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SMK MEDAMIT ENGLISH LANGUAGE FORM 3 SCHEME OF WORK 2013 L e v e l Lea !i!" O#$come% La!"#a"e Fo I!$e pe %o!

al U%e As$ a#% respo#% po"ite"y to &uestio#s' * La!"#a"e Fo I!'o ma$io!al U%e Liste# to a co#versatio#: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' )ea% a# artic"e: sca# *or %etai"s' )ea% a# artic"e: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues' I%e#ti*y +ase /or%s' )ea% a# artic"es: (a$e i#*ere#ces, %ra/ co#c"usio#s' Li$e a$# e) A Fi hter!s "i#e 3 4rite a %escriptio#: e5pa#% #otes' As$ &uestio#s po"ite"y a#% respo#% appropriate"y' * Liste# to a %ia"o ue: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' )ea% a# artic"e: sca# *or %etai"s' State /or%s o* si(i"ar (ea#i# ' L e So#!& %+%$em) Co#so#a#ts: -%,oca-#la +) Sy#o#y(s Ma$e pre%ictio#s' La!"#a"e Fo Ae%$he$ic U%e Ta"$ a+out e"e(e#ts o* a #ove": the(e, (ora" va"ues, p"ot, setti# La!"#a"e Co!$e!$ So#!& %+%$em) Co#so#a#ts: -c- -$- -r,oca-#la +) .ase /or%s G amma ) The si(p"e prese#t te#se A%0ectives E&#ca$io!al Empha%e% ICT s$i""s 1si# the i#ter#et to "oo$ *or i#*or(atio# a#% to se#% e2(ai" Mu"tip"e I#te""i e#ces I#terperso# a" i#te""i e#ce 3reparatio# *or the rea" 4or"% Discussio# a#% prese#tatio# o* i%eas Lear#i# 6o/ To Lear# 7a"ues a#% citi8e#ship E%ucatio# Mu"tip"e I#te""i e#ces La!"#a"e REMARKS


Theme & Topic (EO(LE Chapter 1: They Touch Our Lives

Ta$e part i# %iscussio#' .

(EO(LE Chapter 2: Fa(ous Lea%ers



Lea !i!" O#$come%

Chie# F'9'- SMKM -2013


v e l

La!"#a"e Fo I!$e pe %o!al U%e Ta$e part i# %iscussio#s'

La!"#a"e Fo I!'o ma$io!al U%e )ea% a# artic"e: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues Rea% a# artic"e: (a$e i#*ere#ces, %ra/ co#c"usio#s' 4rite a %escriptio#: e5pa#% #otes' Liste# to a %ia"o ue: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' )ea% a 4e+ pa e: sca# *or %etai"s' )ea% a 4e+ pa e: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues' 1#%ersta#% *or(atio# o* pre*i5es'

La!"#a"e Fo Ae%$he$ic U%e Descri+e characters i# a #ove": /hat the /riter says a+out physica" appeara#ces a#% perso#a"ities' :ive opi#io#s o# characters

Co!$e!$ G amma ) The si(p"e prese#t te#se Co""ective #ou#s

E&#ca$io!al Empha%e%


. E5cha# e i%eas'

Li$e a$# e) A Fi hter!s Li#e (EO(LE Chapter 3: 6ea"i# 6a#%s

See$ c"ari*icatio#' *

So#!& %+%$em) Lo# vo/e" sou#% -;Descri+e characters i# a #ove": /hat the character thi#$s, say or %oes' Short vo/e" sou#% -e,oca-#la +) 3re*i5es 2<i#ter= 2<pre= G amma ) 3erso#a" pro#ou#s' 3ossessive pro#ou#s' So#!& %+%$em) Lo# vo/e" sou#% -a:Short vo/e" sou#% -?-

ICT s$i""s Mu"tip"e I#te""i e#ces

Li$e a$# e) A Fi hter!s Li#e 3

)ea% a 4e+ pa e: (a$e i#*ere#ces, %ra/ co#c"usio#s' 4rite a +rie* %escriptio#: E5pa#% #otes' Liste# to a %ia"o ue: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' )ea% a# artic"e: sca# *or %etai"s' State /or%s opposite i# (ea#i# 0

