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MICHAEL POE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN METAPHYSICS Many requests for me to do some teachin !

"ar e"y from a #oo$ that I am no% %ritin on ancient E y&tian Meta&hysics and Persona" 'orshi&( a#out meta&hysics) %orshi& and the ancient E y&tian traditions* To start off) I %ant to #rief"y quote some ancient E y&tian &hi"oso&hers to i+e you the ist of ancient E y&tian &hi"oso&hy and Meta&hysics* The ne,t note I enter %i"" #e on enera" comments on ancient E y&tian meta&hysics* The materia" I %i"" use is NOT from Masonic or -osecrucian #ut from authentic E y&tian sources* In many cases I can quote the e,act sources) most are trans"ations of &a&yrus) tem&"es) tom#s) etc* Ha+in studied the su#.ect for // years) otten a de ree on the su#.ect) and %or$in on the #oo$ for 01 years) I %i"" &ass on some of %hat I ha+e "earned* A"" of the trans"ations are from E y&to"o ists and Archaeo"o ists* To quote an o"d E y&tian &hi"oso&her !found %ritten on his tom#() Ptah hote& 2 3To i+e a fe% %ords of Truth) And %hat you ma$e of Them %i"" #e your Test*3 4rom the Co""e e of Priests House of the Tem&"e of Horus at Edfu2 3The Lam& of 'isdom #urns steadi"y) If the soi" that feeds it #e rea"ity* If the oi" that feeds the "am& #e Lo+e) The #e"o+ed %i"" meet the Lord or Lady and #e #"essed* !Lord or Lady means &ersona" God or Goddess) ed*( If the air that feeds the 4"ame #e Truth) The 5reath of He %ho #reathes %i"" inha"e 'isdom* If the S&irit enters the 4"ame) The 4ire %i"" #e as #ri ht as a Star*3 Ne,t "itt"e "esson6 %hat is a hymn %hen I mention one or quote one !%hich I %i"" from time to time(7 The hymns of E y&t te"" of the nature and %or$in s of the God89dess they "orify* They mention his 8her name and his8her ties to a "oca"ity) a""ude to the myths and descri#e his8her a&&earance and &o%ers and attri#utes*

A occu"t tradition is "i$e a .ourney* 5efore one +entures onto any un$no%n .ourney it is #est to ha+e an idea of the dan ers and &re+enti+e &rotection* Ancient E y&t had 0: traditions* I %i"") in these notes) out"ine them a""* To share another 3%isdom te,ts3 as the ancient E y&tian &hi"oso&hy is ca""ed2 This one is from ;a emni) %hose tom# can #e +isited at Sa$$ara) as is $no%n as one of the %isest men around* This te,t is for a student in order for him to se"ect the ri ht meta&hysica" teacher*

<1/= 3He %ho is a Priest of the Li+in ) %hom a Neter> fa+ors Li$e the 5ennu on the O#e"is$)3 Performs -i ht Actions %ithout see$in a re%ard for them* Such a Teacher "i+es a "ife of true &iety* He see$s no ain from any ood deed he does) 5ut sets his Heart on"y on the Neter?s ser+ice* He has com&assion u&on a"" Li+in creatures* He ho"ds fast to the Neter?s name and ins&ires others to meditate on it*> He acce&ts .oy and sorro% %ith an equa" mind* He is a"%ays ha&&y and ne+er set a&art from his Neter* To him o"d and dross are as one6 Nectar and &oison are as one The ;in and the #e ar are as one*3 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 > 0* Neter 9 Neter is the ancient E y&tian %ord) that %e %ou"d equate %ith God or Goddess* 5ut Neter?s e,act trans"ation is 3A#stract Princi&"e3 or 3@i+ine Princi&"e3 and is not a ma"e or fema"e %ord* > <* 5ennu on the O#e"is$ 9 the 5ennu #ird is the E y&tian Phoeni,) %hich "i+es in Ara#ia) and comes e+ery =11 years to #ui"t a nest on an o#e"is$ %here it "ays an e ) and %hen the e starts hatchin ) it dies in its o%n f"ames) and is re#orn from the e * The o#e"is$ is the E y&tian sym#o" of the first ray of sun "i ht stri$in the earth) and %hen #ui"t) is usua""y co+ered in o"d or e"ectrum* The to& of the o#e"is$ is "i$e a &yramid and is ca""ed the Pyramidion6 and the &yramids are a"" re&resentations of the suns first "i ht on the Ne%"y 5orn Earth*

> /* 3He ho"ds fast to the Neter?s name and ins&ires others to meditate on it*3 9 In addition to the common name of any od) "i$e Heru for Horus) they a"so ha+e a hidden name) a name of &o%er) that the &riest8esses use in ritua" and meditation* 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 P-IESTS AN@ P-IESTESSES Ho% did a &erson #ecome a &riest8ess in ancient E y&t7 'e"") each fami"y had their o%n fami"y %orshi& area) the siAe of %hich is %ho""y de&endent u&on the siAe of the house they "i+ed in* More a#out this %hen %e et into the &ath of the Aait9Shesheta* Therefore) in each fami"y) someone had to act as the fami"y &riest89ess* If the father or mother %as a &riest8ess) then he or she %as the fami"y re"i ious "eader) in char e of the fami"y ritua"s* If the &arents %ere not initiated &riest8esses) then usua""y the E"der Son acted as the re"i ious "eader* Ho%e+er) in some nomes !or states() matri"inea" descent !throu h the fema"e( %as a tradition so the E"dest @au hter %as the re"i ious "eader*

<1/B The on"y schoo"s) inc"udin most crafts) %ere tau ht in the tem&"e co""e es* A chi"d %ou"d #e sent to a co""e e to "earn a craft #et%een the a es of B901* If the fami"y had a tradition of &riest89esses then usua""y the chi"dren %ou"d o to the tem&"e co""e e to #e inter+ie%ed and tested for the &riesthood* E,act"y ho% the &riest89esses at the co""e e tested the %ou"d #e initiate is not %e"" $no%n yet) #ut %e do $no% that usua""y the fo""o%in &riests %ou"d #e in+o"+ed2 0* A @i+ine Scri#e !reader and %riter initiate( <* A Pro&het !%ho uses di+ination of some sort and inner +isions( /* A Purification Priest :* A Priest of Anu#is !or some other sort re"ated to tra+e"in in E y&tian hea+ens !astra" &"ane direct"y re"ated to E y&tian hea+ens(* E+ery E y&tian tem&"e had < ty&es of staff) a ma ica" one and a %or$in one !%or$in meanin the scri#es) #a$ers and &eo&"e %ho run the e+ery day &art(* If the %ou"d #e initiate %as found %antin in the ma ica" staff !ca""ed Peo&"e of the Circ"e) %hich %e %i"" et to %hen %e ta"$ a#out tem&"e or aniAation() the &erson may #e sent #ac$) or tau ht a craft) or o into the %or$in tem&"e staff* One of the first thin s that any initiate is tau ht is E y&tian Phi"oso&hy) %hich is rea""y "ess "i$e Co"taire) and more "i$e Ethics and Conscious* The %ou"d #e &riest needs to come u& %ith his o%n ethics or &hi"oso&hy #efore em#ar$in on to ma ica" trainin *

Therefore ethics and mora"s %as the #e innin of the trainin * If one had to ma$e a 3-eaders @i est Condensed3 +ersion of a"" of the E y&tian ethics and &hi"oso&hy teachin s it %ou"d #e6 as one E y&tian Phi"oso&her &ut it !#ut not quite as %e""(* @o anythin you %ant) #ut on"y in moderation) and %hi"e doin so) do not harm anyone &hysica""y or &sycho"o y* A"most e,act"y "i$e the 'iccan motto 2 @o %hat they %i"t) #ut harm none* 5ut to the ancient E y&tian) theirs a"so says) 3don?t harm yourse"f) and don?t o o+er#oard on anythin 2 Moderation* 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 @ICINATION O4 5ES) 5AST) O- HATHO!from Leyden Pa&yrus( Dse a di+inin #o%" of &ottery* Dse reen or some +e eta#"e #ased in$* Prefera#"e to use hiero "y&hics) #ut try it a fe% times %ithout them and use en "ish !#ut if you can) do as the E y&tians do( 'rite your request or formu"a in #ase and inner sides of #o%" usin the +e eta#"e in$* A"so %rite in either 5es) 5ast) or Hathor?s name three

<1/E times %hi"e meditatin on the oddess and your request* !&ic$ one oddess) not a"" three( Pour consecrated %ater in it to disso"+e the %ritin * S%a""o% %ater Go to s"ee& !If you can s"ee& in a tem&"e) sacred area) so much the #etter) other%ise at home) and record your dreams %hen you %a$e u&*( A di+ination #o%") in E y&t) %as s&ecia""y made for the &ur&ose6 ho%e+er) if you?re not a &otter) &otterin around) find one out of &ottery) usa#"e !no "ead #ased &aint or in the c"ay() a#out the siAe of rice #o%"* Consecrate and #"ess it) and +io"a) a di+inin #o%"* 5ac$ in those days) reen &aint %as either a +e eta#"e dye or

reen ochre* They didn?t use the ochre) #ut a +e eta#"e dye %ou"d %or$* A"thou h I $no% of &eo&"e %ho s&ecifica""y &re&are a +e eta#"e in$ !macerated her#s in a sma"" #o%" of %ater() a food co"orin %ou"d #e o$ey) #ut I %ou"d sti"" su est usin a mortar and &est"e and rindin some her#s you s&ecia""y se"ected) and &uttin it into the food co"ored %ater and "et it see& for a #it) and then use that* It %ou"d definite"y #e c"oser to the s&irit of the occasion* I $no%) ne,t you are oin to as$) %hat her#s7 'e"") the ancient E y&tians had comfrey and you can hea" thyse"f at the same time* Lettuce %as considered an a&hrodisiac) sacred to Min !so if your request or question is a"on that "ine) add that(6 they a"so used mint a "ot* 9999999999 A 5-IE4 HISTO-Y O4 EGYPT E y&t %asn?t a"%ays a thin ri##on of "ife surrounded #y desert* 4rom <11)111 to 01)111 #ce most of %hat is no% $no%n as the Sahara desert used to #e +erdant rass"ands and &"ains %ith many trees and se+era" ri+ers* There %as an accumu"ation of different cu"tures do%n to =)111 #ce* 4rom B)1119:)111 #ce different #e"ief structures) and #oth matri"inea" and &atri"inea" societies e,isted a"on the Ni"e) for #y then the Sahara %as ra&id"y turnin to desert and the cu"tures %ent to the on"y remainin source of %ater) the Life Gi+in Ni"e* A ricu"ture %as a"ready de+e"o&ed) and irri ation systems in use* There %as a"ready &redominant Goddess and God %orshi& in these societies* 4rom :)1119/)011 #ce) E y&t no% e+o"+ed into states) #et%een /B9:: of them) ca""ed Nomes* 4rom time to time) E y&t #ecame united into t%o $in doms) the D&&er ;in dom) from a#out As%an do%n to Cairo) %ith its ca&ita" at Ne$hen) %hose chief od %as a oddess) Ne$he#it) the Cu"ture Goddess6 and Lo%er E y&t in the @e"ta %ith it?s ca&ita" at Datchet) %hose chief od %as a"so a oddess) Datchet*

<1/F Ne$he#it) the Cu"ture Goddess %as an Earth Mother) and considered +ery materna" !the ty&e of +u"tures in E y&t are +ery materna" #irds(* She a"so sym#o"iAed re eneration of "ife) from @eath comes Life) as the +u"ture is one of the fe% anima"s that can sur+i+e and main"y su#sists on #odies of anima"s that %ou"d &oison others* Datchet) the Sna$e Goddess) %as a"so +enerated as &rotection from sna$es) and of ferti"ity !sna$es "ay many e s(* The t%o oddess) Ne$he#it and Datchet) Cu"ture and Sna$e oddess #ecame the &art of the cro%n o+er the third eye) "oo$ at the t%o on most cro%ns of e y&t* Later) the sna$e oddess #ecame associated %ith the Ser&ent 4ire of the E y&tian equi+a"ent of the ;unda"ini) and it?s &o%er came out at the third eye) instead of the to& of the head !%hich #ecame associated %ith another od(* The %orshi& of Hathor) Amon) Thoth) Horus) 5ast) Se$hmet and a fe% others ha+e a"ready #een %e"" esta#"ished* Isis is yet to #e found or mentioned* The first three @ynasties2 I The 0st $in ) Narmer) united the $in doms fore+er !after a #rief unification &rior() and on the famous &a"ette of Narmer is found not on"y the Nome standards !our equi+a"ents of f"a s() #ut the 0st $no%n name of Hathor* The <nd $in of the 0st @ynasty esta#"ished the ri ht of %omen to ru"e E y&t* It %as durin the 0st @ynasty that a %oman ru"ed E y&t) to ta$e that into &ers&ecti+e) if the DS fo""o%ed that) %e %ou"d ha+e a %oman &resident %e"" #efore the Ci+i" 'ar* She %as one of the 00 %omen to ru"e one of the reatest ci+i"iAations in the %or"d* And it) "i$e most of the others) %as &eacefu"*

-i hts of %omen %ere esta#"ished* they cou"d marry and di+orce6 there %as no community &ro&erty6 %omen cou"d esta#"ish their o%n #usinesses %ithout a man?s consent or cosi nature6 they cou"d conduct them #efore) durin and after marria e* Married cou&"es %ere con9 sidered co9&artners and co9equa"s* Pre nant %omen) #y "a%) had to #e ta$en care of #y the hus#and or the &o"ice came and #eat him u&G 9999999999 ANCIENT EGYPTIAN AST-AL HEACEN!S( Ancient E y&t had more than one hea+en) and most of their hea+ens %ere su#di+ided into sections or &arts a$in to) and &ro#a#"y #est equated %ith the astra" &"ane* As the astra" &"ane has many different "e+e"s) the "o%est ne,t to the earth"y &"ane) and hi hest sections u& to and &ass most of earth?s re"i ions conce&t of hea+en) the astra" &"ane is "i$e a onion %ith the materia" %or"d in the center) and the "ayers oin out%ard !or in%ard)

<1/H or hi her) or %hate+er(* As most re"i ions hea+ens are manifested in the astra" &"ane) they are a"so se&arate from each other* This is a"so true in E y&tian hea+ens of the astra" &"ane* The 5oo$ of the @ead !a misnomer as the e y&tians ne+er ca""ed it that() "ists the sections of the Hea+en of Osiris* As you read the #oo$) you a"so see that there is a s&ecific %ay to et to the hea+en and throu h it* There is an ancient E y&tian %ritin from a scri#e that says) in effect2 3If you don?t use the s&ecific directions to et to a &ar9 ticu"ar hea+en) you %on?t et there #ut to a fa"se hea+en*3 As most of us are a%are) the astra" &"ane is com&osed and made u&

of the thou htforms of man$ind and of the ods) hence) there is an E y&tian hea+en that %as formed #y the thousands of &eo&"e %ho ha+e conce&tua"iAed it since the #e innin of the 0F11?s) made stron er throu h the -osecrucians and 5"a+ats$y?s) and into the modern meta&hy9 sica" mo+ement* 5ut it is NOT the ancient E y&tian hea+en* Hence) you can?t sim&"y .ust astra""y &ro.ect in order to et to a rea" E y&tian hea+en* You ha+e to fo""o% the directions #y the ancient E y&tians in order to ma$e it to one of their s&ecific hea+ens* You may e+en ha+e to chan e your astra" form to conform to a certain ty&e in order to enter* 4or e,am&"e) one of the %ays to et to the Horus hea+en is to ha+e &ro.ect to the Ni"e) and do certain thin s in order for a #oat %ith a ha%$ on it to come o+er to the #an$ and &ic$ you u& to ta$e you to the Horus Hea+en* One of the thin s you ha+e to do) and not the on"y thin ) in order to et into the Hea+en of Isis is to chan e your astra" #ody into the sha&e of a #ird) a S%a""o%G So if someone) no matter ho% much you res&ect them) te""s you that they dreamed or astra""y &ro.ected to astra" E y&t) they are %ron ) un"ess they $no% the s&ecific %ays to do it* The E y&tians then) ha+e a sort of astra" "oc$ on the &ro+er#ia" doors to the entrance of their hea+ens) and you can?t .ust #"indin "y end u& there %ithout the ri ht $eys to et there* I can &ro#a#"y safe"y say that no more than a cou&"e of doAen &eo&"e in the "ast century ha+e #een a#"e to enter these hea+ens) and no one %ho has %ritten a #oo$ a#out E y&tian meta&hysics has !inc"udin E"iA* Hatch %ho %rote Initiation6 %ho $no%s nothin a#out Ptahhote&(* The teachers are sti"" &retty much in the E y&tian hea+ens) %aitin to teach the student %ho is a#"e to et there* A"thou h the ancient E y&tians had the %here%itha" to o into dru induced states !they had mandra$e and &o&&ies for medicine() I ha+e yet to find one e,am&"e of them usin them for ma ic or astra"


<1:1 Astra" si ht %as tau ht #efore astra" &ro.ection) usin tech9 niques that %e sti"" use today* Se+era" techniques that are used today in astra" &ro.ection today %ere a"so used in astra" &ro.ection then) #ut usua""y) a &riest "ed the student in the first se+era" e,&eriences in order for the student to et used to the e,&erience and fee"in s associated %ith &ro.ection to a &articu"ar hea+en* Therefore the uided tri&s %ere first used* Dsua""y the first tri&s %ere done in the tem&"es !easier to do %ith a"" of the &o%er a"ready resident in the tem&"es(* Some) "i$e the &riests of Horus %ere a"so done #y the Ni"e?s ed e) the student oin into a s"ee&) the &riest astra""y &ro.ectin and dra%in the students astra" #ody and consciousness out doin %hat is necessary for the Horus #oat to arri+e on the astra" Ni"e) then oin on the tri& throu h the Horus hea+en* Sometimes it %as done out in the desert* Once %hen I %as in E y&t) after findin a Eye of Horus #et%een the &i""ars of the tem&"e of the $a of Ptahhote&) I %ent into the Sera&eum !desert under round cham#ers for the #uria"s of the Sera&is #u""s6 ta"$ a#out sensory de&ri+ationG Li ht %ou"dn?t o farther than <1? and norma" ta"$in didn?t e,tend &ast /19:1?*( and in the Sera&9 eum) %hi"e sittin do%n ne,t to the stone coffin of one of the #u""s I instantaneous"y) and "ac$ of tryin on my &art) astra""y &ro.ected* I found myse"f se+era" hundred feet o+er the desert at Sa$$ara and f"e% to the Ni"e and commenced on a tri& to an E y&tian hea+en* 'hen a teacher died) such as Imhote&) he %ent to the a&&ro&riate hea+en and tau ht from there !accordin to the ancient E y&tians) %ho said that at that &oint their teachers on earth %ou"d astra""y &ro.ect to the hea+en to #e tau ht #y him(* At that &oint) a"" &riest8esses ca""ed him Master) or another a&&ro&riate remar$* Since a&&arent"y

there %as much connections #et%een the t%o %or"ds) the &riest8esses $ne% %hen Imhote& fina""y "eft the astra" hea+en to ascend #eyond and into the %or"d of the od8desses* At that &oint Imhote& on earth %as ca""ed a God !this &rocess is found in a &a&yrus fra ment trans"ated courtesy of the 4rench Institute of Archeo"o y of Cairo(* Hence) if you $no% %hen Imhote& or some other "i+ed) and $no% that after death he %as ca""ed a master) then the ear"iest time that he) or she) started #ein ca""ed a God %as the time he mo+ed out of the astra" &"ane* Some other traditions use the sym#o"o y of "adders as an ana"o y of the ascent to their astra" &"ane* Each run re&resents a od or oddess to in+o$e) the "adder is a"%ays he"d #y t%o ods) %hich sym#o"iAe the ty&e of &ath #ein used* In some other traditions) there %as a %ay to ascend throu h the astra" &"ane and into the s&iritua" rea"m) reser+ed for the hi her &riests %ho ha+e &assed the Guardian of the Thresho"d* These traditions can #e found %hen you o to E y&t for in some of the tem&"es the staircase to the roof %i"" ha+e a od8dess for each ste&) sym#o"iAin those that you %i"" need to ascend to the s&iritua" &"ane*

<1:0 Certain od8desses and s&iritua" #ein s can assist or deter you from your astra" tri&* THE HELPE-S2 Anu#is is one of the #est* Hathor is a"so reat) for she i+es you ma ica" &o%er durin your astra" &ro.ection* The od Se# su&&"ies a"" a &erson needs to astra""y tra+e" in many &"aces* The od Se#) Shu) the oddesses Nut and Tefnut defend &eo&"e durin their .ourneys* There %as a"so the Sou"s of the 'est) Sou"s of the East6 Lady of the E+enin ) Ca"f of the Goddess !Mornin Star() Sou"s of se+era" different cities for their s&ecia" hea+ens6 The Catcher of Gods) the @i+ine 5ein %ho E,amines Gods for Men) the God %ho 5inds Gods*

THOSE THAT YOD 'ANT TO ACOI@2 The Dnmentiona#"e Terri#"e Ser&ent !%ith Lo+ecraftian &o%ers and %ou"d #e reat in his no+e"s) "i$e Chuthu"u or Hastor the Dns&ea$a#"e) occasiona""y used in 5"ac$ Ma ic) %hich a&&arent"y %as +ery uncommon in E y&t( I %on?t i+e you his name* There is of course) A&e&) A&o&his) and a fe% s&ecific to each of the hea+ens) #ut are usua""y &articu"ar to the Osirian hea+en !-eadin the 5oo$ of the @ead %i"" i+e you a reat idea a#out them(* A Aoomor&hic &ro.ection is %hen you astra""y &ro.ect then chan e your astra" #ody into a Aoomor&hic fi ure in order to et to s&ecific e y&tian astra" hea+ens* An e,am&"e is turnin your astra" #ody into a s%a""o% to et to Isis?s hea+en) or into a ha%$ to et to one of Horus?s hea+ens* 4o""o%in the Eastern Tradition of the astra" &"ane) the E y&9 tians ha+e an a"most e,act du&"icate of the conce&t* 5asica""y it says that there is a &"ane of e,istence #et%een the rea"m of the hi h ods and earth) ca""ed the astra" &"ane) %hich has "ayers "i$e an onion* The astra" &"ane is made u& of the mind stuff of hea+en and earth d%e""ers a"i$e and is as rea" as #oth* To the Eastern &eo&"e) a"" the hea+ens of a"" the re"i ions are there* To #oth E y&tian and Easter9 ners) to et there you astra""y &ro.ect or out of #ody e,&erience* A"thou h the E y&tians had a more e"a#orate +ersion* The E y&tians) therefore) %hich had se+era" re"i ious traditions) of %hich Isis &"ays in a cou&"e( had se+era" hea+ens* These %ere usua""y concei+ed of in "ayers or &arts) corres&ondin to the "ayers of the astra" &"ane* In He"io&o"is there %ere 0< "ayers or &"anes to their hea+en* Each tradition had a different hea+en and a different %ay of ettin there* The tem&"es trained the &eo&"e ho% to do it at home) at the tem&"e) or e"se%here*

