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Grey Room, Inc.

Touched by Deconstruction Author(s): Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Reviewed work(s): Source: Grey Room, No. 20 (Summer, 2005), pp. 95-104 Published by: The MIT Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 29/11/2012 03:11
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GAYATRI CHAKRAVORTYSPIVAK These remarks were offeredtoJacquesDerrida on theoccasion ofhis seventieth birthday. The readershould addfiveyears toall time counts given. Iwant torecordhere three sweetresponseshe gaveme. Where I gavemy thirteen-point listof deconstructive practices, he said, only When I said I hadn't half in jest, "You should have published this!" read his criticism me regarding of Marx forfearof beinghurt,he said, it." When I calledmyselfa "forme tachee" in the fieldofdeconstruction he said, gently,"'tache' has another meaning. You are the task in the " Ihaven'tfigured outwhat hemeant. Imention fieldofdeconstruction.
my mother at the end. She died two years ago. "Gayatri, what to do with you? I publish a critique and you don't read

a title,thefirst camewas "touchedby deconstruc Asked for thingthat De la gramma cette necessite perilleuse"-as I learnt to say from tologie-of openingup that word.1Letwhat followsstand in theplace of thattask. How can I describe thatfirst momentwhen I feltthat encounter,the had been called "deconstruction"had touched me? I somethingthat have described thefacts many times, but thefactis Idon't remember the be late 1967, since Iwas planningmy first public lecture. What made
me order De la grammatologie? As I've recounted many times, I did details at all. Where was Iwhen I studied theMinuit catalogue? I know it had to tion." And now, I have to live up to it. I cannot "aventurer ici jusqu'a

entiredifficult not know Jacques Derrida's name.Did I reallyread that me words thatfill well enough tohavewritten book?And understandit notionof 'correction,' evenas he questionsthe with shamenow: "Derrida, correctsthecommonassumptionof thetwo mutually opposed French and structuralism....This roleof criticaltendencies-phenomenology exposing thecommon assumption sharedby combatants in a contro Derrida's importance abovemerely theFrench scene." versyraises
In a fewmonths I had a con And yet all thismust have happened. tract to translate the book. I slogged away. Iwrote the introduction. I didn't touch Hegel because Iwas too afraid. And Iwas forever touched by something that I call deconstruction, with no guarantees that I am ever right on themark. No one has taughtme deconstruction. Iwas only

ever a visitor atYale, atHopkins, at Irvine. British deconstruction

Gre Room 20, Su~mmer 2005 pp. 95~104. G; 2005 G ey Room, ln. and Massachust

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Simon Critchley, GeoffBennington,ErnestoLaclau-does ethics and politics;Mark Taylor, John Caputo, and Gil Anidjar do religion.To Geoffrey BenningtonandDavid Wills goes thecreditof makingAlgeria resonatefor you.Rodolphe Gasche andHent de Vries restore you tophi losophy. I think Imake mistakes in deconstruction rightand left,
although I trynot to, of course. But what is it to be correct about decon

I am remindedof thegame you played in "Circumfessions," struction? Geoff's impeccableaccountofdeconstruction likea Ulysses unraveling playingatPenelope. I thinkthat and cer De la grammatologie deserveda bettertranslator Butwhat would my life have tainlyamore knowledgeable introducer.

will undo elusive name. I stillbelieve that-but belief what carriesthat all theevidence to what comesnext-it isnot possible todeconstruct, thecontrary. Necessary impossibilities becomemy explanatory formulas One runs fromthem, anteriorinview; and theyfit. keeping the future ifthereis any. plan; accountabilityis thedisclosure of thegift, I resemblea child reciting a lesson. And a childwho falters, knowing she is failing.
something will have happened as a result ofwhat I do, and yet Imust

if I hadn't gone through that terrific drill? I sit in the library cafe teria, trying to think of all the ways thatmy life has been touched by

