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Nombre Institucin. Apellido Autor1, Apellido Autor2, etc. Ttulo abreviado del artculo.

omparison betAeen base mana:ement s;stems -RD,(".,

(aric8al 7eiller. 7eilerdavid2'1' Universit; t8ela costa McucN

Abstract here we try to explain some of the features and differences of some of the management systems database, in which the attempt to identify some of the strengths and weaknesses in the use or implementation or accessibility by users.

"tonebra?er , Aas sponsored b; t8e De>ense Advanced Researc8 0ro<ects A:enc; -DAR0A ., t8e Arm; Researc8 O>>ice -ARO ., t8e National "cience *oundation - N"*. , and #"+ , Inc. 0ost)re"5+ is a >ree re>erral - Open"ource . o> t8is pro<ect, and uses t8e "5+%2B"5+%% lan:ua:e, and ot8er >eatures t8at Ae Aill discuss later . $e pioneered man; o> t8e concepts eCistin: in t8e current ob<ect=relational s;stem , includin: , later in ot8er business mana:ement s;stems . 0ost)re"5+ is an ob<ect=relational s;stem, as it includes t8e >eatures o> ob<ect=orientation, suc8 as in8eritance , data t;pes , >unctions, constraints , tri::ers, rules and transactional inte:rit; . Despite t8is , 0ost)re"5+ is not a mana:ement s;stem databases purel; ob<ect oriented. 8istor; 0ost)re"5+ -also called 0ost:res%D . Aas derived >rom t8e 0ost:res pro<ect, as alread; mentioned . ,e8ind 8er, t8is pro<ect 8as over a decade o> development , still toda; , t8e most advanced >ree s;stem b; >ar , supportin: t8e vast ma<orit; o> "5+ transactions, concurrenc; control , 8avin: at its disposal several Elan:ua:e bindin:s E as eCample , F F , Gava , 0;t8on , 0$0 and man; more. Implementation o> 0ost:res D,(" be:an in 1%&H , and t8ere Aas a Aor?in: version until 1%&I. 1ersion 1.' Aas released in Gune 1%&% to a >eA users, a>ter A8ic8 version 2.' Aas released in Gune 1%%' due to some revieAs on t8e s;stem o> rules, A8ic8 >orced its reimplementation . 1ersion J.' appeared in 1%%1 and included a number o> improvements suc8 as :reater e>>icienc; in

Keywords systems, data, language, MYSQ , !racle, SQ , "ostgres, programming, platform, #$%MS



"IN # IT" INTRODU TION IN T$# 1%&'", T$# (ANA)#(#NT O* R#+ATIONA+ DATA,A"#" -RD,(". ,# A(# T$# "TANDARD T/0# DATA ,A"# *OR A 1ARI#T/ O* INDU"TRI#". /OUR NA(# A" INDI AT#D, "U $ "/"T#(" ,A"#D ON R#+ATIONA+ DATA (OD#+ *OR OR)ANI2#D )ROU0" O* TA,+#" R#*#RR#D TO R#+ATION". #30+OR# T$I" 0O"T $I"TOR/ AND $ARA T#RI"TI " O* *OUR AR# 0O0U+AR RD,("4 ORA +#, (/"5+, "5+ "#R1#R AND 0O"T)R#"5+. O(0ARI"ON TO $#+0 /OU UND#R"TAND T$# DI**#R#N # ,#T6##N "/"T#(", AND I* IT I" T$# I(0+#(#NTATION O* A RD,(", 0RO1ID# IN*OR(ATION TO $#+0 /OU (A7# A D# I"ION.RD,(" II. &. "!S'(#)SQ 68at is 0ost)re"5+ 9 0ost)re"5+ mana:ement s;stem is a database ob<ect=relational - ORD,(" . based on 0O"T)R#" pro<ect at t8e Universit; o> ,er?ele;. T8e pro<ect director is 0ro>essor (ic8ael


