n in long #hite robes. The >ideo #-s gr-iny, but e>ery person st-nding -round the >ideo =onitor -t the ,IA #-s con>inced th-t the c-=er- #-s tr-ined on bin 4-den. ,IA -n-lysts scr-=bled to -lert the Pent-gon -nd the 9hite !ouse to get -ppro>-l to l-unch =issiles 2ro= the sub=-rines. 3ut o22ici-ls -t the "-tion-l Security ,ouncil de=-nded to %no# #hether bin 4-den #-s going to be -t T-rn-% <-r=s 2or -t le-st siX hours\the ti=e it #ould t-%e to go through the l-unch protocols -nd 2or the To=-h-#% =issiles to 2ly 2ro= - sub=-rine in the Ar-bi-n Se- to southern A2gh-nist-n. The ,IA h-d no clue, -nd so S-ndy 3erger -nd his st-22 declined to -ppro>e the stri%e. The ,IA h-d only t#o options7 predict bin 4-denKs #here-bouts siX hours in -d>-nce or 2ind - #e-pon th-t could hunt the -l W-ed- le-der -nd %ill hi= i==edi-tely.

#-s -t the ti=e - s=-ll, dec-ying b-se in the "e>-d- desert, so=e thirtyD2i>e =iles north#est o2 4-s Neg-s. It #-s one o2 - =yri-d o2
I"LIA" SP5I"GS AI5 <65,; AUMI4IA5$ <I;4L

benighted =ilit-ry outposts built during 9orld 9-r II -nd then 2orgotten by the Pent-gon. In the &C 's -nd KG's the b-se h-d been - supply hub 2or the underground nucle-r tests ne-rby, -nd helicopters st-tioned -t Indi-n Springs #ere occ-sion-lly 2lo#n o>er the test sites -t @ercury -nd $ucc- <l-ts to =onitor 2or r-di-tion le-%s. S->e 2or the occ-sion-l tr-ining by the Thunderbirds, the Air <orceKs de=onstr-tion sUu-dron, Indi-n Springs #-s - desol-te b-c%#-ter. The b-se -lso h-d - bird proble=. The s%ies -bo>e Indi-n Springs #ere 2illed #ith birds, -nd the Air <orce h-d restricted ho# o2ten 2ighter Vets could t-%e o22 2ro= the b-se due to concerns th-t the birds could get suc%ed into Vet engines -nd c-use de-dly cr-shes. 3ut -s - drone pro>ing ground, Indi-n Springs #-s ide-l7 The -ircr-2t didnKt 2ly =uch 2-ster th-n the birds. At Indi-n Springs, - s=-ll group o2 test pilots #-s trying to turn the Pred-tor 2ro= - hunter into - %iller. The housing -t the b-se #-s scheduled 2or de=olition bec-use the #-lls o2 the bung-lo#s #ere 2illed #ith -sbestos, so the Pred-tor te-= tr->eled e-ch =orning 2ro= their rented houses in the 4-s Neg-s suburbs to - co==-nd post set up -t Indi-n Springs inside -n -b-ndoned church building . ,urt !-#es, one o2 the Pred-tor pilots -t the b-se in :''' -nd :''&, rec-lls th-t his group h-d - >-gue ide- th-t the drone testing h-d been -cceler-ted bec-use the ,IA urgently #-nted to use the Pred-tor to %ill bin 4-den, but =ost o2 the det-ils -bout the deb-te b-c% in 9-shington #ere %ept 2ro= the group -t the b-se. <unding 2or the progr-= h-d been ch-nneled through the Air <orceKs R3ig S-2-riS o22ice, - cl-ssi2ied di>ision b-sed -t 9rightDP-tterson Air <orce 3-se, in L-yton, 6hio, in ch-rge o2 de>eloping secret intelligence progr-=s 2or the =ilit-ry. 3ig S-2-riKs =-nd-te #-s to cut through Pent-gon bure-ucr-cy to get cert-in #e-pons 2ro= the dr-#ing bo-rd to the 2ield =ore Uuic%ly th-n usu-l, #hich so=eti=es =e-nt th-t they #ent into co=b-t be2ore they #ere entirely re-dy. Such #-s the c-se in :''' #ith the e-rly =odel Pred-tors, -ircr-2t #ith - h-ph-A-rd control p-nel th-t so=e pilots li%ened to the sc-ttered 2e-tures o2 - @r. Pot-to !e-d doll. Pust one o2 the signi2ic-nt design 2l-#s #-s th-t the button th-t %illed the engine on the drone #-s only - Uu-rter inch 2ro= the button th-t l-unched the !ell2ire =issile\cre-ting the possibility 2or hu=-n error #ith de-dly conseUuences. The bigger proble=, ho#e>er, #-s th-t nobody #-s Uuite sure #h-t l-unching the =issile =ight do to the drone itsel2. 9ould the 2orce o2 the =issile rupture the -ir2r-=e or rip the Pred-torKs #ings in =id2light^ In P-nu-ry :''&, - test #-s conducted in the high desert o2 ,hin- 4-%e, ,-li2orni-, to 2ind out. Three d-ys -2ter President 3ush #-s s#orn into o22ice, Air <orce engineers ch-ined - Pred-tor to - concrete p-d on top o2 s=-ll =ount-in -nd 2ired - !ell2ire =issile 2ro= the drone. The =issile hit - t-rget t-n% in its p-th , -nd the Pred-tor #-s und-=-ged. 4i>e 2light tests could proceed. !ours be2ore d-#n on <ebru-ry &G, :''&, ,urt !-#es le2t the co==-nd post in the -b-ndoned church -t Indi-n Springs -nd dro>e t#enty =iles into the desert. !e h-d gone o>er the pre2light chec%list in his =ind the night be2ore, sitting in his bedroo= in 4-s Neg-s. !is eyes closed, he pr-cticed the =o>es his h-nds #ould =-%e -s he controlled the Pred-tor Voystic% -nd 2ired - =issile . @-ybe 2or the 2irst ti=e in the history o2 A=eric-n 2light, the dr-=- surrounding l-nd=-r% test h-d nothing to do #ith concerns -bout #hether the pilot #ould sur>i>e. ,urt !-#es didnKt #-%e up on the =orning o2 <ebru-ry &G -s ,huc% $e-ger h-d be2ore he sUueeAed into the coc%pit o2 the 3ell MD&, hoping he #ouldnKt be the l-test test pilot to die trying to bre-% the sound b-rrier. !-#es 2-ced no ris% #h-tsoe>er, #hich is eX-ctly #hy it #-s - #-tershed =o=ent7 The United St-tes #-s de>eloping - ne# #e-pon 2or

#-r th-t reUuired no one -ctu-lly going to #-r. The test #-s pl-nned 2or e-rly =orning, #hen the desert #inds #ould be c-l=est. Shortly -2ter sunrise, !-#es too% control o2 the Pred-tor 2ro= the te-= th-t h-d l-unched the drone o22 the run#-y -t Indi-n Springs. !e slo#ly =-de it descend to t#o thous-nd 2eet, the highest -ltitude 2ro= #hich - !ell2ire =issile h-d e>er been 2ired. !e lined up the shot #ith the help o2 - l-ser be-= pointed -t - t-rget t-n% in the desert, the l-ser directed by -n Ar=y contr-ctor on the ground. Pressing the button, he l-unched the !ell2ire =issile. 9h-t !-#es re=e=bers #-s the silence. !e #-s - pilot, but he #-s =iles -#-y 2ro= his pl-ne. !e couldnKt he-r the sound o2 the !ell2ireKs roc%et engine 2iring or 2eel the pl-ne bu22et #hen he l-unched the =issile. !is >ideo screen 2lic%ered 2ro= the =issileKs he-t tr-il, -nd he #-tched the =issile propel to#-rd the t-rget t-n% 2or - direct hit. The engineers h-d decided not to use - li>e #-rhe-d 2or the test, so there #-s no eXplosion. The du==y =issile struc% the t-n%Ks turret siX inches to the right o2 de-d center, denting the -r=or -nd spinning the turret thirty degrees . The test #-s decl-red -n unUu-li2ied success. 3y 7 A.@., it #-s done, -nd the Pred-tor te-= =et -t the little c-sino -dV-cent to the Indi-n Springs b-se 2or celebr-tory bre-%2-st. Air <orce le-ders #ere giddy, -nd by the second test, 2i>e d-ys l-ter, they h-d -rr-nged 2or - group o2 gener-ls to g-ther -t the Pent-gon to #-tch the !ell2ire shot through - >ideo 2eed sent 2ro= "e>-d-. This ti=e, ,urt !-#es 2le# the Pred-tor using - s-tellite, cre-ting - t#oDsecond l-g bet#een his Voystic% =o>e=ents -nd the -ctu-l =o>e=ents o2 the pl-ne. This =-de the Pred-tor =ore di22icult to control, but once -g-in the !ell2ire scored - direct hit. This ti=e, the =issile c-rried - li>e #-rhe-d, -nd #hen it 2ound its t-rget - s=-ll b-ll o2 2ire rose into the =orning s%y. The -ge o2 -r=ed, re=oteDcontrolled con2lict h-d begun #ith little 2-n2-re. The Air <orce issued - short press rele-se, #hich led to - s=-ll story in - loc-l 4-s Neg-s ne#sp-per. A congress=-n 2ro= "e>-d- c-lled to congr-tul-te the Pred-tor te-=, but the engineers -nd pilots #ere dis-ppointed #hen - ,"" cre# th-t #-s ru=ored to be co=ing to 2il= the test didnKt sho# up. ,IA o22ici-ls h-d been trying to %eep the entire oper-tion - secret -nd #ere -ngry th-t the Air <orce e>en put out - press rele-se. ,"" #-s ne>er -llo#ed on b-se. ,urt !-#es didnKt %no# -ny o2 these det-ils. All he he-rd #-s th-t Rother p-rtiesS h-d inter>ened to %eep his #or% - secret.

couldnKt decide #h-t to do #ith the -r=ed drone. ;>en -2ter the success2ul =issile tests, the ,IA re=-ined di>ided -t the top -bout #hether to send -r=ed Pred-tors to A2gh-nist-n to hunt 2or 6s-=- bin 4-den. P->itt, he-d o2 the ,IAKs cl-ndestine ser>ice, #-s - oneD=-n Gree% chorus -rguing 2orce2ully -g-inst the ,IA running the Pred-tor progr-=. !e #-nted to spend his bl-c% budget on hiring =ore c-se o22icers, not buying drones. !e #ould repe-tedly -s% - Uuestion during =eetings th-t no# see=s Uu-int -2ter the billions o2 doll-rs th-t h->e poured into counterterroris= progr-=s since the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s7 9-s the i: =illion 2or e-ch Pred-tor going to co=e out o2 the ,IA or the Pent-gon budget^ 3ut he -lso >oiced - =uch deeper concern, one sh-red by other =e=bers o2 TenetKs st-22. 9h-t eX-ctly #ere the repercussions o2 the ,IA getting b-c% into -ss-ssin-tions^ R$ou c-nKt underesti=-te the cultur-l ch-nge th-t co=es #ith g-ining leth-l -uthority,S s-id Pohn @c4-ughlin, then the ,IAKs deputy director. R9hen people s-y to =e, eItKs not - big de-l,K I s-y to the=, e!->e you e>er %illed -nyone^KS he s-id. RIt
3UT T!6S; R6T!;5 PA5TI;SS

is - big de-l. $ou st-rt thin%ing -bout things di22erently.S @oreo>er, the United St-tes #-s scolding other countries 2or the eX-ct s-=e thing it #-s deb-ting #hether to undert-%e. 9hen Isr-elKs go>ern=ent #-s %illing o22 !-=-s le-ders in :''' -nd :''& during the second P-lestini-n inti2-d-, A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor to Isr-el @-rtin Indy% s-id th-t R the United St-tes is >ery cle-rly on the record -s being -g-inst t-rgeted -ss-ssin-tions.Y.Y.Y. They -re eXtr-Vudici-l %illings -nd #e do not support th-t.S George Tenet #-s -=bi>-lent -nd repe-tedly s-id he thought it should be the =ilit-ry, not the ,IA, th-t pulled the trigger on - #e-pon o2 #-r. Luring one discussion -bout #hether - ,IA o22icer should be -llo#ed to -uthoriAe Pred-tor stri%es, both ,h-rles Allen -nd Al>in R3uAAyS 0rong-rd, the -gencyKs thirdDr-n%ing o22ici-l, >olunteered to pull the trigger the=sel>es. This in2uri-ted Tenet. !e l-ter told the C_&& ,o==ission he scolded Allen -nd 0rong-rd, telling the= they h-d no -uthority to 2ire - !ell2ire =issile , -nd neither did he. Sitting ne-r TenetKs side during -ll the deb-tes -bout the Pred-tor, 4t. Gener-l Pohn ,-=pbell #-s - bit li%e -n -nthropologist #-tching the 2ighting ritu-ls o2 - str-nge species. !e h-d spent his c-reer in the Air <orce -nd h-d =o>ed to 4-ngley the pre>ious su==er to t-%e o>er -s the -gencyKs director o2 =ilit-ry support. ,-=pbell belie>ed strongly th-t the ,IA should e=br-ce the Pred-tor, but no#, #hen he thin%s b-c% to the intern-l 2ights o>er -r=ed drones in the su==er o2 :''&, he underst-nds th-t the -gency #-s #restling #ith the =ost b-sic Uuestions -bout #h-t it #-nted to be. RIn the =ilit-ry culture, i2 youKre 2ollo#ing - leg-l order\-nd -s -n o22icer youKre eXpected to 2ollo# - leg-l order\then youKre pretty =uch protected in the long ter= 2or -ny person-l li-bility 2or the things you do,S he s-id. RThe ,IA is di22erent. They h->e =uch less protection. They c-n be oper-ting under the pro>isions o2 - presidenti-l 2inding #here you get - piece o2 p-per #ith the presidentKs sign-ture th-t s-ys, eI -uthoriAe you to do these things.K Then, the neXt -d=inistr-tion c-n co=e in -nd Pustice decides th-t the 2inding #-s Uuestion-ble -nd =-ybe e>en illeg-l\-nd guess #h-t^\those guys -re person-lly li-ble 2or the things they did. RSo=ething li%e the Pred-tor, #here youKre speci2ic-lly t-rgeting indi>idu-ls, dredges up - #hole list o2 concerns -bout the 2uture r-=i2ic-tions,S s-id ,-=pbell. ,-=pbellKs deputy -t the ti=e #-s 5oss "e#l-nd, #ho h-d - 2rontDro# se-t 2or the Pred-tor 2ights. As he s-t in the =eetings, "e#l-nd %ne# he #-s #-tching -nother turn o2 the 2-=ili-r cycle7 A Rris%D->erseS ,IA #-s once -g-in -bout to #-de b-c% into secret #-r. !e supported the Pred-tor progr-= -nd thought th-t the 3ush -d=inistr-tion should use it to %ill bin 4-den -s soon -s possible, but he -lso couldnKt help but thin% b-c% to his d-ys -s - countern-rcotics o22icer in 3oli>i-. An unprep-red ,IA h-d been -ssigned the =ission o2 ch-sing drugDrunners bec-use nobody else #-nted to do it. T#o dec-des l-ter, "e#l-nd could see the s-=e thing h-ppening #ith terroris=. 9ee%s l-ter, #hen the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s %illed ne-rly three thous-nd A=eric-ns, thorny Uuestions -bout -ss-ssin-tion, co>ert -ction, -nd the proper use o2 the ,IA in hunting A=eric-Ks ene=ies #ere Uuic%ly s#ept -side. 9ithin #ee%s, the ,IA beg-n conducting doAens o2 drone stri%es in A2gh-nist-n. A=eric- h-d 2ound, in the -r=ed Pred-tor, the ulti=-te #e-pon 2or - secret #-r. It #-s - tool th-t %illed Uuietly, - #e-pon unbound by the nor=-l rules o2 -ccount-bility in co=b-t. Ar=ed drones #ould -llo# A=eric-n presidents to order stri%es on re=ote >ill-ges -nd desert c-=ps #here Vourn-lists -nd independent =onitoring groups could not go. The stri%es #ere r-rely discussed publicly by - spo%es=-n st-nding -t podiu=, but they #ere cheered in pri>-te by politici-ns 2ro= both p-rties hoping to 2leX A=eric-n =uscle #ithout putting A=eric-n li>es -t ris%.

5-re is the technology th-t c-n ch-nge the 2-ce o2 #-r2-re. In the 2irst h-l2 o2 the p-st century, t-n%s -nd pl-nes tr-ns2or=ed ho# the #orld 2ought its b-ttles. The 2i2ty ye-rs th-t 2ollo#ed #ere do=in-ted by nucle-r #-rhe-ds -nd I,3@s, #e-pons o2 such horrible po#er th-t they g->e birth to ne# doctrines to %eep countries 2ro= e>er using the=. The -d>ent o2 the -r=ed drone upended this c-lculus7 9-r #-s possible eX-ctly bec-use it see=ed so 2ree o2 ris%. The b-r 2or #-r h-d been lo#ered, the re=oteD controlled -ge h-d begun, -nd the %iller drones bec-=e -n obVect o2 2-scin-tion inside the ,IA. Luring the su==er o2 :'':, 5oss "e#l-nd >isited the s=-ll gi2t shop -t the ,IAKs he-dUu-rters. 4oo%ing to buy so=e presents 2or 2riends, he #-l%ed -=id the ro#s o2 shel>es 2illed #ith =ugs, 2leece V-c%ets, -nd TDshirts e=bl-Aoned #ith the ,IA logo. Then he =-de -n uneXpected 2ind7 - gol2 shirt #ith - s=-ll drone e=broidered on the le2t side. The Pred-tor still #-s one o2 the ,IAKs =ost cl-ssi2ied progr-=s, but the spy -gency #-s no# h-#%ing i=-ges o2 the drones on sou>enirs.

in $e=en l-ter th-t ye-r sho#ed th-t the ,IA, #ith - pli-ble 2oreign -lly, could #-ge #-r 2-r beyond #-r Aones. 3ush o22ici-ls #ere so ple-sed -bout the stri%e in $e=en th-t ne#s o2 the -tt-c% Uuic%ly le-%ed out, puncturing the thin co>er story put out by $e=eni o22ici-ls -bout the eXploding g-s c-n. P-ul 9ol2o#itA, deputy de2ense secret-ry, e>en pr-ised the stri%e on ,"". President S-leh #-s 2urious #hen he he-rd -bout 9ol2o#itAKs co==ents. !is go>ern=ent h-d been =-de to loo% li%e 2ools -nd li-rs, -nd he de=-nded th-t A=eric-n spies -nd diplo=-ts in $e=en -ppe-r in his o22ice i==edi-tely. Since 9-shington couldnKt %eep - secret, he told the=, A=eric-Ks hidden #-r in $e=en #ould be sc-led b-c%. !e ordered the Pred-tor 2lights to stop i==edi-tely. And they did, 2or ne-rly eight ye-rs. It #ouldnKt be until :'&', #ith $e=en in tur=oil -nd S-leh losing his grip on po#er one 2inger -t - ti=e, th-t -nother A=eric-n president #ould order drones b-c% o>er the s%ies o2 $e=en. 3y then, S-leh #-s h-rdly in -ny position to obVect.
T!; 0I44I"G 6< A4D!A5;T!I

RThings 2-ll out o2 the s%y -ll the ti=e.S \Per>eA @ush-rr-2

hy is this bird 2ollo#ing =e^S

"e% @uh-==-d 9-Air s-t inside - =ud building in South 9-Airist-n, surrounded by his 2ollo#ers -nd t-l%ing on his s-tellite phone to - 33, reporter. 4oo%ing out the #indo#, the young co==-nder #ith long, VetDbl-c% h-ir noticed so=ething ho>ering -bo>e, glinting in the sun. !e -s%ed one o2 his lieuten-nts -bout the corusc-ting =et-l obVect in the s%y. "e% @uh-==-d h-d Vust hu=bled P-%ist-ni troops, -nd the ,IA #-s 2ollo#ing hi=. !e h-d e=erged -s the undisputed roc% st-r o2 P-%ist-nKs trib-l -re-s, - br-sh =e=ber o2 the 9-Air tribe #ho h-d r-ised -n -r=y to 2ight go>ern=ent 2orces in the spring o2 :''* -nd brought Isl-=-b-d to the negoti-ting t-ble. !is rise h-d t-%en P-%ist-nKs le-ders by surprise, -nd no# they #-nted hi= de-d. "e% @uh-==-d, -ge t#entyDnine, #-s p-rt o2 - second gener-tion o2 P-%ist-ni =uV-hedeen #ho s-# no c-use 2or loy-lty to the ISI th-t h-d gi>en succor to their 2-thers during the #-r -g-inst the So>iets. @-ny P-%ist-nis in the trib-l -re-s >ie#ed President @ush-rr-2Ks -lli-nce #ith 9-shington -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s #ith disd-in, -nd s-# the P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry -s no di22erent 2ro= the A=eric-ns\#ho= they belie>ed h-d l-unched - #-r o2 -ggression in A2gh-nist-n Vust li%e the So>iets h-d ye-rs e-rlier . "e% @uh-==-d g->e P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent its 2irst t-ste o2 #h-t #ould be gro#ing proble= in the co=ing ye-rs7 - =ilit-ncy th-t eXtended its re-ch beyond the #estern =ount-ins -nd into the settled -re-s o2 the country, ne-r P-%ist-nKs biggest -nd =ost i=port-nt cities. It #-s =ilit-ncy th-t Isl-=-b-d e>entu-lly #ould be un-ble to control. 3orn ne-r 9-n-, the bustling =-r%et hub o2 South 9-Airist-n, "e% @uh-==-d #-s sent -t -n e-rly -ge to one o2 the religious se=in-ries th-t h-d sprung up in the -reduring the &C8's to educ-te the illiter-te youth o2 the <eder-lly Ad=inistered Trib-l Are-s. !e dropped out -2ter 2i>e ye-rs -nd spent the e-rly &CC's sur>i>ing -s - petty c-r thie2 -nd - shop%eeper in the 9-nb-A--r. !e 2ound his c-lling in &CC3, #hen he #-s recruited to 2ight -longside the A2gh-n T-lib-n -nd -g-inst Ah=-d Sh-h @-ssoudKs "orthern Alli-nce in the ci>il #-r then r-ging in A2gh-nist-n. !e rose Uuic%ly through the T-lib-nKs =ilit-ry hier-rchy, #inning - reput-tion 2or ne>er conceding in b-ttle, e>en #hen his co==-nders ordered hi= to pull b-c%. !e cut - stri%ing 2igure on the b-ttle2ield, #ith his long, thin 2-ce -nd un%e=pt be-rd brushing the top o2 his coll-rbones -nd his bl-c% h-ir 2lo#ing 2ro= his #hite turb-n. !e loo%ed less li%e - typic-lly scru22y trib-l =ilit-nt -nd =ore li%e - P-shtun >ersion o2 ,he Gue>-r-. "e% @uh-==-d seiAed -n opportunity to beco=e - host 2or the Ar-b -nd ,hechen -l W-ed- 2ighters #ho =o>ed into P-%ist-n to esc-pe the b-rr-ge o2 A=eric-n bo=bs in A2gh-nist-n in :''& -nd :'':. 4oc-l tribes=en considered it their religious duty to

shelter the 2ighters, but so=e -lso s-# the potenti-l 2or pro2it, ch-rging the 2oreigners in2l-ted rents to st-y in the protected d#ellings o2 9-n- -nd Sh-%-i, - 2-r=ing region o2 l-rge sh-de trees -nd steep ri>er >-lleys. <or "e% @uh-==-d, it #-s p-rtly - getDrich sche=e, but he -lso s-# -nother use 2or the -rri>ing 2ighters. 9ith their help, o>er the neXt t#o ye-rs he l-unched - string o2 -tt-c%s on P-%ist-ni <rontier ,orps inst-ll-tions -nd A=eric-n 2ireb-ses -cross the border in A2gh-nist-n. ,IA o22icers in Isl-=-b-d urged P-%ist-ni spies to le-n on the 9-Airi tribes=en to h-nd o>er the Ar-b -nd ,hechen 2ighters, but P-shtun trib-l custo= prohibited such tre-chery. 5eluct-ntly, @ush-rr-2 ordered his troops into the 2orbidding =ount-ins to hunt do#n the 2oreigners -nd deli>er rough Vustice to "e% @uh-==-dKs =en. It #-snKt the =ilit-ryKs 2irst 2or-y into 9-Airist-n, but 2or @ush-rr-2 there #-s - ne# urgency7 In l-te :''3, -l W-ed-Ks secondDinDco==-nd, Ay=-n -lD1-#-hiri, issued - 2-t#- ordering the P-%ist-ni presidentKs %illing 2or helping the A=eric-ns. 6n t#o occ-sions in Lece=ber :''3, -ss-ssins c-=e close to 2ul2illing the order, -nd @ush-rr-2 thought th-t - Uuic%, punishing =ilit-ry c-=p-ign in the =ount-ins =ight put - stop to the -tt-c%s on P-%ist-ni soil. 3ut it #-s only the beginning. In @-rch :''*, P-%ist-ni helicopter gunships -nd -rtillery bludgeoned 9-n- -nd the surrounding >ill-ges. Go>ern=ent troops shelled pic%up truc%s th-t #ere c-rrying ci>ili-ns -#-y 2ro= the 2ighting -nd destroyed the co=pounds o2 tribes=en suspected o2 h-rboring 2oreigners. 6ne tribes=-n told reporter th-t #hen P-%ist-ni troops looted his house, they too% not only his clothes but his pillo# co>ers -nd his shoe polish. 4t. Gener-l S-2d-r !uss-in, the co==-nder #ho led the b-ttle, decl-red the oper-tion -n unUu-li2ied success. It h-d destroyed - =ilit-nt b-se, he s-id, -nd - net#or% o2 tunnels cont-ining sophistic-ted co==unic-tions eUuip=ent. 3ut 2or P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent, the g-=e h-dnKt been #orth the c-ndle. @ilit-ry c-su-lties #ere higher th-n -nticip-ted. Luring one b-ttle, on @-rch &G, #hen troops l-id siege to - 2ortress belonging to "e% @uh-==-d -nd t#o other senior =ilit-nts, 2i2teen <rontier ,orps troops -nd one P-%ist-ni regul-rD-r=y soldier #ere %illed. <ourteen other soldiers #ere t-%en host-ge, -nd doAens o2 -r=y truc%s, -rtillery pieces, -nd -r=ored personnel c-rriers #ere destroyed. In Isl-=-b-d, clerics o2 the in2luenti-l =osUue 4-l @-sVid issued - =ess-ge c-lling 2or the people o2 South 9-Airist-n to resist the -r=yKs o22ensi>e -nd 2or P-%ist-ni troops to be denied Isl-=ic buri-ls. 6beying the order, so=e p-rents re2used to -ccept the bodies o2 their sl-in sons. In 9-Airist-n, tribes=en #ho -lre-dy opposed the =ilit-ryKs deploy=ent into the =ount-ins #ere 2urious -bout the indiscri=in-te -ss-ult on 9-n-. Att-c%s -g-inst <rontier ,orps posts incre-sed, -nd Isl-=-b-d beg-n loo%ing 2or - #-y out. 6n April :*, :''*, P-shtun tribes=en d-nced in - circle -nd b-nged dru=s -s President @ush-rr-2Ks =ilit-ry en>oys -rri>ed -t the =-dr-ss- school in Sh-%-i, ne-r 9-n-, #here "e% @uh-==-dKs =en #ere #-iting 2or the=. Gener-l !uss-in c-=e in person, - sign o2 Vust ho# desper-te @ush-rr-2 #-s to sue 2or pe-ce. Tribes=en presented A0D*7s to the =ilit-ry =en, - tr-dition-l gesture o2 pe-ce, -nd Gener-l !uss-in hugged "e% @uh-==-d -nd hung - g-rl-nd o2 bright 2lo#ers -round his nec%. The t#o =en s-t neXt to e-ch other -nd sipped te- -s photogr-phers -nd tele>ision c-=er-=en recorded the e>ent. 9hen the 2or=-lities #ere 2inished, the gener-l -ddressed the hundreds o2 =en sitting crossDlegged in the dirt, dressed in 2lo#ing sh-l#-r %-=eeA -nd #e-ring 2l-t #oolen p-%ul h-ts. The gener-l told the cro#d th-t the United St-tes h-d been 2oolish

to =-%e #-r in A2gh-nist-n. R9hen A=eric-Ks 9orld Tr-de ,enter #-s hit by - pl-ne, ho# =-ny A2gh-n pilots #ere in>ol>ed^S the gener-l -s%ed. RSince there #ere no A2gh-n pilots, #hy is there this situ-tion in A2gh-nist-n^S !e suggested th-t the go>ern=ent o2 P-%ist-n, by bro%ering the pe-ce de-l, #-s protecting the people o2 South 9-Airist-n 2ro= the A=eric-n bo=bs. RI2 the P-%ist-n go>ern=ent h-d not =-de such - #ise choice, then Vust li%e A=eric- in>-ded Ir-U -nd in>-ded A2gh-nist-n, they -lso #ould h->e in>-ded the trib-l -re-s,S he s-id. The cro#d cheered #ildly . "e% @uh-==-d -lso spo%e o2 pe-ce. R 9h-te>er h-ppened , h-ppened,S he s-id be2ore - b-n% o2 =icrophones. R3e it our 2-ult or the -r=yKs, #e #ill not 2ight e-ch other -g-in.S There #-s little doubt #hich side #-s negoti-ting 2ro= strength. "e% @uh-==-d #ould l-ter br-g th-t the go>ern=ent h-d -greed to =eet inside - religious =-dr-ssr-ther th-n in - public loc-tion, #here trib-l =eetings #ere tr-dition-lly held. RI did not go to the=Q they c-=e to =y pl-ce,S he s-id. R Th-t should =-%e it cle-r #ho surrendered to #ho=.S Pudging by the ter=s o2 the truce, he #-s right. The go>ern=ent -greed to p-y rep-r-tions 2or the c-rn-ge in South 9-Airist-n -nd to 2ree -ll the prisoners #ho h-d been c-ptured during the o22ensi>e. The 2oreign 2ighters in the =ount-ins #ere gr-nted -=nesty -s long -s they pledged to gi>e up -tt-c%s on P-%ist-ni troops -nd r-ids into A2gh-nist-n\- pro>ision th-t #-s essenti-lly unen2orce-ble. "e% @uh-==-d -nd his 2ollo#ers -lso pro=ised not to -tt-c% P-%ist-ni troops but did not renounce -tt-c%s into A2gh-nist-n. 4-ter, "e% @uh-==-d s-id th-t he #ould not gi>e up Vih-d in A2gh-nist-n until the country #-s 2ree 2ro= 2oreign occup-tion. "ot e>eryone in P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent thought th-t the pe-ce de-l #-s - #ise =o>e. 3y :''*, As-d @unir h-d retired 2ro= the ISI -nd t-%en - Vob -s - ci>ili-n -d=inistr-tor in Pesh-#-r, o>erseeing security -nd de>elop=ent in the trib-l -re-s. The 2or=er st-tion chie2 #ho h-d #or%ed closely #ith the ,IA in :'': -nd :''3 #-tched -s P-%ist-ni gener-ls deb-ted #hether to negoti-te #ith "e% @uh-==-d. !e #-rned th-t -ppe-sing the trib-l =ilit-nts #ould only eXp-nd their re-ch into the settled p-rts o2 P-%ist-n. The pe-ce de-ls th-t #ere bro%ered in the trib-l -re-s beginning in :''*, @unir no# belie>es, led to the rise o2 - po#er2ul, de-dly group in the country, - group th-t c-=e to be %no#n -s the P-%ist-ni T-lib-n. R I2 `P-%ist-ni troops a h-d Vust c-rried through #ith the oper-tion in :''*, both in South -nd "orth 9-Airist-n, the T-lib-n #ould not h->e spre-dS to -re-s =uch closer to Isl-=-b-d, he s-id. R9ith e>ery pe-ce de-l, they g-ined strength -nd controlled =ore -re-s, -nd people st-rted to t-%e the= -s the rulers bec-use the st-te #-s not inter2ering.S "e>ertheless, go>ern=ent o22ici-ls in Isl-=-b-d bo-sted th-t the pe-ce de-l h-d dri>en - #edge bet#een P-%ist-ni =ilit-nts -nd -l W-ed- 2ighters. "e% @uh-==-d continued to deny publicly th-t there #ere -ny -l W-ed- oper-ti>es in the trib-l -re-s. R There is no -l W-ed- here ,S he s-id. R!-d there been - single -l W-ed- 2ighter here, the go>ern=ent #ould h->e c-ught one by no#.S The Sh-%-i pe-ce -rr-nge=ent propelled "e% @uh-==-d to ne# 2-=e. !e #-s the =-n #ho h-d brought the go>ern=ent to its %nees, -nd he beg-n co=p-ring hi=sel2 to 2-=ous 9-Air tribes=en #ho h-d repelled 3ritish 2orces 2ro= the =ount-ins. 9ithin

#ee%s, the truce #-s eXposed -s - sh-= -nd "e% @uh-==-d resu=ed -tt-c%s -g-inst P-%ist-ni troops. @ush-rr-2 once -g-in ordered his -r=y b-c% on the o22ensi>e in South 9-Airist-n. ,IA o22ici-ls in Isl-=-b-d h-d been lobbying the P-%ist-nis 2or =onths to -llo# Pred-tor 2lights in the trib-l -re-s, -nd "e% @uh-==-dKs repe-ted hu=ili-tion o2 P-%ist-ni troops presented -n opportunity. The ,IAKs st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d p-id >isit to Gener-l ;hs-n ul !-U, the ISI chie2, -nd =-de -n o22er7 I2 the ,IA %illed "e% @uh-==-d, #ould the ISI -llo# regul-r drone 2lights o>er the trib-l -re-s^ R "e% @uh-==-d re-lly pissed o22 the P-%ist-nis,S rec-lled the 2or=er st-tion chie2. RThey s-id, eI2 you guys c-n 2ind hi=, go get hi=.KS 3ut the -ccess c-=e #ith li=its. P-%ist-ni intelligence o22ici-ls insisted th-t they -ppro>e e-ch drone stri%e be2ore it h-ppened, gi>ing the= tight control o>er the %illing list. A2ter tense discussions -bout #here eX-ctly the drones could 2ly, P-%ist-ni spies insisted th-t the drones be restricted to n-rro# R2light boXesS in the trib-l -re-s, %no#ing th-t =ore eXtensi>e -ccess #ould -llo# the ,IA to spy in pl-ces #here Isl-=-b-d didnKt #-nt the A=eric-ns to go7 P-%ist-nKs nucle-r 2-cilities, -nd =ount-in c-=ps #here 0-sh=iri =ilit-nt groups #ere tr-ined 2or -tt-c%s -g-inst Indi-. The ISI -lso insisted th-t -ll drone 2lights in P-%ist-n oper-te under the ,IAKs co>ertD-ction -uthority\=e-ning th-t the United St-tes #ould ne>er -c%no#ledge the =issile stri%es -nd P-%ist-n #ould either t-%e credit 2or indi>idu-l %ills or re=-in silent. President @ush-rr-2 didnKt thin% it #ould be di22icult to %eep up the ruse. Luring the negoti-tions he told one ,IA oper-ti>e, RIn P-%ist-n, things 2-ll out o2 the s%y -ll the ti=e.S ;>en i2 the ,IA h-d not been constr-ined, the -gency -t th-t ti=e #ould not h->e been -ble to c-rry out - =ore eXtensi>e %illing c-=p-ign in the trib-l -re-s. The A=eric-ns h-d h-rdly -ny intelligence sources in the -re- -nd precious little in2or=-tion -bout #here bin 4-den -nd other -l W-ed- le-ders =ight be hiding. ,IA -n-lysts suspected th-t bin 4-den -nd Ay=-n -lD1-#-hiri #ere so=e#here in the trib-l -re-s, but >-gue suspicions -nd s%etchy thirdDh-nd reports #ere h-rdly enough to =-%e e22ecti>e use o2 the Pred-tor. The ISI #-snKt =uch better connected. The P-%ist-ni spy ser>ice h-d eXtensi>e source net#or%s in the cities to help tr-c% do#n -l W-ed- le-ders li%e 0h-lid Shei%h @oh-==ed, but in South 9-Airist-n -nd the other trib-l -gencies the ISI did not h->e reli-ble cont-cts. 4uc%y 2or both the A=eric-n -nd P-%ist-ni spies, "e% @uh-==-d #-snKt eX-ctly in deep hiding. !e g->e regul-r inter>ie#s to the P-shto ch-nnels o2 9estern ne#s outlets, br-gging -bout hu=bling the =ighty P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry. These inter>ie#s, by s-tellite phone, =-de hi= -n e-sy =-r% 2or A=eric-n e->esdroppers, -nd by =idDPune :''* the A=eric-ns #ere regul-rly tr-c%ing his =o>e=ents. 6n Pune &8, one d-y -2ter "e% @uh-==-d spo%e to the 33, -nd #ondered -loud -bout the str-nge bird th-t #-s 2ollo#ing hi=, - Pred-tor 2iXed on his position -nd 2ired - !ell2ire =issile -t the co=pound #here he h-d been resting. The bl-st se>ered "e% @uh-==-dKs le2t leg -nd le2t h-nd, -nd he died -l=ost inst-ntly. P-%ist-ni Vourn-list 1-hid !uss-in >isited the >ill-ge d-ys l-ter -nd s-# the =ud gr->e -t Sh-%-i th-t #-s -lre-dy beco=ing pilgri=-ge site. A sign on the gr->e re-d,
!; 4IN;L A"L LI;L 4I0; A T5U; PAS!TU"

. A2ter - discussion bet#een ,IA -nd ISI o22ici-ls -bout ho# to h-ndle ne#s o2 the stri%e, they decided th-t P-%ist-n #ould t-%e credit 2or %illing the =-n #ho h-d hu=ili-ted its =ilit-ry. 6ne d-y -2ter "e% @uh-==-d #-s %illed, - ch-r-de beg-n th-t #ould go on 2or ye-rs. @-Vor Gener-l Sh-u%-t Sult-n, P-%ist-nKs top =ilit-ry spo%es=-n, told Noice o2 A=eric- th-t R-l W-ed- 2-cilit-torS "e% @uh-==-d -nd 2our

other =ilit-nts h-d been %illed during - roc%et -tt-c% by P-%ist-ni troops.

<6U5 @6"T!S-2ter

the drone stri%e, - gener-l #ith s-d, hollo# eyes -nd stooped shoulders too% control o2 P-%ist-nKs ISI. 3eyond the b-sics o2 his biogr-phy, A=eric-n spies %ne# little -bout the phleg=-tic, ch-inDs=o%ing Ash2-U P-r>eA 0-y-ni. !e #-s born into - =ilit-ry 2-=ily -nd r-ised in Phelu=, -n -rid region o2 PunV-b. !e recei>ed his -r=y co==ission in &C7&, the ye-r P-%ist-ni 2orces #ere de2e-ted during - thirteenD d-y #-r #ith Indi- th-t led to P-%ist-n losing the territory th-t #ould e>entu-lly beco=e 3-ngl-desh. 4i%e =ost P-%ist-ni o22icers, 0-y-ni belie>ed th-t P-%ist-n 2ought - d-ily struggle 2or its o#n sur>i>-l -nd th-t the country could =-%e no =ilit-ry decisions #ithout deter=ining 2irst ho# those decisions #ould -22ect its -bility to de2end itsel2 -g-inst Indi-. And yet 0-y-ni #-s controlled #here others #ere hothe-ded. A2ter =ilit-nts b-sed in P-%ist-n l-unched - de-dly -tt-c% on Indi-Ks p-rli-=ent in "e# Lelhi in l-te :''& -nd it loo%ed -s i2 the t#o nucle-r ri>-ls =ight go to #-r, 0-y-ni #-s the -r=y co==-nder in ch-rge o2 =-rsh-ling P-%ist-ni 2orces -long the border #ith Indi-. !e #on pr-ise inside P-%ist-n 2or Uuietly =-n-ging the tense situ-tion, st-ying in cont-ct #ith his Indi-n counterp-rts, -nd pre>enting the si==ering dispute 2ro= esc-l-ting into nucle-r #-r. !e #on Gener-l @ush-rr-2Ks loy-lty t#o ye-rs l-ter, #hen he #-s in ch-rge o2 the in>estig-tions into the Lece=ber :''3 -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pts on the president. It #-snKt long -2ter 0-y-ni too% o>er the ISI th-t he h-d e-rned - grudging respect -t ,IA he-dUu-rters 2or being so=ething o2 - =-ster =-nipul-tor\this #-s co=pli=ent\-nd - =-n #ho -l#-ys %ept his =ost i=port-nt -gend-s - secret. Luring =eetings, he could go long stretches #ithout spe-%ing - #ord, -ppe-ring to be -sleep. Then, #hen - subVect c-=e up th-t -git-ted hi=, he #ould spe-% p-ssion-tely 2or se>er-l =inutes -nd then return to his so=nolent st-te. !e gol2ed obsessi>ely -nd #ent e>ery#here tr-iling - cloud o2 cig-rette s=o%e. !e r-rely spo%e -bout hi=sel2, -nd #hen he did it #-s di22icult to underst-nd #h-t he #-s s-ying, bec-use o2 his tendency to =u=ble. 9here his ISI predecessor, Gener-l ul !-U, #-s d-pper -nd su->e, Gener-l 0-y-ni #-s ru=pled -nd unpretentious. Luring trips to 9-shington, L.,., he insisted th-t his li=ousine dri>er t-%e hi= to @-rsh-lls, the discountDclothing ch-in, #here he #ould shop 2or suits -nd ties . Abo>e -ll, he could #-it p-tiently 2or #h-t he #-nted. 6ne top A=eric-n spy rec-lled - lengthy =eeting #ith 0-y-ni during #hich the P-%ist-ni gener-l spent h-l2 -n hour =eticulously rolling - cig-rette bet#een his 2ingers. Then, -2ter t-%ing one pu22, he gently stubbed it out. Gener-l 0-y-ni too% o>er the ISI -t - ti=e #hen P-%ist-ni le-ders #ere beco=ing incre-singly con>inced th-t the A=eric-ns h-d lost their sto=-ch 2or the 2ight in A2gh-nist-n. The Ir-U #-r h-d di>erted 9-shingtonKs -ttention -#-y 2ro= A2gh-nist-n, -nd soldiers, spies, -nd politici-ns in Isl-=-b-d belie>ed it #-s only - =-tter o2 ti=e be2ore the rising >iolence in P-%ist-nKs #estern neighbor #ould thre-ten the go>ern=ent in Isl-=-b-d. According to se>er-l P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls in positions o2 -uthority -t th-t ti=e, it #-s during this period #hen the ISI decided to t-%e - =ore -cti>e role #ith the A2gh-n T-lib-n, hoping to steer A2gh-nist-n to#-rd - politic-l 2uture th-t #-s -ccept-ble to Isl-=-b-d. Gener-l 0-y-ni #-s consu=ed #ith the p-st, -nd he understood th-t A2gh-nist-nKs bloody history #-s prologue to A=eric-Ks #-r in th-t country. !e h-d been studying A2gh-nist-n 2or dec-des -nd #-s -n eXpert in the dyn-=ics th-t helped A2gh-n

insurgents >-nUuish - superpo#er in the &C8's. In &C88, -s - young P-%ist-ni -r=y =-Vor studying -t <ort 4e->en#orth, in 0-ns-s, 0-y-ni #rote - =-sterKs thesis -bout the So>iet #-r in A2gh-nist-n titled RStrengths -nd 9e-%nesses o2 the A2gh-n 5esist-nce @o>e=ent.S 3y then, the So>iet Union h-d endured ne-rly - dec-de o2 #-r in A2gh-nist-n, -nd So>iet pre=ier @i%h-il Gorb-che> h-d -lre-dy begun to pull out his troops. 6>er ninetyDeight p-ges o2 cle-r, str-ight2or#-rd prose, 0-y-ni eX-=ined ho# the A2gh-n 5esist-nce @o>e=ent (A5@) h-d bled the >-unted So>iet -r=y -nd incre-sed R the price o2 So>iet presence in A2gh-nist-n .S 0-y-ni #-s, in essence, #riting the pl-yboo% 2or ho# P-%ist-n could hold the strings in A2gh-nist-n during the occup-tion o2 - 2oreign -r=y. P-%ist-n, he #rote, could use proXy =iliti-s to #re-% h->oc in the country but -lso to control the groups e22ecti>ely so th-t Isl-=-b-d could ->oid - direct con2ront-tion #ith the occupying 2orce. In - country #ithout n-tion-l identity, 0-y-ni -rgued, it #-s necess-ry 2or the A2gh-n resist-nce to build support in the trib-l syste= -nd to gr-du-lly #e-%en A2gh-nist-nKs centr-l go>ern=ent. As 2or P-%ist-n, 0-y-ni belie>ed th-t Isl-=-b-d li%ely didnKt #-nt to be on - Rcollision courseS #ith the So>iet Union, or -t le-st didnKt #-nt the A2gh-n resist-nce to set the= on th-t p-th. There2ore, it #-s essenti-l 2or P-%ist-nKs security to %eep the strength o2 the A2gh-n resist-nce R=-n-ged.S 3y the ti=e he too% o>er the ISI in :''*, 0-y-ni %ne# th-t the A2gh-n #-r #ould be decided not by soldiers in =ount-in redoubts but by politici-ns in 9-shington #ho h-d -n -cute sensiti>ity to A=eric-Ks li=ited toler-nce 2or ye-rs =ore o2 bloody con2lict . !e %ne# bec-use he h-d studied #h-t h-d h-ppened to the So>iets. In his thesis, he #rote th-t Rthe =ost stri%ing 2e-ture o2 the So>iet =ilit-ry e22ort -t present is the incre-sing e>idence th-t it =-y not be designed to secure - purely =ilit-ry solution through - decisi>e de2e-t o2 the A5@. RThis is li%ely due to the re-liA-tion th-t such - =ilit-ry solution is not obt-in-ble short o2 ent-iling =-ssi>e, -nd perh-ps intoler-ble, personnel losses -nd econo=ic -nd politic-l cost.S In :''*, 0-y-niKs thesis s-t in the libr-ry -t <ort 4e->en#orth, -=id st-c%s o2 other l-rgely ignored rese-rch p-pers #ritten by 2oreign o22icers #ho #ent to 0-ns-s to study ho# the United St-tes Ar=y 2ights its b-ttles. This #-s - =-nu-l 2or - di22erent %ind o2 b-ttle, - secret guerrill- c-=p-ign. T#o dec-des -2ter the young P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry o22icer #rote it, he #-s the countryKs spy=-ster, in the per2ect position to put it to use.

77 ,6"N;5G;",;
RLeni-bility is built in -nd should be - big plus.S \;nriUue Pr-do

n - cold -2ternoon in e-rly :'' , ,IA director Porter Goss #-s -ttending -

cere=ony 2or - cl-ss o2 -gency c-se o22icers gr-du-ting 2ro= RThe <-r=,S the ,IAKs tr-ining b-se -t ,-=p Pe-ry, in southern Nirgini-. It #-s - st-nd-rd ritu-l 2or ,IA directors to =-%e the trip do#n to the b-se 2or the gr-du-tions, -nd the cere=onies #ere - brie2 =o=ent o2 nor=-lcy 2or the gr-du-tes be2ore they beg-n their li>es o2 co>er identities, deceit, -nd, occ-sion-lly, eXtre=e d-nger. 3ut the cere=ony #-s cut short -2ter one o2 GossKs -ides c-=e to hi= #ith -n urgent =ess-ge. 9ithin =inutes, the ,IA director -nd his bodygu-rds h-d lo-ded b-c% into - 3l-c%h-#% helicopter -nd #ere 2lying north. 3ut inste-d o2 returning to 4-ngley, Goss 2le# directly to the Pent-gon to =eet #ith Lon-ld 5u=s2eld. There #-s -bout to be - =ilit-ry -ss-ult into P-%ist-n. A P-%ist-ni -gent #or%ing 2or the ,IA h-d deli>ered the A=eric-n spies - r-re tip7 There #-s to be - highDle>el =eeting o2 -l W-ed- o22ici-ls in 3-V-ur, one o2 the desol-te trib-l -re-s o2 north#estern P-%ist-n. The -gent h-d been tr-c%ing Abu <-r-V -lD4ibi, the thirdDr-n%ing o22ici-l in -l W-ed-, #ho h-d occ-sion-lly been spotted riding -round the =ount-in >ill-ges o2 P-%ist-n on - red =otorcycle. The -gent told his ,IA h-ndlers not only th-t -lD 4ibi #ould be -t the g-thering but -lso th-t 6s-=- bin 4-denKs deputy, Ay=-n -lD 1-#-hiri, =ight -ttend. A pl-n o2 -tt-c% #-s h-stily put together, -nd Goss -nd 5u=s2eld considered the ris%s. Three doAen "->y S;A4s #ould Vu=p out o2 - ,D&3' c-rgo pl-ne -nd p-r-chute into - drop Aone not 2-r 2ro= #here the =eeting #-s supposed to t-%e pl-ce. The S;A4s #ould -tt-c% the co=pound, gr-b -s =-ny people -s possible, -nd t-%e the= to - st-ging -re- #here e>eryone #ould be spirited b-c% o>er the A2gh-nist-n border in helicopters. Goss urged th-t the =ilit-ry c-rry out the =ission, -nd he h-d the b-c%ing o2 4t. Gener-l St-nley @c,hryst-l, - r-ilDthin -nd intense -scetic #ho h-d t-%en o>er Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd in :''3. 3ut 5u=s2eld -nd his top intelligence -ide, Stephen ,-=bone, resisted the pl-n. It #-s too ris%y, they s-id, -nd 5u=s2eld de=-nded th-t doAens =ore Ar=y 5-ngers be -dded to the =ission so they could b-il out the S;A4s in c-se so=ething #ent #rong. The in>-sion 2orce s#elled to =ore th-n & ' troops, -nd 5u=s2eld decided there #-s no #-y -n oper-tion th-t siAe could be %ept 2ro= President Per>eA @ush-rr-2. Another obVection c-=e 2ro= the ,IAKs st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d, #ho h-d been -#-%ened in the =iddle o2 the night -nd told th-t - l-rge group o2 #ellD-r=ed A=eric-ns #ere -bout to enter the country. R This is - re-lly b-d ide-, St-n ,S the st-tion chie2 told @c,hryst-l, #ho h-d been the one to c-ll hi=. R$ou =ight %ill - couple o2 -l W-ed- guys, but it #onKt be #orth it. R$ouKre in>-ding P-%ist-n,S he s-id. All the #hile, the S;A4s #ere sitting inside the ,D&3' -t 3-gr-= Air 3-se, #-iting 2or the 2in-l orders to l-unch the =ission. They #-ited 2or hours be2ore the =ission #-s 2in-lly scrubbed.

5u=s2eldKs concerns -bout the -ss-ult #ere l-rgely -bout intelligence. The in2or=-tion c-=e 2ro= one ,IA source, -nd the de2ense secret-ry thought th-t - single str-nd o2 in2or=-tion #-s - sh-%y b-sis 2or - highDris% =ission into the sno#y =ount-ins o2 #estern P-%ist-n. !e -lso didnKt trust the ,IAKs tr-c% record, -nd in e-rly :'' the spy -gency #-s h->ing di22iculty con>incing -nyone\especi-lly 5u=s2eld\-bout the credibility o2 its intelligence -n-lysis. A=eric-n spy -gencies #ere still reeling 2ro= the Ir-U #-r deb-cle, #hen they h-d Vudged th-t S-dd-= !ussein #-s %eeping stoc%piles o2 che=ic-l -nd biologic-l #e-pons, -nd - cloud o2 suspicion hung o>er -ll o2 the ,IAKs -ssess=ents 2or se>er-l ye-rs -2ter#-rd. As =uch -s Goss #-s 2rustr-ted by ho# the discussions -bout the 3-V-ur oper-tion ended, there #-s nothing he could do. 5u=s2eld didnKt trust e>en - ,IA Vudg=ent th-t there #-s -n 8' percent ch-nce th-t -lD1-#-hiri #-s -t the =eeting, -nd 5u=s2eld #-s the one in ch-rge o2 the troops. As one -ide to Goss described it, RIt #-s li%e your d-d telling you th-t you c-nKt h->e the c-r 2or the #ee%end.S 3ut beyond the Uuestions -bout the reli-bility o2 the intelligence, the episode #-s -lso - ble-% re=inder th-t, se>er-l ye-rs -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, the #-r -g-inst intern-tion-l terror groups re=-ined h-ph-A-rd -nd ch-otic. "either the ,IA nor the Pent-gon h-d - coherent pl-n 2or the secret #-rs outside o2 Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n. 3oth -gencies #ere still loc%ed in tur2 b-ttles, set to pro>e to the 9hite !ouse th-t they ought to be in ch-rge o2 the glob-l =-nhunt. And, incre-singly, they #ere =i=ic%ing e-ch other7 the ,IA, -2ter "e% @uh-==-dKs %illing in P-%ist-n, beco=ing e>er =ore leth-l, p-r-=ilit-ry org-niA-tion, -nd the Pent-gon r-=ping up its spying oper-tions to support - speci-lDoper-tions #-r. There #ere no cle-r ground rules. 9hen -n e=ergency c-=e up, li%e the intelligence -bout the -l W-ed- =eeting in 3-V-ur, there #-s no pl-n in pl-ce to -ct on it.

th-t h-d c-t-lyAed the ,IAKs esc-l-tion o2 leth-l oper-tions, it #-s the co=pletion o2 - de>-st-ting intern-l report in @-y :''* by the spy -gencyKs inspector gener-l. The &'GDp-ge report by Pohn !elgerson %ic%ed out the 2ound-tion upon #hich the ,IA detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion progr-= h-d rested, -nd it r-ised Uuestions -bout #hether ,IA o22icers =ight 2-ce cri=in-l prosecution 2or the brut-l interrog-tions c-rried out inside the -gencyKs net#or% o2 secret prisons. It suggested th-t interrog-tion =ethods li%e #-terbo-rding, sleep depri>-tion, -nd eXploiting the phobi-s o2 prisoners\such -s con2ining the= in - s=-ll boX #ith li>e bugs\>iol-ted the United "-tions ,on>ention Ag-inst Torture, #hich prohibits Rcruel, inhu=-n, or degr-ding tre-t=ent or punish=ent.S The ,IA h-d subVected se>er-l det-inees to #-terbo-rding\#herein the prisoner #-s hooded -nd i==obiliAed on - #ooden pl-n% #hile #-ter #-s poured o>er his 2-ce, cre-ting the sens-tion o2 dro#ning\-nd in one =onth -lone h-d used the techniUue on 0h-lid Shei%h @oh-==ed, the chie2 pl-nner o2 the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, &83 ti=es. 9-terbo-rding #-s one o2 - nu=ber o2 interrog-tion techniUues th-t h-d been -uthoriAed by the Pustice Lep-rt=ent, but !elgersonKs report -lso det-iled - p-ttern o2 2reel-ncing in the bl-c% sites, #h-t the inspector gener-l c-lled R un-uthoriAed, i=pro>ised, inhu=-ne , -nd undocu=entedS detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion techniUues. There #ere inst-nces o2 interrog-tors conducting =oc% eXecutions to sc-re the det-inees into t-l%ingQ one ,IA interrog-tor pointed - spinning drill -t - prisonerKs he-d. The ,IAKs secret prison progr-= h-d gro#n 2ro= - single, sp-rt-n 2-cility in 3-ng%o%, Th-il-nd, to -n -rchipel-go o2 V-ils throughout the #orld. Pose 5odrigueA, the
I< T!;5; 9AS 6"; ;N;"T

he-d o2 the ,ounterterrorist ,enter, h-d intended the prisons to be - =ore per=-nent -ltern-ti>e to the Th-il-nd site, #hich h-d origin-lly been codeDn-=ed R,-tKs ;yeS but l-ter ren-=ed #hen ,IA o22icers thought the design-tion see=ed r-ci-lly insensiti>e. Th-il-nd #-s #here the ,IA h-d held its 2irst t#o prisoners, Abu 1ub-yd-h -nd Abd -lD 5-hi= -lD"-shiri, but -s the ,IA -nd its p-rtner spy ser>ices beg-n rounding up doAens o2 prisoners in A2gh-nist-n, P-%ist-n, -nd other countries, 5odgrigueA -nd ,T, o22icers decided the spy -gency needed 2-r =ore prison sp-ce. The ,IAKs detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion progr-= #ould beco=e the =ost in2-=ous -nd di>isi>e -spect o2 the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs str-tegy -g-inst -l W-ed-, but the #-y the ,IA set up the bl-c% prisons #-s so=e#h-t pros-ic. 5odrigueA ordered - te-= -t the ,ounterterrorist ,enter to #or% #ith engineers -nd outside contr-ctors, -nd #hen the prisons #ere ne-r co=pletion the ,IA hired - s=-ll supply co=p-ny to pro>ide toilets, plu=bing eUuip=ent, e-rplugs, bedding, -nd other prison supplies. The contr-ctors bought so=e o2 the eUuip=ent -t T-rget -nd 9-l=-rt -nd 2le# it to the V-ils7 one o2 the= in - nondescript building on - busy street in 3uch-rest, 5o=-ni-, -nd -nother in 4ithu-ni-. The #-terbo-rds #ere bought loc-lly , constructed 2ro= lu=ber purch-sed ne-r so=e o2 the secret sites. The V-ils #ere s=-ll\intended to house -bout h-l2 - doAen det-inees\-nd the cells h-d so=e speci-l 2e-tures designed speci-lly to -cco==od-te the brut-l =ethods used by ,IA interrog-tors, such -s 2leXible, ply#oodDco>ered #-lls th-t =ight so2ten the i=p-ct o2 so=eone being sl-==ed into - #-ll. The det-inees #ere pre>ented 2ro= co==unic-ting #ith one -nother -nd #ere %ept in solit-ry con2ine=ent 2or t#entyDthree hours - d-y. The re=-ining hour #-s 2or eXercise, #hen ,IA security o22icers #e-ring bl-c% s%i =-s%s re=o>ed the prisoners 2ro= their cells. 3y :''*, ,IA prison #-rdens h-d i=posed - syste= o2 re#-rd -nd punish=ent. Let-inees #ho #ere considered #ell beh->ed recei>ed boo%s -nd LNLs. The entert-in=ent #-s t-%en -#-y i2 the prisoner =isbeh->ed. The ,IA, -n espion-ge ser>ice cre-ted -2ter 9orld 9-r II to in2or= A=eric-n presidents -bout the #orld -round the=, h-d beco=e the Lep-rt=ent o2 Secret ,orrections. ,oncerns -bout the ,IAKs interrog-tion progr-= h-d been percol-ting in p-rts o2 the 3ush -d=inistr-tion e>en be2ore !elgersonKs report, but still only - s=-ll circle o2 o22ici-ls #ere -#-re o2 the secret prisons. This h-d so=eti=es led to biA-rre discussions bet#een the 9hite !ouse -nd the ,IA. In Pune :''3, 2or inst-nce, the 9hite !ouse #-s set to co==e=or-te - d-y set -side by the United "-tions to support torture >icti=s. The 9hite !ouse press o22ice h-d prep-red - bl-nd st-te=ent -bout ho# the United St-tes is Rco==itted to the #orld#ide eli=in-tion o2 tortureS -nd #-s Rle-ding the 2ight by eX-=ple.S 3ut the United St-tes #-snKt, in 2-ct, le-ding by eX-=ple, -nd the dr-2t st-te=ent unner>ed so=e senior o22icers -t the ,IA. Scott @uller, the -gencyKs top l-#yer, told the 9hite !ouse he #-s concerned -bout the press rele-se, gi>en th-t the %inds o2 interrog-tion =ethods th-t President 3ush h-d -uthoriAed 2or the ,IA #ere #idely considered torture. The concern -t 4-ngley, @uller s-id, #-s th-t the ,IA could be turned into - sc-pego-t #ere the politic-l #inds to shi2t . The press rele-se ne>er #ent out. The report by !elgerson hinted -t so=e o2 the -ngst inside the ,IA. Se>er-l o22icers in>ol>ed in the detention progr-=, it st-ted, #orried they =ight Rbe >ulner-ble to leg-l -ction in the United St-tes or -bro-d -nd th-t the U.S. go>ern=ent #ill not st-nd behind the= .S The 9hite !ouse -nd Pustice Lep-rt=ent h-d blessed the progr-=, -nd George

Tenet h-d lobbied 2or the ,IA to t-%e ch-rge o2 the prisoners, but so=e o2 the older h-nds -t 4-ngley 2elt sure they h-d seen the =o>ie be2ore7 during the ,hurch ,o==ittee in>estig-tions -nd the Ir-nO,ontr- sc-nd-l. A d-y o2 rec%oning #ould co=e, they belie>ed, #hen the 3ush 9hite !ouse #ould use the inspector gener-lKs report -s - noose to h-ng the ,IA. The report #-s the beginning o2 the end 2or the detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion progr-=. The prisons #ould st-y open 2or se>er-l =ore ye-rs, -nd ne# det-inees #ere occ-sion-lly pic%ed up -nd t-%en to the secret sites, but the -gency #ould e>entu-lly stop using #-terbo-rding -nd so=e o2 the other roughest interrog-tion techniUues. Senior o22ici-ls -t 4-ngley beg-n loo%ing 2or #-ys to o22lo-d the prisoners to the Pent-gon, but those #ho couldnKt be tr-ns2erred l-nguished in the secret V-ils -s the 3ush -d=inistr-tion 2r-ntic-lly se-rched 2or -n endg-=e 2or the prison progr-=. The gre-test i=p-ct o2 !elgersonKs report #-s 2elt inside the ,IAKs ,ounterterrorist ,enter, #hich #-s -t the >-ngu-rd o2 the spy -gencyKs glob-l terror hunt. The ,T, h-d 2ocused on c-pturing -l W-ed- oper-ti>es, interrog-ting the= either in ,IA V-ils or outsourcing interrog-tions to the spy ser>ices o2 P-%ist-n, ;gypt, Pord-n, -nd else#here, -nd then using the 2ruits o2 the interrog-tions to hunt do#n =ore terror suspects. This str-tegy, the thin%ing #ent, #ould one d-y le-d the ,IA to 6s-=- bin 4-den. 3ut no# the ground h-d shi2ted, -nd counterterroris= o22ici-ls #ere 2orced to rethin% the str-tegy 2or the secret #-r. Ar=ed drones, -nd t-rgeted %illing in gener-l, o22ered ne# direction 2or - spy -gency th-t h-d begun to 2eel burned by its ye-rs in the detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion business. 0illing by re=ote control #-s the -ntithesis o2 the dirty, inti=-te #or% o2 interrog-tion. It so=eho# see=ed cle-ner, less person-l. T-rgeted %illings #ere cheered by 5epublic-ns -nd Le=ocr-ts -li%e, -nd using drones 2lo#n by pilots #ho #ere st-tioned thous-nds o2 =iles -#-y 2ro= the #-r =-de the #hole str-tegy see= ris%D2ree. A2ter the %illing o2 "e% @uh-==-d in P-%ist-n\c-rried out Vust - =onth -2ter Pohn !elgersonKs report #-s co=pleted\the ,IA beg-n to see its 2uture7 not -s the longDter= V-ilers o2 A=eric-Ks ene=ies but -s - =ilit-ry org-niA-tion th-t could er-se the=.

I" :''*,Pose

5odrigueA e>en tried to resurrect - %illing progr-= th-t h-d been proposed, -nd then -b-ndoned, during the 2irst ye-r -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. It #-s the pl-n to cobble together p-r-=ilit-ry hit sUu-ds to %ill terror suspects -cross the globe, 2ro= ;urope to the @iddle ;-st to South Asi-. Nice President Lic% ,heney h-d gi>en his -ppro>-l 2or the progr-= #hen 5odrigueA -nd 2ello# ,T, o22icer ;nriUue Pr-do presented the pl-n to the 9hite !ouse in Lece=ber :''&. Unli%e #h-t people s-# in =o>ies, the ,IA h-d no inDhouse c-dre o2 -ss-ssins, -nd the progr-= #ould h->e brought the spy -gency =ore in line #ith its gl-=oriAed !olly#ood >ersion. 3ut George Tenet h-d ne>er -uthoriAed -ny =issions, -nd the pl-ns h-d been te=por-rily shel>ed . 4i%e 5odrigueA, Pr-do #-s - >eter-n o2 the ,IAKs 4-tin A=eric- di>ision, -nd he h-d pl-yed - le-ding role in "ic-r-gu-Ks ,ontr- #-r during the &C8's. !e tr-ns2erred to the ,ounterterrorist ,enter in &CCG, -nd during the =onths -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s Pr-do h-d been - tutor o2 sorts 2or 5odrigueA -bout the #or%ings o2 -l W-ed-. A2ter the =eeting #ith ,heney in Lece=ber :''&, Pr-do h-d been put in ch-rge o2 recruiting ,IA o22icers to tr-in 2or the %illing =issions. 9hen 5odrigueA decided to reopen the progr-= in :''*, his close 2riend Pr-do h-d le2t the ,IA 2or 3l-c%#-ter USA, the pri>-te =ilit-ry co=p-ny th-t #-s in the =idst o2 -

dr-=-tic eXp-nsion #ith the help o2 =illions o2 doll-rs in contr-cts 2ro= the St-te Lep-rt=ent, the Pent-gon, -nd the ,IA. So 5odrigueA -rri>ed -t -n -stonishing solution7 !e decided to outsource the %illing progr-= to 3l-c%#-ter e=ployees. The co=p-nyKs 2ounder, ;ri% Prince, #-s -lre-dy - 2->orite son in the 3ush -d=inistr-tion -nd #-s loo%ing to burro# deeper into A=eric-Ks cl-ndestine est-blish=ent. Prince h-d -rri>ed on the scene #ith i=pecc-ble ti=ing. The ,IA couldnKt 2ind enough o2 its o#n personnel to =eet the de=-nds o2 its l-rge co>ert st-tions in 0-bul -nd 3-ghd-d, -nd the spy -gency turned to 3l-c%#-terKs pri>-te gu-rds 2or secret =issions\2ro= protection o2 ,IA o22icers to intelligence g-thering to sn-tchD-ndDgr-b oper-tions\th-t once h-d been reser>ed only 2or 2ully tr-ined ,IA e=ployees. ;>entu-lly, the ,IA e>en hired 3l-c%#-ter to lo-d bo=bs -nd =issiles on Pred-tor -nd 5e-per drones in P-%ist-n. Prince regul-rly in>ited top ,IA o22icers to the 0entuc%y Lerby, or do#n to 3l-c%#-terKs he-dUu-rters, in e-stern "orth ,-rolin-Ks Gre-t Lis=-l S#-=p, 2or - d-y o2 shooting -t the co=p-nyKs eXp-nsi>e tr-ining grounds. And he success2ully po-ched top ,IA o22ici-ls, including Pr-do -nd ,o2er 3l-c%, the 2or=er he-d o2 the ,ounterterrorist ,enter, #ith big s-l-ry o22ers. Pr-do, no# #or%ing 2or 3l-c%#-ter, h-d the opportunity to sell progr-=s b-c% to the go>ern=ent th-t he h-d origin-lly de>eloped #hile -t the ,IA. Prince did not see the outsourcing o2 #-r -s -nything no>el, =erely -n e>olution o2 - centuriesDold pheno=enon. Luring one >isit to 4-ngley, he pitched senior ,IA o22icers on - 3l-c%#-ter RUuic%Dre-ction 2orce,S - c-dre o2 oper-ti>es the ,IA could use to c-rry out p-r-=ilit-ry -ssign=ents in the 2-r re-ches o2 the #orld. !e beg-n his present-tion #ith - s#eeping st-te=ent. R<ro= the e-rliest d-ys o2 the A=eric-n republic,S he s-id, R the n-tion h-s relied on =ercen-ries 2or its de2ense.S ,IA o22ici-ls ulti=-tely reVected the pl-n. 3l-c%#-terKs reput-tion 2or rec%less beh->ior, ce=ented during - Septe=ber :''7 incident during #hich 3l-c%#-ter oper-ti>es %illed se>enteen Ir-Uis -t - tr-22ic stop in 3-ghd-d, #ould e>entu-lly turn Prince -nd his co=p-ny into sy=bols o2 A=eric-Ks =is-d>entures in Ir-U. !e #ould l-=ent th-t Le=ocr-ts in ,ongress p-inted hi= -s #-r pro2iteer e>en -s he #-s R p-ying 2or -ll sorts o2 intelligence -cti>ities to support A=eric-n n-tion-l security out o2 =y o#n poc%et.S This #-s true, but o2ten the =oney th-t 3l-c%#-ter spent on secret proVects #-s li%e -n 5dL 2und, used to de>elop products -nd ser>ices th-t could be sold to the go>ern=ent 2or =illions o2 doll-rs. !e pitched ,IA c-se o22icers in P-%ist-n on ide-s 2or ste-lth -ircr-2ts, -nd Asioper-ti>es on - pl-n to s=uggle ,IA in2or=-nts out o2 ,hin- by h->ing the= s#i= under#-ter using - "->y S;A4Ostyle rebre-ther -ll the #-y to the sub=ersed >essel. There #-s - proble= #ith this pl-n7 @ost o2 the ,IAKs in2or=-nts in ,hin- #ere eightyD ye-rDold gener-ls #ho #ould ne>er h->e sur>i>ed -n under#-ter s#i= #ith rebre-ther. <or=er ,IA o22icers #ho Voined 3l-c%#-ter #ere -ggressi>e in their -tte=pts to eXp-nd the co=p-nyKs business #ith the spy -gency. 6n -t le-st one occ-sion, - top ,IA l-#yer h-d to c-ll the co=p-ny to #-rn th-t eXDspies #ere on the edge o2 bre-%ing Rre>ol>ing doorS l-#s th-t restrict retired go>ern=ent e=ployees 2ro= lobbying their 2or=er -gencies . 3eyond 3l-c%#-terKs #or% 2or the ,IA, Pr-do considered selling the Lrug ;n2orce=ent Ad=inistr-tion on - pl-n to use - net#or% o2 2oreign spies 3l-c%#-ter h-d culti>-ted th-t could Rdo e>erything 2ro= sur>eill-nce to ground truth to disruption oper-tions,S -ccording to -n intern-l 3l-c%#-ter eD=-il. R Leni-bility is built in

-nd should be - big plus,S he #rote. It #-s - desire 2or Rdeni-bilityS th-t led Pose 5odrigueA to t-%e the eXtr-ordin-ry step o2 outsourcing - leth-l ,IA progr-= to -n A=eric-n co=p-ny. The ,IA signed Prince -nd Pr-do to - person-l ser>ices contr-ct, -nd the t#o =en beg-n de>ising pl-ns to c-rry out sur>eill-nce o2 potenti-l t-rgets, including so=e o2 the s-=e =en\li%e P-%ist-ni nucle-r scientist A. W. 0h-n\#ho= the ,IA h-d 2irst proposed %illing in :''& during the =eeting #ith ,heney. Prince -nd Pr-do #ould o>ersee the progr-=, -nd the h-nd o2 the United St-tes #ould, in theory, be hidden. Prince -nd Pr-do en>isioned th-t the 3l-c%#-ter hit te-=s #ould ulti=-tely be under ,IA control, but once they #ere gi>en =issions they #ould h->e - l-rge degree o2 -utono=y. R 9e #ere building - unil-ter-l, un-ttribut-ble c-p-bility,S Prince l-ter s-id during -n inter>ie# #ith N-nity <-ir. RI2 it #ent b-d, #e #erenKt eXpecting the chie2 o2 st-tion, the -=b-ss-dor, or -nyone to b-il us out.S As it h-ppened, they ne>er needed to be b-iled out. 4i%e the 2irst iter-tion o2 the -ss-ssin-tion progr-=, no %illing oper-tions #ere c-rried out during this ph-se o2 the hitDte-= progr-=. Prince -nd Pr-do h-d o>erseen the tr-ining o2 the 3l-c%#-ter te-=s, but Prince bl-=es Rinstitution-l osteoporosisS 2or #hy the 3l-c%#-ter -ss-ssins #ere ne>er disp-tched to %ill terrorists. Gi>en the support the progr-= h-d 2ro= senior =-n-gers li%e 5odrigueA, #hy not^ A=-Aingly, it #-snKt bec-use o2 leg-l concerns either -t the ,IA or the 9hite !ouse. 4-#yers -t the ,IA h-d gi>en their -ppro>-l to in>ol>e Prince -nd Pr-do in the %illing oper-tion, but senior ,IA o22ici-ls #ere ulti=-tely uncon>inced th-t the -gency #ould be -ble to %eep its role in the progr-= hidden. 3l-c%#-ter h-d de>eloped - #eb o2 subsidi-ry co=p-nies to hide its ,IA #or%, but it li%ely #ould not h->e been di22icult 2or 2oreign go>ern=ents to unt-ngle the #eb -nd tr-ce oper-tions b-c% to Prince -nd, ulti=-tely, the ,IA. RThe =ore you outsource -n oper-tion, the =ore deni-ble it beco=es,S eXpl-ined one senior ,IA o22icer in>ol>ed in the decision to ter=in-te 3l-c%#-terKs role in the -ss-ssin-tion progr-=. R3ut youKre -lso gi>ing up control o2 the oper-tion. And i2 th-t guy scre#s up, itKs still your 2-ult.S The illDconcei>ed 3l-c%#-ter ph-se o2 the %illing progr-= re=-ins\li%e the e-rlier iter-tion o2 the progr-=\- closely gu-rded go>ern=ent secret. ;>en in retire=ent, 2or=er ,ounterterrorist ,enter o22icer !-n% ,ru=pton is prohibited by the ,IA 2ro= gi>ing det-ils -bout the ti=e th-t he #or%ed on the 2irst ph-se o2 the progr-=. 3ut in -n inter>ie#, he s-id he 2ound it puAAling th-t the United St-tes still see=ed to =-%e distinction bet#een %illing people 2ro= - dist-nce using -n -r=ed drone -nd tr-ining hu=-ns to do the %illing the=sel>es. I2 the country is going to -llo# the ,IA to do one, he s-id, should it re-lly be Uue-sy -bout -llo#ing the other^ R!o# #e -pply leth-l 2orce, -nd #here #e -pply leth-l 2orce\th-tKs - huge deb-te th-t #e re-lly h->enKt h-d,S he s-id. RThere see=s to be no proble= #ith - !ell2ire shot -g-inst - design-ted ene=y in - pl-ce li%e A2gh-nist-n, the trib-l -re-s o2 P-%ist-n, So=-li-, or $e=en.S In those pl-ces, he s-id, it see=s li%e Vust -nother p-rt o2 #-r. 3ut, he -s%ed, #h-t i2 - suspected terrorist is in - pl-ce li%e P-ris, or !-=burg, or so=e#here else #here drones c-nKt 2ly, R-nd you use - ,IA or `=ilit-rya oper-ti>e on the ground to shoot hi= in the b-c% o2 the he-d^ RThen,S he s-id, RitKs >ie#ed -s -n -ss-ssin-tion.S


e-ch hit the ,IA too% 2or its detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion progr-= pushed ,IA

le-ders 2urther to one side o2 - =orbid c-lcul-tion7 th-t the -gency #ould be 2-r better o22 %illing, r-ther th-n V-iling, terror suspects. In l-te :'' ,ongress p-ssed the Let-inee Tre-t=ent Act, #hich included - pro>ision b-nning Rcruel, inhu=-n, -nd degr-dingS tre-t=ent o2 -ny prisoner in A=eric-n custody, including ,IA bl-c% sites. There #-s no# the potenti-l th-t co>ert o22icers #or%ing -t the ,IA prisons could be prosecuted 2or their #or%, -nd the specter o2 cri=in-l in>estig-tions -nd congression-l he-rings hung o>er 4-ngley. These 2e-rs -lre-dy h-d led Pose 5odrigueA to order the destruction o2 doAens o2 >ideot-pes th-t g->e - =inuteDbyD=inute chronicle o2 the orde-ls o2 -l W-edoper-ti>es Abu 1ub-yd-h -nd Abd -lD5-hi= -lD"-shiri during ,IA interrog-tions. 5odrigueA, #ho h-d been pro=oted yet -g-in -nd no# h-d the po#er2ul Vob o2 he-d o2 the Lirector-te o2 6per-tions\running -ll ,IA co>ertD-ction -nd espion-ge oper-tions -cross the globe\#orried th-t the 2-ces o2 the underco>er o22icers #ere cle-rly >isible on the t-pes. 9ith the toXic det-ils o2 the prison progr-= le-%ing out, he thought the o22icers =ight 2-ce both leg-l -nd physic-l Veop-rdy. In e-rly "o>e=ber :'' , he sent secret c-ble to the ,IAKs 3-ng%o% St-tion, #here the t-pes #ere being %ept in - s-2e, -nd ordered th-t they be 2ed into -n industri-lDstrength shredder. Se>en steel bl-des #ent to #or% on the t-pes, pul>eriAing the= into tiny sh-rds th-t #ere >-cuu=ed out o2 the shredder -nd du=ped into pl-stic tr-sh b-gs. 3ut e>en -2ter destroying >estiges o2 the e-rly d-ys o2 the prison progr-=, the ,IA 2-ced =ore uncert-inty #ith the p-ss-ge o2 the ne# l-# by ,ongress. L-ys -2ter the Let-inee Tre-t=ent Act #-s p-ssed, ,IA director Porter Goss #rote - letter to the 9hite !ouse. The ,IA #ould shut do#n -ll interrog-tions, he #rote, until the Pustice Lep-rt=ent could render - Vudg=ent -bout #hether the ,IA techniUues >iol-ted the ne# l-#. 9hite !ouse o22ici-ls #ere incensed #hen they recei>ed the letter. "-tion-l Security Ad>isor Stephen !-dley thought GossKs =e=o #-s pure posturing\ the ,IA trying to co>er its b-c% in the e>ent o2 2uture in>estig-tions. !-dley c-lled the ,IA director -t ho=e on ,hrist=-s L-y -nd -ccused hi= o2 not being - Rte-= pl-yer.S 3ut Goss #ouldnKt budge, -nd it bec-=e cle-r to o22ici-ls in the 9hite !ouse th-t -ll o2 the hyper>entil-ting -t the ,IA, 9-shingtonKs =ost p-r-noid institution, #-snKt going to subside unless so=ething #-s done to c-l= the spies do#n. The Vob 2ell to Andre# ,-rd, President 3ushKs chie2 o2 st-22. ,-rd dro>e out to 4-ngley intending to soothe the 2e-rs -t ,IA he-dUu-rters, but his >isit #-s - dis-ster. Inside - p-c%ed con2erence roo=, ,-rd th-n%ed the -sse=bled ,IA o22icers 2or their ser>ice -nd their h-rd #or% but re2used to =-%e -ny 2ir= decl-r-tions th-t -gency o22icers #ouldnKt be cri=in-lly li-ble 2or p-rticip-ting in the detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion progr-=. The roo= bec-=e restless. Prodded by his chie2 o2 st-22, P-tric% @urr-y, Porter Goss interrupted ,-rd. R,-n you -ssure these people th-t the politici-ns #ill not #-l% -#-y 2ro= the people #ho c-rried out this progr-=^S Goss -s%ed. ,-rd didnKt -ns#er the Uuestion directly. Inste-d, he tried to cr-c% - Vo%e. R4et =e put it this #-y,S he s-id. R;>ery =orning I %noc% on the door o2 the 6>-l 622ice, #-l% in, -nd s-y, eP-rdon =e, @r. President.K And, o2 course, the only person the president c-nKt p-rdon is hi=sel2.S ,-rd giggled -2ter he s-id this, but his Vo%e l-nded #ith - thud. The 9hite !ouse chie2 o2 st-22, #hen -s%ed #hether President 3ush #ould protect ,IA o22icers 2ro= leg-l scrutiny, h-d suggested th-t the =ost they =ight be -ble to rely on is - presidenti-l

p-rdon -2ter the indict=ents -nd the con>ictions #ere h-nded do#n. At the ,IA, p-rdon Vo%es donKt go do#n #ell.

beg-n to see the ,IA -s - proble=. The -gencyKs director #-s doing b-ttle #ith the 9hite !ouse o>er the detention progr-=, -nd Nice President ,heney h-d beco=e con>inced th-t ,IA -n-lysts secretly opposed the #-r in Ir-U -nd #ere le-%ing neg-ti>e -ssess=ents -bout the #-r to =e=bers o2 ,ongress -nd the press. As =uch -s 3ush -nd ,heney h-d origin-lly tried to resist pressure by the C_&& ,o==ission to cre-te - director o2 n-tion-l intelligence to t-%e control o>er -ll siXteen A=eric-n spy -gencies, so=e -t the 9hite !ouse s-# -n -ncill-ry bene2it o2 the ne# position7 It put the ,IA in its pl-ce. A #e-%ened ,IA presented -n opportunity 2or Lon-ld 5u=s2eld. The #orsening situ-tion in Ir-U h-d d-=pened so=e o2 the triu=ph-lis= -=ong 5u=s2eld -nd his st-22, but the de2ense secret-ry continued #ith his e22orts to #-ge #-r 2-r 2ro= decl-red #-r Aones\in countries th-t historic-lly h-d been the ,IAKs tur2. In :''* 5u=s2eld issued secret directi>e\%no#n intern-lly -t the Pent-gon -s the RAl W-ed- "et#or% ;Xecute 6rderS\th-t eXp-nded the po#ers o2 speci-lDoper-tions troops to %ill, c-pture, -nd spy in =ore th-n - doAen countries. The order g->e Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd, the unit b-sed -t <ort 3r-gg th-t 5u=s2eld h-d co=e to identi2y -s - ne# =odel -r=y 2or the postOSepte=ber && er-, bro-d -uthority to l-unch oper-tions -cross -n -rc o2 territory 2ro= "orth A2ric- -ll the #-y to the Philippines. It -llo#ed the= to go into Syri-, So=-li-, -nd P-%ist-n. Under the ne# -uthorities, the =issions #ere highly cl-ssi2ied, seldo= publicly -c%no#ledged, -nd irregul-rly brie2ed to =e=bers o2 ,ongress. Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd #-s no# one o2 the brightest st-rs in the Le2ense Lep-rt=ent 2ir=-=ent, -nd the budget 2or speci-l oper-tions =ore th-n doubled o>er siX ye-rs, re-ching ne-rly i8 billion in :''7 . This #-s still Vust - sli>er o2 the Pent-gonKs budgets 2or buying ships -nd Vets, but the in2usion o2 =oney -llo#ed PS6, not only to build =ore pl-toons o2 secret troops but -lso to spend =oney on supplies -nd logistics th-t #ould -llo# "->y S;A4s -nd Lelt<orce oper-ti>es to sust-in cl-ndestine oper-tions 2or d-ys or #ee%s on end. "o longer #-s PS6, c-p-ble =erely o2 t#entyD2ourDhour host-geDrescue =issions. It could run #-rs o2 its o#n. PS6, #-s pro>ing -s =uch in Ir-U. There, 4t. Gener-l St-nley @c,hryst-lKs t-s% 2orce h-d been h-nded the =ission o2 -tt-c%ing the -l W-ed- 2r-nchise in the country led by Pord-ni-n terrorist Abu @us-b -lD1-rU-#i. 9->e upon #->e o2 de-dly >iolence #-s #-shing o>er the country, -nd -lD1-rU-#iKs -l W-ed- in @esopot-=i- h-d cl-i=ed responsibility 2or de>-st-ting -tt-c%s on A=eric-n troop con>oys -nd Shieite holy sites. 9ithin =onths o2 the beginning o2 the insurgency, it bec-=e cle-r to co==-nders on the ground th-t the #-r #ould be suc%ing A=eric-n troops into the country 2or ye-rs, -nd 5u=s2eld -nd his senior intelligence -d>iser, Stephen ,-=bone, g->e PS6, long le-sh to try to neutr-liAe #h-t h-d beco=e the Ir-Ui insurgencyKs =ost leth-l -r=. The =-ntr- o2 the t-s% 2orce, b-sed inside -n old Ir-Ui -irD2orce h-ng-r -t 3-l-d Air 3-se, north o2 3-ghd-d, #-s R2ight 2or intelligence.S In the beginning, the #hite dryD er-se bo-rds th-t @c,hryst-l -nd his te-= h-d set up to di-gr-= the terror group #ere bl-n%. @c,hryst-l re-liAed th-t =uch o2 the proble= c-=e 2ro= the poor co==unic-tion bet#een the >-rious A=eric-n =ilit-ry co==-nds in Ir-U, #ith 2e# procedures in pl-ce to sh-re intelligence #ith one -nother. R9e beg-n - re>ie# o2 the ene=y, -nd o2 oursel>es,S he #ould l-ter #rite. R "either #-s e-sy to underst-nd .S Pust ho# little e>eryone %ne# #-s -pp-rent in :''*, -=id reports th-t Ir-Ui troops
S6@; 6< P5;SIL;"T 3US!KS AIL;S

h-d c-ptured -lD1-rU-#i ne-r <-lluV-h. Since nobody %ne# eX-ctly #h-t the Pord-ni-n terrorist loo%ed li%e, he #-s rele-sed by -ccident. 3ut - c-=p-ign pl-n e>entu-lly de>eloped. "ight r-ids -g-inst -lD1-rU-#iKs net#or% #ere designed not Vust to %ic% do#n - door -nd spr-y gun2ire in -ll directions. @c,hryst-l belie>ed th-t #h-t #-s i=port-nt #-s not body count but the intelligence th-t could be g-thered through interrog-tions -nd co=puter 2orensics -t the spot o2 the r-id. The intelligence tr-il could then be 2ollo#ed to the neXt suspected s-2e house, #here =ore senior -l W-ed- oper-ti>es #ere hiding. Put - needle into one >ein, the theory #ent, -nd you c-n le-rn -bout the entire syste=. @c,hryst-l tried to ensure th-t his t-s% 2orce #-snKt crippled by the s-=e ri>-lries th-t h-d hurt speci-lDoper-tions =issions in A2gh-nist-n. !e courted ,IA o22icers in Ir-U -nd con>inced - senior ,IA o22icer to sit beside hi= e-ch =orning 2or the t-s% 2orceKs d-ily b-ttle2ield upd-te. Thous-nds o2 =iles -#-y, -n-lysts #or%ing in - nondescript go>ern=ent building in <-ir2-X, Nirgini-, e-ch d-y si2ted through the intelligence 2ro= the pre>ious nightKs r-ids in Ir-U th-t h-d been eXtr-cted 2ro= thu=b dri>es , cell phones, -nd co=puter h-rd dri>es. 6>er ti=e, the dryDer-se bo-rds 2illed up #ith the n-=es -nd -li-ses o2 -lD1-rU-#iKs oper-ti>es. The >-rious n-=es #ere connected by lines dr-#n #ith bl-c% =-r%er\e>eryoneKs best guess -bout ho# -n -=orphous terror net#or% c-rried out its business. PS6,Ks r-pid gro#th #-s -ided by -n intern-l Pent-gon study co==issioned by 5u=s2eld -nd co=pleted in :'' . The report reco==ended th-t the =ilit-ry R=ust incre-se c-p-bilities -nd c-p-cities to conduct sust-ined oper-tions in =ultiple, sensiti>e, nonDper=issi>e, -nd denied -re-s.S Tr-nsl-ted 2ro= =ilit-ryspe-%7 9-ge si=ult-neous secret #-rs in -s =-ny pl-ces -s possible. 9ritten by 2or=er PS6, co==-nder Gener-l 9-yne Lo#ning -nd @ich-el G. Nic%ers\2or=er ,IA cl-ndestine o22icer #ho h-d g-ined - degree o2 2-=e #hen his role in running guns to A2gh-nist-n during the So>iet #-r #-s det-iled in the boo% ,h-rlie 9ilsonKs 9-r\the report h-d inst-nt currency #ith 5u=s2eld. Its pri=-ry conclusion #-s th-t speci-lDoper-tions troops should t-%e - gre-ter role in the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs #-r -g-inst -l W-ed- -nd other terror groups. Speci-lDoper-tions troops #ere #ell positioned in Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n, it concluded, but not the #-rs o2 the 2uture. R The 2uture 2ight,S it re-d , R#ill t-%e pl-ce in countries #ith #hich #e -re not -t #-r.S The Pent-gon h-d e>en begun c-rrying out ris%y spying =issions inside Ir-n . T-%ing -d>-nt-ge o2 the co==erci-l tr-22ic crossing Ir-UKs e-stern border into Ir-n, speci-lDoper-tions troops #ere p-ying -gents to cross the border using phony co>er stories to collect intelligence -bout =ilit-ry inst-ll-tions inside #estern Ir-n. The 2oreign -gents #ere both Ir-ni-n @usli=s -nd ,optic ,hristi-ns #ho could e-sily get p-st Ir-ni-n border security, telling stories -bout their pl-n to buy truc%lo-ds 2ull o2 2ruit or other =erch-ndise inside Ir-n. 9ith such li=ited crossDborder 2or-ys, it #-s di22icult 2or the Pent-gon to get truly >-lu-ble intelligence 2ro= these =issions, -nd the Pent-gon #-snKt -uthoriAed to conduct -ny s-bot-ge oper-tions or to %ill Ir-ni-n 5e>olution-ry Gu-rd troops. The re-l go-l, s-id - senior Pent-gon intelligence o22ici-l during th-t period, #-s to build up -s =uch o2 -n intelligence net#or% -s possible inside Ir-n\- net#or% th-t could be t-pped i2 President 3ush or one o2 his successors decided to in>-de the country. 4i%e so =-ny other =ilit-ry =issions in undecl-red #-r Aones, the oper-tions in Ir-n #ere Vusti2ied -s Rprep-r-tion o2 the b-ttle2ield.S

The #or% o2 soldiers -nd spies #-s beco=ing incre-singly blurred. The ,IA still h-d =ore eXp-nsi>e -uthorities th-n the Pent-gon to c-rry out =issions -ny#here in the #orld, but -2ter 5u=s2eldKs :''* order it bec-=e h-rder to see re-l di22erences bet#een the =ission o2 the =ilit-ry -nd the =ission o2 the ,IA. @c,hryst-l h-d de>eloped good r-pport #ith A=eric-n spies inside o2 Ir-U, but the =ilit-ryKs =issions into Ir-n h-d not been coordin-ted #ith the ,IA, -nd #ith so =-ny secret oper-ti>es cr-#ling -round the #orldKs d-r%est corners, the l-c% o2 coordin-tion cre-ted the potenti-l 2or - =-Vor c-t-strophe.

