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AttEntIoN : Yang di-bold t jwaban qm kmren. Yang di-bold trus dimiringi t artinyo masih ragu2 !erikso lgi bhha..ha..

"#$ o% &lo'k ( 1. Which one of the following body fluid is called internal environment? A. E)tra'ellular %luid B. Intracellular fluid C. Plasma fluid D. Interstitial fluid. uestion no. ! " #r. $% &' years% after (ogging for two and half hours. )e sweated a lot and loss &'' grams of his body weight. )is initial body weight is *' +g. !. )ow much is his total body water? $. &, liters &. *+ liters C. !, liters D. !" liters &. What +ind of body fluid that lost from #r. $? A. E#, B. ICC. Plasma D. .ynovial fluid ". /o re0lace his body fluid loss% #r. $ best drin+ . . . A. Isotoni' solution B. )y0otonic solution C. )y0ertonic solution D. Pure water 1. /he function of bile is to . . . $. 2mulsify large carbohydrate 0articles B. )el0 gelatinase en3yme to digest collagen #. A't as a mean %or e)'retion o% blood waste -rodu'ts D. $id in trans0ortion and absor0tion of digested 0rotein end 0roducts uestion no * 4 5 $ "'4 year old lady sli00ed and her lower bac+ hit the floor with her full body weight. When she tried to arise% she felt shar0 0ain in her right hi0 and she could not fle6 her right thigh. *. /he muscle at right hi0 that was in(ured is7 $. 8luteus ma6imus &. Ilio-soas C. Bice0s femoris D. uadrice0s femoris 5. /he woman suffered from dislocation at her right hi0. /he hi0 (oint consists of . . . A. A'etabulum and head o% %emur B. .emilunar cartilage and os 0ubis C. Ischium and cruciate ligaments D. $rticular ca0sule and trochanter of femur ,. /he clavicle bone is the 0art of . . . $. /hora6 cage &. !e'toral girdle 1

C. .ternum D. 900er e6tremity :. /he largest muscle for mastication is . . . A. .em-oralis B. #asseter C. Buccinator D. Pterygoid 1'. /he s+eletal muscle de0ends on the e6isting of 7 $. .odium B. Potassium #. #al'ium D. #agnesium #r. $ was stabbed with a +nife in his left chest frontally. /his stabbing caused a wound to his heart. 11. /he structure of his heart that first be wounded is 7 $. 2ndocardium B. #yocardium #. !eri'ardium D. 20icardium 1!. /he fibrous s+eleton of heart consists of 7 $. Connective tissue that lines the atrium &. ,our 'onne'ted rings surrounding the o-enings into and out o% /entri'les C. ;igaments of ribs attached to aorta D. -our valves connecting atrium and ventricle uestion for no 1& #r. Ill% a 1' year old man% suffers from hy0ertension and has survived a heart attac+ si6 months ago. )is 0resent blood 0ressure is 15' < 1'' mm)g and heart rate 11 < minute% regular rhythm. )e feels =uite well and does not want to ta+e any medication. 1&. In s0ite of #r. Ill has had a heart attac+% his heart still can function ade=uately. /he normal functional characteristic of heart is 7 A. !ossesses automati'ity B. .odium de0endent C. Controlled by nervous stimulation D. 2asily get fati=ue 1". >smotic tonus of li=uid is determined by molecule concentration7 $. .olute that 0asses membrane B. .olute that does not 0ass membrane #. 0ol/ent that -asses membrane D. .olvent that does not 0ass membrane 11. 8astric (uice contains 1' ml )Cl with 0) !.!1% if :' ml of water is added% the 0) is.. $. 1.!1 B. !.!1 #. *.21 D. ".!1 1*. /he organ that has an im0ortant role in cemen formation is 7 $. /estis B. /ubulus seminiferus C. 20ididymis 2. 3esi'a seminalis !