0remio olombiano de In>ormKtica A I" 2'11

Nombre Institucin. Apellido Autor1, Apellido Autor2, etc. Ttulo abreviado del artculo.

eCecutin: reOuests . T8e ot8er versions released since t8en , >ocused on t8e portabilit; o> t8e s;stem . T8e pro<ect Aas terminated in t8e version P.2, due to t8e boom t8at Aas ta?in: , causin: t8e impossibilit; o> maintenance b; developers . In 1%%P , AndreA /u and Goll; 8en added a "5+ interpreter t8is mana:er . 0ost:res%D , as it Aas called Aas released to t8e Internet as a >ree pro<ect - Open"ource . . It Aas Aritten entirel; in , and t8e >irst version Aas 2D Q smaller t8an 0ost:res, and betAeen J' and D'Q >aster . ,esides correctin: some bu:s , improved internal en:ine , a neA pro:ram monitor Aas added, and Aas compiled usin: t8e )NU (a?e utilit; and t8e :cc compiler Ait8out 8avin: to patc8 it - as 8ad been reOuired in previous versions.. In 1%%H , t8e developers decided to c8an:e t8e name to t8e D,(" , and called 0ost)re"5+ -version H.' . to re>lect t8e relations8ip betAeen 0ost:res and recent versions o> "5+ . NeA improvements and c8an:es, A8ic8 a>>ected 2'=P' Q more e>>icienc; as Aell as t8e incorporation o> standard "5+%2 Aere created . T8e version o>>ered to date o> t8is Aritin: is version I.2.1. /ou can >ind more in>ormation about t8e c8aracteristics and 8istor; in R 0ost)re"5+S(anual T . >eatures +isted beloA are t8e main >eatures o> t8is database mana:er 4 Implementation "5+%2B"5+%% standard . "upports di>>erent t;pes o> data in addition to support >or base t;pes , data t;pe also supports date , monetar;, :rap8ics, data netAor?s -(A , I0 ... . , bit strin:s , etc. . It also alloAs t8e creation o> oAn t;pes . It incorporates an arra; data structure . It incorporates >eatures o> various ?inds4 8andlin: dates , :eometric operations oriented netAor?s, etc. . AlloAs t8e declaration o> ei:en>unctions , and t8e de>inition o> tri::ers.
0remio olombiano de In>ormKtica A I" 2'11

"upports use o> indeCes , rules and vieAs. Includes in8eritance betAeen tables -but not betAeen ob<ects , since not eCist. , so t8is database mana:er is included amon: t8e ob<ect = relational mana:ers . AlloAs mana:ement o> di>>erent users, as Aell as t8e permissions assi:ned to eac8 . ,. Oracle Database 68at is Oracle Database 9 Oracle Database presents a neA multi=tenanc; arc8itecture t8at ma?es it easier to deplo; and mana:e cloud databases. Innovations li?e Oracle (ultitenant to consolidate multiple databases Ouic?l; and Automatic Data OptimiUation Ait8 $eat (ap, to compress data and stac? 8i:8er densit;, maCimiUe e>>icienc; and >leCibilit; o> resources. T8ese uniOue developments, combined Ait8 improvements in availabilit;, securit; and support >or lar:e volumes o> data , ma?e 12c Oracle Database deplo;ments ideal >or public and private cloud plat>orm. 8istor; I,( Aas t8e >irst compan; to develop an RD,(" , 8oAever , Oracle orporation made 8istor; in 1%&' b; releasin: its RD,(" , Oracle, >or commercial use. Gust a >eA ;ears later, t8e compan; launc8ed a version o> its I,( computer s;stem . "ince its mar?et eCposure o> RD,(" , Oracle 8as consistentl; led t8e Aa;. Accordin: to )artner , Oracle 8ad almost D' Q o> t8e RD,(" mar?et in 2'11. In addition to openin: t8e mar?et >or commercial RD,(", Oracle orporation Aas also t8e >irst compan; to develop a commercial= :rade version o> "5+ t8at Aas desi:ned to manipulate data in an RD,(" usin: - at t8at time. Oueries and <oins . >eatures T8e >irst Ereal E version o> t8e Oracle RD,(" Aas Oracle 2 . T8is s;stem supports onl; t8e basic >eatures o> "5+ , and Aas Aritten in assembl; lan:ua:e. T8e >olloAin: ;ear, and durin: t8e neCt 1' ;ears or so , Oracle orporation released updates