I teachreading necessairement de l'interieure, remembering that, "operant ancienne toutesles resourcesstrategiques et empruntant'ala structure economiques de la subversion, les lui empruntantstructurellement, sans pouvoir en isolerdes elementset des atomes, l'entre c'est-'a-dire prise de deconstructionest toujoursd'une certaine maniere emporter grammatologie. Itbringsback theexcitement of thosedays-"the birth of the reader" (Barthes)-the assignable subject-positionas a "place determineevide" (determined emptyplace) (Foucault). Iwas not into the internal politics of theFrench academic scene and so enjoyed this Criticism,thenlocatedatNorthwestern University.Ihad given my title
Practice." Paul de Man was going to be Iwas Paul de Man's student from 1961 to 1965, before he had met Derrida. I came to his graduate seminar at nineteen, straight in the audience. 1950s, I had certainly learnt to read in a style that could segue into deMan, as "Varieties ofDeconstructive syncretism, a habit I have not altogether lost. In 1982 Iwas invited for the first time by the school of Theory and par son propre travail," as I read so many years ago in the pages ofDe la

out of India.As an English honors studentatCalcuttaUniversity in the

but I had neverheard of Merleau-Ponty,neverheard ofLevi-Strauss,

96 sg565e>\. X 6,)f>6. es

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neverheard of Heidegger, neverheard of Georges Poulet,neverheard of H61derlin. I had heard ofRousseau as part of the trio"Hobbes,Locke, class inCalcutta and could andRousseau" in my undergraduate history associate himwith thenoble savage. I had heard ofKant and Hegel Camus, because Iwas a young Communist. Ihad heard ofRilke,Sartre, were in fashionat theBritish and Simone de Beauvoir because they With Council Debating Circle. I had read someCamus in translation. this material inhand, and before multiculturalism or academic femi orwrongly,thatIwas smart;Iwas in nism, deMan recognized,rightly awe ofhis teaching. He certainly when I told knew thatI knew no French.Yet, in 1967, by the way (Ihad phoned him toask him on thetelephone,altogether thisbook by aboutmy first public lecture),thatIwas going to translate me he knew thename, cor thisauthor, misspelling his name, he told but did not dissuade me. He had confidencein me rectedthespelling, thatIwould come through somehow,and I guess I did,with thereser
vations I have already expressed. beside myself with De Man's approval meant a great deal

me. to
Iwas anxiety that day in 1982. All day I drove

to theimpersonal apartment theSocietyhad aroundChicago, returning As theeveningprogressed,I made no progressat all.At a cer provided. tainpoint, terrified and desperate,I said to myself, make a listof all the models of deconstructivepractice thatyou have given your students
over the years. I did so, and I had my talk. I arrived the next morning with my green notebook and a hangover. De Man commended me. Two days later I flew toBritain. I never saw him again. Iwant to embed here that list of thirteen ways to practice decon that I am just quoting the initial sentences of the paragraphs compris

struction, June29, 1982. Ineverpublished thepiece. Please remember inga fifty-minute talk:
a text-the

of theobject in 1.Attendingto thequestion of theconstitution tiveidealityin a philosophical text. 2.Attendingto thequestion of theconstitution of thesubject in
type case being the question of the constitution of objec

a text-the

mechanics of their ofphilosophyand the thedisciplinarytradition with the investigating complicity subject. between subjectand object. moment beforethedifferentiation
4. Generalizing 3. Attending to the necessary articulation of a preoriginary

type case being, on the one hand, the transcendental ego of philosophy as such and, on the other, the collective "we" of

moment before thedifferentiation articulationof a preoriginary

9ejxPememerKxg Iaqe 9er8gsTva ?uched byDeconstucdior 97

these projects so that one attends to the necessary

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between thetwopoles ofanybinaryoppositionused toconstitute in thetext. The first This momentsofsynthesis sessionofdifferance. formula is where theso-calleddeconstructive emerges:reversethe binaryopposition and thendisplace it. ofexclusion ofan other 5.Another formula: Notice thestrategy
by the text so that itmay conserve its synthesis. Then undo the

