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Ventaja Mantened la Lnea!

Acadmico* Acrbata* Alerta* Alter Ego Ambidextro* Arma Caracterstica Arma Caracterstica Mejorada Arreglalotodo*

Requisitos Ex, ING d8, Mando No, d8 en Habilidades especficas No, AGI d8, FUE d6 No No, AGI d8 No, AGI d8 No, Pelear o Disparar d10 Ve, Arma Caracterstica No, Trasfondo Arcano: (Ciencia Extraa), ING d10, Reparar d8 Ciencia Extraa d8, dos Habilidades Conocimiento cientficos d6 No, AGI d8 No, Noble o Rico No, VIG d6 No, FUE d8, Pelear d8 Ve, Barrido Ex, Pelear d8 Ve, Bloqueo No, Trasfondo Arcano: (Milagros), ESP d8, FUE d6, VIG d8, Fe d6, Pelear d8 No, ESP d8 Ex, In d8 Le, WC No, AGI d8 No No, FUE d6, VIG d6 No, VIG d8 No, AGI d8 Ex, Salvaje, Disparar/Lanzar d10 Ex, Especial Le

Propiedades Las tropas reciben +1 Resistencia +2 a dos habilidades de Conocimientos +2 a maniobras que requieren Agilidad; +1 Parada si no tiene penalizacin por ir cargado +2 Observacin Tienes dos marcadores diferentes de Estatus El personaje usa ambas manos con soltura. Ignora la penalizacin -2 por usar la otra mano +1 Pelear o Disparar con un arma en particular +2 Pelear o Disparar con un arma en particular +2 a tiradas de Reparar, tiempo de Reparacin se reduce a la mitad con Incrementos

Basico Core Core Core Core Rippers Core Core Core Core

Type Leadership Professional Professional Background Social Background Combat Combat Professional

Edge Hold the Line! Scholar Acrobat Alertness Alter Ego Ambidextrous Trademark Weapon Trademark Weapon, Improved Mr.Fix It/Engineer

As* Asquerosamente Rico* Atractivo* Barrido Barrido mejorado Bloqueo Bloqueo Mejorado Campen*

+2 a Navegar, Conducir, Pilotar; puede hacer Tiradas de Recuperacin para vehculos con -2 5x Dinero Inicial, $250000 salario anual Carisma +2 Ataca a todos los enemigos alrededor suyo con -2 Ataca a todos los enemigos alrededor suyo sin penalizacin Parada +1 Parada +2 +2 Daos y Resistencia contra maldad sobrenatural

Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core

Professional Background Background Combat Combat Combat Combat Professional

Ace Rich, Filthy Attractive Sweep Sweep, Improved Block Block, Improved Champion

Carismtico Centrado Compaero Con Ambas Manos Conexiones Corpulento* Curacin Rpida* Desenfundar Rpido Disparo Certero Drenar Alma Duro como una Roca

Carisma +2 Acta al mejor de dos cartas en combate El personaje tiene un Compaero (Salvaje, Novato) Puede atacar con un arma en cada mano sin penalizacin de accin mltiple Puede recurrir a amigos (o aliados) poderosos con una tirada de Persuasin Resistencia +1; la carga limite es 8xFuerza en vez de 5xFuerza +2 tiradas de curacin natural Puede desenfundar automticamente un arma como una accin gratuita Dobla el dao total si la tirada es un xito Especial Resistencia +1

Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core

Social Combat Legendary Combat Social Background Background Combat Wild Card Power Legendary

Charismatic Level Headed Sidekick Two-Fisted Connections Brawny Fast Healer Quick Draw Dead Shot Soul Drain Tough as Nails

Desventaja Analfabeto Anciano Anmico Arrogante Avaricioso Bocazas Cauteloso Cegato Ciego Cobarda Cdigo de Honor Cojo Confiadsimo Curioso Duro de Odo Enemigo Feo Fobia Forastero Habito Heroico Incrdulo Juramento Leal Lisiado Mala Suerte Malhumorado Manco Manitico Muy Joven Negado Obesidad Pacifista Paranoia Pequeo Pobreza Se Busca Sed de Sangre Sin Pistas Suicida Tozudo Tuerto

Tipo Mayor Mayor Menor Mayor Menor/Mayor Menor Menor Menor/Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Menor/Mayor Menor/Mayor Menor Menor/Mayor Menor Menor/Mayor Mayor Menor Menor/Mayor Menor Mayor Mayor Menor Mayor Menor Mayor Menor Menor Menor/Mayor Menor/Mayor Mayor Menor Menor/Mayor Mayor Mayor Menor Menor Mayor

Vengativo Activist Ailin' Alien Form All Thumbs Allergy Armless Bad Dreams Branded Broken Spirit Bullet Magnet

Menor/Mayor Minor Minor/Major Major Major Minor/Major Major Major Minor Major Major

Claustrophobia Cocky Colorblind Cursed Dependent

Minor/Major Minor Minor Major Major

Disability Minor/Major Disowned Minor Distinctive Appearance Minor Doubting Thomas Major Exotic Atmosphere Breather Major Fanatic Major F-ing New Guy Minor Funny Looking Garrulous Gimmick Glass Jaw Minor Minor Major Minor

Gloater Major Glow Blind Minor Glowmad Susceptible Minor God Cursed Major Goldbrick Minor Grim Servant o' Death Major Hard Case Heartless Heat Prone Heavy Sleeper Hoardosaurus Major Minor Major Minor Minor

Homesick I'm With Him Inumerate Jingoistic Junkie Legless Light Sensitive Lost Faith Lyin' Eyes Mistaken Identity Moon Skin New Arrival Nightmares Old Ways Oath

Minor/Major Major Major Minor/Major Major Major Major Minor Minor Minor/Major Minor/Major Minor Minor Major

One Eye Minor Orders Minor Over-Sensitive Major Penitent Minor Power Negation Major Psionically Vulnerable Minor/Major Replacement Major Ripping PsychosisMajor Servitor Major Sheep Minor Shell Shocked Minor/Major Short Timer Major Slow Major



Sort of Clueless Minor Supernatural Weakness Minor Tenderfoot Minor Terminally Ill Major The Cup Overflows Major Thin Skinned Weak Willed Weakness Wuss Xenophobic Arcane Crutch Major Minor Minor/Major Minor Minor/Major Minor/Major

Back-to-Backlash Cape Fetish

Major Major

Can't Swim


Chronic DepressionMinor/Major

Expensive Taste












Motion Sickness




Persistent Injury


Poor Cardio


Power Burn




Rival Slow

Minor/Major Major

Slow-Witted Weak-Willed

Minor/Major Minor/Major



Propiedades El personaje no sabe leer y escribir Movimiento -1, reduce -1 a los tipos de dados de Fuerza y Vigor; 5 puntos extra de Habilidades relacionado con -2 Vigor para resistir enfermedades, epidemias, envenamientos o ambiente Debe humillar oponente, desafiar al "lder" El personaje est obsesionado con riquezas Incapaz de mantener un secreto, habla en el momento importuno El personaje es demasiado cauteloso -2 para atacar u observar algo a ms de 5" de distancia -6 en todas las acciones que requiere visin; -2 en tiradas sociales, gana una Ventaja adicional El personaje es cobarde y sufre -2 a las tiradas de Agallas El personaje mantiene su palabra y acta como un caballero Movimiento -2, d4 para correr, -2 para tiradas que requiere movilidad, -2 a la habilidad de Nadar El hroe cree que puede hacer cualquier cosa El personaje quiere saber de todo -2 en tiradas para or; fallo automtico si es completamente sordo El personaje tiene una especie de enemigo recurrente -2 Carisma debido al aspecto fsico del personaje -2 o -4 a las tiradas de caractersticas cuando esta cerca del foco de la fobia -2 Carisma, menospreciado por la sociedad dominante Carisma -1; tiene que realizar tiradas de Fatiga cuando los Hbitos son considerados Mayores (drogadiccin, alcoholismo, etc.) El personaje es un verdadero hroe y siempre ayuda a los dbiles y necesitados El personaje no cree en lo sobrenatural El hroe ha hecho un juramento a s mismo, a un grupo, a un dios o a una religin El Hroe nunca traiciona ni decepciona sus amigos -2 Movimiento y d4 en Correr Un beni menos por sesin El personaje tiene -2 a su Carisma por su mal carcter -4 a tareas que requieren el uso de dos brazos El personaje tiene una mana inofensiva pero persistente, como criticar a los dems, querer ser famoso a todo costa, estampar sus inciales al enemigo antes del combate 3 puntos para Atributos (en vez de 5); 10 puntos para Habilidades (en vez de 15), +1 beni por sesin -2 Reparar; Resultado de 1 sobre un aparato mecnico o elctrico causa malfuncionamiento +1 Resistencia, -1 Movimiento, d4 Correr El personaje solo pelea en caso de auto-defensa como un Inconveniente Menor y no peleara con ningn ser vivo bajo ningn circunstancia como un Inconveniente Mayor El personaje cree firmemente en conspiraciones (perros hablan, aliengenas controlan el gobierno, los zombis son amigos suyos) -1 Resistencia Comienza con la mitad de fondos, inhabilidad general de tener ingresosmonetarios El personaje es una especie de forajido o criminal Nunca hace prisioneros; -4 Carisma si es revelado -2 a las tiradas de la Conocimiento Comunes mayoritarias El personaje quiere morir despus de realizar una tarea El personaje quiere salirse con la suya -1 Carisma, -2 a tiradas que requieren una percepcin profunda

El personaje busca venganza legalmente, si implica matar para cumplir el objetivo a toda costa, es considerado como un Inconveniente Mayor The character has a penalty to Charisma while interacting with those who possess differing viewpoints. Suffers from a terminal disease; Fatigue resistance more difficult. Possesses a completely nonhuman physiology, adversely affecting Charisma and Healing rolls. Technology is so ingrained in the Necropolis and Slipstream settings that this a major Hindrance. Exposure to a particular condition or substance results in penalty to all Trait rolls or (in Necessary Evil) temporary negation of powers. Penalty to all rolls requiring arms unless some form of compensating is available. Suffers from constant nightmares; receipt of Fate Chips affected. Received a brand for committing a crime; Charisma is penalized. Captured, tortued or just plain witnessed too much, your spirit is broken. Has increased likelihood of being hit by adjacent fire.

Penalty to rolls for resisting glowmadness in addition to normal Phobia effects. Must brag about own superiority at the beginning of a combat or incur benny loss. Name says it all. Beneficial miracles have no effect due to some horrible misdeed in the character's past. Devoted to a danger-prone Novice rank NPC. Has a physical or mental affliction not covered by any of the other Hindrances. A scandalous action in the past results in a lowered Status. Possesses a unique and easy to spot physical trait. As above but the character suffers more sanity loss. The character breathes the same atmosphere as most everyone else. Won't betray his country or cause. Disadvantaged by being the new guy on the battlefield. People find your appearance amusing; Charisma is reduced. Cost for carousing increased. Must perform some inconvenient task to gain access to powers. Soak rolls penalized. Indulges in monologuing and other old school super villain habits. Penalty to ranged attacks when outdoors. Penalty to rolls for resisting glowmadness and boredom. Beneficial powers from AB: Miracles of a particular god ineffective; harmful powers from same more effective. Laziness to the point it affects Charisma and promotion opportunity. Critical miss in combat results in hitting allies. Intolerant of unprofessional behavior, resulting in a Charisma penalty. Doesn't have any qualms about killing to accomplish goals. The character suffers a penalty to Vigor rolls made to resist the effects of heat. Notice and Vigor rolls involving sleep penalized. Collects all sorts of things and won't let go of them.

Suffer a Charima penalty due to their desire to go home. They're always the "second fiddle" character and are penalized on what skills they can take. Incapable of comprehending numbers. Believes in the superiority of own culture, Charisma is penalized and Leadership Edges may not be used when dealing with foreigners. Addicted to something; penalty to all Trait rolls if addiction isn't sated daily. Penalty to all rolls requiring Agility and Pace is reduced; bonus to Persuasion rolls when begging. Penalty to trait rolls when exposed to light. Cannot perform Miracles, or have Miracles performed on him. Intimidation and Persuasion rolls penalized when lying. Bear a strong resemblance to some notorious person. Skin is highly sensitive; Wearing armor can be difficult or impossible. Knows fewer languages as they are new to the Slipstream. Plagued by bad dreams causing him to not sleep well, or at all. May not use modern devices. Has only one eye (rather than missing an eye); ranged attacks penalized. Has a day job with superiors who can inadvertently interfere with Lodge work. Very high strung; starting Reason lowered. The character has been placed into a "lower order" to prove themselves. Presence of uncommon condition or substance results in loss of powers and penalty to all Trait rolls. Suffers penalty to resist Psionic attacks. New to war and suffers penalties do to his inexperience. Starts play with a Rippertech implant with all possible bad effects. Subject to the whims of a greater power. Penalty to social-based skills because they are a follower. Character has the "shakes" and suffers Charisma and Sanity penalties. The character only has a few weeks left in country; Soak rolls required when possible. Takes a lower initiative card; the opposite of the Quick Edge.

Pace is reduced. A bit ignorant; Common Knowledge rolls penalized. Takes extra damage from a particular substance. Starting Grit is lowered. Suffers from an incurable disease; Card draw at beginning of session determines if symptoms are acting up. Kung fu powers have overly flashy trappings. Penalties when wounded increased. Rolls for Tests of Will and resisting arcane powers penalized. Takes extra damage from a specific type of attack. Somewhat cowardly; penalty to Guts rolls. Charisma penalty due to their intolerance to others not of their species. Arcane types with this hindrance have gotten into the habit of performing some action while performing magic and now it's gone psychosomatic. Whenever the magician can't perform this action while trying to use magic, a -2 is applied to any arcane skill rolls. The minor version is something that is inconvenient, like waving your arms about or having a lucky piece at hand. The major version is either a real hassle or is hazardous to the magician, like getting shot up with a narcotic.

