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To: Ann Johnson <> Subject: Fwd: Project report - prayer - books Cc: Georgia Sharpe <>
From: "David Sanders" <> To: <>

SuyeetrProjecrrepoct^rayer - books

iaJe: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 11^86:47 -0300

[-Mailer: ^/llcrosott Oullook Express 5.00.2615.200

HUNDLEY-HORIZONS<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

ASSUNTO:(project report-prayer-books)
Brother Hundley:

Greetings In the name of Jesus!

Congratulations for continuing the great growing work of news and missions services around the world. In fact I have been missing HORIZONS recently. (Excuse me, one just arrived In the mall) In fact I have been missing notices of prayer calls. 1believe this Is the greatest need of the world so will send my reminder and offer another prayer challenge for all of us.
First a health report of Lloyd David and Ruth E Sanders, missionaries In Brazil since 1948.

Ruth has been through several crises of cold allergy, kidney & urinary Infection and eye sight problems but victories of faith , prayer and discipline have brought rejoicing.
Mlllenlum 2000, 2001,2002 L. David passed crises during these years with severe Hernia, Kidney tumor, Prostate Cancer and finally new life. FERVENT PRAYER, WORK OF GOD, LIVING WATER, A REVISED DIET OF GREENS AND MUSHROOMS (FOR IMMUNITY), VARIED MEDICINES FOR THERAPY and on January 30,2003 the doctor specialist pronounced Lloyd David normal. He has been asked to return In three months April 30,2003 for new exams, blood count stability and the tumor on the kidney. So please continue In fervent prayer. Our regular family doctor-counselor of many years, when seeing the report said: It looks like you are good for 150 years!!! Thank you, all of you for your special prayers.

Because of advanced years, six months of Intensive therapy, wear and tear of stress Involved, Bro. Sanders has been slowed down but not defeated and not stopped. He now continues In various activities: more time

thanking God In all things and Intercessory prayer; a more disciplined diet, classes while walking (Aristotle style-mentor) generally In the cool of the day (6:00 am-four to six kilometers). He continues as pres. Emeritus of the Brasilia central church preachers and Is on call for preaching, teaching, presenting the Lord's Supper, general counselor, ceil group (house churches), leader of local elderly with Ruth who also directs a Senior Citizens Choir, and a few other pleasurable activities In the Kingdom of God. Praise the Lord for breathing the Holy Spirit dally. One favorite ministry Is a Restoration book and Bible deposit In the mission offlce.( The Brazil Christian Mission Is transformed Into A MIssSo Cristd do Brasll and now administered by Brazilians for sending missionaries to other trans-cultural foreign countries In-fact, developing a school of missions as an extension of the college.

We rejoice with the National Mission, as on March 3"^, a young couple who havestudied In Brasilia for 11
years will be leaving for Luanda, Angola to share In developing the seminary there. Afonso and BIblanI Teca speak an Angolan dialect, Portuguese language (the national language) and English. He has earned two Master's degrees: Master In New Testament In the Christian College In Brasilia; Master In Christian Education In the Baptist College In Brasilia; Post graduation In Pastoral counseling In the Baptist College In Brasilia; Postgraduation In Methodology at Union College of Education In Brasilia. Customs and culture for the couple are very similar to Brazil, as both countries were colonized by Portugal. This will give him Immediate Integration In

Printed for Ann Johnson <ajohnson(>



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the country since also he is from Angola. Pray for this new ministry.

Today I would like to repeat a call to renew a world prayer campaign for college library books for central Christian college library of Brasilia of 12,000 books. The call is for each person In the brotherhood to cooperate with one prayer and one book, not only for the Brasilia mission college but for any and all the Christian missionary colleges of the brotherhood. We need the books and we know that all mission colleges
need books.

An average for college books Is $50.00. Please send your prayers to the Lord and your gift to LATM

JOPLIN, MO 64802,

God bless us all for more prayers and more books: Lloyd David Sanders.
mMto: Isande rs @ b r,inte_r, net

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director, Mission Services Association

Editor, HORIZONS magazine <mai|to:_rhu_ndley@missipnse_rvice_s_^org> <>

Printed for Ann Johnson <>


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Brasilia, DF - August 5, 2003 Greetings to all!!!
"The best laid plans.