self-its constitution ofsubject, binary opposition betweenthetext's meaning becomes object, predication-and its excluded other; undecidable, dialectic economy. 6. Location of thehidden ethicopolitical agenda in theexclusion of the ofan other, fixing yourglancenotupon theputativeidentity differentiation. text'sselfand itsotherbut on thegestureof their 7. Insertionof thequestion of theproper into fundamental ontologyand desire andmourning intotranscendental phenome nology. 8. Deconstitution of thehistoryof the foundingconcepts of metaphysics. the movement 9.Attendingto thesecond session ofdifferance, and deferment hidden as the identity ofopposition ofdifference in theperformanceof a text,radically discontinuous with the articulation-effacement of thename of thespace or momentbefore thetext. 10.Actingout theimpossiblescenariothat deconstructive prac 11. Understanding thepeculiar autobiographical legendingof deconstructivepractice through psychoanalysis by substituting thescene of writing fortheprimal scene. 12.Reading philosophical textsto see their metaphoricityand as thematizing literary texts deconstruction, with appropriate cau word theme. tionsagainst the 13. Preservingand elaborating theanalogybetween capital's of management of its inbuiltcrisis and theexhaustive taxonomy languageas speech acts. In five years theapparentconfidenceof this listput together indes and the stakes ofwhat I call, in shorthand,deconstruction,became to remain more compelling. I try mindful of the warning in "Passions": ofanti-deconstruction, but [o]negives ammunitionto theofficials
all in all isn't that preferable to the constitution of a consensual perate anxiety had come undone. In 1987 a change came over my life, tice cannot be its own example.

ofcomplacentdeconstruction worse, a community euphoria,or, ists,reassuredand reconciled with the world inethical certainty,
98 Grey Room 2

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good conscience, satisfaction of service rendered,and thecon sciousness ofdutyaccomplished (or, more heroicallystill,yet to be accomplished)?3 But still,if one is touched, thestakesarepreciselythat: thatthe"perhaps" is mere euphoria. Isunwanted solitude inone'swork, imposed in spite a guarantee? I cannot know,but I cannot do of efforts to thecontrary, otherwise. I am touchedby an obsession forsomethingthatImistak enlykeep calling "deconstruction."

a stereotype of fictionalizing myself.There's "Responsibility"-where I spoke of an intervention in the meeting on theFlood Action Plan in Bangladesh at the European Parliament inStrasbourgas an "unautho rized formalization of thesilentdramaturgy ofOf Spirit ... an instan tiationofwhat I have learned fromthe textof responsibility: the animal-machineof fully programmedinformation, and a 'European' whose power remainsabyssal, so thatthetwosides seem combinatory to engage in an interminable conversation, while a specterdoes the rest."4 There's Imaginary Maps, which shows my brokenunderstanding of the"secret,"something"wewant to reveal and revel,conceal[ing] Yet on both sides thereis always thesense thatsomething nothing. has not got across."5 There's teleiopoesis,"cettegeneration par greffe conjointeet simul etdu constatif"-awelcome to tanee,sans corpspropre,du performatif companions of the futurethatseems almostmore thanan obsession teleiopoesisflippantly: Night and day,as a trained Europeanist, I am on the trackof the teleiopoetic imagination,affecting thedistant other with no guarantees,somuch less demeaning thandelib unknowingly, making dowithAristotleand poesis,when wham! Derrida broughtthe word intobeing, inPolitics ofFriendship.
for the last thirteen years. My method is simple: to see how the students are learning and not learning, and, on the basis of this, to give simple practical instructions to the troop off to the local primary school where they are made to sit apart I have been training teachers in Manbhum erately learned diversity. I am grateful toDerrida for the word. Iwas can bear, so plangent are its limits.6 In a recent piece, Iwrote about

too Iwill make no more

than a short list, for I have no talent for

teacher. Thework is finished whenmost of thestudents by midmorning,

fromthe other studentsbecause theyare aboriginals and generally The veryfew who enterhigh school are quicklydemoralized ignored. because of theprevailingneglect,because theycannot competewith
native Bengali speakers and because the teachers at my school forgottenmost ofwhat they learned after primary school. have

