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DAILY LESSON PLAN FOR YEAR 4 Subject Day/ Date Time/ Duration Year Enrolment Units/ Themes/ Topic

English Wednesday (20th March 2014) 1 hour (60 minutes) 4 Jupiter 30 pupils Unit 5/ World of Self, Family and Friends/ Having Fun

Content Standard :

4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs.

Learning Standard :

4.1.1 Able to sing enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through nonverbal response. 4.1.2 Able to sing songs and recite jazz chants and poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Individually, read the story Going Shopping with Cat in the Hat with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. 2. List down rhymes for given words. 3. Answer 4 out of 5 questions correctly.


i. ii. iii. iv.

Generating ideas Making associations Creative thinking skills Listening for comprehension Collective responsibility Confidence Responsible Bravery

Moral values

i. ii. iii. iv.

v. Teaching Resources/ Aids i. ii. iii. iv.

Attentiveness Flash cards (two sets) Students work sheets Realia (objects such as hat, mat) Socks puppets


Teaching Strategy

Language Content



Teacher pastes word cards on blackboard.

2. Teacher asks what the similarity that the words have. 3. Teacher explains about some words that have similar sound with each INDUCTION SET other (rhymes). 4. Teacher asks other words + 5 minutes that have similar sounds. Teacher may encourage students to speak up giving examples or ask questions.


Teaching aids: i. Flash cards

Moral values:

T: What do these words have in common? S: They sounds almost the same. T: Do you know any other words that rhymes? S: Give examples; (ball/ hall) T: What words rhyme with big? S: sick, meat, chick

i. ii. iii.

Attentiveness Responsive Selfconfidence

CCTS: i. Generating ideas ii. Reflected thinking iii. Critical thinking

: I will tell you a story of 1. Teacher explains that they PRESENTATION will be listening to a short story. +10 minutes 2. Teacher prepares a short story Going Shopping with Sally and Mary going shopping. T: I will read the texts and you need to follow my reading silently and listen Teaching aids: i. ii. Socks puppets Short story text of Going Shopping with

Mr. Cat in the Hat an adapted version from Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss. 3. Teacher displays or distributes texts to each student. 4. Teacher reads the text while students listen carefully and identifies words that have similar sounds (by circling or highlighting the words). 5. The story read is accompanied with puppets and objects, and teacher illustrates the story with actions and movement. 6. Students are required to read the story aloud with clear pronunciation.


Mr. Cat in the Hat.


Moral values: i. Paying attention ii. Cat iii. Diligence

CCTS: i. ii. iii. Reading skills Pronunciation Making connection iv. Drawing mental images Sally and Mary

1. Teacher starts activity by explaining that they will go shopping. 2. Teacher acts as if they are going to the mall. 3. Students are divided into PRACTICE groups of three. 4. Material provided by +20 Minutes teacher are two sets of flashcards with pictures and name of objects. i. First set contains five to six flashcards of objects that they have to buy at the shopping

T: Were going shopping with Sally and Marry. How do you usually go shopping? S: By car, bicycle, etc. T: Okay now, we will start the car and go to the shopping mall with Sally, Mary and Mr. Cat in the Hat. S: Vroom, vroom..

Teaching aids: i. ii. Flash cards Critical listening skills

Moral values: i. Collective responsibility ii. iii. iv. Honesty Unity Appreciative

T: Every group will have two sets of flashcards. One set will only be read by one CCTS: i. Listening for

mall. ii. Second set contains 10 to 15 flashcards of objects (as distraction). 5. Each group will be given both set of flashcards.

person from the group. T: The other two people will have to listen carefully to the name of the objects read by your friends and pick out the flashcards that iii. iv. ii.

comprehensio n Grouping and categorizing Analysing Making connections v. Identifying different words with similar sounds vi. Collecting and classifying information vii. Alertness

6. Only one student from each have the objects group will be able to look at the first set of flashcards. He/she has to read it aloud to their two friends. 7. While the other two are listening, they have to pick the flashcards that contain pictures of the object mentioned. 8. Other flashcards that have the objects with similar sounds will be provided as distractions. 9. Teacher observes students activity. 10. Good students may lead (in each group). 11. Teacher corrects and facilitates. mentioned.

1. Students are given worksheets to complete PRODUCTION according to the time allocated. +20 minutes 2. Worksheets given vary according to students level of proficiency. 3. Students who do not able to

Worksheet 1: Match the objects that rhyme with each other.

Teaching aids: i. Students worksheets

Worksheet 2: Circle words that does not belong to the rhyming group.

Moral values: i. Independence learning ii. Confidence

achieve the learning objectives, may be given remedial activities and those who have achieved may completed enrichment activities. Worksheet 3: Fill in the blanks with words that rhymes with the given words.

iii. iv.

Responsible Appreciative

CCTS: i. Writing and reading skills ii. Making connections iii. iv. Analysing Recalling previous teachings

Teaching aids

CCTS 1. Teacher asks if students enjoyed the shopping trip. 2. Students may express the new knowledge that they have learned today. Moral values i. ii. iii. Sharing Bravery Confidence i. Reflective thinking ii. Agree and disagree


+ 5 Minutes

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