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Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

Fractions: A fraction is a number that expresses a part of a unit or a part of a quantity. a where a and b are natural numbers, and b is not 0. b They can be written also in the form a/b. Fractions are written in the form The number a is called the numerator, it is always an integer, and the number b is called the denominator, it can be any natural number except zero. The denominator is the number, which indicates how many equal parts the unit is di ided into. The numerator of a fraction indicates how many equal parts of the unit are ta!en.

" represents the shared portion of the rectangle #

Reading fractions: $e use the cardinals to name the numerator and the ordinals for the denominator with two exceptions, when the denominators are % or ". For denominators larger than &0 we can say 'o er( and do not use ordinal, so we read)
& one half % * three hal es % % two thirds *

& one quarter or one fourth "

% two sixths #

* three quarters or three fourths "

* three se enths ,

& one fifth +

+ fi e ninths -

# six tenths &0

&% twel e o er fifteen or &+ twel e fifteenths

&, *%

se enteen o er thirty.two


Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

&. $rite in words the following fractions)

+ i!e eighths / & * " , + &% , %00 +%" &000 & one tenth &0 % + " &0 # &* &0 *"+# +"#&

%. 0xpress in figures) 1ix 1e enths Three quarters Four 0le enths Two thirds A half 1e en o er twenty Thirty.two o er fi e hundred and twenty.two

1e enteen o er three hundred and forty one 1ixty.two o er se

*. 2raw using the geometric shapes, the portion that the fractions represent)
& # * " % +

& *

+ /

" ,

3n this exercise, you can see the fractions as a part of the unit) the denominator tell us how many equal parts we ha e in total, and the numerator, how many parts we ta!e.

Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

". 4alculate the decimal number that each fraction represents)

& =0,%+ "

5&)"60,%+7 & + % *

* "

3n this exercise, you can see the fractions as a quotient or di ision. 0 ery fraction represents a decimal number. $e can calculate it di iding numerator by denominator. +. 4alculate)
* of %/ " + of *0 # * of &+0 &0

3n this exercise, you can see the fractions as an operator, the fraction is a part of a quantity. 8emember) the numerator multiplies this number, and the denominator di ides it. Equivalent Fractions: Equivalent fractions are different fractions that name the same amount
" % and are equi alent as we can see in the # * drawing on the right.

" #

E a!"le:

% *

The rule is) The alue of a fraction does not change multiplying or di iding its numerator and denominator by the same number. The process of di iding numerator and denominator by the same number is called reduction.
&% is equi alent to %0 * , because we ha e di ided both the numerator and the denominator by +

". The fractions & , % % , " * , # &00 and %00 +&% are all equi alent fractions. &0%"

$e can test if two fractions are equi alent by cross.multiplying their numerators and denominators. This is also called ta!ing the cross-product. *

Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

Two fractions

a and b

c are equi alent, and we write d

a c = , if ad =bc . b d

&% %" and are equi alent fractions) %0 "0 The first cross.product of the first numerator and the second denominator) &%"0= "/0 . The second cross.product is the product of the second numerator and the first denominator) %"%0 ="/0 . 1ince the cross.product are the same, the fractions are equi alent. 1o if we want to test if Si!"lest for!: $hen numerator and denominator ha e no common factors the fraction is in the simplest form or in its lowest terms. E a!"le: $e !now that
" % & = = . &% # *

" and &% ha e a common factor 5"7, so by "7.

" can be written as &%

& 52i ide the top and the bottom *

% & can be written as 52i ide the top and bottom by %7. # * & 9owe er, & and * ha e no common factors, so is the simplest form of these fractions. * % and # ha e a common factor 5%7, so There are two methods of reducing a fraction to the lowest terms. Method 1: 2i ide the numerator and denominator by the 94F) E a!"le: &% . The 94F of &% and *0 is # so *0 &% &% )# % = = . *0 *0 )# +

Method 2: 2i ide the numerator and denominator by any common factor. :eep di iding until there are no more common factors. E a!"le:
&% &% ) % # #)* % = = = = *0 *0) % &+ &+) * +


Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

&. $rite a sequence of equi alent fractions as in the example of the first line) Equivalent Fractions & % % + * , & * %. 0xpress these fractions in the simplest form)
%% "0 %# +%

% "

* #

" /

+ &0

# &%

, &"

/" &&-

,0 &&"% %*/

%0 "/
%% ##

+# /"
*" #/

+% &&,

+" &&,
%0 &#0

,% %,% ,%0 %/"

*%" ,%0 %/" ,%0 +

Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

*. 0xpress as its simplest form a fraction that describes these situations) 3 ha e %, pens and - of them are blac!. 3n our school "/ of the /" teachers are women. ". 4ount how many boys and girls are in our class of %nd 01; and write down the fraction of each compared with the total number of pupils.