Sometimes more than .ust the astra" #ody too$ the tri&) there %as a"so a s&iritua" #ody) the sou") the s&irit and other forms*

<1:< Accordin to ancient E y&tian &ractices) you can &ro.ect your astra" #ody) sou") s&irit) or s&iritua" #ody* Ho%e+er) there is no ritua" to do a"" at once) &ro#a#"y #ecause it %ou"d $i"" the &erson* Of course the sa is considered the s&iritua" &o%er of a &erson and the animatin force of the #ody* As "on as you ha+e the sa and one of the three !sou") s&irit or s&iritua" #ody( you?re #ody can sti"" "i+e durin the &ro.ections* The E y&tians are the on"y ones that I am a%are of !other than a +ery fe% Nati+e American tri#es( that e+en &ro.ect the s&irit or the s&iritua" #ody or the sou"* A"tered state of consciousness %as used in E y&t) usua""y #y NOT usin dru s) a"thou h they did ha+e mandra$e) &o&&ies and hem& !used in medicine as an anaesthetic(* 'hat %as tau ht differed #y tradition) and %hat $ind of a"tered state differed a"so* 4or e,am&"e2 A scri#e of Anu#is2 @oes he %ant to #ecome a doctor8&riest) a mummification &riest) or a &riest8 uide to the astra" &"ane7 If the "atter) then he is tau ht the #asics of the E y&tian astra" &"anes and ho% each one differs) and ho% each tradition of E y&t has a different &ath to their o%n* He is tau ht ho% to astra""y &ro.ect) and then his teacher %i"" &ro.ect and ta$e him on a uided tour* E+entua""y he %i"" astra""y &ro.ect to the Anu#is tem&"e in the astra" &"ane and recei+e hi her $no%"ed e from their teachers* E+entua""y he %i"" teach others to &ro.ect) and "ead them on .ourneys* No one e,ce&t &ro#a#"y a#out 0= &eo&"e $no% ho% to astra""y &ro.ect to an ancient E y&tian astra" &"ane* The form you ta$e) the route you ta$e) %hat you see determines if you %i"" et there) and if you don?t $no% these thin s) accordin to the E y&tians you %i"" not reach the &"ane* Instead you %i"" end u& on an astra" &"ane of E y&t created #y &eo&"e %ho "i+ed from the 0E119 0F11?s on) such as Go"den @a%n &eo&"e) -osecrucians) 'icca &eo&"e* Is there an astra" &"ane7 It?s u& to you* I ha+e my o%n o&inion* My

o&inions are a"most a"%ays #ased on e,&erts in their o%n fie"ds* 9999999999 ANCIENT EGYPTIAN INITIATIONS The mysteries and initiations +aried from tem&"e to tem&"e* In the Lesser Mysteries of Isis there is &re&aratory instruction) medi9 tation %ithin the tem&"e and introduction to the sanctuary for &ar9 tici&ation in a &erformance of drama of death and resurrection* In today?s society) there are many rou&s that i+e initiations) #ut the initiation usua""y fai"s) and usua""y for the fo""o%in reasons6 0* The rou& doin the initiation does not $no% enou h to do one successfu""y !usua""y throu h "ac$ of fu"" $no%"ed e of their trad9 ition(* <* Incom&"ete &re&aration of the Initiate* /* Incom&"ete &re&aration of the rou&* :* Incom&"ete Initiatory Ceremonies or &rocess* =* Initiation -itua"s #ecomes a #ad &"ay at #est*

<1:/ B* The &eo&"e directin the Initiations %eren?t &ro&er"y &re&ared or initiated in their o%n initiation* In E y&t) they a""o%ed for se"f9initiation !#ut on"y for some "e+e"s(* A"" co nition) after a"") comes from the inside* 'e are therefore initiated on"y #y ourse"+es) the master or teacher i+es us the ;ey* In some E y&tian initiations the oa" is the recei+e the Sa) the innate +irtue or &o%er of the ods as a sort of f"uid !or ma netic f"uid or aura(* It is transmitted #y the God?s !I %i"" sometimes say God) #ut ta$e it as either God or Goddess( hands throu h touch or

&asses on the nec$ or s&ine of the indi+idua"* This o&eration is ca""ed the Sata&u9sa* 3The Summit is the A&e, of the Mountains hei ht) #ut there are #oth Summit and Ca""ey) hence) somethin e,ists %hich causes #oth* Equa""y there is %ithin you that %hich %ants to "ift itse"f des&ite the anima" instincts) and a"so that %hich %ants to remain earth"y* Summit and Ca""ey) are < &o%ers manifested* If there %ere not these t%o there %ou"d #e on"y one* Since there are t%o there are a"so a"" the others %hich s&ran from these) the other Neters or Gods8desses*3 3One shou"d &ass throu h com&"e,ity in order to e,haust the +arious &ossi#i"ities unti" the a%a$enin of the consciousness %hich "eads to%ards sim&"icity6 it is on intermediate &hase #et%een dream and rea"ity*3 3If the essence and &erfection of a"" ood are com&rehended in the od8desses) and if you adhere to a more e,ce""ent nature) you %i"" o#tain a union %ith them) the contem&"ation of truth) and the &osses9 sion of inte""ect* A $no%"ed e of the ods is accom&anied %ith a con+ersion to and $no%"ed e of ourse"+es*3 I?"" "et you contem&"ate that one for a%hi"e* 'ritten on the co""e e %a""s of the Tem&"e of Horus at Edfu* The E y&tian &ath can #e considered !as defined #y 4ran$fort( as6 0* < / : = E+o"ution I I @estruction I @isso"ution I -einte ration I Inte ration I norance ;no%"ed e E,&erience Dnderstandin 'isdom

4-OM2 JANA HOLLINGS'O-TH @ear Michae") Not on"y %as this the usua" e,ce""ent note on E y&t) #ut I %as most im&ressed #y your concise descri&tion of fai"ed initi9 ations* You ha+e touched on a to&ic on"y a fe% Pa ans are %i""in to

thin$ a#out* Too often initiation in 'iccan and other Pa an rou&s has #ecome a s&iritua""y meanin "ess ritua") and the %orst &art is that &eo&"e don?t e+en $no% the difference* Then there are a"" these no+ices %ith no qua"ifications 3se"f9initiatin 3 themse"+es* I %as once initiated as a @ianic 'itch) #ut it didn?t 3ta$e*3 I ne+er refer

<1:: to myse"f as a 'itch or a 'iccan* I am a Pa an) and I don?t need to #e initiated for that* So many %ho use the name 'iccan Cou"d use) in the &ants) a ood $ic$in?* A Pa an I amG I?d i+e each dam Se"f9&roc"aimed 'iccan a "ic$in?* Jana) Pa an and ProudG 4-OM2 MICHAEL POE E,ce&t for those +ery fe% hereditary %itches) most of 'icca is ne% !0H:1s and "ater( and as such) much of it is from #oo$s and &eo&"e %ho tau ht themse"+es from #oo$s and then tau ht others* A"" of the s&iritua" e,ercises and oa"s that need to #e done to #e tru"y init9 iated are usua""y missin !un"ess you are "uc$y enou h to #e one of the fe% %ho %as disci&"ined enou h to intuiti+e"y done a"" the ri ht thin s first* I ha+e #een to many 'iccan initiations and %hi"e a fe% ha+e #een ma ica") none ha+e #een fu""y effecti+e) and most ha+e #een more "i$e a Catho"ic mass) a"" &om& and circumstance and no ma ic* That?s a"so essentia""y true of %hite &eo&"e "earnin shamanism) they don?t et the teachers that rea""y $no%* Ancient E y&t had 0: traditions in %hich the ma.ority of them %ere ma ica" ones* After more than /1 years of studyin ancient E y&t) e+en I can?t te"" you a#out the &ro&er initiations of se+era" of the traditions6 #ut at "east I no% ha+e the s&iritua" e,ercises and %ho"e initiations for some of the them and in the rou& that I am in+o"+ed) %e ha+e done a cou&"e of them*

Most %icca systems that I am a%are of need to s&end more time on the s&iritua" and ma ica" de+e"o&ment of the indi+idua"* Some ancient E y&tian systems too$ a minimum of a year to t%o years of s&iritua" e,ercises #efore the &erson cast their first s&e""* The &riests had the a#i"ity to ma$e &eo&"e astra""y &ro.ect at %i"") for e,am&"e* It?s a"so a mista$e #ein too ec"ectic* 4or e,am&"e) Mercury is equated %ith Thoth #y the Gree$s and -omans) #ut %hi"e they did share some &o%ers and attri#utes) they %ere not the same* F trac$ ta&es and re u"ar cassettes #oth &"ay music) #ut try &uttin a F trac$ ta&e into a cassette &"ayerG Isis) for e,am&"e) is ne+er in+o$ed as a Great Mother Goddess un"ess she is ho"din #a#y Horus* NECE-G I ha+e seen many %iccan ceremonies %here they use the %ron E y&tian od8desses in their ritua"s) or the %ron od8desses forms for the &o%ers they are in+o$9 in * -emem#er) that des&ite some current thin$in that it?s on"y the association in your mind that counts) and if you %ant to in+o$e Se$hmet %ith a $nife !for e,am&"e( as a ent"e mother oddess) she %i"" a&&ear as that6 it .ust isn?t so* This is comin from &eo&"e %ho ha+e ne+er #een &ro&er"y initiated* the &re+ai"in thou ht u& to 01 years a o is that if a form and function of a od8dess has #een %orshi&&ed for thousands of years #y

<1:= hundreds of thousands of indi+idua"s) inc"udin those &ro&er"y in9 itiated) then that form and function %i"" a"%ays o+erride %hat one indi+idua" or rou& o+er a fe% years may in+o$e* The thou htform %as constructed in the Astra" &"ane and is e,treme"y stron ) and a fe% &eo&"e %ho ha+e decided that !usua""y throu h i norance( he8she had a different form or function) %i"" ne+er #e a#"e to com&ete %ith the stron er form* 'hich is &ro#a#"y %hy many ec"ectic %iccan ma ic doesn?t %or$ or %or$ %e""* They don?t $no% %hat they are dra%in from)

and instead of tryin to et the +ast astra" &o%er out there to %or$ for them) it %or$s a ainst them) or e"se their o%n "itt"e &o%er %i"" #e the on"y &o%er they %i"" #e a#"e to ta& into* Michae" 9999999999 4-OM2 5-EN@A -YAN I %as %onderin a#out those tem&"es that ha+e #een mo+ed) do they sti"" retain the &o%er* Is it in the tem&"e #ui"din itse"f or in the round u&on %hich the tem&"e stands7 As you $no%) the tem&"e at A#u Sim#e" had #een mo+ed durin the #ui"din of the As%an @am #ut I thin$ you mentioned it one time as a &o%er s&ot* A"so) I %as more im&ressed %ith the tem&"es and tom#s in D&&er E y&t than in the &yramids and the S&hin,* In fact) the Great Pyramid %as musty sme""in and c"austro&ho#ic so I didn?t o a"" the %ay u&* My friend thou ht I %as missin out on the o&&ortunity of a "ifetime) #ut I .ust %asn?t im&ressed* I didn?t 3fee"3 anythin there* The tom#s in the Ca""ey of the ;in s %ere another matter* I fe"t com&"ete"y comforta#"e oin a"" the %ay do%n in the tom#s that %ere o&en and %as much more in a%e of the %ho"e area* 4-OM2 MICHAEL POE To ma$e a short ans%er "on ) "et me res&ond #y this2 5ac$ in &re9dynastic times) the &riest89 esses had no stone tem&"es) they %or$ed outside !or "ater) in mud and da##"e tem&"es( and cast circ"es6 hence their name6 3Peo&"e of the Circ"e3* E+entua""y they had tem&"es of sun dried #ric$) #ut sti"" retained the name* @urin the @ynastic &eriod they %ere #ui"din tem&"es out of stone* No% the stone tem&"es) if you ha+e seen them) are co+ered %ith fi ures of the ods and oddesses and re"i ious te,ts and in+ocations* The %a""s #ecame the &sychic circ"e of &rotection and %ere im#ued %ith their o%n &o%er* @es&ite the fact that the ma ica" rou& no "on er needed to cast circ"es for &rotection from %ithout or raise &o%er %ithin !as the tem&"es %a""s did that() they %ere sti"" ca""ed the 3Peo&"e of the Circ"e3* Some traditions .ust %on?t dieG So) yes) the tem&"es themse"+es) des&ite ha+in #een mo+ed) are sti"" fu"" of &o%er as the %a""s themse"+es is the stone circ"e of &o%er* No% you mi ht as$)

%e"") that ma$es sense) ma ic #ein used in them for thou9 sands of years) #ut %hat a#out the &o%er s&ot it %as ori 9 ina""y #ui"t o+er) if any7 'e"") of course) the tem&"e) #ein #ui"t o+er the &o%er s&ot and %ith a"" the ma ic %or$in in it for hundreds or thousands of years) the &o%er from the s&ot %ou"d see& into the tem&"es %a""s* That &o%er %ou"d sti"" #e there if the tem&"e %as re#ui"t* -emem#er that the ancient E y&tians %ou"d sometimes ta$e an o"der tem&"e a&art and incor&orate the stones into the %a""s of

<1:B another tem&"e far a%ay* That is the method of ettin stones a"ready im#ued %ith &o%er and 3&rechar in 3 the ne% tem&"e %ith &o%er* So yes) any tem&"e that has #een mo+ed sti"" retains it?s &o%er* Michae" Ima ine if you %i"") a tem&"e <8/ of a mi"e "on and 08: mi"e %ide) B stories ta""* The courtyard) #i enou h for o+er : foot#a"" fie"ds surrounded #y a hi h) < story %a""* You enter throu h <1 foot hi h doors encased in o"d into the courtyard at ni ht* The courtyard is done in hi h"y &o"ished #"ac$ ranite) so %e"" &o"ished that it ref"ects the mi"$y %ay* It is "i$e %a"$in in s&aceG In the midd"e of the courtyard is a fu"" siAe tree) made %ith trun$ and #ranches of #"ue "a&is "aAu"i) and "ea+es of turquoise* A dream you say7 No) for it %as the Tem&"e of -a at He"io&o"is) #ui"t around 0F1190H11 #c) and sho%n to Gree$s durin =119<11 #c* And if you thin$ that %as a tru"y ma ica" and a%e ins&irin courtyard) ima ine %hat %as inside the hu e co+ered tem&"e that too$ u& o+er 08< of the areaG Com&"ete %ith it?s secret corridors and cham#ers) etc* A"so) you are fami"iar %ith E y&tian tem&"es in E y&t) #ut did you $no% that E y&tian tem&"es a"so e,isted in Le#anon) Syria) Greece) @e"os) Crete) Ita"y) S&ain) 4rance) 5ritain and Germany7 The ancient E y&tians in addition to doctors) a"so had s&ecia"9 iAed sur eons) &sycho"o ists) O5GYN?s) mid%i+es) +ets)

#rain sur eons !%ith F1K success rate in tre&annin ) dentists) her#9 a"ists) in addition to their #otanists and ethno ra&hers* The Tem&"e is the House of God* The 5ody of Man is the House of God) therefore the Tem&"e is the 5ody of Man* !from tem&"e of Amon(* In nature) e+erythin is "in$ed %ith e+erythin e"se) and you are a &art of nature* O#ser+e outside) o#ser+e inside) you #e in to see the re"ations #et%een thin s*

The ancient E y&tians didn?t %orshi& anima"s* They had sacred anima"s) #ut %hat they %orshi& %as the @i+ine Princi&"e made manifest in that anima"* Hence) the Sera&is #u"" sym#o"iAed the @i+ine Prin9 ci&"e of Stren th* The 5a#oon of Thoth for t%o thin s2 Society !#a#9 oons ha+e) amon the anima"s) one of the most com&"e, societies() and of Contem&"ation !5a#oons %i"" sit and %atch the Sun rise) amon other thin s(* Horus %ith the Ha%$) one %ho sees or %atches the earth from a#o+e) and sees it e,treme"y %e"" !ha%$s and #irds of &rey ha+e a #inocu"ar +ision of a#out E, &o%er(6 Hence the ce"estia" Horus eyes %ere the Sun and the Moon* The attri#utes of 5ast and of the Cat is +ery c"ose* And so) to the E y&tian) %hi"e man is an e,am&"e of ALL the &o%ers of a"" the od8desses6 certain anima"s manifest s&ecific &o%ers) and manifest them more than man* Hence they %orshi& the &o%er #ehind the anima"s* O#ser+e outside) o#ser+e inside) you #e in to see the re"ations #et%een thin s*

<1:E An anima" does not reason) it e,&eriences direct"y* Man is decei+ed #y the incom&"ete testimony of his senses and his reason and has a""o%ed the instincti+e consciousness to atro&hy %ithout ha+in "earned to use his intuiti+e facu"ties %hich to the E y&tians) is the %isdom of the heart* Therefore there are ancient ritua"s to stren then

the heart* -aise your eyes to $no% %hat re"ates to the "a%s of the hea+ens) Loo$ around you to study the &rinci&"es of nature) Loo$ inside you to determine your attri#utes) to inte rate your &ersona"ity) and identify it %ith the hea+ens and nature) One can cast your heart ahead on the Chosen 'ay) then o and retrie+e it) and "et your ste&s "oya""y fo""o% its +oice* The E y&tian 'ay of Life is of Harmony6 'ithin the A""9Inc"usi+e Dnity of God8desses) Nature and Society6 Man can mo+e %ith @i nity) Safety and Ha&&iness* The E y&tian essentia" Dnity in the con+iction that man can find immorta"ity and &eace #y #ecomin &art) or as one) %ith the &erennia" cyc"ic rhythms of Nature) a recurrin mo+ement) &art of the esta#9 "ished and unchan in Order of the Dni+erse* 'ith the occasiona" e,ce&tion) I %i"" start &ostin notes on the different traditions6 The Ceremonia" Tradition) the Phi"oso&hica") The Arts and Crafts) the Hermetic "i$e) the 'iccan "i$e) the A"chemica") etc* Stuc$ in #et%een %i"" #e the occasiona" hymn to a od8dess) o#ser+ations on astronomica" od8desses6 &arts of man) tem&"e struc9 ture) etc* Ma$e any comments or questions that you %ant that are re"ated* Michae" An$h em Maat 9999999999 THE PATH O4 THE C-A4TSMEN IN ANCIENT EGYPT One of the traditions in ancient E y&t %as that of the artists and craftsmen* A"" of the #est artists and craftsmen %ere trained in one &"ace) the Tem&"e of Ptah in Mem&his !&resent"y <1 min south of Cairo(* a"" other artists and craftsmen %ere usua""y trained at the Tem&"e or #y &eo&"e %ho %ere trained there*

These artists and craftsmen inc"ude2 Architects) draftsmen) stone %or$ers !"ar e stones and sma""() .e%e"ers) &ainters) e+entua""y "ass %or$ers) dyers) !#ut not %ea+ers) %ho studied at the Tem&"e of Neith in the @e"ta(* A"" the architects and draftsmen %ho &roduced a"" of the &yramids) tem&"es) &a"aces) roya" tom#s) and e+en forts %ere trained here* Ha+e you noticed ho% a"" the men and %omen in &aintin s and statues ha+e a simi"ar #ody7 Dn"i$e the Gree$s) %ho %anted to sho% ho% a &ersons #ody rea""y "oo$ed "i$e) the E y&tian %ere interested in sho%in the 3inner essence3 of the &erson* Therefore on"y in the #ac$ round) the %or$ers) and not the centra" fami"y) are &eo&"e sho%n

<1:F as they rea""y %ere) cri&&"ed &eo&"e) occasiona" star+ation) o+er %ei ht &ersons) etc* Therefore the E y&tians %ere interested in the 3inner man !or %oman(3* Loo$ at a #oo$ on E y&tian art and chec$ out %hat the od8desses are ho"din or %earin * That is im&ortant to see %hat &o%ers and attri#utes are #ein &ortrayed* 4or e,am&"e) if 5es is ho"din a $nife) she8he #ecomes a &rotector and a+en er6 if ho"din a sistrum) he8she !it?s hard sometimes to te"" %hich se, 5es is() #ecomes the God8desses of .oy) &"easure) music) dance) and another $ind of &rotec9 tor6 if ho"din other o#.ects or %earin other outfits) she8he #ecomes a Protector of 'omen and of the 4ami"y) of Mothers* The same ho"ds true %ith a"" of the other ods and oddesses* Hence) Isis can #e a Mother Goddess or a Goddess of 'omen) or of the Cisi#"e 'or"d de&en9 din on %hat she is %earin or carryin * A"" of this is tau ht #y the tem&"e of Ptah to the artists* The simi"ar thin occurs %ith amu"ets and ta"ismans* Some amu"ets and ta"ismans are a"%ays sho%n in a certain co"or or a"%ays made of certain materia"* The 5uc$"e of Isis is a"most a"%ays of red carne"ian or arnets* The An$h is a"most ne+er do%n in si"+er !#ecause the an$h is associated %ith the Sun) and o"d is the meta" of the Sun(*

The tem&"e of Amon at Lu,or is &atterned after a human #ody6 in fact) in the sanctuary &art) if you o#ser+e the stones in the f"oor) you see that t%o different stones %ere used* If you had an archaeo"o 9 ica" ma& of the tem&"e %ith the f"oor stones sho%n) and co"or in the dar$er stones) you end u& %ith a hu e side &rofi"e of a faceG So the Tem&"e of God ref"ected the Tem&"e of ManG Ptah had other &o%ers and attri#utes than .ust artists and craftsmen !he %as one of the Great Creator Gods() and %as married to Se$hmet !%ho %as into other traditions inc"udin hea"in (* Ptah is a"so associated %ith the Science and Art of A"chemy* Their offs&rin is Nefertum) the God of &erfumes and aromathera&y) and of the Lotus* As you %i"" see in future discussions) more than one od8dess is associated %ith a tradition* Ptah is one of the fe% ods %ho e+er since &redynastic &eriods) %as a"%ays &ortrayed as a human* -emem#er that most of the &o&u"ar "iterature is from materia" of the Ne% ;in dom and "ater &eriods* 5y then Horus %as associated in the &o&u"ar ancient E y&tian mind as the son of Isis) and es&ecia""y &o&u"ar as that durin the Greco9-oman &eriod* 9999999999 -ITDALS and -ITDAL ELEMENTS Ho% many times do you et into a 5oo$ of Shado%s and "oo$ at the ritua"s7 Ho% many of these ritua"s are com&"ete from o&enin or dra%in the circ"e) in+ocation of the four directions) #"essin s) consecrations) in+ocation) and c"osin 7 And ho% many are incom&"ete6 in other %ords) missin some of the e"ements to the ritua"s) #ut may#e referrin to use a certain : direction in+ocation or c"osin rite7 Or

