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UNIVERSITY RESEARCH AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT BETWEEN: BOMBARDIER lN'C as represented by Bombardier Aerospace, a Obltadum a of business at 400 Cote

Vertu Road. Dorval, QC.

of May. 2001.

(hereinafter referred to as "Bombardier") -andMeGiU UNIVERSITY located at 845 Sberbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC

Canada, H3A 2T5 (hereinafter referred to as the ..University")

WHEREAS University wishes to pursue a research program in the area of Multi-disciplinary Computational Fluid Dynamics, as more particularly described herein, and train students in the area of Multi-disciplinary Computational Fluid Dynamics; and WHEREAS University is prepared to employ au additional person to occupy a faculty position in Multi-disciplinary Computational Fluid Dynamics, and to provide research facilities for work in such area; and WHEREAS University has acquired the right to use. and to sublicense certain software programs

in the area of Multi-disciplinary Computational Fluid Dynamics which will form the basis of the software to be developed during the research program; and
WHEREAS University requires technical support and knowledge from Bombardier in order to

perform such research program, as more particularly described herein; and

WHEREAS Bombardier and University have agreed to jointly pursue such reseatch program. as parnctllarly described and to perform their obligations relating thereto in

"Baekp'ound Information" means all auOwred, conceived to the Agreentent


"latellectual Property, means all rights to patentable inventions, copyrightable material, technical information such as software. models, prototypes. specifications, patterns, drawmgs. genetic materials. and other proprietary information. "Foregrouad Iatelledllal Property, means Intellectual Property that is generated, authored. or created within the scope of the Re:search Program defined in Article and which does not include Background Information. "Ueensed Software, means the technology and software which University has acquired or licensed in the field of Multi-disciplinary Computational Fluid Dynamics and includes any enhancements amendments, changes or additions made as of July l, 2001 (the "Effeetlve Daten) as detailed in Schedule B.
"'bject Code" meana computer program code assembled or compiled in magnetic or electronic binary form which is usable by machines but not readable by humans without steps such as reverse assembly, compiling or reverse engineering.





"Results" meana any and all means of methods processes, know-bow, proprietary information, trade secrets, technology, designs, digital codes (including Source Code, as defined hereinafter), software, inventions. innovations and developed as part of the Research Program whether or not protected or protectable by Intellectual Property Rights. Results include Foreground Intellectual Property, but exclude Background Information. "Source Code" means a computer program code written in programming languages, in a form intelligible to trained, human programmers and capable of being translated in Object Code for operation on computer equipment through assembly or computing. Research Program The University agrees to perform its share of the research program. as set forth in the proposal submitted by the University to tile Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council a copy of which is attached hereto and marked as Schedule A (hereinafter Ute ''Research Program"). Bombardier agrees to mentioned m Pw>,..,.,...., This,.




teclmical support and knowledge its share of the Research coordirutticm and assi1stanc:e.

2. 7

Uni.vcrsitv shall provide a

tero1ination date Ap:ement.

and final reports submitted to Bombardier shall be in re:asonably satisfactory to Bombardier.

content and

A:ny proposed cbanaes to the Research Proaram shall be confirmed through University's Office of Tecbnoloay Transfer and Bombardier's Plmnin1 and Administration Strategic Technoloay an amendment as per Article 7.4. Bombardier shall provide the University with such as Bombardier reasonably considers necessary to enable the University to perfom1 the Research Progr&nl. The Parties acknowledge that Bombardier needs to have acces nH1wAt'"" which access has been granted Bombardier under separate agreement attached No!twiltbstandling the above, University agrees that. in the event Bombardier does not have access to the Source Code during the course of this Agreement. Bombardier shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by giving University a 3<klay written notice. Such termination shall be considered a termination for convenience. No reimbursements of monies of ar.y kind shall be owed by either party and Sections 3.4 and 3.5 of this Agreement shall apply. No other damages, claims or expenses shall be due by either Party in the event of such a termination.

2.8 2.9


Subject to the provisions herein. the term of this Agreement shall commence 1uly 1, 2001 and shall terminate 1une 30, 2006.
It is agreed that if any of the funds identified in the Research Proaram are withdrawn (see Schedule A), then. as mutually agreed upon by Bombardier and University: a) the scope of work of the Research Progr&nl will be reduced to reflect the level of fundinl available and Bombardier and University will, together, amend this agreetllellt as per Article 7.4 to reflect such or Agr-eentent shall


to paragraphs a) and b), each party shall be entided to use developed by the other party prior to the date oftmnination.



Proprietary laformadon
All information in any form. and whether of a tecbaical, financial, busmeas or other nature, acquired by one party from the other, in connection with the Research Program. is the proprietary information of the disclosing party, provided that: if the information is m written form. it is marked as "Confidential" or "Proprietary Information"; and if the information is not in written form, a written statement is produced, either at the time or disclosure or within thirty (30) days thereafter, which states that the said information is confidential and proprietary.


Article 4.1 shall not restrict the disclosure or use of mformation that (a} is in the public dornam through no fault of the receiving party, (b) was known to the receiving party prior to the disclosure thereo( as evidenced by its written record, or (c) was obtained from a third party having a bona fide right to disclose such information, (d) is disclosed under operation of law provided that the receiving party has notified in writmg the disclosing party prior to such disclosure and cooperate with the disclosing party in the event the disclosing party elects to contest by legal action in order to avoid such disclosure. Proprietary information received by one party from the other shall be used solely for purposes of performiag the Research Program, and shall be retained m confidence for a period of ten {1 0) years following the date of disclosure, using the same degree of care that each party uses to protect its own proprietary information of a similar nature. Upon expiry or termination of this Agreement, all proprietary information, including any copies thereof, shall be returned to the disclosing party.
The University will not use the name of Bombardier, nor any employee of Bombardier, includmg trademarks, in any publicity without the prior written approval of Bombardier.




Bombardier will not use the name of University, nor of any member.ofUniversity's staff, in any publicity without the prior written approval of an authorized representative of University.


grants Bombardier a nort-tnmslmble, irrevocable to use, within its own l"dV'nthnnc InteUectual PN'InM'Itv and Results. shall

advance any request for a license or received iom any party with respect to the use of Forearound lnteUectual Property aod Results in order for Bombardier to evaluate such request. Bombardier undertakes to evaluate such request within a period of thirty (30) days iom notification. Bombardier may deny the right of the University to grant such license or sublicense if Bombardier perceives that the license or sublicense may negatively affect or represent a threat or may be seen by Bombardier as a direct or iodirect competition to its activities or products. 5.4 Notwithstanding Article 5.3, University shall retain the right to use the Research Program Results, which constitute Foreground Intellectual Property, for research and educational purposes, and other developmental research activities, subject to confidentiality requi:rements If the University does not see the need to protect (by way of patent or trademark) the Foreground Intellectual Property and Results and Bombardier wish to protect the Foreground Intellectual Property and Results generated in the Research Program by way of patent or trademark then Bombardier shall: a) advise University of its wishes, in writing, within sixty (60) days of disclosure and receipt of the Foreground Intellectual Property and Results; and b) agree to pay all costs to protect the Foreground, Intellectual Property and Results, however, the University agrees to reimburse such costs to Bombardier if the University grants other license or sublicense of the Foreground Intellectual Property and Results to a third party in accordance with Article 5.4. The reimbursement of such costs to be paid out of the revenue derived iom the University's licensing or sublicensing of the Foreground Intellectual Property and Results. Subject to Article 5.7 below and confidentiality requirements, the University may publish or disclose the research Results arising from the performance of the Research Program and shalt acknowledge Bombardier's support in all such publications. Research Results that include Bombardier's proprietary information may only be published or disclosed with the prior written consent of Bombardier. In such event, the University shall provide Bombardier with copies of the research Results to be published or disclosed no less than ninety (90) days prior to the date of such publication or disclosure, aod Bombardier shall advise, within thirty (30) days after receipt, whether it is agreeable to such publication or disclosure. If Bombardier is not agreeable to the publication or disclosure, Bombardier shall work with the University to develop an acceptable version of the research Results prior to the date of publication or disclosure. If Bombardier and the are unable to version of the of the notification research Results with twelve months from Bontbarltlier, the l'li!!learcller





represc:nts and warrants to Bombardier that AIP'eentent and to license the Licensed SOfttware.


All Bacqrowtd Information and Results are provided on an "as is" basis with no representations. wmanties or conditions, express or implied. with respect therein. Without limiting the foregoing. neither party makes any representations, WllTinties or conditions that the Results, BacJcarowd Information. or any Intellectual Property developed does not infiinae upon any ri&bts of others. All implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed and excluded.


University maJcea no warranties, express or implied or statutory, with respect to the Results. University does not wmant that the Licensed Software and the Results are error free or that they will meet Bombardier's requirements. All implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed and excluded. University specifically does not make any warranties or representations, express or implied, concerning or not whether the exercise of the rights licensed under this Agreement will result in the infringement of any rights or patents or copyrights held by third parties.
Either party shan indemnify and hold the other hannless against all coats, suits or claims on account of injuries (including death) to its employees or persons participating in the Research Program or damage to property caused by such employees or persons when at the other party's premises during the performance of this Agreement




Subject to the above paragraphs of this Article 6, either party shall be responsible to third parties for losses or damages arising from or relating to the perfonnance of its share of the ReSearch Program during the term of this Agreement. Each party shall cany worknwl.'s compensation or employer's liability insurance with respect to its own personnel.
Neither party shall in any circumstances be liable to the other party in respect of any indirect, special or consequential damage or loss of revenue or profit resultirig from the performance by either party of its share of the Research Program under this Agreement or arising in connection with this Agreement



Any notice or otb:r written communication given hereunder sbaU be effectively given if sent by mail. courier. facsimile or other means of electronic communication to the attention of the parties as follows:

If to Bombardier:

If to the

400. Cote v ertu. Road DorVal. QC. Canada H4SlY9

AkGutlty TltN:ndts.r.l. lriTL_UWI/058J98v. I 763116-193453

Alex Navarre Director Office of Technology Transfer McGill University 35SO University Street Montreal, QC. Canada


This Agreement is made with the as rm independent contractor. The University and its personnel are not the employees, aacnts or representatives of Bombardier, and neither the University nor its personnel bave any authority to bind or to IWUll'le rmy liability on behalf of Bombardier. This Agreement. including the attached schedules, comprises the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes rmy prior agreement. understanding or communication, written or oral, made by or between them. In the event of rmy conflict between this Agreement rmd the provisions of the attached schedules, the former shall amendment or modification to this Agreement sball be effective and binding if made in writing rmd signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties.



This Agreement may not be assigned, in whole or in part, by either party without the prior written consent of the other party. This Agreement sball be binding upon the respective successors rmd permitted assigns of each party. Neither party to this Agreement sball be liable to the other for any failure or delay in performance caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to, acts of God. fire, labor difficulties or governmental action. Articles 4 (Proprietary Information), S (Intellectual Property/Publication) rmd 6 (Warranty/Liability/Indemnity), shall survive the termination of this Agreement for any reason in addition to those articles surviving by operation of law. Both parties will use all reasonable effort to resolve any disputes arising under this Agreement. In the event tbat the parties cannot resolve such disputes, it shall be referred to the management of both parties. In the event that the management of both parties cannot resolve such disputes, it sball then be referred to the senior management of both parties. In the event tbat senior management of both parties cannot resolve such disputes, both parties agree to resolve such disputes in accordance with the provisions of Book VII of the Quebec Code of Civil Procedure (Article 940 and followin&). The parties sball attempt to appoint jointly one impartial expert arbitrator. If the parties cannot agree within thirty (30) days on the choice of an arbitrator, each party sball appoint. at its own one impartial expert arbitrator and those two arbitrators sball appoint an expert third ....,,;tno.tnr as chair person. The cost third arbitrator sball be shared between the




Al!t:cnlent shall be mvemc:d and construed accordance with the iaws the of Quebec. and the parties and agreed tbat this Am-eentent be drafted in the English language. Les ct

cctte entente soit redigee dans


IN WITNESS WHEREOF tbe parties have caased tla1s Aareemeat to be executed by tbelr respedtYe repraeatatlves, as or the date flnt above-wrlttea. BOMBARDIER INC.



I, the Principal Investigator, having read and understood the provisions of this Agreement hereby agree to act in accordance with all the terms and conditions herein and further agree to ensure that

I Unive

ts are infonned of their obligations under such terms and conditions.

I, an
..... tl t

having read and understood the ce with all the tenns and conditions

McUu1hy Tllrcub s.r.J. MTL_UWIIJOJ8J98 "I


SCHEDULE "A" NSERC/J. Armaad Bombardier lodutrlal Researeb Chair oa Multl-dlselpUaary Computatloul Flold Dyaamles



(with the support and participation of Silicon Graphics)



Submitted for approval In principle by NSERC by John Gruzlesld Faculty of Engineering


c: ...... . . -.

Propoa/ lot an NSERC J. Armend Bomberdler Chair In









Propoul for an NSERC J. Armand Bombatcler Char iJ



, McGII U'Mtdy

Propoul for an NSERC J. AnMnd 8ombMiw Char In




Propou/ ffX an NSERC- J.


Aimand Botnb8rcller ChtW In




Propoullor an NSERC J.lf.nn.nd Somblltrllt' Chair tJ ltluiJ.dlsdpllnay ColrJpf.ftiJone

' . PtDpoul tor an NSERC- J. lkJtltMrJief Chair .i1 Mulklildpliwwy Cotrlpfbllonlll Fluid D)'namlc:l II McG/1 Utrlvtnfy

[1] U. Mehta, -crectible Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations", AIAA Journal, Vol. 36, No.5, May 1998, pp. 665-667.



"Verification and Validation in Computational Science and

Engineering", Hermosa, 1998.

B. Van Leer, "Towards the Ultimate Conservative Difference Scheme, Part V, A Second-order Sequel to. Godunov's Method, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 32, 1979, 101-136.



certifiable Computational Fluid Dynamics Through Metsh Optimization, Invited Paper in Special Issue on Credible Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation, AIM Journal. Vol. 36, 1998, No. 5, pp. 703-711.

W.G. Habashi, J. Dompierre, Y. Bourgault, M. Fortin and M.-G. Vallet.





K Blakely, MSCJNASTRAN Basic Dynamic Analysis, User's Guide, Version 68". The MacNeai-Schwender Corporation, Los Angeles, 1993.


Propoqllor en NSERC J. Atmlnd Botnbardler a.; In MulkllsdpllnBry Compbtlonal Fluid Oynemlcs lllltfcGII UWwdy

G.P. Guruswamy, tnteraction of Fluids and Strudu'ea for Airaaft Applications", Computers & Structures, Vol. 30, No.4 (1988).
G.P. GuruswamY. Unsteady Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Calculations for VVings Using Euler Equations, AIAA Journal, Vol. 28, No.3 (1990). RD. Rausch, J.T. Batina, and H.T.V..Yang, "Three-Dimensional TimeMarching Aeroelastic Analyses Using an Unstructured-Grid Euler Method", AIAA.Jot.mal, Vol. 31, No. 9(1993), pp.1626-1633. E.M. Lee--Rausch and J. T. Satins, w;ng Flutter Boundary Prediction Using Unsteady Euler Aerodynamic Method', AIAA Jownal of Alra-aft, Vol. 32, No.2 (1995). G. P. Gl.1\JSW811'1Y. -vortlcal A ow Computations on Swept Flexible Wings Using Navier-Stokes Equations, AIM Journal, Vol. 28, No. 12 (1990). . S.A. Goodwin, C. Byun and M. Farhangnia, Aeroelastic Computations Using Parallel Computing Systems", AIAA Paper 99-0795 (1999). E.M. Lee-Rausch and J.T. Satins, Flutter Computations Using an Aerodynamic Model Based on the Navier-Stokes Equations", Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 33, No.6 (1996). M. Leaoinne and C. Fai'hat, Geometric Conservation Laws for Aeroelastic Computations Using Unstructured Dynamic Meshes", AIAA Paper95-1709 (1995).



i. -.;.

r .




r \:.;.

