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Curriculum Areas: English Unit: Asia and Australias Engagement with Asia We want students to (outcomes):

Stage/ Year: Stage 3 year 5 and 6 Unit duration: 8 weeks 3 x 45minute lessons What do we want our students to learn? (Deep knowledge element) Through the completion of the unit the students will develop an understanding and appreciation of the Asian culture. They will research various Asian countires. The books covered in detail are: The Red Piano Andre Le lanc! The "hina ook Li#$u Lai %ung! irthday oy &animated film' (aiting for )ummy Tae#*un Lee The +nemy ,avide "ali .erge loch. The themes other than +nglish raised throughout include dictatorship! propaganda! )ao/s cultural revolution! 0orean (ar! futility of war! refugees! yellow peril! (hite Australia Policy and the appreciation of freedom and democracy and the development of empathy.

Overall Themes EN3 5! "#ontent $oint %&': re#ognise the te#hni(ues used )y writers to $osition a reader and in*luen#e their $oint o* +iew EN3 3A "#ontent $oint %6': na+igate and read texts *or s$e#i*i# $ur$oses a$$lying a$$ro$riate text $ro#essing strategies, *or exam$le, $redi#ting and #on*irming, monitoring meaning, skimming and s#anningEN3 3A "#ontent $oint .%': analyse and e+aluate the way that in*eren#e is used in a text to )uild understanding in imaginati+e, in*ormati+e and $ersuasi+e texts EN3 5! "#ontent $oint %&': re#ognise the te#hni(ues used )y writers to $osition a reader and in*luen#e their $oint o* +iewEN3 5! "#ontent $oint %.': #onsider and de+elo$ sustained arguments and dis#ussions su$$orted )y e+iden#e "#om$arisons with #urrent e+ents' EN3 6! "#ontent $oint %&': use #om$lex $un#tuation to engage the reader and a#hie+e $ur$oseEN3 6! "#ontent $oint %8': sele#t a$$ro$riate language *or a $ur$ose, eg, des#ri$ti+e, $ersuasi+e, te#hni#al, e+aluati+e, emoti+e and #ollo(uial when #om$osing textsEN3 8/ "#ontent $oint 3': make #onne#tions )etween students own ex$erien#es and those o* #hara#ters and e+ents re$resented in texts drawn *rom di**erent histori#al, so#ial and #ultural #ontextsEN3 8/ "#ontent $oint 5': identi*y as$e#ts o* literary texts that #on+ey details or in*ormation a)out $arti#ular so#ial, #ultural and histori#al #ontexts EN3 8/ "#ontent $oint 6': re#ognise how the use o* language and +isual *eatures #an de$i#t #ultural assum$tions in texts EN3 8/ "#ontent $oint %4': dis#uss as$e#ts o* literature *rom a range o* #ultures to ex$lore #ommon ex$erien#es and ideas as well as re#ognising di**eren#eEN3 8/ "#ontent $oint 8': identi*y and des#ri)e the re$resentation o* $eo$le, $la#es and e+ents in *ilm and the mediaEN3 8/ "#ontent $oint %&': #lari*y understanding o* #ontent as it un*olds in *ormal and in*ormal situations, #onne#ting ideas to students own ex$erien#es and $resent and 0usti*y a $oint o* +iewEN3 8/ "#ontent $oint %%': dis#uss and ex$lore moral, ethi#al and so#ial dilemmas en#ountered in textsEN3 8/ "#ontent $oint %.': res$ond to short *ilms, do#umentaries and multimedia texts that ex$ress *amiliar and new as$e#ts o* the )roader world EN3 8/ "#ontent $oint %3': #om$ose a +ariety o* texts, eg $oetry that re*le#t their understanding o* the world around them

inks to Stage Statements .tudents will use considered language to entertain! inform and persuade. .tudents will work productively and independently in a group in a range of si1es .tudents will collaborate with others to share and evaluate ideas and opinions and to develop different points of view .tudents will e2press well#developed and well#organised ideas about literary te2ts and respond constructively to different opinions .tudents evaluate characteristic language features and organisational patterns of challenging spoken te2ts .tudents will respond to themes and issues within te2ts! recognise point of view and 3ustify interpretations by referring to their own knowledge! values and e2periences .tudents will compare and accurately summarise information in order to make generalisations about a topic .tudents will create well#structured and well#presented written and multi#modal imaginative! informative and persuasive te2ts .tudents will evaluate the effectiveness of their writing by drafting! proofreading! editing! reviewing and publishing !his learning matters "ecause: 1he students will de+elo$ a sense o* em$athy *or #ultures other than their own- 1hey will a$$re#iate the #ountry Australia and the *reedom and demo#ra#y that we ha+e- Students will de+elo$ an a$$re#iation o* Australias histori#al $ast and glo)al wards that ha+e in*luen#ed the #hara#ters in the texts 1hey will understand that )ias, $oint o* +iew, narrators #hoi#e o* words et# are all used deli)erately to $osition the reader +iewer- 1hey will )e#ome more #riti#al thinkers as a result 1he students will learn a)out #urrent Asian e+ents and other glo)al $henomenon on similar themesStudents will de+elo$ sustained o$inions and thought a)out the issues $resented Wh# does this learning matter? (Signi$icance dimension) 1he students ha+e a res$onsi)ility to think #riti#ally a)out any text, media item et# $resented to them and to realise that sometimes these are used in a mani$ulati+e manner to $ersuade them+ow will students demonstrate their deep understanding? .tudents will demonstrate their

