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Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l

Slchon koowuLLayakorn


!"##$% '()%#
*! +,, *%-(.#/ 0$1 2")(3/ 45."%5"

6""7 8$%3"%3#
lnLroducLlon and lce-8reaklng
unlL 1 8eadlng: AbouL PealLh Sclence
unlL 1 Language locus and WrlLlng:
Sub[ecL-verb AgreemenL & Compound SenLences
3 unlL 2 8eadlng: uenLal PealLh
unlL 2 Language locus and WrlLlng: Adverblal Clauses & Cerunds/lnflnlLlves
3 unlL 3 8eadlng: A Second Cplnlon
unlL 3 Language locus and WrlLlng: reflxes and Sufflxes
9:;<*=9 *>?9:@?<:A@
unlL 4 8eadlng: Crgan 8eLenLlon
unlL 4 Language locus and WrlLlng: Compound nouns and asslve volce
unlL 3 8eadlng: lood and PealLh
10 unlL 3 Language locus and WrlLlng: Modals and Clvlng Lxamples
11 unlL 6 8eadlng: loodborne ulsease
12 unlL 6 Language locus and WrlLlng: 8elaLlve Clauses
13 8evlslon
B:@?! *>?9:@?<:A@

Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


6""7 ,C D%.3 , =")E.%-C ?F$G3 2")(3/ 45."%5"
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
llll ln Lhe blank wlLh correcL lnformaLlon galned from Lhe readlng passage

8) revlous learnlng

C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 1exLbook
owerolnL slldes (flle name: AbouL healLh sclence)
Course ouLllne
!"#$ &'()'#) *+'
,#"- . /'01234156 *'57&+))-
82'3- +)14-+ &0")#0)9:'&-;5)1$"#< *'57&+))-

u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

(lnLroducLlon and lce breaklng)
1. 1 !SS 1 welcomes SS Lo LL211 class, check record aLLendance and
goes Lhrough Lhe course ouLllne. 1hen volunLeer SS collecL
money and go geL Lhe LexLbooks for Lhe class.

30 mln.
2. SS ! SS 1 dlsLrlbuLes !"#$ &'()'#) *+' and Lalks abouL all lLems wlLh
Lhe class. SS Lhen walk around and lnLervlew Lhelr classmaLes Lo
geL Lhe lnformaLlon ln each of Lhe grld.

23 mln.
3. 1 ! SS 1 has SS who possess each of Lhe characLerlsLlcs ln Lhe !"#$
&'()'#) *+' grld Lo lnLroduce Lhemselves.

23 mln.
(unlL 1 8eadlng)
4. 1 ! SS (re-readlng) 1 dlsLrlbuLes ,#"- . /'01234156 *'57&+))- Lo each
S. 1he class goes Lhrough Lhe vocabulary and Lhelr meanlngs.
1he class comes up wlLh Lhe explanaLlon ln 1hal and wrlLes
down Lhe LranslaLlon ln Lhe lefL-hand box.

13 mln.
3. S,S,S,S SS read Lhe passage and Lhen compleLe 82'3- +)14-+
&0")#0)9:'&-;5)1$"#< *'57&+))- by flndlng some mlsslng
lnformaLlon Lo flll ln Lhe blanks. 1 clrculaLes Lhe class and offer
helps as needed.

30 mln.
6. 1 ! SS 1 goes Lhrough Lhe answers wlLh Lhe whole class whlle
summarlzlng Lhe maln polnLs of each paragraph.

20 mln.
7. 1 ! SS 1 asslgns Comprehenslon check (page 3) and vocabulary check
(page4-3) as homework. Class dlsmlsses.
2-3 mln.
Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


6""7 +C D%.3 , !)%-G)-" B$5G# )%E 61.3.%-
H4GFI"53JK"1F ?-1""L"%3 M 8$LN$G%E 4"%3"%5"#O
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Choose Lhe verb forms LhaL agree wlLh Lhe sub[ecLs
Comblne senLences uslng approprlaLe con[uncLlons
CompleLe compound senLences ln Lhelr own words

8) revlous learnlng
unlL 1 8eadlng: AbouL PealLh Sclence

C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 1exLbook
owerolnL slldes (flle name: week 2 ppL slldes)
=32>)0-;/)52 1<5))()#- <5'3: *'57
&;/ 1<5))()#- &3::4)()#-156 *'57&+))-
?'(:'3#$ *5"-"#< *'57&+))-
@514 :5)&)#-1-"'# 1#$ 5):'5-

u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

1. 1 ! SS (Pomework) volunLeer SS wrlLe answers of homework exerclses
(page 3-3) on board.