M.G. Potapczuk. A review of NASA Lewis' development plans for computational simulation of aircraft Icing. AlAA Paper 99--()243, January 1999.
T. Hedde and D. Guffond, "ONERA Thtee-dimenslonallcing Model", AIAA Journal, Vol. 33, #6, pp. 1038-1045, 1995: W.B. Wright, R.W. Gent and 0. Guffond. DERAINASAIONERA Collaboration on icing research Part !-Droplet trajectory calculations.

Technical Report. DERA, 1997.

W.B. Wright, R.W. Gent and D. Guffond. DERAINASA/ONERA

Collaboration on Icing research Part II.Predictlon of airfoil ice accretion. Technical Report CR-202349, NASA, 1997.
W.B. Wright. R.W. Gent and D. Guffond. .DERAINASA/ONERA Collaboration on icing research Part Ill-Electrothermal deicer analysis. : Technical report. ONERA, 1997.

G. Mingione, V. Brandl, Ice Ac:aetion Prediction on Multielement Airfoils. AJAA Journal of Airaaft, 35(2), 1998.
FAA lnftlght aira-aft Icing plan. United State Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Apr111997.

Professor Wagdi George Habalhi Expert's Report on the Einbraer BrasiUa 120 (Comair 3272) crash near Monroe, Michigan, on January 9, 1997. Submitted to Me. Michael Merlo and Unda Sc:hnekler, Mer1o, Kanofsky & Brinkmeier, LLP., 208 South LaSalle Street, ChicagO, Illinois 60604, USA, .kl'18 28, 1998, 18 pages. Professor Wagdi George Habaahi Expert's Report on the Cessna 2088 (Hageland 502--N408GV). crash nea- wainwright. Alaska. on Aprii10, 1997, Submitted to Me. Robert Richmond and Mark .Wilhelm,


Richmond & Quinn, LLP, 360 K Street, Suite 200, Anchorage,.Alaska 99501, USA. August 14,2000,28 pages. . Professor Wagdl Giorge Habashi Elcperfs Report on the responsibility d SF Goodrich Aerolpe<:e in the design of Icing protection on the Embraer Btuilla 120 (Comair 3272).aash near Monroe, on January 9, 1997. To be submitted to Me. Steve Johnson and Brian Darlymple, Ullick & Charles, UP, Two Embarcadero Center, San

FrmlCiaco, CA 94111, USA. 2000.



Propoall for WI NSERC J. Armand Bomberdler Chat' tJ

. .at Mcla lJnlveldy



r, . :. ''Q,.,,..








Propo$tJI for., NSERC J. Nmltnd Bomb8rdler Chai In CompcfttiOnel Fluid D)Y8nt:a at McGIIl.Wwnity




Propoal for an NSERC J. Nmend 8onDird'er Chak n







81 McG.Unlvetllly


Expanded 2nd part

October 2000


'. Proposal for an NSERC J. Armand Sombarrller Chi*' In


at MeG. University

.. -


Fluid 0,


JJjbuiRnaupc gmjttcd ftom Ill papers.


Y. Bourgault, H. Developmerlt of a Shallow Water ldng Model in FENSAPICE, AIM J. of Airqafl S7, pp. 84Q..646, '00. [2] Y. Bo u1t, Z. Boutanios, so Eulerian Droplats I ingement Using FE ICE, Part 1: Model, Algorithms, Validation, S7. pp. 95-103, oo. [S] L Dutto, C.Y. Lepage Effect of the Storage Format of Sparse linear Systems on Parallel CFD Computations, CMAME. 188, Nos. 1-3, pp. 441-463, '00. [4) J. Dompi!!fTe, Y. Bourgault. D. Yahia, M. Fortin, M. Vallet, ''Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation: Towards User-Independent. Mesh-Independent and Solver-1 CFD Sorns: Part 1: General Prindples", IJNMf. S2, No. 6, pp. 5-744, '00. [5] Tam, D. Yahia, M. Robichaud, M. Moore, V. Kozel, so Mesh Optimization: Tight Couplif'lg of Mesh Generation and Solver, with CAD Integrity", In press, Invited Paper in Spedallssue of QMAME, '00. [6] D. Stanescu, 0. Yahia, M. Robichaud, Muttldomain SJ)8Ctral Computations of Oucted Sound AV;A J, S7, No. S, pp. 296-302, '99. [7] Y. Bourgault, J: Dompierre, G. Baruzzi, FEM Study of Eulerian Droplets Impingement Models , IJNMF. 29, No. 4, pp. 429-44a, '99. [8] L Outto1 :Parallelization of Preconditioner for CFD Problems on Shared Memory Computers, 30, No.8, pp. 995-1008, '99. [9] F. Taghaddosi, G. Guevremont. D. Yahia, An Adaptive LeastSquares Method for the Compressible Euler Equations-, N S1, pp. 112h11S9, '99. [10] N. Ben Salah, A. Soulaimani, M. Fortin, A Conservative Stabilized FEM for the Magneto-Hydrodynamics Equations, IJf:JMf. 29, No. 5, pp. 535554,'99. . . [11] M. Sleiman, A. Robichaud, M. Peeters, -rurbomachlnery a FE Adaptive ASME J. of Eluidl Multistage Simulation 121, No.2, pp. 59, '99. [12] 0. Stanescu, 2N-Storage Low and Dispersion Runge-Kutta Schemes for Computational AcousticS , &f. 143, pp. 874-681, '98. [1S] 0. Stanescu. "Essentially Non-Osdllatary Euler Sorns on Unstructured Meshes Using Extrapolation AIM J.. 36, No. 8, pp. 1413-1418, *98. J. 1t. M. Fortin, M. Vallet, "Certifiable CFD Through Mesh . paper in I Issue on Credible. Simulation, AIM J .. 36, No. 5, pp. 7 1 '98. Multilevel Parallelizable Preconditioner Invited paper &pedal issue CMAME.

Propoaal tor 811 NSERC J.


AJmend Bomban:ller Cll8rIn

at McG.I.JrJiwltdy

[19) G. Baruzzi, G. Guivremont. M. Hafez, "A Second Order FEM for the Sol*n. of the Transonic Euler and NSE", lnv. Paper In Special issue of the IJNMF. 20, pp. 671--693.'95. [20] l. Dutto, M. Robichaud, M. Fortin, "A Method for FE Parallel VIscous Compressible Flow Calculations IJNMf. 19, pp. 275-294. '94. [21] M. Fortin, J. Uu, M. Robichaud. V-N. , W. Ghaly, "large-scale CEO by the FEM", IJNMf. 18, pp. 1083-11 '94. [22] L Outto, M. Fortin, "Parallelizable Block Diagonal Preconditloners for the Compressible Nse, CMAME. 117, pp. 15-47, 94. 2.2 PAPERS SUBMmED TO JOURNALS AND UNDER REVIEW
[23] D. Stanescu, D. Yahia, M. Robichaud, spectral Element Formulation of

the linearized Fan Tone Noise Radiation Problem", &f. Log. No.


[24] M. Fortin, A Tam, 0. Yahia, J. Oompierre, Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation: Towards User-Independent, and Solver-Independent CEO Sorns: Part II: Structured and Unstructured Grids, IJNME. log. No.


[25] M. Bogstad, I. Akel, 0. Yahia, N. Giannias, V. Longq, "A CEO-based

AdvanCed Ship-Airwake Database for Helicopter flight Simulators-, AIAA J. of Aircraft, Oct '00.


[26] G. Croce, H. Beaugendre, computation of CHT + .film In a Mist flow

Heat Exchanger-, ICHMT Computational Heat Transfer 2001, Palm Cove, May'01. for VIscous External and Turbornachinery Flows-,

[27] A. Tam, 0. Yahia, M. Robichaud, M. Peeters, V. Kozel, 30

Denver, Jun '00.

AIM fluids

D. Stanescu, D. Yahia, M. Robichaud, "Galerkin Spectral Element Method for fan Tone Radiation ComPutatrons AIAA Paper 2000-1912, 11 AJMICEAS Aeroacouatics Hawaii, '00.
C, Lepage, "Conservative Interpolation
elastic AIAA


Propo:uill tor an NSERC J. f!Jombatder Chair In Ct:tmpulatlt:rn FltJid o,n.nlcs

tit AfcG. Unlverdy

stad, D. Yahia, L Metcalfe, N. Giannias, V. Longo, cFD Navy e Analysis for a Hel Flight Simulator'*, AIAA Paper 99[32] Y. Bourgault. H. Development of 1 Shallow-Water Icing Model in FENSAP-ICE AIAA Paper Q9..o246, 3Z: AIM Aero Sciences Meetina.

[33] C. Interactions Using the ALE Formulation, AIM Paper 99-ut:it:KJ, 3m AIM Aero Sciences Meeting. Reno, Jan. '99. [34] D. Yahia.D. Stanescu, M. Robichaud;Axisymmetric Computations of Fan No.tse Radiation from the PW545 Turbofan lnler, AIAA Paper 99-0483, 3Z: AIM Aero Sciences Meetina.

[35] L Dutto, C. Lepage, "Impact of Storage Df linear Systems In CFD Computations, AIAA Paper 99-0298, s-eA!M Aero Sciences Meeting. [36] V. Kozel, A Tam, M. Robichaud, M. Bogstad, A Wulf, M. Hohmeyar, "Mesh Tiaht CCMJpling of Mesh Generation and Solver, with .CAD Athens, Sep '98 pp. 114-118.
[37) Y. Bourgault, G. Baruzzi, Z. Boutanios, G. Croce, G. Wagner, FENSAPICE: An Integrated CFD Approach to the In-Flight Icing Problem. E;CCOMAS, pp. 512-517, Volume 2. [38] Y. Bour9ault, H. Beaugendre, C. Lepage, G. Croce, FENSAP-ICE: A New Equllibrtum Model for ISf Accretion, including Film Runback and Conjugate Heat Trensfar, 4 E;CCOMAS. pp. 723--728.
[39] A Wulf, 30 Mash Adaptation, with CAD Integrity", Invited Paper, of CFD Cont. Fraiburg, Gerrriany, Jun '98,


[40] D. Stanescu, -validation of a Spectral Method for Fan Noise Prediction, AIAA Paper 98-2266,. 4 AIM/CEAS Aaroacoustics Cont. Toulouse, Jun '98.

"Putting Computst; on Ice: A CFD Integrated Approach to the In-Flight Problem, 13 Canadian Sympqslum on Fluid Dvn8m!cs. Vancouver, '98. pp, 58-59.


S. Cobar. "3D Droplets Impingement AIAA Paper 98-0200,

ProplJssl forM NSERC J. )t.,inend Bombardier Chlllr In Computational Fluid f)yn8rnlca

., MeG. Urtlvtnly

[45] J. Oompierre, D. Cronin, Y. Bourgault. G. Baruzzi, Numerical Simulation of Performance Degradation of lea Contaminated Airfoils, AIM Paper 972235, ;15th AIM AOOJied Aeni Copt.. Atlanta.

[46] F. Taghaddoai, G. GueVramont. D. Yahla, An Adaptive Least-squares Method for the Compressible Euler AIM Paper 97-2097 .l.atb
AIM Computationalflukl Omamics [47] .D. Stanasa.r, Two..c:Jimansional Shock-sound Interaction on Unstructured Mashes, AIM Paper 971606, 18th AIM AeroaCQUitic:s Conference. Atlanta. [48] N. Ban Salah, A ,Soulalmanl, M. Fortin. A Conservative Stabilized FEM for the Magneto-Hydrodynamics Equations, ICES'9Z, Costa Rica, May '97, pp. 269..2/6. [49] D. Stanasa.r, essentially Non-Oscillatory Euler Solutions on Unstructured Mashes Using Extrapolation, AIM Paper 97-0539, 35th AIM Aero Sciences MHfina. Reno.

[50] l. Dutto, M. Fortin, An Algebraic Two-level Parallaliz:able Precondltioner for the Compressible Nse, AIM Paper 97-0448, 35th AIM Aero Sciences MeeUna.
[51] Y. Bourgault. J. Dompierre, G. Baruzz:l, G. Chevalier, eulerian Approach to Supercooled Droplets Impingement Calc'n, AIM Paper 97..0176, 35th AIM AerO Sciences Meeting. [52] D. Yahia, A SEV'egated FEM for Hypersonic Thermo-Chemical Non-eq'm Flows, Using Adaptive Grids, AIM Paper 97-0981, 35th AIM Aero Sclencea Meeting. [53] M. Robichaud, W. di Bartolomeo, K Heikurinen, Turboprop Air Intake Design Usiog W Viscous Analysis, AIM Paper 97-0171, 35th AIM

Aerospace Science Meetm.

[54] J. Oomplerre, M. Vallet. M. Fortin, "Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation: Towards a Solver and User Independent CFo-, AtAA. Paper 97-0861, 35th AIAA Aerolpace Sciences Meetjna.
M. Fortin, M. Vallet, J. Dompierre, Bourgault, '"Anisotropic Mesh Theory. Validation and Applications, 3rd ECCOMAS. Paris, Sap '96. pp. 174-180.

Bourgault, J. '*An Eulerian C ECCQMAS. Paris,

ierra, G. Baruzzi, G. Chevalier, W, DiBartolomeO, to Ice [)roplets '96, pp. 827-833.

[58] M. Fortin, '"Ani Mesh Adaptation: A Step towards a Gridand -Independent CFo-, Barriers and Challenges in VA, Aug '96, Kluger, pp. Q9..117.

Proposal for an NSERC J. Almand Somban:ller Chair In

[59] D. Yahia, A DirectionaH 96-2553, Buena Vista, u . e FEM for HI

peed Flo\W I AIM r Is

[60] A Tam, D. Yahla, M. RoblchalJ!IJ. M. Fortin A 3-D Adaptive FEM for

Turbomachinery", AIM Paper w-2659, AIAAIASMEISAE[ASI;I; Joint prOPUlsion Cgof. Lake Buena Vista, J t i . J. Domplerre, M. Fortin, A Directional Error I id ' San Diego FED-Val. 238, Jul

[611 M. Vallet, Y. Bourgau Estimator for CFo, '96, pp. 209-215.

[62] J. Zhou, M. Robichaud, M. Peeters, A FEM for Heat Transfer Prediction in Cooled Turbine Blades, ASMI; Fluids Em'g. San Diego FED-Vol. 238, pp. 299-307, Jul'96. [63] M. Sleiman. A Tam, M. Robichaud, M. Peeters, M. Fortin, a FE Adaptive Approach. -Turbomachinery Multistage Simulation Turbine and Aeroenaine ASME Paper 96-GT-418k41st .Mg Comreu. Birmingham, U. ;Jun . [64] Y. Bourgault, J. Dompierre, G. Chevalier, An Eulerian Approach to Ice on Num. Metfls In Fluid Oynpmics, Droplets lmpingemenr, ,ith lnt. 9. Monterey, Springer, Jun' , pp. 2 [65} M. Fortin, Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation: Towards a Mesh-independent, and Solver-Independent CFD, World Users A&s'n of CFO Cont.. Germany, May'96, pp.13.113.4.


[66] Ch. Hlrsct:t. progress and Outlook for CfD In Turbom&chinery-, WgJjg Users Assn or CFD Germany, May 96, pp. 20.&-20.12.
[67] Y. Bourgault, J. Dompierre, G. Baruzzi, G. Chevalier, A FE Eulerian APProach to Ice Droplets lmpingemenr, EM lot. Coot. on Airqaft lnfllght D.C. May '96, Vol. II, pp. 275-284.

[68] J. Zhou, M. Robichaud, W. Ghaly, cFo Predictions or Flow and Heat Transfer in the Coolant Passages Of Gas Turbine Blades-, AIM pqr 96= 0450, 34th A&rOSDIC8 Sciences Meeting.
[69] W. Di Bartolomeo, P. Kotiuga. M.

certifiCation Test Design Using CFo-, ft" Helicopter Society lot. Icing Symposium. pp. 43-51 Montreal, ep .

M. VISCOUS le 1::'..._,.... Vol. n. pp. 11 1-so.

0. Yahia, A Tam, M. Vallet, M. Fortin, "An Adaptive MovinQ-node Scheme for Comf:M'&Ssible Flows" 6th Int. SYIDDQsium on CEO. Lake Tahoe, Sep '95, Vol. IV, pp. 1-6.


