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Criteria / Mark 1.

Professional Presentation/ 1 Well organized, neatly presented, word processed, spelling, grammar, and punctuation Name and student number as well as lab partner/s name, date and time of experiment In-text referencing, reference list at end of report 2. Title and Abstract/ 1 Title: concise title directly above abstract (even if you have it on the cover page already) Abstract: Brief description of the experiment, the major results, associated uncertainties, comparison with theoretical results/expected results. 3. Introduction and Aims/ 1 A brief paragraph describing key physics and relevant background At the end of the introduction, state the aims of experiment 4. Procedure and Apparatus/ 0.5 Describe the equipment used, you may include labeled sketches, drawing, or photographs of apparatus Describe how you conducted the experiment. Remember to use past tense, you are telling the reader what you have done. 5. Risk Assessment/ 0.5 Use a risk assessment matrix (under lab section of Blackboard) to: (i) Consider the health and safety risk of this experiment to yourself and others in the laboratory. (ii) Determine what measures you would put in place to mitigate/reduce these risks where possible. Attach the risk assessment at the end of your report after the references list 6. Data, Critical Analysis and Uncertainties / 2 Data presented in numbered table format with proper titles and headings ie. Table 1: Description of Some Tabulated Data Figures to presented with number headings and with proper titles and headings ie. Figure 1: Graph of some Data You should write text which refers to/describes data in tables and plots Show calculations of key parameters and calculations of uncertainties where necessary Present data in scientific notation where applicable Use appropriate SI units eg. metres (m), seconds (s), metres per second (m/s). 7. Summary and Discussions /2 Brief summary the experiment and aims Describe the results and put them in context with the expected or theoretical values do they match? If not, why? You may need to do some research for this part. Identify the major source(s) of uncertainty and how they contribute to the final uncertainty Statements describing ways to improve the precision and/or accuracy of the final result by improving the method employed as well as considering alternative equipment Unnecessary repetition of method or results will not be considered as discussion 8. Answers to specific questions /2

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