<1:H missin com&"ete e"ements6 such as a hymn or in+ocation to a Goddess

#ut no ritua"s around it7 To the ma.or ancient E y&tian tem&"e co""e es) the e"ements of ritua" %ere em&hasiAed* A ma ician) &riest8ess) ma ic %or$er at home %ou"d end u& %ith se+era" in+ocations to the four quarters) se+era" c"osin s) etc* To the E y&tian6 The 'ay of the -itua"6 it?s chief od8dess to #e in+o$ed and the %ay the ritua" is to #e directed !%eather ma ic for e,am&"e( %i"" determine %hich other ritua" e"ements are used* A"so remem#er that the E y&tians had eneric ritua" e"ements) usua""y #"essin s) consecrations and hymns* A eneric hymn to a oddesses %i"" ha+e s&aces in %hich the oddesses name) tit"es and some of her &o%ers %ou"d #e inc"uded*

There %ere more than one set of od8desses for the four directions6 and e+en the direction that you started your ritua" chan es %ith the orientation of the ritua"* 4or e,am&"e6 if you %anted to do a ritua" for ferti"ity of the "and) you start off facin south !the Life Gi+in Ni"e() then 'est !to a&&ease the desert() then North !sym#o" of ferti"ity() then the East !risin sun) cosmic ferti"ity() then #ac$ to South* Natura""y if you are so"ar oriented usin ods "i$e Amon) -a) Horus) and oddesses "i$e Se$hmet or 5ast) you started %ith the east and %or$ your %ay around !c"oc$%ise(* If you are in+o$in a oddess in your ritua" you @O NOT in+o$e the four sons of Horus) DNLESS it is Isis or Ne&thys that you are in+o$in * There are < sets of oddesses of the four directions) and one of the sets %ou"d do #etter* There are at "east three different sets of ods for the four directions) more) since Thoth has his o%n set) as does some cities*

I ha+e a hand %ritten /= &a e "ist of &o%ers and the od8desses associated %ith them* It &ro#a#"y corres&onds to a #oo$ "isted in the Li#rary of the Tem&"e of Horus ca""ed 3The 5oo$ of God and Goddesses and their Po%ers3* So a ma ician at home %ou"d ha+e more of a reci&e co""ection of ritua" e"ements rather than a #oo$ of Shado%s of com&"ete ritua"s) and %ou"d ha+e the $no% ho% of ho% to &ut them to ether* I ha+e a#out /)111 such reci&es) from Astra" &ro.ection to Loomor&hic &ro.ections) inc"udin #"essin s) o&enin and c"osin rites) s&e""s) di+ination) consecration) initiation) %eather) tantric) etc* The Pyramid Te,ts contain a#out E11 more) and the Coffin Te,ts) o+er 0)<11 more* Ori 9 ina") not ne%* 9999999999

<1=1 5AST The on"y fu""y de+e"o&ed cu"t of the cat e,isted in E y&t and it "asted for o+er /)111 years* No one $no%s %hen the cat %as first sanctified in E y&t* 5ast %asn?t associated %ith Isis unti" the Ne% ;in dom) a#out 0B11 #ce and "ater* 'hen associated %ith Isis it came to #e reco niAed as the incarnation of deity) and it %as the dau hter of Isis and her hus#and) the sun9 od Osiris !Osiris %as a"so a Moon9 od( !Isis %as a"so a Sun8Moon8Earth Goddess #y then(* The %orshi& of 5ast o+er"a&&ed that of Isis) Hathor) Mut and others de&endin on the district in E y&t* 5ast had a so"ar son) Nefer9tum !He is associated %ith un uents) &erfumes) aromathera&y) a"chemy) Lotus( #y the Sun God Amen9-a) and ;hensu) the Moon God) #y Ptah*

5ast or 5astet) %as ori ina""y a "ion headed oddess) associated in &o%ers and attri#utes %ith Se$hmet and Tefnut) and as such) 5astet has &o%ers of ferocity and ra&acity* It is her "ater cat9headed form that 5astet #ecame so immense"y &o&u"ar) a"thou h she ne+er ceased to #e %orshi&ed as a "ion headed oddess* The ear"iest $no%n &ortrait of 5astet %as found in a tem&"e of the =th dynasty) a "ion9headed oddess %ho %as $no%n a 35astet) "ady of An$h9taui*3 One of the ear"iest forms of her as a cat headed oddess is in a &a&yrus of the <0st dynasty* 5ast cu"t center %as at 5u#astis) situated east of the Ni"e de"ta) and hence) 5ast #ecame $no%n as the 3Lady of the East3 !a"so #ecause of her association %ith the sun(* She then) is a"most %ithout e,ce&tion) in+o$ed %hi"e facin the East) and is one of the Goddesses of the 4our @irections* In the MII dynasty) Midd"e ;in dom) she had her o%n tem&"e at 5u#astis* In the <<nd dynasty) a#out H=1 #ce) she %as $no%n as the Lady of 5u#astis and #ecame an immense &o%er in E y&t) due to the Pharaohs em#racin her as a nationa" oddess* The tem&"e of 5astet has #een +i+id"y descri#ed #y the historian Heroditus) %ho tra+e""ed in E y&t a#out :=1 #ce* It stood in the center of the city of 5u#astis and %as +irtua""y on an is"and) since it %as surrounded !e,ce&t at its entrance( #y cana"s from the Ni"e) %hich %ere a hundred feet %ide and o+erhun %ith trees* 'hi"e the houses %ere radua""y raised) the tem&"e remained on its ori ina" "e+e" so that the %ho"e city commanded a +ie% do%n into it* The tem&"e %as a #ui"din in the form of a square) and %as made of red ranite* Stone %a""s car+ed %ith fi ures surrounded the sacred enc"osure) %hich consisted of a ro+e of +ery ta"" trees %ithin %hich

<1=0 %as hidden a shrine* In the center of the shrine %as a statue of 5ast* Note2 this is the on"y tem&"e in E y&t $no%n to ha+e had a sacred ro+e of trees in the center of it) and a shrine in the center* There are other sacred ro+es) some %ith shrines6 #ut instead of #ein inside of tem&"es) these are a"" out in the o&en* Cats %ere found %ithin the sacred tem&"e area and %ere ritua""y fed* Tem&"e maidens carried cats or $ittens in #as$ets* A&ri" and May %ere the chief festi+a"s and ritua"s for 5ast* A"" cats %ere re+ered in the Tem&"e of 5ast* No% the question is) %hat $ind of cats did the E y&tians ha+e7 Oran e cats Oran e stri&&ed cats A Ta##y Ty&e 5"ac$ Cats Gray cats And an A#yssinian !I used to do %e"" in s&e""in G( ty&e* Of course) 5ast is a"so associated %ith Lioness) so sma"" cu#s and adu"t "ionesses %ere a"so sacred to her* Of the &rinci&a" E y&tian festi+a"s) that of 5ast %as one of the most &o&u"ar* Herodotus descri#es ho%) in A&ri" and May) thousands of men and %omen set off on the &i" rima e in &arties %hich cro%ded into numerous #oats* The +oya e %as ay if not &ositi+e"y or iastic* Men &"ayed the f"ute) %omen a ty&e of cym#a" ca""ed crota"a) and a"" .oined in sin in and hand9c"a&&in * As they &assed to%ns) the #oats dre% near to the #an$s and the %omen shouted #a%dy .o$es) often f"in in their c"othes u& o+er their heads* E+entua""y they arri+ed at 5u#astis) sacrificin many anima"s) and consumin +ast quantities of %ine* Cats %ere &ortrayed in e+ery concei+a#"e acti+ity) scu"&tured

e+ery materia" from o"d to mud) and in e+ery siAe from co"ossa" to minute siAe* A oran e #ro%n cat is de&icted on tom# %a""s) and so is a in er cat) and rey ta##ies* @urin the 5u#astite &eriod !MMII dynasty() cat cemeteries #ecame &o&u"ar) and a hu e &rofusion of cat amu"ets %ere #ein made* @urin the entire time of E y&t) househo"d cats %ere treated %ith the reatest res&ect* Many of them %ere #e.e%e""ed) and they %ere a""o%ed to eat from the same dishes as their o%ners* Sic$ cats %ere tended %ith so"icitude) and stray cats %ere fed %ith #read soa$ed in mi"$ and %ith fish cau ht in the Ni"e and cho&&ed u& for them* Cats "o+e #as$in in &atches of sun"i ht) and 5ast %as first %orshi&&ed as a form of the sun) the source and sustainer of "ife and "i ht* Some of the E y&tians #e"ie+ed that %hen the Sun %ent do%n) a com#at of cosmic &ro&ortions too$ &"ace in the under%or"d* One of the

<1=< "e ends had a &ersea tree %ith a cat %ith a $nife "ea&in on a s&otted ser&ent and cuttin off its head* @urin so"ar ec"i&ses &eo&"e %ou"d ather in the streets and sha$e $ni+es and ratt"e sistrums in an effort to s&ur on the ce"estia" cat and to terrify the threatenin ser&ent in their stru "e #eside the Tree of Life* 4rom the cat?s identification %ith the sun arisen the 3cat?s crad"e3) a name i+en to certain strin 9 ames* The cats crad"e %as used to contro" the mo+ement of the Sun throu h sym&athetic ma ic* Se$hmet %as com#ined %ith 5ast and -a for a tri&arte oddess com#inin the attri#utes and &o%ers of a"" three* It %as a com#ination made for ceremonia" ma ic on"y) as there is no &u#"ic %orshi& of Se$hmet95ast9-a at an indi+idua" "e+e"*

Are you soa$in this a"" in %ith no questions7 -emem#er the story a#out the cat and the Persea tree that I .ust re"ated7 You shou"d ha+e as$ed a#out the Persea tree and if this E y&tian Tree of Life is or can #e ro%n in the D*S* and if %e $no% it #y another name* Come on) as$) come on) come) after a"") its the Cat?s Meo%G There are t%o sacred trees in ancient E y&t* I mean SAC-E@G One is the acacia !%hich +arieties ro%s a"" o+er the DS* The other is the Persea* There are on"y < +ariet9 ies of Persea in the entire %or"d* One is the E y&tian &ersea) %hich I ha+e no idea if it #ears fruit* The other +ariety of Persea !%hich #y E y&tian thou ht %ou"d #e .ust as sacred( #ears fruit* The other +arieties common name is ACOCA@OG That?s ri ht) the a+ocado is a sacred tree of the ancient E y&tians* So the ne,t time that you are &re&arin to eat uacamo"e) remem#er that you are eatin a sacred di&G The reen a+ocado %ou"d &ro#a#"y a"so #e sacred to Osiris and any other od8dess of +e etation* The ancient E y&tians usua""y made their %ands out of acacia or &ersea) so if you ha+e any of these trees) you can ma$e yourse"f an E y&tian %and* A"so remem#er that if you trim your tree) use the #ranches in the fire&9 "ace for a sacred fireG 9999999999 To re"ate a story) true2 'hen I %as married my %ife and I #rou ht home a ta##y) and a +ery youn #oy) a#out = came u& and %anted to &et the cat* He as$ed me %hat %as her name) and I re&"ied that %e ha+en?t named it yet) %hat %ou"d he su est7 He said A#aton* I re&"ied that I %ou"d consider it) thin$in that it %as a stran e name for a $id to come u& %ith !3out of the mouths of #a#es***(*

A#out / days "ater) I %as oin o+er a #oo$ of cities and to%ns in ancient E y&t) and on a %him

<1=/ !%hich I ha+e a "ot of() "oo$ed u& A#aton* LO AN@ 5EHOL@) there %as an A#aton in the @e"ta &art of E y&t* AN@ IT 'AS ;NO'N AS THE CITY O4 THE CATS 'ITH 3TON3 MEANING CITY) AN@ 3A5A3 MEANING CAT6 O3CAT CITY3 to us fo"$* So our Ta##y #ecame $no%n as A#aton) or A#a for short* A year "ater she #ecame &re nant and %e decided that in honor of the E y&tian interca"ary days !those = remainin days of the ancient E y&9 tian ca"endar of /B= days) di+ided into 0< months of /1 days %ith = interca"ary days "eft o+er) sacred to certain od8desses(6 as the $itties %ou"d &o& out !so to s&ea$() %e %ou"d start namin them for the = od8desses* 'e"") e+entua""y here they came) Isis) Ne&thys) Osiris) Horus) and the "ast) a #"ac$ $itty) Set* Set died that ni ht) the on"y one that didn?t "i+e to a ri&e o"d a e* Horus re% u& !a ma"e cat #y the %ay) %e named them re ard"ess of se,6 %hen the first &o&&ed out) it #ecame Isis6 "uc$i"y se,ua""y matched their names( to #e a huntin cat) %ho %ou"d #rin home "i+e ra##its #i er than he %as* Ne&thys) a #"ac$ fema"e) %as a "o+ea#"e) "o+in cat %ho %ent to an e,ce""ent 'iccan friend) a"on %ith Isis) %ho %as occasiona""y disru&ti+e) usu9 a""y "o+ea#"e* Osiris stayed %ith us and e+en disa&&eared for a "itt"e o+er < months !c"ose to the E< day mummification &rocess( unti" %e thou ht that he %as dead) #ut he came #ac$ and "i+ed out his "ife &"ayin #i daddy) master of his domain) and a&&ro+in the fie"d mice and ra##its that #rother Horus %ou"d #rin #ac$ for his a&&ro+a"*

They are a"" one none) #ut ne+er for otten* I no% ha+e < cats) a #"ue eyed) "on %hite furry fema"e ori ina""y ca""ed 3Po&corn3 !for i+e her &re+ious o%ners) Lord and Lady) they do not $no% #etter() #ut no% ca""ed She#a !a"thou h) to #e truthfu") she ans%ers to any name(* The other is a Ca"ico) &re+ious"y named Ni$ita !"itt"e one in -ussian) and she is a "itt"e cat(6 no% ca""ed S&oo$ !she s&oo$s easi"y) sti"" hasn?t fi ured out shado%s yet) and doesn?t come to any name ca""ed to her(* She#a) #y the %ay) %i"" %i""in "y .oin you in the #athtu# if you?re ta$in a #athG In ritua" she .ust "ays there "oo$in #ored) #ut S&oo$) ah S&oo$6 stays inside the circ"e and e+en %atches the entitiesG A LIME-IC; 4-OM JANA HOLLINGS'O-TH The fi+e cats of Michae" %ere named 4or fi+e Gods of E y&t far9famed* Each suited its tit"e In character +ita"* A fi+e9year9o"d #oy can #e #"amed*

<1=: 9999999999 4-OM L@E 5LAC; Cat 4ancy March 0HH/ & 0/) at #ottom* * A 4rench scientist has found e+idence confirmin that the domestic cat e,isted :)111 years a o* @urin e,ca+ations of ancient E y&tian #uria" cham#ers) A"ain Pierre Li+ie) an E y&to"o ist) found a net%or$ of tom#s that contained stac$s and stac$s of cat mummies* 3Some histor9 ians #e"ie+e the first house cats %ere %i"d %ith "on coats)3 Li+ie said) 3#ut these cat mummies ha+e short hair and "oo$ much "i$e modern cats*3 Li+ie made his disco+ery in Sa$$ara) <1 mi"es south of Cairo*

9999999999 4-OM 5-EN@A -YAN I ha+e a set of hiero "y&hic stam&s &ut out #y the Metro&o"itan Museum of Art* Ha+e you seen these7 Are they usefu" at a"" for actua" %ritin ) are they accurate trans"ations) or are they toys7 4-OM MICHAEL POE The hiero "y&hic stam&s are +ery usefu") e,treme"y accurate of the hiero "y&h* If usin them in ma ic) #e sure to #"ess and con9 secrate them first) a"on %ith the in$* You can use henna as an in$* Michae" 4-OM AN@Y 5ALEST-ACCI @id Hiero "y&hics &"ay a simi"ar ro"e in the Tem&"e &hi"oso&hy!ies( as seed sy""a#"es) i*e*) that sym#o"iAed and em#odied the first "e+e"s of creation!for "ac$ of a #etter %ord( such as the Sans$rit a"&ha#et of Hinduism !N may#e others(7

4-OM MICHAEL POE Hiero "y&hics did &"ay a &art in the Tem&"e teachin s) as sym#o"s of the od89 desses) of &o%er o#.ects) of inter9re"ations* They themse"+es had &o%er %ithin them and the mere act of %ritin them do%n !or usin a ru##er stam& in today?s %or"d( %ou"d i+e the s&e"" more &o%er* As for #ein seed sy""a#"es) I?m not sure6 you %i"" ha+e to i+e a fe% more e,am&"es) #ut there are hiero "y&hics that do stand for and em#odied the "e+e"s of creation) #ut not a"" of them %ere sy""a#"es or "etters* -emem#er that %hi"e a num#er of hiero "y&hics stood for "etters) and some sy""a#"es) most of them stood for sho%in %hat the "etter8sy""a#"e %as for6 so that if t%o o#.ects %ere s&e""ed the same) another hiero9 "y&hic of the o#.ect %ou"d #e inserted* E,am&"e2

Aunt and ant* In E y&tian Aunt %ou"d ha+e a fema"e human fi ure ne,t to it) and in Ant) an ant %ou"d #e ne,t to it* 4-OM2 ELLEN GDSTA4SON I %as .ust %onderin if you e+er chec$ed out the Ste"e of -e+ea"in and stud9

<1== ied It in re"ation to Its time frame) etc* Cro%9 "ey?s intent ne+er %as to re&roduce the ancient E y&tian re"i ion) as you $no%* In fact) the A2*A2* has as a uide"ine) that a"" cu"tura" references are incidenta") not to #e ta$en "iter9 a""y* The Aeon of Horus is a ne% aeon) and not meant to return to the #e"iefs of ancient E y&t* I uess that?s the difference in &ers&ecti+e* The Ste"e of -e+ea"in is a funerary monument to An$9f9n9;honsu) a The#an &riest of Month)or Mentu) %ho f"ourished) accordin to modern scho"arshi&) E<= 5*C*E* in E y&t?s <=th dynasty* I co&ied this from notes in The Ho"y 5oo$s of The"ema* There is much a#out the Ste"e there* It is interestin that in the 5o"ouq !s&7( Museum) the Ste"e %as c"as9 sified as OBBBG LCM) E""en 4-OM2 MICHAEL POE That?s cute) and +ery a&&ro9 &riate a#out the BBB* Such ste"aes of that &eriod %ere for &rotection &rimari"y) in+o$in +arious ods) inc"udin "esser s&irits and #ein s) inc"ud9 in many that %eren?t in e,istence &rior to a#out 0)111 #ce*I ha+e read Cro%"ey?s %or$) and unfor9 tunate"y) he doesn?t $no% ancient E y&tian) and the Go"den @a%n) and A*A* $no%s +ery "itt"e6 %hen they do use ori ina" materia") it is a"%ays Greco9 9-oman E y&tian) a usua""y decadent form of E y&9 tian ma ic* Their inter&retation of od8desses

forms from ancient E y&t doesn?t a"%ays .i+e %ith ancient E y&t?s* That is &ro#a#"y #ecause of the #oth the Greco9-oman "ater &eriod information and their efforts to try to &e E y&tian od forms into Ca##a"a Se&heroah* Cro%"ey is NOT ancient E y&tian ma ic* E+en he ac$no%"ed es that his ritua" that he did in E y&t didn?t %or$ out ri ht* It?s a"%ays &otentia""y dan erous to try to fit square &e s into round ho"esG Or for that matter) try and chan e a re"i ious tradition that %as used for o+er :)111 years #y o+er a hundred mi""ion &eo&"e !#ased on &o&u"ation estimate of =901)111)9 111 &eo&"e at any one time) "ife s&an of :1 years) or 0=9/1)111)111 &er 011 years M :)111 years* 9999999999 MOON LO-E Isis is a"so Goddess of the Sun as %e"" as the Moon) so don?t in+o$e her un"ess you $no% %hat you are doin !%hat sym#o"s she shou"d ho"d) %hat items shou"d #e on her head) etc*(* Dsua""y she is in+o$ed as #oth Goddess of the Sun and Moon at the same time) rare"y as Moon #y itse"f* 9999999999

<1=B IMPO-TANT METAPHYSICAL SPOTS IN EGYPT TO@AY Since the Great Pyramid %as #ui"t #y the ancient E y&tians for a $in ) ;hufu) that is not an im&ortant meta&hysica" s&ot* 5efore %e et into an ar ument a#out that "et me &oint out that the Great Pyramid has tom#s around it #y the %or$ers %ho #ui"t it and mention it?s #ui"din and its use as a #uria" &"ace* There are a"so ancient E y&9 tian records of the ;ee&er Priests %ho "i+ed

there &ro+idin food to ;hufu* There is a#so"ute"y no mention of it as an initiation &"ace) and #eside the stone coffin) ;hufu?s +iscera %as found thereG Ho%e+er) Euro&eans are im&ressed #y %hat is "ar e and commandin !it em#arrassed the ancient E y&tians( and &ut reater stoc$ in the Great Pyramid than the E y&tians* A"so %hat %ith the +ast num#er of &eo&"e in the occu"t %ho ha+e +isited there) it no% has it?s o%n aura added to it) and most &eo&"e today can?t te"" the difference* So "et?s "ist the tru"y sacred* The Tem&"e of 5ast at 5u#astis6 @e"ta area* A"thou h not much remains there) it sti"" e,udes a fee"in of serenity and &eace there* Center to the 5ast cat tradition* Mem&his2 Tem&"e of Ptah2 a"so not %e"" &reser+ed) #ut serene %ith the &onds of %ater %ithin the tem&"e enc"osure* Sa$$ara2 The tom#s of Ptahhote& and ;ae emni are e,treme"y ma 9 ica") housin at one time t%o of the reatest teachers of E y&t* the La#yrinth) near the 4ayyum6 Herodutus descri#ed it as ha+in /)111 rooms6 0)=11 a#o+e) and 0)=11 #e"o% round that %as so sacred) no one #ut hi h &riests cou"d enter the under round rooms* E,treme"y ma ica") and %hat is #etter) a"most no tourists) e+en at the hei ht of the tourist seasonG Initiations too$ &"ace here* Tem&"e of Hathor at @enderah* Ma ica" &"ace %ith secret cham#ers and &assa e%ays) Initiation center of Hathor* The Lodiac cei"in %as found in the Tem&"e of Hathor at @enerah !ori ina" in 5ritish Museum) re&"ica in tem&"e(* Osirieon at A#ydos2 Center of the hi hest initiations of Osiris !his tom# is "ocated near#y #ut has not yet #een disco+ered(* You can +isit the once under round cham#ers %here the initiations too$ &"ace) surrounded #y a &ond) %ith a secret &assa e%ay !no% under%ater( su&9 &osed"y oin to Osiris?s tom#s* The -amesseum2 %est #an$ of The#es6 Lu,or* Sit on the stone throne of -ameses) fee" the &o%er) or o find the initiation cham#er

there !the on"y one that uti"iAes a coffin(* Hi h"y ma ica"* The Tem&"e of Hatshe&sut) same enera" area* Tem&"es of Amon and Mut at ;arna$ and Lu,or6 if siAe im&resses) this %i""G The courtyard itse"f can easi"y ho"d Notre @ameG Too #ad so many tourists) #ut see$ out the sma"" tem&"e of Se$hmet !#ut #e%are of doin ritua"s there) Se$hmet is unfor i+in (*

