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Review for introduction define anatomy and physiology know the hierarchy of structural organization in order know the

component organs and functions of each body organ system understand homeostasis, the parts of a feedback loop receptor, control center, effector! know the difference in positive and negative feedback systems know the regional terms know the body planes and sections, body cavities and subdivisions, which organs are in each know which membranes line the ventral cavity wall and which membranes cover the organ itself&be able to define pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal and know which membrane applies to each cavity know the abdominopelvic regions and 'uadrants and their component organs
1. 2. 3. ". %. ). Name two major functions of the epidermis. Describe the formation of stretch marks and the layer of skin affected. How are fingerprints formed, and what is their fre uency of occurrence in the population! How does the epidermal layer protect us from #$ damage from the sun! &hich cells ser'e an immune function in the (ntegumentary system, and in which layer are they found. *he sebaceous glands are simple al'eolar glands that secrete a substance known as sebum. &hat is its function! +. How do nutrients reach the surface of the skin! ,. How does the hypodermis acts as a shock absorber! -. .eratinocytes are the most important of the epidermal cells. &hy! 1/. *he epidermis consists of fi'e layers of cells. &hich of the fi'e layers of the epidermis is responsible for cell di'ision and replacement! 11. &ater loss through the epidermis could cause a serious threat to health and well being. 12. How does the epidermis protect against e0cessi'e water loss! 13. .now the types of burns and the conse uences of each!

1. 2. 3. 4. ". #. $. %.

1". 1%. 1). 1+. 1,. 1-. 2/. 21. 22. 23. 2". 2%. 2). 2+. 2,. 2-. 3/. 31. 32. 33.

&hat is the site for production of red blood cells, platelets and the fi'e types of white blood cells! hat are the different types of bone fractures! &hat is the most abundant skeletal cartilage! &hat is the functional unit of compact bone! Describe the composition and contents of the 'arious parts of bone tissue. (nclude bone marrow and the bone producing and destroying cells. &hat are the functions of the skeletal system! &hich type of bone is adapted to withstand stress! &hat are the membranes that co'er the bone and how are they anchored to the bone! Define and describe lacunae in the bone and cartilage. &hat is the function of the trabeculae in spongy bone! &hat does the term appositional growth mean in bone growth! &hat is osteogenesis! &hat are the steps in bone healing after a fracture! &here does bone growth occur during infancy and youth! &hat might be the cause of this process ceasing early! &hat is the nutritional re uirement for normal bone formation and growth! &hat is the hormonal control of bone growth and remodeling! 1e sure to know the hormones, where they are produced and how they act in the negati'e feedback reaction between osteoclasts and osteoblasts. &hat is the difference in red and yellow bone marrow2 where are they found2 what happens in the case of se'ere anemia! &hat is a hole in a bone through which a ner'e or 'essel passes! &hat are the membranous areas between the cranial bones of the fetal skull !

3". 3%. 3). 3+. 3,.

&hat are the parts of the a0ial skeleton2 the appendicular skeleton2 what are their major junctions! &hy are the atlas, a0is and hyoid bones so uni ue! &hat is the major function of the inter'etebral discs! Describe the abnormal conditions resulting from improper cur'ature of the spine. &hich part of the 'ertebral column recei'es the most stress by bearing most of the weight of the body! 1e able to identify the bones on the bone list and the bones and ligaments of the knee joint 3s always this is a starting place not intended to be all inclusi'e.

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