M^ s

Though we seem to be getting slower, time seems to be going faster! We notice that many things we plan do not come to pass and many things we do not expect are suddenly in front of us. We were not planning to travel this year of 2003, but almost from one day to the next, our children very graciously offered us the opportunity to take 45 days in the USA to attend several graduations and special events among our own children and grandchildren in South Carolina and Florida as well as Lloyd's family in Iowa and Ruth's family in Kansas. Lloyd David was able, along with our BCM president, Darel Boston, to make a three day visit to California.... Meeting with several ministers and professors and a special blessing of visiting with James Richard Ewing, who with his wife Carolee (now deceased) had worked closely with us for some 20 years in missionary witness in Central Brazil... L.David performed a wedding in two languages... Portuguese and English... on the beach in Florida... and was invited to preach in Portuguese one Sunday evening in a Brazilian church nearby Maria's home.
"Returning home...*^

We wanted to let you know that we arrived safe and sound...but tired!! Left

Sarasota, Fl. At 9:20am Monday, June the 16***... They shipped our five bags all the
way through to Brasilia... no trouble in customs...Arrived in S.Paulo at 9:45am and stayed until 6:10 pm... flew to Brasilia, arriving Tuesday, at 7:30pm... then because we could not advise anyone of our actual arrival... took a taxi home... and found our house had been thoroughly cleaned for us by our local preacher's wife (and two other ladies from the church)... even had things in our refrig for the next day's breakfast... and three beautiful pink roses... on the living room stand...we unpacked
what we had to have and so to bed for a good night's sleep. Next day, we discovered

that our phone was out of order and that the motor in the washing machine had burnt
out. These were fixed within the week and we settled in to begin our readjustment back to our normal Brazilian living.
"The Ministry continues..."

L. David spent Thursday afternoon, July 24, at the Integrated Life children's
school, El Shaddai, on the mission farm, some 25 miles southwest of Brasilia. They

were beginning their new semester... They had registered 265 children. They need to expand into another building. These children, from a surrounding poverty area, were registered with invitation to the Sport's program. That same evening, David went out to Sitio de Gama (satilite town, 20 miles southwest from Brasilia Proper) for a home meeting. A young business man who had become interested in the Gospel due to the witness of his mother-in-law before her death this spring, took David to this house
meeting. Meantime, in the afternoon, Ruth had her meeting of prayer & hymns with her

"Golden Age" group... they are preparing a new program for when they are invited
to some of the area churches.

On Saturday, July 26, David went to a fairly new church in the residencial area of Santos Dumont (satilite city, southeast) for the monthly meeting of the area ministers... ( Ruth is home getting some material ready for an album the Golden Age
is preparing).

Sunday night David went to Sobradinha (satillite town -35 miles northeast) where Phillip McAfee preaches... They are having special meetings in the church there. It is in a section that has a reputation for violence. Phillip's young assistant preacher, Ronaldo, was shot and killed two weeks ago when he attempted to calm a
couple of boys who were holding up the supermarket...
"Special items of our family.

Staria has had an encouraging three month trip visiting churches and contacts for "Kid's Place". She has reserved her passage back to Brazil for August 14... first date available after the "peak" of tourism when passages are less expensive. Luiz Carlos and daughter, Kalinka, in Recife, have been helping "Kid's Place" while Staria
has been gone.

Daryl Bruce is in Japan, sent by the Navy as instructor to military personnel for two weeks. His son, Russell Lloyd (one of his two sons who graduated), is entering
the University in So. Carolina. Daryl's wife, Pamela, will continue as school nurse in

Maria and Luiz Femando's daughter, Fernanda, has been here in Brazil for her month of vacation, staying with her Brazilian grandmother.. ..but coming with her grandmother, into the city for church on Sunday. She and her grandmother, Dalva,

will begoing together back to Florida on August 2"^. Maria's granddaughter, Isabella
(Marcelo's 11 month old daughter) has been in the hospital with an "oxygen" lack...
but now is being treated at home.

Lloyd David has been given another reprieve until October when he will undergo another exam to see how rapidly the tumor on his kidney is growing and also checking his blood count and prostate tumor. His Dr. is doing everything possible to avoid surgery. Ruth has continued her treatment with the Cardiologist... has a bad day now and then, but has been able to continue her daily computer witness and her ministry with the Golden Agers....
"Thank vou..."

Our trip to the states was especially gratifying as we were encouraged by your

love, concern and prayers... A special greetingip each of you and jour appreciation! W'e now look forward to hearing from each ol
Ruth & David



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The Azevedos and Sanders in Brasilia church.


Third floor construction of Brasilia church is beinj

completed and will be usedfby the



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^uth admiring the orchids at the flower shoi

itMB Krs^tiri M Hiia iih home.

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