<1=E Tem&"e of Horus) Edfu2 Most com&"ete tem&"e in modern E y&t) "ots of su#t"e &o%er %aitin to #e rea%a$ened) doin a ent"e chant in the sanctuary can #e heard o+er the entire tem&"eG Tem&"e of Isis) Phi"ae6 des&ite #ein mo+ed from the ori ina" is"and6 sti"" +ery ma ica") es&ecia""y #ecause of the surroundin s* Tem&"e of Shaha#u2 The E y&tian equi+a"ent of Tantric ma ic) it?s &"ace is un$no%n) and e+en to the ancient Priests) it?s "ocation %as $e&t a secretG

Orac"e of Amon6 Si%a Oasis) %here A"e,ander the Great %ent and ne+er s&o$e of his &ro&hecyG 9999999999 HO-DS The reat od Horus %as one of the most &o&u"ar ods of ancient E y&t* At "east a 0)111 years #efore E y&t %as unified a ne% rou& of &eo&"e entered E y&t ca""ed the 4o""o%ers of Horus* 'hether from southern Africa) the Sahara are from the -ed Sea area %e don?t $no%) #ut they sett"ed in D&&er E y&t and o&&osed the 4o""o%ers of Set in

the @e"ta* E+entua""y the 4o""o%ers of Horus united E y&t and their $in ) Narmer or Menes #ecame the first $in of @ynastic E y&t) and the Horus name of the $in started #ein used* 'ho %as Horus the Ha%$ or 4a"con God7 'e are es&ecia""y #"essed since the Tem&"e of Horus at Edfu is the #est &reser+ed tem&"e in ancient E y&t) and on its %a""s contains such thin s as the different forms and &o%ers of Horus) the names of the #oo$s in the Tem&"e "i#9 rary) many ritua"s) hymns) and &arts of the ty&es of initiations* 4irst and foremost) &erha&s) Horus %as a s$y od) %hose ri ht eye %as the Sun and %hose "eft eye %as the Moon) and %here %e came u& %ith the conce&t of the ri ht side #ein so"ar) the "eft) "unar* Associated %ith the ha%$ soarin o+er the "and) and his eyes #ein the Sun and Moon) came his attri#utes as 3A""9Seein ) A""9;no%in 3) yet not inter9 ferin un"ess he chooses to) or is summoned !"i$e a Master of 4a"cons summons his Ha%$ or 4a"con(* Pro#a#"y associated %ith the idea of a 4a"coner #ein &rotected #y his #irds) Horus is one of the most &o&u"ar ods of Protection* No% remem#er that %e ha+e to s&ea$ in enera"ities) for Horus had o+er <: different forms %ith associated as&ects) so in+o$in one form %ou"d not necessari"y et you another one of his &o%ers !no% you can understand %hy I am %ritin a #oo$ e,&"ainin a"" of this fu""yG(* Horus %as a"so the &atron od of martia" arts) and a cou&"e of his tem&"es) and their co""e es tau ht mi"itary %arfare) strate y)

<1=F tactics) and a"" sorts of fi htin ) the officer cor&s or mi"itary %est &oint of ancient E y&t* this is one of E y&t?s tradition*

Another tradition in %hich Horus fi ures &rominent"y is A"chemy*

Ptah) Horus) and Thoth %ere the "eaders in the E y&tian schoo" of A"chemy* A"thou h Horus) durin the Ne% ;in dom and "ater %as es&ecia""y &o&u"ar as the Son of Isis) remem#er that that desi nation is on"y one of his many forms* His rea" consort %as Hathor* and Hathor means House of Horus* @urin one festi+a") the statue of Horus %as remo+ed from his sanc9 tuary and sai"ed do%n the Ni"e in a"" the &om& and circumstance re9 quired and %as &ut into Hathor?s tem&"e at @enderah for a connu#ia" +isit* One of the most &o%erfu" forms of Protection -itua"s in Ancient E y&t %as in+o$in the four Sons of Horus as the four directions) and Horus as the Protector !and8or as the A+en er(* In fact) the most common form of in+ocation of the four directions %as the : sons of Horus6 4or %omen ho%e+er) there are <9/ sets of oddesses of the four directions* 'hi"e the four sons are associated %ith +arious &arts of the human #ody) stomach) "i+er) etc*) Horus himse"f is associated %ith the Eyes !it fi ures) doesn?t it7() #ut not the third eye !%hich is one or #oth oddesses) Datchet and Ne$hi#et(* Sometimes used for astra" si ht) there are actua""y t%o %ays to et to his hea+en) #y turnin your astra" #ody into a ha%$) or a #oat %ith a ha%$ on it* 9999999999 INTE-ESTING PDOTES Note that I %i"" use the term od in &"ace of neter) #ut if you are oddess oriented) you can use that instead* Ear"y E y&tian sayin 2 Put not thy faith in "en th of years) 4or the Gods re ard a "ifetime as #ut an hour6

A man remains o+er after reachin the ha+en of @eath* His deeds are "aid #eside him for a"" treasure* He %ho has reached it %ithout %ron doin ) Sha"" continue yonder "i$e a od) Ste&&in for%ard "i$e a Lord of Eternity* God does not confine his fa+or to the &ros&erous and the &o%erfu"* He #esto%s it a"so u&on the &oor* His %i"" is that they #e fed and c"othed) and e,em&ted from tas$s #eyond their stren th*

<1=H That they may not #e o&&ressed) and unnecessary tears #e s&ared them* 4rom -ameses II2 The morta" &erson is a manifestation on earth of His @i+ine S&irit* S&"endid actions and reat deeds are %orthy and &recious to the ods* #ut the tas$s the Gods a"one see9 they sur&ass a""* The 'ays to God are as many as the #reaths in the #odies of men* Puote from the entrance to the Co""e e of Priests) Tem&"e of Horus at Edfu) E y&t2 3;no%"ed e is the 'ay to Life6 The 'ay to Life "eads to the 'ay to God* The 'ay to God "eads to Inner ;no%"ed e* Inner ;no%"ed e "eads to 'isdom* 'isdom #ecomes Life*3 The E y&tian %ord 3Neter3 is neutra" and "itera""y trans"ates as

3A#stract Princi&"e3 or 3@i+ine Princi&"e*3 Ancient E y&t had no conce&tion of the D"timate as #ein either ma"e or fema"e) for to them) the D"timate @eity com#ined #oth se,es* It?s on"y %hen the 3@i+ine Princi&"e3 starts descendin do%n throu h the &"anes that ma"e and fema"e deities #e in* Ancient E y&t) for those %ho don?t $no%) may ha+e had a od) or a oddess as a nationa" deity !%orshi&&ed durin nationa" ho"idays) etc() and a od or a oddess has head of a city or nome !state(6 such as 5ast) head of 5u#astis6 #ut to the E y&tians) od and oddess %ere CO9PA-TNE-S) %ere in rea"ity none %as a#o+e the other !e,ce&tions mi ht #e durin certain festi+a"s) or the Sun oddess ru"es durin the day) the Moon God durin the ni ht6 that?s ri ht) many ma"e moon ods and many fema"e so"ar oddessesG(* &s* A"thou h that inscri&tion %as found at the Co""e e of the Tem&"e of Horus) it did not direct"y refer to Horus) or Heru #y name) there9 fore) 3@i+ine Princi&"e3 is the "o ica" trans"ation since they did use the %ord 3neter3 in the sayin * 9999999999

EGYPTIAN -ITDAL MDSIC They used a = note sca"e) and had such instruments as "utes) &i&es and f"utes) drums) Ai""s) tam#ourine) and sistra* The sistra or sistrum %as the most ma ica" instrument used) #ased on three hori9 Aonta" meta" #ars %ith round meta" c"a&&ers s"idin on them* (!

<1B1 I9I9I9I c"a&&ers II

I9I9I9I c"a&&ers II 9999999 I hand"e I These %ere used #y %omen on"y) and on"y durin ceremonies and ceremonia" sin in * 'e ha+e made se+era" re&roductions) most don?t sound +ery %e""* 5ut I %as a#"e to 3ratt"e3 an ori ina" and it sounded %onderfu"* Somethin of a cross #et%een a #a##"in #roo$ and %ind chimes* @e+e"o&ed #y the E y&tians to he"& #rin on trance states and %hate+er other emotiona" res&onses &rior to and durin ritua") it may +ery %e"" ha+e %or$ed) es&ecia""y %ith ha"f a doAen or more oin at once* 9999999999 THE METAPHYSICAL PA-TS O4 MAN The materia" #ody2 the s&irits of the heart is ca""ed Hati* Of hear9 in ) Setem6 of si ht) Maa6 of taste) Hu6 of touch) Saa6 of the mat9 eria" #ody) ;hat* The astra" or Inner Se"f2 Setem) com&assion) the a#i"ity to fee" ri ht"y* Maa) .ustice) the a#i"ity to &ercei+e ri ht"y* Hu) command) di+ine utterance* Saa) &erce&tion) $no%"ed e) understandin * He$a) ma ic* A#) the seat of "ife) source of %i"" and intentions* ;a) the astra" #ody6 &rinci&"e of the #ody and &rotecti+e enius* ;hu) the inte""ect6 "o% form ;hu) hi hest inte""ect* Then %e ha+e the ;hai#it) or @%e""er6 the Shado%) the &art #efore) at and after the @%e""er of the Thresho"d* Hi her u&) the 5a) sou") su#"ime) and mu"ti9"e+e"ed* Ne,t comes the Sahu) &art of the s&iritua" se"f and is the s&iritua" #ody other%ise ca""ed the s&iritua" #ody*

There is a"so the se$em6 "o%er force6 the &o%er of forms) names) and "ife* There is a"so the Sa) the hi her force) essentia" ener y of a""* To i+e you an idea of the com&"e,ity of it a""2 Touch2 Saa !Sia( od of fee"in ) $no%"ed e) understandin ) inte"9 "i ence* Personification of &erce&tion) to fee") to understand !comes from Mem&his and the Ptah8Se$hmet8Nefertum triad(* As Saau9ur 3The Great Inte""i ence2 the co niti+e rece&tion of a situation) o#.ect or idea* Saau9ur is mentioned as ear"y as the Cth dynasty* As Saa Amenti9-a 3The Inte""i ence of the Amenti of -a3 od of conscience and character*

<1B0 Sa is a od of &rotection %ithin his functions and is associated %ith Hu) taste* Odd"y enou h Sa is associated a"so %ith the heart* Hu and Saa to ether are the Eyes of Horus* More im&ortant"y they are the ton ue and heart of Ptah6 as such it is thur the heart that men re"ate their "i+es to mora" &rece&ts) and to #e craftsmen* 9999999999 EGYPTIANS AN@ THE TA-OT The first Tarot cards $no%n %ere found in Ita"y* A re&roduction of them has #een done and is usa#"e* I #e"ie+e that they %ere nai"ed to somethin * Perha&s someone can fi"" in %here it %as found and the time &eriod they %ere made* 5ernard 5roma e) in his #oo$) %hich I can?t reca"" the e,act tit"e of !it %as years a o() #ut is somethin "i$e The Secret 'isdom of the E y&tians !I?"" "oo$ it u&(* 5asica""y the #oo$ is fair"y uninterestin as it re"ates to ho% ancient E y&tian traditions rea""y

%or$ed* 5ut there %as) in one &ara ra&h) somethin that struc$ my eye* In discussin ) I #e"ie+e) the Tarot he says !and des&ite not remem#er9 in the tit"e) I do remem#er the sentence( 3The Tarot) of course) ori inated from the Tem&"e of Sera&is in Na&"es) Ita"y*3 'e"") here is somethin s&ecific* No% to find a &icture or reference from another source on a Tem&"e of Sera&is in Na&"es* Ancient E y&t did e,&and their tem&"es outside of E y&t) and had tem&"es and sanctuaries in Greece) Ita"y) 4rance) Germany) Great 5ritain) S&ain) and other &"ac9 es* To ma$e a "on story "on er) it too$ a#out fi+e years #efore I fina""y found a reference to the Tem&"e of Sera&is in Ita"y* The reference referred to the e,ca+ation re&ort done ear"y in this cen9 tury6 that the tem&"e is no% &retty much at %ater "e+e") that the i""ustrations on the %a"" %ere destroyed #y ''II* That means that if the Tarot came from a chance find) it %ou"d #e in the e,ca+ation re&ort) if it came from i""ustrations on the %a""s) it %ou"d sti"" #e in the re&ort* A friend of mine %as in Na&"es and too$ a &icture of the tem&"e) and indeed) it %as a%ash %ith %ater and the i""ustrations %ere definite"y not there* 'as 5roma e ri ht7 @id there e,ist a &re9 tarot i""ustrations in either %a"" form or chance &a&yrus7 If true) did it inc"ude the minor arcana as %e""7 If on"y the ma.or arcana) %hat %as it su&&osed to &ortray at that &eriod of time7 Perha&s the &ath of the initiate as su&&osed today7 And %hose initiate6 a -oman89 E y&tian one or an E y&tian one7 'here indeed is the e,ca+ation re&9 ort7 It %as &rinted in Ita"ian) #ut is there i""ustrations or &hotos of the i""ustrations7 Is there a reference to cards or a &a&yrus or manuscri&t7 Are there En "ish trans"ations7 Ho% did the Tarot et from a /9=th century ad tem&"e to 0/90:th century cards7 'e $no% that the Ita"ians %ere interested in retrie+in Gree$ and -oman statues and %or$s durin that &eriod6 %as that %hy and %hen the transition %as made7 A"" of these thin s de&ended on findin the e,ca+ation re&ort* And if the re&ort confirmed it) then did it mean that an e+en ear"ier +ersion e,isted in E y&t7 Lo and #eho"d this cou"d ta$e fore+er !"i$e this note is(* 5ut fina""y) +oi"aG The 4rench Institute of Archaeo"o y in Cairo found the re&ort for me and sent me a trans"ation of the i""ustrations found on the %a""* The re&ort consisted of) amon other thin s not &articu"ar"y ermane here) of descri&tions of the i""ustra9

<1B< tions) and a statue standin in the entrance* There are <1 i""ustra9 tions that %ere on the %a"" &rior to their destruction durin ''II* Assumin for a moment that Ma.or Arcana card num#er 1) %hich is the foo" and enera""y inter&reted as the initiate startin out on his .ourney) it %ou"d fo""o% that) i+en the sequence of i""ustrations on the tem&"e?s %a""s) that indeed the ( card %ou"d #e the initiate of Sera&is* Card One2 Ma ician2 4ound at the entrance to the tem&"e) .ust inside) %as a &artia""y dama ed statue of the od ;hnemu) and in front of him) an a"tar* The od ;hnemu is the on"y od in ancient E y&t that is sho%n !and e+en at that) rare"y() and a&&"ies in this case) %ith one hand &ointed to%ards the s$y) the other to%ards the earth* ;hnemu is the od of the Ni"e) and since in the ma.or arcana) %ater in the cards re&resents the f"o% of consciousness) it fo""o%s that the f"o% starts from ;hnemu) the Ni"e !at "east for E y&tians it %ou"d(* The ritua" equi&ment %ou"d ha+e #een &"aced on the a"tar* Card II2 Hi h Priestess2 The first i""ustrations) the first one on the "eft side is of Cei"ed Isis !a"so one of on"y t%o E y&tian oddesses e+er sho%n +ei"9 ed(* The i""ustration %as #et%een t%o &i""ars) the "otus and a &a&yrus &i""ar) and in the i""ustration Isis is seated) ho"din a "otus* Cro%n of sun and crescent moon*

Card III2 Em&ress2 The second i""ustration a ain sho%s Isis) this time ho"din and suc$"in the #a#y Horus* Cro%n of Isis) the throne) sym#o" of the materna" &o%er #ehind the throne) etc*

Card IC2 Em&eror2 The third i""ustration is of a -oman em&eror in E y&tian ar#) ho"din the %as and f"ai"* Card C2 Hiero&hant2 The ne,t i""ustration is of an E y&tian &riest) dressed in the "eo&ards ar#) ma$in offerin s to an a"tar* Card CI2 Lo+ers2 The ne,t one is of the unification of Northern and Southern E y&t* The intert%inin of the "otus and sed e &"ant) t%o Ha&i ods !Sho%in #oth ma"e and fema"e traits(* The E y&tian meanin is +ery simi"ar to the card* Card CII2 Chariot2

<1B/ Shrine &rocession) %ith t%o s&hin,es in front of the shrine) #ein dra ed #y : anu#ian &riests and : Horus &riests !in a Tem&"e of Sera&is in E y&t) it actua""y is a chariot scene(* Card CIII2 Stren th2 The i""ustration is of the oddess Se$hmet) the Lioness oddess) %ho is the E y&tian sym#o" of stren th* The scene a"so has a &riestess offerin a sym#o" of her heart to her !%hich is done after the #a"9 ance) %ei htin of the heart(* Card IM2 Hermit or Sa e2 The ne,t i""ustration on the tem&"e %a"" is of Imhote&) the &rime e,am&"e of the &erfect man or Sa e8Priest) %ith a scro"" in hand*

Card M2 'hee"2 The i""ustration is of the E Hathors) "on re arded as the E fates in ancient E y&t and &art of the conce&t of time as re ardin man*

Card MI2 Justice2 This i""ustration is a quite common one in ancient E y&t) the Jud ement scene) %here the initiate or deceased is .ud ed of his heart !actions) etc*( a ainst truth* Card MII2 Han ed Man2 This i""ustration in the tem&"e %a""s) a"thou h #ad"y dama ed) does sho% Osiris) %ho you may remem#er) %as martyred) cut into #its) &ut #ac$ to ether) etc*) and %ho sym#o"iAes resurrection* Card MIII2 @eath or the -ea&er2 This scene) a"so #ad"y dama ed) c"ear"y sho%s the od Set !Lord of Chaos and @isorder( %ith %hat "oo$s "i$e Anu#is #efore him !the Guardian of your sou") the Guide of the Initiate(* The inter&retation %or$s in %e"" %ith our inter&retation of the 0/th card* Card MIC2 Tem&erance or A"chemist2 The i""ustration in the tem&"e) dama ed u& to the %aist of the indi+idua"s) sho%s Horus and Set) %hich %ou"d mean in its #roadest sense) the tem&erin of one?s #ad traits %ith the ood) the unifica9 tion from %ithin* Card MC2 @e+i" or 5"ac$ Ma ician2

<1B: This i""ustration is a c"assic E y&tian one of the so"ar od -a fi htin A&o&his) %ith a "esser scene of &riests offerin * In E y&tian initiations) this is the &art of the @%e""er of the Thresho"d) and the attem&ted crossin * Card MCI2 To%er or Li htnin 2 The i""ustration is of t%o o#e"is$s* O#e"is$s) you may remem#er) a"%ays stood in front of the tem&"e* O#e"is$s re&resented the first ray of "i ht stri$in the earth* It %ou"d sym#o"iAe here the initiate &assin the @%e""er and no% ready to enter the tem&"e for fina" in9 itiation for the first time) "i$e the "i ht hittin the earth for the first time) the transition is a"most com&"ete* Card MCII2 Star2 The oddess Seshat and a "i#ation scene* Priestess %ith t%o #o%"s) one of %ater) the other of earth in front of Seshat) a 5ennu #ird in the %ater* Seshat has many attri#utes) #ut she has a star as a cro%n) the on"y one that does) and she is a consort of Thoth ! od of Ceremonia" Ma ic( as %e"" as #ein the oddess of Li#raries and Sacred ;no%"ed e* The initiate is a#out to) or is recei+in his sacred $no%9 "ed e a#out the %or"d) himse"f) and of ma ic* Card MCIII2 Moon2 To& &art of i""ustration on"y) of ;honsi) God of the Moon) and &ossi#"y of Thoth) a"so a God of the Moon* Card MIM2 Sun2 C"ear &aintin 8car+in of the sun od -a* f"an$ed #y ha%$s !a"so so"ar deities) Horus( and the si n of eternity* Perha&s at this &oint the initiate) no% at da%n) is "ed out !or the doors are o&ened to

re+ea" the mornin sun( %ith the initiate no% in the "i ht !sym#o"ic9 a""y and rea"istica""y(* Card MM2 Jud ement2 I""ustration scene of initiate) hand in hand %ith the od Thoth) #ein "ed a%ay from the 'ei hin of the Heart scene* His heart has #een found true and .ust) in #a"ance* Card MMI2 'or"d2 The "ast i""ustration is some%hat dama ed #ut c"ear enou h to sho% the famous Nut) Ge#) Shu scene* This scene is of the oddess of the Hea+ens) Nut) o+er the od of earth) Ge#) %ith the od of s&ace) Shu) in #et%een* This is the c"assic E y&tian motif of a"" the %or"d) hea+en) earth and e+erythin in #et%een* The initiate is no% one %ith ALL* No%) a"thou h a"" of the a#o+e scenes are for initiates) this cou"d mean t%o thin s2

<1B= 0* This is a 3story#oard3 set of i""ustrations of one) a"#eit) "on and +ery in+o"+ed ty&e of initiation* <* This is a 3story#oard3 set of i""ustrations of a series of ste&s and initiations of any initiate of Sera&is and cou"d concei+a#"y ta$e a "ifetime to achie+e* It is im&ortant to note that this room does not ha+e one i""ust9 ration of Sera&is himse"f in itG He sho%s u& on the outside of the tem&"e in i""ustrationsG The e,ca+ation re&ort conc"uded that this room %as either a s&ecia" &"ace of initiations or a s&ecia" &"ace of %orshi&* @urin the 01th90Bth centuries) %hen the Euro&eans %ere redisco+erin Gree$ and -oman statues) #oo$s) etc*) this tem&"e cou"d +ery %e"" ha+e #een reco+ered and unco+ered* In fact the i""ustrations

%ere &artia""y sti"" o&en to +ie% #efore the e,ca+ationG I ha+e traced se+era" tem&"es of Sera&is) and ha+e #een tryin to et notes on their i""ustrations as %e""* T%o tem&"es of Sera&is in E y&t) one durin the Gree$8Pto"emaic &eriod) and one of the 0Hth dynasty a"so sho% "i$e i""ustrations) ettin more and more E y&tian as the tem&"es ot o"der* @id the E y&tians actua""y ha+e tarot cards of the ma.or arcana7 Not "i$e"y) as &a&yrus %ou"d #e &retty much im&ossi#"e to shuff"eGG 5ut here is the initia" resu"t of my study) it too$ years to find this materia"* @id the Tem&"e of Sera&is ins&ire the Ita"ians to ma$e the Ma.or Arcana of the Tarot7 It certain"y contained the e"ements and the inter&retationG Perha&s 5roma e) %ho is rare"y ri ht) %as ri ht a#out this one* 4urther studies on Sera&is tem&"es that I did seem to $ee& the i""ustrations in order) #ut %e do ha+e a #i a& #et%een the tem&"e and the first $no%n cardsG The tradition of Sera&is starts from an ear"y a e) from the 0st dynasty of a#out /)011 #ce %ith Se$en9$a as the first master of the tradition* In the MCIII dynasty Amenhote& enhanced the tradition) as did MIM dynastic ;ha%m%ese) MMCI dynastic Amen9em9a&t) MMMth dynastic Nectane#us) the "ast nati+e $in of E y&t) %ho ordered the s&read of E y&tian tem&"es throu hout the $no%n %or"d* @urin the -oman &eriod) Psoi&his and Chaeremon %ere "eaders in the tradition* 'e ha+e &ossi#"e other sources of the ancient ori in of Tarot inc"udin the ancient #oo$) 3EF Phases of -a)3 the 5oo$ of Gates !it has <0 ates(* There are tem&"es of Sera&is at A"e,andria) Na&"es) -ome) Mem9 &his* The nome state of Ament?s ca&ita" %as sacred to Sera&is) ca""ed A&is) from the &re9Sera&is tradition of A&is) from %hich Sera&is is deri+ed* There is a tem&"e of Sera&is in northern Amant ca""ed He9t se$ha9hera* There is a tem&"e of Sera&is at Pithom !the 5i#"e mentions the

city(6 a cu"t center at Mendes) one at north Mete"i"es*

<1BB No%) is the %ord Tarot actua""y E y&tian or a deri+ation of an ancient E y&tian %ord or %ords7 It +ery %e"" cou"d #e* Ta and ro or rot are t%o E y&tian sounds* Ta I the fo""o%in %ords2 thou #read) ca$e to i+e staff !%and( this moment8time "and8earth TO JOD-NEY THOTH earth od time forms8"i$eness8ima e essence of a od "ory the