15. Intracellular fluid contains large amounts of 7 $. .odium ions &. !otassium ions C. Chloride ions D. 8lucose 1,. $ hormone that relates to woman fertility% and when it declines can cause early meno0ause is7 $. -.) B. ;) C. Progesterone 2. Estrogen 1:. /he 0rotection of the res0iratory tract during swallowing is to 7 $. Increase the 0ressure of the bolus through the eso0hagus &. !re/ent the !haryngeal regions %rom being entered by o% any %oreign obje'ts C. Indicate the swallowing nerve su00ly act 0ro0erly D. Change the bolus ty0e into fluids ty0e !'. /he swallowing 0atterns of infants and adult are different. In infants7 A. No mastication process and its just propelled to oropharyngeal region by a peristaltic-like wave B. /he intrinsic muscles of the tongue 0ress the food 0rogressively C. /here are no teeth in the mouth to chew the food D. /he mandible of an infant have not moved yet !1. /he digestion activities in oral cavity7 $. Chemical digestion of food by en3ymes of salivary glands B. Mechanical breakdown of food by mastication activity C. .wallowing the bolus by 0eristaltic wave D. $bsor0tion 0rocess by oral mucosa membranes !!. /he following is true for saliva7 $. Chemical digestion to brea+down food into smaller molecule B. leansing and lubricating the food in the mouth C. Preventing chemical in(ury D. It can?t stimulate to secretions occur by sight% smell for thought of it !&. $ #an with disorder acid4base balance condition. $./@9P gas analysis reveals 0) decrease % 0C>! increase% )C>& normal. /his condition is 7 $. #etabolic acidosis B. @es0iratory acidosis C. #etabolic al+alosis D. @es0iratory al+alosis !". /he si3e of 0articles <molecules that can 0ass through glomerular membrane is 7.. $. A'%'1 B B. '%'1 B C. 1 B D. * B !1. Cation4anion trans0orted from e0ithelial cell to the lumen of renal tubules is to absorb.7 A. Na4 5 #lB. Da E 4 )E C. >)4 4 )C>&4 D. DaE 4 CE !*. /rans0ortation of sodium in +idney is cou0le with 7 A. Na4 B. CE C. )E &

D. >rganic acid !5. Which of the following muscles is 0rimarily res0onsible for 0rotrusion of the tongue? $. .tyloglossus B. Palatoglossus C. )yoglossus 2. 6enioglossus !,. $ 0atient is unable to taste a 0iece of sugar 0laced on the anterior 0art of the tongue. Which cranial nerve is li+ely to have a lesion? $. )y0oglossal B. Fagus C. 8losso0haryngeal 2. ,a'ial !:. /he ste0s of organism origin starting from molecule% unicellular% multicellular G organism. /he basic structural and functional of organism is7 $. /issue B. >rgan #. #ell D. >rgan system &'. /he organism can be divided into autotro0h G heterotro0h organism based on utility of carbon G energy. /he source of carbon to autotro0h organism is7. A. #72 B. )CD C. C*)* D. C)" &1. When body tem0erature rises Hor fallsI% 7 $. /he s+in becomes wet or dry B. /he lungs increase their activity% #. .he hy-othalamus senses 'hanging D. /he muscles shrin+ &!. In wal+ing% the hi0 bone of the sus0ended leg is raised by which of the following muscles acting on the su00orted side of the body? $. B. #. D. 8luteus ma6imus >bturator internus 6luteus medius >bturator e6ternus

&&. Which of the following muscles is a fle6or of the thigh? $. B. #. D. .u0erior gamellus $dductor longus 6ra'ilis Psoas

&". Which of the following muscles dorsifle6es the foot at the an+le (oint? $. &. C. D. #. 26tensor digitorum brevis ". .ibialis anterior #. 26tensor hallucis brevis #. /ibialis 0osterior "

&1. J9nloc+ingK of the +nee (oint to 0ermit fle6ion is caused by the action of which muscle? $. B. #. D. Po0liteus $rticularis genu 6astro'nemius Bice0s femoris

&*. /he following muscles fle6es shoulder (oint 7 $. &. C. D. ;atissimus dorsi #ora'obra'hialis Brachialis muscle /eres ma(or

&5. /he layer of the heart that forms a smooth% 0rotective lining of the heart chambers and valves is the 7 A. Endo'ardium B. #yocardium C. 20icardium D. Parietal 0ericardium &,. When do the atrioventricular valves close during the cardiac cycle? $. When 0ressure inside the ventricles is at its lowest B. When 0ressure inside the atria is greater than that inside the ventricles #. 8hen /entri'ular -ressure e)'eeds that o% the atria D. When 0ressure is greater in the aorta than in the left ventricle &:. $ dee0 wound to the u00er thigh might damage the 7 artery. A. ,emoral B. Po0liteal C. $nterior tibial D. Peroneal "'. $ uni=ue venous system% called the7% carries blood directly from the intestines to the liver for 0rocessing rather than directly into the inferior vena cava. A. 9e-ati' -ortal system B. .u0erior mesenteric vein C. .a0henous vein D. 8onadal vein

