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Understanding Other Water Purifying System

No Type Bottled Water Advantages Convenience Viewed as safe for drink Disadvantages Costly PET bottles bad for the environment Questionable water quality. Mostly acidic water Does not remove toxic, metal and chemical. Does not remove mud Does not remove bad smell

Boiled Water

Can kill bacteria in water if boiled long enough

Reverse Osmosis

Reduces inorganics and organic compounds

Slow process. 66% of water wasted. Required electronic operating. Remove all beneficial minerals existing in water. Costy for changed RO Membrane Filter.

UV LIght Filters

Kill bacteria and viruses

Need electricity. Not effective againts organics and muds

Elemen Nano Alkaline Purifying System AlHexa520 5 Stage Filters

Safe for drinking due to immediately remove mud, rust and dust, odor, bad taste, chlorine, bacteria and heavy metal. With alkaline level and anti oxidant that good for health with minerals contains No electricity need.

Drinking water Element Alkaline water is simply the most convenient and ideal way as you can hydrate your maintain the pH Level and provide Anti-Oxidant at the same time!

Product Installation Category

Easy operation and installation

Counter Top Installation

Under Sink Installation


Non electricity operated



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Counter Top Accessories : 2 Way Diverter (Package) Wall Hang Accessories : 2 Way Diverter (Package) Under Sink Accessories : Faucet, Ball valve , Adaptor (Optional) Side Faucet Accessories : Faucet, Ball valve , Adaptor, L Bracket (Optional)
2 Wall Hang Installation

Side Faucet Installation



Understanding of pH Level and Alkaline

pH is mean Potential Hydrogen, is a measurement of acidic or alkalinity of a solution. A low pH (less than 7) indicates a high concentration of hydrogen ion (H+ ions) mean to be acidic. A hight pH (above than 7) indicates a high concentration hydroxide ions (OH-ions) mean to be alkaline. pH Color Codes Our body need more alkaline food and drinks to remove harmful toxins 9 12 1 5 7 from the body and leading to a heal thier body. Nature alkaline acidic
Color indications depending on different pH tool use

Understanding of Anti-Oxidant
Anti oxidant is a substance that reduces oxidative damage (damage due to oxygen) caused by free radicals that could damage our body cell. Mearement of reducing power to prevent oxidation is know as ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential). Anti-oxidant could slow down the aging process.

Supplies health sustaining mineral such as Ca, Na, Mg to the body. Flushes acidic metabolites and toxins from the celullar level. Facilitate nutrients and mineral absorption eciently. Contain smaller water clustet that hydrates the body. Promotes general well-being by restoring the body. Descrease frequency of colds, us and infections. Decrease joint pains and arthritis. Decrease the risk of cancer. Increased energy.

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