A2ter Lon-ld 5u=s2eld c-lled o22 the :'' 3-V-ur =ission in P-%ist-n bec-use he thought th-t the h-stily pl-nned oper-tion #-s 2reighted #ith too =uch ris%, both the Pent-gon -nd ,IA conducted -n inUuest to 2igure out #h-t h-d gone #rong -nd to =-%e sure the deb-cle #ouldnKt be repe-ted. The re>ie# deter=ined th-t there #ere no est-blished procedures in pl-ce 2or -uthoriAing -n e=ergency =ission into - country beyond Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n. The Pent-gon -nd ,IA #ere c-rrying out p-r-llel secret oper-tions -cross the globe, but neither the de2ense secret-ry nor the ,IA director h-d the -uthority to t-%e ch-rge #hen -n opportunity -rose to l-unch - secret =ission into - country such -s P-%ist-n. 6>er the neXt ye-r, the Pent-gon -nd ,IA tried to #or% out - di>ision o2 l-bor, c-r>ing up the #orld -nd deter=ining #ho #-s in ch-rge o2 e-ch 2ront o2 the secret #-r. Stephen ,-=bone led negoti-tions 2or the Pent-gon, -nd deputy ,IA director Nice Ad=ir-l Albert ,-ll-nd #-s in ch-rge o2 the ,IA te-=. 9hether the ,IA or PS6, #ould be in ch-rge o2 secret oper-tions in - p-rticul-r country depended on - >-riety o2 2-ctors7 !o# #illing #-s th-t country to -llo# speci-lDoper-tions troops on its soil^ 9h-t #-s the strength o2 the rel-tionship bet#een the ,IA -nd - countryKs spy ser>ice^ Pust ho# pric%ly =ight - speci2ic ,IA st-tion chie2 be -bout ceding control in his country to PS6,^ 3ec-use o2 the 3-V-ur episode, P-%ist-n #-s -t the top o2 the list 2or the negoti-tors. President @ush-rr-2 h-d gi>en his blessing to drone stri%es, but he still >ehe=ently opposed A=eric-n co=b-t oper-tions in the trib-l -re-s. It #-s 2ine 2or things to R2-ll out o2 the s%y,S but not 2or the= to co=e =-rching o>er the border 2ro= A2gh-nist-n. Trying to sell @ush-rr-2 on speci-lDoper-tions ground c-=p-igns in pl-ces li%e "orth 9-Airist-n -nd 3-V-ur #-s, =ost people in 9-shington -greed, - hopeless ende->or. The ,IA proposed - solution. In order to get speci-lDoper-tions troops inside P-%ist-n, they #ould si=ply be turned o>er to the ,IA -nd oper-te under Title ' co>ertD-ction -uthority. Speci-lDoper-tions troops #ould be RsheepDdippedS\the S;A4s #ould beco=e spies. Speci-lDoper-tions troops #ould be -ble to l-unch oper-tions into P-%ist-n, -nd @ush-rr-2 #ould ne>er be told. As one 2or=er ,IA o22icer described the -rr-nge=ent, the speci-lDoper-tions troops Rb-sic-lly bec-=e the ,IA directorKs -r=ed pl-toon.S The eX-ct s-=e tric% #ould be used siX ye-rs l-ter, #hen helicopters c-rrying te-=s o2 "->y S;A4s too% o22 2ro= P-l-l-b-d, A2gh-nist-n, -nd crossed the border into P-%ist-n 2or the r-id th-t #ould %ill 6s-=- bin 4-den. Th-t night, the S;A4s #ere under ,IA -uthority, -nd ,IA director 4eon ;. P-nett- #-s technic-lly in ch-rge o2 the =ission. In other countries, it #-s PS6, th-t #-s in control, -nd co==-ndo =issions esc-l-ted in countries li%e the Philippines, #here speci-lDoper-tions troops #ere -lre-dy posted. In :''G, -n A=eric-n =ilit-ry drone 2ired =issiles -t - suspected terror c-=p in the Vungles o2 the southern Philippines, b-sed on intelligence th-t U=-r P-te%, one o2
65 A @ISS;L 6PP65TU"IT$.

the ringle-ders o2 - :'': terrorist -tt-c% in 3-li, #-s hiding -t the c-=p. The =issile stri%e, #hich the go>ern=ent o2 @-nil- -nnounced publicly -s - RPhilippine =ilit-ry oper-tion,S =issed P-te% but %illed se>er-l others . The =ilit-ry #-s ne>er -ble to deter=ine ho# =-ny o2 the= #ere 2ollo#ers o2 U=-r P-te% -nd ho# =-ny #ere #o=en -nd children. The b-llooning budgets 2or speci-l oper-tions -lso -llo#ed PS6, to buy ne# e->esdropping eUuip=ent th-t g->e co==-ndos the -bility to collect intelligence inside P-%ist-n 2ro= the s%y. 3eechcr-2t -irpl-nes #ould regul-rly t-%e o22 2ro= -irstrips in A2gh-nist-n, 2ly o>er the spine o2 =ount-ins sep-r-ting A2gh-nist-n -nd P-%ist-n, -nd turn into 2lying cellDphone to#ers. Inside the 3eechcr-2t pl-nes, - de>ice c-lled RTyphoon 3oXS housed doAens o2 phone nu=bers th-t =ilit-ry spies suspected #ere used by P-%ist-ni =ilit-nts. The de>ice could identi2y #hen one o2 the nu=bers #-s being used -nd pinpoint its loc-tion. ;>en i2 - phone #-s s#itched o22, PS6, h-d the -bility to turn the phone onQ it #ould then gi>e -#-y the precise coordin-tes o2 #hoe>er #-s c-rrying it.

#ere struc% #ith the ,IA, PS6, oper-ti>es th-t h-d been RsheepD dippedS -nd turned into ,IA o22icers could -ct on the intelligence #ith ground oper-tions in P-%ist-n. 6ne ye-r -2ter the =ission into 3-V-ur #-s scotched, the ,IA once -g-in pic%ed up in2or=-tion -bout - g-thering o2 =ilit-ry le-ders, once -g-in in the 3-V-ur Agency, in the trib-l -re-s. The tiny >ill-ge o2 L-=-dol- h-d been under sur>eill-nce 2or so=e ti=e, since -l W-ed- c-pti>e Abu <-r-V -lD4ibi told P-%ist-ni intelligence o22icers he h-d once =et Ay=-n -lD1-#-hiri -t the house o2 3-%hptur 0h-n, - L-=-dol- >ill-ger. The ,IA h-d c-rried out - drone stri%e in L-=-dol- in P-nu-ry :''G, n-rro#ly =issing -lD1-#-hiri. And, =onths l-ter, #hen the intelligence tip c-=e in -bout -nother =eeting in L-=-dol-, - te-= o2 "->y S;A4s #-s sent into the >ill-ge. 9ith the ne# procedures in pl-ce, ,IA -nd =ilit-ry o22ici-ls too% only hours to -n-lyAe the intelligence -nd -ppro>e the oper-tion. Gener-l Pohn AbiA-id, co==-nder o2 United St-tes ,entr-l ,o==-nd, #-s in 9-shington #hen the ,IA recei>ed the intelligence tip, -nd AbiA-id Vu=ped into - bl-c% SUN -nd r-ced to 4-ngley in - =otorc-de. Shortly -2ter AbiA-id -nd Porter Goss h-d -greed on the 2in-l det-ils o2 the r-id, helicopters too% o22 2ro= A2gh-nist-n -nd deli>ered the S;A4s o>er the border into 3-V-ur. The troops stor=ed the co=pound, #restled se>er-l people to the 2loor, -nd bound the= #ith pl-stic h-ndcu22s. The prisoners #ere lo-ded into the helicopters -nd brought b-c% into A2gh-nist-n. Inside the ,ounterterroris= ,enter -t 4-ngley, ,IA o22icers g-thered -round tele>ision screen to #-tch - >ideo 2eed 2ro= - Pred-tor, #hich #-s circling -bo>e the co=pound in L-=-dol-\- st-ring, unblin%ing eye -llo#ing spies thous-nds o2 =iles -#-y to #-tch the oper-tion un2old. The S;A4s c-ptured no senior -l W-ed- le-ders on the oper-tion. 3ut the L-=-dol- =ission pro>ed they could get into P-%ist-n undetected, conduct - sn-tch oper-tion, -nd return to the other side o2 the border #ithout P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent e>er being #ise to the =ission.
A<T;5 T!; ";9 L;A4S

87 A 9A5 3$ P56M$
R@e -nd =y n-tion -g-inst the #orld. @e -nd =y cl-n -g-inst =y n-tion. @e -nd =y 2-=ily -g-inst the cl-n. @e -nd =y brother -g-inst the 2-=ily. @e -g-inst =y brother.S \So=-li pro>erb

y spring :''G, the ,IA oper-ti>es in "-irobi, 0eny-, #ere lo-ding un=-r%ed c-rgo

pl-nes #ith roc%etDpropelled gren-des, =ort-rs, -nd A0D*7s -nd 2lying the ship=ents to -irstrips controlled by So=-li #-rlords. Along #ith the #e-pons, they sent suitc-ses 2ull o2 c-sh, -bout t#o hundred thous-nd doll-rs 2or e-ch #-rlord -s p-y=ent 2or their ser>ices in the 2ight -g-inst terroris=. <or - group o2 =en #ho h-d been trying to %ill one -nother -t >-rious ti=es o>er the ye-rs, the #-rlords h-d no Uu-l=s -bout #or%ing together once the ,IA opened up its co22ers. They e>en =-n-ged to co=e up #ith 9-shingtonO2riendly n-=e 2or their p-rtnership7 the Alli-nce 2or the 5estor-tion o2 Pe-ce -nd ,ounterDTerroris= (A5P,T). The n-=e #-s unintention-lly ironic, gi>en the brut-l history o2 so=e o2 the #-rlords, li%e Abdi !-s-n A#-le Weybdii -nd @oh-=ed W-ny-re A2r-h. ;>en in p-rts o2 the ,IA, the group bec-=e the butt o2 Vo%es. So=e A=eric-n spies co=p-red the -crony= A5P,T #ith SP;,T5;, the glob-l terrorist org-niA-tion 2ro= the P-=es 3ond 2il=s. Pose 5odrigueA h-d signed o22 on - pl-n de>eloped by spies in "-irobi to esc-l-te progr-= o2 running guns -nd =oney to the #-rlords, #ho h-d con>inced the A=eric-ns they #ould help b-ttle - burgeoning r-dic-l thre-t in the ch-otic, i=po>erished n-tion. T The collection o2 #-rlords, so=e o2 the s-=e =en #ho h-d disp-tched gun=en to %ill Ar=y 5-ngers -nd Lelt- <orce co==-ndos in &CC3, h-d been on the ,IAKs p-yroll in :'':. They h-d helped the ,IA hunt do#n =e=bers o2 -l W-ed-Ks ;-st A2ric- cell, so=e o2 #ho= h-d been s=uggled out o2 So=-li- to ,IA bl-c% sites. 3ut the co>ert oper-tion in :''G #-s - =ore 2or=-l -rr-nge=ent, -nd it turned into - 9-shingtonD s-nctioned boondoggle 2or the #-rlords. The spir-ling ch-os in Ir-U h-d not only dr-#n soldiers -nd spies -#-y 2ro= the #-r in A2gh-nist-nQ it h-d -lso inspired - ne# gener-tion o2 young @usli=s to t-%e up -r=s -g-inst the United St-tes. At th-t ti=e, dr-2ts o2 - cl-ssi2ied intelligence report circul-ting through A=eric-n spy -gencies l-id b-re the =et-st-siAing proble= o2 r-dic-liA-tion in the @usli= #orld. The 2in-l report concluded th-t Ir-U h-d beco=e Rec-use c]ljbreK 2or Vih-dists, breeding - deep resent=ent o2 U.S. in>ol>e=ent in the @usli= #orld -nd culti>-ting supporters 2or the glob-l Vih-dist =o>e=ent.S The report, - "-tion-l Intelligence ;sti=-te, predicted th-t -n incre-singly decentr-liAed glob-l Vih-d =o>e=ent #ould splinter e>en 2urther, #ith region-l =ilit-nt groups proli2er-ting. The l-ndsc-pe #-s ch-nging dr-=-tic-lly, -nd countries in "orth A2ric-, ;-st A2ric-, -nd i=po>erished p-rts o2 the Ar-bi-n Peninsul- #ere beco=ing incre-singly unst-ble. In $e=en, t#entyDthree =ilit-nts lin%ed to -l W-ed- esc-ped 2ro= - loc-l V-il using spoons -nd bro%en t-ble legs to dig - tunnel. They li%ely h-d help 2ro= =e=bers o2 $e=enKs security ser>ices #ho #ere sy=p-thetic to the prisonersK c-use 2ro= the d-ys o2 the So>iet #-r in A2gh-nist-n. As one $e=eni o22ici-l eXpl-ined the inside Vob to the

"e# $or% Ti=es, R$ou h->e to re=e=ber, these o22icers used to escort people 2ro= S-n-K- to P-%ist-n during the A2gh-n Vih-d. People =-de rel-tionships , -nd th-t doesnKt ch-nge so e-sily.S Interpol issued -n urgent glob-l -lert see%ing the -rrests o2 the t#entyDthree =en, but =ost did not go 2-r. They st-yed in $e=en, 2or=ing the core o2 - group th-t #ould e>entu-lly n-=e itsel2 -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul. Then there #-s So=-li-, -nd the rise to pro=inence o2 - s=-ll, stubby =-n #ith -l=ondDsh-ped eyegl-sses -nd, protruding 2ro= his chin, - tu2t o2 h-ir th-t he dyed #ith red henn-. !-ss-n L-hir A#eys led the shur- council o2 So=-li-Ks Isl-=ic ,ourts Union, - loose 2eder-tion o2 cl-n elders, business=en, -nd =-gn-tes #ho h-d Voined together to bring order to So=-li-Ks ch-os by i=posing Isl-=ic sh-ri- l-#. The courts, #hich 2or ye-rs h-d been do=in-ted by =oder-tes, #ere #idely popul-r in So=-libec-use they o22ered - reprie>e 2ro= dec-des o2 #-rlordis=. 3ut by l-te :'' , A#eysKs in2luence o>er the I,U h-d turned the org-niA-tion into - l-rger >ersion o2 his sh-ricourt in the port city o2 @erc-7 - pl-t2or= 2or pre-ching -n unco=pro=ising br-nd o2 Isl-= th-t regul-rly =eted out punish=ents li%e stoning -dulterers -nd se>ering the h-nds o2 thie>es. A#eys h-d been on -n A=eric-n list o2 top terror suspects 2or ye-rs, -nd the ,IA h-d lin%ed hi= to the -l W-ed- cell in ;-st A2ric- th-t h-d c-rried out the &CC8 e=b-ssy bo=bings in 0eny- -nd T-nA-ni-. And yet he oper-ted in pl-in sight, =-%ing highD pro2ile trips to Lub-i -nd =o>ing openly -=ong cities in So=-li-. Under his co==-nd #ere - b-nd o2 young, co==itted gun=en #ho h-d t-%en to c-lling the=sel>es R-l Sh-b--bS\Ar-bic 2or RThe $outh.S The group #ould ro-= the streets o2 @og-dishu, hunting -nd %illing -nyone belie>ed to h->e pledged -llegi-nce to So=-li-Ks Tr-nsition-l <eder-l Go>ern=ent, - #e-% -nd corrupt org-niA-tion cre-ted by the United "-tions th-t h-d little control inside the country. 4oc-ls suspected o2 spying 2or the A=eric-ns #ere shot on sight. The ,IA h-d not %ept - per=-nent st-tion inside So=-li- 2or ye-rs, so the Vob o2 =onitoring e>ents inside the country 2ell to the cl-ndestine o22icers in neighboring 0eny-. The ,IA st-tion in "-irobi h-d gro#n signi2ic-ntly since the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, getting =ore =oney -nd personnel -2ter ,IA director Porter Goss decided th-t the -gency needed to bee2 up its presence in A2ric- -nd reopen so=e o2 its pre>iously shuttered st-tions on the continent. Luring the 2in-l =onths o2 :'' -nd into :''G, -l-r=ing c-bles 2ro= spies in "-irobi -rri>ed in 4-ngley #-rning -bout the gro#ing in2luence o2 the redD be-rded !-ss-n L-hir A#eys -nd the -l Sh-b--b gun=en. So=e o2 the reports concluded th-t the young r-dic-ls inside the Isl-=ic ,ourts Union, including - g-ngly >eter-n o2 the A2gh-nist-n #-r n-=ed Aden !-shi <-r-h Ayro, could 2e-ther the nest 2or -l W-ed- oper-ti>es to set up - ne# b-se in So=-li-. 3ut -s =uch -s 6s-=- bin 4-den -nd his 2ollo#ers =ight h->e #-nted to est-blish - ho=e in So=-li-, the group o>er the ye-rs h-d con2ronted so=e o2 the s-=e proble=s in the #-rDr->-ged country th-t the A=eric-ns h-d. Put si=ply, -l W-eddidnKt underst-nd So=-li-, -nd - pl-n by the group to 2lee to So=-li- once the #-r in A2gh-nist-n h-d begun h-d 2-iled =iser-bly. Ar-b =ilit-nts #ho -rri>ed in the country h-d trouble n->ig-ting the diAAying -rr-y o2 cl-ns -nd subcl-ns %nit into the 2-bric o2 So=-li culture, -nd 2ound the=sel>es being eXtorted by cl-n elders -t e>ery turn. 5-ther th-n unite under - single b-nner to eXpel

9esterners 2ro= the country, So=-lis decided they #ould r-ther 2ight one -nother. Al W-ed- =ilit-nts, -dherents to the r-dic-l 9-hh-bi str-in o2 Isl-=, could not rel-te to the =ore =oder-te Su2is= th-t the >-st =-Vority o2 So=-lis pr-ctice. So=-lis h-d reput-tion 2or being tre=endous gossips, -nd the 2oreign >isitors gre# -ngry th-t they couldnKt %eep secrets. All told, the ch-otic A2ric-n country by the se- see=ed >ery di22erent 2ro= the =ount-ins o2 P-%ist-n -nd A2gh-nist-n. This #-s h-rdly cle-r -t the ti=e to -nyone in =ilit-ry or intelligence circles in 9-shington, -nd the -l-r=ing ,IA reports out o2 "-irobi st-rted getting -ttention -t the 9hite !ouse. 3ut #h-t eX-ctly #-s to be done i2 So=-li- #-s going the #-y o2 A2gh-nist-n^ 9ith the ghosts o2 the 3l-c% !-#% Lo#n episode\the &CC3 3-ttle o2 @og-dishu\still h-unting the h-lls o2 the Pent-gon, Ar=y gener-ls -lre-dy h-d =-de it cle-r they =ight resign be2ore the United St-tes -tte=pted -nother signi2ic-nt =ilit-ry inter>ention in So=-li-. 3esides, the #-rs else#here #ere s-pping the r-n%s o2 soldiers -nd @-rines, -nd the Pent-gon could h-rdly sp-re troops 2or the !orn o2 A2ric- beyond #h-t it h-d co==itted to the b-reDbones t-s% 2orce in LVibouti, oper-ting out o2 - 2or=er <rench <oreign 4egion c-=p there. 9ith the 3ush -d=inistr-tion con>inced th-t So=-li- #-s - proble= th-t needed to be sol>ed, the 9hite !ouse turned to the ,IA to 2ind - proXy -r=y to 2ight - ne# #-r 2or @og-dishu. So #-s born the Alli-nce 2or the 5estor-tion o2 Pe-ce -nd ,ounterDTerroris=. The #-rlords o2 the A5P,T #ere h-rdly discreet -bout their ties to 9-shington -nd br-gged openly -bout ho# =uch the ,IA #-s p-ying the=. 3ut the tr-decr-2t used by the A=eric-ns #-s -lso shoddy, =-%ing it re-dily -pp-rent th-t the -lli-nce #-s - ,IA 2ront. The gun ship=ents -nd =oney drops #ere bro-dc-st in the loc-l press. Agency o22icers supplied the #-rlords #ith cont-ct in2or=-tion to use #hen they needed =ore supplies, -nd ru=ors spre-d through the c-pit-l th-t the ,IA =en h-d e>en gi>en out -n eD=-il -ddress to use #hen the #-rlords needed =ore guns -nd =oney. The clu=siness o2 the ,IA h-d di>ided o22ici-ls inside the A=eric-n e=b-ssy in "-irobi, - 2ortress built -2ter the &CC8 bo=bing h-d destroyed the pre>ious building. The entire oper-tion #-s being run by the ,IAKs st-tion chie2 in 0eny-, but diplo=-ts -t the co=pound beg-n #riting c-bles b-c% to St-te Lep-rt=ent he-dUu-rters #-rning -bout blo#b-c% 2ro= the co>ert support to the #-rlords. In one o2 the c-bles, 4eslie 5o#e, the e=b-ssyKs secondDr-n%ing o22icer, described the -nger -=ong A2ric-n o22ici-ls -bout the ,IA e22ort. @ich-el 1oric%, the St-te Lep-rt=entKs politic-l o22icer 2or So=-li-, sent sc-thing c-ble to 9-shington criticiAing the #-rlord policy -nd co=pl-ining th-t the ,IA #-s running guns to so=e o2 the biggest thugs in So=-li-. Soon -2ter#-rd, 1oric% #-s re-ssigned to ,h-d. Pust -s so=e o2 these o22icers h-d #-rned, the co>ert oper-tion ble# up in the ,IAKs 2-ce. Inste-d o2 #e-%ening the Isl-=ists, it tipped the b-l-nce in So=-li- in the other direction. So=-lis beg-n to e=br-ce the Isl-=ic ,ourts Union -s the #-y to rid the country o2 2oreign in2luence -nd 2in-lly bring -n end to the #-rlord rule th-t h-d 3-l%-niAed the country. Luring - =eeting o2 A=eric-n -=b-ss-dors 2ro= ;-st A2ric-nd $e=en in @-y :''G, the A=eric-n o22ici-ls could -lre-dy see things unr->eling inside @og-dishu. 9ith nobody -ble to -gree -bout #h-t the neXt steps should be, the -=b-ss-dors -greed on the i=port-nce o2 Rch-nging the con>ers-tionS 2ro= the 2ighting in the So=-li c-pit-l to#-rd R positi>e U.S. steps S to help restore So=-li institutions. 9h-t h-d once been - st-ndo22 turned into - rout, -s the Isl-=ists dro>e the ,IAD b-c%ed #-rlords out o2 @og-dishu. The I,U consolid-ted its po#er in the c-pit-l. ;>en =ore dis-strous 2or 9-shington, the 3-ttle o2 @og-dishu g->e e>en gre-ter in2luence inside the I,U to !-ss-n L-hir A#eys -nd the r-dic-l b-nd o2 -l Sh-b--b gun=en.

!-n% ,ru=pton, the 2or=er spy -t the ,IAKs ,ounterterrorist ,enter, #-tched the dis-ster un2old 2ro= his des% -t the St-te Lep-rt=ent, #here he h-d t-%en - Vob -s the coordin-tor 2or counterterroris=. The Vob c-rried the lo2ty title o2 -=b-ss-dorD-tDl-rge but #-s hobbled by its loc-tion inside -n under2unded -nd occ-sion-lly dys2unction-l diplo=-tic =-chinery. <or ,ru=pton, the ,IAKs #-rlord -d>enture in So=-li- #-s cl-ssic eX-=ple o2 9-shington turning to co>ert -ction #hen - proble= see=ed too di22icult to sol>e in - di22erent #-y. 9h-t do you do #hen you c-nKt 2igure out #h-t to do in So=-li-^ R!ereKs so=e =oney. !ereKs so=e #e-pons. "o# go,S he s-id. RAbsent - 2oreign policy, co>ert -ction isnKt going to #or%,S he s-id. RAnd i2 you c-n describe to =e the U.S. go>ern=entKs 2oreign policy in So=-li- in :''G, or e>en no#, I #ill gi>e you - tenDdoll-r bill.S The ,IAKs st-tion chie2 in "-irobi too% the brunt o2 the #ithering intern-l criticis=. Pose 5odrigueA pulled the o22icer 2ro= 0eny-, -nd the ,IA decided it h-d h-d enough #ith So=-li- 2or the ti=e being. 9ith the Isl-=ic courts no# in po#er in @og-dishu, 3ush o22ici-ls beg-n spe-%ing -bout So=-li- -s - ne# terror st-te. Pend-yi <r-Aer, the St-te Lep-rt=entKs senior o22ici-l 2or A2ric- policy, =-de public speeches during the l-st h-l2 o2 :''G -bout direct connections bet#een the I,U -nd -l W-ed- -nd bluntly l-beled the I,U Rterrorists.S

T!; ,644APS;o2

the ,IA e22ort in So=-li- h-d, 2or the =o=ent, eXh-usted the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs options 2or de-ling #ith the rise o2 the Isl-=ists there. 3ut #here go>ern=ents 2e-red to tre-d, ne# opportunities #ere e=erging 2or pri>-te =ilit-ry co=p-nies -nd #ouldDbe contr-ctors e-ger to #-de into the -n-rchy in ;-st A2ric-. The conditions #ere per2ect7 The United St-tes go>ern=ent #-s un#illing to send =-ny o2 its o#n into So=-li-, but it #-s e-ger to spend =oney so others could. 3y the =iddle o2 :''G, So=-li- #-s turning into the outsourced #-r. Pust - #ee% -2ter the ,IADb-c%ed #-rlords 2led @og-dishu, - co==erci-l Vet c-rrying - =iddleD-ged #o=-n 2ro= the horse country o2 "orthern Nirgini- l-nded in "-irobi. @ichele 3-ll-rin #-s the president o2 Select Ar=or, - s=-ll co=p-ny #ith contr-ct to sell body -r=or to the 4os Angeles ,ountry <ire Lep-rt=ent but one th-t h-d 2ound no success #inning -ny big Pent-gon de-ls. 3ut her -=bitions #ere 2-r gr-nder th-n being - 2ourthDtier de2ense contr-ctor. 9hen she l-nded in 0eny- in Pune :''G, she #-s scheduled to h->e - pri>-te =eeting #ith Abdull-hi $usu2 Ah=ed, the =-n le-ding So=-li-Ks U"Db-c%ed go>ern=entDinDeXile 2ro= his luXurious hotel suite in "-irobi. It see=ed - str-nge thing th-t - #o=-n #ho h-d the -ppe-r-nce o2 - #e-lthy heiress #ould h->e -n -udience #ith the le-der o2 So=-li-Ks 2ec%less Tr-nsition-l <eder-l Go>ern=ent. 3ut 3-ll-rin h-d tr->eled to the !orn o2 A2ric- se>er-l ti=es be2ore -nd h-d de>eloped so=ething o2 - cult 2ollo#ing in so=e sectors o2 the So=-li politic-l cl-ss. She cl-i=ed to tr-in -nd breed 4ipiAA-ner st-llions\the 2-=ous #hite horses th-t per2or=ed dress-ge\-nd #ore her #e-lth #here>er she #ent. She tr->eled #ith 4ouis Nuitton b-gs, eXpensi>e Ve#elry, -nd Gucci clothing. I2 the ide- #-s to d-AAle the residents o2 one o2 the #orldKs poorest countries, it h-d the intended e22ect. So=-lis beg-n re2erring to her by - oneD#ord =oni%er, the Ar-bic #ord 2or Rprincess.S They c-lled her RA=ir-.S It #-s - long #-y 2ro= 9est Nirgini-, #here she h-d 2irst =-de - n-=e 2or hersel2 during the &C8's -s - 5epublic-n c-ndid-te in - st-unchly Le=ocr-tic st-te. She h-d tried to piggyb-c% on 5on-ld 5e-g-nKs popul-rity in the hopes o2 #inning congression-l se-t representing @org-nto#n, the loc-tion o2 9est Nirgini- Uni>ersity. Pust thirtyDone -t the ti=e, she h-d 2unded =uch o2 her &C8G c-=p-ign #ith =oney 2ro= her 2irst husb-nd, - =-n se>er-l dec-des older th-n her #ho h-d l-nded on the

"or=-ndy be-ches on LDL-y -nd -=-ssed - s=-ll 2ortune -s - re-lDest-te de>eloper. 3ut she -lso hustled to r-ise =oney on the c-=p-ign tr-il by sho#ing o22 her s%ills -s - concert pi-nist during politic-l 2undDr-isers. Trying to p-int the Le=ocr-tic incu=bent -s out o2 step #ith the >-lues o2 9est Nirgini-n 2-=ilies, she criticiAed her opponent during the 2in-l #ee%s o2 the c-=p-ign 2or his >ote to spend t-Xp-yer =oney to print Pl-yboy in 3r-ille. She e>en =-de h-y o2 his re2us-l to sho# up to one deb-te by cutting up - piece o2 c-rdbo-rd , p-sting his 2-ce on it, -nd deb-ting hi= -ny#-y. She #-s roundly de2e-ted in the election. A2ter the de-th o2 her 2irst husb-nd, she =-rried Gino 3-ll-rin, - 2or=er b-rtender -t @-nh-tt-nKs :& ,lub #ho #ent on to o#n -nd =-n-ge the pri>-te Georgeto#n ,lub, in 9-shington. The couple thre# p-rties -t their ho=e in Nirgini-, e>entu-lly e-rning the=sel>es - listing in The Green 3oo%, - directory o2 Rsoci-lly pro=inent 9-shingtoni-nsS th-t #-s - bible 2or the cityKs oldD=oney elite. In &CC7, she spo%e to reporter -bout ho# ple-sed she #-s to get into The Green 3oo% #ith -ll her 2riends, neighbors, -nd other Rsupporters o2 eUuine sports.S RThe boo% sy=boliAes old #-ys o2 doing things #hich h->e re-lly r-ttled -g-inst ch-nge,S she s-id. R It sy=boliAes - gentler #-y o2 going -bout li>ing.S The 3-ll-rins by then #ere li>ing on -n est-te in @-r%h-=, Nirgini-, #ith the gr-nd n-=e 9ol2Ks ,r-g. It #-s once the ho=e o2 Turner Ashby, - ,on2eder-te c->-lry co==-nder #ho g-ined 2-=e during Stone#-ll P-c%sonKs Shen-ndo-h N-lley c-=p-ign -nd e-rned the nic%n-=e RThe 3l-c% 0night o2 the ,on2eder-cy.S 3ut @ichele 3-ll-rin see=ed to h->e bigger pl-ns th-n li>ing - genteel li2e o2 polo =-tches -nd l-#n p-rties. Luring the &CC's -nd e-rly :'''s she beg-n - nu=ber o2 business >entures, 2ro= re-lDest-te de>elop=ent to intern-tion-l 2in-nce to selling body -r=or. As she describes it, it #-s - c-su-l =eeting #ith - group o2 So=-li A=eric-ns set up by - 2riend o2 hers 2ro= the <ree=-son lodge in 9-shington th-t sp-r%ed her interest in the #-rDr-c%ed country, -nd the tr-ns2or=-tion o2 @ichele into A=ir- beg-n . She st-rted tr->eling to A2ric-, -nd soon the de>outly ,hristi-n #o=-n #ho pl-yed the org-n -t her church e-ch Sund-y bec-=e entr-nced by the te-chings o2 Su2is=, =ystic-l br-nch o2 Isl-= once do=in-nt on the Indi-n subcontinent -nd "orth A2ric-. Su2is= h-d lost ground -2ter the bre-%up o2 the 6tto=-n ;=pire h-d sp-#ned =ore =uscul-r 2or=s o2 Isl-=, but it is still pr-cticed #idely in So=-li-. 3-ll-rin bec-=e con>inced th-t pro=oting Su2i groups inside the country #-s the best #-y to di=inish #h-t she s-# -s - toXic in2luence o2 strict 9-hh-bis= th-t h-d g-ined - 2oothold in the !orn o2 A2ric- #ith the help o2 rich S-udi donors, #ho sent =oney there to build r-dic-l schools -nd =osUues. !er public #or% in So=-li- =-de her -ppe-r li%e Vust -nother rich doDgooder pushing -iryD2-iry de>elop=ent proVects, but there #-s - d-r%er, edgier side to her proVects. 9hen the Isl-=ic ,ourts Union too% control in @og-dishu, she s-# -n opportunity to t-%e -d>-nt-ge o2 the >-st ungo>erned -re-s in So=-li- to set up b-ses 2or - resist-nce =o>e=ent to dri>e the Isl-=ists out o2 po#er, -s #ell -s to nurture business >entures in the country. The horse#o=-n o2 Nirgini- #ould insert hersel2 into the ch-os. At the =eeting #ith President Abdull-hi $usu2 Ah=ed, 3-ll-rin discussed her pl-n to set up - b-se in So=-li-Ks northern port city o2 3erber-. The city #-s ho=e to -n -b-ndoned -irstrip th-t "ASA h-d once design-ted -s -n e=ergency l-nding strip 2or

the sp-ce shuttle, -nd 3-ll-rin 2igured th-t the site could be turned into - hub 2or co==erci-l tr-22ic -nd - loc-tion to tr-in -ntiO-l Sh-b--b 2orces. President Ah=ed, politic-l 2igurehe-d see%ing re2uge inside - plush hotel in "-irobi, #-s h-rdly in position to sign o22 on 3-ll-rinKs pl-n. 3ut #hen she e=erged 2ro= the =eeting, 3-ll-rin #-s el-ted. L-ys l-ter, she d-shed o22 -n eD=-il to se>er-l o2 her business p-rtners in the United St-tes, including ,hris <-rin-, the he-d o2 - <lorid-Db-sed pri>-te security 2ir= c-lled ATS 9orld#ide. R3oys, success2ul =eeting #ith President Abdull-y $usse2 `sica -nd his chie2 o2 st-22 personnel,S 3-ll-rin #rote. R !e h-s -ppointed his chie2 o2 presidenti-l protocol -s our go to during this ph-se.S 4-ter in the eD=-il, 3-ll-rin i=plied th-t the ,IA #-s -#-re o2 her pl-ns, -nd th-t she #-s pl-nning to =eet - ,IA cont-ct o2 hers in "e# $or%. 3ut <-rin- urged c-ution, #riting b-c% to #-rn th-t the pl-n shouldnKt go o22 h-l2D coc%ed. RA 2orced entry oper-tion `into @og-dishua -t this point #ithout the -ddition o2 2ollo#Don 2orces #ho c-n c-pit-liAe on the =o=entu=_initi-ti>e o2 the initi-l op #ill result in - repl-y o2 Lien 3ien Phu,S he #rote, re2erring to the <rench deb-cle in Indochin- in &C * . <-rin- -lso told 3-ll-rin th-t perh-ps the ,IA #-snKt the best p-rtner 2or their e22orts\perh-ps #ise -d>ice, gi>en #h-t h-d Vust h-ppened in the country. A better bet, he s-id, #-s the Pent-gon . She e>entu-lly too% his -d>ice, but it #ould be -nother t#o ye-rs be2ore she =-n-ged to con>ince the Pent-gon to 2und her -d>entures inside So=-li-.

t-%eo>er in @og-dishu -t 2irst brought - c-l= to the c-pit-l th-t it h-d not %no#n 2or ye-rs. A city th-t #-rlords h-d di>ided up #-s no# open. ,hildren #ho h-d gro#n up #ithin - =ile o2 the se- but #ho h-d ne>er -ctu-lly seen the #-ter, bec-use it =e-nt crossing into the Aone o2 - ri>-l #-rlord, #ere 2ree to spend the d-y -t the be-ch . 3ut - series o2 pronounce=ents th-t su==er by the -l Sh-b--b #ing o2 the Isl-=ic ,ourts Union, #hich h-d in e22ect seiAed control o2 the I,U =o>e=ent, turned =-ny So=-lis -g-inst the ne# le-ders. <oreign 2il=s #ere b-nned, -s #ere soccer g-=es. 9o=en #ere 2orced to >eil their 2-ces. @ost unpopul-r o2 -ll #-s - b-n on %h-t, the n-rcotic green le-2 th-t -l=ost -ll So=-li =en che#ed d-ily to bring on - =ild, ple-s-nt h-Ae. The concerns in 9-shington -bout the i=position o2 sh-ri- l-# in @og-dishu #ere sto%ed by - stre-= o2 intelligence 2ed to the 3ush -d=inistr-tion by ;thiopi-n o22ici-ls, #ho 2e-red th-t - ne# -l W-ed- s-2e h->en =ight be e=erging on their e-stern border. Ani=osities bet#een ;thiopi-ns -nd So=-lis r-n deep. Luring the &C7's the t#o countries 2ought - territori-l b-ttle o>er the 6g-den region o2 ;thiopi- th-t bec-=e proXy con2lict o2 the ,old 9-r\#ith the United St-tes supporting So=-li- -nd the So>iet Union gi>ing =ilit-ry supplies to the ;thiopi-ns. 3ut the 2-ll o2 the So>iet Union reshu22led the -lli-nces in A2ric-, -s it did in so =-ny other p-rts o2 the #orld. Luring the &CC's, #ith 9-shington #orrying -bout the spre-d o2 Isl-=ic 2und-=ent-lis=, ;thiopi-nd its ,hristi-n =-Vority c-=e to be seen -s n-tur-l -llies 2or the United St-tes. So, during the su==er o2 :''G, #hen ;thiopi-n o22ici-ls beg-n to t-l% openly -bout the possibility o2 in>-ding So=-li- to dis=-ntle the Isl-=ic ,ourts Union -nd -l Sh-b--b, so=e in 9-shington s-# -n opportunity. The str-tegy to -r= - r-gt-g
T!; IS4A@I, ,6U5TS U"I6"KS

collection o2 #-rlords h-d 2-iled, but =-ybe the ;thiopi-n -r=y could beco=e A=eric-Ks ne# proXy 2orce in So=-li-. 9ithin #ee%s o2 the Isl-=ist t-%eo>er in @og-dishu, Gener-l Pohn AbiA-id, o2 U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd, >isited Addis Ab-b-, ;thiopi-Ks c-pit-l, during - tour o2 ;-st A2ric-. Luring =eetings #ith =ilit-ry, ,IA, -nd St-te Lep-rt=ent o22ici-ls -t the A=eric-n e=b-ssy, he -s%ed -bout #h-t ;thiopi-Ks =ilit-ry =ight need i2 they #ere going to dri>e their t-n%s to#-rd @og-dishu. AbiA-id =-de it cle-r th-t, #hile the United St-tes #ould not push ;thiopi- to in>-de, it #ould try to ensure th-t -n in>-sion #-s - success. !e -lso =et #ith ;thiopi-n o22ici-ls -nd o22ered to sh-re A=eric-n intelligence -bout I,U =ilit-ry positions inside So=-li-. 3-c% in 9-shington, Lirector o2 "-tion-l Intelligence Pohn L. "egroponte -uthoriAed spy s-tellites to be tr-ined on So=-li- to pro>ide det-iled pictures 2or the ;thiopi-n troops. RThe ide-,S -s one A=eric-n o22ici-l st-tioned in Addis Ab-b-, ;thiopi-, in :''G described it, R#-s to get the ;thiopi-ns to 2ight our #-r.S The ;thiopi-n in>-sion #ould -lso pro>ide co>er 2or A=eric-n co==-ndo =issions into So=-li-, l-unched 2ro= - b-se in the co22eeDgro#ing region o2 e-stern ;thiopi-. Luring the su==er -nd 2-ll o2 :''G, #hen it incre-singly loo%ed li%e ;thiopi-n troops =ight in>-de So=-li-, "->y Se-bees -rri>ed -t the b-se in Lire L-#-, three hundred =iles e-st o2 Addis Ab-b-. 622ici-lly, the Se-bees #ere there on - hu=-nit-ri-n =ission7 Tre-cherous r-ins h-d 2looded the pl-ins -round Lire L-#- -nd sent - tenD 2oot #-ll o2 #-ter cr-shing through the to#n, -nd the Se-bees helped set up tents -nd gi>e e=ergency =edic-l c-re 2or the ten thous-nd people displ-ced by the 2loods . 3ut besides the hu=-nit-ri-n supplies, the ,D&3' tr-nsport pl-nes -rri>ing in Lire L-#- -lso beg-n 2errying in #-r =-teriel 2or - group o2 "->y S;A4s -nd Lelt- <orce co==-ndos #ho #ere tric%ling into ;thiopi- -s p-rt o2 - secret PS6, unit c-lled T-s% <orce 88. Their pl-n #-s to use ;thiopi-Ks in>-sion o2 So=-li- -s - co>er to get into the country -nd hunt do#n senior I,U oper-ti>es . The =ission to So=-li- h-d been -uthoriAed under Lon-ld 5u=s2eldKs :''* order per=itting =ilit-ry co==-ndos to in2iltr-te countries th-t h-d tr-dition-lly been o22Dli=its to A=eric-n soldiers. In e-rly P-nu-ry :''7, Vust d-ys -2ter the 2irst ;thiopi-n t-n% colu=ns ru=bled o>er the border -nd -rtillery b-tteries st-rted pounding Isl-=ic ,ourts Union =ilit-ry inst-ll-tions in south#est So=-li-, T-s% <orce 88 beg-n its =issions inside the country. Att-ched to the group #ere sur>eill-nce eXperts 2ro= Gr-y <oX, the Pent-gonKs cl-ndestine spying unit th-t #ould e>entu-lly ch-nge its code n-=e to T-s% <orce 6r-nge. The group c-rried speci-liAed eUuip=ent -llo#ing it to pinpoint the loc-tions o2 I,U co==-nders by intercepting their telephone co==unic-tions. In -ddition to the speci-lDoper-tions troops, t#o A,D&3' gunships -r=ed #ith &' D =illi=eter c-nnons -nd G-tling guns -rri>ed -t the -irstrip in e-stern ;thiopi-, -nd in e-rly P-nu-ry the gunships l-unched -n -tt-c% on - s=-ll 2ishing >ill-ge in the s#-=pl-nds o2 southern So=-li-. They #ere -cting on intelligence th-t Aden !-shi <-r-h Ayro, the young -l Sh-b--b le-der, #-s hiding in the >ill-ge o2 5-s 0-=boni. !ours -2ter - b-rr-ge o2 =issiles, A=eric-n -nd ;thiopi-n troops si2ted through the #rec%-ge -nd 2ound - p-ssport o2 AyroKs st-ined #ith blood. The A=eric-ns -ssu=ed th-t Ayro #ould not h->e l-sted long i2 he h-d been #ounded in the stri%e, but nobody #-s sure #here he h-d gone. The A,D&3' gunships c-rried out second stri%e t#o #ee%s l-ter -g-inst - di22erent Isl-=ist co==-nder, but the -tt-c%

%illed ci>ili-ns inste-d o2 its intended t-rget. The cl-ndestine =issions in So=-li- in e-rly :''7 h-d =iXed results. A=eric-n troops -nd intelligence -ided the ;thiopi-n o22ensi>e through southern So=-li- -nd led to - s#i2t retre-t by Isl-=ic ,ourts Union troops. 3ut the PS6, =issions h-d 2-iled to c-pture or %ill -ny o2 the =ost senior Isl-=ist co==-nders or =e=bers o2 the -l W-edcell responsible 2or the &CC8 e=b-ssy bo=bings. And, beyond the n-rro# =-nhunt, the l-rger ;thiopi-n occup-tion o2 So=-li- could 2-irly be c-lled - dis-ster. The 3ush -d=inistr-tion h-d secretly b-c%ed the oper-tion, belie>ing th-t ;thiopi-n troops could dri>e the Isl-=ist ,ourts Union out o2 @og-dishu -nd pro>ide =ilit-ry protection 2or the U"Db-c%ed tr-nsition-l go>ern=ent. The in>-sion h-d -chie>ed th-t 2irst obVecti>e, but the i=po>erished ;thiopi-n go>ern=ent h-d little interest in spending =oney to %eep its troops in So=-li- to protect the corrupt tr-nsition-l go>ern=ent. 9ithin #ee%s o2 the end o2 2ighting, senior ;thiopi-n o22ici-ls decl-red th-t they h-d =et their =ilit-ry obVecti>es -nd beg-n t-l%ing publicly -bout - #ithdr-#-l. The ;thiopi-n -r=y h-d #-ged - bloody -nd indiscri=in-te c-=p-ign -g-inst its =ost h-ted ene=y. Using le-dD2ooted urb-n t-ctics, ;thiopi-n troops lobbed -rtillery shells into cro#ded =-r%etpl-ces -nd dense neighborhoods, %illing thous-nds o2 ci>ili-ns. Liscipline in the ;thiopi-n r-n%s bro%e do#n, -nd soldiers #ent on r-=p-ges o2 looting -nd g-ng r-pe. 6ne young =-n inter>ie#ed by the nonpro2it group !u=-n 5ights 9-tch spo%e o2 #itnessing ;thiopi-ns %ill his 2-ther -nd then r-pe his =other -nd sisters. The occup-tion by the h-ted ;thiopi-n troops turned into - recruiting bon-nA- 2or -l Sh-b--b, -nd the group gre# in strength. Insurgents pl-nted ro-dside bo=bs -nd used other guerrill- t-ctics th-t =ilit-nts in Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n h-d used #ith gre-t success. <oreign 2ighters 2looded into So=-li-. Pih-di internet sites in>o%ed the n-=e AbuD 5-gh-l, -n in2-=ous tr-itor in the @usli= 2-ith #ho h-d helped the ;thiopi-n -r=y =-rch on @ecc-. The 2ighters c-=e 2ro= @orocco -nd 2ro= Algeri-. And they c-=e 2ro= @innesot-. "ot long -2ter the ;thiopi-n in>-sion, t#enty A=eric-n students 2ro= the 4ittle @og-dishu neighborhood o2 @inne-polis bo-rded pl-nes -nd #ent to So=-li- to #-ge Vih-d -g-inst the ,hristi-n in>-ders. A=ong the= #-s Shir#- Ah=ed, - co==unityDcollege dropout #ho lo>ed b-s%etb-ll -nd spent =ost o2 his d-ys doing odd Vobs -nd =e=oriAing the lyrics to r-p songs. !e h-d beco=e so enr-ged by the -rri>-l o2 the ;thiopi-ns in So=-li- th-t he =-de his #-y to the !orn o2 A2ric-, #here he Voined -l Sh-b--b. In 6ctober o2 the 2ollo#ing ye-r, he dro>e - c-r p-c%ed #ith eXplosi>es into go>ern=ent building in Puntl-nd, - region o2 northern So=-li-. !e #-s the 2irstDe>er A=eric-n suicide bo=ber.

C7 T!; 3AS;
RIn - #ilderness o2 =irrors. 9h-t #ill the spider do, Suspend its oper-tions, #ill the #ee>il Lel-y^S \T. S. ;liot, RGerontionS

t didnKt t-%e long 2or Art 0eller to le-rn #h-t h-d beco=e the 2irst rule 2or ,IA o22icers

ser>ing in P-%ist-n7 ;-ch d-y you spend in the country, you %no# less th-n you did the d-y be2ore. 3y the ti=e your tour o2 duty is up, you %no# nothing. 3y the =iddle o2 :''G, #hen 0ellerKs helicopter touched do#n -t the ,IA b-se ne-r 9-n-, in the trib-l -gency o2 South 9-Airist-n, intelligence oper-tions in P-%ist-n h-d beco=e the t#entyD2irstDcentury >ersion o2 P-=es Pesus AngletonKs R#ilderness o2 =irrors.S Angleton, the legend-ry -nd ruthless 2or=er chie2 o2 counterintelligence -t the ,IA, h-d p-r-phr-sed his belo>ed T. S. ;liot to describe the deceptions, double crosses, -nd di>ided loy-lties o2 ,old 9-r espion-ge. Lec-des l-ter, the spy g-=es in P-%ist-n #ere no less =-ddening to pl-y. The boyishDloo%ing 0eller #-s -n unli%ely c-ndid-te to be dropped into the =iddle o2 the P-%ist-ni =ount-ins -t - ti=e #hen -l W-ed- #-s turning the -re- into its ne# b-se o2 oper-tions. !e h-d ne>er stepped 2oot in P-%ist-n be2ore, spo%e none o2 the loc-l l-ngu-ges, -nd his eXpertise\in Ir-nKs =issile progr-=\#-snKt -bout to do hi= =uch good in 9-n-. 3ut #ith the Ir-U #-r t-%ing ,IA c-se o22icers #ith -ny @iddle ;-stern eXperience -#-y 2ro= A2gh-nist-n -nd P-%ist-n, the cl-ndestine ser>ice #-s desper-te 2or bodies. So Art 0eller >olunteered 2or A2gh-nist-n. !e #-s -ssigned to P-%ist-n. R The ide-l person you #-nt sitting in the b-se there #-s so=eone #ho could spe-% L-ri or Urdu or P-shto, #ith ye-rs o2 eXperience, -nd %no#s the t-rget,S he s-id. RInste-d, you get =e.S 0eller h-d Voined the ,IA in &CCC -2ter - dec-de o2 =e-nderings through the =ilit-ry, college, -nd Vourn-lis=. !e h-d gr-du-ted high school #ith -n interest in intern-tion-l -22-irs but #ithout - cle-r ide- -bout #h-t he #-nted to do in li2e, -nd Voined the Ar=y in the e-rly &CC's bec-use he #-s 2-irly cert-in it #ould be - ris%D2ree #-y to e-rn =oney 2or college. R ;ighteen =onths l-ter ,S he s-id, RIK= sitting in the =iddle o2 the desert #ondering, e!o# did I end up here^KS !e pl-yed only - bit p-rt in 6per-tion Lesert Stor=, #hich s#i2tly eXpelled Ir-Ui troops 2ro= 0u#-it. !e h-d been -ssigned to - p-r-chuteDrigging co=p-ny, but #ith no -irborne oper-tions during the #-r there #-s no need 2or the groupKs #or%. 6n the e>e o2 the 2ighting, his unit #-s dri>en into the =iddle o2 the S-udi desert -nd told to gu-rd logistics b-se used to supply the A=eric-n t-n% in>-sion into Ir-U. A2ter le->ing the Ar=y, he -ttended the Uni>ersity o2 "orthern AriAon- -nd decided he should either beco=e - reporter or Voin the ,IA. !e too% - Vob in the sports dep-rt=ent o2 TheAriAon- 5epublic, -nd Vust -s he #-s -bout to be tr-ns2erred to the politic-l des%, the ,IA cont-cted hi= -nd told hi= th-t his -pplic-tion h-d been -ccepted. !e dre# -n -ssign=ent in the -gencyKs ,ounterproli2er-tion di>ision, #or%ing to h-lt

the spre-d o2 =-ss c-su-lty #e-pons, -nd his 2irst o>erse-s posting #-s to Nienn-, #here the he-dUu-rters o2 the Intern-tion-l Ato=ic ;nergy Agency #-s loc-ted. 622icers -t the ,IAKs Nienn- St-tion #ere eXpected to de>elop sources inside the IA;A to le-rn -bout its secret deliber-tions. 3ut -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, the ,IA #-s -lso 2eeding the IA;A so=e o2 its =ost sensiti>e intelligence in order to get the intern-tion-l body to s-nction regi=es li%e those o2 Ir-n, Ir-U, -nd "orth 0ore-. 0eller h-d de>eloped -n inti=-te underst-nding o2 Tehr-nKs e22orts to de>elop b-llistic =issiles, but -t th-t ti=e Ir-n #-s not -t the top o2 the ,IAKs list o2 #orries. In l-te su==er :'':, 0ellerKs boss in Nienn- returned 2ro= - trip to 4-ngley -nd -ppro-ched - group o2 o22icers inside the -gencyKs st-tion. R$ou %no# ho# thereKs been ru=ors -bout =-ybe there being -n in>-sion -nd - #-r #ith Ir-U^S 0eller re=e=bered hi= -s%ing. R$ouKre gonn- he-r so=e 2unny things co=ing out o2 he-dUu-rters bec-use theyKre under incredible pressure to 2ind e>idence to Vusti2y this,S he s-id. R$ou %no# th-t scene in L-s 3oot #hen theyKre -t the botto= o2 the oce-n -nd the ri>ets -re popping out o2 the sub=-rine -nd shooting -round inside^S 0ellerKs boss -s%ed. RTh-tKs #h-tKs going on -t he-dUu-rters right no#.S 0eller #ould do t#o brie2 stints in Ir-U -2ter the illD2-ted in>-sion, one o2 the= -s p-rt o2 the Ir-U Sur>ey Group, the ,IADled te-= o2 #e-ponsDhunters #ho spent :''3 -nd :''* p-trolling desert sites 2or S-dd-= !usseinKs ph-nto= che=ic-lD -nd biologic-lD #e-pons progr-=s. ;-rly on, 0eller could tell th-t the e22ort #-s pointless7 Ir-Ui scientists #ho h-d e>ery re-son to sho# the A=eric-ns the #e-pons stoc%piles\-nd be re#-rded by the ,IA #ith c-sh -nd possibly resettle=ent\insisted to the sur>ey group th-t the #e-pons didnKt eXist. 3ut 0eller -nd other o22icers #ould inter>ie# the s-=e scientists t#o or three ti=es, -llo#ing 4-ngley to p-d the nu=bers -bout ho# =-ny inter>ie#s the sur>ey conducted. This -lso -llo#ed President 3ush -nd Nice President ,heney to s-y publicly th-t the #e-pons hunt in Ir-U #-s still going on. The dusty ,IA b-se in South 9-Airist-n #here 0eller -rri>ed in :''G #-s in the s-=e to#n th-t P-%ist-ni troops h-d hit #ith -rtillery -nd gunships during their b-ttle #ith "e% @uh-==-dKs 2ighters in :''*, -nd ne-r the =-dr-ss- in Sh-%-i #here go>ern=ent troops h-d -greed to - ce-seD2ire #ith the 9-Airi tribes=en. 9hen 0eller got there, -nother 2r-gile pe-ce de-l #-s in pl-ce. This one h-d been negoti-ted by P-%ist-ni troops -nd 3-itull-h @ehsud, -nother young guerrill- le-der #ho h-d pic%ed up the bloody b-nner #hen "e% @uh-==-d #-s %illed in the :''* ,IA drone stri%e. @ehsud h-d ne>er honored the ter=s o2 the -gree=ent -nd h-d =erely used the ce-seD2ire to consolid-te po#er in South 9-Airist-n -nd pl-n hitD-ndDrun -tt-c%s on P-%ist-ni troops. 3ut P-%ist-nKs =ilit-ry le-dership in :''G did not #-nt -nother b-ttle in the trib-l -re-s, so #hen Art 0eller -rri>ed in 9-n- there #-s little -ppetite -=ong P-%ist-ni soldiers -nd spies to %ic% - hornetKs nest. As - result, rel-tions bet#een ,IA o22icers -nd the loc-l ISI oper-ti>es in South 9-Airist-n #ere dis=-l. 9hen he l-nded -t 9-n-, 0eller le-rned Vust ho# b-d they #ere #hen he #-s brie2ed by the =-n he #ould be repl-cing, - s-lty older o22icer n-=ed Gene. Gene told 0eller th-t P-%ist-ni troops #ere doing 2e# p-trols -nd spending ne-rly -ll o2 their d-ys inside protected b-rr-c%s. "o =-tter ho# h-rd he pushed, Gene s-id, the P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry -nd spies did not #-nt to ch-llenge the po#er o2 the =inist-te th-t 3-itull-h @ehsud #-s building in South 9-Airist-n. @ehsud, unli%e "e% @uh-==-d, #-s no =edi- hound. !e g->e 2e# inter>ie#s -nd, 2ollo#ing tr-ditions o2 strict Isl-=, re2used to be photogr-phed. !e h-d b-rely -ny educ-tion, not e>en signi2ic-nt ti=e -t - =-dr-ss-, but in :''G he co==-nded 2iercely loy-l b-nd o2 so=e 2i>e thous-nd trib-l gun=en. !e broo%ed no dissent -nd h-d deserters hunted do#n -nd %illed. There #ere e>en suspicions he h-d -rr-nged 2or P-%ist-ni troops to help c-pture his 2or=er =entor, Abdull-h @ehsud, - oneDlegged

2ighter #ho= the United St-tes h-d rele-sed 2ro= Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y in :''*, so 3-itull-h could t-%e po#er in South 9-Airist-n. 9hen P-%ist-ni troops surrounded Abdull-hKs ho=e in 3-lochist-n, he held - gren-de up to his chest -nd pulled the pin. 3-itull-h @ehsudKs po#er -nd in2luence #ould eXp-nd dr-=-tic-lly #hen collection o2 s=-ller =ilit-ry groups Voined together under the n-=e o2 Tehri%DiDT-lib-n P-%ist-n (TTP), %no#n co==only -s the P-%ist-ni T-lib-n, #ith @ehsud -s the groupKs le-der. Unli%e the A2gh-n T-lib-n, under the control o2 @ull-h 6=-r -nd enVoying the Uuiet p-tron-ge o2 the ISI, the ne# group intended to dri>e the P-%ist-ni soldiers -nd spies out o2 the trib-l -re-s using suicide bo=bings in Isl-=-b-d, 0-r-chi, -nd other cities -s bloody c-lling c-rds. They c-lled it Rde2ensi>e Vih-d,S - struggle to protect the trib-l #-y o2 li2e 2ro= P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry 2orces, #ho= they >ie#ed -s 2oreigners in their l-nds. The group h-d 2e# cont-cts or supporters beyond the trib-l regions, but in 9-n- in :''G it #-s cle-r #ho #-s in ch-rge. 3-itull-h @ehsudKs 2ollo#ers h-d been -d=inistering rough Vustice throughout South 9-Airist-n, ro-=ing -round -ss-ssin-ting -ny trib-l chie2s suspected o2 #or%ing #ith the A=eric-ns or the P-%ist-ni go>ern=ent. Thie>es #ere h-nged in the >ill-ge streets, -dulterers #ere stoned, -nd >endors in the 9-n- b-A--r openly sold grueso=e LNLs in Urdu depicting the behe-ding o2 P-%ist-ni -r=y scouts. The snu22 2il=s #ere p-rt prop-g-nd- -nd p-rt inti=id-tion, - blunt =ess-ge th-t the =ilit-ry should st-y in their b-rr-c%s -nd cede control to the tribes. 3-itull-h @ehsud 2orced b-rbers in 9-n- to post signs in their shops s-ying th-t since 2-ci-l groo=ing is 2orbidden under sh-ri- l-#, be-rd tri==ing ser>ices #ere not ->-il-ble. 3-rbers #ho re2used #-tched their shops burn do#n. 6ther e>idence o2 =ilit-nt control #-s =ore pros-ic7 0ellerKs b-se recei>ed supplies o2 2uel Vust once e>ery t#o #ee%s, on the speci2ic d-ys the =ilit-nts -llo#ed the P-%ist-ni -r=y truc%s to use the ro-ds. The ,IA outpost #-s - bric% co=pound inside - l-rger P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry b-se ne-r 9-n-. A s=-ll det-ch=ent o2 P-%ist-ni speci-lDoper-tions troops gu-rded the A=eric-n buildings, but 0eller soon 2igured out th-t the troops #ere =ore V-ilers th-n protectors, bec-use the ,IA o22icers #ere ne>er -llo#ed o22 b-se. Inside the co=pound #-s - s=-ll cluster o2 roo=s #here the A=eric-ns -te, slept, -nd co==unic-ted #ith their bosses using secure r-dios -nd co=puters to %eep the ISI 2ro= intercepting their tr-ns=issions. The s=-ll b-se ree%ed o2 r-# se#-ge 2ro= plu=bing le-%s, -nd - b-rr-ge o2 pl-ster chips 2ro= the ceiling #ould o2ten co>er the beds, dishes, -nd co==unic-tions eUuip=ent. Gene h-d once tried to persu-de the ,IA st-tion in Isl-=-b-d to put up =oney 2or - sUu-sh court -t the b-se. Gi>en the popul-rity o2 sUu-sh #ithin the r-n%s o2 P-%ist-nKs =ilit-ry, he -rgued, the court =ight help the ,IA o22icers built - r-pport #ith their counterp-rts. The reUuest #-s denied. 0ellerKs o#n rel-tions #ith his =-in ISI counterp-rt #ere sour 2ro= the beginning, in no s=-ll p-rt bec-use o2 - pr-n% th-t Gene pl-yed be2ore he le2t South 9-Airist-n. 6n the d-y o2 his helicopter 2light out o2 9-n-, Gene h-nded 0eller - note scribbled in Urdu -nd told hi= to gi>e it to the ISI o22icer during their 2irst =eeting. 0eller h-d no ide- #h-t the =ess-ge s-id, but he duti2ully p-ssed it -long during the =eeting. The ISI =-n, =e=ber o2 the 0h-tt-% tribe, #-s not p-rticul-rly -=used. !e tr-nsl-ted the note 2or 0eller. R$ou c-n ne>er trust - 2uc%ing 0h-tt-%,S the note re-d. RGene thought th-t #-s hil-rious,S s-id 0eller. RTh-n%s - lot, Gene.S


bet#een the A=eric-ns -nd P-%ist-nis in 9-n-, =ost

o2 the intelligence g-thering th-t 0eller o>ers-# during his ti=e in South 9-Airist-n occurred #ithout the ISIKs -ppro>-l. Gene h-d p-ssed -long the n-=es -nd cont-ct in2or=-tion o2 the P-%ist-ni -gents th-t the ,IA h-d culti>-ted in the region\- net#or% th-t #-s no# in 0ellerKs h-nds to run. 3ut 2or - #hite A=eric-n spy in 9-n-, running net#or% o2 P-%ist-ni -gents #ithout tipping o22 the ISI #-s not e-sy. The -gents couldnKt co=e on the ,IA b-se or they #ould be spotted -nd -rrested by the ISI, -nd -ny -tte=pt by 0eller to =eet the= o22 the b-se #ould -lso put the= -t ris%. 3y contr-st, ,IA o22icers #or%ing 2ro= the other side o2 the border in A2gh-nist-n h-d - =uch e-sier ti=e. 3y :''G, the -gency h-d set up - string o2 s=-ll b-ses in e-stern A2gh-nist-n, in to#ns li%e 0host -nd As-d-b-d, 2ro= #hich -gents #ere sent o>er the border into P-%ist-n to collect in2or=-tion in the trib-l -re-s. The A=eric-ns could =eet the -gents -t the b-se or in neighboring to#ns. The ,IA st-rted sending Rt-rgeting -n-lystsS 2ro= 4-ngley to the 2ireb-ses in A2gh-nist-n, ch-rged #ith si2ting through hu=-n source in2or=-tion g-thered in the hinterl-nds -nd 2using it #ith intelligence gle-ned 2ro= s-tellites or listening posts to try to pin do#n the loc-tions o2 =ilit-nts in 3-V-ur -nd 9-Airist-n. Three ye-rs l-ter, - =eeting #ith - =-n the ,IA belie>ed #-s - highDle>el -gent but in 2-ct #-s #or%ing 2or the =ilit-nts #ent horribly #rong -t one o2 the b-ses, ,-=p ,h-p=-n, in 0host. Se>en ,IA e=ployees #ere %illed #hen the -gent, - Pord-ni-n doctor, deton-ted - suicide >est. It #-s the -gencyKs de-dliest d-y since the -tt-c% on the United St-tes e=b-ssy in 3eirut in &C83. 9ithout the option o2 =eetings, 0eller %ept in touch #ith his pri=-ry -gent entirely through co=puter co==unic-tions, -nd he =-int-ined -n el-bor-te net#or% o2 goD bet#eens, #ithout -ny 2-ceDtoD2-ce cont-ct #ith his sources during his =onths in South 9-Airist-n. !e co=p-red the eXperience to th-t o2 9estern reporters in 3-ghd-d during the d-r%est d-ys o2 the Ir-U #-r7 Un-ble to =o>e 2reely through the streets, they relied on Ir-Ui stringers to g-ther in2or=-tion -nd Uuotes. In his c-se, 0eller #ould send o22 - =ess-ge to ,IA co=puter engineers, #ho #ould encrypt it -nd then send it to - P-%ist-ni -gent #or%ing 2or the ,IA #ho h-d been gi>en speci-liAed co==unic-tion eUuip=ent to recei>e his tr-ns=issions. The P-%ist-ni =-n #-s p-id se>er-l hundred doll-rs per =onth, but so=e o2 th-t =oney #ent to hiring other -gents (or Rsub-gentsS) to collect in2or=-tion -bout the =o>e=ents o2 -l W-edoper-ti>es in South 9-Airist-n. The subD-gents %ne# nothing -bout #ho= they #ere #or%ing 2or, -nd possibly thought th-t their =oney c-=e 2ro= the ISI. So=eti=es 0eller #ould be three or 2our l-yers re=o>ed 2ro= - sub-gent closest to the t-rget o2 sur>eill-nce. Luring 0ellerKs ti=e in South 9-Airist-n, the ,IAKs pri=-ry t-rget #-s -n ;gypti-n che=ist #ith the no= de guerre Abu 0h-b-b -lD@-sri. A =e=ber o2 bin 4-denKs inner circle, -lD@-sri once r-n -l W-ed-Ks Lerunt- tr-ining c-=p, in A2gh-nist-n, #here the group h-d eXperi=ented #ith che=ic-l #e-pons -nd other poisons. !e #-s thought to be hiding in South 9-Airist-n, -nd the United St-tes h-d put - i =illion bounty on his he-d. 3ut the ,IA %ne# -l=ost nothing -bout #h-t he loo%ed li%eQ in e-rly :''G A=eric-n o22ici-ls -d=itted they h-d =ist-%enly been using the #rong photogr-ph on - #-nted poster 2or -lD@-sri. The picture on the poster #-s repl-ced #ith bl-c% silhouette. 9ith so little to go on, the ,IA o22icers in South 9-Airist-n o2ten h-d to le-n he->ily on unsubst-nti-ted in2or=-tion 2ro= sources th-t h-d not been >etted. 6ne o2 the tips 0eller recei>ed #-s th-t -lD@-sri #ould occ-sion-lly >isit - p-rticul-r shop in the 9-nb-A--r. 0eller -s%ed his P-%ist-ni -gent to hire - sub-gent #ho li>ed in the >icinity -nd #ould h->e re-son to >isit the shop. An oper-tion #-s set up to st-%e out the shop, deter=ine i2 -lD@-sri #-s indeed - regul-r, -nd to t-%e - picture o2 hi=. Then the pl-n #-s to inst-ll sur>eill-nce eUuip=ent to deter=ine #ho= -lD@-sri =ight be trying to

cont-ct. 0eller ne>er le-rned i2 the oper-tion ulti=-tely bore 2ruit, or i2 it #-s Vust one p-rt o2 - #ider oper-tion to net -lD@-sri. 622icers -t indi>idu-l b-ses #ere usu-lly %ept in the d-r% -bout oper-tions in to#ns e>en -s close -s - doAen =iles -#-y, #here there #ere other ,IA b-ses, -nd he didnKt h->e -ccess to cl-ssi2ied c-ble tr-22ic in the rest o2 the country. 0ellerKs #-s - #or=KsDeye >ie#, -nd he duti2ully sent his intelligence reports 2or#-rd 2or the -n-lysts -t Isl-=-b-d to use -s one piece o2 - =os-ic. It #-s - setup ripe 2or circul-r reporting. 6nce, - subDsource o2 0ellerKs p-ssed -long - tip th-t 6s-=- bin 4-den h-d been spotted in the Lir N-lley, in the "orthD9est <rontier Pro>ince. 0eller t-pped out - c-ble to Isl-=-b-d, suggesting th-t the ,IA send -n -gent to Lir to in>estig-te the tip. 9hen he recei>ed the c-ble, the Isl-=-b-d st-tion chie2 #-s ir-teQ bin 4-den tips #ere li%e ;l>is sightings, igniting interest -ll the #-y b-c% to 4-ngley. ,IA o22icers in P-%ist-n #ere pushed to in>estig-te e>en the =ur%iest ru=or -bout bin 4-den, -nd the Lir N-lley tip h-d been chec%ed out\-nd debun%ed\=onths e-rlier. Isl-=-b-d St-tion #-s no# reUuired to eXpl-in to eXcited ,IA le-ders #hy 0ellerKs c-ble should be ignored. The ,IA st-tion chie2 2le# out to 9-n- person-lly to che# 0eller out, 2iguring it #-s #orth the bu=py helicopter ride. RThis #-s - ru=or th-t they h-d #or%ed long -nd h-rd to dri>e - st-%e through,S 0eller rec-lled. RAnd, li%e - >-=pire, I h-d resurrected it.S

U"3;0"69"ST T6 0;44;5,he

#-s Vust one p-rt o2 - l-rge c-=p-ign by the ,IA in :''G to re2ocus the hunt 2or 6s-=- bin 4-den by dr-=-tic-lly eXp-nding the nu=ber o2 c-se o22icers in P-%ist-n -nd A2gh-nist-n. It #-s p-in2ully e>ident to senior o22icers -t 4-ngley th-t the Ir-U #-r h-d t-%en -ttention -#-y 2ro= the -l W-ed- =-nhunt, but the bin 4-den hunt h-d -lso been beset by proble=s #ithin the ,IA. ,l-ndestine o22icers posted in Isl-=-b-d h-d been cl-shing #ith o22icers 2ro= the ,ounterterroris= ,enter -t 4-ngley, #hose pre2erence 2or Pred-tor stri%es #-s derided by o22icers -t Isl-=-b-d St-tion -s the #or% o2 Rboys #ith toys.S T The ,IA st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d thought the drone stri%es in :'' -nd :''G\#hich, #hile in2reUuent -t th-t ti=e, #ere o2ten b-sed on b-d intelligence -nd h-d resulted in =-ny ci>ili-n c-su-lties\h-d done little eXcept 2uel h-tred 2or the United St-tes inside P-%ist-n -nd put P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls in the unco=2ort-ble position o2 h->ing to lie -bout the stri%es. There h-d -lso been dys2unction b-c% -t he-dUu-rters. The b-ttles bet#een =e=bers o2 the Lirector-te o2 6per-tions\#hich o>ers-# the spies in the 2ield\-nd Porter GossKs -ides spilled into the public through =edi- le-%s, -nd the Lirector-te o2 6per-tions #-s -lso in tur2 2ights #ith other br-nches o2 the -gency. In l-te :'' , Porter Goss c-lled - =-n-ge=ent retre-t 2or -ll the -gencyKs senior le-ders, - =o>e designed to soothe tensions -=ong his le-dership te-=. Luring the =eeting, the ,IAKs deputy director 2or intelligence\the he-d o2 the -n-lysts in ch-rge o2 piecing together reports 2ro= the 2ield\co=pl-ined openly -bout the -rrog-nce o2 the cl-ndestine o22icers, #ho he s-id could get -#-y #ith #h-te>er they #-nted. Pose 5odrigueA, the he-d o2 oper-tions, eXploded. R9-%e up -nd s=ell the 2uc%ing co22eehS 5odrigueA shouted, re=inding e>eryone in the roo= th-t unli%e the -n-lysts, #ho s-# the #orld 2ro= their des%s, his underco>er o22icers #or%ed -t Rthe pointy end o2 the spe-r.S 5odrigueAKs >ol-tility occ-sion-lly cre-ted proble=s #ithin the cl-ndestine br-nch itsel2, -nd by e-rly :''G he #-s b-rely spe-%ing #ith the =-n he h-d inst-lled -s chie2 o2 the ,ounterterroris= ,enter, 5obert Grenier. Grenier, - 2or=er st-tion chie2 in

Isl-=-b-d, #-s polished -nd cerebr-l\in =-ny #-ys the -ntithesis o2 5odrigueA. !e h-d pushed to eXp-nd the ,IAKs counterterroris= -perture beyond A2gh-nist-n -nd P-%ist-n, ordering =ore o22icers to 2ocus on e=erging thre-ts in pl-ces li%e Southe-st Asi- -nd "orth A2ric-. Gi>en the ,ounterterroris= ,enterKs eXp-nsion since :''&, Grenier thought it needed to be restructured to eli=in-te redund-ncies. The ,IAKs bin 4-denOhunting unit, 2or=ed in the &CC's -nd codeDn-=ed Alec St-tion, #-s reorg-niAed -nd ren-=ed. 5odrigueA thought -ll o2 this #-s - distr-ction 2ro= the bin 4-den hunt. !e repl-ced Grenier #ith -nother o22icer 2ro= inside the ,T,, - g-unt, ch-inDs=o%ing #or%-holic n-=ed @i%e. T @i%e h-d spent his e-rly c-reer -s -n underco>er o22icer in A2ric- -nd h-d con>erted to Isl-= . !is #-rdrobe tended to#-rd sh-des o2 bl-c% -nd gr-y, -s did his gener-l de=e-nor. So=e c-lled hi= the RPrince o2 L-r%ness,S -nd he #ould e>entu-lly preside o>er the ,IAKs =ost eXp-nsi>e %illing oper-tion since the Nietn-= 9-r. 9hen @i%e too% o>er the Vob, in :''G, his i==edi-te =ission #-s to c-rry out - pl-n to bolster the ,IAKs r-n%s in A2gh-nist-n -nd P-%ist-n, eli=in-te the sUu-bbling bet#een the st-tions in 0-bul -nd Isl-=-b-d, -nd reorg-niAe the st-22 -t ,IA he-dUu-rters. 6utside the =-in c-2eteri- -t 4-ngley, Vust p-st the St-rbuc%s, gi-nt structures rese=bling Wuonset huts #ere built to house the gro#ing st-22 de>oted to the bin 4-den hunt. As p-rt o2 this ne# pl-n, dubbed 6per-tion ,-nnonb-ll, doAens o2 intelligence -n-lysts #ere sent to 0-bul -nd Isl-=-b-d to #or% in t-nde= #ith the c-se o22icers ch-sing sli>ers o2 le-ds on the #here-bouts o2 -l W-ed- le-ders. @ost i=port-nt, ho#e>er, the ,IA sent =ore underco>er o22icers into the 2ield\one o2 the= Art 0eller\to try to de>elop sources independent o2 the P-%ist-nis. 9ith the United St-tes 2ighting - public #-r in A2gh-nist-n, it #-s e-sy enough to get =ore ,IA o22icers into 0-bul. The bigger proble= #-s P-%ist-n, #here the ISI closely =onitored the nu=ber o2 >is- -pplic-tions 2or A=eric-n o22ici-ls hoping to enter the country -nd %ept - close #-tch on the ,IA o22icers sent to =-n the Isl-=-b-d st-tion. 4-ngley needed to co=e up #ith =ore eXotic #-ys to =-s% the identities o2 the spies it #-nted to get into P-%ist-n. 6ne opportunity c-=e on the =orning o2 6ctober 8, :'' , #hen - =-ssi>e e-rthUu-%e in the =ount-ins o2 0-sh=ir le>eled the city o2 @uA-22-r-b-d -nd c-used l-ndslides throughout northern P-%ist-n. Initi-l P-%ist-ni go>ern=ent esti=-tes put the de-th toll -t ne-rly ninety thous-nd people, nineteen thous-nd o2 the= children #ho died #hen schoolhouses coll-psed on top o2 the=. 3illions o2 doll-rs o2 intern-tion-l -id poured into P-%ist-ni 0-sh=ir, -nd -l=ost i==edi-tely - stre-= o2 A=eric-n =ilit-ry helicopters crossed the border 2ro= A2gh-nist-n to deli>er hu=-nit-ri-n -id. The ,hinoo% helicopters bec-=e - regul-r sight in 0-sh=ir, -nd P-%ist-nis beg-n re2erring to the= in the loc-l di-lect -s R -ngels o2 =ercy .S 3ut the A=eric-ns #ere not Vust on - =ercy =ission. In the =onths -2ter the e-rthUu-%e, the ,IA used the relie2 e22ort in 0-sh=ir to slip co>ert o22icers into the country #ithout the ISIKs %no#ledge. The A=eric-n spies -dopted co>ers o2 >-rious ci>ili-n pro2essions. ISI o22ici-ls suspected th-t the -id =ission =ight be - TroV-n horse to get =ore ,IA o22icers into P-%ist-n, but -=id the de>-st-tion in 0-sh=ir -nd the urgent need to =-int-in the stre-= o2 hu=-nit-ri-n relie2, P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry -nd intelligence o22icers #ere not in - position to ch-llenge the credenti-ls o2 -ll the A=eric-ns -rri>ing in P-%ist-n.

It #ould be se>er-l ye-rs be2ore the ,IA #ould begin to re-p the bene2its o2 its enl-rged presence inside P-%ist-n, #hich in -ny e>ent #-s still rel-ti>ely =odest. 6ne 2or=er top o22ici-l -t 4-ngley esti=-tes th-t the tot-l nu=ber o2 underco>er o22icers inside P-%ist-n gre# by only -bout &' to :' percent during 6per-tion ,-nnonb-ll. ,IA o22ici-ls -t th-t ti=e #orried th-t 2looding the country #ith too =-ny spies #ould encour-ge =ore sur>eill-nce by the ISI. 3ut the ,IA h-d trouble =-s%ing - #e-%ness. There #ere - 2inite nu=ber o2 se-soned o22icers to send to A2gh-nist-n -nd P-%ist-n, -nd =-n-gers -t 4-ngley bec-=e so desper-te 2or bodies th-t they too% so=e ne#ly =inted c-se o22icers\recent gr-du-tes 2ro= RThe <-r=S -t ,-=p Pe-ry\-nd sent the= to the 2ield. R9e h-d to put people out in the 2ield #ho h-d lessDth-nDide-l le>els o2 eXperience,S rec-lled one o2 those in ch-rge o2 the oper-tion, Rbut there #-snKt =uch to choose 2ro=.S 6ne -spect o2 the retooled hunt 2or 6s-=- bin 4-den #-s to try to penetr-te the net#or% o2 couriers th-t bin 4-den used to tr-ns=it =ess-ges to his 2ollo#ers. The ,IA h-d been g-thering snippets o2 in2or=-tion -bout bin 4-denKs 2->ored couriers, #hich h-d en-bled the ,IA to begin tr-c%ing -l W-ed- oper-ti>es in P-%ist-n to de>elop richer picture -bout the intern-l #or%ings o2 the terror groupKs second -nd third tiers. 9hen Gener-l @ich-el !-yden too% o>er the ,IA 2ro= Porter Goss, in the spring o2 :''G, the -gency Rh-d de>eloped 2-r =ore penetr-tions, 2-r =ore %no#ledge o2 -l W-ed- in :''G th-n #e e>er h-d in :''& or :'':,S !-yden s-id. R 9e -ctu-lly beg-n to de>elop good sources o2 in2or=-tion.S It #-s shortly -2ter - >isit by !-yden to P-%ist-n in August :''G th-t the ,IA -nd ISI set up - Voint oper-tion to -rrest 5-shid 5-u2, the %ingpin o2 - terror plot to blo# up h-nd2ul o2 Vets crossing the Atl-ntic 2ro= 4ondon, using - leth-l =iXture o2 po#dered che=ic-ls -nd the bre-%2-st drin% T-ng. 5-u2 h-d orchestr-ted the plot 2ro= the trib-l regions, co==unic-ting #ith te-=s inside the United 0ingdo= #ho #ould c-rry out the =ission. The plot h-d been in the #or%s 2or ye-rs, -nd the plotters h-d beco=e sloppy. 3rit-inKs @I h-d =-n-ged to set up sur>eill-nce nets to =onitor the groups, -nd 3ritish spies used #iret-ps to listen p-tiently -s the plot un2olded. 9hen the ISI pic%ed up in2or=-tion th-t the pl-nners #ere -bout to c-rry out the -tt-c%, P-%ist-nKs spy=-ster, Gener-l Ash2-U P-r>eA 0-y-ni, told Pose 5odrigueA th-t they #ere prep-red to pic% up 5-u2 -s he rode in - bus 2ro= the trib-l -re-s to the city o2 3-h-#-lpur, in PunV-b. 5odrigueA, #ho #-s >isiting Isl-=-b-d -t the ti=e, ordered ,IA o22icers to set up - sur>eill-nce post ne-r 3-h-#-lpur, #here they could listen to 5-u2Ks cellDphone co==unic-tions -nd 2eed in2or=-tion to P-%ist-ni troops, #ho =-de -n une>ent2ul -rrest . @I #-s 2urious, %no#ing th-t 5-u2Ks -rrest #ould -l-r= the plotters in 3rit-in. 3ritish spies neither trusted nor relied on the ISI, -n -ni=osity th-t h-d seeds in the d-ys o2 3ritish rule in Indi- be2ore the p-rtition #ith P-%ist-n, -nd the 3ritish suspected there #-s so=e ulterior =oti>e in Gener-l 0-y-niKs =o>e to -rrest 5-u2. 3ritish police scr-=bled to roll up the t#entyD2i>e plotters be2ore they sc-ttered -nd #ondered -bout the costs o2 h->ing to =-%e the -rrests be2ore they could g-ther =ore e>idence to indict the suspects. Still, 2oiling the August :''G plot #-s - signi2ic-nt success, e>en though it got the ,IA no closer to 2inding bin 4-den. Going -2ter the courier net#or% #-s #h-t !-yden described -s - Rb-n% shotS 2or 2inding bin 4-den -nd o2ten 2elt li%e ch-sing sh-do#s\ - =ission bede>iled by =isin2or=-tion -nd insu22icient =-npo#er. <or inst-nce, in the ye-rs be2ore P-%ist-ni -gents 2or the ,IA tr-c%ed Abu Ah=ed

-lD0u#-iti to - spr-#ling co=pound in the le-2y to#n o2 Abbott-b-d, #here bin 4-den turned out to be hiding, ,IA interrog-tors h-d been led to belie>e th-t -lD0u#-iti #-s o2 =-rgin-l >-lue. 0h-lid Shei%h @oh-==ed, the chie2 pl-nner o2 the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, h-d told his interrog-tors th-t -lD0u#-iti h-d retired. 3ut there #-s -lso - good de-l o2 suspicion -bout #h-t 0h-lid Shei%h @oh-==ed s-id, bec-use he #-s one o2 the ,IA det-inees #ho h-d been subVected to the =ost eXtre=e interrog-tion techniUues, including #-terbo-rding. 9hen he #-s telling the truth -nd #hen he #-s =erely telling interrog-tors #h-t they #-nted to he-r #-s - =-tter o2 2ierce deb-te inside the A=eric-n go>ern=ent. 6ne ye-r l-ter, - di22erent det-inee -ssured his interrog-tors th-t -lD0u#-iti #-s indeed bin 4-denKs =-in courier, in2or=-tion th-t the ,IA #-s e>entu-lly -ble to corrobor-te else#here.

in the ,IAKs r-n%s in P-%ist-n, the -gency h-rdly h-d the resources in the country to ch-se e>ery le-d, -nd ISI restrictions on sur>eill-nce used by the A=eric-ns =-de things e>en =ore di22icult. Luring his ti=e in South 9-Airist-n, Art 0eller beg-n building - dossier on - suspected -l W-ed- 2-cilit-tor, nic%n-=ed !-Vi 6=-r, #ho o#ned 2our co=pounds in the -re- th-t -l W-ed- =ilit-nts #ere s-id to 2reUuent. 0eller sent - c-ble to his bosses in Isl-=-b-d reUuesting -eri-l sur>eill-nce to =onitor the co=ings -nd goings -t !-Vi 6=-rKs co=pounds. !e didnKt h->e ne-rly enough hu=-n sources to %eep close #-tch on the co=pound, -nd hu=-n sur>eill-nce #-s -l#-ys ris%ier. The gist o2 the c-ble #-s, -ccording to 0eller, RThis guy is in>ol>ed in -l W-edlogistics, is de2initely - courier, -nd =-ybe this is our guy. !o# else -re #e going to 2ind out until #e st-rt #-tching hi=^S 3ut #ith the South 9-Airist-n pe-ce de-l in pl-ce, the ISI re2used to -llo# Pred-tor 2lights. The dyn-=ics in South 9-Airist-n #ere gi>ing 0eller - gli=pse o2 the byA-ntine -pp-r-tus o2 the ISI, #here #heels turning cloc%#ise h->e no cont-ct #ith #heels going in the other direction. 6per-ti>es inside the ISIKs Lirector-te ,, the di>ision o2 the spy -gency responsible 2or counterterroris= oper-tions, o2ten helped ,IA o22icers hunt -l W-ed- oper-ti>es. As-d @unir, the ISIKs 2or=er st-tion chie2 in Pesh-#-r, h-d been -n o22icer 2ro= Lirector-te ,. 3ut these o22icers #ere so=eti=es -t odds #ith the P-%ist-ni spies o2 Lirector-te S, #hich h-d long been responsible 2or nurturing groups li%e the T-lib-n, the !-UU-ni "et#or%, -nd 4-sh%-rDeDT-ib-, #hich P-%ist-n h-s seen -s critic-l proXies 2or its de2ense -g-inst Indi. It #-s Lirector-te S th-t helped -r= the =uV-hedeen during the So>iet #-r in A2gh-nist-n, helped n->ig-te the T-lib-nKs rise to po#er during the &CC's, -nd in the ye-rs since :''& h-s #or%ed to see th-t >-rious =ilit-nt groups %eep the 2ocus o2 their >iolence inside A2gh-nist-n, r-ther th-n turning their 2ury -g-inst P-%ist-n. Al=ost nothing is #ritten publicly -bout Lirector-te S, -nd e>en though the ,IA #or%ed #ith Lirector-te S oper-ti>es during the So>iet #-r, A=eric-n spies h->e only -n i=pressionistic portr-it o2 its oper-tions. So=e inside the ,IA h->e spent ye-rs obsessi>ely g-thering nuggets o2 in2or=-tion -bout Lirector-te S, -nd #h-t A=eric-n -n-lysts gener-lly -gree on is th-t, since :''&, Lirector-te S h-s been -t the >-ngu-rd o2 the ISIKs Uuiet str-tegy to =-int-in ties #ith =ilit-nt groups th-t could ser>e P-%ist-nKs interests in the 2uture. 9hether Lirector-te S routinely ordered leth-l -tt-c%s -g-inst A=eric-n -nd "AT6 troops in A2gh-nist-n is still - =-tter o2 so=e deb-te, but the A=eric-n electronicD sur>eill-nce net o>er P-%ist-n\-nd, =ore speci2ic-lly, ISI he-dUu-rters\2reUuently intercepted phone c-lls bet#een P-%ist-ni spies -nd !-UU-ni
;N;" 9IT! T!; I",5;AS;

"et#or% oper-ti>es. P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls usu-lly either deny the e>idence or s-y it is the #or% o2 rogue ele=ents in the spy ser>ice, but in pri>-te h->e =-de - c-se th-t the spy -gency needed to #or% #ith groups li%e the !-UU-ni "et#or% to protect P-%ist-nKs #estern 2l-n%. A=eric-n spy -gencies e>en intercepted one telephone c-ll in :''8 during #hich Gener-l 0-y-ni re2erred to the !-UU-ni "et#or% -s - R str-tegic -sset .S 9hile Rso =-ny people inside the ,IA s-y, eThe ISI is dirty,K -nd others s-y, eThe ISI c-n help us,KS s-id 0eller. RItKs -ctu-lly both -t the s-=e ti=e, -nd th-tKs the proble=.S ,o=p-red #ith South 9-Airist-n, the dyn-=ic bet#een A=eric-n -nd P-%ist-ni spies during the su==er o2 :''G #-s only =-rgin-lly di22erent in "orth 9-Airist-n, #here the go>ern=ent h-d not yet signed - pe-ce de-l #ith =ilit-nts. The ,IA -nd ISI #or%ed =ore closely together, -nd sh-red - b-se in -n -b-ndoned schoolhouse in @ir-nsh-h, less th-n - =ile 2ro= the !-UU-ni "et#or%Ks pri=-ry =-dr-ss- in the to#n. <ro= there, A=eric-n -nd P-%ist-ni spies g-thered intelligence to 2ind -nother senior -l W-ed- 2igure, 0h-lid !-bib. As the hunt 2or !-bib g-ined =o=entu=, the ,IA re-ssigned 0eller to "orth 9-Airist-n. ;>en #ith the =o>e, he re=-ined in ch-rge o2 the oper-tions in South 9-Airist-n -nd continued to run his sources >i- co=puter =ess-ges. !e h-d been doing the s-=e thing #hile stuc% inside the b-se -t 9-n-, so it =-ttered little i2 he #-s, in e22ect, teleco==uting. 0eller -nd other ,IA o22icers directed Pred-tors to =onitor truc% con>oys -nd =ud co=pounds outside o2 @ir-nsh-h in the hope o2 getting enough in2or=-tion to c-ll in - stri%e on 0h-lid !-bib. The ISI collected its o#n intelligence 2ro= hu=-n sources, #hich #-s co=bined #ith the in2or=-tion 2ro= the Pred-tors -nd electronic e->esdropping. 3ut the cooper-tion h-d its li=its. 9hen 0eller -rri>ed -t @ir-nsh-h, he #-s gi>en piece o2 -d>ice 2ro= the b-se chie2. RLonKt tell -nything to P-%ist-ni -r=y intelligence you donKt #-nt to get b-c% to the T-lib-n,S he s-id. P-%ist-ni -r=y intelligence, - unit distinct 2ro= the ISI, #-s thought to h->e e>en deeper ties to the T-lib-n -nd the !-UU-ni "et#or% th-n the ISIKs Lirector-te S. 9ee%s be2ore 0eller h-d -rri>ed in @ir-nsh-h, the ISI -nd ,IA h-d r-ided the !-UU-ni =-dr-ss- but h-d co=e up #ith nothing. ,IA o22icers l-ter le-rned 2ro= sources th-t P-%ist-ni spies h-d #-rned !-UU-ni =ilit-nts th-t the r-id #-s -bout to t-%e pl-ce. Though 2rustr-ted, 0eller understood per2ectly #hy P-%ist-n #-s so #-ry o2 dis=-ntling the !-UU-ni "et#or%. The United St-tes #-s not going to be in A2gh-nist-n 2ore>er, -nd turning the !-UU-nis into ene=ies =ight le-d to t#o possible outco=es 2or Isl-=-b-d, both horrible. The best c-se #ould be th-t P-%ist-ni troops #ould 2ind the=sel>es bogged do#n in -n endless #-r in the =ount-ins -g-inst - group th-t could be - 2-r =ore use2ul -lly in the e22ort to blunt Indi-n in2luence in A2gh-nist-n. The #orst c-se #-s th-t the #-r could spre-d e-st, #ith the !-UU-nis c-rrying out >iolence in P-%ist-nKs settled territories. Sc-red o2 either prospect, P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry o22icers in =idD:''G Uuietly beg-n discussing - pe-ce de-l in "orth 9-Airist-n, si=il-r to the one -lre-dy in pl-ce in South 9-Airist-n. 0eller -nd his ,IA colle-gues #-rned their ISI counterp-rts th-t the de-l could h->e dis-strous conseUuences. Their >ie#s, though, h-d little i=p-ct. P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent bro%ered - ce-seD2ire -gree=ent in "orth 9-Airist-n in Septe=ber :''G. And it c-=e -bout bec-use o2 the secret negoti-tions o2 - 2-=ili-r 2igure to =-ny in 9-shington, 4t. Gener-l Ali P-n Aur-%A-i, the =-n President @ush-rr-2 h-d -ppointed -s =ilit-ry co==-nder in the trib-l -re-s -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s -nd #ho h-d long belie>ed th-t the hunt 2or -l W-ed- in P-%ist-n -nd A2gh-nist-n #-s - 2oolKs err-nd.