"1. /he 0ulmonary semilunar valve 0revents a bac+4flow of blood into the 7 $. Pulmonary artery &. :ight /entri'le C. ;eft ventricle D. @ight atrium "!. /he aortic semilunar valve 0revents blood from returning to the 7 A. ;e%t /entri'le B. $orta C. @ight ventricle D. ;eft atrium "&. Cardiac out0ut can be determined by the following formulaL $. )@ .F B. )@ divided by .F C. )@ E .F D. )@ 6 .F 1

"". /he first heart sound is caused by closure of the 7 valves. $. Pulmonary semilunar &. Atrio/entri'ular C. $ortic semilunar D. #itral "1. /he electrical initiation of a heartbeat begins in the 7 chamber wall. $. ;eft ventricle B. @ight ventricle C. @ight atrium D. ;eft atrium "*. 1. /he 0art of the nervous system res0onsible for carrying messages away from the brain is the 7 $. Central nervous system &. "otor ner/ous system C. .ensory nervous system D. Peri0heral nervous system "5. /he brain and s0inal cord ma+e u0 the 7 A. #entral ner/ous system B. #otor nervous system C. .ensory nervous system D. Peri0heral nervous system ",. /he 0art of the brain res0onsible for association and higher thought is the 7 A. #erebrum B. Cerebellum C. /halamus D. )y0othalamus ":. /he 0art of the nervous system that stimulates glands and relays commands to smooth muscles is the 7 $. Cerebrum B. Foluntary nervous system #. Autonomi' ner/ous system D. Peri0heral nervous system 1'. /he ma(or site of sensory 0rocessing in the brain is the 7 $. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. /halamus D. #edulla 11. /he 0art of the brain that controls breathing% swallowing% and heartbeat is the 7 $. Cerebral corte6 B. Cerebellum C. Brain stem D. )y0othalamus 1! $ change in the e6ternal or internal environment of an organism is +nown as 7 $. @es0onse B. $n im0ulse C. $ syna0se D. $ stimulus 1&. Which 0art of the human central nervous system is correctly 0aired with its function? $. .0inal cord 4 coordinates learning activities B. Cerebrum 4 serves as the center for memory and reasoning C. #edulla 4 maintains muscular coordination *

D. Cerebellum 44 serves as the center for refle6 actions 1". /he human nervous system is ca0able of a wide range of functions. What is the basic unit of the nervous system? $. 8lial cell B. #eninges C. Deuron D. Cerebros0inal fluid 11. /he 0ortion of the brain directly involved with coordinating voluntary motion or voluntary motor res0onses is the 7 $. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. .0inal cord D. #edulla 1*. /he function of sensory neurons is to 7 $. >rgani3e and integrate information in the central nervous system. &. #arry in%ormation to the 'entral ner/ous system. C. /ransmit messages between motor neurons. D. /ransmit messages from motor neurons to interneurons. 15. /he thin% tubeli+e branches that increase the surface area of the neuron to better receive signals from other neurons are called 7 $. $6ons. B. #yelin sheaths C. .yna0ses. 2. 2endrites. 1,. What is the cor0us callosum? $. $ ty0e of nerve cells in the midbrain B. $ lobe on the midbrain C. /he main fiber bundle connecting the hemis0heres D. /he so4called homunculus 1:. /he secondary of male se6 characteristic is influenced by 7..hormone A. .estosterone B. ;euteini3ing hormon C. 8routh hormone D. -ollicle stimulating hormone *'. /he formation 0rocess of erythrocyte is begun by stem cell which is called7. $. )emositoblast B. Proerytroblast C. #ega+aryoblas D. 2rytroblast *1. /he white blood cell HWBCI that synthesis histamine and he0arin is7 $. #onocyte B. 2osino0hyl C. Baso0hyl D. Deutro0hyl *!. /he ty0e of white blood cell HWBCI that 0roduces antibody is7 $. #onocyte &. ;im-ho'yte C. Deutro0hyl D. Baso0hyl 5