When wielding arcane forces, you're more prone to letting them get out of hand. You suffer a Backlash result when a one comes up on either the skill die OR the Wild Die. The cape is a popular fashion accessory among both superheroes and supervillains, particularly those who can fly. Your character is particularly proud of his cape and will not remove it even when it becomes a safety hazard. Anytime the trait die for an Agility or Agility-linked skill comes up as one (regardless of the Wild Die result), the character loses an action as he attempts to unsnag his cape. Should the roll have come up snake eyes, it got snagged in a manner where it chokes the character, inflicting an automatic Shaken result as well. For Supers games only This character simply can't swim. When subjected to water, the character flounders for one round, then sinks the next, using normal rules for having no oxygen. The character may not learn the swimming skill without first buying off this hindrance. A character may normally tread water even without the swimming skill (pace 1), but this hindrance causes the character to The character is afflicted with melancholies that make him/her unmotivated and disinterested in life. The character, when in a dreary mood, is difficult to rouse to action. //Minor: Anytime you want to use a benny, make a Spirit check. If you fail, the benny is wasted and has no effect. You may not use a benny for this roll. //Major: As above, but with a -2 penalty. It's not like this character specifically chooses to buy only the most expensive equipment. It's more that the items that he likes have a tendency to be the most expensive ones available. Whenever the character buys equipment, he pays 25% more then the listed price for the purchased item. The Hero has suffered a traumatic event in his life that has taken a portion of his sanity with it. Whenever the Hero sees or hears an object, person, sound etc. that may have been linked to a specific traumatic event in his life he must make a Spirit roll. With a failure the hero suffers a flashback and is shaken, he may begin hallucinating and acting as if he were actually The Hero suffers from a nervous bowel and inefficient digestive system. He passes gas at the most inappropriate times. Flatulence can occur in one or two ways: The trumpeter or the SDB (Silent But Deadly). Taken as a minor hindrance, the Hero must make a Vigor roll or let one loose when in tense, stressful situations. Individuals looking for a concealed Hero gain a +2 to their Notice roll, either due to the sound or the stench. //As a major hindrance, the character suffers a -2 to Charisma and all associate social skills, like Persuasion or Streetwise. In tense or stressful situations, the Hero must make a Vigor roll at -2 or let one loose. Individuals looking for a concealed Hero gain a +4 to their Notice roll, either due to the sound or the stench. //In either form of this hindrance, it is up to the GM to decide if the flatulence is audible or just Minor: The character is nervous by nature, always in a hurry, has the attention span of a gnat, or something similar. He suffer a cumulative penalty (-1,-2,-4,-6...) for consecutive rolls of the same (non-combat) matter. (Example: A thief gets penalties if he tries to open a lock if he had failed a first try). If he uses a benny to gain a reroll, the penalty does not apply. //Major: The penalties stay the same even he use bennies. The hero suffers from the inability to sleep. Whether it is in the from of insomnia itself, or maybe some form of night terror, is up to you. Whenever the character is attempting to fall asleep, he must make a spirit roll. With a failure he is unable to sleep for the next 6 hours. Taking proper medication will give the hero a +2 to his roll for the day. The character is especially prejudiced or bigoted against those different from himself. When you take this hindrance, choose a group, with the GMs approval. This can be sex, race, culture, religion, species, or any other common characteristic. The character wants to avoid this group, and in some cases, kill them. Innately evil things like zombies and demons would not be appropriate. //Minor: The character strongly dislikes this group and accepts most negative stereotypes about them. S/he will avoid them when possible, and must make succeed on a Spirit roll do deal with them in any nonviolent way. Examples: Buying things from them, going to a party hosted by one of them, believing that one is not guilty of an accused crime, or letting one marry his/her daughter. //Major: The character is violently hateful of these people. The character will never voluntarily cooperate or deal with the group s/he is intolerant of. Given the opportunity, s/he will kill a member of this group, provided that s/he thinks s/he could do so without being caught or punished. Whenever the character makes a trip by plane, boat, car, or other fast moving vehicle for more than an hour, s/he must make a Vigor roll. If s/he fails, s/he suffers a point of fatigue. A character cannot suffer more than one point of fatigue in this way and the fatigue is removed once s/he has a few calm minutes off the vehicle. This character does not perform well under stressful situations and cannot focus on committing to a target when in combat. Anytime the player pulls an Ace or a face card during combat, he must redraw until he pulls a ten or lower. A character with this Hindrance cannot take the Quick or Level-headed edges. An old injury that never quite healed or other chronic condition sometimes comes back to haunt the character. This could be an old sports injury, arthritis, a bullet that was never dislodged, etc. Whenever the character rolls a natural 1 using his/her Strength or Agility attributes, s/he is automatically shaken.

The character has bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, or other condition making breathing difficult. Every turn the character runs consecutively, his/her Pace is cumulatively reduced by 1". These penalties may be removed one at a time by catching his/her breath for one turn. Example: A Character has run for 3 turns in a row. His Pace is 6" + 1d6" -3". If s/he doesn't move next turn, the penalty will be reduced to -2". This character's supernatural power comes at a price. Whenever the character uses their Arcane Background powers, they must also make a Vigor roll or take 2d6 damage. The character uses only his basic Vigor, not counting any supernatural enhancements. To take this hindrance, the character must have one of the following Arcane Background edges: Magic, Miracles, Psionics or Super Powers; it does not work well with Weird Science. No, this isn't the name of your character.... your hero is randy. That is to say, his belt is buckled a little looser than the rest. Whatever the case, the hero has a hard time keeping himself from making inapropriate or even vulgar comments about the opposite sex when the opportunity presents itself. When the opportunity does arise to act on those comments (e.g. a woman with the (Very) Attractive Edge is sitting across the bar, or a scantily dressed prostitute is asking him if he wants a good time) it's almost impossible for him to not do so. With the minor hindrance, the hero simply makes annoying comments and at times vulgar gestures sexual in nature. However as a major hindrance, the character must make a test of wills at a -2 penalty when he has the chance to act on his randiness (At GM's discretion). With a failure, he forgets his current objective and becomes consumed with whatever he has come across, for the time being. In addition he suffers a -2 charisma when talking with anyone of the opposite sex. (Goes great with the SW: Elderly Hindrance) There's an NPC associate of approximately equal ability to you with whom you engage in games of one-upmanship on a regular basis. The level of the Hindrance determines how far and how stupid you're willing to go to show up your Rival. The character is not a quick as others are when it comes to reacting to combat. When drawing cards, if they get a Jack or better, they draw another card until they get a card lower than a Jack. They act on the lower of the cards drawn. This Hindrance does not apply to Jokers. The Character is either very gullible or easily distracted (or both). //Minor: -2 penalty to resist one type of Trick (either Smarts or Agility). //Major: The penalty affects both types of Tricks. This character has problems with face-to-face verbal conflict and will usually back down in such situations. This character suffers -1 to all opposed rolls, such as Persuasion, Taunt, or Intimidation. This penalty increase to -2 if the Major version is chosen. In either case, no Edge that gives bonuses to the Guts skill may be chosen until this Hindrance is bought off. Your hero has a hard time focusing on any task he feels is unimportant, which unfortunately includes most of them. Your Wild Die is a d4 rather than a d6 for any Trait rolls. Whenever you spend a benny, your Wild Die returns to the normal type

Basico Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core

Hindrance Illiterate Elderly Anemic Arrogant Greedy Big Mouth Cautious Bad Eyes Blind Yellow Code of Honor One Leg Overconfident Curious Hard of Hearing Enemy Ugly Phobia Outsider Habit Heroic Doubting Thomas Vow Loyal Lame Bad Luck Mean One Arm

Type Minor Major Minor Major Minor/Major Minor Minor Minor/Major Major Major Major Major Major Major Minor/Major Minor/Major Minor Minor/Major Minor Minor/Major Major Minor Minor/Major Minor Major Major Minor Major Minor Major Minor Minor Minor/Major Minor/Major Major Minor Minor/Major Major Major Minor Minor Major

Quirk Young All Thumbs Obese Pacifist Delusional Small Poverty Wanted Bloodthirsty Clueless Death Wish Stubborn One Eye

Core Tour of Darkness Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Necessary Evil Setting Necropolis Setting, Slipstream Setting Necessary Evil Setting, Solomon Kane Setting Low Life Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Solomon Kane Setting Necropolis Setting Tour of Darkness Setting, Necropolis Setting, Weird War II Setting Sundered Skies Setting Solomon Kane Setting Low Life Setting The Flood Plot Point Campaign Necessary Evil Setting, Solomon Kane Setting Necessary Evil Setting Rippers Setting Necessary Evil Setting Tour of Darkness Setting, Weird War II Setting Slipstream Setting Weird War II Setting Tour of Darkness Setting, Necropolis Setting Low Life Setting 50 Fathoms Setting Necessary Evil Setting Solomon Kane Setting, Slipstream Setting Necessary Evil Setting Sundered Skies Setting Sundered Skies Setting Sundered Skies Setting Weird War II Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Tour of Darkness Setting Necessary Evil Setting Tour of Darkness Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Low Life Setting

Vengeful X Activist X Ailin' X Alien Form X All Thumbs X Allergy X Armless X Bad Dreams X Branded X Broken Spirit X Bullet Magnet

Minor/Major Minor Minor/Major Major Major Minor/Major Major Major Minor Major Major


Claustrophobia Cocky Colorblind Cursed

Minor/Major Minor Minor Major Major

X Dependent X X X X

Disability Minor/Major Disowned Minor Distinctive Appearance Minor Doubting Thomas Major

X Exotic Atmosphere Breather Major X Fanatic Major X F-ing New Guy Minor X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Funny Looking Garrulous Gimmick Glass Jaw Minor Minor Major Minor

Gloater Major Glow Blind Minor Glowmad SusceptibleMinor God Cursed Major Goldbrick Minor Grim Servant o' Death Major Hard Case Heartless Heat Prone Heavy Sleeper Major Minor Major Minor Minor

X Hoardosaurus

Slipstream Setting Slipstream Setting Low Life Setting Solomon Kane Setting Low Life Setting Low Life Setting Evernight Setting Necropolis Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Low Life Setting Evernight Setting Slipstream Setting Necropolis Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Low Life Setting Rippers Setting Rippers Setting Necropolis Setting Necessary Evil Setting Slipstream Setting Weird War II Setting Rippers Setting Necessary Evil Setting Slipstream Setting Weird War II Setting Tour of Darkness Setting Tour of Darkness Setting , Necropolis Setting, Weird War II Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Low Life Setting Rippers Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Necessary Evil Setting The Flood Plot Point Campaign Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Necropolis Setting Necessary Evil Setting Low Life Setting Slipstream Setting Unofficial


Homesick I'm With Him Inumerate Jingoistic Junkie Legless Light Sensitive Lost Faith Lyin' Eyes Mistaken Identity Moon Skin New Arrival Nightmares Old Ways Oath

Minor/Major Major Major Minor/Major Major Major Major Minor Minor Minor/Major Minor/Major Minor Minor Major

One Eye Minor Orders Minor Over-Sensitive Major Penitent Minor Power Negation Major Psionically Vulnerable Minor/Major Replacement Major Ripping Psychosis Major Servitor Major Sheep Minor Shell Shocked Minor/Major Short Timer Major Slow Major

X Slowpoke


X Sort of Clueless Minor X Supernatural Weakness Minor X Tenderfoot Minor X Terminally Ill Major X The Cup Overflows Major X Thin Skinned X X X X X Weak Willed Weakness Wuss Xenophobic Arcane Crutch Major Minor Minor/Major Minor Minor/Major Minor/Major

Unofficial Unofficial

X Back-to-Backlash X Cape Fetish

Major Major


X Can't Swim



X Chronic Depression Minor/Major


X Expensive Taste



X Flashbacks



X Flatulence



X Impatient



X Insomnia



X Intolerant



X Motion Sickness



X Panicky



X Persistent Injury



X Poor Cardio



X Power Burn



X Randy


Unofficial Unofficial

X Rival X Slow

Minor/Major Major

Unofficial Unofficial

X Slow-Witted X Weak-Willed

Minor/Major Minor/Major


X Unfocused


Props Can't read or write. Pace, Strength, and Vigor reduced; latter two may never be raised; bonus points for Smarts linked skills. Has a hard time resisting sickness, disease, poison, or environment. Convinced of own superiority and always wishes to prove it. Obsessed with wealth; how far he'll go determines the value. Not very good at keeping secrets. Likes to avoid rash decisions and plans out excessively. Can't see too well; tech level of the setting affects the value. Big penalty for all tasks requiring sight; receives free Edge as compensation. All Guts rolls are penalized due to cowardice. Always exhibits proper behavior. Pace and running die reduced; penalty to Swimming rolls and Pace. Believes self to be capable of anything even in the face of common sense. Must look into anything that grabs attention. Hearing based Notice rolls adversely affected. Has a recurring foe. Has an unappealing appearance which results in a lowered Charisma. Presence of a particular object or situation causes a penalty to all Trait rolls. Doesn't fit in society, resulting in a Charisma penalty and generally unpleasant treatment from most folks. Engages in some annoying behavior constantly, penalizing Charisma; full-fledged addictions can cause Fatigue. Must always help those in need. Doesn't believe in supernatural; Guts rolls penalized when faced with supernatural. Is bound to a set of ideals or a goal to accomplish. Always sticks by his friends. Pace and running die reduced. Bennies at start of session reduced. Has an unpleasant disposition, resulting in a Charisma penalty. Penalty for all tasks requiring both hands. Has a distinct foible of some description. Attribute and skill points for character creation are reduced; receive an extra benny at start of session. Using mechanical or electronic device causes malfunction; affects repairing items. In Evernight, it also affects Shooting. Is overweight, reducing Pace and running die; Toughness is increased. Disdains violence and avoids killing; strictness determines the value. Possesses an unconventional belief. Toughness is reduced due to slight stature. Starting cash reduced; spendthrift ways. Responsible for a crime which could result in arrest. Excessively violent, resulting in a Charisma penalty among those who know about it. Penalty to Common Knowledge rolls. Willing to risk life to accomplish something. Insists on having own way no matter what. Penalty to Trait rolls requiring depth perception; possible Charisma penalty.

Must always right a wrong; how far he'll go determines the value. The character has a penalty to Charisma while interacting with those who possess differing viewpoints. Suffers from a terminal disease; Fatigue resistance more difficult. Possesses a completely nonhuman physiology, adversely affecting Charisma and Healing rolls. Technology is so ingrained in the Necropolis and Slipstream settings that this a major Hindrance. Exposure to a particular condition or substance results in penalty to all Trait rolls or (in Necessary Evil) temporary negation of powers. Penalty to all rolls requiring arms unless some form of compensating is available. Suffers from constant nightmares; receipt of Fate Chips affected. Received a brand for committing a crime; Charisma is penalized. Captured, tortued or just plain witnessed too much, your spirit is broken. Has increased likelihood of being hit by adjacent fire.

