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EstudyantidpidI ______________________________________________________________________________

Subject/GradeLevel: Title: Competency: KChLearnerValues:

SocialStudies,ValuesEducation MoneyMatters KnowledgeontheImportanceofMoney IamResponsible Wisedecisionmakingandselfcontrolin spendingmoney Moneyisimportantandnecessaryto everydaylife.



I.Objectives Attheendofthesession,thestudentsmustbeableto: Learntheimportanceofmoney Knowthedifferencebetweenneedsfromwants Learnwisedecisionmakingandselfcontrolinspendingmoney ll.EssentialUnderstanding Moneyisimportantandnecessarytoeverydaylife. Needsarethingswecannotlivewithout. Wantsarethingswewouldliketohave. Moneymustbeusedwiselyandsavedforfutureneeds. lll.EssentialQuestion Howismoneyimportantandnecessarytoeverydaylife. Knowing thatneeds are more important than wants, why do some peoplespendmoney firstandmoreonwantsthanneeds? Whyissavingmoneyforthefutureimportant?

EstudyantidpidI ______________________________________________________________________________ lV.SummaryoftheEpisode Richie, along with his friends Teena and Teemy, discuss money as something necessary for getting ones everyday material needs such as clothes, food, water, electricity, and rent. A songplayswiththemessageofworkinghard,savingmoney,andinvestingforfuture needs. Students are interviewed on money matters. Where do they spend it on? Do they save money? How? Why? Richie then talks about needs (pangangailangan) and wants (kagustuhan). Thethingsthatwecannotlivewithoutlikefood,water,shelter,andeducationare Needs.ThethingsthatwewouldliketohavebutcanlivewithoutareWants. Three students are used as examples. The first one is a kid who chose junk food over nutritious food and ended up remaining hungry. The second is a girl buying shoes who chose style and brand over quality and affordability and ended up being uncomfortable. The third is a boy who chose to spend his whole allowance on video games notcaring ifhebecomes hungry or broke the following day. Richieendswithonesfuture relyingonthepresentdecisionstosave andspendonneedsoverwants. V.Previewing(Motivation) Questions: Howmuchisyourallowance? Howmuchdoyouspend? Whatdoyouspenditon? Howmuchisleftattheendoftheday?Attheendoftheweek? Vl.ViewingProper KahalagahanngPera EstudyantipidI Vll.PostViewing Questions: Didyoulikethevideo? Whatdidyoulearn? Whatisthemainideaofthevideo? Whyismoneyimportant? Whatisaneed?Whatisawant?Howaretheydifferent?Whatismoreimportant? Whatdoyoubuywithyourallowance?Isthataneedorawant? Doyousavemoney?Whyorwhatareyousavingfor?

EstudyantidpidI ______________________________________________________________________________ GroupActivity: The class will be divided into 5 (or less depending on the population) groups (with 7 to members each).Eachgroupwillcreateaskitorcreativeoutput.Theywillbegiven10minutesto prepare for a 5minutepresentation.Theirpresentationmustshowbothagoodandbadhandling of money based on a given situation assigned to their group. The order of presentation will be determinedthroughrandomdrawingoflots. Group|Situation 1. Inschool 2. Athome 3. Outwithfriends 4. AfterChristmasgiftsaregiven(Aguinaldos) 5. Onadate Vlll.SynthesisandValuing Money is important. The amount of money does not matter, it shouldbetakenseriously. As students, their appreciation for money would not be as deep as adults or wageearners. Students must learn fromtheirparents(inmostcases)theprocessof earningandbudgetingfor the family since parents havemorepowerindecidingwhattospendfor.Thevalueofpracticality should be instilled in the students. Needs should always come before wants. This is a value easy to say but not as easy to put into practice. Whenever they are buyingor being bought for things such as clothes, shoes, gadgets, and toys, they should be made aware to and understand what are the decisions being made. The decisionsmay besomething they havent thought of before such aschoosing quality over brandnamesandcomfort over design. Money will not always be present, they should learn to save for unforeseen circumstances like emergencies. Even though these values cannot be taught in a single session, it is an opportunity to make them awareandhavethemstartapracticeofgiving morevaluetoavailableresources.As teachers, we should recognize the different socioeconomic backgrounds of students.However, thedifferingsocioeconomicbackgroundsstillnecessitatesgivingcorrectvalueformoney. lX.Homework Research:HouseBudget The students must collect data their own homes. They should look at their homes monthly bills such a electricity, food, water, telephone, and internet.They should also ask their parents how much they spend on food. They can check the brands of the packaged food they buy aswellasmarketpricesforgoodslikericeandmeat.They shouldalsotakenotetheirtuition fee.Thebrandsandpricesoftheirpersonalbelongingslikeclothes,shoes,andgadgets. The data collected may be sensitive and private so requiring them to share

EstudyantidpidI ______________________________________________________________________________ specific numbers would be unethical. Theywillusethedatagatheredtoanswer thefollowing questions. Whatisthethreemostcostlythingstheybuyorpayfor? Arethosethingsneedsorwants? Whatisthethreeleastcostlythingstheybuyorpayfor? Arethosethingsneedsorwants? Whyisitthatwe(they)pay/buymoreforsomethingsandpay/buylessforotherthings?

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