uestion no *& 4 ** #amat came to emergency unit due to an accident. $ B#W (ust hit his bicycle and cause #amat felt down. )e got bruises and wound at his outer right an+le. *&. /he terminology of outer right an+le is7 $. 20icondylus lateralis B. Processus styloideus C. #alleolus lateralis D. Condylus lateralis *". #amat?s forehead is swollen. /his region called... $. -rontalis B. >cci0italis C. Parietalis D. #a6illaris *1. /he doctor as+ed a nurse to clean digitorum manus de6tra from medial to lateral. /he last digitorum to be cleaned is7. $. Pole6 H(em0olI B. Inde6 Htelun(u+I C. $nularis H(ari manisI D. #inimi H+eling+ingI **. /he wrist is swollen and difficult to move. /his 0art is called7 $. >ssa 0halanges B. >ssa metacar0alia C. >ssa car0alia D. Phalan6 distal

*5. #usculus rectus abdominis has better action in.... $. .trength HregangI B. Power H+uatI C. Felocity Hce0atI D. /ensile *,. /he muscle that has function as 0rime mover in fle6i of articulatio genu is... $. #. rectus femoris B. #. adductor longus C. #. bice0s femoris D. #. vastus medialis *:. /he muscle that has function as antagonis in e6tention of articulation cubiti is.. A. ". bi'e-s bra'hii B. #. musculocutaneus C. #. trice0s brachii D. #. 0ectoralis ma(or 5'. /he following statements concerning the 0ancreas are true $. /he 0ancreas receives 0art of its arterial su00ly from the s0lenic artery. B. /he main 0ancreatic duct o0ens into the third 0art of the duodenum. C. /he uncinate 0rocess of the 0ancreas 0ro(ects from the cor0us of the 0ancreas. D. /he bile duct Hcommon bile ductI lies anterior to the head of the 0ancreas. 51. Concerning the inferior mesenteric artery% all of the following statements are true $. Its colic branch su00lies the ascending colon. B. It gives off the inferior 0ancreaticoduodenal artery. ,

C. It su00lies the transversum colon. D. Its branches contribute to the marginal artery 5!. /he following facts concerning the cervical 0art of the eso0hagus are true $. /he sensory nerve su00ly is the recurrent laryngeal nerve. B. /he lym0h drains into the dee0 su0erficial lym0h nodes. C. It is the site of an im0ortant 0ortal4systemic anastomosis. D. /he lumen is narrowed at the (unction with the laryn6 5&. /he following statements concerning the tongue are true $. /he intrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by the glosso0haryngeal nerve. B. /he taste buds of the vallate 0a0illae are innervated by the hy0oglossal nerve. C. /he 0osterior third of the tongue forms 0art of the anterior wall of the oral 0haryn6. D. /he foliate 0a0illae are confined to the 0osterior third of the dorsum of the tongue. 5". /he following muscles abduct the hand at the wrist (oint 7 A. B. C. D. $. B. C. D. ,le)or 'ar-i radialis $dductor 0ollicis longus -le6ori radialis longus 26tensor digiti minimi /ibialis anterior 26tensor hallucis longus 26tensor digitorum longus Peroneus tertius

51. /he following muscles invert the foot 7

5*. Which statement is true of the an+le (oint? $. B. #. D. It is strengthened by the brachialis Hmedial collateral ligamentI. It is a ball and soc+et (oint. It is %ormed by the arti'ulation o% the talus and the distal ends o% the tibia and the %ibula. It is most stable in the fully 0lantar4fle6ed 0osition.

55. /he hilum of the right +idney contains the following im0ortant structures 7 $. Pa0illa renalis B. /ributaries of the renal vein #. !arasym-atheti' ner/e %ibers D. Part of the right su0rarenal gland 5,. /he following statements concerning the abdominal aorta are true $. It bifurcates into the two common iliac arteries in front of the third lumbar vertebra. B. It lies on the right side of the inferior vena cava. C. -rom its anterior surface arise the celiac% su0erior mesenteric% and inferior mesenteric arteries. D. It enters the abdomen in front of the teenth thoracic vertebra. uestion 5: 4 ,* $nton had a head in(ury on a motorbi+e accident which he thought would not be harmful hence he failed to chec+ himself u0 to the hos0ital. -ive hours later he felt a sudden severe headache% vomited and lost consciousness. Considering his sudden severe headache% you thought that he suffered from an intra4cranial bleeding. 5:. Cnowing the anatomy of the brain% you sus0ect the site of bleeding was in 7 $. ;ateral ventricle of the cerebral hemis0here B. .ubdural s0ace C. 20idural s0ace D. .ub4corte6 cerebri ,'. /he blood vessels cut were most li+ely branches of 7 $. #edial meningeal artery B. Internal carotid artery :