10 mln.
(Sub[ecL-verb AgreemenL)
2. SS ! SS 1o acLlvaLe SS's prlor knowledge, 1 asks SS Lo close Lhe LexLbook
and form a group of 3-4 people (7 groups needed). 1 dlsLrlbuLes
=32>)0-;/)52 1<5))()#- <5'3: *'57 Lo lndlvldual SS and
randomly asslgns 3 numbers Lo each group. SS Lhen read Lhose
asslgned lLems and Lry Lo come up wlLh S-v agreemenL rules
LhaL explaln Lhe lLems.

20 mln.
3. 1 ! SS 1 calls ouL each group Lo explaln Lhelr flndlngs from group
dlscusslon. 1hen SS open Lhe LexLbook, and 1 explalns rules of
sub[ecL-verb agreemenL.

30 mln.
4. S,S,S,S SS pracLlce s-v agreemenL wlLh Lxerclse A on page 11. AfLer 10-
13 mlnuLes, Lhe class goes Lhrough Lhe answers LogeLher.

20 mln.
3. 1 ! SS 1 dlsLrlbuLes &;/ 1<5))()#- &3::4)()#-156 *'57&+))- and asks
SS Lo pracLlce aL home. 1he answer keys are provlded aL Lhe
end of Lhe worksheeL.

2-3 mln.
(Compound SenLences)
6. 1 ! SS 1 explalns Lhe componenLs of compound senLences and
lnLroduces Lhe coordlnaLlng con[uncLlons. 1hen Lhe class
23-30 mln.
Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


pracLlces puLLlng approprlaLe con[uncLlons ln Lhe senLences (on
ppL slldes).

7. S,S,S,S SS lndlvldually compleLe Lxerclse A on page 16-17. Cnce
flnlshed, 1 goes Lhrough Lhe answers wlLh Lhe whole class.

13 mln.
8. 1 ! SS 1 dlsLrlbuLes ?'(:'3#$ *5"-"#< *'57&+))- and goes Lhrough
Lhe meanlngs of each lLem wlLh Lhe class. SS are asked Lo
compleLe Lhls worksheeL aL home and submlL Lhelr work nexL
week ln Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe class.

3 mln.
(Cral resenLaLlon)
9. 1 ! SS 1 dlsLrlbuLes @514 :5)&)#-1-"'# 1#$ 5):'5- sheeL and explaln Lo
Lhe class whaL Lhey should do. 1hen SS are asked Lo form
groups and dlscuss whaL Loplc Lhey wanL Lo presenL.
20 mln.

6""7 PC D%.3 + =")E.%-C ;"%3)( 2")(3/
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Answer Lrue or false quesLlons correcLly
use lnformaLlon galned from Lhe readlng passage and llsLenlng Lask Lo answer Lhe quesLlons
abouL denLal healLh

8) revlous learnlng
unlL 2 Language locus and WrlLlng: Sub[ecL-verb AgreemenL
unlL 2 Language locus and WrlLlng: Compound SenLences

C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 LexLbook
LL211 Cu
owerolnL slldes (flle name: uenLal healLh)
A)15 $)#-"&- *'57&+))-

u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

(SS are asked Lo submlL Lhelr wrlLlng asslgnmenL.)

1. 1 ! SS 1 lnLroduces Lhe Loplc of denLal healLh by havlng SS llsLen Lo Lhe
conversaLlon ln Lhe Cu and answer Lrue or false quesLlons on
page 34.

20 mln.
2. 1 ! SS 1 dlsplays vocabulary llsL from Lhe readlng passage on Lhe
screen and Lhe class dlscuss Lhe meanlngs.

10 mln.
Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


3. S,S,S,S WlLh Lhelr group members, SS read Lhe passage and answer
comprehenslon check quesLlons on page 30-31.

30 mln.
4. 1 ! SS 1 goes Lhrough Lhe answers wlLh Lhe class. 10 mln.