You a"so ha+e the &ossi#i"ities2 tara2 !"on a( meanin time or season6 teru2 meanin a od of "i ht* -a) ro) or rot !no E y&tian +o%e"s(2 man cha&ter of a #oo$ a co+ered court mouth) entrance) o&enin ) door) ate entrance to a &ath or road sun) day sun od %ords) acts storehouse or cham#er Cha&ters of Comin 4orth #y @ay 3 3 @i+ine -ites 3 3 Mysteries 3 3 Praisin s So you see) if E y&tian) it cou"d mean 3.ourney of the road3 or 3.ourney of time3 or any num#er of thin sG It cou"d mean 3the "orious road*3 Or it a"" cou"d #e .ust a coincidenceGGGG It?s u& to you* A LATE- -ELATE@ NOTE2 To i+e you an e,am&"e of the differences) ta$e the Stren th card* That norma""y is de&icted as a %oman ho"din o&en the .a%s of a ma"e "ion) quiet stren th in chec$* In the tem&"es

of Sera&is that corres&onds to the i""ustration of the oddess Se$h9 met* Se$hmet is a "ioness oddess) #ut is usua""y de&icted %ith a sma"" maneG Hence) in E y&t) the fema"e and ma"e are com#ined into the Se$hmet form* The Isis Cei"ed card is a"most the same in the t%o i""ustrations* Isis is sho%n +ei"ed !one of t%o oddesses e+er sho%n that %ay() sittin ) ho"din sta"$s of %heat and a container of %ater in the -oman Sera&is tem&"es* ANOTHE- LATE- -ELATE@ NOTE2 So far) there hasn?t #een found any e+idence of %ood) stone) &a&yrus) or any other form of the ma.or arcana for use in di+ination* Note that many of the arcana of the Tem&"e of Sera&is are common motifs) and as such) can #e found in c"ay) stone) &a&yrus) etc*6 #ut ne+er has #een found in a rou&) incom&"ete set or not* Perha&s to the E y&tians) the Ma.or Arcana %as not a form of di+ination #ut the initiate?s initiation or "ife cyc"e* @i+ination %as used in ancient E y&t) #y #oth &riests and &eo&"e a"i$e* I ha+e +arious ty&es of di+ination #y #o%"s) #y orac"es) #y dreams) #y ceremonies* There is e+en di+ination #y castin stones into a certain ty&e of decorated #o%" of %ater* There is di+ination #y usin a &articu"ar set of the &o&u"ar Senet ame* 5ut) a"as) none yet #y Tarot*

<1BE 9999999999 there is a "ot of information out there a#out di+ination and ceremonies) #ut much of it) "i$e I said #efore) is in German) 4rench) Ara#ic) and &art in en "ish* for e,am&"e) there is a t%o +o"ume %or$ on Senet) inc"udin the di+ination &art) #ut a"as) it is in German* See if you can et a #oo$ #y Ser e Saureon) ca""ed) the 3Priests of Ancient E y&t*3 a"thou h it is main"y durin the ree$ &eriod of ancient E y&t) much has not chan ed* if you "oo$ at the trans"ations of the Pyramid Te,ts) the Coffin Te,ts and the 5oo$ of the @ead !Pa&yrus of Ani) trans"ated #y 4au"$9

ner() you %ou"d find that it is a "ot of dis.ointed ritua"s &ut to et9 her* Most %as not ori ina""y %ritten for the dead) it %as .ust s"i h9 t"y re+ised* In the Pyramid te,ts and Coffin Te,ts) for e,am&"e) you ha+e te,ts on astra" &ro.ection) #"essin too"s) consecration) initiation) hymns) etc* If you can find an en "ish co&y of the Harris Pa&yrus ! ood "uc$) "on out of &rint) +ery e,&ensi+e() it is THE ma ica" te,ts and di+in9 ation* 9999999999 -ESOD-CES I am fami"iar %ith the Church of Li ht or aniAation in Los An9 e"es* They are no he"& in assistance) as a"" of their information is of Gree$8-oman &eriod and doesn?t o any further #ac$) and I a"ready ha+e the Greco8-oman &eriod do%n* It?s true that Iam#"ichus did %rite a#out E y&tian initiation) #ut the trans"ations of his %or$ do not inc"ude any descri&tions of Tarot9"i$e i""ustrations* Dn"i$e %hat the Church of Li ht says) the trans"ations are readi"y a+ai"a#"e* One must remem#er that initiations done in the :th century do not and %i"" not accurate"y ref"ect the initiations that too$ &"ace in ancient E y&t* E y&t too$ a &rofound chan e in the "ate dynastic &eriod &rior to the Gree$s) and e+en more durin the Gree$ and -oman &eriods* Much of the ma ic) mysteries %ere "ost and ne% ones in+ented or a&s %ere su#9 stituted #y current thou ht* It %as a decayin &eriod for E y&t) ado&tin to Gree$ %ays and then to -oman ones* The mysteries and initiations #ecame an echo of %hat they once %ere* The Church of the Eterna" Source) a"so in Los An e"es) on the other hand) is a +ery E y&tian mystery oriented or aniAation) #ut centers around the O"d) Midd"e and Ne% ;in dom) usin the ori ina" &a&yrus and tem&"e inscri&tions for their mysteries and initiations* 5ut sti"") in #oth cases) their $no%"ed e is "imited #y %hat has #een &u#"ished and a+ai"a#"e* The trans"ations and the ori ina" documents a#out such thin s are either not &u#"ished) or &u#"ished in "imited editions and not a+ai"a#"e in most "i#raries* The 4rench Institute of Archaeo"o y in Cairo has the most com&"ete "i#rary of a"" &u#"ished

and un&u#"ished materia" re"ated to ancient E y&t* I use them e,ten9 si+e"y* The Church of Li ht) on the other hand) uses ada&ted to modern sym#o"ism) not ancient ones* The To%er card %ou"d ne+er ha+e #een done

<1BF in ancient E y&t "i$e the Church of Li ht did it* In essence the Church made u& a Neo9E y&tian re"i ion incor&oratin ancient sym#o"s and modern thou ht) %hen they .ust cou"d ha+e used the ancient sym#o"s as is* In other %ords) they tried) %ithout much research) to ma$e a modern Tarot dec$ usin ancient sym#o"s out of &"ace) rather than ma$in an ancient tarot dec$ usin ancient sym#o"s in &"ace* Then they thin$ that this is oin to et you in touch %ith ancient E y&t* 'ron G It may et you in touch %ith modern man?s !since the time of 5"a+ats$y( meta&hysica" idea of %hat ancient E y&t %as) #ut to et in touch %ith ancient E y&t) you need to use ancient E y&tian methods* ;ind of "i$e ettin a mode" air&"ane and &uttin it to ether %ithout a &icture to o #y or the uide to do it ri ht* 9999999999 THE INHE-ENT @I44ICDLTY O4 STD@YING ANCIENT EGYPTIAN -ELIGION Throu hout its :)111 odd year o"d history there is no systematic account of the doctrines used* @ifferent men "i+in at different times do not thin$ a"i$e6 and no co""e e of &riests had formu"ated a system of #e"iefs that %as recei+ed #y a"" c"er y and "aity a"i$e* :< nomes6 :< re"i ions in :)111 yearsG Chan es %ere e,tent) differences) e+en in the same &eriods) %ere reat* 5ut a"" had one thin in common) Or anic Tota"ity* Or anic Tota"ity2 the &hysica" en+ironment) human or aniAations) conscience) "an ua e and u"timate oa"s) a"" ma$e u& E y&t?s tota"ity* E y&t did not ha+e a centra" do ma or sacred #oo$* 5ut the one thin

that &re+ented them from "osin their indi+idua"ity and from coa9 "escin into a common unit is the #e"ief in more than one set of ods* The E y&tian re"i ions %ere #oth &ersona" and nationa"istic* It %as &ersona" to each indi+idua" or fami"y6 &ri+ate) inter%o+en %ith a sense of &ersona" ri ht and %ron ) %ith a &ersona" shrine or 3niche3 in e+ery house to their &ersona" ods8desses* It %as nationa"istic #ecause usua""y the &"ace of the nationa" seat of o+ernment deter9 mined) for the most &art) the o+era"" thou ht of the &eriod) the mora"ity of the &eriod* The E y&tian re"i ion offers a +ariety of &aths to the u"timate source #y indi+idua" contact and tai"orin information and uidance accordin to an indi+idua"?s needs and "e+e" of de+e"o&ment* Three as&ects of the E y&tian re"i ion and cu"ture* 0* Po"ytheism6 a"" ods and oddesses are emanations or forces from one source !a"thou h in each state) the one source may ha+e a dif9 ferent name(* <* Actua"iAation of the Indi+idua"6 the de+e"o&ment of the &otentia" of the indi+idua" %as im&ortant to the E y&tian co""e es* /* @irect communication8re"ationshi& of an indi+idua"?s surroundin s* The $in s of E y&t had from three to fi+e 3 reat names3 and Lee mentioned on"y one) the Horus name* There is a"so the 3ne#ti3 name* This name is from the T%o Ladies) Ne$he#et and Datchet) and Pharaoh #ecomes the force unitin the dua" monarchy* This name oes #ac$ to

<1BH the 0st dynasty and is #ased on the t%o ca&ita"s of &re9dynastic E y&t) Ne$en and 5uto) seats of the t%o oddesses* The third name is the 3#ee3 name* 3He %ho #e"on s to the sed e &"ant and the #ee)3 the 3nesu9"ist3 name) sym#o"iAin the union of D&&er and Lo%er E y&t* Predynastic2 Accordin to Manetho) a race of &eo&"e came into E y&t and some #ecame the founders and ru"ers of This and Mem&his* The system of so"ar theo"o y arri+ed in Lo%er E y&t !@e"ta( as ear"y as =)111 #ce in the form of the 3Shensu Heru3 or 4o""o%ers of Horus* They

made their %ay to u&&er E y&t #efore the 0st dynasty* In &redynastic times there %ere t%o distinct $in doms) D&&er and Lo%er E y&t) %ith their ca&ita"s at Ne$en !s"i ht"y north of The#es( and 5uto !in the @e"ta(* 'e ha+e names of at "east 0< $in s of these t%o areas) a"9 thou h the 5oo$ of Sothis "ists FB $in s) and the 3O"d Chronic"es3 "ists F:* There are se+era" a&&roaches ta$en #y meta&hysica""y minded &eo&"e of today a#out ancient E y&t* There are those %ho see on"y %hat Ed ar Cayce or somethin "i$e Drantia has to say a#out E y&t) and don?t ta$e the time to disco+er E y&t for themse"+es) or to see if %hat they "earned %as actua""y true* There are those %ho ha+e %or$ed #eyond Cayce) and find a 3&u""3 to%ards E y&t and read many #oo$s a#out the su#.ect* Dnfortunate"y) 5ud e) the most &redominant %riter) i+es an unrea"istic +ie% of ancient E y&t) and many thin s are not mentioned) such as &ersona" %orshi&) initiations) chan es of con9 sciousness6 therefore the reader is forced to re"y on another source) %ho may not $no% anythin at a"" a#out E y&t) #ut a "ot a#out meta9 &hysics and i+e you #um information* E"iAa#eth Haitch?s !7( #oo$) 3Initiation)3 su&&osed"y an E y&tian initiation) #ears no re"ation to an actua" E y&tian initiation and shou"d #e treated as fantasy* Then there are those in meta&hysics that "i$e to &ractice the ancient re"i ions* Their a&&roach is usua""y throu h another tradition) i*e* Go"den @a%n) or 'icca* 5oth of these traditions !'icca ha+in many traditions and on"y some incor&orate E y&tian into them( do not dra% u&on rea" E y&tian traditions* The Go"den @a%n uses Greco9-oman E y&9 tian Tradition) ac$no%"ed ed #y E y&to"o ists as the &eriod %hen most of the E y&tian traditions ha+e #een radica""y chan ed #y outside inf"uences) much a"ready "ost) and e+en hiero "y&hic %ritin #ein incom&rehensi#"e* The 'icca traditions ta$e od8desses %ho"esa"e) i+e them ne% attri#utes) ne% &o%ers that they ne+er had) ha+e the ritua"s in En "ish) etc* No one studies the E y&tian traditions from the te,ts) tem&"es) or tom#s in order to find out ho% it %or$s* E,ce&t me* Perha&s that is #ecause I #e"ie+e in findin out a#out a tradition #y ettin it from the ori ina" sources* And a ma.or &art of the &ro#"em is that a"thou h there are a "ot of #oo$s) they are for the most &art) too enera"* To

find out %hat the E y&tians &racticed) ho%) %hy) %hen and #y %hom requires years of searchin o#scure .ourna"s) &a&ers) trans"ations of te,ts) e,ca+ation re&orts !%hich ha+e i""ustrations) trans"ations of %hat %as e,ca+ated( of tom#s) houses) tem&"es) and ho% many &eo&"e ha+e the time) money) e,&erience to do that7 A"most no one* So e+ery9 one e"se ma$es it u& or s&ecu"ates a#out it* I am oin to try to ma$e u& for this "oss #y &u#"ishin a series of #oo$s on the ancient E y&9 tian &ersona" %orshi&) and the Tem&"e Priesthood* 'hat %as tau ht) ho% %as it tau ht) %ho did they teach it to) %ho %ere the teachers) ho%

<1E1 %ere they qua"ified) %here %as it tau ht) %hat differences are there #et%een &ersona" %orshi& at home and tem&"e %orshi&) etc*7 9999999999 There %as a note a#out re"i ions #orro%in e"ements from others and that it ha&&ened for mi""ennia* Such is definite"y not the case* Granted it is easy to find a fe% that did) Christianity) Is"am) -oman* And ranted it is easy to find more that #orro%ed SOME of its trad9 ition) #ut "et?s "oo$ at a cou&"e of those* There is no e+idence that the Ancient E y&tian re"i ion came out from some%here e"se* 4rom &re9dynastic to the Midd"e ;in dom there %ere on"y one or t%o e,am&"es %here #orro%in too$ &"ace) #ut in each and e+ery case) they ado&ted THE ENTI-E SYSTEM* In fact in a"most e+ery case of a &a an re"i ion &art of another system) they a"most in+aria#"y ado&ted the &riesthood %ith it) or had the &riesthood teach them) Or made it a &art #ut se&arate from the main re"i ion* This is tota""y different from today?s &a ans* Instead of #ein tau ht from the &riesthood of the other re"i ion or ado&tin the entire &riest9 hood) they ta$e #its and snatches that they don?t understand and ado&t it* No% it is a reed #y #oth E y&to"o ists) The Church of the Eterna" Source !see @ra%in @o%n the Moon() and many Hermeticists that in the

Late Period of ancient E y&t) the &riesthood not on"y started for et9 tin the im&ortant esoteric side of their o%n re"i ion) #ut started ado&tin others #its and &ieces) %ithout the tota" inte ration that they &racticed ear"ier* It resu"ted in a a"most tota" #rea$do%n of usefu"ness in &racticin ma ic) mum#"in no% meanin "ess &hrases) and effecti+eness in their ma ic and ritua"s* One can count num#er"ess e,am&"es of .ust ho% much one can #e effecti+e %hen you on"y $no% a sma"" &art of the %ho"e !$ind of "i$e dri+in a car for the first time %hen the on"y thin you $no% a#out is the trun$(* A"so in ancient E y&tian) Hindu) 5uddhism) and many American Indian re"i ions !and &a anism in the 0H=190HE1?s( there %as a #e"ief that a sym#o") if #e"ie+ed in #y a "ar e num#er of &eo&"e o+er a "ar e s&an of time) is far more effecti+e than a sym#o" that is used #y a sma"" rou& o+er a short &eriod of time* @oes it not ho"d true that a ma ica" o#.ect is im#ued %ith more ma ic e+ery time it is used7 Thus) then ho% effecti+e can a system #e if it is <19/1 years o"d) &racticed #y =11 &eo&"e) usin sym#o"s that are either #rand ne% or misunderstood7 !Li$e usin a red &enta ram for #rin forth the earth e"ement6 ho% "ess effecti+e is it as o&&osed to a reen one %hich has #een used #y mi""ions of &eo&"e for thousands of years7( Occu"t &hi"oso&hy #y these rou&s and many others maintain that the more &o%erfu" an o#.ect is #ased on the formu"a2 O of &eo&"e usin it Q O of years in use Q the a#i"ity of the indi+idua" to use it Q the correctness in its use* The astra" &"ane is e,c"usi+e"y made u& #y

<1E0 .ust this &rinci&"e) and it?s this &"ane %here much of the ma ic is done* The effecti+eness of the indi+idua" to &ractice his ma ic or re"i ion is a"so direct"y &ro&ortiona" to the a#i"ities and effecti+e9

ness of his8her teacher) and the de ree of success in achie+in the oa"s in his8her trainin *

4-OM MA-; -EY5D-N On #orro%in ) syncretism is and %as common amon many re"i ions) inc"udin E y&tians) as you note* It tends to occur most frequent"y in cu"tures %ith re u"ar contact %ith different &ractices* One of the Sun @ances) I thin$ it?s the Chero$ee) is su&&osed to #e syn9 cretic* 'ho they ot it from esca&es me) my anthro c"asses are &ractica""y history themse"+es #y no%G Se"ecti+e #orro%9 in s are) as you note) tric$y thin s* 5ut) %e %ou"d #e &oorer %ithout it* And ceremonia" ma ic aside) sym#o" use is more free9form than most of us %ou"d &refer* Not quite) %ords mean %hat I %ant them to mean) #ut sym#o"s are much more &ersona" than the 3Officia"3 corres&ondences* The 3%e""9%orn &ath3 of sym#o" meanin is certain"y he"&fu" IN SOME T-A@ITIONS) #ut is com&"ete"y irre"e+ant to someone %ho is usin sym#o"s on a &ersona" "e+e"* A"thou h "ess &otent ma ic$a""y) re"i ious"y &ersona" sym#o"ism is much more &otent than time9%orn sym#o"s* 5esides) ho% e"se do ne% re"i ions de+e"o& sym#o"ism7

4-OM @OMI O?5-IEN In A@4 ritua" %e s&ecifica""y note that the more99 and the more of us99 that ca"" u&on the o"d ods the more they res&ond to our need99 one is reminded of 3the o"d ods on"y s"ee&) you $no%) a"thou h #etrayed and s"an9 dered6 they uarded us from e+ery %oe) and #"essed each cro& and fine herd***3 and) odd"y enou h) Tin$er 5e""99 if you #e"ie+e in fairies99 read @@'99 %e focus #e"ief) and %i""*** 4-OM GA-Y OHLEMILLE- This is an interestin dichotomy I ha+en?t heard much a#out #efore* One rou& seems to &refer the 5one%its8Para&sycho"o ica" a&&roach %hich ho"ds that the &o%er of a sym#o" comes from the stren th of association it ho"ds in the indi+idua"?s unconscious* Mr* Poe seems to ad+ocate a Jun ian a&&roach in %hich the archety&e e,ists

3o#.ecti+e"y3 and is %aitin there to #e used* @oes anyone out there ha+e enou h &ractica" e,&erience to te"" us %hich is more efficacious7 I sure don?t*

4-OM MICHAEL POE In reference to %hat is more !7( effec9 ti+e or &o%erfu") actua""y #oth to ether %ou"d #e the most &o%erfu" of a""* My "itt"e e,&erience) such as it is) has #een %or$in in the area for <1 years) #rin a&&renticed to an Ha+asu&i shaman) &ersona" $no%"ed e from four other systems) %atchin and %or$in %ith / other shamans) and &ersona" tours to sacred

<1E< sites around the %or"d* Go to a sacred site and see .ust ho% &o%erfu" it sti"" is) "i$e a hu e unta&&ed #attery* 4ee" a ta"isman that %as made and used :)111 years a o) yet sti"" has as much or more &o%er than anythin you ha+e touched #y a modern %or$er of a"most any system* I a+e a :)=11 year o"d scara# that hasn?t #een used since to a friend of mine %ho &ut it in a #o,* < months "ater) %hen he o&ened the #o, to use it he found the #o, has #een #urned from the inside out* !a"thou h admitted"y that scara# is an e,ce&tion(* I ha+e found that #oth %ays can %or$) #ut an o"d cu"tura" sym#o" !in Jun ian terms( is more in our su#conscious as a ty&e of uni+ersa" sym#o") and %i"" #e more &o%erfu" and "ast "on er than a &ersona" one* Get the most ma ica""y &o%erfu" &erson you $no%) ha+e him8her do a circ"e ritua" in a square area) and o #ac$ a month "ater and see if you can find it #y fee"in for it* Go to a ancient sacred s&ot that hasn?t #een used for hundreds or thousands of years and fee" its &o%er* 'hich is reater7 My #et oes to the ancient one* More use o+er more time* 9999999999

ALCHEMY There are some definite misconce&tions e,&ressed here on A"chemy* A"chemy is not a#out transmutin "ead into o"d !that %as) at the most) a test on your e"i,ir() it does not in+o"+e usin e"ectricity) it is not &art of tantric* One of the &ro#"ems in+o"+ed is that &eo&"e et a tradition that they don?t understand and misuse the term unti" it "oses a"most a"" of its ori ina" meanin * A"chemy is a s&iritua" e,&erience that is a com#ination of t%o thin s) the transmutation of the %or$ers s&irit %ith the transmutation of &hysica" su#stances !%hich creates the E"i,ir of Life(* %hi"e in the #road sense that A"chemy is a transmutation) it has no &art in Tantric* The &hysica" and meta&hysica" &rocess has a"%ays #een descri#ed in a""e ories) hence the confusion of %or$ %ith meta"s* In order to &ractice a"chemy today) you need to read on"y a#out < or / ood #oo$s on the su#.ect 3Go"d of a Thousand Mornin s3 is a non9fiction #oo$ descri#in a"chemy #y a man8%ife team in 4rance* It d%e""s on #oth the s&iritua" and &hysica" as&ects and descri#es the %or$ that they did* 3An A"chemists Hand#oo$3 has a #rief descri&tion of the meanin and the 3Great 'or$3 !as it is ca""ed() and i+es you in reat detai" ho% to do the &hysica" %or$*