C. 26ternal carotid artery D. Fertebral artery ,1. ;ost of consciousness showed that there was dysfunction of 7 $. #otor system B. .ensory system #. 3estibular system D. @eticular formation system ,!. /he im0act of trauma on the brain is minimi3ed by 7 $. Duramater B. Fascular bed C. Cerebro4s0inal fluid D. Cranium ,&. $fter ! wee+s of hos0itali3ation $nton was discharged% but he e60erienced some wea+ness on his left arm. /he most li+ely cortical area disturbed here was 7 $. @ight 0recentral gyrus B. @ight 0ostcentral gyrus C. ;eft 0recentral gyrus D. ;eft 0ostcentral gyrus ,". If only a hematoma develo0 over $nton?s left area of Broca% he would had suffered from 7 $. 20ile0tic sei3ure B. $mnesia C. Paraesthesia D. $0hasia ,1. /he fact that $nton did not loose his sight showed that his $rea7. was good $. " B. &%1%! C. "1%"! D. 15 ,*. Duramater fold divided left brain hemis0here from the right is called 7 $. .agital su0erior sinus B. -al6 cerebri C. /entorium cerebelli D. -al6 cerebelli ,5. /hirsty also occurs when there is an increase of 7 $. .odium de0letion B. $D) secretion C. Parasym0athetic tone D. Blood glucose ,,. If the blood volume to +idney is decreased% the +idney would 0roduce 7 $. $D) B. @enin C. $ngiotensinogen D. $ldosterone ,:. /o increase the blood volume% the hy0othalamus would secrete 7 $. $D) B. $C/) C. >6ytocin D. $ngiotensinogen :'. /he role of glucose in the cellular res0iration is 7 $. $s a ready use cell energy B. /o form $/P 1'

C. /o burn o6ygen D. $s a 0recursor of 0rotein 0roduction. uestions no :1 4 :& Being a diabetic% &1 years old #rs. -at is on a strict diet. .he has been suffered from diabetes since she was a child. Doctors also advise her to do 0hysical e6ercises regularly. .ometimes she drin+s sweet tea in the morning% but she uses artificial sweetener only instead of sugar. .o far her overall health status is fine. :1. #rs.-at conditions is caused by a lac+ of a 0articular hormone 0roduced in 7 $. Pituitary B. ;iver #. !an'reas D. $drenal gland

:!. /he function of that hormone actually is to 7 $. Burn blood glucose B. Carry glucose across the cell membrane #. #on/ert glu'ose into gly'ogen D. Brea+ down li0id into glucose :&. By doing a regular 0hysical e6ercise% her blood glucose would be in a safe range because by doing so 7 $. #ore glucose will be converted to glycogen B. 8luconeogenesis will be increased C. $ lot of glucose is actually burnt down D. )er 0hysical stamina is increased :". )ormone of the adrenal gland that 0lay im0ortant role in maintaining body fluid balance is 7 $. Cortisol B. $ldosterone C. @enin D. $drenaline :1. .ecretion of the -ollicle .timulating )ormone H-.)I is regulated through a negative feedbac+ mechanism by 7 A. Estrogen B. Progesterone C. $ldosterone D. Cortisol :*. Develo0ing follicle de 8raff in the ovary 0roduces 7 A. Estrogen B. Progesterone C. $ldosterone D. /estosterone :5. In a chronic low carbohydrate inta+e% the human body will try to +ee0 blood glucose in 0hysiological level by a mechanism called 7 $. 8lycogenolysis B. 8luconeogenesis C. 8lycolysis D. 8lycogenesis :,. In male% testosterone is mainly 0roduced in 7 $. Prostate gland &. .estis C. $drenal gland D. Pituitary 11

::. Power generator is dangerous when o0erating inside a small room. Peo0le might die due to 7 $. ;ac+ of o6ygen in the room B. C> 0oisoning C. C>! into6ication D. .mo+e inhalation