Aur-%A-i h-d since retired 2ro= the =ilit-ry, -nd @ush-rr-2 h-d -ppointed hi= -s the go>ernor o2 the "orthD9est <rontier Pro>ince, #hich g->e hi= o>ersight o>er the trib-l -re-s. Aur-%A-i belie>ed th-t -ppe-sing =ilit-nt groups in the trib-l -re-s #-s the only #-y to h-lt the spre-d o2 =ilit-ncy into the settled -re-s o2 P-%ist-n. And he used his in2luence #ith @ush-rr-2 to con>ince the president on the =erits o2 - pe-ce de-l in "orth 9-Airist-n. 3ut 9-shington still needed to be con>inced. President @ush-rr-2 decided to bring Aur-%A-i on - trip to sell the 3ush 9hite !ouse on the ce-seD2ire. 3oth =en s-t in the 6>-l 622ice -nd =-de - c-se to President 3ush -bout the bene2its o2 - pe-ce de-l, -nd Aur-%A-i told 3ush th-t the "orth 9-Airist-n pe-ce -gree=ent should e>en be replic-ted in p-rts o2 A2gh-nist-n -nd #ould -llo# A=eric-n troops to #ithdr-# 2ro= the country sooner th-n eXpected. 3ush -d=inistr-tion o22ici-ls #ere di>ided. So=e considered Aur-%A-i - spineless -ppe-ser\the "e>ille ,h-=berl-in o2 the trib-l -re-s. 3ut 2e# s-# -ny hope o2 trying to stop the "orth 9-Airist-n pe-ce de-l. And 3ush, #hose style o2 diplo=-cy #-s intensely person-l, #orried e>en in :''G -bout putting too =-ny de=-nds on President @ush-rr-2. 3ush still -d=ired @ush-rr-2 2or his decision in the e-rly d-ys -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s to -ssist the United St-tes in the hunt 2or -l W-ed-. ;>en -2ter 9hite !ouse o22ici-ls set up regul-r phone c-lls bet#een 3ush -nd @ush-rr-2 designed to -pply pressure on the P-%ist-ni le-der to %eep up =ilit-ry oper-tions in the trib-l -re-s, they usu-lly #ere dis-ppointed by the outco=e7 3ush r-rely =-de speci2ic de=-nds on @ush-rr-2 during the c-lls. !e #ould th-n% @ush-rr-2 2or his contributions to the #-r on terroris= -nd pledge th-t A=eric-n 2in-nci-l support to P-%ist-n #ould continue . The pre>-iling >ie# -=ong the presidentKs top -d>isers in l-te :''G #-s th-t too =uch A=eric-n pressure on @ush-rr-2 could bring -bout - night=-rish scen-rio7 popul-r uprising -g-inst the P-%ist-n go>ern=ent th-t could usher in - r-dic-l Isl-=ist go>ern=ent. The 2rustr-tion o2 doing business #ith @ush-rr-2 #-s =-tched only by the 2e-r o2 li2e #ithout hi=. It #-s - 2e-r th-t @ush-rr-2 hi=sel2 sto%ed, #-rning A=eric-n o22ici-ls 2reUuently -bout his tenuous grip on po#er -nd citing his n-rro# esc-pe 2ro= se>er-l -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pts. The -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pts #ere Uuite re-l, but @ush-rr-2Ks str-tegy #-s -lso Uuite e22ecti>e in =-int-ining - ste-dy 2lo# o2 A=eric-n -id -nd %eeping -t b-y de=-nds 2ro= 9-shington 2or de=ocr-tic re2or=s. The "orth 9-Airist-n pe-ce de-l turned out to be - dis-ster both 2or 3ush -nd @ush-rr-2. @ir-nsh-h #-s, in e22ect, t-%en o>er by the !-UU-ni "et#or% -s the group consolid-ted its cri=in-l e=pire -long the e-stern edge o2 the A2gh-nist-n border. As p-rt o2 the -gree=ent, the !-UU-nis -nd other =ilit-nt groups pledged to ce-se -tt-c%s in A2gh-nist-n, but in the =onths -2ter the de-l #-s signed crossDborder incursions 2ro= the trib-l -re-s into A2gh-nist-n -i=ed -t 9estern troops rose by 3'' percent. Luring - press con2erence in the 2-ll o2 :''G, President 3ush decl-red th-t -l W-ed- #-s Ron the run.S In 2-ct, the opposite #-s the c-se. The group h-d - s-2e ho=e, -nd there #-s no re-son to run -ny#here.

Vust be2ore the "orth 9-Airist-n de-l too% e22ect, his 2i>eD =onth tour o2 duty h->ing ended. 3e2ore he le2t, he too% c-re o2 one l-st piece o2 un2inished business7 buying - gi2t 2or his best P-%ist-ni -gent in South 9-Airist-n, =-n he h-d ne>er =et. The =-n #-s -n ->id sports=-n, -nd he #rote to 0eller th-t surely the ,IA could 2ind - #-y to buy so=e A=eric-n sports eUuip=ent 2or one o2 its 2e# hu=-n sources in the trib-l -re-s. A2ter - 2lurry o2 c-bles bet#een 9-n-,
A5T 0;44;5 4;<T PA0ISTA"

Isl-=-b-d, -nd 4-ngley -bout the propriety o2 the reUuest, the ,IA 2in-lly relented -nd put the sports eUuip=ent on - 2light to P-%ist-n, stored in the c-rgo hull #ith other sensiti>e =-teri-l bound 2or the A=eric-n e=b-ssy in Isl-=-b-d. T#o ye-rs l-ter, -2ter President 3ush signed - secret order to esc-l-te the ,IAKs co>ert #-r in P-%ist-n, Abu 0h-b-b -lD@-sri #-s %illed in - ,IA drone stri%e, Vust t#el>e =iles 2ro= the ,IA b-se in 9-n-. Three =onths l-ter, - =issile 2ired 2ro= - ,IA drone %illed 0h-lid !-bib -s he s-t in - p-r%ed Toyot- st-tion #-gon in the >ill-ge o2 T-p-rgh-i in South 9-Airist-n. 9hen the stri%es occurred, Art 0eller #-s b-c% in the United St-tes, retired 2ro= the ,IA -nd li>ing in AlbuUuerUue. 9hen he he-rd the ne#s he h-d no ide#hether -ny o2 the #or% he did in P-%ist-n in :''G\2ro= spying -t the 9-n- b-A--r to si2ting through bits o2 in2or=-tion -t - schoolhouse in @ir-nsh-h\#-s -t -ll help2ul in bringing -bout the de-ths o2 the t#o =en. 4i%ely, he #ould ne>er %no#.

&'7 GA@;S 9IT!6UT <56"TI;5S

R A @ighty 9urlitAer S \<r-n% 9isner


or -ll the publicKs 2-scin-tion #ith the coups, -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pts, -nd

gunrunning th-t the ,IA c-rried out during the 2irst 2our dec-des o2 its eXistence, - 2-r l-rger 2r-ction o2 the spy -gencyKs budget 2or co>ertD-ction progr-=s during the ,old 9-r #-s de>oted to subtler tools o2 #-r2-re. 3l-c% prop-g-nd- -nd psychologic-l oper-tions h-d once been - cornerstone o2 ,IA co>ert -ction7 2ro= spre-ding =oney -round ;urope -2ter 9orld 9-r II to s#-y elections to setting up ,IAD2unded r-dio st-tions in the ;-stern 3loc -nd Southe-st Asi-. <r-n% 9isner, -n 6SS >eter-n #ho rose to beco=e he-d o2 ,IA cl-ndestine oper-tions, s-id th-t prop-g-nd- =issions needed to be run by - de2t, =-ture org-niA-tion th-t could conduct se>er-l di22erent in2luence c-=p-igns -t once\#h-t he c-lled - R=ighty 9urlitAerS pl-ying the =-rti-l =usic in - #-r o2 ide-s. 9hen the ,old 9-r ended, the ,IA no longer s-# - need to in>est he->ily in bl-c% prop-g-nd-, or to tr-in its o22icers in psychologic-l #-r2-re, -nd the progr-=s bec-=e >icti=s o2 the dr-stic budget cuts o2 the &CC's. 3ut it #-snKt Vust -bout =oney. The -d>ent o2 the Internet -nd the glob-liA-tion o2 in2or=-tion h-d =-de -ll prop-g-nd- c-=p-igns leg-lly dicey 2or the ,IA. United St-tes l-# prohibits the spy -gency 2ro= c-rrying out prop-g-nd- oper-tions -g-inst A=eric-n =edi- outlets -nd 2ro= running in2luence c-=p-igns -g-inst A=eric-n citiAens. 3e2ore the Internet the ,IA could put 2oreign Vourn-lists on its p-yroll -nd pl-nt phony stories in ne#sp-pers #ithout #orrying -bout the potenti-l 2or these oper-tions in2iltr-ting the A=eric-n =edi-. 3ut by the =idnineties, 9eb sur2ers in "e# $or% -nd Atl-nt- could re-d ne#s 9eb sites 2ro= P-%ist-n -nd Lub-i. A=eric-n ne#s outlets beg-n p-ying gre-ter -ttention to 2oreign ne#s, -nd citing the 2oreign press in their reports. As - result, it bec-=e h-rder 2or the ,IA to con>ince congression-l o>erseers, #ho h->e 2in-l -ppro>-l 2or -ll co>ert -ctions by the -gency, th-t - pl-nned prop-g-ndc-=p-ign #ouldnKt Rblo# b-c%S to the United St-tes. 3ut #hen the ,IA let its prop-g-nd- e22orts -trophy, the Pent-gon sought to 2ill the >oid. The =ilit-ry 2-ces si=il-r restrictions -g-inst conducting prop-g-nd- oper-tions on A=eric-n citiAens, but ,ongress h-s gener-lly gi>en the Le2ense Lep-rt=ent #ide l-titude to c-rry out psychologic-lDoper-tions =issions -s long -s they c-n be sho#n\ho#e>er t-ngenti-lly\to be supporting A=eric-n troops in co=b-t. The Pent-gonKs le-sh gre# e>en longer -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, #hen ,ongress in e22ect de2ined the #orld -s - b-ttle2ield, -nd =ilit-ry le-ders #ere con2ronted #ith the disorienting re-lity th-t A=eric-Ks ene=ies =ostly li>ed in countries #here the Ar=y -nd @-rine ,orps couldnKt go. The Le2ense Lep-rt=ent -ssu=ed control o2 the R=ighty 9urlitAer,S spending hundreds o2 =illions o2 doll-rs to in2luence opinion in the @usli= #orld, 2-r 2ro= the shooting #-rs in Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n. 9hich is ho#, in the spring o2 :'' , - bee2y =-n #ith - boX o2 @-rlboros tuc%ed into his bre-st poc%et c-=e to be #-l%ing -=ong the booths set up by technology

>endors -t the "-tion-l Associ-tion o2 3ro-dc-sters con>ention in 4-s Neg-s. !e #-s posing -s -n o22iceDsupplies s-les=-n, but it #-s - thin co>er 2or - oneti=e Ar=y psychologic-lDoper-tions o22icer #ho h-d spent - dec-de thin%ing o2 #-ys to #-ge #-r2-re inside other peopleKs he-ds. It #-s good th-t @ich-el <urlong thri>ed on =ent-l co=b-t, bec-use he #-s no longer cut out 2or the physic-l %ind. !e #-s built li%e - 5ussi-n =-tryosh%- doll, #ith #ide 2r-=e th-t n-rro#ed only slightly into his nec% -nd he-d. !e #-s di-betic -nd =o>ed slo#ly, -nd yet he #-s - =ound o2 ner>ous energy -nd tended to s#e-t pro2usely. !e spo%e in r-pid bursts, 2using strings o2 sentences together #hile b-rely t-%ing - bre-th. Luring =eetings, he o2ten buried his -udience bene-th - bliAA-rd o2 =ilit-ry V-rgon, #hich o2ten #or%ed to his -d>-nt-ge. R@i%e is supers=-rt,S s-id one =ilit-ry o22icer #ho #or%ed closely #ith <urlong. R3ut he spe-%s in such gibberish, -nd nobody #ould -s% -ny Uuestions bec-use they didnKt #-nt to -ppe-r du=b -nd -d=it th-t they didnKt %no# #h-t he #-s t-l%ing -bout.S At =eetingKs end, <urlong o2ten le2t the roo= unch-llenged, con>inced he h-d Vust recei>ed -ppro>-l 2or #h-te>er eXotic sche=e he h-d Vust presented. A @i-=i n-ti>e, <urlong #-s dr-2ted into the Ar=y in &C7:, Vust =onths be2ore President 5ich-rd "iXon -bolished the dr-2t, but he de2erred his ser>ice to e-rn Vourn-lis= -nd business degree 2ro= 4oyol- Uni>ersity, in "e# 6rle-ns. A2ter college, he spent his 2irst 2our ye-rs o2 =ilit-ry ser>ice le-rning the b-sics o2 in2-ntry co=b-t -t <ort 3r-gg, "orth ,-rolin-, -nd then rose to co==-nd - =ech-niAed in2-ntry unit b-sed in the ,-li2orni- desert -t <ort Ir#in, #here he eXcelled. 6ne esc-rp=ent there still be-rs the n-=e <urlong 5idge 2or his success in the desert #-r g-=es. !e bec-=e - =ilit-ry instructor during the =ideighties, 2irst -t 9est Point -nd l-ter -t the 5oy-l @ilit-ry Ac-de=y in S-ndhurst, ;ngl-nd. A2ter the Gul2 9-r o2 &CC&, <urlong returned to <ort 3r-gg -s -n Ar=y =-Vor in the *th Psychologic-l 6per-tions Group. 4i%e =-ny o22icers, <urlong #-s p-r-noid -bout being le2t out o2 -ny o>erse-s -d>enture in #hich the U.S. =ilit-ry #-s eng-ged -nd #ould so=eti=es Vo%e to colle-gues th-t his gre-test 2e-r #-s th-t the Pent-gon #ould sideline hi= by -ssigning hi= to do so=ething li%e Rblo#ing up b-s%etb-lls in "orth L-%ot-.S In 2-ct, he =-n-ged to st-y ne-r the center o2 the -ction. A2ter the #-rring 2-ctions in the 3-l%-ns signed pe-ce tre-ty in L-yton, 6hio, <urlong #-s one o2 the 2irst A=eric-ns to deploy to 3osni-, co==-nding - psychologic-lDoper-tions b-tt-lion -ssigned the =ission o2 =-int-ining - 2r-gile pe-ce by using le-2let drops -nd r-dio -nd tele>ision prop-g-ndto con>ince loc-ls to cooper-te #ith the 2oreign pe-ce%eeping troops. Luring the &CC's, psychologic-lDoper-tions =issions #ere still so=ething o2 sidesho# #ithin the U.S. =ilit-ry. They #ere dis=issed -s - 2ringe co=ponent to the shooting #-rs, c-rried out by str-nge people #ho h-d prob-bly 2-iled to cut it in other, =ore respected =ilit-ry speci-lties li%e in2-ntry or -rtillery. It #-snKt li%e the heyd-y o2 =ilit-ry psychologic-l oper-tions during the Nietn-= 9-r, #hen Speci-l <orces te-=s #or%ed #ith ,IA te-=s to c-rry out sust-ined psychologic-l #-r2-re -g-inst le-ders in !-noi -nd the bro-der popul-tion in "orth Nietn-=. 5obert Andre#s, the 2or=er Green 3eret #ho bec-=e Lon-ld 5u=s2eldKs ci>ili-n -d>iser -nd guide through the speci-lD oper-tions #orld, h-d p-rticip-ted in these =issions, trying to so# con2usion #ith phony =-il c-=p-igns -nd 2orged docu=ents. The oper-tions #ere so=eti=es 2-r =ore el-bor-te, li%e #hen Andre#s -nd the rest o2 his unit cre-ted - 2-%e resist-nce =o>e=ent in "orth Nietn-=\the S-cred S#ord o2 the P-triots 4e-gue\to prop-g-te the 2iction th-t there #-s -n -r=ed opposition to the Nietn-=ese ,o==unist P-rty north o2 the de=ilit-riAed Aone. In -ddition to letters -nd le-2let drops, A=eric-n oper-ti>es %idn-pped "orth Nietn-=ese 2isher=en using un=-r%ed gunbo-ts, blind2olded the=, -nd brought the= to the isl-nd o2 ,u 4-o ,h-=,

o22 the co-st o2 L- "-ng. The ph-nto= group h-d built - Rhe-dUu-rtersS there #here det-inees #ere told -bout eXtensi>e guerrill- oper-tions to under=ine the go>ern=ent in !-noi. So=e o2 the 2isher=en #ere e>en -s%ed to Voin the Rresist-nce.S A2ter se>er-l #ee%s the c-pti>es #ere gi>en gi2t b-gs #ith r-dios tuned to the Noice o2 the SSP4 r-dio st-tion -nd #ere returned to "orth Nietn-=, #here they could tell e>eryone -bout the sh-do#y org-niA-tion. 3et#een &CG* -nd &CG8, -ccording to The Secret 9-r Ag-inst !-noi, by Tu2ts Uni>ersity pro2essor 5ich-rd !. ShultA Pr., =ore th-n - thous-nd det-inees #ere brought to ,u 4-o ,h-= -nd indoctrin-ted into the #-ys o2 the S-cred S#ord o2 the P-triots 4e-gue. Andre#s -nd his s=-ll group dre-=t up other ide-s, li%e 2lo-ting - de-d body o22 the co-st o2 "orth Nietn-= #ith 2-%e coded =ess-ges in the de-d =-nKs poc%et. "orth Nietn-=ese intelligence -n-lysts #ould decipher the codes -nd p-ss the 2-lse in2or=-tion to their co==-nders, the pl-nners 2igured. 3ut the ide- #-s shot do#n in 9-shingtonQ Andre#s ne>er le-rned by #ho=. 9-shington #-s Rth-t =ysterious pl-ce th-t s-id eyesK or enoK to our gre-t ide-s. And #e -ll cursed it .S 3y Septe=ber &&, :''&, @ich-el <urlong h-d retired 2ro= -cti>e duty -nd #-s #or%ing 2or Science Applic-tions Intern-tion-l ,orpor-tion (SAI,), - 3elt#-y contr-ctor soon to be -#-sh in =oney 2ro= cl-ssi2ied U.S. go>ern=ent contr-cts. <urlong h-d spent ye-rs studying #-ys to spre-d proDA=eric-n =ess-ges to hostile -udiences o>erse-s, -nd suddenly he 2ound hi=sel2 -t the center o2 - #-r to #in he-rts -nd =inds in the @usli= #orld. In the 2-ll o2 :''& he #or%ed #ith Lon-ld 5u=s2eldKs st-22 to de>elop in2or=-tionDoper-tions str-tegies\e-rning - Le2ense Lep-rt=ent ci>ili-n =ed-l 2or his #or%\-nd occ-sion-lly s-t in the 9hite !ouse Situ-tion 5oo= -s 3ush o22ici-ls 2l-iled -bout in se-rch o2 #-ys to co==unic-te 9hite !ouse t-l%ing points to @usli=s. 4ess th-n t#o ye-rs l-ter, SAI, got -n in2usion o2 c-sh #hen the =ilit-ry p-rceled out ne# contr-cts to try to rebuild - sh-ttered Ir-U. <urlong tr->eled to 3-ghd-d to le-d - i& =illion proVect the Pent-gon -#-rded to SAI, to cre-te - tele>ision st-tion, the Ir-Ui @edi- "et#or%. The net#or% #-s en>isioned -s - counter#eight to Al P-Aeer- -nd other Ar-bic net#or%s th-t 9-shington percei>ed -s h->ing -n -ntiDA=eric-n bi-s. 3ut the proVect #-s soon beset by proble=s. The Ir-Ui e=ployees Uuit -2ter they #erenKt p-id, -nd the net#or% h-d technic-l proble=s re-ching Ir-Ui ho=es. 9ithin =onths, SAI, h-d burned through i8' =illion o2 Pent-gon =oney, -nd the ende->or #-s on the >erge o2 coll-pse. <urlong #-s re=o>ed 2ro= the proVect in Pune :''3, -lthough 2or=er colle-gues s-id he #-s h-rdly the only one to bl-=e 2or the net#or%Ks di22iculties. 3ut he could be - sho#bo-t7 !e insisted on dri>ing -round 3-ghd-d in - #hite !u==er\still be-ring @-ryl-nd de-ler pl-tes\th-t he h-d h-d shipped to Ir-U. $et #hile his beh->ior -lien-ted so=e colle-gues, <urlongKs =-stery o2 the Pent-gonKs byA-ntine contr-cting syste= =-de hi= in>-lu-ble to de2ense co=p-nies. In2or=-tionDoper-tions proVects cost Vust - s=-ll 2r-ction o2 #h-t it cost to build - t-n% or - 2ighter Vet, -nd #h-t <urlong %ne# better th-n =ost #-s th-t inside =ultibillionDdoll-r enterprises li%e the Pent-gon, s=-rt -nd -=bitious people c-n so=eti=es secure =illions o2 doll-rs by identi2ying unt-pped pools o2 =oney in obscure corners o2 the bure-ucr-cy. In doing so, they c-n build s=-ll e=pires. 9hen he -rri>ed -t the 4-s Neg-s con>ention in the spring o2 :'' , he #-s -bout to t-%e - senior ci>ili-n Vob #ithin the psychologic-lDoper-tions di>ision o2 U.S. Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (S6,6@). !e #-s c-rrying - st-c% o2 business c-rds identi2ying hi= -s -n o22iceDsupplies s-les=-n to de2lect Uuestions -bout his re-l business7 2inding

s=-ll co=p-nies #ith the right technology to help the Pent-gon conduct prop-g-nd-nd intelligenceDg-thering c-=p-igns in the @iddle ;-st. 6>er t#o d-ys, <urlong spent hours -t the booth o2 UDTurn @edi-, - s=-ll ,Aech 2ir= th-t h-d been de>eloping #-ys to stre-= >ideo to =obile phones. The te-= 2ro= UDTurn h-d 2igured out -l=ost i==edi-tely th-t <urlong #-s not selling o22ice supplies, -s so=e o2 the= recogniAed the Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-ndKs T-=p- -ddress listed on <urlongKs business c-rd. The ch-nce =eeting #ith @ich-el <urlong, it turned out, #-s - #ind2-ll 2or - struggling co=p-ny th-t h-d co=e to 4-s Neg-s to dru= up ne# business. UDTurn #-s run by P-n 6br=-n, - ,Aech n-tion-l #hose 2-=ily h-d 2led Pr-gue during the So>iet cr-c%do#n in the l-te &CG's. !is childhood eXperiences h-d =-de 6br=-n st-unchly proDA=eric-n -nd - 2ierce ch-=pion o2 spre-ding 9estern ide-s o2 de=ocr-cy throughout the #orld. !e #or%ed 2or - proDA=eric-n thin% t-n% during the &C8's -nd l-ter bec-=e -n eXecuti>e -t 5-dio <ree ;urope. The prospect o2 =-%ing =oney in the gro#ing Internet -nd =obileDphone =-r%et, -nd the 2in-nci-l b-c%ing o2 #e-lthy Ger=-n in>estor, led hi= to cre-te UDTurn @edi- in :''&. The co=p-ny h-d di22iculty during its e-rly ye-rs, be2ore s=-rtphones turned the =obile industry into behe=oth. 3-c% then, UDTurn #-s relying on so=e#h-t clun%y technology to =-%e =oney. The co=p-ny signed -gree=ents #ith content pro>iders -nd set up - =-r%eting c-=p-ign to dri>e consu=er tr-22ic to 9eb sites o#ned by their clients. <ro= there, custo=ers could do#nlo-d -n icon to their =obile phone th-t #ould -ct -s - Rport-lS to the Internet. 3ut during this p-leolithic er- o2 =obile phones, UDTurn 2ound 2e# clients re-dy to t-%e -d>-nt-ge o2 its ser>ice. UDTurn #idened its hunt 2or clients by te-=ing up #ith pornogr-phy co=p-nies to 2igure out #-ys to stre-= >ideo porn to cell phones. 6ne o2 its p-rtnerships #-s #ith business producing - lo#Dbudget progr-= c-lled ,Aech @y Tits, #hich 2e-tured - =-n #-l%ing the streets o2 Pr-gue, gi>ing #o=en 2i>e hundred ,Aech %orun- i2 they eXposed their bre-sts to the c-=er-. UDTurn #-s hired to help stre-= the pictures -nd -udio to =obile phones. 3ill ;ldridge, - 2or=er co=p-ny eXecuti>e, rec-lls th-t the 2lesh business see=ed li%e - p-th to riches. RIn building business li%e th-t, you #-nt to t-rget either the porn industry or the intelligence #orld,S he s-id. RThose -re the only people #ho h->e the =oney to p-y 2or th-t %ind o2 stu22.S !->ing d-bbled in porn, 6br=-n got his opportunity to t-p the intelligence =-r%et #hen he r-n into <urlong in 4-s Neg-s. The t#o -ctu-lly h-d =et in the 3-l%-ns in the &CC's -nd they spent hours s#-pping stories -bout the ,old 9-r -nd the bloody ethnic con2licts th-t c-=e -2ter the 2-ll o2 the 3erlin 9-ll. They sh-red identic-l >ie#s -bout the i=port-nce o2 spre-ding A=eric-n ide-ls -bro-d, especi-lly in the @usli= #orld. 3ut <urlong -lso represented - tre=endous business opportunity 2or UDTurn. 6nce <urlong beg-n his Vob -t S6,6@, he t-l%ed to 6br=-n -nd other UDTurn eXecuti>es -bout de>eloping >ideo g-=es th-t people throughout the @iddle ;-st could do#nlo-d to their =obile phones. <or S6,6@, the g-=es could -ddress t#o proble=s -t once7 th-t - gre-t =-ny people in the @usli= #orld disli%ed the United St-tes -nd th-t the United St-tes %ne# >ery little -bout #ho those people #ere. <urlong #-s interested in building g-=es th-t could in2luence the userKs perceptions o2 the United St-tes -nd -lso collect in2or=-tion -bout #ho #-s pl-ying the g-=es. It #-s - potenti-l intelligence bon-nA-7 Thous-nds o2 people #ould be sending their =obileDphone nu=bers -nd other identi2ying in2or=-tion to UDTurn, -nd th-t in2or=-tion could be stored in =ilit-ry d-t-b-ses -nd used 2or co=pleX d-t-D=ining oper-tions c-rried out by the "-tion-l Security Agency -nd other intelligence -gencies. The spies #ouldnKt h->e to go hunting 2or in2or=-tionQ it #ould co=e to the=.

It #-s Vust one -spect o2 - #eb o2 progr-=s th-t h-d esc-l-ted in the ye-rs since the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s to 2eed in2or=-tion into sophistic-ted co=puter d-t-b-ses to hunt 2or p-tterns o2 -cti>ity th-t could be e>idence o2 2uture terrorist plots. I2 l-rge Uu-ntities o2 person-l in2or=-tion could be poured into the d-t-b-ses, the thin%ing #ent, co=puter -lgorith=s could si2t through the d-t- -nd =-%e connections th-t hu=-nD intelligence -n-lysts couldnKt. 3ut the l-#s go>erning these -cti>ities #ere =ur%y -t best. 6ne Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd initi-ti>e th-t #ould e>entu-lly beco=e contro>ersi-l in>ol>ed collecting in2or=-tion -bout A=eric-n citiAens suspected o2 h->ing ties to =ilit-nt groups. The d-t- #-s stored in co=puter ser>ers in Nirgini-, -nd so=e =ilit-ry o22ici-ls beg-n to #orry th-t they =ight be bre-%ing l-#s th-t regul-te ho# the Le2ense Lep-rt=ent c-n collect in2or=-tion -bout citiAens. 4oo%ing to =o>e the d-t-b-ses o22shore, o22icers o>erseeing the progr-= 2or S6,6@ #ould e>entu-lly -s% @ich-el <urlong to house the d-t-b-ses -t UDTurnKs he-dUu-rters, in Pr-gue, - =o>e th-t #ould le-d to - dr-=-tic 2ight bet#een <urlong -nd the ,IA. 3y the =iddle o2 :''G, UDTurn h-d put together - glossy, t#entyDse>enDp-ge present-tion 2or - pilot progr-= 2or the Pent-gon to use in countries throughout the @usli= #orld. The propos-lKs opening p-r-gr-phs e=ph-siAed the po#er o2 cell phones -s - tool to re-ch - =-ss -udience7 R9h-t do - soccer =o= in Atl-nt-, - 3edouin tr-der, - ,hinese business=-n, U.S. =ilit-ry 2-=ily, - 0u#-iti ci>il ser>-nt, - #ellDconnected oil co=p-ny eXecuti>e, -n Al W-ed- =-rtyr, - pe-ce2ully de>out Ir-ni-n @usli=, -nd - Serbi-n rebel -ll h->e in co==on #ith youth throughout the U.S., Asi-, ;urope, -nd the @iddle ;-st^ R;>ery one o2 these people, -dults -nd teen-gers -round the #orld, prob-bly h-s =obile phone in his possession -l=ost e>ery #-%ing =inute o2 e>ery d-y.S In the propos-l, UDTurn #-s o22ering the =ilit-ry - =enu o2 options to cl-ndestinely bro-dc-st =ess-ges -round the #orld. The propos-l o22ered Rco=pelling ne#s, politic-l, -nd religious content =iXed #ith USS6,6@Ks =ess-geS th-t could Rt-rget teen-gers in high ris%_un2riendly -re-s.S And o>er ti=e the Pent-gonKs =ess-ge could be integr-ted Rinto the li2estyle o2 these t-rgets.S The propos-l pro=ised th-t -ll o2 this could be deli>ered #ithout the R@-de in A=eric-S l-bel\- Rco>ertly br-ndedS c-=p-ign th-t -ppe-red to be led by - ;urope-n entert-in=ent co=p-ny. UDTurn #on the co=petition 2or the progr-= in August :''G, - contr-ct #orth Vust i: ',''' . 3ut its sy=bolic >-lue #-s 2-r gre-ter. The obscure teleco==unic-tions co=p-ny 2ro= Pr-gue th-t until recently h-d been peddling ne#sc-sts -nd so2tDcore pornogr-phy 2or =obile phones h-d #on its 2irst contr-ct 2ro= one o2 the =ost secreti>e\-nd 2-stestD gro#ing\corners o2 the =ilit-ry bure-ucr-cy. As @ich-el <urlongKs p-rtnership #ith UD Turn @edi- #-s budding, his di>ision inside U.S. Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd #-s in the =idst o2 -#-rding l-rge cl-ssi2ied contr-cts to co==unic-tions 2ir=s 2or prop-g-ndc-=p-igns in the @iddle ;-st -nd ,entr-l Asi-. S6,6@ #-s doling out hundreds o2 =illions o2 doll-rs 2or the e22ort, -nd - rush #-s on. S=-ll co=p-nies #ith little or no eXperience in the prop-g-nd- #orld beg-n rebr-nding the=sel>es -s Rstr-tegic co==unic-tionsS 2ir=s to #in the ne# business. <or UDTurn, it #ould be the 2irst contr-ct o2 =-ny, -nd the beginning o2 - ne# er- 2or - co=p-ny th-t h-d stu=bled upon - p-tron #ith - see=ingly li=itless budget. UDTurn h-d 2ound its golden goose.

#or%ing -t Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd in T-=p%ne# th-t 2or c-=p-igns =e-nt to Rin2luenceS opinion in the @usli= #orld to be
T!; PU5N;$65S 6< P56PAGA"LA

e22ecti>e, A=eric-Ks role h-d to be hidden. Shortly -2ter he signed up UDTurn @edi- to set up - pilot progr-= 2or >ideo g-=es -nd other digit-l o22erings, <urlong con>inced the 2ir=Ks eXecuti>es to cre-te -n o22shore co=p-ny th-t could recei>e Pent-gon contr-cts but not be tied directly to the United St-tes. 3y l-te :''G, P-n 6br=-n h-d est-blished PL @edi- Tr-ns=ission Syste=s 44,, - co=p-ny incorpor-ted in the Seychelles Isl-nds -nd set up to recei>e =oney tr-ns2ers 2ro= the United St-tes through - 2oreign b-n% -ccount. 9ith 2e# restrictions -bout ho# the Pent-gon spent =oney on cl-ndestine progr-=s, <urlong h-d nobody loo%ing o>er his shoulder. !e so=eti=es li%ed to c-ll hi=sel2 Rthe %ing o2 the gr-y -re-s,S -nd #-s using e>ery bit o2 contr-ct tric%ery to secure de-ls 2or the UDTurn 2ront co=p-nies to c-rry out the prop-g-nd- oper-tions. T-%ing -d>-nt-ge o2 - l-# th-t -llo#s 2ir=s o#ned by "-ti>e A=eric-ns to get - leg up #hen bidding on go>ern=ent contr-cts, <urlong -rr-nged 2or UDTurn to p-rtner #ith 9y-ndotte "et Tel, - 2ir= loc-ted on - tiny spec% o2 trib-l l-nds in e-stern 6%l-ho=-. The 2irst big proVect th-t UDTurn de>eloped 2or S6,6@ #-s - RshooterS g-=e in the style o2 the popul-r ,-ll o2 Luty g-=e series. The g-=e too% the pl-yer on -n odyssey through the streets o2 3-ghd-d, shooting up insurgents trying to %ill ci>ili-ns in - #->e o2 terrorist -tt-c%s. The go-l #-s to re-ch -n Ir-Ui police st-tion -nd deli>er the secret pl-ns 2or -n upco=ing insurgent -tt-c%, pl-ns th-t h-d been stolen 2ro= - =iliti- groupKs he-dUu-rters. The title o2 the g-=e #-s Ir-Ui !ero. It #-s p-rt o2 - bro-d Pent-gon psychologic-lDoper-tions c-=p-ign, #ith the code n-=e "-ti>e ;cho, ti=ed to the RsurgeS o2 A=eric-n 2orces into Ir-U th-t President 3ush ordered in :''7. "-ti>e ;choKs =-in 2ocus #-s on co=b-ting the 2lood o2 2oreign 2ighters entering Ir-U 2ro= $e=en, Syri-, S-udi Ar-bi-, -nd p-rts o2 "orth A2ric-. Ir-Ui !ero #-s built in - #-y th-t it could be e-sily =odi2ied 2or -ny nu=ber o2 countries in the @usli= #orld. A UDTurn present-tion to S6,6@ listed thirteen countries #here the g-=e could be distributed -2ter slight =odi2ic-tions, including S-udi Ar-bi-, @orocco, ;gypt, -nd Pord-n. The g-=eKs gr-phics, 2e-turing streets lined #ith =osUues, old c-rs, -nd p-l= trees, #ould not need to be dr-=-tic-lly ch-ngedQ only the di-logue #ould h->e to be -ltered. <or eX-=ple, - 4eb-nese >ersion o2 the g-=e #ould use di-logue to re2lect the politic-l situ-tion there -nd #ould be c-lled @-gh-#eer, n-=ed -2ter - 4eb-nese co==-ndo unit . UDTurn de>eloped t#o other g-=es 2or the "-ti>e ;cho oper-tion, one c-lled 6il Tycoon, #hich -llo#ed g-=ers to build oil pipelines -nd protect the go>ern=entKs oil in2r-structure in the 2-ce o2 const-nt terrorist -tt-c%s, -nd ,ity @-yor, #hich put pl-yers in the role o2 urb-n pl-nner, deciding ho# to -lloc-te li=ited resources to rebuilding - 2iction-l city th-t h-d been destroyed by terrorists. A te-= o2 ,Aech progr-==ers -t UDTurnKs Pr-gue he-dUu-rters built the g-=es, -nd <urlong put the co=p-ny on -n -cceler-ted ti=et-ble to 2inish the= -s Uuic%ly -s possible -nd get the= distributed in the @iddle ;-st . UDTurn #or%ed #ith S6,6@ de>eloping >-rious #-ys to deli>er the g-=es. The e-siest #-s distribution by h-nd, putting the g-=es on thous-nds o2 =e=ory c-rds -nd selling the= or gi>ing the= -#-y in the =-r%ets -nd b-A--rs. The #-y to get 2-r #ider distribution, ho#e>er, #-s to post the g-=es on 9eb sites -nd blogs 2reUuented by g-=ers in the @iddle ;-st. This -lso -llo#ed S6,6@ to =onitor ho# =-ny people #ere do#nlo-ding the g-=es -nd, =ore i=port-nt, #ho #-s doing it. It is h-rd to -ssess the eXtent o2 S6,6@Ks secret g-=ing oper-tions or to %no# eX-ctly ho# =-ny co=p-nies li%e UDTurn the Pent-gon contr-cted to cre-te prop-g-nd- t-rgeting young people in the @usli= #orld. <urlong pushed the ,Aech

co=p-ny to co=e up #ith -s =-ny ne# initi-ti>es -s possible, -nd UDTurn e>en put together propos-ls 2or - clothing br-nd using popul-r singers -nd celebrities in the @iddle ;-st -s pitch=en. There #ere e>en discussions -bout dropping l-rge 2l-tDscreen tele>isions into re=ote >ill-ges -round ,entr-l Asi- -nd "orth A2ric-, the tele>isions protected by -r=or pl-tes so they could not be destroyed. The tele>isions #ould h->e l-rge -ntenn- th-t could recei>e -nd bro-dc-st proDA=eric-n =ess-ges be-=ed 2ro= thous-nds o2 =iles -#-y. This 2-rD2etched ide- #-s ne>er -ppro>ed. 3ut -s the Pent-gon #-s eXp-nding its prop-g-nd- initi-ti>es -round the #orld in l-te :''7, UDTurn #-s hired to support - ne# S6,6@ progr-= to run 9eb sites 2ocused on ,entr-l Asi-, "orth A2ric-, ,hin-, -nd other regions. The Tr-nsD5egion-l 9eb Initi-ti>e hired 2reel-nce reporters to #rite up reports -nd post the= on 9eb sites #ith n-=es li%e ,entr-lAsi- 6nline, #hich c-rried decidedly positi>e ne#s -bout the United St-tes -nd so=e o2 its -uthorit-ri-n -llies in UAbe%ist-n -nd else#here. A contro>ersy erupted #hen ne#s o2 the progr-= le-%ed out, -nd S6,6@ ditched initi-l pl-ns to %eep A=eric-Ks role in the 9eb sites hidden, choosing to pl-ce - s=-ll l-bel -t the botto= o2 e-ch site th-t identi2ied it -s - Le2ense Lep-rt=ent product. 3ut so=e in ,ongress -nd the St-te Lep-rt=ent belie>ed th-t the Pent-gon h-d crossed - line #ith the 9eb sites, the line sep-r-ting in2or=-tion oper-tions c-rried out -s p-rt o2 - =ilit-ry c-=p-ign -nd the Pent-gonKs =ore b-sic reUuire=ent to deli>er truth2ul in2or=-tion to the A=eric-n public. In re-lity, ho#e>er, this bound-ry h-d been blurred ye-rs e-rlier, -nd co=p-nies li%e UDTurn @edi- #ere the bene2ici-ries. <urlong tr->eled 2reUuently to Pr-gue to =eet #ith 6br=-n -nd the UDTurn progr-==ers, -nd by e-rly :''8 UDTurn h-d #on =ore th-n i =illion in S6,6@ contr-cts, usu-lly #or%ing -s - subcontr-ctor tied to - l-rger 2ir= or -s - p-rtner #ith - "-ti>e A=eric-nOo#ned 2ir=. 6br=-n cre-ted - U.S.Ob-sed co=p-ny, Intern-tion-l @edi- Nentures, #ith the ide- th-t h->ing - co=p-ny inside the United St-tes #ould =-%e it e-sier to #in cl-ssi2ied go>ern=ent contr-cts. !e set up I@NKs o22ice neXt to other ,IA -nd Pent-gon contr-ctors in -n o22ice p-r% in St. Petersburg, <lorid-, Vust -cross T-=p- 3-y 2ro= the spr-#ling he-dUu-rters o2 S6,6@ -nd U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd, -t @cLill Air <orce 3-se. 3ut so=e inside the ,IA beg-n to r-ise suspicions -bout ho# UDTurn_I@N h-d =-n-ged to #in cl-ssi2ied go>ern=ent contr-cts. 9h-t eX-ctly #-s the connection bet#een <urlong, - highDr-n%ing ci>ili-n bure-ucr-t, -nd -n obscure ,Aech co=p-ny th-t h-d e=ployed - s=-ll -r=y o2 co=puter progr-==ers to build g-=es -nd 9eb sites 2or the Pent-gon^ The ,IAKs st-tion in Pr-gue beg-n sending c-bles b-c% to 4-ngley r-ising Uuestions -bout the -rr-nge=ent -nd ho# e-sy it =ight be 2or 5ussi-n intelligence oper-ti>es to penetr-te UDTurnKs oper-tion. There #-s -n e>en bigger proble=. In :''7, S6,6@ h-d Uuietly reloc-ted the co=puter ser>ers housing d-t- it h-d collected -bout A=eric-n citiAens to UDTurnKs he-dUu-rters in Pr-gue. 9hile =ilit-ry o22ici-ls 2igured =o>ing the ser>ers there =ight bring the Pent-gon in line #ith A=eric-n e->esdropping l-#s, the United St-tes h-d no# set up - cl-ndestine co=puter oper-tion inside o2 the ,Aech 5epublic, -n A=eric-n -lly, #ithout noti2ying the go>ern=ent in Pr-gue. This #-s ch-ncy e>en under nor=-l circu=st-nces, bec-use A=eric-n o22ici-ls #ould h->e to #eigh the ris% o2 the -llied countryKs intelligence ser>ice disco>ering the oper-tion, shutting it do#n, -nd eXtr-cting p-yb-c% by re2using to cooper-te #ith the ,IA on other oper-tions. 3ut this #-snKt - nor=-l period o2 diplo=-tic rel-tions bet#een the United St-tes -nd the ,Aech 5epublic. The 3ush -d=inistr-tion #-s -ggressi>ely courting the ,Aech go>ern=ent 2or per=ission to build - tr-c%ing r-d-r south#est o2 Pr-gue -s p-rt o2 the 9hite !ouseKs =issileDde2ense progr-=. Getting ,Aech -ppro>-l h-d pro>en di22icult,

pri=-rily bec-use Nl-di=ir PutinKs go>ern=ent in @osco# h-d denounced the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs =issileDde2ense pl-ns 2or ye-rs -nd h-d pressured ;-stern ;urope-n countries to deny the United St-tesK reUuest to build r-d-r st-tions in their countries. The tension bet#een the ,IA -nd <urlong esc-l-ted. 3y the =iddle o2 :''8, @ich-el <urlong h-d s#itched Vobs, =o>ing to 4-c%l-nd Air <orce 3-se in S-n Antonio, TeX-s, the he-dUu-rters o2 - psychologic-lDoper-tions cell c-lled the Point In2or=-tion 6per-tions 9-r2-re ,o==-nd. 3ut he ret-ined o>ersight o2 UDTurn_I@N, -nd in Pune :''8 he decided -t the l-st =inute to stop in Pr-gue to =eet #ith co=p-ny e=ployees on his #-y ho=e to TeX-s 2ro= A2gh-nist-n. The ,IAKs st-tion chie2 -nd other A=eric-nDe=b-ssy o22ici-ls in Pr-gue h-d, not long be2ore, le-rned th-t the Pent-gon h-d been running the secret d-t-b-se oper-tion out o2 UDTurnKs o22ices. The oper-tion h-d been shut do#n bec-use o2 concerns in 9-shington -bout the leg-lity o2 the d-t-b-se, but no# <urlong #-s sitting in the A=eric-n e=b-ssy\#ithout h->ing been gi>en proper cle-r-nce to tr->el to Pr-gue on business\-nd ,IA o22icers in Pr-gue suspected th-t he =ight be trying to resurrect the d-t-D=ining progr-=. They #orried th-t the bo=b-stic, ch-inDs=o%ing =-n =ight be pl-nning to spend #ee%s in the country o>erseeing his cl-ndestine progr-=s, -nd could der-il =onths o2 diplo=-tic negoti-tions o>er the =issileDde2ense p-ct. 9h-t 2ollo#ed #-s - 2lurry o2 2r-ntic c-lls bet#een Pr-gue, 9-shington, -nd S-n Antonio -s e>eryone tried to 2igure out #h-t to do -bout the <urlong situ-tion. ;>eryone -greed the -ns#er #-s si=ple7 Get hi= out o2 the country -s Uuic%ly -s possible. 4t. Gener-l Pohn 0oAiol, <urlongKs boss in S-n Antonio, re-ched hi= in Pr-gue -nd deli>ered - blunt =ess-ge7 ,hec% out o2 your hotel, get to the -irport, -nd t-%e the 2irst 2light out o2 the country. <urlong #-s e22ecti>ely %ic%ed out o2 the ,Aech 5epublic. RThe ,IA c-=e do#n on hi= li%e - ton o2 bric%s,S s-id one =ilit-ry o22icer #ho #or%ed #ith <urlong in S-n Antonio. <urlongKs -=bitions h-d been blunted, -nd he #-s no# on the ,IAKs bl-c%list. 3ut he 2igured th-t his p-trons -t the top r-n%s o2 the Le2ense Lep-rt=ent #ould protect hi=, -nd he #-s -lre-dy redirecting his energies to - ne# proble=7 the gro#ing =ilit-nt >iolence in P-%ist-n th-t #-s spilling -cross the border into A2gh-nist-n. <urlong #-s deter=ined to help A=eric-n =ilit-ry co==-nders #ith the proble=, -nd he #-s cert-in th-t the ,IA #-snKt up to the Vob. And no# it #-s person-l. A2ter the Pr-gue episode, he beg-n to re2er to the ,IA -s R=y ne=esis.S Pust #ee%s -2ter <urlong #-s %ic%ed out o2 the ,Aech 5epublic, - pl-ne c-rrying Secret-ry o2 St-te ,ondoleeAA- 5ice -nd - g-ggle o2 A=eric-n diplo=-ts touched do#n -t the -irport in Pr-gue. Th-t e>ening, -t - l->ish celebr-tory dinner, 5ice clin%ed ch-=p-gne gl-sses #ith ,Aech 2oreign =inister 0-rel Sch#-rAenberg\- to-st to ne# =issileDde2ense p-ct -nd - ne# er- o2 #-r= rel-tions bet#een the United St-tes -nd the ,Aech 5epublic.

&&7 T!; 64L @A"KS 5;TU5"

R$ou re=e=ber the 2irst rule o2 retire=ent, George^ "o =oonlighting, no 2ooling #ith loose ends. "o pri>-te enterprise, e>er.S \Pohn le ,-rr], S=ileyKs People

ener-l L->id @c0iern-n h-d he-rd enough. It h-d been =onths since the top

co==-nder in A2gh-nist-n h-d been told o2 - pl-n de>eloped by t#o business=en to deli>er regul-r reports 2ro= - net#or% o2 sources throughout the country, -nd -cross the border in P-%ist-n. @c0iern-n #-nted to %no# #hy the e22ort h-d st-lled. !e h-d hoped th-t it #ould pro>ide reli-ble in2or=-tion -bout P-%ist-n, in contr-st #ith ,IA disp-tches th-t he suspected #ere spoonD2ed by P-%ist-ni spies. So=e#here in the Pent-gon bure-ucr-cy, he 2igured, 2-celess gno=es #ere del-ying things. R9ho is the co==unist I need to %ill in order to get this contr-ct^S @c0iern-n b-r%ed to his st-22, -2ter le-rning th-t the 2unding 2or the in2or=-tion progr-= h-d still not been -ppro>ed. Sitting -longside Gener-l @c0iern-n th-t d-y in 2-ll :''8 #-s @ich-el <urlong, #ho h-d been shuttling bet#een 0-bul -nd S-n Antonio hoping to st-rt - >-riety o2 in2or=-tionDoper-tions proVects 2or the gener-ls in A2gh-nist-n, 2ro= =-pping the trib-l structure in the south to conducting polls -bout A2gh-n -ttitudes to#-rd the A=eric-n =ilit-ry. The #-r #-s getting #orse by the d-y. The T-lib-n h-d recl-i=ed l-rge s#-ths o2 territory in the southern -nd e-stern regions o2 the country, -ss-ssin-ted A2gh-n go>ern=ent o22ici-ls, -nd set up sh-do# go>ern=ents in 0-nd-h-r -nd !el=-nd pro>inces. The :''G pe-ce de-ls in "orth -nd South 9-Airist-n h-d -llo#ed the T-lib-n -nd !-UU-ni "et#or% to 2lourish -nd esc-l-te their -tt-c%s 2ro= P-%ist-ni >ill-ges on A=eric-n outposts in A2gh-nist-n. 3y the end o2 Pune :''8, the =onth th-t @c0iern-n too% co==-nd, =ore A=eric-n troops h-d died th-n during -ny other =onth since the #-r beg-n in :''&. 9hen he -rri>ed in 0-bul, @c0iern-n #-s i==edi-tely con>inced th-t he didnKt h->e enough troops. The Ir-U #-r continued to be the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs top priority, ensuring th-t the neglected con2lict in A2gh-nist-n re=-ined #h-t the Pent-gon euphe=istic-lly c-lled -n Recono=yDo2D2orce oper-tion.S @c0iern-nKs predecessor, Gener-l L-n @c"eill, h-d deli>ered - stinging indict=ent o2 the #-r str-tegy on his #-y out o2 the country, s-ying th-t A=eric-n co==-nders needed =ore ground troops, helicopters, -nd intelligence units. Luring - congression-l he-ring, Ad=ir-l @i%e @ullen, ch-ir=-n o2 the Point ,hie2s o2 St-22, s-id, RIn A2gh-nist-n, #e do #h-t #e c-n. In Ir-U, #e do #h-t #e =ust.S Gener-l @c"eill h-d -lso bl-=ed the go>ern=ent o2 P-%ist-n 2or not doing enough to ste= the 2lo# o2 2ighters crossing the border into A2gh-nist-n. Indeed, P-%ist-n h-d beco=e - 2->orite t-rget 2or A=eric-n gener-ls co=pl-ining -bout the rise in >iolence in the country. As 2-r b-c% -s Septe=ber :''G, 4t. Gener-l 0-rl ;i%enberry\#ho preceded @c"eill\tried to get the 9hite !ouseKs -ttention by co=piling - dossier on P-%ist-nKs in-ction in the trib-l -re-s. !e tr->eled to 9-shington #ith - Po#erPoint present-tion -lleging P-%ist-ni co=plicity in 2ostering =ilit-ncy there, e>en citing the 2-ct th-t P-l-luddin !-UU-ni openly oper-ted his =-dr-ss- in @ir-nsh-h (the s-=e =-dr-ss- th-t Art 0eller -nd ,IA o22icers h-d pushed P-%ist-ni troops to r-id in the

su==er o2 :''G), less th-n - =ile 2ro= - l-rge P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry b-se. So, t#o ye-rs l-ter, #hen the t#o business=en pitched Gener-l @c0iern-n on their propos-l to collect in2or=-tion inside P-%ist-n -nd 2eed it to the A=eric-n =ilit-ry co==-nd in 0-bul, the gener-l #-s i==edi-tely intrigued. The =en =-%ing the pitch\;-son Pord-n, - su->e 2or=er ,"" eXecuti>e, -nd 5obert $oung Pelton, -n iconocl-stic ,-n-di-n #riter #ho h-d #ritten - series o2 boo%s helping tr->elers n->ig-te the #orldKs d-nger spots\h-d #or%ed together be2ore. Luring the bloodiest d-ys o2 the Ir-U #-r, Pord-n -nd Pelton h-d l-unched Ir-USlogger, - 9eb site de>oted to 2-ct, ru=or, -nd onDtheDground reports by loc-l Ir-Ui Vourn-lists. The site h-d - s=-ll but de>oted 2ollo#ing, but it struggled 2in-nci-lly, -nd Pelton -nd Pord-n h-d to shut it do#n. They #-nted to replic-te the proVect in A2gh-nist-n -nd h-d put together net#or% o2 loc-l stringers in A2gh-nist-n -nd P-%ist-n 2or - ne# 9eb site, #hich they h-d n-=ed A2P-X Insider. This ti=e, ho#e>er, they hoped to get the Pent-gon to 2in-nce their ne# ende->or. 3ut Gener-l @c0iern-n #-snKt going to p-y 2or - st-rtup ne#s ser>ice. 9hen he =et #ith Pord-n in 0-bul in Puly :''8, he s-id he #-nted regul-r reports 2ro= pl-ces #here his troops couldnKt go, -nd #here the ,IA #-snKt gi>ing hi= -ny reli-ble in2or=-tion. @c0iern-nKs rel-tionship #ith the -gencyKs st-tion chie2 in 0-bul #-s dis=-lQ the t#o =en b-rely co==unic-ted. @c0iern-n #ould openly disp-r-ge the ,IA during st-22 =eetings, -nd #ithin #ee%s o2 his -rri>-l in 0-bul he concluded th-t the spy -gency h-d 2e# sources in P-%ist-nKs trib-l -re-s #ho could #-rn A=eric-n co==-nders -bout plots th-t #ere being h-tched there. Pust - d-y be2ore he =et #ith Pord-n, T-lib-n gun=en h-d -=bushed -n A=eric-n =ilit-ry outpost -t 9-n-t, in e-stern A2gh-nist-n, %illing nine soldiers -nd #ounding t#entyDse>en. In - pre>ious =eeting, @c0iern-n h-d been i=pressed th-t Pord-n h-d gi>en =ilit-ry o22ici-ls - sheet o2 phone nu=bers o2 =ilit-nt suspects in P-%ist-n th-t h-d been collected by his te-= o2 stringers. According to Pord-n, he only g->e phone nu=bers o2 T-lib-n Rspo%es=enS th-t #ere #idely ->-il-ble to Vourn-lists. The phone nu=bers h-d been 2ed into - cl-ssi2ied d-t-b-se =-int-ined by =ilit-ry o22icers -t 3-gr-= Air 3-se, -nd - h-nd2ul o2 the= =-tched nu=bers th-t the =ilit-ry h-d -lre-dy been =onitoring. This r-ised eXpect-tions -=ong @c0iern-nKs st-22 th-t the te-= could deli>er -ctu-l, re-lDti=e in2or=-tion. ;>entu-lly, @c0iern-n -ppro>ed i:: =illion 2or A2P-X Insider, -nd he ordered @ich-el <urlong to =-%e sure th-t the =oney c-=e through. As -l#-ys, <urlong h-d sho#n his -bility to insinu-te hi=sel2 into the center o2 A=eric-n #-r oper-tions, -nd during the second h-l2 o2 :''8 he 2reUuently -ttended =eetings -bout prop-g-nd- -nd in2or=-tionDoper-tions c-=p-igns in A2gh-nist-n. @c0iern-n #ould o2ten 2orget his n-=e, re2erring to hi= -s Rthe 2-t s#e-ty guyS to other =e=bers o2 his st-22. 3ut i2 @c0iern-n underesti=-ted <urlong, he =isc-lcul-ted. The gener-l =-y h->e gi>en little thought to the i=plic-tions o2 -ppro>ing Pord-n -nd PeltonKs in2or=-tionD g-thering proVect, but putting @ich-el <urlong in ch-rge o2 the oper-tion set into =otion one o2 the =ore biA-rre episodes o2 the secret #-rs since :''&. @-ny o2 the ele=ents th-t h-d been de>eloping in the l-bor-tory\the =ilit-ryKs ri>-lry #ith the ,IA, the eXp-nding uni>erse o2 go>ern=ent spying, the creeping pri>-tiA-tion o2 #-r\=iXed together into - >ol-tile co=pound. 4-ter, -2ter 2ingerDpointing -nd in>estig-tions, @ich-el <urlong #ould be de-lt - 2-te #orse th-n -nything he h-d 2e-red. !e #-snKt sent to Rblo# up b-s%etb-lls in "orth L-%ot-.S !e #-s out o2 the g-=e entirely. <or his p-rt, -n -ngry @c0iern-n #ould disco>er -2ter -ppro>ing the A2P-X Insider proVect th-t e>en h->ing 2our st-rs on your shoulders #-s no gu-r-ntee 2or getting #h-t you #-nted. !is e22orts to get 2unding 2or the proVect h-d run into obst-cles, =ost o2 the= set up by the ,IA.

6n Septe=ber , :''8, <urlong h-d dri>en out to 4-ngley #ith - group o2 top Le2ense Lep-rt=ent o22ici-ls to present the in2or=-tionDg-thering pl-n to the ,IAKs ,ounterterroris= ,enter . Acco=p-nying hi= #-s 3rig-dierDGener-l 5obert !ol=es, the deputy oper-tions o22icer -t U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd, -nd Austin 3r-nch, - ci>ili-n o22ici-l #or%ing 2or the Pent-gon intelligence o22ice th-t Lon-ld 5u=s2eld h-d set up se>er-l ye-rs e-rlier. 3ec-use o2 the Pr-gue episode Vust =onths e-rlier, ,IA o22ici-ls #ere -lre-dy #-ry o2 <urlong, -nd <urlong %ne# #ell ho# pric%ly the spy -gency could be #hen it sensed the Pent-gon encro-ching on its tur2. At the =eeting, he chose his l-ngu-ge c-re2ully #hen discussing the proposed oper-tion. !is contr-ctors #erenKt RspyingS or e>en Rintelligence g-thering,S he s-id. They #ere =erely collecting R-t=ospheric in2or=-tionS to in2or= co==-nders in 0-bul -nd to help protect A=eric-n troops. As <urlong #ould l-ter describe it, R I h-d to co=e up #ith - euphe=is= 2or #h-t #e #ere doing.S Se>en ye-rs -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, the Pent-gon h-d gone so deep into the spying g-=e th-t -n entirely ne# l-ngu-ge h-d been cre-ted. Pust -s U.S. troops h-d been sent into countries #here A=eric- #-s not -t #-r, on the grounds th-t they #ere Rprep-ring the b-ttle2ield,S collecting R-t=osphericsS bec-=e the ne# c-tchphr-se used by the =ilit-ry to ->oid r-ising the h-c%les o2 the ,IA. At the Septe=ber =eeting -t 4-ngley, <urlong tried to -ssure ,IA o22icers th-t the oper-tions #ould be coordin-ted #ith the -gencyKs st-tions in 0-bul -nd Isl-=-b-d, but the =ood d-r%ened Uuic%ly. The doAens o2 ,IA o22icers #ho h-d co=e to listen to <urlong #ere i==edi-tely suspicious th-t the oper-tion -=ounted to - b-c%Ddoor spying oper-tion. It #-s e>en #orse three =onths l-ter, #hen <urlong 2le# b-c% to A2gh-nist-n -nd brie2ed - group o2 ,IA o22icers in 0-bul, including the st-tion chie2, on the proVect. The =eeting disintegr-ted into - shouting =-tch, -nd the st-tion chie2 -ccused <urlong o2 trying to g-ther intelligence 2or leth-l =issions inside P-%ist-n. R6ne o2 the ,IA guys #-s liter-lly spitting, -nd <urlong st-rted shouting b-c%,S rec-lls one =ilit-ry o22icer #ho -ttended the =eeting. 9ee%s l-ter, - l-#yer -t ,IA he-dUu-rters #rote - =e=or-ndu= to the Pent-gon, o22ici-lly lodging the ,IAKs protest -bout - progr-= the -gency thought #-s unsuper>ised -nd potenti-lly d-ngerous. <urlong h-d eXpected the resist-nce, -nd to hi= it #-s the hidebound ,IA -t its #orst7 protecting its eUuities -t -ll costs, ignoring the 2-ct th-t the ,IA h-d been un-ble to pre>ent the -tt-c%s 2ro= P-%ist-n th-t #ere %illing A=eric-n troops e-ch d-y. !e #-s con>inced th-t the ,IA h-d =-de - <-usti-n b-rg-in #ith P-%ist-n. In eXch-nge 2or getting -ccess 2or drone 2lights inside P-%ist-n, he belie>ed the -gency #-s loo%ing the other #-y -s the ISI Uuietly supported the T-lib-n -nd !-UU-ni "et#or%. G-thering in2or=-tion to protect A=eric-n troops, <urlong -rgued to the ,IA o22icers, #-s per2ectly in line #ith the Pent-gonKs -uthorities under Title &', no =-tter #here it #-s t-%ing pl-ce. As the ,IA tried to bloc% -ppro>-l 2or A2P-X Insider, -nd =ilit-ry l-#yers -t U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd pored o>er the det-ils o2 the proposed oper-tion, <urlong decided he didnKt need to #-it 2or 9-shingtonKs -ppro>-l. In l-te :''8, he -rr-nged 2or the proVect to get i& =illion in seed =oney 2ro= - =ilit-ry e=ergency 2und -nd =-neu>ered -round -nother thorny bure-ucr-tic issue\the 2-ct th-t neither ;-son Pord-n nor 5obert $oung Pelton #-s -n -ppro>ed go>ern=ent >endor. !e de>ised - si=ple solution7 putting the proVect under the control o2 - co=p-ny he %ne# #ell, P-n 6br=-nKs Intern-tion-l @edi- Nentures , in St. Petersburg, <lorid-. 3y April :''C, <urlong h-d secured -nother i:.C =illion 2or the proVect, -ll o2 it 2lo#ing through the <lorid-Db-sed business. <urlong, the =-ster

-t #heeling -nd de-ling #ith go>ern=ent contr-cts, #-s t-%ing -d>-nt-ge o2 - syste= th-t #-s ripe 2or eXploit-tion. ,ongress h-d -ppro>ed billions 2or the #-rs in Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n, but there #-s little congression-l o>ersight -bout ho# the =oney #-s spent. 3ut Pelton -nd Pord-n s-# little o2 it -nd beg-n to suspect th-t <urlong h-d other designs 2or the =oney th-t Gener-l @c0iern-n h-d ordered 2or A2P-X Insider. 5eg-rdless, the t#o continued to #or%, -nd Pelton #-s regul-rly sent -round A2gh-nist-n to g-ther in2or=-tion 2ro= trib-l elders, T-lib-n oper-ti>es, -nd #-rlords. !e tr->eled #ith - te-= o2 =ilit-ry o22icers dressed -s ci>ili-ns, dri>ing e-st 2or hours o>er #-shedDout ro-ds to g-ther in2or=-tion -t the P-%ist-n border. Pelton -lso too% pl-ne in the opposite direction, to A2gh-nist-nKs border #ith Ir-n, #here he =et the po#er2ul #-rlord o2 the city o2 !er-t, Is=-il 0h-n, to -ssess his support 2or A=eric-Ks #-r in the country. All this ti=e, Gener-l @c0iern-nKs -ttentions #ere directed else#here. 5u=ors beg-n s#irling th-t President 3-r-c% 6b-=-, #ho c-=e into o22ice in P-nu-ry :''C, #-s diss-tis2ied #ith the str-tegy in A2gh-nist-n -nd pl-nned to o>erh-ul the #-r st-22. In @-y, Secret-ry o2 Le2ense 5obert G-tes 2le# to 0-bul to bre-% the ne#s to @c0iern-n7 !e #-s out, -nd President 6b-=- h-d decided to repl-ce hi= #ith 4t. Gener-l St-nley @c,hryst-l, then the co==-nder o2 Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd. The le-dership tr-nsition turned out to be - boon 2or <urlongQ #hen he =et #ith top =e=bers o2 @c,hryst-lKs st-22 he presented the in2or=-tionDg-thering proVect -s - 2-it -cco=pli. Luring - =eeting #ith @-Vor Gener-l @ich-el <lynn, the senior intelligence o22icer in A2gh-nist-n, he s-id th-t he h-d te-=s o2 contr-ctors oper-ting -round P-%ist-n -nd A2gh-nist-n, -nd their in2or=-tion reports #ere being RpushedS into cl-ssi2ied =ilit-ryDintelligence d-t-b-ses . 3ut Pord-n -nd PeltonKs suspicions th-t they #ere being shunted to the side pro>ed to be correct, -nd -s they b-dgered <urlong 2or =oney, he beg-n sending the= eD=-ils -bout ho# he h-d 2ound other contr-ctors #ith better sources o2 in2or=-tion. In e-rly Puly, <urlong returned 2ro= - trip outside A2gh-nist-n -nd 2ired o22 -n eD=-il to Pord-n -nd Pelton7 RThe t#o guys #ho =et =e in Lub-i l-st #ee%end -re -s close to the re-l, co==erci-l >ersion o2 P-son 3ourne th-t I h->e seen. 3oth 2luent in L-ri, P-shtu -nd Ar-bic -nd building the net#or%s on the ground e>ery d-y,S he #rote. Gener-l @c0iern-n #-s gone, <urlong s-id, -nd the ne# co==-nders in A2gh-nist-n h-d little interest in p-ying 2or A2P-X Insider. R 4etKs be honest guys ,S <urlong #rote, Ryou -re -s%ing the go>ern=ent to p-y to st-rtDup your ser>ice. The other guys h->e -lre-dy =-de their in>est=ent in est-blishing their net#or% o>er the p-st *. ye-rs.S 9ho eX-ctly #ere these =ysterious ne# contr-ctors, these RP-son 3ournesS^ <urlong didnKt s-y in the eD=-ils. !e spo%e only o2 - net#or% o2 2or=er speci-lD oper-tions troops -nd ,IA o22icers #ho re2used to #or% #ith the spy -gency bec-use it #-s too ris%D->erse -nd too dependent on 2oreign intelligence ser>ices li%e the ISI. They h-d 2or=ed #h-t he c-lled - Rsh-do# ,IAS -nd #ere #illing to g-ther intelligence th-t =ight be used 2or speci-lDoper-tions =issions. As 2or the person running this sh-do# ,IA, <urlong re2erred to hi= only -s Rthe old =-n.S

LUA"; RL;9;$S ,4A55ILG;,-ge

se>entyDse>en, ne>er p-ssed Uuietly into retire=ent. It

#-snKt his styleQ -nd besides, there #ere too =-ny old scores to be settled. !e h-d le2t the ,IA -=id the 2-llout 2ro= the Ir-nO,ontr- -22-ir, con>inced th-t his bosses h-d =-de hi= - sc-pego-t. !e considered his indict=ent t#o ye-rs l-ter 2or lying to ,ongress -bout his role in Ir-nO,ontr- -s the #or% o2 - p-rtis-n #itch hunt. 9hen President George !. 9. 3ush p-rdoned ,l-rridge -nd other Ir-nO,ontr2igures\including 2or=er de2ense secret-ry ,-sp-r 9einberger\during the #-ning d-ys o2 his presidency on ,hrist=-s ;>e &CC:, ,l-rridge 2elt so=e degree o2 >indic-tion. !e h-d the presidenti-l p-rdon 2r-=ed, -nd he displ-yed it in - h-ll#-y o2 his ho=e. It #-s the 2irst thing th-t >isitors s-# #hen they entered. !e #rote - =e=oir in the l-te &CC's, A Spy 2or All Se-sons, o22ering >i>id det-ils -bout =-ny o2 his ,old 9-r eXploits, -nd he st-yed co==itted to 5epublic-n c-uses. As - pri>-te consult-nt in &CC8, he #or%ed #ith retired gener-l 9-yne Lo#ning\the 2or=er he-d o2 Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd\on - pl-n to insert thous-nds o2 Ir-Ui eXiles -nd A=eric-n co==-ndos into Ir-U to bring do#n S-dd-= !usseinKs regi=e. The propos-l h-d the endorse=ent o2 Ah=ed ,h-l-bi, the he-d o2 the Ir-Ui "-tion-l ,ongress -nd - 2->orite o2 5epublic-ns -d>oc-ting - #-r in Ir-U, but it #-s dis=issed by the co==-nder o2 U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd -s 2-nt-sy. The co==-nder, Gener-l Anthony 1inni, re2erred to the Lo#ningO,l-rridge pl-n -s R3-y o2 Go-ts.S 9hen the United St-tes did 2in-lly get -round to o>erthro#ing S-dd-= !ussein, in :''3, ,l-rridge r-ised =oney 2or >-rious pri>-te e22orts to pro>e, -g-inst -ll e>idence, th-t the Ir-Ui dict-tor h-d st-shes o2 che=ic-l -nd biologic-l #e-pons -round the country. All the #hile, he re=-ined -n un2linching cheerle-der 2or A=eric-n inter>ention o>erse-s. In one eXch-nge during - :''7 inter>ie#, he -ngrily de2ended =-ny o2 the ,IAKs =ost notorious oper-tions, s-ying it #-s the duty o2 the United St-tes to eXert its #ill o>erse-s. R9eKll inter>ene #hene>er #e decide itKs in our n-tion-lDsecurity interests to inter>ene,S ,l-rridge told - reporter. RAnd i2 you donKt li%e it, lu=p it. R Get used to it, #orld , #eKre not going to put up #ith nonsense.S 3ut he h-d -lso soured on the ,IA. Th-t s-=e ye-r he g->e - speech in Ar%-ns-s -bout ho# =uch the ,IAKs hu=-nDintelligence oper-tions h-d -trophied o>er the ye-rs. The spy -gency couldnKt get reli-ble in2or=-tion -bout the regi=es in Ir-n -nd "orth 0ore-, he s-id, bec-use it h-d beco=e too dependent on spy s-tellites -nd electronic e->esdropping. !e belie>ed the proble= #-s th-t ner>ous l-#yers held too =uch s#-y -t 4-ngley -nd routinely scuttled propos-ls 2or ris%y intelligenceDcollection =issions. !e beg-n dre-=ing o2 - ne# =odel 2or espion-ge, so=ething s=-ller -nd le-ner th-n the ,IA -nd beholden to no 2oreign go>ern=ent. It #ould be li%e the 622ice o2 Str-tegic Ser>ices but upd-ted 2or the #orld o2 the t#entyD2irst century\- #orld do=in-ted by corpor-tions, loose intern-tion-l cri=in-l -nd terror net#or%s, -nd =ultin-tion-l institutions. Pri>-te spying #-s not -n entirely ne# ide-. A2ter 9orld 9-r II, 6SS 2ounder 9illi-= Lono>-n #-s so despondent th-t President Tru=-n h-d not n-=ed hi= the 2irst director o2 centr-l intelligence he decided to set up -n intelligence oper-tion o2 his o#n. Luring business trips to ;urope he collected in2or=-tion -bout So>iet -cti>ities 2ro= A=eric-n -=b-ss-dors -nd Vourn-lists -nd scouted 2or possible underco>er -gents. !e sho#ered ,IA o22ici-ls #ith ide-s 2or co>ert oper-tions. 3ut Tru=-n, #hen he le-rned o2 Lono>-nKs -cti>ities, #-s 2urious, c-lling hi= - R prying S.6.3 .S In the ye-rs since, the ,IA h-s gener-lly h-d success snu22ing out other, si=il-r e22orts -t pri>-te spying. ,l-rridge h-d d-=-ged =ost o2 his rel-tionships -t 4-ngley in the ye-rs since his

retire=ent. 3ut he re=-ined close to - 2r-ternity o2 retired speci-lDoper-tions o22icers #ho =-int-ined ties to -cti>eDduty co==-ndos -t <ort 3r-gg -nd -t 2or#-rd b-ses in A2gh-nist-n -nd Ir-U. !is criticis= o2 the ,IA -s bu=bling -nd -=-teurish =-de hi= popul-r #ith so=e o2 the=, -nd he turned to - s=-ll c-dre o2 retired speci-lDoper-tions troops -s he built up - net#or% o2 -gents 2or oper-tions in A2gh-nist-n -nd P-%ist-n . Te-=ing up #ith @i%e T-ylor, - 2or=er Green 3eret -nd so=eti=e business p-rtner #ho r-n - pri>-te security 2ir= b-sed in 3oston c-lled A=eric-n Intern-tion-l Security ,orpor-tion, ,l-rridge put together - net#or% o2 9esterners, A2gh-ns, -nd P-%ist-nis #ho he belie>ed could oper-te in the region #ithout dr-#ing suspicions -bout their -cti>ities. They got their 2irst Vob #hen ,l-rridge #-s hired to -ssist in helping 2ree "e# $or% Ti=es reporter L->id 5ohde, #ho= the !-UU-ni "et#or% h-d %idn-pped in e-stern A2gh-nist-n -nd brought o>er the border to @ir-nsh-h, the l-rge to#n in "orth 9-Airist-n. Luring the =onthsDlong orde-l, ,l-rridge told =e=bers o2 5ohdeKs 2-=ily th-t his -gents in the P-%ist-ni trib-l -re-s #ould be -ble to 2ind out #here the reporter #-s being held -nd either 2eed the in2or=-tion to the =ilit-ry 2or - rescue oper-tion or negoti-te 2or 5ohdeKs rele-se. In the d-r% o2 night in Pune :''C, 5ohde -nd his A2gh-n tr-nsl-tor hopped o>er the #-ll o2 the co=pound #here they #ere being held -nd 2ound their #-y to - P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry outpost. ,l-rridgeKs -gents h-dnKt helped in the esc-pe, but the eX-ct circu=st-nces o2 the dr-=-tic episode #ere =ur%y enough during the su==er o2 :''C th-t ,l-rridge s-# -n opportunity to =-r%et his role in the 5ohde c-se to #in ne# business. 9or%ing pri>-te %idn-pping c-ses in A2gh-nist-n #-s not - business =odel pro=ising eXplosi>e gro#th, -nd ,l-rridge #-s -i=ing =uch higher. I2 he could get the go>ern=ent to hire his net#or%, he 2igured, he #ould be b-c% in the spying g-=e. Th-t opportunity c-=e #ithin #ee%s, #ith A=eric-n troops se-rching 2or -nother =issing person in A2gh-nist-n, this ti=e - young soldier 2ro= Id-ho n-=ed 3o#e 3ergd-hl. Pri>-te 3ergd-hl h-d >-nished in Pune :''C under =ysterious circu=st-nces in A2gh-nist-nKs P-%ti%- Pro>ince, -nd con2licting reports suggested th-t he h-d either been c-ptured #hile on p-trol or si=ply gone A964. 9hen he 2-iled to sho# up 2or =orning roll c-ll -t his b-se, =ilit-ry co==-nders disp-tched Pred-tor drones -nd spy pl-nes to scour the -re-. 9ithin hours, the pl-nes intercepted - con>ers-tion bet#een T-lib-n 2ighters, cr-c%ling o>er t#o h-ndheld r-dios. The 2ighters #ere discussing pl-ns to -=bush the se-rch p-rty loo%ing 2or 3ergd-hl7 R9e -re #-iting 2or the=.S RThey %no# #here he is, but they %eep going to the #rong -re-.S R60, set up the #or% 2or the=.S R$es, #e h->e - lot o2 I;Ls on the ro-d.S R God #illing, #e #ill do it .S 3ut the A=eric-ns didnKt in 2-ct %no# #here 3ergd-hl #-s. !e h-d beco=e prisoner o2 #-r, gi>en the =ilit-ry l-bel LUST9U"7 short 2or Rduty st-tus7 #here-bouts un%no#n.S <urlong Vu=ped into the oper-tion to loc-te 3ergd-hl, -nd he soon 2ound hi=sel2 in Lub-i =eeting #ith =e=bers o2 ,l-rridgeKs te-= #ho h-d cont-cted hi= cl-i=ing they h-d in2or=-tion -bout the loc-tion o2 the =issing soldier. <urlong #-s enthr-lled, in no s=-ll p-rt bec-use he h-d - ch-nce to #or% #ith the legend-ry Le#ey ,l-rridge, #ho= he -22ection-tely c-lled Rthe old =-n.S ;>en though he #-s still #or%ing to pry loose the origin-l i:: =illion 2irst reUuested by Gener-l @c0iern-n, <urlong h-d 2-r gr-nder -=bitions 2or his spying oper-tion. !e

h-d 2ound his RP-son 3ournes,S -nd he no longer needed #h-t he considered the pedestri-n ser>ice origin-lly pitched by ;-son Pord-n -nd 5obert $oung Pelton. In -n eD=-il =-rbled #ith spy V-rgon, he eXpl-ined th-t the ,l-rridge =en he h-d =et in Lub-i\one #ho #ent by the h-ndle R9I44I &S\#ere R#ired li%e none I h->e e>er seenS -nd h->e R=o>ed -n oper-ti>e in close to the p-c%-geS inside P-%ist-n . The Rp-c%-geS #-s 3o#e 3ergd-hl. 3ut <urlong %ne# th-t running - co>ert spy net#or% inside P-%ist-n #-s 2-r beyond his brie2, -nd he #-s cert-in th-t his ene=ies -t the ,IA #ould try to %ill the oper-tion i2 they le-rned -bout #h-t he #-s up to. !e #rote th-t he #ould Rneed top co>er to %eep 2ro= getting in hot #-ter #_ our ne=esis,S =e-ning the ,IA. Until <urlong could get =oney 2or the oper-tion, ,l-rridge -nd his te-= #ere #or%ing pro bono 2or the =ilit-ry. 9ith no syste= in pl-ce to get the ,l-rridge te-=Ks reports into the =ilit-ryDintelligence syste=, <urlong used b-c% ch-nnels to get the disp-tches to 2riends -t U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd -nd Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd in T-=p-. 3ut the -d hoc -rr-nge=ent c-used con2usion, -nd soon the deputy co==-nder o2 3ergd-hlKs unit sent -n -ngry eD=-il to 0-bul -s%ing #ho, eX-ctly, #ere these intelligence -gents running -round the trib-l -re-s o2 P-%ist-n^ RI -= not co=2ort-ble #ith this -rr-nge=ent,S he #rote. R5eUuest you pro>ide direct cont-ct in2or=-tion 2or these esourcesK so I c-n get -n eXperienced hu=-n intelligence o22icer -nd -n-lytic-l te-= in>ol>ed. 6ther#ise, there is huge potenti-l 2or =ist-%es -nd =issed opportunities.S Through the su==er o2 :''C, ,l-rridge -nd his te-= ste-dily eXp-nded the scope o2 the in2or=-tion they p-ssed to =ilit-ry o22icers. A det-iled dossier th-t ,l-rridge produced -bout the purported loc-tions inside P-%ist-n o2 senior le-ders o2 the !-UU-ni "et#or% #-s 2ed into cl-ssi2ied intelligence ch-nnels -nd used by speci-lDoper-tions troops to =onitor the net#or%Ks -cti>ities. ,l-rridge #-s running -ll o2 this 2ro= thous-nds o2 =iles -#-y, 2ro= his =odest ho=e in the S-n Liego suburbs. Inside his house in ;scondido, ,-li2orni-, he h-d cre-ted - ner>e center 2or the oper-tion -nd %ept up #ith his -gents using - co=puter -nd - cell phone. So=e speci-lDoper-tions o22icers in T-=p- -nd in 0-bul beg-n Vo%ingly re2erring to his co==-nd post -s R;scondido &.S !e p-dded -round the house -t -ll hours o2 the night, -ns#ering eD=-ils 2ro= =e=bers o2 his te-= t#el>e ti=e Aones -he-d o2 hi=. So=eti=es, he spo%e to -gents #hile lounging neXt to his pool. 3y l-te Septe=ber :''C, <urlong h-d 2in-lly secured - contr-ct 2or the pri>-te spying oper-tion, - i:: =illion de-l o>erseen by 4oc%heed @-rtin. It #-s to l-st 2or siX =onths, #ith -n option 2or rene#-l. The eXtr-ordin-ry ne# -rr-nge=ent est-blished procedures 2or ho# ,l-rridge could get his reports\- =-shDup o2 ru=ors -bout the #here-bouts o2 T-lib-n -nd -l W-ed- le-ders, gossip -t >ill-ge b-A--rs, -nd so=e >ery precise in2or=-tion -bout plots being h-tched -g-inst A=eric-n troops in A2gh-nist-n\into intelligence d-t-b-ses used by =ilit-ry co==-nders. ,l-rridge -cted -s - cle-ringhouse, t-%ing the in2or=-tion 2ro= the 2ield -nd digesting it into -n-lytic-l Rsitu-tion reports.S The reports #ere then sent by !ush=-il, -n encrypted co==erci-l eD=-il ser>ice, to - s=-ll te-= o2 contr-ctors #ho= <urlong h-d -rr-nged to sit inside - =ilit-ry co==-nd post in 0-bul. So=e o2 the contr-ctors #or%ed 2or Intern-tion-l @edi- Nentures, #hich h-d recently undergone - =-n-ge=ent sh-%eup. P-n 6br=-n h-d 2ired =ost o2 the senior le-dership -nd brought in - group o2 gr-yDh-ired retired speci-lDoper-tions o22icers to run the co=p-ny. 5ich-rd P-c%, the co=p-nyKs ne# ,;6, h-d been one o2 the pl-nners 2or the botched &C8' =ission to rescue the host-ges in Tehr-n. 5obert !ol=es, -nother =e=ber o2 the ne# eXecuti>e

te-=, #-s - retired Air <orce gener-l #ho Vust - ye-r e-rlier h-d been -n oper-tions o22icer -t U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd -nd h-d tr->eled to 4-ngley #ith @ich-el <urlong to pitch the pl-n 2or intelligence collection in A2gh-nist-n. 9hen the te-= o2 contr-ctors in 0-bul recei>ed the !ush=-il =ess-ges 2ro= ,l-rridge -nd other intelligence te-=s th-t <urlong #-s o>erseeing -t the ti=e, they entered the reports into cl-ssi2ied =ilit-ry d-t-b-ses. 6nce the reports entered the intelligence bloodstre-=, it #-s >irtu-lly i=possible to distinguish the in2or=-tion 2ro= the pri>-te spies 2ro= th-t o2 ,IA c-se o22icers -nd =ilit-ryDintelligence oper-ti>es. So=e o2 ,l-rridgeKs reports, -ccording to - Pent-gon in>estig-tion, cont-ined speci2ic longitude -nd l-titude coordin-tes o2 =ilit-nt outposts in P-%ist-n, -nd o2 the =o>e=ent o2 T-lib-n 2ighters in the poppyDgro#ing regions o2 southern A2gh-nist-n. The reports so=eti=es led to -ction. 3-sed -t le-st p-rtly on ,l-rridgeKs intelligence, Ar=y Ap-che gunships on -t le-st one occ-sion shot up T-lib-n 2ighters =-ssing ne-r -n A=eric-n b-se e-st o2 0-nd-h-r, -nd Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd 2ired highD-ltitude -rtillery rounds into - suspected =ilit-nt co=pound inside P-%ist-n. <urlong #-s thrilled -nd #ould 2reUuently br-g to colle-gues th-t the in2or=-tion g-thered by his contr-ctor net#or% h-d e=b-rr-ssed the ,IA. Le#ey ,l-rridge li>ed to e=b-rr-ss the -gency, too, -nd his net#or% #-s -t ti=es dr-#n into the internecine #-r2-re bet#een the =ilit-ry -nd the ,IA th-t rese=bled so=ething o2 - cross bet#een - Gr-h-= Greene no>el -nd @-d =-g-AineKs Spy >s. Spy. In one c-se, ,l-rridgeKs group beg-n trying to dig up dirt to discredit Ah=ed 9-li 0-rA-i, the A2gh-n presidentKs h-l2 brother, the =ost i=port-nt po#er bro%er in southern A2gh-nist-n -nd one o2 the ,IAKs top in2or=-nts in the country. 0-rA-i h-d been collecting =illions o2 doll-rs 2ro= the -gency since the beginning o2 the #-r, -nd by :''C he #-s recruiting gun=en 2or - ,IADtr-ined -r=y o2 A2gh-ns c-lled the 0-nd-h-r Stri%e <orce. 3ut senior A=eric-n gener-ls, including @c0iern-n -nd @c,hryst-l, s-# RA90S -s - corrosi>e in2luence in southern A2gh-nist-n -nd the =-n -t the center o2 #idespre-d corruption th-t #-s turning A2gh-ns to#-rd the T-lib-n. ,l-rridge co=piled - dossier o2 -lleg-tions -g-inst 0-rA-i, including connections to the heroin tr-de, l-nd gr-bs, -nd =urder -ccus-tions, -nd p-ssed it -long to =ilit-ry co==-nders in 0-bul. The o22icers used the docu=ent in - c-=p-ign to get Ah=ed 9-li 0-rA-i re=o>ed 2ro= po#er in 0-nd-h-r, but the ,IA 2ought b-c% -nd pre>-iled. !e st-yed in his post. Ulti=-tely, though, Ah=ed 9-li 0-rA-i couldnKt esc-pe his =-ny ene=ies. !e #-s =urdered co=ing out o2 his b-throo= in his p-l-ce in 0-nd-h-r. The -ss-ssin #-s his longti=e bodygu-rd , #ho 2ired t#o bullets into his he-d -nd chest.

I" S;TTI"G UPthe

pri>-te spying net#or%, @ich-el <urlong h-d >iol-ted - Pent-gon regul-tion th-t prohibits the Le2ense Lep-rt=ent 2ro= hiring contr-ctors to conduct hu=-nDspying oper-tions. 3ut <urlong %ne# th-t the lines sep-r-ting the #or% o2 soldiers -nd spies h-d blurred so =uch th-t it #-s rel-ti>ely e-sy to 2ind Vusti2ic-tion 2or his #or%. 9hen A=eric-n o22ici-ls in 0-bul -s%ed <urlong #ho h-d -uthoriAed his oper-tion, -nd #hen <urlongKs bosses b-c% in S-n Antonio beg-n to get -ngry c-lls 2ro= the ,IA -ccusing <urlong o2 running - rogue spying oper-tion, he 2ired b-c% #ith -==unition o2 his o#n. Pust -s the Le2ense Lep-rt=ent #-s -ppro>ing the 4oc%heed @-rtin contr-ct 2or the pri>-te intelligence oper-tion, U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd issued - s#eeping secret

directi>e th-t eXp-nded =ilit-ry spying -cti>ities throughout the @usli= #orld, 2ro= S-udi Ar-bi- to $e=en to Ir-n to P-%ist-n. The directi>e, signed by ,;"T,6@ co==-nder Gener-l L->id Petr-eus, ordered ne# =issions to Rprep-re the en>iron=entS 2or 2uture co=b-t oper-tions throughout the @iddle ;-st -nd to re-dy the =ilit-ry 2or =issions th-t the ,IA couldnKt -cco=plish . The order g->e per=ission 2or highly cl-ssi2ied units li%e T-s% <orce 6r-nge\the hu=-nDintelligenceDg-thering te-=s connected to Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd 2or=erly c-lled Gr-y <oX\-s #ell -s pri>-te contr-ctors to Rde>elop cl-ndestine oper-tion-l in2r-structure th-t c-n be t-s%ed to loc-te, identi2y, isol-te, disrupt_destroyS eXtre=ist net#or%s -nd indi>idu-l le-ders o2 terror groups . The directi>e, c-lled the Point Uncon>ention-l 9-r2-re T-s% <orce ;Xecute 6rder, #-s p-rt o2 - bro-der initi-ti>e during the 2irst ye-r o2 the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion to de2ine the role o2 the A=eric-n =ilit-ry in countries beyond decl-red #-r Aones. The ne# -d=inistr-tion #-s hoping to bring so=e order to the ch-otic #orld o2 secret =ilit-ry -nd intelligence oper-tions th-t h-d eXp-nded dr-=-tic-lly since :''&, -nd to tie together so=e o2 the thre-ds th-t h-d unspooled in the ye-rs since Lon-ld 5u=s2eld initi-lly pushed the =ilit-ry to beco=e =ore in>ol>ed in hu=-n spying. 3ut i2 -nything, the ne# guidelines th-t e=erged\including Gener-l Petr-eusKs secret order\h-d the e22ect o2 rein2orcing =ost o2 #h-t h-d been done during the 3ush -d=inistr-tion. Speci-lDoper-tions o22icers no# h-d e>en bro-der -uthorities to run spying =issions -cross the globe. These orders bec-=e - ne# blueprint 2or the secret #-rs th-t President 6b-=- #ould co=e to e=br-ce. Gener-l Petr-eusKs directi>e c-=e -s the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion #-s r-=ping up its cl-ndestine #-r in $e=en, -nd =uch o2 the order #-s directed -t bolstering speci-lD oper-tions personnel -nd eUuip=ent -round S-n-K-. 3ut #hen @ich-el <urlong re-d the Petr-eus directi>e, he s-# it -s nothing short o2 -n endorse=ent 2or eX-ctly #h-t he #-s -lre-dy doing in P-%ist-n -nd A2gh-nist-n. And the endorse=ent h-d co=e 2ro= Gener-l L->id Petr-eus, #ho #-s perh-ps the =ost in2luenti-l gener-l o2 his gener-tion. It #-s, <urlong 2igured, li%e getting - blessing 2ro= the pope. 3ut the ,IA did not consider <urlong so -nointed -nd decided he needed to be shut do#n 2or good. 6n Lece=ber :, :''C, the ,IAKs st-tion chie2 in 0-bul sent - #ithering c-ble to 9-shington l-ying out - det-iled c-se -g-inst hi=. The bill o2 p-rticul-rs included -lleg-tions th-t <urlong #-s running -n o22DtheDboo%s spy ring -nd lying to his superiors -bout the n-ture o2 his oper-tion. It e>en =-de re2erence to the Pr-gue episode o2 the pre>ious ye-r, pro>iding det-ils -bout #hy <urlong le2t the ,Aech 5epublic in - hurry during the su==er o2 :''8. The st-tion chie2Ks =e=o -rgued th-t h->ing - bunch o2 pri>-te contr-ctors running -round P-%ist-n spying 2or the Pent-gon, #ithout coordin-ting their oper-tions #ith the ,IA, could h->e dis-strous conseUuences. 9h-t the c-ble didnKt =ention, but so=e senior o22ici-ls belie>ed, #-s th-t intelligence 2ro= <urlongKs pri>-te spies h-d led directly to - drone stri%e on - suspected -l W-ed- s-2e house in "orth 9-Airist-n in l-te :''C th-t %illed =ore th-n - doAen Ar-b =en, including se>er-l #ho #ere #or%ing -s double -gents 2or P-%ist-nKs ISI. ISI le-ders #ere 2urious th-t the -gents h-d been %illed, -nd they co=pl-ined to the ,IA. The -gency, in turn, co=pl-ined to the =ilit-ry -nd bl-=ed <urlongKs spying oper-tion. The ,IA #-s no# in open #-r2-re #ith <urlong, -nd e>en his supporters could no longer protect hi=. The st-tion chie2Ks c-ble l-unched - #->e o2 in>estig-tions into <urlongKs -cti>ities. 3y the spring o2 :'&' security o22icers -t S-n AntonioKs 4-c%l-nd Air

<orce 3-se h-d cut o22 his -ccess to cl-ssi2ied co=puter net#or%s -nd b-rred hi= 2ro= his o22ice. !e #-s in li=bo\not ch-rged #ith -ny cri=es but not -ble to de2end hi=sel2, bec-use he could not get -ccess to -ny o2 his cl-ssi2ied records. !e spent ne-rly -ll o2 his ti=e inside his sp-rsely 2urnished condo=iniu=, in - bl-nd -p-rt=ent co=pleX in S-n Antonio, trying to prep-re his de2ense -nd hiding 2ro= the tele>ision reporters #ho h-d g-thered outside o2 his g-te #hen ne#s o2 the spying oper-tion bro%e. The Pent-gonKs 2in-l report on the =-tter pinned -l=ost -ll the bl-=e on <urlong, c-lling his spying oper-tion Run-uthoriAedS -nd -ccusing hi= o2 =isle-ding top A=eric-n co==-nders -bout the leg-lity o2 the #or% o2 the contr-ctors. 3ut he ->oided -ny cri=in-l ch-rges -nd Uuietly retired 2ro= the Le2ense Lep-rt=ent. <urlong h-d cert-inly cut corners, -nd his -tte=pts to e>-de st-nd-rd bure-ucr-tic procedures cre-ted con2usion up -nd do#n the =ilit-ryKs ch-in o2 co==-nd. 3ut in <urlongKs >ie# o2 the #orld, these #ere s=-ll =-tters #hen A=eric-n troops #ere dying -nd the ,IA #-s not helping the =ilit-ry #in the #-r in A2gh-nist-n. !is spying oper-tion #-s essenti-l, he s-id l-ter, R#hen there -re li>es -t st-%e -nd the ,IA is relying on 2oreign ser>ices 2or -ll its in2or=-tion.S And <urlong #-snKt eX-ctly - rogue oper-tor. The entire episode #-s born 2ro= the 2rustr-tions o2 -n A=eric-n gener-l in A2gh-nist-n #ho didnKt trust the ,IA -nd #ho set @ich-el <urlong loose. I2, -s the Pent-gon in>estig-tion into the oper-tion concluded, nobody Rconnected the dotsS -bout #h-t <urlong #-s doing, it #-s bec-use nobody #-nted to. R@y bosses #-nted -ll o2 this,S <urlong s-id, s=o%ing the 2i2th cig-rette o2 - lengthy inter>ie#. R And I =-de it h-ppen .S

th-t @ich-el <urlong h-d secured eXpired -t the end o2 @-y :'&', -nd the =oney 2unding Le#ey ,l-rridgeKs net#or% o2 -gents in P-%ist-n -nd A2gh-nist-n r-n dry. ,l-rridge #-s -ngry th-t the =ilit-ry h-d chosen not to rene# the contr-ct, -nd e>en -ngrier th-t the ,IA see=ed to be the re-son th-t the oper-tion h-d been shut do#n. !e h-d sent hundreds o2 intelligence reports to =ilit-ry co==-nders in A2gh-nist-n, -nd he sent - =ess-ge to 0-bul on @-y & th-t he #ould stop sending the reports so he could R prep-re -pproXi=-tely :'' loc-l personnel to ce-se #or%.S 3ut ,l-rridge h-d no intention o2 dis=-ntling his net#or%. The >ery neXt d-y, he set up - p-ss#ordDprotected 9eb site th-t #ould -llo# =ilit-ry o22icers to continue >ie#ing his disp-tches, -nd he le-ned on so=e #e-lthy 2riends to help %eep his net#or% -2lo-t. !e set up - 2ront co=p-ny 2or his oper-tion, the ;clipse Group, -nd on his 9eb site he posted the s-=e types o2 intelligence reports he h-d once gi>en to the =ilit-ry. There #ere speci2ic reports -bout ho# P-%ist-nKs ISI #-s tr-ining gun=en to l-unch -tt-c%s into A2gh-nist-n, -nd -bout ho# P-%ist-ni spies #ere secretly %eeping T-lib-n le-der @ull-h @oh-==ed 6=-r under house -rrest so they could l-ter inst-ll hi= -s their puppet in southern A2gh-nist-n once A=eric-n troops le2t the country. Another report specul-ted th-t @ull-h 6=-r h-d su22ered - he-rt -tt-c% -nd #-s rushed to the hospit-l by ISI oper-ti>es. !e dre-=t up e>er =ore eXotic sche=es to bring do#n those he thought #ere trying to under=ine the A=eric-n #-r e22ort. <or inst-nce, he #-s con>inced th-t A2gh-n president !-=id 0-rA-i #-s secretly negoti-ting #ith Ir-n -s p-rt o2 - desper-te -tte=pt to sell out the A=eric-ns -nd re=-in in po#er in 0-bul, so ,l-rridge coo%ed up
T!;46,0!;;L @A5TI" ,6"T5A,T

- pl-n to dig up h-rd e>idence to pro>e longDst-nding ru=ors th-t 0-rA-i #-s - heroin -ddict. The pl-n #-s str-ight 2ro= the old ,IA pl-yboo% o2 dirty tric%s7 !e #ould insert -n -gent into the presidenti-l p-l-ce in 0-bul to collect 0-rA-iKs be-rd tri==ings, run drug tests, -nd then gi>e the proo2 to A=eric-n co==-nders in 0-bul, #ho could con2ront 0-rA-i #ith the incri=in-ting e>idence -nd turn the A2gh-n president into - =ore pli-ble -lly. !e dropped the pl-n -2ter the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion sign-led it #-s co==itted to bolstering the 0-rA-i go>ern=ent, not pushing the A2gh-n president out o2 po#er. ;>en #hen ne#s o2 the pri>-te spying oper-tion #ent public -nd =ilit-ry o22ici-ls gre# #orried -bout -ccepting in2or=-tion 2ro= ,l-rridgeKs net#or%, he 2ound other #-ys to get his in2or=-tion to the public. ,l-rridgeKs 2riends sent the reports to proD=ilit-ry #riters li%e 3r-d Thor, - success2ul -uthor o2 spy thrillers, #ho dispensed so=e o2 ,l-rridgeKs in2or=-tion on blog posts. !e e>en pushed in2or=-tion to 6li>er "orth, his old co=p-triot 2ro= the Ir-nO,ontr- d-ys, no# -n onD-ir person-lity on <oX "e#s. It #-s Vust li%e the old d-ys, #hen Le#ey -nd 6llie #ere doing the #or% they thought nobody else h-d the guts to do.