Proposal for an NSERC J. l!klmbtlrdler Chair In Afullf.dlsdpllnar CompulatlonBI Fluid Oynamlt:a at AfcGII tJnlwnlly

ACIIIPtatiOn for CFD",

D. Yahia. S. Boivin, Y.

LC. Dutto anct M. Fortin, "Parallel FEM for [74] W.G. Habashi, M.P. C&lculations",CES1)5. Hawaii, Aug *95. [75] M. Robichaud, l. Dutto, M. Peeters, M. Fortin. "Parallel FEM for C&lc*ns'", 42nd CASI Cont.. Montreal, May '95, pp. 51-54. [76] J. Zhou, M. Robichaud, W.S. Ghaly, A "CFD Predictions of Heat to Turbina Blade liOOiing", 42nd CASI Cont.. Transfer{ with pp. 83-86. Montrea May [77] W. Ghaly, M. Peeters, "Assessment of a FEM for Turbomachinary Flows", 42nd CASI Conf.. Montreal. May '95, pp. 5S.SS. [78] D. Yahia, G. Baruzzi "Numerical Simulation of Hypersonic Reacting Flows using a FEM", 42nC1 ASI Conf,. Montreal, May '95, pp. 29-32. [79} M. Robichaud, L Dutto, M. Peeters, "An Efficient FE Approach for Turbomachinery Calc'ns", Invited Paper, 1 Asian CFD Cont.. Hong Kong, Jan '95, Vol. 1, pp. 71-80. [SO] M. Robichaud;. M. Peeters, L Dutto, FEM for TurbomachlnfO Calculations, lnl on Techniques for Large-Scale Problema. Montrea , ep ' , pp. :S: [81] D. Yahia, G. Baruzzi, "A FEM for Hypersonic Reacting Flows", ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, Nov '94, FED-Vel. 200, pp. 11-19. [82] W. GhalyJ.. M. Peeters, "Assessment of a FEM for Viscous Compressible Flows in "'as Turbines", 2nd ECCOMA. Stuttgart, Germany, Sap '94, pp. 221-229. [83} M. Fortin. M-G. Vallet. D. Poirier, "Error Estimation and DirectionallyMeshing", AIAA Paper 942211, AIM 25th Fluid Ovnamics Colorado Springs, Jun '94. [84] W.G. Habashi, "CFD in Turbomachinery", Invited Workshop Address Qf CFD CQOfnnce. Basel, SWitze , ay , pp. 5. - . .


rR \Wutf.D




"Compytatignal Fluid Qvnamlcl Iectmlgyea" (Ec:fl,). sections* 37 chapters, by Invitation, Breach Publishers, 1995.

'"Solution Iachnlguel for Lame-Scale CFD sections, 22 chapters, by Invitation, 450 pages, John Wiley &

[87] Cflapter Tdlt: "Thermal Analysis of Wing Anti-Icing Devices" (in prass) "Compytational Analvsil gf Convectjon Heat Transfer, G. Comini and B. Sunden (Eds.), Wessex Institute of Technology Press, 2000.

. ,' ...... (: . ......,.

PropoAI for., NSERC J. 8ot'nlwcller Chair In Computellonel Fluid D)nrnles at Afc:fa tlnlwnlly

[88) Chapter Title;, "Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation: A Step Towards a MeshIndependent and Usar-lndependent CFD" in "Barrjm and Challeoqes in g:u', M.D. Salas (Ed.). Kluwer, 1997, pp. 99-117 . (89] Chapter Dtlt: Wf. .llef FE Computation ci 30 Compressible Tll'bomachinery Flows on Worbtation Clusters" in "Solytion TectrJiaues for large-Scale CEO Problems", W. Habashi (Ed.), Jotn Wiley & Sons, 1995,





. . ..

Propoul for an NSERC J. i.. . lllnd BotnbMIIet' ChtW tt Alld OJfJa'ftles I.Jnlvetsly


McCarthy Tltrauh s.r./. Mn_LAW #1018398 v. I 763116-193451


d Bombardier lae.

McCanlryThrtnJJs.r.l. MTL_UWII/OJIJ98v. I 76J/16-1934JJ


Mc:Outlty Tltraulu.r.l. Mn_U Wl#/058398 " I


October 25, 2000 Dr. John Gruzleski Dean of Engineering McGill University

Dear Dr. Oruzleski:



Stlltf I ON


SGI is pleased to support McGill University's proposal for the J. Armand Bombardier Industrial Chair in multi-disciplinary computational fluid

Tel. 90S :82 8952 F:u b;z5 67ot

http //www

. . i. nterestecl prQperty. and we do n6t w1$b SUDtl)()tt the name oftbe Chair. A statement . our support in official correspondence about the Chair will sutliee.

SOl bas long a very productive relationship with Dr. Habashi and also with McGill University. We are gratcrl'ul for lhis opportunity lo deepen our involvement.
Yours truly.

OCT 2 7 2000
'vr .:1H211f&Cttltw_


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

eonselt de recherches en sciences naturelles el en g9nie du Canada

350. rue Albet1 Ottawa. Canada


Otlawa. c.l40a K1A 1i-6

350 Albert Slreef

March 30, 2011

W.G. Habasbi Dept. of Mechapical Engineering


Application No.: Fiscal year: . Amount Awarded: Instalment:



Evaluation Group:

APR 0 2011


SUBJECT: EQPEQ- Research Tools and Instruments- C'.ategory t



McGUJ computational laboratories simulation clustel (CSLC)

Nadarajah, S .

f t

Modgrajn. R.
1'im<>f'eev, E.V.

We 1\te pleased 10 inform you that NSERC .has approved funding for the above-mentionoo &pplication at the Jevel shOwn above. Grnnt funds are edited to an NSERC gr11nt occouol ndministered by the institution that signe>d the application. You mu.<;t IKtthoJtz.e in expenditwes in accordance with NSERC reg,Jlations.

By drawif18 on (he funds thisgrant, you agree to the policies and guidelines outlined in the NSERC Professors on NSERC's Web site at . . eog.asp. and to any amendments NSBRC may adopt. Also refer ao the finaTJC.ial Ouide at www.nstn:-ctsng.g,,gaiProfessorsProfesseurs/FWneia]AdlninGuide-GUidt!AdminfinaOCierliodex eng.asp for yaur responSibilities associated with this



Finally, you wll} find enclosed an NSERC sticker that $bould be affixed to your equipment once installed. As you know, it is very how tax. mopey is Displaying the NSERC. sticker on your will help buald public support for scaent.ific and enganeermg research. '

... Isabelle Blain, Vice4>resident

Research Grants and Scholarships

c.c.: Reaearch Grant Offtcer, Business Officer


Nak.lral Sciences and Engineering of Canade

350 Albeit SIMet

Consell de on sciGnc:e9 et en 9*00 dti Canade


OU&wa. C'anlda

March 28. 2006

W.O. Habasbi Dept of Mechanical McGill University MACDONALD BNOINBERJNO BLDG 817 RUB SHBRBROOKE 0 MONTREAL QC H3A 2K6

Application No.: Fiscal Year. Amount Awarded: Instalment: Review Committee: NSBRCPIN:

.. .cal


SUBJEcr: RGPlN Discovery Grants Program Individual TITLE: High performance CFD for large--scale unsteady problems We are pleased to inform you that NSERC has approved funding for the above application at the level shown above. Note that NSERC issues an award Jetter only for the first instalment of a grant. Subsequent instalments. if any, are subjeet to the availabHity ot funds through parliamentary appropriations. New notices will be issued only if tbe amount or duration of tbe award is changed.. Subjeet to the availability of funds the subsequent instalment(s) will be:
{215) {3/5) (4/5) (5/5)



2009-2010 2010-2011


Grant funds are credited to an NSERC grant account administered by tbe institution that signed the application. You must authorize all expenditures in accordance with NSERC regulations. Please refer lO the Financial Administration seetion of the NSBRC Program Guide for Professors on NSERC's Web sUe at \1'\ for your responsibilities associated with this grant.


Natural Sciences and Engtneering Research Council of Canada

350 Abert Sueet Ottawa. Canada
K1A 1H5

Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en gen1e du Canada

350, rue Albert

Onawa. Canada

Notification Date: ,_..,, .. ,.,..,_r Application ID: Personal Identification Cornrnittee Number: Mecharucal Fiscal Year: 2010-2011

Dr. W.G. Habashi Dept. of Mechanieal Engineering McGill University 817 RUE SHERBROOKE 0 MONTREAL QC H3A 2K6 Dear Dr. Habashi: Subject: Extension of Discovery

TIUs is further conununication regarding a one-year extension of your Discovery Grant.

l am pleased to $77,000 of your

that NSERC has approved a one-year extension at the current level of RGPIN following your e-mail correspondence of August 201\ 2010.

Subject to the availability offuods, the subsequent instalments will be:


AmoWlt ($) $77,000.00

Fiscal year 2011-2012

The new end date of your Discovery Grant is March 31, 20 12.
Please aote: TbJs aodftutfoa caD.c:els and replaces the orf&tnalaward aottce.

By drawing on the funds provided through this grant, you agree to the policies and guidelines outlined in the NSERC Program Guide for Professors on NSERC's Web site at eng.asp, and to any amendments NSERC may adopt. Also refer to the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide at GuideAdm.inFinancier/index eng.asp for your responsibilities associated with this grant.

_Mi. Lise Dcsabrais, Program Offtcer at NSERC, has been informed of your extension and is aware that you will not be applying in the forthcoming competition. For infonnation on the consequences of delays in the research and in dissemination of research results, please refer to NSERC's Program Guide, Policy and Guidelines on the Assessment of Contributions to Research and Training at the


following web site address http://www .nsen;!Professors-Professeurs/PoliciesProf PolitiqucCorpProf eng.asp. Please contact me by telephone at 613-992-0551, by e-mail at or by fax at 613-996-0458 should you have any questions.
Yours sincerely,

Elena Mo


Awards Adnu stration Officer finance and Awards Administration Division

Cc:"""' Ms. Mary-Margaret Klempa, Associate Director, Foundations and Grants, McGill
University Ms. Elvie Coletta, Senior Manager, Research and Restricted funds, McGill University Ms. Lise Desabrais, Program Officer, NSERC

- - - - - - --

- -

.., .


Natural Scfence8 and 1-nl'nnaarun Research Council of can1ada

Cortsell de recherches en science8 natureUes et en du



-2012 computational simulation

We are pleased to inform you that NSERC has approved funding for the above-mentioned application at the Jevel shown above. Subsequent instalments, if any, are subject to the availability of funds. Note that NSERC issues an award letter only for the first instalment of a grant New notices will be only if the antount or duration of the award is changed. Subject to the availability of funds the subsequent instalment(s) will be: (2/5) (3/5) (4/5)
2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017

$79,1)00 $7?.000 $79,000 . S79,00Q

Grant funds are credited to an NSERC grant account administered by the institution that signed the application. You must authorize all expenditures in accordance with NSERC regulations. By drawing on the funds provided through this giant or by partic'ipating in the activities supported by it, you agree to comply with the following policies and guidelines, and to any amendments to these that NSERC may adopt: on the Web site of the for the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Responsible Conduct of Research at the r ..........,.....,



Fiscal PROTECTED Dr. W.G. Habashi Department of Mechanical Engineering McGill University


MONTREAl QC H3A 2K6 Dear Dr. Habashi: Re: Industrial Research Chairs - Regular - Research (IRCPJ) entitled "Multidisciplinary computational fluid dynamics", (Chairholder: Dr. W.G. Habashi) with Silicon Graphics (Canada) Inc., Fondation J. Armand Bombardier

It is my pleasure to inform you that NSERC has approved an IRC grant for the abovementioned application. The award comprises two distinct parts: the salary portion and the research portion (which includes equipment). The funds are not transferable between the two portions. The research component will be issued in your name, as the chairholder, and the salary component will be issued in the name of the university administrator, as saJary recipient This instalment is offered in support of the research component of this Chair for a oneyear period starting from the date indicated below.






-2IRCPJ Grant funds are transferred to an NSERC grant account administered by the institution where the work Is to be carried out You must authorise all expenditures In accordance with NSERC regulations: ( The release of any subsequent instalments is conditional to the continuing commitment of supporting organisations. The enclosed Project Summary indicates the.dates on which the confirmation of company contributions and progress reports will be due at NSERC. Reminders will be sent to you approximately six weeks before these requirements are due. Enclosed are several stickers. Please attach them in a visible location to any piece of equipment purchased with funds from this award. I al$o enclose, for your information, the report of the Site Visit Committee. If you wish to receive a copy of this report in the other offtciallanguage, please inform NSERC. The letter of award for the salary portion of this Chair has been sent directly to Dr. Gruzleskl. Please accept my best wishes for success in this research endeavour. Sincerely,

Barbara Muir Portfolio Manager Research Partnerships Programs BM/sq Encl.

Telephone: (613) 947-4562 (613) 992-5337 Fax: E-mail:




Investing In p.ophl. dbcowHy md lntHJv.sti<m dllns les rlnnovrion

Project Summary
File: Project Title: University Partners:
IRC in Mufti-disciplinary computational fluid dynamics Chairholder: W .G: Habashi, Mechanical Engineering, McGill Salary Recipient: J. Gruzleskl, Dean of Engineering, McGill

Industry Partners:

Project Start Date: Report Due Dates:


Project End Date:


Confirmation of Company Support Progress Report 1 (24 months) Confirmation of Company Support Confirmation of Company Support Progress Report 2 (48 months) Confirmation of Company Support Final Report

2002/04/01 2003/05/01 2003/04/01 2004/04/01 2005/05/01 2005/04/01 2006/07/31

Amount of NSERC Award:

1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 . Salary . $79,300 $79,300 $79,300 $79,300 $79,300 Research $50,700 Issue Date 2001/05/01 2002/05/01 2003/05/01 2004/05/01 2005/05/01

Tots/Industrial Contribution:

$50,700 $50,70Q_ $50,700 '

NSERC Program Officer

Barbara Muir Research Partnerships Program . Telephone: Fax: E-mail: (613) 992-5337 barbara.muir@nserc.ea



350 Albert Sue at. Ottawa. Fax: 16131 992 5337


350. rue Albert. Otnwa. Canada KlA 1H5 16131992 5337



PIN: Fiscal Year: PROTECTED of Engineering McGill University WONG BLDG RM 2160 3610 RUE UNIVERSITY MONTREAL QC H3A 282 Dear Dr. Gruzleski: Re: Industrial Research Chairs Regular- Salary (IRCSA) entitled "Multidisciplinary computational fluid dynamics", (Chairholder: Dr. W.G. Habashi) with Silicon Graphics (Canada) Inc., Fondation J. Armand Bombardier

It is my pleasure to inform you that NSERC has approved an IRC grant for the abovementioned application. The award comprises two distinct parts: the salary portion and the research portion (which includes equipment). The funds are not transferable between the two portions. The salary camponent will be Issued in your name, as salary recipient, and the research component will be issued in the name of the chairholder. The first instalment is offered in support of the salary component of this Chair for a oneyear period starting from the date indicated below.





The letter of award for the W.G. Habashi.

portion of

project has been sent directly to Dr.

General guidelines for announcing major NSERC awards can be found at>>. Any public announcements should be planned in close consultation with NSERC. Please contact Mr. Franeis l:ionnet of NSERC's Communications Division at (61_3} 992-9001 or by e-mail at Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of assistance. Sincerely.

Barbara Muir Portfolio Manager Research Partnerships Programs BM/sq Cc: W.G. Habashi, McGill

Telephone: {613) 947-4562 Fax: (613} 992-5337 E-mail:

J. Vasseur. Research, McGill T. 1\J!nlnr.::urn

Page 1 of3

Teresa DeAngelis

Thursday. September 18. 2008 10:13 AM


8ubjact: Altachments: _AVG cerdficatfon_.txt

Teresa De Angell& FW: Request for 1-year extension on the first term of my IRC.