<1E/ In order for a"chemy to %or$) you need to do #oth at the same time

as you need se"f transformation to %or$ in order for the &hysica" transformation to %or$* the chemica" side of %or$ de"+es main"y into her#s) and if you use her#s in your re u"ar %or$) then you %i"" ha+e rea" use %ith a"chemy* In the chemica" as&ect) the her#?s essence is e,tracted !the o"d from the dross() as %e"" as yourse"f !your essence is &urified(* To do so) you usua""y need chemica" "ass%are such as a condenser) or soy"ent e,tractor* This is a ty&ica" o&eration %hen ma$in &erfume from f"o%ers or ma$in an her#a" e,traction* The main difference is that the e,traction ta$es &"ace %ith a ma ica" #ent to it* ritua"s are done durin the e,traction &rocess) timin is essentia" !astro"o ica") "unar) and so"ar) and seasona" timin ( * So) since you may a"ready #e fami"iar %ith #"essin and con9 secration of ma ica" too"s) and &uttin &o%er into them) a +ery simi"ar thin is done to yourse"f !an human +esse"( and your her#a" &roduct durin the a"chemica" &rocess* a"so) there are t%o e,istin a"chemica" schoo"s) one in 4rance) one in Dtah !of a"" &"acesG( If you a"ready use her#s in your other %or$) fo""o%in this &rocess %i"" net you much more &o%erfu" her#a" concoctions as %e"" as a more &o%erfu" and s&iritua" se"f* I myse"f use the &rocess* One of the as&ects in a"chemy is that one athers certain her#s) minera"s to &roduce an e"i,ir that %i"" e,tend "ife !as one of it?s #enefits(* #ut #efore in estin it) an a"chemist %ou"d sometimes test it #y addin a &inch of it to "ead) and if it turned into o"d) then your e"i,ir is finished and can #e used* Ho%e+er) turnin "ead into o"d %as ne+er the end &roduct for the %or$) #ut mere"y a test* You can ma$e other usefu" her#a"8concoctions %ithout achie+in the ?E"i,ir of Life*? Since a"chemy is non9denom9 inationa") it can #e used %ith &ractica""y any tradition*

The source of the %ord A"chemy has had a "ot of discussion amon a"chemica" %riters and a"chemists* A"thou h chemy did e+entua""y #ecome chemistry) the ori in of the %ord did not* The most a reed u&on definition of the term A"chemy is this2 A" !ara# %ord meanin THE( ;hemia6 meanin E y&t) %hich comes from the ancient E y&tian %ord for E y&t meanin 3#"ac$ "and3 thus2 The 5"ac$ Land since A"chemy does ori inate in E y&t) it ma$es sense* The first a"chemica" %or$ is ca""ed the Emera"d Ta#"et) %ritten #y Thoth) or Hermes Trismi istos* the father of a"chemy is Loismos) an E y&tian*

<1E: the mother of a"chemy is Marie) the E y&tian) %ho descri#es in her %or$s the actua" equi&ment used* !the on"y &erson %ho doesGGGG(* 9999999999 ISIS The 4e""o%shi& of Isis is the on"y rou& that I am a%are of that %orshi&s on"y Isis and is not a 'iccan rou&* Their headquarters is on the 5ritish Is"es #ut has many mem#ers in the DS* They do) ho%e+er) use a"most e,c"usi+e"y "ate @ynastic and Greco9-oman Isis ritua"s) %hich many &eo&"e #e"ie+e are dis#ased and not %e"" understood !true of most of the E y&tian traditions at that time(* The Church of the Eterna" Source uses ritua"s from the O"d to Ne% ;in dom ! I9MMIst* @ynasty( and inc"udes Isis* It is a federation of E y&tian tem&"es) so there are Priests of Horus) Thoth) Ptah) Pries9 tesses of 5ast) Se$hmet85ast) Hathor and Isis* And) oh yes) a &riest and &riestess of Osiris* They are current"y "oo$in at an initiation

&"an #ased on ancient E y&tian sources to &ossi#"y ado&t as their o%n* If there is a rou& #y the name that the &erson mentioned) it may #e either a ne% E y&tian traditions rou&) or an ec"ectic 'iccan rou&*

Isis %as ne+er %orshi&ed #y 'iccans &rior to the 0H=1?s and shou"d #est #e %orshi&&ed #y &eo&"e acquainted %ith the ancient E y&tian Traditions re"ated to her* Isis %ent throu h many chan es) addin more &o%ers and attri#utes as time %ent on* She %asn?t e+en ca""ed a Mother Goddess for the first <)111 years of her %orshi&* Most &eo&"e %ho don?t $no% ancient e y&tian traditions don?t et the res&onse from Isis that they e,&ect !or a tota""y different res&onse(* Isis is +ery &o%erfu") #ut e,actin * It?s a"%ays #est to $no% %hat &o%er re"ates to %hich of her forms in order to in+o$e her* One thin to remem#er* Isis #e"on s to se+era" ancient E y&tian traditions* As such) you %on?t #e a%are of her &o%ers and attri#utes un"ess you are fami"iar %ith the E y&tian traditions* 4or e,am&"e) as an Enchantress) she is in+o$ed %ith a s&ecia" form in mind !ho"din s&ecific o#.ects) in s&ecific &ositions) %earin s&ecific c"othes(* Not to ha+e that form in mind) accordin to ancient E y&tian tradition) is to ne ate your entire ritua") or to de rade it !it %on?t ha+e the effect as much as if you did it the ri ht %ay() or to ha+e an effect entire"y different* Isis) for one) has many &o%ers and attri#utes) and many forms* Just in+o$in her in a different direction in+o$es a &o%er you may not #e a%are of* As such she can a&&ear to #e #oth #eni n or terri#"e !she is one of the @%e""er of the @oor) or Thresho"d oddesses(* E+en durin the E y&tian &eriod) :)111 #ce !&redynastic( to B:0 ad !the c"osin of her "ast tem&"e( she %ent throu h many modifications and chan es* She %asn?t e+en $no%n as a mother oddess for at "east 0)=11 yearsG


It?s too #ad that &eo&"e #orro% od8desses from traditions that they $no% "itt"e a#out) to use in ritua"* If they $ne% the tradition #etter) their ritua" %ou"d #e #etter* There is a"so an Isis hea+en to astra" &ro.ect to) #ut a ain) in E y&tian tradition) you must $no% the %ay) the form to use to et there) other%ise you o to a fa"se one* She a"so a&&ears as an astra" uide) #ut a ain) on"y assumes a s&ecific form* Dnfortunate"y there is "itt"e %ritten a#out ho% to actua""y &rac9 tice E y&tian ritua" !a"thou h the Church of the Eterna" Source $no%s(* That is a a& that I ho&e to fi"" one day) ha+in s&ent o+er /1 years studyin ancient E y&t) %or$ed there for se+era" years in the tom#s and tem&"es) and ha+e the #est resources a+ai"a#"e to me in the term of &u#"ished and un&u#"ished materia"* I am current"y %or$in on %hat cou"d #e se+era" +o"umes on the Theory and Practice of the Ancient E y&tian Traditions ! ood tit"eG( 9999999999 IN4O-MATION ON 5AST from ancient E y&tian sources Po%ers and Attri#utes of 5ast2 Lady of the East !ICth @ynasty on( 4ema"e Personification of 4ire the Li ht 5earer 4ema"e &o%er of Li ht) Heat) Sun) 4ire) Mi"d Heat of the day and Year Po%er of ermination of seeds Po%er of ear"y Summer Goddess of the 5irth Cham#er Goddess of 4u"" Moon Goddess of Cats

Protection 5ast festi+a"s occur in A&ri" and May in her tem&"e at 5u#astis) facin east* The Gree$s associated her %ith @iana* 5ast %as a"so used to "earn %ords of &o%er to +anquish the &o%ers of dar$ness !ICth @ynasty(* 5ast attri#utes are a"so re"ated to cats* 5ast had at "east four different forms !and no #reast&"ate re"ated #y another) more contem&orary #oo$( 4-OM 5-AN@Y 'ILLIAMS -ef*2 THE 5OO; O4 GO@@ESS N HE-OINES #y Patricia Mona han* 3She ori inated in the Ni"e de"ta) #ut #y H/1 5*C*) the &o%er of 5ast

<1EB %as ac$no%"ed ed #y a"" E y&tians* At first she %as a "ion9 oddess of sunset) sym#o"iAin the ferti"iAin force of the sun?s rays* Later her ima e re% tamer2 she #ecame a cat carryin the sun) or a cat9headed %oman %ho #ore on her #reast9 &"ate the "ion of her former se"f*3 5ast ru"ed &"easure and dancin ) music and .oy* At 5u#astis !3House of 5ast3() the center of her %orshi&) reat ce"e#rations %ere he"d* 5oat"oads of %or9 shi&ers 9 hundreds of thousands of them) Herodotus said 9 %ere reeted #y &"easant f"ute me"odies as they de#ar$ed for a %orshi& ser+ice com#ined %ith a +ast trade fair* 5ast?s fo""o%ers #e"ie+ed that in return for this re+erent ce"e#ration 5ast #esto%ed #oth menta" and &hysica" hea"th*

As a cat oddess of the moon she "it u& the ni ht) thro%in "i ht on thin s %hich %ou"d other%ise #e concea"ed* Moon "i hts u& a %or"d hidden in dar$ness) and the cat i+es us insi ht %ith her "i ht of the under) or inner %or"d* The Moon is the searcher) a see$er of Truth* 5ast is $no%n as the Lady of Truth* 5eams of the moon &oint the %ay and a narro% &ath ca""ed a cat %a"$) usua""y ca""ed in E y&tian as the Midd"e 'ay or Path* 'hen a cat cur"s u& %ith its head touchin its tai") it forms a circ"e) sym#o" of eternity* 5ast a"so sym#o"iAes sensua"ity) race) coordination of mo+ement* 5u#astis !to%n of 5ast( a"so ca""ed Per95ast) Pa95ast) Pi#eseth) Te""95asta Location2 "o%er E y&t) northern $in dom and ca&ita" of the 0Fth nome or state) Am9;hent* time Period of 5u#astis2 IInd @ynasty to at "east B:1 ad* IInd @ynasty2 3in the rei n of the 0st $in ) a chasm o&ened u& and many &eo&"e &erished*3 IC2 ;hufu !#ui"der of the Great Pyramid( #ui"t here* MMII2 Li#yans ru"ed E y&t here B:1 ad2 5u#astis sti"" a"i+e and %orshi&&in cats here* Tem&"e of 5ast on an is"and %ith on"y an entrance%ay #rid in it* There is a"so a Tem&"e to Thoth) and a shrine to Temit* Minor ods2 Temit2 Lady of the T%o Lands and Osiris2 the thi h of Osiris is in a hidden chest at Netert* Triad at 5u#astis2 5ast) Osiris) Heru9he$ennu) and to a "esser e,tent2 Nefer9tem* In+o$e the cat 5ast to "earn %ords of &o%er to +anquish the &o%ers of dar$ness !ICth dynasty on( 5ast attri#utes re"ated to cats6 refusa" to ta$e thin s o+erserious"y science of re"a,ation) ne+er %aste ener y acce&ts the nature of thin s) su&er# indifference to o&inion)

refusa" to #e at #ec$ and ca""

<1EE insistence of com&"ete freedom of e,&ression %hen a cat cur"s u& %ith its head touchin its tai") it forms a circ"e) sym#o" of eternity "u,uriatin sensua"ity) race) coordination of mo+ement E y&tian cats are ty&ica""y oran e9#ro%n) in er and a ray ta##y* As a "ioness) !her ear"iest forms() &ainted reen) she &ersonifies the Sun* As a cat) she has connections %ith the moon* Mother of "ion od Ari9hes of A&hrodito&o"is) Mother of Se$hem) of @enderah 5ast is a"so considered to #e the Sou" of Isis* 4orms usua""y seen2 0* D&ri ht cat) ho"din a sistrum and ae is) surrounded #y four &rotector cats* <* %oman?s #ody) head of "ion or cat) ho"din sistrum and either a #as$et or a ae is !can ho"d uatchet( /* Ae is of 5ast sometimes has a head of a cat cro%ned %ith so"ar dis$ and uraeus) em#"ems of Se$hmet* :* Lion headed %oman) o"dest form of 5ast* In =th @ynasty tem&"e ca""ed) 35astet) Lady of An$h9Taui*3 A"so associated %ith2 Mut95ast2 &ersonification of the moon in The#es) she is a %oman %earin horns on her head %ith a sun?s dis$ #et%een them* Mut95ast is the counter&art of Amen9-a9Temu9;he&era9Heru9;huti Se$hmet) as a counter9&art Assessor Thenemi !he %ho oes #ac$%ards( and %ho comes forth from 5ast* Assessor 5asti

A ood descri&tion of the 4esti+a" of 5ast) ca""ed the 4esti+a" of Li hts) has #een descri#ed #y +arious Gree$ and -oman %riters* The tem&"e of 5ast in 5u#astis) %hi"e on a is"and) is "o%er than the rest of the city) and therefore) is the on"y tem&"e that the &eo&"e can see into the courtyard* A"so there is a sacred ro+e of trees in the courtyard !the on"y one $no%n of a"" tem&"es in E y&t(* At the festi+a" of Li hts) a"" "i ht in the city is e,tin uished* then a ne% fire is made in the tem&"e and the &riests come out to "i ht the torches of the &eo&"e %ho then &arade throu hout the city to re"i ht a"" the home fires* #y the Gree$8-oman &eriod there %as a"so a $ind of se,ua" "icense at the time at the festi+a"* 4ood and drin$ for a"" !%hich is ty&ica" of the tem&"e festi+a"s(* S&ea$in of catsG I had a request from Jennifer a#out ' the rearin co#ra) sometimes "ioness* Good o#ser+ation) most &eo&"e don?t $no% that ' is CE-Y occasiona""y de&icted as a Cat* Here is the ans%er* ' the co#ra de&icts t%o thin s2 the rea" sna$e !in the &ro+9 er#ia" &a&yrus rass( %ith it?s dan erous forms and &o%ers* And <) the ;unda"ini) or Ser&ent 4ire of the human #ody comin out of the third eyeG That?s %hy the ser&ent is a"%ays on the cro%n or is the cro%n

<1EF o+er the third eye* It?s a"so sym#o"ic of the sun* I $no%) you thin$ that the ;unda"ini comes out of the to& of your head) as Hindus %ou"d ha+e you #e"ie+e* Cou"d #e true) #ut in E y&t) %hen one %or$s %ith ' fire) you direct the route to the third eye !the #urnin ) &urifyin fire() %hi"e redirectin a "esser ! ent"e ro%in heat of the sun( to the to& of your head !hence) the Lotus de&icted on to& of the head(* So) yes) different as&ects of her nature* As de&icted as ' the cat) here is a dichotomyG Cats &rotect humans from sna$es) so ' is a"so in+o$ed to &rotect humans from her +ery o%n &hysica" manifestation) the dead"y co#ra* As de&icted as a cat) it sho%s her &rotection from her +ery rea"

counter&art) the as&* As& and you sha"" recei+eG ! ( No% as to re"ationshi&s %ith 5ast8Se$hmet8Mut* Thin$ of fire and thin$ of sun8moon* Thin$ of o&&osin sections of the same thin !#urnin fire) ent"e heat6 "i ht of day) dar$ of ni ht( and you ha+e some #asic differences #et%een 5ast8Se$hmet* Ha+e you seen the Nationa" Geo ra&hic s&ecia" on cats2 our &ets and ho% they re"ate to the #i cats* thin$ of the attri#utes of the #i cats and thin$ of Se$hmet6 thin$ of the attri#utes of the domesticated cats !rea""y) cats domesticate &eo&"e( and thin$ of 5ast* The shared at9 tri#utes of 5ast And Se$hmet are the same as the shared attri#utes of #i +s* "itt"e cats* Mut is a materna" cat) #i or sma""* Se$hmet destroys) #ut she is a"so a hea"er 5ast is &"ayfu") #ut a"so &rotecti+e 'hen the Christians decided to $i"" a"" the cats in E y&t in the E11?s ad) they did so* T%o years "ater) the 5"ac$ @eath came out of E y&t and de+astated Christian euro&e* 'as this re+en e #y Se$hmet and 5ast onto the Christian &o&u"ation for destroyin their &hysica" sym#o"s) the "itt"e $itties7 Or %as it #ecause the amount of cats $e&t do%n the rat &o&u"ation enou h that the 5"ac$ @eath !a rat f"ea #orne disease( didn?t come out unti" the dec"ine of the cats7 Or #oth7 9999999999 A 5LESSING 4O- THE @EA@ !TO 5AST( Ha+in %or$ed %ith the Hi h Priestess of Se$hmet95ast9-a !and tau ht most e+erythin she $no%s() and mem#er of the E y&tian tem&"e federation) Church of the Eterna" Source) I ha+e the information you need* Since you don?t &ractice E y&tian traditions) instead of i+in you a %ho"e ritua") I %i"" i+e you a hymn8&rayer to 5ast that is a 5"essin for the @ead) that you can incor&orate into your ritua") &"us hints*

<1EH 5ast is a oddess for the Sun and the Moon) #ut for the dead Sunset is the #est time6 Ni ht comes second) sunrise third) and day"i ht comes in fourth for ritua" for this* 4ace the 'est) settin sun !or if not at sunset) either the moon or the sun de&endin on you doin it in the day or ni ht time* If you ha+e an oi" "am& "it it6 if not use %hite cand"es) and a "itt"e +oti+e cand"e* 5"ess the t%o %hite ones to 5ast) the +oti+e to the dead cat* Meditate u&on the cats attri#utes6 a#"e to see at ni ht) inte"9 "i ent) quic$) inde&endent) +ery materna") "u,ury minded and sensua"* !if you ha+e a cat) in+ite her in your circ"e(* 5ast nefer dy an$h 5eautifu" 5ast i+in Life) A 5ast) shu asenu Hai" 5ast) in +isi#"e form) castin "i ht into the dar$ness sese&t em $e$ui) I ha+e come #efore you) the &ath is o&ened) the earth is at &eace* i $ua ser9ten) uat sesh9tha) ta em hete&* !E y&tian &ronunciation is o&tiona") #ut in ancient E y&t %as im&erati+e to s&ea$ the "an ua e to create the sounds to et the res&onse*(

O Great oddess) 5ast)

Sou" of Isis) Heart of the Sun9hear my ca""* Enter no% this consecrated shrine !or circ"e( Ma$e Thy &resence $no%n to me* !en+ision the dead cat( Aid thy ser+ant in reachin the source of a"" thin s) Guide thy ser+ant?s ste&s on the true &ath Ans%er your &hysica" manifestation?s sou"?s desire for Thou* 5"essed #e 5ast) 'ho athers her chi"dren into "ife e+er"astin * 5"essed #e 5ast) The 5e"o+ed of 5ast has one to the HoriAon) Your &hysica" manifestation "i+es no% on"y in the sunset* May it?s $a endure and it?s shado% see$ the "i ht* The &o%er of 5ast &rotects her) Shut en 5ast sau* 9999999999

<1F1 4-OM PETE STAPLETON Michae" Poe) I $ne% if I &osted here i %ou"d find someone %ho cou"d he"& me reso"+e some of &ro#"ems re ardin the fai"ure of certain historica" astro"o ica" techniques* The E y&tian ca"endar I %as referrin to %as the /1 day "unar ca"endar 9 the one introduced to the -omans* To my $no%"ed e there has ne+er #een an E y&tian So"ar Ca"endar* I?m sure I must ha+e misunderstood your &ost 9 or you may ha+e confused my reference* So %e %i"" #oth re"ate to the same ca"endar 9 I refer to the /B1 day "unar Ca"endar com&osed of t%e"+e /1 day "unar months and %ith the e,tra fi+e days added on each year* This %as the ca"endar discussed at the meetin ca""ed to discuss %hat to do %ith the e,tra fi+e days of the year 9 %hich resu"ted in the @ecree of Cano&ious 9 I thin$ if %as first &u#"ished a#out <=1 5C or therea#outs 9 ho&e this he"&s* I am im&ressed %ith your EL cosmos &ro ram %hich sho%s the s$y :)00E 5C to 01)111 A@ 9 ho% de"i htfu" for

you* I %onder if you cou"d te"" me ho% such a &ro ram hand"ed the ca"cu"ation &ast =11 5C 9 to my $no%"ed e e+en Pto"emy?s ec"i&se ta#"es on"y o #ac$ to a#out =F1 5C 9 %hich su ests some &ro#"ems %ith ca"cu"ations #eyond that date 9 #ut I?m certain you must ha+e ta$en this factor into account 9 so cou"d you he"& me understand %hat they are7 Certain"y the meetin to account for the e,tra fi+e days of the year at that time must ha+e #een the reason %hy there is not any conti uous record e,tant in the entire %or"d &ast =F1 5C* I %ou"d a&&reciate your he"& here* Then ne,t area %here you ha+e set me stra9 i ht is the day startin %ith sunrise at that time* I $no% the mar$in stars and the %ater c"oc$s of that era a"" sho%ed the day startin %ith Sun set 9 #ut certain"y you ha+e a #etter ri& of the detai"s and can e,&"ain %hy a"" the 'ATCHE-S #e an their +i i" and day at sunset* I do thin$ the e+idence &oints +ery definite"y to%ard the source of the conste""ationa" names #ein that of ri+er #ased cu"ture %here there %as a reat inundation once a year 9 #ut since you ma$e the &oint that the E y&tians at that time didn?t ha+e the &resent names) then %hat did they ha+e 9 or %hat other ri+er #ased cu"ture %as there %here there %as a f"ood of the dimensions of the Ni"e ri+er %ithin the Ni"e +a""ey* The Aodiac at one time on the cei"in of the Tem&"e of @endrah has to ha+e #een &ainted a#out 011 ad and the conste""ationa" names as %e use them today %ere in e,istence much #efore that time* I am a"so a "itt"e confused a#out your reference to Si n as #ein dis9 tinct from Conste""ations* There ne+er %as a Aodiac of Si ns &rior to the Fth century A@* A"" &re+ious reference %ere to the star s&an "ed conste""ations 9 each &recise"y /1 de rees in "en th 9 each measured #y a &recise /19day "unation 9 a ain I refer you to the &ro#"em of %hat to do %ith the e,tra fi+e days of the year meetin * It is my understandin that the ;in s "ist and the dynasty "ists are in com9 &"ete disarray 9 so ho% do you $no% these astronomica" te,ts you mention re"ate to the 0Fth dynasty* A"so) I do #e"ie+e the P"eides %ere referred to as the se+en sisters in ancient E y&t 9 #ut of course I %i"" #o% to su&erior $no%"ed e 9 I %onder if you cou"d cite the reference* As far as #ein the oddess of 4ate and 4ortune 9 the inf"uence of this &articu"ar &attern %as then and is no% considered quit ne ati+e 9 #ad "uc$*

4-OM MICHAEL POE You are &artia""y out of my "ea ue e,ce&t for the E y&tian "unar ca"endar) %hich %as not made u& of /1 days months) #ut <F day months* Of course since the E y&9

