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CURRICULUM VITTAE JACQUELINE CHNIEUX-GENDRON School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences Research Center about arts and language.

Director of Research in CRNS, Emeritus.

General Information:
Jacqueline Chnieux-Gendron, associate of Letters, member of the scientific committee of the site, focused a very long time, under the encouragement of Georges Blin, in the conceptual understanding of the surrealist movement, about which she has published more than a fortnight of books including Surrealism and the novel (in press: a reissue revised with the title Inventing the real, Editions Honor Champion) and Surrealism, translated into English, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and Russian, book also in press, revised edition under the title the Spirit and the letter of Surrealism, and a thematic anthology, with presentation texts embedded: There will be one time (Gallimard, Folio/textes, n3674, 2004). She led the first team of the French university dedicated to the study of surrealism, and a collection of critical collective works, including several under her direct responsibility. Among these works, anthropological or aesthetic orientation: Surreal Game and black humor, 1993; Read the look: Andr Breton and painting, 1993; Violence, theory, surrealism, 1994, The mythic Thinking and the surrealism 1996, or even the Thinking of the experience , experimentation work within the Surrealism and the avant-garde ... 2005 (Peeters / Louvain diffuser of Lachenal & Ritter). See also the Surrealism and the pleasure, Corti, 1987. Always attentive however the philological aspects of the texts, J.Ch-G focused on two concepts "overloaded" of sense ": the automatic writing and objective chance. About" objective chance ", see the exhibition catalog The Surrealist Revolution, ed Werner Spies, MNAM, G-Centre Pompidou 2002, which highlights some of the philosophies of language involved by different actors of the surrealism. And the variation of the theoretical presuppositions of the concept of automatic writing, its reference articles remain: "good use of surrealists manuscripts. The Immaculate Conception, 1930" and "A New Definition of automatism, "1989 (see supplementary Bibliography) She taught at the University Denis Diderot-Paris 7, where she led and leads theses, and was invited as a visiting professor at Princeton University, NJ, USA, 2001-2002. She founded and ran from 1985 until 2009, the magazine Total Margin, books of poetry, art and criticism, which put in a situation of dialogue the modernity poetics, arts and some surrealist artists. Records are being archived at IMEC. She prefaced, translated and edited the unpublished of Leonora Carrington, Pigeon flies and other tales found: "The Time", Cognac, 1986: Pierre Mabille, Luminous consciousness, pictorial consciousness, Corti, 1989. Finally introduced and edited several collective works around Philippe Soupault (see Complementary Bibliography) Two books technical of analysis of periodic Surrealists: -Magazines French surrealists/ Around Andr Breton, 1948-1972, co-authored with M. Bonnet, Kraus International Publications, Millwood, New York & London, England, in 1982, four indexes. - The Surrealism around the world, 1929-1947, by J. PS-G. et al., CNRS Editions, 1994, four index. General presentation.


1. Direction and edition of collective works.

The object the challenge, collective J.Ch-G. And Marie-Claire Dumas ed, Diffusion Presses of the University of France, 1987, 168 p., 13. Of the surrealism and the pleasure, collective under the responsibility of J.Ch-G, Jos Corti, 1987, 276 p., Books of ill. Philippe Soupault, the poet, works reunited by J.Ch-G., with a preface by Edmond Jabes, a bibliography of Ph. Soupault and a unique narrative of the poet, Klincksieck, 1992, 394 p., Books of ill.: Black humor and surrealist game, led by J.Ch.G. and Marie-Claire Dumas, Lachenal & Ritter, diffusion Peeters, Leuven / Louvain, Belgium, 1993, 329 p. , 30 ill. Read the look: Andr Breton and painting, collective under the responsibility of J.Ch-G Lachenal & Ritter, diffusion Peeters Leuven / Louvain, Belgium, 1993, 280 pp., 30 ill.. Violence, theory, surrealism, collective under the responsibility of J. Timothy Mathews, Lachenal & Ritter, diffusion Peeters Leuven / Louvain, Belgium, 1994, 224 p., 17 ill. New World, Other Worlds, Surrealism and the Americas, collective under the responsibility of J.Ch-G, Daniel Lefort and Pierre Rivas, Lachenal & Ritter, diffusion Peeters Leuven / Louvain, Belgium, 1994, 268 p., 33 ill. Andr Breton, poetry, special issue of the Magazine of Human Sciences, No. 237, 1995-1, with seven communications - 159 pages. Mythical thinking and Surrealism, collective under the responsibility of J.Ch-G. and Yves Vade, Lachenal & Ritter, diffusion Peeters Leuven / Louvain, Belgium, 287 pages, 33 ill. Portrait (s) of Philippe Soupault, collective with co-responsibility of Mauricette Berne, Chief Curator at the BNF, Editions of the National Library of France, 1997, 320 p., numerous ill. Patiences and silences of Philippe Soupault, annals of the colloquium organized by J.Ch-G. for the BNF in November 1997, with international contributions, LHarmattan, collection lart Arts & Sciences, 2000, pp. 310. Regard / Staged in surrealism and the vanguards, under the supervision of Claude Bommertz and J.Ch.-G. Collaboration with Myriam Bloed, Peeters, Paris, 2000, ill., 340 p. Preface of J.Ch-G. Thinking of the experience, practices of experimentation , under the supervision of J. Ch-G., Peeters, Paris, 2005, 254 p.

2. Articles published: here grouped in four main directions a. Questions about the status, specific or not, the surrealist text
1 ----- "Reading and rereading George Limbour", Book of reading of the New Trade, No. 13, 4th Qtr. 1975 2 ----- "Three Notes for Child polar", Critique, No. 351-352, September 1976, Special Issue Georges Limbour, p. 808-817. 3 ----- "Leonora Carrington or the tunic of Nessus," Oblique, No. 14-15, Special Issue Surrealist Woman, 1977, p. 83-90.

4 ----- "Gisele Prassinos disqualified disqualifying" Oblique, same issue, p. 207-215 5 ----- "Greta Knutson, back upstream," Oblique, same issue, p. 157-164. 6 ----- Preface to the edition of tales (old and unpublished) Leonora Carrington, The Debutante, Flammarion, 1978. 7 ----- "The Symposium of armor in the Introduction to discourse about a little of reality", Annals of the symposium from The surrealism in the text, organized by the University of Grenoble, University Presses, 1978, p. 129-145. 8 ----- "Hebdomeros, the riddle of a name," Notebook of the National Museum of Modern Art, Centre G. Pompidou, No. 7-8, The realisms, November 1981, p. 244-253. 9 ----- Preface to the reissue of Cornet acoustic, Leonora Carrington, Garnier-Flammarion, 1983, followed by a biography of the works of this painter and writer, and a chronology of his life and his work. 10 ----- "The Game of time and words in the Mexican space of Leonora Carrington, Surrealism peripherical, Univ. Montreal, annals of the symposium organized in September 1983 by the Department of History of the Art of the University, p. 231-248. 11 ----- "The Fantasy, modesty of the wonderful? A reading of The Family History of George Limbour", The Century began, No. 3, ed Minard, 1985, p. 201-21

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