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As on 22.03.

Required documents for appearing in examinations and Issuance / Renewal of CO !icences "
Copies of alll required documents should be attested by gazetted officers of State governments or Central Governments service Demand Draft /Bankers Cheque should be in favour of !" #$% &' D"(' )e* Delhi 1# Issue of R$R % ermit# a) Application Form AF1& form annexure 1-A b) Attested cop& of foreign 'R$O! %commonwealt( countries and (ilippines# c) Attested copy of Flight Crew Licences C!L"A#!L"F$L)% d) Attested copy of !assport and &isa e) '' of rupees Fi(e #housands )***"-)% f) !assport si+e photographs- *, -os% g) .ssued for ,* years sub/ect to the (alidity of foreign F0#1L & Flight Crew License 2# )xtension of R$R ermit a) Application Form C1! ,2 3 Annexure 1-A b) Attested cop& of foreign 'R$O! %commonwealt( countries and (ilippines# c) Attested copy of (alid Flight Crew Licences C!L"A#!L"F$L) of same admin and $xperience Certificate of 2* 4rs%of flying in an Aero 5obile 6tation or an experience of not less than three months in a station wor7ing in the Aero-5obile ser(ice% d) '' of rupees Fi(e #housands )***"-) e) !assport si+e photographs- *, -os% 3# Issue of R$R %A# new licence A) 8ualify in the 0#0 A) full examination 9) !ay Fee of 0upees Fi(e #housands )***"-) for twenty years & 0upees ten #housands 1****"-) for life time C) License will be issued from concerned 0L1 *ocuments required for appearing in t(e examination a) Application Form C1! 1 b) Certificate of Character and -ationality c) $ducational certificate showing the 'ate of 9irth d) 'emand 'raft of rupees Fi(e 4undred )**"-) e) 1nline registration ac7nowledgement slip f) , photo graphs +# Issue for R$R %C# licence against foreign 'R$O!% Commonwealt( countries and (illipines# A) 8ualify in the 0#0 A) part -1 examination 9) !ay Fee of 0upees Fi(e #housands )***"-) for License which will be (alid for ,* years sub/ect to (alidity of F0#1L C) License will be issued from concerned :!C *ocuments required for appearing in t(e examination a) Application Form C1! 1 b) Certificate of Character and -ationality c) $ducational certificate which showing the 'ate of birth d) 'emand 'raft of rupees Fi(e 4undred )**"-) e) 1nline registration ac7nowledgement slip f) , photo graphs Cont,..

-2*ocuments required for issue of license to . C .ing a% Form Annexure 1-A b% Attested copy of (alid F0#1L of commonwealth countries and !hilippines c% 'emand 'raft of rupees Fi(e #housands )***"-) d% , photo graphs /# Renewal of R$R %A# a) Application Form C1! ,2 3 Annexure 1-A b) $xperience Certificate of 2* 4rs%of flying in an Aero 5obile 6tation or an experience of not less than three months in a station wor7ing in the Aero-5obile ser(ice or renewal by test as per order in force% c) '' of rupees Fi(e #housands )***) for ,* years and #en #housands 1**** ) for life time ; late fess if any)< d) 1n line registration ac7nowledgement slip e) Attested copy of *ate of 0irt( certificate %*O0# 1# Renewal of R$R %C# a) Application Form C1! ,2 3 Annexure 1-A b) Attested copy of (alid Foreign F0#1L commonwealth countries and !hilippines) c) $xperience Certificate or Attested copy of log boo7 of flying for 2* hours in last years% d) '' of rupees Fi(e #housands )***"-) = late fess if any) e) !assport si+e photos-*, -os% 2# 34*55%3OC# - Renewal a) Application Form C1! ,2 b) Attested copies of C'C or Company $xperience Certificate > months of last ) years) or renewal by test as per order in force% c) 'emand 'raft of rupees Fi(e 4undreds )**"-) d) On line registration ac6nowledgement slip 7# 3rant of Amateur !icense After passing of examination conducted by (arious :ireless 5onitoring 6tations :%5%6) of this 5inistry and receipt of case sheet from :%5%63 candidates will be as7ed to pro(ide? a) , !assport si+e photos b) 'emand 'raft For @rade .. and ..0 0s >*3 For @rade . 0s 1**3 For Ad(ance 0s 1,)) 8ote" !icences will 9e issued su9:ect to Inter 4inisterial clearance. !icense fee is under re;ision. <# Renewal of Amateur Radio !icense a) Application Form Annexure-A) with declaration of ma7ing applicable contacts in amateur radio as per rule% b) 'emand 'raft For @rade .. and ..0 0s >*3 For @rade . 0s 1**3 For Ad(ance 0s 1,)) c) Late fees as per rules

1*) 5pecial ermission as 4o9ile / Radio *irection 'inding / 5pecial Call sign / $emporar&
s(ifting of station a) Application b) !ermission from .nstitution " Local Administration c) .ndi(idual Consent d) 0eBuire Fees as per rules) Cont,.

-311# Renewal of 4aritime CO !icences - R$3= 58*= 5 != R$I4= '5$= ROC3= R$R %4## a) Application Form C1! ,2 b) Attested copies of C'C or Company $xperience Certificate 2 months in last 2 years) c) 'emand 'raft of rupees Fifty )*"-) d) Late fees as per rules%

8ote " *uplicate cop& of R$R%A# and R$R%C# or t(eir renewals /extension ma& 9e o9tained from t(e issuing office after pa&ment of One $(ousand Rupees %Rs. 1=000/-#. Refer to rules for furt(er details.

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