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Wireless Communication Assignment-1 1.

If a total of 33 MHz of bandwidth is allocated to a particular FDD cellular telephone system which uses two 25 Hz simple! channels to pro"ide full duple! "oice and control channels# compute the number of channels a"ailable per cell if a system uses $a% four&cell reuse# $b% se"en&cell reuse# and $c% 12&cell reuse. If 1 MHz of the allocated spectrum is dedicated to control channels# determine an e'uitable distribution of control channels and "oice channels in each cell for each of the three systems. 2. If a si(nal&to&interference ratio of 15 d) is re'uired for satisfactory forward channel performance of a cellular system# what is the fre'uency reuse factor and cluster size that should be used for ma!imum capacity if the path loss e!ponent is $a% n * +# $b% n * 3, -ssume that there are si! cochannel cells in the first tier# and all of them are at the same distance from the mobile. .se suitable appro!imations. -ns/ $a% 0 *1# $b% 0 * 12 3. -n urban area has a population of two million residents. 2hree competin( trun ed mobile networ s $systems -# )# and 3% pro"ide cellular ser"ice in this area. 4ystem - has 35+ cells with 15 channels each# system ) has 56 cells with 51 channels each# and system 3 has +5 cells# each with 177 channels. Find the number of users that can be supported at 28 bloc in( if each user a"era(es two calls per hour at an a"era(e call duration of three minutes. -ssumin( that all three trun ed systems are operated at ma!imum capacity# compute the percenta(e mar et penetration of each cellular pro"ider. +. - certain city has an area of 1#377 s'uare ilometers and is co"ered by a cellular system usin( a se"en&cell reuse pattern. 9ach cell has a radius of four ilometers and the city is allocated +7 MHz of spectrum with a full duple! channel bandwidth of :7 Hz. -ssume a ;<4 of 28 for an 9rlan( ) system is specified. If the offered traffic per user is 7.73 9rlan(s# compute $a% the number of cells in the ser"ice area# $b% the number of channels per cell# $c% traffic intensity of each cell# $d% the ma!imum carried traffic# $e% the total number of users that can be ser"ed for 28 ;<4# $f% the number of mobiles per uni'ue channel $where it is understood that channels are reused%# and $(% the theoretical ma!imum number of users that could be ser"ed at one time by the system. 5. 4how that if n * +# a cell can be split into four smaller cells# each with half the radius and 1=1: of the transmitter power of the ori(inal cell. If e!tensi"e measurements show that the path loss e!ponent is three# how should the transmitter power be chan(ed in order to split a cell into four smaller cells, >hat impact will this ha"e on the cellular (eometry, 9!plain your answer and pro"ide drawin(s that show how the new cells would fit within the ori(inal macrocells. For simplicity use omnidirectional antennas. :. - certain area is co"ered by a cellular radio system with 6+ cells and a cluster size N. 377 "oice channels are a"ailable for the system. .sers are uniformly distributed o"er the area co"ered by the cellular system# and the offered traffic per user is 7.7+ 9rlan(. -ssume that bloc ed calls are cleared and the desi(nated bloc in( probability is Pb *18.

a% Determine the ma!imum carried traffic per cell if cluster size N * + is used. ?epeat for cluster sizes N * 1 and 12. $b% Determine the ma!imum number of users that can be ser"ed by the system for a bloc in( probability of 18 and cluster size N * +. ?epeat for cluster sizes N * 1 and 12. 1. @et us consider a medium sized city the M4 is transmittin( with power 2 >atts. 2he reference sensiti"ity of the )4 is A17+ d)m# but it can pro"ide 12 d) antenna and di"ersity (ain# so that the minimum acceptable recei"ed power is A11: d)m. 2he carrier fre'uency is f *577 MHz# the hei(ht of base station antenna is h) *57m.and the hei(ht of mobile antenna is hm*1.5m. Determine the ma!imum cell radius.

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