3. SS ! SS SS form a group of 3 and play dear denLlsL" game. 1 dlsLrlbuLes
one copy of A)15 $)#-"&- *'57&+))- Lo each group. ln Lhls game,
SS preLend Lo be experLs, answerlng quesLlons abouL denLal
healLh Lo curlous web-users ln Lhe webslLe. 1 randomly asslgns
each group Lo answer Lwo quesLlons uslng lnformaLlon ln Lhe
readlng passage, llsLenlng Lask, as well as Lhelr own knowledge.

20 mln.
6. SS ! SS Croup presenLers come Lo Lhe fronL of Lhe class Lo pro[ecL Lhelr
answers on Lhe pro[ecLors and read lL aloud.

10 mln.
7. 1 ! SS SS are asked Lo compleLe vocabulary check (page 31) and
8eferences exerclse (page 33) as homework.

2-3 mln.

6""7 QC D%.3 + !)%-G)-" B$5G# )%E 61.3.%-
H?ER"1F.)( 8()G#"# M S"1G%E#T:%0.%.3.R"#O
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
ldenLlfy Lypes of adverblal clauses
Comblne senLences and con[uncLlons Lo form meanlngful adverblal clauses
llll ln Lhe blanks wlLh correcL forms of verbs (elLher gerunds or lnflnlLlves)
CompleLe senLences uslng gerundlal and lnflnlLlval phrases

8) revlous learnlng
unlL 2 8eadlng: uenLal PealLh

C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 LexLbook
owerolnL slldes (flle name: LL211 week 4)
=)#-)#0) 0'(2"#< <1()
BC1(:4)& 'D <)53#$& 1#$ "#D"#"-"/)&
,#"- E *5"-"#< 1&&"<#()#-

u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

1. 1 ! SS (Pomework) 1 reLurns SS's wrlLlng Lask (compound senLences)
and Lalks abouL commonly made errors. volunLeer SS wrlLe
Lhelr answers Lo exerclses (page 31-33) on board.
13 mln.
(Adverblal Clauses)
Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


2. 1 ! SS 1 lnLroduces Lhe Loplc of adverblal clauses and explalns Lypes of
adverblal clauses and subordlnaLlng con[uncLlons used.

20 mln.
3. SS ! SS SS form a group of 3 and everyone geLs a copy of =)#-)#0)
0'(2"#< <1(). SS work ln a group ln order Lo comblne Lwo
senLences wlLh approprlaLe con[uncLlon Lo form meanlngful
adverblal clauses.

20 mln.
4. 1 ! SS SS are asked Lo come wrlLe Lhelr comblng senLences on board.
1he class compares and conLrasLs each group's senLences. 1
provldes correcL answers and explalns.

13 mln.
3. 1 ! SS 1 asslgned homework (exerclse A, page 37).
(Cerunds and lnflnlLlves)
6. 1 ! SS 1 glves overvlew of whaL gerunds and lnflnlLlves are before
movlng on Lo explalns Lhe funcLlons of gerunds and lnflnlLlves ln
more deLalls. 1 also dlsLrlbuLes BC1(:4)& 'D <)53#$& 1#$
"#D"#"-"/)& for sLudenLs Lo use as reference.
30 mln.
7. S,S,S,S SS compleLes exerclse A on page 43. 1hen Lhe class checks Lhe

20 mln.
8. 1 ! SS 1 asslgns wrlLlng Lask and dlsLrlbuLes ,#"- E *5"-"#< 1&&"<#()#-
whlch. SS are asked Lo submlL Lhelr work nexL week ln Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe class.

3 mln.

6""7 UC D%.3 P =")E.%-C ? 4"5$%E AN.%.$%
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Answer comprehenslon check quesLlons regardlng Lhe readlng passage

8) revlous learnlng
unlL 2 Language locus and WrlLlng: Adverblal Clauses
unlL 2 Language locus and WrlLlng: Cerunds and lnflnlLlves

C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 LexLbook
owerolnL slldes (flle name: LL211 week 3)
F''$ '514 :5)&)#-1-"'#

u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

1. S,S,S,S (Pomework) SS submlL Lhelr wrlLlng Lask from Lhe prevlous

Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


2. 1 ! SS (Cral presenLaLlon and reporL) 1 Lalks abouL how Lo dellver a
good oral presenLaLlon wlLh F''$ '514 :5)&)#-1-"'# handouL.

13 mln.
(unlL 2 8eadlng)

3. SS ! SS (re-readlng) ln a group of 3, SS bralnsLorm Lhe ldea abouL
when a person should seek a second oplnlon and why a second
oplnlon ls useful. SS wrlLe Lhelr ldeas on board.

