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Thi$ $u%&ect i$ de$igned to help $tudent$ ac'uire certain $(ill$ and $trategie$ in the Foreign Language )Engli$h* %+ mean$ of different acti,itie$ and -or($hop$ related to theor+ and practice. It al$o aim$ to enhance $tudent$/ u$e of the language in real $ituational conte0t$ in order to ma(e the Engli$h language ac'ui$ition a more meaningful one. Among the different Engli$h teaching model$ -e cho$e a learner1 centered model2 in -hich %oth $tudent and teacher are acti,e participant$ -ho $hare re$pon$i%ilit+ for the $tudent/$ learning. 3tudent$ participate in the learning proce$$ %+ e$ta%li$hing learning goal$2 de,eloping and choo$ing learning $trategie$2 and e,aluating their o-n progre$$. In the cla$$room2 $tudent$ attend to model$ pro,ided %+ the in$tructor 4input5 and then %uild on tho$e model$ a$ the+ u$e language them$el,e$ 4output5. 6la$$room acti,itie$ incorporate real1-orld $ituation$. In the $e$$ion$ teacher$ -ill $upport $tudent$ %+ de,oting $ome cla$$ time to non1traditional acti,itie$2 including teaching learner$ ho- to u$e learning $trategie$2 ho- to u$e a,aila%le tool$ and re$ource$2 and ho- to reflect on their o-n learning.

Engli$h Language ha$ %een $pread all o,er the -orld %ecoming a glo%al language. It allo-$ people to ha,e a real acce$$ to ne- technologie$2 $cientific (no-ledge2 culture$2 $o it i$ nece$$ar+ to e$ta%li$h common language$ that allo- people to interact and ha,e a %etter under$tanding of different -a+$ of li,ing and comparing them -ith their o-n conte0t from a critical per$pecti,e. It i$ a good opportunit+ to e0plore ,alue$ in a practical -a+ -hile the $tudent$ are learning Engli$h. It i$ al$o a good -a+ to moti,ate learner$ to re$pect their o-n %elief$ and culture2 -hile the+ are e0po$ed to foreign one$ from -hich the+ can learn and e$ta%li$h difference$ and $imilaritie$ in relation to their$. It i$ al$o to teach a language that get$ in,ol,ed in a $pecific conte0t $o -e do not $eparate the $tructure of the language and the conte0t of each $tudent2 that/$ -h+ -e are ta(ing into account $ocial cultural and political topic$. All the$e related to their per$onal life2 intere$t$ and %elie,e$ in order for the+ to feel moti,ated.



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1. 2. 3.

The importance of personal interests and the function of language in contexts. The basic vocabulary and structure of the language through writing and expressing ideas by using its linguistic components. The function of speaking coherently and accurately to understand and express ideas about different topics.

know how to Use a previous knowledge in order to identify keywords that allow comprehending the meaning of the whole text and its parts. Produce texts taking into account punctuation spelling syntax coherence and cohesion by using different tools. !ake an effective use of language through a simple and clear vocabulary in a specific context. #e able to report what she or he listens by using the other skills.

1. 2. 3. ".

4.3 Knowing how to be 1. To acknowledge themselves through the reading. 2. To be able to express who they are and what they want by respecting other opinions and thoughts. 7. To %e a-are a%out their o-n learning proce$$ in order to impro,e the a%ilit+ to e$ta%li$h relation$hip$.


COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE The Engli$h 3+lla%u$ focu$e$ $peciall+ on the de,elopment of communicati,e competence2 the a%ilit+ to u$e appropriatel+ the foreign language 4Engli$h5 in order to get an ade'uate2 real and conte0tuali8ed (no-ledge that allo-$ $tudent$ to u$e the language communicati,el+ -ith the purpo$e of integrating the four $(ill$ 4reading2 li$tening2 $pea(ing and -riting5.6ommunicati,e competence i$ made up of four competence area$9 lingui$tic2 $ociolingui$tic2 di$cour$e2 and $trategic. Linguistic competence i$ (no-ing ho- to u$e the grammar2 $+nta02 and ,oca%ular+ of a language. Lingui$tic competence a$($9 :hat -ord$ do I u$e; <o- do I put them into phra$e$ and $entence$; Sociolinguistic competence i$ (no-ing ho- to u$e and re$pond to language appropriatel+2 gi,en the $etting2 the topic2 and the relation$hip$ among the people communicating. 3ociolingui$tic competence a$($9 :hich -ord$ and phra$e$ fit thi$ $etting and thi$ topic; <o- can I e0pre$$ a $pecific attitude 4courte$+2 authorit+2 friendline$$2 re$pect5 -hen I need to; <o- do I (no- -hat attitude another per$on i$ e0pre$$ing; Discourse competence i$ (no-ing ho- to interpret the larger conte0t and ho- to con$truct longer $tretche$ of language $o that the part$ ma(e up a coherent -hole. Di$cour$e competence a$($9 <o- are -ord$2 phra$e$ and $entence$ put together to create con,er$ation$2 $peeche$2 email me$$age$2 ne-$paper article$; Strategic competence i$ (no-ing ho- to recogni8e and repair communication %rea(do-n$2 ho- to -or( around gap$ in one/$ (no-ledge of the language2 and ho- to learn more a%out the language and in the conte0t. 3trategic competence a$($9 <o- do I (no- -hen I/,e mi$under$tood or -hen $omeone ha$ mi$under$tood me; :hat do I $a+ then; <o- can I e0pre$$ m+ idea$ if I don/t (nothe name of $omething or the right ,er% form to u$e; C$+,-)-#.- /0-#)/1/.&)/$#2 a%ilit+ to u$e in a correct -a+ Engli$h language in real $ituation$ of communication to integrate the four $(ill$ 4reading2 li$tening2 $pea(ing and -riting5. C$+,-)-#.- E3-+-#)42 ". To u$e and under$tand grammar2 $+nta0 and ,oca%ular+ in $hort article$ and te0t$2 graphic$ and

,ideo$ related to dail+ life and $pecific topic$. 2. To u$e the language in a $pecific conte0t2 %+ recogni8ing and interacting -ith other$ and learning more a%out different culture$. To %e a%le to ma(e $tatement$ in order to e0pre$$ -hat the+ thin( a%out the -orld2 -hat the+ feel2 -hat the+ -ant2 etc.


1 S633&'(4 ,7-4-#)&)/$# E0plaining the $+lla%u$ and acti,itie$ to %e de,eloped along the $eme$ter. Rule$ of the cla$$ and Introduction to the fir$t topic

A reading plan will be carried out through the semester; students will read different titles from Oxford series. (See section 7 and reading rubric)
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unit 1: a day in the life of (february 10th february 14th) (february 17th february 21st) unit 2: what is/ what was going on (february 24th february 28st) (mar h !rd mar h 7th) unit !: legal and illegal life stories (mar h 10th mar h 14th) " (mar h 17th 21st) unit 4: tribes and rituals of our time# (mar h 24th mar h 28th)" (mar h !1st" a$ril 4) unit %: ideal worlds# (a$ril 7th a$ril 11th)" (a$ril 21st a$ril 2%th) unit &: good taste' food and lo(e# ( a$ril 28th may 2nd)" (may %th may )th)
1/#&3 -=&+


Definition of Reading Reading can %e $een a$ an )interacti,e* proce$$ %et-een a reader and a te0t -hich lead$ to automaticit+ or 4reading fluenc+5. In thi$ proce$$2 the reader interact$ d+namicall+ -ith the te0t a$ he=$he trie$ to elicit the meaning and -here ,ariou$ (ind$ of (no-ledge are %eing u$ed9 lingui$tic or $+$temic (no-ledge 4through %ottom1up proce$$ing5 a$ -ell a$ $chematic (no-ledge 4through top1do-n proce$$ing5. 3ince reading i$ a comple0 proce$$2 >ra%e argue$ that )man+ re$earcher$ attempt to under$tand and e0plain the fluent reading proce$$ %+ anal+8ing the proce$$ into a $et of component $(ill$* 4"??"2 p. 7@?5 in readingA con$e'uentl+ re$earcher$ propo$ed at lea$t $i0 general component $(ill$ and (no-ledge area$9 ". Automatic recognition $(ill$ 2. Boca%ular+ and $tructural (no-ledge 7. Formal di$cour$e $tructure (no-ledge #. 6ontent=-orld %ac(ground (no-ledge C. 3+nthe$i$ and e,aluation $(ill$=$trategie$ 6. Metacogniti,e (no-ledge and $(ill$ monitoring Types of reading: 3e,eral t+pe$ of reading ma+ occur in a language cla$$room. One -a+ in -hich the$e ma+ %e categori8ed2 a$ $ugge$ted %+ Dro-n 4"?E?5 can %e outlined a$ follo-$9 A. Oral D. 3ilent I. Inten$i,e a. lingui$tic %. content