Penalty to rolls for resisting glowmadness in addition to normal Phobia effects. Must brag about own superiority at the beginning of a combat or incur benny loss. Name says it all. Beneficial miracles have no effect due to some horrible misdeed in the character's past. Devoted to a danger-prone Novice rank NPC. Has a physical or mental affliction not covered by any of the other Hindrances. A scandalous action in the past results in a lowered Status. Possesses a unique and easy to spot physical trait. As above but the character suffers more sanity loss. The character breathes the same atmosphere as most everyone else. Won't betray his country or cause. Disadvantaged by being the new guy on the battlefield. People find your appearance amusing; Charisma is reduced. Cost for carousing increased. Must perform some inconvenient task to gain access to powers. Soak rolls penalized. Indulges in monologuing and other old school super villain habits. Penalty to ranged attacks when outdoors. Penalty to rolls for resisting glowmadness and boredom. Beneficial powers from AB: Miracles of a particular god ineffective; harmful powers from same more effective. Laziness to the point it affects Charisma and promotion opportunity. Critical miss in combat results in hitting allies. Intolerant of unprofessional behavior, resulting in a Charisma penalty. Doesn't have any qualms about killing to accomplish goals. The character suffers a penalty to Vigor rolls made to resist the effects of heat. Notice and Vigor rolls involving sleep penalized. Collects all sorts of things and won't let go of them.

Suffer a Charima penalty due to their desire to go home. They're always the "second fiddle" character and are penalized on what skills they can take. Incapable of comprehending numbers. Believes in the superiority of own culture, Charisma is penalized and Leadership Edges may not be used when dealing with foreigners. Addicted to something; penalty to all Trait rolls if addiction isn't sated daily. Penalty to all rolls requiring Agility and Pace is reduced; bonus to Persuasion rolls when begging. Penalty to trait rolls when exposed to light. Cannot perform Miracles, or have Miracles performed on him. Intimidation and Persuasion rolls penalized when lying. Bear a strong resemblance to some notorious person. Skin is highly sensitive; Wearing armor can be difficult or impossible. Knows fewer languages as they are new to the Slipstream. Plagued by bad dreams causing him to not sleep well, or at all. May not use modern devices. Has only one eye (rather than missing an eye); ranged attacks penalized. Has a day job with superiors who can inadvertently interfere with Lodge work. Very high strung; starting Reason lowered. The character has been placed into a "lower order" to prove themselves. Presence of uncommon condition or substance results in loss of powers and penalty to all Trait rolls. Suffers penalty to resist Psionic attacks. New to war and suffers penalties do to his inexperience. Starts play with a Rippertech implant with all possible bad effects. Subject to the whims of a greater power. Penalty to social-based skills because they are a follower. Character has the "shakes" and suffers Charisma and Sanity penalties. The character only has a few weeks left in country; Soak rolls required when possible. Takes a lower initiative card; the opposite of the Quick Edge.

Pace is reduced. A bit ignorant; Common Knowledge rolls penalized. Takes extra damage from a particular substance. Starting Grit is lowered. Suffers from an incurable disease; Card draw at beginning of session determines if symptoms are acting up. Kung fu powers have overly flashy trappings. Penalties when wounded increased. Rolls for Tests of Will and resisting arcane powers penalized. Takes extra damage from a specific type of attack. Somewhat cowardly; penalty to Guts rolls. Charisma penalty due to their intolerance to others not of their species. Arcane types with this hindrance have gotten into the habit of performing some action while performing magic and now it's gone psychosomatic. Whenever the magician can't perform this action while trying to use magic, a -2 is applied to any arcane skill rolls. The minor version is something that is inconvenient, like waving your arms about or having a lucky piece at hand. The major version is either a real hassle or is hazardous to the magician, like getting shot up with a narcotic.

When wielding arcane forces, you're more prone to letting them get out of hand. You suffer a Backlash result when a one comes up on either the skill die OR the Wild Die. The cape is a popular fashion accessory among both superheroes and supervillains, particularly those who can fly. Your character is particularly proud of his cape and will not remove it even when it becomes a safety hazard. Anytime the trait die for an Agility or Agility-linked skill comes up as one (regardless of the Wild Die result), the character loses an action as he attempts to unsnag his cape. Should the roll have come up snake eyes, it got snagged in a manner where it chokes the character, inflicting an automatic Shaken result as well. For Supers games only This character simply can't swim. When subjected to water, the character flounders for one round, then sinks the next, using normal rules for having no oxygen. The character may not learn the swimming skill without first buying off this hindrance. A character may normally tread water even without the swimming skill (pace 1), but this hindrance causes the character to The character is afflicted with melancholies that make him/her unmotivated and disinterested in life. The character, when in a dreary mood, is difficult to rouse to action. //Minor: Anytime you want to use a benny, make a Spirit check. If you fail, the benny is wasted and has no effect. You may not use a benny for this roll. //Major: As above, but with a -2 penalty. It's not like this character specifically chooses to buy only the most expensive equipment. It's more that the items that he likes have a tendency to be the most expensive ones available. Whenever the character buys equipment, he pays 25% more then the listed price for the purchased item. The Hero has suffered a traumatic event in his life that has taken a portion of his sanity with it. Whenever the Hero sees or hears an object, person, sound etc. that may have been linked to a specific traumatic event in his life he must make a Spirit roll. With a failure the hero suffers a flashback and is shaken, he may begin hallucinating and acting as if he were actually The Hero suffers from a nervous bowel and inefficient digestive system. He passes gas at the most inappropriate times. Flatulence can occur in one or two ways: The trumpeter or the SDB (Silent But Deadly). Taken as a minor hindrance, the Hero must make a Vigor roll or let one loose when in tense, stressful situations. Individuals looking for a concealed Hero gain a +2 to their Notice roll, either due to the sound or the stench. //As a major hindrance, the character suffers a -2 to Charisma and all associate social skills, like Persuasion or Streetwise. In tense or stressful situations, the Hero must make a Vigor roll at -2 or let one loose. Individuals looking for a concealed Hero gain a +4 to their Notice roll, either due to the sound or the stench. //In either form of this hindrance, it is up to the GM to decide if the flatulence is audible or just Minor: The character is nervous by nature, always in a hurry, has the attention span of a gnat, or something similar. He suffer a cumulative penalty (-1,-2,-4,-6...) for consecutive rolls of the same (non-combat) matter. (Example: A thief gets penalties if he tries to open a lock if he had failed a first try). If he uses a benny to gain a reroll, the penalty does not apply. //Major: The penalties stay the same even he use bennies. The hero suffers from the inability to sleep. Whether it is in the from of insomnia itself, or maybe some form of night terror, is up to you. Whenever the character is attempting to fall asleep, he must make a spirit roll. With a failure he is unable to sleep for the next 6 hours. Taking proper medication will give the hero a +2 to his roll for the day. The character is especially prejudiced or bigoted against those different from himself. When you take this hindrance, choose a group, with the GMs approval. This can be sex, race, culture, religion, species, or any other common characteristic. The character wants to avoid this group, and in some cases, kill them. Innately evil things like zombies and demons would not be appropriate. //Minor: The character strongly dislikes this group and accepts most negative stereotypes about them. S/he will avoid them when possible, and must make succeed on a Spirit roll do deal with them in any nonviolent way. Examples: Buying things from them, going to a party hosted by one of them, believing that one is not guilty of an accused crime, or letting one marry his/her daughter. //Major: The character is violently hateful of these people. The character will never voluntarily cooperate or deal with the group s/he is intolerant of. Given the opportunity, s/he will kill a member of this group, provided that s/he thinks s/he could do so without being caught or punished. Whenever the character makes a trip by plane, boat, car, or other fast moving vehicle for more than an hour, s/he must make a Vigor roll. If s/he fails, s/he suffers a point of fatigue. A character cannot suffer more than one point of fatigue in this way and the fatigue is removed once s/he has a few calm minutes off the vehicle. This character does not perform well under stressful situations and cannot focus on committing to a target when in combat. Anytime the player pulls an Ace or a face card during combat, he must redraw until he pulls a ten or lower. A character with this Hindrance cannot take the Quick or Level-headed edges. An old injury that never quite healed or other chronic condition sometimes comes back to haunt the character. This could be an old sports injury, arthritis, a bullet that was never dislodged, etc. Whenever the character rolls a natural 1 using his/her Strength or Agility attributes, s/he is automatically shaken.

The character has bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, or other condition making breathing difficult. Every turn the character runs consecutively, his/her Pace is cumulatively reduced by 1". These penalties may be removed one at a time by catching his/her breath for one turn. Example: A Character has run for 3 turns in a row. His Pace is 6" + 1d6" -3". If s/he doesn't move next turn, the penalty will be reduced to -2". This character's supernatural power comes at a price. Whenever the character uses their Arcane Background powers, they must also make a Vigor roll or take 2d6 damage. The character uses only his basic Vigor, not counting any supernatural enhancements. To take this hindrance, the character must have one of the following Arcane Background edges: Magic, Miracles, Psionics or Super Powers; it does not work well with Weird Science. No, this isn't the name of your character.... your hero is randy. That is to say, his belt is buckled a little looser than the rest. Whatever the case, the hero has a hard time keeping himself from making inapropriate or even vulgar comments about the opposite sex when the opportunity presents itself. When the opportunity does arise to act on those comments (e.g. a woman with the (Very) Attractive Edge is sitting across the bar, or a scantily dressed prostitute is asking him if he wants a good time) it's almost impossible for him to not do so. With the minor hindrance, the hero simply makes annoying comments and at times vulgar gestures sexual in nature. However as a major hindrance, the character must make a test of wills at a -2 penalty when he has the chance to act on his randiness (At GM's discretion). With a failure, he forgets his current objective and becomes consumed with whatever he has come across, for the time being. In addition he suffers a -2 charisma when talking with anyone of the opposite sex. (Goes great with the SW: Elderly Hindrance) There's an NPC associate of approximately equal ability to you with whom you engage in games of one-upmanship on a regular basis. The level of the Hindrance determines how far and how stupid you're willing to go to show up your Rival. The character is not a quick as others are when it comes to reacting to combat. When drawing cards, if they get a Jack or better, they draw another card until they get a card lower than a Jack. They act on the lower of the cards drawn. This Hindrance does not apply to Jokers. The Character is either very gullible or easily distracted (or both). //Minor: -2 penalty to resist one type of Trick (either Smarts or Agility). //Major: The penalty affects both types of Tricks. This character has problems with face-to-face verbal conflict and will usually back down in such situations. This character suffers -1 to all opposed rolls, such as Persuasion, Taunt, or Intimidation. This penalty increase to -2 if the Major version is chosen. In either case, no Edge that gives bonuses to the Guts skill may be chosen until this Hindrance is bought off. Your hero has a hard time focusing on any task he feels is unimportant, which unfortunately includes most of them. Your Wild Die is a d4 rather than a d6 for any Trait rolls. Whenever you spend a benny, your Wild Die returns to the normal type

Setting Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules, 50 Fathoms Setting Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules, 50 Fathoms Setting Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules, 50 Fathoms Setting Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules, Evernight Setting Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules, 50 Fathoms Setting

Core Rules Tour of Darkness Deadlands: Reloaded Necessary Evil Necropolis , Slipstream Necessary Evil , Solomon Kane Low Life Deadlands: Reloaded Solomon Kane Necropolis Tour of Darkness , Necropolis , Weird War II Sundered Skies Solomon Kane Low Life The Flood Plot Point Campaign Necessary Evil , Solomon Kane Necessary Evil Rippers Necessary Evil Tour of Darkness , Weird War II Slipstream Weird War II Tour of Darkness , Necropolis Low Life 50 Fathoms Necessary Evil Solomon Kane , Slipstream Necessary Evil Sundered Skies Sundered Skies Sundered Skies Weird War II Deadlands: Reloaded Tour of Darkness Necessary Evil Tour of Darkness Deadlands: Reloaded Low Life

Slipstream Slipstream Low Life Solomon Kane Low Life Low Life Evernight Necropolis Deadlands: Reloaded Low Life Evernight Slipstream Necropolis Deadlands: Reloaded Low Life Rippers Rippers Necropolis Necessary Evil Slipstream Weird War II Rippers Necessary Evil Slipstream Weird War II Tour of Darkness Tour of Darkness , Necropolis , Weird War II Deadlands: Reloaded Low Life Rippers Deadlands: Reloaded Necessary Evil The Flood Plot Point Campaign Deadlands: Reloaded Necropolis Necessary Evil Low Life Slipstream Unofficial

Unofficial Unofficial















Unofficial Unofficial

Unofficial Unofficial


Type Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background

Edge Academy Graduate Acclimated Alertness Ambidextrous Arcane Background Arcane Exposure Arcane Resistance Arcane Resistance, Improved Attractive Attractive, Very Berserk Big Ass Feet Bouncy Behind Brawny Captain College Boy Down to Earth Enhanced Senses Extra Limb Fast Healer Grizzled Irradiated Kraken Bone Sword and Armor Linguist Luck Luck, Great Multidextrous National Identity Natural Swimmer Noble Oakthorn Armor One-Of-A-Kind Prehensile Body Quick Really Big Guy Really Small Guy Rich Rich, Filthy Rubbery Say, aren't you that one guy Slimy Sticky Stout-Hearted Tentacular Tongue Fu Twin, Evil Twin, Good Two-Faced Veteran of the Weird West


Background West Pointer Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Beastling Blind Fighting Block Block, Improved Blood and Guts Bring 'Em On Bullseye Bullseye, Imporved Cannoneer Celestial Kung Fu Chi Focus Clipping the Grass Close Fighting Close Fighting, Improved Combat Reflexes Combat Sense/Wall of Steel Counterpunch Counterpunch, Improved Dark Fighting Dig in! Dig in!, Improved Dirty Fighter Dirty Fighter, Really Dodge Dodge, Improved Double Shot Double Shot, Improved Duelist Elan Entangle Feet of Fury Fire for Effect First Strike First Strike, Improved Fleche Fleet-Footed Florentine Frenzy Frenzy, Improved Giant Killer Grazing Fire Groundhog Hard to Kill Harder to Kill Hip-Shooting Hip-Shooting, Improved Hose 'Em Down Hose 'Em Down, Improved Improvisational Fighter (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Veteran) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Heroic) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Seasoned/Veteran) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice) (Heroic) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Veteran) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Veteran) (Seasoned) (Heroic) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice)

Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat

Incoming! Iron Jaw Iron Parry Iron Will Killer Instinct Level Headed Level Headed, Improved Lightning Strike Loogie Hawker Lunge Marksman Martial Arts Martial Arts, Improved Martial Arts Master Mongoose Leap Movement of the Serpent Nerves of Steel Nerves of Steel, Improved No Mercy Pickle Barrel Pimp Slap Quick Draw Rebel Yell Righteous Fury Riposte Riposte, Improved Rock and Roll! Scamper Slugger Solid Determination Speed Load Spit Spot Weakness Steady Hands Sucker Punch Sunder Sunder, Improved Superior Kung Fu Sweep Sweep, Improved Take the Hit Tank Hunter Tank Hunter, Improved Ten-Tiger Punch Thumper King Thumper God Trademark Rocketship Trademark Weapon Trademark Weapon, Improved True Hero

(Seasoned) (Novice) (Heroic) (Novice) (Heroic) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Veteran) (Legendary) (Novice) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Heroic) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Veteran) (Heroic)

Combat Combat Combat Combat Combat Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power

Tunnel Fighter Two-Fisted War Cry Whirlwind Whirlwind, Improved A Few Good Men A Few More Good Men Art of War Born Leader Command Command Presence Command Voice Cry Havoc Death Before Dishonor Fanaticism Fervor Gifted Leader Heroic Leadership Hold the Line! Inspire Leader of Men Master & Commander Natural Leader Rank Remember Cameron! Song of St. George Spurred On Strategist Strategic Genius Tactician Alchemy Angelic Pact Chemist Contanimaster Conviction Dealer's Choice Elemental Mastery Fetish Creator Finely Tuned Genius High Roller High Roller, Improved New Power Old Hand Power Points Rapid Recharge Rapid Recharge, Improved Rapid Recovery Rapid Recovery, Improved Reek Repository Soul Drain Strong Caster

(Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Heroic) (Heroic) (Novice) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Veteran) (Veteran) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Veteran) (Heroic) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Heroic) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Novice) (Heroic) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Seasoned) (Veteran) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Seasoned)

Power Power Power Power Power Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional

Strong Caster, Improved Super Scientist Tinkerer Voodoo Whateley Blood Accomplished Surgeon Ace Acrobat Adept Agent Alienist Arcane Chemist Artifact Hunter Assassin Avatar of Solace Boogie Knight Boorglezarian Champion Commando Demo Man Explorer Familar Frogman Gadgeteer Giggity Gigger Guardian Gunsmith Hardened Hoink Holy/Unholy Warrior Hoomanitarian Investigator Jack-of-All-Trades Jeezle Freak Jemima's Witness Jump Qualified Knight Mark of Torquemada McGyver/Mechanical Genius Mechanically Inclined Medic Mentalist Merchant Merchant, Master Mr.Fix It/Engineer Musketeer Obsessulon

(Heroic) (Heroic) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned)

Professional One Man Crew

Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional

One Man Crew, Improved Peasant Lore Ranger Tab Rank (NCO) Rank (Officer) Red Knight Rocketship Gunner Rocketship Navigator Rope Monkey Scholar Scout

(Heroic) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice/Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice/Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice)

Professional Scrounger Professional Semper Fi, Mac Professional Silver-Tongued Devil Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Slayer Slipstream Adjusted Smellementalist Snakeoil Salesman Soldier

Professional Spotter Professional Stanismist Professional Sun Priest Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Tale Teller Texas Ranger Thief Treasure Hound Troubadour Water Training Wilderness Man Wizard Woodsman Alter Ego Band of Brothers Card Sharp Charismatic Common Bond Compensating for Something Connections Femme Fatale/Ladykiller Fence Flock Frugal Idealist Party Member Reputation Scrounger Smoove

Social Social Social Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Weird Wild Card Wild Card Wild Card Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary

Strong Willed True Grit World Traveler Animal Magnetism Beast Bond Beast Master Conviction Courage Under Fire Courage Under Fire Danger Sense Fate's Favored Fish Breath Filthy MoFo Freak Occurence Magnet Gypsy Curse Healer I Have One Knack Linguist Liquid Courage Nose for the Rock Radar Radio Head Squid Sterner Stuff Dead Shot Mighty Blow Power Surge Behold A Pale Horse Cult Following Damned Face Munchin' Fast as Lightning Followers Gawdliness Leader of Men Professional Expert Master Mind of Quicksilver Right Hand of the Devil Supreme Bas Ass Tough as Nails Tough as Nails, Improved Sidekick Weapon Master Master of Arms

(Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Heroic) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Novice) (Novice) (Veteran) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Novice) (Seasoned) (Seasoned) (Seasoned)

Background Atypical

Novice (WC), Special

Background Eidetic Memory Background Horseman

Smarts d8 Agility d6

Background Intuition

Spirit d8

Background Our Gang

Novice, Young

Background Resilient

Novice, Vigor d8+

Background Wild Car

Novice, must own a vehicle.

Combat Combat

Advanced Two fisted Avoidance

Two fisted, Seasoned Seasoned, Agility d8, Notice d8


Artful Dodger

Agility d10+



Seasoned, Fighting d10+



Seasoned, First Strike, Fighting d8+


Distracting Attack

Smarts d6, Fighting d6 Novice, FleetFooted, Agility d8+, Strength d6+, Climbing d8+




Frenzied Archer

Seasoned, Shooting d10+

Combat Combat

Improved Frenzied Archer Hold Off

Veteran, Frenzied Archer Seasoned, Strength d8+, Fighting d10+ Veteran, Avoidance


Improved Avoidance


Improved Defend


Improved Rapid Fire

Heroic or Kor-In Student, Agility d8+, Fighting d10+ Veteran, Rapid Fire



Novice, Unarmed Warrior


Mighty Grip

Seasoned, Strength d10+, Fighting d8+

Combat Combat

Improved Mighty Grip Phalanx Fighter

Veteran, Mighty Grip, Fighting d10+ Novice, Fighting d8+


Rapid Fire

Seasoned, Shooting d8 Seasoned Seasoned, Agility d6, Fighting d8

Combat Combat

Steadfast Shield Expertise


Shield Mastery

Veteran, Shield Expertise, TwoFisted, Fighting d10+


Shield Guardian

Heroic, Shield Expertise

Combat Combat

Stand and fight Sneak Attack

Rock and Roll, Shooting d10+ Novice+, Thief, Stealth d8+


Trademark Vehicle

Seasoned, Ace, relevant vehicle skill d8+ Veteran, Trademark Vehicle Seasoned, Fighting d8+, Agility or Smarts d8+ Novice, Fighting/ Shooting/ Throwing d8+, Sufficient training

Combat Combat

Improved Trademark Vehicle Tricky Fighter


Weapon Specialization


You Bastard!


Inspire Courage

Leadership Leadership

Range Master Through the Gates of Hell

Seasoned, Spirit d10+, Common Bond Seasoned, Command, Spirit d8+ Veteran, Command, Shooting d8+ Veteran, Hold The Line! Veteran, Spirit d10+, Arcane Skill d8+




Versatile Caster


Weave Power


Greater Weave Power

Professional Archer

Professional Assassin

Seasoned, Spellcasting d8, Knowledge Arcana d8, Arcane Background: Magic Seasoned, Arcane Background, arcane skill d8+ Veteran, Weave Power Veteran, Agility d6+, Shooting d8+, Marksman; only works with bows. Novice, Agility d8+, stealth d8+

Professional Bard

Professional Cavalryman

Novice, Spirit d6+, Smarts d6+, Persuasion d8+, At least 2 appropriate Knowledge Skills (such as History, Legend Lore, or Politics) Seasoned, Riding d8, Fighting d8, Mount must be trained for combat

Professional Master of the Horse

Heroic, Cavalryman, Mount must be trained for combat.

Professional Combat Archer

Heroic, Archer, Agility d8+, Fighting d8+, Shooting d10+, Trademark Weapon (bow) Seasoned, Smarts d8+, Healing d8+, Knowledge (Anatomy) d6+ Veteran, Doctor Novice, Agility d6+, Fighting d8+

Professional Doctor

Professional Surgeon Professional Fencer

Professional Hacker

Professional Haggler

Novice, Smarts d8+, Lockpicking d8+, Investigation d6+, Tracking d6+ Novice, Persuasion d8+ Seasoned, Haggler Novice, Agility d8+, Spirit d6+, Fighting d8+

Professional Experienced Haggler Professional Kor-In Student

Professional Kor-In Practitioner

Professional Martial Artist Professional Natural Athlete

Professional Naturalist

Professional Seafarer

Professional Stage Magician

Veteran, Kor-In Student, Spirit d8, Fighting d10+ Novice, Agility d8+, Fighting d8+ Novice, Agility d10+, Strength d6+, Vigor d6+ Novice, Survival d8+, Repair d6+, Healing d6+ Novice, Agility d6+, Boating d8+, Climbing d6+ Novice, Agility d6, Smarts d6, Persuasion d8

Professional Super Duper

Novice, Arcane Background (Super Powers), Spirit d10+, Arcane Skill d8+ Novice, Agility d8+, Strength d8+, Climbing d6+ Novice, Persuasion d8 Seasoned, Persuasion d10 Novice, Persuasion d6+ Seasoned, Vigor d8, Survival d10, must belong to a "savage" culture. Wild Card, Novice, Smarts d10 or Spirit d10; must not have any Arcane Background edge Novice, Attractive, Spirit d8+ Novice, Weapon of Mass Distraction, Brawny Novice, Weapon of Mass Distraction, Vigor d8+, Spirit d8+ Novice, Srength d6+ Wild Card, Seasoned, Agility d10 Wild Card, Seasoned, Vigor d10 Wild Card, Seasoned, Agility d10, Smarts d8 Legendary, Agility d12+, Danger Sense, Improved Dodge Legendary, BulletTime Legendary, Expert Epic

Professional Traceur

Social Social Social Social

Sincerity Smooth Recovery Sweeten the Deal Ways Of My People


Mystic Talent

Weird Weird

Weapon of Mass Distraction Hardbody


Tuff Enuff

Weird Wild Card

Strong Back I Am the Wind

Wild Card

Man of Iron

Wild Card




Legendary Legendary Legendary

Improved Bullet-Time Epic Wild Epic


Universial Knowledge

Wild Card, Legendary, Master (Smarts)

Props Has professional military training Bonus to resist Fatigue resulting from heat Bonus to Notice rolls Off-hand penalty ignored Possess magical abilities Has experienced paranormal acitivity and resisitant to their influence Magic of all sorts less effective Same as Arcane Resistance but better Possess good looks, improving Charisma Same as Attractive but better When wounded, Strength, Fighting, and Toughness benefit while Parry is reduced Improved leaping and kicking capabilities Improved leaping capabilities; damage from falls reduced Toughness and Load Limit multiplier increased Owns and is responsible for the upkeep of a ship Additional skill points due to college training Starting Reason is higher Bonus to Notice rolls; stacks with Alertness Perform an extra action or increase Pace Bonus to natural healing rolls The soldiers starts at Seasoned, but there's a price Bonus to Contanimation rolls; easier to hit in the dark Starts play with gear from service in the Kraken Navy Knows more languages and can pick up the basics of new ones easily Increases your number of Bennies received at beginning of session Same as Luck but better Like Ambidextrous, but applies to all limbs Special ability due to national origin Bonus to Swimming skill and Swimming Pace; can hold breath longer Has high status with society, increasing Charisma and wealth; offset with responsibilities Possess bonded plant armor; Charisma is penalized Charisma bonus due to uniqueness Body acts as an entire limb; bonus to Climbing rolls May redraw low action cards Starting Strength automatically increased with a higher development ceiling; easier to hit in combat Starting Agility automatically increased with a higher development ceiling; potential Strength growth stunted Starting cash increased and receives regular income Same as Rich but better Resistant to blunt weapons Resemble someone who is famous for something good Improved grappling ability Anything that comes in contact with you sticks Bonus to Guts rolls; modifies Fright Table rolls favorably Have tentacles instead of arms Have a prehensile tongue Upon death, get replaced with an evil version from a parallel universe Same as Twin, Evil but of an opposed alignment Have two faces which can act independently Start at Seasoned, but there's a price

The character gains a Charisma bonus when interacting with officers, but is penalized when dealing with rank and file troops; bonus to Promotion rolls Wildling gains Size and natural weapons Fighting attacks unaffected by visual impairment Learned to block an opponent's blow; adds bonus to Parry Same as Block but better Not affected by the gore of war Unaffected by Gang-Ups Good at finding vehicles weak spot Same as Bullseye, but better May adjust rolls on the Critical Hit Table slightly in ship combat Improved version of Superior Kung Fu Uses Spirit for Fighting damage The soldier is more effective with suppressing fire when using machine guns Used for skilled knife-fighters; adds a bonus to Parry Same as Close Fighting but also adds bonus to Fighting roll Improves ability to recover from being Shaken Unaffected by Gang Up attempts Gets a free Fighting attack against foes who miss; may not be combined with certain maneuvers and Edges Same as Counterpunch but better Use hearing to reduce lighting penalties for combat skills Make better use of cover Like Dig In!, but better Bonus to Trick maneuver rolls Can automatically get drop on an opponent Become harder to hit at range Same as Dodge but better Allows character to fire two arrows in his bow at once Same as Double Shot but more accurate Receive extra hole cards when dueling Fights with distinctive and vigorous fighting spirit Can entangle a foe's weapon arm with a Disarm attack Possesses a special kick attack; may be taken multiple times Can zero in artillery fire Free Fighting attack against one adjacent foe each turn Same as First Strike but against all adjacent foes With a running start, can attack and withdraw without opponents getting a free attack Pace and running die are increased Bonus to Fighting when wielding two weapons against a shieldless foe with one May make an additional Fighting attack every round Same as Frenzy but with no penalty Extra damage against large opponents Skilled with suppresive fire The soldier gains a bonus to cover when prone Wound modifiers not applied to Knockout Blow and Injury tables Has a chance of escaping death Reduced penalty for fanning the hammer Same as Hip-Shooting but better The character can suppress a larger area then normal Same as Hose 'Em Down but better Can use items not meant to be weapons as such without penalty