Assessment task outline 2EE3 4NE 5ESS4N 167EE: 4)0e#ti+e A assessment in*ormati+e text: %&'()A 2rite a . minute s$ee#h gi+ing in*ormation a)out an Asian #ountry o* your #hoi#e "other than 8hina' 2EE3 124 5ESS4N 167EE: 4)0e#ti+e 8 assessment $ersuasi+e text: %&'(*A 9magine you are :ao-

2rite a s$ee#h to the $eo$le o* 8hina, #on+in#ing; $ersuading them to *ollow your rule- Ensure your text uses sustained and e**e#ti+e use o* $ersuasi+e de+i#es%&'(,A: edit your $ie#e o* text to re#ognise most miss$elt words in your writing 2EE3 167EE 5ESS4N 4NE 4)0e#ti+e A assessment: %&'('A 5ook at the $ersuasi+e de+i#es used in 1he 7ed <iano- 8onsider that it has )een $u)lished )y Amnesty 9nternational- /oes this #hange the message= 2rite a res$onse a)out the modality used and how the message would )e di**erent had it )een $u)lished )y the 8hinese go+ernment 2EE3 >4?7 5ESS4N 167EE 4)0e#ti+e 8 assessment 9maginati+e text: %&'(-C 6a+e the students think a)out how the *ilm ends- 2hat would )e the #on+ersation that ensues a*ter the )oys mother arri+es= 2hat would mums rea#tion )e to the $a#kage= 2rite the dialogue that you think would o##ur )etween the mother and son2EE3 >9@E 5ESS4N 124 4)0e#ti+e E assessment grou$ roles: %&'(.% /is#uss and re*le#t on the roles and res$onsi)ilities when working as a mem)er o* a grou$ %&'()A: 2ork as $art o* a grou$ to des#ri)e the similarities and di**eren#es )etween !irthday !oy and 2aiting *or :ummy2EE3 S9A 5ESS4N 167EE 4)0e#ti+e / assessment imaginati+e text: %&'(/D 2rite the *inal letter to the enemy- 2hat would you say= Bou only ha+e a small $ie#e o* $a$er, what words allow you to )e su##in#t%&'(01: sele#t a$$ro$riate language *or a $ur$ose, eg des#ri$ti+e, $ersuasi+e, te#hni#al, e+aluati+e, emoti+e and #ollo(uial when #om$osing texts2EE3 E9C61 5ESS4N 4NE 4)0e#ti+e ! assessment <ersonal res$onse: %&'(21 2rite a $ersonal res$onse ex$laining your o$inion o* re*ugees #oming to Australia3e# outcomes $or assessment Assessment criteria (5ndicators/ Content Descriptors) .ee relevant lessons mentioned above

deep understating through a variety of defferent assessment tasks which will be graded against marking criteria that allows for the scope of an A#+ outcome and are open#ended in the sense that they allow for depp knowledge to be translated

+ow well do we e4pect students to do it? .tudents will be graded against marking rubrics and the information will be formally disseminated through semester reports and interviews

esson Se6uence
2eek % 4ut#omes 8ontent; 5earning Ex$erien#e 5esson % 2hat is Asia= 5esson . 2hat )elie* systems;languages; religions; are *ollowed= @iew D9n my Shoes "8hina'E 5esson 3 Assessment "4)0 A' 7esour#es Assessment 1he 8hina !ook 5ESS4N 167EE: a $eo$le a $la#e a 4)0e#ti+e A #ulture, assessment in*ormati+e text: National %&'()A Ceogra$hi# *or 2rite a . minute %SS7& 7&% kids s$ee#h gi+ing 4ocus: (hat is Asia5 in*ormation a)out 2here is it= Show students a ma$ o* Asia and its $la#e in relation to Australia9n my shoes an Asian #ountry 2hat #ountries make u$ Asia= 8entre on 8hina"8hina' o* your #hoi#e Are these large #ountries in the same hemis$here= "other than 8hina' 8an they *ind out how many hours *light time )etween Sydney and !ei0ing and 9n my shoes )etween other #a$ital #ities= <oint out !ei0ing and then the 8hinese $ro+in#e o* 9nner :ongolia where the story "Shanghai' is set8om$lete a @enn diagram to esta)lish the $rior knowledge o* students "N!: @enn diagram is two o+erla$$ing #ir#les'- 5a)el one #ir#le D8hinese 6istoryE and the other D8hina 1odayE- 1he interse#tion o* the two #ir#les will $ro+ide s$a#e *or students knowledge a)out 8hina whi#h *its )oth la)els- 1his )rainstorm will esta)lish any knowledge o* :ao and the #ultural re+olution1he histori#al note )ox on the $age ad0a#ent to the title $age o* the 7ed <iano #an then )e utilised )y tea#hers- "N!: in#luded in Note)ook'@iew 67n my shoes &"hina' "*ound in the wee)ly' to gi+e the students a sna$shot o* li*e in 8hina today%SS7& !W7 4ocus: (hat belief systems8languages8 religions8 political systems are followed5 2at#h 67n my shoes &.hanghai'/ "*ound in the wee)ly' to dis#uss li*e in 8hina todayStart to )uild )a#kground in*ormation on 8hina- 5ook at the 8hinese language "$- .8', the religions and )elie* systems *ollowed "$-%4' and the 8hinese Fodia# "$-.&'- D1he 8hina !ook A $eo$le, a $la#e, a #ultureEG !y 5i Bu 5ai 6ung-