&:7 T!; S,A4P;4KS ;LG;

R 9eKll continue s-ying the bo=bs -re ours, not yours.S \President Ali Abdull-h S-leh

he =eeting #-s set up 2or - surrender, - sy=bolic gesture o2 pe-ce ti=ed to the

holy =onth o2 5-=-d-n. The S-udi =inister h-d e>en sent his person-l Vet to pic% up the 2r-il young =-n -nd deli>er hi= to Pedd-h, S-udi Ar-bi-Ks second city built -long the shores o2 the 5ed Se-. There, Prince @uh-==-d bin "-ye2 #-s conducting the 5-=-d-n custo= o2 greeting #ellD#ishers -t his ho=e, -nd he g->e -n order to his coterie o2 -ides th-t Abdull-h -lDAsiri be -llo#ed to byp-ss nor=-l security procedures -nd not be se-rched -s he entered the p-l-ce. AlDAsiri h-d cont-cted Prince bin "-ye2, the -ssist-nt interior =inister -nd =e=ber o2 the S-udi ruling 2-=ily, d-ys e-rlier, -nnouncing his intention to surrender to the S-udi spy ser>ice -nd pro>ide in2or=-tion -bout the group he h-d Voined t#o ye-rs e-rlier, -n o22shoot o2 6s-=- bin 4-denKs terror net#or% th-t h-d recently rebr-nded itsel2 -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul- (AWAP). The group considered Prince bin "-ye2 its bkte noire, - =-n co==itted to crushing Sunni eXtre=is= in both S-udi Ar-bi- -nd $e=en, the countryKs i=po>erished neighbor to the south. In :''3, #hen =ilit-nts in $e=en l-unched - t#entyD=onth c-=p-ign o2 >iolence inside S-udi Ar-bi-\blo#ing up S-udi go>ern=ent buildings -nd oil 2-cilities, bo=bing residenti-l co=pounds used by 2oreigners, -nd behe-ding 9esterners\bin "-ye2 ordered bloody cr-c%do#n in>ol>ing -rresting -nd torturing thous-nds o2 suspects rounded up inside the country. !e posted in2or=-nts inside =osUues he belie>ed h-d been in2iltr-ted by eXtre=ists. 3in "-ye2Ks -ggression -g-inst -l W-ed- h-d =-de hi= - 2riend o2 the 3ush -d=inistr-tion, -nd by the su==er o2 :''C - ne# A=eric-n president -nd his -ides -lre-dy considered the prince -n indispens-ble -lly. !e regul-rly recei>ed dignit-ries 2ro= 9-shington, including - >isit in @-y :''C 2ro= - >eter-n diplo=-t #ho= President 6b-=- h-d Vust ch-rged #ith trying to =-n-ge -n -ccept-ble end to the #-r in A2gh-nist-n. 3ut #hen 5ich-rd !olbroo%e =et the prince in 5iy-dh to solicit the %ingdo=Ks help #ith - #-r A=eric- #-s losing, the prince #-rned th-t the United St-tes =ight h->e - 2-r gre-ter #orry th-n the spir-ling >iolence in A2gh-nist-n. R 9e h->e - proble= c-lled $e=en,S bin "-ye2 told !olbroo%e. The prince tic%ed o22 - list o2 #orries to the A=eric-n en>oy. $e=enKs tribes #ere =ore sy=p-thetic to -l W-ed- th-n #ere A2gh-ns, -nd $e=en #-s closer to -l W-ed-Ks t-rgets in S-udi Ar-bi- th-n #-s A2gh-nist-n. $e=en #-s - 2-iled st-te, he s-id, #ith #e-% -nd corrupt le-der in President Ali Abdull-h S-leh, #hose >ision 2or the country h-d Rshrun% to S-n-K-S\%eeping the c-pit-l, -nd his b-se, secure. S-leh h-d -l#-ys =-n-ged to %eep $e=enKs tribes in chec%, he s-id, but the president #-s losing control -nd p-ssing =ore po#er o>er to his son, #ho didnKt h->e close ties to the tribes. ,-sh

p-y=ents to S-lehKs go>ern=ent #ere useless, the S-udi s-id, bec-use the president -nd those -round hi= =o>e the =oney out o2 the country -s soon -s it -rri>es. RThe =oney ends up in S#iss b-n% -ccounts,S Prince bin "-ye2 told !olbroo%e. Inste-d, the S-udi go>ern=ent h-d begun p-ying 2or de>elop=ent proVects in -re-s o2 $e=en #here -l W-ed- =ilit-nts h-d put do#n roots, in the hope th-t the proVects =ight dr-in -#-y support 2or eXtre=ists -nd Rpersu-de $e=enis to see eXtre=ists -s cri=in-ls r-ther th-n heroes.S At the end o2 their =eeting, !olbroo%e pro=ised the prince th-t President 6b-=- #ould #or% #ith the %ingdo= to dis=-ntle -l W-ed-Ks gro#ing net#or% in $e=en. It #-s - stro%e o2 luc%, bin "-ye2 2igured, #hen Abdull-h -lDAsiri cont-cted the S-udis three =onths l-ter #ith his o22er to surrender. AlDAsiri #-s one o2 eightyD2i>e =ilit-nts -ssoci-ted #ith Rde>i-nt groupsS th-t the S-udis h-d been hunting, -s #-s the young =-nKs older brother Ibr-hi=. Ibr-hi= h-d been -rrested 2or trying to Voin the insurgency in Ir-U in :''3, -nd his ti=e in prison in S-udi Ar-bi- h-d %indled in hi= h-tred 2or the %ingdo= -nd its -lli-nce #ith the United St-tes, #hich he li%ened to the rel-tionship bet#een =-ster -nd sl->e. 62 the t#o brothers, it #-s Ibr-hi= #ho= the S-udis considered 2-r =ore d-ngerousQ he h-d been tr-ined -s - bo=b =-%er, #ith sinister gi2t 2or 2inding cre-ti>e #-ys to hide eXplosi>es. ,onscious th-t the S-udis =ight suspect the pl-nned RsurrenderS #-s -n el-bor-te subter2uge 2or the -lDAsiri brothers to t-%e re>enge -g-inst Prince bin "-ye2, Ibr-hi= de>ised - bo=b th-t could e>-de st-nd-rd security prec-utions. Shortly be2ore the younger -lDAsiri bo-rded the S-udi roy-lKs Vet 2or the 2light to Pedd-h, Ibr-hi= h-d - bo=b o2 pent-erythritol tetr-nitr-te\type o2 pl-stic eXplosi>e\i=pl-nted in Abdull-hKs rectu=. 3ut 2or -ll o2 Ibr-hi=Ks genius -s - bo=b =-%er, his leth-l plots #ere o2ten undone by the inco=petence o2 his bo=bers. !is brother h-d tr->eled #ith the hidden eXplosi>e 2ro= $e=en to Pedd-h -nd -rri>ed #ithout incident -t Prince bin "-ye2Ks p-l-ce. A2ter the ner>ous Abdull-h -lDAsiri entered the roo= #here the prince #-s recei>ing >isitors, he re-ched into his robe to trigger the eXplosi>es but set the bo=b o22 too e-rly, be2ore he #-s close enough to the prince. The eXplosion ble# -lDAsiri in h-l2, le->ing - s=o%ing cr-ter on the tiled 2loor -nd bloodst-ins throughout the roo=. Prince bin "-ye2 recei>ed only =inor #ounds 2ro= the bl-st. The -tt-c% #-s - 2-ilure. 3ut -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul- h-d =-n-ged to c-rry out its 2irst oper-tion outside o2 $e=en. I2 the group #-s e=b-rr-ssed by the clu=siness o2 its -ss-ssin, it g->e no indic-tion in - bo-st2ul =ess-ge it rele-sed shortly -2ter the -tt-c%. It #-s the S-udis #ho should be e=b-rr-ssed, the st-te=ent re-d, bec-use Abdull-h -lDAsiriKs security bre-ch #-s the 2irst o2 its %ind in S-udi Ar-bi-Ks history, -nd the =ilit-nt group #-s in the process o2 uprooting - S-udi spy net#or% in $e=en th-t the roy-l 2-=ily h-d set up to in2iltr-te AWAP. <or those in 5iy-dh no# li>ing in 2e-r, -nd those in 9-shington no# p-ying -ttention, the st-te=ent pro=ised =ore -tt-c%s to co=e7 R6h tyr-nts, rest -ssured th-t you #ill su22er, bec-use your 2ortress #onKt be -ble to protect you 2ro= us. R 9e #ill re-ch you soon .S

T!; LA$ A<T;53-r-c%

6b-=- #-s s#orn in -s the 2ortyD2ourth president o2 the United St-tes, Prince bin "-ye2 recei>ed - c-ll 2ro= -n old 2riend in 9-shington. The =-n on the other end o2 the phone #-s Pohn 3renn-n, - 2or=er top ,IA o22icer #ho h-d -d>ised

Sen-tor 6b-=- during the c-=p-ign -nd h-d been t-pped -s 6b-=-Ks senior counterterroris= -d>iser in the 9hite !ouse. It #-snKt the Vob 3renn-n h-d #-nted. At the end o2 the presidenti-l c-=p-ign he #-s -ssu=ed to be the le-ding c-ndid-te to t-%e o>er the ,IA, #ere 6b-=- elected. !e h-d the right credenti-ls7 A son o2 Irish i==igr-nts, 3renn-n #-s r-ised in "e# Persey -nd -ttended <ordh-= Uni>ersityQ he h-d spent dec-des -s - ,IA -n-lyst -nd spo%e 2luent Ar-bic. !e e>en h-d the r-re eXperience o2 ser>ing -s - ,IA st-tion chie2 in 5iy-dh in the &CC's, despite being -n -n-lyst, not -n underco>er c-se o22icer. A l-rge =-n #ith - 2-ce th-t loo%ed li%e it h-d been c-r>ed 2ro= - sl-b o2 li=estone, 3renn-n h-d the -ppe-r-nce o2 - LepressionDerboXer. 3ut his dre-= o2 t-%ing o>er the ,IA #-s th#-rted during 6b-=-Ks tr-nsition, #hen re=-r%s he h-d =-de\see=ing to endorse the brut-l interrog-tion =ethods the ,IA h-d used in secret prisons\resur2-ced -nd #ere criticiAed by hu=-nDrights -cti>ists. 3renn-n h-d been -=ong George TenetKs top -d>isers #hen the prison progr-= #-s put in pl-ce, in :'':, -nd there2ore #-s closely tethered to - progr-= th-t 6b-=- h-d 2reUuently s-id #-s - d-r% st-in on A=eric-Ks record since the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. <e-ring - lengthy -nd distr-cting con2ir=-tion b-ttle in the Sen-te, 3renn-n #ithdre# his n-=e 2ro= consider-tion 2or the ,IA Vob. The position in the 9hite !ouse =-y h->e been - consol-tion priAe, but in - short ti=e 3renn-n #ould turn his #indo#less b-se=ent o22ice in the 9est 9ing into -n oper-tions hub 2or the cl-ndestine #-rs th-t President 6b-=- #ould ch-=pion -s president. 6b-=-Ks desire to =-n-ge -spects o2 the t-rgetedD%illing progr-= directly 2ro= the 9hite !ouse g->e 3renn-n - role uniUue in the history o2 A=eric-n go>ern=ent7 one p-rt eXecutioner, one p-rt chie2 con2essor to the president, one p-rt public spo%es=-n sent out to Vusti2y the 6b-=- doctrine o2 %illing o22 A=eric-Ks ene=ies in re=ote p-rts o2 the #orld. 9hen 3renn-n c-lled bin "-ye2 th-t d-y in P-nu-ry :''C, he pledged to the =-n he h-d co=e to %no# #ell since his d-ys in 5iy-dh th-t President 6b-=- #-s Vust -s co==itted to hunting -nd %illing terrorists -s President 3ush h-d been. Luring the tr-nsition -2ter 6b-=-Ks election, 3renn-n -nd the other senior =e=bers o2 6b-=-Ks n-tion-lD security te-= h-d been brie2ed o>er t#o d-ys -t ,IA he-dUu-rters, #here top -gency o22ici-ls r-n through the list o2 co>ertD-ction progr-=s on the boo%s. The he-d o2 the ,ounterterroris= ,enter, the underco>er o22icer #ith the 2irst n-=e @i%e, told the group th-t President 3ush h-d -cceler-ted the p-ce o2 drone stri%es the pre>ious su==er -nd th-t the ,IA #-s trying to get =ore spies into P-%ist-n. Luring the presidenti-l c-=p-ign, 6b-=- h-d repe-tedly pledged th-t he #ould 2ocus -ttention on P-%ist-n, A2gh-nist-n, -nd the hunt 2or 6s-=- bin 4-den\- rene#ed e=ph-sis on the soDc-lled Rgood #-rS th-t 3ush h-d ignored by st-rting the Rb-d #-rS in Ir-U. At the =eetings, 3renn-n told @i%e -nd Stephen 0-ppes, the deputy ,IA director #ho= 6b-=- h-d -s%ed to st-y in his Vob -t 4-ngley, th-t the drone %illings in P-%ist-n #ere li%ely to continue under 6b-=-Ks #-tch. There #-s -nother re-son th-t 6b-=-, 3renn-n, -nd other senior =e=bers o2 the ne# -d=inistr-tion #ould co=e to rely on t-rgeted %illing -s -n i=port-nt instru=ent o2 counterterroris=. Luring the c-=p-ign, 6b-=- h-d o2ten spo%en -bout ho# the secret detentions -nd interrog-tion techniUues o2 the 3ush er- h-d sullied A=eric-Ks i=-ge, -nd during his 2irst #ee% in o22ice he -nnounced - pl-n to close the prison -t Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y -nd b-n -ll o2 the coerci>e interrog-tion =ethods used by the ,IA since the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. The decision #-s i==edi-tely denounced by Lic% ,heney, the 2or=er >ice president, -s - cynic-l =o>e by - c-llo# president pl-ying

politics -t the eXpense o2 n-tion-l security. I2 there #-s - =-Vor terrorist -tt-c% #hile 6b-=- #-s president, ,heney #-rned, it #ould be 6b-=-Ks 2-ult 2or denying the ,IA the tools it needed to %eep the country s-2e. ,heneyKs >ituper-ti>e co==ents, co=ing i==edi-tely -2ter he le2t the 9hite !ouse, #ere - signi2ic-nt bre-ch o2 the st-nd-rd protocol th-t -n outgoing -d=inistr-tion doesnKt criticiAe the inco=ing president\-t le-st in the e-rly =onths. 3ut the ,heney critiUue #-s =e-nt -s - #-rning shot, - sign-l th-t -ny e>idence o2 3-r-c% 6b-=being R#e-%S on n-tion-l security issues #ould beco=e grist 2or p-rtis-n -tt-c%s -g-inst the ne# president. As he s-t in the =eetings #ith the ne# te-=, Pohn 5iAAo, - c-reer ,IA l-#yer #ho h-d -chie>ed - degree o2 in2-=y 2or his role in getting Pustice Lep-rt=ent -ppro>-l 2or the ,IAKs detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion progr-=, #-s struc% by the h-#%ish tone o2 6b-=-Ks -ides. RThey ne>er c-=e out -nd s-id they #ould st-rt %illing people bec-use they couldnKt interrog-te the=, but the i=plic-tion #-s un=ist-%-ble,S 5iAAo s-id. R 6nce the interrog-tion #-s gone , -ll th-t #-s le2t #-s the %illing.S The options 2or interrog-ting prisoners #erenKt, -s 5iAAo s-id, Rgone.S 3ut interrog-tion -nd detention h-d cle-rly beco=e - bri-r p-tch 2or the ne# -d=inistr-tion7 3esides the decision to shut Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y #ithin - ye-r, there #ere -lso concerns -=ong 6b-=-Ks te-= th-t c-pturing prisoners -nd h-nding the= o>er to 2oreign go>ern=ents could ignite liber-l criticis= th-t the -d=inistr-tion #-s outsourcing torture. At the s-=e ti=e, no pro=inent =e=ber o2 President 6b-=-Ks o#n p-rty h-d criticiAed drone stri%es, -nd 5epublic-ns #ere h-rdly in - position to ch-llenge the ne# president 2or 2ighting too -ggressi>e - c-=p-ign -g-inst terrorists. The politic-l conditions #ere set 2or -n esc-l-tion o2 the secret #-rs. The =eetings o>er t#o d-ys -t 4-ngley #ere the 2irst sign th-t President 6b-=pl-nned to rely on the ,IA -nd Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd in #-ys th-t not e>en George 9. 3ush -nd Lic% ,heney h-d, -s A=eric-Ks pri=-ry tool to conduct leth-l oper-tions. Se>en ye-rs -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, the #-rs o2 Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n h-d eXh-usted the A=eric-n public -nd dr-ined the A=eric-n purse. @ore i=port-nt, though, the tools o2 secret #-r h-d been c-libr-ted -nd re2ined during th-t period, -nd 6b-=-Ks te-= thought they s-# -n opportunity to #-ge #-r #ithout the st-ggering costs o2 the big =ilit-ry c-=p-igns th-t topple go>ern=ents, reUuire ye-rs o2 occup-tion, -nd c-t-lyAe r-dic-liA-tion throughout the @usli= #orld. As 3renn-n described the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tionKs -ppro-ch during one speech, the United St-tes could use - Rsc-lpel S r-ther th-n - Rh-==erS to c-rry out #-r beyond #-r Aones. 6b-=- #-snKt the 2irst liber-l Le=ocr-tic president to e=br-ce bl-c% oper-tions. Pohn <. 0ennedy g->e 2in-l -ppro>-l 2or the 3-y o2 Pigs oper-tion -nd r-=ped up co>ert oper-tions in Nietn-=. And, 2or -ll the ti=e th-t Pi==y ,-rter spent r-iling -g-inst ,IA -d>entures -s - presidenti-l c-ndid-te, he ended up -uthoriAing - string o2 co>ert -ctions during his 2in-l t#o ye-rs in the 9hite !ouse. 3ut 3-r-c% 6b-=- #-s -lso the 2irst president to enter the 9hite !ouse #ho h-d co=e o2 -ge -2ter the Nietn-= 9-r -nd the roiling e>ents o2 the &CG's -nd &C7's th-t h-d 2ostered cynicis= -=ong -n e-rlier gener-tion -bout the ,IA -nd, =ore bro-dly, -bout the use o2 A=eric-n po#er o>erse-s. In one :'&' inter>ie#, 6b-=- told reporter 3ob 9ood#-rd th-t he #-s Rprob-bly the 2irst president #ho is young enough th-t the Nietn-= 9-r #-snKt -t the core o2 =y de>elop=ent,S -nd so he gre# up #ith R none o2 the b-gg-ge th-t -rose out o2 the dispute o2 the Nietn-= 9-r.S It #-s -n -ns#er to - Uuestion -bout the tensions bet#een the =ilit-ry -nd ci>ili-ns during the Nietn-= er-, but cle-rly 6b-=- -lso h-d - >ie# o2 the ,IA th-t #-s gener-tion-lly di22erent 2ro= th-t o2 b-by

boo=ers li%e 3ill ,linton. The ,IAKs -scend-ncy during the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion #-snKt Vust -bout the -ge o2 the =-n sitting in the 6>-l 622ice, or -bout the n-ture o2 the thre-ts 6b-=- le-rned -bout e-ch d-y during his intelligence brie2ing. It -lso h-d to do #ith the 2-ct th-t 6b-=-Ks 2irst ,IA director turned out to be, in ter=s o2 his -bility to -d>-nce the spy -gencyKs interests inside the eXecuti>e br-nch, the =ost in2luenti-l ,IA director since 9illi-= ,-sey during the 5e-g-n -d=inistr-tion.

-t 2irst -n eXtre=ely unli%ely choice to t-%e o>er the ,IA. !e h-d no pro2ession-l b-c%ground in intelligence or =ilit-ry -22-irs outside o2 - t#oDye-r Ar=y stint in the &CG's. Luring his ye-rs -s - Le=ocr-tic congress=-n representing co-st-l poc%et o2 "orthern ,-li2orni-, he ne>er ser>ed on the co==ittees o>erseeing either the Pent-gon or the ,IA. !e #-s out#-rdly #-r= -nd ->uncul-r but -lso - 2ierce b-c%roo= negoti-tor -nd 2ighter #ho slung 2ourDletter #ords -round - roo= -s 2reUuently -s he did prepositions. !e h-d h-d gl-ncing cont-ct #ith the intelligence #orld during his ti=e -s President ,lintonKs chie2 o2 st-22, but th-t h-d been - >ery di22erent er- -nd - >ery di22erent ,IA. 9hen P-nett- too% o>er -s ,IA director, he h-d liter-lly no ide- th-t the ,IA #-s %illing people -round the #orld. 3y e-rly :''C, the ,IAKs t-rgetedD%illing c-=p-ign using drones in P-%ist-n #-s being eXtensi>ely reported in the press. And yet, incredibly, P-nett- #-s shoc%ed to le-rn during his initi-l brie2ings 2or the ,IA Vob th-t he #ould be, in e22ect, - =ilit-ry co==-nder 2or - secret #-r . R!e #-s - tot-l bl-n% sl-te on intelligence issues #hen he #-l%ed into the door -t 4-ngley,S s-id 5iAAo, #ho h-d helped prep-re - set o2 brie2ings 2or P-nett- be2ore his Sen-te con2ir=-tion he-rings. 3ut #h-t he l-c%ed in t-ngible eXperience in issues o2 li2e -nd de-th he =-de up 2or in 9-shington s->>y. P-nett- h-d t#o o2 the Uu-lities the e>erDp-r-noid ,IA loo%ed 2or in - director7 clout -nd respect #ithin the 9hite !ouse -nd - #illingness to de2end the ,IAKs tur2 -g-inst the -gencyKs percei>ed ene=ies in 9-shington. 3oth o2 these Uu-lities #ere tested i==edi-tely, -2ter 9hite !ouse o22ici-ls decided to end - longDst-nding leg-l b-ttle -nd decl-ssi2y the intern-l =e=os -uthoriAing the ,IAKs interrog-tion =ethods during the e-rly ye-rs o2 the 3ush -d=inistr-tion. P-netth-d -lre-dy =-de his >ie#s on the interrog-tion =ethods %no#n during his con2ir=-tion he-rings, s-ying uneUui>oc-lly th-t they #ere nothing short o2 Rtorture.S The st-te=ent h-d sent shoc%s through p-rts o2 the ,IAKs cl-ndestine ser>ice -nd cre-ted suspicions th-t the ne# ,IA director #-s going to be the second co=ing o2 St-ns2ield Turner, -n outsider th-t - liber-l president sent out to 4-ngley to rein in #h-t the 9hite !ouse belie>ed #-s - spy -gency out o2 control. 3ut the >ery opposite h-ppened. P-nett- bec-=e - ,IA ch-=pion, belo>ed by =-ny -t 4-ngley but criticiAed by others #ho s-id th-t, li%e so =-ny ,IA directors be2ore hi=, he h-d been coDopted by the -gencyKs cl-ndestine br-nch. 9ithin - =onth o2 his -rri>-l he h-d =-n-ged to del-y the rele-se o2 the interrog-tion =e=os -nd 2orced - deb-te inside the 9hite !ouse -bout the propriety o2 spilling -ll the det-ils o2 the de2unct prison progr-=. P-nett- h-d by th-t ti=e eXperienced 2irsth-nd the in2luence th-t the ,IAKs Lirector-te o2 6per-tions h-s o>er spy chie2s -t 4-ngley. 3oth Stephen 0-ppes -nd o22icers -t the ,ounterterroris= ,enter #-rned hi= th-t rele-sing the =e=os #ould de>-st-te =or-le inside the ,T,. The #-rning c-=e #ith -n i=plied thre-t7 !e ris%ed per=-nently losing the support o2 the -gencyKs cl-ndestine #or%2orce be2ore
4;6" ;. PA";TTA S;;@;L

he h-d e>en 2igured out ho# to get 2ro= his o22ice to the ,IA c-2eteri-. P-nett- h-d spent enough ti=e in 9-shington to %no# the i=plic-tions o2 #h-t he #-s he-ring. !e ris%ed beco=ing -nother Pohn Leutch or Porter Goss, =en #ho h-d cl-shed #ith the Lirector-te o2 6per-tions -nd 2ound their tenure -t the -gency to be n-sty, brutish, -nd short. P-nett- #-s sold. !e #-s on his 2irst o>erse-s trip -s ,IA director #hen he le-rned -bout the 9hite !ouseKs pl-ns to decl-ssi2y -nd rele-se the interrog-tion =e=os\co=plying #ith 2eder-l VudgeKs order in - <reedo= o2 In2or=-tion Act l-#suit brought by the A=eric-n ,i>il 4iberties Union. !e i==edi-tely c-lled 6b-=-Ks chie2 o2 st-22, 5-h= ;=-nuel, -nd urged hi= to put o22 the rele-se. The t#o =en h-d %no#n e-ch other 2ro= the ,linton 9hite !ouse, -nd it #-s ;=-nuel #ho h-d pushed 2or P-nett-Ks -ppoint=ent to the ,IA. ;=-nuel #ent -long #ith P-nett-Ks reUuest, -nd in the #ee%s th-t 2ollo#ed, P-nett- =-de -n i=p-ssioned c-se -t the 9hite !ouse 2or %eeping the =e=os secret, #inning ;=-nuel o>er to his side . It #-s - curious, -l=ost other#orldly =o=ent7 A =-n #ho h-d publicly -ccused the ,IA o2 bre-%ing A=eric-n l-# by co==itting -cts o2 torture #-s 2orce2ully -rguing th-t the det-ils o2 those -cts be %ept secret 2ro= the public. P-nett- ulti=-tely lost the deb-te, -nd President 6b-=- ordered th-t the =e=os be rele-sed. 3ut it h-rdly =-ttered 2or the ne# ,IA director. 3y insisting th-t the 9hite !ouse -t le-st deb-te the issue, he h-d pro>ed to the -gencyKs r-n% -nd 2ile th-t he h-d clout inside the ne# -d=inistr-tion. @ore i=port-nt, he h-d gone to the =-t on -n issue th-t #-s deeply i=port-nt to the cl-ndestine ser>ice. !e h-d sho#n, -s =-ny inside the ,IA s-# it, th-t he #-s p-rt o2 the te-=.

entirely 2or the =-n #ho, -t le-st on p-per, #-s 4eon P-nett-Ks boss. Ad=ir-l Lennis 3l-ir, #ho h-d been sent to the ,IA during the ,linton -d=inistr-tion to ser>e -s - li-ison to the Pent-gon, h-d >-ulted up the "->yKs senior r-n%s in the ye-rs since -nd ended his =ilit-ry c-reer -s - 2ourDst-r -d=ir-l in ch-rge o2 the U.S. P-ci2ic ,o==-nd. The Vob h-d gi>en hi= o>ersight o2 =ore th-n - third o2 the e-rthKs sur2-ce, -nd his orders #ere obeyed by troops spre-d -cross hundreds o2 thous-nds o2 sUu-re =iles. 3ut 3l-ir, no# retired 2ro= the =ilit-ry, #-s t-%ing o>er - Vob th-t re=-ined ill de2ined 2our ye-rs -2ter the 3ush -d=inistr-tion cre-ted the Lirector o2 "-tion-l Intelligence position under pressure 2ro= ,ongress -nd the C_&& ,o==ission to -ccount 2or the intelligence 2-ilures preceding the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s -nd the Ir-U #-r. So=e h-d en>isioned the intelligence post to be - po#er2ul Vob, riding herd o>er 2r-ctious collection o2 spy -gencies housed in di22erent dep-rt=ents. 3ut Lon-ld 5u=s2eldKs -llies in ,ongress #ere success2ul in neutering the ne# position, -nd the Pent-gon ret-ined =uch o2 the intelligence co==unityKs budget. These bure-ucr-tic %ni2e 2ights =e-nt th-t by the ti=e 3l-ir too% o>er the post in e-rly :''C both the Pent-gon -nd the ,IA h-d ensured th-t he #ould be little =ore th-n - 2igurehe-d. @-%ing things #orse, 3l-ir s-# right -#-y th-t he #-s -n outsider in - closeD%nit group o2 -d>isers #ho h-d been #ith President 6b-=- through =uch o2 the grueling c-=p-ign\- group 3l-ir re2erred to disp-r-gingly -s the R4ong @-rchers,S in re2erence to the =ilit-ry retre-t o>er thous-nds o2 =iles by the ,hinese ,o==unists in &C3*. !is suspicions #ere borne out during -n e-rly scr-pe #ith P-nett-. 3l-ir beg-n pushing 2or the -uthority to -ppoint the senior A=eric-n spy in e-ch country o>erse-s, design-tion th-t by tr-dition -uto=-tic-lly #ent to the ,IAKs chie2 o2 st-tion. It #-s rel-ti>ely =inor issue, but P-nett- -nd his deputy, Stephen 0-ppes, s-# it -s - thre-t to the ,IAKs -uthority -nd lobbied the 9hite !ouse to reVect 3l-irKs pl-n. 9ith the propos-l l-nguishing -t the 9hite !ouse during the su==er o2 :''C, 3l-ir decided he didnKt need to #-it 2or - 9hite !ouse decision -nd issued -n order directing the ch-nge. !e
IT 9AS A"6T!;5 @ATT;5

in2or=ed P-nett- -bout his decision during - short, tense phone c-ll. P-nett- sl-==ed do#n the phone. RTh-t guy is - 2uc%ing -sshole,S he told - group o2 -ides g-thered in his o22ice. The >ery neXt d-y, - secret c-ble 2ro= P-nett- #-s bl-sted to -ll ,IA st-tions o>erse-s. The c-ble c-rried - si=ple =ess-ge 7 Ignore 3l-irKs directi>e. "ot used to h->ing his orders disobeyed, 3l-ir co=pl-ined to P-=es Pones, 6b-=-Ks n-tion-l security -d>isor, th-t P-nett- #-s being insubordin-te -nd ought to be 2ired. The 9hite !ouse sided #ith the ,IA. 3l-ir h-d long held - di= >ie# o2 the ,IAKs history o2 co>ertD-ction progr-=s. !e belie>ed th-t too =-ny presidents, too o2ten in A=eric-n history, used the ,IA -s crutch #hen their -d>isers couldnKt -gree on ho# to h-ndle - p-rticul-rly thorny 2oreignD policy issue. And, he thought, co>ertD-ction progr-=s usu-lly l-sted ye-rs beyond their >-lue to the country. So #hen, during his 2irst ye-r in o22ice, President 6b-=- ordered - re>ie# o2 the roughly one doAen co>ertD-ction progr-=s the ,IA #-s c-rrying out -t the ti=e, 2ro= the drone stri%es in P-%ist-n to - c-=p-ign to s-bot-ge Ir-nKs nucle-r #or%, 3l-ir hoped the process #ould be - ch-nce to inspect the #iring on e-ch progr-= -nd decide #hether it =-de -ny sense to continue it. Inste-d, the su==er :''C =eetings e22ecti>ely rubberDst-=ped -ll o2 the ,IAKs secret >entures. At the =eetings, Stephen 0-ppes -rgued 2orce2ully 2or #hy e-ch progr-= h-d been - success -nd needed to continue. 3y the ti=e - Rprincip-ls co==itteeS =eeting #-s scheduled 2or the 2-ll, #hen President 6b-=-Ks top n-tion-l security -d>isers #ould =-%e 2in-l decisions on the co>ertD-ction progr-=s, not one o2 the= #-s under consider-tion 2or c-ncell-tion. 3l-ir #-tched #ith 2rustr-tion -s the process un2olded. !e -ppro-ched 5obert G-tes, the de2ense secret-ry #ho h-d spent =ost o2 his 9-shington c-reer in the ,IA. G-tes h-d seen his sh-re o2 co>ert -ctions blo# up, -nd 3l-ir %ne# th-t G-tes h-d clout inside the 9hite !ouse. G-tes -greed #ith 3l-ir th-t they should dr-# up - list o2 b-sic principles to guide decisions on co>ertD-ction progr-=s. The list o2 siX principles they cobbled together #ere 2-irly innocuous7 They included - pro>ision th-t co>ertD -ction progr-=s should const-ntly be e>-lu-ted 2or tr-nsition to nonco>ert -cti>ities -nd -nother th-t the progr-=s should not under=ine R the de>elop=ent o2 st-ble , nonDcorrupt, -nd represent-ti>e go>ern=ents th-t respect the hu=-n rights o2 their citiAens.S 9hen President 6b-=-Ks top -d>isers g-thered -t the 9hite !ouse to discuss the co>ertD-ction progr-=s, 3l-ir p-ssed -round the list. !e -nd G-tes h-d hoped to turn the =eeting into - 2oru= to discuss the gener-l #isdo= o2 ,IA co>ert -ction, -nd the =eeting dr-gged on 2or hours -s 3l-ir tried to 2orce - deb-te -bout e-ch secret progr-=. 3l-ir rec-lled th-t Rthe ,IA h-d #-nted to Vust push `co>ertD-ctiona progr-=s through,S -nd #ith e-ch pointed Uuestion th-t 3l-ir -s%ed, both 4eon P-nett- -nd Leputy "-tion-l Security Ad>isor To= Lonilon gre# -ngrier. It #-snKt Vust th-t P-nett- thought th-t 3l-ir #-s gr-ndst-ndingQ he thought th-t he #-s -tte=pting to t-%e 2ro= the ,IA #h-t the spy -gency h-d gu-rded Ve-lously since its &C*7 2ounding\- direct line to the president 2or getting co>ert -ctions -ppro>ed. P-nett- belie>ed th-t the list th-t 3l-ir -nd G-tes h-d -sse=bled put unnecess-ry restrictions on President 6b-=-Ks -bility to -uthoriAe secret oper-tions. 3l-irKs e22orts 2-iled, -nd the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion -ppro>ed e>ery one o2 the co>ertD-ction progr-=s th-t h-d been h-nded do#n by President 3ush. The ,IA h-d secured yet -nother >ictory, -nd 3l-irKs st-nding inside the 9hite !ouse #-s

per=-nently crippled. ;>en -s the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion discussed the 2uture o2 the ,IAKs co>ertD-ction progr-=s, there #-s no thought -bout ending the t-rgetedD%illing e22orts. Wuite the opposite. In the e-rly =onths o2 the -d=inistr-tion, "-tion-l Security Ad>isor P-=es Pones led - proVect to co=pile - centr-liAed R%ill listS 2or leth-l oper-tions beyond decl-red #-r Aones. 9h-t c-=e to be %no#n -s the Pones @e=o #-s -n e-rly -tte=pt by the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion to est-blish procedures 2or the conduct o2 - secret #-r th-t =ost belie>ed #ould l-st ye-rs beyond President 6b-=-Ks ti=e in the 9hite !ouse. The list #-s =-int-ined by the "-tion-l Security ,ouncil, -nd -s =uch -s so=e o22ici-ls tried to %eep strict criteri- -bout #ho could be -dded to the %ill list, those criteri- #ere so=eti=es e-sed. At the st-rt o2 the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion, 2or inst-nce, the ,IA #-s not -uthoriAed to %ill 3-itull-h @ehsud, #ho h-d e=erged -s the undisputed le-der o2 the P-%ist-ni T-lib-n since the d-ys #hen Art 0eller 2irst he-rd his n-=e #hile ser>ing -t one o2 the -gencyKs b-ses in the trib-l -re-s. The P-%ist-ni T-lib-n, %no#n inside the country -s the Tehri%DiDT-lib-n P-%ist-n (TTP), #-s -tt-c%ing P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry inst-ll-tions -nd go>ern=ent 2-cilities in - grisly sp-s= o2 >iolence. P-%ist-nKs ci>ili-n go>ern=ent, #hich c-=e to po#er -2ter President @ush-rr-2 stepped -side, beg-n pressing the 6b-=-d=inistr-tion to %ill @ehsud #ith -n -r=ed drone, Vust -s the ,IA h-d %illed his predecessor, "e% @uh-==-d. 3ut the -ns#er #-s no. Luring one pri>-te =eeting in e-rly :''C, ,IA deputy director Stephen 0-ppes told !us-in !-UU-ni, P-%ist-nKs -=b-ss-dor to 9-shington, th-t since @ehsud -nd his 2ollo#ers h-d not -tt-c%ed the United St-tes, the ,IA couldnKt get leg-l -ppro>-l to %ill hi= . So=e conspir-cy theorists in P-%ist-n h-d - =ore cynic-l >ie# o2 #hy the United St-tes #-s re2using to %ill @ehsud7 th-t he #-s in 2-ct - secret -gent o2 Indi-, -nd the United St-tes h-d pro=ised "e# Lelhi th-t @ehsud #ould not be h-r=ed. 3ut -s the P-%ist-nis continued to press, ,IA l-#yers beg-n circul-ting leg-l =e=os =-%ing c-se th-t since the P-%ist-ni T-lib-n sheltered -l W-ed- oper-ti>es, -nd since it #-s incre-singly di22icult to distinguish bet#een groups bent on -tt-c%ing inside P-%ist-n -nd those 2ocused on hitting the 9est, senior TTP le-ders could Vusti2i-bly be put on the %ill list. 3esides the leg-l r-tion-le, so=e thought there could be diplo=-tic bene2its i2 the ,IA #ere to %ill P-%ist-nKs =ost d-ngerous ene=y. 6n - #-r= e>ening in e-rly August :''C, - ,IA drone ho>ering o>er the >ill-ge o2 1-ngh-r-, in South 9-Airist-n, tr-ined its c-=er- on - roo2top #here 3-itull-h @ehsud -nd se>er-l =e=bers o2 his 2-=ily #ere t-%ing in the night -ir. @ehsud, - di-betic, #-s recei>ing -n intr->enous insulin drip #hen the drone l-unched - =issile th-t %illed e>eryone on the roo2. P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls cheered the %illing, -nd so=e in 9-shington described the drone stri%e -s - Rgood#ill %ill.S 4eon P-nett- h-d t-%en to his ne# role -s =ilit-ry co==-nder, -nd his ti=e -t 4-ngley #ould be %no#n 2or the ,IAKs -ggressi>e\so=e #ould co=e to belie>e rec%less\c-=p-ign o2 t-rgeted %illings. At the end o2 his ,IA tenure, P-nett-, - de>out ,-tholic, Vo%ed th-t he h-d R s-id =ore !-il @-rys in the l-st t#o ye-rs th-n I h->e in =y #hole li2e.S T#o =onths -2ter 3-itull-h @ehsudKs %illing, 4eon P-nett- -rri>ed -t the 9hite !ouse #ith - long list o2 reUuests 2or ,IA p-r-=ilit-ry oper-tions. !e sought =ore -r=ed drones -nd -ppro>-l to -s% P-%ist-nKs per=ission 2or the drones to 2ly o>er l-rger s#-ths o2 the trib-l -re-s, #h-t the ,IA c-lled R2light boXes.S President 6b-=-, -t the urging o2 Nice President Poe 3iden, h-d -lre-dy -greed to incre-se the nu=ber o2

co>ert o22icers inside P-%ist-n, =-ny o2 #ho= #ere oper-ting in the country #ithout the %no#ledge o2 the ISI. The ,IA reUuests to eXp-nd its drone 2leet did r-ise eyebro#s, -nd so=e o22ici-ls openly Uuestioned #hy - spy -gency #-s =o>ing so 2-r 2ro= its pri=-ry =ission o2 collecting -nd -n-lyAing intelligence. Gener-l P-=es ,-rt#right, the >ice ch-ir=-n o2 the Point ,hie2s o2 St-22, -s%ed on se>er-l occ-sions, R ,-n you tell =e #hy #e -re building - second Air <orce^S 6thers thought th-t the ,IA h-d beco=e so en-=ored o2 its %iller drones th-t it #-snKt pushing its -n-lysts to -s% - b-sic Uuestion7 To #h-t eXtent =ight the drone stri%es be cre-ting =ore terrorists th-n they -re -ctu-lly %illing^ 3ut by the end o2 the =eeting in the Situ-tion 5oo=, President 6b-=- h-d gr-nted e>ery one o2 P-nett-Ks reUuests. R The ,IA gets #h-t it #-nts ,S the president s-id.

3UT ;N;" 9IT!the

ne# resources, the ,IAKs #-r in the =ount-ins o2 P-%ist-n still consu=ed the bul% o2 the intelligence co==unityKs drones, spy s-tellites, -nd c-se o22icers. Th-t le2t little 2or - di22erent #-r, three thous-nd =iles to the #est, th-t President 6b-=-Ks -d>isers #ere Uuietly eXp-nding. The -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pt on Prince bin "-ye2 in August :''C cre-ted - ne# urgency in 9-shington to t-%e on the -l W-ed-O-22ili-ted group in $e=en th-t h-d -nnounced its intentions to stri%e -t the 9est. In l-te :''C, there #-s only - s=-ll cluster o2 A=eric-n soldiers -nd spies st-tioned inside the U.S. e=b-ssy in S-n-K-. In -ddition to the ,IAKs st-tion in the country, the Pent-gon h-d %ept - group o2 speci-lDoper-tions troops in $e=en since :'':, but the #-rs in Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n h-d 2or ye-rs been - higher priority th-n the =ission in $e=en. 3ut #ith the Ir-U #-r no# #inding do#n, Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd h-d =ore "->y S;A4s to de>ote to ne# =issions. Gener-l L->id Petr-eus, the co==-nder o2 A=eric-n 2orces in the @iddle ;-st, h-d been #orried -bout the gro#ing in2luence o2 -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsulsince he -ssu=ed control o2 U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd the pre>ious ye-r. In l-te Septe=ber :''C, Petr-eus signed o22 on the cl-ssi2ied order to eXp-nd A=eric-n =ilit-ry spying in $e=en -nd else#here, the s-=e order th-t @ich-el <urlong h-d used to Vusti2y his intelligenceD g-thering oper-tion in P-%ist-n. It -uthoriAed the =ilit-ry to conduct - host o2 uncon>ention-l =issions in $e=en, 2ro= bro-der e->esdropping -cti>ities to p-ying o22 loc-ls 2or in2or=-tion. Ad=ir-l 9illi-= @c5->en, the PS6, co==-nder, #-nted to use in $e=en the s-=e blueprint th-t co==-ndos h-d used in Ir-U to 2ight -l W-ed- in @esopot-=i-7 2reUuent night r-ids to c-pture -l W-ed- oper-ti>es, interrog-te the= 2or intelligence, -nd then use the in2or=-tion to c-rry out =ore sn-tchD-ndDgr-b oper-tions. This =odel, relying on #h-t co==-nders c-lled the Rcycle o2 intelligence,S #-s -lre-dy being duplic-ted in A2gh-nist-n, -nd @c5->en thought th-t getting =ore troops into $e=en could cripple AWAPKs strength be2ore it could success2ully -tt-c% the United St-tes. 3ut @c5->enKs -=bitious ide-s 2or $e=en #ere reVected in 9-shington -s unre-listic. President S-leh, o2 $e=en, #ould ne>er -llo# A=eric-n ground troops to set up - detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion center inside $e=en, let -lone per=it c-ptureD-ndD %ill oper-tions throughout the country. The 9hite !ouse h-d -lre-dy run into 2ierce politic-l opposition to its pl-ns to close the prison -t Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y, -nd the presidentKs -ides h-rdly relished the prospect o2 t-%ing on - sle# o2 ne# det-inees

pic%ed up in $e=en. @c5->en #-s told he needed to 2igure out - di22erent #-y to #-ge #-r in $e=en. 9h-t 2ollo#ed #-s - str-nge, h-l2Db-%ed c-=p-ign7 - Uu-sisecret #-r under=ined by so=eti=es -bsurd -tte=pts to hide the A=eric-n h-nd in =ilit-ry oper-tions. 9ith little precise intelligence -bout the #here-bouts o2 =ilit-nt le-ders, -nd the $e=eni presidentKs re2us-l since :'': to per=it -r=ed drones, #-r pl-nners #ere 2orced to rely on cruise =issiles 2ired 2ro= "->y ships o22 $e=enKs co-st -nd occ-sion-l bo=bing runs by @-rine !-rrier Vets. The results #ere unsightly, -nd o>er the neXt se>er-l =onths the A=eric-n stri%es in $e=en #ould cl-i= =ore ci>ili-n c-su-lties th-n senior oper-ti>es -22ili-ted #ith -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul-. The 2irst A=eric-n stri%e c-=e on Lece=ber &7, :''C. The A=eric-ns h-d intercepted co==unic-tions 2ro= - terrorist c-=p in Aby-n pro>ince, - re=ote eXp-nse o2 desert -nd co-st-l >ill-ges running south to the port city o2 Aden. AWAP #-s in the 2in-l st-ges o2 sending - group o2 suicide bo=bers to -tt-c% the U.S. e=b-ssy in S-n-K-. In - >ideo telecon2erence - d-y e-rlier, Ad=ir-l @c5->en g->e - det-iled brie2ing to 9hite !ouse, Pent-gon, -nd St-te Lep-rt=ent o22ici-ls -bout his pl-n to hit the c-=p. 9hile the ,IA gener-lly h-d bl-n%et -ppro>-l to c-rry out drone stri%es in P-%ist-n #ithout getting 9hite !ouse per=ission, the =ilit-ry reUuired - green light 2ro= - s=-ll te-= in 9-shington\- group nic%n-=ed the R,ounterterroris= 3o-rd o2 Lirectors,S #ith Pohn 3renn-n ser>ing -s ch-ir=-n. The group #ould decide on - pl-n -nd then t-%e its reco==end-tion to President 6b-=-, #ho person-lly signed o22 on e-ch stri%e. 6b-=- -ppro>ed the oper-tion. The neXt d-y, - coded =ess-ge #ent out to - s=-ll 2leet o2 A=eric-n ships p-trolling the Ar-bi-n Se-, -nd #ithin hours se>er-l To=-h-#% cruise =issiles sl-==ed into the desert c-=p in Aby-n. 3y the end o2 the d-y, $e=enKs go>ern=ent h-d put out - press rele-se h-iling the success o2 the oper-tion, s-ying th-t - stri%e by $e=enKs -ir 2orce h-d %illed R-round 3*S -l W-ed- 2ighters. The 2ollo#ing d-y, President 6b-=- c-lled Ali Abdull-h S-leh to th-n% hi= 2or his cooper-tion, e>en though $e=eni troops h-d =erely been - 2ig le-2 2or the A=eric-n oper-tion. Nideos t-%en by loc-ls -t the c-=p re>e-led =issile 2r-g=ents #ith A=eric-n =-r%ings -nd -lso pro>ed th-t the To=-h-#% =issiles h-d been topped #ith cluster bo=bs\#e-pons designed to cut - #ide p-th o2 destruction by dispersing s=-ller =unitions o>er - #ide -re-. @ost o2 the de-d #ere ci>ili-ns, -nd bloody i=-ges o2 de-d #o=en -nd children #ent >ir-l on $ouTube. Luring - street protest -2ter the stri%e, bro-dc-st on Al P-Aeer-, one -l W-ed- 2ighter shouldering -n A0D*7 =-de - direct -ppe-l to $e=eni troops. RSoldiers, you should %no# #e do not #-nt to 2ight you,S he s-id. RThere is no proble= bet#een you -nd us. The proble= is bet#een A=eric- -nd its -gents. 3e#-re o2 t-%ing the side o2 A=erichS

T!5;; 9;;0S A<T;5the

A=eric-n stri%e, Gener-l Petr-eus -rri>ed in S-n-K- to =eet #ith President S-leh -nd his -d>isers -bout the neXt ph-se o2 the #-r. There #-s ne# urgency7 6n ,hrist=-s L-y :''C, - young "igeri-n =-n bo-rded - pl-ne in A=sterd-= bound 2or Letroit, -nd se#n into his under#e-r #-s the l-test di-bolic-l cre-tion o2 Ibr-hi= -lDAsiri, the =-ster bo=b =-%er o2 $e=en. As the pl-ne =-de its 2in-l descent, U=-r <-rou% Abdul=ut-ll-b tried to set o22 the bo=b\=-de #ith eighty gr-=s o2 pl-stic eXplosi>es\using - syringe 2illed #ith liUuid -cid. 6nce -g-in, AsiriKs #or% #-s undone by the inco=petence o2 his bo=b c-rrier. Abdul=ut-ll-b set only his leg on 2ire, -nd other p-ssengers Uuic%ly #restled hi= to the ground. The h-pless

terrorist #-s t-%en into custody in Letroit, -nd the United St-tes only n-rro#ly ->erted its 2irst l-rgeDsc-le terrorist incident o2 the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion. 9hile the -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pt on Prince bin "-ye2 h-d been the 2irst sign o2 AWAPKs -=bitions to stri%e beyond $e=en, the th#-rted ,hrist=-s -tt-c% pro>ed th-t the group #-s truly co==itted to continuing the #or% begun by 6s-=- bin 4-den -nd his no# di=inished b-nd o2 -l W-ed- oper-ti>es hiding in P-%ist-n. 9hen Gener-l Petr-eusKs pl-ne touched do#n in $e=enKs c-pit-l in e-rly P-nu-ry :'&', the 6b-=-d=inistr-tion h-d -lre-dy decided to esc-l-te the A=eric-n stri%es in the country. President S-leh h-d long been pric%ly -bout -llo#ing $e=en to beco=e pl-yground 2or secret A=eric-n oper-tions, so =eetings bet#een the $e=eni president -nd A=eric-n o22ici-ls o2ten degener-ted into horseDtr-ding sessions. Petr-eus beg-n the ninetyD=inute =eeting by so2tening up the $e=eni president7 !e pr-ised hi= 2or his =ilit-ryKs success2ul oper-tions -g-inst AWAP -nd s-id th-t he h-d reUuested th-t c-sh p-y=ents to $e=en 2or counterterroris= oper-tions ne-rly double, 2ro= iG7 =illion to i&' =illion -nnu-lly. 3ut the #ily -utocr-t pushed 2or =ore. 5-ising the subVect o2 the recent A=eric-n -irstri%es, S-leh s-id th-t R=ist-%es #ere =-deS in the %illing o2 ci>ili-ns in Aby-n. To=-h-#% cruise =issiles #ere ill suited 2or - 2ight -g-inst terrorists, -nd ci>ili-n c-su-lties could be ->erted i2 only the United St-tes #ould gi>e hi= - doAen helicopter gunships to s#oop into terrorist c-=ps. This, S-leh s-id, #ould -llo# hi= to sp-re the innocent -nd %ill the guilty. I2 9-shington #ouldnKt bless this reUuest, S-leh s-id, =-ybe Gener-l Petr-eus could pressure S-udi Ar-bi- -nd the United Ar-b ;=ir-tes to contribute siX helicopters e-ch. Petr-eus countered #ith - reUuest o2 his o#n7 Allo# A=eric-n speci-lDoper-tions troops -nd spies closer to the 2ront lines in $e=en. Th-t #-y, Petr-eus s-id, A=eric-ns could do#nlo-d intelligence 2eeds 2ro= drone -ircr-2t -nd s-tellites -nd use the intelligence to hit terrorist hideouts #ith gre-ter speed -nd precision. S-leh 2l-tly reVected the reUuest -nd told Petr-eus th-t the A=eric-ns =ust st-y inside -n oper-tions center th-t the ,IA -nd PS6, h-d recently set up Vust outside o2 the c-pit-l city. 3ut, he s-id, the -ir #-r could continue. !e #ould -llo# A=eric-n Vets -nd bo=bers to loiter o22shore -nd co=e into $e=eni -irsp-ce 2or speci2ic =issions i2 intelligence e=erged -bout the #here-bouts o2 AWAP le-ders. !e s-id he #ould %eep up the ruse th-t the United St-tes #-s not -t #-r inside $e=en. R9eKll continue s-ying the bo=bs -re ours, not yours,S S-leh s-id. The United St-tes #-s slo#ly getting deeper into - #-r inside - country th-t 9-shington h-d long ignored -nd little understood. It #-s - #-r -g-inst - b-nd o2 Ae-lots punching -bo>e their #eight in - 2ight -g-inst the #orldKs only superpo#er, -nd the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion still h-d only the >-guest ide-s -bout ho# =uch support the =ilit-nts h-d -nd #here they #ere hiding. It #-s h-rd to di22erenti-te bet#een #h-t #-s re-l intelligence -nd #h-t #-s =isin2or=-tion h-nded to the A=eric-ns by $e=eni sources -d>-ncing their o#n -gend-s. <i>e =onths -2ter Petr-eusKs =eeting #ith S-leh, A=eric-n =issiles ble# up the c-r o2 P-ber -lDSh-b#-ni, the deputy go>ernor o2 @-Krib pro>ince -nd the =-n President S-leh h-d t-pped to be - li-ison bet#een the $e=eni go>ern=ent -nd the -l W-ed2-ction. 9hen -lDSh-b#-ni -nd his bodygu-rds #ere %illed, they #ere on the #-y to =eet #ith AWAP oper-ti>es to discuss - truce. 3ut -lDSh-b#-niKs politic-l ri>-ls h-d told A=eric-n speci-lDoper-tions troops in the country - di22erent story7 th-t the $e=eni politici-n #-s in le-gue #ith -l W-ed-. The A=eric-ns h-d Vust been used to c-rry out highDtech hit to settle - trib-l grudge. The @-y :'&' stri%e pro>o%ed outr-ge -cross $e=en, -nd President S-leh de=-nded - h-lt to the -irstri%es. 4oc-ls in @-Krib set -n oil pipeline -bl-Ae, -nd the 2ire

burned 2or d-ys. The A=eric-n #-r in $e=en #-s on hold, inde2initely.

A=eric-Ks gre-test presidents -re =e=ori-liAed #ith gr-nd =onu=ents, their =ost 2-=ous Uuot-tions etched into bloc%s o2 #hite =-rble. The =ediocre presidents get con2erence roo=s in do#nto#n hotels n-=ed 2or the=. 6n April G, :'&', Lennis 3l-ir descended the st-irs into the b-se=ent o2 the 9ill-rd hotel, - #-rren o2 con2erence roo=s n-=ed -2ter @ill-rd <ill=ore, 1-ch-ry T-ylor, <r-n%lin Pierce, -nd P-=es 3uch-n-n. There, he deli>ered #h-t #ould be his l-st speech -s director o2 n-tion-l intelligence. 3l-irKs 2rustr-tions #ith the Vob #ere =ounting, -nd he %ne# th-t support 2or hi= #-s d#indling both #ithin the 9hite !ouse -nd -=ong 9-shingtonKs n-tion-l security intelligentsi-. 3l-ir h-d -rri>ed th-t =orning deter=ined to -ir his concerns -bout the ,IA -nd secret oper-tions th-t he belie>ed h-d run -=o%. Though his #ords #ere couched in diplo=-tic l-ngu-ge, his =ess-ge #-s cle-r . The United St-tes, he s-id, too o2ten relied on co>ert -ction in - #orld #here secrets #ere h-rd to protect -nd #here the h-nd o2 the A=eric-n go>ern=ent #-s di22icult to %eep hidden. RThere -re =-ny =ore o>ert tools o2 n-tion-l po#er ->-il-ble to -tt-c% proble=s in -re-s o2 the #orld th-t #ere pre>iously the pl-ce #here only co>ert -ction could be -pplic-ble.S !e ne>er =entioned the ,IA during the speech, but it #-s un=ist-%-ble th-t his #ords #ere directed -t the -gency, #hich he h-d #-tched -=-ss tre=endous po#er inside the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion. 3y going public #ith his concerns 3l-ir h-d >iol-ted one o2 the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tionKs c-rdin-l rules7 0eep 2ights o>er n-tion-l security =-tters inside the 2-=ily. ;>en =ore signi2ic-nt, he #-s ch-llenging one o2 the centr-l pill-rs o2 President 6b-=-Ks 2oreign policy7 using the ,IA -s -n instru=ent o2 secret #-r. Predict-bly, 4eon P-nett- -nd other senior o22ici-ls -t the ,IA #ere incensed #hen they he-rd -bout 3l-irKs speech. Pust o>er - =onth l-ter, President 6b-=- 2ired Lennis 3l-ir. The ,IA gets #h-t it #-nts.
I" 9AS!I"GT6",

&37 T!; S,5A@34; <65 A<5I,A

RThis is =-nn- 2ro= he->enhS \A=ir-

he @N <-in-, - U%r-ini-nDo#ned =erch-nt ship, #-s hugging the co-stline o2

So=-li- -s it ste-=ed to#-rd @o=b-s-, 0eny-, in Septe=ber :''8. 3ut it #ould not re-ch its 2in-l port o2 c-ll. As it n->ig-ted - p-rticul-rly tre-cherous stretch o2 #-ter, =ore th-n - doAen -r=ed =en s#-r=ed the ship in =otoriAed s%i22s, t-%ing host-ge the cre# o2 se>enteen U%r-ini-ns, three 5ussi-ns, -nd one 4-t>i-n. 9hen they #ent do#n into the shipKs hold, the pir-tes couldnKt belie>e their luc%7 The ship #-s c-rrying - cl-ndestine c-rgo o2 thirtyDthree 5ussi-n TD7: t-n%s, doAens o2 boXes o2 gren-des, -nd -n -rsen-l o2 -nti-ircr-2t guns. The pir-tes h-d no #-y o2 %no#ing it, but the c-rgo h-d been p-rt o2 - secret e22ort by 0eny-Ks go>ern=ent to -r= =iliti-s in southern Sud-n in their 2ight -g-inst the go>ern=ent in 0h-rtou=\ - >iol-tion o2 - U" -r=s e=b-rgo . The So=-li pir-tes h-d beco=e eXperts in setting r-nso=s b-sed on the >-lue o2 their c-rgo, -nd soon -2ter the shipKs c-pture they beg-n de=-nding -s =uch -s i3 =illion 2or - s-2e rele-se o2 the cre#, the ship, -nd its sensiti>e c-rgo. A=eric-n "->y >essels surrounded the ship #ithin d-ys, -nd helicopters 2le# o>er the <-in-Ks dec% in -n -tte=pt to -ssess the he-lth o2 the cre#. 3ut the host-ge negoti-tions dr-gged on 2or #ee%s -s the U%r-ini-n ship o#ners re2used to c->e to the pir-tesK de=-nds. <rustr-ted by the l-c% o2 progress, the pir-tes decided they #-nted ne# =edi-tor 2or the negoti-tions. They scr-#led - =ess-ge onto - #hite sheet -nd dr-ped it o>er the <-in-Ks r-iling. The =ess-ge #-s Vust one #ord long7 A@I5A. 9ithin d-ys, @ichele RA=ir-S 3-ll-rin #-s -t the center o2 the tense host-ge negoti-tions #ith - group o2 pir-tes holding - ship 2ull o2 5ussi-n t-n%s. 3y the ti=e the pir-tes =-de their de=-nd, 3-ll-rin h-d -lre-dy been #or%ing #ith - group o2 So=-li cl-n elders to negoti-te the r-nso= -nd end the st-ndo22, -lthough she #ould l-ter deny th-t she h-d -ny 2in-nci-l interest in the negoti-tions. !er interest #-s purely hu=-nit-ri-n, she s-id, pro>iding s-tellite phones so th-t pir-tes could co==unic-te #ith So=-li elders on shore -nd so the <-in-Ks cre# could co==unic-te #ith their 2-=ilies. 3ut the shipKs U%r-ini-n o#ners gre# -ngry -bout the =eddling o2 this str-nge #o=-n 2ro= Nirgini-. !ers #-s -n un#-nted presenceQ they 2igured she #-s only dri>ing up the price o2 getting their cre# -nd c-rgo rele-sed. RShe h-s to underst-nd th-t o22ering cri=in-ls - huge -=ount o2 =oney, #hich by the #-y she doesnKt h->e\ she is only gi>ing the= 2-lse hope ,S s-id - co=p-ny spo%es=-n. U%r-ineKs go>ern=ent e>en inter>ened. In e-rly <ebru-ry :''C, Vust #ee%s -2ter the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion too% o22ice, U%r-ine 2oreign =inister Nolody=yr 6hryA%o #rote letter to Secret-ry o2 St-te !ill-ry ,linton -bout the #o=-n #ho, he s-id #ith - 2lourish, h-d R beco=e -n inter=edi-ry o2 the se- cors-irs.S 3-ll-rinKs -ctions, the U%r-ini-n =inister #ent on, Rincite the pir-tes to the groundless incre-se o2 the r-nso= su=,S -nd he -s%ed ,linton R

to 2-cilit-te the eXclusion o2 `hera 2ro= the negoti-tion process #ith the pir-tes.S !ill-ry ,linton #ould h->e h-d no re-son to %no# #ho @ichele 3-ll-rin #-s be2ore recei>ing the letter 2ro= the U%r-ini-n =inister, but plenty o2 other A=eric-n o22ici-ls did. 3y the ti=e President 6b-=- c-=e into o22ice, 3-ll-rin h-d been gi>en - contr-ct #ith the Pent-gon to g-ther intelligence inside So=-li-, Vust one o2 the =yri-d proVects 2or #hich she h-d tried to g-in the -ppro>-l o2 the United St-tes go>ern=ent, #ith >-rying degrees o2 success. !er e22orts b-c% in :''G to org-niAe - Su2i resist-nce to 2ight -l Sh-b--b h-dnKt yet p-nned out, but she #-snKt deterred. Using - nu=ber o2 di22erent 2ront co=p-nies #ith >-gue -nd portentous n-=es li%e 3l-c%St-r, Arch-ngel, -nd the Gul2 Security Group, she h-tched se>er-l ne# >entures designed to =-%e her -n indispens-ble p-rtner to the A=eric-n =ilit-ry -nd intelligence ser>ices. She con>erted - historic hotel in rur-l Nirgini- into - secure 2-cility\#ith rein2orced #-lls -nd encrypted loc%s\th-t she hoped the ,IA or Pent-gon =ight use to store cl-ssi2ied in2or=-tion. She #-s unsuccess2ul in getting -ny go>ern=ent -gencies to rent the sp-ce. She hired - nu=ber o2 retired A=eric-n =ilit-ry o22icers -nd spies, including 2or=er ,IA o22icer 5oss "e#l-nd #ho h-d le2t the spy -gency to beco=e - consult-nt, to help her get =eetings #ith senior =e=bers o2 9-shingtonKs n-tion-l security est-blish=ent. 9or%ing #ith - 2or=er Ar=y serge-nt =-Vor n-=ed Perry L->is, - stoc%y retired Green 3eret #ith ye-rs o2 =ilit-ry ser>ice in Southe-st Asi-, 3-ll-rin brie2ly considered the ide- o2 scouting 2or b-ses on re=ote isl-nds in the Philippines -nd Indonesi- she thought could be used to tr-in indigenous troops 2or cl-ndestine counterterrorist =issions, but =ostly she %ept her 2ocus on A2ric-. In August :''7, she #rote - letter to the ,IA in #hich she -nnounced hersel2 -s the president o2 Gul2 Security Group, - co=p-ny b-sed in the United Ar-b ;=ir-tes #ith Rsingul-r obVecti>eS7 hunting -nd %illing RAl W-iKd- terrorist net#or%s, in2r-structure -nd personnel in the !orn o2 A2ric-.S The letter #ent on7 RGul2 Security Group is o#ned -nd controlled by the undersigned United St-tes citiAens #ith no 2oreign interests or in2luence. 9e h->e deep rel-tionships #ith indigenous cl-ns -nd politic-l le-ders in So=-li-, 0eny-, Ug-nd- -nd throughout the !orn o2 A2ric-, including the Isl-=ic ,ourts Union, -nd those #ho control their =ilit-nt -nd Vih-dist -cti>ities. These rel-tionships #ill en-ble success2ul =ission outco=e #ithout 2ingerprint, 2ootprint or 2l-g , -nd pro>ide tot-l deni-bility.S To such - bre-tht-%ing propos-l, - ,IA l-#yer sent b-c% - terse response. RThe ,IA is not interested in your unsolicited propos-l -nd does not -uthoriAe you to undert-%e -ny -cti>ities on its beh-l2. I -= returning your propos-l,S #rote Pohn 4. @cPherson, the -gencyKs -ssoci-te gener-l counsel. 3-ll-rinKs propos-l to cobble together indigenous hit sUu-ds, @cPherson #rote, =ight >iol-te the "eutr-lity Act, - l-# th-t prohibits pri>-te citiAens 2ro= r-ising pri>-te o>erse-s -r=ies. As 2-rD2etched -s her o22er see=ed, 3-ll-rin =ight Vust h->e h-d b-d ti=ing. Pust ye-r e-rlier the ,IA #-s still p-ying ;ri% Prince -nd ;nriUue Pr-do 2or their roles in the %illing progr-= th-t h-d been outsourced to 3l-c%#-ter e=ployees. 3ut the -gency h-d decided in the =iddle o2 :''G th-t the 3l-c%#-ter progr-= should be shuttered, eX-ctly bec-use o2 the concerns r-ised in @cPhersonKs letter -bout the propriety o2 hiring pri>-te citiAens to pl-y - p-rt in t-rgetedD%illing oper-tions. The ,IA #-snKt -bout to entert-in - si=il-r propos-l 2ro= - =ysterious #o=-n #ith no tr-c% record o2 p-rticip-ting in cl-ndestine oper-tions. !->ing been denied the opportunity to %ill 2or the ,IA, 3-ll-rin neXt proposed spying

2or the =ilit-ry. In this, she h-d gre-ter success. In the spring o2 :''8, 3-ll-rin -nd Perry L->is -rri>ed -t - nondescript o22ice building -cross 2ro= the Pent-gon, #here they h-d - =eeting -t the he-dUu-rters o2 the ,o=b-ting Terroris= Technic-l Support 622ice. The ,TTS6 is - s=-ll out2it #ith - =odest budget 2or gi>ing seed =oney to cl-ssi2ied =ilit-ry counterterroris= progr-=s, -nd - cont-ct inside the Pent-gon h-d helped set up the =eeting 2or 3-ll-rin. 3ut 2e# inside the ,TTS6 o22ice %ne# the 2irst thing -bout the #ellDdressed #o=-n st-nding be2ore the=. Introducing hersel2 -s the he-d o2 - co=p-ny c-lled 3l-c%St-r, 3-ll-rin #-s blunt. RIK= going to 2iX So=-li-,S she s-id. 3-ll-rin -nd L->is outlined - pl-n to set up - hu=-nit-ri-n 2ood progr-= th-t #ould be - co>er to collect intelligence. P-llets o2 2ood -id #ould -rri>e by ship -t - So=-li port, be lo-ded onto truc%s, -nd be dri>en to -id st-tions her te-= #-s pl-nning to set up -round the country. According to the pl-n, the So=-lis #ho -rri>ed -t the 2ood st-tions #ould gi>e their n-=es -nd other identi2ying in2or=-tion, -nd in return they #ould recei>e identi2ic-tion c-rds. The in2or=-tion g-thered -t the 2ood st-tions, 3-ll-rin told the =ilit-ry o22ici-ls, could be 2ed into Pent-gon d-t-b-ses -nd used both to =-p So=-li-Ks co=pleX trib-l structure -nd, possibly, to help the United St-tes hunt the le-ders o2 -l Sh-b--b. 3-ll-rin s-id she #ould 2und =uch o2 the progr-= out o2 her o#n poc%et but #-s loo%ing 2or both the Pent-gonKs blessing -nd -ddition-l 2unding. 3-ll-rin -nd L->is g->e 2e# speci2ics -bout ho# they intended to =-%e the oper-tion #or%, but they =-n-ged to sell the pl-n. Shortly -2ter#-rd, the Pent-gon o22ice pro=ised 3l-c%St-r -n initi-l su= o2 -pproXi=-tely i:'',''', #ith - pledge 2or =ore i2 the progr-= beg-n to sho# pro=ise. <or the 2irst ti=e, @ichele 3-ll-rin h-d recei>ed the A=eric-n go>ern=entKs i=pri=-tur 2or cl-ndestine #or% in A2ric-.

h-d con>erged to p->e @ichele 3-ll-rinKs p-th 2or the intelligenceD g-thering oper-tion in So=-li-. The 2irst, -nd =ost ob>ious, #-s the l-c% o2 -ny solid in2or=-tion -bout - country th-t so=e in 9-shington h-d >-gue 2e-rs -bout beco=ing - terror st-te in the =old o2 A2gh-nist-n -s it #-s be2ore the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. The ,IA #-s consu=ed by the drone #-r in P-%ist-n -nd supporting =ilit-ry oper-tions in Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n, le->ing the -gency #ith 2e# resources 2or spying inside So=-li-. 3esides, #ith the ,IA still 2eeling burned by :''GKs dis-strous co>ert c-=p-ign #ith #-rlords there, 2e# in 4-ngley h-d =uch interest -t the ti=e in #-ding b-c% into the So=-li =uc%. They -lso #erenKt sure it #-s #orth it7 Luring his eXit inter>ie# #ith reporters -t the end o2 the 3ush -d=inistr-tion, ,IA director @ich-el !-yden dis=issed the -l Sh-b--b =o>e=ent -s insigni2ic-nt. At the s-=e ti=e, ho#e>er, the Pent-gon #-s beginning - push to esc-l-te cl-ndestine -cti>ities throughout A2ric-7 2ro= the !orn, -cross the Ar-b st-tes o2 the northern p-rt o2 the continent, to #estern countries li%e "igeri-. The cre-tion o2 U.S. A2ric- ,o==-nd in the 2-ll o2 :''8, the Pent-gonKs 2irst =ilit-ry he-dUu-rters de>oted eXclusi>ely to oper-tions in A2ric-, #-s -nother sign o2 incre-sed -ttention to the #orldKs secondDl-rgest -nd secondD=ostDpopulous continent, -2ter ye-rs o2 rel-ti>e neglect. The Pent-gon h-d - br-nd ne# =ilit-ry co==-nd post in Stuttg-rt, Ger=-ny\but not the intelligence to support -ny oper-tions. "or - cle-r ide- -bout eX-ctly #ho= to support inside So=-li-. Pust =onths -2ter President 6b-=- too% o22ice, the ne# -d=inistr-tion -nnounced - decision to ship 2orty tons o2 #e-pons -nd -==unition to So=-li-Ks e=b-ttled Tr-nsition-l <eder-l Go>ern=ent, the United "-tionsOb-c%ed go>ern=ent th-t #-s considered by So=-lis
A "U@3;5 6< <A,T65S

to be -s corrupt -s it #-s #e-%. 3y :''C the T<G -lre-dy controlled little territory beyond se>er-l sUu-re =iles inside @og-dishu, -nd President 6b-=-Ks te-= #-s in p-nic o>er the possibility th-t -n -l Sh-b--b o22ensi>e in the c-pit-l =ight push the go>ern=ent out o2 centr-l @og-dishu. 9ith -n e=b-rgo in pl-ce prohibiting 2oreign #e-pons 2ro= 2looding into So=-li-, the -d=inistr-tion h-d to get the U"Ks -ppro>-l 2or the -r=s ship=ents. The 2irst #e-pons deli>ery -rri>ed in Pune :''C, but So=-li go>ern=ent troops didnKt %eep the= 2or long. Inste-d, they sold the #e-pons th-t 9-shington h-d purch-sed 2or the= in @og-dishu #e-pons b-A--rs. The -r=s =-r%et coll-psed, -nd - ne# supply o2 che-p #e-pons #-s =-de ->-il-ble to -l Sh-b--b 2ighters. 3y the end o2 the su==er, A=eric-nD=-de @&Gs could be 2ound -t the b-A--rs 2or Vust ninetyD2i>e doll-rs, -nd - =ore co>eted A0D*7 could be purch-sed 2or Vust 2i>e doll-rs =ore. ,le-rly, the c-=p-ign in the !orn o2 A2ric- #-s still being #-ged in - h-ph-A-rd -nd sc-ttershot =-nner, #ith the United St-tes conducting -n outsourced #-r using proXy 2orces -nd #-rlords. So=-li- #-s considered - thre-t, but not enough o2 - peril to =erit -n A=eric-n =ilit-ry c-=p-ign there. So the doors opened 2or contr-ctors li%e 3-ll-rin #ho o22ered to 2ill the intelligence >oid, Vust -s Le#ey ,l-rridge h-d done 2or P-%ist-n. So=-li- #-s slo#ly turning into - h->en 2or -ll =-nner o2 cl-ndestine oper-tions7 2ro= the secret counterterroris= =issions o2 9estern go>ern=ents to #ild sche=es by contr-ctors to ch-se pir-tes. 6ne such pl-n #-s h-tched #ith the help o2 ;ri% Prince, 2or=er he-d o2 the bele-guered 3l-c%#-ter 9orld#ide, #ho h-d le2t the United St-tes to begin - ne# ch-pter in the United Ar-b ;=ir-tes. There, he s-id, it #ould be h-rd 2or the RV-c%-lsS\tri-l l-#yers -nd congression-l in>estig-tors\ to hound hi= -nd go -2ter his =oney . 3esides - secret proVect to help the UA; build - =ercen-ry -r=y o2 ,olo=bi-n soldiers, -n -r=y th-t ;=ir-ti o22ici-ls en>isioned could be disp-tched to put do#n do=estic unrest in the country -nd e>en deter -tt-c%s 2ro= Ir-n, Prince beg-n #or%ing #ith - group o2 South A2ric-n =ercen-ries to help build - counterpir-cy 2orce in northern So=-li-. The UA; h-d gro#n #orried -bout the pir-tes o22 the !orn o2 A2ric- #ho #ere pic%ing o22 ships going to -nd 2ro= the Persi-n Gul2, -nd ;=ir-ti o22ici-ls -nd Prince #or%ed to de>elop - ne# str-tegy 2or co=b-ting pir-cy7 Inste-d o2 trying to ch-llenge the pir-tes on the high se-s, - ne# =iliti- #ould c-rry out r-ids in the pir-te dens on l-nd. "e>er one to dodge contro>ersy, Prince =et #ith o22ici-ls 2ro= - South A2ric-n co=p-ny c-lled S-r-cen Intern-tion-l, - pri>-te security 2ir= -t the ti=e run by 4-2r-s 4uitingh, - 2or=er o22icer in South A2ric-Ks -p-rtheidDer,i>il ,ooper-tion 3ure-u. The ,,3 h-d - brut-l record o2 c-rrying out -ss-ssin-tions -nd inti=id-ting bl-c% South A2ric-ns, -nd -2ter the 2-ll o2 -p-rtheid, =-ny o2 its 2or=er =e=bers bec-=e guns 2or hire in the =yri-d ci>il #-rs o2 the A2ric-n continent. The counterpir-cy oper-tion #-s Vust the l-test belo#DtheDr-d-r -d>enture 2or 4uitingh -nd the South A2ric-n =ercen-ries in - p-rt o2 the #orld th-t #-s still >ery =uch ignored. 3esides the e22orts o2 pri>-te co=p-nies, the =ilit-ryKs Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd beg-n p-ying gre-ter -ttention to 2ighting - ste-lth #-r -g-inst =ilit-nts in So=-li-. Pust -s he h-d proposed 2or $e=en, Ad=ir-l 9illi-= @c5->en -t PS6, discussed #ith o22ici-ls in 9-shington - pl-n 2or - 2ullD2ledged speci-lDoper-tions t-s% 2orce 2or So=-li-, =odeled -2ter the t-s% 2orce in Ir-U th-t h-d e>iscer-ted the -l W-ed-22ili-te there7 "->y S;A4 sn-tchD-ndDgr-b -nd prisoner interrog-tions in -l Sh-b--bOheld territories to dis=-ntle the group.

