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Inve n t o r y on han d file Int erf a c e

Author Cr!at"on Dat! Last U(dat ! d Docu ) ! n t *!+ /!rs"on ,Doc u ) ! n t *!+!r ! n c ! Nu) - ! r . #$ %AN #0&'

Appro v a l s : ,A((ro0 ! r & . ,A((ro0 ! r # .

MD.050 A((1"cat"on E2t!ns"ons Funct"ona1 D!s"3n Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound

Doc *!+

,Doc u ) ! n t *!+!r! nc ! Nu)- ! r .

Docu m e n t Contr ol
Chan g e Rec or d

Dat e

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Ver si o n

Chan g e Ref er e n c e

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Copy No & # 4 '

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!oca ti o n

Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound F"1! *!+ #&54# 6 0 7 0. d oc 80. Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound 9 Co)(a n : Con+"d! nt"a1 ; For "nt!rn a1 us! on1:

Docu)! n t Contro1


MD.050 A((1"cat"on E2t!ns"ons Funct"ona1 D!s"3n Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound

Doc *!+

,Doc u ) ! n t *!+!r! nc ! Nu)- ! r .

Cont ! n t s

Docu ) ! n t Contro1 ................................................................................................................"" To("ca1 Essa : ........................................................................................................................"0 Bas"c Bus"n ! s s N!!d s ................................................................................................"0 Ma<or F!at ur ! s .............................................................................................................."0 So1ut"on D!s"3n .............................................................................................................0 B!1o= concurr ! n t (ro3r a ) ="11 -! -u"1t to "nt!r+ac ! th! +"1!. ....................0" O(!n and C1os! d Issu! s +or th"s D!1"0!r a -1 ! ..........................................................0"" O(!n Issu! s ..................................................................................................................0"" C1os!d Issu ! s ...............................................................................................................0""

Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound F"1! *!+ #&54# 6 0 7 0. d oc 80. Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound 9 Co)(a n : Con+"d! nt"a1 ; For "nt!rn a1 us! on1:

Docu)! n t Contro1


MD.050 A((1"cat"on E2t!ns"ons Funct"ona1 D!s"3n Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound

Doc *!+

,Doc u ) ! n t *!+!r! nc ! Nu)- ! r .

"opic al #ss a y
As a (art o+ US +or!"3n trad ! >on! so1ut"on? th!r ! "s n! ! d to aut o ) a t ! and )a n a 3 ! ? ")(ort@ ! 2 ( or t (roc ! s s =h"1! "ncr! a s" n 3 co) (1"a n c ! ="th cust o ) ? as =!11 as oth!r 3o0!r n ) ! n t a3! n c" ! s? r!Au"r! ) ! n t s and as =!11 as ")(ro0"n3 th! 0"s"-"1"t: "nto th! !nt"r! su((1: cha"n . To ach" !0 ! a-o0 ! )! n t"o n ! d o-<!ct"0 ! th!r ! "s a n!! d to "nt! 3r a t ! orac1 ! "n0!nt or: on han d Aua n t"t" ! s ="th th! "nt! 3r a t"o n (o"nt a((1"cat"o n. B!nc ! th!r ! "s a n! ! d to -u"1d a out -o u n d "nt!r+a c ! +ro) Orac1 ! that ="11 !2(ort on han d Aua n t"t" ! s o+ a11 th! "t!) s "n orac1 ! "n0!nt or : to Int!3r a t"o n (o"nt a((1"cat"o n at th! t") ! (ro3r a ) "s run.

$a si c $u si n e s s Ne e d s 1. The concurrent programs/set will be scheduled to run at a specific time. 2. Any errors reported during the Oracle concurrent program run or FTP will be reported via notification/email. 4. Th! (ro3r a ) s ="11 3"0! on hand Aua n t"t"!s o+ a11 orac1! "n0!nt o r : "t! )s +or OGD? OGM? ETD and OCI at th! t")! (ro3r a ) =as run. %a&or 'ea t u r e s &. Th! !2(ort +"1! ="11 1"st Orac1! "t! )s and Aua n t"t"!s on hand +or +our Or3a n">a t"o n. Th!: ar! OGD? OGM? ETD and OCI #. Th! !2(ort +"1! ="11 3!n ! r a t ! "t! ) on hand Aua n t"t"!s as o+ th! dat ! =h!n th! +"1! "s 3!n ! r a t ! d . 4. Th! "t! )s !2tr a c t ! d =ou1d -! o+ t:(! s ; F"n"sh! d 3oods 8FG9? S!r0"c! s 8SE*/ICE9? Outs"d ! (roc! s s"n 3 8OP9? S(!c"a1s and F*T '. Th! "nt!r+ac ! ="11 a1so r!cord dat a !2tr ac t ! d "n an arch"0 ! ta-1!. Ch!n a su ) ) a r : "s s!nt to th! IP th!: ="11 -! )arD ! d as Es!nt E

Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound F"1! *!+ #&54# 6 0 7 0. d oc 80. Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound 9 Co)(a n : Con+"d! nt"a1 ; For "nt!rn a1 us! on1:

Docu)! n t Contro1


MD.050 A((1"cat"on E2t!ns"ons Funct"ona1 D!s"3n Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound

Doc *!+

,Doc u ) ! n t *!+!r! nc ! Nu)- ! r .

(olu ti o n De s i g n
D!s"3n a((ro a c h B!1o= d"a3r a ) !2(1a"n s th! (roc ! s s o+ "nt!r+ac"n 3 "t!) dat a out o+ Orac1 !.

Flow Diagram

The interface process has three phases viz. Load, Validate and Interface. Load Process: In this process the user provided data will be loaded into a custom table. Validate Process: In this process th extract data will be validated and successfully validated records are moved to a custom sta in table. If any records do not pass validation, they are fla ed as an error record and the customer records and the customer error data table. In this table the errors will be recorded. Interface Process: In this process the successfully validated data are interfaced out of oracle usin interface pro ram.

Detail Design
Th! "nt!r+ac ! (roc ! s s "s !2(1a"n ! d "n d!t a"1 as -!1o=.

Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound F"1! *!+ #&54# 6 0 7 0. d oc 80. Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound 9 Co)(a n : Con+"d! nt"a1 ; For "nt!rn a1 us! on1:

Docu)! n t Contro1


MD.050 A((1"cat"on E2t!ns"ons Funct"ona1 D!s"3n Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound

Doc *!+

,Doc u ) ! n t *!+!r! nc ! Nu)- ! r .

Extra c t Data
Sub mit a con c u r r e n t pro g r a m to ext r a c t data fro m the bas e table on the follo win g para m e t e r

Attribute !tem "ode !tem %escription Primay O$ !tem #umber !tem (uantity

Purpose and sage of the attribute !tem #ame belongs to the items of the $aterial !tem %escription of the $aterial Primary unit of $easurement !tem &e'uence This is the 'uantity of the item

Data Validation s
B!1o= 0a1"dat"on s ar! to -! (!r+or ) ! d on th! dat a -!+or! th! dat a "s tran s+ ! rr ! d to Sta3" n 3.

1. )et the On *ands (uantity as per the file data e+traction and parameter provided. 2. ,uild pipe delimited file and FTP . Any error, do not FTP the file and notify/e m a il details.

Interface Process

B!1o= concurr ! n t (ro3r a ) ="11 -! -u"1t to "nt!r+ac ! th! +"1!. Pro3ra ) Na)! XXAB ON Band Out-o u n d Int!r+ac ! +or For!"3n Trad ! Fon! A((1"cat"on XXAB Custo )"> a t"o n s Short Na) ! XXABGONBANDGFTFGT*ANS E2!cut a -1 ! Na)! XXABGIPINT*FACEGONBANDGPHG.MAIN

Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound F"1! *!+ #&54# 6 0 7 0. d oc 80. Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound 9 Co)(a n : Con+"d! nt"a1 ; For "nt!rn a1 us! on1:

Docu)! n t Contro1


MD.050 A((1"cat"on E2t!ns"ons Funct"ona1 D!s"3n Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound

Doc *!+

,Doc u ) ! n t *!+!r! nc ! Nu)- ! r .

)pe n and Clos e d Issu e s for thi s Deliv e r a b l e

)p e n Iss u e s


Iss u e

Re s o l u t i o n

Re s p o n s i b i li t y

"arg e t Dat e

Imp a c t Dat e

Clos e d Iss u e s


Iss u e

Re s o l u t i o n

Re s p o n s i b i li t y

"arg e t Dat e

Imp a c t Dat e

Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound F"1! *!+ #&54# 6 0 7 0. d oc 80. Error *!+!r! nc ! sourc ! not +ound 9 Co)(a n : Con+"d! nt"a1 ; For "nt!rn a1 us! on1:

Docu)! n t Contro1


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