+9:#;, &content point :': make connections between students/ own e2periences and those of characters and events represented in te2ts drawn from different historical! social and cultural conte2ts. 1he #lass would then ha+e inde$endent resear#h time, whether it )e using the internet or )ook resour#es to resear#h another Asian #ountry and write a . minute s$ee#h+9:#:A &content point <': understand how te2ts vary in purpose! structure and topic as well as the degree of formality +9:#:A &content point <=': select! navigate and read te2ts for a range of purposes! applying appropriate te2ts! processing strategies and interpreting structural features! for e2ample! table of contents! glossary! chapters! headings and sub#heading. %SS7& !+8%% 4ocus: "ontinue research task and present > minute speech on an Asian country 8ontinue resear#h task and )egin $resentations- 1ea#hers may need to use talking and listening time to #om$lete this task within the weekASS%SS9%&! !AS3: %&'()A 2rite a . minute s$ee#h gi+ing in*ormation a)out an Asian #ountry o* your #hoi#e "other than 8hina' +9:#<A &content point <<': use interaction skills! varying conventions of spoken interaction such as voice volume! tone! pitch and pace according to group si1e! formality of interaction and needs and e2pertise of the audience. +9:#<A &content point <?': discuss and e2periment with ways to strengthen and refine spoken te2ts in order to entertain! inform! persuade or inspire the audience.

1he 7ed <iano: 5esson % 7eading and de#onstru#ting the text 5esson . !uilding )a#kground in*ormation a)out the :ao dynasty 5esson 3 Authors te#hni(ues own #hoi#e o* words $artner to de#onstru#t your text and make #omment %SS7& 7&% 9ntrodu#e the text 1he 7ed <iano using $ro+ided lesson notes "see se#tion .':ake mention o* the 8hinese #hara#ters that are used to signi*y the #ha$ters that are used in 1he 7ed <iano- 1ea#hers $lease note that this will )e an extended lesson, to do the )ook 0usti#e and de+elo$ the students understanding o* the many #om$lex #on#e$ts in+ol+ed%SS7& !W7 7ead the atta#hment DA !a#kground to the 8hinese 8ultural 7e+olutionE )y /r Hoan Crant "*ound in the wee)ly' to the #lass- 9nitiate a dis#ussion o* the main $oints%SS7& !+8%% 2hat would :ao say a)out the )ook 1he 7ed <iano= 9magine you are :ao2rite a s$ee#h to the $eo$le o* 8hina, #on+in#ing;$ersuading them to *ollow your ruleASS%SS9%&! !AS3 : %&'(*A 9magine you are :ao- 2rite a s$ee#h to the $eo$le o* 8hina, #on+in#ing; $ersuading them to *ollow your rule- Ensure your text uses sustained and e**e#ti+e use o* $ersuasi+e de+i#es+9:#>A &content point <>': compose te2ts that include sustained and effective use of persuasive devices. %&'(,A: edit your $ie#e o* text to re#ognise most miss$elt words in your writing+9:#?A &content point ?': recognise most misspelt words in their own writing and use a variety of resources for correction. +9:#@" &content point <>': adapt aspects of print or media te2ts to create new te2ts by thinking creatively and imaginatively about character! setting! narrative voice! dialogue and events.

5ESS4N 167EE: 4)0e#ti+e 8 assessment $ersuasi+e text: %&'(*A 9magine you are :ao2rite a s$ee#h to the $eo$le o* 8hina, #on+in#ing; $ersuading them to *ollow your ruleEnsure your text uses sustained and e**e#ti+e use o* $ersuasi+e de+i#es%&'(,A: edit your $ie#e o* text to re#ognise most miss$elt words in your writing

1he 7ed <iano: 5esson % $ersuasi+e de+i#es $u)lishing house "Amnesty 9nternational' 5esson . grammar, $un#tuation and +o#a)ulary *rom +arious $ages, reading and +iewing 5esson 3 1hinking imaginati+ely "4)0 8' assessment I +iew the Bou 1u)e #li$ on Fhu Aiao :ei $er*orming as a #on#ert $ianist %SS7& 7&% 8onsider that this text has )een $u)lished )y Amnesty 9nternational- 2hat does the #lass know a)out Amnesty 9nternational= 7ead and dis#uss the notes J1he Enemy 1ea#hers Notes "<art 4'- 6ow might this #hange the modality and how does it $osition the reader= /is#uss: 6ow would a go+ernment o**i#ial re$ort on the girls ex$erien#es= 6ow would they tell their story= Students write a re*le#tion in their )ooks a)out the $ers$e#ti+es *rom )oth sides+9:#:A# &content point A': recognise and compare how composers use a range of language features! including connective! topic sentences and active and passive voice! to achieve their purposes +9:#= &content point @': understand the sues of ob3ective and sub3ective language and bias. 4)0e#ti+e A assessment: %&'('A 5ook at the $ersuasi+e de+i#es used in 1he 7ed <iano- 8onsider that it has )een $u)lished )y Amnesty 9nternational- /oes this #hange the message= 2rite a res$onse a)out the modality used and how the message would )e di**erent had it )een $u)lished )y the 8hinese go+ernment +9:#>A &content point =': e2plore and analyse the effectiveness of informative and persuasive devices in te2ts +9:#:A &content point <B': recognise evaluative language! including emotive language and modality +9:#:A &content point >B': summarise a te2t and evaluate the intended message and theme +9:#A &content point <;': select appropriate language for a purpose! eg!

