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Introduction This report discusses the princip e o! co"pound i#ht "icroscope $nd ho% it $!!ects the i"$#e o&ser'ed( Not on ) h$'e th$t* this report $ so discussed one o! the techni+ue to incre$se contr$st %hich is oi i""ersion techni+ue th$t he p to enh$nce the i"$#e &) reducin# re!r$ction o! the i#ht( The p$rts o! "icroscope %ith it !unction %$s studied inc udin# the proper h$nd in# $nd c$re techni+ue o! the "icroscope( It not on ) cruci$ to stud) the princip e o! "icroscope $nd the p$rts in'o 'ed &ut $ so to $pp ) the techni+ue e$rnt throu#h the h$nds on session in order to !u ) underst$nd $nd stren#then the essenti$ s s,i in the $&or$tor)( O&-ecti'es 1( To o&ser'e the con!i#ur$tion o! i"$#e produce &) the co"pound "icroscope $nd co"p$red %ith the speci"en( .( To stud) p$rts $nd c$re o! the co"pound "icroscope( /( To in'esti#$te the princip e o! the co"pound "icroscope( 0( To stud) the techni+ue 1 procedure o! "icroscope oper$tion(

A. COMPONENTS OF THE MICROSCOPE M$teri$ s 1( Co"pound "icroscope $nd $ppropri$te i#ht source( Procedure 1( The "icroscope %$s re"o'ed !ro" the c$&inet &) t$,in# the $r" %ith one h$nd $nd supportin# instru"ent $t the &$se %ith the other( .( The "icroscope %$s p $ced $ppro2i"$te ) si2 inches !ro" the ed#e o! the $&or$tor) t$& e %ith the "icroscope $r" !$cin# onese !( /( The "icroscope %$s e2$"ined $nd the co"ponents isted &e o% %$s oc$ted : $3 Ocu $r &3 4od) tu&e 5&$rre 3 c3 Re'o 'in# nosepiece d3 6o% po%er o&-ecti'e e3 Hi#h dr) o&-ecti'e !3 Oi i""ersion #3 St$#e h3 Condenser

i3 Iris di$phr$#" -3 Co$rse $d-ust"ent ,no& ,3 Fine $d-ust"ent ,no&

3 Condenser $d-ust"ent ,no& "3Mech$nic$ st$#e n3 Pi $r

B. USE OF THE MICROSOCPE M$teri$ s: 1( 7 $ss s ide $nd co'er s ip .( 6ens p$per $nd 2) ene /( E)e dropper 0( Ne%sp$per 8( Scissors $nd inocu $tin# need e


1( The # $ss s ide $nd the co'er s ip %$s c e$ned $nd $ drop o! %$ter %$s p $ced on the s ide( .( A series o! etters !ro" ne%sp$per th$t $t e$st h$s one 9e: %$s cut( /( The strin# o! etters %$s p $ced into the drop o! %$ter( The prep$r$tion %$s co'ered %ith $ co'er s ip $nd the nu"&er o! $ir &u&& es in the prep$r$tion %$s reduced &) p $cin# the co'er s ip $t the ed#e o! the drop o! %$ter $nd use the inocu $tin# need e under the co'er s ip to o%er the co'er s ip onto the s ip( 0( The s ide %$s e2$"ined $nd the o&ser'$tion %$s s,etched in the s$"e di"ension $s o&ser'ed( 8( The prep$r$tion %$s e2$"ined under the o%;po%er $nd hi#h;po%er o&-ecti'es( <( The o&ser'$tion %$s s,etched(