For the firstfewyears, talk about thiswork in progress seemed

Re DS emeberngJacq&es Derrlda TopVR uched by Des:onstrucior 99

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forbidden because it was too fragile. Now itseemsnot onlypossible but called for; yet theriskof ridiculeor, worse, unexaminedcongratulations looms.Somewhat against my betterjudgment, then,Iwill add a word about the work. In thefieldof subaltern specifically education, thebest talkstatistics, money, school buildings, teachers,textbooks, and sup plies. These are finethings.I am focusedelsewhere.In thefieldof train ingthere are, first, some cases ofaltogether benevolentEurocentricyet

good people. The training providedby thestateisgenerallyinferior and

formulaic and usually does not trickle down to the level ofwhich I am

training. I hesitate to name names because

these are, after all,

speaking. The training from above and providedby activistsisgenerally emphasizesconsciousness raising:rights, resistance, nationalism,iden orhabits of mind for which theshortcut reflexes name is "democracy." Since this is the largest sectorof thefuture electorate, my belief is that no reform without thehabit ofdemocracy, will last. InPolitics ofFriendshipDerridamakes an always inadequate plea
for slow reading, even at a time of political urgency.7 As so often, I echo him on another register and make a plea for the patient work of learning to learn from below-a tomend the species of "reading," perhaps-how is in themadness of a universal declaration of human rights-neces tity spliced on to literacy and numeracy. My method is to learn from below how to fashion, together, a way of teaching thatwill put in place

tornfabric of subaltern ethics with thethread of thesubject whose trace

sarily bendingcourbureintodroiture-straightness, rights, uprightness. Ifthis interests you, Ihave not altogether misread Derrida. Ihave offered you all thisembarrassing stuff to say thatthesestories ofA CritiqueofPostcolonialReason: "thesetting to work ofdeconstruc tion outsidetheformalizing totheacademic institution."8 calculus specific With one rider. The twoends of thespectrum havemoved imperceptibly; fear of thematizing, On theotherhand, isn't"l'en selling my lifeshort. de deconstruction... toujours treprise d'une certaine maniere emporte
par son propre travail," to its own discourse, as De la grammatologie claimed so long ago? Isn't thatwhat Derrida is doing in texts such as Monolingualism of the Other, miming the double bind in a way alto losing is not possible and perhaps that's the point?9 Ifyou lose you win, or you win. Such a text gives me a certain permission. could not not proceed from "la seule culture . .. dans laquelle those schools are on theway to a different academy, perhaps. This is a foreshortened list, not the least because I am beset by the are not just stories. Indeed, this ismy understanding of the final words

more vulnerable thantheforbidding gether Glas, playing to losewhere In Monolingualism Derrida tellsus that his philosophical interests
j'ai ete

He goes on to say that"je ne saurais en rendre jete atla naissance."'10



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compte 'apartirde la situation individuelle qu je viens de decrire si schematiquement.... Une genealogiejudeo-franco-maghrebine n'eclaire pas tout.... Mais pourrai-jerienexpliquer sans elle, jamais? Non, rien. ... "11 Iflesser intellectstriedto followthisby finding otherschemas letus say thepeculiar situationofBengali Marxism within interna tional Communism-that would schematically(mis)accountfor other philosophico-political interests, they would be halted/enabledby the structure of the Frenchpas at theend of thebook: "si un jourellem'est rendu,j'ai le sentiment que jeverraialors,pour lapremierefoisen real ite,comme apres lamort un prisonnierde la caverne [thereaderhas to
know this is a reference to Plato], la verite de ce que j'ai La ofu tendu vers ce qui se donne 'avenir, je sais enfin ne plus devoir discerner 12 Do not be taken in by my extrapola entre la promesse et la terreur." tions, I say to the reader. Read thewhole slim book. But read chapter 7 as an attempt at miming the double bind. Do not excuse itwith your