(EO(LE & SOCIAL ISSUES Chapter >: Ma$i# Frie#%s Theme/ *

:reet a#% e5cha# e p"easa#tries'

K#o/"e% e Ac&uisitio# Lear#i# 6o/ to Lear# S$i""s


L e

Lea !i!" O#$come%


Chie# F'9'- SMKM -2013


v e l

La!"#a"e Fo I!$e pe %o!al U%e

La!"#a"e Fo I!'o ma$io!al U%e )ea% a# artic"e: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues' )ea% a# artic"e: (a$e i#*ere#ces, (ove +eyo#% the te5t'

La!"#a"e Fo Ae%$he$ic U%e Descri+e characters i# a #ove": /hat others say a+out the characters'

Co!$e!$ ,oca-#la +) A#to#y(s G amma ) A%ver+s o* ti(e' A%ver+s o* p"ace So#!& %+%$em) Lo# vo/e" sou#% -u:-

Ta$e part i# co#versatio#s a#% . %iscussio#s' 4rite a "etter as$i# *or a%vice' 3

E&#ca$io!al Empha%e% Mu"tip"e I#te""i e#ces


Li$e a$# e) Leisure SOCIAL ISSUES Chapter @: Li*e!s Cha""e# es

Ta"$ a+out se"*, past e5perie#ces' *

Liste# to a ta"$: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' )ea% a report: sca# *or %etai"s' 1se the %ictio#ary'

Thi#$i# S$i""s Mu"tip"e I#te""i e#ces Future Stu%ies

Ta$e part i# %iscussio#s' E5cha# e i%eas a#% ive opi#io#s' . 3articipate i# %iscussio#s +y ivi# a#% supporti# opi#io#s'

)ea% a report: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues'

Descri+e physica" setti# Ap"aceB i# a story'

Short vo/e" sou#% -u,oca-#la +) Dictio#ary s$i""s G amma ) Su+0ect2ver+ a ree(e#t

)ea% a report: (a$e i#*ere#ces, (ove +eyo#% te5t' Li$e a$# e) Leisure 3 I#terpret i#*or(atio# *ro( raphs' 4rite a report'

Ma$e pre%ictio#s'



L e

Lea !i!" O#$come%


Chie# F'9'- SMKM -2013


v e l

La!"#a"e Fo I!$e pe %o!al U%e Ta"$ a+out se"*, past e5perie#ces'

La!"#a"e Fo I!'o ma$io!al U%e Liste# to a ta"$: i(porta#t %etai"s' )ea% a (a a8i#e artic"es: sca# *or %etai"s'

La!"#a"e Fo Ae%$he$ic U%e

Co!$e!$ So#!& %+%$em) Lo# vo/e" sou#% -D:-

E&#ca$io!al Empha%e%


HEALTH Chapter C: Fit *or Li*e *

Ta$e part i# %iscussio#' 3articipate i# teacher2 ui%e% c"ass . %iscussio#s +y a reei# a#% %isa reei# po"ite"y'

)ea% a (a a8i#e artic"e: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues'

Ta"$ a+out socia" setti# o* a story Ati(e, cu"ture a#% p"aceB'

Short vo/e" sou#% -,oca-#la +) 1si# /or%s to sho/ e#%er 2(ascu"i#e 2*e(i#i#e G amma ) Ta"$ a+out the *uture sui# the prese#t co#ti#uous te#se 2E oi# to! 2E/i""! Mo%a"s Ca# - (ay (i ht- (ust

)ea% a (a a8i#e artic"e: i%e#ti*y cause a#% e**ect, (a$e i#*ere#ces 4rite a te5t o* a speech: e5pa#% #otes

)e"ate va"ues i# a story to o#e!s "i*e

3 Li$e a$# e) Leisure

EN,IRONMEN T Chapter F: It!s )ai#i# It!s 3ouri# G

Liste# to a# i#tervie/: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' Harrate ora""y the eve#ts that too$ p"ace' * )ea% a #e/s report: sca# *or %etai"s'