5ESS4N 4NE 4)0e#ti+e A assessment: %&'( 'A 5ook at the $ersuasi+e de+i#es used in 1he 7ed <iano8onsider that it has )een $u)lished )y Amnesty 9nternational/oes this #hange the message= 2rite a res$onse a)out the modality used and how the message would )e di**erent had it )een $u)lished )y the 8hinese go+ernment

descriptive! persuasive! technical! evaluative! emotive and colloCuial when composing te2ts. %SS7& !W7 5ook #losely at the text on the *irst $age in #ha$ter .- 5ook at the ad0e#ti+es in the *irst senten#e and how they ha+e )een grou$ed to *orm a $hrase DK#ram$ed rooms reek o* warm sweat, the *oul smell o* extinguished #oal *iresKE- /is#uss with the students the authors deli)erate #hoi#e o* words and how these )uild a *uller des#ri$tion o* the #onditions in the #am$+9:#>A#&content point <': Dnderstand and appreciate the way te2ts are shaped through e2ploring a range of language forms and features and ideas. +9:#A &content point A': understand how noun groups8phrases and ad3ective groups8phrases can be e2panded in a variety of ways to provide a fuller description of the person! place! thing or idea. +9:#:A &"ontent point E': recognise how grammatical features help to build meaning in te2ts! including reference links and adverbial and ad3ectival phrases. /is#uss the $hrase D1aking small #are*ul ste$sKEand ask the #hildren to write a similar $hrase with a #om$arati+e meaning eg des#ri)ing how the girl would lea+e the house i* in a hurry or ex#ited et#+9:#A &content point @': understand how ideas can be e2panded and sharpened through careful choice of verbs! elaborated tenses and a range of adverb groups8phrases 5ook at the use o* #ommas to se$arate #lauses and dis#uss how they gi+e more em$hasis- "#h .' +9:#A &content point <>':understand the uses of commas to separate clauses 5ook at $ossessi+e a$ostro$hes and how to use a$ostro$hes with #ommon and $ro$er nouns- "See #h 3' D1he days woesKE and D8hairman :aos wi*eKE +9:#A &content point <<': understand how the grammatical category of possessives is signalled through apostrophes and how to use apostrophes with common and proper nouns.

5ook at the short senten#es used on $age .L- 6ow are these used to )uild tension- Are the short senten#es more e**e#ti+e in this instan#e than a longer , more #om$lex senten#e5ook also at $age .M and dis#uss the e**e#ti+eness o* the long and short senten#es used there+9:#A &content point <A': e2periment with different types of sentences! eg short sentences to build tension and comple2 sentences to add detail. +9:#:A# &content point @': understand that the starting point of a sentence gives prominence to the message in the te2t and allows for prediction of how the te2t will unfold. %SS7& !+8%% Students write a letter to their 3& year old sel* a)out their as$irations, dreams *or the *uture $re $ost ex$erien#es+9:#:A &content point <E': recognise how aspects of personal perspective influence responses to te2t. @iew the Bou 1u)e #li$ $romoting the )ook and dis#uss the $resent day li*e o* the little girl who is now a world renowned #on#ert $ianist-

!irthday !oy: 5esson % @iewing the short *ilm write a res$onse to the *ilm, what is it a)out= 2hat is the signi*i#an#e o* the )irthday $resent= 5esson . /isse#t the *ilm and dis#uss5esson 3 9n my shoes "8hina' 3orean war, #ommunism di#tator, e**e#t on #i+ilians, uni*ormity %SS7& 7&% @iew the *ilm J!irthday !oy "*ound on the wee)ly'- 6a+e the students write a res$onse as to what they )elie+e the *ilm is a)out- 9s there a message= "N! /ont dis#uss the *ilm $rior to the students writing their res$onse-' /is#uss the +arious as$e#ts o* the *ilm and the storyline- 2hat is the signi*i#an#e o* the )irthday $resent= +9:#@" &content point >'. 7nterpret events! situations and characters in te2ts. +9:#@" &content point ?'. think critically about aspects of te2ts such as ideas and events. +9:#@" &content point @'. compare how composers and illustrators make stories e2citing! moving and absorbing to hold readers/ interest %SS7& !W7 /e#onstru#tion o* the *ilm dis#uss the *a#t that it has no dialogue "other than that the song the )oy is singing' use o* #lose u$s, *ilm o$ening in a *uselage, +illage a**e#ted )y war, desolation on a wide s#ale, dis#ussion a)out the signi*i#an#e o* the gi*t "more (uestions *or dis#ussion are *ound in the Note)ook *ile'+9:#:A &content point <:'. Recognise the effect of multimedia elements eg.!film techniCues! animation! voice#overs! sound effects! framing! close ups. +9:#:A &content point <@'. 7nterpret FseCuences of digital images which do not contain written te2t. %SS7& !+8%% /is#uss with the #lass the use o* a multimedia *ilm )eing used as a text- 2hat other exam$les o* multimedia texts #an you think o*= :ultimodal texts in#ludeG news$a$er, ad+ertisements, t+, internet, et#-