FYI- 1 year extension to Dr. Hobashrs NSERC IRC


Ms. Melodic Garbish Senior Fund Administrator NSERC Research & Restricted Funds
Finclnclal Services McGill University 3465 Durocher St., Rm 308 Montreal, QC H2X 2C6
Tel: (514) 398-3027 fQ)(: (514) 3988564 e-mail:

from: Jennifer [] Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 9:32 AM To: MeJodle Garbish Cc: Andrea MAFmN, Ms Subject: PN: Request for 1-year extension on the first tenn of my IRC.

We received the extensfon Melodfe, thank you for all the lnformauon you supplied,





a ?V

Ql:NU 236
Froau wagdl habashi [] lent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 10:30 PM To: de Jesus,Tiago, Cc:: Jenny CFO SUbjed: Re: Request for 1-year extensiOn on the first term of my IRC.

Thank you so much. On 16-Sep-08, at 3:11 PM, de

Dear Prof. Habashi, Your one year extension has been granted and entered into the system. If you need anymore assistance please let me know. Thank you! Have a good day,
Slncereiy yours.


Tlago Alves de JesuJ!

Reeearc:h Paltnenlhip Programs 1Pmgrammes de pattenariats de rechen:he Natural Sdences and Engineering Resean:h Council/ Conuil de I1ICher1:he en sciences naturelles et en g8'lle Tel: 613-844-7528

de Jesus,

To: de

From: wagdt habashl [] Sent: September 16, 2008 2:52 PM

Cc: Jenny CFD SUbjed: Request for 1-year extension on the first term of my IRC.


September 16, 2008

Thank you:.


688 Sherbtooke Street West. 7th ftOor Molltlal, QC. Clnllla tGA 2S6 Tel: +1 (514) *"3747, Admin. Asst: 1005, Fax : 2203

Dr. Wagdl PRSC, FCM, PASMI Dtrec:tor, CfD Lab, Depanment of Mechanical Englneetlng, McGill UniVersity lndu$t:1llll R...-ch Chair for /llultldl$clpllnary Cf/D Pt8Ct a Wl'/ltnef C'llnadll R,..rr:h Fellow l!dltoMn<llltlf, lnttJmlltlonel Jou/'llal of CFD President, OlntldMn SOciety of Cf/D

688 Sherbrooke Street West. 7th floor Montaat, QC, H:JA a Tel: +1 (514) 3983747, Admin. Asst: 6005, Fax : 2203 Wag<tLI::IabashlOinQIIIH.CII ht:tp:Jlpeople.nqtll.celwasdl.habaibll http.:/

Extension to First tenn

I of I

Teresa DeAngelis
From: Sent: To: Subject: FW: Hi for

DeAngelis to term I R C -

Sent: Thursday, May 2007 7:20AM To: Wagdi Habashi, Prof.; Melodie Garbish; Mary-Margaret Klempa Cc: Jenny H. Subject: Extension to First term I R C Dear Dr. Habashi,
A 1 year extension is hereby granted for the above mentioned grant untiiJuJy 3tgt, 20Jl8.

Best regards. Stephanie

--.Original Message----

from: Jenny H Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 9:09.AM



any news?


Natural Sciences and Research Councd of Canada

350 Albert S!rcct

Conseil <;te rectwches en scocnc:es naturclles ct an geru.l au CM.Kia


Otta"a Can.'03


MAR 05 2007 .


March 1, 2007

File: PIN:
Fiscal Year: PROTECTED

Dr. W.G. Habashi Dept. of Mechanical Engineering McGill University Macdonald Engineering Building 817 Rue Sherbrooke 0 Montreal QC H3A 21<6 Dear Dr. Habashi:


Industrial Research Chairs- Regular- Research (IRCPJ) entitled "NSERCIJ. Armand Bombardier Industrial Research Chair for Multidisciplinary Computational Fluid Dynamics", (Chairholder: Dr. W.G. Habashi) with Silicon Graphics (Canada) Inc. and Fondation J. Armand Bombardier

We are pleased to inform you that NSERC has approved the release of the research portion of the next instabnent of the above-referenced Industrial Research Chair. The current instalment is offered in support of this project for a one-year period, beginning August 1", 2006.

Please note fhat only one letter cdaward is valid in a z.ivenfisgd yeqr. Thmfort. this leUer cancels and replaces the vrwious one issued on Altgust 91*. 2006 and incorpgrqtes the total amount pjthe instalments pnid this venr.

Awarded Amount

Fiscal Year

Payment amount


NSERC must approve the reallocation of resources of more than 20% of an approved budget item in advance. . .. /2



i::mlelaised are stickers. purchased with funds from this award.


location to

of equipment

accept my

Stephanie Michaud Research Partnerships Program SM/eg C. Pierre, McGill M.-.M. I<lempa, Research, McGm/ T. McGill

Telephone: (613) 944-7533 Fax: (613) 9925337 E-mail:



NaiUfal Sciences and Engineering ResearCh Council of Canada

350 AlOof! Slleot Onawa. canada
KIA 11-15

Conseil de redlel'ches en SCienCes naturelles et en du Canada

350. rue .Albeit

August 9, 2006 File:

Fiscal Year:
Dr. W.G. Habashi Dept. of Mechanical Engineering McGill University Macdonald Engineering Building 817 Rue Sherbrooke 0 Montreal QC H3A 2K6 Dear Dr. Habashi: Re:

Industrial Research Chairs - Regular Research (IRCPJ) entitled "NSERC J.Armand Bombardier Industrial Research Chair for multi-disciplinary cqlliputational fluid dynamics", (Chairholder. Dr. W.G. Habashi) with Silicon (Canada) Inc., and Fondation J. Armand Bombardier / of the research portion of Chair. The current instalment is July 1, 2006.

We are pleased to inform you that NSERC has approved the the next instalment of the above-referenCed Industrial offered in support of this project for a oneyear period,

Awarded Amount

$50,700.00 ,' 2006




Any deviations from the NSERC.


of more than 20% must receive prior authorization from

Enclosed are several stickers. Please attach them in a visiblelocation to any piece of equipment purchased with funds from this award.



1, 2llll

.. .(1.





Stephanie Michaud Research Partnerships Program

Telephone: (613) 944-7533 (613) 992-5337 E*mail:

SM/eg C. Pierre, McGill


J. Vasseur, Research, McGill


J. Wong. NSERC Finance

Message . ..


Mary-Margaret Klempa

Tueaday. August 08, 2008 12:03 PM To: Mary-Margaret Klampa; Melocle Garbllh Cc: Terence Monteiro; edilti.Gauthler@nsefc.ca_ Subject: RE: NSERC I R C S A Dear Mary and Melodle,
Upon consultation wllh Dr. Habashl it W8l determined that the project end date of lhla IRC be changed. Please be advised that the project end date IRC has been changed to June 30th. 2007 In order to allow him to continue to draw on the research accounts.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require additlonallnformellon.

Best regards,

Slfphanle Michaud, PhD

Acccunt Manager/ Qeslionnalre de eomptes Research Parlnershlps PrOgtarriS/ Partenorlots de recherehe


Tel.: M,.,..4-7533 Fox: 613-992-5337

--()riglnal Message--from: Mary-Margaret KJempa [maflto:mary.ldempa<] Senb Tuesday, AUgust 01, 2006 9:58 AM

To: Garblsh,Melodle
Importanc:r. High

Cc: Montelro,Taance; SU1Jject: FW: NSERC I R C S A -


...... Oflloer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Offloe

pboftel (Sf4J 38S.7H8

Message . .


From: Mlry-Marvlret kJempa S1nb Monday, lime 26, 2006 9:13 AM

ca ttatde Gnlsh; tdlliLGidtll. .nser"C.(8




Graat.OIIIoer RHearch Oraata Office MoGUl Unlvenlty phoael (Sf4) 398-7319 WWWoi!'UIII.g/l'ft

From:.---MfENudOnseiu.a s..t: Wednesday, June 21,2006 3:59PM To: Mary-Margaret ICiempl

OUr Mary,

--ortgNI MIISSigl Prom: Maly-Ma'gnt 1<1err.,a [} Slat: l'tlul1c:lay, Mirth 23, 2006 2:27 PM

SUbject: NSERC

HI St6phanie,


.Message -

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....., ........ IOelapa carut. Olftcer Raarcla Gnants Office

Mea Unlvenlty phoaea (114) sta.73St





June 27, 2006

Ms. Mary-Margaret Klempa Grants Officer Research Grants Offlce McGill University James Administration Building, Suite 429 845 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2T5

Dear Ms. Klempa: letter of Transfer of Funds Re: NSERC - Major Facilities Access Grants -Infrastructure (NSERC MFA 288268-05) Project Tdle: Principal Dalhousie Account

- w i s h e s to transfer funds from the above-referenced grant to McGill expenses of his co-investigator, Dr. Wagdf G. Habashl, Department of Mechanics.I E.nglneerlng. The . .t tthe time frame: April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007. The amount to be transferred Is funds are to be used for salaries and travel related to the Technical Analyst Support Program.

By agreeing to administer these funds, we ask you to ensure the funds are used only for the
stated expenditures. It Is required that McGill University maintain the relevant supporting In McGill University must documentation on file review monitoring

be able to

amc:KJnt quoted above, or funds expended before or after the stated term of agreement Any unused funds are to be returned to Delhoulfe University upon request and the unspent balance must be returned to Dalhousie University with the final financial report Please send Financial Statement Form 300, signed by the relev.ant F.inancial omcer, by April 3d"..2L!IiL in Paragraph 1 Dalhousie University, Halifax,

Ms. Klempa I NSERC MFA 288268--05

June 26, 2008

Page 2 of2

If you agree to administer these funds on behalf of Or. Habashl, please arrange for the autliorizing signature and send the signed version by FAX to (902) 494--1595. Upon receipt of the faxed document. a cheque made payable to McGill University wil be fotwarded to your AnancfaJ Services Department In addition, two originals will be sent by mail. Please return to Dalhousie University one fully executed original by malt and retain one original for your records. To avoid delay In transferring funds, please complete the Information below before faxing this document. FtnanclaJ Offlcers Name: Mailing Address:

514- -

Bu; ld; 1'\G},

s l'ij



hoc.lor- P42nbeld Avenytt





McGill untv....

ReHarch Gnmt8 Otrlce


Ms. Klempa I NSERC MFA 288268-05 June 26, 2006


If you agree to administer these funds on behalf of Or. HabashJ, please arrange for the authorizing signature and send the signed version by FAX to (902) 494-1595. Upon receipt of the faxed document, a cheque made payable to McGHI University wiJI be fOfW8rded to your Financial Services Department. lnllddition, two originals will be sent by mall. Please retum to Dalhousie University one fully executed original by maR and retain one original for your records. To avoid delay In transferring funds, please complete the information below before faxing this

Financial Officer's Name: Malting Address:

Hr. Tefry
'6 4o

Mo..Jec' rQ

kl i ;2 "'d floo,.. n, cld Ave. # I , Qt.

#3 A 1-14






Ualvenity Raarcb Apeemea& (rbe .. it entered Ibis day of 2012 (the "EfFective O.j by Loc:lchced Mal1in Corporatioo ('1.MC"). a Ma-yland Corporadon with a prindpaJ place of business at 6801 R.cckledp Drive. Bethelda. Ptfaoylancl2()817, and The Royallnsciludon for lhe Adwncement l..ariUnaiMcOiU University, acdna lhrouah irs Compuladonal Fluid Dynamics (CFD) lab. with a principal address 845 Sherbrooke Stteet West. Mootmd. Quebec. Canada HJA 004 \UNIVERSITYj. l.MC and University shall each be known as a '"Party.. individually and as the "Parties,. juinlly


For racmb cnlitiCd l.Dcldwtd MDttbt I McGill Unlwrslty Jl,'fiUSOI'Ic OrbU to



tJuouahout this Apeemcnl

a mutual desire to work together lo hereinafter referred to as tbo "Project"; NOW, THEREPORL based upon the foreaoina premises, the Parties qree as follows: DIFINIDONS

a. "Backaround IntcllccruaJ means any and all Intellectual Property conceived. developed. reduced to practice or otherwise made or acquiredby UNIVERSITY, the Prindpallnvestlptor or memben of the research team prior to the Effective Date or outside lhe scope of Ibis Aafeement;
b. "Canadian Content Value" or "CCV" means the Canadian Content Value as determined by the lRB Aldhority.
c. '"Contldenliallnfonnation" or "Proprietary Information" means any information disclosed by one party (the 'DQcloser') to the other (the 'Rctipient') relatina directJy or indiNetly to the Project, which it idendfled by the Dilcloser, either orally or in writins. as confidential. either at the time of c8scJosure or, if discloled orally, confirmed in wriq within thirty (30) da,s tbOowina abe oriafnal disclosure ill accordance with the requirements of the Propriclary lftformation Apeement of Annex C
d. ..Disclosure" means the publiadon of theses, articles. and scholarly writinp or oral or \\Tinea presentations at lectures. c:onfemlcel or seminars.

e. '"Forward lntcllcclual Property" or ..Project lmelledual Property" mc1111 any aDd all lntellecttal Property ....,.... or ocherwise protcctable by scaaute. coacelwd. developed. or reduced to practice or odlerwbe made by UNIVERSITY,Ihe Principlllavatiplur or mcmbcn of lho raearcb team as a aault oC thclr duties under this Apeemenl and included in the Reports dttcribcd at section 4.1 of
f. ..Intellectual Property"' means Jciendflc formulae. data. discoveries. inventions. ideas. sufiWlft. models. procotypes. specifaeadons. patterns, drawinas, alaorithms. c:onccpcs.

Pap I ofl6


products. compositions. procasa and protocols, methods. taU and improvcmcats. know-bow. machines. devices. and computer proarams and includes any and aU pa1at1. .,... rights and patent applications which embody, emulate or employ any pen oflbe forqobJa.

a. ..lndusuiaiiDCl fteaioaaiBeaeftt", ..IRB", or"IRB TIMSIICtioft" or ""Transaction" means mmmen:ia1 or business activity lhll is carriod out by rne.ns of a COilll'8d. includlna pun:hae cmler, sales aarecmena. Ucense aareement. or simifa' instrument in writina, u.t hu idcmdfted dollar value. meets Canada'1IR8 clialbUity criteria. and has been approved by the IRB Authority.
h. ..Industrial and Reaioaaf Benefit Credit", ..IRB Credit". or "Credit" means .notiC'e
by lbc IRB Authority to LMC that an IRB bas been achieved obliption bas to that extent been fulfilled.

In whole or in part and LMC's

i. tRB Authority" means the Minister of Industry or other official empowered from time to time to act for Canada with respect to recoanltlon of credit against the Canadian lRB Obliptlon. lncludina a duly authorized desipate or such official.

j. "No:-Cost Basis" an amnaement between the Parties whcmJy the Party providina a benefit does not incur incremental or additional costs or expenses directly related to' the beneftl k. "Principal lnvestiptor" means the UNIVERSITY employee identified in Section J of this Agreement.


"LM Aero Canadian IRB Obligation" means Lockheed Martin's C-IJOJ Canadian

IRB Obllptlon.

. , IUaldldvltlos Oil die Project. lncludfna. but not limbed to, Profalor aacl ltlft' of the UNIVERSITY's Ct Lib. Y other r.:uJty member of lbe UNIVERSITY asbtlna on tho Project, any paclulre or vadelpeduate studeag aaistina on lbe Project. and any Dlher periOD not pNViously mcalloned who ICCIIS Ia qeal for lily of the pmiously named per10111 in perfonniq reseacb ectivities on the Project (the "Resarc:h

pel !lOIII




The research Project shall be the responsibility of the UNIVERSITY and shall he condu&.1ed under lhe direction of Dr. Waadi Habasbl ('"Principal lnvestiptar'") in the CFP Lab in .



and practicelofthe lMC's Contact lnformadoo for each is as t'ollows:

Tedt.W Pobd otCoatact: Pror.on Dr. Waadi Hat.shl

v. . .