So=-li- #-s, co=p-red #ith $e=en -nd P-%ist-n, both -n e-sier -nd - =ore di22icult en>iron=ent 2or - cl-ndestine #-r. Unli%e P-%ist-n -nd $e=en, there #-s no centr-l go>ern=ent 2or the A=eric-ns to #or% #ith, -nd no loc-l intelligence ser>ice th-t could penetr-te -l Sh-b--b. 6n the other h-nd, So=-li- presented none o2 the he-d-ches o2 h->ing to -s% per=ission be2ore the United St-tes c-rried out - t-rgetedD %illing oper-tion. There #-s no Ali Abdull-h S-leh or Per>eA @ush-rr-2 #ho needed to be courted, no secret c-sh p-y=ents 2or the right to #-ge #-r inside -nother country. So=-li- #-s, -s one senior =ilit-ry o22icer in>ol>ed in pl-nning !orn o2 A2ricoper-tions put it, R- co=plete 2reeD2ire Aone.S 3ut the PS6, propos-ls 2ound little support. The b-gg-ge o2 the 3l-c% !-#% Lo#n episode still #eighed do#n -ny discussion o2 counterterroris= oper-tions in So=-li-, -nd the 9hite !ouse ulti=-tely reVected Ad=ir-l @c5->enKs -=bitious propos-ls, insisting th-t e-ch =ilit-ry oper-tion inside So=-li- be -ppro>ed person-lly by the president. 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion l-#yers e>en deb-ted #hether -l Sh-b--b, #hich h-d not c-rried out -cts o2 terroris= -g-inst the United St-tes, could be - t-rget. 9-s the group - thre-t to A=eric- or loc-l =iliti- th-t 9-shington should si=ply ignore^ It #-s so=eti=es h-rd to t-%e the group seriously. ;>en -s it tried to bl-n%et @og-dishu under strict sh-ri- l-#, ordering th-t thie>es h->e their h-nds chopped o22 -nd -dulterers be stoned to de-th, -l Sh-b--b -lso eng-ged in err-tic -nd e>en co=ic beh->ior. Al Sh-b--b le-ders #ould =-%e str-nge pronounce=ents in desper-te -tte=pts to g-in ne# recruits. They held - t-lent sho# in the >ein o2 the tele>ision progr-= A=eric-n Idol -nd - tri>i- g-=e 2or children bet#een the -ges o2 ten -nd se>enteen #here contest-nts #ere -s%ed Uuestions li%e, RIn #hich #-r #-s our le-der Shei%h Ti=-Vilic %illed^S <irst priAe #-s -n A0D*7 -ss-ult ri2le. A2ter the U.S. St-te Lep-rt=ent o22ered c-sh re#-rds 2or the #here-bouts o2 -l Sh-b--b le-ders, one top -l Sh-b--b oper-ti>e told thous-nds o2 So=-lis g-thered -2ter their <rid-y pr-yers th-t the =ilit-nt group #-s o22ering re#-rds o2 its o#n 2or in2or=-tion -bout the RhideoutsS o2 top A=eric-n o22ici-ls. The person #ho helped le-d -l Sh-b--b to the Ridiot 6b-=-S #ould be re#-rded #ith ten c-=els. Ten chic%ens -nd ten roosters #ould go to the person #ith in2or=-tion -bout the hideout o2 the R old #o=-n !ill-ry ,linton .S 9ith 2e# options 2or det-ining terror suspects, -nd little -ppetite 2or eXtensi>e ground oper-tions in So=-li-, %illing so=eti=es #-s - 2-r =ore -ppe-ling option th-n c-pturing. In Septe=ber :''C, PS6, scored -n intelligence coup7 precise in2or=-tion on the #here-bouts o2 S-leh Ali S-leh "-bh-n, - 0eny-n =e=ber o2 -l W-ed-Ks ;-st A2ric- cell, #hich h-d c-rried out the &CC8 A=eric-nDe=b-ssy -tt-c%s, -nd - =-n thought to be the li-ison bet#een -l W-ed- -nd -l Sh-b--b. The intelligence indic-ted th-t, -2ter =onths o2 =o>ing inside cities -nd to#ns th-t =-de A=eric-n -irstri%es i=possible, "-bh-n #-s set to tr->el in - truc% con>oy 2ro= @og-dishu to the se-side to#n o2 3-r-#-. Luring - >ideocon2erence connecting the 9hite !ouse, the Pent-gon, the ,IA, -nd PS6, he-dUu-rters -t <ort 3r-gg, Ad=ir-l @c5->en led the group through the >-rious stri%e options. The option c-rrying the le-st ris% #-s to 2ire To=-h-#% cruise =issiles 2ro= - ship o22 the co-st, or =issiles 2ro= - =ilit-ry pl-ne. Altern-ti>ely, @c5->en s-id, "->y S;A4s 2lying in A!DG helicopters could s#oop in on the con>oy, %ill "-bh-n, -nd collect enough L"A e>idence -t the scene to con2ir= his de-th. <in-lly, @c5->en presented - >-ri-tion on option t#o7 Inste-d o2 %illing "-bh-n, the S;A4s #ould sn-tch hi=, put hi= into one o2 the helicopters, -nd t-%e hi= so=e#here 2or interrog-tion

. President 6b-=- chose #h-t #-s thought to be the le-st ris%y option7 - =issile stri%e on the con>oy. 3ut things didnKt go -s pl-nned. 9ith PS6, =-%ing 2in-l prep-r-tions 2or the oper-tion, codeDn-=ed ,elesti-l 3-l-nce, the =issileDl-uncher =-l2unctioned on the pl-ne th-t h-d been design-ted 2or the =ission. 9ith ti=e running out -nd "-bh-n on the =o>e, @c5->en ordered th-t the co==-ndos c-rry out the 2-llb-c% pl-n7 The S;A4s #-iting on - "->y ship o22 the So=-li co-st lo-ded into the helicopters -nd he-ded #est, into So=-li -irsp-ce. The helicopters str-2ed the con>oy, %illing "-bh-n -nd three -l Sh-b--b oper-ti>es. The oper-tion #-s - success in So=-li-, but 2or so=e in>ol>ed in the =ission pl-nning, the entire episode h-d r-ised unco=2ort-ble Uuestions. 3ec-use Pl-n A h-d 2-iled, the United St-tes #-s 2orced to t-%e the eXtr-ordin-ry step o2 using troops in one o2 the =ost hostile countries in the #orld. 3ut once the troops #ere there, #hy didnKt they Vust c-pture "-bh-n inste-d o2 %ill hi=^ P-rt o2 the -ns#er #-s th-t - c-pture =ission #-s considered too ris%y. 3ut th-t #-snKt the only re-son. 0illing #-s the pre2erred course o2 -ction in So=-li-, -nd -s one person in>ol>ed in the =ission pl-nning put it, R9e didnKt c-pture hi= bec-use it #ould h->e been h-rd to 2ind - pl-ce to put hi=.S

T!; P;"TAG6"h-d

origin-lly hired @ichele 3-ll-rin -nd Perry L->is to co=e up #ith the type o2 in2or=-tion th-t h-d led to "-bh-nKs %illing. This g->e 3-ll-rin clout during her 2reUuent trips to ;-st A2ric-, #here she bo-sted -bout her ties to the A=eric-n go>ern=ent during pri>-te =eetings #ith >-rious So=-li 2-ctions. ;-ch trip brought ne# business opportunities, -nd -s So=-li- e=erged -s the #orldKs epicenter o2 intern-tion-l pir-cy, she s-# the #ind2-ll th-t could co=e 2ro= -cting -s -n inter=edi-ry in the r-nso= negoti-tions. 3-ll-rinKs pri=-ry cont-ct 2ro= the Pent-gon o22ice th-t -#-rded her the contr-ct h-d pushed her to de>elop rel-tions #ith the cl-ns in So=-li#ith close ties to the pir-te net#or%s, -nd by the ti=e the pir-tes displ-yed the A@I5A sign 2ro= the <-in-Ks hull she h-d designs on beco=ing the goDto r-nso= negoti-tor. She s-id publicly th-t her interests in negoti-ting #ere purely hu=-nit-ri-n, but pri>-tely 3-ll-rin told so=e o2 her e=ployees th-t t-%ing - cut o2 the r-nso= p-y=ents could be lucr-ti>e -s the scourge o2 pir-cy #orsened. RShe h-d this dre-= o2 h-ndling -ll o2 the negoti-tions, -nd getting rich,S s-id 3ill Leininger, - 2or=er colle-gue. In one inter>ie# she told - reporter th-t her go-l #-s to Run#ind -ll se>enteen ships -nd -ll 2our hundred 2i2ty peopleS th-t So=-li pir-tes #ere currently holding . Leininger #-s one o2 - nu=ber o2 disgruntled 2or=er e=ployees #ho bec-=e disillusioned #ith 3-ll-rin -nd Uuit #or%ing 2or her #hen they thought she h-d 2-iled to deli>er on her =-ny pro=ises. So=e retired =ilit-ry o22icers she h-d hired to #or% 2or her >-rious co=p-nies put up so=e o2 their o#n =oney #hen they Voined 3-ll-rinKs ser>ice, -nd 2elt burned #hen they didnKt recoup their in>est=ent. Although the Pent-gon g->e her seed =oney 2or her in2or=-tionDg-thering proVect in :''8, she struggled to get ste-dy stre-= o2 =oney 2ro= go>ern=ent contr-cts, -nd cut ties #ith =-ny o2 her p-rtners. And yet she =-int-ined the -ppe-r-nce o2 - l->ish li2estyle in the rolling hills o2 Nirgini- beyond the 9-shington belt#-y. She continued to court senior A=eric-n =ilit-ry -nd intelligence o22ici-ls, o2ten -t the l-rge bric% =-nsion th-t she rented, #hich doubled -s -n -ntiUues store -nd s-t on &&' -cres th-t #-s once the do=-in o2 horse 2-r=s but =ore recently h-d beco=e p-rt o2 9-shingtonKs spr-#ling eXurbs. She

entert-ined A=eric-n -nd A2ric-n o22ici-ls in the =-nsionKs dining roo=, - sp-ce decor-ted #ith -ntiUue >-ses, hunting prints, -nd - l-rge g-llery o2 photos o2 5on-ld 5e-g-n -nd Pope Pohn P-ul II. 3edec%ed in Ve#elry -nd so=eti=es c-ressing - string o2 pr-yer be-ds, she presided o>er the =eetings -t the he-d o2 - l-rge -ntiUue t-ble. At regul-r inter>-ls, Perry L->is #ould get up -nd re2ill >isitorsK te-cups #ith - s#eet blend o2 0eny-n bl-c% te- #ith c-rd-=o=, clo>es, -nd other spices. 3-ll-rin continued to =-%e trips to ;-st A2ric-, building up ties to 2-ctions inside So=-li- united by their -dherence to Su2is=. And she e>entu-lly de>eloped c-tchphr-se 2or her #or% inside So=-li-7 She #-s pro>iding Rorg-nic solutionsS to proble=s th-t h-d 2estered 2or dec-des, solutions th-t couldnKt be en-cted by 2oreign go>ern=ents or #h-t she s-# -s =eddleso=e outside groups li%e the United "-tions. Luring -n inter>ie# #ith the Noice o2 A=eric- she spo%e -bout - Rso2tDsidedS -ppro-ch, esche#ing >iolence. RThe So=-lis h->e seen enough con2lict, theyK>e seen enough pri>-te =ilit-ry co=p-nies, theyK>e seen bloodshed, theyK>e seen enough gunpo#der, theyK>e seen enough bullets,S she s-id. RAll the ugly things th-t h->e cre-ted - gener-tion o2 young people #ho donKt %no# -nything else. 9hy #ould -nyone #ho c-res deeply -bout this culture #-nt to perpetu-te th-t^ ItKs not the #-y 2or#-rd Q it re-lly isnKt.S 3ut her de2inition o2 -n Rorg-nic solutionS #-s cle-rly el-stic. In :''C, 2or eX-=ple, she tried to help - group o2 So=-li hit =en %ill 2i>e pro=inent -l Sh-b--b oper-ti>es #ho #ere g-thering 2or - =eeting in @og-dishu. All they needed, she s-id , #ere silencers 2or their h-ndguns. In her telling o2 the story, the det-ils o2 #hich - 2or=er A=eric-n go>ern=ent o22ici-l con2ir=ed, she #-s sitting in her suite -t the LVibouti P-l-ce 0e=pins%i, the only 2i>eD st-r hotel in the tiny, i=po>erished n-tion. The hotel #-s hosting -n intern-tion-l con2erence to select the neXt le-ders o2 So=-li-Ks -ne=ic tr-nsition-l go>ern=ent\liter-l g-thering o2 the cl-ns. A2ter negoti-tions in con2erence roo=s -nd poolside, Sh-ri2 Shei%h Ah=ed, - =oder-te, 2or=er co==-nder o2 the Isl-=ic ,ourts Union, #-s chosen to run the country. In the =iddle o2 one night, - group o2 So=-lis %noc%ed on 3-ll-rinKs door -nd too% her to =eet - senior o22ici-l o2 So=-li-Ks ne# tr-nsition-l go>ern=ent. There, the So=-li o22ici-l told her th-t he h-d been in cont-ct #ith - senior -l Sh-b--b oper-ti>e #ho #-s interested in s#itching sides -nd Voining the go>ern=ent. The in2or=-nt %ne# -bout -n upco=ing g-thering o2 -l Sh-b--b le-ders -nd #-s o22ering\#ith A=eric-Ks blessing\to %ill the= -ll. !is list o2 needs #-s short7 !is =en #ould need so=e tr-ining #ith h-ndguns, -nd silencers to ensure th-t the oper-tion could be c-rried out -s discreetly -s possible. And the de2ector #-nted the United St-tes to put up =oney to help the #ido#s -nd children o2 the sl-in -l Sh-b--b le-ders. 9hen 3-ll-rin returned to the United St-tes, she -nd Perry L->is cont-cted - s=-ll group o2 =ilit-ry o22icers they %ne# -t the Pent-gon. As she s-# it, this #-s not di22icult decision, -nd she l-ter rec-lled #ith - =e-sure o2 -nger #h-t she told the =ilit-ry o22ici-ls #ith #ho= she h-d =et. RThis is =-nn- 2ro= he->enh T-%e ithS she rec-lled telling the =ilit-ry =en. 3ut the A=eric-ns b-l%ed. I2 PS6, #-s going to bless the oper-tion, the A=eric-ns #ere going to do it the=sel>es. 3ut 3-ll-rin thought th-t h->ing So=-lis\r-ther th-n A=eric-n co==-ndos or other 2oreign proXies\%ill the top echelon o2 -l Sh-b--b in one blo# #ould be especi-lly crippling 2or -n indigenous terror org-niA-tion. RThis is -n org-nic solution,S she s-id. R$ou donKt disp-tch S;A4 te-=s. This is

So=-liDstyle, -nd this isnKt ple-s-nt stu22 #eKre t-l%ing -bout.S 9hen she rec-lled the episode se>er-l ye-rs l-ter, she spo%e #ist2ully -bout #h-t =ight h->e been. RAll they #-nted #-s silencers.S 3-ll-rin #-snKt content #ith pl-ying the role o2 =ere p-ssi>e collector o2 intelligence. !er >ision #-s to be -t the center o2 - gre-t Su2i -#-%ening, o>erseeing the uni2ic-tion o2 >-rious Su2i groups -cross "orth -nd ;-st A2ric- in - 2orce2ul c-=p-ign -g-inst 9-hh-bis=. 9hen -l Sh-b--b =ilit-nts too% o>er r-dio st-tions in @og-dishu, b-nning =usic -nd 2orcing r-dio progr-==ers to introduce ne#s reports #ith the sounds o2 c-nned gun2ire, ble-ting go-ts, -nd cluc%ing chic%ens, 3-ll-rin #rote - song o2 resist-nce to the Su2is o2 So=-li-. The song, #ritten in ;nglish -nd sung by - 3r-Aili-n pop singer, c-rried the r-llying cry RSu2i li2e theyKll ne>er de2e-thS 5-ise your >oicesY.Y.Y. T-%e - st-ndh 5ecl-i= our honor -nd our l-nd <ro= 2oreign po#ers -nd =eddling h-nds. 3rothers -nd sisters, t-%e - st-ndh 5-ise your >oicesY.Y.Y. T-%e - st-ndh <ro= region-l stringsY.Y.Y. intern-tion-l b-ns. 3rother, co=e #ith =eY.Y.Y. =-n 2or =-n. 3rothers -nd sistersY.Y.Y. t-%e - st-ndh 3-ll-rin belie>ed th-t the gre-t -#-%ening should begin in So=-li-, #here she h-d -lre-dy h-d cont-cts #ith Ahlu Sunn- 9-lV-=-K- (AS9P), - Su2i group th-t controls l-rge s#-ths o2 territory in centr-l So=-li-. The AS9P h-d - so=e#h-t chec%ered history. Luring the So=-li ci>il #-r th-t r-ged during the &CC's, the group #-s -ligned #ith the s-=e #-rlord #ho co==-nded the So=-li gun=en 2ighting Ar=y 5-ngers -nd Lelt- <orce oper-ti>es during the 3l-c% !-#% Lo#n episode. 3e2ore the rise o2 -l Sh-b--b, the AS9P h-d not #ielded signi2ic-nt in2luence in So=-li-Ks cl-n #-rs. 3ut -s -l Sh-b--b 2ighters beg-n c-pturing to#ns in southern -nd centr-l So=-li-, the 9-hh-bi gun=en =-de - point o2 destroying Su2i gr->es -nd =osUues #here>er they #ent. 3ones #ere eXhu=ed -nd le2t to ble-ch in the sun, -nd c-ret-%ers o2 gr->ey-rds #ere -rrested or told ne>er to return to #or%. Al Sh-b--b 2ighters s-id th-t the gr->esites #ere o>er#rought =e=ori-ls\idol-try th-t #-s b-nned by Isl-=. Shei%h !-ss-n $-Uub Ali, the -l Sh-b--b spo%es=-n in the southern port city o2 0is=-yo, told the 33,, R It is 2orbidden to =-%e gr->es into shrines .S The gr->e desecr-tion ignited - =ilit-nt str-in #ithin the l-rgely pe-ce2ul AS9P, -nd they beg-n to =obiliAe into -n -r=ed group #ith the -i= o2 -cting -s - counter#eight to -l Sh-b--b. 5ecogniAing the potenti-l o2 - Su2i -r=ed -#-%ening, 3-ll-rin beg-n encour-ging Su2i le-ders to de>elop - str-tegy to bre-% -l Sh-b--bKs -d>-nce. She -nd Perry L->is spo%e repe-tedly #ith Su2i shei%hs -nd AS9P =ilit-ry le-ders, tr->eling to centr-l So=-li- to t-l% -bout their =ilit-ry c-=p-ign, -cting li%e - t#oDperson b-ttle2ield st-22. 3-ll-rin -nd L->is bo-sted to A=eric-ns th-t the AS9P #-s li%e their o#n pri>-te =iliti-, -nd th-t they h-d instructed the Su2i 2ighters in ho# to reco>er #e-pons o22 the b-ttle2ield -nd store -==unition. Then, -2ter =onths o2 st-le=-te, r-gt-g colu=ns o2 gunD#ielding AS9P 2ighters =o>ed into ;l 3uur, -n -l Sh-b--b stronghold in centr-l So=-li-. 3-ll-rin be-=s #hen she rec-lls - teXt =ess-ge she s-id she recei>ed in the =iddle o2 the night 2ro= AS9P co==-nders7

R9eK>e t-%en ;l 3uurhS

the tele>ision in her bric% =-nsion in "orthern Nirgini- in :'&&, #-tching >ideo 2eeds on <oX "e#s o2 the Ar-b re>olts -cross "orth A2ric-, @ichele 3-ll-rin didnKt see - hope2ul Ar-b Rspring.S She s-# - night=-re un2olding7 r-dic-l 9-hh-bi Isl-= cutting -cross northern A2ric- -ll the #-y to the #est co-st o2 the continent. In her =ind, -uthorit-ri-n go>ern=ents in pl-ces li%e ;gypt -nd 4iby- h-d been - bul#-r% -g-inst the spre-d o2 9-hh-bis=, -nd the 2orti2ic-tions #ere no# cru=bling. She #-s cert-in th-t 9-hh-bis=Ks rich p-trons in S-udi Ar-bi- #ould =o>e into the region #ith =oney to build =osUues -nd religious schools, -nd th-t the United St-tes #-s losing its only p-rtners in - 2ight -g-inst r-dic-l Isl-=. As she s-# it, @u-==-r G-dd-2i =ight h->e been - ruthless thug -nd the ene=y o2 her hero 5on-ld 5e-g-n, but to her, the 4iby-n dict-tor h-d co=e to be on the side o2 the righteous in the -geKs de2ining struggle o2 good >ersus e>il . 4i%e - desert s-ndstor=, the popul-r re>olts spre-ding -cross the st-tes o2 "orth A2ric- #ere in the process o2 burying dec-des o2 -uthorit-ri-n rule. 3ut they h-d -lso c-ught the ,IA 2l-tD2ooted, -nd 9hite !ouse o22ici-ls #ere -#-re th-t 2or -ll o2 the billions o2 doll-rs th-t the United St-tes spends e-ch ye-r to collect intelligence -nd 2orec-st the #orldKs c-t-clys=ic e>ents, A=eric-n spy -gencies #ere se>er-l steps behind the popul-r uprisings. RThe ,IA =issed Tunisi-. They =issed ;gypt. They =issed 4iby-. They =issed the= indi>idu-lly, -nd they =issed the= collecti>ely,S s-id one senior =e=ber o2 the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion. In the 2r-ntic #ee%s -2ter the Ar-b re>olts beg-n, hundreds o2 intelligence -n-lysts -t the ,IA -nd other A=eric-n spy -gencies #ere re-ssigned to di>ine =e-ning 2ro= the tur=oil. It #-s - g-=e o2 c-tchDup . It #-s the 2irst =-ss uprising o2 the soci-lD=edi- -ge, -nd the re>olutions #ere pl-ying out in T#itter =ess-ges -nd <-ceboo% upd-tes. It #-s unli%e -nything th-t o22ici-ls -t 4-ngley h-d seen be2ore, -nd historic-l precursors li%e the 2-ll o2 ,o==unis= #ere o2 little help to ,IA le-ders -s they struggled to -d>ise the 9hite !ouse -nd St-te Lep-rt=ent -bout #hich Ar-b dict-tor #-s li%ely to 2-ll neXt. At one senior st-22 =eeting, ,IA director 4eon P-nett- pressed his -ides to =-%e sense o2 the bliAA-rd o2 digit-l =ess-ges. RIsnKt -nyone -ble to c-pture -ll o2 these =ess-ges in one pl-ce^S he -s%ed, cle-rly puAAled by the #-ys o2 the younger gener-tion. 3ut the proble= #ent deeper 2or the ,IA, - spy -gency th-t >ery Uuic%ly #-s co=ing to eXperience the do#nside o2 its reorient-tion to#-rd counterterroris=. The ,IA #-s 2ounded in &C*7 on the pre=ise th-t presidents -nd policy =-%ers needed -d>-nce #-rning -bout the dyn-=ics sh-ping #orld e>ents, but both President George 9. 3ush -nd 3-r-c% 6b-=- h-d decided th-t hunting -nd %illing terrorists should be the -gencyKs top priority. The -gency didnKt h->e enough spies doing -ctu-l spying, not enough c-se o22icers on the ground in countries li%e ;gypt -nd Tunisi- #hose Vob it #-s to collect intelligence -bout 2er=ent in the streets or -bout 2e-rs -=ong 2oreign le-ders th-t they =ight be losing their grip on po#er. The ,IA h-d -llied itsel2 #ith ruthless intelligence ser>ices throughout the @iddle ;-st -nd "orth A2ric-, 2or=ing p-rtnerships #ith 2oreign spy ser>ices run by the li%es o2 !osni @ub-r-% -nd @u-==-r G-dd-2i. These p-rtnerships h-d helped the ,IA -=-ss sc-lps 2or the #-r on terror. ,IA directors #ere on - 2irstDn-=e b-sis #ith @ouss0ouss-, the he-d o2 G-dd-2iKs brut-l spy ser>ice, -nd A=eric-n -nd 4iby-n spies h-d #or%ed together to hunt do#n =en #ith suspected ties to -l W-ed-, c-pture the=, -nd put the= in 4iby-Ks notorious Abu S-li= V-il. A2ter G-dd-2i 2ell -nd rebels s-c%ed 4iby-n
SITTI"G I" <56"T 6<

intelligence he-dUu-rters, tro>es o2 docu=ents #ere 2ound det-iling the close ties bet#een A=eric-n -nd 4iby-n intelligence. There #-s e>en - letter to @ouss- 0ouss2ro= Porter Goss, the 2or=er ,IA director, th-n%ing the 4iby-n spy=-ster 2or his ,hrist=-s gi2t o2 2resh or-nges. Therein l-y =uch o2 the proble=7 4iby-n or ;gypti-n spies #ere h-rdly -bout to be c-ndid #ith A=eric-n o22ici-ls -bout the 2r-gility o2 their o#n go>ern=ents. And they %ept close #-tch on dissident le-ders, =-%ing it di22icult 2or ,IA c-se o22icers in cities li%e ,-iro to =eet #ith opposition groups -nd collect intelligence -bout do=estic unrest in the "orth A2ric-n st-tes. @i%e !-yden, the 2or=er ,IA director, #ould l-ter -d=it th-t the -gencyKs decision to tie itsel2 to -uthorit-ri-n regi=es in the Ar-b #orld h-d crippled its -bility to collect politic-l -nd soci-l intelligence in those countries. As he put it, R!o# =uch do you #-nt to push collection on the @usli= 3rotherhood in ;gypt i2 youKre going to -lien-te `@ub-r-%Ks intelligence chie2a 6=-r Sulei=-n -nd he stops being - good counterterroris= p-rtner 2or you^S Go>ern=ent le-ders 2ro= -round the #orld h-iled the end o2 "orth A2ric-Ks c-lci2ied dict-torships. 3ut 2or sleepDdepri>ed, o2ten neurotic o22icers inside the ,IAKs ,ounterterroris= ,enter, the e>ents o2 e-rly :'&& #ere h-rdly the c-use 2or opti=is=. It #-snKt Vust th-t they #ere #-tching their close 2oreign -llies be uncere=oniously pushed 2ro= po#er. ;>en =ore #orrying #-s th-t Isl-=ist groups th-t 2or dec-des h-d been under the heel o2 dict-tors\2ro= ;gyptKs @usli= 3rotherhood to r-dic-l groups in 4ibyth-t the ,IA -nd 4iby-n intelligence h-d #or%ed together to snu22 out\#ere g-ining politic-l po#er. The #hirl#ind t-%ing pl-ce in the Ar-b #orld could, the ,T, 2e-red, so# the seeds 2or - resurgence o2 -l W-ed- -nd its -22ili-tes. Such #-s the he-rtening prospect o2 -l W-ed-Ks le-der, holed up inside the top 2loor o2 - co=pound in Abbott-b-d, P-%ist-n. <uriously #riting letters to his subordin-tes during #h-t #ould be the 2in-l #ee%s o2 his li2e, 6s-=- bin 4-den #-s =-%ing - c-se in the e-rly =onths o2 :'&& th-t the Ar-b re>olts #ere the re-liA-tion o2 - >ision he 2irst l-id out in the &CC's, #hen he 2ounded -l W-ed-. In 2-ct, the re>olts h-d pl-yed out nothing li%e he h-d predicted, -nd the go>ern=ents in ;gypt -nd Tunisi- h-d been toppled not by -l W-ed- or by those see%ing - p-nD@usli= c-liph-te but by - youth2ul gr-ssroots e22ort using =edi- technology to 2urther the re>olution. 3ut bin 4-den still 2ound hope in the ch-os. !e #rote glee2ully to one o2 his deputies th-t Secret-ry o2 St-te !ill-ry ,linton h-d eXpressed #orries th-t Rthe region #ill 2-ll into the h-nds o2 the -r=ed Isl-=ists.S 9h-t the #orld #-s #itnessing in Rthese d-ys o2 consecuti>e re>olutions,S he #rote, Ris - gre-t -nd glorious e>entS th-t #ould li%ely R enco=p-ss the =-Vority o2 the Isl-=ic #orld #ith the #ill o2 All-h.S

&*7 T!; U"5AN;4I"G

RIt #-s the A=eric-nsh It #-s 3l-c%#-terh It #-s -nother 5-y=ond L->ishS \!-2iA @uh-==-d S-eed

he A=eric-n spy s-t 2or #ee%s inside - d-r% cell -t 0ot 4-%hp-t prison, on the

industri-l 2ringes o2 4-hore, - V-il #ith -n uns->ory reput-tion 2or in=-tes dying under =ur%y circu=st-nces. !e h-d been sep-r-ted 2ro= the rest o2 the prisoners, held in section o2 the dec-ying 2-cility #here the gu-rds didnKt c-rry #e-pons, - concession 2or his s-2ety th-t A=eric-n o22ici-ls h-d =-n-ged to eXtr-ct 2ro= the prison st-22. The United St-tes consul-te in 4-hore h-d negoti-ted -nother s-2egu-rd7 A s=-ll te-= o2 dogs #-s t-sting 5-y=ond L->isKs 2ood, chec%ing th-t it h-d not been l-ced #ith poison. <or =-ny senior P-%ist-ni spies, the =-n sitting in the V-il cell see=ed the 2irst solid proo2 o2 their suspicions th-t the ,IA h-d built up - s=-ll -r=y inside P-%ist-n, - group o2 triggerDh-ppy co#boys c-rrying out - r-nge o2 ne2-rious -cti>ities. <or the ,IA, the disclosure o2 L->isKs role #ith the -gency shed -n un2l-ttering light on postOSepte=ber && pheno=enon7 ho# the ,IA h-d 2-r=ed out so=e o2 its =ost sensiti>e Vobs to outside contr-ctors -nd others #ith neither the eXperience nor the te=per-=ent to #or% in the #-r Aones o2 the Isl-=ic #orld. The third child o2 - poor bric%l-yer -nd - coo%, 5-y=ond Allen L->is gre# up in s=-ll cl-pbo-rd house in the Str-#berry P-tch h-=let o2 3ig Stone G-p, - to#n o2 siX thous-nd people in Nirgini- co-l country n-=ed 2or the g-p in the =ount-ins #here the Po#ell 5i>er sluiced through. Shy -nd reser>ed, L->is #-s unusu-lly strong -nd bec-=e - 2ootb-ll -nd #restling st-r -t the loc-l high school. A2ter gr-du-ting, in &CC3, he enlisted in the Ar=y in2-ntry -nd did - tour in @-cedoni- in &CC* -s - United "-tions pe-ce%eeper. 9hen his 2i>eDye-r hitch in the in2-ntry #-s up, in &CC8, he reenlisted, this ti=e in the Ar=yKs 3rd Speci-l <orces Group b-sed -t <ort 3r-gg. !e le2t the Ar=y in :''3 -nd, li%e hundreds o2 other retired "->y S;A4s -nd Green 3erets, #-s hired by ;ri% PrinceKs co=p-ny, 3l-c%#-ter USA, -nd soon 2ound hi=sel2 in Ir-U #or%ing -s - security gu-rd 2or the ,IA. 4ittle is %no#n -bout his #or% 2or 3l-c%#-ter, but by :''G he h-d le2t the 2ir= -nd, together #ith his #i2e, 2ounded - pri>-te security co=p-ny in 4-s Neg-s. Soon he #-s hired by the ,IA -s - pri>-te contr-ctor, #h-t the -gency c-lls - RGreen 3-dge,S 2or the color o2 the identi2ic-tion c-rds th-t contr-ctors sho# to enter ,IA he-dUu-rters -t 4-ngley. 4i%e L->is, =-ny o2 the contr-ctors #ere hired to 2ill out the ,IAKs Glob-l 5esponse St-22\bodygu-rds #ho tr->eled to #-r Aones to protect c-se o22icers, -ssess the security o2 potenti-l =eeting spots, e>en =-%e initi-l cont-ct #ith sources to =-%e sure th-t c-se o22icers #ouldnKt be #-l%ing into -n -=bush. It #-s o22icers 2ro= the ,IAKs security br-nch #ho #ould co=e under #ithering 2ire the 2ollo#ing ye-r on the roo2 o2 the -gencyKs b-se in 3engh-Ai, 4iby-. The de=-nds o2 the #-rs in Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n h-d so stretched the ,IAKs o#n c-dre o2 security o22icers th-t the -gency #-s 2orced to p-y in2l-ted su=s to pri>-te contr-ctors to do the security Vobs. 9hen L->is 2irst deployed #ith the ,IA to P-%ist-n in :''8, he #or%ed 2ro= the ,IA b-se in

Pesh-#-r, e-rning up#-rd o2 t#o hundred thous-nd doll-rs per ye-r, including bene2its -nd eXpenses. L->is h-d -lre-dy been in V-il 2or se>er-l #ee%s by =idD<ebru-ry :'&&, -nd it #-s unli%ely he #ould be 2reed -nyti=e soon. The =urder c-se h-d in2l-=ed -ntiDA=eric-n p-ssions inside P-%ist-n, #ith street protests -nd purple ne#sp-per editori-ls de=-nding th-t P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent not c->e to 9-shingtonKs de=-nds 2or L->isKs rele-se -nd inste-d sentence hi= to de-th. The e>idence -t the ti=e indic-ted th-t the =en L->is h-d %illed h-d c-rried out - string o2 petty the2ts th-t d-y, but there #-s -n -dded proble=7 - third =-n %illed by the un=-r%ed A=eric-n SUN 2leeing the scene. @-%ing =-tters e>en #orse 2or L->is, the A=eric-n h-d been i=prisoned in 4-hore, #here the 2-=ily o2 "-#-A Sh-ri2 do=in-ted the politic-l culture. The 2or=er president =-de no secret -bout his intentions to once -g-in run P-%ist-n, =-%ing hi= the chie2 -nt-gonist to President Asi2 Ali 1-rd-ri -nd his politic-l =-chine in Isl-=-b-d, : ' =iles -#-y. As the A=eric-n e=b-ssy in Isl-=-b-d le-ned on 1-rd-riKs go>ern=ent to get L->is rele-sed 2ro= V-il, the diplo=-ts soon re-liAed th-t 1-rd-ri h-d little in2luence o>er the police o22icers -nd Vudges in the city o2 the presidentKs bitter ri>-l. 3ut the =ost signi2ic-nt 2-ctor ensuring th-t L->is #ould l-nguish in V-il #-s th-t the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion h-d yet to tell P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent #h-t it -lre-dy suspected, -nd #h-t 5-y=ond L->isKs =-r%s=-nship in the 4-hore tr-22ic circle =-de cle-r7 !e #-snKt Vust -nother p-perDshu22ling A=eric-n diplo=-t. L->isKs #or% in P-%ist-n #-s =uch d-r%er, -nd in>ol>ed probing -n eXposed ner>e in the -lre-dy hypersensiti>e rel-tionship bet#een the ,IA -nd the ISI. ;>er since the P-%ist-ni =ilit-nt group 4-sh%-rDeDT-ib-, the RAr=y o2 the Pure,S disp-tched te-=s o2 -ss-ssins to l-y siege to luXury hotels in @u=b-i, Indi-, in "o>e=ber :''8, %illing -nd #ounding =ore th-n 2i>e hundred people o>er 2our d-ys o2 =-yhe=, ,IA -n-lysts h-d been #-rning th-t the group #-s see%ing to r-ise its glob-l pro2ile by c-rrying out spect-cul-r -tt-c%s beyond South Asi-. This spurred the ,IA to -ssign =ore o2 its eXp-nding c-dre o2 oper-ti>es in P-%ist-n to#-rd g-thering intelligence -bout 4-sh%-rKs oper-tions\- decision th-t put the interests o2 the ,IA -nd ISI in direct con2lict. It #-s one thing 2or A=eric-n spies to be lur%ing -round the trib-l -re-s hunting 2or -l W-ed- 2iguresQ it #-s Uuite -nother 2or the ,IA to go into P-%ist-ni cities on espion-ge =issions -g-inst - group th-t the ISI considered - >-lu-ble proXy 2orce. 4-sh%-r #-s 2ounded in &CC' -s -n -lli-nce o2 >-rious groups th-t the P-%ist-ni spy ser>ice h-d nurtured to 2ight the So>iet Union in A2gh-nist-n. The groupKs 2ocus turned -l=ost i==edi-tely 2ro= A2gh-nist-n to Indi-, -nd P-%ist-ni president @uh-==-d 1i-D ulD!-U beg-n sending 4-sh%-r 2ighters to 0-sh=ir to -ct -s - counter#eight to 0-sh=iri independence groups the president 2e-red =ight push to cre-te - sep-r-te st-te in the disputed =ount-in region cl-i=ed by both Indi- -nd P-%ist-n. The ISI h-d nurtured the group 2or ye-rs -s - use2ul -sset -g-inst Indi-, -nd the 2-ct th-t its le-ders oper-ted in pl-in sight =-de - =oc%ery o2 President @ush-rr-2Ks Rb-nningS o2 the group in :'': -2ter - br-Aen -ss-ult on the Indi-n p-rli-=ent building in "e# Lelhi. 4-sh%-rKs spr-#ling he-dUu-rters in @urid%e, - 4-hore suburb -long the 2-=ous Gr-nd Trun% 5o-d, housed - r-dic-l =-dr-ss-, - =-r%et, - hospit-l, -nd e>en - 2ish 2-r=. The co=pound h-d been built #ith contributions 2ro= #e-lthy donors in S-udi Ar-bi- -nd other Persi-n Gul2 countries, but 4-sh%-r -lso r-n success2ul 2undDr-ising c-=p-igns -nd deli>ered - r-2t o2 soci-l ser>ices to the poor using -n -llied org-niA-tion , P-=--tDudDL-#-h (RP-rty o2 TruthS), -s - 2ront. The groupKs ch-ris=-tic le-der, !-2iA @uh-==-d S-eed, h-d been put under house -rrest o>er the ye-rs, but in :''C the 4-hore !igh ,ourt Uu-shed -ll terroris=

ch-rges -g-inst the 2i2tyDnineDye-rDold -nd set hi= 2ree. A stoc%y =-n #ith - #ild be-rd, S-eed pre-ched out in the open on =-ny <rid-ys, 2l-n%ed by bodygu-rds -nd deli>ering ser=ons to throngs o2 his 2ollo#ers -bout the i=peri-lis= o2 the United St-tes, Indi-, -nd Isr-el. ;>en -2ter the United St-tes o22ered - i&' =illion re#-rd 2or in2or=-tion lin%ing S-eed to the @u=b-i -tt-c%s, he continued to =o>e 2reely in public, 2urther ce=enting his legend -s - P-%ist-ni >ersion o2 5obin !ood. 3y the ti=e 5-y=ond L->is h-d =o>ed into - s-2e house #ith - h-nd2ul o2 other ,IA o22icers -nd contr-ctors in l-te :'&', the bul% o2 -gency o22icers in 4-hore #ere in>ol>ed in collecting in2or=-tion -bout the gro#th o2 4-sh%-r. 9ith =-ny o2 the ,IA oper-ti>es brought into the country under 2-lse co>er to =-s% their =o>e=ents, P-%ist-ni intelligence o22ici-ls could =-%e only #ild guesses -bout #h-t the A=eric-ns #ere doing. To get =ore o2 its spies into P-%ist-n, the ,IA h-d eXploited the -rc-ne rules in pl-ce 2or -ppro>ing >is-s 2or A=eric-ns. The St-te Lep-rt=ent, the ,IA, -nd the Pent-gon -ll h-d sep-r-te ch-nnels to reUuest >is-s 2or their personnel, -nd -ll o2 the= l-nded -t the des% o2 !us-in !-UU-ni, P-%ist-nKs proDA=eric-n -=b-ss-dor in 9-shington. !-UU-ni, - 2or=er politici-n -nd pro2essor -t 3oston Uni>ersity, h-d orders 2ro= Isl-=-b-d to be lenient in -ppro>ing the >is-s, since =-ny o2 the A=eric-ns co=ing to P-%ist-n #ere\-t le-st o22ici-lly\going to be -d=inistering =illions o2 doll-rs in 2oreign -id =oney to P-%ist-n. 3y the ti=e o2 the 4-hore %illings, in e-rly :'&&, so =-ny A=eric-ns #ere oper-ting inside P-%ist-n under both legiti=-te -nd 2-lse identities th-t e>en the U.S. e=b-ssy in P-%ist-n didnKt h->e -ccur-te records to %eep tr-c% o2 their identities -nd #here-bouts.

T!; A@;5I,A" ;@3ASS$in

Isl-=-b-d is essenti-lly - 2ortress #ithin - 2ortress, - pile o2 buildings enclosed by #-lls topped #ith r-Aor #ire -nd sur>eill-nce c-=er-s -nd then encircled by -n outer ring o2 #-lls th-t sep-r-te - le-2y -re-, c-lled the Liplo=-tic ;ncl->e, 2ro= the rest o2 the city. I2 it see=ed li%e o>er%ill, -nd - bit undiplo=-tic, to h->e the U.S. go>ern=ent cloistered behind so =uch concrete -nd steel, the A=eric-ns -t le-st h-d good re-son7 The pre>ious e=b-ssy h-d been set on 2ire in &C7C by student protestors enr-ged o>er 2-lse reports th-t the United St-tes #-s behind the occup-tion o2 the Gre-t @osUue, in @ecc-. In -ctu-lity, - r-dic-l Isl-=ic splinter group h-d seiAed the =osUue -nd t-%en host-ges -=ong the hundreds o2 thous-nds #ho h-d co=e to @ecc- 2or the h-V. Inside the A=eric-n e=b-ssy, the #or% o2 diplo=-ts -nd spies is %ept l-rgely sep-r-te, #ith the ,IA st-tion occupying - #-rren o2 o22ices in its o#n #ing o2 the e=b-ssy, -ccessed only through doors #ith encrypted loc%s. 3ut -2ter 5-y=ond L->is #-s pic%ed up by the 4-hore police, the e=b-ssy bec-=e - house di>ided by =ore th-n =ere geogr-phy. Pust t#o d-ys be2ore the shootings in 4-hore, the ,IA h-d sent - ne# st-tion chie2 to Isl-=-b-d, the l-test in #h-t h-d beco=e so=ething o2 - re>ol>ing door -t the -gencyKs =-in P-%ist-n outpost. !is pre>ious 2oreign posting h-d been in 5ussi-, #here the ,IA h-d sent its =ost #ily -nd c-p-ble o22icers during the ,old 9-r -nd =ore recently h-d -ssigned personnel tough enough to %noc% he-ds #ith the SN5, the 0G3Ks postDSo>iet inc-rn-tion. 6ldDschool -nd stubborn, the ne# chie2 did not co=e to P-%ist-n to be 2riendly #ith the ISI. Inste-d, he #-nted to recruit =ore P-%ist-ni -gents to #or% 2or the ,IA under the ISIKs nose, eXp-nd electronic sur>eill-nce o2 ISI o22ices, -nd sh-re little in2or=-tion #ith P-%ist-ni intelligence o22icers. This h-#%ish -ppro-ch to

spycr-2t h-s long h-d - n-=e #ithin the ,IA7 @osco# 5ules. The str-tegy #-s no# being -pplied to P-%ist-n, =-%ing the ne# st-tion chie2 2eel right -t ho=e. Th-t h-rdDnosed -ttitude -l=ost i==edi-tely put hi= -t odds #ith the A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor in Isl-=-b-d, ,-=eron @unter. A boo%ish c-reer diplo=-t 2ro= ,-li2orni#ith - Ph.L. in history 2ro= Pohns !op%ins Uni>ersity, @unter h-d -scended the r-n%s o2 the St-te Lep-rt=entKs bure-ucr-cy 2ocused on ;urope. !e then -ccepted se>er-l postings in Ir-U -nd ulti=-tely too% o>er the A=eric-n =ission in Isl-=-b-d, in l-te :'&'. The Vob #-s considered one o2 the St-te Lep-rt=entKs =ost i=port-nt -nd di22icult -ssign=ents, -nd @unter h-d the burden o2 2ollo#ing Anne P-tterson, -n -ggressi>e diplo=-t #ho, in the three ye-rs be2ore @unter -rri>ed, h-d culti>-ted close ties to o22ici-ls in both the 3ush -nd 6b-=- -d=inistr-tions. She h-d #on pr-ise 2ro= the ,IA 2or her un2linching support 2or drone stri%es in the trib-l -re-s. @unter, though, s-# things di22erentlyQ he #-s s%eptic-l -bout the longDter= >-lue o2 counterterroris= oper-tions in P-%ist-n. Arri>ing in Isl-=-b-d -t - ti=e #hen rel-tions bet#een the United St-tes -nd P-%ist-n #ere Uuic%ly deterior-ting, @unter #ondered #hether the p-ce o2 the drone #-r =ight be undercutting rel-tions #ith -n i=port-nt -lly 2or the Uuic% 2iX o2 %illing =idle>el terrorists. @unter #ould le-rn soon enough th-t his >ie#s -bout the drone progr-= ulti=-tely =-ttered little. In the 6b-=-d=inistr-tion, #hen it c-=e to Uuestions -bout #-r -nd pe-ce in P-%ist-n, it #-s #h-t the ,IA belie>ed th-t re-lly counted. 9ith 5-y=ond L->is sitting in prison, @unter -rgued it #-s essenti-l to go i==edi-tely to the he-d o2 the ISI, 4t. Gener-l Ah=-d ShuV- P-sh-, to cut - de-l. The United St-tes #ould -d=it th-t L->is #-s #or%ing 2or the ,IA, the 2-=ilies o2 the 4-hore >icti=s #ould be secretly co=pens-ted, -nd L->is #ould Uuietly be spirited out o2 the country, ne>er to return -g-in. 3ut the ,IA obVected. L->is h-d been spying on =ilit-nt group #ith eXtensi>e ties to the ISI, -nd the ,IA didnKt #-nt to o#n up to it. Top ,IA o22ici-ls #orried th-t -ppe-ling 2or =ercy 2ro= the ISI =ight doo= L->is. !e could be %illed in prison be2ore the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion could pressure Isl-=-b-d to rele-se L->is on the grounds th-t he #-s - 2oreign diplo=-t #ith i==unity 2ro= loc-l l-#s\e>en those prohibiting =urder. 6n the d-y o2 L->isKs -rrest, the ,IA st-tion chie2 #-l%ed into @unterKs o22ice -nd -nnounced th-t - decision h-d been =-de to stone#-ll the P-%ist-nis. LonKt cut - de-l, he #-rned, -dding7 P-%ist-n is the ene=y. The str-tegy =e-nt th-t A=eric-n o22ici-ls, 2ro= top to botto=, h-d to ob2usc-te both in public -nd in pri>-te -bout #h-t eX-ctly 5-y=ond L->is h-d been doing in the country. 6n <ebru-ry & , =ore th-n t#o #ee%s -2ter the shootings, President 6b-=o22ered his 2irst co==ents -bout the 5-y=ond L->is -22-ir during - press con2erence. The =-tter #-s si=ple, 6b-=- s-id7 L->is, Rour diplo=-t in P-%ist-n,S should be i==edi-tely rele-sed under the R>ery si=ple principleS o2 diplo=-tic i==unity. RI2 our diplo=-ts -re in -nother country,S s-id the president, R then they -re not subVect to th-t countryKs loc-l prosecution.S ,-lling L->is - Rdiplo=-tS #-s, technic-lly, -ccur-te. L->is h-d been -d=itted into P-%ist-n on - diplo=-tic p-ssport, #hich under nor=-l circu=st-nces #ould protect hi= 2ro= being prosecuted in - 2oreign country. 3ut -2ter the shootings in 4-hore, the P-%ist-nis #ere not eX-ctly recepti>e to deb-ting the 2iner points o2 intern-tion-l l-#. As they s-# it, L->is #-s -n A=eric-n spy #ho h-d not been decl-red to the ISI -nd #ho= ,IA o22ici-ls still #ould not -d=it they controlled. Shortly be2ore 6b-=-Ks press con2erence, Gener-l P-sh-, the ISI chie2, h-d tr->eled to 9-shington to =eet #ith 4eon P-nett- -nd get =ore in2or=-tion -bout the =-tter. !e #-s ne-rly con>inced th-t L->is #-s - ,IA e=ployee -nd suggested to P-nett- th-t the t#o spy -gencies h-ndle the =-tter Uuietly. Sitting in P-nett-Ks o22ice, he posed - direct Uuestion.

9-s L->is #or%ing 2or the ,IA^ P-sh- -s%ed. "o, heKs not one o2 ours, P-nett- replied. P-nett- #ent on to s-y th-t the =-tter #-s out o2 his h-nds, -nd th-t the issue #-s being h-ndled inside St-te Lep-rt=ent ch-nnels. P-sh- #-s 2urious #hen he le2t ,IA he-dUu-rters, -nd he decided to le->e 5-y=ond L->isKs 2-te in the h-nds o2 the Vudges in 4-hore. The United St-tes h-d Vust lost its ch-nce , he told others, to Uuic%ly end the dispute.

#ould be o>erseeing - l-rge cl-ndestine net#or% o2 A=eric-n spies in P-%ist-n, -nd then disse=ble to the ISI director -bout the eXtent o2 A=eric-Ks secret #-r in the country, sho#ed Vust ho# =uch the rel-tionship h-d unr->eled since the d-ys in :'':, #hen As-d @unir te-=ed up #ith the ,IA in Pesh-#-r to hunt 2or 6s-=- bin 4-den in #estern P-%ist-n. Things #ere 2-r #orse e>en th-n during the period in :''G, #hen the ISI -llo#ed Art 0eller -nd other ,IA oper-ti>es to #or% out o2 P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry b-ses in the trib-l -re-s. 9here h-d it gone so #rong^ 9hile the spy -gencies h-d h-d - 2r-ught rel-tionship since the beginning o2 the A2gh-n #-r, the re-l bre-ch c-=e in Puly :''8, #hen ,IA o22icers in Isl-=-b-d p-id >isit to Gener-l Ash2-U P-r>eA 0-y-ni, the P-%ist-ni -r=y chie2, to tell hi= th-t President 3ush h-d signed o22 on - set o2 secret orders -uthoriAing - ne# str-tegy in the drone #-rs. "o longer #ould the ,IA gi>e P-%ist-n -d>-nce #-rning be2ore l-unching =issiles 2ro= Pred-tor or 5e-per drones in the trib-l -re-s. <ro= th-t point on, the ,IA o22icers told 0-y-ni, the ,IAKs %illing c-=p-ign in P-%ist-n #ould be unil-ter-l #-r. The decision h-d been =-de in 9-shington -2ter =onths o2 #renching deb-te -bout the gro#th o2 =ilit-ncy in P-%ist-nKs trib-l -re-sQ - ,IA intern-l -ssess=ent h-d li%ened it to -l W-ed-Ks s-2e h->en in A2gh-nist-n in the ye-rs be2ore the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. The highly cl-ssi2ied ,IA p-per, d-ted @-y &, :''7, concluded th-t -l W-ed#-s -t its =ost d-ngerous since :''& bec-use o2 the b-se o2 oper-tions th-t =ilit-nts h-d est-blished in "orth 9-Airist-n, South 9-Airist-n, 3-V-ur , -nd the other trib-l -re-s. Th-t -ssess=ent bec-=e the cornerstone o2 - ye-rlong discussion -bout the P-%ist-n proble=. So=e o2 the P-%ist-n eXperts in the St-te Lep-rt=ent #-rned th-t eXp-nding the ,IA #-r in P-%ist-n #ould 2urther sto%e -ntiDA=eric-n -nger on the streets -nd could push the country o>er the brin%. 3ut o22ici-ls inside the ,IAKs ,ounterterroris= ,enter -rgued 2or esc-l-ting the drone c-=p-ign #ithout the ISIKs blessing. Since the %illing o2 "e% @uh-==-d in :''*, they s-id, there h-d been 2e#er th-n t#entyD2i>e drone stri%es in P-%ist-n, -nd only three o2 those stri%es %illed =ilit-nts on the ,IAKs list o2 RhighD>-lue t-rgets.S 6ther potenti-l stri%es h-d been scuttled -t the l-st =inute bec-use o2 del-ys in getting P-%ist-ni -ppro>-l 2or the stri%es, or bec-use the t-rgets see=ed to h->e been tipped o22 -nd h-d 2led. The t-rgeters inside the ,T, h-d been trying to -=-ss e>idence th-t =e=bers o2 the ISIKs Lirector-te S\the br-nch #ith historic-l ties to =ilit-nt groups\h-d -lerted the =ilit-nts, but there #-s no cle-r proo2. Unli%e ye-rs e-rlier, #hen so=e ,IA c-se o22icers h-d derided the ,ounterterroris= ,enter oper-ti>es -s Philistines -nd Rboys #ith toys,S by :''8 the >-rious 2-ctions #ithin the spy -gency h-d united -round the position th-t the drone c-=p-ign should intensi2y. Since l-te :'' , the ,IA h-d =-n-ged to de>elop =ore sources in the trib-l -re-s #ho could pro>ide precise in2or=-tion -bout the #here-bouts o2 -l W-edle-ders. @oreo>er, de2ense contr-ctor Gener-l Ato=ics h-d r-=ped up production o2
T!AT T!; ,IA LI5;,T65

Pred-tor -nd 5e-per drones, -llo#ing the ,IA to propose ne-rDconst-nt sur>eill-nce o>er suspected -l W-ed- co=pounds -nd tr-ining c-=ps #ith the un=-nned -ircr-2t. Inside the ,IAKs -n-lytics di>ision, the Lirector-te o2 Intelligence, -n-lysts h-d decided th-t l-unching unil-ter-l oper-tions in P-%ist-n #ould not, -s 3ush o22ici-ls #orried 2or ye-rs, le-d to the ouster o2 P-%ist-nKs secul-r go>ern=ent -nd - rise o2 Isl-=ist rule in the country. The -n-lysts concluded th-t the ci>ili-n go>ern=ent in Isl-=-b-d led by Asi2 Ali 1-rd-ri, #ho #-s elected -2ter Gener-l @ush-rr-2 c->ed to de=-nds to step do#n, #-s Vust strong enough to #e-ther -ny surge in public -nger th-t c-=e 2ro= -n incre-se in drone stri%es. The ch-nge in le-dership -t the Pent-gon h-d -lso contributed to the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs t-%ing - =ore -ggressi>e -ppro-ch in P-%ist-n. <or -ll his e22orts to eXp-nd his -uthorities to disp-tch speci-lDoper-tions troops outside o2 #-r Aones, Lon-ld 5u=s2eld h-d -ctu-lly been c-utious -bout c-rrying out too =-ny Rboots on the groundS oper-tions inside P-%ist-n, 2e-ring - public b-c%l-sh th-t =ight undercut President @ush-rr-2. 3ut #ith @ush-rr-2 gone, 5u=s2eldKs successor, 5obert G-tes, belie>ed th-t the United St-tes could t-%e =ore ris%s in the country. G-tes, the 2or=er ,IA director, h-d helped =-n-ge the ,IAKs co>ert c-=p-ign -g-inst the So>iets in A2gh-nist-n during the &C8's -nd s-# the bene2its o2 - p-rtnership #ith P-%ist-n. 3ut he -lso h-d - V-undiced >ie# o2 ho# P-%ist-n =-n-ged its security -nd %ne# Isl-=-b-d #ouldnKt t-%e -ggressi>e -ction -g-inst =ilit-nt groups in the trib-l -re-s i2 it h-d neither the interest nor the -bility to do so. Luring his 2irst trip to A2gh-nist-n -s de2ense secret-ry, G-tes s-t in - secure brie2ing roo= -t 3-gr-= Air 3-se #here 5e-r Ad=ir-l 5obert !-r#-rd, deputy co==-nder o2 Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd, g->e - cl-ssi2ied brie2ing on -ll o2 the co=pounds in the trib-l -re-s #here the =ilit-ry belie>ed -l W-ed- oper-ti>es #ere hiding. R 9ell, #hy donKt you go in -nd get the=^S G-tes -s%ed . So, in Puly :''8, #hen ,IA director @ich-el !-yden -nd his deputy, Stephen 0-ppes, c-=e to the 9hite !ouse to present the -gencyKs pl-n to #-ge - unil-ter-l #-r in the =ount-ins o2 P-%ist-n to President 3ush -nd his #-r c-binet, it #-snKt - h-rd sell to - 2rustr-ted president. R9eKre going to stop pl-ying the g-=e,S 3ush s-id. RThese sons o2 bitches -re %illing A=eric-ns. IK>e h-d enough .S Th-t beg-n #h-t #ould beco=e the blistering, ye-rsDlong drone -ss-ult on the trib-l -re-s th-t President 6b-=- continued #hen he too% o22ice. And -s the ,IAKs rel-tionship #ith the ISI soured, 4-ngley sent st-tion chie2s out to Isl-=-b-d #ho spent 2-r less ti=e -nd energy building up good#ill #ith P-%ist-ni spies th-n their predecessors h-d. 5ich-rd 3lee, the 2or=er he-d o2 the ,IAKs bin 4-denOhunting unit -nd - 2or=er Isl-=-b-d st-tion chie2, l-=ented th-t, -t the ,IA, Rthe e2uc% youK school too% o>er.S <ro= :''8 on, the ,IA cycled - succession o2 se-soned c-se o22icers through Isl-=-b-d, -nd e-ch le2t P-%ist-n =ore e=bittered th-n the l-st. 6ne o2 the st-tion chie2s, Pohn 3ennett, #-s - longti=e cl-ndestine o22icer #ho h-d run ,IA oper-tions in So=-li- 2ro= the -gencyKs st-tion in "-irobi -nd =ore recently h-d run the ,IA st-tion in South A2ric-. An o22icer 2ro= the postO,hurch ,o==ittee gener-tion, 3ennett -rri>ed in P-%ist-n #ith so=e o2 the s-=e concerns -bout ,IA t-rgetedD%illing oper-tions sh-red by =-ny o2 his peers, but his tenure in P-%ist-n gr-du-lly ch-nged his =ind. !e s-# the drones -s the only reli-ble =e-ns o2 e>iscer-ting -l W-ed- in P-%ist-n, especi-lly since =ost o2 the intelligence sh-ring bet#een the ,IA -nd ISI h-d #ithered. !is rel-tionship #ith the ISI turned icy #hen 3ennett beg-n to eX-=ine the P-%ist-ni -gencyKs role in ginning up do=estic opposition to the drone c-=p-ign, -nd by the ti=e he le2t Isl-=-b-d, in :'&', he h-d - cynic-l >ie# o2 the ISI. To his colle-gues, he #ould rec-ll his ti=e in P-%ist-n -nd de-ling #ith

the ISI -s Rye-rs o2 his li2e `heKda ne>er get b-c%.S 3ennettKs successor -s st-tion chie2, #ho dug e>en deeper into #h-t he s-# -s -n ISI prop-g-nd- c-=p-ign to 2o=ent -nger -bout the drone stri%es, h-d to le->e the country in h-ste #hen his identity #-s re>e-led in the P-%ist-ni press. The ,IA suspected the le-% c-=e 2ro= the ISI, ret-li-ting bec-use Gener-l P-sh- #-s n-=ed -s - de2end-nt in - "e# $or% l-#suit brought by >icti=s o2 the :''8 @u=b-i -tt-c%s. ;>en =-ny o2 the oper-tions th-t -t 2irst blush see=ed li%ely to sign-l - ne# er- o2 good#ill bet#een the ,IA -nd the ISI ended in recri=in-tions -nd 2ingerDpointing. In P-nu-ry :'&', during 3ennettKs tenure -s ,IA st-tion chie2, - cl-ndestine A=eric-n te-= o2 ,IA o22icers -nd speci-lDoper-tions troops #or%ing in 0-r-chi tr-ced - cell phone to - house in 3-ldi- To#n, - slu= in the #estern p-rt o2 the spr-#ling city. The ,IA did not conduct unil-ter-l oper-tions inside l-rge P-%ist-ni cities, so the A=eric-ns noti2ied the ISI -bout the intelligence. P-%ist-ni troops -nd police=en l-unched - surprise r-id on the house. Although the ,IA didnKt %no# in -d>-nce, hiding inside the house #-s @ull-h Abdul Gh-ni 3-r-d-r, - =-n considered to be the A2gh-n T-lib-nKs =ilit-ry co==-nder -nd the second in co==-nd to @ull-h @oh-==ed 6=-r. 6nly -2ter suspects in the house #ere -rrested -nd Uuestioned did the ,IA le-rn th-t 3-r-d-r #-s -=ong the det-inees. The ISI too% hi= to - detention 2-cility in -n industri-l section o2 Isl-=-b-d -nd re2used the ,IA -ccess to hi=. RAt th-t point, things got re-lly co=plic-ted,S s-id one 2or=er ,IA o22icer. 9-s the entire episode - setup^ 5u=ors h-d circul-ted inside P-%ist-n th-t 3-r-d-r #-nted to cut - de-l #ith the A=eric-ns -nd bring the T-lib-n to the negoti-ting t-ble in A2gh-nist-n. !-d the ISI so=eho# engineered the entire -rrest, 2eeding intelligence to the ,IA so th-t 3-r-d-r could be t-%en o22 the street -nd the n-scent pe-ce t-l%s spoiled^ !-d ISI pl-yed the ,IA^ @onths l-ter, senior ,IA o22ici-ls -t 4-ngley still couldnKt -ns#er those Uuestions.

th-t the ISI continued to pl-y - double g-=e #ith the A2gh-n T-lib-n #-s - const-nt #eight on the spying rel-tionship, -nd yet there #ere so=e Voint oper-tions th-t produced -n intelligence #ind2-ll. In Pune :'&', eight =onths be2ore the #orld h-d he-rd the n-=e 5-y=ond L->is, the t#o spy -gencies r-=ped up sur>eill-nce oper-tion =onitoring the cell phones o2 - group o2 Ar-bs suspected o2 gi>ing logistic-l support to -l W-ed- le-ders hiding in P-%ist-n. 3ut the oper-tion #-s only RVointS up to - point7 The ,IA did not tell the P-%ist-nis th-t one o2 the cellDphone nu=bers belonged to Abu Ah=ed -lD0u#-iti, the -li-s o2 - =-n #ho= c-ptured -l W-ed- oper-ti>es h-d identi2ied to the ,IA ye-rs e-rlier -s - person-l courier 2or 6s-=- bin 4-den . Since 2irst le-rning -bout -lD0u#-iti, the tr-il to the courier h-d led do#n =ultiple blind -lleys, -nd it #-snKt until :''7 th-t the ,IA got - tip 2ro= - 2oreign intelligence ser>ice th-t his re-l n-=e #-s Ibr-hi= S-eed Ah=ed. This #-s h-rdly -n unco==on n-=e in the @usli= #orld, but the ne# in2or=-tion -llo#ed the "-tion-l Security Agency to gr-du-lly pinpoint - cellDphone nu=ber used by the courier -nd 2eed it to the ,IA 2or the cellDphone =onitoring oper-tion. It #-s th-t su==er in :'&' #hen - c-ll c-=e into -lD0u#-itiKs t-pped cell phone. The c-ller #-s - 2riend o2 -lD0u#-itiKs, cont-cting hi= 2ro= - country in the Persi-n Gul2 region, -nd the A=eric-n snoops #ere listening. R9eK>e =issed you. 9here h->e you been^S -s%ed the =-n. AlD0u#-itiKs response #-s >-gue but t-nt-liAing. R

IK= b-c% #ith the people I #-s #ith be2ore ,S he s-id. The coded =ess-ge see=ed to be signi2ic-nt7 It suggested th-t -lD0u#-iti #-s -g-in #or%ing #ith -l W-ed-, -nd possibly e>en h-d - direct line to 6s-=- bin 4-den. Using geoDloc-tion technology to pinpoint #here -lD0u#-iti #-s using his cell phone, the "SA ho=ed in on -n -re- -round Pesh-#-r. Th-t =-de so=e sense i2 -lD0u#-iti #-s tr->eling b-c% -nd 2orth to the trib-l -re-s, #here the bul% o2 -l W-ed-Ks top le-dership #-s thought to be hiding, -lthough by then - s=-ll group o2 -n-lysts inside the ,IA suspected th-t bin 4-den =-y be hiding so=e#here else, perh-ps e>en in the settled -re-s o2 P-%ist-n. It #-s - hunch, in2or=ed to so=e degree by sheer process o2 eli=in-tion7 The ,IA h-d spent ye-rs 2ocused on the trib-l -re-s #ithout -s =uch -s sli>er o2 ne# e>idence th-t the -l W-ed- le-der #-s hiding there. At so=e point, it =-de sense to st-rt loo%ing else#here. The hunch pro>ed to be right. T#o =onths -2ter the cellDphone c-ll, - P-%ist-ni =-n #or%ing 2or the ,IA spotted -lD0u#-iti in Pesh-#-r behind the #heel o2 - #hite SuAu%i Potoh-r truc% #ith - sp-re tire -tt-ched to the re-r g-te. !e 2ollo#ed -lD0u#-iti out o2 the city\but not #est into the trib-l -re-s -nd the #ild =ount-ins. Inste-d, the truc% dro>e =ore th-n &:' =iles e-st, to - Uuiet h-=let north o2 Isl-=-b-d th-t is ho=e to P-%ist-nKs pre=ier =ilit-ryDtr-ining -c-de=y -nd is - popul-r h->en 2or retired o22icers #ho #hile -#-y their d-ys hitting gol2 b-lls on one o2 P-%ist-nKs best gol2 courses. There, in Abbott-b-d, the SuAu%i pulled into - spr-#ling co=pound encircled by concrete #-lls t#el>e 2eet high. 5ising -bo>e the #-lls #ere the upper 2loors o2 - l-rge house\the top 2loor distinguished 2ro= the others bec-use it h-d only s=-ll, op-Uue slits 2or #indo#s . The house h-d neither - phone line nor -n Internet connection. 9hoe>er li>ed inside #-s trying to st-y det-ched 2ro= the outside #orld. In the =onths th-t 2ollo#ed, 4eon P-nett- pushed the -gencyKs ,ounterterroris= ,enter to consider - nu=ber o2 eXotic sche=es to deter=ine #ho =ight be hiding in the house, so=e o2 the= re=iniscent o2 the period be2ore the -gency h-d - 2leet o2 Pred-tors -nd considered using hotD-ir b-lloons to spy on bin 4-denKs tr-ining c-=ps in A2gh-nist-n. ,T, o22icers brought - gi-nt telephoto lens into P-nett-Ks o22ice, the l-rgest lens ->-il-ble, -nd proposed st-tioning it in the =ount-ins se>er-l =iles -#-y. A s-2e house th-t the ,IA h-d Uuietly set up not 2-r 2ro= the l-rge co=pound did not h->e - lineDo2Dsight >ie# into the house, so the telephoto lens #-s useless 2ro= th-t >-nt-ge point. <or #ee%s on end, spy s-tellites too% thous-nds o2 photogr-phs o2 the house during p-sses o>er P-%ist-n, but the eyes in the s%y produced no de2initi>e proo2 th-t bin 4-den #-s hiding there. The ,IA #-tched, -nd #-ited, 2or - shred o2 h-rd proo2 th-t =ight bring the ne-r dec-deDlong =-nhunt to -n end.

its =ost pro=ising bin 4-den le-d since the terrorist le-der esc-ped his l-ir -t Tor- 3or-, in A2gh-nist-n, -nd 2led -cross the border into P-%ist-n in :''&, it #-s =ore th-n - bit incon>enient th-t one o2 its underco>er o22icers #-s sitting in - V-il in 4-hore 2-cing - double =urder ch-rge. P-%ist-nKs Isl-=ist p-rties org-niAed street protests -nd thre-tened >iolent riots i2 5-y=ond L->is #-s not tried -nd e>entu-lly h-nged 2or his cri=es. A=eric-n diplo=-ts in 4-hore regul-rly >isited L->is, but the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion continued to stone#-ll P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent -bout the n-ture o2 L->isKs #or% in the country. And the episode cl-i=ed -nother >icti=. 6n <ebru-ry G, the grie>ing #ido# o2 one o2 L->isKs >icti=s s#-llo#ed - leth-l -=ount o2 r-t poison -nd #-s rushed to the hospit-l in <-is-l-b-d, #here doctors

pu=ped her sto=-ch. The #o=-n, Shu=-il- <-hee=, #-s cert-in th-t the United St-tes -nd P-%ist-n #ould Uuietly bro%er - de-l to rele-se her husb-ndKs %iller 2ro= prison, - >ie# she eXpressed to her doctors 2ro= her hospit-l bed. RThey -re -lre-dy tre-ting =y husb-ndKs =urderer li%e - NIP in police custody -nd I -= sure they #ill let hi= go bec-use o2 intern-tion-l pressure,S she s-id. RThe =-n =urdered =y husb-nd -nd I de=-nd Vustice. I donKt c-re i2 he is A=eric-n. !e =ust not be -llo#ed to get -#-y #ith this.S She died shortly -2ter#-rd -nd inst-ntly bec-=e - =-rtyr 2or the groups inside P-%ist-n #ho h-d turned the L->is -22-ir into - c-use c]ljbre. The 2uror o>er the L->is incident #-s Uuic%ly esc-l-ting, thre-tening to shut do#n =ost ,IA oper-tions in the country -nd possibly e>en der-il the intelligenceDg-thering oper-tion in Abbott-b-d. 3ut the ,IA stood 2ir= -nd sent top o22ici-ls to Isl-=-b-d #ho told A=b-ss-dor @unter to stic% to the str-tegy. <orce the P-%ist-nis to rele-se L->is -nd thre-ten the= #ith dire conseUuences i2 they donKt co=ply. Li-l up the p-in, -nd they #ill co=e -round. 3ut @unter h-d decided by then th-t the ,IAKs str-tegy h-d not #or%ed, -nd he -nd se>er-l other A=eric-n o22ici-ls beg-n de>ising - ne# pl-n. A2ter discussions -=ong 9hite !ouse, St-te Lep-rt=ent, -nd ,IA o22ici-ls in 9-shington, @unter -ppro-ched Gener-l P-sh-, the ISI chie2, -nd c-=e cle-n. L->is #-s #ith the ,IA, he s-id, -nd the United St-tes needed to get hi= out o2 the country -s Uuic%ly -s possible. P-sh- #-snKt -bout to let the A=eric-ns o22 so e-sily. !e #-s still 2u=ing th-t P-nett- h-d lied to hi=, -nd he #-s going to let the A=eric-ns sUuir= by letting L->is sit in V-il #hile he considered\on his o#n ti=et-ble\the best #-y to resol>e the situ-tion. @ore th-n - #ee% l-ter, P-sh- c-=e b-c% to @unter #ith his response. It #-s purely P-%ist-ni solution, one b-sed on -n -ncient tr-dition th-t #ould -llo# the =-tter to be settled outside the unpredict-ble court syste=. P-sh- h-d de>ised the pl-n #ith nu=ber o2 P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls, including A=b-ss-dor !-UU-ni in 9-shington. The rec%oning 2or L->isKs -ctions #ould co=e in the 2or= o2 Rblood =oney,S or diy-t, custo= under sh-ri- l-# th-t co=pens-tes the 2-=ilies o2 >icti=s 2or their de-d rel-ti>es. The =-tter #ould be h-ndled Uuietly, the ,IA #ould =-%e the secret p-y=ents, -nd L->is #ould be rele-sed 2ro= V-il . The ISI too% o>er. P-sh- ordered ISI oper-ti>es in 4-hore to =eet the 2-=ilies o2 the three =en %illed during the P-nu-ry episode -nd negoti-te - settle=ent. So=e o2 the rel-ti>es initi-lly resisted, but the ISI negoti-tors #ere not -bout to let the t-l%s coll-pse. A2ter #ee%s o2 discussions, the p-rties -greed on - tot-l o2 t#o hundred =illion rupees, -pproXi=-tely i:.3* =illion, to o22er R2orgi>eness S to the V-iled ,IA o22icer. 6nly - s=-ll group o2 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion o22ici-ls %ne# o2 the t-l%s, -nd -s they dr-gged on the cloc% #-s tic%ing to#-rd - ruling by 4-horeKs !igh ,ourt -bout #hether L->is #ould be gr-nted diplo=-tic i==unity, - ruling the ,IA eXpected to go -g-inst the United St-tes -nd #orried =ight set - precedent 2or 2uture c-ses in P-%ist-n. 5-y=ond L->is re=-ined in the d-r% -bout -ll o2 this. 9hen he -rri>ed 2or his court -ppe-r-nce on @-rch &G, he #-s 2ully eXpecting to he-r th-t the tri-l #ould proceed -nd the Vudge #ould issue - ne# court d-te. !e #-s escorted into the courtroo=, his -r=s h-ndcu22ed in 2ront o2 hi=, -nd loc%ed inside -n iron c-ge neXt to the VudgeKs bench. In the b-c% o2 the courtroo= s-t Gener-l P-sh-, P-%ist-nKs spy=-ster, #ho too% out his cell phone -nd beg-n sending out - stre-= o2

ner>ous teXt =ess-ges to A=b-ss-dor @unter, upd-ting hi= -bout the court proceedings. P-sh- #-s one o2 the =ost po#er2ul =en in P-%ist-n, -nd yet the ISI h-d little control o>er the =ercuri-l courts in 4-hore, -nd he #-snKt entirely sure th-t things #ould proceed -ccording to pl-n. The 2irst p-rt o2 the he-ring #ent -s e>eryone eXpected. The Vudge, s-ying th-t the c-se #ould go -he-d, noted th-t his ruling on diplo=-tic i==unity #ould co=e in =-tter o2 d-ys. P-%ist-ni reporters 2r-ntic-lly beg-n 2iling their stories -bout ho# this see=ed - blo# to the A=eric-n c-se, -nd th-t it -ppe-red th-t L->is #ould not be rele-sed 2ro= V-il -nyti=e soon. 3ut then the Vudge ordered -ll the reporters out o2 the courtroo=, -nd 2ro= the b-c% Gener-l P-sh- #-tched his secret pl-n un2old. Through - side entr-nce, eighteen rel-ti>es o2 the three >icti=s #-l%ed into the roo=, -nd the Vudge -nnounced th-t - ci>il court h-d s#itched to - sh-ri- court. ;-ch o2 the 2-=ily =e=bers -ppro-ched L->is, so=e o2 the= #ith te-rs in their eyes or sobbing outright, -nd -nnounced th-t he or she 2org->e hi=. P-sh- sent -nother teXt =ess-ge to @unter7 The =-tter #-s settled. L->is #-s - 2ree =-n. In - 4-hore courtroo=, the l-#s o2 God h-d tru=ped the l-#s o2 =-n. The dr-=- h-d pl-yed out entirely in Urdu, -nd throughout the proceeding - b-22led 5-y=ond L->is s-t silently inside the steel c-ge. It #-s e>en =ore V-rring #hen ISI oper-ti>es #his%ed L->is out o2 the courthouse through - b-c% entr-nce -nd pushed hi= into - #-iting c-r th-t sped to the 4-hore -irport. The =o>e h-d been choreogr-phed to get L->is out o2 the country -s Uuic%ly -s possible. 3ut A=eric-n o22ici-ls, including @unter, #-iting 2or L->is -t the -irport beg-n to #orry. L->is h-d, -2ter -ll, -lre-dy shot de-d t#o =en he belie>ed #ere thre-tening hi=. I2 he thought he #-s being t-%en -#-y to be %illed, he =ight try to =-%e -n esc-pe, e>en try to %ill the ISI oper-ti>es inside the c-r. Sure enough, #hen the c-r -rri>ed -t the -irport -nd pulled up to the pl-ne re-dy to t-%e L->is out o2 P-%ist-n, the ,IA oper-ti>e #-s in - d-Ae. It -ppe-red to the A=eric-ns #-iting 2or hi= th-t L->is #-s only re-liAing then th-t he #-s s-2e . 5-y=ond L->is got on the pl-ne -nd 2le# #est, o>er the =ount-ins -nd into A2gh-nist-n, #here he #-s h-nded o>er to ,IA o22icers in 0-bul. <or the 2irst ti=e since l-te P-nu-ry, he #-s -ble to tell his story -bout the %illings in 4-hore, his -rrest, -nd his inc-rcer-tion\#ithout the 2e-r o2 P-%ist-ni spies listening in. !e tried to settle b-c% into his li2e in the United St-tes, but in the end 5-y=ond L->is couldnKt st-y out o2 V-il. 6n 6ctober &, :'&&, Vust se>en =onths -2ter his -brupt dep-rture 2ro= P-%ist-n, L->is #-s eyeing - p-r%ing spot in 2ront o2 - b-gel shop in !ighl-nds 5-nch, ,olor-do, - suburb o2 Len>er. So #-s Pe22 @-es, - 2i2tyDye-rDold =inister #ho #-s dri>ing #ith his #i2e -nd t#o young d-ughters. 9hen @-es be-t L->is to the spot, L->is stopped his c-r behind @-esKs p-r%ed >ehicle -nd shouted pro2-nities through his open #indo#. Then he Vu=ped out o2 his c-r -nd con2ronted @-es, telling the =inister th-t he h-d been #-iting 2or the p-r%ing spot. R 5el-X,S @-es s-id, R-nd Uuit being stupid .S L->is struc% @-es in the 2-ce, %noc%ing hi= to the p->e=ent. @-es testi2ied th-t #hen he stood up 2ro= the 2-ll, L->is continued to hit hi=. L->is #-s e>entu-lly -rrested on ch-rges o2 thirdDdegree -ss-ult -nd disorderly conduct, but the ch-rges #ere upgr-ded to 2elony -ss-ult #hen @-esKs inVuries turned out to be #orse th-n origin-lly thought. The =inisterKs #i2e, l-ter rec-lling the episode, s-id she h-d ne>er in her li2e seen - =-n so 2ull o2 r-ge.

led 4-ngley to order doAens o2 co>ert o22icers out o2 P-%ist-n in the hope o2 lo#ering the te=per-ture in the ,IAOISI rel-tionship. A=b-ss-dor @unter issued - public st-te=ent shortly -2ter the biA-rre court proceeding, s-ying he #-s Rgr-te2ul 2or the generosity o2 the 2-=iliesS -nd eXpressing regret 2or the entire incident -nd the Rsu22ering it c-used.S 3ut the secret de-l only 2-nned the -nger in P-%ist-n, -nd -ntiDA=eric-n protests 2l-red in =-Vor cities, including Isl-=-b-d, 0-r-chi, -nd 4-hore. Le=onstr-tors set tires -bl-Ae, cl-shed #ith P-%ist-ni riot police, -nd br-ndished pl-c-rds #ith slog-ns such -s I A@ 5A$@6"L LANIS, GIN; @; A 35;A0, I A@ PUST A ,IA !IT @A". !e h-d beco=e - bogey=-n in P-%ist-n, -n A=eric-n -ss-ssin lur%ing in the subconscious o2 - deeply insecure n-tion. !e #-s the subVect o2 #ild conspir-cy theories, -nd his n-=e #-s regul-rly he-rd -t -ntiDA=eric-n r-llies. A2ter the ,IA sc-led b-c% oper-tions in P-%ist-n, one P-%ist-ni ne#sp-per e>en cited the #ithdr-#-l o2 the secret A=eric-n -r=y -s the re-son #hy there h-d been - reduction o2 terrorist >iolence in P-%ist-n in recent =onths. 6n - ste-=y su==er night the 2ollo#ing ye-r, !-2iA @uh-==-d S-eed\the he-d o2 4-sh%-rDeDT-ib- -nd the re-son 5-y=ond L->is -nd his te-= h-d been sent to 4-hore in the 2irst pl-ce\stood on the b-c% o2 - 2l-tbed truc% -nd spo%e to thous-nds o2 cheering supporters less th-n - =ile 2ro= P-%ist-nKs p-rli-=ent building in Isl-=-b-d. A i&' =illion A=eric-n bounty still hung o>er S-eedKs he-d, p-rt o2 - bro-der sUueeAe on 4-sh%-rDeDT-ib-Ks 2in-nces. 3ut there he #-s, out in the open -nd #hipping the cro#d into - 2ury #ith - pledge to Rrid P-%ist-n o2 A=eric-n sl->ery.S The r-lly #-s the cul=in-tion o2 - =-rch 2ro= 4-hore to Isl-=-b-d th-t S-eed h-d ordered to protest A=eric-n in>ol>e=ent in P-%ist-n. The night be2ore the =-rch re-ched the c-pit-l, siX P-%ist-ni troops h-d been %illed by gun=en riding =otorcycles not 2-r 2ro= #here the =-rchers #ere spending the night, le-ding to specul-tion th-t S-eed h-d ordered the -tt-c%. 3ut S-eed insisted th-t night th-t he #-s not to bl-=e 2or the de-ths. The %illers h-d been 2oreigners, he told the cro#d, - group o2 -ss-ssins #ith - secret -gend- to dest-biliAe P-%ist-n -nd ste-l its nucle-r -rsen-l. 9ith - dr-=-tic 2lourish, he s-id he %ne# eX-ctly #ho h-d %illed the siX =en. RIt #-s the A=eric-nshS he shouted to loud -ppro>-ls. RIt #-s 3l-c%#-terhS -nd the cheers gre# e>en louder. !e s->ed the biggest -ppl-use line 2or l-st7 RIt #-s -nother 5-y=ond L->ishS

& 7 T!; L6,T65 A"L T!; S!;I0!

RI donKt #-nt to be the -=b-ss-dor.S \,IA st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d

r. Sh-%il A2ridi h-d -lre-dy been #or%ing 2or the ,IA 2or =ore th-n - ye-r #hen his

A=eric-n h-ndler g->e hi= - ne# set o2 instructions. It #-s P-nu-ry :'&&, the =onth o2 5-y=ond L->isKs -rrest, -nd the P-%ist-ni surgeon h-d Vust gone through the lengthy protocol the ,IA h-d put in pl-ce 2or hi= to =eet his A=eric-n cont-ct. T#o =en #ould pic% hi= up -t - design-ted spot\so=eti=es - Shell g-s st-tion, so=eti=es - cro#ded outdoor =-r%et\bodyDse-rch hi=, -nd order hi= to lie do#n in the b-c%se-t o2 their c-r #ith - bl-n%et co>ering hi=. Th-t d-y the c-r AigA-gged through the streets o2 Isl-=-b-d until stopping to let A2ridi out. There, -n A=eric-n #o=-n he %ne# only -s Sue #-s #-iting 2or hi= in - Toyot- 4-nd ,ruiser. Sue told the doctor th-t he should prep-re to l-unch - >-ccin-tion c-=p-ign -i=ed -t inocul-ting #o=en bet#een the -ges o2 2i2teen -nd 2ortyD2i>e -g-inst hep-titis 3. She instructed th-t he should begin in t#o to#ns in 0-sh=ir\3-gh -nd @uA-22-r-b-d\-nd in the region o2 0hyber P-%htun%h#-, 2ocusing on the p-stor-l g-rrison to#n o2 Abbott-b-d. The c-=p-ign should t-%e siX =onths, she s-id, c-rried out in three ph-ses. A2ridi =-de Uuic% c-lcul-tions -bout the cost o2 the c-=p-ign, 2-ctoring in the l-rge =-r%up he -l#-ys included #hen he #-s gi>ing his price 2or - ,IA oper-tion. !e #ould need .3 =illion rupees, he told Sue, -bout 2i2tyD2i>e thous-nd doll-rs. A2ridi by then h-d beco=e co=2ort-ble #ith the A=eric-ns, -nd he %ne# th-t the ,IA #-snKt -bout to st-rt Uuibbling o>er =oney. !e #-s eX-ctly #h-t the A=eric-ns #ere desper-te 2or\-n -gent #ho could =o>e e-sily through cities -nd >ill-ges in P-%ist-n #ithout r-ising the suspicions o2 either =ilit-nts or P-%ist-nKs intelligence ser>ice. !e #-s the per2ect spy, -nd the A=eric-ns p-id h-ndso=ely 2or th-t. Sue #-s Vust the l-test in - succession o2 ,IA o22icers #ho h-d been -ssigned to #or% #ith A2ridi since :''C, #hen the doctor #ith - chec%ered history #-s 2irst -ppro-ched by the A=eric-ns. Then in his l-te 2orties, he h-d risen 2ro= hu=ble origins to beco=e P-%ist-nKs top doctor 2or 0hyber Agency in the trib-l -re-s, despite being dogged by -lleg-tions th-t he regul-rly -ccepted %ic%b-c%s 2ro= =edic-l suppliers, ordered unnecess-ry surgic-l procedures, -nd sold hospit-l =edicines on the bl-c% =-r%et. <e# doubted his dedic-tion to i=pro>ing he-lth conditions in one o2 the #orldKs poorest regions, but A2ridi #-s -lso - 2-st t-l%er #ho enVoyed telling b-#dy Vo%es to 2e=-le colle-gues -nd #-s - bit too e-ger to push the bound-ries o2 =edic-l ethics to =-%e eXtr- =oney. The -lleg-tions -g-inst hi= e>entu-lly c-=e to the -ttention o2 @-ng-l 3-gh, - 2or=er bus dri>er turned #-rlord -nd drug runner in 0hyber Agency, #ho #-s the le-der o2 -n obscure group c-lled 4-sh%-rDeDIsl-=. 3-ghKs 2ighters regul-rly recei>ed =edic-l tre-t=ent 2ro= A2ridi. The #-rlord su==oned A2ridi to his house -nd de=-nded th-t the doctor p-y - 2ine o2 one =illion rupees, -bout ten thous-nd doll-rs, 2or his tr-nsgressions. 9hen A2ridi re2used, 3-gh %idn-pped hi= -nd det-ined hi= 2or - #ee% until he p-id. A2ridi #-s -ttending - =edic-l #or%shop in Pesh-#-r in "o>e=ber :''C #hen, -ccording to -n -ccount he l-ter g->e to P-%ist-ni in>estig-tors, - =-n -ppro-ched hi=

cl-i=ing to be the P-%ist-n country director 2or S->e the ,hildren, the intern-tion-l ch-rity. The =-n, @i%e @cGr-th, too% -n i==edi-te interest in A2ridiKs #or% -nd in>ited hi= to Isl-=-b-d so the t#o could t-l% 2urther o>er dinner. 9hether or not A2ridi suspected there #-s -n ulterior =oti>e is uncle-r, but #hen he -rri>ed in the P-%ist-ni c-pit-l on the -ppointed d-y he -ttended - dinner -t @cGr-thKs house in - posh section o2 Isl-=-b-d. There, he s-id, he =et - t-ll blond #o=-n in her l-te thirties #ho= he #ould l-ter describe -s h->ing R3ritish loo%s.S She c-lled hersel2 0-te, -nd she bec-=e Lr. Sh-%il A2ridiKs 2irst ,IA h-ndler. S->e the ,hildren h-s denied th-t neither @cGr-th nor -ny o2 its e=ployees do -ny #or% 2or the ,IA. A=eric-n o22ici-ls -lso dispute th-t S->e the ,hildren #-s e>er used 2or spying, s-ying th-t i2 the ,IA #ere to use l-rge intern-tion-l ch-rities to help recruit -gents it #ould put -ll -id #or%ers -t ris% o2 repris-ls. "e>ertheless, #hen - P-%ist-ni in>estig-ti>e report o2 A2ridiKs #or% 2or the ,IA -nd his =eeting #ith @cGr-th bec-=e public in P-%ist-n, o22ici-ls in Isl-=-b-d =o>ed to shutter -ll o2 the groupKs oper-tions inside the country. 9h-t A=eric-n o22ici-ls donKt dispute, ho#e>er, is th-t =id#-y through the l-st dec-de the ,IA beg-n sending o22icers into P-%ist-n underco>er in - nu=ber o2 pro2essions th-t =ight -llo# the spies to =o>e 2reely through the country. Luring the RsurgeS o2 ,IA o22icers into P-%ist-n beginning in :'' -nd :''G, #hen Art 0eller #-s deployed to the trib-l -re-s, A=eric-n spies -rri>ed in P-%ist-n in - desper-te se-rch 2or clues -bout 6s-=- bin 4-den -nd stretched the nor=-lly -ccepted rules o2 intern-tion-l spycr-2t. A2ter the ,hurch ,o==ittee re>el-tions o2 the &C7's, the ,IA i=ple=ented - policy o2 not recruiting A=eric-n Vourn-lists, clergy, or Pe-ce ,orps >olunteers to spy 2or the -gency, -ll o2 #hich h-d been routine up to th-t ti=e. 3ut senior ,IA le-ders s-id these postD,hurch rules #ere not c-st in stone. Testi2ying be2ore the Sen-te Intelligence ,o==ittee in &CCG, ,IA director Pohn Leutch s-id there =ight be inst-nces o2 ReXtre=e thre-t to the n-tionS #hen the ,IA =ight need to -b-ndon the policy. Under cert-in circu=st-nces, Leutch s-id, R I belie>e it is unre-son-ble to 2oreclose the #itting use o2 -ny li%ely source o2 in2or=-tion.S The ,IA ne>er restricted itsel2 2ro= recruiting 2oreign Vourn-lists or 2oreign -id #or%ers, but A=eric-n o22ici-ls h->e long understood the d-ngers o2 using hu=-nit-ri-n #or%ers -s spies. Still, the ,IA #ould c-rry out -ll =-nner o2 -cti>ities in the ye-rs -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s\2ro= =-%ing det-inees endure ne-r dro#ning in secret prisons to %illing =ilit-nt suspects #ith -r=ed drones\using the Vusti2ic-tion th-t the oper-tions #ere necess-ry to %eep the country s-2e. ;Xp-nding the c-tegories o2 #ho c-n be recruited to spy #-s Vust -nother t-ctic o2 - ,IA in the =idst o2 -n enduring #-r. Luring the t#o ye-rs -2ter Lr. A2ridiKs 2irst =eeting #ith the t-ll, blond ,IA o22icer, the P-%ist-ni doctor #ould conduct - nu=ber o2 public he-lth c-=p-igns -s - ruse to g-ther intelligence on =ilit-nt -cti>ity in the trib-l -re-s. N-ccin-tion c-=p-igns #ere considered - good 2ront 2or spying7 L"A in2or=-tion could be collected 2ro= the needles used on children -nd -n-lyAed 2or le-ds on the #here-bouts o2 -l W-edoper-ti>es 2or #ho= the ,IA -lre-dy h-d L"A in2or=-tion. In th-t ti=e, A2ridi conducted h-l2 - doAen >-ccin-tion c-=p-igns -round 0hyber Agency, -nd the ,IA p-id hi= eight =illion rupees. According to his -ccount, e>ery 2e# =onths he #-s p-ssed o22 to - ne# ,IA h-ndler, 2ro= R0-teS to RToniS to RS-r-S -nd 2in-lly to RSue,S #ho -ssu=ed his c-se in Lece=ber :'&'. !e #-s gi>en - l-ptop co=puter -nd - secure tr-ns=itter to co==unic-te #ith the ,IA, -nd he #-s -lerted to the A=eric-ns trying to re-ch hi=

#hen the tr-ns=itter sent out - beeping sound.

6"; @6"T!into

the >-ccin-tion c-=p-ign in Abbott-b-d, Sue told Lr. A2ridi to 2ocus his -cti>ities in 3il-l To#n, -n upperD=iddleDcl-ss neighborhood not 2-r 2ro= the he-dUu-rters o2 P-%ist-nKs pre=ier =ilit-ry -c-de=y, the countryKs eUui>-lent o2 9est Point. The hep-titisD3 progr-= #-s -lre-dy being c-rried out in - slipshod =-nner, ignoring est-blished protocols th-t dict-te - c-re2ul, neighborhoodDbyDneighborhood str-tegy 2or >-ccin-tion c-=p-igns. A2ridi h-dnKt e>en bought enough inVections to ensure th-t e>eryone in his t-rget popul-tion o2 2i2teenDtoD2ortyD2i>eDye-rDold #o=en recei>ed the =ultiple inVections reUuired to be >-ccin-ted. So=e loc-l o22ici-ls h-d e>en re2used to cooper-te #ith A2ridi under the -ssu=ption th-t he didnKt h->e per=ission 2or his #or%. Sh-heen- @-=r-iA, - public he-lth o22icer in Abbott-b-d, s-id she #-s t-%en -b-c% by A2ridiKs -ggressi>eness #hen he burst into her o22ice in @-rch :'&& #e-ring bl-c% business suit -nd telling her the det-ils o2 his pl-nned >-ccin-tion c-=p-ign. It #-s only -2ter urgings 2ro= her super>isor th-t she -greed to cooper-te #ith A2ridi . 62 course, the det-ils o2 eX-ctly #ho in the gre-ter Abbott-b-d -re- #ould be >-ccin-ted #ere irrele>-nt to A2ridiKs ,IA h-ndlers. 3y spring :'&&, - s=-ll cluster o2 o22icers inside the ,ounterterroris= ,enter -t 4-ngley -nd -t the ,IA st-tion in Isl-=-b-d #ere interested only in 3il-l To#n -nd, =ore speci2ic-lly, the l-rge #-lled co=pound on P-th-n Street th-t A=eric-n spy s-tellites h-d spent =onths #-tching. A2ridiKs ,IA h-ndlers ne>er told the doctor #ho= they suspected #-s hiding in the house. 9hether 6s-=- bin 4-den -nd his entour-ge #ere li>ing there #-s still - =-tter o2 intense specul-tion, -nd A=eric-n o22ici-ls hoped th-t getting inside the house =ight settle the =-tter. 9ith the >-ccin-tion c-=p-ign -s - co>er, the ,IA #-nted A2ridi to get one o2 his st-22 inside the co=pound -nd get #h-t A=eric-n soldiers -nd spies still didnKt h->e -2ter ne-rly - dec-de o2 2r-ntic se-rching7 h-rd e>idence o2 #here 6s-=bin 4-den #-s hiding. 3ut neither A2ridi nor -ny =e=ber o2 his st-22 #-s -ble to pro>ide th-t. 6n the d-y Lr. A2ridi >-ccin-ted residents o2 P-th-n Street, the only people to re2use the hep-titisD3 >-ccin-tions li>ed in the =ysterious co=pound, the ones #ho r-rely >entured beyond the house -nd burned their tr-sh r-ther th-n send it out 2or collection. A2ridi #-s told th-t t#o reclusi>e brothers 2ro= 9-Airist-n, -long #ith their 2-=ilies, occupied the house -nd th-t the =en h-d no interest in =eeting -nyone 2ro= the neighborhood. A2ter in>estig-ting 2urther, - 2e=-le he-lth #or%er on A2ridiKs te-= =-n-ged to get the cellD phone nu=ber o2 one o2 the RbrothersS #ho li>ed in the house. She c-lled the nu=ber using Lr. A2ridiKs phone -nd spo%e to - =-n #ho s-id he #-s -#-y 2ro= the house -nd th-t she should c-ll -g-in in the e>ening . The >-ccin-tion te-= ne>er got into the co=pound, -nd A2ridi decided th-t pressing the =-tter =ight -rouse suspicions -nd pro=pt the people in the co=pound to -lter their procedures or e>en 2lee. !->ing co=pleted the #or% in 3il-l To#n, Lr. A2ridi #ent to Isl-=-b-d #ith his e=pty >-ccin-tion %its to #here Sue -nd her Toyot- 4-nd ,ruiser #ere #-iting 2or hi= -t - design-ted spot. !e told her e>erything he %ne# -bout the people in the co=pound. !e h-nded her the >-ccin-tion %its, -nd she h-nded hi= .3 =illion rupees in c-sh.

in e-stern A2gh-nist-n, 2our A=eric-n helicopters li2ted o22, b-n%ed e-st -g-inst - =oonless s%y, -nd brought doAens o2 he->ily -r=ed young =en into b-ttle in - country #here the United St-tes h-d not decl-red #-r. The group o2 "->y S;A4s h-d prep-red 2or - bloody 2ire2ight #ith 2iercely loy-l =en de2ending 6s-=- bin 4-den, or e>en #ith P-%ist-ni troops7 A dec-de o2 secret A=eric-n oper-tions inside P-%ist-n h-d so 2r-yed rel-tions bet#een t#o put-ti>e -llies th-t pitched b-ttle bet#een A=eric-n -nd P-%ist-ni troops in the =iddleDcl-ss h-=let o2 Abbott-b-d #-s - ris% th-t the S;A4s conte=pl-ted -s they touched do#n inside bin 4-denKs #-lled co=pound. There h-d been o=inous signs o2 dis-ster -s the helicopters re-ched their destin-tion. 6ne o2 the helicopters got c-ught in - #ind >orteX -nd #-s 2orced into h-rd l-nding -2ter its t-il clipped the #-ll o2 the co=pound, - sn-2u #ith echoes o2 the 2-iled &C8' =ission to rescue the A=eric-n host-ges in Ir-n. 3ut once the S;A4s penetr-ted the house on P-th-n Street #ith ,D* eXplosi>es -nd =-de their #-y up the st-irs, bin 4-denKs end c-=e s#i2tly. The A=eric-ns s-# the -l W-ed- le-der -t the top o2 the st-irs on the third 2loor, peering out o2 his roo=, -nd one o2 the co==-ndos shot hi= in the right side o2 his 2-ce. !e 2ell b-c% into his bedroo= -nd l-y t#itching on the 2loor in - pool o2 blood. The S;A4s too% pictures o2 bin 4-denKs corpse, put it into body b-g, -nd dr-gged it do#n the st-irs -nd out the door. 4ess th-n 2orty =inutes -2ter the helicopters -rri>ed in Abbott-b-d, historyKs =ost eXpensi>e -nd eX-sper-ting =-nhunt h-d been brought to -n end. The S;A4s destroyed the do#ned helicopter to pre>ent the P-%ist-nis 2ro= g-ining -ccess to the cl-ssi2ied n->ig-tion eUuip=ent inside, #ith only the helicopterKs se>ered t-il sur>i>ing the pl-nned destruction. They piled into the 2unctioning 3l-c%h-#% -nd - ,hinoo% helicopter th-t h-d been #-iting in reser>e. They 2le# #est, b-c% into A2gh-nist-n, c-rrying bin 4-den -nd doAens o2 co=puter h-rd dri>es, cell phones, -nd thu=b dri>es th-t h-d been sc-ttered -round the co=pound. The det-ils o2 the bin 4-den r-id did not tric%le out into P-%ist-n until l-ter th-t d-y. As they did, As-d @unir s-t =es=eriAed in 2ront o2 the tele>ision in his li>ing roo=. !e #-s con>inced there #-s =ore to the story. The 2or=er ISI st-tion chie2 in Pesh-#-r, the =-n #ho spo%e re>erenti-lly -bout his d-ys #or%ing #ith the ,IA in the =onths -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, #-s cert-in th-t the ,IA #ould ne>er c-rry out - =ilit-ry oper-tion in the =iddle o2 his country #ithout the help o2 P-%ist-ni soldiers or spies. R!o# could they^S he rec-lled thin%ing. RThe ,IA doesnKt h->e -ny troops.S 3ut th-t night, the ,IA did h->e troops. In the =onths be2ore the =ission #-s l-unched, -s spy s-tellites peering do#n 2ro= sp-ce too% pictures o2 the house on P-th-n Street -nd Lr. A2ridi -nd his te-= tried to get inside the co=pound, U.S. =ilit-ry -nd intelligence o22ici-ls presented the 9hite !ouse #ith - nu=ber o2 -tt-c% options. The option considered le-st ris%y, using - 3D: ste-lth bo=ber to slip p-st P-%ist-ni r-d-r -nd r-Ae the co=pound, #-s ruled out bec-use it #ould h->e pro>ided the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion no de2initi>e proo2 th-t bin 4-den h-d been %illed in the oper-tion. P-%ist-ni -uthorities #ould cordon o22 the -re-nd si2t through the rubble, -nd the only det-ils th-t the United St-tes #ould le-rn #ould be those things th-t the ISI chose to tell. President 6b-=- inste-d chose the ris%ier option, sending the S;A4s deep into P-%ist-n to %ill bin 4-den. 3esides the ob>ious perils o2 such -n oper-tion, o22ici-ls #orried -bout sending A=eric-n ground troops so 2-r into P-%ist-n. Until then, the only co=b-t =issions the A=eric-n =ilit-ry h-d c-rried out on P-%ist-ni soil h-d been in the trib-l -re-s. The =issions too% pl-ce #ithin =iles o2 the A2gh-n border, -llo#ing 2or Uuic% esc-pe b-c% into A2gh-nist-n i2 so=ething #ent #rong.
<56@ A @A0;S!I<T 3AS;

There #-s -lso the Uuestion #ith #hich A=eric-n le-ders h-d been gr-ppling 2or ye-rs7 Under #h-t -uthority could the United St-tes send troops into - country #ith #hich A=eric- #-s not -t #-r^ It #-s the Uuestion th-t Lon-ld 5u=s2eld -s%ed in the d-ys -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, #hen he loo%ed #ith en>y -t the ,IAKs -bility to go to #-r -ny#here -round the globe. In the ye-rs since, l-#yers -nd policy =-%ers h-d ste-dily chipped -#-y -t the #-ll sep-r-ting the #or% o2 soldiers -nd spies. The ri>-lries bet#een the Pent-gon -nd ,IA during the e-rly p-rt o2 the dec-de g->e #-y to d]tente -nd - ne# -rr-nge=ent in #hich speci-lDoper-tions troops on co=b-t or spying =issions #ere RsheepDdippedS7 te=por-rily turned into ,IA oper-ti>es. So -s President 6b-=- =-de the 2in-l decisions -bout the bin 4-den oper-tion, dec-de o2 e>olution in the #-y A=eric- #-ges #-r g->e hi= =ore options th-n h-d eXisted 2or pre>ious A=eric-n presidents. It #ould be -n A=eric-n =ilit-ry =ission, c-rried out by te-=s o2 "->y S;A4s. 3ut the entire te-= #-s RsheepDdippedS 2or the =ission, put under the ,IAKs Title ' -uthority 2or l-unching co>ert -ctions. President 6b-=- put ,IA director 4eon P-nett- in ch-rge o2 the oper-tion. <ro= the =o=ent th-t the 3l-c%h-#% helicopters too% o22 2ro= the b-se in P-l-l-b-d, A2gh-nist-n, through the tense =inutes #hen the S;A4s =o>ed up the d-r% st-irc-se in the house on P-th-n Street, to the 2in-l =o=ents #hen the helicopters rose into the s%y c-rrying bin 4-denKs de-d body, P-nett- rel-yed upd-tes 2ro= the =ission to r-pt 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion o22ici-ls V-==ed into the 9hite !ouse Situ-tion 5oo=. The liber-l Le=ocr-tic congress=-n 2ro= ,-li2orni-, - =-n #ho le-rned only shortly be2ore -rri>ing -t 4-ngley th-t =uch o2 his Vob #ould reUuire deli>ering de-th sentences to A=eric-Ks ene=ies -round the #orld, h-d the controls o2 the %illing =-chine. As the oper-tion un2olded, P-nett- %ept one h-nd in his poc%et , 2ingering - string o2 ros-ry be-ds. The su22oc-ting tension inside the 9hite !ouse Situ-tion 5oo= li2ted only -2ter -ll the S;A4s h-d piled into the helicopters -nd esc-ped P-%ist-ni -irsp-ce #ithout 2orcing - con2ront-tion #ith the P-%ist-ni -ir 2orce. 3ut b-c% in Abbott-b-d, the #rec%-ge 2ro= one o2 the 3l-c%h-#%s #-s still burning -nd se>er-l de-d bodies l-y on the 2loor o2 the house #here the S;A4s h-d done their >iolent #or%. So=ebody #-s going to h->e to tell the P-%ist-nis #h-t h-d Vust h-ppened. The t-s% 2ell to Ad=ir-l @i%e @ullen, the ch-ir=-n o2 the Point ,hie2s o2 St-22, #ho h-d been so=ething o2 - troubleshooter -s the United St-tes -nd P-%ist-n lurched 2ro= one crisis to the neXt. The son o2 - !olly#ood press -gent -nd - =-n #ho 2ro= -n e-rly -ge s-# the >-lue o2 culti>-ting person-l rel-tionships, @ullen h-d de>eloped - close r-pport #ith Gener-l 0-y-ni\the 2or=er he-d o2 the ISI #ho h-d beco=e -r=y chie2\during endless dinners -t 0-y-niKs house in Isl-=-b-d. The t#o =en #ould t-l% l-te into the night -bout P-%ist-nKs prec-rious security in - region do=in-ted by Indi-, ,hin-, -nd 5ussi-, #ith 0-y-ni ch-inDs=o%ing through e-ch dinner course. @ullen h-d spent the 2lights to Isl-=-b-d re-ding <reedo= -t @idnight, the &C7 cl-ssic -bout Indi-Ks independence 2ro= the 3ritish ;=pire -nd the Indi-OP-%ist-n p-rtition. 6ne =e=ber o2 @ullenKs tr->eling entour-ge noticed th-t, 2ro= behind, the t#o =en e>en loo%ed -li%e\roughly the s-=e height, s-=e h-ir color, s-=e slightly ru=pled %h-%i uni2or=, si=il-r lu=bering g-it\distinguished only by the cig-rette s=o%e th-t rose 2ro= the P-%ist-ni gener-l. Spe-%ing 2ro= - phone outside the Situ-tion 5oo=, @ullen c-lled 0-y-ni -nd in2or=ed hi= o2 #h-t h-d Vust h-ppened. 0-y-ni -lre-dy %ne# the b-sics. !ours e-rlier, he h-d t-%en - c-ll 2ro= one o2 his -ides, #ho told hi= -bout >-gue reports th-t - helicopter h-d cr-shed in Abbott-b-d. 0-y-niKs 2irst thought #-s th-t P-%ist-n #-s under -tt-c% 2ro= Indi-, -nd he i==edi-tely ordered

his -irD2orce co==-nders to scr-=ble <D&G Vets to repel the in>-sion. 3ut the concerns -bout -n Indi-n -tt-c% soon receded, -nd by the ti=e @ullen c-lled 0-y-ni, the P-%ist-ni gener-l %ne# th-t A=eric-ns h-d been in his country. Luring - tense phone c-ll, @ullen s-id th-t A=eric-n troops h-d been in the co=pound in Abbott-b-d -nd h-d %illed bin 4-den. There #-s - do#ned A=eric-n helicopter -t the scene. Then @ullen r-ised - subVect th-t 6b-=- o22ici-ls h-d been deb-ting since bin 4-denKs de-th h-d been con2ir=ed7 Should President 6b-=- =-%e - public -nnounce=ent th-t night or #-it until the 2ollo#ing d-y^ L-#n h-d -lre-dy bro%en in Isl-=-b-d, -nd 0-y-ni told @ullen th-t President 6b-=- should =-%e -n -nnounce=ent -s soon -s possible, i2 only to eXpl-in #hy there #-s - burning A=eric-n =ilit-ry helicopter in centr-l P-%ist-n. A2ter - 2e# =ore =inutes, the con>ers-tion #-s o>er -nd the t#o =en hung up. 0-y-ni, #hose position -s he-d o2 the P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry =-de hi= the =ost po#er2ul 2igure in the country, #-s 2-cing the =ost -cute crisis o2 his long c-reer. 9ithin d-ys, P-%ist-nKs top gener-ls #ould eXcori-te hi= 2or -llo#ing the United St-tes to >iol-te P-%ist-ni so>ereignty, but during the phone c-ll #ith @ullen he h-d struc% concili-tory tone, bec-use bin 4-den h-d Vust been %illed less th-n - =ile 2ro= P-%ist-nKs pre=ier =ilit-ry -c-de=y. 4-shing out -t @ullen th-t night, it see=ed to 0-y-ni, =ight 2eed A=eric-Ks suspicions -bout P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent h-rboring terrorists -nd le-d to - per=-nent bre-% bet#een the United St-tes -nd P-%ist-n. A proud =-n #ho h-d re-ched the pinn-cle o2 his =ilit-ry c-reer, 0-y-ni 2-ced -n uns->ory choice. !e could either -ppe-r co=plicit in hiding 6s-=- bin 4-den or inco=petent 2or being un-ble to stop the #orldKs =ost hunted =-n 2ro= t-%ing re2uge in the =iddle o2 his country. !e chose the l-tter.