Skilled diving for cover Bonus to Soak rolls Foes take damage on unsuccessful Fighting attacks Guts and Fright Table rolls are modified favorably Good with opposed skill roles Draw extra action card and keep best Same as Level Headed but better Increased damage from Fighting attacks when attempting to Break Things Same as Spit but better Melee weapons gain a bonus to their Reach; may not be used in combination with certain other Combat Edges Bonus to Shooting rolls when not moving Disadvantages for fighting unarmed negated; unaffected by Gang Up attempts Can reduce penalty for Called Shots on a Fighting roll; cannot move Same as Improved Martial Arts but better Reach of Fighting attacks is increased; may not be combined with certain Edges Can withdraw from combat unmolested Able to partially ignore the results of pain Same as Nerves of Steel but better May spend Fate Chips to reroll damage Excellent bombardier Bonus when attacking Small creatures and females May draw and use weapon on same action without penalty May use Intimidation against multiple targets Bonus to Strength rolls when fighting supernatural creatures Gains a free Fighting attack against a foe who fails own Fighting attack Same as Riposte but with no penalty Ignore recoil penalties Character harder to hit by man-size or larger opponents Is never consider an Unarmed Defender Gets a free Soak roll against wounds that would result in being Incapacitated May reload and fire weapon in same round without penalty Can temporarily blind foes with spit attack Bonus to Fighting rolls for duration of a combat when opponent rolls a one on the Fighting die Penalty for fighting on an unstable platform negated Success in a Test of Will provides a bonus Fighting attack Attacks gain AP in addition to any possessed by the weapon being used Same as Sunder but better Learns a style of martial arts with its own particular set of bonuses Can make a Fighting attack against all adjacent targets on one action; May not be used in conjunction with Frenzy Same as Sweep but with no penalty Good at rolling with punches; bonus to Soak rolls Skill at destorying tanks Like Tank Hunter, but better Gains a free attack on a successful Test of Will The results of deviation rolls with grenade launchers are reduced Same as Thumper King plus additional damage is inflicted Bonus to Piloting, Repair, and Shooting rolls with a specific rocketship Gain a skill bonus when wielding a specific weapon Same as Trademark Weapon but better Get a free Soak roll when Incapacitated

Bonus to acrobatic tricks and Parry when underground; harder to hit at range Can fight with two weapons without suffering MAP Can intimidate more than one opponent Can run and attack everyone in path with two weapons Same as Whirlwind but better Commander can help keep extras alive Like A Few Good Men, but better Bonus to Mass Combat rolls Allies roll a larger wild die Allies recover from being Shaken more easily The character has a larger command radius Increase "Command Radius" Can cause enemy to lose extra token in Mass Battle Troops get bonus to morale checks with Mass Combat rules Troops under the leaders command are much braver Allies inflict extra Fighting damage Allies receive a bigger Wild Die when making groups rolls You can urge your men to do better than they ever thought possible Toughness of allies increased Same as Command but better Skilled at making group leadership rolls Crew gets bonus on Boating rolls May share bennies with allies You are a NCO or officer The soldier is able to rally the morale of his fellow Legionaries When singing, members of the Order of St. George who hear it gain a bonus to all die rolls Allies gain attack and damage bonus when you're wounded Can redraw cards during strategic missions Same as Strategist but better Can modifiy initiative May create powers as potions rather than devices Can extend spell duration for free Can convert powers into drug form; does not tie up Power Points Reduce Power Point cost when using Contanimation power Bonus to Faith rolls when calling down miracles May redraw cards by spending a Fate Chip May learn spells for another element May imbue an item with a power available to the shaman once per session Gizmos can use Power Points more efficiently Gizmos malfunction less frequently Draw more cards when Dealing with the Devil Same as High Roller but better Gain a power allowed to the Arcane Background Red Joker doesn't cause Backfire Base Power Points are increased; may only be taken once per Rank Time needed to regain Power Points reduced Same as Rapid Recharge but better Time needed to recover from Fatigue resulting from backlash reduced Same as Rapid Recovery but better Can store a reek without an airtight container Gain Power Points through a Spirit roll at the risk of taking a wound Casting Modifier is reduced

Same as Strong Caster but better Select gizmos have effectively infinite Power Points Can modify gizmos to have a relevant bonus Has access to a broader range of powers and is unaffected by the Sinnin' table; must perform nightly rituals Gain Power Points through self-inflicted wounds Does less damage when implanting Rippertech Bonus to all vehicle skill rolls; can make Soak rolls for vehicle Bonus to Agility rolls when making acrobatic maneuvers; Parry increased when unencumbered A holy warrior trained to be a living weapon Is a member of the Agency, with all the associated perks and responsibilities Can use Healing to treat mental afflictions When making extracts, able to produce additional doses Good at finding magical treasure Trained to be a profesional killer Can enchant a weapon to burst into flame Bonus to attack rolls when fighting smelves; Charisma bonus when dealing with horcs Bonus to three skills of choice Toughness and damage inflicted increased when fighting against supernatural beings of an opposed alignment Trained to be special forces soldier Skilled at explosives Bonus to Survival rolls and to resisting the effects of extreme temperatures A mage gains a familiar Skilled swimmer Can create a limited use gadget with a Weird Science power once per session Can temporarily absorb essences from giggities Gains bennies by acting as a human shield for a specific person Bonus to Repair and Smarts rolls when creating weapons The character regains Sanity faster Has authority as a law enforcer Can spend Power Points to repulse supernatural beings and those with Arcane Background (Miracles) of an opposed alignment Bonus to Holy Rolling rolls when in contact with a Hoomanrace artifact Bonus to Investigation and Streetwise rolls; also Notice rolls made searching through evidence Unskilled penalty involving Smarts-based skills reduced Gains bonuses to Holy Rolling rolls by taking sacred vows Bonus in defending against Hoomanrace artifacts; Holy Rollers get bonus to Holy Rolling rolls Skilled using a parachute in combat Trained to be a chivalric soldier Magics of all sorts less effective; must faithfully serve Torquemada No penalty for using makeshift tools; can jury-rig one use devices in an emergency Skilled at using and reparing equipment Can save a wounded Extra Bonus to all opposed rolls involving Psionics Cost of commodities on the Master Trading Table reduced Can sell cargoes for a higher amount Bonus to Repair rolls; repair time can be reduced Can reload firearms more quickly Can detect the presence of an oofo artifact with Notice; bonus to Knowledge skills for determining their functions Can handle multiple rocketship systems without MAP

Same as One Man Crew but better Possesses extensive knowledge of folklore Bonus to Survival and Fatigue rolls; resists sleep deprivation less frequently Starts the game as a noncom Starts the game as an officer Is a holy warrior of Solace with access to the Miracles AB; Charisma bonus among believers May modify results on the Critical Hit Table in rocketship combat Bonus to Piloting rolls when navigating or avoiding hazards Able to move through a ship's rigging more easily Bonus to two Knowledge skills of choice May spot random encounters ahead of time with Notice roll; bonus to avoid surprise. Rank requirement dependent on Can obtain items at lower cost Bonus to Toughness Can adjust a location's Price Modifier on a successful Persuasion roll; only affects the character and allies Inflicts additional damage when fighting the spider-creatures Ignores the penalties for operating in zero-G or breathing the space air Can regain some Power Points without having to release a reek Bonus to Persuasion and Streetwise rolls Is a member of the military, with all the associated perks and responsibilities; additional bonuses dependent on actual rank Can aid others attacking with artillery Won't be attacked by evil monsters Is a priest of Solace with access to the Miracles AB (and a greater selection of powers than Red Knight); Charisma bonus among believers Bonus to Persuasion rolls when recounting the heroic deeds of the posse Is a member of the Texas Rangers, with all the associated perks and responsibilities Bonus to Climbing, Lockpicking, and Stealth rolls made in an urban environment Value of Booty and odds of finding a magical item increased You can perform magic with you music Bonus to character's Swimming rolls; can hold breath longer Bonus to Tracking and Survival rolls as well as resisting Fatigue caused by extreme temperatures Can reduce Power Point cost with raises on Spellcasting rolls Bonus to Tracking, Survival, and Stealth rolls made in the wilderness Has two different Status scores Can reduce damage taken when among others with this Edge Odds of being caught at cheating reduced Charisma is increased May give bennies to other Wild Cards Bonus to Spirit rolls when holding a large weapon Can obtain favors once per session from someone with influence May use Persuasion to initiate a Test of Will Able to locate buyers willing to purchase excess gear Gains a small following of Townsfolk; any killed will eventually be replaced Carousing price reduced; bonus to Smarts roll to avoid getting drunk The character gains a bonus to Charisma and Common Knowledge rolls when dealing with the native population Member of the Communist Party Charisma acts as bonus for Intimidation rolls The character can obtain equipment and luxury items when in a populated area Bonus to Gambling, Intimidation, and Persuasion rolls when attempting to con someone

Bonus to Intimidation and Taunt rolls as well as resisting them Grit is increased Ignores Outsider penalty when in foreign lands Animals won't attack you; bonus to Riding Can spend bennies on animals Animals react favorably; attracts an animal companion Can automatically trigger a Righteous Rage once per session May ignore a random number of wounds each mission; command radius increased when standing in the open Chance you won't be wounded Always has a chance to Notice ambushes and similar unpleasant surprises A Fate Chip's value may be increased once per session Can breathe underwater Unhygenic appearance provides natural armor and a bonus to Smellcasting rolls; Charisma is penalized Attracts random weirdness Can inflict a Shaken result; only available to full-blooded gypsies Bonus to skill rolls involving Healing, both magical and mundane Always has a useful item at hand Spending Fate Chips activates an inborn mystical ability Starts with additional languages; can figure out unfamiliar languages on a Smarts roll You're tougher after drinking alcohol Bonus to rolls for locating ghost rock; more resistant to rock fever You can anticipate incoming area effect attacks You can hear radio signals Bonus to Swimming rolls Reason loss caused by Rippertech implantation can be reduced Inflicts double damage on a ranged attack Inflicts double damage on a Fighting attack Instantly regain Power Points Gains a Wild Card steed with special abilities Attract a moderate sized following Automatically becomes Harrowed upon death Can gain insight from the dead Low action cards increase in value Has five Extras under command; not automatically replaced when killed Attract a huge following Command Edges can effect Wild Cards Gain a bonus for one d12 Trait Same as Professional but better Wild Die of an Expert Trait is increased Temporarily gains access to another's chi power when observing it in action Favored weapon becomes a Relic Bonus to all combat skills Toughness is increased Same as Tough as Nails but better Gains a Wild Card follower of Novice rank Parry is increased Same as Weapon Master but better

For every race, there are exceptions to the norm. These individuals are born with variances in their blood that make them truly different from those around them. They are, essentially, the exceptions that prove the rule. //This Edge only has value to someone playing a Race that has one or more Limited Attributes ([1] Some races have Limited Attributes. This means they must expend extra effort in raising these Attributes. Such an Attribute costs 2 points to raise at character creation, and requires two "level ups" to raise during game play. This idea was adapted from 50 Fathoms). By taking this Edge at the start, the player may designate a different Attribute as being Limited. For example, a the player of a Brinchie could determine that his character's Strength falls under the Limited restrictions, instead of Spirit, as is normal for most Brinchie. //One restriction is that the player may not select an Attribute that starts with any bonuses. The player of an Ogre, for example, could determine that his Agility is Limited, instead of his Spirit. He could not, however, select his Strength or Vigor, since both of those start out enhanced for that Race. //Note that this Edge only allows one such trade-off. The player of the abovementioned Ogre could only choose to trade-off for Spirit or Smarts, but not both. This Edge may only be taken once. Your character may not be particularly brilliant, but she has a mind like a camera. She gains a +2 bonus on Common Knowledge rolls, and on Smarts rolls made to remember something. Born in the saddle is more than a turn of phrase for this hero. His people learn to ride at least as soon as they learn to walk. Heroes with the Horseman Edge gain +2 to all Riding checks (but not when using Riding in place of Fighting for melee). Additionally, a Horseman can mount or dismount as a Free Action (though not both in the same Round). Your hero is prone to sudden flashes of insight. You may spend a benny and make a Spirit roll; if successful, you may ask the GM a single, simple question which your character might theoretically know the answer to. The GM must either give you a simple (no more than one sentence) answer or return your benny. When you're a kid Courage comes easier with numbers. As long as you are with your gang you get a +1 bonus to guts checks for every adjacent ally with this edge (for a max of +4). However, if one ally fails the check you all fail and run! Thick as a brick or the heart of a lion either way your hero is unaffected by attacks that would leave others crying for their momma. When any damaging attack creates a Shaken condition with no accompanying wounds your hero may make a free Soak roll. On a Raise the Shaken condition is removed. If unsuccessful a benny may still be paid to immediately eliminate the Shaken penalty. You and your vehicle have gone through a lot together, and she's almost as much of a hero as you are. //You must choose a specific vehicle in your possession when you take this Edge. This vehicle can survive an unlimited amount of wounds. Each wound still causes a -1 driving penalty and inflicts a critical hit, but the vehicle is not automatically wrecked by the fourth wound. //The vehicle can still be wrecked by rolling a 12 on the Critical Hit Table, or if she suffers a hit that would obviously obliterate her (like an artillery shell on a muscle car). If the vehicle is ever completely destroyed, the bonus is lost and can not be transferred to a replacement. Like Two fisted, but you can take any two actions as long as each is "one-handed", such as casting a spell and fighting, driving and shooting a pistol, an Agility Trick and an attack, etc. This character is trained or instinctively aware of incoming Area Effect attacks. If an Area Effect attack does not allow an Agility roll to avoid, he gets an Agility roll at -2 to avoid it. If an attack does allow an Agility roll to avoid it's effects, each raise on his roll allows him to push or otherwise move an ally out of the area as well as himself. If an Area Effect attack is not avoided with Agility but another Trait instead, the character may make his Agility roll first at -2, and if failed, he still gets the other Trait roll as normal. The 'Artful Dodger' may not know how to hit someone but certainly does know how to make them miss! The character with this may use 1/2 Agility + 2 as their base parry score in place of fighting. The character also does not provoke the 'unarmed defender' bonus unless their last action was an attack. The warrior is experienced at moving across a large distance and getting the most effect out of rushing his foe. He may ignore the standard penalty for Running when making a Fighting attack.