)o"e p"ay a# eve#t i# the story'

So#!& %+%$em) Diphtho# s: ei-, -ai,oca-#la +) Thesaurus s$i""s

ICT S$i""s 3reparatio# *or the )ea" 4or"% Mu"tip"e I#te""i e#ces

Chie# F'9'- SMKM -2013

Theme/ Topic Week

L e v e l

Lea !i!" O#$come% La!"#a"e Fo I!$e pe %o!al U%e Ta$e part i# %iscussio#s' La!"#a"e Fo I!'o ma$io!al U%e )ea% a #e/s report: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues' )ea% a #e/s report: i%e#ti*y cause a#% e**ect' 4rite a recou#t: e5pa#% #otes La!"#a"e Fo Ae%$he$ic U%e Ta"$ a+out e"e(e#ts o* a p"ot Aeve#tsB' La!"#a"e Co!$e!$ G amma ) Co#0u#ctio#s -Ja#%!, J+ut!, Jor!, Jso! Se&ue#ce co##ectors J*irst!, J#e5t!, Jthe#!, J*i#a""y! E&#ca$io!al Empha%e% Thi#$i# S$i""s


Li$e a$# e) Arou#% the /or"% i# I0 %ays

EN,IRONMEN T Chapter I: Stop the F"oo%sG

)e"ay pho#e (essa es ora""y to the peop"e * co#cer#e%' Ta$e part i# %iscussio#s' .

Liste# to a ra%io ta"$: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' )ea% a speech: sca# *or %etai"s' )ea% a speech: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues' 1#%ersta#% *or(atio# o* su**i5es' )ea% a speech: (a$e i#*ere#ces, %ra/ co#c"usio#s' :ive o#e!s opi#io# o* the story'

So#!& %+%$em) Diphtho# - )eco #ise e"e(e#ts i# a p"ot Ase&ue#ce o* eve#tsB ,oca-#la +) Su**i5es -J(e#t! - J#ess! - Jio#! - Jship! G amma ) 3hrasa" ver+s

K#o/"e% e Ac&uisitio# 3reparatio# *or the )ea" 4or"% ICT S$i""s

Li$e a$# e) Arou#% the /or"% i# I0 %ays EN,IRONMEN T Chapter K: Hature!s :i*ts

3 4rite a report: e5pa#% #otes' E5press hope a#% support' * Liste# to a ta"$: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' Sca# *or %etai"s i# te5ts rea%' So#!& %+%$em) Co#so#a#t c"usters at the +e i##i# o* /or%s: -str-s(-' Mu"tip"e I#te""i e#ces' K#o/"e% e Ac&uisitio#

Chie# F'9'- SMKM -2013

Theme/ Topic Week

L e v e l .

Lea !i!" O#$come% La!"#a"e Fo I!$e pe %o!al U%e Ta$e part i# %iscussio#' E5cha# e i%eas a#% ive opi#io#s' La!"#a"e Fo I!'o ma$io!al U%e )ea% posters: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues' )ea% posters: i%e#ti*y cause a#% e**ect' Ta"$ a+out (ora" va"ues i# a story' )e"ate va"ues to o#e!s "i*e' La!"#a"e Fo Ae%$he$ic U%e La!"#a"e Co!$e!$ ,oca-#la +) O#e /or% *or a roup o* /or%s G amma ) 3repositio#s o* p"ace a#% %irectio#' 3repositio#s to sho/ ti(e a#% &ua#tity' So#!& S+%$em) Co#so#a#t c"usters at the +e i##i# o* /or%s: - r-, -tr1#%ersta#% the(es i# a story' ,oca-#la +) ICT Ter(s G amma ) 3ositive a#% #e ative state(e#ts' Co#tractio#' So#!& %+%$em) Co#so#a #t c"usters at the +e i##i# o* /or%s: -

E&#ca$io!al Empha%e% 3reparatio# *or the )ea" 4or"%'


Li$e a$# e) Arou#% the /or"% i# I0 %ays

4rite a speech to e5press opi#io#: e5pa#% #otes'