10 mln.
4. 1 ! SS (re-readlng) 1he class looks aL vocabulary check exerclse on
page 33. 1 explalns dlfflculL words.

10 mln.
3. 1 ! SS (re-readlng) 1 glves lnformaLlon regardlng Parvard Women's
PealLh WaLch" Lo prepare SS Lo read Lhe passage.

3 mln.
6. S,S,S,S SS read Lhe passage and answer Comprehenslon check
quesLlons on page 33. 1 also provldes exLra Comprehenslon
check quesLlons (Lrue or false) on Lhe ppL slldes.

30 mln.
7. 1 ! SS 1 goes Lhrough Lhe answers wlLh Lhe class and summarlzes Lhe

13 mln.
8. 1 ! SS 1 asslgns homework (exerclse 8 and references, page 33-36). 1
also remlnds SS LhaL Lhere wlll be a qulz nexL week.

3 mln.
9. 1 ! SS (vocabulary revlew) 1he class plays blngo Lo revlew vocabulary
from unlL 1-3.
20 mln.

6""7 VC D%.3 P !)%-G)-" B$5G# )%E 61.3.%-C '1"0.W"# )%E 4G00.W"#
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
MaLch preflxes Lo lLs meanlng
Cuess meanlng of Lhe unknown words uslng preflxes as a clue
ldenLlfy parL of speech of Lhe words uslng sufflxes as a clue

8) revlous learnlng
unlL 3 8eadlng: A Second Cplnlon

C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 LexLbook
owerolnL slldes (flle name: LL211 week 6)
G5)D"C)&;&3DD"C)& *'57&+))-
G5)D"C)& *144 &-5":&
H3"I J.

u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

1. 1 ! SS (Pomework) volunLeer SS wrlLe answers Lo exerclse 8 and
references (page 33-36) on board. 1 reLurns SS's wrlLlng Lask
(unlL 2).

10 mln.
2. 1 ! SS 1 lnLroduces Lhe Loplc of preflxes and sufflxes.

10 mln.
3. S,S,S,S SS compleLe exerclse A and 8 ln Lhe G5)D"C)&;&3DD"C)& *'57&+))-.
1hen 1 goes Lhrough Lhe answers wlLh Lhe class.

13 mln.
4. S,S,S,S rlor Lo class perlod, 1 cuL ouL words from G5)D"C)& *144 &-5":&
and Laped Lhem on Lhe wall around Lhe room. SS do exerclse C
by flndlng words LhaL maLch Lhe meanlngs ln Lhe worksheeL. 1
emphaslzes SS Lo use Lhe knowledge on preflxes Lo guess Lhe
meanlng of Lhe words.

20 mln.
3. 1 ! SS 1 goes Lhough Lhe answers wlLh Lhe class Lhen moves on Lo
explaln Lhe funcLlons of sufflxes.

10 mln.
6. S,S,S,S SS compleLe exerclse C ln Lhe worksheeL by ldenLlfylng parLs of
speech of Lhe words ln Lhe box.

10 mln.
7. S,S,S,S 1 asks SS Lo compleLe Lhe flrsL 10 lLems of exerclse A and 8
(page 69-70). 1he resL of Lhe exerclses are asslgned as
homework. AfLer 10 mlnuLes, Lhe class checks Lhe answers

13 mln.
8. 1 ! SS 1 glves SS 10 mlnuLe break and lnform SS LhaL Lhey are golng Lo
Lake a 20 mlnuLe qulz afLer Lhe break

10 mln.
9. S,S,S,S SS do K3"I J..

20 mln.
10. 1 ! SS 1 dlscusses Lhe answers wlLh SS and Lalks abouL Lhe conLenL of
mldLerm examlnaLlon.
10 mln.

6""7 XC D%.3 Q =")E.%-C 2GL)% A1-)%#C A1-)% ="3"%3.$%
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Answer comprehenslon check quesLlons
LocaLe Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe passage

8) revlous learnlng
unlL 3 Language locus and WrlLlng: reflxes and Sufflxes

C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 LexLbook
owerolnL slldes (flle name: week 7 ppL)
Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

(1he flrsL 20 mlnuLes ls for group presenLaLlon)
1 ! SS 1 draws aLLenLlon Lo Loday's readlng Loplc by asklng SS Lo
name some organs. 1hen 1 explalns Lhe meanlng of Lhe
word reLenLlon", reLaln", and posL-morLem

13 mln.
1 ! SS 1 leads class dlscusslon uslng quesLlons on Lhe sLarLer
secLlon. 1 also brlefly Lalks abouL Alder Pay organs scandal
(from Lo bulld SS's background knowledge
before readlng.