II. E0ten$i,e a. $(imming %. $canning c. glo%al The fir$t di$tinction that can %e made i$ -hether the reading i$ oral or $ilent. Thi$ -e% page -ill not deal -ith oral reading2 onl+ $ilent reading. :ithin the categor+ of $ilent reading2 one encounter$ /#)-#4/>- and -=)-#4/>- reading. Inten$i,e reading i$ u$ed to teach or practice $pecific reading $trategie$ or $(ill$. The te0t i$ treated a$ an end in it$elf. E0ten$i,e reading on the other hand2 in,ol,e$ reading of large 'uantitie$ of material2 directl+ and fluentl+. It i$ treated a$ a means to an end. It ma+ include reading $impl+ for plea$ure or reading technical2 $cientific or profe$$ional material. Thi$ later t+pe of te0t2 more academic2 ma+ in,ol,e t-o $pecific t+pe$ of reading2 4.&##/#? for (e+ detail$ or 4;/++/#? for the e$$ential meaning. A relati,el+ 'uic( and efficient read2 either on it$ o-n or after $canning or $(imming2 -ill gi,e a ?3$'&3 or general meaning.


D+ mean$ of ne- technologie$2 modern alternati,e$ and inno,ati,e learning proce$$ li(e ABA2 $tudent$ -ill introduce them$el,e$ and e0change per$onal information u$ing if po$$i%le D1learning. Engli$h and technolog+ can interact in different field$ including -e% page$ 4$ee reference$52 %log$2 -i(i$2 +ou tu%e2 among other$. Engli$h language and technolog+ can %e connected a$ an opportunit+ for $tudent$ to interact -ith the -orld around them. Ta(ing ad,antage of the different tool$ offered %+ the uni,er$it+ $uch a$ Dintel cla$$room$2 the ,irtual platform and computer room$2 $tudent$ -ould %e a%le to interact %+ u$ing the language meaningfull+.



Among the $trategie$ propo$ed to train $tudent$ a$ re$earcher$ -e ha,e9 Fro%lem $ol,ing 6olla%orati,e and cooperati,e -or( Fro&ect 1 %a$ed acti,itie$9 $tor+telling2 mo,ie$2 and $ong$. 6a$e $tudie$ Oral pre$entation$ a%out $pecific topic$. Learning $trategie$ 6ALLA model


To %e a%le to u$e their Engli$h (no-ledge and the a%ilit+ to communicate to e$ta%li$h $ucce$$ful relation$ -ith other profe$$ional field$ and hence2 contri%uting to $ol,e $ome of the $ociet+ pro%lem$ $uch a$ the lac( of opportunitie$ to interact -ith other countrie$. To ha,e the $(ill to interact -ith interdi$ciplinar+ re$earch2 $ocial pro&ection group$ and communitie$ in

general. Acti,e participation -ith other $tudent$ %+ mean$ of acti,itie$ li(e role pla+$2 game$2 Engli$h $ong2 cultural interchange$ and other$ offered %+ the Gni,er$it+ and $tudent$.


The partial 2!H mar($ are ta(en from the oral and -ritten report$2 home-or(2 li$tening te$t$ and pronunciation for each one of the unit$ $tudied. According to the in$titution polic+ for e,aluation it i$ nece$$ar+ to get four mar($ during the $eme$ter2 a$ the+ are9 1 2!H Oral reading2 -ritten and oral report$ for each unit. 1 2!H Fartial E,aluation in the fir$t half of the $eme$ter according to the Facult+ timeta%le. 1 2!H Oral reading2 -ritten and oral report$ for each unit. 1 #!H Final E0am. It i$ con$idered the $tudent/$ performance in %oth oral and -riting $(ill$ a%out a $pecific Topic. E,aluating and a$$e$$ing $tudent$/ performance in the foreign language i$ more than &u$t ta(ing and -riting te$t$. I t i$ nece$$ar+ to do a $erie$ of acti,itie$ in order to %uild up the language (no-ledge along the unit$A 3uch a$9 hetero1 e,aluation2 co1e,aluation and $elf1e,aluation. There -ill al$o %e $ome (ind of feed%ac( and -a$h %ac( %a$ed on the content in order to a$$e$$ the communicati,e competence and the different $(ill$9 reading2 li$tening2 $pea(ing and -riting in -hich $tudent$ $hould de,elop a $erie$ of acti,itie$ in order to de,elop the different a%ilit+. For e0ample2 1. Hetero e aluation! Reading activities: True=fal$e e0erci$e$2 inferring meaning for conte0t2 organi8ing paragraph$2 choo$ing the appropriate title2 multiple choice 'ue$tion$2 matching2 fill in graph$. Listening activities: True=fal$e e0erci$e$2 note ta(ing2 matching2 multiple choice 'ue$tion$2 fill in graph$A chec( -hat +ou hear2 organi8ing e,ent$2 and $ong$. Writing activities: De$cription of people2 place$ and o%&ect$A narration$ of $torie$ and anecdote$2 letter$ to friend$ or relati,e$2 in,itation$ and po$t card$2 e1mail$. Speaking activities: Ficture de$cription2 $pot the difference2 and $tor+telling for picture$2 role pla+ing2 dialogue$2 $ong$2 and oral pre$entation$ a%out a $pecific topic. Interaction with the foreign language: development, proficiency, voca ulary use, accuracy, task completion, punctuality, assistance, responsi ility, commitment to their own learning, interaction and participation! ". $. #o e aluation! 6a$e $tudie$2 pro&ect$ and re,ie-$ through oral pre$entation$ -hich integrate the $(ill$ -here the group$ -ill ha,e $ome criteria to e,aluate their partner$. Self e aluation! Ta(ing into account $ome criteria2 $tudent$ -ill reflect a%out their o-n learning proce$$. For e0ample9 Responsi ility, commitment to their own learning, strengths and weaknesses, assistance, punctuality, attitude and aptitude, skills and knowledge related to the development along the semester and the grades gotten in the e"ams!