Fighters trained in this aggressive technique know how to deflect an attack and turn their defense into an attack of their own. The counterstrike is not without risk, as fighter can still be struck by his opponent even if his own attack hits. //A fighter may announce his intent to use counterstrike when an attack is declared upon him, but before the fighting roll against him is made. After announcing the counterstrike his Parry is lowered by 2 until his next action. The fighter then makes a counterstrike (fighting roll) and compares the result against his attacker's fighting roll and Parry value. If the counterstrike exceeds the attacker's fighting roll then he has parried the blow. If the counterstrike meets or exceeds the attacker's Parry value, then the attacker has been struck by the counterstrike and damage is rolled. With this technique it is possible to not exceed the attacker's fighting roll but still land a hit on him, resulting in damage being rolled by both combatants. //Only one counterstrike attempt may be made per round. Counterstrike cannot be used in the same round as First Strike, and vice versa. Counterstrike may be combined with a wild attack. You can distract an enemy to allow your ally a better shot. Make a normal attack roll; if you hit, you deal no damage but the next ally to attack that enemy gains a +2 bonus on their Fighting roll. The bonus disappears once someone attacks the enemy (successful or not), the enemy acts, or the round ends. Freerunners don't move through objects, they are just so quick and agile its almost as if they do. Freerunners study the art of getting from point A to point B in the most effective manner through climbing, jumping, rolling, and most importantly... running! With a successful Agility roll per round of freerunning, the hero may pass over any obstacle and continue on as if it wasn't there, while taking a running action and while not encumbred. The only exception is large, tall, solid objects which must be climbed. As a general rule, any object up to 1 cubic game inch is easily passable. In addition, Freerunners recieve a +2 bonus on all climbing rolls and climb half strength +2 " per round instead of half strength. (This edge works best in urban/ modern settings) Frenzied archers sacrifice accuracy for a higher rate of fire. Heroes with this edge can make 2 shooting attacks in a single round. However, all shooting rolls suffer a -2 penalty. The additional attack must be used with another shooting roll, and only one wild die may be used with both rolls for Wild Cards. If wanted, up to two different targets may be selected. This ability may not be used in conjunction with the aim manuever. Same as above, however the archer may ignore the -2 penalty. The character is skilled at using the reach and size of a larger weapon to enhance their defensive posture. The hero adds +1 to his Parry if using a weapon with a Reach of 1 or more. This is in addition to any bonus already granted by such a weapon. Even if the character fails to escape an Area Effect attack, he is still able to find some level of protection for himself. If the character fails to avoid an Area Effect attack, he is considered to have at least Medium Cover against the damage (+2 Armor). If the character already has Medium or better cover, its effect is increased one level up to a maximum of near total cover (-6 or +6 Armor). If the Area Effect attack is not damaging (like an entangle or stun spell), the character gains a +2 bonus to escape or avoid its effect. The character masters his defensive techniques. A character with this Edge who performs the Defend action gains a +4 to his Parry (instead of just +2). He also subtracts 2 from any ranged attacks against him this round, as well as adding +2 to any attempts to evade area effect attacks. You can use a non-fully automatic weapon to perform Suppressive Fire. Such use requires firing 5 shots from the weapon and only affects a Small Burst Template instead of a Medium one, but otherwise works as listed for Suppressive Fire. Sometimes you just get the right angle when you hit an opponent, and you send him flying. Characters with this edge can choose to forgo the additional d6 damage from a raise on their Fighting roll in favor of sending their opponent flying 1d4" directly away from them. If the opponent strikes a solid object, such as a wall, they are automatically Shaken. If already Shaken, the opponent takes a wound. Fighters with this edge have developed a stone grip, alowing him to wield 2 handed swords, axes, and maces in his main hand. While wielding a 2-handed weapon the hero recieves a -1 parry in additon to any negatives applied by the weapon itself.

Same as above, however the hero does not recieve the additional -1 parry for wielding a 2-handed weapon. You are part of a highly trained fighting unit that knows how to work together to defend each other. You receive a +1 Parry bonus for each adjacent ally who also possesses this Edge, up to a maximum bonus of +4. This character is capable of pulling a trigger faster and retaining accuracy. He can use Double Tap with a weapon not normally capable of it (as long as the weapon does not needed to be reloaded between shots), and he can use Three Round Burst with a weapon capable of Double Tap. The trials of battle have left your hero resistant to less debilitating wounds. Add +2 to his Vigor rolls when trying to Soak. Many soldiers train in the use of weapon-and-shield combat, but the dedicated warrior learns how to make a shield a very powerful tool in surviving combat. A character with Shield Expertise increases the Parry value of any Shield by +1 while worn.. //[1] It is assumed in Shaintar: Immortal Legends that a "Shield Bash" maneuver is like any two-weapon attack, but the Shield no longer adds to the user's Parry until his next action normally.). //[2] Using Deadlands' "Way of the Brave" damage rules, a Medium or lesser Shield would be a d4 weapon, while larger Shields count as d6 weapons.) A true master with weapon-and-shield combat learns how to use his shield offensively while maintain the defensive value of it. Shield Mastery allows the warrior to make an attack with his shield without losing the Parry bonus it confers. Medium Shields (or less) do STR+1 damage, while a Large (or greater) Shield does STR+2. //[1] It is assumed in Shaintar: Immortal Legends that a "Shield Bash" maneuver is like any two-weapon attack, but the Shield no longer adds to the user's Parry until his next action normally.). //[2] Using Deadlands' "Way of the Brave" damage rules, a Medium or lesser Shield would be a d4 weapon, while larger Shields count as d6 weapons.) For some warriors, the shield becomes a powerful symbol of not only self-defense, but the defense of others they are sworn to protect. The Shield Guardian has learned how to use his Shield to effectively protect another as well as himself. Before taking an Action, a character with this Edge can declare an adjacent character as receiving all of the same defensive bonuses he receives from the Shield (Parry bonuses, Shield bonues to Armor against ranged damage); these bonuses are shared, not lost. If the declared target moves away from the Guardian, the bonuses are lost to the target (though not to the Guardian). The shared defenses remain applied until the Shield Guardian acts again. Using this edge the character my give up his movement to double the rate of fire of his weapon. with a -2 to all actions. This always results in an empty clip. Honor? Rules of Combat? No no no, you my friend fight dirty and always seize the opportunity when it arises. During combat you may use a Stealth roll against your opponent. A success gives you +2 to your attack and damage rolls against that opponent on your next action or you may attack immediately with the normal multiaction penalty (effectively no penalty) with +2 damage. A raise will grant you the Drop (+4 to attack and damage on your next action or you may attack immediately with a +2 to attack and +4 to damage) You have a feel for your vehicle which borders on the supernatural. The maneuverability you can squeeze out of it makes it difficult for anyone to get a decent shot at it. While driving a specific vehicle, all Shooting rolls to hit it are at -1. This Edge should be restricted to personal vehicles (so no dreadnaughts). As above except the penalty is at -2. You suffer no MAP when using a Trick in the same round as a Fighting attack. You must choose which type of Trick this Edge applies to (Agility or Smarts) and must have a d8 in that Attribute. You may take this Edge twice to apply it to both kinds of Tricks. Your character has spent much time and effort mastering the most efficient way to wield his weapon. The heroes weapon now deals an extra d10 of damage instead of a d6 when attacking with a raise. This edge may be applied to any one weapon type (e.g. one handed swords, two handed maces, pistols .... etc.). The hero must be proficient with the desired weapon (See house Rules 1.7.3).

You take great umbrage whenever one of your friends gets hurt badly. Whenever a Wild Card ally (includes fellow PCs) is Incapacitated, your attacks against the opponent who struck the blow inflict an additional 1d6 damage. Your presence heartens and inspires those around you. Your Command edge affects Wild Cards as well as Extras.

You are a skilled shooting range master and know how to make most of the ranged troops under your control. //Those in the command radius add +1 to their Shooting rolls. The character is beloved and trusted by his troops, so that they would literally follow him to the Gates of Hell and beyond. //Whenever the fighters need to make Fear checks, as long as this character succeeds on his Guts roll, all troops under his command automatically succeed as well. To make use of this Edge, the magician must spend double the normal amount of Power Points when using a power which has a detrimental effect on the target. What it does is make the power last until the victim fufills certain conditions chosen by the magician. The GM must approve the conditions and they should be possible (though not necessarily easy) to accomplish. When inflicting the Curse, the caster must make a pronouncement to the victim that he's been Cursed as well as what needs to be done to break it (though the latter may be stated as a riddle of some sort). As long as the Curse is in effect, the caster cannot regain half of the Power Points spent (i.e., the normal cost of the power). While a magician can place multiple curses on a target, the same curse cannot be used again while the first is still in effect. //Note: Best suited for dark fantasy and horror settings. Spend a Benny to gain a one-time use of any Power that would normally be available to your character through the New Power Edge. Treat that Power exactly as if you'd bought it with New Power - all costs, etc must still be paid.

The spellcaster is adept at maintaining multiple magical effects simultaneously. The arcane skill roll penalty for maintaining multiple powers is reduced by 1 (minimum 0). As Weave Power, but the penalty is reduced by 2 (minimum 0). Archers are among the most prized soldiers in any military. Those who train in advanced techniques learn how to master the bow in all conditions, and they can compensate for any difficulties. Archers reduce all Called Shot, Range, and Cover penalties by 1. Both modern or medieval, assassins are skilled killers who know a thousand ways to kill an enemy efficiently. Assassins gain a +6 to the attack and resulting damage roll when he gains the drop on his target. Assassins may only recieve the bonus if his target has vital areas. In addition, Assassins may ignore 1 point of called shot penalties during combat. The bringers of news and entertainment around the world, Bards are a respected (though sometimes mistrusted) lot. They are well-educated and well-traveled, taking every opportunity to learn a new tale or a new piece of news. Bards are skilled orators, jugglers, singers, and musicians. They are also capable negotiators, and in many smaller towns they are called upon to arbitrate disputes. Bards may expect hospitality almost anywhere they go. They also gain a +2 on any Knowledge checks that have to do with the stories and lore of Shaintar. Bards all know how to play multiple instruments, sing, juggle, and tell good stories. They use their Persuasion skill in performing such feats. This hero knows how to make the most of mounted combat. When performing a Mounted Charge, the Cavalryman gets a +2 on his Fighting roll as long as he moves at least 6" in a straight line before attacking. This is in addition to the +4 Damage. This Mounted Charge can be done at the end of the mount doing a Run with no Multiple Action Penalties.

Masters of Horse are experts of mounted combat, able to urge their horses to great deeds and protect them in the chaos of combat. The term is usually used with great respect for such mounted warriors as the "Riders of Vale" in Galea, the "Desert Riders" in the Eternal Desert, and the "Horsemasters of Fortune" in the Freelands. A Rider's mount enjoys the benefit of his Parry, including the use of Edges and Shields. As well, the Rider's mount gains a +2 to its Pace and a Running die of d10 instead of a d8. The Azure Feathers. The Silver Arrows. The 3rd Freelord Archery Company. These are some of the distinguished units whose members specialize in Combat Archery techniques. Their members train with heavy-duty bows, made from either ironwood or everwood, and they are capable of firing in the midst of a melee. They can also use their bows in hand-to-hand combat very effectively. Combat Archers may fire their bows in Close Combat, using the target's Parry as the Target Number. They may also strike opponents with their stout bows in melee (doing STR+1 damage). A character with this Edge may ignore one point of his patient's wound penalties when healing an injured person.

Just as Doctor, but the Surgeon may ignore two wound levels, instead of one. In the Prelacy of Camon, they've developed the art of fencing to a fine, disciplined martial form. In the Freelands and the Pirate Archipelagoes, the forms are much less structured and far more brazen. The essence is the same, though; masters of the rapier become exceptionally skilled at defending themselves, as well as exploiting opportunities to place a well-aimed thrust. Fencers gain a +1 Parry while unencumbered, and they gain a +1 to offset any Called Shot penalties. Both of these bonuses require them to be armed with a rapier, saber, or (GM's option) similar light weapon. You are a whiz at ferreting information out of computers no matter how well protected a file may be. You also have the knack of spotting the signs that someone else may have done the same. Add a +2 to all Investigation, Lockpicking, and Tracking rolls involving computers.

The edge allows a character to talk a buyer or seller to the best possible price for the character. A successful Persuasion test against the opponent's Smarts changes the price by 10%. Every raise changes the price an additional 10% to a max of 50%. Same as above, but the character receives a +1 to the Persuasion roll. The character, either a Korindian or being trained by someone who knows the art, has begun the path of mastering Kor-In. He automatically gains the benefit of being considered "Armed" for purposes of avoiding penalties when fighting unarmed against armed opponents. Kor-In Students also learn how to roll with attacks and stand quickly from being knocked down. If ever a Kor-In Student is knocked back or down, he may make an Agility check to immediately regain his feet, even if he is Shaken. [ 1] The advanced Kor-In Student learns how to throw opponents to the ground. By making an attack at -2, he may throw an opponent Prone wit

Martial Artists are highly trained hand to hand combat specialists. The Martial artist is considered armed, even without a weapon equiped, a

Your character had always been a talented sportsman, natural athlete, physically gifted. Performing feats of dexterity, agility, balance, mobi

Your character can make useful items from natural materials. He suffers no penalty to Healing for not having proper materials as he can scro

The seas around Shaintar are treacherous indeed, and it takes a special kind of person to thrive on them. Those that do, however, are worth t

Your character is skilled at the arts of legerdemain, prestidigitation, flim-flammery and fast-talking (but not necessarily true magic). He gain

When using a power that gains an additional effect on a raise, a second raise on the skill roll provides that effect again. For example, if appl

Traceurs are practitioners of the art of Parkour, an activity with the aim of moving from one point to another as efficiently and quickly as po

Some call your character a wide-eyed idealist, but there is no mistaking the fact that he believes what he says. Anytime your character is tell

No matter how diplomatic they are, everyone makes social gaffes now and then. Your character has learned how to swiftly recover from the

There's no way im paying full price for that mace! Lower the price 80 gold and i might think about it. You get the picture, your hero can't sta

Others may perceive your character as a savage, but you can sometimes make that work to your advantage. Anytime you would normally ma

Your character has no formal arcane schooling, but there's this one special trick she knows... Choose a single Novice-rank power. Your char

You've got some impressive "assets" and you sure know how to make the best use of them to make sure that your opponent's attention is wh

Not only do you have the looks and the guts to run around in a chainmail bikini, you actually have the fortitude to get away with it, too! //W

Clothes are for weaklings! And as far as you are concerned, you won't let such minor inconveniences like cold weather stop you from showi

Don't leave anything behind! With the Strong back edge your hero can carry weight as if his Strength was one step higher than it actually is.