Fi#ure 1: etter =e> %ith 0?X "$#ni!)in# po%er

Fi#ure .: etter =e> %ith 1??X "$#ni!)in# po%er 5oi i""ersion techni+ue3


The o&ser'$tion o&t$ined !ro" the e2peri"ent is th$t the etter =e> is in'erted $nd re'erse $s seen in Fi#ure 1( This is due to the "ech$nis" o! the "icroscope itse !( In this e2peri"ent* co"pound i#ht "icroscope %$s used( Co"pound i#ht "icroscope use "irror to re! ect the i#ht r$) !ro" the i#ht source $t the &$se in order to p$th the i#ht r$) to re$ch the rest o! hi#her co"ponents o! the "icroscope( This* e2p $in %h) the i"$#e o! =e> o&ser'ed h$s the s$"e propert) o! the i"$#e !or" &) the "irror* in this c$se in'erted $nd re'erse( Not on ) h$'e th$t* the s$"e thin# $ so h$ppened %hen "o'in# the st$#e side;to;side( @h$t re$ ) $ppe$red to &e on the e!t side is $ctu$ ) on the ri#ht(

Ne2t* the etter =e> %$s o&ser'ed under di!!erent o&-ecti'es ens po%er( As seen in Fi#ure 1* the etter =e> %$s o&ser'ed under hi#h =dr)> o&-ecti'es ens %ith 0??X "$#ni!ic$tion( @hi e in Fi#ure .* the etter =e> %$s o&ser'ed usin# the oi i""ersion techni+ue %ith the "$#ni!ic$tion o! 1???X( Here* &) usin# the oi i""ersion techni+ue the i"$#e produce is sh$per $nd "ore de!ined( This is due to the !$ct* &) $ddin# the i""ersion oi on top o! the s$"p e it reduced the ost o! i#ht to the surroundin#( This is &ec$use the re! ecti'e inde2 o! oi $nd # $ss is $ "ost the s$"e hence reduce re!r$ction th$t occurs %hen i#ht tr$'e in# !ro" $ # $ss to the oi ( Re!r$ction is one o! the properties o! i#ht th$t c$use the i#ht to &end %hen tr$'e in# $cross "ediu" %ith di!!erent densit)( @hen o&ser'in# %ith the 0??2 o&-ecti'es ens* $ir in!erence occur $nd c$use the r$) to "iss the o&-ecti'es ens hence the i"$#e produce is $c, in det$i s( Not on ) th$t* the &endin# $n# e o! the i#ht is $r#er &ec$use o! the '$st di!!erence in densit) &et%een the # $ss $nd the $ir(

There is other &$sic $&or$tor) techni+ue in'o 'ed in this e2peri"ent* such $s the s ide prep$r$tion techni+ue( The speci"en 5the strin# o! etter cont$inin# etter =e>3 %$s %etted !irst %ith $ drop o! t$p %$ter then $ co'ered %ith $ co'er s ip( The co'er s ip %$s p $ced s o% ) st$rtin# $t the ed#e o! the speci"en %ith the he p o! inocu $tin# oop to o%er the co'er s ip onto the s ide( The co'er s ip %$s p $ced st$rtin# $t the ed#e to ensure the ! uid to co"p ete )

%et the ed#e o! the co'er s ip !irst &e!ore proceed to co'er the %ho e speci"en &ec$use this %i reduce the $ppe$r$nce o! $ir &u&& e( Not on ) h$'e th$t* the $ction o! o%erin# the co'er s ipped $ so to reduce the presence o! $ir &u&& e( The presence o! $ir &u&& e c$n inter!ere the o&ser'$tion( I! there is $ presence o! $ir &u&& e* ones h$'e to re"o'ed the co'er s ip $nd redo the step( Not on ) th$t* ones h$s to re"e"&er in order to o&ser'e $ speci"en under the oi i""ersion ens 51??X3 i""ersion is re+uired( I! not* it is i"possi& e to o&ser'e the speci"en due to re!r$ction $nd the i"$#e %i $ppe$r du ( The s$"e condition %i occur i! 9dr): ens $re used %ith the i""ersion oi ( The i""ersion oi %i c$use the i"$#e to distort $nd "$) d$"$#e the ens(