Nombre Institucin. Apellido Autor1, Apellido Autor2, etc. Ttulo abreviado del artculo.

to its database >la:s8ip . 0robabl; one o> t8e reasons t8e Oracle RD,(" 8as mana:ed to sta; on top o> t8e poAer>ul RD,(" is lin?ed to t8eir product updates t8at are closel; lin?ed to c8an:es in t8e mar?et. ,uUUAords o> databases suc8 as E scalable E, E so>t E , Edistributed E and E laptop E are also lin?ed to t8e release o> Oracle. *or eCample , in 1%&D 8as added support >or a client=server Aaitin: >or an increasin: acceptance o> t8e netAor?in: model. As t8e Internet paved t8e Aa; >or t8e di:ital a:e, t8e Oracle RD,(" 8as been updated to include a native Gava virtual mac8ine -G1( . . Oracle Database 12c is t8e latest release o> t8e RD,(", and includes t8e >olloAin: >eatures4 NeA teCt data to improve t8e securit; o> sensitive data Introducin: plat>orm Oracle Advanced Anal;tics NeA mana:ement database >or t8e data >ile *las8 >ile -*DA . "upport >or inte:ration Ait8 processor :roups operatin: s;stem "upport >or Data 0ump >or consolidatin: database 1arious improvements in Oracle Application #Cpress, rapid development tool t8at enables users to develop Aeb applications usin: "5+ and B or 0+ B "5+ . Advanced netAor? compression to improve per>ormance I> ;ou are interested in 8oA to encode Ait8 Oracle "5+ , an introduction to Oracle "5+ course can provide t8e basics o> t8e lan:ua:e . . "5+ "erver 68at is "5+ "erver 9 T8e "5+ stands >or "tructured 5uer; +an:ua:e , or its eOuivalent in "panis8 +an:ua:e "tructured
0remio olombiano de In>ormKtica A I" 2'11

5uestion , T8is is a Universal lan:ua:e A8ic8 is implemented in all #n:ines Data ,ases reason A8; t8e "5+ is t8e standard lan:ua:e o> communication betAeen t8e di>>erent motors eCistin: . T8e creation o> t8is lan:ua:e is undoubtedl; one o> t8e most important developments in t8e Aorld o> databases, i> it does not eCist, t8e time it Aould ta?e to pass in>ormation >rom one to anot8er (,D , reall; eCtensive and serious do somet8in: o> (,D complicated. "5+ is a standardiUed lan:ua:e t8at >acilitates >ull; Aor? Ait8 an; lan:ua:e on par Ait8 an; database, 8oAever, t8is is not eOuivalent to sa;in: t8at is t8e same in all (,D , t8e; implement di>>erent >unctions accordin: to t8e Aa; most >avorable to t8e (,D , t8ese >unctions do not alAa;s Aor? in ot8ers. 8istor; (icroso>t "5+ "erver RD,(" entered t8e mar?et as a serious competitor in t8e mid 1%%'s , A8en (icroso>t bou:8t ";base , t8en released version I.'. ompanies ori:inall; Aor?ed to:et8er to develop t8e plat>orm to run on an I,( O" B 2. $oAever, (icroso>t 8as >inall; developed its oAn -6indoAs NT . operatin: s;stem, and Aanted to Aor? alone to create a database mana:ement >or t8is. It Aould ta?e several ;ears >or (icroso>t and ";base to completel; cut ties . ";base >inall; c8an:ed its product name so it Aould be totall; di>>erent >rom t8e product sold to (icroso>t . (icroso>t "5+ "erver version P.2 Aas t8e initial release . >eatures In 2''', (icroso>t released "5+ "erver 2'''. T8e launc8 Aas an important milestone >or t8e compan; as it Aas t8e >irst version o> t8e product, A8ere t8e ori:inal code Aas replaced ";base . In t8e same vein as Oracle orporation, (icroso>t 8as tried to improve "5+ "erver to ?eep pace Ait8 tec8nolo:ical c8an:es. "5+ "erver 2''D is an eCample. T8e e3tensible (ar?up +an:ua:e - 3(+ . received t8e seal o> approval >rom t8e 6J and be:an to :ain :round in t8e late 1%%'s .