<1F0 tians %as made u& of :< states) < $in doms) and at "east 0/90: traditions) there %as more than one ca"endar* there %as one #ased on the Sothic year !%hen Sirius sets .ust #efore the sun rises) %hich is a /B= day so"ar ca"endar6 a Lunar ca"endar of <F day months !%hich e+entua""y coincided %ith the so"ar durin the 3Sothic3 cyc"e() a <B1 day ca"en9 dar not #ased on any as&ect of the s$y) a so"ar /B1 day ca"endar %ith = 3interca"erary3 days* Their "unar ca"endar %as made u& of E day %ee$s) %hi"e the so"ar had 01 day %ee$s* Odd"y enou h !or &erha&s not so odd"y() the so"ar ca"endar %as the ci+i" ca"endar for %or$in ) the "unar ca"endar %as for the farmers* My EL Cosmos &ro ram) %hich sho%s the s$y from any%here on earth from :)00E #ce to 01)111 ad) can i+e me the #e innin Sothic year durin ancient E y&t* It a+e me the date of the 0st day of the 0st use of the Sothic ca"endar !%hich a"so coincided %ith the "unar ca"endar that year(* A friend of mine did an astro"o y chart that sho%ed a most intri uin confi uration for that time* In case you?re %onderin ) the year a"%ays starts on sunu&) so the date %as sun u& at Mem&his) E y&t at a certain day in Ju"y) in a certain year* Of course the E y&tians didn?t) at the time) ha+e the same Aodiac names) a"thou h they reco niAed the conste""ations* The first Aodiac of the common si ns !or today?s si ns( in E y&t %ere done in the tem&"e of @enderah !tem&"e of Hathor() a #eautifu" %or$ on the cei"in * Astronomy &"ayed a #i &art in ancient E y&t) notice the astronomica" te,ts of the 0Fth dynasty* In case you are interested) P"eides %as ca""ed the se+en Hathors in ancient E y&t) and %ere considered the oddesses of fate and fortune*

9999999999 THE TEMPLE O4 -A AT HELIOPOLIS The Tem&"e of -a in He"io&o"is as descri#ed #y Herodutus* Pro#a#"y the "ar est tem&"e in the %or"d) it %as a#out <8/ of a mi"e "on ) and a 08: of a mi"e in %idth* The courtyard %as descri#ed as made %ith &o"ished #"ac$ #asa"t stones) so &o"ished that it ref"ected the stars a#o+e and made it "oo$ "i$e one %as %a"$in amon the stars* In the midd"e of the courtyard %as a fu"" siAe tree) its trun$ and #ranches made %ith La&is LaAu"i) its "ea+es made %ith TurquoiseG No dou#t a most im&ressi+e court9 yardG The entire tem&"e is no% under the su#ur# of He"io&o"is) a su#ur# of Cairo* A sma"" &ortion %as unco+ered / years a o) and sho%ed the #"ac$ #asa"tic &a+in stones of the courtyard* TA-OT SYM5OLISM

<1F< 4-OM2 MICHAEL POE Since the tarot is not re"ated to any Hindu &hi"oso&hy) I don?t) and neither do the ear"ier tarot references) refer to their &hi"oso&hy to the sym#o"ism) %hich is enera""y Her9 metic !Hermetic is deri+ed from He#re%) Christian) Gree$) and E y&9 tian(* In hermeticism the eye is a"so sym#o"ic of the Eye of Horus) the E y&tian Ha%$ od) %ho soars o+er the earth seein e+erythin that ha&&ens* 'hite) red and #"ac$ a"so refer to E y&tian arments %orn #y Initiates at "east as ear"y as the Greco9roman &eriod and re&resents somethin com&"ete"y different than the Hindu* 'hite is the under arment #ecause it sym#o"iAes the &urified6 the first arment &ut on after the initiate #athes in the sacred "a$e* The red "inin is for the Inunda9

tion of the Ni"e) or &otentia" "ife i+in * and 5"ac$ is sym#o"ic of the #"ac$ earth of E y&t) the "ife) manifested* In the 'aite dec$) the do a"so re&resents God) %hich it is if s&e""ed #ac$%ard) ni&&in the initiate a"on the &ath) #ut in ancient E y&t it is Anu#is) the Guide and Guardian of the Initiate* -i ht hand and "eft hand ha+e a"%ays in Hermeticism #een associated %ith the Sun !ri ht( and Moon !"eft() %ith the sym#o"ism and meanin s associated %ith #oth !and corres&onds to %hat %as &re+9 ious"y noted( Actua""y) a"" of the ear"y Tarot dec$s) from the +ery first found in Ita"y u& to the 0HE1?s) ref"ect Hermeticism) and &ro#a#"y shou"d #e inter&reted that %ay* Ho%e+er) current"y there are so many different ty&es of +ariations that inter&retations of e"ements may need to #e referenced to a &articu"ar dec$* Hence) a"thou h) ta$in the 'aite dec$ in +ie%) the Hindu inter&retation of the c"othes chan es the meanin from the ori ina" meanin of the card* Sym#o"ism of the tarot is not uni+ersa"* 4or e,am&"e) #"ac$ re&resents death !as a co"or( in Hermeticism) the tarot) and %estern ci+i"iAation6 #ut in eastern ci+i"iAation #"ac$ re&resent "ife) and %hite re&resents death* c"ear"y a &ro#"em thereG

S$e"etons enera""y re&resent death or after"ife to %estern ci+i"iAation) #ut to some nati+e american tri#es and other &eo&"e) it re&resents &o%er and not deathG Hence) not e+ery sym#o" in the Tarot is uni+ersa" or has a uni+ersa" meanin * The tarot cards in enera") "i$e Jun ian?s archety&es) are uni+ersa") #ut the indi+idua" sym#o"s are not*

Another e,am&"e2 the "i htnin hittin the &yramid and the &erson fa""in off has no meanin %ith ci+i"iAations that don?t ha+e &yra9 mids) and "itt"e to most that do* Ho%e+er) did you $no% that the &yramid in ancient E y&t re&resented the o#e"is$) %hich sym#o"iAes the first ray of "i ht !"i htenin ( stri$in Earth7 And that the &yramid) re&resents the to& of the o#e"is$* that the o#e"is$ %ere "i htnin rods7 Pyramid in ancient E y&tian "an ua e means 3P"ace to Ascend3)

%hereas the card sho%s the &erson fa""in off after #ein struc$ #y the first ray of "i htG

<1F/ No%) as to the "eft8ri ht hand de&ictions* Of course in the ear"ier dec$s the Ma ician does not ho"d a"" four e"ements) #ut are "ocated on the ta#"e* The Ace of cu&s) re&resentin %ater) is not feminine in ancient E y&t6 it is either mascu"ine or #oth* 'ands are neuter !the %ord for %and is neither ma"e or fema"e() earth can #e either ma"e or fema"e) and air is ma"e !%hi"e hea+en is fema"e(* In fact the +ariety of ma"e) fema"e) neutra" of the e"ements +ary reat"y in shamanistic re"i ions of the Nati+e Americans* 5ut it is Hermeticism) %hich com#ines the He#re%) Christian !more accurate"y Gnostic8Co&tic() E y&tian and Gree$) than assi ns our &resent meanin s to the four e"ements and suits* Since the ear"iest dec$ is Ita"ian of the 0:90=th century) the ma.or inf"uence %ou"d ha+e #een Hermeticism) not Hindu or other eastern re"i ion* 5ernard 5roma e #ui"ds a decent case for E y&tian ori in) %hich I e,&"ored in &re+ious notes !did you see it) the sym#o"s %ere so c"ose that there had to #e an inf"uence(* One may e,&ect some Ara#8Is"amic inf"uence !the Crusades %ere o+er() #ut the interest in Gree$8-oman art and %riters %ere reat at that time* MIME@ PANTHEONS) ETC* Pan is not 5acchus) or the reat horned od of Euro&e* @es&ite the ec"ectic mind of today?s 'iccan) that is of associat9 in a"" ma"e ods %ith each other and a"" fema"e ods %ith each other) is a disser+ice to #oth the od8dess and to the tradition* Ancient E y&tian traditions !of %hich there %ere a doAen or more( tau ht that you don?t mi, ods and oddesses indiscriminate"y) e+en if they do share SOME attri#utes or &o%ers* Their 3Hi h Conce&t3 %as that e+en any one od8dess has se+era" &o%ers and to in+o$e s&ecific &o%ers

required the $no%"ed e of %hat sacred sym#o"s are associated %ith that &o%er) e+en if he8she !the od8dess( shou"d #e sittin do%n or stand9 in u&) the ritua" done in day"i ht or ni httime* Many shamastic re"i ions don?t mi, and match their od8desses) don?t do sun od8des9 ses at ni ht and +ice +ersa* The thou hts or reasons #ehind it is that mi,in and matchin causes2 a* The ritua" %i"" not #e as effecti+e* #* The ritua" may not #e effecti+e* c* The ritua" or the residue after%ard %i"" ha+e &o%ers that %eren?t intentioned #y the &erson) #ut %as &art and &arce" to the od8dess in+o$ed* d* The ritua" %i"" #ac$fire* e* The ritua" %i"" ha+e residue that %i"" #e uncomforta#"e* f* It?s %ar&s the "ines of &o%er !more shamanistic thin$in than E y&tian) %ho says that it %ar&s the Sa) %hich trans"ates as s&iritua" &o%er(* Many shamanistic re"i ions do not round their &o%er after the ritua" !after a"") it usua""y is #ein he"d at a sacred s&ot(* They fee" that either #ecause the &o%er %i"" #e contained at the &o%er s&ot) or the &o%ers you in+o$ed %ere c"ear enou h not to "ea+e a side effect* Sti"") I am not &ro&osin to not round yourse"f after%ard*

<1F: So) %hat I do &ro&ose is to not try to associate one od8dess %ith another* None of them %i"" ha+e the e,act same attri#utes or &o%ers* And in+o$in Pan and 5acchus at an E y&tian tem&"e) or Pan at Stonehen e is .ust as #ad as in+o$in Ga#rie" at the Great PyramidG It %on?t %or$) you %on?t et the &o%er from the s&ot you %ant) on"y your o%n) or ne ati+e &o%er* Isis) for instance is considered #y most 'iccan?s as one of the Great Mother Goddesses* yet in ancient E y&t) out of her /)111 year history) most of the time she %as not $no%n as a Mother Goddesses*

At the Church of the Eterna" Source !federation of E y&tian tem&"es( Isis Priest8esses rare"y he"d out for +ery "on * A"" $ind of terri#"e thin s enera""y ha&&ened to them* The main reason is that a"" of them used &art of Isis?s &o%ers) and %ou"d not %or$) or refused to reco niAe her other &o%ers* E+entua""y thou h) they see&ed in any%ay and to their detriment* Had they reco niAed a"" of her &o%ers in the first &"ace) thin s mi ht ha+e #een different* Perha&s your #asic misconce&tion is that a"" oddesses re&resent the same forces6 they don?t6 and neither do the ods* Yes) #asica""y there is one reat force that encom&asses #oth ma"e and fema"e &o%ers* This #asic force) as it fi"ters do%n) dif9 ferentiates into different ty&es of forces) and these forces are the od8desses that %e $no%* Isis doesn?t ha+e the same &o%ers as Se$hmet or Hathor or 5ast* they may share some of the &o%ers) #ut they ha+e &o%ers unique to them* ;ind of "i$e Leonardo @e Cinci $no%in a "ot a#out e+erythin ) #ut Ce""ini %as an e,ce""ent o"dsmith) Can Go h a &ainter) Perot a #usinessman* Hence) not a"" oddesses are the same) nor do they ha+e the same &o%ers* You mi ht consider it "i$e ri+ers and oceans in re+erse* The ocean has a"" the attri#utes) and it drains it attri#utes into se&arate ri+ers !some s%ift) some ca"m) some %ide) some narro%) some short) some "on * In E y&t the u"timate deity %as ca""ed 3Neter3) %hich trans"ates as 3@i+ine Princi&"e3 and the %or$ is neuter) ha+in #oth ma"e and fema"e &rinci&"es %ithin* The ne,t in order is a ma"e neter and a neteriat) a od and a oddess* 5e"o% that comes numerous od8desses %hich more s&ecific &o%ers and attri#utes*

No% the question is) %here these rece&tac"es of s&ecific &o%ers in+ented #y man$ind or hi her &o%ers7 In the "on run) it doesn?t matter as "on as they %or$*

<1F= Patheonists enera""y #e"ie+e that there %as a hi hest deity) fo""o%ed #y t%o !ma"e and fema"e() fo""o%ed #y others do%n to the s&irits of earth) air) fire and %ater* If you %ant to ma$e use of a s&ecific &o%er) you shou"d o to a s&ecific s&irit or od8dess %ho has that &o%er* You may not ha+e a reat success %ith one %ho on"y has some of it) or is so undefined or has so many other &o%ers that it may et a "itt"e "ost* If you %ant s&icy food) don?t o %ith a mo"e sauce) o for a Ja"a&eno sauce* A"so it seems that the further a%ay from the hi hest deity to et) the c"oser and more res&onsi+e it is to you* You may find that you et a #etter res&onse %ith a fire ritua" %hen usin a fire e"ementa" than of Se$hmet) and e+en "ess than usin Amon !a so"ar od(* 9999999999

THE AN;H Dnfortunate"y the entry for 3An$h3 in 5ar#ara 'a"$er?s 3'omen?s Encyc"o&edia of Myths and Secrets3 ot .ust a#out e+erythin %ron * The an$h is not e+o"+ed from an ancient sym#o" of the Goddess in Li#ya and Phoenicia6 the narro% trian "e surmounted #y a cross#ar and a round or o+a" head in #oth Li#ya and Phoenic e+o"+ed "on after the standard E y&tian an$h %as made* In fact) it %asn?t unti" after the ancient E y&tians either conquered or did e,tensi+e tradin %ith #oth

areas did their sym#o"s e+o"+e* 'e"") may#e the #oo$ didn?t et it a"" %ron * It is a sym#o" for "ife !a"thou h not uni+ersa") for uni+ersa" means that it %as used uni+ersa""y or a"" o+er the %or"d) and it isn?t(* It is true that #oth ods and oddesses in ancient E y&t he"d it) #ut they ne+er &resented it to $in s and the &eo&"e) the scenes sho% the od8dess ho"din it to the &erson?s "i&s or head !%hich means #esto%in "ife) and %as not a &resent(* the &art a#out the Christians is true) and it?s true that the an$h is the hiero "y&h for the %ord 3"ife3) and is used in a common sayin 3Life) Hea"th) Stren th*3 5ut the ancient E y&tians ne+er said that the an$h re&resented the union of ma"e and fema"e se,ua" sym#o"s !%hich %ere quite dif9 ferent sym#o"s and #ore no re"ation to the an$h) or resem#"ance to it(* It %as not the 3;ey of the Ni"e3 !e,ce&t may#e it %as mentioned #y the Gree$s) %ho ot most e+erythin %ron a#out E y&t() nor is there any sacred marria e #et%een God and Goddess ta$in &"ace at the source of the Ni"e #efore the f"ood* In fact) in a"" of the E y&tian mytho"o ies there is not one mention of any God and Goddess #ein married at the source of the Ni"e* the co&ts and the Gnostics #oth used the An$h or Cru, Ansate !Co&tic %ord( #efore the =th century ad) and #oth are Christian !%e"") an ar ument can #e made a#out the Gnostics #ein Christians(*

<1FB The question is then2 %hat did the ancient E y&tians consider the an$h re&resentation7 There are t%o ancient E y&tian references to the an$h re&resentation) and #oth a ree* The round o+a" or "oo& re&resented the Sun risin a#o+e) #ut not yet a#o+e the horiAon6 in the desert that ma$es the Sun e"on ate ne,t to the horiAon) ma$in a "oo& "i$e affair* The cross#ar re&resents the horiAon* The +ertica" section #e"o% the cross#ar is the 3Path of the Sun3) %hich %ou"d #e the "i ht castin a &ath across the Ni"e* Hence) the An$h re&resents Life #ecause it re&resents the Path across the Ni"e !"ife #"ood of E y&t) #ut odd"y enou h the Ni"e is

either ma"e or herma&hrodite( &ast the horiAon to the Sun !%hich) de&endin on the traditions of E y&t can #e either ma"e or fema"e) #ut usua""y ma"e(* The most ancient an$hs cross #ar %as actua""y the sym#o" of the t%o mountains of sunrise and sunset !"ife and death) east and %est() and a"so consisted of &a&yrus !or some other &"ant tied to ether(* Ta$en as the t%o mountains) then the an$h re&resents the &ath of #irth) "ife) and death* It ne+er had ma"e or fema"e attri#utes) #ut as the &ath of #irth) "ife and death) re&resents #oth* 9999999999 CO9PA-TNE-SHIP IN ANCIENT EGYPT The oddess dominated rou& seem to #e the most outs&o$en in the >&> 55S) and it?s a ood thin that this &articu"ar su#.ect %as #roached) as a"" the co9&artner rou&s ha+e come out !and a""e+iated the &ossi#"e fa"se im&ression that 'icca %as .ust oddess oriented to those %ho are ne%(* Horned ods in E y&t inc"ude Amon) Menthu) Sera&is) So$ar* Since at the ince&tion of ancient e y&t) :< different societies %ere in+o"+ed in the conso"idation of the $in dom !"ater to #ecome nomes or states() and these societies %ere &atri"inea" or matri"inea") accommodation had to #e made for #oth) so "a%s %ere &assed ma$in ma"e and fema"es equa"* It %as the <nd ;in of the 0st @ynasty !around /)1E1 #ce( that &assed a "a% that %omen cou"d ru"e E y&t* Here they are) %ith the dynasties that they #e"on ed* 0* Ist @yn* Merneith <* 3 Horneith /* IC 3 Henutsen :* C 3 Inty =* CI 3 An$hsenmerira B* 3 Nitro$ris !No#"est and Lo+e"iest( E* CII queen) name un$no%n F* CII queen) name un$no%n H* MII Se#e$9neferu9-a

01* MIII Aufna 00* MCIII Hatshe&sut 0<* Pto"emiac Period C"eo&atra II 0/* 3 3 C"eo&atra III 0:* 3 3 C"eo&atra CII !the famous one(

<1FE In the hi h ma ic section of ancient E y&t !the tem&"es and their staff() in the tem&"es to Gods the ma"e &riesthood &redominated* Con+erse"y in the tem&"es to the Goddesses the fema"e &riesthood &redominated !yet you sti"" find ma"e and fema"es in #oth(* Since many of the rou&s of ods in the cities %ere triads !ma"e) fema"e) off9 s&rin () there %ere ritua"s to each se&arate"y) and ritua"s for #oth* Many times the od %as %orshi&&ed in the day) the oddess at ni ht) #ut of course) in E y&t) %here many traditions did their o%n thin ) sometimes it %as re+ersed* In others) such as the city of Mem&his) the fema"e %as the Sun) the ma"e od %as the moon or somethin e"se* No% as to ma ic and %orshi& %ithin the fami"y and +i""a e* this is the &art that is c"osest in tone to 'icca) so those of you into 'icca may find this interestin !es&ecia""y as this is a "itt"e e,&"ored area e+en %ithin E y&to"o yG(* A"" fami"ies had a fami"y shrine* 'ho &resided o+er the shrine %as usua""y determined #y %hether any in the fami"y %as an initiated &riest8&riestess* If none %ere) the e"dest son usua""y &resided !#ut a ain) there %ere many e,ce&tions) in states %here oddesses &redominated) it %as the e"dest dau hter(* The orien9 tation of the fami"y "ife !farmer) sai"or) trader) etc( determined the chief od8dess* A farmer?s fami"y usua""y had Osiris and Isis and co9&artners6 a hea"ers) Se$hmet and Thoth* In +i""a es) %here there %ere no tem&"es) then there %ere rou&s of interested &eo&"e %ho #e"on ed to a rou&) more forma" than the fami"y rou&) "ess forma" than a tem&"e) and %as headed #y an initiated &riest8ess* Hence) in a +i""a e %here there may #e four initiated &eo&"e) there usua""y %ou"d #e four rou&s* 4or e,am&"e) in a su#ur# of Hermo&o"is state there %as a ma"e hea"er of Thoth) a fema"e hea"er

of Se$hmet) a &riest of Thoth) and a Priestess of Isis* Hence) there %as a hea"in rou&) a fema"e oriented !em&hasis on mid%ife ty&es( rou&) a di+ination rou&) and a fami"y rou& !Isis(* Some &eo&"e #e"on ed to se+era" rou&s* A"" rou&s a"so %orshi&ed other od8dess #esides the chief one) and e+en in Isis) Osiris) durin &art of the year) had more em&hasis than Isis* The Isis rou& did their ma ica" thin in a sacred ro+e !another simi"arity) as sacred ro+es %ere im&ortant(*

Many fami"ies had dua" shrines) %ith e"dest son "eadin the od ritua"s) and e"dest dau hter "eadin the oddess) and neither &redom9 inated* In fact) od AN@ oddess %ere considered essentia") each &redominate in their &o%ers) #ut a"%ays com&"ementin each other* In the #i tem&"es) there %as a "ot of od8dess ima es oin on +isits to their s&ouses) and once a year) a"" of the od8desses .ourneyed do%n the Ni"e to the main tem&"e* There is a #oo$ ca""ed 3Mytho"o ica" Pa&yrus3 that has e,act co&ies of the initiations of #oth &riests and &riestesses of +arious od8desses of the <0st @ynasty* A"" in+o"+ed astra" .ourneys of some sort accordin to their traditions* 4or those %ho are rea""y into oddess %orshi& you %i"" #e &"eased to $no% that the "ast o&eratin tem&"e of E y&t %as the Tem&"e of Isis

<1FF at Phi"ae #efore it %as c"osed #y the Christians in the "ate =th8ear"y Bth century) ho%e+er &eo&"e continued comin for 011 years "ater) des&ite the Is"amic conquest o+er the Christians in E y&t durin that century* 9999999999 OSI-IS

Hatshe&sut is %e"" $no%n #ecause the ne,t Pharaoh #ecame famous and his monuments !and those of hers that he defaced( are sti"" in e,istence* In case you) or anyone e"se is interested) and es&ecia""y if you are &"annin on a tri& to E y&t in the future) Pueen Henutsen) a"so ca""ed Isis) Mistress of the Pyramids and %ife of ;hufu !or Cheo&s( is sometimes seen in a %hite ro#e f"itterin !if that is a correct term( around the Great Pyramids and the other &yramids* The E y&tians raised Henutsen to the status of a Goddess and shrines %ere #ui"t for her* if you +isit the &yramids) i+e an offerin or a &rayer to her) for she is the Mistress of the Pyramids and Guardian thereof* In ancient E y&t) to say the name of a &erson %ho is deceased is to ma$e them "i+e fore+er in hea+en* #y the %ay) other ru"in queens %ere "ater e"e+ated to Goddes9 shood) Nitro$ris) Merneith) Hatshe&sut* If one "oo$s carefu""y at the "e ends !a"so the sources and time &eriods of each "e end( concernin Isis) one is "ed to the conc"usion that there %ere indeed) t%o Isis?s* There %as Isis) the Goddess %orshi&&ed in the Predynastic &eriod) and there %as Isis) the Pueen) %ho e+entua""y mer ed %ith the oddess to our &resent"y $no%n Isis* the ear"y stories of Isis?s) sho%s a definite mytho"o y of Isis the oddess) and a historica" treatment of Isis the queen* Can it #e) you as$7 Yes* Predynastic and ear"y @ynastic ru"ers had +ery short names) many of them named after their "oca" ods* There %as a &redyna9 stic $in of D&&er E y&t ca""ed Aher) named after Anher) the God of 'ar* There are other e,am&"es)and e+eryone $no%s that "ater $in s sti"" incor&orated God8desses names into their o%n names* Perha&s then the Contendin s of Horus and Set) %hich is a ta"e of Osiris the ;in and Isis the Pueen #att"in their #rother Set) #et%een the t%o $in doms is actua""y a re+ised +ersion of < #rothers +yin to unite the $in doms of D&&er and Lo%er E y&t in &redynastic times) %ith the names of the ;in and Pueen of D&&er E y&t #ein Osiris and Isis