own "lexiques de la deconstruction";13 you'1l miss thepermanenceof theelaborationthen. Iknow you have chastisedme inprint for misreading you onMarx. difference between industrialcapital, predicatedupon thedifference betweenmaking and needing; commercialcapital, theappearance of money begetting money; and financecapital, competitive markets in negotiable instruments, where capitalmoves mit Gedankenschnelle (withthespeed of thought); and the movement of data, telecommuni cation, is indistinguishable from thecircuitofcapital.Surplus value is not interest, use value isnotusefulness. I repeatthislitany notbecause I'm right, but because I am obstinate. Iwould like to close this list with deconstruction'sgreatestgift,if something like a move thatdisengages the event-eine differente Beziehung (a different relation).I could cite many elusive instances, but
Iwill pick one thatwill not stay to be an instance. For the better part of ten years, I have been centering attention upon it. I refer to it and am always careful to say that I do not know how to talk about it. I surmise an originary queerness in tribals. Imean origi nary, not original; not archaic, not even uncanny. (Freud archives the there is any: differance-not a thing but, let us say for the moment, I haven't read those pages for fear of being hurt. But I must insist on the

originaryas the metapsychological psychologized in that wonderful essay.)14 Just somethingthatengages as sexual difference mark plays, ingtime, and activatingspace. defining
Today I glimpse that an originary queerness may be that fromwhich sexual difference differs. Itwill not be disclosed in a subject elabora tion. But today I feel able tomeditate upon it because I am haunted

by thethought thatit is thatfrom which sexual difference differs. The

IL? To eebrlgSCuS ere Sla uhed bsy OeccnsL?uc:tion 101

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distinctionbetween subjectship and agency,upon which my earlier from originary queerness. that takedepended, is different Michel Foucault: Ifasking thequestion ofone's Thus Iwould say to work, as didKant andBaudelaire, actualityinphilosophical or literary qualifies thequestioner as amodern European, and thus thequestion can be historicized, then it is theoratures that ofEnlightenmentitself as such is not necessarily a his canmake visible thatself-elaboration And the toricalquestion in thesense inwhich we understandhistory. allows itselftobe supposed upon such terrain queerness that originary Self-elaborationin this is no secretorigin thatdooms historiography.
space is no doubt a historical question insofar as it allows you to tem porize a life as a person among persons. And I don't mean "individual." But the fact that oratures do not do so in locatable archives does not

make them"without history." The inabilityto imagineorality is one of the scandals of so-called "La a good try: Derrida took More thenthirty yearsago, disciplines. literate de de suture sociale sont le et la classification point relation genealogique years ago. an important point ofdeparture,thirty point ofdeparture, is not a charac that self-elaboration only I would tellFoucault, then,
teristic ofmodernity. But I also say that to think of an originary differ l'arche-ecriture, condition de la langue (dite orale) et de l'ecriture au sens me only as a commun."915 Ihonor the impulse, but even this sufficed for

ence is not to thinkcontinuity.Let us call thisoriginaryqueerness thing,thequestion ofBeing in somethinglikeHeidegger's forgotten think sexual difference. We have forgotten it,to drag. was no distinguishing there might aswell have been. Ifyou remember, exergueof theScience of betweenBeing andNothingness in thatfirst
Logic. But why call it queer at all? Being in Hegel was not forgotten but

sexual sameness (is) sexual differ sexual sameness sexual difference, same (is) difference. ence. Same difference,

It is in that spirit that one might say, in that sup-posed


as derived and contained,of course.But, To thinksexual difference

thewomen of the tribes constrain me to do so.


it at all?

for me, also because

of dif Imust add a sentencehere, Derrida's extraordinary rewriting en injonction in aussi bien f6rance Voyous: "le 'ade a-venirinflechissant en disjonction."'16 messianique le a d'une diffrrance qu'en attente

months "TouchedbyDeconstruction,"quite a few Ihad given my title, it.In the mean time,Ihad of course before theeventand had forgotten
102 Gre Rct 20