CFD Lab Achlretas MsQQI Unjymily Aclclnll: 681 Sllcttlrooke Stm:t W.. MoatraJ. Quebec Canada, H3A 2S6 Pit: 514.391.3747

lMC'i technical contact shall confer with the Prindpallnvestip&or at reasonable times and at reaoaable length to discuss the direction and proareas of the Project until ill completion. Neither PriDcipellnvestigator nor UNIVERSITY shall subcontract or otherwise provide any work under this Agreement to any pmon or any entity who iJ not a l"aculty member, employee or student of UNIVERSITY without lhe prior. written aareement of LMC. 4. STAffiNG
a. To carry out the Project, {!NlVERSITY will provide and use ils own personnel. who are considered employees, postdoctoral fellows or students of the UNIVERSITY. All Sllaty and wap payments to such penonnel will be 81 rates consistent with their UNIVERSITY salaries as ddamlned by the UNIVERSITY. .

b. lf for iome reuon the uNIVERSfrY's Prlnclpallnvatiptor Is unable to continue to serve In Chis capacity and a successor acceptable to boCb pldles is DOt available. this Apeemeat may be terminated by LMC as provided herein in Section 7
c. UNiveRSITY Wll'tiiDIS lhd k is and shalf remain tree of any obliption or restriction wbicb would interfere wilb or be inconsistent with UNIVERSITY's perferrnanc:c of. and ability lO per(onn the Project in eccordanco with Ibis AptemenL
d. UNIVERSITY lhall ensure lhill a&:b Clllplo,ee. studeal and/or 11C11t workina on tbe sip ANNEX B ACKNOWLEDOEMENT OF OBLIGATIONS.

e. UNIVERSITY sball ensure lhln my penaa who sbiU Mrk on. be associa&ed wilh or be iafonned oftbe n:suhl oflbe Project or have 8D)' to amy LMC Ptopeietlay laCOI'IIIIlion provided under this Aaaeement shalt comply wilh abe provisions of Seaion It of lhis Control of lnformadon.





. any such reports.


UNIVERSITY wiU submit to LMC writteo proama rcpocts a spcCitied In Annex A. As a anlnimum, one ftnal NpOrt shall be submitted, in UNIVERSITY's formal. no later than 60 days rollowina completion the effoct dclclibcd In Annex A. LMCs lecbnlc:al contact lllld the Prindpallnvestiptor shall mutually qree upon the c:on1e0t and level detail of




to pay UNIVERSITY lhe ruced sum of t\md this Project. The swn shall be D&Yllble sbaU reference PT 58622 sent to: Ms. B. Coletta, Senior Director, Fmancial Services, Raealdl Muaaement Financlal Services. 3465 Durocher Street. Raom 301, Montral, QC. H2X OA8 Payment shall be made net 4S days al\er receipt of an invoice referencina this Agreement. and after of this Apeement. In order 1o coordinate .fulfillment requirements. the LMC contac:t shal

Tel . t.'


Noumlw 2013, but may be shortened or extended by mutual aareement in wrilina of the UNIVERSITY a LMC. by their duly aulborized represenlativos. Eilher Party may termJnate tbiJ AJrccmeat a& any time Cor(i) default iftbe other Pmy fliiJ to comply with any tams of this Aareement and.such detault ba not been cunei wilhin thirty (30) days receipt of wrltlen notice; (II) the OCher Party becoma baakrupt or iD1o1vent, ps Into recelwnhfp. makes an aaipmcat ofitsaaetsiO die bene&t of its CNditors, tlkina adwntqe of any........, which may be in fon:e in relation to bantrup1cy or iaaolwnl debtors, or a.a to conduct bualaea In tho nonna1 ccnne; (lil) deWt on lbe part of the other Party C8Uied by a Coree mejeunJ. where such del'aulr lasts far more than six (6) montbl. In lhe .. . . . . of a UNIVERSITY default either Party may terminate lhlt Aareement by providina at lea& sixty (60) days prior written nodcc 10 cbe ocher Party. provided. however,sucb terminadon lhiU IMit aecr cbe rcquiRd of tho Pllnies' riahts and obllpdons IIIOCI-.f wlda lUCia Project .. to cbe.Cetlaia..aioa dlle. In die ewatlhil ApaDenl is laainnded for any ,_oCher dian a UNIVERSITY de&ult, die Parties commil&o WOitiDt Foci t.ida ID easure is citbcr no or .minimized disrupdoa ..t that eacb r.ty c:ondnua to provide necea8y adminillraliw and lllllllprial support to lbe onpJins fUnded Project undJ lbe earlier of lbe tenninatioD dale or 18Killlled fundina il exhlusaed. In tht event of any lenDination, UNIVERSITY shall only be compeasated for \YOrk ldUlllly completed prior to lbe date of ICI'mination. In the event of any termination of

DBM QlAQBIIMINI ANQ CUANGEI . The term o(tlds Apeemeilt sbaU .commence on the Effective Dale and terminate on



UNIVERSITY ud LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORADON CORPORATE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH AGREIMENT this 1\p'ecniCIIL, LMC shell be provided in a NpOrt with all the raults fur the raean:h performed prior to tbc tenninlllon dale in 8CCORIDnce with the STATEMENT OF WORK.
b. LMC may, by wrillcft notice.. r.quat chaftaa to the STATEMENT OF WORK. If such chanp ceuse an Inaease or decrase in the cost of pedonnlace. an equitable ldjustmenl shall be made. If the cbanps are unaccepllble to UNIVERSITY, LMC and UNIVERSITY shall anempt to negotiate a mutually aarceablc modiflcatioll or, failioa that. LMC may terminate the Agreement. No unJ\anded march. UNIVERSITY sbaU not be obllpted to perform any work beyond the research wo.t as described in ANNEX A STATEMBNT OF WORK (herclnafter the ..Projectj u specifically tlmded by LMC pursuant to this Ap-eemeot.

UNIVERSITY shall have the ri&ht to disclose the results of this Project after the completion of the Project or, upon tbe prior, written apeemcnt of'LMC, when such disclosure sball take place prior to the complecion of the Projed. Ourina tho term of the Project UNIVERSITY shaU provide to LMC a copy or any propoted dltc!osure (the "Notice") at least two months in advance of the disclosure "'Notice Pcrlod") for the review and c:onunent of LMC. No LMC ProPrlewy inf'onnation shill be included in such disclosures. In the event that LMC determlna that the disclosure Jdentifles any Proprietary lnformadon or unprotected paiCnlable invendon. UNIVERSITY epecs to delay such dilclosure for up to an additional two months Ia order to allow time the proteelion or removal or lbe Propriecary lafonnation or for the preparadon and filina or a pateDt application. In the emtt lhe ddny (30) day period elapses . without any notiflcadon from LMC UNIVERSITY shall be free tQ make the disclosure. LMC sba1l be acbowledaed Ia apy publication uaJea LMC desires otherwise aad ao advisa the UNIVERSITY Ia writfna. NotwitbllandfDa the above. there will be no dela)'lln student thesis defence aad ao pubUcatioa delaYt of more than six months ftom the date of Notice.



orraoijucuax INmBM.mON
LMC and UNIVERSITY sWl protect Ill propriela'y information In accordanec whb the provisions of che Propriccary lnformllion Apccment at1llcbed k_) dUs Aareement as ANNEX C.



Neilbcr r.ty will disclose this Apemcnt to lhitd parti.=s or use the name of the OCher in any eclYeltislq. publicity or news relaacd to the raean:h Project without the prior wrinen conscn1 of the other Piny. Notwitbandina aaytbiaa contained in this Ap:emcnt.lhe Parties ec:knowlcdae and 8IJU t'* either Party may ideatify the title of the Project. the Parties to this Aareemenlt the name ofthe Principallnvestip(or, the Contract Period and the amount of fUnding provided by LMC to the UNIVERSITY for the Projtct.


11. EXPORT CONTROL OF INFORMADQN LMC and UNIVERSITY shall ad in 8ccordance with the Export Restriction and Indemnification provisions of the Proprietary Information Apeemcnt attached to this Agreement as ANNEX C.


UNIVERSITY and LMC epee that dtis AaJeemcnt does not form any corporation, partnenhip. joint venture or other lepl entity or relationship between the parties other than that of a sponsored research effort as established punuant to this agreement, and that UNIVERSITY and LMC shall be lndependent contracton for all purposes under this Agreement. Neither Party may act for or on behalf of the other Party in any way or bind the other Party to any obliption of any nature whllsoever wilhout the express. prior wrlden permission of the other Party. by its duly aUiborized repracntative.
L UNIVERSITY acknowledp and asrca that durina the tenn of dtil Aareemcnt it is responsible for its activities undertaken pnuant 10, in Cunberaoce of or in any vtay connected with lhe Project, aad fUrther acknowledaes and agrees lhat durin& tbc ICrm of dUJ Aarcement it is solely tapOOiible f'or any resulm of any such ICtlvitiet, includina but not limited 1o any harm or cJamaac of any kind to any penona or property that may arise f'rom oi in connection with the Project. b. lademnificatioo by UNIVERSITY. Durin& the tenn oflhis.i\arcemeul. and except where they been C8UICd or contributed to by LMC neatiaence or willftd naiaconduct. UNIVERSrrY lball IMemnif)' IDd bold LMC hlamtea of lilY and aU cost. sufts, dliml or daml&es on tcCOUilt ot lojuria (lnclucUna death) to dle Principal lavesdptor. members of the mearcll tam and lilY ocher penoa. causec1 by its neaJlaence or thlt or Its end Jepaesentadves. UNIVERSITY allallo bolcl LMC hllmlea durina the term '!ftbls Apalent of any or all dam 111 to UNIVERSITY prupcrty. except where such damaacs have been c:auled or coalributed 10 by LMCs own neafipnce. c:. Liability. Neither Party shall be liable to lhe other for indirect or conscquentbd

Pagc7 ofl6

a. Representations. The Plnia represent and wanant.40 each other that: lhey ads have authority 40 enter into (ii) their undmiantd have Ml authorily to execute this on lbeir behalf. (Iii) the perf'ormanc:e of their respeetive obllptions amdcr tblJ Aarcement will not violate lhe turns of any other aareement or to which they are



b. Warranty Disclaimer. UNIVERSITY warrants it will not knowingly .violate thee lntclledual Property riahts of any third pll1y in crearina Fonvanllmellcctual Property. UNIVERSTIY makes no other express warranties and disclaims any impliecl wamuities u to lillY matterrelallna to this Agrecment.lndudina without llraitaaion the performance or results of the Project; the avallabillty of legal protection for any research results, inventions. copyrightable work's, or aay Olber work product puriU8Dl to Then an ao exprtll or Implied warraada of IHI'dlaatabotty or fbea fr a pUdcul.r purpose l'or aay of dae raearda rualll, or tllat tile ... of researdl raalll wm aot lal'rl... uy pateat rfabtt or other proprletar;J nptl of a tblrd party, or tllaa the work alldertakea duriac dae coane of tbe Project will be ellalble for tax cncUII.
16. RISIRVATIQN OF RIGHTS Either Partys failure to enforte 11 any time or for any period any one or more of the Aafeement shall not be a waiver of them or of the Party's riibt to enforce all tcnns and cooditiona of this Apeemenl If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid. illepl or unenforceable by a court of jurisdiction, the validity, legality. and enfon:eability of the remainina provisions shall remain in full fon:e aad clTcct.
terms of thb

17. DqiPVJ'f.S.
Any dispute under this Aareemeat Which is not aeulcd by agreement of the Parties may be seulcd by appropriate lep1 or equitable proceedinp befora any coun of compclent jurildiction in the State of Maryland.




lt.Ngi'ICIS Noticel ancl eomrmmicatiolll bereuDder llulll be dee1ncd rude if afvea by rqfstered or certified mall. posaep preplid ..t 8dck...tco lhe Paty,to receive such notice or COINIMlicadon at the adcbas pvcn below. or such oth ldclress as may hereafter be desiana&cd by nodc:e in wricint:
lftu LM Aero:



I odcbn:d Martin Aaonautle Company P.OBox 748



For Coatract a AdmmlltratM Matten: McGill University omco of Sponsorad rte.earch. James Admiaistration Building. 2nd Floor 845 Sberbrooke Street West Monlreal, Quebec Canada


Aun.: Dr. Oail Martin Research Conlracts &: Aareements Offk:er Pb: 514-398-5786 Fax: 514-398-4853


This Apeement shall supenedc: all prior agreements and Understandings between the Parties mpcctina the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may not be chonaed or terminated orally by or on behalf of either Party.


L This Agreement sba1J be construed and aovemed in accordanc:e with the laws of the State of Maryland. without alvfna effect to its coaflict of law provisions.

cbaraes required and lball comply with aU aaddetiDa and dinc:tives of any local. slate ancVor Ccdcnl pet11111eDl authority bavfna appropriale jurisdidion OWl' environmeataJ protcct1on in conniection with work performed under Ibis Project.

b. UNIVERSITY aarccs to comply with all applicable federal and state laws, orders. rules. repalalioas md orcliaDces and shall procure aU licenleslpennils ..t pay all fees and other

c. Force majeure. Ncitber Pady shall be hald responsible to the other Party for any default or delay ia exec:ulioa of its obllpdnos cauted by circumslances beyoad hs control Witboul limitina the JCIICI1Ilky of lhe foreaoina. llltUI'II disatten. strikes, lim. war and lnsu!Rctions and actions oC aovemment or rep1aiOry bodies. which pn:vcnt a party from per(onnJna uader &he shaD be deemed to constituk force majeure. however tbat the Party that is


excused fiom performance tabs aeccts11y Co prevent. control or limit the eft'cet of the majewc so thai performance may resume es soon a pos:51"ble.
d. LanJUIIc. La P8tlcs oat requis que eette entente soit mtigie en anglais. The Pa1ics have requested that this ApcCmcnt be drafted in Eaalith.

e. Asslpmcnt. Ncilher Party shall have the right to assip this Agreement without lhe written conscm of the other Party. Such amseat sbaiJ not be unreasonably withheld.

f. This Apccment, together with Annexes A. B. c. 0 and E hereto, constitutes the entire undentandina of LMC and UNIVERSn"Y relating to the Projec:t and can only be modifJCd in writin& by duly authotlzecl representatives of both Parties.

IN Wn'NESS WHEREOF, LMC and UNIVERSITY have caused their duly authorized representatives to execute this Agreement on and as ofthe dates below written.





14 AL.e rrwb4)t.,. :z_o 'J.


l S, , 29 12..-

tenns and conditions baein and

informed oftheir obllptions under audt terms and conditions.

l. Dr. W,.ti Habasbi. havina read Ibis Aareement. hereby aaree to act in accordance with all the aaree to ensure that all UNIVERSITY panic:ipants are


Pase 11 or 16

UNIVERSITY aad LOCKBUD MARTIN CORPORATION CORPORATE UNIVERSITY USBARCH AGDBMBNT actioos of aovemm-t or teplatory bodies, which preveat a party ftom performiag under the Agreemeat shall be deemed to constitute majeure, provided however that the Party that is excused ftom performance takes aU measures necessary to prm111t. coatrol or limit the effect of the force majeure so that performance may resume as soon as possible.
d. Laoguage. Les Parties. ont requis que cette enteate soit aidipe en analais. The Parties have requested that this Agreement be draftod in Boglish. e. Assignment. Neither Party shall have the risht to assign this Agreement without the written CODSeDt of the odler Party. Such coosent shall not be uoreasonably withheld.
Tbis Agreement, toaetber with Annexes A. B, C, D and E hereto. constitutes the entire understandina of LMC and UNIVERSITY relatina to the Project and can only be modifiod in writina by duly authorized representatives of both Parties.

lN WITNESS WHEREOF. LMC and UNIVBRSITY have caused their duly authorized representatives to execute this Agreement on and as of the dates below written.