I" T5UT!,-ny

2-dinge=bers o2 producti>e rel-tions bet#een the United St-tes -nd P-%ist-n h-d l-rgely been eXtinguished by the ti=e bin 4-den #-s %illed. The 5-y=ond L->is episode h-d poisoned 4eon P-nett-Ks rel-tionship #ith Gener-l P-sh-, the ISI chie2, -nd the -lre-dy s=-ll nu=ber o2 6b-=- o22ici-ls pushing 2or better rel-tions bet#een 9-shington -nd Isl-=-b-d d#indled e>en 2urther. A=b-ss-dor ,-=eron @unter #-s reporting d-ily b-c% to 9-shington -bout the neg-ti>e i=p-ct o2 the -r=edD drone c-=p-ign, -nd Ad=ir-l @ullen gener-lly -greed #ith @unter th-t the ,IA see=ed to be conducting - #-r in - >-cuu=, obli>ious to the r-=i2ic-tions th-t the drone stri%es #ere h->ing on A=eric-Ks rel-tions #ith P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent. The ,IA h-d -ppro>-l 2ro= the 9hite !ouse to c-rry out =issile stri%es in P-%ist-n e>en #hen ,IA t-rgeters #erenKt cert-in -bout eX-ctly #ho it #-s they #ere %illing. Under the rules o2 soDc-lled sign-ture stri%es, decisions -bout #hether to 2ire =issiles 2ro= drones could be =-de b-sed on p-tterns o2 -cti>ity dee=ed suspicious. The b-r 2or leth-l -ction h-d -g-in been lo#ered. <or inst-nce, i2 - group o2 young R=ilit-ryD-ged =-lesS #ere obser>ed =o>ing in -nd out o2 - suspected =ilit-nt tr-ining c-=p -nd #ere thought to be c-rrying #e-pons, they could be considered legiti=-te t-rgets. A=eric-n o22ici-ls -d=it it is so=e#h-t di22icult to Vudge - personKs -ge 2ro= thous-nds o2 2eet in the -ir, -nd in P-%ist-nKs trib-l -re-s - R=ilit-ryD-ged =-le S could be -s young -s 2i2teen or siXteen. Using such bro-d de2initions to deter=ine #ho #-s - Rco=b-t-ntS -nd there2ore - legiti=-te t-rget -llo#ed 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion o22ici-ls to cl-i= th-t the drone stri%es in P-%ist-n h-d not %illed -ny ci>ili-ns. It #-s so=ething o2 - tric% o2 logic7 In -n -re- o2 %no#n =ilit-nt -cti>ity, -ll =ilit-ryD-ged =-les #ere considered to be ene=y 2ighters. There2ore, -nyone #ho #-s %illed in - drone

stri%e there #-s c-tegoriAed -s - co=b-t-nt, unless there #-s eXplicit intelligence th-t posthu=ously pro>ed hi= to be innocent. The perils o2 this -ppro-ch #ere l-id b-re on @-rch &7, :'&&, Vust t#o d-ys -2ter 5-y=ond L->is #-s rele-sed 2ro= prison under the Rblood =oneyS -rr-nge=ent -nd spirited out o2 the country. ,IA drones -tt-c%ed - trib-l council =eeting in the >ill-ge o2 L-tt- 0hel, in "orth 9-Airist-n, %illing doAens o2 =en. A=b-ss-dor @unter -nd so=e -t the Pent-gon thought the ti=ing o2 the stri%e #-s dis-strous, -nd so=e A=eric-n o22ici-ls suspected th-t the =-ssi>e stri%e #-s the ,IA >enting its -nger -bout the L->is episode. @unter thought th-t Gener-l P-sh-, the ISI chie2, h-d gone out on - li=b to help end the 5-y=ond L->is -22-ir -nd th-t the L-tt- 0hel stri%e could be percei>ed -s - deliber-te thu=b in the eye. @ore i=port-nt, ho#e>er, =-ny A=eric-n o22ici-ls belie>ed th-t the stri%e h-d been botched, -nd th-t doAens o2 people died #ho shouldnKt h->e. 6ther A=eric-n o22ici-ls c-=e to the ,IAKs de2ense, s-ying th-t the trib-l =eeting #-s in 2-ct - =eeting o2 senior =ilit-nts, -nd there2ore - legiti=-te t-rget. 3ut the drone stri%e unle-shed - 2urious response in P-%ist-n. Gener-l 0-y-ni issued - r-re public st-te=ent, s-ying the oper-tion #-s c-rried out R#ith co=plete disreg-rd to hu=-n li2e,S -nd street protests in 4-hore, 0-r-chi, -nd Pesh-#-r 2orced the te=por-ry closure o2 A=eric-n consul-tes in those cities. @unter #-snKt opposed to the drone progr-=, but he belie>ed th-t the ,IA #-s being rec%less -nd th-t his position -s -=b-ss-dor #-s beco=ing unten-ble. !is rel-tionship #ith the ,IA st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d, -lre-dy str-ined bec-use o2 their dis-gree=ents o>er the h-ndling o2 the 5-y=ond L->is c-se, deterior-ted e>en 2urther #hen @unter de=-nded th-t the ,IA noti2y hi= be2ore e-ch =issile stri%e -nd gi>e hi= the ch-nce to c-ll o22 the oper-tion. Luring one scre-=ing =-tch bet#een the t#o =en, @unter tried to =-%e sure the st-tion chie2 %ne# #ho #-s in ch-rge, only to be re=inded o2 #ho re-lly held the po#er in P-%ist-n. R$ouKre not the -=b-ss-dorhS @unter shouted. R$ouKre right, -nd I donKt #-nt to be the -=b-ss-dor,S the ,IA st-tion chie2 replied. This tur2 b-ttle spre-d to 9-shington, -nd - =onth -2ter bin 4-den #-s %illed President 6b-=-Ks top -d>isers #ere openly 2ighting in - "-tion-l Security ,ouncil =eeting o>er #ho re-lly #-s in ch-rge in P-%ist-n. At the Pune :'&& =eeting, @unter, #ho p-rticip-ted >i- secure >ideo lin%, beg-n =-%ing his c-se th-t he should h->e >eto po#er o>er speci2ic drone stri%es. Using soccer ter=inology, he s-id he should get Rred c-rdS to scuttle proposed stri%es. 4eon P-nett- cut @unter o22 =idsentence, telling hi= th-t the ,IA h-d the -uthority to do #h-t it #-nted in P-%ist-n. It didnKt need to get the -=b-ss-dorKs -ppro>-l 2or -nything. RI donKt #or% 2or you,S P-nett- told @unter, -ccording to se>er-l people #ho -ttended the =eeting. 3ut Secret-ry o2 St-te !ill-ry ,linton c-=e to @unterKs de2ense. She turned to P-nett- -nd told hi= th-t he #-s #rong to -ssu=e he could ste-=roll the -=b-ss-dor -nd l-unch stri%es -g-inst his -ppro>-l. R "o, !ill-ry,S P-nett- s-id , RitKs you #ho -re 2l-t #rong.S There #-s - stunned silence, -nd "-tion-l Security Ad>isor To= Lonilon tried to reg-in control o2 the =eeting by Uuieting the sUu-bbling -ides. In the #ee%s th-t 2ollo#ed the =eeting, Lonilon bro%ered - co=pro=ise o2 sorts7 @unter #ould be -llo#ed to obVect to speci2ic drone stri%es, but the ,IA could still press its c-se to the 9hite !ouse -nd get -ppro>-l 2or stri%es e>en o>er the -=b-ss-dorKs obVections. The

-=b-ss-dor #-s gi>en, -t best, - Ryello# c-rd.S 6b-=-Ks ,IA h-d #on -nother b-ttle. In the =onths th-t 2ollo#ed, @unter incre-singly 2ound hi=sel2 isol-ted. ;>en Ad=ir-l @ullen, once the -d=inistr-tionKs =ost pro=inent -d>oc-te o2 =-int-ining -t le-st b-rely 2unction-l rel-tions #ith Isl-=-b-d, beg-n to t-%e - d-r%er >ie# to#-rd P-%ist-n -2ter the bin 4-den r-id. "ot only did @ullen h->e his suspicions th-t so=eone senior in the P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry or ISI =-y h->e been hiding 6s-=- bin 4-denQ he h-d -lso beco=e -#-re o2 -n -stonishing piece o2 intelligence. A=eric-n spies h-d telephone intercepts th-t see=ed to pro>e th-t the %illing o2 Syed S-lee= Sh-hA-d, P-%ist-ni Vourn-list #ho h-d been in>estig-ting lin%s bet#een the ISI -nd P-%ist-ni =ilit-nt groups, h-d been ordered by P-%ist-ni spies. Sh-hA-d h-d been be-ten to de-th -nd tossed into -n irrig-tion c-n-l eighty =iles south o2 Isl-=-b-d. According to cl-ssi2ied -ssess=ents by A=eric-n spy -gencies, the %illing h-d been -n order 2ro= the highest r-n%s o2 the ISI, 2ro= Gener-l Ah=-d ShuV- P-sh- hi=sel2. "ot long -2ter#-rd, - sep-r-te intelligence tip #-rned th-t t#o suspicious 2ertiliAer truc%s #ere n->ig-ting the "AT6 supply routes 2ro= P-%ist-n into A2gh-nist-n. The tip #-s >-gue -nd #-rned only th-t the truc%s =ight be used -s bo=bs -nd dri>en into A2gh-nist-n 2or -n -tt-c% -g-inst -n A=eric-n b-se . U.S. =ilit-ry o22ici-ls in A2gh-nist-n c-lled Gener-l 0-y-ni in P-%ist-n to -lert hi=, -nd 0-y-ni pro=ised th-t the truc%s #ould be stopped be2ore they re-ched the A2gh-n border. 3ut the P-%ist-nis did not -ct. The truc%s s-t in "orth 9-Airist-n 2or t#o =onths, -s oper-ti>es 2ro= the !-UU-ni "et#or% turned the= into suicide bo=bs po#er2ul enough to %ill hundreds o2 people. A=eric-n intelligence -bout the loc-tion o2 the truc%s re=-ined =ur%y, but Ad=ir-l @ullen #-s cert-in th-t, gi>en the ISIKs history o2 cont-cts #ith the !-UU-nis, P-%ist-ni spies #ould be -ble to put - stop to -ny -tt-c%. 3y Septe=ber C, :'&&, the truc%s #ere =o>ing to#-rd A2gh-nist-n, -nd the top A=eric-n co==-nder in the region, Gener-l Pohn Allen, urged Gener-l 0-y-ni to stop the truc%s during - trip to Isl-=-b-d. 0-y-ni told Allen he #ould R=-%e - phone c-llS to pre>ent -ny i==inent -ss-ult, -n o22er th-t r-ised eyebro#s bec-use it see=ed to indic-te - p-rticul-rly close rel-tionship bet#een the !-UU-nis -nd P-%ist-nKs security -pp-r-tus. Then, on the e>e o2 the tenth -nni>ers-ry o2 the -tt-c%s on the 9orld Tr-de ,enter -nd the Pent-gon, one o2 the truc%s pulled up neXt to the outer #-ll o2 - U.S. =ilit-ry b-se in 9-rd-% Pro>ince, in e-stern A2gh-nist-n. The dri>er deton-ted the eXplosi>es inside the >ehicle -nd the bl-st ripped open the #-ll to the b-se. The eXplosion #ounded =ore th-n se>enty A=eric-n @-rines inside the b-se, -nd spir-ling shr-pnel %illed -n eightDye-rDold A2gh-n girl st-nding h-l2 - =ile -#-y. The -tt-c% in2uri-ted @ullen -nd con>inced hi= th-t Gener-l 0-y-ni h-d no sincere interest in curbing his =ilit-ryKs ties to =ilit-nt groups li%e the !-UU-nis. 6ther top A=eric-n o22ici-ls h-d been con>inced o2 this ye-rs e-rlier, but @ullen h-d belie>ed th-t 0-y-ni #-s - di22erent breed o2 P-%ist-ni gener-l, - =-n #ho s-# the ISIKs ties to the T-lib-n, the !-UU-ni "et#or%, -nd 4-sh%-rDeDT-ib- -s nothing =ore th-n - suicide p-ct. 3ut the 9-rd-% bo=bing #-s, 2or @ullen, proo2 th-t P-%ist-n #-s pl-ying croo%ed -nd de-dly g-=e. L-ys -2ter the bo=bing\-nd i==edi-tely -2ter the !-UU-ni "et#or% l-unched -nother br-Aen -tt-c%, this ti=e on the A=eric-nDe=b-ssy co=pound in 0-bul\Ad=ir-l @ullen #ent to ,-pitol !ill to gi>e his 2in-l congression-l testi=ony -s ch-ir=-n o2 the Point ,hie2s o2 St-22. !e c-=e to deli>er - blunt =ess-ge, one th-t St-te Lep-rt=ent o22ici-ls h-d been unsuccess2ul in trying to so2ten in the hours be2ore he -ppe-red be2ore the Sen-te Ar=ed Ser>ices ,o==ittee.

P-%ist-ni spies #ere directing the insurgency inside o2 A2gh-nist-n, @ullen told the congression-l p-nel, -nd h-d blood on their h-nds 2ro= the de-ths o2 A=eric-n troops -nd A2gh-n ci>ili-ns. RThe !-UU-ni "et#or%,S @ullen s-id, R-cts -s - >erit-ble -r= o2 P-%ist-nKs InterDSer>ices Intelligence -gency.S ;>en -2ter - tu=ultuous dec-de o2 A=eric-n rel-tions #ith P-%ist-n, no top A=eric-n o22ici-l up to th-t point h-d =-de such - direct -ccus-tion in public. The st-te=ent c-rried e>en =ore po#er bec-use it c-=e 2ro= Ad=ir-l @ich-el @ullen, #ho= P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls considered to be one o2 their 2e# re=-ining -llies in 9-shington. The gener-ls in P-%ist-n #ere stung by @ullenKs co==ents, no one =ore th-n his old 2riend Gener-l Ash2-U P-r>eA 0-y-ni. The rel-tionship #-s de-dQ the t#o =en didnKt spe-% -g-in -2ter @ullenKs testi=ony. ;-ch =-n 2elt he h-d been betr-yed by the other.

LA$S A<T;56s-=-

bin 4-den #-s %illed, Lr. Sh-%il A2ridi recei>ed -n urgent c-ll 2ro= Sue, his ,IA h-ndler. The 2-llout 2ro= the A=eric-n oper-tion #-s still roiling P-%ist-n, -nd A2ridi h-d not he-rd 2ro= -nyone in the ,IA since the "->y S;A4s stor=ed the house in Abbott-b-d. As the det-ils o2 the oper-tion beg-n tric%ling out, A2ridi 2in-lly understood #hy he h-d been in Abbott-b-d, #hy the ,IA h-d -s%ed hi= to 2ocus his #or% on 3il-l To#n, -nd #hy there h-d been so =uch interest in the house on P-th-n Street. Sue told A2ridi to co=e i==edi-tely to Isl-=-b-d\-nd =eet her -t one o2 their regul-r rendeA>ous spots. ItKs not s-2e 2or you to st-y in P-%ist-n, she told the doctor #hen they =et. The ISI #-s -lre-dy hunting 2or -nyone #ho =ight h->e helped the A=eric-ns 2ind bin 4-den, -nd it #-s Vust - =-tter o2 ti=e be2ore his #or% 2or the ,IA #-s disco>ered. She told hi= to get on - bus -nd he-d #est, -cross the border into A2gh-nist-n. She h-nded hi= telephone nu=ber -nd told hi= to c-ll the nu=ber once he re-ched the bus st-tion in 0-bul. <ro= there, he #ould recei>e 2urther instructions. !e ne>er #ent. A2ridi -ssu=ed th-t since the ,IA h-d ne>er told hi= th-t he #-s in>ol>ed in the bin 4-den hunt, he #ould be s-2e in his o#n country -nd not be c-ught up in the dr-gnet th-t P-%ist-ni security ser>ices h-d set up -2ter the Abbott-b-d r-id. It #-s - gross =isc-lcul-tion. 3y the end o2 @-y, Lr. A2ridi h-d been -rrested by the ISI -nd i=prisoned. A2ter ye-rs o2 tu=ult bet#een the ,entr-l Intelligence Agency -nd P-%ist-nKs Lirector-te 2or InterDSer>ices Intelligence, -2ter the double de-ling by both sides, -nd -2ter the recri=in-tions #hen - ,IA contr-ctor %illed t#o people in 4-hore -nd dre# b-c% the curt-in on the ne# 2ront o2 A=eric-Ks secret #-r in P-%ist-n, the c-se o2 Lr. Sh-%il A2ridi sho#ed Vust ho# 2-r things h-d plu==eted 2or the United St-tes -nd P-%ist-n. The ISI h-d -rrested - %ey ,IA source, - =-n #ho pl-yed - role in the e22ort to tr-c% do#n the #orldKs =ost #-nted terrorist, -nd put hi= in - V-il cell in Pesh-#-r. 62 course, no country loo%s %indly upon one o2 its citiAens #hen he is c-ught #or%ing 2or - 2oreign spy ser>ice. 3ut, biA-rrely, A2ridi #-s not ch-rged #ith tre-son or espion-ge, nor #-s he e>en ch-rged under P-%ist-ni l-#. Inste-d, he 2ound hi=sel2 in court in Pesh-#-r 2or >iol-ting the obscure 3ritishDer- <rontier ,ri=es 5egul-tions th-t go>ern P-%ist-nKs trib-l -re-s. A2ridi h-d Voined - Rconspir-cy to #-ge #-r -g-inst the st-te,S the court 2ound, bec-use o2 his ties to 4-sh%-rDeDIsl-=, the =ilit-nt group run by the bus dri>erOcu=Odrug lord #ho h-d %idn-pped hi= in :''8. 3ec-use A2ridi h-d gi>en =edic-l tre-t=ent to 3-ghKs 2ighters, -nd bec-use o2 #h-t the court described -s Rhis lo>e 2or @-ng-l 3-gh,S Lr. A2ridi #-s sentenced to thirtyDthree ye-rs in prison.

9hen the sentence #-s h-nded do#n, 4-sh%-rDeDIsl-= issued - public st-te=ent >ehe=ently denying -ny ties #ith Rsuch - sh-=eless =-n.S A2ridi #-s no 2riend o2 the group, the st-te=ent s-id, bec-use o2 his history o2 o>erch-rging his p-tients.

&G7 <I5; <56@ T!; S0$

R;>erything is b-c%#-rds.S \9. George P-=eson

ne =orning in l-te su==er :'&&, d-ys be2ore he too% o>er -s director o2 the

,entr-l Intelligence Agency, Gener-l L->id Petr-eus p-id - >isit to @ich-el !-yden, the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs third -nd 2in-l ,IA director. The t#o =en h-d -scended the r-n%s o2 the =ilit-ry during the s-=e er- but h-d chosen >ery di22erent p-ths -nd h-d ne>er been p-rticul-rly close. !-yden h-d been - =ilit-ryDintelligence speci-list -nd r-n the ultr-secret "-tion-l Security Agency in the ye-rs be2ore he too% o>er -t 4-ngley. Petr-eus h-d spent - c-reer in co=b-t units, running the #-rs in Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n -nd le-ding U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd. !e h-d e=erged -s one o2 A=eric-n historyKs =ost l-uded gener-ls. The =en sh-red - cordi-l bre-%2-st -t !-ydenKs house, -nd !-yden o22ered -d>ice to Petr-eus -bout =-n-ging the trib-l dyn-=ics -t 4-ngley. As !-yden h-d le-rned, the c-se o22icers -nd -n-lysts could be de>oted yet pric%ly, didnKt s-lute s=-rtly, -nd so=eti=es h-d little toler-nce 2or the ch-in o2 co==-nd. @id#-y through bre-%2-st the discussion turned serious, -nd !-yden o22ered - #-rning to Petr-eus. The ,IA h-d ch-nged, perh-ps per=-nently, he s-id, -nd there #-s - re-l d-nger th-t the spy -gency could turn into no =ore th-n - s=-ller, =ore secreti>e >ersion o2 the Pent-gon. R"e>er be2ore h-s the ,IA loo%ed =ore li%e the 6SS,S !-yden s-id, re2erring to 9illi-= Lono>-nKs b-nd o2 clo-%D-ndDd-gger =en. A2ter - dec-de o2 secret #-r, !-yden s-id, =-n hunting -nd t-rgetedD%illing oper-tions #ere consu=ing the ,IA, -nd i2 th-t continued, the -gency =ight one d-y be inc-p-ble o2 c-rrying out #h-t #-s supposed to be its pri=-ry =ission7 spying. RThe ,IA is not the 6SS,S !-yden continued. RItKs the n-tionKs glob-l intelligence ser>ice. And youK>e got to discipline yoursel2 to c-r>e out ti=e to do so=ething else besides counterterroris=.S !-yden, o2 course, h-d done =ore th-n his p-rt to -cceler-te this tr-ns2or=-tion. A spy -gency th-t on Septe=ber &&, :''&, h-d been decried -s bu=bling -nd ris%D->erse h-d, under the #-tch2ul eye o2 2our successi>e ,IA directors, gone on - %illing spree. Luring the long, hot su==er in P-%ist-n in the =onths -2ter 6s-=- bin 4-denKs de-th, the ,IA %illed - string o2 -l W-ed- oper-ti>es, including Atiy-h Abd -lD5-h=-n, #ho h-d been bin 4-denKs tether to the outside #orld during his ti=e in hiding in Abbott-b-d. So=e in 9-shington li%ened President 6b-=- to @ich-el ,orleone during the 2in-l =inutes o2 The God2-ther, coolly ordering lieuten-nts to disp-tch his ene=ies in c-lcul-ted burst o2 >iolence. ThirtyD2i>e ye-rs e-rlier, -2ter the toXic det-ils -bout the ,IAKs e22orts to %ill 2oreign le-ders seeped into public >ie#, President Ger-ld <ord ordered - b-n on -ss-ssin-tions th-t he hoped #ould pre>ent 2uture presidents 2ro= being too e-sily seduced by bl-c% oper-tions. 3ut in the dec-de since the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, legions o2 U.S. go>ern=ent l-#yers h-d #ritten det-iled opinions -bout #hy the t-rgetedD%illing oper-tions c-rried out by the ,IA -nd Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd 2-r 2ro= decl-red #-r Aones didnKt >iol-te President <ordKs -ss-ssin-tion b-n. Pust -s l-#yers 2or President 3ush h-d rede2ined torture to per=it eXtre=e

interrog-tions by the ,IA -nd the =ilit-ry, so h-d l-#yers 2or President 6b-=- gi>en A=eric-Ks secret -gencies l-titude to c-rry out eXtensi>e %illing oper-tions. 6ne o2 the= #-s !-rold 0oh, #ho h-d co=e to 9-shington 2ro= $-le 4-# School, #here he h-d been the schoolKs de-n. !e h-d been - 2ierce critic 2ro= the le2t o2 the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs #-r on terror -nd h-d decried the ,IAKs interrog-tion =ethods\including #-terbo-rding\-s illeg-l torture. 3ut #hen he Voined the go>ern=ent -s the St-te Lep-rt=entKs top l-#yer, he 2ound hi=sel2 spending hours poring o>er >olu=es o2 secret intelligence in order to p-ss Vudg=ent o>er #hether =en should li>e or die. In speeches, he o22ered - =uscul-r de2ense o2 the 6b-=-d=inistr-tionKs t-rgetedD%illing oper-tions, s-ying th-t in - ti=e o2 #-r the A=eric-n go>ern=ent #-s under no oblig-tion to gi>e suspects nor=-l due process be2ore putting the= on - %ill list. Still, in =o=ents o2 public re2lection, he spo%e o2 the psychologic-l burdens o2 spending so =uch ti=e re-ding the biogr-phies o2 the young =en the United St-tes #-s deb-ting #hether or not to %ill. RAs the de-n o2 $-le 4-# School I spent =-ny, =-ny hours loo%ing -t the r]su=]s o2 young t#entyDye-rDolds, students in their t#enties, trying to 2igure out #hich ones should be -d=itted,S he s-id during one speech. RI no# spend - co=p-r-ble -=ount o2 ti=e studying the r]su=]s o2 terrorists, s-=e -ge. 5e-ding -bout ho# they #ere recruited. Their 2irst =ission. Their second =ission. 62ten I %no# their b-c%ground -s inti=-tely -s I %ne# =y students K.S In the =idst o2 the surge o2 drone -tt-c%s, President 6b-=- ordered - reshu22ling o2 his n-tion-lDsecurity te-=. The result #-s so=ething o2 - gr-ce note -t the end o2 dec-de during #hich the #or% o2 soldiers -nd spies h-d beco=e l-rgely indistinguish-ble. 4eon P-nett-, #ho -s ,IA director h-d =-de the spy -gency =ore li%e the =ilit-ry, #-s t-%ing o>er the Pent-gon. Gener-l Petr-eus, the 2ourDst-r gener-l #ho h-d signed secret orders in :''C to eXp-nd =ilit-ry spying oper-tions throughout the @iddle ;-st, #ould run the ,IA. In his 2ourteen =onths -t 4-ngley, be2ore igno=iniously resigning o>er -n eXtr-=-rit-l -22-ir #ith his biogr-pher, Petr-eus -cceler-ted the trends th-t !-yden h-d #-rned hi= -bout. !e pushed the 9hite !ouse 2or =oney to eXp-nd the ,IAKs drone 2leet, -nd he told =e=bers o2 ,ongress th-t, under his #-tch, the ,IA #-s c-rrying out =ore co>ertD-ction oper-tions th-n -t -ny point in its history. 9ithin #ee%s o2 -rri>ing -t 4-ngley, Petr-eus e>en ordered -n oper-tion th-t, up to th-t point, no ,IA director h-d e>er done be2ore7 the t-rgeted %illing o2 -n A=eric-n citiAen.

too% o>er the ,IA, -n o#lish, bespect-cled pre-cher #ith - bushy bl-c% be-rd -nd - =ess-ge o2 r-ge h-d -scended to the top o2 A=eric-Ks %ill list, the list coordin-ted in the b-se=ent o22ice o2 Pohn 3renn-n, the 9hite !ouse counterterroris= -d>iser. 9ith bin 4-den de-d -nd the punishing c-=p-ign o2 drone stri%es thinning -l W-ed-Ks r-n%s in P-%ist-n, counterterroris= o22ici-ls in 9-shington beg-n to de>ote =ore -ttention to the thre-t 2ro= $e=en -nd -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul-. Th-t =e-nt hunting do#n -nd %illing An#-r -lDA#l-%i. AlDA#l-%i h-d t-%en - str-nge p-th to being design-ted -s -n ene=y o2 the United St-tes. 3orn in "e# @eXico in &C7&, he spent his e-rly ye-rs in the United St-tes #hile his 2-ther, "-sser -lDA#l-%i, - pro=inent $e=eni #ho #ould go on to ser>e -s President S-lehKs =inister o2 -griculture, studied -gricultur-l econo=ics -t "e# @eXico St-te Uni>ersity. "-sser =o>ed the 2-=ily b-c% to $e=en se>en ye-rs l-ter, #here An#-r li>ed until returning to the United St-tes 2or college in the e-rly &CC's. At ,olor-do St-te Uni>ersity, An#-r #on the presidency o2 the schoolKs @usli=
3$ T!; TI@; P;T5A;US

Student Associ-tion but #-s not co=2ort-ble #ith the rigidly conser>-ti>e str-nd o2 Isl-=\#ith its prohibitions on seX -nd -lcohol\th-t so=e o2 his 2ello# students pr-cticed. !e st-yed in ,olor-do -2ter gr-du-tion, -nd to his 2-therKs ch-grin he beg-n pre-ching -t - =osUue in <ort ,ollins. "-sser h-d #-nted his son to enter - =ore lucr-ti>e pro2ession, but #ithin - 2e# ye-rs An#-r h-d =o>ed to S-n Liego to t-%e position -s -n i=-= -t - =osUue -t the edge o2 the city. !is >ie#s gr-du-lly gre# =ore conser>-ti>e, -nd he pre-ched -bout li>ing - li2e o2 purity. 3ut in his pri>-te li2e he so=eti=es str-yed 2ro= his o#n te-chingsQ he #-s pic%ed up =ultiple ti=es by the S-n Liego police 2or soliciting prostitutes. @ore signi2ic-ntly, in &CCC the <3I beg-n in>estig-ting -lDA#l-%iKs ties to =ilit-nt suspects in the S-n Liego -re-, suspicions th-t rose p-rtly 2ro= his #or% 2or - s=-ll Isl-=ic ch-rity. !e #ould e>en co=e into cont-ct #ith t#o 2uture Septe=ber && hiV-c%ers, 0h-lid -lD@ihdh-r -nd "-#-2 -lD!-A=i, #ho both pr-yed -t his =osUue -nd -ttended con2erences #ith the cleric. 3ut the <3I inUuiries into his #or% une-rthed no cri=in-l -cti>ity, -nd by the ti=e o2 the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s -lDA#l-%i h-d resettled in "orthern Nirgini-, #here he #-s pre-ching -t - l-rge =osUue in the suburbs o2 9-shington, L.,. !e in2used his ser=ons #ith re2erences to pop culture -nd A=eric-n history, -nd he soon got his 2irst t-ste o2 =edi- st-rdo= #hen he beg-n getting c-lls 2ro= reporters to help eXpl-in the b-sics o2 Isl-= to A=eric-n ne#sp-per re-ders. !e #-s e>en considered so=ething o2 - >oice o2 =oder-tion\p-rticip-ting in -n online ch-t 2or The 9-shington Post -bout 5-=-d-n -nd -ttending - Pent-gon pr-yer bre-%2-st. R9e c-=e here to build, not to destroy,S he s-id during one ser=on, c-lling hi=sel2 -nd other i=-=s in A=eric- R the bridge bet#een A=eric-ns -nd one billion @usli=s #orld#ide.S 3ut his =ess-ge #ould soon turn d-r%er. A2ter - police cr-c%do#n on @usli= ch-rities -nd other @usli=Do#ned institutions in :'':, -lDA#l-%i l-shed out publicly -bout ho# the 3ush -d=inistr-tionKs #-r -g-inst terroris= h-d beco=e - #-r -g-inst @usli=s. Shortly -2ter#-rd, he =o>ed to 4ondon, #here he enthr-lled young @usli=s #ho -ttended his 2iery ser=ons -nd those #ho listened to his lectures on ,L recordings, #hich he sold in - boXed set. 3ut e>en -s his 2-=e gre#, he h-d trouble supporting hi=sel2 in the United 0ingdo=, -nd in :''*, he returned to $e=en, #here he used Internet ch-t roo=s -nd e>entu-lly $ouTube to tr-ns=it his ser=ons glob-lly. The 2-ct th-t his ser=ons #ere deli>ered in ;nglish li=ited his in2luence in the @usli= #orld, but his >irulent -ntiDA=eric-n rhetoric spurred - sli>er o2 his 2ollo#ers to -ction. 6ne o2 the= #-s U=-r <-rou% Abdul=ut-ll-b, the young "igeri-n student #ho #ould try to set o22 - bo=b hidden in his under#e-r #hile on -n -irpl-ne descending into Letroit on ,hrist=-s L-y :''C. @onths be2ore, Abdul=ut-ll-b h-d #ritten -n ess-y -bout his re-sons 2or #-nting to #-ge Vih-d -nd sent it to -lDA#l-%i. As A=eric-n in>estig-tors beg-n piecing together the 2-iled ,hrist=-s L-y plot, they beg-n to get better underst-nding o2 the role -lDA#l-%i pl-yed #ithin -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul-. The thirtyDeightDye-rDold A=eric-n =-n #ho h-d once spo%en -bout being A=eric-Ks RbridgeS to the @usli= #orld #-s not =erely -n inspir-tion-l prophet 2or the digit-l -ge, - peddler o2 Internet h-tredQ he h-d put deeds to #ords -nd h-d begun helping the terror group plot - #->e o2 terror -g-inst the United St-tes. Pohn 3renn-n, #ho =-int-ined close ties to S-udi intelligence o22ici-ls -nd h-d -lre-dy been running =uch o2 A=eric-Ks cl-ndestine #-r in $e=en 2ro= the 9hite !ouse, belie>ed th-t it #-s -lDA#l-%i #ho #-s princip-lly responsible 2or - shi2t in the -l

W-ed- -22ili-teKs str-tegy. 9hile the group h-d long thought glob-lly, it h-d -cted loc-lly by 2ocusing its -tt-c%s on t-rgets inside S-udi Ar-bi-. 3ut #hen bin 4-den -nd his 2ollo#ers in P-%ist-n #ere under siege, AWAP s-# the opportunity to pic% up the =-ntle -s A=eric-Ks chie2 tor=enter. 3renn-n belie>ed th-t -lDA#l-%i #-s pushing the group incre-singly in this direction. This =-y or =-y not h->e been the c-se, but inside the "-tion-l Security ,ouncil, o22ici-ls beg-n deb-ting -n eXtr-ordin-ry =-tter7 #hether to -uthoriAe the secret %illing o2 -lDA#l-%i, -n A=eric-n citiAen, #ithout c-pturing hi= or bringing hi= to tri-l. !-rold 0oh -nd other go>ern=ent l-#yers beg-n studying the r-# intelligence -bout -lD A#l-%iKs role inside the $e=eni =ilit-nt group, -nd #ithin =onths o2 Abdul=ut-ll-bKs 2-iled -tte=pt to blo# up the Vetliner, the Pustice Lep-rt=entKs 622ice o2 4eg-l ,ounsel h-d produced - cl-ssi2ied =e=o gi>ing the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion -ppro>-l to %ill the reneg-de A=eric-n cleric. 3ec-use -lDA#l-%i h-d - senior position inside -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul- -nd h-d decl-red #-r on the United St-tes, the =e=o -rgued, he no longer h-d - ,onstitution-l right to due process. And yet the United St-tes h-dnKt - clue #here -lDA#l-%i or -ny other top AWAP oper-ti>es #ere hiding. Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd h-d Vust begun r-=ping up its e22orts to collect intelligence in $e=en, -nd the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion #-s -l=ost entirely dependent on the spies th-t $e=eni president Ali Abdull-h S-leh -nd S-udi Ar-bi-Ks intelligence ser>ice h-d pl-nted -round the country. And -2ter the botched A=eric-n stri%e in @-y :'&' th-t -ccidently %illed - deputy go>ernor in $e=en, S-leh h-d put e>en =ore restrictions on A=eric-n -cti>ities there, -nd the cl-ndestine #-r h-d ground to - h-lt.

in $e=en beg-n to lose his grip. President S-leh h-d =-int-ined po#er 2or dec-des by eXpertly =-nipul-ting the >-rious 2-ctions inside the country, o2ten pitting the= -g-inst e-ch other in - 2-shion th-t one 3ush -d=inistr-tion o22ici-l h-d li%ened to R d-ncing in the sn-%e pit .S 3ut by e-rly :'&&, $e=en h-d beco=e c-ught up in the street re>olts spre-ding -cross the Ar-b #orld, -nd - go>ern=ent th-t once could b-rely control territory beyond the c-pit-l no# couldnKt e>en %eep order there. Then, during -n -tt-c% on the presidenti-l p-l-ce in Pune, - b-rr-ge o2 roc%ets struc% the roo= #here President S-leh #-s hiding -nd %noc%ed hi= to the 2loor. !e su22ered 2ro= intern-l bleeding in his s%ull, -nd the 2ires 2ro= the -tt-c% burned *' percent o2 his body. S-lehKs bodygu-rds put the #ounded le-der on -n e=ergency 2light to S-udi Ar-bi-, #here he spent hours in surgery . !e sur>i>ed, but his d-ys -s president #ere o>er. Ali Abdull-h S-leh #-s no longer -round to dict-te #h-t the United St-tes could -nd could not do in his country. The ,IA -nd PS6, h-d used the ye-rlong p-use in the A=eric-n -ir #-r in $e=en -2ter Leputy Go>ernor P-ber -lDSh-b#-niKs de-th to build up - net#or% o2 hu=-n spies -nd - #eb o2 electronic e->esdropping -round $e=en. At the "-tion-l Security Agency, -t <ort @e-de, @-ryl-nd, =ore -n-lysts #ere -ssigned to =onitor cell phones in $e=en -nd to penetr-te co=puter net#or%s in the hope o2 intercepting eD=-il tr-22ic . And, >ery Uuietly, the ,IA beg-n to build - drone b-se in the southern desert o2 S-udi Ar-bi- to ser>e -s - hub 2or the -l W-ed- hunt in $e=en. S-udi Ar-bi- h-d gi>en per=ission to the ,IA to build the b-se on the condition th-t the %ingdo=Ks role be =-s%ed. S-id one A=eric-n o22ici-l in>ol>ed in the decision to build the b-se, RThe S-udis didnKt #-nt their 2-ce on the oper-tion.S
S4694$, !69;N;5, T!; ST56"G@A"

Until the ,IA b-se #-s re-dy, $e=en #-s still PS6,Ks #-r. In @-y :'&&, the Pent-gon beg-n sending -r=ed drones o>er $e=en, 2lo#n 2ro= ;thiopi- -nd ,-=p 4e=onnier, in LVibouti, the h-rdscr-bble 2or=er <rench <oreign 4egion b-se #here s=-ll group o2 A=eric-n @-rines -nd speci-lDoper-tions troops h-d oper-ted since :'':. The buAAing o2 the drones bec-=e - regul-r sound in so=e o2 $e=enKs =ost re=ote eXp-nses o2 desert, -nd - c-tD-ndD=ouse g-=e bet#een the Vih-dis -nd the %iller =-chines beg-n. 6ne $e=eni Vourn-list, -2ter spending t#o #ee%s #ith AWAP le-ders, described the security procedures the group en-cted to ->oid being hit 2ro= the -ir. I2 - $e=eni Vet 2ighter #-s -ppro-ching, they re=-ined in pl-ce bec-use, -s the =ilit-nts told the reporter, RThe $e=eni pl-nes -l#-ys =iss their t-rgets.S 3ut i2 -n A=eric-n drone beg-n buAAing o>erhe-d, they did the opposite. They shut o22 their cell phones, hopped into truc%s, -nd beg-n =o>ing, bec-use the drones R c-nKt bo=b =o>ing t-rgets .S The =ilit-nts h-d 2igured out one o2 the #e-%nesses o2 the drones, - proble= cre-ted by 2lying the pl-nes by s-tellite. 3ec-use drone pilots #ere sep-r-ted 2ro= their -irpl-nes by thous-nds o2 =iles, #h-t the pilots s-# on their screens in the United St-tes #-s so=eti=es se>er-l seconds behind #h-t the drone #-s #-tching. The proble=, %no#n -s l-tency, h-d 2or ye-rs =-de it di22icult 2or t-rgeting o22icers -t the ,IA -nd the Pent-gon to 2igure out #here to -i= the =issile 2ired 2ro= the drone, #hich eXpl-ins so=e o2 the ci>ili-n c-su-lties -nd =issed t-rgets o2 the drone #-rs. 3eing in - =o>ing truc% -llo#ed -lDA#l-%i to n-rro#ly esc-pe de-th in @-y :'&&, Vust d-ys -2ter the co==-ndo r-id in P-%ist-n th-t %illed bin 4-den. A hu=-n source spying 2or the A=eric-ns pro>ided in2or=-tion th-t -lDA#l-%i #-s riding in - truc% in Sh-b#- pro>ince, -nd the PS6, te-= sent drones -nd @-rine !-rrier Vets to the -re-. 3ut the 2irst A=eric-n =issile =issed -lDA#l-%iKs truc%, -nd #hen clouds =o>ed into the -re- -nd obscured the >ie# o2 the pl-nes, -lDA#l-%i #-s -ble to Vu=p into -nother truc% -nd dri>e in the opposite direction. The A=eric-n pl-nes continued to 2ollo# the 2irst truc%, -nd - =issile stri%e %illed t#o loc-l -l W-ed- oper-ti>es in the >ehicle. AlDA#l-%i too% re2uge in - c->e. According to $e=en schol-r Gregory Pohnsen, -lDA#l-%i l-ter told his 2riends th-t the incident Rincre-sed =y cert-inty th-t no hu=-n being #ill die until they co=plete their li>elihood -nd -ppointed ti=e.S At the 9hite !ouse, President 6b-=- -nd Pohn 3renn-n #ere gro#ing 2rustr-ted th-t PS6, %ept =issing -lDA#l-%i -nd other top le-ders. A ye-r -nd - h-l2 since 6b-=h-d eXp-nded A=eric-n cl-ndestine -cti>ities in $e=en, no senior AWAP le-ders h-d been %illed -nd - nu=ber o2 stri%es h-d been c-rried out #ith 2-ulty intelligence. @ore ci>ili-ns h-d been %illed th-n =ilit-nt le-ders. <lying -r=ed drones o>er $e=en #-s -n i=pro>e=ent o>er cruise =issiles, but LViboutiKs go>ern=ent #ould not -llo# the United St-tes to l-unch -ny leth-l =issions 2ro= ,-=p 4e=onnier #ithout 2irst getting its -ppro>-l. PS6, le-ders bristled -t the restrictions. The ,IA oper-ted under no si=il-r restrictions, -nd by Septe=ber :'&& the drone b-se th-t the spy -gency h-d built in the S-udi desert #-s co=pleted -nd re-dy 2or use. L->id Petr-eus, #ho by no# #-s ,IA director, ordered so=e o2 the -gencyKs 2leet o2 Pred-tor -nd 5e-per -ircr-2t 2ro= P-%ist-n to S-udi Ar-bi-. Spy -gencies -lso repositioned s-tellites -nd recon2igured d-t- net#or%s to -llo# the drones to co==unic-te #ith pilots b-c% in the United St-tes, -nd they c-rried out the other technologic-l #or% reUuired to open - ne# 2ront in the drone #-r. And the ,IA h-d so=ething beyond drone -ircr-2t p-r%ed close to $e=enKs border7 - source #ithin -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul- #ho beg-n pro>iding regul-r in2or=-tion -bout -lDA#l-%iKs =o>e=ents. The ,IA h-d -lre-dy collected intelligence -bout AWAPKs structure, -nd h-d =-n-ged to get -n e-rly #-rning -bout the groupKs

glossy Internet public-tion, Inspire, e-ch ti=e be2ore it #-s published. AWAP h-d used the =-g-Aine, #ritten in ;nglish, to r-ise its pro2ile -nd to incite #ouldDbe Vih-dis in the United St-tes or the United 0ingdo= to #-ge #-r close to ho=e. @-Vor "id-l !-ss-n\-n Ar=y psychi-trist #ho %illed thirteen people in - cro#ded =ilit-ry 2-cility -t <ort !ood, TeX-s, in "o>e=ber :''C\#-s - re-der o2 Inspire. So #-s <-is-l Sh-hA-d, - Vunior 2in-nci-l -n-lyst li>ing in ,onnecticut #ho se>en =onths l-ter tried to deton-te - >-n 2ull o2 eXplosi>es in the =iddle o2 Ti=es SUu-re. 6ne Inspire -rticle, #ritten by the =-g-AineKs P-%ist-niDA=eric-n publisher, S-=ir 0h-n, c-rried the title R@-%ing - 3o=b in the 0itchen o2 $our @o=.S ;-ch ti=e they le-rned -bout -n upco=ing issue o2 Inspire, 6b-=- o22ici-ls deb-ted #hether to s-bot-ge the =-g-Aine be2ore it #ent online or insert =ess-ges into the teXt th-t =ight e=b-rr-ss AWAP -nd set o22 -l-r=s inside the group th-t S-udi or A=eric-n =ole =ight h->e penetr-ted its r-n%s. 3ut they decided -g-inst it, in p-rt bec-use they #orried th-t -nyone suspected o2 helping the= =ight be eXecuted. 3ut there #-s - second re-son. Since Inspire could be re-d online in the United St-tes, -ny e22orts by the ,IA to =-nipul-te its content =ight >iol-te l-#s prohibiting the -gency 2ro= c-rrying out prop-g-nd- oper-tions -g-inst A=eric-ns. These s-=e concerns h-d led the ,IA to =ostly -b-ndon its prop-g-ndoper-tions since the -d>ent o2 the Internet, #hen A=eric-ns sitting in 2ront o2 l-ptop co=puters could re-d ne#s -nd in2or=-tion th-t h-d been #ritten thous-nds o2 =iles -#-y. The >-cuu= h-d -llo#ed the Pent-gon, -nd people li%e @ich-el <urlong, to 2ill the >oid #ith - ne# %ind o2 in2or=-tion #-r2-re t-ilored 2or the digit-l -ge. I=pressed by the ,IAKs record o2 t-rgeted %illings in P-%ist-n, 9hite !ouse o22ici-ls too% the hunt 2or An#-r -lDA#l-%i -#-y 2ro= the Pent-gon -nd g->e it to the ,IA. 6n Septe=ber 3', - 2leet o2 A=eric-n drones too% o22 2ro= the b-se in S-udi Ar-bi-, crossed into $e=en, -nd beg-n tr-c%ing - group o2 =en riding in - con>oy -cross -l P-#2 pro>ince, -n eXp-nse o2 desert ne-r the S-udi border once reno#ned 2or breeding Ar-bi-n horses. The =en h-d stopped to e-t bre-%2-st #hen, -ccording to #itnesses, they spotted the drones -nd rushed b-c% to their c-rs. 3ut the drones h-d loc%ed onto their t-rget, -nd #h-t 2ollo#ed #-s - c-re2ully orchestr-ted sy=phony o2 destruction. T#o Pred-tor drones pointed l-sers on the c-rs, - t-ctic th-t i=pro>ed the -ccur-cy o2 the =issile stri%es, -nd - 5e-per drone 2ired =issiles th-t deli>ered - direct hit. ;>ery =-n riding in the con>oy #-s %illed, including A=eric-n citiAens An#-r -lDA#l-%i -nd S-=ir 0h-n, - di-bolic-l prop-g-ndist -nd the cre-ti>e 2orce behind Inspire.

A3LU45A!@A" A4DA94A0I\the

i=-=Ks s%inny siXteenDye-rDold Len>erDborn son\h-d slipped out o2 the %itchen #indo# in his 2-=ilyKs house in S-n-K- t#o #ee%s e-rlier. It #-s the only ho=e he h-d %no#n since he =o>ed to $e=en -s - young boy, -2ter his 2-ther h-d beco=e 2-=ous in the United St-tes -nd the United 0ingdo= 2or his in2l-==-tory ser=ons. In the ye-rs since, his 2-ther bec-=e the 6b-=-d=inistr-tionKs =ost hunted =-n -nd 2led S-n-K- 2or the rel-ti>e security o2 $e=enKs re=ote pro>inces, but Abdulr-h=-n =ostly li>ed the li2e o2 - nor=-l -dolescent. !e entered high school #ith -n interest in sports -nd =usic, -nd he %ept his <-ceboo% p-ge regul-rly upd-ted. In the =iddle o2 Septe=ber :'&&, he decided he needed to 2ind his 2-ther, #here>er he #-s hiding. 3e2ore sne-%ing out o2 the house, he le2t - note 2or his rel-ti>es7 RI -= sorry 2or le->ing,S he #rote, R IK= going to 2ind =y 2-ther .S !e #ent to Sh-b#- pro>ince, the region o2 $e=en #here An#-r -lDA#l-%i #-s

thought to be hiding -nd #here A=eric-n Vets -nd drones h-d n-rro#ly =issed hi= the pre>ious @-y. 9h-t Abdulr-h=-n did not %no# #-s th-t his 2-ther h-d -lre-dy 2led Sh-b#- 2or -l P-#2. !e #-ndered -bout, h->ing little ide- -bout #h-t to do neXt. Then, he he-rd the ne#s -bout the =issile stri%e th-t h-d %illed his 2-ther, -nd he c-lled his 2-=ily b-c% in S-n-K-. !e told the= he #-s co=ing ho=e. !e didnKt return to S-n-K- i==edi-tely. 6n 6ctober &*, t#o #ee%s -2ter ,IA drones %illed his 2-ther, Abdulr-h=-n -lDA#l-%i #-s sitting #ith 2riends -t -n openD-ir rest-ur-nt ne-r AAA-n, - to#n in Sh-b#- pro>ince. <ro= dist-nce, 2-int -t 2irst, c-=e the 2-=ili-r buAAing sound. Then, =issiles tore through the -ir -nd hit the rest-ur-nt. 9ithin seconds, ne-rly - doAen de-d bodies #ere stre#n in the dirt. 6ne o2 the= #-s Abdulr-h=-n -lDA#l-%i. !ours -2ter the ne#s o2 his de-th #-s reported, the teen-gerKs <-ceboo% p-ge #-s turned into - =e=ori-l. A=eric-n o22ici-ls h->e ne>er discussed the oper-tion publicly, but they -c%no#ledge in pri>-te th-t Abdulr-h=-n -lDA#l-%i #-s %illed by =ist-%e. The teen-ger h-d not been on -ny t-rget list. The intended t-rget o2 the drone stri%e #-s Ibr-hi= -lD 3-nn-, -n ;gypti-n le-der o2 AWAP. A=eric-n o22ici-ls h-d gotten in2or=-tion th-t -lD 3-nn- #-s e-ting -t the rest-ur-nt -t the ti=e o2 the stri%e, but the intelligence turned out to be #rong. AlD3-nn- #-s no#here ne-r the loc-tion o2 the =issile stri%e. Abdulr-h=-n -lDA#l-%i #-s in the #rong pl-ce -t the #rong ti=e. Although the stri%e re=-ins cl-ssi2ied, se>er-l A=eric-n o22ici-ls s-id th-t the drones th-t %illed the boy #ere not, li%e those th-t %illed his 2-ther, oper-ted by the ,IA. Inste-d, Abdulr-h=-n -lDA#l-%i #-s - >icti= o2 the p-r-llel drone progr-= run by the Pent-gonKs Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd, #hich h-d continued e>en -2ter the ,IA Voined the =-nhunt in $e=en. The ,IA -nd the Pent-gon h-d con>erged on the %illing grounds o2 one o2 the #orldKs poorest -nd =ost desol-te countries, running t#o distinct drone #-rs. The ,IA =-int-ined one t-rget list, -nd PS6, %ept -nother. 3oth #ere in $e=en c-rrying out ne-rly the eX-ct s-=e =ission. Ten ye-rs -2ter Lon-ld 5u=s2eld 2irst tried to #rest control o2 the ne# #-r 2ro= A=eric-n spies, the Pent-ton -nd ,IA #ere conducting the s-=e secret =issions -t the ends o2 the e-rth. T#o =onths -2ter his son -nd gr-ndson #ere %illed, Lr. "-sser -lDA#l-%i =ourned their de-ths in - >ideo eulogy he posted on $ouTube. Lr. -lDA#l-%i spo%e 2or ne-rly se>en =inutes in cle-r, deliber-te ;nglish. 4oy-l @usli=s =ust %eep his son An#-rKs =ess-ge -li>e, he s-id, -nd spre-d it to -ll those #ho h-d not yet been touched by his #ords. !e pledged, o=inously -nd #ithout 2urther det-il, th-t his sonKs R blood did not -nd #ill not go in >-in .S Lr. -lDA#l-%i described A=eric- -s - Rst-te gone =-d,S enthr-lled #ith - str-tegy o2 -ss-ssin-tions in the d-r%est corners o2 the #orld. The -tt-c%s h-d beco=e so routine, he s-id, th-t the stri%es th-t %illed his son -nd gr-ndson #ent -l=ost unnoticed inside the United St-tes. This #-s p-rtly right. 6n the d-y An#-r -lDA#l-%i #-s %illed, President 6b-=- =-de brie2 =ention o2 his de-th during - speech, c-lling it R-nother signi2ic-nt =ilestone in the bro-der e22ort to de2e-t -l W-ed- -nd its -22ili-tes.S 3ut by the neXt d-y, the %illing o2 the 2irebr-nd pre-cher\-n A=eric-n citiAen #hose de-th h-d been -uthoriAed by - secret Pustice Lep-rt=ent =e=o\recei>ed no =ention on net#or% nightly ne#s bro-dc-sts. T#o #ee%s l-ter, b-rely -ny -ttention #-s p-id to the %illing o2 Abdulr-h=-n -lDA#l-%i, the s%inny A=eric-n teen-ger.

- secret, -t le-st o22ici-lly. The 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion h-s gone to court to 2end o22 ch-llenges o>er the rele-se o2 docu=ents rel-ted to ,IA -nd PS6, drones -nd the secret leg-l opinions buttressing the oper-tions. In l-te
T!; L56"; ST5I0;S 5;@AI";L

Septe=ber :'&:, - p-nel o2 three Vudges s-t in 2ront o2 - #-ll o2 green =-rble in 2eder-l courtroo= in 9-shington -nd listened to or-l -rgu=ents in - c-se brought by the A=eric-n ,i>il 4iberties Union de=-nding th-t the ,IA h-nd o>er docu=ents -bout the t-rgetedD%illing progr-=. A l-#yer representing the ,IA re2used to -c%no#ledge th-t the ,IA h-d -nything to do #ith drones, e>en under crossDeX-=in-tion 2ro= s%eptic-l Vudges #ho Uuestioned hi= -bout public st-te=ents by 2or=er ,IA director 4eon P-nett-. In one c-se, P-nett- h-d Vo%ed to - group o2 A=eric-n troops st-tioned in "-ples, It-ly, th-t, -lthough -s secret-ry o2 de2ense he h-d R- hellu>- lot =ore #e-pons ->-il-bleY.Y.Y. th-nY.Y.Y. -t ,IA,S the RPred-tors `#erenKta th-t b-d.S At one point in the court proceeding, -n eX-sper-ted Pudge @erric% G-rl-nd pointed out the -bsurdity o2 the ,IAKs position, in light o2 the 2-ct th-t both President 6b-=- -nd 9hite !ouse counterterroris= -d>iser Pohn 3renn-n h-d spo%en publicly -bout drones. RI2 the ,IA is the e=peror,S he told the ,IAKs l-#yer, RyouKre -s%ing us to s-y th-t the e=peror h-s clothes e>en #hen the e=perorKs bosses s-y he doesnKt.S 3ut 2or -ll the secrecy, drone #-r2-re h-s been institution-liAed, ensuring th-t the =issions o2 the ,IA -nd the Pent-gon continue to bleed together -s the t#o org-niA-tions 2ight 2or =ore resources to #-ge secret #-r. So=eti=es, -s in $e=en, the t#o -gencies run p-r-llel -nd co=peting drone oper-tions. 6ther ti=es, they c-r>e up the #orld -nd e-ch t-%e ch-rge o2 di22erent p-rts o2 the re=oteDcontrolled #-r\the ,IA in P-%ist-n, 2or inst-nce, -nd the Pent-gon running the drone #-r in 4iby-. It #-s Puly :''* #hen the C_&& ,o==ission concluded th-t the ,IA should gi>e up its p-r-=ilit-ry 2unctions. It =-de little sense, the co==ission concluded, 2or the ,IA -nd the Pent-gon to both be in the business o2 #-ging cl-ndestine #-rs. R9hether the price is =e-sured in either =oney or people,S the co==issionKs 2in-l report st-ted, Rthe United St-tes c-nnot -22ord to build t#o sep-r-te c-p-bilities 2or c-rrying out secret =ilit-ry oper-tions, secretly oper-ting st-ndo22 =issiles, -nd secretly tr-ining 2oreign =ilit-ry or p-r-=ilit-ry 2orces.S The 3ush -d=inistr-tion reVected this reco==end-tion, -nd in the ye-rs since, the United St-tes h-s =o>ed in the eX-ct opposite direction. The ,IA -nd the Pent-gon no# e-ch Ve-lously gu-rd di22erent p-rts o2 the sh-do# #-rKs -rchitecture\- drone b-se in S-udi Ar-bi-, - 2or=er <rench <oreign 4egion b-se in LVibouti, -nd other re=ote outposts\-nd -re lo-th to relinUuish -ny control -s politici-ns e=br-ce t-rgetedD%illing oper-tions -s the 2uture o2 A=eric-n #-r2-re. @e-n#hile, the Pent-gon continues its push into hu=-n spying. The Le2ense Intelligence Agency is hoping to build - ne# c-dre o2 underco>er spies, hundreds o2 the=, 2or spying =issions in A2ric-, the @iddle ;-st, -nd Asi-. R;>erything is b-c%#-rds,S s-id 9. George P-=eson, l-#yer #ho spent thirtyDthree ye-rs -t the ,IA. R $ouK>e got -n intelligence -gency 2ighting - #-r -nd - =ilit-ry org-niA-tion trying to g-ther onDtheDground intelligence.S Throughout the grueling presidenti-l election se-son o2 :'&:, President 6b-=2reUuently -lluded to t-rgeted %illings -s - sign o2 his toughness, spe-%ing #ith br-gg-docio re=iniscent o2 President 3ush during the e-rly d-ys -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. 6nce, - reporter -s%ed hi= -bout -ccus-tions =-de by 5epublic-n presidenti-l c-ndid-tes th-t his 2oreign policy -=ounted to - str-tegy o2 -ppe-se=ent. RAs% 6s-=- bin 4-den -nd the t#entyDt#o out o2 thirty -l W-ed- le-ders #hoK>e been t-%en o22 the 2ield #hether I eng-ge in -ppe-se=ent,S 6b-=- shot b-c%. R 6r #hoe>er is le2t out there , -s% the= -bout th-t.S <or -ll their policy di22erences during the :'&: presidenti-l c-=p-ign, 6b-=- -nd Go>ernor @itt 5o=ney 2ound nothing to dis-gree -bout #hen it c-=e to t-rgeted %illings, -nd 5o=ney s-id th-t i2 elected president he #ould continue the c-=p-ign o2

drone stri%es th-t 6b-=- h-d esc-l-ted. <e-ring such - prospect, 6b-=- o22ici-ls r-ced during the 2in-l #ee%s be2ore the election to i=ple=ent cle-r rules in the e>ent they #ere no longer holding the le>ers in the drone #-rs. The e22ort to codi2y the procedures o2 t-rgeted %illings re>e-led Vust ho# =uch the secret oper-tions re=-ined so=ething o2 -n -d hoc e22ort. <und-=ent-l Uuestions -bout #ho c-n be %illed, #here they c-n be %illed, -nd #hen they c-n be %illed still h-d not been -ns#ered. The pressure to -ns#er those Uuestions e-sed on "o>e=ber G, :'&:, #hen - decisi>e election ensured th-t President 6b-=- #ould re=-in in o22ice 2or -nother 2our ye-rs. The e22ort to bring cl-rity to the secret #-rs 2l-gged. A n-tion 2-tigued by the long, bloody, -nd costly #-rs in Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n see=ed, by the end o2 President 6b-=-Ks 2irst ter=, little concerned -bout the go>ern=entKs esc-l-tion o2 cl-ndestine #-r2-re. Wuite the contr-ry. According to one poll conducted 2or A=y 1eg-rt, o2 St-n2ord Uni>ersity, the country h-d, to - re=-r%-ble degree, beco=e incre-singly h-#%ish on counterterroris= =-tters. A l-rge =-Vority\GC percent o2 respondents\s-id they supported the A=eric-n go>ern=ent secretly -ss-ssin-ting terrorists. T-rgeted %illings h->e =-de the ,IA the indispens-ble -gency 2or the 6b-=-d=inistr-tion -nd h->e e>en i=pro>ed the -gencyKs i=-ge on other =-tters. According to the s-=e poll, GC percent o2 respondents eXpressed con2idence th-t A=eric-n spy -gencies h-d -ccur-te in2or=-tion -bout #h-t #-s h-ppening inside Ir-n -nd "orth 0ore-. This #-s =ore th-n :' points higher th-n - si=il-r poll h-d 2ound in :'' , #hen the ,IA #-s being sl-==ed 2or the botched -ssess=ents -bout Ir-UKs #e-pons progr-=s. Interestingly, the :'&: poll #-s conducted Vust =onths -2ter "orth 0ore-n dict-tor 0i= Pong Il died\-nd ,IA o22ici-ls h-dnKt le-rned o2 his de-th until it #-s -nnounced se>er-l d-ys l-ter on "orth 0ore-n tele>ision. 3ut gr-du-lly, the ris%s -nd opportunity costs o2 - =uscleDbound ,IA -re beco=ing e>ident. A2ter the ,IA #-s surprised during the 2irst #ee%s o2 the Ar-b Spring, the -gency re-ssigned doAens o2 c-se o22icers -nd -n-lysts to study #h-t #-s h-ppening in the @iddle ;-st -nd "orth A2ric-. And once -g-in, the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion -lso turned to ,IA o22icers to pl-y the role o2 soldiers r-ther th-n spies. As the re>olution in 4iby- esc-l-ted into open ci>il #-r, the ,IA sent p-r-=ilit-ry o22icers -nd pri>-te contr-ctors to the country to est-blish cont-ct #ith rebel groups -nd help ensure th-t the tons o2 =-chine guns -nd -nti-ircr-2t #e-pons 2lo#ing into 4iby- #ere ch-nneled to the right rebel le-ders. President 6b-=- insisted th-t no A=eric-n ground troops be used in the #-r to dri>e G-dd-2i 2ro= po#er, relying inste-d on the 2or=ul- th-t his -d=inistr-tion h-d co=e to trust7 drones, cl-ndestine o22icers, -nd - c-dre o2 contr-ctors th-t h-d been e=po#ered to use the 4iby-n rebels -s - proXy -r=y. 3ut the ,IA h-d precious little re-l intelligence -bout the rebel groups, -nd so=e o2 the rebels th-t the United St-tes h-d e=po#ered in 4iby- turned -g-inst their p-trons. Pust -2ter &' P.@. on the e>ening o2 Septe=ber &&, :'&:, - s=-ll ,IA b-se in 4ibyrecei>ed - 2r-ntic c-ll 2ro= the A=eric-n diplo=-tic co=pound Vust - =ile -#-y, in di22erent p-rt o2 3engh-Ai, the port city on the @editerr-ne-n Se- in e-stern 4iby#here the A=eric-n go>ern=ent h-d est-blished - be-chhe-d -2ter @u-==-r G-dd-2iKs 2-ll. The diplo=-tic co=pound #-s co=ing under 2ire, the St-te Lep-rt=ent o22icer -t the other end o2 the line s-id, -nd -tt-c%ers c-rrying A0D*7s #ere beginning to stre-= through the 2-cilityKs =-in g-te. Alre-dy the =ob h-d t-%en g-soline c-ns -nd set one o2 the buildings on the co=pound -bl-Ae. The oper-ti>es -t the ,IA b-se, #ho h-d co=e to 3engh-Ai to try to pre>ent

G-dd-2iKs -rsen-l o2 shoulderD2ired =issiles 2ro= getting into the h-nds o2 the =ilit-nt groups th-t h-d splintered o22 2ro= the rebels no# in ch-rge in 4iby-, g-thered their #e-pons -nd dro>e in - t#oDc-r con>oy to the diplo=-tic co=pound. They h-d 2-iled to con>ince - group o2 4iby-n =iliti- 2ighters to Voin the= in the rescue e22ort, -nd #hen they -rri>ed -t the co=pound - 2ire #-s r-ging. P. ,hristopher Ste>ens, the A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor to 4iby-, #-s tr-pped inside one o2 the buildings. The buildingKs ceiling h-d coll-psed, -nd the ,IA te-= #-s un-ble to re-ch Ste>ens, #ho su22oc-ted 2ro= the intense s=o%e. ,ircling o>erhe-d, - =ilit-ry drone th-t h-d been di>erted 2ro= sep-r-te =ission #-s be-=ing >ideo o2 the 2ire2ight into the he-dUu-rters o2 U.S. A2ric,o==-nd in Ger=-ny. 3ut the Pred-tor #-s un-r=ed -nd inc-p-ble o2 pro>iding -ny help to the b-dly outnu=bered te-= o2 A=eric-ns. Un-ble to hold their positions -ny longer, the ,IA oper-ti>es -nd St-te Lep-rt=ent security o22icers e>-cu-ted the diplo=-tic co=pound -nd dro>e to the ,IA b-se - =ile -#-y. 3ut not long -2ter they -rri>ed, the ,IA b-se c-=e under - b-rr-ge o2 2ire 2ro= A0D*7s -nd roc%etDpropelled gren-des. It #-snKt until A.@. #hen - group o2 A=eric-n rein2orce=ents -rri>ed 2ro= Tripoli -nd Voined the ,IA oper-ti>es on the roo2 o2 the b-se. 3y then the -tt-c%ers #ere prep-ring to st-ge -nother -ss-ult, -nd =ort-r shells beg-n eXploding on the roo2. ,IA oper-ti>es Tyrone 9oods -nd Glen Loherty, both 2or=er "->y S;A4s, #ere %illed. 3y d-#n the A=eric-ns h-d e>-cu-ted the ,IA b-se -nd #ere dri>ing to the -irport, the Pred-tor %eeping #-tch o>er the con>oy 2ro= the s%y. All A=eric-n personnel, together #ith the bodies o2 the 2our people %illed during the -ss-ult, #ere 2lo#n to Tripoli. U.S. oper-tions in 3engh-Ai, #hich h-d been the ,IAKs pri=-ry b-se 2or g-thering intelligence in 4iby-, #ere shut do#n.

Uuite liter-lly, blinded the ,IA inside 4iby-. And, #ith the -gencyKs dec-deDlong pi>ot to#-rd p-r-=ilit-ry oper-tions, there is concern -=ong the r-n%s o2 both current -nd 2or=er spies th-t the -gency =ight be blind in too =-ny other pl-ces -s #ell, 2or - di22erent re-son. The ,IAKs closed society h-s 2und-=ent-lly ch-nged, -nd - gener-tion o2 ,IA o22icers is no# soci-liAed in #-r. Pust -s - gener-tion e-rlier 5oss "e#l-nd -nd his tr-ining cl-ss h-d been told th-t the spy -gency should esche# %illing -t -ll costs, =-ny ,IA o22icers #ho Voined the -gency since Septe=ber &&, :''&, h->e eXperienced only =-n hunting -nd %illing. This ne# gener-tion h-s 2elt =ore o2 the -dren-line rush o2 being -t the 2ront lines th-n the p-tient, RgentleS #or% o2 intelligence g-thering -nd espion-ge. The l-tter c-n be tedious, e>en boring, -nd -s one 2or=er top ,IA o22icer put it, R!o# -re you going to %eep these people on the 2-r= no# th-t theyK>e seen the bright lights o2 the city^S So=e senior ,IA o22ici-ls spe-% #ith pride -bout ho# the drone stri%es in P-%ist-n h->e deci=-ted -l W-ed-, 2orcing the d#indling b-nd o2 6s-=- bin 4-denKs 2ollo#ers to 2ind ne# pl-ces to hide\in $e=en or "orth A2ric- or So=-li- or so=e other ungo>erned p-rt o2 the #orld. @-ny belie>e th-t the drone progr-= is the =ost e22ecti>e co>ertD-ction progr-= in ,IA history. 3ut in the %illing ye-rs since :''&, so=e o2 those #ho #ere present -t the cre-tion o2 the ,IAKs drone progr-=\-nd #ho cheered the leth-l -uthorities the spy -gency #-s h-nded -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s\h-d beco=e deeply -=bi>-lent. 5oss "e#l-nd still pr-ises - #e-pon th-t -llo#s the United St-tes to #-ge #-r #ithout c-rpetDbo=bing ene=y territories or indiscri=in-tely lobbing -rtillery shells into re=ote >ill-ges in P-%ist-n, but he thin%s th-t the ,IA should h->e gi>en up Pred-tors -nd 5e-pers ye-rs -go. The -llure o2 %illing people by re=ote control, he s-id, is li%e Rc-tnip,S -nd drones h->e =-de the ,IA the >ill-in in countries li%e P-%ist-n, #here it should be the spy -gencyKs Vob to nurture rel-tionships 2or the purpose o2 g-thering intelligence. The Pred-tor, "e#l-nd s-id, Rends up hurting the ,IA.
T!; ATTA,0 !AL,

This Vust is not -n intelligence =ission .S 5ich-rd 3lee pl-yed -n e>en =ore critic-l role -t the d-#n o2 the drone -ge. As he-d o2 the ,IAKs Alec St-tion, the unit inside the ,ounterterrorist ,enter #ith the speci2ic =ission o2 2inding 6s-=- bin 4-den, 3lee #-s -=ong - s=-ll group o2 counterterroris= Ae-lots #ho ch-2ed -t the restrictions pl-ced on the spy -gency in the ye-rs be2ore the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. Together #ith his boss, P. ,o2er 3l-c%, 3lee pushed 2or the ,IA to be gi>en leth-l -uthority to %ill bin 4-den -nd his =inions. Luring the su==er o2 :''&, he stood in the =iddle o2 ,-li2orni-Ks @oV->e Lesert, #-tching -s =issiles 2ired 2ro= - Pred-tor destroyed - =oc%up o2 bin 4-denKs T-rn-% <-r=s tr-ining c-=p. 9ee%s l-ter he #-tched in -gony -s thous-nds died on Septe=ber &&, #ondering #hether he -nd his colle-gues could h->e pushed h-rder to pre>ent the -tt-c%s. 6n his des%, he still %eeps - piece o2 rubble 2ro= the destroyed replic- o2 T-rn-% <-r=s. !e h-s le2t the ,IA, -nd in the ye-rs since his retire=ent he h-s been burdened by doubts -bout the #isdo= o2 the ,IAKs t-rgetedD%illing =ission. As the b-r 2or c-rrying out leth-l -ction lo#ered, -nd the -gency #-s gi>en per=ission to l-unch =issiles in P-%ist-n #hen A=eric-n spies #erenKt e>en cert-in #ho= they #ere %illing\soDc-lled sign-ture stri%es\he gre# dis=-yed. 9h-t h-d origin-lly been concei>ed -s - de>ice the United St-tes =ight use selecti>ely #-s being -bused, 3lee thought. RIn the e-rly d-ys, 2or our consciences #e #-nted to %no# #ho #e #ere %illing be2ore -nyone pulled the trigger,S 3lee s-id. R"o#, #eKre lighting these people up -ll o>er the pl-ce.S The pistons o2 the %illing =-chine, he s-id, oper-te entirely #ithout 2riction. R;>ery drone stri%e is -n eXecution,S 3lee s-id. RAnd i2 #e -re going to h-nd do#n de-th sentences, there ought to be so=e public -ccount-bility -nd so=e public discussion -bout the #hole thing.S !e p-used. RAnd it should be - deb-te th-t A=eric-ns c-n underst-nd.S

o2 4-s Neg-s, -2ter the stucco houses o2 the cityKs suburbs h->e dis-ppe-red -nd the l-ndsc-pe h-s turned into lo# creosote shrubs -nd spi%y Poshutrees, the high#-y s#ings to the #est -nd descends into - >-lley. A cluster o2 lo#, beige buildings -ppe-rs in the dist-nce, -nd -bo>e the= - s=-ll pl-ne rese=bling -n insect 2lies slo#, l-Ay circles in the s%y. It rises o>er - cluster o2 hills to the right o2 the high#-y, turns to the le2t, -nd touches do#n on - run#-y c-r>ed out o2 the desert s-nd. The to#n o2 Indi-n Springs, "e>-d-, ele>-tion 3,&:3 2eet, c-n be seen in - threeD =inute dri>e. It is =ostly - collection o2 5N p-r%s -nd =obile ho=es, ser>ed by t#o g-s st-tions, - =otel, -nd Auntie @oeKs Tr-ding Post. A billbo-rd -bo>e the post o22ice -d>ertises the ne-rest ch-in -=enities7 L;""$KS, SU39A$, @6T;4 G \ & !6U5 A!;AL. The s=-ll c-sino #here ,urt !-#es -nd his te-= h-d - celebr-tory bre-%2-st in <ebru-ry :''&, -2ter =-%ing history by 2iring the 2irst =issile 2ro= - Pred-tor, still sits -t the edge o2 to#n. 3ut li%e the rest o2 Indi-n Springs, itKs =ostly e=ptyQ th-n%s to - ne# byp-ss ro-d, it is no longer - stop 2or tourists on their #-y to Le-th N-lley 2ro= 4-s Neg-s. The lonely to#n h-s re-ped none o2 the bene2its o2 the robust gro#th t-%ing pl-ce Vust -cross the high#-y, behind =iles o2 2encing -nd gu-rd posts, #here -r=ed soldiers deny entry to the curious. It #-s in the =iddle o2 the l-st dec-de th-t Indi-n Springs Air <orce AuXili-ry <ield #-s ren-=ed ,reech Air <orce 3-se, -nd the r-=sh-c%le, #inds#ept b-se #here the e-rly Pred-tor test pilots tin%ered #ith - ne# #-y o2 #-r beg-n its tr-ns2or=-tion into ground Aero 2or A=eric-n %illing oper-tions o>erse-s.
A36UT A" !6U5 6UTSIL;

Sitting on t#entyDthree hundred -cres o2 desert, ,reech is no# so busy th-t the Air <orce is hoping to eXp-nd the b-se by buying l-nd 2ro= loc-l businesses, - =o>e th-t could render Indi-n Springs e>en =ore o2 - ghost to#n. 3oth the Pent-gon -nd ,IA 2ly drone =issions out o2 ,reech, -nd =ilit-ry personnel -nd ci>ili-n contr-ctors in>ol>ed in the drone progr-= still co==ute to the b-se 2ro= the 4-s Neg-s suburbs, pulling shi2ts in long, s-ndDcolored tr-ilers lined up into ne-t ro#s. So=eti=es they 2ly tr-ining =issions -t ,reech, n->ig-ting the Pred-tors -nd 5e-pers ne-r the b-se, honing their de-dly s%ills by tr-c%ing ci>ili-n c-rs -nd truc%s dri>ing -long lonely ro-ds. 3ut =ostly the pilots -re 2ighting - #-r thous-nds o2 =iles -#-y\in A2gh-nist-n, in P-%ist-n, in $e=en, -nd -cross the gre-t desert eXp-nse o2 "orth A2ric-. In the #ee%s -2ter the Septe=ber :'&: -tt-c% on the A=eric-n diplo=-tic co=pound in 4iby-, the s%ies -bo>e 3engh-Ai 2illed #ith the buAAing sound o2 A=eric-n drones, sent there to tr-c% do#n the perpetr-tors o2 the -tt-c%. At the edge o2 the "e>-d- b-se, #-shedDout red ce=ent b-rriers c-rry - proud =ess-ge7
,5;;,! A<37 !6@; 6< T!; !U"T;5S

;PI46GU;7 A SP$ I" 4;ISU5; 9654L

RThis is #here the business is going.S \Le#ey ,l-rridge

e#ey ,l-rridge 2ell do#n. A ye-r -2ter the Pent-gon shuttered his pri>-te spying

oper-tion, ,l-rridge stu=bled in his house ne-r S-n Liego -nd bro%e se>er-l bones. The -ccident put hi= in the hospit-l, #here he #-s =ore ornery th-n usu-l, -nd 2orced hi= to reloc-te to the ;-st ,o-st to be closer to his 2-=ily. The se>entyDnineDye-rDold 2or=er ,IA o22icer\the 2ounder o2 the -gencyKs ,ounterterrorist ,enter, one o2 the princip-l public >ill-ins o2 the Ir-nO,ontr- sc-nd-l, -nd the =-n #ho once br-gged -bout co=ing up #ith the ide- o2 =ining the h-rbors o2 "ic-r-gu- #hile he #-s drin%ing gin\=o>ed to 4eisure 9orld. !e rented -n -p-rt=ent in one o2 the highDrise to#ers th-t do=in-tes 4eisure 9orldKs le-2y c-=pus, t#entyD2i>e =iles 2ro= 9-shington, L.,., - retire=ent >ill-ge trying to reel in b-by boo=ers by =-r%eting itsel2 -s RThe Lestin-tion 2or the Ageless Gener-tion.S A $-n%ee 5epublic-n born during the Lepression, ,l-rridge #-s h-rdly boo=er -nd gener-lly detested =uch o2 #h-t the gener-tion h-d co=e to represent. I dro>e out to =eet hi= in Pune :'&:, unsure o2 #h-t %ind o2 - reception I #ould get. I h-d #ritten - good de-l -bout ,l-rridge, -nd =uch o2 it I %ne# he didnKt li%e. 3ut he greeted =e #-r=ly #hen I pulled up to the It-li-n rest-ur-nt on the retire=ent >ill-geKs property, #here ,l-rridge -ppe-red to be the only custo=er -nd h-d t-%en - t-ble to enVoy the l-te -2ternoon sun. !e loo%ed li%e -ny other retiree. !e #-s dressed in s-l=onDcolored shirt, unbuttoned -t the top to -llo# the gold ch-in -round his nec% to pee% out. !e #ore sne-%ers -nd #hite soc%s -nd so=eho# #-s t-nner th-n he h-d been #hen li>ing in S-n Liego. !e told =e he h-d -dVusted to his ne# surroundings but co=pl-ined th-t his c-ts #ere less th-n ple-sed. R;>eryone here h-s dogs. Those little dogs.S It #-s - bit ironic th-t ,l-rridge #-s no# li>ing Vust =iles 2ro= the ,IA, -n -gency he >ie#ed l-rgely #ith scorn, but he didnKt see= to =iss ,-li2orni- or l-=ent his =o>e b-c% to the ;-st ,o-st. RThis is #here the business is going,S he s-id. 3y Rthe businessS he =e-nt the pri>-te intelligence business. And he #-s right. The dri>e out o2 9-shington to the eXurb-n retire=ent >ill-ge cut through the gle-=ing gl-ss to#ers -nd spr-#ling o22ice p-r%s o2 "orthern Nirgini- th-t, o>er the p-st dec-de, h-d sprouted -l=ost 2ro= nothing. A=eric-Ks de2ense -nd intelligence industries, once spre-d throughout the country in pl-ces li%e Southern ,-li2orni- -nd the @id#est, h-d gr-du-lly consolid-ted -nd reloc-ted to the 9-shington -re-. The co=p-nies chose to =o>e closer to #h-t they c-lled Rthe custo=erS7 the Pent-gon, the ,IA, the "-tion-l Security Agency, -nd other intelligence ser>ices. Go>ern=ent contr-ctors l-rge -nd s=-ll no# 2or= - ring -round the c-pit-l li%e -n -r=y l-ying siege to - =edie>-l to#n. The pri>-te =ilit-ry -nd intelligence business #-s boo=ing. 3y :'&:, the glob-l b-ttle2ield h-d stretched A=eric-Ks secret -r=y beyond its c-p-cities. The ,IA -nd other intelligence ser>ices h-d outsourced so=e o2 their =ost essenti-l =issions to pri>-te contr-ctors, #ho #ere being hired 2or espion-ge =issions -nd to c-rry out intelligence -n-lysis. They #ere hired to support ,IA drone oper-tions7 2ro= sitting in groundDcontrol st-tions in "e>-d- to lo-ding =issiles -nd bo=bs onto the drones -t cl-ssi2ied b-ses in A2gh-nist-n -nd P-%ist-n.

Pe22rey S=ith, - 2or=er gener-l counsel 2or the ,IA -nd no# p-rtner in - prestigious 9-shington l-# 2ir=, represents so=e o2 the co=p-nies th-t h->e #on bl-c% contr-cts 2or doing =ilit-ry or intelligence #or%. It is stunning, S=ith told =e, ho# =uch the A=eric-n go>ern=ent h-s outsourced the b-sic 2unctions o2 spycr-2t to pri>-te contr-ctors (=-ny o2 the co=p-nies led by 2or=er ,IA o22icers -nd speci-lDoper-tions troops), #ho pro=ise they c-n do - better Vob th-n 2eder-l e=ployees. ;ri% Prince sold o22 3l-c%#-ter -nd =o>ed to the United Ar-b ;=ir-tes, but other co=p-nies too% its pl-ce, co=p-nies th-t do - 2-r better Vob st-ying out o2 the he-dlines th-n 3l-c%#-ter did. As the A=eric-n #-y o2 #-r h-s =o>ed -#-y 2ro= cl-shes bet#een t-n% colu=ns, outside the decl-red #-r Aones -nd into the sh-do#s, - cott-ge industry h-s =-teri-liAed to beco=e -n indispens-ble p-rt o2 - ne# =ilit-ryDintelligence co=pleX. S=ith so=eti=es bristles -t the relentlessly neg-ti>e portr-y-l o2 pri>-te contr-ctors, but he -lso sees the potenti-l 2or trouble i2 the needs o2 the =ission con2lict #ith - co=p-nyKs pro2it i=per-ti>e. RThereKs -n ine>it-ble tension -s to #here the contr-ctorKs loy-lties lie,S he s-id. RLo they lie #ith the 2l-g^ 6r do they lie #ith the botto= line^S 3y the =iddle o2 :'&:, @ichele 3-ll-rin #-s still trying h-rd to #in -nother longDter= go>ern=ent contr-ct 2or her #or% in A2ric-, -nd she s-# opportunity in the ch-os th-t #-s spre-ding -cross the northern p-rt o2 the continent. A2ter r-dic-l Isl-=ists too% o>er - >-st stretch o2 desert in northern @-li, -nd -2ter it bec-=e cle-r th-t 9-shington once -g-in #-s struggling to get intelligence -bout - country it h-d long ignored, 3-ll-rin told =e she #-s =-%ing cont-cts #ith Tu-reg rebels in the e-stern p-rt o2 @-li -nd #-s h-tching - pl-n to dri>e Isl-=ists out o2 the country. She didnKt el-bor-te. !er pl-nning #-snKt li=ited to A2ric-. 3-ll-rin #-s loo%ing 2or in>estors 2or - ne# proVect to build - 2leet o2 se-pl-nes =odeled -2ter the origin-l Gru==-n GD:& Goose, pl-nes th-t she thought the A=eric-n =ilit-ry could use to l-nd troops in re=ote loc-tions th-t didnKt h->e #or%ing -irstrips. She #-s e>en scouting business opportunities in ,ub- th-t =ight =-%e her rich once <idel ,-stro 2in-lly died -nd ,o==unis= in ,ub- c-=e to -n end. Th-t su==er d-y in :'&:, it see=ed >ery unli%ely th-t Le#ey ,l-rridge #ould e>er -g-in dip his cup into the stre-= o2 go>ern=ent =oney going to intelligence contr-ctors. !is oper-tion #ith @ich-el <urlong h-d concluded igno=iniously, -nd <urlong h-d Uuietly been 2orced into retire=ent. ,l-rridge #-s still -ngry -bout ho# the episode ended. As he s-# it, it #-s yet -nother eX-=ple o2 bure-ucr-ts in 9-shington protecting their tur2 -t the eXpense o2 soldiers in the 2ield, #ho desper-tely needed the intelligence he could pro>ide, i2 only to ->oid relying on the ,IA. 3ut he s-id he #-s deter=ined to st-y in the g-=e. !e told =e he still %ept his net#or% o2 in2or=-nts in A2gh-nist-n -nd P-%ist-n, so=e o2 #ho= could be =-int-ined on - shoestring budget. I2 9-shington #-s too 2oolish to =-%e use o2 his people, he s-id, =-ybe -nother 2riendly go>ern=ent =ight be =ore enlightened. !e lit - cig-r -nd turned philosophic-l. RI thin% the Tre-ty o2 9estph-li- is o>er,S he s-id. !e #-s t-l%ing -bout the se>enteenthDcentury pe-ce -ccords in ;urope th-t ended the Thirty $e-rsK 9-r, three bloody dec-des o2 2ighting -=ong %ings -nd e=perors #ho so=eti=es used =ercen-ries -s c-nnon 2odder 2or the =-Vor b-ttles. The Tre-ty o2 9estph-li-, =ost histori-ns -gree, led to the birth o2 =odern n-tions, st-nding -r=ies, -nd n-tion-l identities. R"-tion st-tes no longer h->e - =onopoly on =ilit-ry 2orce,S he s-id. It #-s corpor-tions -nd pri>-te interests, he s-id, th-t #ould be the 2uture o2 A=eric-Ks #-rs. RPust loo% -t our o#n syste=. The only thing th-t isnKt outsourced is the guy shooting the gun.S It #-s - r-re =o=ent #hen Le#ey ,l-rridge #-s -ctu-lly underst-ting - situ-tion.

At ti=es since the -tt-c%s o2 Septe=ber &&, :''&, the United St-tes h-d e>en outsourced the trigger pulling. 9hether it #-s ;ri% Prince, ;nriUue Pr-do, -nd 3l-c%#-ter hired by the ,IA to hunt terrorists, or hired =uscle li%e 5-y=ond L->is dri>ing through the streets o2 4-hore #ith - Gloc% se=i-uto=-tic in his glo>e boX, or pri>-te soldiers dodging =ort-rs during -n -llDnight 2ire2ight on the roo2 o2 - ,IA b-se in 3engh-Ai, the ch-otic 2irst ye-rs o2 A=eric-Ks sh-do# #-r h-d seen the United St-tes #illing to 2-r= out go>ern=entKs =ost ele=ent-l 2unction7 protecting the st-te. It #-s getting l-te, -nd I got up to le->e. ,l-rridge decided to st-y -nd 2inish his cig-r. 9e shoo% h-nds, -nd I #-l%ed to =y c-r. Lri>ing -#-y, I gl-nced b-c% -t Le#ey, sitting -lone -t the t-ble o2 the retire=ent ho=eKs e=pty rest-ur-nt. A thin tr-il o2 cig-r s=o%e curled up into the dying light.

Sen-tor <r-n% ,hurch, holding - gun the ,IA h-d built to shoot poison d-rts, led -n in>estig-tion into ,IA -ss-ssin-tion oper-tions during the spy -gencyKs e-rly ye-rs. The he-rings led to gre-ter congression-l o>ersight o2 the ,IA -nd the -gency -b-ndoned leth-l -cti>ities 2or dec-des.