Nombre Institucin. Apellido Autor1, Apellido Autor2, etc. Ttulo abreviado del artculo.

One o> t8e main innovations o> "5+ "erver 2''D is support >or 3(+ data. Ot8er notable >eatures o> t8e >la:s8ip include t8e introduction o> "5+ "erver AlAa;s On - data mana:ement tec8nolo:; to reduce user doAntime . support >or structured and semi= structured data , 8i:8er compression , and various accessories to support ot8er products on t8e mar?et . "5+ "erver 2'12 Aas proclaimed as t8e latest version t8at includes native support >or O+# . In t8e essence o> "5+ "erver 2'12 course can provide more in>ormation about t8is plat>orm and 8oA to use it . "5+ "erver 2'1P is t8e latest version o> "5+ "erver and includes t8e >olloAin: >eatures4 Introduction o> In= (emor; 0rocessin: driveline -O+T0 . , a built >eature t8at alloAs sop8isticated database mana:ement to improve per>ormance NeA solutions >or mana:in: disaster recover; Updated tools >or "5+ "erver Intelli:ence 1ersion -,I ""DT. D. (;"5+ Oracle Vs (;"5+ is a mana:ement s;stem relational database , licensed under )NU )0+ . Its multit8readed desi:n alloAs it to support a 8eav; load ver; e>>icientl; . (;"5+ Aas created b; t8e "Aedis8 compan; (;"5+ A, , A8ic8 8olds t8e cop;ri:8t to t8e source code o> "5+ "erver , as Aell as t8e brand. Alt8ou:8 (;"5+ is >ree so>tAare , (;"5+ A, distributes a commercial version o> (;"5+ , not unli?e t8e >ree version more t8an t8e tec8nical support t8at is o>>ered, and t8e abilit; to inte:rate t8is operator into a proprietar; so>tAare because o> not bein: t8us violate t8e )0+ license . T8e database mana:er is probabl; t8e most used operator in t8e Aorld o> >ree so>tAare , because o> its :reat speed and ease o> use. T8is :reat success is due , in part, because t8ere are plent; o> libraries
0remio olombiano de In>ormKtica A I" 2'11

and ot8er tools >or use b; lots o> pro:rammin: lan:ua:es, in addition to eas; installation and con>i:uration. 8istor; T8ere are tAo uniOue aspects o> (;"5+ versus Oracle and "5+ "erver 4 an not ori:inall; developed >or commercial use is a database o> open source. T8e database plat>orm Aas a coincidence t8at t8e people A8o developed it be:an tr;in: to use m"5+ to connect to ;our database tables , and decided t8e; needed a more poAer>ul inter>ace. T8e initial p8ase o> (;"5+ uses an A0I t8at can be trans>erred >rom m"5+ , improvements t8at si:ni>icantl; increase t8e speed and ot8er >eatures included in t8e InnoD, stora:e en:ine , >ull=teCt searc8 , portabilit; and internationaliUation. Anot8er di>>erence (;"5+ plat>orm compared to t8e ot8er tAo is t8at it is open source . T8e di:ital era and led to a movement o> collaboration >or so>tAare development 8as become a competitive mar?et >or databases and ot8er so>tAare. Accordin: to mar?et reports, t8ere is an eCcess o> 1' million installations o> (;"5+ , A8ic8 indicates t8at it is movin: rapidl; in t8e enterprise space . T8e oAners8ip o> (;"5+ 8as transitioned >rom t8e 8umble be:innin:s o> t8e product . T8e tAo most notable acOuisitions are4 -1 . in 2''& A8en "un (icros;stems acOuired (;"5+ A,, t8e compan; t8at created (;"5+ , and -2 . in 2'1', A8en Oracle bou:8t "un (icros;stems. >eatures Oracle and "5+ "erver are considered tools t8at support users Ait8 lar:e enterprise s;stems , A8ile (;"5+ is considered a tool more o>ten appeals to people interested in t8e mana:ement o> databases associated Ait8 t8eir Aebsites. As Ait8 Oracle and "5+ "erver , (;"5+ 8as released updates to its so>tAare almost ever; ;ear . T8e ori:inal version Aas developed in t8e mid 1%%'s. T8e most notable c8an:es to (;"5+ Aas in 2'1' , A8en t8e last acOuisition in 2'1'. Improvements in t8is version - D.D )A release . include t8e semi=s;nc8ronous replication, t8e custom partitionin:, en8anced