6ampo2 E.2 I >ranado$2 6. 42!!E5. <and%oo( for De$igning 6ommunicati,e Te$t$ in Foreign Language 6la$$room$. Ja+2 3.2 I ohn$2 B. 42!!#5. American In$ide Out9 Elementar+. Macmillan2 O0ford9 England. Me+er2 <. 4"??@5. An Audio1Bi$ual Oral 6ommunicati,e Approach to American Engli$h9 6on,er$ational >rammar Doo( "2 22 7 and #2 third edition. Me+er Ltda. 6olom%ia.

Roger$2 M.2 Ta+lore2 .2 Ta+lore2 3 42!"!5. Open Mind. G3A9 Mac Millan 3temple$(i2 3.2 Dougla$2 N.2 I Morgan2 . 42!!C5. :orld Lin(9 De,eloping Engli$h Fluenc+. Doo( "A and "D. Thom$on2 G3A. Fuch$2 M.2 Donner2 M.2 I:e$theimer M. 42!!65. Focu$ on >rammar and Integrated 3(ill$ Approach. Fear$on Longman9 Ne- Kor( 4G3A5. >arton2 .2 I Fro-$e2 F. 42!!E5.American In$piration. Macmillan9 ML0ico. <o-ard1:illiam$2 D. I <erd2 6. 4"??#5. :orld >ame$ -ith Engli$h. O0ford9 England. Murph+2 R. 42!!25. Da$ic >rammar in G$e. 6am%ridge Gni,er$it+ Fre$$. England. 3il,a2 F.2 Roldan.2 A. A %a$ic cour$e in Engli$h AD6.pu%li$her %+ 3he$$9 tun&a. 3temple$(i 3. et. Al.2 42!!C5. :ord Lin(9 De,eloping Engli$h Fluenc+. Thom$on <einle9 G3A. $%# &'T%&$.org= http9==---.e$l1image$.com=$u%page".a$p http9==---.e$ http9==---.learnengli$ ---.engli$ ---.engli$ ---.engli$ ---.ingle$ ---.$a%eringle$.com


#ob (ole. )2**+ &eptember,. -e (idn.t /ike To /ose. Newsweek, 154)1*,. 0etrieved 1anuary 12 2*11 from 3#'4'5670! 8lobal. )(ocument '(9 12:*1";3"1,. <ollier &. 0yckman 0. Thornton #. = 8old 1.. )2*1*,. <ompetitive Personality 3ttitudes and 6orgiveness of 7thers. The Journal of Psychology, 144);, :3:>"3. 0etrieved 1anuary 12 2*11 from 3#'4'5670! 8lobal. )(ocument '(9 21;""*+2+1,. 1on !eacham. )2**2 &eptember,. 7n -is 7wn 9<erebral and cool 7bama is also steely and his strength comes from the absence of a father. The making of a self>reliant man.. Newsweek, 152)+, 0etrieved 1anuary 12 2*11 from 3#'4'5670! 8lobal. )(ocument '(9 1:3+2:2:"1,. 8lasser 0.. )2**+,. !exican 3merican !o?o9 Popular !usic (ance and Urban <ulture in /os 3ngeles 1+3:>1+;2 @review of the AAA@insert medium being reviewedBAAA AAA@insert title of work reviewed in italicsBAAAB. The 1ournal of 3merican

