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Dear President Obama,

I am writing you today about alternative energy technologies that would end the use to coal and oil as
fuels. These are popularly called "Free Energy" technologies and devices; meaning not literally "Free"...
But cheap, clean, and renewable energy that can be produced by ourselves at home or on board a vehicle.
There are many of these technologies that have been proven to be worthy of further study... And that is
exactly the problem: They are not being properly studied by our Universities and private laboratories. Nor
have their successes been talked about in the U.S. mainstream media. And in many cases, the U.S.
government has in the past actively worked to suppress many of these technologies; using the Patent
Office to identify them and then declare them "secret".... Despite very tenuous reasons for doing so in that
by any stretch of the imagination, many of these technologies cannot be considered "weapons".... And
they are only "dangerous" in that they challenge the hegemony of coal and oil. This "secretization" of
Patent requests has happened over 3,000 times according to Dr. Thomas Valone, PhD (most of these being
"free energy" devices); who is a long-time Patent Office employee ( least as of 2007 when he made
these statements publicly via video interview), and a leading scientist and voice for Free Energy.

Besides the military's "secretization" of these devices, there are many other problems stopping these
technologies from reaching the marketplace... Despite their general utility being proven (their ultimate
utility may still be in question: But it is very difficult to deny that they do not deserve further intensive
study, considering how important they could be to all of us). What is needed is a new fast-tracked program
to insure that government Grant money be provided for both University and private research of these
technologies. For some "unknown" reason, most are not being seriously studied within the United States.
This means that when the door to free energy is finally opened... We will be on the sidelines and other
countries will be in the forefront. We should be the leaders in this exciting new field: Our economy,
especially the manufacturing sector, could then benefit greatly within a very short time.

Here is a brief and very incomplete list of the technologies that merit much greater study... And that could
free us from the pollution and monopoly-like control of coal and oil as fuels.

Magnetic Motors: There is much proof that the power of magnets alone can power electrical generators.
This means that power could be made from such a device continuously and utterly pollution-free... As
long as the magnets in the device last (perhaps 50 years). There is an interesting wrinkle here that should
be brought to your attention: The U.S. Department of Energy is said to be in possession of a very
important Patent for the last 7 years; which details a method for manufacturing "Asymmetrical Magnets"
(in which the "North" pole of a magnet can be made to be more powerful than the "South" pole, or visa-
versa). This Patent is from the inventor Vijak K. Chandhok, "Method for producing through extrusion an
anisotropic magnet with high energy product", U.S. Patent No. 6,787,083 ; apparently most recently re-
issued on Sep. 7, 2004.

This Patent and the earlier ones relating to it would appear to be the key for making magnetic motors work
best. Yet the DOE has been accused of sitting on this technology for several years. I would strongly urge
you to look into this matter; and "free" this Patent for use by our manufacturing sector, and for free and
open university study. Further information on this subject can be seen in the "Correspondence" area of
Col. Tom Beardon's website (U.S. Army, Retired). Col. Beardon, PhD, is quite elderly and in poor
health... But is still perhaps the most respected voice in the Free Energy arena. His website can be found
here: .

Energy from Hydroxy (the disassociation of water into Hydrogen and Oxygen; also popularly known as
"HHO" or "Brown's Gas"). This exciting field has seen a great boom in past years, as a "booster" for
internal combustion engines. Electrolyzer cells in the car break down the water into H and O gas safely on
demand; and this gas is burned in the engine along with gasoline or Diesel to increase mileage greatly. It
is a proven technology... And in thousands of cars and trucks today. Yet much more can be done with
Hydroxy than is being done currently: It appears an entire vehicle can be powered by it, with the energy
needed to electrolyze the water far less than current scientific doctrine claims... In fact the power from a
car's alternator can produce the Hydroxy... Making the vehicle entirely self sustaining, running on nothing
but water as a fuel. The American inventor Stanley Meyer did so back in the early 1990's (and was filmed
by news crews on the road in his famous Hydroxy-powered "dune buggy"), before his controversial death.
Since the Hydroxy gas is created from water on demand as you drive; there is no need for expensive and
dangerous Hydrogen storage tanks.... No need for an expensive infrastructure to support it (as Hydrogen
Fuel Cell technology requires, which demands 99.999% pure Hydrogen stored at very high pressures;
forcing a centralized hierarchy for distribution) .