20 mln.
SS ! SS SS geL lnLo groups. 1 asslgns each group Lo read each
paragraph. SS are asked Lo flnd meanlng of unknown
words of LhaL paragraph and come wrlLe vocabulary and
meanlngs on board for classmaLes.

30 mln.
S,S,S,S SS read Lhe passage and answer a comprehenslon check
exerclse on page 79.

40 mln.
SS ! SS 1 asks SS Lo geL back Lo Lhelr groups and asslgns 3 lLems
from Lhe comprehenslon check exerclse Lo each group. SS
are asked Lo look back aL Lhose lLems and Lell Lhe class 1)
whaL each lLem means, 2) whaL are Lhe answers, and 3)
where Lo flnd LhaL lnformaLlon ln Lhe passage.

20 mln.
1 ! SS 1 calls each group Lo presenL Lhelr Lask. 1 also summarlzes
Lhe passage.

13 mln.
1 ! SS 1 asslgns exerclses on page 80-82 as homework. 2 mln.

6""7 YC D%.3 Q !)%-G)-" B$5G# )%E 61.3.%-C 8$LN$G%E @$G% )%E ')##.R" K$.5"
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
1ransform acLlve senLences Lo passlve senLences
8ewrlLe senLences uslng approprlaLe passlve forms of reporLlng verbs
use correcL verb forms, elLher acLlve or passlve, Lo compleLe Lhe passage

8) revlous learnlng
unlL 4 8eadlng: Puman Crgans: Crgan 8eLenLlon
C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 LexLbook
Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


owerolnL slldes (flle name: LL211 week 8)
G1&&"/) /'"0) *'57&+))-

u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

(1he flrsL 20 mlnuLes ls for group presenLaLlon)
1. SS ! SS (Pomework) volunLeer SS wrlLe Lhelr answers of exerclses on
page 80-82 on board.

10 mln.
2. 1 ! SS 1 presenLs Lhe concepLs of compound noun. 1hen Lhe class does
exerclses on page 84 LogeLher.

13 mln.
3. 1 ! SS 1 lnLroduces Lhe nexL Loplc whlch ls passlve volce and
dlsLrlbuLes G1&&"/) /'"0) *'57&+))- Lo lndlvldual SS. 1 Lalks
abouL Lhe flrsL usage of passlve (Lo change a focus) Lhen asks SS
Lo compleLe Lxerclse A ln Lhe worksheeL.

13 mln.
4. S,S,S,S SS pracLlce changlng Lhe acLlve senLences Lo passlve senLences
when posslble. 1 emphaslzes SS Lo lnclude Lhe 26;:+51&) only lf
necessary. When done, 1 goes Lhrough Lhe answers wlLh Lhe

13 mln.
3. 1 ! SS 1 explalns Lhe passlve forms of reporLlng verbs and provldes
examples on ppL slldes.

13 mln.
6. S,S,S,S SS compleLe half of Lxerclse 8 ln class. 1he resL of Lhe can be
done aL home as keys are provlded aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe sheeL.

20 mln.
7. S,S,S,S SS are asked Lo compleLe Lhe passage ln page 86 (lLem 1-14)
uslng verbs glven ln parenLheses, elLher ln acLlve or passlve

20 mln.
8. 1 ! SS 1 goes Lhrough Lhe answers wlLh SS and explalns why acLlve or
passlve ls used. 1hen 1 asslgns Lhe resL of Lhe exerclse (lLem 13-
32) as homework.
10 mln.

Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


6""7 ZC D%.3 U =")E.%-C B$$E )%E 2")(3/
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Summarlze Lhe readlng passage
repare vlsual alds (lllusLraLlon, graphlc organlzer, mlnd mapplng) from whaL Lhey read

8) revlous learnlng
unlL 4 Language locus and WrlLlng: Compound noun and asslve volce

C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 LexLbook
!''$ 1#$ +)14-+ "#-)5/")* &+))-
!''$ 1#$ +)14-+ <5'3: *'57&+))-&

u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

(unlL 4 vocabulary revlew)
1. 1 ! SS 1 provldes answers Lo Lhe exerclse on page 86 (lLem 13-32).
1hen SS are asked Lo revlew vocabulary ln unlL 4.