Nombre Institucin. Apellido Autor1, Apellido Autor2, etc. Ttulo abreviado del artculo.

support >or "(0 and updates subs;stem InnoD, I B O. I> ;ou are learnin: about (;"5+, ;ou ma; be interested in learnin: more about it. A (;"5+ database >or ,e:inners course is a :ood place to start ;our education. III.

level , as can be Oracle. Disadvanta:es o> 0ost)re"5+ In contrast, t8e ma<or draAbac?s t8at can be >ound to t8is mana:er are4 onsumes a lot o> resources. /ou are limited to &7 per roA , but can be increased to J27 , Ait8 a si:ni>icant decrease in per>ormance. It is 2 to J times sloAer t8an (;"5+. &d*antages of MySQ learl; t8e vast ma<orit; o> people use t8is 8andler in Internet, so >indin: >avorable revieAs 8as not been at all complicated4 6it8out a doubt, t8e best o> (;"5+ is its speed A8en per>ormin: operations, A8ic8 ma?es it one o> t8e mana:ers t8at provide better per>ormance. Its loA poAer consumption ma?e it suitable to be run on a mac8ine Ait8 limited resources Ait8out an; problem. (ana:ement utilities o> t8is mana:er are enviable >or man; eCistin: commercial mana:ers, due to t8eir ease o> installation and con>i:uration. It 8as a ver; loA probabilit; o> corruptin: data, even in cases in A8ic8 no errors occur in t8e mana:er itsel>, but in t8e s;stem A8ere it is. T8e A8ole Apac8e=0$0=(;"5+ applications is one o> t8e most used Internet services >orum -, and searc8 en:ine applications -* $isad*antages of MySQ ,ecause o> t8is :reater acceptance on t8e Internet, muc8 o> t8e disadvanta:es described beloA, 8ave been draAn >rom comparisons Ait8 ot8er databases4 +ac?s support >or transactions, rollbac?Vs and subOueries. T8e >ailure to mana:e re>erential inte:rit; mana:er ma?es t8is a poor solution >or man; applications, especiall; >or t8ose pro:rammers comin: >rom ot8er mana:ers t8at t8e; do 8ave t8is >eature. It is not >easible >or use Ait8 lar:e databases, A8ic8

