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Using the Internet for statistical analyzes


I go above the use of various statistical techniques using the Internet

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statistical analysis, assistance of maths

The statistical analyzes are the tests of the various problems of the statist
ics, or the field which records and defines the occurrence of the events in a
group or a population. The study of the statistics was a ramification of the
theory of probability which was postulated by Blasé Pascal to try to envisa
ge and order the occurrence of the random events. The theory of probability c
ontinues to be a fundamental aspect of the study of the statistics. However,
the statistics is a formal mathematical field which treats the discrete event
s which occur with time in the kingdom of large populations of the events or
the individuals. The statistical analyzes treat numbers on the broad scale.

There is a great number of statistical analyzes which are employed in the dai
ly life to calculate the relative risk of an activity, to determine the execu
tion of the particular actions on the Stock Market or to establish the chance
of the horse-race. It is important to study the various types of statistical
analyzes to entirely include/understand which type of information they will
ensure and to which form of problem they better are applied. A complete arran
gement of the statistical analyzes is required to know to use the tools avail
able to obtain the necessary information of virtual sea of the data and numbe
rs. There are no short cut or substitution to learn the concepts and the theo
ries fundamental behind statistical analyzes.

There is fortunately a very good substitute product to carry out calculations,

which is almost impossible in the majority of the applications of broad scale
. There are several options on the Internet which provide programs to carry o
ut statistical analyzes. On the site you will find all the necessary
informations for the determination with the Juste which form of statistical a
nalyzes or of data you must make for the application which is with the spirit,
if one binds it to the businesses or must make with the genetics of populatio
n. Information on the site will guide the user by the various theoretical test
s of a situation, to clearly inform one on the type of result which the test w
ill report and indicate to the user which test exactly to be run for the size
of the definite population. This site also has many bonds to other Web sites
which specialize by carrying out certain statistical analyzes, like those rela
ted on the commercial statistics or the statistics of health. There is also a
bond of instruction to a request for study to employ a program of Excel to ru
n of the statistical analyzes and data. An additional bond is with a Web site
specializing in analyzes of time series while it refers to the forecasts busi
nesses, a tool in an indisputable way suitable.

The individual carrying out of the statistical analyzes can want to continue
the bond with the computers and the data-processing statistics, which will re
ally make it possible the individual to run a specific analysis on a specific
whole of data.

Another useful bond is that which explains the principles behind the design
of questionnaire and the taking away of outlines, since this device of the m
ore high importance is the manner of choosing a group or a population to ana
lyze. It is important to know that a group must be correctly made up with ch
aracteristics unifying so that the following data have any relevance of the

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