By_______________________ Name: ______________________




ntlo: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

November 19. 2012

Wagdl Habaslll



Statement of Work for

McGUI Uoivenity


Page llofl6



(To be signed by each member oftM UNIVERSITY Rescateh Team workfna on the Projt) I have tta1 and understand the lern'lS and CODditions contained in &he University Research between The Royallnstitutiun for the Advancement of and Loekheed Martin Corporation, lncludina but not limited ro the terms aovemina lntcllec:tual Property, Protection of Proprietary lnfonnalion, and Export Control of fnfomuadon, and. in consideration for the Project ftmdina beina provided by Loekheed Martin Corporation. I apee co abide by suda tenns and conditions and hclcby pant Loc:khccd Martin Corporation the Intellectual and Moral Riafacs in Project Intellectual Property RisftlS required by such terms and conditions as acknowledaed by my signatUre below.

Aarecmcnt dated


Title or Posillon

Printed Name



Printed Name

Title or Position


Printed Name

Title or Position

Sipal\ll'e Priated Tide or Posftloa





. ...:;.< ... . " - '.. "'. : 'lHagl > -:

. .s ' ... .


Page 14ofl6

Lockheed Martin CE&T

Proprietary Information Agreement

This Agreement Is entered into by and between Lockheed Martin (l.M) havin& a business
t.kOlll Univusity havin& a business office of disclosing Propridat)' lnfonnation in

oflkc at

l.M and McGill University agrees that the following tc:nns and conditions apply when one oflhe parties (Discloser) discloses Proprietary Information to the othtr (Recipient) under this Agreement. LM and McGill University agree that their mutual objective under this Agreement is to provide appropriate protection for Proprietary Information. while maintaining the ability to conduct their respective buslncS!I activities.

I. Proprietary lnformatloa Information disclosed hereunder shall be considered "Proprietary and subject to the terms and conditions of this disclosed either: (a) In \\'rlting; (b) by delivery of Items; (c) by initiation of access to Pi"oprieuuy Information such as may be contained in an ekctronic data repository: or (d) by oral and/or visual presentation.
All Proprietary Informacion must be conspicuous!} marked with the Discloser's fl.'strictive legend and Recipient shall nOl alter or remove legends. If Propriellll)' Information is disclosed in non-written form. I) the Propriellll)' Information will be identified to the Recipient as proprietary at the time of initial disclosure and 2) within 14 days thcreof\cr the f>iscloscr will provide the Recipient with written confirmation Qfthe Proprktruy Information disclosed. Exduslvc Points of Contact
Lockheed Martin University For Contract & Administrative Matters:

Corporate F.ngincering and Technology Business Area 6801 Rockledge Drive Bethesda, Maryland

McGill University Office of Sponsored Research, James Administration Ouilding. 2"" Floor
845 Sherbrookc Street West

Montreal, Quebec H3A 004


Attn.: Dr. Goll Martin Research Contracts &. A&reemcnts Officer

Telephone: SI439S.S786

Email: gi!jl.murtin2r!]!mcgill,ca
For Tcdtnkal Matters:

ern Lab

Attn: Dr. Wngdi llobashi McGill University

688 Shcrbrookc Street West. #717 Montreal. QC.


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Version 1.3 - 912009

Lockheed Martin CE&T


' c Canada

11 1

ii r r

Email: wpgdj.babashi't1.mcgj! Not\\itbSW\din& the lnf011lU11ion shall not include any infonnation which: (a) is or becomes availoble to the Recipient without restriaion from another source; or (b) is or becomes genendly a\"allable 10 the public other than by Recipients breach of this or (c) WllS already kn0\\11 to the Recipient prior to disclosure of the Proprietary lnfonJUldon without obligation of confidentiality, u can he substantiated by wrinen documentatioil; or (d) is irnkprndendy dcvdoped by the Recipient completely independent of the access to the Proprietary Information provided by the Discloser, as can be substantiated by written documentation. 2. Protection of Proprietary Information For a period of two (2) years from the tcrrniiUltion date of1his Agreement, Recipient agnx>s to limit disclosure of J>roprieta.J) lnfonnation 'vi thin ils O\\n organization to its employees, employffi of its pan:nt and subsidiary finns or, another p3J1Y with the Discloser's prior wrlnen consent, who.have a need to know to accomplish the 1'\!rpose of this AgreerrienL The Recipient shall hllvc a written a&recment with each such pany sufficient to require that the party lt\!al Proprietary lnfonnation in accordance with and no less restrictive than this Agreement. The Recipient shall U5e the samo care and discretion as it uses with its own Proprietary InfOrmation, but no less thun rcliSOilablc can:, to avoid disclosure, publkatlon, or dissemination of Proprietary lnfonnation. The Recipient shall use Proprietary lnfomlatlon only In connection with the above-stated purpose, and for no other rCIJ30n. The Recipient may disclose l'roprictary Information when required by law In such CUSC$ the Recipient shall: (a) give the Discloser prompt notice: and (b) make a reasonable effort to obtain appropriate protection; nnd (c) provide thl: Discloser with every available opportunity to challenge, appeal, or sed< modification of such order.

J. Ttrm and Trrmlnatlon The tenn of Ibis Agreement shall be from the last date of execution written below by the parties until July 31, 2013 thereafter. Either part)' may tenninate this AgrO!ment by providing lhiny (30) days prior wrluen notice to the other.
Upon tennination or expiration, whidlever occurs first. Recipient Y.ill promptly cease all use ofDiscloscr'!i Proprietary Information. The Recipient shall make a commercially reasonable good faith effort to n:tum all the Discloser's Proprietary Informal ion, or sbaJJ \'crlfy destruction of all Proprietary Information received under this Agreement. to the Di5closer. for the avoidance of doubt, an)1hing that is stored on routine back-up media solely for the JXIfP(>5e of disaster l'l:covcry will be subject to destruction in due course, provided that, access to such infonnation in the ordinary course of business is restricted persons with a need to know for the above stated purpose only prior to destruction. The recipient may one ( 1) copy of the Discloser's Proprietary Information for archival purposcs. Notwithstanding the foregoing. latent data such as deleted and other non-logical daaa types, such as memory dumps. swap tiles, temporary files, files, and metadata thal can only be mrieved b)' computer fom\Sics cxp.'IU and Is generally considcn:d inaclxssibk ' "ithout the use tools and techniques will not be within the requircmau for return or deslruction ofPropri..'lar) Information as set forth by this provision.
4. No lJcfliHS or Warraada Ncltbcr this Agreement nor any disclosure ofPilJf)rictary Information shall be construed. directly or indirectly or by impliClllion c:stoppcl or odk.-rwise, to offer or araot to Recipient rights in or linse under any present or future Proprietary Information, patent or copyri&ftt

THF. DISCLOSER PROVIDES flROPRif.TARY INFORMATION ON AN "AS IS" RASIS. Nothing in this Agreement shall be ronstrucd IU a WDmmty, n.-prcscnt:Uion, assurance, UJ1111U11CC or induecment with rcspcct to the


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Version 1.3- 912009


Lockheed Martin

content or oecurecy of documents and Propricfary Information tranSmitted or exc:h3nacd under this The Information. Disclosure of ProprietAry Discloser will not be liable for any damaces arisin& out of use lnfonnalion contain ins business plans is for planning purposes only. usc of such information is at the Recipient's own risk. Warranty Disclaimer. The Parties warrant, to the best of their and belief, they have the right disclose tlu: ProprlctaJy the rcccivlnJ Party for the purposes provided. Otherwise, the Parties make no express wamnties and disc1alm any implied wlmlntles as to any matter relating to this Agrt\."ttlent. 5. Relatfonsblp of Partlf.s This AJreen1ent in oo wa) obligate$ either patty to disclose Proprietary Information to the other. Except for those obligations expressly stated herein, no other obligation of any kind is assumed by or implied against either party by the receipt of Propridar)' lnfonnation nor shall such receipt constitute a waiver of any rights either party may have: with respect to S\lclt disclosed Proprictaty,lnformation.
111e p1111ies hereto are ond shall rem:sin independent cootracl0t5. This Agrttment shall not constitute, create, give effect to, or otbetwisc imply an emplorment relationship, teaming arrangement, joint venwre, pooling ammpent, pannershlp, or fonnal business orpnization of any kind. nor does this or the disci()SUte or of any Proprielary lnfonnation hereunder constitute an offer, acceptance. promise or obligation by either party to enter into nny additional contraCt, lllbcontrxt. amcndmau, l)r other buslncss rdatlonship wltb tbc:other party. The parties expressly aeree tJuu this Agn'CrtiCI1t is solely for the purpost of cxchangln& Proprietary lnfonnation. IUld unless otherwise agreed in writing. ddt party 5hall perform hereundc:t solely at its own cost IUld expense.

. .,..

6. Exporl Restrktlon and lndemniRcadon . Each party agrees to comply fully with all such export eonnollaws and regulations as may apply to Proprietary Information disclosed under this Agreement and the direct product of such infonnation. If the Recipient of export restricted lnfonnatlon Improperly discloses such lnfonnation the Recipient shall indemnify and bold hannless the Discloser from all directly oppllcoble and reosonably incum:d resulting claims, demands, damages. cost:!, penalties, attorney's fees and all other expenses. This provision shall be honored after the expiration of this Agreement. (a) ln the eventthllt Proprlclllry Information Is subject to regulation under Canadian controlled goods or United Sillies export control rules, to be provided the disclosing Party shall infonn the receiving Pany In writing prior to any such disclosure:, lbe disclosing Party shall not forward or provide any such infoimDtion to the receiving Party without the express \\Titten pennission of the receivina Pany. The Proprietary Information shall be made availllhle only to eligible indi,iduals as dcsi&nated by the receivlna Party, The Party exporting the data shall be require to obtain the appropriate export license and the relving Party agrees to reasonable cooperate... Notwilhsumding the above. no goods or information 5ubjcct to the International TraffiC in Anns (b) Rcaulations (ITAR) shall be transferred to McGill University by LM under this Agreement. (c) No Party is under any obligation to disclose or rc:c:eive Proprietary lnformalion under this Asreement. (d) Either Party shall have the right to tenninate this upon thirty days' written notice without cause pwsuant to Paragraph 3.
8. General Provisions



liea4jn&S. The provisions of this Agnement shall take precedence over and supersede any heading. lcecnd, or notice lncooslstc:nt "ith this Agreement. No Transfer or Assi&QIIIml. This Agreemem may noc be: transferred or assipc:d by citht't' part>' without the express written consent of the other party. OJoicc This Aarcement shall be construed in accordance \\ith, end aovemc:d by. the laws and rqulalions of the state of New York without repnl to its conflict of laws provisions. Cgrnplc;tg Agn;gnenL This Aarcemcrn constitutes the entire undemanding between the panics repdin& the subject matter hereof and supersedes all other repcesentations understandings or oommunk:ation, whether written or verbal, and may not be modified In whole or in part expt in a writing sl&ned by authorized of both parties.


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Version 1.3 - 912009

Lockheed Marlin


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the panics have: ciWSCd this Agrmnent to be executed by their duly authoriud


Gail Manin

Researoh Contracts &: Agreements Officer

I, Dr. Wngdlllahashi. having read this Ayooncnt, hereby agree to act in accordance with all tho terms and conditions hcrdn and furth(.'f agree to l.'fl.'lttrc that all Mc<lill participants are lnfonncd of their obligations under such term. and coruJi



Version 1.3-9/2009



dCfina J I Aqust. The report shall detail all IClMty under dte Project. lacludhla tNt ncJC limited to die follow Ina

An lllft&lllrtpxt will

bi suiNnlued 10 LMC by 30

&w IRB actMty in dw appllc:able 11 moadt period

Invoice Date Purchase Order Date (if opplic:able)

Purcbasc Order Number (if applicable) Payment Dale Canadian Content Value as described in Annex E, sisncd by UNIVERSITY's authorized representative.

Page 15ofl'



WHEREAS The Royal Institution for the AdYinC\m1Cilt UNIVERSITY) into an qreement with Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMC) which will partially fulfill LM Aero's Canadian IRB Oblipdon, AND WHEREAS such qrccment rcquira that. as evidence of the achievement of Canadian Content Value by the Project, the UNIVERSITY shalt submit this Certificate of Compliance to LMC; NOW THEREFORE. UNIVERSITY declares and certifies as follows:
i) T.he Information contained in the UNIVERSITY's annual report to LMC. which reportS achicvemeat or tho Canadian Content Value for Ibis reporting period, is to the best of our knowledae and abUlty true and correct; and

ii) LMC has represented to the UNIVERSITY.tbat the Canadian Content Value shown in documents appended herewith has been dctennlned in accordance with the IRB Authority.


Name: Title: UNIVERSITY:



Martin Corporation Research Agreement

AMENDMENT One (1) to the $12-017 and P12017 dated November 19, 2012 and October 19. 2012 respectively between the Parties shall be effective as of the date of the latest signature below ("Effective Date).

WHEREAS, The Parties wish to modify the Agreements to incorporate the attached Statement of Work and extend the Periods of Pertormance including the other changes noted below. NOW, THEREFORE, this Amendment is issued to do the following:
Regarding 812-017-01; Incorporate Annex F o Period of


Article 78 (Term of Agreemen1 and Changes); in the first sentence, replace "20 November 2013" with 30 November 2014". Regarding P120H-01; .. Article 3 (Term and Termination); in the first sentence, replace "July 31, 2013" with "30 November 2014".


All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement remain unchanged.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, LMC and UNIVERSITY have caused their duly aut.horized
representatives to execute this Amendment on and as the dates below written



(Ci 22, 7"13

I, Dr. Wagdi Habash1, having read this Agreement, hereby agree to act in accordance w1th all the terms and conditions herein and further agree to ensurl! that all McGill participants are Informed of their obligations under such terms and conditions.

W .r:lA


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Oft ouwEF8 tab; . ....... c..cA 2011.1012 1} 4721





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and lockheed Martin Corporation



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andLockheed Maltin Cotporation

Aesean:h Agreement





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and lockheed Martin Corporation Agreement

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WIUt , "





Quebec ....


Madame Sandra Crocker adjointe (actlvlt6s de

Bureau du vice-pl1nclpal (Recherche el relatione lntemationales) Institution royale pour l'avam:ement des sdences/Univeraitil MeGill 845, rue Sherbrooke Ouesl, bureau 419 Montreal (Quebec) H3A 2T5

Madame Ia VJC&-Prlncipale adjointe, J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que le minls16re du D6veloppement eoonomique, de !'Innovation el de !'Exportation a d6cid6 d'appuyer flnanci6rement votre projel de recherche intitul6 OUtils de sinlulation num6rlque rencontrant lea nouvelles normes de certification d'evlona en givrage en vol {OSN), dana le domaine de l'aeronautique. Le responsable du projet est monsieur Wagdi Habashi, professeur. L'alde flnanciere du minl&tere du Developpement 6conomique, de !'Innovation et de !'Exportation, qui vous est accordee dans le cadre du Programme de Ia recherche, volet : Soutien 6 des Initiatives intematlonales de soutlen recherche et d'lnnovation (PSR-SIIRI), conslste en une contribution non 50 AI des depenses admlssibles pour un remboursable, montant maximal

Je suls conflante que Ia realisation de ce projet permettra 6 votre universi1e de crier des liens durables avec son parteneire italien, de renforcer sa visibilite rintemational et de consolider l'excellence de votre recherche.

Je vous souhaite toutle succ6s possible et vous prle d'agreer, Madame Ia Vice-Principale adjointe, !'expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs.

La directrice,

. .,.

,_, ....... fii'OJetde,..,... . . :

Note : I.e MDElE. via II Programme PSR-8MI. admlllllMs. m11s ro maidrnl* _ . ..,.. f.,.,_.....IGIII.


Lel__... ......... . .. 2"fttltllllnC.. ___..INI ...

J, ' "



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Le MINISTRE DU DEvELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE, DE L'INNOVATION ET DE L'EXPORTAnON agiuant aux presentea pour et au nom du gouvemement du Qt.tebee, un etabliaaement au 710, place d'Yowille, aiJ8bee (Quebec) dft G1R 4V4, repr6sente par madame Matle<Jode



L'INSnTUnON ROYALE POUR L'AVANCEMENT DES SCIENCESIUNIVERSITE McGILL, universlte dtlment constiluM ayant son siege soda! au 845, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, bureau 419. Montreal (Quebec) H3A 2T5, lei rapr6sentee par madame Sandra Crocker, vice..principale adjointe aux Activitits da rechewche, dOment autorine en vertu d'une resolution du consei! d'administratlon da I'Universlte McGill, ci-aprtts designee I' Unlveralte .