A the p$rts o! the "icroscope %ere identi!ied $nd the !unction o! e$ch o! the co"ponents %$s studied( For e2$"p e* the co$rse $d-ust"ent ,no& !unction is to ch$n#e the dist$nce &et%een the o&-ecti'e ens $nd the speci"en r$pid )( There is $ !e% tips $nd tric, to ensure the o&ser'$tion o! speci"en success!u ( For e2$"p e* $d-ust the co$rse $d-ust"ent ,no& unti the i"$#e &eco"e c e$r $nd re"e"&er on ) $d-ust the !ine $d-ust"ent ,no& $!ter%$rds !or su&se+uent o&ser'$tion usin# di!!erent po%er o! o&-ecti'e ens(

Conc usion:

Fro" the e2peri"ent* the i"$#e o! the etter =e> $ppe$red in'erted $nd re'erses co"p$red to the s$"p e orient$tion due to the %or,in# princip e o! "icroscope(


1( $3 @h$t the tot$ "$#ni!ic$tion o&t$in$& e %ith the o%;po%er o&-ecti'eB

The o%er po%er o&-ecti'es ens: 0X Ocu $r ens: 1?X Hence* 50X3 2 51?X3 C 0?X "$#ni!ic$tion

&3 @h$t the tot$ "$#ni!ic$tion o&t$in$& e %ith the oi i""ersion ensB

The oi i""ersion ens : 1??X Ocu $r ens : 1?X Hence* 51??X3 2 51?X3 C 1???X "$#ni!ic$tion

.( @h$t h$ppen to the ori#in$ orient$tion o! the etter 9e: %hen the prep$r$tion s ide %$s re"o'ed: 5$3 side to side 5&3 up $nd do%nB

The ori#in$ orient$tion o! the etter =e> %hen the prep$r$tion s ide %$s re"o'ed is th$t it is in'erted $nd re'ersed !ro" the i"$#e o&ser'ed under the "icroscope(

/( Co"p ete the !o o%in# t$& e Microscope P$rt Function5s3

1 . / 0 8 < D

Ocu $r O&-ecti'es ens Condenser Iris di$phr$#" e'er Co$rse $d-ust"ent ,no& Condenser $d-ust"ent ,no& Fine $d-ust"ent ,no&

Focus the i#ht onto the speci"en M$#ni!) the i"$#e &e!ore it p$ss throu#h the &od) tu&e Focus the i#ht onto the speci"en Contro s the $"ount o! i#ht th$t p$sses throu#h the speci"en $nd into the o&-ecti'es ens Ch$n#e the dist$nce &et%een the o&-ecti'es ens $nd the speci"en !$ir ) r$pid ) to sh$rpen the i"$#e produce Contro the intensit) 1 $"ount o! i#ht p$ss throu#h the condenser Ch$n#e the dist$nce &et%een the o&-ecti'es ens $nd the speci"en s o% ) the sh$rpen the i"$#e produced

Re!erences 4 $c,* E( 7( F 4 $c,* 6( E( 5.?1/3( Microbiology( Ho&o,en* N(E(: @i e)( ho% to use $ "icroscope $nd oi i""ersion( 5.?1.3( G'ideoH https:11%%%()outu&e(co"1%$tchB 'C!DI FS#dU7U( Mohd S$id* S( S( 5.???3( microbiology practical booklet (MIC 455)( sh$h $ $"( usin# the "icroscope ; $ &i#innerJs tutori$ ( 5.?1.3( G'ideoH https:11%%%()outu&e(co"1%$tchB 'C&1tK/,<LcAU: o i'er ,i"( @ritin#(en#r(psu(edu( 5.?103( Laboratory Reports( Gon ineH Retrie'ed !ro": http:11%%%(%ritin#(en#r(psu(edu1%or,&oo,s1 $&or$tor)(ht" GAccessed: 1M M$r .?10H( @%%1(&ro%$rd(edu( 5.?103( Lab Exercises( Gon ineH Retrie'ed !ro": http:11%%%1(&ro%$rd(edu1Nssi"pson1 etterE(ht" GAccessed: 1M M$r .?10H(

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