10 mln.
2. 1 ! SS SS palr up and each palr geL one ,#"- L /'01234156 &01##"#<
sheeL. 1 shouLs ouL Lhe meanlng of vocabulary ln unlL 4 and
each palr of SS race Lo flnd Lhe word on Lhe sheeL.

10 mln.
(unlL 3 readlng)
3. SS ! SS 1 lnLroduces Lhe Loplc of food and healLh and dlsLrlbuLes !''$
1#$ +)14-+ "#-)5/")* &+))- Lo lndlvldual SS. 1hen SS are asked Lo
form a group of Lhree. ln group, SS lnLervlew each oLher and
wrlLe peers' answers down Lhe space provlded.

20 mln.
4. 1 ! SS 1 leads class dlscusslon abouL food and healLh based on Lhe
lnLervlew quesLlons.

10 mln.
3. 1 ! SS 1 asks lf anyone knows Lhe Lerm funcLlonal foods". 1hen 1 asks
SS Lo read Lhe flrsL senLence of Lhe flrsL paragraph Lo flnd Lhe
deflnlLlon of funcLlonal foods".

3-7 mln.
6. SS ! SS SS dlvlde lnLo 3 groups. Lach group ls asslgned Lo read cerLaln
paragraph(s), and Lhey geL !''$ 1#$ +)14-+ <5'3: *'57&+))-&.
SS are asked Lo,
- LlsL some dlfflculL words on board
- uraw plcLures or use mlnd mapplng charL Lo summarlze
Lhelr paragraph
- resenL Lhelr summary and vlsual alds ln fronL of Lhe

40 mln.
Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


7. SS ! SS Lach group presenLs paragraphs' summary and some vlsual alds
ln fronL of Lhe class.

20 mln.

6""7 ,[C D%.3 U !)%-G)-" B$5G# )%E 61.3.%-C 9$E)(# )%E S.R.%- *W)LN("#
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Summarlze Lhe readlng passage
repare vlsual alds (lllusLraLlon, graphlc organlzer, mlnd mapplng) from whaL Lhey read

8) revlous learnlng
Week 9 8eadlng: lood and PealLh

C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 LexLbook
,#"- L;M 05'&&*'5$
,#"- M *5"-"#< *'57&+))-

u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

(1he flrsL 20 mlnuLes ls for group presenLaLlon)

(unlL 4 and 3 vocabulary revlew)

1. 1 ! SS 1 dlrecLs SS Lo vocabulary ln unlL 4 and 3 and randomly asks SS
lLs meanlng.

3 mln.
2. 1 ! SS 1 dlsLrlbuLes ,#"- L;M 05'&&*'5$ for Ss lndlvldually and glves
Lhem 10 mlnuLes Lo compleLe Lhe crossword. 1he flrsL flve SS
who flnlsh geL Lhe prlze (candy).

10 mln.
(unlL 3: Modals)
3. 1 ! SS 1 lnLroduces each Lype of modals and examples uslng
lnformaLlon from Lhe LexLbook.

13 mln.
4. S,S,S,S SS lndlvldually compleLe exerclse A ln Lhe LexLbook. 1hen 1 goes
Lhrough Lhe answers wlLh Lhe class.

(unlL 3: Clvlng Lxamples)

10 mln.
3. 1 ! SS 1 leads Lhe class Lo Lhe Loplc of how Lo glve examples ln wrlLlng
and lnLroduces phrases used when glvlng examples.

13 mln.
6. S,S,S,S SS lndlvldually compleLe exerclse A on modals ln Lhe LexLbook.

10 mln.
Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


7. S,S,S,S 1 dlsLrlbuLes ,#"- M *5"-"#< *'57&+))-N ln exerclse 1, SS wrlLe
senLences uslng elghL modals learned ln class. ln exerclse 2, SS
compleLe Lhe senLences glven by addlng approprlaLe examples.
1hey submlL Lhe wrlLlng worksheeL ln class.

40 mln.