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Human and Education Faculty Languages Department English II *+,- 1: . /.0 ,+ -12 3,42 54 (4ebruary 10th 4ebruary 14th) (4ebruary 17th 4ebruary 21st) 67282+-.-,5+ Students will complete some activities in order to get familiar with the vocabulary about routines, and daily life of people, taking into account cultural elements, grammar

structures and use of language using different resources to express opinions and ideas related to the topic. GENERAL COM E!ENCE Research and in"ormation processing# Communicati$e Leadership and change management Ethics# % ECIFIC COM E!ENCE Students organize, classify and select different information related to daily routines of people. Students recognize and use appropriately grammar structures related to simple present. Students analyze the elements in the routine of different people to be able to create one. Students participate in oral dissertations, performances and debates being respectful and tolerant. Q Q Q Q ERFORMANCE CRI!ERIA Students transmit information to classmates in order to tell unusual routines. Students write, read, listen, and speak about own and other routines. Students reflect, compare and talk about different routines. Students are respectful and tolerant with different points of view in the class. !IME 2 WEE S. !" #ours$ 2 tutoring sessions

GLO%%AR& %et up, take a shower, brush, shave, get dressed, wash, put on makeup, comb, cook, eat, lunch, dinner, breakfast. LEARNING AC!I'I!IE% AND %!RA!EGIE% LEARNING AC!I'I!IE% LEARNING %!RA!EGIE%


Home(or)' searching and looking for unknown vocabulary, prior knowledge and developing assigned works !readings( written works, etc$. Face * to * Face +or), )alking about present simple by means of examples of real life. *oing exercises and examples in class. *eveloping performances, role plays and shows about routines. Evaluating competences by means of tests, workshops, oral performances and feedback.

,ideos -eading activities. *iscussion. .ral performances -ole plays Workshops %ames /istening activities recordings

& !utoring +or) +ndividual and session.



E'IDENCE AND E'AL-A!ION Students will be evaluated by means of participation in oral dissertations, written tests and oral performances in the class0 on the other hand they have to read and present homework assignments during the development of the unit.


4resentation of a written daily routine in 5rd person using present simple. Written test(workshop(worksheet. 4articipation in class .ral presentation of his(her daily routine in 6st person using present simple. !face&to&face , video$ !4/E


1ctivity& $ SE/7&E,1/81)+.3 .I.LIOGRA H& 2eyer, #. !699:$. 1n 1udio&,isual .ral ;ommunicative 1pproach to 1merican English' ;onversational %rammar <ook 6, 2, 5 and =, third edition. 2eyer /tda. ;olombia. *+,- 2: 91.- ,8/ 91.- 9.8 :5,+: 5+ (4ebruary 24th 4ebruary 28st) (;ar h !rd ;ar h 7th) 67282+-.-,5+ Students will complete some activities in order to get familiar with the vocabulary about ongoing situations, taking into account cultural elements, grammar structures and use of language using different resources to express opinions and ideas related to the topic. GENERAL COM E!ENCE Research and in"ormation processing# Communicati$e Leadership and change management Ethics# % ECIFIC COM E!ENCE Students organize, classify and select different information related to ongoing situations Students recognize and use appropriately grammar structures related to present continuous and past continuous Students analyze actions and changes of people throughout present and past. Students participate in oral dissertations, performances and debates being respectful and tolerant. ERFORMANCE CRI!ERIA !IME 7ormat assessment

Students transmit information to classmates in order to describe actions that are(were happening in a specific period of time. Students describe situations in present(past continuous according to the context. Students reflect, compare and talk about different ongoing situations. Students are respectful and tolerant with different points of view in the class. GLO%%AR& Was, were, now, in this moment, right now,

2 WEE S. !" #ours$ 2 tutoring sessions

LEARNING AC!I'I!IE% AND %!RA!EGIE% & LEARNING AC!I'I!IE% Home(or)' searching and looking for unknown vocabulary, prior knowledge and developing assigned works !readings( written works, etc$. Face * to * Face +or), )alking about present continuous and past continuous by means of examples of real life. *oing exercises and examples in class. *eveloping performances, role plays and shows about routines. Evaluating competences by means of tests, workshops, oral performances and feedback. & !utoring +or) LEARNING %!RA!EGIE% ,ideos -eading activities. *iscussion. .ral performances -ole plays Workshops %ames /istening activities recordings

+ndividual session




E'IDENCE AND E'AL-A!ION Students will be evaluated by means of participation in oral dissertations, written tests and oral performances in the class0 on the other hand they have to read and present homework assignments during the development of the unit. 1SSESS2E3) 4resentation of a parallel between present continuous and past continuous tense based on pictures, photos and drawings. Written test. 4articipation in class *ialogues about ongoing situations in present and past.