LES PARTIES CONVIENNENT DE CE QUI SUIT . OBJET DE LA CONVENnON 1. La presents convention a pour objet de ditterminer lea conditions et lea modalltes de I'octroi et du versement I'Universlte, par le Minlstre, d'une aida financiers du gouvemement du Quebec, accordee dans le cadre du Programme de soutien Ia recherche, volet : Soutien des initiative- onales de recherche et d'innovation (PSR-SIIRI), d'un montant maximal de pour Ia realisation du projet Oulils de simulation numerique rencontrant lea nouve s normes de certification d'avions en givrage en vol (OSN), tel que plus amplement decrit 8 l'annexe A jointe a Ia presents convention pour en faire partie int{lgrante et cl-apr{ts designele Projet .


.-.ace montant a ete etabli en tenant compte des elements prevus a l'annexe B
convention pour en falre partie inf{lgrante.

Le Minlstre s'engage

a verser 8 I'Universlte une aida financiere, d'un montant maximal de


Le Mlnlstre ae reserve le droit da redulre proportlonnellement le montant de I'aida financiere octroyee sl, en lout temps apres Ia signature da Ia pr{tsente convention, le montant des depsnses admissibles du Projet est reduit a une somme lnf6rleure au coOt estimatif des depenses admissible& falunt partie du Projet.



affecter Ia nature du int6r61 commerdal;


aviser, sans delal par iK:rit, 1e M'mistra d8 toot changement ou evtnement pouvant son echeancier, sea coOts ainsi que sa valeur ou son

n'effectuer aucune modificalion au


maimenir, suffisante


a l'egard d8s



a Ia

satisladion du Minlstre, une eouverture d'anurenoa aux fins du pour Ia duree d8 Ia presente

remettra un rapport d'avanoament des travaux lors d8 chaque demande de versement de l'alde et un rapport fmal falsant eta! d8 !'ensemble des realisations; foumlr au Minlstre toUI document et toUI rensalgnement peUI raisonnablement en avec le lnduant ses eollts et son rmanoament; avlser imm6diatement par ecrit le Minish si elle eccepte ou r*it une aUire aide financlere pour Ia realisation du Projet;



ne pas ceder ni transferer les droits et obligations qui lui sont eonferes par Ia presente convention, ni aucune.partie du montant de l'aide financlere non encore versee par le Ministre, sans une aUiorlsation ecrite et prealable du Ministre; prendre les mesures appropri6es pour maximiser au Ouebac les retombees et t!leonomlques du Projet.


6. L'Universite represente et garantlt ce qui suit : a) elle est une universlte validement existante, n'est pas en defaUI en vertu des lois qui Ia regissent el a tous las pouvolrs necessaires a Ia poursuite des objets pour lesquels raide financiitre lui est octroyite par Ia presente convention; elle a las pouvoirs de signer et de s'engager, conformement aux presentes; elle n'est au courant d'aucun fait qui rendrait inexacls ou trompeurs les documents ou les renseignements qu'elle a soumis au Ministre pour sa prise de decision et ces documents representant fidelement Ia vente; ella n'a acceptit ni retyu aucune aide financlere pour Ia realisation du Projet autre que oalle presentee ou prevue dans Ia cadre de Ia demande d'aide.

b) c)



Depenses admissible&

d'avancement du


d) e)

una cople du titre de transport de& pi6ces justiflcatives lieu aux Ia cople


justlficaitlvellleu i l'achm d'equlpements. de NlliAMAnf ce, COI'liorrnmrtant


Sous reserve du respect des obligationl d6bourste comme suit : a) b)

i I'Universite, ralde .finand6re sera

un premier versement d e - s o u s forme d'avance i Ia aignarure de Ia convention ou dans lea melllaUI'8 dilall prtc6dent Ia date de dibut du Projet; un deuxteme vereement de sur presentation du rapport pieces justificative& etablissant lea d'avancement, du sommaire depenses sdmisslbles payees par au coors de Ia premiere annes. telles qu'exigees en vertu de rartide 8 de Ia presente convention; un troisleme versement de - p a y a b l e sur presentation du rapport d'avencement, du sommaire des p16ces justlflcatives eteblisunt les depenses sdmiuibles payees par I'UniversitEI au cours de Ia deuxleme annes, telles qu'exigees en vertu de rartlcle 8 de Ia pr6Mnte convention; un demler versement maximal de - p r e s approbation du rapport final psr le Minfstre, tel qu'exige en vertu de de Ia presente convention. et qui sera ajuate en fonction des depenses sdmlsslbles reellement payees.



Aucune reclamation n'est recevable plus de six mola apres Ia date de fin du Projet, soit celle precisee !'article 5 b) de Ia presente convention.


10. Les elements suivanls sont constitutifs d'un defaut aux termes de Ia presente convention:
a) I'Unlversite, directement ou par l'entremise de ses representant&, a fait des representations ou a fouml des garanties, des renseignements ou des documents qui sont inexacts ou trompeurs; I'Universite fait defaut de remplir l'un ou !'autre des termes, conditions ou obligations qullullncombent en vertu de Ia convention; I'Universite devient Insolvable, fait faillite, eat aoua ordonnance de a6queatre ou invoque une loi relative aux di!biteurs insolvables ou faillia; i'Universite cease de faire affaire ou lnterrompt totalement ou psrtiellement sea activites.




rEiailler Ia convention et mettre

lmmedialement 6 l'otltlaaltion

dilcoulant de

Ia convention;
reciamer lmmediatement le remboursemenf



l:lff'vatctlr du. droit qua lui eoofere le paragrapha c), 1e Mlnistre doit transmattre f'Hiiiatil:m i I'Universlte aura, s'll s'aglt ctun detaut au paragrapha b) da rem6dier IU dMaul dana t'avis i defaut da aulom&tlcluame:nl resiliea. La resililtlcm effet de f6ctlptic)fl dfi C8ti'JiS OIJ fOIJift dafe UlfoiMIIM indfqiJEje

Le fait pour le Ministre de s'abatanir ctexarcer un droit qui lui est eoofere par Ia preaante droit et, en outre, corwentlctn ne paul Atre conaldare comme una renonciatlcm l'exercice partial ou ponctual d'un droit qui lui est confere ne l'empAch& nullement d'exercer ultirieuremem tout autre droit ou recours en vertu da Ia prAaente conventton ou da toute autre lol appllceble.

a ee

12. Le Ministre ae reserve le droit d'exlger en tout

I'Univeraite lui remette tout montant de raid& financi6re verse qui n'aurait pas ltte par cette demiere au tenne da Ia prAsente convention ou qui aurait ete utilise par celle-ci i d'autres fins que celles prAvues i !a prAaente convention. le montant de tout rembouraement partie! ou total de l'alda flnanciere reclame par 1e Minlstre confonnement i Ia presente convention portera interet au taux applicable i una creance de Ia Couronne exigible en vertu da !'article 28 de Ia Loi sur ta mlnistfJra du Revenu (L.RQ., c 1111-1), au taux en Viguaur a Ia date du veraement du montant de l'alde finenciere faisant l'objet du rembouraemant. las interAts seront calcules retroactivement partir da cette date.

13. l'Universite s'engage i prendre toutes les mesures appropriees pour proteger legalement, materiellement ou lntellectuellement, notamment par !'enregistrement de brevets, marques de commerce. dassins, droits d'auteur ou autrement par quelque autre moyen que ce soit, les resultats decoulant de Ia realisation du Projet l'Univeraite ne paul prendre d'engagement limitant Ia portee du present article sans avoir obtenu l'autorisation prealable et ecrite du Ministre.

14. L'Univeraite s'engage a pennettre a tout representant autorise du Mlnistre un acces
raisonnable a ses locaux, ses livres et autres documents afln d'evaluer Ia progression et les resultats du Projet et verifier les demandes de veraement, et ce. jusqu'a trois ans apres le veraement final de raide financiere.


15. En acceptant cette aida flnanciere, I'Univeraite consent ace

""''""'n'" :

annonce publique soft le Minlstre ou un de ses repreaentants en communlquant les renseignements 1e nom et l'adreue de I'Universlte, Ia nature et le budget du et las tennes des pritsentes.

communlcatioos, damandas de nAI......omt vertu de Ia convention, soot

et avis, davant itre



Minlatere du oevetoppement ilamomic1ue, de rlnnovation et da !'Exportation 380. rue St-Antolne Ouest, 4 etage Sud Montreal H2Y 3X7 rettentlctn da .'Urmclflulf"



i l'adresse suivlmte


communications dt avis expedles par le Mlnistre i I'Universlte sont en\rovt!ls

Universit6 McGill
Bureau du vice-principal Recherche dt reletlons intemetloneles 845, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, bureau 419 Mootreal (Quebec) H3A 2T5 A rattentioo de Madame Olga DOCUMENTS CONTRACTUELS
18. La presente convention et tout autre document dont il est fait mention ici, ainsi que toute modlticatlon dOment agreee de cas documents, constituent Ia convention complete entre les parties et llent celles-ci.


Toute convention verbale non reprodulte aux od!l!Afltes est loute modificallon aux pr6sentes dolt se falre par LIEU DE LA CONVENnON ET REPRESENTANT DU MINISTRE

nulle el sans effet et

19. Aux fins de !'application et de !'execution de Ia presente convention, celle-d est reputee faite et passee en Ia VIlle de Montreal et Ia repr6sentante designee par le Ministre est madame Marle..Josee Blais.


20. La presente convention entre en vigueur a Ia date de sa signature par toutes les parties et
restera en vigueur jusqu'a Ia complete execution des obligations de chacune des parties. EN FOI DE QUOI, lES PARTIES ONT SIGNE LES DEUX ORIGINAUX DE LA PRESENTE CONVENTION. LE MINISTRE,

Par Diredrice des Collaborations intemationales




Le partenaire qu6b6coia est :

monsieur Wagdi Habaahi, Univeralte McGill. Lea partenalres 6trangers sont :

- 7-



Ananc:.ment du proJet c-.

llon... nt(l)
. (%)

CRSNG (f6d6ral}


but on de

DepeRSM pr6vues par I'Unlverslt6 McGHI et d6penaH lldm...lbles au MDEIE :


Autre a (mat6riel exp6flmental)

Note : Le MOEIE, via le Programme PSR-SIIRI, reconnaft red'lerche adm;.aiblea, mala l'alde malcimale accordee sera financement total. Lea veraements seront le 1 versement aera le 'I!' veraement aera de 1e versement sera de 1e veraement final sera

McGill Fund:
Outls de simulation nur.nflnque rencontrant las no1Nelles nt311118s de en vol

centmcatlclll? d'avlons en

Project Number: PSR-SIIRI-559

Statement of Matching Contribution F the period aterilng _ _ _ and ending:.......-......:..--

deplacement et de sejour 1 Travel expenses Autresl Others (materiel experimental) TOTAL

The above table accurately reflects the matching contributions made towards this project.

Prepared by: Professor Wagdi G Habashi Name of Principal Investigator





Le MINISTRE DE L'ENSEIGNEIIENT SUPEREuR, DE LA RECHERCHE, DE LA SCIENCE ET DE LA TECHNOLOGIE, agissant awe prNentaa pour et au nom du gouvemement du Ou6bec. ayant un au 380, rue SaintAntoine Ouest, etage, Tour Sud, Montreal (Cu6bec) H2Y 3X7,1ci par madame Blais, dltecbk:e, Difectiort. des collaboratloM ..Jmemationales (DCI),
ct-aprt,s d6slgnele c Mini..,. ,


ROYALE POUR L'AVANCEMENT DES MCGILL, unlverslt6 dOment coosUtuee ayant soo sl6ge soda& au Bureau de le recherche, Pavilion James, 845, rue Shetbrobke Ouest, 2e etage, Montreal (Qu6bec) H3A 2T5, lei repr6serlt6e par madame Olga Nalberguer, dlreclrk:e adjolnte, Subventions et fondatlons, dQment al.ltl:ll'i86e an vertu d'una resolution du conseil d'administration de l'organlaation,


ct-apres d6slgn6a I' Unlvenlte a.


le pr6sant avenant a pour objet de modifier lea articles 8 et 9 de le convention d'aide financl6re lntervenue entre lea parUes le 8 mars 2011 concement le projet Outlls de simulation num6rique rencontrent les nouvelles normes de certifiCation d'avlons en glvrage en vo1 (OSN), dont le reaponseble est monsieur Wagdl Habashl. 2. MODIFICATIONS L'arUcle 8 de Ia convention est ramplac6 par celui-ci : 8. Pieces juatlt'lcetlves Pour chsque demande de versement subs6quente au premier versement, I'Universlt6 dolt falre parvenlr au Mlnlstre : a) un repport d'avancement du Projet, tel qu'exlg6 en vertu de rarUcla 5 g) de Ia pr6sante

b) un sommalre des d6pansas acqultt6as, dOmant slgn6 par son representant autorls6; Sur damande, I'Unlvarslt6 dolt 6galament, dans !es inllllleurs d61els, falre Mlnlstre au

BIIBa : lea modallt6s de trensmlssloo des

des pl8ces Justificative& sont dans un objectlf d'optlmiSatlon proc:euus de trsltament des versaments de ralde t'lnancl6re. eette modlt'lcetlon limite Ia transm1sa1on des copies des pl8ces justlt'lcetive& a cet!es exlg6as par !e Mtnlat61'8.


e:ornrmlnk:aBc.ns. demandes de paiement et avta dewnt In sent envoyes 6 l'adresse 8l.llvanta :

au Mln15tm an

Mlnist6re de I'Enselgnrement aupirieur, de Ill Redlerctle, de Ill Sc::lence et de Ia Technologla, Dlrectioo des collabondlons lfltematfon-. 380, me Saint-Antoine Ouest. 4 etage, Tour Sud

H2Y 3X7

A!'attention de : Monsieur Nk:olas Amyot


Toutes laa dispositions de Ill convention d'alde flnanci6re non modlfl6aa par 1e presant avensnt demeurent en lligueur et llent les parties.



1 ootobre 2012 Date






WHEREAS The R.oyallnstlutlon for the Advancement of LeamlngiMCGI Unfverslty, t10 corporatiOnS duly constluled, having a principal place of bulln8S8 at 845 Sherbrooke Street West. Montreal H3A 2TS, Quebec, herein represented by Nathan Curtler, A8laCiate Director of Research Ccntnads and Agreements r'McGif' or the "'nsttutton" or a "Party"), WHEREAS


repreaented by the "Institution" or a liD

WHEREAS McGI and have entered lnlo an UMBRELLA AGREEMENT (the "Umbrella Agreemenf) on July 5, 2012 aimed at defining the general conditions governing the collaboration between the two lnllftutlons, which wiB lead to joint adlvitles between the Parties, WHEREAS approval of each spec:lfic project or Initiative under J:he Umbrella Agreement must be detailed In a Specific Agreement that Is dilc::ussed and agreed upon by the resolution of both Institutions and defining the terms of the collaboration, including duration, financial or human resources, WHEREAS the two Institutions offer a range of complementary expertise In the field of Preliminary Design Optimization of Aircraft and Engines,


WHEREAS Dr. Wagdl Habashl. Professor In the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Computallonal Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Laboratory at McGBIIs the Chalrholdar of the NSERC.J. Armand Bombardier-Bel Helicopter-CAE lndullrlal Research Chait for Multi-dlsclpiJn Analysis and Design of Aerospace Systems, McGBI,

Dr. Wagdl Habashi wish to ellgn their respective expertise and capabilities In the Ontimmdion with the view of fostering greater collaboration between the Institutions.
As a result the two Institutions have hereby dac:lded to enter Into this Specific Agreement

2. Scope The reaearch collaboration wil apply to the main missions of the Institutions, namely educatfonllraln of students (all levele) and res aarch actMII8S In the field of Preliminary Design and Optimization of Airaalt Engines, the development of Innovations and the eftldenl trawf d such research results to Industry, es well es the management of lnt'rastn.ld.ll and eqgpment that mar be usect wll*l the previously died objedlves.