5ESS4N 167EE 4)0e#ti+e 8 assessment 9maginati+e text: %&'(-C 6a+e the students think a)out how the *ilm ends2hat would )e the #on+ersation that ensues a*ter the )oys mother arri+es= 2hat would mums rea#tion )e to the $a#kage= 2rite the dialogue that you think would o##ur )etween the mother and son-

2here is 3orea= 2hat do you already know a)out 3oreans $ast= 2hat is a #i+il war= 6ow did the 3orean war e+entuate= 6ow #an a di#tator #hange your (uality o* li*e= "!asi# in*ormation *ound on wee)ly 1he 8old 2ar 3orea4)0e#ti+e 8 assessment 9maginati+e text: %&'(-C 6a+e the students think a)out how the *ilm ends- 2hat would )e the #on+ersation that ensues a*ter the )oys mother arri+es= 2hat would mums rea#tion )e to the $a#kage= 2rite the dialogue that you think would o##ur )etween the mother and son+9:#@" &content point ='. Think imaginatively when engaging with te2ts! using prediction! for e2ample! to imagine what happens to characters after the te2t.

2aiting *or :ummy: 5esson % 7ead the )ook last $age analysis, de#onstru#ting the text, setting, #om$arisons )etween it and !irthday !oy, use o* *irst and third $erson 5esson . 4ther adults at the tram sto$ lea+e him there, tram dri+er a)andons the )oy, why= 1urning a )lind eye, not im$li#ating sel*, would that ha$$en here, how would we deal with it= "writing task' 5esson 3 %SS7& 7&% 5ook at the #o+er and ask D2hat #ould this )ook )e a)out=E En#ourage #hildren to talk a)out the title, narrator, illustrator5ook at the $i#tures o* the +illage at the *ront o* the )ook- /oes it gi+e any #lues a)out what will )e in the story= /oes the $i#ture look *amiliar= 2hat does it tell us= 2hen does the story take $la#e and where #ould the story )e set= 7ead the )ook to the #lass/is#uss the ending with the #lass- /ont re+eal to the #lass the +ery last dou)le $age where mum is holding hands with the )oy- Ask: where do you think mum is= 2hat has ha$$ened to her= 2hat will ha$$en to the )oy= Now read the DA)out the !ook )lur) to the #lass and dis#ussDSet in 3orea in the %L3&s "a time o* $o+erty and danger when 3orea is under Ha$anese rule', 2aiting *or :ummy is a de#e$ti+ely straight *orward story o* a young #hild waiting at a tram sto$ *or his mother1rams #ome and go, $eo$le alight, yet her de+oted son waits stoi#ally and $atiently, e+en as a snow storm gathers- 2ill :ummy e+er return= 1he reader must )e as $atient as the #hild as the #hild is su)tly resol+ed *or those looking #losely in the *inal magi#al illustration- 1his was only added in the next $u)li#ation o* the story where the image o* mum holding the )oys hand was added- 4riginally the last dou)le $age *eatured the )oy alone- D /is#uss with the #lass the reasons why this illustration would ha+e )een #hanged6ow does it #hange the theme o* the )ook= 6a+e the students write the next $age o* the )ook *rom )oth s#enarios, one with the )oy alone and one where the )oy *inds his mother=

5ESS4N 124 4)0e#ti+e E assessment grou$ roles: %&'(.% /is#uss and re*le#t on the roles and res$onsi)ilities when working as a mem)er o* a grou$ %&'()A: 2ork as $art o* a grou$ to des#ri)e the similarities and di**eren#es )etween !irthday !oy and 2aiting *or :ummy-

%SS7& !W7 Now with the in*ormation you ha+e *rom )oth )ooks 2aiting *or :ummy and !irthday !oy, draw #om$arisons )etween the two #hara#ters, the settings, the story line, a$$earan#e o* town, $o$ulations, make #om$arisons )etween the text or non text used in )oth- 8onsider the #hara#ters dress, the time *rame in whi#h the )ook is set- N!: 2aiting *or :ummy is set in the %L3&s a time when 3orea is under Ha$anese rule- 2hile !irthday !oy is set in %L5%, a time when 3orea is engaged in #i+il war )etween the north and the south7eintrodu#e a @enn diagram *or the students "*eatured in lesson one'- 6a+e the students work as $art o* a grou$ to des#ri)e the similarities and di**eren#es )etween !irthday !oy and 2aiting *or :ummy- Students should )e a)le to work #oo$erati+ely and understand the roles that take $la#e when working in a grou$Students should )e a)le to dis#ern the *a#t that one is an animated *ilm, and one a )ook- 1his in+ol+es the reader; +iewer in di**erent ways- !irthday !oy is *rom a *irst $erson $oint o* +iew, whereas 2aiting *or :ummy is written in third $erson4)0e#ti+e E assessment grou$ roles: %&'(.% /is#uss and re*le#t on the roles and res$onsi)ilities when working as a mem)er o* a grou$ %&'()A: 2ork as $art o* a grou$ to des#ri)e the similarities and di**eren#es )etween !irthday !oy and 2aiting *or :ummy+9:#<A &content point A': use appropriate metalanguage to identify and describe relationships between and among te2ts +9:#:A &content point ?': compare te2ts including media te2ts to represent ideas and events in different ways e2plaining the effects of the different approaches +9:#:A &content point ;': identify the impact of first#person and third#person narration on the reader8 viewer +9:#@" &content point <:': analyse and evaluate similarities and differences in te2ts on similar topics! themes! plots +9:#E+ &content point E': discuss and reflect on the roles and responsibilities when working as a member of a group and evaluate the benefits of working collaboratively with peers to achieve a goal