HEALTH Chapter 10: Active a#% 6ea"thy

Ta"$ a+out se"*, i#terests' E#&uire a+out services * o**ere%' C"ari*y the type o* services o**ere%'

Liste# to ta"$: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' )ea% a%vertise(e#ts: sca# *or %etai"s'

Mu"tip"e I#te""i e#ces K#o/"e% e Ac&uisitio# ICT S$i""s

Li$e a$# e) Arou#% the /or"% i# I0 %ays

Fi"" out a service *or(' . 4rite a *or(a" "etter: 3 use appropriate *or(at'

)ea% a%vertise(e#ts: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues' )ea% a%vertise(e#ts: %ra/ co#c"usio#s' Liste# to a %ia"o ue: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' )ea% a# artic"e: sca# *or %etai"s'

)e"ate the(es i# a story to o#e!s "i*e'

HEALTH Chapter 11: Sa*ety For O#e a#% A""

E5press appreciatio#'

Mu"tip"e I#te""i e#ces ICT S$i""s

Chie# F'9'- SMKM -2013

"-, -p"-

Theme/ Topic Week

L e v e l

Lea !i!" O#$come% La!"#a"e Fo I!$e pe %o!al U%e Ta$e part i# %iscussio#s' E5cha# e i%eas a#% ive opi#io#s' 4rite a "etter o* appreciatio#' )ea% a# artic"e: (a$e i#*ere#ces, %ra/ co#c"usio#s' La!"#a"e Fo I!'o ma$io!al U%e )ea% a# artic"e: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues' La!"#a"e Fo Ae%$he$ic U%e :ive perso#a" respo#se to #ove"s: 2characters 2va"ues :ive o#e!s opi#io# o* the character' )e"ate (ora" va"ues i# the story to o#e!s "i*e' La!"#a"e Co!$e!$ ,oca-#la +) 6o(o raphs G amma ) Co(pariso# o* a%0ective -re u"ar *or(s Jer!,Jest!,J(o re!,J(ost! -irre u"ar *or(s J+a%!, J+etter!,J/ors t!,J+est! So#!& %+%$em) Co#so#a#t c"usters at the e#% o* /or%s: -sh - -ch -t ,oca-#la +) I%io(s For( #e ative a%0ectives, usi# pre*i5es Ju#2E,J%is2E,Ji( 2E a#% J#o#2E' G amma ) 1se artic"es ICT S$i""s K#o/"e% e Ac&uisitio# E&#ca$io!al Empha%e%


Li$e a$# e) Arou#% the /or"% i# I0 %ays

HEALTH As$ *or assista#ce' Chapter 12: The I##er 9ou * )ea% a# artic"e: Sca# *or %etai"s' Ta$e part i# %iscussio#' . E5cha# e i%eas a#% ive opi#io#s' 4rite a "etter see$i# per(issio#: use appropriate *or(at' )ea% a# artic"e: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues' Liste# to a ta"$: ive i(porta#t %etai"s'

3 Li$e a$# e) Arou#% the /or"% i# I0 %ays

Chie# F'9'- SMKM -2013

)ea% a# artic"e: %ra/ co#c"usio#s, (a$e i#*ere#ces'

)evise For( O#e poe(s: re"ate (essa es a#% va"ues i# the poe(s to o#e!s "i*e'

/ith #ou#s'

Theme/ Topic Week Scie!ce & Tech!olo"+ Chapter 13: Ma# a#% the Sea

L e v e l

Lea !i!" O#$come% La!"#a"e Fo I!$e pe %o!al U%e La!"#a"e Fo I!'o ma$io!al U%e Liste# to a %ia"o ue: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' La!"#a"e Fo Ae%$he$ic U%e La!"#a"e Co!$e!$ So#!& %+%$em) Co#so#a#t c"usters at the e#% o* /or%s: -s$ -s$-st -st,oca-#la +) Si(i"es G amma ) Co(pare peop"e or thi# s that are the sa(e usi# Jas LL as!' E#ot as LL as! The prese#t co#ti#uous te#se' So#!& %+%$em) Stress i# /or%s' )evisio# o* For( T/o #ove"s: 2re"ate se&ue#ce o* eve#ts Ap"otB 2%escri+e characters +ase% o# /hat the ,oca-#la +) 6o(opho#es E&#ca$io!al Empha%e% Mu"tip"e I#te""i e#ces K#o/"e% e Ac&uisitio#'