This character is a master of mobility and a demon at defense. On any round in which he is dealt a Joker, he adds +2 to his Parry, his Pace, a

This hero absorbs blows that would fell an ox and laughs. On any round in which he is dealt a Joker, he adds +2 to his Toughness, any Vigo

Your character is fast. On any round in which she is dealt a Joker, she gains +2 to her Pace, her running die is one size larger (d8 normally,

Your character has the uncanny ability to be where the bullets ain't. Ranged attacks against him suffer a further -1 penalty (to a total of -3 wi

Same as above, but the penalty to hit your character is now -4 (total) and he adds +4 to his rolls to evade area effect weapons when allowed.

An Epic character has surpassed the legendary and has transcended to a whole new tier. Epic characters may advance traits beyond d12, gai A character with this edge improves their wild die to a d8. If the character has the Master edge, the wild die becomes a d12 for that trait.

The Character has studied virtually every aspect of life, culture, arts and sciences. //His Common Knowledge encompasses every type of inf

Setting Weird War II Tour of Darkness Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Weird War II Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Low Life Low Life Core Rules The Flood Plot Point Campaign Weird War II Rippers Low Life Low Life Core Rules Tour of Darkness, Weird War II Low Life 50 Fathoms Rippers Core Rules Core Rules Low Life Weird War II 50 Fathoms Core Rules Sundered Skies Slipstream Low Life Core Rules Low Life Low Life Core Rules Core Rules Low Life Low Life Low Life Low Life Rippers Low Life Low Life Low Life Low Life Low Life Deadlands: Reloaded

Tour of Darkness Sundered Skies The Flood Plot Point Campaign Core Rules Core Rules Weird War II Slipstream Weird War II Weird War II The Flood Plot Point Campaign The Flood Plot Point Campaign The Flood Plot Point Campaign Tour of Darkness, Necropolis 50 Fathoms, Solomon Kane 50 Fathoms, Solomon Kane Core Rules Necessary Evil, Solomon Kane The Flood Plot Point Campaign The Flood Plot Point Campaign Evernight Weird War II Weird War II 50 Fathoms, Solomon Kane 50 Fathoms, Solomon Kane Core Rules Core Rules Evernight Evernight Deadlands: Reloaded Weird War II Solomon Kane The Flood Plot Point Campaign Weird War II Core Rules Core Rules Solomon Kane Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Weird War II Tour of Darkness Core Rules Core Rules Deadlands: Reloaded Deadlands: Reloaded Tour of Darkness, Weird War II Tour of Darkness, Weird War II Rippers, Solomon Kane, Slipstream

Weird War II Solomon Kane, Slipstream The Flood Plot Point Campaign Solomon Kane Weird War II Core Rules Core Rules The Flood Plot Point Campaign Low Life Solomon Kane Core Rules Deadlands: Reloaded The Flood Plot Point Campaign The Flood Plot Point Campaign The Flood Plot Point Campaign The Flood Plot Point Campaign Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules, Deadlands: Reloaded Weird War II Low Life Core Rules Deadlands: Reloaded Rippers Solomon Kane Solomon Kane Core Rules Evernight, Slipstream Slipstream Solomon Kane Deadlands: Reloaded Low Life Solomon Kane Core Rules Slipstream Evernight Evernight Deadlands: Reloaded Core Rules Core Rules Necessary Evil Weird War II Weird War II The Flood Plot Point Campaign Tour of Darkness Tour of Darkness Slipstream Core Rules Core Rules Slipstream

Evernight Core Rules Evernight Evernight Evernight Weird War II Weird War II Weird War II Tour of Darkness Core Rules Tour of Darkness , Necropolis , Solomon Kane Weird War II Necropolis, Weird War II Necropolis, Weird War II Necropolis Core Rules Solomon Kane Necropolis 2351-2355 Update> Core Rules Core Rules Weird War II 50 Fathoms Core Rules Weird War II Tour of Darkness Rippers Slipstream Rippers Rippers Weird War II Deadlands: Reloaded Rippers Slipstream Low Life Deadlands: Reloaded Deadlands: Reloaded 50 Fathoms Deadlands: Reloaded Slipstream Slipstream Deadlands: Reloaded Deadlands: Reloaded Core Rules Deadlands: Reloaded Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Solomon Kane Solomon Kane Low Life Core Rules Solomon Kane

Solomon Kane Slipstream Slipstream Deadlands: Reloaded Deadlands: Reloaded Rippers Core Rules Core Rules Fantasy Companion Deadlands: Reloaded Rippers Rippers Fantasy Companion Fantasy Companion Evernight Low Life Low Life Core Rules Weird War II Weird War II Solomon Kane, Slipstream Fantasy Companion Weird War II Core Rules Low Life Slipstream Solomon Kane Tour of Darkness Low Life Core Rules Low Life Core Rules Core Rules, Necessary Evil Low Life Low Life Weird War II Fantasy Companion 50 Fathoms Core Rules, Necessary Evil Weird War II Tour of Darkness, Weird War II Core Rules 50 Fathoms 50 Fathoms Core Rules, Slipstream Evernight, 50 Fathoms, Solomon Kane Low Life Slipstream

Slipstream Rippers Tour of Darkness Tour of Darkness Tour of Darkness Evernight Slipstream Slipstream 50 Fathoms Core Rules 50 Fathoms, Deadlands: Reloaded Evernight Tour of Darkness The Flood Plot Point Campaign Evernight Slipstream Low Life Deadlands: Reloaded Deadlands: Reloaded Tour of Darkness Low Life Evernight Deadlands: Reloaded Deadlands: Reloaded Core Rules 50 Fathoms Fantasy Companion Tour of Darkness Deadlands: Reloaded Core Rules Core Rules Rippers Tour of Darkness, Necropolis, Weird War II Deadlands: Reloaded Core Rules Core Rules Low Life Core Rules Slipstream Slipstream Deadlands: Reloaded 50 Fathoms Tour of Darkness Weird War II Deadlands: Reloaded, Solomon Kane Tour of Darkness, Weird War II Low Life

Core Rules Deadlands: Reloaded Rippers Low Life Core Rules Core Rules Solomon Kane Tour of Darkness Weird War II Core Rules Deadlands: Reloaded Low Life Low Life Low Life Rippers Core Rules Slipstream Deadlands: Reloaded Slipstream Weird War II The Flood Plot Point Campaign Weird War II Weird War II Weird War II Rippers Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Deadlands: Reloaded Low Life Deadlands: Reloaded Low Life Deadlands: Reloaded Core Rules Low Life Solomon Kane Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules The Flood Plot Point Campaign Deadlands: Reloaded Low Life Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Necropolis Core Rules Core Rules


Unofficial Unofficial





Unofficial Unofficial







Unofficial Unofficial






Unofficial Unofficial


Unofficial Unofficial



Unofficial Unofficial


Unofficial Unofficial




Unofficial Unofficial




Unofficial Unofficial







Unofficial Unofficial



Unofficial Unofficial


Unofficial Unofficial






Unofficial Unofficial Unofficial Unofficial


Unofficial Unofficial


Unofficial Unofficial




Unofficial Unofficial Unofficial



Talisman Shaintar: Immortal Legends web extra


~Lord Skudley




Mylon, UmbraLux

Shaintar: Immortal Legends with permission

Armoury Games




-1337pwnr Shaintar: Immortal Legends with permission

Shaintar: Immortal Legends with permission. // [3] Kor-In is a martial art form in Shaintar; references to this could be include any formalize

(by Clint Black on the Savage Worlds Forums)



-1337pwnr d4

(by Clint Black on the Savage Worlds Forums)

Perplext Shaintar: Immortal Legends web extra

Shaintar: Immortal Legends web extra

Shaintar: Immortal Legends web extra


Sitting Duck

Sitting Duck Clint

Sitting Duck


CaptainZoido JackAce

Sitting Duck



Talisman Shaintar: Immortal Legends with permission

- 1337pwnr

Shaintar: Immortal Legends with permission

Shaintar: Immortal Legends web extra

Shaintar: Immortal Legends web extra

Shaintar: Immortal Legends with permission


Boulder Shaintar: Immortal Legends with permission

Sitting Duck


Boulder Shaintar: Immortal Legends with permission

Shaintar: Immortal Legends with permission

-1337pwnr (Note: This is the physical equivalent of the SW:EX rules Professional Edge Jack-of-all-Trades.)

Posted on the Pinnacle Forum by Clint (example of an Edge to convert a character's abilities from another system)

Shaintar: Immortal Legends with permission


Sitting Duck

~Talisman ~Talisman -1337pwnr ~Talisman

JackAce JackAce





Noshrok Grimskull

Noshrok Grimskull Mylon Mylon


uld be include any formalized martial arts training in your campaign

Hindrance Activist Ailin' Alien Form All Thumbs All Thumbs Allergy Anemic Armless Arrogant Bad Dreams Bad Eyes Bad Luck Big Mouth Blind Bloodthirsty Branded Broken Spirit Bullet Magnet Cautious Claustrophobia Clueless Cocky Code of Honor Colorblind The Cup Overflows Curious Cursed Death Wish Delusional Dependent Disability Disowned Distinctive Appearance Doubting Thomas Doubting Thomas Elderly Enemy Exotic Atmosphere Breather F-ing New Guy Fanatic Funny Looking Garrulous Gimmick Glass Jaw Gloater Glow Blind Glowmad Susceptible God Cursed

Type (Minor) (Minor/Major) (Major) (Minor) (Major) (Minor/Major) (Minor) (Major) (Major) (Major) (Minor/Major) (Major) (Minor) (Major) (Major) (Minor) (Major) (Major) (Minor) (Minor/Major) (Major) (Minor) (Major) (Minor) (Major) (Major) (Major) (Minor) (Minor/Major) (Major) (Minor/Major) (Minor) (Minor) (Minor) (Major) (Major) (Minor/Major) (Major) (Minor) (Major) (Minor) (Minor) (Major) (Minor) (Major) (Minor) (Minor) (Major)

Goldbrick Greedy Grim Servant o' Death Habit Hard Case Hard of Hearing Heartless Heat Prone Heavy Sleeper Heroic Hoardosaurus Homesick Illiterate I'm With Him Inumerate Jingoistic Junkie Lame Legless Light Sensitive Lost Faith Loyal Lyin' Eyes Mean Mistaken Identity Moon Skin New Arrival Nightmares Obese Old Ways Oath One Arm One Eye One Eye One Leg Orders Outsider Overconfident Over-Sensitive Pacifist Penitent Phobia Poverty Power Negation Psionically Vulnerable Quirk Replacement Ripping Psychosis Servitor Sheep Shell Shocked Short Timer Slow

(Minor) (Minor/Major) (Major) (Minor/Major) (Major) (Minor/Major) (Minor) (Major) (Minor) (Major) (Minor) (Minor/Major) (Minor) (Major) (Major) (Minor/Major) (Major) (Major) (Major) (Major) (Minor) (Minor) (Minor) (Minor) (Minor/Major) (Minor/Major) (Minor) (Minor) (Minor) (Major) (Major) (Major) (Minor) (Major) (Minor) (Minor) (Major) (Major) (Minor/Major) (Minor) (Minor/Major) (Minor) (Major) (Minor/Major) (Minor) (Major) (Major) (Major) (Minor) (Minor/Major) (Major) (Major)



Small Sort of Clueless Stubborn Supernatural Weakness Tenderfoot Terminally Ill Thin Skinned Ugly Vengeful Vow Wanted Weak Willed Weakness Wuss Xenophobic Yellow Young Arcane Crutch

(Major) (Minor) (Minor) (Minor) (Minor) (Major) (Major) (Minor) (Minor/Major) (Minor/Major) (Minor/Major) (Minor) (Minor/Major) (Minor) (Minor/Major) (Major) (Major) (Minor/Major)

Back-to-Backlash Cape Fetish

(Major) (Major)

Can't Swim


Chronic Depression


Expensive Taste












Motion Sickness




Persistent Injury


Poor Cardio


Power Burn




Rival Slow

(Minor/Major) (Major)

Slow-Witted Weak-Willed

(Minor/Major) (Minor/Major)



Props The character has a penalty to Charisma while interacting with those who possess differing viewpoints. Suffers from a terminal disease; Fatigue resistance more difficult. Possesses a completely nonhuman physiology, adversely affecting Charisma and Healing rolls. Using mechanical or electronic device causes malfunction; affects repairing items. In Evernight, it also affects Shooting. Technology is so ingrained in the Necropolis and Slipstream settings that this a major Hindrance. Exposure to a particular condition or substance results in penalty to all Trait rolls or (in Necessary Evil) temporary negation of powers. Has a hard time resisting sickness, disease, poison, or environment. Penalty to all rolls requiring arms unless some form of compensating is available. Convinced of own superiority and always wishes to prove it. Suffers from constant nightmares; receipt of Fate Chips affected. Can't see too well; tech level of the setting affects the value. Bennies at start of session reduced. Not very good at keeping secrets. Big penalty for all tasks requiring sight; receives free Edge as compensation. Excessively violent, resulting in a Charisma penalty among those who know about it. Received a brand for committing a crime; Charisma is penalized. Captured, tortued or just plain witnessed too much, your spirit is broken. Has increased likelihood of being hit by adjacent fire. Likes to avoid rash decisions and plans out excessively. Penalty to rolls for resisting glowmadness in addition to normal Phobia effects. Penalty to Common Knowledge rolls. Must brag about own superiority at the beginning of a combat or incur benny loss. Always exhibits proper behavior. Name says it all. Kung fu powers have overly flashy trappings. Must look into anything that grabs attention. Beneficial miracles have no effect due to some horrible misdeed in the character's past. Willing to risk life to accomplish something. Possesses an unconventional belief. Devoted to a danger-prone Novice rank NPC. Has a physical or mental affliction not covered by any of the other Hindrances. A scandalous action in the past results in a lowered Status. Possesses a unique and easy to spot physical trait. Doesn't believe in supernatural; Guts rolls penalized when faced with supernatural. As above but the character suffers more sanity loss. Pace, Strength, and Vigor reduced; latter two may never be raised; bonus points for Smarts linked skills. Has a recurring foe. The character breathes the same atmosphere as most everyone else. Disadvantaged by being the new guy on the battlefield. Won't betray his country or cause. People find your appearance amusing; Charisma is reduced. Cost for carousing increased. Must perform some inconvenient task to gain access to powers. Soak rolls penalized. Indulges in monologuing and other old school super villain habits. Penalty to ranged attacks when outdoors. Penalty to rolls for resisting glowmadness and boredom. Beneficial powers from AB: Miracles of a particular god ineffective; harmful powers from same more effective.