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Simply readingPeggy opened Derrida's exquisite book Le Toucher.17 my title. footnote made me recoil from Kamuf's translator's A mistake,again. by deconstruction. No, I cannotclaim tobe touched a couple ofdifferent ways, choose a Iwill make amistake in translation by it. homonym, and be tache-d describes theemergenceof the subject as a forme tachee in a fieldof Derrida has said a numberof timesthat light.Inhis seminarsthisyear, mymistake, analogize foolishly-whatelse is Lacan. Thus I compound
new?-and he would not use theword subject in the way de Man does, closer to In his famous seminar on the look, glance, or gaze, Jacques Lacan

cannotyetbe removed. struction, a stain that I talkedto myMama beforeI camehere,and HappyBirthday, old friend. yourkindness toher. she sendsyou herblessings.She has not forgotten
Notes la grammatologie 1967), 109: "ventur[e] up to (Paris: Minuit, trans. Gayatri Chakravorty See Of Grammatology, Spivak Press, 1976), 75. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University 49: "Operating 2. Derrida, De la grammatologie, from the inside, bor necessarily resources of subversion from the old structure, rowing all the strategic and economic 1. Jacques Derrida, De that perilous necessity."

stake a claim

to be une forme tachee in the field of decon

them structurally, that is to say, without borrowing and atoms, the enterprise of deconstruction always 24. work." Of Grammatology, 3. Jacques Derrida, "Passions," Stanford University Press, 1995). 4. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 5. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, in On

being able to isolate their elements in a certain way falls prey to its own ed. Thomas Dutoit (Stanford: 43.

the Name,

Imaginary trans. Gayatri Chakravorty 1995), xxv. (New York: Routledge, Spivak Maps, trans. George Collins 6. Jacques Derrida, Politics (New York: Verso, of Friendship, and 1994), 34: "this generation by joint and simultaneous grafting of the performative the constative" 7. Derrida, [translation modified]. Politics 78-79. of Friendship, Reason: the A Towards 8. Gayatri Chakravorty Critique of Postcolonial Spivak, Present Press, 1999), 431. (Cambridge: Harvard University History of a Vanishing 9. Jacques Derrida, Monolingualism of Origin, trans. of the Other; or, the Prosthesis Stanford Patrick Mensah Press, 1998). (Stanford: University 10. Derrida, Monolingualism at birth." not be able to account for 11. Derrida, Monolingualism of the Other, 71-72: "I would ... A so I have situation described it from the individual Judeo just schematically I it. But could not far from does everything, clarify Franco-Magrhebian genealogy it?No, nothing." explain anything without 12. Derrida, 13. See Politics of Friendship, 132,135,136. of the Other, passim. chapter 7,Monolingualism 14. An e-mail from Neville Hoad this morning generates this remark about the uncanny. of the Other, 70: "the culture into which Iwas thrown

2 (Fall 1994): boundary "Responsibility," "Translator's Preface," inMahasweta Devi,

Re JD. Rememberng



I Spvak


by Deconstructon


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the first page of this essay on the phone a couple of nights ago. He e-mailed Is originary queerness the question the uncanny? 15. Derrida, De la grammatologie, 182: "The genealogical relation and social classi seam of are the stitched fication condition of the (so-called oral) arche-writing, I read him

125. in the colloquial sense." Of Grammatology, language, and ofwriting sur 16. Jacques Derrida, Deux raison la Galil?e, (Paris: 2003), 154: essays Voyous: as "The ? of the ?-venir, the to of the to-come, inflecting or turning into an injunction From Rogues, the a of the difference in disjunction." well as into a messianic waiting trans. Pascale-Anne 2005), 108. Le Toucher, Jean-Luc Nancy (Paris: Galil?e, 1999). 17. Jacques Derrida, Brault and Michael Nass (Stanford: Stanford University Press,

104 Gre

Room 20

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