4EE- 1SSESS2E3) SE/7&E,1/81)+.3 .I.LIOGRA H&

Stempleski, S., *ouglas, 3., > 2organ, ?. !2@@A$. World /ink' *eveloping English 7luency. <ook 61 and 6<. )homson, 8S1. *+,- !: 32:.3 .+/ ,332:.3 3,42 8-57,28 (;ar h 10th ;ar h 14th) " (;ar h 17th 21st) 67282+-.-,5+ Students will complete some activities in order to get familiar with the vocabulary about life experiences, and biographies, taking into account cultural elements, grammar structures and use of language using different resources to express opinions and ideas related to the topic.

GENERAL COM E!ENCE Research and in"ormation processing# Communicati$e Leadership and change management Ethics# % ECIFIC COM E!ENCE Students organize, classify and select different information related to life stories and biographies. Students recognize and use appropriately grammar structures related to past simple. Students lead the own process of learning in activities developed in class related to past simple. Students participate in oral dissertations, performances and debates being respectful and tolerant. ERFORMANCE CRI!ERIA Students transmit information to classmates in order to tell the own and other biographies Students write, read, listen, and speak about own and other life experiences and biographies. Students reflect, compare and talk about events of the past. Students are respectful and tolerant with different points of view in the class. GLO%%AR& *id, verbs in past !ate, drank, read, wrote, began, spent,$ yesterday, last night, last day, before, that day. !IME 2 WEE S. !" #ours$ 2 tutoring sessions


)alking about past simple by means of examples of real life Explaining the grammar structure and use of language *oing exercises and examples in class *eveloping performances, role plays and shows about life experiences and biographies. Evaluating competences by means of tests, workshops, oral performances and feedback E'IDENCE AND E'AL-A!ION

,ideos -eading activities. *iscussion. .ral performances -ole plays Workshops %ames /istening activities recordings

Students will be evaluated by means of participation in oral dissertations, written tests and oral performances in the class0 on the other hand they have to read and present homework assignments during the development of the unit. 1SSESS2E3) 4resentation of a biography by means of a video making by photos and pictures in past tense. Written test regular and irregular verbs. 4articipation in class. -eading exercise !-eading plan$ and games about regular and irregular verbs.


SE/7&E,1/81)+.3 .I.LIOGRA H& 2eyer, #. !699:$. 1n 1udio&,isual .ral ;ommunicative 1pproach to 1merican English' ;onversational %rammar <ook 6, 2, 5 and =, third edition. 2eyer /tda. ;olombia. *+,- 4: -7,<28 .+/ 7,-*.38 54 5*7 -,;2# (;ar h 24th ;ar h 28th)" (;ar h !1st" .$ril 4)

67282+-.-,5+ Students will complete some activities in order to get familiar with the vocabulary about tribes, and rituals of our time, taking into account cultural elements, grammar structures and use of language using different resources to express opinions and ideas related to the topic. GENERAL COM E!ENCE Research and in"ormation processing# Communicati$e Leadership and change management Ethics# % ECIFIC COM E!ENCE Students organize, classify and select different information related to cultural aspects people have done and established through time. Students recognize and use appropriately grammar structures related to present perfect. Students lead the own process of learning in activities developed in class related to present perfect. Students participate in oral dissertations, performances and debates being respectful and tolerant. ERFORMANCE CRI!ERIA Students transmit information to classmates in order to tell about tribes and rituals of our time. Students write, read, listen, and speak about cultural aspects people have done through time. Students reflect, compare and play roles giving and following instructions and tasks. Students are respectful and tolerant with different points of view in the class. GLO%%AR& !IME 2 WEE S. !" #ours$ 2 tutoring sessions

#ave, has, for, since, Bust, already, yet, verbs in past participle !eaten, drunk, begun, written, read, spoken, etc$

LEARNING AC!I'I!IE% AND %!RA!EGIE% LEARNING AC!I'I!IE% )alking about present perfect by means of examples of real life Explaining the grammar structure and use of language *oing exercises and examples in class *eveloping performances, role plays and shows about tribes and rituals of our time. Evaluating competences by means of tests, workshops, oral performances and feedback LEARNING %!RA!EGIE% ,ideos -eading activities. *iscussion .ral performances -ole plays Workshops %ames /istening activities recordings

E'IDENCE AND E'AL-A!ION Students will be evaluated by means of participation in oral dissertations, written tests and oral performances in the class0 on the other hand they have to read and present homework assignments during the development of the unit. 1SSESS2E3) 4resentation about places and actions they have done, using personal /earning Environments. 4erformance of a dialogue Cvisiting the doctorD using present perfect.

