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Saline Breast Implants

- Safe and Reliable

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the US. Plastic surgeons have come up with innovative breast enhancement techniques to help patients achieve their goals. These include breast implant surgery with saline and silicone implants, and fat breast enhancement. Saline implants have proved an effective option and are popular for their safety and reliability.

Breast Enlargement Surgery with Saline Implants

Saline implants are a widely accepted cosmetic breast surgery option since their introduction in 1960. These implants come with a silicone shell and in different sizes. They require only a small incision to insert as they are filled with a saline solution only after they are placed in the breast pocket. This is really advantageous for plastic surgeons to offer personalized solutions as the solution can be filled accordingly. There are fewer chances for this implant to form a firm capsule unlike their silicone counterpart. These FDA-approved implants are used for breast augmentation in women age 18 or older and also for breast reconstruction in women of any age. So far, saline-filled breast implants have not been directly associated with connective tissue disease, breast cancer, or reproductive problems. However, you should know that breast implants do not last a lifetime and have to be replaced.

Implant Placement Procedure

The techniques utilized to perform the breast augmentation procedure vary with the actual improvement required. The surgeon will recommend the best incision position depending upon the candidates anatomy. The incisions may be placed under the breast, around the areola, or through the armpit. The incision beneath the breast is considered the most versatile as it helps in the accurate placement of the implant and would be well concealed. The incision around the areola is also well concealed as it is in the joint of the darker areola skin and the lighter breast skin and is the recommended position when breast lift surgery is performed in conjunction with breast enlargement surgery. Placement through the armpit is also a commonly chosen position as it is an incision remote from the breast and heals well in most cases.

Choose the Right Surgeon for Optimal Results

In order to enjoy optimal results with saline breast implant surgery, it is important to find a plastic surgeon with good experience in the treatment. A surgeon at an accredited plastic surgery center would be the ideal choice as this would ensure the use of standardized procedures and also ensure patient safety and comfort. The right plastic surgeon will explain all the benefits as well as risks of saline before going ahead with the procedure.

About Author
Houston Plastic and Craniofacial Surgery, a leading plastic surgery center in Houston, Texas is recognized for offering diverse advanced reconstructive and cosmetic procedures. The service is provided for different age groups and advanced techniques are employed to assure safety and effectiveness. For more details about plastic surgery in Houston, visit

Contact Information
6400 Fannin, Suite 2290 Houston, TX 77030 Ph: 713-791-0700 Fax: 713-719-070

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