Co!"aring and ordering fractions: Fractions with the same denominator) $hen two fractions ha e the same denominator, the greatest of them is the fraction with the greatest numerator. E a!"le: + and #
% % + # # #

Fractions with the same numerator) $hen two fractions ha e the same numerator, the greatest of them is the fraction with the smallest denominator. E a!"le: % and *
% % % + + *

Fractions with different numerators and denominators: 3f you want to order two fractions with different denominators, you ha e to reduce to lowest common denominator) &. Find the <4= of both denominators. %. 8ewrite the fractions as equi alent fractions with the <4= as the denominator. *. Then, we will ha e two fractions with the same denominator, so we order the numerator. E a!"le: * and " " +

<4= 5",+76%0
* &+ = and " %0 " &# * " = + %0 " +

Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

Adding and su#tracting fractions: &. If the fractions have the same denominator) The numerator of the sum is found by simply adding the numerators o er the denominator. Their difference is the difference of the numerators o er the denominator. $e do not add or subtract the denominators> 8educe always when possible. E a!"les:
" * % = + + + +

* % & " & = = / / / / %

%. If the fractions have different denominators) First, reduce them to a common denominator. 1econd, add the numerators and do not change the denominator. Finally, reduce if possible. E a!"les: * & * &/ " - && = = % * " &% &% &% &% % + # " + * & & = = = * # # # # # % O""osite fraction: Two fractions are opposite if the sum of both fractions is 0. a a The opposite fractions of is . b b

&. 4alculate) a7
& , + % - #

* &, b7 + " &0 ,

Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

c7 d7

% + / # - %,

+ , %+ %# %# *-

& & " e7 * & * + &+


% * &* + + &0 *+ &" %. ;perate and reduce when necessary)

a7 &


+ & * & * * % % " * && &0 #

c7 &

d7 &&

, % &0 +

, " & + , *+


f7 &


[ [ [

* & * & & % + * + -

] [ ] ] [ ] ] [ ]

* & * & & + * % " + &0 %0

& & * % & , % + # &0 * &0 *0

Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

$ro"er and I!"ro"er Fractions. %i ed Nu!#ers: Proper fractions ha e the numerator less than the denominator) & , % * , " % ,? +
&+ , ,

Improper fractions ha e numerators that are larger than or equal to their denominators) / , * + ,? "

Mixed num ers ha e a whole number part and a fraction part. E a!"le: % * & or + are mixed numbers meaning) + *

* * &0 * &* & & &+ & &# % =% = = and + =+ = = . + + + + + * * * * * !onvertin" improper fractions into mixed num ers: To change an improper fraction into a mixed number, di ide the numerator by the denominator. The quotient is the whole part and the remainder is the numerator of the fractional part. 0xample) &, quotient =+ , &, ) * , so remainder =% *

&, % =+ * *

!onvertin" mixed num ers into improper fractions: To change a mixed number into an improper fraction, multiply the whole number by the denominator and add it to the numerator of the fractional part. % , " * % %* = E a!"le: , = * * * @ote that con erting mixed numbers into improper fractions is the same as adding natural numbers and fractions.

Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

&. 4on ert the mixed number to improper fractions, operate and con ert the results to mixed numbers. & % " % a7 + * " * * + &+

& &* & & + b7 * & * * % % " &%

* & &% c7 , % * %,

%ulti"l&ing fractions: a c a "c " = b d b"d $hen two fractions are multiplied, the result is a fraction with a numerator that is the product of the fractionAs numerators and a denominator that is the product of the fractionAs denominators. 8educe when possible. E a!"le: , % &" , " = = # + *0 &+

&. ;perate and reduce when possible) a7

, & " * &"


* + " + &*


+ % " # &+



&% + " *" + %,

Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez



%# & " " * % *% + %+ % " & , " &%


& " & & " , * %

Reci"rocal of a fraction: a is the fraction b The product of both fractions is &. The reciprocal of a fraction 'ividing fractions: To di ide fractions, multiply the first by the reciprocal of the second fraction. $e can also ta!e the cross product. a c a d a "d ) = " = or using the cross product) b d b c b"c E a!"le: " , " && "" ) = " = or simply ta!ing the cross product + && + , *+
" , " " && "" ) = = + && + " , *+

b . a

a c a"d ) = b d b"c


Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez


&. 4alculate) a7
* % ) " +


& # ) * +

* + c7 " # %. 4alculate) a7


& * % -





+ * , ) " % " % & & & ) &% * % % & && ) + " %0 & & & & ) * + * + + & * & " ) )% * % % " % & ) & + +