%SS7& !+8%% @iew the !1N story a)out North 3orea "*ound on the wee)ly'/is#uss the restri#tions $la#ed on the #i+ilians li+ing there- 1hink a)out how you would *eel i* this were your reality- 6ow would you *eel ha+ing no a##ess to 9nternet and knowing that all o* the media $resented had )een hea+ily )iased and #ensored )y the go+ernment= 2hat 5 (uestions would you ask 3im Hong ?n i* you were to inter+iew him= And write what you think his res$onses would )e in 0usti*ying his $osition as di#tator+9:#E+ &content point ;': formulate Cuestions for specific purposes! eg! to clarify and reflect.

1he Enemy <ro$aganda 5esson % 7ead the text, dis#uss what would lead a $erson to take another $ersons li*e, why has the )ook )een written= 6ow does *ear o* the enemy $lay a role in war= /e#onstru#tion o* text- 6ow are the images #on*ronting= Are they more #on*ronting than what we see on the news= 6ow does #artoon strengthen or weaken the image= Are we desensitiNed to images we see daily in the news= 5esson . 2hy and how do $eo$le allow themsel+es to )e mani$ulated- 2hat is the distin#tion )etween taking a li*e in wartime and $ea#etime= 9s it di**erent= 5esson 3 2rite the *inal letter to the enemy- 2hat would you say= 1ake note o* the *a#t that it has to *it in a )ottle- Bou only ha+e a small $ie#e o* $a$er, what words allow you to )e su##in#t%SS7& 7&% 7ead the text- /is#uss what would lead a $erson to take another $ersons li*e, why has the )ook )een written= 6ow does *ear o* the enemy $lay a role in war= /e#onstru#tion o* text- 6ow are the images #on*ronting= Are they more #on*ronting than what we see on the news= 6ow does #artoon strengthen or weaken the image= Are we desensitiNed to images we see daily in the news= 8onsider the )lur) $u)lished with the authors notes D9n ex$loring his own emotions a)out a #on*li#t seemingly without end or reason, he #omes to sus$e#t his enemy is not the inhuman )ar)arian he has )een warned a)out, )ut may 0ust )e a *rightened tired +i#tim o* $ro$aganda himsel*-E +9:#A &content point <;': select appropriate language for a purpose! eg! descriptive! persuasive! technical! evaluative! emotive and colloCuial when composing te2ts. +9:#;, &content point<': recognise that ideas in literary te2ts can be conveyed from different viewpoints! which can lead to different of interpretations and responses. +9:#;, &content point ?': understand how to move beyond making bare assertions and take account of differing perspectives and points of view.

5ESS4N 167EE 4)0e#ti+e / assessment imaginati+e text: %&'(/D 2rite the *inal letter to the enemy- 2hat would you say= Bou only ha+e a small $ie#e o* $a$er, what words allow you to )e su##in#t%&'(01: sele#t a$$ro$riate language *or a $ur$ose, eg des#ri$ti+e, $ersuasi+e, te#hni#al, e+aluati+e, emoti+e and #ollo(uial when #om$osing texts-

%SS7& !W7 2hy and how do $eo$le allow themsel+es to )e mani$ulated= 2hat is the distin#tion )etween taking a li*e in wartime and $ea#etime= 9s it di**erent= Ask the students *or exam$les o* glo)al situations where $eo$le are )eing mani$ulated )y their $oliti#al *igure, eg Syria, North 3orea, A*ghanistan, Egy$tAre there any exam$les in Australias $ast= Asylum seekers= <oliti#al #am$aigns and agendas- 6ow do they mani$ulate us= 8onsider that the manual is the main mani$ulati+e de+i#e used )y the soldiers2hat do you think it #ontains= 2rite a dou)le $age *rom the manual and in#lude illustrations%SS7& !+8%% 4)0e#ti+e / assessment imaginati+e text: %&'(/D 2rite the *inal letter to the enemy- 2hat would you say= 1ake note o* the *a#t that it has to *it in a )ottle- Bou only ha+e a small $ie#e o* $a$er, what words allow you to )e su##in#t%&'(01: sele#t a$$ro$riate language *or a $ur$ose, eg des#ri$ti+e, $ersuasi+e, te#hni#al, e+aluati+e, emoti+e and #ollo(uial when #om$osing texts-