4EE- 1SSESS2E3) SE/7&E,1/81)+.3 .I.LIOGRA H&

7uchs, 2., <onner, 2., > Westheimer 2. !2@@"$. 7ocus on %rammar and +ntegrated Skills 1pproach. 4earson /ongman' 3ew Eork !8S1$.

*+,- %: ,/2.3 9573/8# (.$ril 7th .$ril 11th)" (.$ril 21st .$ril 2%th) 67282+-.-,5+ Students will complete some activities in order to get familiar with the vocabulary about ideal worlds based on art, science and people, taking into account cultural elements, grammar structures and use of language using different resources to express opinions and ideas related to the topic. GENERAL COM E!ENCE Research and in"ormation processing# Communicati$e Leadership and change management Ethics# % ECIFIC COM E!ENCE Students organize, classify and select different information related to different views of the perfect world by art, science and people. Students recognize and use appropriately grammar structures related to future W+// and <E %.+3% ).. Students lead the own process of learning in activities developed in class related to future will and be going to. Students participate in oral dissertations, performances and debates being respectful and tolerant. ERFORMANCE CRI!ERIA Students are able to transmit information to classmates in order to tell imaginary worlds based on experiences and prior knowledge. Students are able to write, read, listen, and speak about imaginary worlds based on art, science and people. Students are able to reflect, compare and play roles giving and following instructions and tasks. Students are able to be respectful and tolerant with different points of view in the class. !IME 2 WEE S. !" #ours$ 2 tutoring sessions

GLO%%AR& Will, wonFt, be going to, tomorrow, next week, next year, next month.

LEARNING AC!I'I!IE% AND %!RA!EGIE% LEARNING AC!I'I!IE% )alking about future W+// and <E %.+3% ). by means of examples of real life Explaining the grammar structure and use of language *oing exercises and examples in class *eveloping performances, role plays and shows about ideal worlds expressing future ideas. Evaluating competences by means of tests, workshops, oral performances and feedback. LEARNING %!RA!EGIE% ,ideos -eading activities. *iscussion. .ral performances -ole plays Workshops %ames /istening activities recordings

E'IDENCE AND E'AL-A!ION Students will be evaluated by means of participation in oral dissertations, written tests and oral performances in the class0 on the other hand they have to read and present homework assignments during the development of the unit. 1SSESS2E3) 4resentation of a poster in which students explain an ideal world based on elements of the present. 1nalysis of a case study thinking about repercussions of damaged in natural environments.


SE/7&E,1/81)+.3 .I.LIOGRA H&

ay, S., > ?ohns, ,. !2@@=$. 1merican +nside .ut' Elementary. 2acmillan, .xford' England. *+,- &: :55/ -.8-2' 455/ .+/ 35=2# ( .$ril 28th ;ay 2nd)" (;ay %th ;ay )th) 67282+-.-,5+ Students will complete some activities in order to get familiar with the vocabulary about food, personal relationships, social issues and taboos around the world, taking into account cultural elements, grammar structures and use of language using different resources to express opinions and ideas related to the topic. GENERAL COM E!ENCE Research and in"ormation processing# Communicati$e Leadership and change management Ethics# % ECIFIC COM E!ENCE Students organize, classify and select different information related to food around the world, personal relationships, social issues and taboos. Students recognize and use appropriately grammar structures related to modal verbs. Students lead the own process of learning in activities developed in class related to 2odal verbs. Students participate in oral dissertations, performances and debates being respectful and tolerant. ERFORMANCE CRI!ERIA Students are able to transmit information to classmates in order to tell about the food, personal relationships, social issues and taboos around the world. Students are able to write, read, listen, and speak about food, relationships, social issues and taboos in English. Students are able to reflect, compare and play roles giving and following instructions and tasks. Students are able to be respectful and !IME 2 WEE S. !" #ours$ 2 tutoring sessions

tolerant with different points of view in the class. GLO%%AR& ;an(canGt, must, may, should, could LEARNING AC!I'I!IE% AND %!RA!EGIE% LEARNING AC!I'I!IE% )alking about 2odal verbs by means of examples of real life Explaining the grammar structure and use of language *oing exercises and examples in class *eveloping performances, role plays and shows about food, personal relationships, social issues and taboos around the world. Evaluating competences by means of tests, workshops, oral performances and feedback LEARNING %!RA!EGIE% ,ideos -eading activities. *iscussion. .ral performances -ole plays Workshops %ames /istening activities recordings

E'IDENCE AND E'AL-A!ION Students will be evaluated by means of participation in oral dissertations, written tests and oral performances in the class0 on the other hand they have to read and present homework assignments during the development of the unit. 1SSESS2E3) 4articipation in specific contexts using modal verbs in present(past in both written and oral form.