6""7 ,,C D%.3 V =")E.%-C B$$EF$1%" ;.#")#"
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
llll ln Lhe blanks afLer llsLenlng Lo Lhe shorL Lalk abouL foodborne dlsease
Answer Lhe comprehenslon quesLlon afLer readlng Lhe passage

8) revlous learnlng
Week 11: unlL 3 Language locus and WrlLlng: Modals and Clvlng Lxamples
C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 LexLbook
,#"- M *5"-"#< -1&7 (submlLLed ln class lasL week)
,#"- O P"&-)#"#< -1&7

u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

(1he flrsL 20 mlnuLes ls for group presenLaLlon)

1. 1 ! SS (lasL week wrlLlng Lask) 1 reLurns ,#"- M *5"-"#< -1&7 Lo SS and
ask SS Lo share Lhelr work wlLh parLner. 1he class looks aL whaL
mlsLakes or errors Lhey should avold when wrlLlng senLences
wlLh modals and when glvlng examples.

20 mln.
2. 1 ! SS 1 lnLroduces Lhe Loplc of foodborne dlsease. Asks lf SS know
whaL sympLoms of foodborne dlsease are.

10 mln.
3. 1 SS 1 dlrecLs SS Lo Lhe llsLenlng Lask, dlsLrlbuLlng ,#"- O 4"&-)#"#<
-1&7 Lo lndlvldual SS. 1 provldes meanlng of some vocabulary SS
wlll flnd ln Lhe audlo cllp.

10 mln.
4. S,S,S,S SS llsLen Lo Lhe audlo cllp abouL foodborne dlsease Lwlce and flll
ln Lhe blanks ln Lhe worksheeL.

20 mln.
3. SS ! SS SS palr up and check Lhelr answers wlLh parLners. 1hen 1 glves
answers Lo Lhe whole class.

20 mln.
6. 1 ! SS 1 dlrecLs Lhe class Lo Lhe vocabulary ln Lhe passage.

13 mln.
7. S,S,S,S SS lndlvldually read Lhe passage and compleLe comprehenslon
check exerclse ln Lhe LexLbook.

30 mln.
Lesson lans LL211 Lngllsh for PealLh Sclence l
Slchon koowuLLayakorn


8. 1! SS 1 randomly calls SS Lo provlde answers ln Lhe exerclse. SS
should also be able Lo Lell Lhe class where ln Lhe passage Lhey
goL lnformaLlon from.

20 mln.
9. 1 ! SS 1 asslgns vocabulary exerclse as homework. 3 mln.

6""7 ,+C D%.3 V !)%-G)-" B$5G# )%E 61.3.%-C ="()3.R" 8()G#"#
A) Lesson ob[ecLlves
8y Lhe end of Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Comblne Lwo senLences lnLo one senLence wlLh relaLlve clauses ln boLh wrlLLen and oral
use relaLlve clauses Lo compleLe Lhe senLences ln wrlLlng

8) revlous learnlng
Week 11: unlL 6 8eadlng: loodborne ulsease
C) LlsL of MaLerlals/alds needed
LL211 LexLbook
Q)41-"/) 0413&)& *'57&+))-
Q)41-"/) 0413&)& &:)17"#< -1&7
Q)41-"/) 0413&)& *5"-"#< -1&7

u) Pousekeeplng lLems
8ecord aLLendance

L) uescrlpLlon of Lhe sequence of acLlvlLles

(1he flrsL 20 mlnuLes ls for group presenLaLlon)

1. 1 ! SS 1 glves lecLure abouL Lwo Lypes of relaLlve clauses based on
lnformaLlon ln Lhe LexLbook.

30 mln.
2. S,S,S,S SS lndlvldually compleLe exerclse A ln Lhe LexLbook. 1hen 1
glves answers Lo Lhe class.

20 mln.
3. S,S,S,S SS pracLlce wlLh more exerclse uslng Q)41-"/) 0413&)& *'57&+))-.
1hey compleLe lL lndlvldually before 1 provldes answers Lo Lhe

20 mln.
4. S ! S SS palr up. Lach S geLs Q)41-"/) 0413&)& &:)17"#< -1&7 ln elLher
parL A or 8. ln Lhls acLlvlLy, speaker A read Lhe cue Lo speaker 8
and speaker 8 musL answer uslng relaLlve clauses. 1hen Lhey
swlLch role. Speaker 8 asks whlle speaker A answers.

20 mln.
3. S,S,S,S 1 dlsLrlbuLes Q)41-"/) 0413&)& *5"-"#< -1&7 Lo each S. SS Lhen
wrlLe relaLlve clauses Lo compleLe Lhe senLences glven. 1hey
submlL Lhe worksheeL ln class.
40 mln.

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