1. Co-supervisi9n of students at the graduate level, in respect of the foltowlng research projects, 2. Collaboration on the followfng specific: research projects Is a. Integration of some aircraft and propulsion system aspects In the preliminary design state. b. Using Reduced Order Modeling (ROM) In the prefimfnaty design phase, c. Collabotatlon on other joint research projects related to preliminary design optimization, as requested by d.

the Institution's Industrial partners, Expanding the actiVItJes of the NSERC-J. Armand Bombardler..aell Helicopter-CAE Industrial Research

Chair for Multi-dl&dplinary AnalySis and Design of Aerospace Systems, McGill. to Include participation by Pratt & Whitney Canada In spedflc projeds related to the NSERC-P&WC Industrial Research Chai' In Propulsion Systems Integration and Optimization 3. Holding workshops for students and Industry. 4. Collaborating on technical conferences related to prelminary design optimization, 5. Developing new and larger research and/or research Infrastructure grant proposals to the granting Councils,

Govemments and FoundationS.

The Parties understand and agree that with regard to the research activities ldentlfl8d under activity 2 above, the Institutions either already have in place, or Vtlill have In place, specific research agreements with the Industrial partners that are funding these industrial collaborative projects. McGill or ETS, as the case may be, will be required to agree and accept these terms and conditions, in writing, prior to Initiating these collaborations.

3. Duration
This Specific Agreement will enter Into effect on the date of Signature and will remain In effect for a period of five (5) years, with the possibility for each Institution to terminate its Involvement with three (3} months advance written notice to the other Institution. Any such termination shall not affect the obligations of either Party With respect to any obligation Incurred under this Specific Agreement prior to the effective date of termination.

4. Governance of the Specific Agreement

Notices regarding this Specific Agreement shall be sent In writing to the folloWing: The Ualson Officers designated by the Institutions to develop and coordinate activities related to this initiative are:

Dr. Wagdl Habashl Professor and Director, CFD laboratory

688 Sherbrooke Street West, 7th Aoor

McGII UntversitY

Montreal H3A 256 Tel.: (514) E-mail : wagd!.hab8Jh!

The administrative contacts with respect to this Specific Agreement are:



Dr. Nslhan Currier Associate ResearCh Contracts and Agreements James Administration Building, Room 212 845 Sherbtooke St W.



Tel: (514) 398-4373

ac. H3A OG4

E-mail : natban.curr!er@mcgjiJ,ca
5. Modifications
The Institutions can. at any time upon mutual written agreement, modify certain dauseS of this Specific Agreement.
Page2 3

6. Confidentiality


Institutions will treat each other's shared lnfonnation as confidential. Both Institutions agree to maintain this information confidential using the same degree of effort they use to maintain their own infonnation confidential.

7. Dispute Resolution
Any dispute of any source or nature relevant to this Specific Agreement will be referred promptly, for its identification, to the Coordinating Committee that oversees the implementation of the Umbrella Agreement.

8. lndemnlflcatlon
Each Institution agrees to Indemnify and hold the other, its directors. governs, officers, employees, and agents harmless from an cost, expense (including responsible legal expense). judgement. damage of any nature caused by its negligence, or wrong-doing under this Specific Agreement. faith to sign below as or October 1. 2012.

Associate Director, Research Contracts and Agreements The Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning/McGill University Date: Date :

1\fov 221 Zo1Z.


I, the undersigned, the Liaison OffiCer for ETS, acknowledge that - I have read this Specific Agreement accept all the terms and conditions and acknowledge that I am bound by them and agree to ensure that all the members of my team at ETS are Informed of their obligations under this Spedfic

I. the undersigned. the Liaison Officer for McGill, acknowledge that I have read this Specific Agreement accept all the terms and conditions and acknowledge that I am bound by them and agree to ensure that all the members of my team at ETS are Informed of their obligations under this


Or. Wagdl Habashl

Professor and Director, CFD Laboratory McGill University Date:

.{f noteJU krL

, lot.{

Date :

t:-\o \.J vocn

l 7.., h (2..

Page 3 c:A 3


11E CREATION OF nil CANADIAN HYa:tiD AlftO.ICNl LABORATORY (the -specific........,







WHEREAS The Royallnltlblllon for the Advancernem of LMn*lgiMcGil Unlvarslty, two cxxporatlolas cllty cal.tituted. having a prindpal placed bu8lneu at 845 Shelb!OI:M Street Welt. Maull eel H3A 2TS, Quebec. herein rapraunled by
Nelhan Cwrtet, A880Ciata Director d

Raaaan:t ConbiCIS a1d Agreemenll ("McGGI" or the -.....utlon" or a '?arty"),

WHI!REAS approval of each specific piOJect or 1n1t1a11ve under the Umbrella Agr_eament must be detaled In a Specific Ao"eement that Ia dtacuaed and agreed upon by the resolution of both lnstltutfona 81d deflnklg the terms of the reiOI.I'C88. colllbOIIdori, lnc:ludng dutlltlon, fli18nc:lal or

WH&R&AI the two lnatllutionl otrer a range of compementary expertise In the field of Preliminary Design Optimization of ARraft and Engines,

WHER8A8 Dt. W&gll Hebalhl. Prafeetor In the OepMment of Mech8nlcal Engineering and Dnc:tor of the CompWIIIOI_. Fluid Dynamk:l (CFO) l.aborafDry at McGII II the Chalrholder of the NSERC-J. Armand Bombalcler-811 . lnduAtll Chair for Mt.6cllaclpUnar Analysl8 and Design of Aeloepece Syatems, McGII,

Or. W8gdl Hebalhl wllh to promote the a 8lllon In Monlraal of a Ceneclen Hybrid llcMnt.e of thll facllly Ia prcMded In Appelldlx I.

,. reeult. the two lnsdtutJons heYa hereby dedded to enter Into thll Specific Agreement.
1. Objlctlve
Thll SpecMc
2. ..... '

11 eo moblla the Md the eo creat. In W1lque f8clly lndlclng tlltq thlt mentea In r1CMII phyllc8l tiling end oompulllllon,ln ..... time.


. . . 1af7

3. Duration
This SpecifiC Agreement will enter Into effect on the date of signature and wiH remain In effect for a period of fwe (5) years, with the possibility for each Institution to terminate its Involvement with three (3) months advance written notice to the other Institution. Any such termination shall not affect the obflgatlons of either Party 'Nith to any obligation incurred under this Specific Agreement prior to the effect!Ye date of termination.

4. Research Team
The preliminary team will include, but is not limited to, the follo'Ning people: Dr. Wagdi Habashl ProfEtSSOI' and Director, CFD Laboratory McGid University 688 Sherbrooke Street West, 7111 Floor Montreal (Quebec) H3A 2S6 Tel.: (514) 398-6005 E-mail : waOd!

Dr. Ghyslalne McClure

Prof$SSOr, Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics McGil UniVersity 817 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal (QC) H3A OC3 Tel.: (514) 398-66n E-mail
6. Governance of the Specific Agreement

Notices regarding this SpecifiC Agreement shall be sent in writing to the following: The liaison Officers designated by the Institutions to develop and coordinate activities related to this initiative are:



688 Sherbrooke Street West, tt' Floor

Tel.: (514) 398-6005
The administrative contacts with respect to this Specific Agreement are:
Page 2 c:A7

McGill UnNersky

Professor and Director, CEO laboratory

H3A 2S6

Dr. Wagdl Habashi

E-mail : waadi.habah!


Dr. Nathan Currier Associate Direc:lor, Research Contracts and Agreements James Administration BuHding. Room 212
845 Sherbrooke St. W.

Montreal, QC, H3A OG4

E-mai :
6. Modlftcatlons

The Institutions can, at any time upon mutual written agreement, modify certain clauses of this Specific Agreement
7. Confldantlalfty
Both Institutions will treat each other's shared Information as confidential. Both Institutions agree to maintain this information confidential using the same degree of effort they use to maintain their own infonnation confidential.

B. Dispute Resolution

Any dispute of any source or nature relevant to this Spedfic Agreement will be referred prompUy, for Its Identification, to the Coordinating Committee that oversees the implementation of the Umbrella Agreement.
9. lndemnfficatlon

Each Institution agrt!eS to Indemnify and hold the other, Its directors, governs, officers. employees, and agents harmless from all cost, expense (indu.dlng responsible legal expense). judgment, damage of any nature caused by its negligence, or wrong-doing under thfs Specific Agreement.
faith to sign below as of October 1. 2012.

Nathan Currier Associate Director, Research Contracts and Agreements The Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning/McGill University Date:


()ov . .:lo\ Q

Date :

Afov. 2-2. 2o12.

" I

INJERVENTIQN BY THE UAISON OFFICERS I, the undersigned, the Liaison Officer for l!TS. acknowledge that I have read this Specific Agreement, accept eH the terms and conditions and acknowledge U18t I am bound by them and agree to ensure that au the . of my team at Ets are informed this Specific
I, the undersigned, the Liaison Officer for McGiU, acknowledge that I have read this Specific Agreement. accept all the terms and conditions and acknowledge that I am bound by them and agree to ensure that all the members of my team at

Dr. Wagdi Habashi Professor McGI1 University

Date :


Date :


Page 3 ot 7

.. \ ....




Le genie pour l'industrie

The Canadian Hybrid Aero-Icing Laboratory (HAIL) A joint McGIII-ETS CFI Project

Principal Investigator: Professor Wagdi Gearge Habashi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University

Page 5 ol7


Appendix- List of HAIL..CFI Researchers

Marco Amabili
Siva Nadarajah Christophe Pierre

Anne Kiettlg Ghyslaine McClure

Chemical Engineering McGill CJvfl Engine ring & Applied

Mechanics McGill

Page 7ol7


(the "8pecJJc AgrMmeM")


WHEREAS The Royallnstlntlon tor the Advaneemeut of UnMnlty, two corporations dWy constituted, having a principal place of buUMisa at 841 Shelbrooke Street West, Montrul H3A OG4, QUIIbeCl, herein represented by Nathan Currier, Aalocl818 Dlredor of ReleM:h Contracts Met Agreements ("'McGr or the ,nstltuuon or a "Party"),

WHEREAS &ole de Technologie Sup6rieure EnaJneell'lna Quctbeo (R.S.Q. ch. a

repf8l8l'ded lhe rnstillution


WHEREAS McGIJ and have enteled Into an UMBRS.LA AGREEMENT (the "Umbrella Agreemenr) on July 5, 2012 aimed at dd1ing lhe general condliona govemlng the ccllabocalion between the two lnstltutlons. which wlllead to joint activftles between lhe Parties,
WHEREAS of each specific praject or lnlllative under the Umbrella Agreement must be detailed In a Specific Agreement that II dilcuAed end agreed upon by the resolutiOn of both lnatitutions and defining the terms of the c::ollaboratlon, Including duration, financial or human AtSOUrcn,
WtEREAS the two


otrer a range of complementafy uperttse 1n the field of In-flight Icing anc1 fight limutatora.

wtEREA8 Or. Wagdl Habashl. Prolellol In the Department of Mec:hanical Engineering and Oirector of the COmputatJonel Fluid Dynamics (CFO) LaboraDy at McGI,

wtEREA8 Or. W8gdl Hat.hi and

colllbOilltlon between the lnltiluUons.

Aa a resul, the two lnstflutlons have herabf decided to enter Info this Specillc Ag11M111'1enl

expertlle and capeblllel

1. Objectln
1* Specilc Agrwmenl'a objeclive to Mructure 111111 t:h collllbonllioll8 between lhe two 1n111u11ons In the field of Intight icing and tight lirnulalln. wllh a joint Fonda de NCtield1e du Nllure et ted11101og1ea (FQRNT) Teem RIIU;rd'l Projlct Proglu I Projllt de nM:held1e en tqulpe) epJ6 :alion (the "RIII8rch Praject").


2. Scope

The l'8l88f'Ch cclllbcntion wll apply to the main mlllloua of the lnatitullona, namely eclucllllor"lnlllling of graduate students and ,.. a. IICIIvllea In ... fields of Icing and of tight limulatorl, the development of lnnoYatlona 8nd the efllclent of IUCh r1111n:h I'MUII8 to lndultry, wei the cllnfnlltruc:ture and equipment lhat rn.y be Ulfd wltM lhe previoully cited objedMa.


hDe 1 on

The actMUel willndude, but ... not lmll8d to:

2. CoiJabcDion OA the folbMng tel llrch taplca . . envfalonect. Prelmlnary flwnewolk OOiiltlaildl and deftnldon of llnUatlon acenarloe

1. Co-eupervlsion of stuctent. at the graduate .... In I'8JIIP8d of the Resaalch Projec:t.

Reduced 8111111 F,.1IIIWOI'k for Navler..stakea ad Heat transfer equations

Reduced 88111 Ff'll'niWOI'k Dynlmlce Couplng of the AenHdng pR)jedlan ,...,. Integration of the Reduced Balls rnockle In the flight llmul8lor system

Verillcallon, Valdallon and SlnWiaUon 3. Holding worbhopt for ltUdentl and . 4. Collllboralng on techi1lclll COIIfelwlcaa related to reaJ..tlme .mutation of ln4Hght Icing. 5. CoUaboralng wilh their lnatitutlon'a reepec:tlve offlcee of c::omrnerdalz:don eo as to transf8t the technology to the appropriale lnduetry receptor.
3. Durdon .
This Specific Agreement will

enter Into eiTect on the date of signature nt wll remakl In effect for period of three (3) year8, with the poalbllly for each lnltltutJon to Wrnln8te II Involvement wllh three (3) montha 8dvanc:e written nob to the other ll1ltitullon. Art/ IUCh termination lhal not atrect the obligations of either. Party wMh respect to any oblgatlon ii'1Clll8d under thll Specific Agreement prior to the date of ter'I'Nnation.

4. Governance of the Specific Agreement


thla Specific Agreement shall

aent In writing to the following:

The UaJaon Oftlcer8 designated by the lnstltutlona to develop and coordlna18 activties related to thlllritlatlve are:

FOB tra:


Dr. Wagdi Habashl Proleaor and Director, CFD Labonltory McGII Univat'slty 688 Sherbrooke Street West. 7"' Floor
Montreal (Quebec) H3A 286 Tel.: (514) 39&)05


Dr. Nlbn Cun1er Dndor, R11,tt1 Conlt'acD and Agreemenls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buldlng, Room 212
848 8hel1lnxlka St. w.

Moilb.... QC, H3A OG4

Til: (514) 388-073 E-m.l: Dlllwo.qlrrii!Oncgll.ce


tine upon mutual wrttten agraema1t, modify certain da.l!llll of this Specific Agreement

The lnltllulions C8fl, at q


6. Confidentiality

Both Institutions wil treat each other's shared infonnation as confidential. Both Institutions agree to maintain this Information confidential using the same degree of effort they use to maintain their own information confidential.
7. Dispute Resolution

Any dispute of any source or nature relevant to this Specific Agreement win be referred promptly. for its identification. to
the Coordinating Committee that oversees the implementation or the Umbrela Agreement.

8. lndemnfficatlon
Each Institution agrees to Indemnify and hold the other. its directors, governs. offiCers, employees, and agents harmless from all cost, expense (induding responsible legal expense), judgment. damage of any nature- caused by its negligence. or wrong-doing .under this SpecifiC Agreement.

in good faith to sign below as of

of January 2013.


Contracts and



INTERVENTION I, the acknowtedge


the Liaison OffiCers for ETS, I havG read this SpecifiC all the af1d conditions and am bOund by them and agree to . . . my t1tam at tTS are I, the undersigned, the Liaison Officer for McGill, acknowledge that I have read this Specific Agreement. accept all the terms and conditions and acknowledge that I am bound by them and agree to ensure that all the members of my team at ETS are Informed of ir obligations under this


Agreement. . acknowtedge ..
Ag ' . .

ensure that. . . . . Informed . .. ... .

. .


Dr. Wagdi Habashi
Professor and Director, CFD laboratory McGIU University



Date :

2tf/o t ("-o
Page 3 ol3

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