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You will expose at least 24 images that tell a new story for your person - transforming them into an

other self. Creating this transformation you should consider altering the physical, photographic, and
conceptual aspects of the imagesusing makeup, costume, props, lighting, focus, atmosphere, location, and environment. Consider technical
and conceptual concerns as well as how you will direct your person. Consider whether this is a transformation that will happen when you
photograph her or him, or will it be constructed from multiple photographs in Photoshop.You are creating an entirely new story for this
person - it is not something you will just happen upon, it requires planning.

The final
will explore the
of the person
by way of
mergers, or
to help
illustrate the
two aspects of Cecil

your person. Photo 2

You will
represent the
Ego of a chosen
person as well
as their
into an AlterEgo through
film and/or
You will present
two final works,
comprising of
an ego and an
alter-ego image.


You will expose at least 24 images that explore portraiture.You will choose one person to photographat least one
full length, one length, one headshot, and one tightly cropped portrait. Choose an environment that she or he is
natural in to explore their true self, their Ego.

You may not have a fancy camera or extravagant lighting setup, still consider things like white balance, ISO,
color, contrast, where your light source is and how it affects the feeling of the photo. Use strategies that we have
explored in class like lighting or darkening the background, using fill light (a reflector to bounce light), consider the
composition and whether the photo will be very composed or more candid. This is as much about creating a
relationship with the subject as it is about the technical process of light and camera techniques.


Think about. . .

what quality of light do you want? harsh, soft,
shade, direct, warm, cool

what is lit and what is in shadow

pay attention to your framing - whats in the
frame and whats cropped

direct their face, direct their eyes

change your position, proximity, depth of field,
focal length

what is in the background?

what is the context, environment?

what is your subject thinking?

remember eyes, eyebrows, and mouth are what
communicate emotion

remember it is an exchange
Who is your subject?
What is your relationship to this person?
What is something memorable about this person?
What feature about this person do you want to
What is a quality this person possesses that is not
What environment are they comfortable in?
What is something you can say to this person to
make the subject think?
What is something you can say to this person to
make the subject smile?
What is something you can say to this person to
make the subject laugh?
What time of day will you photograph?
What quality of light do you want?
What mood do you want to create with these
What are you exchanging for these portraits?
What details are important in these portraits?
What will you want the subject to wear?


Look for. . .

What quality of light exists? Harsh, soft, shade, direct, warm, cool?

What is lit and what is in shadow?

What time of day is it?

How has the photographer paid attention to framing - whats in the frame and whats cropped?

How has the photographer directed their face, direct their eyes

What kind of position, proximity, depth of field, focal length has the photographer chosen?

What is in the background?

Make a small sketch of your photograph here, make sure to draw
What is the context, environment?

the correct shape and proportion frame (vertical, square, etc.):
What is the subject thinking?

What do the eyes, eyebrows, and mouth communicate?

What details are important?

What features are highlighted?

Answer the above questions in a paragraph

exploring, analyzing, critiquing a portrait.

Your name:






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