[ ] [ ]
" % %) * % &%

Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez


& % * % " & & * * % , & / + * *. There are *00 passengers on a train. At a station,
* of the passengers get off. 9ow many + people get off the trainB 9ow many people are left on the trainB


". Allan has &%0 C. 9e decides to sa e

% & of this and to spend on boo!s. 9ow much + # does he sa eB 9ow much does he spend on boo!sB 9ow much is leftB

+. 3n a magazine there are three ad erts on the same page. Ad ert & uses ad ert % uses

& of the page, "

& & and ad ert * uses of the page. $hat fraction of the page do the / &# three ad erts useB * & An ad ert uses of the page, if the cost of an ad ert is &% C for each of the page, &# *% 9ow much does it costB


Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

#. A farmer owns *#0 hectares of land. 9e plants potatoes on

* of his land and beans on &0

& of the remainder. 9ow many hectares are planted with potatoesB 9ow many hectares # are planted with beansB 9ow many hectares are leftB

,. A Dourney is &%0 miles. 8ichard has dri en

* of this distance and in a second stage + of the rest. 9ow much farther does he ha e to dri e to complete the DourneyB

+ #

/. 1ue bought a record with

& of the money and she spent " of her money did she spendB

& to see a mo ie. $hich part /

-. At a sale shirts are sold by the original priceB

* of their original price and the sale price is *# C. $hat was +

&0. Eoe spends

* of his salary on his own, gi es / sa es "+0 C. $hat is his salaryB

* of the remainder to his parents and +


Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

$o(er of a fraction:

E a!"les:

a a a a a an = " " " ... " = n b b b b b b

The power of a fraction is the quotient between the power of the numerator and the power of denominator.

% % " &# = "= * * /&


&* & & = * = + &%+ +

Square root of a fraction:

E a!"les:

a a = b b

The square root of a fraction is the quotient between the square root of the numerator and the square root of the denominator.

& & = & , because = %+ %+ +

& &% & . = %= + + %+

- - * , because = = " " %

* *% . = %= % % "

Actually, you ha e to !now that

* % * = % = . % " %

- = * because = " % "

* *% and also = %= % % "

&. 4alculate)

" +

& *


* +

+ %

%. 4alculate)


& &00

" "&+

& "

Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez


&. ;rder these fractions from highest to lowest)

& , "

* , "

" , +

# , &0

* . +

%. ;rder these fractions from lowest to highest)

& , *

+ , #

* , %

& % , , % *

" . *

*. 4alculate) a7 % * " & + "

& % b7 % ) " *


& & * " & % * "


* & & ) % % * &#

Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez


, & * % % + %


& & & " & " " %


% % , * " * * " %

& * h7 ** " & + &0 ". 4alculate) & % % & + * % % & & * " - + + % # *



% + c7 * & % * & & " % % % +



Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

+. The =athematicsA boo! has

* & of pages of theory, of pages of exercises and the + * remainder is pages of graphs. $hat fraction of the total are pages of graphsB

#. A truc! is carrying some boxes of fruit)

% & are boxes of oranges, are boxes of apples, + * and the remainder are boxes of bananas. $hat fraction of the total are boxes of bananasB

,. 3f the fruit of the trac! weighs *0 tons, how many tons of each !ind of fruit is carryingB

/. 3n a school

% * of the students are of &st and %nd of 01;, of the remainder are students + " of *rd and "th 01; and the rest are students of Fachillerato. $hat fraction of the total the students of Fachillerato representB

-. 3f in this school, there are &000 students, how many students of Fachillerato are thereB


Unit 2: Fractions. Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.

Teacher: Miguel Angel Hernndez

)e&(ords: Fraction*Fracci+n Nu!erator*Nu!erador 'eno!inator*'eno!inador Equivalent fractions*Fracciones Equivalentes reduction*reducci+n, si!"lificaci+n fraction in si!"lest for!-in lo(est ter!s* fracci+n reducida o si!"lificada O""osite fraction*Fracci+n O"uesta Reci"rocal fraction*Fracci+n Inversa $ro"er fraction*Fracci+n "ro"ia I!"ro"er fraction*Fracci+n i!"ro"ia %i ed nu!#er*N.!ero !i to Cross/"roduct*$roducto en cru0 a1# a is less t2an #* a es !enor que # a3# a is greater t2an #* a es !a&or que # fro! 2ig2est to lo(est4U)5-fro! greatest to least4USA5* de !a&or a !enor


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