Australias o$inions a)out Asia 5esson % Cold rush, yellow $eril, JAlien ra#e 5am)ing *lat riots, news$a$er extra#ts5esson . 2hat has sha$ed Australians o$inions o* Asia= 2ar in+ol+ement, atta#ks on home soil 5esson 3 8urrent o$inions on Asia= 6a+e they #hanged= :ention the 2hite Australia <oli#y %SS7& 7&% Ask the students i* they know what the term JBellow <eril means- Show the we)site *ound on the wee)ly J:aking multi#ultural Australia htt$:;;www-multi#ulturalaustralia-edu-au;hotwords;un$a#k;Bellow-<eril - "1ea#hers should *eel *ree to use the links at the )ottom o* the site as they also #ontain rele+ant in*ormation, howe+er $lease $re+iew $rior to the lesson to as#ertain the suita)ility *or your #lass-' /o you still see this as an issue in todays world= /oes this stereoty$e still exist= 9s it a *air 0udgement to make= 8onsider that this has )een a stereoty$e sin#e the %88&s, how long do you think )e*ore this stereoty$e will #hange= 9s it something we #onsider to )e a generational $re0udi#e= 2hy= 8ould it )e linked to the Ha$anese #on*li#t in 2299 and the 2ar in @ietnam= 6ow ha+e atta#ks on home soil $erha$s strengthened the $re0udi#e at the time= 6ow many generations need to $ass )e*ore it disa$$ears= 9n grou$s o* 3 or 4, imagine you ha+e )een )orn into an Asian *amily- 6ow would this stereoty$e a**e#t your ex$erien#es and sense o* sel* worth= %SS7& !W7 7e*er to the 5am)ing >lat 7iot news$a$er re$orts "*ound in wee)ly'- 8ontinue the #lass dis#ussion a)out the ra#ism and $re0udi#e existing at the time- 2hat was the )asis *or these notions= 1hat they were hard working= And the *a#t that they were working hard to make a )etter li*e *or their *amilies )a#k in 8hina2rite a dialogue )etween a news$a$er re$orter and a witness at the riots "either Australian or Asian )a#kground' a)out the e+ents o* the day- 6a+e a $artner read o+er your work and gi+e their o$inion a)out the e**e#ti+eness o* the $ie#e-

+9:#E+ &content point A': critically reflect on the effectiveness of their own and other/s writing! seeking and responding to feedback. %SS7& !+8%% 8onsider Australians #urrent o$inions on $eo$le *rom an Asian )a#kground- 2hat im$a#t do you think the 2hite Australia <oli#y has had on these o$inions- @iew the in*ormation *ound at the we)site )elow and linked to the wee)lyhtt$:;;www-multi#ulturalaustralia-edu-au;hotwords;un$a#k;2hite-Australia-<oli#y 6a+e the students look at the we)site and ex$lore some o* the Jhot to$i#s; links down the )ottom- 1hey #an #hoose one to resear#h *urther, exam$les might in#ludeG tem$orary $rote#tion +isas, re*ugees, detention, anti dis#rimination, et# "dis#ourage students sele#ting !oat <eo$le and <eo$le Smuggler as their to$i#, as it will )e dis#ussed in the *ollowing week'- 1hey should $ro+ide a hal* $age summary o* the in*ormation and a res$onse to the issues raised-

Australian a$$re#iation o* *reedom and demo#ra#y #urrent issues in Asia, #urrent issues around the world 9ndia, <akistan, 3orea, 8hina, 5esson % 2hat is your o$inion o* re*ugees #oming to Australia= !oat $eo$le ; other- 2rite a letter to a *riend ex$laining your $oint o* +iew on re*ugees- @iew the in*ormation *ound on J1he 6ot <otato we)site- htt$:;;thehot$otato-#om-au; 5ook at Seeking re*uge E$isode .- /is#ussion a)out the (uality o* li*e in home #ountries and new #ountries- /i**i#ulties ad0usting and transitioning- 2hat makes them lea+e= 2hy is staying worthwhile= 5esson . 5ook at Seeking re*uge E$isode 3- >urther dis#ussion a)out *eelings des$eration, *rustration, sadness, loss and how do you #ome to term with these emotions= 5esson 3 8hoose a dis#ussion $oint to write a)out li+ing in a demo#ra#y ":aos #ommunist regime', the *utility o* war, the *ragility o* li*e, li*e is J#hea$ and then in a grou$ dis#uss what your thoughts are%SS7& 7&% 2hat is your o$inion o* re*ugees #oming to Australia= !oat $eo$le ; other- 2rite a letter to a *riend ex$laining your $oint o* +iew on re*ugees- @iew the in*ormation *ound on J1he 6ot <otato we)site- htt$:;;thehot$otato-#om-au; and +iew Seeking 7e*uge E$isode . "*ound in the wee)ly'-A*ter +iewing this in*ormation, ha+e the *riend write a letter o* res$onse trying to #on+in#e the writer to #hange their o$inion or to #onsider some o* the *a#ts now known a)out )oat $eo$le4)0e#ti+e ! assessment <ersonal res$onse: %&'(21 2rite a $ersonal res$onse ex$laining your o$inion o* re*ugees #oming to Australia-

5ESS4N 4NE 4)0e#ti+e ! assessment <ersonal res$onse: %&'(21 2rite a $ersonal res$onse ex$laining your o$inion o* re*ugees #oming to Australia-