Le2ense Secret-ry Lon-ld 5u=s2eld (le2t) #-s -ngry th-t the =ilit-ry #-s slo# to begin its in>-sion o2 A2gh-nist-n. !e sought to eXp-nd the Pent-gonKs speci-lDoper-tions c-p-bilities -nd to bro-den his dep-rt=entKs leg-l po#ers to #-ge #-r -cross the globe. President Per>eA @ush-rr-2 o2 P-%ist-n (right) re2used to -llo# A=eric-n ground troops inside P-%ist-n but g->e his blessing to ,IA drone 2lights.

Lu-ne RLe#eyS ,l-rridge, - spy o2 the old school, #-s in ch-rge o2 the ,IAKs co>ert #-rs in 4-tin A=eric- during the 5e-g-n -d=inistr-tion. !e l-ter 2ounded the -gencyKs ,ounterterrorist ,enter. ,l-rridge, #ho #-s indicted 2or perVury 2or his testi=ony on the Ir-nO,ontr- sc-nd-l, is pictured here le->ing court in &CC&.

!e recei>ed - presidenti-l p-rdon -nd ree=erged ye-rs l-ter -s one o2 the princip-l 2igures in - spying oper-tion run by the Pent-gon to collect intelligence in P-%ist-n -nd A2gh-nist-n.

<ollo#ing - bitter 2ight inside the ,IA -bout #hether the -gency should get b-c% into the %illing business by using -r=ed drones, the Pred-tor h-s beco=e one o2 the =ost #idely used #e-pons o2 A=eric-Ks secret #-r. 3oth the ,IA -nd the Pent-gon h->e conducted hundreds o2 drone stri%es, 2ro= Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n to P-%ist-n -nd $e=en.

President Ali Abdull-h S-leh o2 $e=en, pictured #ith - %ni2e in his belt, bec-=e - counterDterroris= p-rtner 2or Presidents 3ush -nd 6b-=-. !e -llo#ed both the ,IA -nd the Pent-gonKs Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd to oper-te inside his country. A ,IA Pred-tor stri%e in $e=en in :'': #-s the spy -gencyKs 2irst drone stri%e outside o2 A2gh-nist-n.

Pose 5odrigueA spent his c-reer in the ,IAKs 4-tin A=eric- di>ision be2ore Voining the -gencyKs ,ounterterrorist ,enter (,T,). As the le-der o2 the ,T,, -nd e>entu-lly -s the he-d o2 -ll cl-ndestine oper-tions, 5odrigueA -cceler-ted the ,IAKs tr-ns2or=-tion into - p-r-=ilit-ry -gency.

5oss "e#l-nd Voined the ,IA in the l-te &C7's #hen the spy -gency #-s trying to re2ocus on 2oreign espion-ge -cti>ities -2ter being ch-stened by the ,hurch ,o==ittee in>estig-tion. !e ser>ed -s - cl-ndestine o22icer in nu=ber o2 4-tin A=eric-n c-pit-ls -nd #-s the ,IA st-tion chie2 in 3uch-rest, 5o=-ni-, during the 2-ll o2 ,o==unis=. 9hen the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s occurred, he #-s one o2 - s=-ll group o2 senior o22icers -t 4-ngley o>erseeing the Pred-tor progr-=.

P-=es R3oS GritA (right), - 2or=er Green 3eret, org-niAed - pri>-tely 2unded =ission during the &C8's to rescue A=eric-n P69s he belie>ed #ere being held in centr-l 4-os. The Intelligence Support Acti>ity, -n obscure Pent-gon spying unit, supported GritAKs =ission #ithout noti2ying the Point ,hie2s o2 St-22, #ho h-d been pl-nning - p-r-llel rescue =ission. In the ye-rs be2ore the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, the Pent-gonKs hu=-n spying -cti>ities #ere uncoordin-ted -nd resulted in se>er-l intern-l in>estig-tions.

"e% @uh-==-d 9-Air led - rebellion in P-%ist-nKs trib-l -re-s #here his =iliti- 2ighters 2ought P-%ist-nKs -r=y to st-ndstill. At the Sh-%-i trib-l =eeting in :''* (pictured), "e% @uh-==-d (2oreground) -nd - P-%ist-ni gener-l -greed to - truce. 3ut "e% @uh-==-d did not honor the ce-se2ire, -nd P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls #ere so 2urious th-t they g->e the ,IA their blessing to hunt hi= do#n. !e #-s the 2irst person %illed in P-%ist-n by - ,IA Pred-tor.

Gener-l Ash2-U P-r>eA 0-y-ni (right) too% o>er P-%ist-nKs spy ser>ice, the Lirector-te 2or InterDSer>ices Intelligence (ISI), in :''*. !e #-s close to President @ush-rr-2 -nd e>entu-lly bec-=e the countryKs top =ilit-ry o22icer, =-%ing hi= the =ost po#er2ul =-n in P-%ist-n. 4t. Gener-l Ah=-d ShuV- P-sh- (le2t) too% o>er the ISI in :''8.

As the 2ounder o2 3l-c%#-ter USA, ;ri% Prince bec-=e indispensible to - ,IA th-t #-s str-ining to =eet the de=-nds o2 =ultiple #-rs. 3l-c%#-ter gu-rds protected ,IA o22icers in Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n, -nd Prince hi=sel2 #-s hired by the spy -gency 2or -n -ss-ssin-tion progr-= de>eloped -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s.

<or se>er-l =onths in :''G, Art 0eller #-s st-tioned -t t#o ,IA b-ses in P-%ist-nKs trib-l -re-s #here he h-d 2r-ught rel-tionship #ith the ISI.

@ich-el <urlong #-s p-rt o2 the Pent-gonKs eXp-nsion o2 Rin2or=-tion oper-tionsQS he helped de>elop >ideo g-=es designed to in2luence opinions in the @iddle ;-st -nd -llo# the =ilit-ry to collect intelligence -bout the g-=e pl-yers. !e #-s the Pent-gon o22ici-l o>erseeing Le#ey ,l-rridgeKs pri>-te spying oper-tion in P-%ist-n -nd A2gh-nist-n.

A2ter the ;thiopi-n in>-sion o2 So=-li- in :''G, - once obscure =iliti- c-lling itsel2 -l Sh-b--b (RThe $outhS) gre# in strength -nd e>entu-lly too% control o2 @og-dishu. Sh-b--b 2ighters, pictured here in :''8, en2orced strict sh-ri- l-# in the c-pit-l.

@ichele RA=ir-S 3-ll-rin, -n heiress -nd oneti=e congression-l c-ndid-te li>ing in Nirgini- horse country, bec-=e obsessed #ith So=-li- -nd =-de 2reUuent trips to the !orn o2 A2ric-. In :''8, the Pent-gon hired her to g-ther intelligence inside So=-li-, -nd she e>entu-lly inserted hersel2 into the =iddle o2 r-nso= negoti-tions bet#een So=-li pir-tes -nd =erch-nt ship o#ners.

A l-rge A=eric-n deleg-tion, including Le2ense Secret-ry 4eon P-nett- (right), 2le# to S-udi Ar-bi- in Pune :'&: 2or - =e=ori-l ser>ice -2ter the de-th o2 S-udi cro#n prince "-ye2 bin Abdul AAiA. S-udi o22ici-ls h->e been close p-rtners #ith the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion throughout the A=eric-n #-r in $e=en. Pohn 3renn-n, President 6b-=-Ks senior counterterroris= -d>iser -nd - 2or=er ,IA st-tion chie2 in 5iy-dh, is pictured o>er P-nett-Ks le2t shoulder. 3renn-n #-s one o2 the -rchitects o2 the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tionKs secret #-r in $e=en, -nd in :'&3 6b-=- t-pped hi= to run the ,IA.

9hen P-nett- #-s ,IA director, he cl-shed o2ten #ith Lirector o2 "-tion-l Intelligence Lennis 3l-ir (to P-nett-Ks le2t), #ho #-rned th-t the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion h-d beco=e too en-=ored #ith the ,IA -nd co>ert -ction. 3l-ir #-s pushed out o2 the Vob -2ter 2i2teen =onths.

Ibr-hi= -lDAsiri, the =-ster bo=b =-%er 2or -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul-. Asiri built - bo=b th-t #-s surgic-lly i=pl-nted in his brother, #ho ble# hi=sel2 up -tte=pting to %ill - senior S-udi o22ici-l. 4-ter, Asiri constructed - bo=b th-t #-s se#n into the under#e-r o2 - young "igeri-n =-n #ho -tte=pted to blo# up - Vetliner -s it descended into Letroit.

5-y=ond L->is, - ,IA contr-ctor, shot -nd %illed t#o =en he belie>ed #ere trying to rob hi= -t - cro#ded tr-22ic circle in 4-hore, P-%ist-n. L->is s-t in prison 2or #ee%s -s A=eric-n o22ici-ls denied to P-%ist-nKs go>ern=ent th-t L->is #or%ed 2or the ,IA. <or P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls, the L->is c-se pro>ed th-t the ,IA h-d deployed - l-rge c-dre o2 spies inside P-%ist-n #ithout the ISIKs %no#ledge.

!-2iA @uh-==-d S-eed (center), the ch-ris=-tic le-der o2 the =ilit-nt group 4-sh%-rDeDT-ib-. The group, using politic-l 2ront org-niA-tion, oper-tes openly -round 4-hore -nd is belie>ed by A=eric-n o22ici-ls to =-int-in close cont-cts #ith the ISI. In e-rly :'&&, - group o2 ,IA o22icers in 4-hore\including 5-y=ond L->is\#ere trying to g-ther intelligence -bout S-eed -nd his group.

Ad=ir-l @i%e @ullen (2-r le2t), ch-ir=-n o2 the Point ,hie2s o2 St-22, #-s one o2 the 2e# senior 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion o22ici-ls #ho tried to =-int-in close rel-tions #ith P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls. !e =-de 2reUuent trips to Isl-=-b-d -nd de>eloped - 2riendship #ith Gener-l 0-y-ni (second 2ro= right). The #-r= rel-tions ended -2ter @ullen bec-=e con>inced th-t the ISI #-s supporting the !-UU-ni "et#or%Ks -tt-c%s in A2gh-nist-n.

Lr. Sh-%il A2ridi (le2t), - P-%ist-ni physici-n, #-s hired by the ,IA to run - >-ccin-tion progr-= in Abbott-b-d. The ,IA #-s hoping th-t the ruse #ould une-rth e>idence th-t 6s-=- bin 4-den #-s hiding in - l-rge co=pound (right) in the to#n.

An#-r -lDA#l-%i, - r-dic-l cleric born in the United St-tes, #-s %illed by - ,IA drone stri%e in $e=en in Septe=ber :'&&. T#o #ee%s l-ter, -nother drone stri%e =ist-%enly %illed his teen-ge son.

9riting - boo% in>ol>es =-%ing hundreds o2 decisions, -nd #ith - 2irst boo% itKs >ery di22icult to %no# ho# =-ny o2 those decisions -re good ones. I -= eXtr-ordin-rily luc%y th-t one o2 the 2irst decisions I =-de #-s -=ong the best, #hich #-s to hire Ad-= Ah=-d to be =y rese-rch -ssist-nt. <ro= our 2irst =eeting, o>er co22ee in ,hic-go, #here he #-s 2inishing his =-sterKs, I could tell th-t Ad-= #-s bright, curious, -nd dedic-ted. !e pro>ed to be -ll those things -nd so =uch =ore. !e #-s -n -bsolutely integr-l p-rt o2 the boo% during -ll o2 its ph-ses. !e rese-rched docu=ents, #rote b-c%ground p-pers, org-niAed endnotes, -nd in se>er-l c-ses =-n-ged to tr-c% do#n -n Urdu spe-%er to tr-nsl-te docu=ents -nd recordings neither o2 us could underst-nd. 9hen I -rri>ed -t the 9oodro# 9ilson Intern-tion-l ,enter 2or Schol-rs, PessicSchulberg Voined the proVect -nd pro>ided rese-rch help e>ery bit -s >-lu-ble -s Ad-=Ks. Pessic- h-s - p-rticul-r interest in A2ric-, -nd her -bility to une-rth in2or=-tion -bout So=-li- -nd "orth A2ric- #-s -#e inspiring. She is - cle-r thin%er -nd is #ise beyond her ye-rs. Luring the course o2 #riting this boo%, I h->e co=e to >-lue not only Ad-= -nd Pessic-Ks guid-nce but -lso their 2riendship. They both h->e long -nd bright c-reers -he-d o2 the=, #h-te>er p-ths they choose. It #-s =y gre-t 2ortune to spend 2i2teen =onths -t the 9ilson ,enter, the best rese-rch institution in 9-shington. The 9ilson ,enter g->e =e - pro2ession-l ho=e, 2-scin-ting -nd supporti>e colle-gues, -nd -ccess to - >-st libr-ry run by - cr-c% te-=. Th-n%s to P-ne !-r=-n -nd @ich-el N-n Lusen 2or -ccepting =e -s - Public Policy Schol-r -nd 2or running such - terri2ic oper-tion. A >ery speci-l th-n%s to 5obert 4it#-% 2or being - const-nt source o2 insight -nd hu=or -s I #ent through the p-in2ul process o2 #riting the 2irst dr-2t o2 this boo%. It is =y gre-t honor to be - reporter 2or the "e# $or% Ti=es, -nd I -= gr-te2ul to Pill Abr-=son, Le-n 3-Uuet, -nd L->id 4eonh-rdt 2or -llo#ing =e to t-%e - le->e 2ro= the p-per to #or% on this proVect. 9hen he #-s =y boss in 9-shington, Le-n encour-ged =e to eX-=ine the uneXplored -spects o2 the secret #-rs\to #rite the stories th-t others #erenKt #riting. So=e o2 the issues I #rote -bout 2or the ne#sp-per during th-t period -re eXplored in gre-ter depth in this boo%. @y 2riends -nd colle-gues !elene ,ooper, Scott Sh-ne, -nd ;ric Sch=itt g->e =e encour-ge=ent -nd guid-nce throughout this process, -nd Scott -nd ;ric too% on - gre-t de-l o2 eXtr- #or% #hile I #-s on boo% le->e. I c-nKt th-n% the= enough. In -ddition to those three, the n-tion-lD security te-= in the 9-shington bure-u is - collection o2 the best reporters\-nd =ost entert-ining people\-ny#here in Vourn-lis=. P-rticul-r th-n%s to Peter 3-%er, ;lis-beth 3u=iller, @ich-el Gordon, 3ill !-=ilton, @-r% 4-ndler, ;ric 4ichtbl-u, ;ric 4ipton, Ste>e @yers, Pi= 5isen, L->id S-nger, ,h-rlie S->-ge, -nd Tho= Sh-n%er. I -= >ery luc%y to #or% #ith the= -nd the entire 9-shington bure-u. Th-n%s -lso to Phil T-ub=-n -nd Lougl-s Pehl, t#o 2or=er bosses -t the p-per #ith >-st eXperience in intelligence reporting, #ho helped =e gre-tly -s I #-s beginning to co>er - ne# be-t. This boo% #ould ne>er h->e h-ppened #ithout Scott @oyers, #ho in his pre>ious inc-rn-tion -s - liter-ry -gent urged =e to loo% deeper into the the=es th-t I #-s #riting -bout in =y -rticles 2or the "e# $or% Ti=es. Then, -2ter Scott bec-=e the publisher o2 The Penguin Press, I #-s luc%y enough to get hi= -s =y boo% editor. !e sees the big picture -nd pushed =e to #rite -s eXp-nsi>ely -s possible -bout the ch-nging n-ture o2 A=eric-n #-r -nd its i=p-ct. I -ppreci-te the ti=e he g->e =e to =-%e sure the reporting 2or this boo% #-s right, -nd he pro>ided - ste-dy h-nd during the editing process. !e pro>ed th-t gre-t boo% editing is possible e>en under >ery tight de-dline pressures. Th-n%s -lso to Ann Godo22, the president -nd editor in chie2 -t Penguin Press, 2or t-%ing - le-p on this proVect -nd 2or ensuring th-t the boo% could be published s#i2tly, -t - ti=e #hen these issues need 2-r =ore public discussion. @-lly

Anderson -t Penguin Press ensured th-t the >-rious pieces o2 the boo% =et their de-dlines, -nd IK= >ery gr-te2ul to her 2or p-tiently guiding =e through #h-t #-s - >ery =ysterious process. It #-s good h->ing her c-l= >oice -t the other end o2 the phone. 5ebecc- ,orbett, - 2riend -nd editor -t the "e# $or% Ti=es, prob-bly h-s no ideho# =uch better this boo% is -s - result o2 her guid-nce, p-tience, -nd s->>y. She pored o>er se>er-l dr-2ts o2 the boo%, pushing =e to dig deeper in the reporting -nd eXpl-in =ysel2 better in the #riting. She h-s - %een eye 2or det-il -nd 2or =-%ing ch-r-cters co=e to li2e. 6ur lunches -t The 3otto= 4ine not only helped =e org-niAe =y reporting but -lso helped enor=ously in constructing the boo%Ks n-rr-ti>e. The discussion #-s =uch better th-n the 2ood. @y -gent, Andre# 9ylie, h-s been - con2id-nt since the e-rliest st-ges o2 #riting the propos-l 2or this boo%, -nd I -= gr-te2ul to hi= 2or t-%ing =e on -s - client. !eKs true pro2ession-l, -nd he g->e p-rticul-rly #ise counsel during - ner>eDr-c%ing d-y in "e# $or% -s I h-d to =-%e - decision -bout publishers7 !e told =e to go #ith =y gut. RStop #orrying,S he s-id. R4i2eKs too short.S !e #-s right. @y "e# $or% Ti=es colle-gue Lecl-n 9-lsh, in Isl-=-b-d, #-s %ind enough to put =e up during =y ti=e in P-%ist-n. 3esides being - terri2ic reporter -nd - source o2 i==ense #isdo= -bout #h-t =-y be the #orldKs =ost co=plic-ted country, Lecl-n runs #h-t is no doubt P-%ist-nKs 2inest guesthouse. Th-n% you to e>eryone -t the Isl-=-b-d bure-u 2or =-%ing =y reporting trip to P-%ist-n so producti>e. I -= in gre-t debt to =y 2riends #ho co>er n-tion-lDsecurity issues 2or other ne#s org-niA-tions. The #or% th-t they do to shed light on d-r% corners h-s in2or=ed this boo% i==ensely. P-rticul-r th-n%s to Greg @iller, Poby 9-rric%, Peter <inn, Pulie T-te, -nd L-n- Priest, o2 the 9-shington PostQ Ad-= Gold=-n, @-tt ApuAAo, -nd 0i=berly LoAier, o2 the Associ-ted PressQ -nd Siobh-n Gor=-n, Puli-n 3-rnes, -nd Ad-= ;ntous o2 the 9-ll Street Pourn-l. 9e -ll =-y co=pete 2iercely -g-inst e-ch other, -nd curse e-ch other #hen #e -re 2orced to =-tch - co=petitorKs story -t &' P.@., but in the end #eKre -ll on the s-=e side. The debt th-t I o#e to =y 2-=ily is one th-t I c-nKt possibly begin to rep-y. @y p-rents, Poseph -nd Pe-nne @-AAetti, t-ught =e to be curious -nd to be hu=ble. 3ut =ost o2 -ll they t-ught =e to be honest, -nd I hope they -re -s proud o2 =e -s I -= o2 the=. @y sisters, ;lise -nd 0-te, -re the t#o best 2riends so=eone could h->e, -nd they\-long #ith their husb-nds, Sudeep -nd ,hris\-re role =odels 2or =e in the #-y th-t they li>e their li>es -nd r-ise their 2-=ilies. The single person #ho h-s contributed the =ost to this boo% is 4inds-y, =y #onder2ul #i2e. <ro= our >ery 2irst discussion -bout the possibility o2 =e #riting - boo%, #hile #-l%ing in 5i>erside P-r% in "e# $or%, 4inds-yKs support #-s un#->ering. She re-d -nd edited dr-2ts o2 the boo%, o22ered suggestions, endured =y inso=ni-, -nd pro>ided encour-ge=ent during the ti=es th-t I thought I #-s t-%ing on =ore th-n I could h-ndle. I couldnKt possibly h->e done this #ithout her, -nd I lo>e her >ery =uch. And to @-X, =y son. @-X #-s born #hen I #-s in the e-rly st-ges o2 this proVect, -nd he h-s ch-nged =y li2e in #-ys IK= Vust beginning to underst-nd. I c-nKt #-it until he is old enough to re-d this boo%. I cherish the =e=ories o2 the =ornings #e spent together during the 2irst 2e# =onths, -nd o2 the s=iles he deli>ered #hen I c-=e ho=e -t the end o2 p-rticul-rly 2rustr-ting d-ys o2 boo% #riting. They put things in perspecti>e. There is - gre-t de-l o2 p-in -nd he-rt-che in the #orld, but it is - 2-r better pl-ce #ith @-X in it.

A "6T; 6" S6U5,;S

It is - gre-t ch-llenge to #rite -n -ccount o2 -n ongoing #-r th-t, -t le-st o22ici-lly, re=-ins - secret. This boo% is the result o2 hundreds o2 inter>ie#s in the United St-tes -nd o>erse-s, both during =y ye-rs -s - n-tion-lDsecurity reporter -nd during =y boo% le->e 2ro= the "e# $or% Ti=es. I tried -s =uch -s possible to con>ince the people #ho= I inter>ie#ed to spe-% 2or the record, -nd those #ho -greed -re cited by n-=e both in the =-in teXt o2 the boo% -nd in the endnotes. I -lso conducted scores o2 inter>ie#s on Rb-c%ground,S #here I -llo#ed sources to spe-% -nony=ously in eXch-nge 2or their -ccounts o2 A=eric-n =ilit-ry -nd intelligence oper-tions, the >-st =-Vority o2 #hich re=-in cl-ssi2ied. Although this is h-rdly ide-l, I belie>e it is necess-ry e>il to ensure th-t trusted sources -re -ble to spe-% c-ndidly. Using -nony=ous sources is -l#-ys - ris%, -nd -s - n-tion-lDsecurity reporter I h->e le-rned th-t so=e sources c-n be trusted 2-r =ore th-n others. <or this boo% I h->e relied he->ily on people #hose in2or=-tion I h->e co=e to trust o>er the ye-rs. To the eXtent I -= -ble, I h->e used the endnotes to gi>e =ore in2or=-tion -bout #ho pro>ided speci2ic in2or=-tion, e>en i2 I did not use their n-=es. 6n so=e occ-sions, usu-lly bec-use =-teri-l is p-rticul-rly sensiti>e, I presented in2or=-tion th-t does not h->e design-ted endnotes. In these inst-nces I =-de sure th-t I could >eri2y the in2or=-tion 2ro= =ultiple sources. 9hen I recount con>ers-tions bet#een t#o or =ore people, I h->e used Uuot-tion =-r%s -round the di-logue only #hen I -= con2ident th-t =y sources h->e pro>ided -n -ccur-te recollection o2 the con>ers-tion. I h->e tried -s =uch -s possible to dr-# on open source =-teri-l -nd decl-ssi2ied go>ern=ent docu=ents. In this e22ort, I h->e been helped by the #or% o2 se>er-l di22erent org-niA-tions. The "-tion-l Security Archi>e, -t George 9-shington Uni>ersity, #or%s tirelessly to get go>ern=ent docu=ents decl-ssi2ied under the <reedo= o2 In2or=-tion Act, -nd I -= enor=ously gr-te2ul 2or their e22orts. The SIT; Intelligence Group is the best resource 2or =onitoring the #ritings -nd public st-te=ents o2 =ilit-nt groups in P-%ist-n, So=-li-, $e=en, -nd other countries, -nd I h->e dr-#n eXtensi>ely on SIT;Ks #or%. A l-rge nu=ber o2 the U.S. go>ern=ent docu=ents cited in this boo% #ere 2irst =-de public by 9i%i4e-%s, the -ntisecrecy org-niA-tion. The 9i%i4e-%s d-t-b-se h-s beco=e -n i=port-nt resource 2or Vourn-lists -nd histori-ns trying to better underst-nd the inner #or%ings o2 A=eric-n go>ern=ent. I -= deeply indebted to the =-ny people in se>er-l di22erent countries #ho g->e up countless hours o2 their ti=e to let =e inter>ie# the=. They trusted =e to tell their stories, -nd this is their boo% -s =uch -s it is =ine.

@-r% @-AAetti
9-shington, L.,. Lece=ber :'&:

P5646GU;7 T!; 9A5 3;$6"L RIs he underst-nding e>erything^S7 5-y=ond L->is interrog-tion by 4-hore police co=es 2ro= cellDphone >ideo t-%en during the Uuestioning. The >ideo c-n be seen -t ###.^>lo&'sPSGWPM% . An -ssort=ent o2 biA-rre p-r-phern-li-7 @-r% @-AAetti et -l., RA=eric-n !eld in P-%ist-n 9or%ed 9ith ,IA,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (<ebru-ry :&, :'&&). Rour diplo=-t in P-%ist-nS7 Press con2erence by President 3-r-c% 6b-=-, <ebru-ry & , :'&&. @osco# 5ules7 Author inter>ie# #ith t#o A=eric-n o22ici-ls. trouble 2or the -lli-nce7 The o22icerKs thoughts -bout the 6SS Uuoted in Lougl-s 9-ller, 9ild 3ill Lono>-n7The Spy=-ster 9ho ,re-ted the 6SS -nd @odern A=eric-n ;spion-ge ("e# $or%7 <ree Press, :'&&)7 &88O&8C. t#isted -nd burning7 Let-ils o2 Sir 5ich-rd Le-rlo>eKs trip to ,IA he-dUu-rters co=e 2ro= 5oss "e#l-nd, - 2or=er top ,IA o22ici-l #ho #-s st-nding neXt to Le-rlo>e during the Pred-tor stri%e.

,!APT;5 &7 P;5@ISSI6" T6 0I44 R$ou -re there to %ill terroristsS7 Secret c-ble 2ro= A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor to P-%ist-n 9endy ,h-=berlin, to St-te Lep-rt=ent, Septe=ber &*, :''&. The c-ble #-s decl-ssi2ied -nd l-ter rele-sed by the "-tion-l Security Archi>e. license to %ill7 The ,IA present-tion in the 9hite !ouse Situ-tion 5oo= #-s described by one p-rticip-nt in the =eeting -nd second 2or=er A=eric-n o22ici-l #ith direct %no#ledge o2 #h-t tr-nspired during the =eeting. RUs-=- 3in 4-neS7 Pose A. 5odrigueA Pr., !-rd @e-sures7!o# Aggressi>e ,IA Actions A2ter C_&& S->ed 4i>es ("e# $or%7 Threshold ;ditions, :'&:)7 7 . to %ill o22 -s =-ny -l W-ed- oper-ti>es -s possible7 George P. Tenet, At the ,enter o2 the Stor= ("e# $or%7 !-rper,ollins, :''7)7 &G . Rh->e 2lies #-l%ing -cross their eyeb-llsS7 ,o2er 3l-c% inter>ie#, G' @inutes, @-y &3, :'&:. Rthe 2liesDonDtheDeyeb-lls guyS7 3ob 9ood#-rd, 3ush -t 9-r ("e# $or%7 Si=on d Schuster, :'':)7 :. #ho should be c-ptured7 This ide- is eXplored in gre-ter depth in Philip 1eli%o#, R,odes o2 ,onduct 2or - T#ilight 9-r,S !ouston 4-# 5e>ie# (April &G, :'&:). R#e donKt do policy 2ro= `4-ngleyaY.Y.Y.S7 RIntelligence Policy,S "-tion-l ,o==ission on Terroris= Att-c%s Upon the United St-tes, C_&& ,o==ission St-22 St-te=ent "o. 7 (:''*). t-%e - Vob -t the St-te Lep-rt=ent7 3l-c% -nd P->itt #ere b-rely spe-%ing to e-ch other. 3y e-rly :'':, -ccording to se>er-l 2or=er ,IA o22ici-ls, 3l-c%Ks popul-rity -t the 9hite !ouse led the ,T, chie2 to ignore his bosses -t 4-ngley -nd 2reUuently s-y, RI #or% 2or the president.S A2ter 3l-c%Ks ti=e -t the St-te Lep-rt=ent, he too% - senior =-n-ge=ent Vob -t 3l-c%#-ter USA. Rout on 3usinessS7 5odrigueA Pr., :'. !e #-s re=o>ed 2ro= the Vob7 L->id 9ise, RA "ot So Secret @ission,S 4os Angeles Ti=es (August :G, :''7). prisoners presu=-bly #ould be there7 L->id Pohnston, -nd @-r% @-AAetti, RA 9indo# into ,IAKs ;=br-ce o2 Secret P-ils,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (August &:, :''C). They dug up - h-nd2ul o2 bodies7 Let-ils o2 the 1h-#-r 0ili eXploit-tion oper-tion co=e 2ro= "->y S;A4 history o2 =ission, Puly :'':. The history is titled RThe 1h-#-r 0ili ,->e ,o=pleX7 T-s% <orce 0D3-r -nd the ;Xploit-tion o2 AW''8, P-%ti%- Pro>ince, A2gh-nist-n.S t#o te-=s stor=ed the co=pounds si=ult-neously7 Speci2ics o2 the !-A-r W-d-= oper-tion co=e 2ro= U.S. Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-ndKs intern-l history o2 the r-id, -s #ell -s inter>ie#s #ith =e=bers o2 the speci-lDoper-tions t-s% 2orce b-sed in 0-nd-h-r. -n entirely ne# org-niA-tion7 Lon-ld !. 5u=s2eld =e=or-ndu= to George Tenet, RPI<TD,T.S Septe=ber :G, :''&. RI2 the #-r does notS7 Lon-ld !. 5u=s2eld, R@e=or-ndu= 2or the President,S Septe=ber 3', :''&. #ith gun b-rrels pointed 2or#-rd7 Let-ils o2 @ull-h 0h-ir%h#-Ks pursuit -nd c-pture co=e 2ro= - U.S. Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd cl-ssi2ied history, -s #ell -s inter>ie#s #ith =e=bers o2 the speci-lDoper-tions t-s% 2orce b-sed in 0-nd-h-r. one o2 the isl-nd prisonKs 2irst in=-tes7 @e=or-ndu= 2or ,o==-nder, United St-tes Southern ,o==-nd, @-rch G, :''8, R5eco==end-tion 2or ,ontinued Letention Under LoL ,ontrol 2or Gu-ntbn-=o Let-inee, IS" USCA<D''' 7CLP(S).S A>-il-ble -t 7CD%hirull-hDs-idD#-liD%h-ir%h#-.

,!APT;5 :7 A @A55IAG; A@6"G SPI;S RP-%ist-n h-s -l#-ys seenS7 @-h=ud Ah=ed to 5ich-rd Ar=it-ge, RLeputy Secret-ry Ar=it-geKs @eeting #ith P-%ist-n Intel ,hie2 @-h=ud7 $ouKre ;ither #ith Us or $ouKre "ot,S St-te Lep-rt=ent c-ble, Septe=ber &:, :''&. This docu=ent -nd se>er-l others cited in this ch-pter #ere decl-ssi2ied -nd rele-sed on Septe=ber &&, :'&&, by the "-tion-l Security Archi>e. Rto s->e the pl-netS7 Lon-ld 5u=s2eld to George 9. 3ush, R@e=or-ndu= 2or the President7 @y Nisits to S-udi Ar-bi-, 6=-n, ;gypt, UAbe%ist-n, -nd Tur%ey,S (6ctober G, :''&). RUs-=- bin 4-dinS7 U.S. e=b-ssy in Isl-=-b-d c-ble to U.S. Secret-ry o2 St-te, RUs-=- bin 4-din7 P-%ist-n see=s to be le-ning -g-inst being help2ul,S St-te Lep-rt=ent c-ble, Lece=ber &8, &CC8. RI c-nnot underst-nd #hy you A=eric-nsS7 Pohn 5. Sch=idt, The Unr->eling7 P-%ist-n in the Age o2 Pih-d ("e# $or%7 <-rr-r, Str-us -nd GirouX, :'&&)7 &'C. Ris the 2uture o2 A2gh-nist-nS7 Author inter>ie# #ith Sh-u%-t W-dir. the e=b-ssy c-r #-iting 2or hi=7 Author inter>ie# #ith Porter Goss. Rdeep introspectionS in Isl-=-b-d7 Secret St-te Lep-rt=ent c-ble det-iling =eeting bet#een 5ich-rd Ar=it-ge -nd @-h=ud Ah=ed, RLeputy Secret-ry Ar=it-geKs @eeting #ith P-%ist-n Intel ,hie2 @-h=ud,S Septe=ber &:, :''&. -ll the intelligence it h-d -bout -l W-ed-7 U.S. Secret-ry o2 St-te c-ble to U.S. e=b-ssy in Isl-=-b-d, RLeputy Secret-ry Ar=it-geKs @eeting #ith Gener-l @-h=ud7 Actions -nd Support ;Xpected o2 P-%ist-n in <ight Ag-inst Terroris=,S Septe=ber &3, :''&. the northern pro>ince o2 Sindh7 Per>eA @ush-rr-2, In the 4ine o2 <ire ("e# $or%7 Si=on d Schuster, :''G)7 :'G. - crushed, i=po>erished outc-st7 Ibid., :':. Ri2 -nd #hen the go>ern=entS7 Per>eA @ush-rr-2, Tr-nsl-ted teXt o2 speech, Septe=ber &C, :''&. RA2gh-nist-n #ill re>ert to #-rlordis=S7 U.S. e=b-ssy in Isl-=-b-d c-ble to U.S. Secret-ry o2 St-te, R@-h=ud Pl-ns :nd @ission to A2gh-nist-n,S St-te Lep-rt=ent c-ble, Septe=ber :*, :''&. R$ou #-nt to ple-se the A=eric-nsS7 Pohn <. 3urns, RAdding Le=-nds, A2gh-n 4e-ders Sho# 4ittle 9illingness to Gi>e Up 3in 4-den,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (Septe=ber &C, :''&). -2ter ye-rs o2 =istrust7 George P. Tenet, At the ,enter o2 the Stor= ("e# $or%7 !-rper,ollins, :''7)7 &*'O&*&. Grenier #-s de-d #rong7 !enry A. ,ru=pton, The Art o2 Intelligence7 4essons 2ro= - 4i2e in the ,IAKs ,l-ndestine Ser>ice ("e# $or%7 Penguin Press, :'&:)7 &C*. R;>ery pill-r o2 the T-lib-n regi=e #ill be destroyedS7 U.S. Secret-ry o2 St-te c-ble to U.S. e=b-ssy in Isl-=-b-d, R@ess-ge to T-lib-n,S St-te Lep-rt=ent c-ble, 6ctober , :''&. turned our st-lled rel-tionship -round7 ,olin 4. Po#ell to President George 9. 3ush, R@e=or-ndu= to the President7 $our @eeting #ith P-%ist-n President @ush-rr-2,S "o>e=ber , :''&. st-y in A2gh-nist-n 2or ye-rs7 Author inter>ie# #ith Gener-l ;hs-n ul !-U. P-%ist-nKs e=b-ssies in 9-shington7 A description o2 the ISI c-bles co=es 2ro= - 2or=er senior P-%ist-ni o22ici-l #ho h-d re-d the ISI -n-lysis. R- >ery shortDter= -22-irS7 Author inter>ie# #ith As-d Lurr-ni. on le>el ground #ith the A=eric-ns7 Account o2 the con>ers-tion co=es 2ro= -uthor inter>ie# #ith ;hs-n ul !-U. nothing producti>e c-=e 2ro= the =eeting7 Ibid. Rr-nge -2ter r-ngeS7 ,hurchillKs disp-tches #ere l-ter co=piled in his 2irst boo%, 9inston ,hurchill, The Story o2 the @-l-%-nd <ield <orce7 An ;pisode o2 <rontier 9-r ("e# $or%7 9. 9. "orton, &C8C). R-n incon>enient 2-ctS7 @-r% @-AAetti -nd L->id 5ohde, RA=id U.S. Policy Lisputes, W-ed- Gro#s in P-%ist-n,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (Pune 3', :''8). The hunt 2or bin 4-den7 ,hristin- 4-=b, R3in 4-den !unt in P-%ist-n Is ePointlessK,S 4ondon Sund-y Ti=es (P-nu-ry :3, :'' ). the suspicions h-d dissol>ed7 Author inter>ie# #ith As-d @unir. dripping #et in his s#i=suit7

Ibid. in2or=ing on -l W-ed- 2or 3rit-inKs @IG7 The in2or=-tion -lDP-A-Kiri h-d been - 3ritish -gent c-=e 2ro= the dossier o2 in2or=-tion co=piled -bout his b-c%ground by interrog-tions -t Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y. The dossier #-s p-rt o2 - nu=ber o2 docu=ents =-de public by the group 9i%i4e-%s, -nd is ->-il-ble -t ''&* :LP.

,!APT;5 37 ,46A0DA"LDLAGG;5 @;" -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pts7 R"-tion-l Security Act o2 &C*7,S United St-tes ,ongress, Puly :G, &C*7. "SA &C*7 #-s codi2ied in ' U.S.,, ,h-pter & , Subch-pter I m *'3D*-. President Tru=-nKs >ie#s on the ,IA -re described in Ti= 9einer, 4eg-cy o2 Ashes7 The !istory o2 the ,IA (@-ine7 Anchor, :''8)7 3. the l-rgest -nd =ost co=pleX7 5ich-rd !. SchultA Pr., The Secret 9-r Ag-inst !-noi ("e# $or%7 !-rper,ollins, &CCC)7 337. The #-r ended be2ore -ny %idn-ppings7 Lougl-s 9-ller, 9ild 3ill Lono>-n7 The Spy=-ster 9ho ,re-ted the 6SS -nd @odern A=eric-n ;spion-ge ("e# $or%7 <ree Press, :'&&)7 3&G. the princip-l 2ocus o2 its he-rings7 4. 3ritt Snider, The Agency -nd the !ill7 ,IAKs 5el-tionship #ith ,ongress &C*GO:''* (,re-teSp-ce, :''8)7 :7 . Ronce the c-p-bilityS7 United St-tes Sen-te, R<in-l 5eport o2 the Select ,o==ittee to Study Go>ern=ent-l 6per-tions #ith 5espect to Intelligence Acti>ities,S April :G, &C7G. R->ert - nucle-r holoc-ust or s->e - ci>iliA-tionS7 Ibid. 4ondon School o2 ;cono=ics7 Author inter>ie# #ith 5oss "e#l-nd. in -n -tte=pt to %ill ,-stro7 T. 5ees Sh-piro, R"estor L. S-ncheA, 83Q ,IA 622ici-l 4ed 4-tin A=eric-n Li>ision,S 9-shington Post (P-nu-ry :G, :'&&). e-ch sh-do#y 2ront o2 the ,old 9-r7 Lu-ne 5. ,l-rridge #ith Ligby Liehl, A Spy 2or All Se-sons ("e# $or%7 Scribner, &CC7)7 :3O3C. Le#ey @-rone -nd L-X Preston 4e3-ron7 Ibid., :G. in2uri-ted St-te Lep-rt=ent diplo=-ts7 ,"" inter>ie# #ith Lu-ne ,l-rridge -nd %ept by the "-tion-l Security Archi>e, &CCC. Rsh-llo# -nd de>iousS7 5ich-rd ". G-rdner, @ission It-ly7 6n the <ront 4ines o2 the ,old 9-r (@-ryl-nd7 5o#=-n d 4ittle2ield, :'' )7 :C&. - co>ert #-r in ,entr-l A=eric-7 ,l-rridge #ith Liehl, &C7. th-n the ,IA h-d to spend7 Ibid., :3*. ,IA co>ertD-ction progr-=s7 5ich-rd A. 3est Pr., R,o>ert Action7 4egisl-ti>e 3-c%ground -nd Possible Policy Wuestions,S ,ongression-l 5ese-rch Ser>ice (Lece=ber :7, :'&&). The restrictions th-t c-=e to be %no#n -s the R,-sey AccordsS #ere signed in &C8G. 3ut the horse #-s -lre-dy out o2 the b-rn, -s the -ccords c-=e se>er-l =onths -2ter President 5e-g-n signed - secret 2inding -uthoriAing the secret tr-ns2er o2 =issiles to Ir-n. -uthority to Rneutr-liAeS7 5obert ,hesney, R@ilit-ryDIntelligence ,on>ergence -nd the 4-# o2 the Title &'_Title ' Leb-te,S Pourn-l o2 "-tion-l Security 4-# -nd Policy (:'&:). This is -n eXcellent study on the l-#s buttressing the #or% o2 the ,IA -nd the Pent-gon -nd ho# the #or% o2 soldiers -nd spies h-s incre-singly blurred in the ye-rs since the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. RLo you %no# #h-tS7 Poseph Persico, ,-sey7 <ro= the 6SS to the ,IA ("e# $or%7 Penguin, &CC )7 *:C. the tr-ining o2 4eb-nese hit =en7 Ti=othy "-2t-li, 3lind Spot7 The Secret !istory o2 A=eric-n ,ounterterroris= ("e# $or%7 3-sic 3oo%s, :'' )7 & :. R2ighting terroris= #ith terroris=.S7 Ibid., & '. the ne# thre-t7 Nincent ,-nnistr-ro, -n oper-tions o22icers, s-id th-t R,-sey c-=e to the ,IA belie>ing th-t the e>il So>iet Union #-s behind -ll terroris= in the #orld.S 3y this logic, ,-nnistr-ro s-id during -n inter>ie#, @osco# could di-l up -nd r-tchet b-c% terrorist -tt-c%s #hene>er it chose to. destroyed -ny hope th-t terroris=7 "-2t-li, &8'. "-2t-li Uuotes 2uture ,ounterterroris= ,enter deputy <red Turco describing ,-seyKs >ie#s -bout the terroris= >iolence. -n eXp-nsi>e ne# #-r7 ,-sey h-d been getting pressure 2ro= the 9hite !ouse to Rdo so=ethingS -bout terroris=, -nd told ,l-rridge to co=e up #ith - ne# co>ert str-tegy 2or the ,IA. And -s usu-l, ,l-rridge #-nted -s =uch running roo= -s he could get. !e pushed 2or ne# leg-l -uthorities th-t #ould -llo# hi= to build t#o te-=s th-t could hunt terrorists glob-lly -nd %ill the= i2 doing so =ight pre>ent -n i==inent -tt-c%. 6ne o2 the te-=s #ould be =-de up o2 2oreigners #ho could =o>e e-sily in the b-A--rs -nd cro#ded streets o2 @iddle ;-stern cities, -nd the second #ould be =-de up o2 A=eric-ns. @e=bers o2 the te-=s #ere chosen b-sed on pro2iciency in 2oreign l-ngu-ges, 2-cility #ith #e-pons, -nd other speci-liAed s%ills. 6ne #-s - =ercen-ry #ho h-d 2ought in the A2ric-n ci>il #-rs. Another #-s - 2or=er "->y S;A4. See Ste>e ,oll, Ghost 9-rs7 The Secret !istory o2 the ,IA, A2gh-nist-n -nd 3in 4-den, 2ro= the So>iet In>-sion to Septe=ber &', :''& ("e# $or%7 Penguin Press, :'' )7 &3CO&*'Q see -lso ,l-rridge #ith Liehl, A Spy 2or All Se-sons ("e# $or%7 Scribner, &CC7)7 3: -nd

3:7. to penetr-te the Abu "id-l org-niA-tion -nd !eAboll-h7 "-2t-li, &83. RThe #heels h-d 2-llen o22 2or 5e-g-nS7 Ibid., &CCO:''. cut by :: percent7 Author inter>ie# #ith senior A=eric-n intelligence o22ici-l. trying to get - =eeting #ith the president7 5. P-=es 9oolsey public re=-r%s -t George @-son Uni>ersity, Septe=ber &3, :'&:. Rordered, pl-nned, or p-rticip-tedS7 Intelligence 6>ersight 3o-rd, R5eport on the Gu-te=-l- 5e>ie#,S Pune :8, &CCG. RGoing b-c% to the historyS7 Author inter>ie# #ith Lennis 3l-ir. R9h-tKs the presidentS7 Ibid.

,!APT;5 *7 5U@S<;4LKS SPI;S R9e see= to h->e cre-tedS7 <r-n% ,. ,-rlucci, R@e=or-ndu= to the Leputy Under Secret-ry 2or Policy 5ich-rd Still#ell,S 9-shington, L.,., @-y :G, &C8:, decl-ssi2ied in :''& >i- <reedo= o2 In2or=-tion Act 5eUuest by the "-tion-l Security Archi>e. Pe22rey T. 5ichelson -nd 3-rb-r- ;li-s o2 the "-tion-l Security Archi>e co=piled other decl-ssi2ied docu=ents used in this ch-pter. Also in>-lu-ble to this ch-pter, 5obert ,hesney, R@ilit-ryDIntelligence ,on>ergence -nd the 4-# o2 the Title &'_Title ' Leb-te,S Pourn-l o2 "-tion-l Security 4-# -nd Policy (:'&:). RGi>en the n-ture o2 our #orldS7 Lon-ld !. 5u=s2eld, RS;,5;T @e=o to Point ,hie2s ,h-ir=-n Gener-l 5ich-rd @eyers,S 6ctober &7, :''&. #ithout h-r=ing the c-pti>es7 Author inter>ie# #ith 5obert Andre#s. Also, 5o#-n Sc-rborough, 5u=s2eldKs 9-r7 The Untold Story o2 A=eric-Ks AntiDTerrorist ,o==-nder (Listrict o2 ,olu=bi-7 5egnery, :''*)7 8O&'. R9e h-d to cle-rS7 Author inter>ie# #ith Tho=-s 6K,onnell. since the d-ys o2 the 6SS7 5ich-rd !. ShultA Pr., The Secret 9-r Ag-inst !-noi7 0ennedyKs -nd PohnsonKs Use o2 Spies, S-boteurs, -nd ,o>ert 9-rriors in "orth Nietn-= ("e# $or%7 !-rper,ollins, &CCC)7 iX. ho# the =ilit-ry #ould 2ight7 Author inter>ie# #ith 5obert Andre#s. Rlittle birds in - nestS7 Lon-ld !. 5u=s2eld, 0no#n -nd Un%no#n7 A @e=oir ("e# $or%7 Sentinel, :'&&)7 3C:. relying on A=eric-n ne#sp-per reports7 @-r% 3o#den, Guests o2 the Ay-toll-h7 The Ir-n !ost-ge ,risis7 The <irst 3-ttle in A=eric-Ks 9-r #ith @ilit-nt Isl-= ("e# $or%7 Gro>e Press, :''G)7 &::. The ,IAKs one success be2ore the oper-tion #-s - luc%y bre-%, #hen - ,IA o22icer on - pl-ne out o2 Tehr-n h-ppened to be sitting neXt to - P-%ist-ni coo% #ho h-d recently been #or%ing inside the A=eric-nDe=b-ssy co=pound. The coo% g->e the A=eric-ns the cruci-l piece o2 in2or=-tion th-t -ll o2 the host-ges #ere being held in the s-=e loc-tion, inside the ch-ncery building. Rreli-ble hu=-n obser>ersS7 4t. Gen. Philip ,. G-st, R@e=or-ndu= 2or Lirector, Le2ense Intelligence Agency,S 9-shington, L.,., Lece=ber &', &C8'. RIKll be d-=nedS7 Ste>en ;=erson, Secret 9-rriors7 Inside the ,o>ert @ilit-ry 6per-tions o2 the 5e-g-n ;r- ("e# $or%7 Putn-=, &C88)7 3C. soldiers shouldnKt -lso be spies7 The =ost signi2ic-nt o2 these oper-tions #-s - secret "->y unit c-lled T-s% <orce & 7. Using - 2leet o2 electronic e->esdropping ships disguised -s luXury y-chts, T-s% <orce & 7 spies positioned the=sel>es -t the opening o2 the P-n-=- ,-n-l, inside the Str-it o2 Gibr-lt-r, -nd other =-riti=e Rcho%e pointsS to %eep tr-c% o2 So>iet ships. The Pent-gon ne>er discussed the groupKs #or% in public, -nd #hen in &C73 the deputy chie2 o2 n->-l oper-tions testi2ied be2ore ,ongress, he =-de only one obliUue re2erence to ho# the R"->yKs hu=-n intelligence collection progr-= is eXp-nding oper-tions in sensiti>e -re-s.S 9hen he #-s the ,IAKs st-tion chie2 in Ist-nbul, Le#ey ,l-rridge #or%ed #ith T-s% <orce & 7 spies #ho #ere =onitoring shipping tr-22ic on the 3osporus. <or the best tre-t=ent o2 T-s% <orce & 7, see Pe22rey T. 5ichelson, RTruth ,onUuers All ,h-ins7 The U.S. Ar=y Intelligence Support Acti>ity, &C8&O&C8C,S Intern-tion-l Pourn-l o2 Intelligence -nd ,ounterintelligence &:, no. : (&CCC). RAlso I he-rdS7 Ibid., &7&. to #ho=e>er =ight be #-tching 2ro= the s%y7 Ibid., &7:. the =ission into 4-os7 ;=erson, 78. #hether loc-l sources7 Ibid., 7C. 2ront co=p-nies used7 Sey=our !. !ersh, R9hoKs In ,h-rge !ere^S The "e# $or% Ti=es ("o>e=ber ::, &C87). - 5ollsD5oyce, - hotD-ir b-lloon7 ;=erson, 8&. R9e should h->e le-rnedS7 <r-n% ,. ,-rlucci, R@e=or-ndu= to the Leputy Under Secret-ry 2or Policy 5ich-rd Still#ell.S R6ur intelligence -bout Gren-d-S7 Wuoted in Ti= 9einer, 4eg-cy o2 Ashes7 The !istory o2 the ,IA ("e# $or%7 Loubled-y, :''7)7 * *. R@r. ,-sey, #h-t you s-yS7 Lu-ne 5. ,l-rridge #ith Ligby Liehl, A Spy 2or All Se-sons7 @y 4i2e in the ,IA ("e# $or%7 Scribner, :'':)7 ::C. RI2 I h-d %no#nS7 Author inter>ie# #ith 5obert Andre#s. to send its o22icers -ny#here in the #orld7 Although -ny go>ern=ent -gency technic-lly c-n c-rry out - co>ert -ction, these -cti>ities h->e gener-lly been -ccepted to be the preser>e o2 the ,IA bec-use the spy -gency #-s seen -s =ore c-p-ble o2 c-rrying out =issions o22ici-lly denied by the U.S. go>ern=ent.

RongoingS or R-nticip-tedS hostilities7 Penni2er L. 0ibbe, RThe 5ise o2 the Sh-do# 9-rriors,S <oreign A22-irs (@-rch_April :''*). R9e h-d the -bility to 2inishS7 3r-dley Gr-h-=, 3y !is 6#n 5ules7 The A=bitions, Successes, -nd Ulti=-te <-ilures o2 Lon-ld 5u=s2eld ("e# $or%7 Public A22-irs, :''C)7 8*. RI2 #eKre -t #-rS7 Author inter>ie# #ith Tho=-s 6K,onnell. =-%ing use o2 groups li%e Lelt- <orce7 Gr-h-=, 8 . $ou donKt need to put your troops7 Ibid. the ,IA h-d the -uthorities7 Tho=-s 9. 6K,onnell, RC_&& ,o==ission 5eco==end-tion 2or ,onsolid-ted P-r-=ilit-ry Acti>ities,S August 3', :''*. the ,IA #-s set up to gr-de its o#n #or%7 Stephen A. ,-=bone, R@e=or-ndu= 2or Secret-ry o2 Le2ense,S Septe=ber 3', :''*. =e-nt 2or only hi= to see7 Author inter>ie# #ith ;d#-rd Gneh=.

,!APT;5 7 T!; A"G5$ 3I5L but insisted th-t they 2ire #e-pons7 The deploy=ent o2 A=eric-n troops to $e=en #-s -uthoriAed in -n R;Xecute 6rderS signed by Lon-ld 5u=s2eld -nd Point ,hie2s ch-ir=-n Gener-l 5ich-rd @yers. The ;M65L is discussed in - cl-ssi2ied ,;"T,6@ chronology o2 oper-tions Septe=ber &&, :''&OPuly &', :'':, obt-ined by the -uthor. the 2irst pl-ce outside o2 A2gh-nist-n7 Account o2 =eeting #ith S-leh co=es 2ro= 2or=er senior A=eric-n o22ici-l. -lD!-rethi #-s -l#-ys c-re2ul7 P-=es 3-=2ord, R!eKs in the 3-c%se-thS The Atl-ntic (April :''G). the sur>eill-nce net got its 2irst big c-tch7 5o#-n Sc-rborough, 5u=s2eldKs 9-r7 The Untold Story o2 A=eric-Ks AntiDTerrorist ,o==-nder (9-shington, L.,.7 5egnery, :''*)7 : -nd @ich-el S=ith, 0iller ;lite (Gre-t 3rit-in7 9eiden2eld -nd "icolson, :''G)7 :37. the ,IA #-s no# -uthoriAed7 3-=2ord, R!eKs in the 3-c%se-thS 2ound -t the scene7 RU.S. @issile Stri%e 0ills -l W-ed- ,hie2,S ,"" 9orld ("o>e=ber , :'':). Rbloody struggleS7 RIntelligence Policy,S "-tion-l ,o==ission on Terroris= Att-c%s Upon the United St-tes, C_&& ,o==ission St-22 St-te=ent "o. 7 (:''*). he #ould h->e re2used - direct order7 Ibid. The co==issionKs st-22 st-te=ent st-tes only th-t R- 2or=er ,T, chie2S told the co==ission he #ould h->e re2used the order to %ill bin 4-den. A =e=ber o2 the co==ission st-22 identi2ied the ,T, chie2 -s Geo22 6K,onnell. R$ou %no#S7 RThe CD&& ,o==ission 5eport7 "-tion-l ,o==ission on Terrorist Att-c%s Upon the United St-tes,S (:''*). insu22icient 2or 9hite !ouse -ppro>-l7 Author inter>ie# #ith 5ich-rd ,l-r%e. >-rious options 2or spying7 Ibid., -nd -uthor inter>ie# #ith 2or=er senior ,IA o22ici-l. - crude eD=-il lin%7 Public re=-r%s by 5. P-=es 9oolsey -t George @-son Uni>ersity, Septe=ber &3, :'&:. the ,IAKs #-r in A2gh-nist-n during the &C8's7 Ibid. the photo #-s upside do#n7 Author inter>ie# #ith ,urt !-#es. #ho= -l W-ed- #ould end up %illing7 See !enry ,ru=pton, The Art o2 Intelligence, -nd Ste>e ,oll, Ghost 9-rs7 The Secret !istory o2 the ,IA, A2gh-nist-n, -nd 3in 4-den, 2ro= the So>iet In>-sion to Septe=ber &', :''& to get 2uller -ccounts o2 3leeKs trip to A2gh-nist-n in &CCC. In both boo%s he is identi2ied only -s R5ich.S the direction o2 cl-ndestine oper-tions7 P-=es 5isen, RL->id !. 3lee, 83, ,IA Spy 9ho 5e>ised Le2ector Policy,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (August &7, :'''). RThereKs no P69 issue hereS7 Author inter>ie# #ith 5ich-rd ,l-r%e. - s-tellite co=p-ny #ith tr-nsponder sp-ce to rent7 Author inter>ie# #ith 9hite !ouse o22ici-l during the ,linton -d=inistr-tion. S-ndy 3erger -nd his st-227 ,ru=pton, The Art o2 Intelligence, & *. -n -b-ndoned church building7 Author inter>ie# #ith ,urt !-#es. hit - t-rget t-n% in its p-th7 5ich-rd 9hittle, RPred-torKs 3ig S-2-ri,S @itchell Institute 2or Airpo#er Studies, P-per 7 (August :'&&). -s he controlled the Pred-tor Voystic% -nd 2ired - =issile7 Author inter>ie# #ith ,urt !-#es. spinning the turret thirty degrees7 Air <orce Press 5ele-se, <ebru-ry :7, :''&. A>-il-ble -t ###.2-s.org_irp_progr-=_collect_docs_=-nDipcDpred-torD '&' Rthe United St-tes is >ery cle-rlyS7 P-ne @-yer, RThe Pred-tor 9-r,S The "e# $or%er, 6ctober :G, :''C. no -uthority to 2ire - !ell2ire =issile7 "-tion-l ,o==ission on Terrorist Att-c%s Upon the United St-tes, RCD&& ,o==ission 5eport,S (:''*). the spy -gency #-s no# h-#%ing i=-ges7 Author inter>ie# #ith 5oss "e#l-nd. he de=-nded th-t A=eric-n spies7 Author inter>ie# #ith 2or=er senior A=eric-n o22ici-l.

,!APT;5 G7 A T5U; PAS!TU" !e -s%ed one o2 his lieuten-nts7 1-hid !uss-in, The ScorpionKs T-il ("e# $or%7 <ree Press, :'&')7 73. Vust li%e the So>iets h-d ye-rs e-rlier7 Sh-u%-t W-dir, RUnderst-nding the Insurgency in <ATA.S A>-il-ble -t http7__sh-u%-tU-dir.in2o_pd2s_<ATA.pd2. the illiter-te youth7 @uh-==-d I. 0h-n, R"e% @uh-==-d 9-Air,S The !er-ld (Septe=ber &G, :'' ). e>en #hen his co==-nders7 Syed S-lee= Sh-hA-d, RThe 4eg-cy o2 "e% @oh-==ed,S Asi- Ti=es 6nline (Puly :', :''*). A=eric-n 2ireb-ses -cross the border7 ,hristine ,. <-ir -nd Seth Pones, RP-%ist-nKs 9-r 9ithin,S Sur>i>-l &, no. G (Lece=ber :''COP-nu-ry :'&')7 &G8. not only his clothes but his pillo# co>ers7 Ibid., &GC. so=e p-rents re2used to -ccept7 !uss-in, The ScorpionKs T-il, 7&. The cro#d cheered #ildly7 R@-%ing Le-ls #ith the @ilit-nts,S p-rt * o2 5eturn o2 the T-lib-n, P3S <rontline, 6ctober 3, :''G. R9h-te>er h-ppenedS7 Ibid. RTh-t should =-%e it cle-rS7 IUb-l 0h-tt-%, RI Lid "ot Surrender to the @ilit-ry,S <rid-y Ti=es (April 3'O@-y G, :''*). RI2 `P-%ist-ni troopsaS7 Author inter>ie# #ith As-d @unir. RThere is no -l W-ed- hereS7 Lil-#-r 0. 9-Air, RTop @ilit-nt No#s to ,ontinue Pih-d,S L-#n (April :G, :''*). R"e% @uh-==-d re-lly pissed o22S7 Author inter>ie# #ith 2or=er ,IA st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d. =ount-in c-=ps #here 0-sh=iri7 Author inter>ie# #ith senior A=eric-n intelligence o22ici-l.
!; 4IN;L A"L LI;L 4I0; A T5U; PAS!TU"

7 !uss-in, The ScorpionKs T-il, 73. pre>enting the si==ering dispute7 Syed Sho-ib !-s-n, R5ise o2 P-%ist-nKs Wuiet @-n,S 33, "e#s (Pune &7, :''C). #here he #ould shop 2or suits -nd ties7 Author inter>ie# #ith 2or=er ,IA o22ici-l. Rthe price o2 So>iet presence in A2gh-nist-nS7 @-Vor Ash2-U P-r>eA 0-y-ni, RStrengths -nd 9e-%nesses o2 the A2gh-n 5esist-nce @o>e=ent.S Thesis p-per 2or 0-y-niKs @-sters o2 @ilit-ry Art -nd Science -t the ,o==-nd -nd Gener-l St-22, <ort 4e->en#orth, &C88. ye-rs =ore o2 bloody con2lict7 The 2in-l p-ss-ge 2ro= 0-y-niKs thesis, - section under the he-ding RPolitic-l Settle=ent,S is p-rticul-rly illu=in-ting i2 you #ere to consider substituting RA=eric-nsS 2or RSo>iets,S -nd R9-shingtonS 2or R@osco#S7 RIt is not li%ely th-t the So>iets #ill be #illing to negoti-te -bout A2gh-nist-n itsel2 but their presence there could be b-rg-ining chip or - point o2 le>er-ge to b-rg-in 2or concessions in so=e other -re-s -s p-rt o2 - p-c%-ge de-l. I2 th-t h-ppens, the centr-l proble= 2or @osco# #ill be the in-bility o2 the A2gh-n regi=e to sur>i>e in the -bsence o2 So>iet troops. 4ogic-lly the So>iets #ill tr-de 2or concessions #hich ensure the continu-tion o2 their in2luence in the A2gh-n go>ern=ent. The =ost th-t they could be eXpected to -cco==od-te is the A5@ sh-ring po#er #ith the 0-bul regi=e but -s - #e-%er p-rtner.S

,!APT;5 77 ,6"N;5G;",; There #-s -bout to be7 <our 2or=er ,IA o22icers described the e>ents surrounding the -l W-ed- =eeting -nd pl-nning 2or - =ilit-ry oper-tion in P-%ist-n. riding -round the =ount-in >ill-ges7 Peter 4. 3ergen, @-nhunt7 The TenD$e-r Se-rch 2or 3in 4-den\2ro= C_&& to Abbott-b-d ("e# $or%7 ,ro#n, :'&:)7 &G'. RThis is - re-lly b-d ide-, St-nS7 Author inter>ie# #ith 2or=er ,IA st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d. h-d used the techniUue7 @e=or-ndu= 2or Pohn 5iAAo 2ro= Stephen 3r-dbury, @-y 3', :'' . Run-uthoriAed, i=pro>ised, inhu=-neS7 ,IA Inspector Gener-l, RSpeci-l 5e>ie#7 ,ounterterroris= Letention -nd Interrog-tion Acti>ities (Septe=ber :''&O6ctober :''3),S @-y 7, :''*, &':. The #-terbo-rds #ere bought loc-lly7 L->id Pohnston -nd @-r% @-AAetti,YRA 9indo# into ,IAKs ;=br-ce o2 Secret P-ils,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (August &:, :''C). The entert-in=ent #-s t-%en -#-y7 Ibid. #ere the politic-l #inds to shi2t7 Author inter>ie# #ith senior 3ush -d=inistr-tion o22ici-l. Rthe U.S. go>ern=ent #ill not st-nd behind the=S7 ,IA Inspector Gener-l, RSpeci-l 5e>ie#7 ,ounterterroris= Letention -nd Interrog-tion Acti>ities (Septe=ber :''&O6ctober :''3),S &'&. the pl-ns h-d been te=por-rily shel>ed7 Author inter>ie# #ith t#o retired ,IA o22icers. he h-d pl-yed - le-ding role7 !enry A. ,ru=pton, The Art o2 Intelligence7 4essons 2ro= - 4i2e in the ,IAKs ,l-ndestine Ser>ice ("e# $or%7 Penguin, :'&:)7 &73. to sell progr-=s b-c% to the go>ern=ent7 Let-ils -bout 3l-c%#-terKs role in the -ss-ssin-tion progr-= co=es 2ro= three 2or=er ,IA o22ici-ls. See -lso Ad-= ,ir-ls%y, RTycoon, ,ontr-ctor, Soldier, Spy,S N-nity <-ir (P-nu-ry :'&'). Rthe n-tion h-s relied on =ercen-riesS7 Author inter>ie# #ith t#o 2or=er senior ,IA o22ici-ls. Rp-ying 2or -ll sorts o2 intelligence -cti>itiesS7 ,ir-ls%y. lobbying their 2or=er -gencies7 Author inter>ie# #ith t#o 2or=er ,IA o22ici-ls. RLeni-bility is built inS7 ;nriUue Pr-do eD=-il, d-ted 6ctober :''7, rele-sed during in>estig-tion by Sen-te Ar=ed Ser>ices ,o==ittee. the ,IA h-d 2irst proposed7 ,ir-ls%y. R9e #ere buildingS7 Ibid. >-cuu=ed out o2 the shredder7 Pose A. 5odrigueA Pr., !-rd @e-sures7 !o# Aggressi>e ,IA ActionsA2ter C_&& S->ed 4i>es ("e# $or%7 Threshold ;ditions, :'&:)7 &C*. the ,IA trying to co>er its b-c%7 Let-ils -bout the eXch-nge bet#een !-dley -nd Goss co=e 2ro= t#o 2or=er ,IA o22ici-ls -nd one 9hite !ouse o22ici-l during the 3ush -d=inistr-tion. cri=in-lly li-ble 2or p-rticip-ting7 Three ,IA o22icers #ho -ttended the =eeting #ith Andre# ,-rd described the scene in the con2erence roo=. re-ching ne-rly i8 billion in :''77 L-n- Priest -nd Ann Scott Tyson, R3in 4-den Tr-il eStone ,old,KS The 9-shington Post (Septe=ber &', :''G). See -lso, 9-yne Lo#ning, RSpeci-l 6per-tions <orces Assess=ent,S (@e=or-ndu= 2or Secret-ry o2 Le2ense, ,h-ir=-n Point ,hie2s o2 St-22, "o>e=ber C, :'' ). R"either #-s e-sy to underst-ndS7 St-nley A. @c,hryst-l, RIt T-%es - "et#or%,S <oreign Policy (@-rch_April :'&&). eXtr-cted 2ro= thu=b dri>es7 L-n- Priest -nd 9illi-= @. Ar%in, ReTop Secret A=eric-K7 A 4oo% -t the @ilit-ryKs Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd,S The 9-shington Post (Septe=ber :, :'&&). sust-ined oper-tions7 Lo#ning. RThe 2uture 2ight,S it re-d7 Ibid. ris%y spying =issions inside Ir-n7 Author inter>ie# #ith t#o 2or=er senior Pent-gon o22ici-ls -nd - retired ,IA o22icer. #ho #-s in ch-rge o2 e-ch 2ront7

Let-ils -bout ,IA -nd Pent-gon negoti-tions co=e 2ro= t#o 2or=er ,IA o22icers -nd 5obert Andre#s inter>ie#ed by -uthor. =issed P-te% but %illed se>er-l others7 In2or=-tion -bout the =issile stri%e in the Philippines co=es 2ro= 2our current -nd 2or=er ,IA o22icers. gi>e -#-y the precise coordin-tes7 Author inter>ie# #ith senior =ilit-ry o22icer #ho p-rticip-ted in the sur>eill-nce =issions. o22ici-ls too% only hours7 In2or=-tion -bout the L-=-dol- oper-tion in :''G co=es 2ro= t#o 2or=er ,IA o22icers.

,!APT;5 87 A 9A5 3$ P56M$ p-y=ent 2or their ser>ices7 Author inter>ie# #ith ,IA, St-te Lep-rt=ent, -nd congression-l o22ici-ls. See -lso, @-r% @-AAetti, R;22orts by ,IA <-il in So=-li-, 622ici-ls ,h-rge,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (Pune 8, :''G). Rculti>-ting supportersS7 Lirector o2 "-tion-l Intelligence, RTrends in Glob-l Terroris=7 I=plic-tions 2or the United St-tes,S (decl-ssi2ied %ey Vudg=ents o2 the "-tion-l Intelligence ;sti=-te, April :''G). RPeople =-de rel-tionshipsS7 5obert 9orth, RIs $e=en the "eXt A2gh-nist-n^S The "e# $or% Ti=es (Puly G, :'&'). -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul-7 The Interpol notice is cited in 3ill 5oggio, RAl W-ed- P-ilbre-% in $e=en,S 4ong 9-r Pourn-l (<ebru-ry 8, :''G). punish=ents li%e stoning -dulterers7 L->id !. Shinn, RAl W-ed- in ;-st A2ric- -nd the !orn,S The Pourn-l o2 ,on2lict Studies :7, no. & (:''7). - #e-% -nd corrupt org-niA-tion7 3ron#yn 3ruton, RSo=-li-7 A "e# Appro-ch,S ,ouncil on <oreign 5el-tions, ,ouncil Speci-l 5eport no. : (@-rch :'&')7 7. reopen so=e o2 its pre>iously shuttered st-tions7 Author inter>ie# #ith three 2or=er senior ,IA o22ici-ls. 2ound the=sel>es being eXtorted7 ,lint 9-tts, P-cob Sh-piro, -nd N-hid 3ro#n, RAlDW-Kid-Ks (@is)Ad>entures in the !orn o2 A2ric-,S !-r=ony ProVect ,o=b-ting Terroris= ,enter -t 9est Point, Puly :, :''7, &CO:&. the ,IA #-s running guns7 Author inter>ie# #ith St-te Lep-rt=ent -nd congression-l o22ici-ls described "-irobi c-bles. Rpositi>e U.S. stepsS7 ,-bles 2ro= the A=eric-n e=b-ssy in T-nA-ni- to St-te Lep-rt=ent, R,T in !orn o2 A2ric-7 5esults -nd 5eco==end-tions 2ro= @-y :3O:* 5SI,S Puly 3, :''G. -=-ssed - s=-ll 2ortune7 R@iscell-neous @onong-li- ,ounty, 9est Nirgini- 6bitu-ries7 ;d#-rd 5obert Golden,S Also, ;dg-r Si=pson, R,-ndid-tes Pro=ise to 4i>en 4-st L-ys 3e2ore ;lection,S The ,h-rleston G-Aette (6ctober :G, &C8G). cutting up - piece o2 c-rdbo-rd7 United Press Intern-tion-l, R3r-ille Pl-yboy ,riticiAed,S Septe=ber :7, &C8G. Also, RLeb-te #ith St-ndDIn Short in <-yette>ille,S The ,h-rleston G-Aette (August &C, &C8G). RIt sy=boliAes - gentler #-yS7 ;llen G-=er=-n, RTo %no# i2 youKre -nybody, chec% the list7 In 9-shington, the snobby old Green 3oo% is relished -s - thro#b-c% to lessDt-c%y ti=es,S The 3-lti=ore Sun (6ctober ::, &CC7). the tr-ns2or=-tion o2 @ichele into A=ir- beg-n7 Author inter>ie# #ith @ichele 3-ll-rin. R!e h-s -ppointed his chie2S7 The eD=-ils #ere 2irst reported by P-tric% S=ith in the Septe=ber 8, :''G, issue o2 respected ne#sletter A2ric,on2identi-l. @ore eD=-il eXcerpts #ere included in - Septe=ber &', :''G, story in The 6bser>er o2 the United 0ingdo=. the <rench deb-cle in Indochin- in &C *7 Ibid. A better bet, he s-id, #-s the Pent-gon7 Ibid. 2ree to spend the d-y -t the be-ch7 Author inter>ie# #ith 3ron#yn 3ruton. it #ould try to ensure7 Let-ils o2 AbiA-idKs >isit to Addis Ab-b- co=es 2ro= -n A=eric-n o22ici-l st-tioned -t the e=b-ssy -t the ti=e. ten thous-nd people displ-ced by the 2loods7 United "-tions 622ice 2or the ,oordin-tion o2 !u=-nit-ri-n A22-irs, R6,!A Situ-tion 5eport "o. &7 Lire L-#- <loods O ;thiopi- occurred on August 'G, :''G,S August 7, :''G. senior I,U oper-ti>es7 Let-ils -bout the cl-ndestine ship=ents into Lire L-#- co=e 2ro= t#o 2or=er =ilit-ry o22ici-ls in>ol>ed in the oper-tion. The s-=e o22ici-ls described the =-%eup o2 T-s% <orce 88. - s=-ll 2ishing >ill-ge7 @ich-el 5. Gordon -nd @-r% @-AAetti, RU.S. Used 3-se in ;thiopi- to !unt Al W-ed-,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (<ebru-ry :3, :''7). %ill his 2-ther7 !u=-n 5ights 9-tch, RSo @uch to <e-r7 9-r ,ri=es -nd the Le>-st-tion o2 So=-li-,S Lece=ber 8, :''8. See -lso 3ron#yn 3ruton, RSo=-li-7 A "e# Appro-ch,S C.

,!APT;5 C7 T!; 3AS; RThe ide-l personS7 In2or=-tion in this ch-pter -bout Art 0ellerKs eXperiences in "orth -nd South 9-Airist-n co=e 2ro= -uthor inter>ie#s #ith 0eller. R;ighteen =onths l-terS7 Author inter>ie# #ith Arthur 0eller. he held - gren-de up7 A=ir 4-ti2, RP-%ist-nKs @ost 9-nted,S Isl-= 6nline (P-nu-ry :C, :''8). the #rong photogr-ph7 4is- @yers, RU.S. Posts 9rong Photo o2 e-lDW-id- 6per-ti>e,KS @S"3, (P-nu-ry :G, :''G). the unco=2ort-ble position7 ,on2licts #ere -lso erupting bet#een ,IA o22icers in A2gh-nist-n -nd those in P-%ist-n, b-ttles th-t re2lected the -ni=osities bet#een the t#o countries on both sides o2 - porous border. <or =uch o2 :'' , the st-tion chie2 in 0-bul, Greg, h-d been #riting reports -bout sp-s=s o2 >iolence in A2gh-nist-n -nd bl-=ing P-%ist-nKs in-bility to control the =ilit-nts crossing into A2gh-nist-n 2ro= the trib-l -re-s. ,IA o22icers in 0-bul #ere -lso recei>ing -l-r=ing reports -bout P-%ist-nKs co=plicity in the -tt-c%s 2ro= A=rull-h S-leh, the director o2 A2gh-nist-nKs spy ser>ice, - 2or=er 2ighter #ith the "orthern Alli-nce #ho despised P-%ist-n -nd its historic-l ties to the T-lib-n. Greg h-d - p-rticul-rly close rel-tionship #ith President !-=id 0-rA-i, -nd 0-rA-i belie>ed he e>en o#ed Greg his li2e. In :''&, #hen Greg #-s p-rt o2 - Speci-l <orces te-= inserted into A2gh-nist-n -t the beginning o2 the A=eric-n in>-sion, he s->ed 0-rA-i 2ro= being blo#n up by - T-lib-n bo=b. The ,IA st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d, Se-n, thought the tight rel-tionship bet#een Greg -nd 0-rA-i h-d #-rped ,IA -n-lysis in A2gh-nist-n, -nd -ccused Greg o2 Rgoing n-ti>eS by -ccepting conspir-cy theories spun by A2gh-n intelligence -bout P-%ist-nKs =eddling in A2gh-nist-n. Se-n -lso belie>ed th-t secret =issions into P-%ist-nKs trib-l -re-s by both PS6, -nd - ,IADtr-ined A2gh-n =iliti-s, #hich the -gency h-d n-=ed ,ounterterroris= Pursuit Te-=s, #ere -n unnecess-ry ris% -nd thre-tened to get the ,IA %ic%ed out o2 P-%ist-n. The trib-lis= got so b-d th-t Porter Goss inter>ened, c-lling both Se-n -nd Greg to - =eeting -t the U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd he-dUu-rters in W-t-r in Puly -s - #-y to get the t#o =en in the s-=e roo= -nd d-=pen tensions bet#een the dueling ,IA outposts. h-d con>erted to Isl-=7 Greg @iller, RAt ,IA, - ,on>ert to Isl-= 4e-ds the Terrorist !unt,S The 9-shington Post (@-rch :*, :'&:). nineteen thous-nd o2 the= children7 ;-rthUu-%e ;ngineering 5ese-rch Institute, R;;5I Speci-l ;-rthUu-%e 5eport,S <ebru-ry :''G. R-ngels o2 =ercyS7 Trip report by Point ,hie2s ch-ir=-n Gener-l Peter P-ce, @-rch 3', :''G. R9e -ctu-lly beg-n to de>elopS7 Author inter>ie# #ith @ich-el !-yden. -n une>ent2ul -rrest7 Pose A. 5odrigueA Pr., !-rd @e-sures7 !o# Aggressi>e ,IA Actions A2ter C_&& S->ed A=eric-n 4i>es ("e# $or%7 Threshold ;ditions, :'&:)7 8. - =ission bede>iled7 !-ydenKs description o2 hunting the courier net#or% -s - Rb-n% shotS is in Peter 4. 3ergen, @-nhunt7 The TenD$e-r Se-rch 2or 3in 4-den\2ro= C_&& to Abbott-b-d ("e# $or%7 ,ro#n, :'&:)7 &'*. in2or=-tion th-t the ,IA7 3ergen, &''. critic-l proXies 2or its de2ense -g-inst Indi-7 Author inter>ie#s #ith 2i>e current -nd 2or=er A=eric-n intelligence o22ici-ls -nd one P-%ist-ni o22ici-l. phone c-lls bet#een P-%ist-ni spies -nd !-UU-ni7 In :''8, shortly -2ter the "-tion-l Security Agency intercepted co==unic-tions th-t lin%ed ISI oper-ti>es to bo=bing o2 the Indi-n e=b-ssy in 0-bul c-rried out by the !-UU-ni "et#or%, P-%ist-nKs president, Asi2 Ali 1-rd-ri, pledged th-t the ISI #ould be Rh-ndled.S !e -ssured A=eric-n o22ici-ls th-t, unli%e his predecessor, he h-d no policy o2 using the ISI to culti>-te ties to terror groups. R9e donKt hunt #ith the house -nd run #ith the h-re, #hich is #h-t @ush-rr-2 #-s doing,S he s-id. Rstr-tegic -ssetS7 L->id ;. S-nger, The Inherit-nce7 The 9orld 6b-=- ,on2ronts -nd the ,h-llenges to A=eric-n Po#er ("e# $or%7 ,ro#n, :''C)7 :*8. -llo# A=eric-n troops to #ithdr-#7 @-r% @-AAetti -nd L->id 5ohde, RA=idst U.S. Policy Lisputes, W-ed- Gro#s in P-%ist-n,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (Pune 3', :''8). A=eric-n 2in-nci-l support to P-%ist-n #ould continue7 Ibid. incursions 2ro= the trib-l -re-s into A2gh-nist-n7 Ibid. - ,IA drone %illed 0h-lid !-bib7 Pir 1ub-ir Sh-h, RUS Stri%e Is S-id to 0ill W-ed- <igure in P-%ist-n,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (6ctober &7, :''8).

,!APT;5 &'7 GA@;S 9IT!6UT <56"TI;5S RA @ighty 9urlitAerS7 <r-n% 9isner, Uuoted in 5ich-rd !. SchulA, The Secret 9-r Ag-inst !-noi7 0ennedyKs -nd PohnsonKs Use o2 Spies, S-boteurs, -nd ,o>ert 9-rriors in "orth Nietn-= ("e# $or%7 !-rper,ollins, &CCC)7 &:C. 6rigin-l cit-tion o2 the R9urlitAerS Uuote is in Pohn 5-nel-gh, The Agency7 The 5ise -nd Lecline o2 the ,IA ("e# $or%7 Touchstone, &C8G)7 :&8. con>inced he h-d Vust recei>ed -ppro>-l7 @uch o2 the =-teri-l 2or this ch-pter is b-sed on inter>ie#s #ith =ore th-n - doAen 2or=er eXecuti>es -t UDTurn @edi-_I@N, hundreds o2 p-ges o2 corpor-te docu=ents, -nd discussions #ith current -nd 2or=er =ilit-ry -nd intelligence o22ici-ls. @ost o2 the UDTurn_I@N e=ployees #ould not -gree to h->e their n-=es used bec-use o2 nondisclosure -gree=ents #ith the no#Dde2unct co=p-ny. @ich-el <urlong #-s -lso inter>ie#ed -bout his in2or=-tionDoper-tions proVects 2or the Pent-gon. 2isher=en #ere e>en -s%ed7 Author inter>ie# #ith 5obert Andre#s. The S-cred S#ord o2 the P-triots 4e-gue is discussed 2urther in 5ich-rd SchultA, The Secret 9-r Ag-inst !-noi, &3CO&*8. R#e -ll cursed itS7 Author inter>ie# #ith 5obert Andre#s. #-ys to co==unic-te7 ;-rly e22orts #ere h-lting, -nd in :''* - report by the Pent-gonKs Le2ense Science 3o-rd\- p-nel th-t -d>ises the Secret-ry o2 Le2ense\concluded th-t there #-s - RcrisisS in A=eric-Ks e22orts to co==unic-te its =ess-ges o>erse-s. The #-r on terroris=, the report concluded, couldnKt be Vust -bout dropping bo=bs on =ud huts, V-iling terror suspects, -nd %illing people #ith !ell2ire =issiles l-unched by re=ote control. There needed to be - so2ter side o2 the #-r, -n e22ort to Rcounter >iolent eXtre=is=S in the p-rts o2 the #orld #here the United St-tes #-s deeply unpopul-r. ,ongress g->e the Pent-gon =oney to try to sol>e the proble=. UDTurn #-s hired to help7 UDTurn @edi- (Po#erPoint present-tion to S6,6@). R-l=ost e>ery #-%ing =inuteS7 UDTurn @edi- (Propos-l to S6,6@, @-y 8, :''G). - contr-ct #orth Vust i: ','''7 S6,6@ contr-ct !C::::D'GDGD'':G. n-=ed -2ter - 4eb-nese co==-ndo unit7 PL @edi- (Present-tion to S6,6@, @-y :C, :''7). get the= distributed in the @iddle ;-st7 @ich-el L. <urlong, eD=-il =ess-ge to S6,6@ o22ici-ls, Pune ::, :''7. the Pent-gonKs =ore b-sic reUuire=ent7 Poseph !ei=-nn -nd L-niel Sil>erberg, RAn ;>er ;Xp-nding 9-r7 4eg-l Aspects o2 6nline Str-tegic ,o==unic-tion,S P-r-=eters (su==er :''C). ho# e-sy it =ight be 2or 5ussi-n intelligence7 In2or=-tion -bout the c-bles 2ro= the ,IA st-tion in Pr-gue co=es 2ro= t#o A=eric-n intelligence o22ici-ls.

,!APT;5 &&7 T!; 64L @A"KS 5;TU5" the 2unding 2or the in2or=-tion progr-=7 Let-ils -bout @c0iern-nKs desire 2or the A2P-X contr-ct co=es 2ro= 2i>e current -nd 2or=er =ilit-ry o22icers in A2gh-nist-n -t the ti=e, -s #ell -s three pri>-te contr-ctors. The ti=eline 2or the e>ents chronicled in this ch-pter co=es in l-rge p-rt 2ro= - Pent-gon in>estig-tion into - pri>-te spying oper-tion run by @ich-el <urlong. The in>estig-tionKs 2in-l report, RInUuiry into Possible Wuestion-ble Intelligence Acti>ities by LoL Personnel -nd ,ontr-ctorsS by @. !. Lec%er, #-s co=pleted -nd gi>en to Secret-ry o2 Le2ense 5obert G-tes on Pune : , :'&'. The report, here-2ter re2erred to -s the RLec%er 5eport,S re=-ins cl-ssi2ied but - copy #-s obt-ined by the -uthor. =ore A=eric-n troops h-d died7 @-r% @-AAetti, R,o-lition Le-ths in A2gh-nist-n !it - 5ecord !igh,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (Puly :, :''8). the ,IAKs ,ounterterroris= ,enter7 Lec%er 5eport, AD:. RI h-d to co=e up #ith - euphe=is=S7 Author inter>ie# #ith @ich-el <urlong. - progr-= the -gency thought7 Lec%er 5eport, AD3. P-n 6br=-nKs Intern-tion-l @edi- Nentures7 Ibid. cl-ssi2ied =ilit-ryDintelligence d-t-b-ses7 Lec%er 5eport, AD7. 3oth 2luent in L-ri, P-shtu, -nd Ar-bic7 @ich-el <urlong eD=-il. R4etKs be honest guysS7 @ich-el <urlong eD=-il. RGet used to it, #orldS7 The 9-r on Le=ocr-cy, directed by ,hristopher @-rtin -nd Pohn Pilger, :''7. Rprying S.6.3.S7 Lougl-s 9-ller, 9ild 3ill Lono>-n7 The Spy=-ster 9ho ,re-ted the 6SS -nd @odern A=eric-n ;spion-ge ("e# $or%7 <ree Press, :'&&)7 3 3. oper-tions in A2gh-nist-n -nd P-%ist-n7 So=e o2 the -gents in ,l-rridgeKs net#or% still #or% underco>er in P-%ist-n -nd A2gh-nist-n, occ-sion-lly 2or the U.S. go>ern=ent, -nd the -uthor h-s -greed not to re>e-l the identities or pro2essions o2 the -gents. RGod #illing, #e #ill do itS7 Intercepted con>ers-tion cont-ined in A2gh-nist-n =ilit-ry situ-tion reports rele-sed by 9i%i4e-%s. R=o>ed -n oper-ti>e inS inside P-%ist-n7 @ich-el <urlong eD=-il. he #ould Rneed top co>erS7 Ibid. Rhuge potenti-l 2or =ist-%esS7 Lec%er 5eport, AD . they entered the reports7 Lec%er 5eport, ADG. T-lib-n 2ighters in the poppyDgro#ing regions7 Ibid., ADC. The -ss-ssin #-s his longti=e bodygu-rd7 RA2gh-n PresidentKs 3rother, Ah=ed 9-li 0-rA-i 0illed,S 33, "e#s (Puly &:, :'&&). =issions th-t the ,IA couldnKt -cco=plish7 U.S. ,entr-l ,o==-nd, RPoint Uncon>ention-l 9-r2-re T-s% <orce ;Xecute 6rder,S Septe=ber 3', :''C. The order re=-ins cl-ssi2ied, but - copy #-s obt-ined by the -uthor. eXtre=ist net#or%s -nd indi>idu-l le-ders o2 terror groups7 Ibid. perh-ps the =ost in2luenti-l gener-l7 Lec%er 5eport, ADG. lying to his superiors7 Three 2or=er =ilit-ry o22icers -nd t#o contr-ctors #ith direct %no#ledge o2 the contents o2 the =e=or-ndu= described the =e=oKs contents. RAnd I =-de it h-ppenS7 Author inter>ie# #ith @ich-el <urlong. Rprep-re -pproXi=-tely :'' loc-l personnelS7 Lec%er 5eport, ADC.

,!APT;5 &:7 T!; S,A4P;4KS ;LG; R9eKll continue s-yingS7 ,-ble 2ro= U.S. e=b-ssy in S-n-K- to St-te Lep-rt=ent, RGener-l Petr-eus @eeting #ith President S-leh on Security Assist-nce, AWAP Stri%es,S P-nu-ry *, :'&'. posted in2or=-nts inside =osUues7 @ich-el Sl-c%=-n, R9ouldD3e 0iller 4in%ed to -l W-ed-, S-udis S-y,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (August :8, :''C). R9e h->e - proble=S7 ,-ble 2ro= U.S. e=b-ssy in 5iy-dh to St-te Lep-rt=ent, RSpeci-l Ad>isor !olbroo%eKs @eeting 9ith S-udi Assist-nt Interior @inister Prince @oh-==ed 3in "-ye2,S @-y &7, :''C. le->ing - s=o%ing cr-ter7 RPro2ile7 Al W-ed- e3o=b @-%erK Ibr-hi= -lDAsiri,S 33, (@-y C, :'&:). - S-udi spy net#or% in $e=en7 RAl W-ed- ,l-i=s Atte=pted Ass-ssin-tion o2 S-udi Prince "-ye2,S ";<A <ound-tion (August :8, :''C). R9e #ill re-ch you soonS7 Ibid. 3renn-n #ithdre# his n-=e7 3renn-n denounced the ,IA prison progr-= -2ter he Voined the 6b-=- c-=p-ign. !o#e>er, se>er-l ,IA o22icers #ho ser>ed #ith 3renn-n in :'': do not rec-ll hi= >oicing his obVections to the progr-= -t the ti=e he #-s ser>ing. 6b-=- #-s Vust -s co==itted7 ,-ble 2ro= U.S. e=b-ssy in 5iy-dh to St-te Lep-rt=ent, RSpeci-l Ad>isor !olbroo%eKs @eeting #ith S-udi Assist-nt Interior @inister Prince @oh-==ed 3in "-ye2,S @-y &7, :''C. the drone %illings in P-%ist-n7 Inter>ie# #ith t#o 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion o22ici-ls #ho -ttended the =eetings -t the ,IA. R6nce the interrog-tion #-s goneS7 Author inter>ie# #ith Pohn 5iAAo. the United St-tes could use - Rsc-lpelS7 Speech by Pohn 3renn-n on @-y :G, :'&', -t the ,enter 2or Str-tegic -nd Intern-tion-l Studies in 9-shington. Rnone o2 the b-gg-geS7 3ob 9ood#-rd, 6b-=-Ks 9-rs ("e# $or%7 Si=on d Schuster, :'&')7 377. - =ilit-ry co==-nder 2or - secret #-r7 P-nett-Ks re-ction to le-rning -bout the ,IA drone stri%es co=es 2ro= t#o senior A=eric-n go>ern=ent o22ici-ls. rele-sing the =e=os7 P-nett-Ks discussions #ith senior ,IA o22ici-ls -bout the rele-se o2 the interrog-tion =e=os co=es 2ro= inter>ie#s #ith t#o A=eric-n o22ici-ls in>ol>ed in the discussions. #inning ;=-nuel o>er to his side7 The 9hite !ouse discussions, -nd ;=-nuelKs decision to side #ith P-nett-, co=e 2ro= t#o p-rticip-nts in the discussions. The deb-tes o>er the rele-se o2 the =e=os -re co>ered eXtensi>ely in L-niel 0l-id=-n, 0ill or ,-pture7 The 9-r on Terror -nd the Soul o2 the 6b-=- Presidency ("e# $or%7 !oughton @i22lin !-rcourt, :'&:). The c-ble c-rried - si=ple =ess-ge7 Ignore 3l-irKs directi>e7 The -ccount o2 the con>ers-tion bet#een 3l-ir -nd P-nett- co=es 2ro= t#o o22ici-ls in P-nett-Ks o22ice -t the ,IA. co>ertD-ction progr-=s usu-lly7 Author inter>ie# #ith Lennis 3l-ir. Rthe de>elop=ent o2 st-bleS7 A 2ull list o2 the 3l-ir_G-tes principles #-s obt-ined by the -uthor. The list #-s 2irst published in the endnotes o2 6b-=-Ks 9-rs by 3ob 9ood#-rd. 4eon P-nett- -nd Leputy "-tion-l Security Ad>isor7 Author inter>ie# #ith Lennis 3l-ir. - secret #-r th-t =ost belie>ed7 Let-ils o2 the Pones @e=o co=es 2ro= t#o 2or=er senior 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion o22ici-ls. the ,IA couldnKt get leg-l -ppro>-l to %ill hi=7 Author inter>ie# #ith 2or=er P-%ist-ni go>ern=ent o22ici-l. Rs-id =ore !-il @-rysS7 4eon P-nett-, unpublished inter>ie# #ith The "e# $or% Ti=es. R,-n you tell =eS7 Author inter>ie# #ith 2or=er senior 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion o22ici-l. RThe ,IA gets #h-t it #-ntsS7 L-niel 0l-id=-n, 0ill or ,-pture, &:&. since he -ssu=ed control7 Petr-eus h-d sought -d>ice 2ro= ;d=und !ull, the 2or=er A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor to $e=en. !ull h-d been 2ollo#ing the gro#th o2 =ilit-ncy in the country 2or se>er-l ye-rs, -nd #-s -ngry th-t -2ter counterterroris= successes in the ye-rs i==edi-tely -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s the country see=ed to be sliding into ch-os. !e told Petr-eus th-t i2 $e=en continued to be ignored it could beco=e -nother A2gh-nist-n, - s-2e h->en 2or -tt-c%s in other countriesQ the -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pt on Prince bin "-ye2Ks li2e =onths l-ter =-de the prediction see= eerily prescient. be2ore it could success2ully7 Author inter>ie# #ith 2or=er A=eric-n speci-lDoper-tions co==-nder in>ol>ed in the discussions -bout =ilit-ry

oper-tions in $e=en. #ith Pohn 3renn-n ser>ing7 Ibid. R3e#-re o2 t-%ing the side o2 A=eric-hS7 Scott Sh-ne #ith @-r% @-AAetti -nd 5obert 9orth, RSecret Ass-ult on Terroris= 9idens on T#o ,ontinents,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (August &*, :'&'). 2ro= iG7 =illion to i&' =illion7 ,-ble 2ro= U.S. e=b-ssy in S-n-K- to the St-te Lep-rt=ent, RGener-l Petr-eus @eeting #ith President S-leh on Security Assist-nce, AWAP Stri%es,S P-nu-ry *, :'&'. The -ccount o2 the =eeting co=es entirely 2ro= this c-ble. his =ess-ge #-s cle-r7 TeXt o2 3l-irKs re=-r%s -t the 9ill-rd hotel ->-il-ble -t dni.go>_speeches_:'&''*'Gn nspeech.pd2.