(an; benc8mar?s 8ave been publis8ed on t8ese s;stem databases, alt8ou:8 man; o> t8em 8ave a clear tendenc; toAards one o> t8e tAo sides. T8at is A8; ;ou need to ?noA Aell t8e conclusions draAn >rom a benc8mar?. *or eCample, it is important t8at comparisons betAeen t8e tAo mana:ers are made eOual, A8ic8 on t8e ot8er 8and, it is o>ten complicated b; t8e di>>erent implementations t8at 8ave t8ese operators. (oreover, it is ver; di>>icult to desi:n a :ood benc8mar?, ta?in: into account all t8e possible per>ormance improvements t8at can appl; eac8 o> t8ese operators. It is lo:ical t8en, t8at t8ere is some evidence t8at appl; to a mana:er, and ;ou 8ave no sense realiUarselas ot8er. T8e conclusions obtained >rom various benc8mar?Vs is s8ort, tr;in: to ma?e a discard t8ose Ait8 a clear trend toAards one side. disad*antages "ost(reSQ T8e positive c8aracteristics t8at 8ave t8is mana:er as t8e most common vieAs on t8e Internet, are4 It 8as :reat scalabilit; . It is able to >it t8e number o> 0Us and amount o> memor; t8at 8olds t8e s;stem optimall; , ma?in: it capable o> supportin: a lar:er number o> simultaneous reOuests correctl; -in some benc8mar?s is said to 8ave come to bear t8e triple burden o> A8ic8 supports (;"5+.. Implements Vs use rollbac? , subOueries and transactions , ma?in: ;our operation more e>>icient , and providin: solutions in >ields in A8ic8 (;"5+ could not. It 8as t8e abilit; to c8ec? re>erential inte:rit; , as Aell as to store procedures in t8e database itsel> , eOuatin: it Ait8 t8e mana:ers o> databases 8i:8
0remio olombiano de In>ormKtica A I" 2'11

Nombre Institucin. Apellido Autor1, Apellido Autor2, etc. Ttulo abreviado del artculo.

are accessed continuousl;, and t8at does not implement a :ood scalabilit;. &d*antages of SQ It is a mana:ement s;stem relational database - RD,(" . . It ma; be 8elp>ul to mana:e and B or obtain data >rom t8e netAor? o> netAor?s . It o>>ers a poAer>ul Aa; to unite "5+ and Internet. Use an eCtension to standard "5+ , A8ic8 is called Transact "5+ . T8e "5+ Transact supports t8e de>inition, modi>;in: and deletin: databases, tables, attributes , indeCes, etc. . , Ie de>inition lan:ua:e data -+DD . and t8e Ouer;, update and deletion o> tuples o> tables , ie t8e data manipulation lan:ua:e - D(+ . . To start "5+ "erver alloAs us to >or:et some o> t8e >iles t8at ma?e up t8e database. In Access Ae 8ave to open t8e >ile. (db to vieA content . $ere Ae open t8e console "5+ "erver and 8ave all t8e databases o> all our pro:rams. T8is is ver; com>ortable indeed. I> Ae Aor? in a local netAor? alloAs us to add ot8er "5+ "ervers . >or eCample I 8ave on m; computer a database on m; "5+ server and m; partner 8ave in ;our ot8er database server . I can connect to m; "5+ and so 8ave t8eir oAn databases on m; "5+ "erver. T8is is also ver; com>ortable . "ecurit;4 "5+ alloAs ;ou to mana:e permissions to #1#R/T$IN). 0ermissions at t8e server level , securit; tables, alloA or not read , Arite, eCecute , securit; stored procedures -a>ter I tal? about t8em. ... all can be con>i:ured. T8at is, Ae can alloA someone to connect ;our "5+ ours but ;et Ae can tell ;ou can not see t8is database but anot8er ot8er. SQ disad*antages H.D T8e problems Aere man;4 pa:e=level loc?in:, manual devices :roAt8, >iCed pa:e siUe and too small -2'P&7,., a bad implementation o> variable data t;pes li?e varc8ar. = T8e main disadvanta:e o> (icroso>t "5+ "#R1#R is t8e 8u:e amount o> RA( used >or installin: and usin: t8e so>tAare. = One o> t8e disadvanta:es o> "5+ is t8at i> ;ou
0remio olombiano de In>ormKtica A I" 2'11