%SS7& !W7 @iew Seeking 7e*uge E$isode 3 and re*le#t on what was seen in e$isode ., initiate a dis#ussion a)out the (uality o* li*e in home #ountries and new #ountries/i**i#ulties ad0usting and transitioning- 2hat makes them lea+e= 2hy is staying worthwhile= >urther dis#ussion a)out *eelings des$eration, *rustration, sadness, loss and how do you #ome to term with these emotions= 9magine you are a )oat $erson *leeing *rom a dangerous situation, how would you )e *eeling= 2hat dangers ha+e you en#ountered= 2hat do you ex$e#t to )e the res$onse *rom Australians when you arri+e= And is this the reality= 2hat is your *eeling a)out )eing sent to a detention #entre= @iew the !1N story Boung 7e*ugee "*ound on the wee)ly'- /is#uss the a)o+e mentioned (uestions with this new )a#kground in*ormation%SS7& !+8%% Students write a dis#ussion a)out one o* the *ollowing to$i#s: li+ing in a demo#ra#y ":aos #ommunist regime', the *utility o* war, the *ragility o* li*e, li*e is J#hea$ and then in a grou$ re*le#t on other grou$s dis#ussions and draw out a #ommon thread )etween them+9:#= &content point <>': consider and develop sustained arguments and discussion supported by evidence. +9:#@" &content point <=': interpret a range of te2ts! eg! through role play or drama! for pleasure and en3oyment! and e2press an analytical conclusion about those te2ts.

9A835&: :U5D% 5&%S 4ut#ome ; 8riteria = %&*(,A: identi*y and ex$lain language *eatures o* texts *rom earlier times and #om$are with the +o#a)ulary, images, layout and #ontent o* #ontem$orary texts%&*(,A: ?se gra$hologi#al, $honologi#al, synta#ti# and semanti# strategies to res$ond to texts, e-gknowledge o* homo$hones, #ontra#tions, sylla)les, word *amilies and #ommon $re*ixes%&*(*A: 8reate texts that ada$t language *eatures and $atterns en#ountered in literary texts *or exam$le #hara#terisation, rhyme, rhythm, mood, musi#, sound e**e#ts and dialogue%&*()*%: /e+elo$ #riteria *or esta)lishing $ersonal $re*eren#es *or literature%&*(,A< %&*(*A< %&*()*% 9arking guidelines 8riti(ues the e**e#ti+eness o* the similarities;di**eren#es in a#hie+ing text $ur$ose Ex$lains the author intent )ehind why similaraties and di**eren#es a$$ear in the text Husti*ies why 8ir#les o* round is similar;di**erent to #ontem$orary text 9denti*y some di**eren#es and similarities )etween J8ir#les o* 7ound and #ontem$orary text 9denti*ies text *eatures and #learly analyses their $ur$ose in the #ontext o* the 8ir#les o* round 9denti*ies most text *eatures and #learly arti#ulates strategies used to identi*y them 9denti*ies most text *eatures 9denti*ies some text *eatures 5iterary text #reated that )uilds u$on the sele#ted text and su##ess*ully a$$lies *eatures o* sele#ted text to a#hie+e their own $ur$ose and enhan#e the $ur$ose o* the gi+en text 5iterary text #reated that su##ess*ully a$$lies *eatures o* sele#ted text to a#hie+e their own $ur$ose 5iterary text #reated that ex$eriments with the a$$li#ation o* *eatures o* a sele#ted text to a#hie+e their own $ur$ose 5iterary text #reated that mimi#s the *eatures o* the sele#ted text E**e#ti+ely de+elo$s #riteria that will assist them *ind literature that will meet a $ur$ose /e+elo$s #riteria that e**e#ti+ely assists them analyse literature and make in*ormed #hoi#es a)out what they will $re*er /e+elo$s a #riteria *or sele#ting literature they $re*er !eacher?s additional e>el comments 4utstanding 6igh Sound !asi# 4utstanding 6igh Sound !asi# 4utstanding 6igh Sound !asi# 4utstanding 6igh Sound

9denti*ies literature they $re*er


@87:8A9 @ A& Summar# o$ core components )ap the core knowledge and skills we need to teach the students in order for them to successfully engage in the planned assessment. 7n doing so! have we identified the syllabus content &9GT 79,7"ATGR.' we will be teaching in order to meet the assessment outcomes5 Component ) 5ntroduce "ook %sta"lish preconceptions o$ the "ook Aocus on predicition o$ themes< $eatures< words and content Component , 5denti$# Comple4it# What was comple4 a"out the te4t? +ow was the comple4it# intended to make the te4t more enDo#a"le? Did it work? Component %>aluates achie>ement o$ learning goals Component * Comparati>e iterature 5denti$# similarities< di$$erences when compared to contemporar# te4tB Component 2 Appl#ing Comple4it#< structures C Aeatures %4periment with the application o$ comple4it#< a"straction and language $eatures to create te4tB Component / De>eloping Criteria $or personal pre$erence Component ' Structures C Aeatures What was the te4t purpose and what was used to achie>e it? Component 0 %>aluating Comple4it#< structures C Aeatures %>aluate the e$$ecti>eness o$ sel$(created te4t when compared with contemporar# te4t and $ocus te4tB (see component *) Component . Applies learning to the introduction o$ new "ook

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