1''. /he affinity of C> to hemoglobin is about 7. times higher than >! to hemoglobin $. 1' B. 1'' C. !1' D. 1''' 1'1. In the case of res0iratory failure% the blood 0) is decreased% mainly due to7 $. $ccumulation of C>! B. Increased metabolic rate C. 9rine 0roduction is low D. )y0o6ia 1'!. Which of the following correctly describes the anatomical 0osition? $. ;ying su0ine with arms and legs e6tended and 0alms forward B. ;ying su0ine with arms and legs e6tended and 0alms down C. .tanding erect with head turned to side% and arms hanging at side with the 0alms forward. D. .tanding erect% head and toes 0ointing forward% with arms hanging at side 0alms forward. 1'&. Which of the following correctly describes surface anatomy? $. Considered with s0ecial reference to its medical and surgical bearing B. Considered with s0ecial reference to its medical and surgical bearing C. /he identification of structures that can be seen or 0al0ated D. /he method by which the study of the structure of living things is made 0ossible. 1'". /he 0lane which runs longitudinally and divides the body into right and left 0arts is7 A. 0agittal -lane B. -rontal 0lane C. Coronal 0lane D. /ransverse 0lane 1'1. /he 0halanges are 7 to the humerus $. Fentral B. Posterior #. 2istal D. Pro6imal 1'*. /he 0lane that divides the body into two halves Hright and leftI called .. . A. "idsagittal -lane B. Parasagittal C. -rontal 0lane D. /ransverse 0lane 1'5. $fter a lumbar 0uncture% the 0atient is +e0t in a su0ine 0osition. /his means the 0atient is .. . $. .itting u0right B. ;ying on his bac+. C. ;ying on his side. 2. ;ying on his stoma'h 1',. /he turning or revolving of the arm at the shoulder (oint on a long a6is is called .. . $. /o su0inate 1!

B. /o rotate C. /o 0ronate D. /o circumduct 1':. .+in% hair% nails% sweat and sebaceous oil glands are com0onents of what system? $. .+eletal system &. Integumentary system. C. @es0iratory system D. 9rinary system 11'. /he 0atient 0resents with a laceration (ust above the umbilicus. When describing the cut% you would use which of these terms to relate the 0osition of the wound to the umbilicus 7 $. Dorsal B. Posterior C. Cranial D. ;ateral 111. /he formation of $/P by the 0rocess of o6ydative 0hos0horilaton occurs in... $. Cyto0lasm of myoglobin B. #itochondria C. $rterial circulation D. Cell membrane 11!. ;ong term hy0erventilation can cause.... $. P>! in 0ulmonary vein increase B. PC>! in 0ulmonary vein decrease C. @es0iratory al+alosis D. @es0iratory acidosis 11&. /o stabili3e hormone concentration in certain level is controlled by mechanism of7 $. Degative feedbac+ B. Positive feedbac+ C. ;ocal regulation D. $uto regulation uestion no. 11" 4 115 #r.8agah is a heavy cigarette smo+er for more than !' years. Dow% at the age of "1% he has 0ersistent cough% shortness of breath% difficulty in breathing and his finger ti0s are cyanotic. )is doctor as+ed a chest M ray e6amination and he was diagnosed having P;29@$; 2--9.I>D D9P;2M. 11". /he normal function of 0leura is . . . $. /o hold lungs tight against the thoracic wall B. /o e60and the lungs C. /o stabili3e the alveoli D. /o +ee0 the lower /. @. intact 111. )is 0ersistent cough is due to irritation that arises refle6 from . . . $. Dasal cavity B. #outh C. Pharyn6 D. 20iglottis 11*. In #r. 8agah case% his e60iration becomes active. /he muscle of e60iration is 7 $. .ternomastoid muscle B. Intercostalis e6terna muscle C. .calene muscle D. @ectus abdominus muscle 115. /he normal gas e6change in lungs de0ends on . . . $. $ctive trans0ort of >! 1&

B. Pressure gradient C. >smotic 0ressure D. $/P consumed 11,. $nother hormone that can reduce sugar blood level is7 $. 8rowth hormone B. 20ine0hrine C. Cortisol D. /hyroid 11:. $n organ in nervous system that is able to secrete hormone is7 $. Brain stem B. )y0o0hysis #. 9y-othalamus D. /halamus 1!'. /he following statement concerning the ureters is true 7 $. Both have three anatomical sites that are constricted. B. Both receive their blood su00ly from the renalis arteries. C. Both are se0arated from the transverse 0rocesses of the thoracal vertebrae by the 0soas muscles. D. Both 0ass anterior to the testicular or ovarian vessels. 44444444444444444


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