)ea% a +rochure: sca# *or %etai"s' Ta$e part i# %iscussio#s' )ea% a +rochure: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues' )evisio# o* For( O#e short stories: -stu%y se&ue#ce o* eve#ts -%escri+e characters )e"ate characters a#% va"ues i# a story to o#e!s "i*e'

E5cha# e i%eas a#% ive opi#io#s'

Li$e a$# e) Arou#% the /or"% i# I0 %ays

Discuss p"a#s to visit a p"ace -co(pari# -%eci%i# - ivi# reaso#s *or 3 choice

)ea% a +rochure: (a$e i#*ere#ces, %ra/ co#c"usio#s, (a$e pre%ictio#s' 4rite a +rochure: e5pa#% #otes'

Scie!ce & Tech!olo"+ Chapter 1>: Ocea#s i# Motio# *

Liste# to a "ecture: ive i(porta#t %etai"s' )ea% a# artic"e: sca# *or %etai"s, *o""o/ se&ue#ce o* i%eas' )ea% a# artic"e: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues'

ICT S$i""s K#o/"e% e Ac&uisitio# Future Stu%ies

. Ta$e part i# %iscussio#s' E5cha# e i%eas a#% ive opi#io#s' 3articipate i# c"ass %iscussio#s +y:
Chie# F'9'- SMKM -2013

2%isa reei# po"ite"y a#% ivi# opi#io#s 2%e*e#%i# o#e!s poi#t o* vie/ 2see$i# c"ari*icatio# Week Theme/ Topic L e v e l Lea !i!" O#$come% La!"#a"e Fo I!$e pe %o!al U%e La!"#a"e Fo I!'o ma$io!al U%e I#terpret i#*or(atio# i# a +ar raph' )ea% a# artic"e: %ra/ co#c"usio#s, (a$e i#*ere#ces' 4rite a# e5p"a#atio#: e5pa#% #otes'

/riter te""s us

La!"#a"e Fo Ae%$he$ic U%e

La!"#a"e Co!$e!$ G amma ) For(atio# o* p"ura"s 2irre u"ar p"ura"s 2#ou#s /ith #o cha# e i# #u(+er i# the p"ura" *or('

E&#ca$io!al Empha%e%


Li$e a$# e) Arou#% the /or"% i# I0 %ays

Scie!ce & Tech!olo"+ Chapter 1@: Treasures *ro( the Deep

Liste# to a "ecture: ive * i(porta#t %etai"s' E5cha# e i%eas a#% ive opi#io#s' . Ta$e part i# %iscussio#s'

)ea% a (a a8i#e artic"e: sca# *or %etai"s' )ea% a (a a8i#e artic"e: i%e#ti*y (ai# i%eas, %etai"s, co#te5tua" c"ues'

Ta"$ a+out e"e(e#ts o* a #ove" or story' )evise a#% a#s/er &uestio#s o# short stories a#% #ove"s: 2physica" setti# 2the(e

So#!& %+%$em) Se#te#ce stress a#% i#to#atio#' ,oca-#la +) 6o(o#y(s G amma ) 3u#ctuatio#: -capita" "etter -*u"" stop -&uestio# (ar$ -co((a -apostrophe e5c"a(atio# (ar$

K#o/"e% e Ac&uisitio# Future Stu%ies

Li$e a$# e) Arou#% the /or"% i# I0 %ays

4rite a "etter to a *orei # pe#2pa": e5pa#% #otes, use appropriate 3 *or(at'

Ma$e si(p"e pre%ictio#s' )ea% a (a a8i#e artic"e: (a$e i#*ere#ces, (a$e si(p"e pre%ictio#s'

Chie# F'9'- SMKM -2013

*10230.2*3 4 320250.2*3 )E7ISIOH FO) 3M)

Chie# F'9'- SMKM -2013


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