,!APT;5 &37 T!; S,5A@34; <65 A<5I,A - >iol-tion o2 - U" -r=s e=b-rgo7 ,-ble 2ro= U.S. e=b-ssy to St-te Lep-rt=ent he-dUu-rters, R9hither the @_N <-in-Ks T-n%s^S 6ctober :, :''8. The c-ble described the route by #hich the -r=s got to Southern Sud-n. A2ter the -r=s -rri>ed in @o=b-s-, they #ere sent >i- r-il lines to Ug-nd-, -nd then on to Southern Sud-n. so the<-in-Kscre#7 !-run @-ru2 inter>ie# #ith @ichele 3-ll-rin 2or Noice o2 A=eric- (August :, :'&'). R.Y.Y. she is only gi>ing the= 2-lse hopeS7 RU%r-ine Ship 6#ners 6bVect to U.S. 9o=-nKs 5ole in Pir-te T-l%s,S 5ussi-n "e#s 5oo=, Lece=ber &C, :''8. Rbeco=e -n inter=edi-ryS7 ,-ble 2ro= U.S. e=b-ssy in U%r-ine to St-te Lep-rt=ent he-dUu-rters, R<-in-7 4etter 2ro= <oreign @inister 6hryA%o,S <ebru-ry , :''C. Rto 2-cilit-te the eXclusionS7 Ibid. R#ithout 2ingerprint, 2ootprint or 2l-gS7 Gul2 Security Group letter to ,entr-l Intelligence Agency, August &7, :''7. ,opy o2 letter obt-ined by -uthor. - l-# th-t prohibits7 4etter 2ro= Pohn 4. @cPherson to @ichele 3-ll-rin, August :7, :''7. ,opy o2 letter obt-ined by -uthor. -t the he-dUu-rters o27 The description o2 3-ll-rinKs =eeting -t ,TTS6 co=es 2ro= - =ilit-ry o22ici-l in>ol>ed in counterterroris= progr-=s #ho -ttended the =eeting. - =ore co>eted A0D*7 could be purch-sed7 Peter P Ph-=, RSo=-li Inst-bility Still Poses Thre-t ;>en A2ter Success2ul Stri%e on "-bh-n,S 9orld Le2ense 5e>ie# (Septe=ber &7, :''C). to hound hi= -nd go -2ter his =oney7 5obert $oung Pelton, RAn A=eric-n ,o==-ndo in ;Xile,S @enKs Pourn-l (Lece=ber :'&'). - counterpir-cy 2orce7 PrinceKs in>ol>e=ent in the counterpir-cy =iliti- in Puntl-nd is docu=ented in t#o reports by the United "-tions @onitoring Group 2or So=-li- -nd ;ritre-. - ne# =iliti- #ould c-rry out r-ids7 In2or=-tion -bout the Puntl-nd =iliti- co=es 2ro= three people directly in>ol>ed in the oper-tions. Sep-r-tely, the United "-tions @onitoring Group did -n eXtensi>e in>estig-tion into both S-r-cen -nd Sterling, -nd con2ir=ed the t#o co=p-niesK ties to ;ri% Prince -nd the UA;. insisting th-t e-ch =ilit-ry oper-tion7 PS6,Ks propos-ls to stri%e the -l Sh-b--b c-=ps #ere con2ir=ed by one retired senior =ilit-ry o22icer -nd - 2or=er top ci>ili-n in the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion. Let-ils -bout discussions inside the 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion o>er the costs -nd bene2its o2 stri%ing the c-=ps c-n be 2ound in ;ric Sch=itt -nd Tho= Sh-n%er, ,ounterstri%e7 The Untold Story o2 A=eric-Ks Secret ,-=p-ign Ag-inst Al W-ed- ("e# $or%7 Ti=es 3oo%s, :'&&). According to the boo%, =ost o22ici-ls belie>ed th-t hitting the c-=ps #ouldnKt be #orth the possible bene2it o2 %illing - s=-ll nu=ber o2 senior -l Sh-b--b le-ders. <irst priAe #-s -n A0D*77 R0ids A#-rded Guns in So=-li 5ecruit=ent G-=e,S Ler Spiegel (Septe=ber :G, :'&&). Rold #o=-n !ill-ry ,lintonS7 SIT; Intelligence Group, RSh-b--b 622ici-l 622ers 5e#-rds 2or In2or=-tion on 6b-=-, ,linton,S Pune C, :'&&. t-%e hi= so=e#here 2or interrog-tion7 L-niel 0l-id=-n, 0ill or ,-pture7 The 9-r on Terror -nd the Soul o2 the 6b-=- Presidency ("e# $or%7 !oughton @i22lin !-rcourt, :'&:)7 &:3O&:* det-ils the 2irst discussions o2 the >-rious options presented by Ad=ir-l 9illi-= @c5->en. The >ideo telecon2erence -nd the options discussed by @c5->en #ere con2ir=ed independently by A=eric-n go>ern=ent o22ici-ls. So=-li pir-tes #ere currently holding7 The cre# o2 the <-in- #-s rele-sed Vust d-ys -2ter the U%r-ini-n =inister sent the letter to Secret-ry o2 St-te !ill-ry ,linton, but there is no e>idence th-t 3-ll-rinKs in>ol>e=ent in the discussions led to the pir-tes rele-sing the cre#. The pir-tes ended up poc%eting =ore th-n i3 =illion in r-nso= =oney 2ro= the shipKs o#ners. The inter>ie# in #hich she discussed Run#indingS -ll o2 the host-ge c-ses -ppe-red in -n -rticle on on "o>e=ber : , :''8. It is di22icult to discern ho# =uch, i2 -ny, =oney 3-ll-rin =-de 2ro= being in>ol>ed in the negoti-tions. 2-iled to deli>er7 Author inter>ie# #ith eight di22erent 2or=er e=ployees o2 3-ll-rinKs co=p-nies. RItKs not the #-y 2or#-rdS7 Noice o2 A=eric- inter>ie# #ith @ichele 3-ll-rin. All they needed, she s-id7 The story th-t 2ollo#s co=es 2ro= -n -uthor inter>ie# #ith @ichele 3-ll-rin. !er story #-s corrobor-ted by - 2or=er A=eric-n o22ici-l #ho %ne# -bout her e22orts to get the Pent-gon to e=br-ce the pl-n to use So=-li hit =en to %ill the -l Sh-b--b oper-ti>es. RIt is 2orbidden to =-%e gr->es into shrinesS7 33, 9orld Ser>ice, RSo=-li 5-ge -t Gr->e Lestruction,S Pune 8, :''C. the -geKs de2ining struggle o2 good >ersus e>il7 Author inter>ie# #ith @ichele 3-ll-rin.

It #-s - g-=e o2 c-tchDup7 R!undreds o2 intelligence -n-lystsS co=es 2ro= - 2or=er senior A=eric-n intelligence o22ici-l #ith direct %no#ledge -bout the =o>e=ents o2 -n-lysts #ithin the intelligence co==unity -2ter the beginning o2 the Ar-b Spring. th-n%ing the 4iby-n spy=-ster7 3en 9ede=-n, RLocu=ents Shed 4ight on ,IA, G-dh-2i Spy Ties,S ,"".co=, Septe=ber 3, :'&&. Renco=p-ss the =-Vority o2 the Isl-=ic #orldS7 4etter 2ro= 6s-=- bin 4-den to Atiy-h Abd -lD5-h=-n d-ted April :G, :'&&. TeXt o2 letter rele-sed by ,o=b-ting Terroris= ,enter -t 9est Point.

,!APT;5 &*7 T!; U"5AN;4I"G chec%ing th-t it h-d not been7 Lescription o2 conditions co=es 2ro= -n A=eric-n o22ici-l #ith %no#ledge o2 L->isKs circu=st-nces in prison. n-=ed 2or the g-p7 @-tthe# Te-gue, R3l-c% 6ps -nd 3lood @oney,S @enKs Pourn-l (Pune &, :'&&), -nd @-r% @-AAetti, et -l., RA=eric-n !eld in P-%ist-n 9or%ed #ith ,IA,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (<ebru-ry :&, :'&&). e-rning up#-rd o27 In2or=-tion -bout L->isKs ,IA s-l-ry co=es 2ro= docu=ents rele-sed by P-%ist-nKs <oreign 622ice -2ter L->is #-s -rrested. using -n -llied org-niA-tion7 3-c%ground on the oper-tions o2 4-sh%-rDeDT-ib- co=es 2ro= -n inter>ie# #ith ,. ,hristine <-ir o2 Georgeto#n Uni>ersity, -n eXpert on the group. P-%ist-nKs proDA=eric-n -=b-ss-dor7 The syste= o2 A=eric-n >is-s 2or P-%ist-n #-s described by -n A=eric-n o22ici-l in Isl-=-b-d #ith direct %no#ledge o2 the process. e>en the U.S. e=b-ssy in P-%ist-n7 Ibid. the hundreds o2 thous-nds #ho h-d co=e7 <or the best -ccount o2 the &C7C e=b-ssy burning see Ste>e ,oll, Ghost 9-rs7 The Secret !istory o2 the ,IA, A2gh-nist-n, -nd 3in 4-den, 2ro= the So>iet In>-sion to Septe=ber &', :''&. the ne# chie2 did not co=e to P-%ist-n7 The ,IA st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d re=-ins underco>er. he #-s s%eptic-l -bout the longDter= >-lue7 The dyn-=ics bet#een the ,IA st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d -nd A=b-ss-dor ,-=eron @unter #ere described by 2i>e A=eric-n o22ici-ls. @uch o2 the -ccount o2 the 2ights bet#een the t#o =en, -nd the bro-der description o2 the deliber-tions o>er the 5-y=ond L->is episode, co=e 2ro= these o22ici-ls. Rthen they -re not subVect toS7 Press con2erence o2 President 3-r-c% 6b-=-, <ebru-ry & , :'&&. The United St-tes h-d Vust lost its ch-nce7 Let-ils o2 the =eeting bet#een P-nett- -nd P-sh- co=e 2ro= t#o P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls -nd 2ro= the contents o2 -n intern-l =e=or-ndu= o2 the pri>-te intelligence 2ir= Str-t2or, =-de public by 9i%i4e-%s. The =e=or-ndu= is ->-il-ble -t http7__#i%ile-%s.org_gi2iles_docs_&GG*G7&nreD-lph-DinsightD-2gh-nist-nDp-%ist-nDisiDchie2DnotD "orth 9-Airist-n, South 9-Airist-n, 3-V-ur7 ,l-ssi2ied ,IA p-per described by t#o senior A=eric-n intelligence o22ici-ls. R9ell, #hy donKt you go in -nd get the=^S G-tes -s%ed7 Author inter>ie# #ith - senior =ilit-ry o22ici-l #ho -ttended the brie2ing. RIK>e h-d enoughS7 3ushKs response to the ,IA brie2ing c-n be 2ound in 3ob 9ood#-rd, 6b-=-Ks 9-rs ("e# $or%7 Si=on d Schuster, :'&')7 *O . The =ost det-iled -ccount o2 the ,IA brie2ing in Puly :''8 is in ;ric Sch=itt -nd Tho= Sh-n%er, ,ounterstri%e7 The Untold Story o2 A=eric-Ks Secret ,-=p-ign Ag-inst Al W-ed- ("e# $or%7 Ti=es 3oo%s, :'&&). P-%ist-ni troops -nd police=en7 Account o2 the @ull-h 3-r-d-r c-pture co=es 2ro= 2i>e di22erent A=eric-n -nd P-%ist-ni intelligence o22ici-ls. - person-l courier 2or 6s-=- bin 4-den7 Author inter>ie# #ith t#o A=eric-n intelligence o22ici-ls, -nd 2ro= Peter 3ergen, @-nhunt7 The TenD$e-r Se-rch 2or 3in 4-den\2ro= C_&& to Abbott-b-d ("e# $or%7 ,ro#n, :'&:)7 &::O&:*. RIK= b-c% #ith the people I #-s #ith be2oreS7 Peter 3ergen, @-nhunt, &:3. it h-d only s=-ll, op-Uue slits 2or #indo#s7 Peter 3ergen, @-nhunt, *. the telephoto lens #-s useless7 Author inter>ie# #ith t#o senior A=eric-n intelligence o22ici-ls. !e =ust not be -llo#ed7 Ahtish-=ul !-U, R5-y=ond L->is ,-se7 9i2e o2 @-n 0illed ,o==its Suicide,S The ;Xpress Tribune (<ebru-ry 7, :'&&). L->is #ould be rele-sed 2ro= V-il7 Let-ils -bout the discussions bet#een @unter -nd P-sh-, -nd the subseUuent n-rr-ti>e o2 the e>ents le-ding to L->isKs rele-se co=e 2ro= inter>ie#s #ith both A=eric-n -nd P-%ist-ni o22ici-ls. to o22er R2orgi>enessS7 As the t-l%s dr-gged on, A=eric-n o22ici-ls de>eloped - b-c%up pl-n7 -ppe-ling the =-tter to -n intern-tion-l -rbitr-tion p-nel in S#itAerl-nd. The A=eric-n o22ici-ls in Gene>- beg-n consulting S#iss l-#yers but -ll the #hile 2iguring it #-s - long shot th-t - p-nel in S#itAerl-nd #ould get 5-y L->is out o2 V-il. loc%ed inside -n iron c-ge7 ,-rlott- G-ll -nd @-r% @-AAetti, R!ushed Le-l <rees ,IA ,ontr-ctor in P-%ist-n,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (@-rch &G, :'&&). th-t he #-s s-2e7 Author inter>ie# #ith t#o A=eric-n o22ici-ls.

- 2i2tyDye-rDold =inister7 S-r- 3urnett, R,h-rges Upgr-ded Ag-inst ;XD,IA ,ontr-ctor in P-r%ingDSpot Lispute,S The Len>er Post (6ctober *, :'&&). R5el-X,S @-es s-id, R-nd Uuit being stupidS7 R,IA ,ontr-ctor in ,ourt 6>er <elony Ass-ult ,h-rges,S ,3S Len>er (6ctober *, :'&&). As o2 this boo%Ks public-tion, the leg-l proceedings in the c-se h-d not concluded. - reduction o2 terrorist >iolence7 RGetting 5id o2 US S-boteurs,S The "-tion (August &&, :'&&). S-eed insisted th-t night7 Author -ttended the Puly :'&: r-lly in Isl-=-b-d.

,!APT;5 & 7 T!; L6,T65 A"L T!; S!;I0! -n A=eric-n #o=-n he %ne#7 @ost o2 the det-ils -bout Lr. Sh-%il A2ridiKs =eetings #ith his ,IA h-ndlers co=e 2ro= A2ridiKs st-te=ents to P-%ist-ni in>estig-ti>e group eX-=ining his role in the bin 4-den oper-tion. 6ther det-ils h->e been 2illed in by A=eric-n go>ern=ent o22ici-ls #ith %no#ledge o2 A2ridiKs #or% 2or the ,IA 2ro= :''8 to :'&&. sold hospit-l =edicines7 Aryn 3-%er, RThe @ur%y P-st o2 the P-%ist-ni Loctor 9ho !elped the ,IA,S Ti=e (Pune &3, :'&:). Isl-=-b-d =o>ed to shutter7 Lecl-n 9-lsh, RP-%ist-n @-y 3e ;Xpelling Aid GroupKs <oreign St-22,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (Septe=ber G, :'&:). RI belie>e it is unre-son-bleS7 Pohn LeutchKs st-te=ent ->-il-ble -t the ,IA p-id hi=7 A2ridi st-te=ent to P-%ist-ni in>estig-ti>e group. #hen the tr-ns=itter7 Ibid. she -greed to cooper-te #ith A2ridi7 S-=i $ous-2A-i, RThe LoctorKs Gri= 5e#-rd,S "e#s#ee% (Pune &&, :'&:). she should c-ll -g-in in the e>ening7 A2ridi st-te=ent to P-%ist-ni in>estig-ti>e group. dr-gged it do#n the st-irs7 @-r% 3isonette (-%- @-r% 6#en), "o ;-sy L-y7 The <irsth-nd Account o2 the @ission Th-t 0illed 6s-=- 3in 4-den ("e# $or%7 Lutton)7 : *. P-nett- %ept one h-nd in his poc%et7 4eon P-nett-, unpublished inter>ie# #ith The "e# $or% Ti=es. he i==edi-tely ordered7 Peter 3ergen, @-nhunt, :3 . There #-s - do#ned A=eric-n helicopter7 Let-ils -bout @ullenKs con>ers-tion #ith 0-y-ni co=e 2ro= t#o A=eric-n o22ici-ls #ith direct %no#ledge o2 #h-t tr-nspired during the phone c-ll. - R=ilit-ryD-ged =-leS7 The rules go>erning ,IA Rsign-ture stri%esS #ere described by 2our A=eric-n go>ern=ent o22ici-ls. gi>e hi= the ch-nce7 Author inter>ie# #ith t#o A=eric-n go>ern=ent o22ici-ls. R"o, !ill-ry,S P-nett- s-id7 Let-ils o2 the 2ight during the "-tion-l Security ,ouncil =eeting co=e 2ro= t#o p-rticip-nts in the =eeting. -n -tt-c% -g-inst -n A=eric-n b-se7 Author inter>ie# #ith t#o A=eric-n =ilit-ry o22ici-ls. - p-rticul-rly close rel-tionship7 Lecl-n 9-lsh, RUS 3o=b 9-rning to P-%ist-n Ignored,S The Gu-rdi-n (Septe=ber ::, :'&&). shr-pnel %illed -n eightDye-rDold7 5-y 5i>er- -nd S-ng-r 5-hi=i, RLe-dly Truc% 3o=b !its "AT6 6utpost in A2gh-nist-n,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (Septe=ber &&, :'&&). A2ridi recei>ed -n urgent c-ll7 A2ridi st-te=ent to P-%ist-ni in>estig-ti>e group. A2ridiKs -ccount h-s been independently con2ir=ed by -n A=eric-n o22ici-l #ith direct %no#ledge o2 A2ridiKs cont-cts #ith the ,IA -2ter the Abbott-b-d r-id. the bus dri>erOcu=Odrug lord7 ,ourt docu=ents included in - =e=o 2ro= -n -ssist-nt politic-l -gent in 0hyber Agency to the senior superintendent o2 police, PIT, Speci-l 3r-nch, Pesh-#-r. Locu=ents obt-ined by -uthor. Lr. A2ridi #-s sentenced7 Ibid. bec-use o2 his history7 Agence <r-nce Press, R4-sh%-rDIDIsl-=i Lenies 4in%s #ith Sh-%il A2ridi,S @-y 3&, :'&:.

,!APT;5 &G7 <I5; <56@ T!; S0$ c-r>e out ti=e to do so=ething else7 Author inter>ie# #ith - 2or=er senior A=eric-n o22ici-l. R62ten I %no# their b-c%ground -s inti=-tely -s I %ne# =y studentsKS7 !-rold 0oh, speech be2ore the A=eric-n 3-r Associ-tionKs St-nding ,o==ittee on 4-# -nd "-tion-l Security, Lece=ber :'&&. he #-s pic%ed up =ultiple ti=es7 Scott Sh-ne -nd Sou-d @e%hennet, R<ro= ,onde=ning Terror to Pre-ching Pih-d,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (@-y 8, :'&'). #ho both pr-yed -t his =osUue7 Ibid. Rthe bridge bet#eenS7 Ibid. he used Internet ch-t roo=s7 Ibid. Abdul=ut-ll-b h-d #ritten -n ess-y7 Gregory Pohnsen, The 4-st 5e2uge7 $e=en, -lDW-ed-, -nd A=eric-Ks 9-r in Ar-bi- ("e# $or%7 9. 9. "orton, :'&:)7 : 7. 3renn-n belie>ed th-t -lDA#l-%i7 Pohnsen, :G:. Rd-ncing in the sn-%e pitS7 RU.S. Intelligence on Ar-b Unrest Lr-#s ,riticis=,S Associ-ted Press (<ebru-ry G, :'&&). #here he spent hours in surgery7 33, "e#s, R$e=en7 S-leh eGr->ely 9oundedK in 5oc%et Att-c%,S Pune 7, :'&&. in the hope o2 intercepting eD=-il tr-22ic7 Author inter>ie# #ith - senior Pent-gon o22ici-l -nd - retired A=eric-n counterterroris= o22ici-l. Rc-nKt bo=b =o>ing t-rgetsS7 SIT; Intelligence Group, R$e=eni Pourn-list Locu=ents ;Xperiences #ith AWAP in Aby-n,S 6ctober :&, :'&&. no hu=-n being #ill die7 Pohnsen, :7G. they #orried th-t -nyone suspected o2 helping7 Author inter>ie# #ith one current -nd t#o 2or=er A=eric-n o22ici-ls #ith %no#ledge o2 ho# the ,IA h-ndled its -d>-nced #-rning -bout Inspire. RIK= going to 2ind =y 2-therS7 Author inter>ie# #ith P-=eel P-22er -nd !in- Sh-=si, l-#yers 2or the -lDA#l-%i 2-=ily. -lDA#l-%i #-s sitting #ith 2riends7 <iling in the United St-tes Listrict ,ourt 2or the Listrict o2 ,olu=bi- in the c-se o2 "-sser AlDAul-Ui et -l. >. 4eon ,. P-nett- et -l., &3. Rblood did not -nd #ill not go in >-inS7 "-sser -lDA#l-%iKs >ideo =ess-ge c-n be seen -t^>lCG!P 527db;. R$ouK>e got -n intelligence -gencyS7 P-=esonKs co==ents c-=e during -n open session o2 -n A=eric-n 3-r Associ-tion con2erence. R6r #hoe>er is le2t out thereS7 President 3-r-c% 6b-=-, presidenti-l press con2erence, Lece=ber 8, :'&&. The e22ort to bring cl-rity7 Scott Sh-ne, R;lection Spurred - @o>e to ,odi2y U.S. Lrone Policy,S The "e# $or% Ti=es ("o>e=ber :*, :'&:). they supported the A=eric-n go>ern=ent7 The poll 2or A=y 1eg-rt #-s conducted by $ouGo>. The -uthor is gr-te2ul to Pro2essor 1eg-rt 2or sh-ring the polling d-t-. ,IA o22ici-ls h-dnKt le-rned o2 his de-th7 @-r% 4-ndler -nd ,hoe S-ngD!un, RIn 0i= PongDIl Le-th, -n ;Xtensi>e Intelligence <-ilure,S The "e# $or% Ti=es (Lece=ber &C, :'&&). #ere beginning to stre-= through7 The description o2 the 3engh-Ai -tt-c% co=es pri=-rily 2ro= - det-iled ti=eline cont-ined in the in>estig-ti>e report o2 the St-te Lep-rt=entKs Account-bility 5e>ie# 3o-rd. Addition-l det-ils c-=e 2ro= inter>ie#s #ith se>er-l A=eric-n o22ici-ls. This Vust is not -n intelligence =ission7 Author inter>ie# #ith 5oss "e#l-nd. it is no longer - stop 2or tourists7 The -uthor is gr-te2ul to Ti=othy Pr-tt 2or his reporting 2ro= Indi-n Springs, "e>-d-.

3660S 3ergen, Peter 4. The 4ongest 9-r7 The ;nduring ,on2lict 3et#een A=eric- -nd AlDW-ed-. "e# $or%7 <ree Press :'&&. \\\. @-nhunt7 The TenD$e-r Se-rch 2or 3in 4-den\2ro= C_&& to Abbott-b-d. "e# $or%7 ,ro#n, :'&:. 3issonnette, @-tt (-%- @-r% 6#en). "o ;-sy L-y7 The <irsth-nd Account o2 the @ission Th-t 0illed 6s-=- 3in 4-den. "e# $or%7 Lutton, :'&:. 3ouce%, ,hristopher, -nd @-rin- 6tt-#-y. $e=en on the 3rin%. 9-shington, L.,.7 ,-rnegie ;ndo#=ent 2or Intern-tion-l Pe-ce, :'&'. 3o#den, @-r%. Guests o2 the Ay-toll-h7 The Ir-n !ost-ge ,risis7 The <irst 3-ttle in A=eric-Ks 9-r #ith @ilit-nt Isl-=. "e# $or%7 Gro>e Press, :''G. ,l-r%e, 5ich-rd. Ag-inst All ;ne=ies7 Inside A=eric-Ks 9-r on Terror. "e# $or%7 Si=on d Schuster, :''*. ,l-rridge, Lu-ne 5., #ith Ligby Liehl. A Spy 2or All Se-sons7 @y 4i2e in the ,IA. "e# $or%7 Scribner, &CC7. ,oll, Ste>e. Ghost 9-rs7 The Secret !istory o2 the ,IA, A2gh-nist-n, -nd 3in 4-den, 2ro= the So>iet In>-sion to Septe=ber &', :''&. "e# $or%7 Penguin 3oo%s, :''*. ,ru=pton, !enry A. The Art o2 Intelligence7 4essons 2ro= - 4i2e in the ,IAKs ,l-ndestine Ser>ice. "e# $or%7 Penguin Press, :'&:. ;=erson, Ste>en. Secret 9-rriors7 Inside the ,o>ert @ilit-ry 6per-tions o2 the 5e-g-n ;r-. "e# $or%7 Putn-=, &C88. G-rdner, 5ich-rd ". @ission It-ly7 6n the <ront 4ines o2 the ,old 9-r. "e# $or%7 5o#=-n d 4ittle2ield Publishers, :'' . Gr-h-=, 3r-dley. 3y !is 6#n 5ules7 The A=bitions, Successes, -nd Ulti=-te <-ilures o2 Lon-ld 5u=s2eld. "e# $or%7 Public A22-irs, :''C. Gun-r-tn-, 5oh-n, -nd 0hur-= IUb-l. P-%ist-n7 Terroris= Ground 1ero. 4ondon7 5e-%tion 3oo%s, :'&&. !ull, ;d=und P. !igh N-lue T-rget7 ,ountering -l W-ed- in $e=en. 9-shington, L.,.7 Poto=-c 3oo%s, :'&&. !uss-in, 1-hid. <rontline P-%ist-n7 The Struggle #ith @ilit-nt Isl-=. "e# $or%7 ,olu=bi- Uni>ersity Press, :''8. \\\. The ScorpionKs T-il7 The 5elentless 5ise o2 Isl-=ic @ilit-nts in P-%ist-n\-nd !o# It Thre-tens A=eric-. "e# $or%7 <ree Press, :'&'. Pohnsen, Gregory L. The 4-st 5e2uge7 $e=en, -lDW-ed-, -nd A=eric-Ks 9-r in Ar-bi-. "e# $or%7 9. 9. "orton d ,o=p-ny, :'&:. Pones, Seth. !unting in the Sh-do#s7 The Pursuit o2 -l W-Kid- Since C_&&. "e# $or%7 9. 9. "orton d ,o=p-ny, :'&:. 0e-n et -l. The C_&& ,o==ission 5eport. 9-shington, L.,.7 U.S. Go>ern=ent Printing 622ice, :''*. 0l-id=-n, L-niel. 0ill or ,-pture7 The 9-r on Terror -nd the Soul o2 the 6b-=- Presidency. "e# $or%7 !oughton @i22lin !-rcourt, :'&:. @-rtin, @-tt P., -nd ,h-rles 9. S-sser. Pred-tor7 The 5e=oteD,ontrol Air 9-r o>er Ir-U -nd A2gh-nist-n7 A PilotKs Story. @inne-polis7 1enith Press, :'&'. @-yer, P-ne. The L-r% Side7 The Inside Story o2 !o# the 9-r on Terror Turned into - 9-r on A=eric-n Ide-ls. "e# $or%7 Loubled-y, :''8. @ush-rr-2, Per>eA. In the 4ine o2 <ire7 A @e=oir. "e# $or%7 Si=on d Schuster, :''G. "-2t-li, Ti=othy. 3lind Spot7 The Secret !istory o2 A=eric-n ,ounterterroris=. "e# $or%7 3-sic 3oo%s, :'' . "-#-A, ShuV-. ,rossed S#ords7 P-%ist-n, Its Ar=y, -nd the 9-rs 9ithin. 6X2ord7 6X2ord Uni>ersity Press, :''8. "orris, P-t. 9-tching ;-rth 2ro= Sp-ce7 !o# Sur>eill-nce !elps Us\-nd !-r=s Us. "e# $or%7 Pr-Xis, :'&'. Persico, Poseph. ,-sey7 The 4i>es -nd Secrets o2 9illi-= P. ,-sey7 <ro= the 6SS to the ,IA. "e# $or%7 Penguin, &CC . Pill-r, P-ul 5. Intelligence -nd U.S. <oreign Policy7 Ir-U, C_&&, -nd @isguided 5e2or=. "e# $or%7 ,olu=biUni>ersity Press, :'&&. Priest, L-n-, -nd 9illi-= @. Ar%in. Top Secret A=eric-7 The 5ise o2 the "e# A=eric-n Security St-te. "e# $or%7 4ittle, 3ro#n -nd ,o=p-ny, :'&&. 5-nel-gh, Pohn. The Agency7 The 5ise -nd Lecline o2 the ,IA. "e# $or%7 Si=onYd Schuster, &C8G. 5-shid, Ah=ed. T-lib-n7 @ilit-nt Isl-=, 6il -nd <und-=ent-lis= in ,entr-l Asi-. 4ondon7 $-le Uni>ersity Press, :''&. \\\. Lescent into ,h-os7 The U.S. -nd the Lis-ster in P-%ist-n, A2gh-nist-n, -nd ,entr-l Asi-. "e# $or%7 Ni%ing, :''8. 5iedel, 3ruce. Le-dly ;=br-ce7 P-%ist-n, A=eric-, -nd the <uture o2 the Glob-l Pih-d. 9-shington, L.,.7 3roo%ings, :'&&. 5odriUueA Pr., Pose A., -nd 3ill !-rlo#. !-rd @e-sures7 !o# Aggressi>e ,IA Actions A2ter C_&& S->ed A=eric-n 4i>es. "e# $or%7 Threshold ;ditions, :'&:. 5ohde, L->id, -nd 0risten @ul>ihill. A 5ope -nd - Pr-yer7 A 0idn-pping 2ro= T#o Sides. "e# $or%7 Ni%ing, :'&'. 5u=s2eld, Lon-ld. 0no#n -nd Un%no#n7 A @e=oir. "e# $or%7 Sentinel, :'&&. S-nger, L->id ;. The Inherit-nce7 The 9orld 6b-=- ,on2ronts -nd the ,h-llenges to A=eric-n Po#er. "e# $or%7 ,ro#n, :''C. \\\. ,on2ront -nd ,once-l7 6b-=-Ks Secret 9-rs -nd Surprising Use o2 A=eric-n Po#er. "e# $or%7 ,ro#n, :'&:. Sc-rborough, 5o#-n. 5u=s2eldKs 9-r7 The Untold Story o2 A=eric-Ks AntiDTerrorist ,o==-nder. "e# $or%7

5egnery, :''*. Sch=idt, Pohn. The Unr->eling7 P-%ist-n in the Age o2 Pih-d. "e# $or%7 <-rr-r, Str-us -nd GirouX, :'&&. Sch=itt, ;ric, -nd Tho= Sh-n%er. ,ounterstri%e7 The Untold Story o2 A=eric-Ks Secret ,-=p-ign Ag-inst Al W-ed-. "e# $or%7 Ti=es 3oo%s, :'&&. ShultA, 5ich-rd. The Secret 9-r Ag-inst !-noi7 The Untold Story o2 Spies, S-boteurs, -nd ,o>ert 9-rriors in "orth Nietn-=. "e# $or%7 !-rper,ollins, &CCC. Singer, Peter 9. 9ired 2or 9-r7 The 5obotics 5e>olution -nd ,on2lict in the :&st ,entury. "e# $or%7 Penguin 3oo%s, :''C. S=ith, @ich-el. 0iller ;lite7 The Inside Story o2 A=eric-Ks @ost Secret Speci-l 6per-tions Te-=. "e# $or%7 St. @-rtinKs Press, :''7. Snider, 4. 3ritt. The Agency -nd the !ill7 ,IAKs 5el-tionship #ith ,ongress &C*GO:''*. 9-shington, L.,.7 ,enter 2or the Study o2 Intelligence, :''8. Tenet, George. At the ,enter o2 the Stor=7 @y $e-rs -t the ,IA. "e# $or%7 !-rper,ollins, :''7. 9-ller, Lougl-s. 9ild 3ill Lono>-n7 The Spy=-ster 9ho ,re-ted the 6SS -nd @odern A=eric-n ;spion-ge. "e# $or%7 <ree Press, :'&&. 9-rric%, Poby. The Triple Agent7 The -lDW-ed- @ole 9ho In2iltr-ted the ,IA. "e# $or%7 Nint-ge 3oo%s, :'&&. 9einer, Ti=. 4eg-cy o2 Ashes7 The !istory o2 the ,IA. "e# $or%7 Anchor 3oo%s, :''7. 9ood#-rd, 3ob. Neil7 The Secret 9-rs o2 the ,IA, &C8&O&C87. "e# $or%7 Si=onYd Schuster, &C87. \\\. 3ush -t 9-r. "e# $or%7 Si=on d Schuster, :'':. \\\. 6b-=-Ks 9-rs. "e# $or%7 Si=on d Schuster, :'&&. 9right, 4-#rence. The 4oo=ing To#er7 AlDW-ed- -nd the 5o-d to C_&&. "e# $or%7 5-ndo= !ouse, :''G.

S;4;,T;L P6U5"A4 A"L @AGA1I"; A5TI,4;S 3-%er, Aryn. RThe @ur%y P-st o2 the P-%ist-ni Loctor 9ho !elped the ,IA.S Ti=e (Pune &3, :'&:). 3-=2ord, P-=es. R!eKs in the 3-c%se-thS The Atl-ntic (April :''G). ,hesney, 5obert. R@ilit-ryDIntelligence ,on>ergence -nd the 4-# o2 the Title &'_Title ' Leb-te.S Pourn-l o2 "-tion-l Security 4-# -nd Policy (:'&:). ,ir-ls%y, Ad-=. RTycoon, ,ontr-ctor, Soldier, Spy.S N-nity <-ir (P-nu-ry :'&'). <-ir, ,hristine ,., -nd Seth Pones. RP-%ist-nKs 9-r 9ithin.S Sur>i>-l &, no. G (Lece=ber :''COP-nu-ry :'&'). 0ibbe, Penni2er L. RThe 5ise o2 the Sh-do# 9-rriors.S <oreign A22-irs (@-rch_April :''*). @-yer, P-ne. RThe Pred-tor 9-r.S The "e# $or%er (6ctober :G, :''C). @c,hryst-l, St-nley A. RIt T-%es - "et#or%.S <oreign Policy (@-rch_April :'&&). Pelton, 5obert $oung. R;ri% Prince, -n A=eric-n ,o==-ndo in ;Xile.S @enKs Pourn-l ("o>e=ber :'&'). Ph-=, P. Peter. RSo=-li Inst-bility Still Poses Thre-t ;>en A2ter Success2ul Stri%e on "-bh-n.S 9orld Le2ense 5e>ie# (Septe=ber &7, :''C). 5ichelson, Pe22rey T. RTruth ,onUuers All ,h-ins7 The U.S. Ar=y Intelligence Support Acti>ity, &C8&O&C8C.S Intern-tion-l Pourn-l o2 Intelligence -nd ,ounterintelligence &:, no. : (&CCC). \\\. RT-s% <orce & 77 The US "->yKs Secret Intelligence Ser>ice &CGGO77.S Intelligence -nd "-tion-l Security &&, no. & (P-nu-ry &CCG). Te-gue, @-tthe#. R3l-c% 6ps -nd 3lood @oney.S @enKs Pourn-l (Pune &, :'&&). 9hittle, 5ich-rd. RPred-torKs 3ig S-2-ri.S @itchell Institute 2or Airpo#er Studies, P-per 7 (August :'&&). $ous-2A-i, S-=i. RThe LoctorKs Gri= 5e#-rd.S "e#s#ee% (Pune &&, :'&:). 1eli%o#, Philip. R,odes o2 ,onduct 2or - T#ilight 9-r.S !ouston 4-# 5e>ie# (April :'&:).

P!6T6 ,5;LITS
&7 AP Photo_!4G. :7 AP Photo_P-son 5eed, Pool. 37 P-ul !ose2ros_The "e# $or% Ti=es_5eduX. *7 AP Photo_@i%e 9intro-th. 7 Lino <r-cchi-_5;A_5eduX. G7 AP Photo_,-n-di-n Press, To= !-nson. 77 AP Photo_,IA. 87 ,ourtesy o2 9. 5oss "e#l-nd. C7 AP Photo_G-ry @-ng%ron. &'7 T-riU @-h=ood_A<P_Getty I=-ges. &&7 AP Photo_AnVu= "->eed. &:7 3rend-n S=i-lo#s%i_The "e# $or% Ti=es_5eduX. &37 ,ourtesy o2 Arthur 0eller. &*7 AP Photo_P-cUuelyn @-rtin. & 7 AP Photo. &G7 @oh-=ed Abb-shei%h, :'&:, -ll rights reser>ed. &77 AP Photo_P-blo @-rtineA @onsi>-is, Pool. &87 Stephen ,ro#ley_The "e# $or% Ti=es_5eduX. &C7 @-r% St George_5eX <e-tures_AP. :'7 AP Photo_!-=A- Ah=ed, <ile. :&7 AP Photo_0. @. ,h-ud-ry. ::7 AP Photo_U. S. "->y, Spc. &st ,l-ss 9illi-= Pohn 0ipp Pr., <ile. :37 4e2t7 AP Photo_W-Ai 5-u2. 5ight7 9-rric% P-ge_The "e# $or% Ti=es_5eduX. :*7 4ind- Spillers_The "e# $or% Ti=es_5eduX.

The p-ge nu=bers in this indeX re2er to the printed >ersion o2 this boo%. To 2ind the corresponding loc-tions in the teXt o2 this digit-l >ersion, ple-se use the Rse-rchS 2unction on your eDre-der. "ote th-t not -ll ter=s =-y be se-rch-ble.

Abb-s, Abu, * Abdul=ut-ll-b, U=-r <-rou%, :3:, 3'*, 3' AbiA-id, Pohn L-=-dol- r-id -nd, &3 ;thiopi-n in>-sion o2 So=-li- -nd, &*8O*C Abu "id-l org-niA-tion, 7 Abu S-li= prison, : * Achille 4-uro (cruise ship) hiV-c%ing, * Addington, L->id, C Ad%ins, Pi=, 3 A2gh-nist-n, &, &&: ,IAOISI cooper-tion during So>iet occup-tion o2, :7 0-y-niKs thesis on controlling A2gh-nist-n during occup-tion, &&:O&3 So>iet in>-sion -nd occup-tion o2, *8 A2gh-nist-n 9-r, , G3, &38, &C:OC*, &C7, :&C, ::C, : 8, :CC, 3& co=petition -nd =istrust bet#een ,IA -nd Pent-gon in, &7O&C Le2ense Lep-rt=ent dependence on ,IA -t st-rt o2, G7OG8 initi-l str-tegy o2 ,IA in l-te :''&, &:O&3, 3:O33 0h-ir%h#-Ks pursuit -nd c-pture, :&O:3 P-%ist-nKs e22orts to get 6=-r to gi>e up bin 4-den, 3&O3: T-lib-n pushed out o2 A2gh-n cities, :' A2gh-n 5esist-nce @o>e=ent (A5@), &&:O&3 A2P-X Insider proVect, &C*OCC A2r-h, @oh-=ed W-ny-re, &37 A2ridi, Sh-%il -rrest -nd sentencing o2, :C OC7 -s ,IA source, :7CO8*, :8G Ahlu Sunn- 9-lV-=- (AS9P), : &O : Ah=ed, Abdull-hi $usu2, &**, &*GO*7 Ah=ed, Ibr-hi= S-eed. See -lD0u#-iti, Abu Ah=ed Ah=ed, @-h=ud, :8O:C, 3:, 33 Ah=ed, Sh-ri2 Shei%h, :*C Ah=ed, Shir#-, & & Alec St-tion (bin 4-denOhunting unit), C&, &G3, 3&C Ali, Shei%h !-ss-n $-Uub, : & Al P-Aeer-, &8', :3& Allen, ,h-rles ;., 88, C', C&, C:, C8 Allen, Pohn, :C* Alli-nce 2or the 5estor-tion o2 Pe-ce -nd ,ounterDTerroris= (A5P,T), &37O38, &*&O*3 -l W-ed-, &:O&3, &*, 8& Ar-b Spring -nd, : !-UU-ni -nd, 3 0eny- -nd T-nA-ni- bo=bings by, :7 leg-l -uthority 2or Pent-gon to #-ge #-r -g-inst, 77 in "orth -nd ;-st A2ric-, &38O3C, :*G in P-%ist-n, 37O38, :G OGG, :GCO7: S6,6@Ks l-c% o2 -ction-ble intelligence on, GGOG7 in So=-li-, &*'O*& in $e=en, &38O3C -l W-ed- in @esopot-=i-, ::CO3' -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul- (AWAP), &3C -lDA#l-%i tr-c%ed -nd %illed in $e=en, 3':O&' bin "-ye2 -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pt by, :&3O&G, ::C, :3: U.S. co>ert -ctions in $e=en -g-inst, ::CO3* -l W-ed- "et#or% ;Xecute 6rder, &:8O:C -l Sh-b--b, &3CO*', &*:, &*7O*8, & &, :*&, :*:, :*3, :* O*7, :*CO : A=eric-n ,i>il 4iberties Union, :::O:3, 3&:O&3 Andre#s, 5obert, G OGG, G7, G8, 7 , 78, &78O7C Angleton, P-=es, C:, & 3 Ar-b Spring, : :O , 3&G

Arch-ngel, :3C Ar=it-ge, 5ich-rd, :8O:C, 33 Ar=y. See Lelt- <orceQ Green 3eretsQ 5-ngers Ashby, Turner, &* -lDAsiri, Abdull-h, :&3O&G -lDAsiri, Ibr-hi=, :& , :3: -ss-ssin-tions, *3O*G 3l-c%#-terDph-se o2 ,IA %illing progr-=, &:&O:G <ordKs b-nning o2, *G, 88, 3'' 4eb-nese hit =en, tr-ining o2, *O leg-l opinions Vusti2ying 6b-=-Ks t-rgetedD%illing oper-tions, 3''O& by Pred-tor drone stri%es (See Pred-tor drones) t-rgetedD%illing progr-=, :&7O:', ::&, ::GO:8, 3''O&, 3&:O& -t=ospherics, &C Aur-%A-i, Ali P-n, 3GO38, &7'O7& AuthoriA-tion 2or Use o2 @ilit-ry <orce (AU@<), 77 A#eys, !-s-n L-hir, &3C, &*', &*: -lDA#l-%i, Abdulr-h=-n, 3&'O&: -lDA#l-%i, An#-r, 3':O&', 3&: b-c%ground o2, 3':O* drone hunt 2or -nd stri%e on, 3'GO&' leg-l Vusti2ic-tion 2or %illing o2, 3'*O -lDA#l-%i, "-sser, 3':, 3'3, 3&: Ayro, Aden !-shi <-r-h, &*', & '

3-gh, @-ng-l, :8'O8& 3-V-ur oper-tion, && O&7, &3: 3-l%-n 9-r, G'OG&, C'OC& 3-ll-rin, @ichele, &*3O*7, :38O*:, :*7O 3 building ties to Su2i groups in "orth -nd ;-st A2ric-, :*8, : 'O : ,IA turns do#n ser>ices o2, :3CO*' in @-li, 3: O:G Pent-gon contr-ct -#-rded to, :*'O*& plot to -ss-ssin-te -l Sh-b--b le-ders, :*CO ' So=-li pir-cy -nd, :38O3C, :*7O*8 -lD3-nn-, Ibr-hi=, 3&& 3-r-d-r, Abdul Gh-ni, :GC 3-ttle o2 @og-dishu (3l-c% !-#% Lo#n episode), &*&, &*:, :* , : & 3-y o2 Pigs oper-tion, ::' 33,, &'3, &'C 3eirut e=b-ssy bo=bing, * 3engh-Ai -tt-c%, 3&GO&7 3ennett, Pohn, :G8, :GC 3ergd-hl, 3o#e, :':, :'3 3erger, S-ndy, 8C, C:, C3OC* 3erlin 9-ll, 8 3iden, Poe, ::8 bin -lDShibh, 5-=Ai, *' bin 4-den, 6s-=-, G, &&, & , &7O&8, 3*, 78, 88O8C, :3:, 3&C Ar-b Spring -nd, : -lD!-rethiKs bo=bing o2 ,ole ordered by, 8G hunt 2or, &G:OG7, :G , :7'O7:, :83O8* C_&& ,o==ission critic-l o2 ,IAKs in-bility to %ill, 8& S;A4sK =ission to %ill, &33, :8*O8C U.S. pressure on ISI to push T-lib-n to turn o>er, :7O:8, 3&O3: bin 4-denDhunting unit (Alec St-tion), C&, &G3, 3&C bin "-ye2, @uh-==-d, :&3O&G, :&7, ::C, :3: 3l-c%, P. ,o2er, &&O&:, &*, & , 3:, 33, C&, &:3, 3&C 3l-c% !-#% Lo#n episode (3-ttle o2 @og-dishu), &*&, &*:, :* , : & 3l-c%st-r, :3C, :*& 3l-c%#-ter USA, &::O: , :*', : 8, 3: , 3:7 3l-c%#-ter 9orld#ide, :*3 3l-ir, Lennis, ,. -s Lirector o2 "-tion-l Intelligence, ::3O:G 2ired -2ter public criticis=s o2 ,IA secret oper-tions, :3*O3 -s @ilit-ry Support to ,IA, G'OG& 3lee, 5ich-rd, C&OC:, :G8 -s -d>oc-te o2 drone progr-=, C&, 3&C

re2lecting on t-rgetedD%illing progr-=, 3&C 3oli>i-, *8O*C 3osni-, G& 3oy%in, 9illi-=, 7CO8' 3r-nch, Austin, &C 3renn-n, Pohn, , :3& -lDA#l-%i %illing -nd, 3':, 3'*O , 3'8 -s 6b-=-Ks counterterroris= -d>iser, :&GO&8, ::' 3ritish intelligence @I , &GG @IG, GO7, *' 3ush, George !. 9., &CC 3ush, George !. 9. -d=inistr-tion, 7GO77 3ush, George 9., &:, &3, :', 3&, 3, 7, 77, 87, & G, :&C, ::G, : 3O *, 3&* -d>ised by 5u=s2eld -nd Goss -g-inst stripping ,IA o2 =ilit-ry oper-tions, 8&O8: ,IA t-s%ed #ith glob-l =-nhunt by, &'O&& d-ily brie2ings o2, &3O&* drone stri%es -nd, :&8, :G , :G7 esc-l-tion o2 ,IAKs co>ert #-r in P-%ist-n ordered by, &73 Ir-U surge ordered by, &8G @ush-rr-2Ks =eeting #ith, 3* "orth 9-Airist-n pe-ce -gree=ent -nd, &7'O7: order gr-nting ,IA po#er to %ill, C terrorists -nd p-trons to be tre-ted -li%e, :8O:C 3ush, George 9., -d=inistr-tion, *', *&, 8, &7CO8', &C:, :'7, 3&* esc-l-tion o2 drone stri%es in P-%ist-n in :''8, :G OG7 leg-l opinions Vusti2ying eXtre=e interrog-tions, 3''O& =issileDde2ense pl-ns o2, &8C S-leh -nd, 8G, &''O&'& secret prison progr-= -nd, &&CO:& So=-li -nd, &*&, &*3, &*8, & '

,-ll-nd, Albert, &33 ,-ll o2 Luty (g-=e), &8 ,-=bodi-, 7C ,-=bone, Stephen, 7C, 8&, &&G, &:C, &33 ,-=pbell, Pohn, C8OCC ,-=p ,h-p=-n -tt-c%, & C ,-rd, Andre#, &:7O:8 ,-rlucci, <r-n%, 7:O73 ,-rter, Pi==y, *3, ::' ,-rt#right, P-=es, ::8 ,-sey, 9illi-= P., 7*, ::' co>ert -cti>ities in ,entr-l A=eric- -nd, 'O & Isl-=ic terroris= -nd, 3O G ,-stro, <idel, &7, *G, *7 ,e-usescu, ;len-, 8 ,e-usescu, "icol-e, 8 ,elesti-l 3-l-nce, :*GO*7 ,entr-l Asi- 6nline (#ebsite), &87 ,entr-l Intelligence Agency (,IA), 37 -lli-nces #ith -uthorit-ri-n regi=es, :G, : 3O Ar-b Spring =issed by, : :O , 3&G -ss-ssin-tions -nd, *3O*G 3engh-Ai -tt-c% -nd, 3&GO&7 brie2ing 9hite !ouse on -ss-ssin-tion t-rgets, CO&' budget cuts in &CC's -nd, 8 ch-nge in ,IA culture to one soci-liAed in #-r, 3&7O&8 ,hurch ,o==ittee in>estig-tions o2, * O*G, *7, 88 ,ounterterrorist ,enter (See ,ounterterrorist ,enter) co>ert -cti>ities o2, *3OG& L->is incident -nd, &O*, : 7OG , :7:O7G, :C' detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion progr-=, &3, &&7O:&, &:GO:8 di>ision o2 l-bor -gree=ent #ith Pent-gon, &3:O3* drone progr-= (See Pred-tor drones) 2ounding =ission o2, ** <urlongKs oper-tions -nd, &88OC', &C OCG, :'8OC independence o2, **O*

Ir-ni-n 5e>olution -nd, GC ISID,IA rel-tionship, :GO:C, &G7O7', :G7O7', :7GO77 0-sh=ir relie2 -id -s co>er 2or sending -gents into P-%ist-n, &G*OG 0h-ir%h#-, 0hirull-h -nd, :&O:3 %illing progr-=, 3l-c%#-ter ph-se o2, &:&O:G =ilit-ry support role o2, in =idD&CC's, G'OG& C_&& ,o==ission reco==end-tions reg-rding po#ers o2, 8& in "orth -nd South 9-Airist-n, & 3O73 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion reli-nce on, :&GO:8 outsourcing o2 =issions to pri>-te contr-ctors by, 3:*O: P-nett- -s director o2, ::&O:3 Pent-gon spying e22orts, ,IA e22orts to under=ine, 73O7* Pesh-#-r oper-tions #ith @unir -nd ISI, 38O*& poor co==unic-tions #ith Pent-gon, &8 Pred-tor drone progr-= (See Pred-tor drones) psychologic-l oper-tions o2, &7 O7G reli-nce on 2oreign intelligence -gencies, :GO:C ri2ts #ithin ,IA o>er A2gh-nist-n str-tegy, 3:O33 5u=s2eld critic-l o2, G8OGC secret #-r o2, &&O&7 So=-li #-rlords b-c%ed by, &37O*3 terroris= -nd, 3O 7 tr-ining philosophy o2, : O:G U.S.,. Title ' -s go>erning -uthority, 7G, &33, :87 >-ccin-tion c-=p-ign spying oper-tion, :7CO8* in Nietn-=, * ,h-l-bi, Ah=ed, &CC ,h-=berlin, 9endy, 3:, 33 ,h-rlie 9ilsonKs 9-r (Grile), &3& ,heney, Lic%, &3, 78, &::, &:8, & G ,IAKs proposed pl-n 2or -ss-ssin-tions presented to, CO&', &:: criticiAes 6b-=-Ks b-n o2 coerci>e interrog-tions, :&8O&C use o2 d-t-b-ses 2or in2or=-tionD=ining -nd, G*OG ,hurch, <r-n%, * O*7 ,hurch ,o==ittee, * O*G, *7, 88, &:', :8: ,hurchill, 9inston, G, 3GO37 ,ity @-yor (g-=e), &8G ,l-r%e, 5ich-rd, 88 Pred-tor drone progr-= -nd, 8COC3 ,l-rridge, Lu-ne 5., 'O &, C, G', 73, &CCO:&&, 3:3O:*, 3:G 3ush, !. 9.Ks p-rdoning o2, &CC ,ounterterrorist ,enter propos-l o2, O 7 co>ert -cti>ities in ,entr-l A=eric- -nd, 'O & "ic-r-gu-n =ining oper-tion -nd, : pri>-te spying oper-tions in A2gh-nist-n o2, :'&O:&& ,linton, 3ill, G', G&, ::' bin 4-den hunt -nd, 8C l-c% o2 -ttention p-id to intelligence issues by, 8O C ,linton, !ill-ry, :38O3C, :C: ,linton -d=inistr-tion, ::3 l-c% o2 le-ds in hunting bin 4-den, 8C ,"", C7, &'' ,olby, 9illi-=, *G ,old 9-r, : , &7 ,o=b-ting Terroris= Technic-l Support 622ice (,TTS6), :*'O*& ,ontr-s, &, :O 3 ,ost- 5ic-, : ,ounterterrorist ,enter (,T,), &', &&O& cre-tion o2, O 7 eXp-nsion o2, && initi-l success in A2gh-nist-n, &:O&3 Rt-rgetingS o2 2oreign n-tion-ls, &*O& co>ert oper-tions. See -lso speci2ic oper-tions A2P-X Insider proVect, &C*OCC o2 ,IA, *3OG& o2 ,l-rridge -nd <urlong in A2gh-nist-n, :'&O&& leg-l -uthority 2or, 7GO77 o2 Pent-gon, G3O8: ,reech Air <orce 3-se, 3:'O:& ,ross ProVect, *

,ru=pton, !-n%, 33, &: , &*:O*3 ,T,. See ,ounterterrorist ,enter (,T,) ,ub-, &7, *G, 'O & cycle o2 intelligence, :3' ,Aech 5epublic, &88OC'

L-ily Telegr-ph, The, 3G L-=-dol- r-id, &3*O3 L-nte Alighieri, G L-r%-A-nli, @-=oun, &' L-tt- 0hel stri%e, :C& L->is, Perry, :3C, :*'O*&, :*7, :*8, : ', : : L->is, 5-y=ond, &O*, : 7O C, :G&OG , :7:O7G, :7C, :C', :C&, 3:7 Le-rlo>e, 5ich-rd, GO7 Le2ense Lep-rt=ent. See Lep-rt=ent o2 Le2ense Le2ense Intelligence Agency, 3&* de2ense secret-ry, leg-l po#ers -nd -uthority o2, 7 O77 Leininger, 3ill, :*7O*8 Lelt- <orce, 7, G*, GC, 7 , 7G, &:C, &38, &*CO ', : & Lep-rt=ent o2 Le2ense, **. See -lso Pent-gon de2ense secret-ry, leg-l po#ers -nd -uthority o2, 7 O77 dependence on ,IA, G7OG8 Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (PS6,) (See Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (PS6,)) psychologic-l oper-tions o2, &7GOC' regul-tion prohibiting hiring o2 contr-ctors 2or hu=-nDspying oper-tions, :'G 5u=s2eld e22orts to =oderniAe, &CO:& Lep-rt=ent o2 Pustice, &:7 -lDA#l-%i %illing -ppro>ed by, 3' , 3&: #-terbo-rding -nd interrog-tion progr-= -uthoriAed by, &&8, &:' Let-inee Tre-t=ent Act, &:G, &:7 detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion progr-=, &3, &&7O:&, &:GO:8 Leutch, Pohn, &G, COG', G&, :::, :8: Lirector-te 2or InterDSer>ices Intelligence (ISI), 33O3G ,IADISI oper-tion to -rrest 5-u2, &G OGG ,IADISI rel-tionship, :GO:C, &G7O7', :G7O7', :7GO77 Lirector-te ,, &G8 Lirector-te S, &G8OGC, :GG 0-y-ni -s he-d o2, &&'O&3 0h-ir%h#- c-pture -nd turno>er to U.S. by, ::, :3 =isre-ding o2 A=eric-n co==it=ent to A2gh-nist-n, 3*O3 Pesh-#-r oper-tions #ith ,IA, 38O*& Lirector-te o2 Intelligence, :GGOG7 Lirector-te o2 6per-tions, &:, &G: Lirector o2 "-tion-l Intelligence position, &:8, ::3O:* diy-t, :73 LVibouti, 3'GO7, 3'8 Loherty, Glen, 3&7 Lonilon, To=, ::G, :C:OC3 Lono>-n, 9illi-= P., * , G, :'', 3'' Lo#ning, 9-yne, &3&, &CC drones_drone progr-= Pred-tor (See Pred-tor drones) 5e-per, :GG, 3'8, 3&8 Lurr-ni, Ass-d, 3

;clipse Group, :&' ;gypt, :G, : :, : * ;hs-n ul !-U, :8, 33O3G, &'8, &&& ;i%enberry, 0-rl, &C:OC3 ;l Al tic%et counter terrorist -tt-c%s, ;ldridge, 3ill, &8: ;liot, T. S., & 3 ;l S-l>-dor, & ;=-nuel, 5-h=, ::3 e=b-ssy bo=bings

in 3eirut, * in 0eny- -nd T-nA-ni-, :7 ;thiopiin>-sion o2 So=-li- by, &*8O &

<-hee=, Shu=-il-, :7: <-in- (ship), :37O38, :*7 <-rin-, ,hris, &*GO*7 <-r=, the, : , && , &G <eith, Lougl-s P., 78 <ern-ndeA, Poe, :, 3 <ield 6per-tions Group (<6G), GCO7' <lynn, @ich-el, &C8 <6G. See <ield 6per-tions Group (<6G) <ord, Ger-ld, * O*G, 3'' <ort !ood shooting, 3'8OC <r-nce, 8: <r-n%s, To==y, G7 <r-Aer, Pend-yi, &*3 <reedo= -t @idnight (4-pierre -nd ,ollins), :88 <rontier ,orps, &' OG <urlong, @ich-el, &7GOC', &C&OC:, ::C, 3'C, 3:G A2P-X Insider proVect -nd, &C*OCC ,IA -nd, &88OC', &C OCG, :'8OC ci>ili-n #or% 2or Le2ense Lep-rt=ent, &7CO8' ,l-rridgeKs pri>-te spying oper-tions -nd, :'3OC e-rly c-reer o2, &77O78 UDTurn @edi-, p-rtnership #ith, &8&O8C

G-dd-2i, @u-==-r, :G, : :O 3, : *, 3&G G-rl-nd, @erric%, 3&3 G-tes, 5obert, &C7, :: O:G, :G7 G.L. Se-rle, &C Gener-l Ato=ics, :GG Gener-l Intelligence Lirector-te, :G Gneh=, ;d#-rd 9., 8:O83 God2-ther, The (=o>ie), 3'' Gold#-ter, 3-rry, *G Gorb-che>, @i%h-il, &&: Gordon, Pohn, C: Goring, !er=-nn, * Goss, Porter, :8, &*', &G , ::: -d>ises 3ush -g-inst stripping ,IA o2 =ilit-ry oper-tions, 8&O8: 3-V-ur oper-tion -nd, && O&7 L-=-dol- r-id -=d, &3 detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion progr-= -nd, &:7O:8 0ouss- -nd, : * =-n-ge=ent retre-t 2or ,IA senior le-ders, &G:OG3 Gr-y <oX, 3C, 7*O7 , :'7. See -lso Intelligence Support Acti>ity (ISA) -lD!-rethi Pred-tor stri%e -nd, 8G, 87 in So=-li-, &*CO ' Green 3-dge, : 8 Green 3erets, &3, &8O&C Green 3oo%, The, &* Gren-d-, 73 Grenier, 5obert, 3:O33, 3G, 37, &G3 GritA, P-=es, 7&O7: Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y prison, &GO&7, :3 6b-=- decision to close, :&8, :&C Gu-te=-l-, *7, C Gul2 Security Group, :3CO*' Gul2 9-r, COG' GuA=bn, P-cobo grbenA, *7

!-bib, 0h-lid, &GCO7', &73 !-dley, Stephen, &:7 !-=-s, C8 !-UU-ni, !us-in, ::7, :G&, :73 !-UU-ni, P-l-luddin, 3&, 3 O3G, &C:OC3 !-UU-ni "et#or%, *'O*&, &G8O7:, &C:, :'&, :'3, :C3OC -lD!-rethi, W-ed S-li= Sin-n, 8 O87, &'' !-r#-rd, 5obert, :&, ::, :G7 !-ss-n, "id-l, 3'8OC !-#es, 0urt, C*OC7, 3:' !-yden, @ich-el, &G OG7, :*: on ,IAKs -lli-nces #ith -uthorit-ri-n regi=es, : *O pl-n to #-ge unil-ter-l #-r in P-%ist-n, :G7 on tr-ns2or=-tion o2 ,IA, :CCO3'', 3': !-A-r W-d-= oper-tion, &8 -lD!-A=i, "-#-2, 3'3 !el=s, 5ich-rd, !ergerson, Pohn, &&8, &:'O:& !eAboll-h, *, 7 !itler, Adol2, * !olbroo%e, 5ich-rd, :&*O& !oll-nd, ,h-rles, GGOG7 !ol=es, 5obert, &C , :'*O !ondur-s, & , : !ull, ;d=und, 8G !u=-n 5ights 9-tch, & & !uss-in, S-2d-r, &' , &'GO7 !uss-in, 1-hid, &&' !ussein, S-dd-=, G', 78, C', &&7, & , &CC

Indi-, 3', 3&, 33 Indy%, @-rtin, C8 In2erno (L-nte), G Inspire, 3'8OC, 3&' Intelligence AuthoriA-tion Act o2 &CC&, 7G Intelligence Support Acti>ity (ISA) ,IAKs e22orts to under=ine, 73O7* cre-tion o2, 7' (See -lso Gr-y <oX) inspector gener-l in>estig-tion o2, 7:O73 0ing -nd, 7&O73 Intern-tion-l Ato=ic ;nergy Agency (IA;A), & Intern-tion-l @edi- Nentures, &88, &C7, :'*O interrog-tion =e=os, ::&O:3 interrog-tion progr-=. See detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion prog-= Ir-n, 3& host-ge crisis, *8, G8O7' spying =issions in, &3&O3: Ir-nO,ontr- sc-nd-l, &3, & , :O 3, 7, 7:, 7G, C', &:', &CC Ir-U 3l-c%#-ter oper-ti>es %illings -t tr-22ic stop in 3-ghd-d, &:3 co==-ndo t-ctics in 2ight -g-inst -l W-ed- in, ::CO3' in>-sion o2, *&, 77O78 t-s% 2orce 2or -tt-c%ing -lD1-rU-#iKs -l W-ed- in, &:CO3& Ir-Ui !ero (g-=e), &8 O8G Ir-Ui @edi- "et#or%, &8' Ir-USlogger, &C3 Ir-U Sur>ey Group, & O G Ir-U 9-r, , &:8, &G:, &C:, &C7, :&C, ::C, : 8, :CC, 3& ,IAKs credibility -2ter, &&7 r-dic-liA-tion in @usli= 9orld -nd, &38 U.S. -ttention di>erted 2ro= A2gh-nist-n 2or, &&&O&:, &38 ISA. See Intelligence Support Acti>ity (ISA) ISI. See Lirector-te 2or InterDSer>ices Intelligence (ISI) Isl-=ic ,ourts Union (I,U), &3C, &*:, &*3, &*G, &*7O &

Isl-=ic Pih-d 6rg-niA-tion, * Isr-el, C8

P-=eson, 9. George, 3&* -l P-A-Kiri, Adil !-di, 3CO*' PL @edi- Tr-ns=ission Syste=s 44,, &8 Pohnsen, Gregory, 3'7O8 Point In2or=-tion 6per-tions 9-r2-re ,o==-nd, &8C Point Intelligence T-s% <orce 2or ,o=b-ting Terroris=, :' Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (PS6,), 8:, &:8O3 . See -lso Lelt- <orceQ S;A4s_S;A4 Te-= SiX Al W-ed- "et#or% ;Xecute 6rder, eXp-nded po#ers under, &:8O:C 3-V-ur oper-tion, && O&7, &3: ,IA_Pent-gon di>ision o2 l-bor -gree=ent, &3:O3* 2ounding o2 -nd rel-tions #ith ,T,, G Gr-y <oX (See Gr-y <oX) Ir-ni-n spying =issions, &3&O3: 4eb-nese hit =en tr-ining -nd, *O @ilit-ry 4i-ison ;le=ents, 8: 5u=s2eld -nd, G3OG*, G , 7 O7G RsheepDdippedS oper-tions under ,IA -uthority, &33, &3*, :87 So=-li- =issions, &*CO ', :**O*7 t-s% 2orce 2or -tt-c%ing -lD1-rU-#iKs -l W-ed- in Ir-U, &:CO3& Point Uncon>ention-l 9-r2-re T-s% <orce ;Xecute 6rder, :'GO8 Pones, P-=es, ::*O: , ::G Pones @e=o, ::G Pord-n, :G, 8: Pord-n, ;-son, &C3, &C*, &C7, &C8, :'3 PS6,. See Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (PS6,) Pustice Lep-rt=ent. See Lep-rt=ent o2 Pustice

0-nd-h-r Stri%e <orce, :' OG 0-ppes, Stephen, :&8, :::, ::*, :: , ::7, :G7 0-ri=o>, Isl-=, C: 0-rA-i, Ah=ed 9-li, ::, :' OG 0-rA-i, !-=id, &8, :&'O&& 0-sh=ir, 3', 3&, &G*OG , :G' 0-y-ni, Ash2-U P-r>eA, &GC, :G , :C&, :C in2or=ed o2 bin 4-den r-id by @ullen, :88O8C -s ISI he-d, &&'O&3 5-u2Ks -rrest -nd, &GG thesis on controlling A2gh-nist-n during occup-tion, &&:O&3 9-rd-% bo=bing -nd, :C3, :C* 0eller, Art, & 3OG:, &G*, &G7O73, &C3, :G , :8& bin 4-den Lir N-lley tip -nd, &G& e-rly c-reer o2, & *O G intelligence g-thering in "orth -nd South 9-Airist-n, & GOG:, &G7O73 -lD@-sri -s pri=-ry t-rget o2, &G'OG& rel-tions #ith ISI, & 8, &GCO7' 0ennedy, Pohn <., * , ::' 0eny-, e=b-ssy bo=bing in, :7 0h-ir%h#-, @ull-h 0hirull-h, :&O:3 0h-n, Abdul W-deer, &', &:* 0h-n, 3-%hptur, &3*O3 0h-n, Is=-il, &C7 0h-n, S-=ir, 3'C, 3&' %illing progr-=, ,IA, &:&O:G %ill list, ::GO:7 0i= Pong Il, 3& 0ing, Perry, 7&O73 0lingho22er, 4eon, * 0oh, !-rold, 3'&, 3' 0ot 4-%hp-t prison, : 7 0ouss-, @ouss-, : * 0oAiol, Pohn, &C' 0rong-rd, Al>in, C8

0u#-it, & * -lD0u#-iti, Abu Ah=ed, &G7, :7'

4-os, 7&O7:, 7C 4-sh%-rDeDIsl-=, :8', :C7 4-sh%-rDeDT-ib-, &G8, : COG&, :77 l-tency proble=, o2 drones, 3'7 4eb-nese hit =en, tr-ining o2, *O 4eb-non, * 4eXis"eXis, G* 4ibby, I. 4e#is, C -lD4ibi, Abu <-r-V, && O&G, &3*O3 4iby-, :G Ar-b Spring in, : :O 3, 3&G 3engh-Ai -tt-c% in, 3&GO&7 4oc%heed @-rtin, :'*, :'G, :'C 4uitingh, 4-2r-s, :** 4u=u=b-, P-trice, *G

@c,hryst-l, St-nley, &&G, &3:, :'G repl-ces @c0iern-n in A2gh-nist-n, &C7OC8 t-s% 2orce 2or -tt-c%ing -lD1-rU-#iKs -l W-ed- under, &:CO3& @cGr-th, @i%e, :8& @c0iern-n, L->id, &C&OC*, &C7, :':, :'G @c4-ughlin, Pohn, C8 @c@-hon, Pohn, * @c"-=-r-, 5obert, &C @c"eill, L-n, &C: @cPherson, Pohn 4., :*' @c5->en, 9illi-=, ::CO3', :3&, :**, :*G @-es, Pe22, :7 O7G @-gh-#eer (g-=e), &8G R@-%ing - 3o=b in the 0itchen o2 $our @o=S (0h-n), 3'C @-li, 3: O:G @-=r-iA, Sh-heen-, :83 @-rine b-rr-c%s bo=bing, in 3eirut, * @-rines, &7O&8 -lD@-sri, Abu 0h-b-b, &G'OG&, &73 @-ssoud, Ah=-d Sh-h, C&OC:, &'* @e-do#s, 5ich-rd, GC @ehsud, 3-itull-h, & GO 8, ::7O:8 @eyer, ;d#-rd, 7', 7* @I , &GG @IG, GO7, *' @ighty 9urlitAer, &7 , &7G -lD@ihdh-r, 0h-lid, 3'3 @i%e (underco>er o22icer), &G3OG*, :&8 @i%ol-she%, P-ul, :&, :: @ilit-ry Assist-nce ,o==-nd, Nietn-=\Studies -nd 6bser>-tion Group (@A,NDS6G), G @ilit-ry 4i-ison ;le=ents, 8: @og-dishu, 3-ttle o2. See 3-ttle o2 @og-dishu (3l-c% !-#% Lo#n episode) @oh-==ed, 0h-lid Shei%h, *', &&8, &G7 @osco# 5ules, *, :G: @WD& Pred-tor, C'OC& @ub-r-%, !osni, :G, : * =uV-hedeen, :7, 3&, 3:, &, 8G, &'3, &G8 @u%h-b-r-t, :G @ullen, @i%e, &C:, :C', :C3OC bin 4-den r-id det-ils rel-yed to P-%ist-n by, :88O8C Sen-te testi=ony on P-%ist-nKs role in A2gh-n insurgency o2, :C*OC 9-rd-% bo=bing -nd, :C3OC* @uller, Scott, &:' @unir, As-d, 7*, &G8, :G , :8G on P-%ist-ni pe-ce de-l #ith trib-l =ilit-nts, &'7O8 #or%ing #ith ,IA, 38O*&

@unter, ,-=eron, :C' L->is incident -nd, :G:OG*, :73, :7*O7 , :7G P-nett- -nd, :C: reUuests >eto po#er -nd noti2ic-tion o2 drone stri%es, :C&OC3 @urr-y, P-tric%, &:7 @ush-rr-2, Per>eA, :8, 33O3*, &'3O*, &&&, &33, ::7, :G', :GGOG7 3ushKs =eeting #ith, 3* drone negoti-tions #ith ,IA, &'C "orth 9-Airist-n pe-ce -gree=ent -nd, &7'O7: postOC_&& U.S. de=-nds -nd, :CO3& purge o2 Isl-=ists 2ro= =ilit-ry, 3G trib-l =ilit-nt -tt-c%s in 9-Airist-n -nd, &' OG, &'8 -lD1-#-hiri orders 2-t#- on, &' @usli= 3rotherhood, : @yers, 5ich-rd, G8

"-bh-n, S-leh Ali S-leh, :*GO*7 -lD"-shiri, Abd -lD5-hi=, &&8O&C, &:G "-tion-l Intelligence ;sti=-te report on r-dic-liA-tion in @usli= 9orld, &38 "-tion-l Security Act o2 &C*7, ** "-tion-l Security ,ouncil, GC, C3, ::GO:7, :C:, 3' "-ti>e ;cho oper-tion, &8 O87 "->y Se-ls. See S;A4s_S;A4 Te-= SiX "egroponte, Pohn L., &*8O*C "e% @uh-==-d 9-Air, &'3O&', & G, ::7, :GG -tt-c%s on P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry, &'3O7 drone stri%e %ills, &'CO&', &:& "eutr-lity Act, :*' "e#l-nd, 5oss, 7, *3O**, *7O*C, C, 88, CC, &'', :3C on drone progr-=, 3&8 e-rly c-reer o2, *7O*C "ic-r-gu-n co>ert -cti>ities -nd, &O 3 -s st-tion chie2 h-ndling ;-stern ;urope -nd So>iet Union, 7O 8 "e# $or% Ti=es, The, *C, &3C, :'& "ic-r-gu-, & , 'O 3 C_&& terrorist -tt-c%s. See Septe=ber && terrorist -tt-c%s C_&& ,o==ission, &3, 88, C8, &:G 3ush -d>ised to ignore reco==end-tions on ,IA po#ers, 8&O8: reco==ends stripping ,IA o2 p-r-=ilit-ry 2unctions, 8&, 3&3O&* "iXon, 5ich-rd, 7C, &77 "orieg-, @-nuel, 7: "orth, 6li>er, &, :O 3, *, :&& "orthern Alli-nce, :7, 3&O33, C&OC:, &'* "orth 0ore-, 3& "orth 9-Airist-n pe-ce -gree=ent, &7'O7:

6b-=-, 3-r-c%, , 7, &C7, :&*, :& , :&G, : 3O *, 3'&, 3&3 -lDA#l-%i %illing -nd, 3'8, 3&: bin 4-den oper-tion -nd, :8G, :87, :8C closing o2 Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y prison -nd, :&8, :&C coerci>e interrog-tion techniUues b-nned by, :&8O&C continu-tion o2 3ush drone -tt-c%s in P-%ist-n by, :G7 L->is incident -nd, 3O*, :G* =ilit-ry oper-tions in $e=en -ppro>ed by, :3& re>ie# o2 co>ertD-ction progr-=s, :: O:G So=-li oper-tions -ppro>ed by, :*G t-rgetedD%illing progr-= under, :&7O:', ::&, ::GO:8, 3''O&, 3&:O& 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion, :'7, :&&, : 3 -r=s ship=ent to So=-li- by, :*:O*3 -lDA#l-%i %illing -ppro>ed by, 3' ,IA role in 4iby- -nd, 3&G L->is incident -nd, :G3OG , :7:, :7* Inspire =-g-Aine -nd, 3'C leg-l opinions Vusti2ying t-rgetedD%illing oper-tions, 3''O& re2uses to rele-se docu=ents on drone progr-=, 3&:O&3

6br=-n, P-n, &8&, &8 , &88, &C7, :'* 6K,onnell, Tho=-s, G*OG , 78O8& 622ice o2 Str-tegic Ser>ices (6SS), GO7, * , 3'' 6hryA%o, Nolody=yr, :38 6il Tycoon (g-=e), &8G 6=-r, !-Vi, &G7 6=-r, @ull-h @oh-==ed, 3&, 3:, 33, & 7, :&', :GC 6per-tion ,-nnonb-ll, &G*OG 6per-tion Lesert Stor=, & * 6per-tion ;-gle ,l-#, G8OGC, 7'

P-c%, 5ich-rd, :'* P-%ist-n, 33 -l W-ed- in, 37O38, :G OGG, :GCO7: -r=y intelligence, &7' L->is incident -nd, &O*, : 7OG , :7:O7G, :C' intelligence ser>ice (See Lirector-te 2or InterDSer>ices Intelligence (ISI)) 0-sh=ir relie2 -id -s co>er 2or sending ,IA -gents into, &G*OG 4-sh%-rDeDT-ib- in, : COG&, :77 T-lib-n -nd, :7O3:, &&:, &G8, &7', :GCO7' U.S.OP-%ist-n rel-tionship, :GO3: P-%ist-ni T-lib-n, &'7O8, & 7O 8, ::7 P-lestini-n inti2-d-, C8 P-nett-, 4eon, ::&O:G, :7&, 3'&, 3&3 Ar-b Spring -nd, : 3 3l-ir -nd, ::*O:G, :3 in ch-rge o2 bin 4-den =ission, &33, :87 L->is incident -nd, :G*OG , :C' interrog-tion =e=os -nd, ::&O:3 @untner -nd, :C: t-rgetedD%illings -nd, ::8 P-r-gu-y, 8: P-sh-, Ah=-d ShuV-, :G3OG , :G8, :73, :7*O7 , :C', :C&, :C3 P-te%, U=-r, &3* P-tterson, Anne, :G3 P->itt, P-=es, &:, &3, C' 3l-c% -nd, & Pred-tor drone progr-= -nd, C&, C:, C7 Pelton, 5obert $oung, &C3, &C*, &C7, &C8, :'3 Pent-gon. See -lso Lep-rt=ent o2 Le2ense ,IA e22orts to under=ine spying e22orts o2, 73O7* di>ision o2 l-bor -gree=ent #ith ,IA, &3:O3* <ield 6per-tions Group (<6G), GCO7' Intelligence Support Acti>ity (ISA) (See Intelligence Support Acti>ity (ISA)) Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (PS6,) (See Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (PS6,)) 6per-tion ;-gle ,l-# -nd, G8OGC poor co==unic-tions #ith ,IA, &7O:&, &8 psychologic-l oper-tions o2, &7GOC' 5u=s2eld -tte=pts to =oderniAe Le2ense Lep-rt=ent, &CO:& U.S.,. Title &' -s go>erning -uthority, 7G Perot, !. 5oss, 7& Petr-eus, L->id, :CCO3'', 3'8 -s ,IA director, 3'&O: Point Uncon>ention-l 9-r2-re T-s% <orce ;Xecute 6rder o2, :'GO8 $e=en counterterroris= oper-tions -nd, ::C, :3:O33 Phillipines, &33O3* PhoeniX progr-=, 78 pir-cy pri>-te e22orts -t co=b-ting, :** So=-li, :37O38, :*7O*8 Po#ell, ,olin, 3*, 7 P69 rescue =ission, in 4-os, 7&O7: Pr-do, ;nriUue, &', &G, &::O: , :*', 3:7 Pred-tor drones, 7, G&, 8 O&'&, :&8 -ss-ssin-tion -uthority o2 ,IA -nd, 87, C7O&'' -lDA#l-%i, Abdulr-h=-n %illed by, 3&'O&: -lDA#l-%i, An#-r %illed by, 3'GO&' in 3-l%-n 9-r, G&, C'OC&

,reech Air <orce 3-se -s ho=e o2, 3:'O:& L-tt- 0hel stri%e, :C& deb-te o>er de>elop=ent o2, 88OC* LVibouti b-se 2or, 3'GO7, 3'8 e22ect on ,IA o2 drone progr-=, 3&7O&C e22ect on rel-tions #ith P-%ist-n, :C'OC3 esc-l-tion o2 drone stri%es in P-%ist-n in :''8, :G OGC 2unding 2or, C&, C !-bib %illed by, &73 -lD!-rethi %illed by, 8 O87, &'' institution-liA-tion o2 drone progr-=, 3&3 l-tency proble= o2, 3'7 -lD@-sri %illed by, &73 @ehsud %illed by, ::7O:8 "e% @uh-==-d stri%e, &'CO&', &:& 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion re2uses to rele-se docu=ents rel-ted to, 3&:O&3 in P-%ist-ni trib-l -re-s, &'8O&' p-r-llel drone progr-=s o2 ,IA -nd PS6,, 3&&O&: in Phillipines, &33O3* S-udi Ar-bi-n b-se 2or, 3'G, 3'8, 3'C sign-ture stri%es, :C', 3&C testing o2, -t Indi-n Springs Air <ield, C*OC7 Prince, ;ri%, &::O: , :*', :*3O**, : 8, 3: , 3:7 prisons Abu S-li= prison, : * detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion prog-=, &3, &&7O:&, &:GO:8 Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y prison, &GO&7, :3, :&8, :&C 0ot 4-%hp-t prison, : 7 psychologic-l oper-tions, &7 OC' o2 ,IA, &7 O7G o2 Pent-gon, &7GOC' during Nietn-= 9-r, &78O7C Putin, Nl-di=ir, &8C

Weybdiid, Abdi !-s-n A#-le, &37

5-gh-l, Abu, & & -lD5-h=-n, Atiy-h Abd, 3'' 5-ngers, &38, : & 5-u2, 5-shid, &G OGG 5e-g-n, 5on-ld, *8, ', &, *O , 7, 7', &** 5e-g-n -d=inistr-tion, *8, *C, :, * 5e-per drones, :GG, 3'8, 3&8 5ice, ,ond-leeAA-, &C' 5iAAo, Pohn, :&C, ::& 5odrigueA, Pose, &', &G3, &GG detentionD-ndDinterrog-tion progr-= -nd, &&8O&C, &:GO:7 Gu-ntbn-=o 3-y prison -s ide- o2, &GO&7 %illing progr-= resurrected by, &:&O:G in 4-tin A=eric-n di>ision o2 ,IA, & O&G So=-li #-rlords b-c%ed by, &37O38, &*3 5ohde, L->id, :'& 5o=-ni-, 8 5o=ney, @itt, 3&*O& 5o#e, 4eslie, &*: 5WD& Pred-tor, G& 5u=s2eld, Lon-ld, &8O:&, :G, 33, 8G, &3&, &*C, :'7, :G7, :87 -d>ises 3ush -g-inst stripping ,IA o2 =ilit-ry oper-tions, 8&O8: Al W-ed- "et#or% ;Xecute 6rder o2, &:8O:C 3-V-ur oper-tion -nd, && O&7, &3: critic-l o2 ,IA, G7OG8, 73 e22orts to =oderniAe Le2ense Lep-rt=ent, &CO:& Gr-y <oX -nd, 7 !oll-ndKs brie2ing on str-tegy 2or #-r -g-inst -l W-ed- to, GGOG7 Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (PS6,) -nd, G3OG*, G , 7 O7G

leg-l po#ers -nd -uthority o2 de2ense secret-ry, 7 O77 speci-l oper-tions de=onstr-tion 2or, G3OG*, G Tenet -nd, :', G8

S-cred S#ord o2 the P-triots 4e-gue prop-g-nd- c-=p-ign, &78O7C S-eed, !-2iA @uh-==-d, :G'OG&, :77 S-leh, Ali Abdull-h, 8GO87, &''O&'&, :&*, :3', :3&, :3:O3*, 3':, 3' OG S-ncheA, "estor, *7, *8, 3 S-ndinist-s, 'O & S-r-cen Intern-tion-l, :** S-udi Ar-bibin "-ye2 -ss-ssin-tion -tte=pt, :&3O&G drone b-se in, 3'GO7, 3'8, 3'C S->e the ,hildren, :8& SchultA, George, 7 SchultA, 5ich-rd !., Pr., &7C Sch#-rAenberg, 0-rel, &C' Science Applic-tions Intern-tion-l ,orpor-tion (SAI,), &7CO8' S;A4s_S;A4 Te-= SiX, G*, 7 , 7G, &&G, &:C, ::C bin 4-den =ission, &33, :8*O8C L-=-dol- r-id, &3*O3 "-bh-n oper-tion, :*GO*7 So=-li- =ission, &*CO ' 1h-#-r 0ili eXploit-tion oper-tion, &7O&8 secret prison progr-=, ,IA, &&7O:& secret #-r, &&O&7 costs o2, OG Secret 9-r Ag-inst !-noi, The (SchultA), &7C Select Ar=or, &*3O** Septe=ber && terrorist -tt-c%s, &&O&:, CC, 3'3, 3&C eXp-nsion o2 ,ounterterrorist ,enter -2ter, && tr-ns2or=-tion in ,IA -nd =ilit-ry =issions -2ter, *O -lDSh-b#-ni, P-ber, :3*, 3'G Sh-hA-d, <-is-l, 3'C Sh-hA-d, Syed S-lee=, :C3 Sh-%-i pe-ce -rr-nge=ent, &'7O8 Sh-ri2, "-#-A, 37, : C RsheepDdippedS speci-l oper-tions, &33, &3*, :87 Shelton, !ugh, 8C sign-ture stri%es, :C', 3&C Si=pson, "-t-sh-, S=ith, Pe22rey, 3: S6,6@. See U.S. Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (S6,6@) So=-li-, &37O &, :*:O : -l Sh-b--b in, &3CO*', &*:, &*7O*8, & &, :*&, :*:, :*3, :* O*7, :*CO : -r=s ship=ent 2ro= 6b-=- -d=inistr-tion to, :*:O*3 A#eys, !-s-n L-hir -nd -l Sh-b--b in, &3CO*3 3-ll-rinKs e22orts in, &*3O*7, :38O*:, :*7O 3 ,IA b-c%ed #-rlords in, &37O*3 ;thiopi-n in>-sion o2, &*8O & Isl-=ic ,ourts UnionKs t-%eo>er o2 @og-dishu, &*7O*8 pir-cy -nd, :37O38, :*7O*8 U.S. counterterroris= oper-tions in, :*:O*7 So>iet Union, : O:G, :7, 3 , &G8, :G', :G7 ;thiopi-OSo=-li- territori-l b-ttle -nd, &*8 in>-sion -nd occup-tion o2 A2gh-nist-n, *8, &&:O&3 speci-l oper-tions. See Point Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (PS6,) Spy 2or All Se-sons, A (,l-rridge), &CC Ste>ens, P. ,hristopher, 3&7 Sto#e, !-rriet 3eecher, 73 Su2is=, &*', &*G, : 'O : Sult-n, Sh-u%-t, &&' Syri-, 78

T-Vi%s, 3&O3:

T-lib-n, &3, :', *'O*&, &C:, &C3OC* in P-%ist-n, &'7O8, & 7O 8, ::7 P-%ist-n support o2, :7O3:, &&:, &G8, &7', :GCO7' T-nA-ni-, e=b-ssy bo=bing in, :7 t-rgetedD%illing progr-=, :&7O:', ::&, ::GO:8, 3''O&, 3&:O& Rt-rgetingS o2 2oreign n-tion-ls, &*O& T-s% <orce &88, &*CO ' T-s% <orce 6r-nge. See Gr-y <oX T-ylor, @i%e, :'& Tehri%DiDT-lib-n P-%ist-n (TTP). See P-%ist-ni T-lib-n Tenet, George, &:O&*, &G, G7, 8G, C', C8, &::, :&7 d-ily =eetings #ith 3ush, &3O&* Pred-tor drone progr-= -nd, C&, C:, C7 5u=s2eld -nd, :', G8 secret prison progr-= -nd, &:' terroris=, 3O 7. See -lso speci2ic -cts o2 terroris= Thor, 3r-d, :&& Ti=es SUu-re bo=bing -tte=pt, 3'C Title &', 7G Title ', 7G, &33, :87 To#ers, The (Andre#s), GG Tr-nsition-l <eder-l Go>ern=ent, &3CO*', &**, :*:O*3 Tre-ty o2 9estph-li-, 3:GO:7 Tru=-n, !-rry, **, :'' Tunisi-, : * Turco, <red, 7 Turner, St-ns2ield, *3, GC, 7*, ::: T9A <light 8*7 host-ge st-ndo22, * Typhoon 3oX, &3*

ul !-U, ;hs-n. See ;hs-n ul !-U Uncle To=Ks ,-bin (Sto#e), 73 under#e-r bo=ber, :3:, 3'* United Ar-b ;=ir-tes (UA;), :*3O** United "-tions ,on>ention Ag-inst Torture, &&8 United St-tes =issile de2ense p-ct #ith ,Aech 5epublic, &88OC' P-%ist-nDU.S. rel-tionship, :GO3: U.S. A2ric- ,o==-nd, :*: U.S. Speci-l 6per-tions ,o==-nd (S6,6@) !oll-ndKs brie2ing on str-tegy 2or #-r -g-inst -l W-ed-, GGOG7 psychologic-l oper-tions in @usli= #orld o2, &8'OC' U.S.,. Title &', 7G U.S.,. Title ', 7G U.S.S. ,ole (destroyer), bo=bing o2, 8 , 8G, 8C UDTurn @edi-, &8&O8C UAbe%ist-n, C:OC3 UAbe%s, 3&O3:

>-ccin-tion c-=p-ign spying oper-tion, :7CO8* N-nity <-ir, &:* Nel>et !-==er, 7& Nic%ers, @ich-el G., &3& Nietn-=, * , G OGG, 78, 7C Nietn-= 9-r, ::' psychologic-l oper-tions during, &78O7C Nill-ge 9-r, The (Andre#s), G OGG Noice o2 A=eric-, &&', :*C

9-hh-bis=, &*', &*G, : ', : : 9-n-, P-%ist-ni -tt-c% on, &' OG 9-n-t -=bush, &C3OC* 9-rd-% bo=bing, :C*

#-r on drugs, *C 9-shington Post, The, 3'3 #-terbo-rding, &&8, &:'O:& 9einberger, ,-sp-r, 7:, &CC #ilderness o2 =irrors, & & 9ilson, ,h-rlie, C& 9isner, <r-n%, &7 9ol2o#itA, P-ul, &'' 9oods, Tyrone, 3&7 9ood#-rd, 3ob, ::' 9oolsey, 5. P-=es, Pr., 8O C, C& 9y-ndotte "et Tel, &8

$e-ger, ,huc%, CG $ello# <ruit, 7: $e=en, :&*O& -l W-ed- =ilit-nts prison bre-% in, &38O3C -lDA#l-%i tr-c%ed -nd %illed in, 3':O&' Pred-tor drone stri%es in, 8 O87, &''O&'& U.S. co>ert oper-tions -g-inst -l W-ed- in, ::CO3*

1-rd-ri, Asi2 Ali, : C, :GGOG7 -lD1-rU-#i, Abu @us-b, &:CO3' -lD1-#-hiri, Ay=-n, &' , && O&G, &3*O3 1eg-rt, A=y, 3& 1h-#-r 0ili eXploit-tion oper-tion, &7O&8 1i-DulD!-U, @uh-==-d, 3*, :G' 1inni, Anthony, &CC 1oric%, @ich-el, &*: 1ub-yd-h, Abu, &&8O&C, &:G

T "-=e o2 ,T, #-s ch-nged 2ro= ,ounterterrorist ,enter to ,ounterterroris= ,enter in :''

T 3e2ore :'' , the ,IA director held the o22ici-l title o2 director o2 centr-l intelligence, or L,I.

T The P-%ist-ni go>ern=ent #ould l-ter ch-nge the n-=e o2 the "orthD9est <rontier Pro>ince to 0hyber P-%htun%h#-.

T In :'' , the ,IA ch-nged the n-=e o2 the Lirector-te o2 6per-tions to the "-tion-l ,l-ndestine Ser>ice. 5odrigueA #-s the he-d o2 the ",S.

T The ,IAKs ,ounterterrorist ,enter #-s ren-=ed the ,ounterterroris= ,enter in :'' .

T 3ec-use @i%e re=-ins -n underco>er o22icer, only his 2irst n-=e is used here.

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