Energy from Plasma. This is also an exciting field, with many variants but all with a central theme: Huge
amounts of "free energy" can be released from Plasma / Ball Lightening reactors with no pollution or
dangerous radiation. One scientist working outside of the mainstream who has a working system right
now is Dr. Kiril Chukanov (currently in Canada). His website; with photos, videos, and extensive and
detailed audio interviews of the scientist can be found here : .

There have been several successful devices invented over the last 40 years using plasma energy; such as
that by Joseph Papp, and Dr's. Paulo and Alexandra Correa. There is currently a company in New Jersey
trying to market a similar technology, called "Blacklight". And even M .I. T. has a large and extensive
project studying energy from Plasma; only really on the periphery. There is little doubt that energy from
plasma is a very important technology for our future: High-voltage plasma spark can even make water
droplets "explode" and release large amounts of energy. And there is an American inventor, named Robert
Krupa, who has designed a new spark plug using plasma spark that can easily raise mileage with gasoline
by 40% in most cars. He is being constantly stymied from getting his independently-proven device to
market... It is ready to go right now, ready to lower gasoline usage greatly for millions of Americans. I
have personally spoken with Mr. Krupa; I can assure you he is "for real": An automotive industry veteran
and an excellent example of a humble, every-day American and inventive hero. I strongly recommend
your Office contact him and offer your help to see his great invention finally realized.

L.E.N.R. (Popularly known as "Cold Fusion") . Back in 1989, the work of Dr.'s Pons and Fleischmann
became briefly famous for inventing a process that releases energy at near-room temperatures, then
"Infamous" as they were wrongly accused of either "poor science" or "fraud"... But interestingly enough,
their experiments showing that large and useful amounts of energy can be obtained by "cold fusion" have
been successfully replicated over 120 times all over the world... But rarely in the U.S. "for some reason".
This is clearly a viable, working technology that was wrongly attacked by the U.S. mainstream media..
Yet when all the facts became known, the media has always refused to retract any of their accusations...
Generally refusing to mention it even 20 years later.

LENR was strongly championed by the late Dr. Eugene Mallove (formerly of Harvard and MIT); who
lobbied for years to change this travesty. He was murdered over 4 years ago, and his case has never been

There are many other technologies in this genre that merit a vigorous program of increased research. Yet
they are not being researched. This desperately needs to change: And you,. Mr. President, are the man
who could change this; and change our world for the better.
Enclosed with this letter is a hardcopy of one of a series of articles I have written reporting on Free Energy
and the Open Source Energy movement, originally published on political blog sites. To summarize; the
Open Source people want to change the paradigm: To that where these technologies become openly
studied, and eventually marketed. We want to end the use of oil and coal as fuels... Forever. But it is
important to note, that coal and oil would still be in demand for plastics and chemicals of all types,
including pharmaceuticals (perhaps 1/3 of their total usage now). So eliminating them as fuels would not
destroy their businesses entirely... But it would clean up the environment greatly, and end this energy
strangle-hold over us. Cheap and clean energy is what is needed to feed the poor of the world, to raise
them up... And to insure our Middle Class here in the U.S. stops our slow slide into poverty. We must start
creating our own energy: And end the power of the energy cartels to control our lives.

Sir, we in the Open Source Energy movement will continue to work towards these goals with or without
your help (on shoe-string budgets, working in our garages and basements)... And eventually these
technologies will see the light of day despite the suppressions: Because when enough of us know about
them via Grass Roots activism, when these devices have been successfully replicated hundreds of times all
over the world... It will be too late to stop. But please note that the United States is in a unique position to
become the leading energy producing giant of the world. If we do it first, instead of our foreign
competitors, we could see an economic boon and positive movement for Humanity few have even yet

Please take the time to look at the articles, or study this subject further with other materials. I assure you
there are verifiable proofs that show these technologies definitely deserve further study at the very least. A
fast-tracked program of Grants, opening up this process for the Universities to study these "forbidden"
subjects without suppressions... Could benefit this world like nothing ever seen before. If nothing else,
these Studies could debunk what I have told you here: Yet, would not the oil corporations themselves have
debunked them already with studies if they could do so? When Trillions of easy profits are on the line...
How can we trust in them to do what is best for Humanity? This is the classic role of Government. You,
Sir, are in a very unique position here: Please, for all of us, for the future of this Planet... Please look into
this matter carefully (...especially the claims of the asymmetrical magnet manufacturing process Patents
being held and "sat on" by the U.S. DOE).

Article "Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement Part 4" attached (with many links there for
further study).