Aant to practice Aill not do use>ul because it pro8ibits man; t8in:s 8ave restrictions on A8at oAners :o stand more >easible to use (;"5+ is muc8 better as Aell as bein: a >ree so>tAare. = T8e value is >ar beloA compared to oracle. !racle $atabase ad*antages One o> t8e potential advanta:es o> usin: Oracle Database 11) is t8at it can 8elp ;ou create apps custom databases. Instead o> usin: a pro:ram o> standardiUed databases read; to be used, ;ou can :et a pro:ram t8at can be customiUed to >it ;our needs. T8is ma?es it possible to create a database t8at 8as onl; t8e >eatures ;ou need. It Aill also :ive t8e opportunit; to eliminate an; unnecessar; role in t8e implementation o> databases ;our business. Uses industr; standard open source to 8elp t8e >unctions are created speci>icall; >or ;our business. $isad*antages of !racle

Nombre Institucin. Apellido Autor1, Apellido Autor2, etc. Ttulo abreviado del artculo.

One o> t8e latest versions o> Oracle is a & point somet8in: -Alt8ou:8 t8atVs t8e %i.. And since t8e ori:inal release o> t8e &t8 several versions Ait8 corrections >olloAed, to ac8ieve stabilit; in &.'.J. T8e reason >or so man; >ailures Aas, apparentl;, t8e remodelin: o> t8e stora:e s;stem because o> t8e introduction o> ob<ect=oriented eCtensions. T8e ma<or draAbac? o> Oracle is per8aps its price. #ven Oracle 0ersonal licenses are too eCpensive in m; opinion. Anot8er problem is t8e need >or ad<ustments. A common mista?e is to t8in? t8at <ust installin: Oracle on a server and client applications connect directl;. A miscon>i:ured Oracle can be >rustratin:l; sloA. It is also t8e 8i:8 cost o> trainin:, and onl; recentl; 8ave be:un to appear :ood boo?s on various tec8nical issues simple installation and administration.

R2T 8ttps4BBAAA.udem;.comBblo:Boracle=vs=m;sOl=vs=sOl= serverB RJT 8ttp4BBAAA.cleverlo:ic.netBarticlesBm;sOl=vs=oracle ". 8en, ,. (ul:reA, and 0. (. )rant, MA clusterin: RPT<illoBentr;Bm;sOlSvers usSoracleS>eaturesS RDT neAsletter=2&'J12=ol=1DH&HP2=es. RHT ?=dotnet='&JDID=esa.8tml RIT 8ttps4BBes.ansAers.;a8oo.comBOuestionBindeC9 OidX2'12'21%1P'D2'AA$J)(D R&T G. 6illiams, MNarroA=band anal;Uer -T8esis or Dissertation st;le.,N 08.D. dissertation, Dept. #lect. #n:., $arvard Univ., ambrid:e, (A, 1%%J.

$avin: read several articles on t8ese s;stem databases, *A5Vs and benc8mar?s -some Ait8 a curious Emodus operandiE., t8e conclusion to be draAn is t8at t8ere reall; is not to draA an; conclusions about it. #ac8 o> t8ese mana:ers is suitable >or certain >ields, and tr; to use t8e ot8er to result in a loss o> productivit; o> t8e pro:ram, as Aell as ma<or 8eadac8es. Neit8er o> t8ese tAo mana:ers are totall; per>ect, so Ae s8ould not obcecarse >anatic and t8e onl; c8oice, as t8e; do in man; cases some o> t8em. It is simpl; to c8oose t8e most appropriate in eac8 case. T8ese are t8e ma<or draAbac?s A8ile t8e :reat Aonders t8at come Ait8 Open"ource Aorld. As a >inal t8ou:8t, I t8in? t8e Ouestion t8at Aas introduced escritp could become4 speed or poAer, and its muc8 more success>ul c8aracter9. R#*#R#N #"
R1T 8ttp4BBdanielpecos.comBdocumentsBpost:resOl=vs= m;sOlBPlastics, 2nd ed. vol. J, G. 0eters, #d. NeA /or?4 (c)raA=$ill, 1%HP, pp. 1DWHP.

0remio olombiano de In>ormKtica A I" 2'11

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