Laziness to the point it affects Charisma and promotion opportunity. Obsessed with wealth; how far he'll go determines the value. Critical miss in combat results in hitting allies. Engages in some annoying behavior constantly, penalizing Charisma; full-fledged addictions can cause Fatigue. Intolerant of unprofessional behavior, resulting in a Charisma penalty. Hearing based Notice rolls adversely affected. Doesn't have any qualms about killing to accomplish goals. The character suffers a penalty to Vigor rolls made to resist the effects of heat. Notice and Vigor rolls involving sleep penalized. Must always help those in need. Collects all sorts of things and won't let go of them. Suffer a Charima penalty due to their desire to go home. Can't read or write. They're always the "second fiddle" character and are penalized on what skills they can take. Incapable of comprehending numbers. Believes in the superiority of own culture, Charisma is penalized and Leadership Edges may not be used when dealing with foreigners. Addicted to something; penalty to all Trait rolls if addiction isn't sated daily. Pace and running die reduced. Penalty to all rolls requiring Agility and Pace is reduced; bonus to Persuasion rolls when begging. Penalty to trait rolls when exposed to light. Cannot perform Miracles, or have Miracles performed on him. Always sticks by his friends. Intimidation and Persuasion rolls penalized when lying. Has an unpleasant disposition, resulting in a Charisma penalty. Bear a strong resemblance to some notorious person. Skin is highly sensitive; Wearing armor can be difficult or impossible. Knows fewer languages as they are new to the Slipstream. Plagued by bad dreams causing him to not sleep well, or at all. Is overweight, reducing Pace and running die; Toughness is increased. May not use modern devices. Penalty for all tasks requiring both hands. Penalty to Trait rolls requiring depth perception; possible Charisma penalty. Has only one eye (rather than missing an eye); ranged attacks penalized. Pace and running die reduced; penalty to Swimming rolls and Pace. Has a day job with superiors who can inadvertently interfere with Lodge work. Doesn't fit in society, resulting in a Charisma penalty and generally unpleasant treatment from most folks. Believes self to be capable of anything even in the face of common sense. Very high strung; starting Reason lowered. Disdains violence and avoids killing; strictness determines the value. The character has been placed into a "lower order" to prove themselves. Presence of a particular object or situation causes a penalty to all Trait rolls. Starting cash reduced; spendthrift ways. Presence of uncommon condition or substance results in loss of powers and penalty to all Trait rolls. Suffers penalty to resist Psionic attacks. Has a distinct foible of some description. New to war and suffers penalties do to his inexperience. Starts play with a Rippertech implant with all possible bad effects. Subject to the whims of a greater power. Penalty to social-based skills because they are a follower. Character has the "shakes" and suffers Charisma and Sanity penalties. The character only has a few weeks left in country; Soak rolls required when possible. Takes a lower initiative card; the opposite of the Quick Edge.

Pace is reduced.

Toughness is reduced due to slight stature. A bit ignorant; Common Knowledge rolls penalized. Insists on having own way no matter what. Takes extra damage from a particular substance. Starting Grit is lowered. Suffers from an incurable disease; Card draw at beginning of session determines if symptoms are acting up. Penalties when wounded increased. Has an unappealing appearance which results in a lowered Charisma. Must always right a wrong; how far he'll go determines the value. Is bound to a set of ideals or a goal to accomplish. Responsible for a crime which could result in arrest. Rolls for Tests of Will and resisting arcane powers penalized. Takes extra damage from a specific type of attack. Somewhat cowardly; penalty to Guts rolls. Charisma penalty due to their intolerance to others not of their species. All Guts rolls are penalized due to cowardice. Attribute and skill points for character creation are reduced; receive an extra benny at start of session. Arcane types with this hindrance have gotten into the habit of performing some action while performing magic and now it's gone psychosomatic. Whenever the magician can't perform this action while trying to use magic, a -2 is applied to any arcane skill rolls. The minor version is something that is inconvenient, like waving your arms about or having a lucky piece at hand. The major version is either a real hassle or is hazardous to the magician, like getting shot up with a narcotic. When wielding arcane forces, you're more prone to letting them get out of hand. You suffer a Backlash result when a one comes up on either the skill die OR the Wild Die. The cape is a popular fashion accessory among both superheroes and supervillains, particularly those who can fly. Your character is particularly proud of his cape and will not remove it even when it becomes a safety hazard. Anytime the trait die for an Agility or Agility-linked skill comes up as one (regardless of the Wild Die result), the character loses an action as he attempts to unsnag his cape. Should the roll have come up snake eyes, it got snagged in a manner where it chokes the character, inflicting an automatic Shaken result as well. For Supers games only This character simply can't swim. When subjected to water, the character flounders for one round, then sinks the next, using normal rules for having no oxygen. The character may not learn the swimming skill without first buying off this hindrance. A character may normally tread water even without the swimming skill (pace 1), but this hindrance causes the character to fail at even that. The character is afflicted with melancholies that make him/her unmotivated and disinterested in life. The character, when in a dreary mood, is difficult to rouse to action. //Minor: Anytime you want to use a benny, make a Spirit check. If you fail, the benny is wasted and has no effect. You may not use a benny for this roll. //Major: As above, but with a -2 penalty. It's not like this character specifically chooses to buy only the most expensive equipment. It's more that the items that he likes have a tendency to be the most expensive ones available. Whenever the character buys equipment, he pays 25% more then the listed price for the purchased item. The Hero has suffered a traumatic event in his life that has taken a portion of his sanity with it. Whenever the Hero sees or hears an object, person, sound etc. that may have been linked to a specific traumatic event in his life he must make a Spirit roll. With a failure the hero suffers a flashback and is shaken, he may begin hallucinating and acting as if he were actually in his flashback. The Hero suffers from a nervous bowel and inefficient digestive system. He passes gas at the most inappropriate times. Flatulence can occur in one or two ways: The trumpeter or the SDB (Silent But Deadly). Taken as a minor hindrance, the Hero must make a Vigor roll or let one loose when in tense, stressful situations. Individuals looking for a concealed Hero gain a +2 to their Notice roll, either due to the sound or the stench. //As a major hindrance, the character suffers a -2 to Charisma and all associate social skills, like Persuasion or Streetwise. In tense or stressful situations, the Hero must make a Vigor roll at -2 or let one loose. Individuals looking for a concealed Hero gain a +4 to their Notice roll, either due to the sound or the stench. //In either form of this hindrance, it is up to the GM to decide if the flatulence is audible or just odoriferous. Minor: The character is nervous by nature, always in a hurry, has the attention span of a gnat, or something similar. He suffer a cumulative penalty (-1,-2,-4,-6...) for consecutive rolls of the same (non-combat) matter. (Example: A thief gets penalties if he tries to open a lock if he had failed a first try). If he uses a benny to gain a reroll, the penalty does not apply. //Major: The penalties stay the same even he use bennies. The hero suffers from the inability to sleep. Whether it is in the from of insomnia itself, or maybe some form of night terror, is up to you. Whenever the character is attempting to fall asleep, he must make a spirit roll. With a failure he is unable to sleep for the next 6 hours. Taking proper medication will give the hero a +2 to his roll for the day.

The character is especially prejudiced or bigoted against those different from himself. When you take this hindrance, choose a group, with the GMs approval. This can be sex, race, culture, religion, species, or any other common characteristic. The character wants to avoid this group, and in some cases, kill them. Innately evil things like zombies and demons would not be appropriate. //Minor: The character strongly dislikes this group and accepts most negative stereotypes about them. S/he will avoid them when possible, and must make succeed on a Spirit roll do deal with them in any nonviolent way. Examples: Buying things from them, going to a party hosted by one of them, believing that one is not guilty of an accused crime, or letting one marry his/her daughter. //Major: The character is violently hateful of these people. The character will never voluntarily cooperate or deal with the group s/he is intolerant of. Given the opportunity, s/he will kill a member of this group, provided that s/he thinks s/he could do so without being caught or punished. Whenever the character makes a trip by plane, boat, car, or other fast moving vehicle for more than an hour, s/he must make a Vigor roll. If s/he fails, s/he suffers a point of fatigue. A character cannot suffer more than one point of fatigue in this way and the fatigue is removed once s/he has a few calm minutes off the vehicle. This character does not perform well under stressful situations and cannot focus on committing to a target when in combat. Anytime the player pulls an Ace or a face card during combat, he must redraw until he pulls a ten or lower. A character with this Hindrance cannot take the Quick or Level-headed edges. An old injury that never quite healed or other chronic condition sometimes comes back to haunt the character. This could be an old sports injury, arthritis, a bullet that was never dislodged, etc. Whenever the character rolls a natural 1 using his/her Strength or Agility attributes, s/he is automatically shaken. The character has bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, or other condition making breathing difficult. Every turn the character runs consecutively, his/her Pace is cumulatively reduced by 1". These penalties may be removed one at a time by catching his/her breath for one turn. Example: A Character has run for 3 turns in a row. His Pace is 6" + 1d6" -3". If s/he doesn't move next turn, the penalty will be reduced to -2". This character's supernatural power comes at a price. Whenever the character uses their Arcane Background powers, they must also make a Vigor roll or take 2d6 damage. The character uses only his basic Vigor, not counting any supernatural enhancements. To take this hindrance, the character must have one of the following Arcane Background edges: Magic, Miracles, Psionics or Super Powers; it does not work well with Weird Science. No, this isn't the name of your character.... your hero is randy. That is to say, his belt is buckled a little looser than the rest. Whatever the case, the hero has a hard time keeping himself from making inapropriate or even vulgar comments about the opposite sex when the opportunity presents itself. When the opportunity does arise to act on those comments (e.g. a woman with the (Very) Attractive Edge is sitting across the bar, or a scantily dressed prostitute is asking him if he wants a good time) it's almost impossible for him to not do so. With the minor hindrance, the hero simply makes annoying comments and at times vulgar gestures sexual in nature. However as a major hindrance, the character must make a test of wills at a -2 penalty when he has the chance to act on his randiness (At GM's discretion). With a failure, he forgets his current objective and becomes consumed with whatever he has come across, for the time being. In addition he suffers a -2 charisma when talking with anyone of the opposite sex. (Goes great with the SW: Elderly Hindrance) There's an NPC associate of approximately equal ability to you with whom you engage in games of one-upmanship on a regular basis. The level of the Hindrance determines how far and how stupid you're willing to go to show up your Rival. The character is not a quick as others are when it comes to reacting to combat. When drawing cards, if they get a Jack or better, they draw another card until they get a card lower than a Jack. They act on the lower of the cards drawn. This Hindrance does not apply to Jokers. The Character is either very gullible or easily distracted (or both). //Minor: -2 penalty to resist one type of Trick (either Smarts or Agility). //Major: The penalty affects both types of Tricks. This character has problems with face-to-face verbal conflict and will usually back down in such situations. This character suffers -1 to all opposed rolls, such as Persuasion, Taunt, or Intimidation. This penalty increase to -2 if the Major version is chosen. In either case, no Edge that gives bonuses to the Guts skill may be chosen until this Hindrance is bought off. Your hero has a hard time focusing on any task he feels is unimportant, which unfortunately includes most of them. Your Wild Die is a d4 rather than a d6 for any Trait rolls. Whenever you spend a benny, your Wild Die returns to the normal type of d6 for that roll.

Setting Tour of Darkness Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Necessary Evil Setting Core Rules, Evernight Setting Necropolis Setting, Slipstream Setting Necessary Evil Setting, Solomon Kane Setting Core Rules Low Life Setting Core Rules, 50 Fathoms Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Solomon Kane Setting Necropolis Setting Tour of Darkness Setting, Necropolis Setting, Weird War II Setting Core Rules Sundered Skies Setting Core Rules Solomon Kane Setting Core Rules Low Life Setting The Flood Plot Point Campaign Core Rules The Flood Plot Point Campaign Core Rules Core Rules Necessary Evil Setting, Solomon Kane Setting Necessary Evil Setting Rippers Setting Necessary Evil Setting Core Rules Tour of Darkness Setting, Weird War II Setting Core Rules Core Rules Slipstream Setting Tour of Darkness Setting, Necropolis Setting Weird War II Setting Low Life Setting 50 Fathoms Setting Necessary Evil Setting Solomon Kane Setting, Slipstream Setting Necessary Evil Setting Sundered Skies Setting Sundered Skies Setting Sundered Skies Setting


Weird War II Setting Core Rules Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Core Rules Tour of Darkness Setting Core Rules Necessary Evil Setting Tour of Darkness Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Core Rules Low Life Setting Slipstream Setting Core Rules Slipstream Setting Low Life Setting Solomon Kane Setting Low Life Setting Core Rules Low Life Setting Evernight Setting Necropolis Setting Core Rules Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Core Rules Low Life Setting Evernight Setting Slipstream Setting Necropolis Setting Core Rules Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Core Rules, 50 Fathoms Setting Core Rules, 50 Fathoms Setting Low Life Setting Core Rules, 50 Fathoms Setting Rippers Setting Core Rules Core Rules Rippers Setting Core Rules Necropolis Setting Core Rules Core Rules Necessary Evil Setting Slipstream Setting Core Rules Weird War II Setting Rippers Setting Necessary Evil Setting Slipstream Setting Weird War II Setting Tour of Darkness Setting Tour of Darkness Setting , Necropolis Setting, Weird War II Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting

Core Rules Low Life Setting Core Rules Rippers Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Necessary Evil Setting Deadlands: Reloaded Setting Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Core Rules Necropolis Setting Necessary Evil Setting Low Life Setting Slipstream Setting Core Rules Core Rules Unofficial

Sitting Duck

Unofficial Unofficial

Sitting Duck Sitting Duck




























Unofficial Unofficial

Sitting Duck Kedamono

Unofficial Unofficial

JackAce Boulder


(by Clint Black on the Savage Worlds Forums)

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