Best Regards,

Steve Windisch
(Internet name "jibbguy")

Letter writing may be a futile gesture unless enough of us also do so and a grass roots movement for this
highly important cause blooms across the country and planet. After studying the genre of Free Energy for
many years, many have recently come to the conclusion that NOW, this year 2009, is the best time we
have had in a very long time to see some real progress and success in bringing these technologies to the
light of day. There have been some indicators that the government is now considering revealing certain
secret projects. Besides the aforementioned free energy technologies, there is also the question of "anti-
gravity" devices/vehicles which evidence shows to have been known about and studied secretly since at
least 1966, or even possibly as far back as 1945 . There are credible reports that the U.S. and several other
governments have "UFO"-like aircraft powered by these "anti-grav" principals. And note that this
technology is by definition also "free energy"; as it could easily also be used to power electrical generators
in our homes or vehicles.

President Franklin Roosevelt is said to have once told a group of visiting African-American Civil Rights
leaders in the 1940's:

" I agree with everything you have said. Now go out and make me do it!"

He "meant", of course, that until we, the people of the world and of the United States, show our
governments that we are now demanding that the anti-gravity and Free Energy technologies be released
for the good of all they will likely never do so. After all, imagine the immediate questions they will then
have to face: WHY was this kept from us all these years? Why was the ecology allowed to suffer so, when
it need not? How could we be held in thrall to the energy cartels all these years, when clear alternatives
were available? This will be a challenge, and disincentive, for any government to finally "come clean".
Not only this; but we are facing the largest, most powerful political lobby in the history of the planet.
Bucking the energy cartels is not an easy decision for any politician to make, but perhaps when viewing
this conundrum, we can all agree that in this case it is more important to solve our very serious problems
now than to place blame for the past. We can no longer afford to go on as before. There no longer is the
luxury of delay and pushing off these important decisions. The ecology, the economy, and our futures can
no longer afford it. The time for the unveiling and introduction of the anti-gravity and free energy
technologies is NOW.

Back in the 1993 after his retirement; the former head of Lockheed's "Skunk Works" (producers of the B-2
"Spirit" Stealth Bomber and SR-71 "Blackbird"), Benjamin Rich, said on the record at an U.C.L.A. School
of Engineering Alumni awards dinner (and again three days later at a presentation given at Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base):

"We already have the means to traverse the stars but these technologies are locked up in black projects and
it would take an act of god to ever get them out to benefit humanity.. Any thing you can imagine we
already know how to do."

Please study the articles below, skimming to the end for the many links found there if you like. Take some
time to check out these technologies for yourself and if you feel as we in the Open Source Energy
movement do, that these devices certainly at the very least merit much more study by our Universities,
then please write President Obama and tell him so.

All we are asking is to free these technologies for open study by our major Universities. Their true merits
can then be decided by the results and those results then reported on fully by the mainstream media. From
there, we will let the markets do the rest. For once the devices are widely known and proved valid there is
no stopping our dream of ending coal and oil as fuels and profoundly changing our world for the better.
We can "make him do it"... We can change this world and our futures. And we can see a world that in only
a few years has transformed from a polluting, war-mongering, famine-plagued culture based on scarcity to
one that embraces peace, prosperity, and plentiful food and clean water for all. This is how we end the
fears of over-population -- with the proven methods of increasing prosperity and education for the Third
World; with the cheap desalinization of seawater and cheap energy for agriculture and industry. This is
how we end the dangers of Global Warming; by stopping the polluting of our atmosphere cold. And this is
how we insure a safe and secure economy; by building a new one on the solid foundations of domestic
manufacturing and truly free enterprise; by allowing Main Street to control our futures not the energy
cartels and Wall St. international bankers.

Carefully consider it. And if you agree, please write your own letters to the President and our elected
officials. The time has come to speak out, and for the Free Energy Grass Roots Movement to begin in

This is a spontaneous movement with no leaders, no politicians, no calls for donations, and no
requirements at all of political dogma. It is a coalition of all who want to see the end of coal and oil as
fuels and who have looked at the huge amount of comprehensive data available and decided for
themselves that there is no plausible reason that these new technologies not be intensely studied by our
Universities and private labs in an unfettered environment. And it is a movement of concerned people
from all over the world, who want to change our planet for the better.

You can start your journey with the references below, using the links at the end of the articles, or simply
Google-search "Free Energy". Take "The Red Pill" and prepare to be astonished at what has been kept
from us our entire lives.

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