4EE- 1SSESS2E3) SE/7&E,1/81)+.3 7eedback of the process in the English class

.I.LIOGRA H& %arton, ?., > 4rowse, 4. !2@@H$. 1merican +nspiration. 2acmillan' 2Ixico.

U5'I%0&'(3( (% #7N3<3 63<U/T3( (% <'%5<'3& -U!353& N %(U<3T'I3& ENGLISH CLASS RUBRIC &TU(%5TR& 53!%9 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (3T%9 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ASSESSMEN GUIDELINES HIGHL! "R#$ICIEN %&.'(4.') A ENDANCE "AR ICI"A I#N AND T 3lways prepared and attends class T Participates constructively in class T%xhibits preparedness and punctuality in class4class work )1**U, T (emonstrates initiative and improvement T &eeks to understand and acknowledge othersR thoughts T 7ften reaches full potential if sufficiently challenged T <lass assignments have something extra about them T %xceptional content knowledge T (emonstrates ability to integrate new knowledge into work T<hallenges his4her own thoughts and ideas )1**U, (emonstrates an excellent preparation of the activity. )1**U, C#M"E EN %3.*(3.') T Usually prepared and attends class TParticipates constructively in class works well with others and is a team player )G*U, $AIR %+.*(+.') &ometimes prepared and attends class. 7ccasionally or only challenges thought when encouraged by others ):*U, "##R %,.*(,.') T 0arely prepared or attends class T0arely participates constructively in class )3*U,



T %xcellent content knowledge T <ompletes all class assignmentsP occasionally adds something extra T (emonstrates initiative and improvement T &eeks to understand and acknowledge othersR thoughts T &tretches to reach full potential )G*U,

T 3verage content knowledge T 7ccasionally or only challenges thought when encouraged by others T 3ssignments reflect average work T &ometimes an active participant in classP works well with others ):*U,

T 3ssignments are late incomplete or not turned in at all T /ow level of content knowledge T (oes not strive to reach potential. )3*U,



(emonstrates an appropriated preparation of the activity. )G*U,

(emonstrates a moderated preparation of the activity ):*U,

(emonstrates a poor or none preparation of the activity. )3*U,



U5'I%0&'(3( (% #7N3<3 63<U/T3( (% <'%5<'3& -U!353& N %(U<3T'I3& READING "LAN RUBRIC &TU(%5TR& 53!%9 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (3T%9 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ASSESMEN GUIDELINES HIGHL! "R#$ICIEN %&.'(4.') 0eading Process &tudent demonstrates a high level of understanding of the reading process and applies it effectively by V Using pre>reading strategies V 3ctivating schema V 3nnotating text V %mploying graphic organiJers V 'mplementing recall techniDues )1**U, &tudent demonstrates a high level of comprehending text by V (rawing 'nferences V (etermining implicit or explicit main ideas V UtiliJing vocabulary strategies V &ummariJing V (istinguishing between ma?or4minor details V 0ecogniJing authorRs purpose V 0ecogniJing organiJational structure )relationships among ideas, )1**U, &tudent demonstrates a high level of flexibility in using all levels of critical thinking by C#M"E EN %3.*(3.') &tudent demonstrates a satisfactory level of understanding and application of the reading process. )G*U, $AIR %+.*(+.') &tudent demonstrates an uneven understanding and application of the reading process ):*U, "##R %,.*(,.') &tudent demonstrates little or no understanding and application of the reading process )3*U,

0eading <omprehension

&tudent demonstrates a satisfactory level of comprehending text. )G*U,

&tudent demonstrates a developing level of comprehending text. ):*U,

&tudent demonstrates little or no comprehension of text. )3*U,

<ritical Thinking

&tudent demonstrates a satisfactory use of critical thinking skills. )G*U,

&tudent demonstrates some understanding of the elements of critical thinking. ):*U,

&tudent demonstrates little or no understanding of the elements of critical thinking. )3*U,


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