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1 Issue 1
- anonym!s

VHS Productions.
Las Vegas, NV. 2008
Hi! My name is Vanessa and I will
be your guide Throughout this

Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a sophomore in IB's

MYP Program at Valley High School in Las Vegas, Nevada. I created
this guide for anyone who wants to learn more about IB from a
first-hand, experienced point-of-view. It also serves as my Personal
Project, which i will explain more about later. What's your story?

I am going to assume that upon flipping through this

book, it is because YOU, my friend, have taken an interest
in the program we call "IB." reasons for this sudden
intrigue may include, but are not subject to…

A) you or someone you know is WOO! I Love IB!

going to be in IB and You want
to know what to expect.

Hmm… Is IB
for me?

B) You've watched
IB students in
action and worry
for their sanity. or C) The bright
cover caught
your eye.
You're assigned way
too much work!

Whatever your reason,

I'm happy to have your
attention. You have to carry
textbooks that make
your backpack huge and
heavy, leading to back

Now that introductions

are out of the way, Let's You'll always be
begin the first lesson. worrying about
homework and won't
have time for
anything else!

What have you heard

about IB so far?

You become a nerdy,

stressed out,
zombie !


I can't say that there isn't any truth in

those statements, but for the most part,
they are highly exaggerated.

Yes, you will be assigned tons of work. Yes, your backpack

may be heavier than those belonging to your peers…

as for the caffeine-dependent, sleep-deprived zombie

situation… that can be avoided by adopting a few good habits, but first,
let's learn a little about this program we call IB.
Contrary to popular belief, IB's goal is not to burn students out, or
simply see how much work we can handle before quitting.
"IB" stands for INternational Baccalaureate and is an
organization dedicated to developing knowledgeable, active, and
compassionate students who have global tolerance and respect, in
hopes that they will help to create a better world for the future

IB is a nonprofit made up of three

educational foundation… demanding programs for
different ages.

The Primary Years the Middle years The diploma Program,

Program, age 3-12 program, age 11-16 age 16-19

jojo Sarah Renee

These Programs are offered to over

606,000 students, in 2,281 schools,
in 127 countries worldwide.

each program has a wide-ranged curriculum

with core projects and concepts which are
fundamental to the development of each
student. to find out more, go to

R Y The main elements of PYP are:

M A Concepts, knowledge, skills,

I S attitude, and action.
The main focus is the total
developing of the child, socially,
physically, emotionally, and of
course, academically.

This incorporates the IBO mission

statement of creating caring and
cultural students.

d le The first items addressed In MYP are the

Mi ars
areas of interaction: Health and Social
Education, Environment, Homo faber, Community
Ye s
and Service, and Approaches to Learning.
These components support
IB's central focus on
developing students.

To show understanding of these areas, MYP students

are assigned an AoI journal. students are to make
observations about their surroundings and relate
them any of the AoI, every day.

Within the last year of MYP, students are to create

a personal project. it is the ultimate
product to demonstrate what they have learned
during the MYP. Upon completing these
requirements, the student will then graduate into
the diploma program.

m a
D THE IB's Diploma program is designed to prepare students for
college and is complete with a university experience. Students
are expected to keep up with all their work in college-level
classes while being involved in extracurricular activities.
Self-motivation is key to success in the program.

during the first year of the Diploma Program,

students must complete a group 4 project,
which demonstrates the student's application
in experimental sciences.

It is also within the first year

that Diploma students start
internal assessments and oral
presentations in various subjects.

In addition to College-level classes and

extracurricular activities, students must take a theory
of Knowledge course, complete a 4,000 word
extended essay, and complete a significant number of
creative, active, and service [CAS] hours.

Obtaining the IB diploma depends on the student's scores

on six IB exams. It is These scores can also determine a
student's placement in universities' courses worldwide.
…Wait! Don't drop the book
just yet. I didn't mean to
scare you!
Phew… that's
enough of the

Moving on… "Every IB student's

downfall is procrastination.
The solution is simple:
Don't Procrastinate!"

Everyone gives this of advice, but we all

continue to put things off. Apparently, It's
not as easy as it sounds. I'll let My MYP
peers tell you how it's done.

homework, homework, homework…

Students constantly
complain about having
mountains of work.

Be in

The easiest way to not get

piled with homework, is by Ib classes move faster and
working on and completing the it's harder to make up work
assignments as soon as they and activities missed.
are assigned.
Krystle alexis
If you DO
Complete assignments
in order of importance
(or class period).

Learn to
Prioritize! Know what's due and when it's
due. You'll know what night you're
going to lose sleep on.

Use a Planner or notecard to

jot down important due dates,
tests, etc.

karsten Taylor

Study With A Friend (or

group of friends)!

Attempt to answer
and/or Ask

participate in class and be an

active listener. It earns you The best way to test your
participation points and speeds knowledge is by teaching
up the learning process. it to another person.

Hannibal Sharlene Amy Phillip


IB becomes a huge part of

life, but remember: there's
more to life than IB!

You're going to
spend countless
hours on school,
so you need to
have fun!

Throw a party just

because you can.
It's all about Friends, Food and
balance. Fun. What more
could you ask for?

Sharlene Roland

Look into my eyes

and… RELAX!

Play a sport,
dance, exercise.
Stay Active!

Amanda …Active meaning Karl

AWAKE, Phil!
listen to music,
meditate, do yoga,
take a nap.

Cry, scream, Hit soft

NOT people!
"…but I'm

Live fully,
laugh often,
love always.

Jasmine, Natalie, Sandra

Think ahead.
If you fail to plan,
you plan to fail.

Hang out with


Have an active Social

Life at and outside of
Juan Dalila & Adriana

This is easier when

you Don't pull all
Get a good nighters because of
night's sleep. procrastination.


With good time-

management skills,
you'll actually have time
for this and more.

…Or acquire

If you think
about it…

Although You may not

Literally learn to fly…

Cristina & Justin

IB turns you into a

super hero or super
You are pushed to the limits that never
student per se.
existed before, realize your true
strengths, weaknesses, and overcome
all kinds of obstacles in the process.

Mark Shanah

You meet people who become

best friends, support
systems, and eventually,
Oscar family.

"ONce IB, always IB."

Regardless of the reason for

leaving, IB students continue to
hold bonds and understanding for
each other like no other.


Upon joining IB, you not only

join a program, but a
life-changing experience…


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