!or a c"ose +ersion thereof() +ersus Set of Lo%er E y&t !or a +ersion thereof(* It is interestin to note that u& unti" the Eth @ynasty) the E y&tians re&orted to ha+e $no%n e,act"y %here the tom# of ;in Osiris %as in A#ydos) and re u"ar"y &ut offerin s there* durin the <nd Intermediate &eriod !ci+i" %ars a#ounded() this $no%"ed e %as "ost) and another tom# %as misidentified as the tom# of Osiris*

<1FH Therefore) if indeed) as the ancient E y&tians insist) that there %as indeed a rea" Osiris) then it fo""o%s that there %as an Isis that "i+ed and #reathed* The canoniAation of &eo&"e in ancient E y&t into a form of saints or e+en ods are as o"d as &redynastic times and e,isted a"" the %ay throu h to C"eo&atra CII) "ast ru"er of E y&t* There are famous %omen %ho %ere not ru"ers %ho %ere thus canoniAed* If you %ant to read more a#out Osiris) I su est you read2 Henri 4ran$fort2 Ancient E y&tian Phi"oso&hy E* 'a""is 5ud e2 Osiris !not reat) #ut com&rehensi+e( '* 4au"$ner2 The E y&tian 5oo$ of the @ead -und"e2 Ancient E y&tian -e"i ion Si mund MorenA2 Ancient E y&tian -e"i ion ;"aus 5aier2 Osiris) His Tom# in A#ydos !artic"e in the 4rench Institute of Archaeo"o y of Cairo) if you read 4rench(* 9999999999 Ha+e you otten a ne%s"etter in May7 The CES is current"y under oin a restructurin ) there shou"d #e : ne%s"etters and 0 to < ;he&era !.ourna"s( &er year* I %i"" #e contri#utin to #oth* In &ast ne%s"etters I ha+e contri#uted some s&e""s) ritua"s) and many hymns that ha+e #een trans"ated from tem&"e %a""s or &a&yri or osteraca* I %i"" #e doin more e,tensi+e artic"es for the ma aAine) "i$e one that %i"" #e on the meta&hysica" &arts of man in ancient E y&t* Much of the materia" are e,tracts from my Ma num O&us* H1K of it is on &a&er as

notes) and 0st drafts* On"y 01K current"y on com&uter) and that is %here the future time %i"" o* As &uttin it on com&uter) the notes %i"" #ecome 0st drafts6 the 0st drafts %i"" #ecome more finished and &o"ished to the <nd draft sta e !%ith additiona" notes added in6 isn?t com&uters a %onderfu" too"6 insert note #et%een sentences or add a &ara ra&h %ithout ha+in to rety&e the entire &a eG(* The /rd and &ro#a#"e fina" draft %i"" #e addin "ast notes) fina" &o"ishin ) footnotes) inde,in ) and rammar and sentence chec$in * the -itua"s) hymns) s&e""s) #"essin s) consecrations) : direct9 iona" ritua"s) initiations are com&"ete on &a&er) %ith a#out 01K of that on com&uter* 5asica""y a"" of this is oin into a data #ase) so cross referencin can #e done* A"thou h it may not #e needed !#ut you may %ant to thin$ a#out doin it( in 'icca) in E y&tian it is essentia" #ecause of the traditions and "ar e time frame in+o"+ed* E,am&"e2 Ty&e2 5"essin ) Consecration) astra" &ro.ection) mantras !yes) e+en mantras in E y&t(* Main God8dess or Goddess2 Main oddess in+o$ed) &"us any others) a"so there are some eneric rites* Traditions2 identifies the different traditions this &articu"ar ritua" comes from* Source2 'here did I acquire this7 Much is from trans"ations from &u#"ished #oo$s !"i$e E,ca+ations at A#ydos #y Petrie !trans"ations of hymns on tem&"e %a""s() or from the 4rench Institute of Archaeo"o y in Cairo*

<1H1 Time Period2 im&ortant occasiona""y #ecause the od8dess &o%ers and attri#utes chan ed o+er time* 4orm2 %hat does the od8dess "oo$ "i$e) stand8sit) ho"d durin this s&e""8ritua"* Cisua"iAin one form of Isis that natura""y in+o$es one set of s&ecific &o%ers) #ut usin a ritua" that in+o$es another set of &o%ers creates conf"ict) and at #est) %on?t #e effecti+e) and at %orst) do%n ri ht dan erous* Corres&ondin Codes2 Since most E y&tian ritua"s are com&osed !as

are %icca( of e"ements) such as dra%in the circ"e) consecration) #"essin ) hymns) etc*6 in E y&t they %ere i+en to the indi+idua" in &arts* the indi+idua" %as a"ready trained on ho% to &ut the &arts to ether* Hence) he or she may ha+e =9B %ays to in+o$e the : direc9 tions) usin three sets of od8desses* He8she may a"so ha+e 01 #"es9 sin s) <1 hymns) etc to different ods8 oddesses* He has to $no% !"i$e a a"chemist( ho% to successfu""y match the &arts to ether to ma$e a successfu" %ho"e* 9999999999 -ecommendations on #oo$s on ancient E y&t and it?s &ractices2 Priests of Ancient E y&t2 Ser e Sauron !"ast %ord is &ro#a#"y miss&e""ed*( E y&tian -e"i ion2 #y MorenA Ancient E y&tian Thou ht and Cu"ture2 Henri 4ran$fort E y&tian Tem&"es2 #y Mar aret Murray Isis in the Greco9-oman 'or"d2 &ro#a#"y #y Michae" Hoffman* 9999999999 MICHAEL POE?S EGYPTIAN -EA@ING LIST Com&i"ed #y Lady Lyn @enE"der 5"ac$ Ancient E y&t Thou ht N Cu"ture) Henri 4ran$fort Ancient E y&tian Literature) Miriam Lichtheim / +o"* set Ancient E y&tians) A* -osa"ie @a+id E y&tian Astronomica" Te,ts) / +o"* Neu e#auer N -ichard Par$er**astro"o y8astronomy E y&tian Hiero "y&hics) Mercer) SA5 +oca#u"ary N e,ercises E y&tian Hiero "y&hic @ictionary) 4au"$ner E y&tian -eadin ) de5uc$) Midd"e E y&t te,ts) e,ercises E y&tian -e"i ion) Si mund MorenA E y&tian Tem&"es) Ser e Sauneron E y&tian Tem&"es) Mar aret Murray Isis in the Greco9-oman 'or"d) 7 Michae" Hoffman 7 Ori ins of the Lodiac) -u&ert G"eado%) astronomy8astro"o y

Priests of Ancient E y&t) Ser e Sauneron -ise N 4a"" of the Midd"e ;in dom) H*E*'in"oc$ anythin #y Henri 4ran$fort NO 9 5D@GEGGG There are some more s&ecific #oo$s out) one on Thoth) one on Hathor) one on Imhote&) and a cou&"e of others* The most interestin ones not on the "ist are a"so "on out of &rint6 The Coffin Te,ts !MI9MII @ynasty( of a#out 0)<11 ritua"s and s&e""s* The Pyramid Te,ts !IC9CI

<1H0 @ynasties( of a#out E11 ritua"s and s&e""s) The Harris Ma ic a" Pa&yrus) %hose En "ish edition runs around R 0)E11 or more) assumin you can find one* I fina""y found a German and &erha&s a 4rench trans"ation and ha+e a friend %hose roommate reads #oth* The Harris Ma ica" Pa&yrus is considered THE MOST IMPO-TANT ma ica" &a&yrus ECEfound* I #e"ie+e that Michae" Grant is the author of Isis in the Greco9-oman %or"d) #ut %i"" chec$ u& on that*

<1H< This is the transcri&t of the On"ine 5e"tane CON he"d on May <) 0HH1 in Section F !Ne% A e8Pa an8Occu"t( of the -e"i ion 4orum* !F9B)G%ynndon( This is a s&ecia" ni ht*** re"a,) and the e,tra ener y of it*** %i"" f"o% into you*** %e are a &art of the Earth*** di your toes do%n into the soi") "i$e the trees*** and &u"" u& the ener y of the Mother*** 5reathe in %ith your heart#eat*** a"so a "ifeforce of the Earth*** circu"ate the ener y) and see the Earth as it is at ni ht*** +isua"iAe a #u##"e of #"ue "i ht***

formin to the East*** s&readin North*** around to the 'est**** throu h the South) and connectin east a ain*** and $no% that this circ"e is &urified of the mundane* 4acin the East *** Hai") Guardians of the 'atchto%er of the East*** 'e do summon) stir and ca"" ye*** to .oin us) %itness this rite) and Guard our Circ"eG Hai" and 'e"comeG 4acin the South*** Hai") Guardians of the 'atchto%er of the South*** 'e do summon) stir and ca"" ye*** to .oin us) %itness this rite) and Guard our Circ"eG 4acin 'est*** Hai") Guardians of the 'atchto%er of the 'est*** 'e do summon) stir) and ca"" ye*** to .oin us) %itness this rite) and Guard our Circ"eG 4acin North*** Hai") Guardians of the 'atchto%er of the North*** 'e do summon) stir) and ca"" ye*** to .oin us) %itness this rite) and uard our Circ"eG Ins&iration and air from the East*** 4ire and &assion from the South*** 'ater and Com&assion from the 'est*** Earth and sta#i"ity from the North*** A"" meet in the center) and form a %e# of "ife and &o%erG So mote it #eG !F90)S*H*( So mote it #e !F9=)Ian( So mote it #eG !F9<)Jehana( so mote it #eG !F9:)Peri( so mote it #eG

!F9B)G%ynndon( On this ni ht at the #e innin of the 'armtimes***

<1H/ "et us remem#er the 5e"fire) and ho% it came to #e*** The Moon and the Sun) Goddess and God*** are reat "o+ers) the mode" for us a""*** and "i$e human "o+ers) they ha+e had quarre"s* This &articu"ar quarre" de+e"o&ed #ecause of the od*** He #ui"t himse"f a #eautifu" arden*** thou h he %ou"d not "et his "ady in to see it*** a minor &oint #ecame o+er#"o%n*** as it usua""y ha&&ens*** and they sto&&ed s&ea$in for a %hi"e*** Of course once for#idden*** the "ady %anted to see it a"" the more*** and so the Moon Goddess %ra&&ed herse"f in a c"oa$ of Ni ht*** and #y stea"th ot into this Garden*** 'e"") the God %as no foo"*** and he "aid a tra& for her*** and so once inside) she cou"d not "ea+e a ain %ithout a"ertin him*** So the Goddess hid herse"f and #e an %aitin *** and since her &atience far outshone that of the God*** he #e an "oo$in for her6 he tired of %aitin As soon as he "eft his &ost at the entrance of the arden*** she s&ran a ain into the air) ettin freeG So #e an a reat chase throu h the Hea+ens*** thou h the God cou"d not catch his "ady a ainst her %i""*** the &eo&"e on Earth mean%hi"e %ere +ery %orried*** %ith a"" of the comin s and oin s of the Sun and Moon*** and their &riests #id them #ui"d reat #onfires*** on a"" of the hi""s to et the attention of the God and

Goddess*** 'e"") they e+entua""y tired of the chase*** and the Goddess "et the God catch her*** and #ein too tired to o #ac$ to that "o+e"y arden*** they for a+e each other ri ht in the midd"e of the s$y*** and so the ec"i&se %as #orn*** thou h it on"y "oo$s "i$e one from the Earth*** it is rea""y that c"oa$ of the Goddess*** co+erin their rites of Lo+eG So %e commemorate this #e innin of %armtimes %ith the 5e"fire to this day* !F9<)Jehana( So mote it #e* !F9=)Ian( As it %as) so sha"" it #e* !F9:)Peri( so mote it #eG !F90)S*H*( So mote it #eG !F9B)G%ynndon( Green9eyed Lady) "au hin "adyG 5ro%n9eyed Lady) sensuous "adyG 5"ue9eyed Lady) Lady of Stee"*** Join our Circ"e*** 5e 'e""comeGG P"ease honor the Goddess as you choose*** in a"" of Her 4orms) #e 'e"comeG

<1H: !F9<)Jehana( 5e %e"comeG !F9=)Ian( Ceud Mi"e 4ia"te) LadyG !F9B)G%ynndon( Lady of 4"ame) Lady of Ni ht) 5"essed 5eG !F90)S*H*( 'ith Adoration) I im&"ore you* !F90)S*H*( 5"essed 5eG !F9B)G%ynndon( Lord of Stream and 4ie"d*** Lord of Mountain and ;in of 5easts*** 'i"d Man of Nature) 5e 'e""ComeG

5eho"d) the God has come to his LadyG P"ease honor the God in your o%n %ay*** !F90)S*H*( Hai" 5oundin One) Lord of Life and @eathG !F9<)Jehana( Hai" HunterG !F9=)Ian( Ceud Mi"e 4ia"te) LordG !F9B)G%ynndon( Great tric$ster) yet faithfu" master) 5"essed 5eG !F90)S*H*( 5"essed 5eG !F9B)G%ynndon( He"& me #ui"d the 5e"9fire) so that the Lord and Lady #e honored*** As the f"ames .um& hi her and hi her*** So ro%s the cone of &o%er*** As %e circ"e round the fire*** in imitation of the Great Chase of the God and Goddess*** so the ener y #ui"ds and #ui"ds*** en+ision that %hich you %ish*** and that %hich you %ish to "ose*** and in this ni ht of .oy and ce"e#ration*** cast it into the fireG That %hich %e %ish SO MOTE IT 5EGG !F90)S*H*( So mote it #eG !F9:)Peri( so mote it #eG !F9<)Jehana( So mote it #eG !F9=)Ian( So mote it #eG !F9B)G%ynndon( A""o% the f"ames of the 5e"fire to ca"m do%n s"o%"y*** and as they "o%er) $no% that the ener y is not one*** .ust transmuted*** as the "o+e of Goddess and God e+er chan es*** yet a"%ays endures*** Sany s&ecific &ro#"ems can #e mentioned here***T !F9B)G%ynndon( May the ener y he"& me %ith my fina"s ne,t %ee$*** and those &a&ers S T

!F9<)Jehana( May the ener y $ee& a one I $no% hea"thy* Thru the sur ery he %i"" ha+e to under o* !F90)S*H*( May the &ro#"ems of my &ast year and stay in "ast year* !F9=)Ian( I %ish for the &hysica" and s&iritua" stren th to continue my &hysica" reha#i"itation and inte ration of my &erson a ain*

<1H= !F9B)G%ynndon( To ether %e are reater than a"one*** and the Goddess and God are here to uide our ener y on%ard*** So "et?s "ea+e them to finish their "o+ema$in in &ri+ate*** and than$ them for attendin GG !F9<)Jehana( Than$ you) oh) yesG !F9B)G%ynndon( Great God*** than$ you for your he"& and attendance*** and may %e meet a ainG*** Hai" and 4are%e"") thou h not Good#yeG !F90)S*H*( Oh My Lady) thou art the #reath in my "ife*** Oh my Lord) thou art the #"ood in my +eins*** As Life oes on) I sha"" ne+er for et not forsa$e you* !F9=)Ian( Great Lord N No#"e Lady) than$ you for attendin this circ"eG !F90)S*H*( 5"essed 5e) and Merry MeetG !F9:)Peri( Hai" and 4are%e""G !F9B)G%ynndon( and "et us not $ee& the "ady from her "o+er*** Merry met) merry do %e &art) and merry sha"" %e meet a ainG !F90)Ian( So mote it #eG 5"essed 5eG !F9B)G%ynndon( Guardians of the 'atchto%ers) %ithout your #a"anced e"ements*** !F90)S*H*( Than$ you Lord and Lady) and than$ you G%ynndon) 5"essed 5e and Merry MeetG

!F9B)G%ynndon( the %or"d %ou"d not #e**** than$ you for attendin our Circ"eG !F9<)Jehana( Hai" N 4are%e""G !F9B)G%ynndon( The circ"e is o&en) #ut the Ma ic "in ers*** !F90)S*H*( Hai" and 4are thee %e"") oh Guardians of the To%ers of the Dni+erse* !F9B)G%ynndon( Than$ you a""GS T !F9<)Jehana( And) than$ you) G%ynndonGG !F90)S*H*( !&ourin %ine for G%ynndon( !F9<)Jehana( ! ( !F9B)G%ynndon( ta$es a si&***S T** ood %ineG !F9=)Ian( !&assin #uttered SconesG( !F9<)Jehana( Nice +inta eG !F9<)Jehana( Stryin sconesT Yum* !F90)S*H*( nothin #ut the #est for this cre%***

<1HB Com&uSer+e on9"ine Im#o"c -itua") 0HH1 !Ladyha%$( This is Im#o"c***or Cand"emas***or 5ri it?s day This is the feast of the %a,in "i ht* 'hat %as #orn at the 'inter So"stice #e ins to manifest The Lady) mid%ife to the infant year) no% sees the Chi"d Sun ro% stron as the days ro% +isi#"y "on er* It is a time of #e innin s) %hen %e se"ect the seed %e %i"" "ater &"ant) nurture) and e+entua""y har+est* After I do each in+ocation) I %i"" &ause and "et each of you say a 4E' %ords no more than < "ines) &"ease***to your &articu"ar deity

-i ht no%) I?d "i$e e+eryone to round and center themse"+es*** in the %ay that is #est for you* As you do) see yourse"f #athed in a %hite "i ht) c"eansin you and your area* No%) menta""y turn to the East2 Po%ers of the East 'e #id you come To %itness our rite And &rotect usG No% menta""y turn to the South2 Po%ers of the South 'e #id you come To %itness our rite And &rotect usG SNo% menta""y turn to the 'est2T Po%ers of the 'est 'e #id you come To %itness our rite And &rotect usG SNo% menta""y turn to the North2T Po%ers of the North 'e #id you come To %itness our rite And &rotect usG S5ac$ once more to the East and in your o%n %ay) sa"ute the East a ainT No%) "et us a"" "in$ to ether 4ee" the earth ener y %e""in u& from the #o%e"s of the Earth) our Mother 4ee" it rise to our feet and u& throu h our #odies 'hite "i ht ener y 4ee" it f"o% throu h us and "in$ us)

<1HE one %ith the other So fina""y %e fee" and see the circ"e of ener y) the circ"e of &o%er #indin us to ether and settin us a&art In a s&ace not of this time) #ut of a"" times Not of these &"aces) #ut a"" &"acesG 5"essed 5eG Sun ;in G Horned One of anima"s and %i"d &"aces Joyous"y %e as$ you comeG A"" the "and is %ra&&ed in the chi"" of %inter The trees are #are and the air is co"d* Yet sti"" our hearts are "ad 4or %e $no% you ha+e #een re#orn And nurtured in your ear"y days 5y the racious Mother Goddess) Lady of a"" ferti"ity* 'e #id you %e"come And re.oice in your ro%in stren thG Hai" Great GodG Hai" and 'e"comeG S aT !Jehana( Hai" N 'e"comeG !Ocean Mist( uG8u !Shado% Ha%$( Hai" Mother) from you the Sun once more does ro%G

!G%ynndon( Hai" and 'e"comeG

!Shado%star( 'e"come) Lord of the SunG !Jehana( 5ri id) Arianhrod) Cerrid%yn) Herne*** 'e"comeG !Larne( 'e"come LordG Share %ith us your %armth and "i htG !Ocean Mist( Hai" and %e"come in your ne% "i htG !Ladyha%$( Great Goddess) No#"e LadyG ;no%n to the Ce"ts as 5ri it) 5ride) Cerrid%en) and more Goddess of Li ht ;ee&er of the sacred %e""sG 'e ather tonite to honor your %ho has nurtured the Sun ;in * As the s&rin "am#s are #orn and the e%es come to mi"$) as %e sense s&rin itse"f so c"ose 'e #id you %e"come as %e C"ear out the o"d and ma$e %ay for the ne% 'e"come Lady

<1HF 'e"come and a"" Hai"G !G%ynndon( 5ride is comeG 5ride is 'e"comeG !Jehana( 'e"come) #ri ht "ady) s&ar$ of ins&irationG !-ita( 'e"come) Great Mother* 'e"come and ro% stron ) Youn Lord* !Shado%star( 'e"come) Lady of Li htG

!Larne( 'e"come LadyG Nurture and he"& us as %e ro%G !Shado% Ha%$( Mother smi"e u&on us and #rin us Life) Son shine do%n u&on us and #rin us Li htG

!Ocean Mist( 'e"come oddess of "i htG !Ladyha%$( No%) "et us each concentrate on that %hich %e need to 3s%ee& out3 of our "i+es Picture it as) %ith a ne%) c"ean #room) you s%ee& it a%ay and it +anishes in the air* And no%) %ith ourse"+es c"eansed) "et us meditate on that %e mi ht %ish to &"ant for this year*** the 3seed3 %e %i"" &"ant in the s&rin * 4or) this is the time of chosin the seed and &re&arin for the &"antin * Gracious LadyG He"& us chose %ise"y the seedG and no%) %ith our seed se"ected and he"d dear"y in our hearts) it is time to than$ the Lady and the Lord* O Sun ;in ) Horned OneG 'e than$ thee for thy &resence Sure"y %e fee" your ro%in stren th In our heart of hearts and find .oy in $no%in that as the sun ro%s) so do youG 'e than$ thee for teachin us that e+en in the de&ths of %inter Life ro%sG 4are%e"") Lord) if you must o* Thou h) "ad"y %ou"d %e ha+e you stay and re.oice %ith us*

Hai") Sun ;in G Gracious Lady) 'e than$ thee for thy uidance in se"ectin our seed* Tru"y %i"" %e ho"d it in our hearts

<1HH Ti"" the time of &"antin * 'e than$ thee a"so 4or teachin us the %isdom of c"eansin and "ettin o of that %hich is no "on er usefu" to us* Thus do %e hea" of &ast hurts and ro% in stren th) e+en as does our Lord* 'e than$ thee and #id you fare%e"" if you must o) #ut "ad"y %ou"d %e ha+e you stay and re.oice %ith usG Hai") Gracious LadyG And no%) %e %i"" "et our circ"e sin$ #ac$ into the Earth once a ain* 4or a"" that comes of the Earth) must sure"y return to Her* 5ut e+en as the circ"e de&arts) $no% that %e are sti"" #ound 5y our "o+e of the Gods and the Lo+e #et%een us* 5"essed 5eG !Shado% Ha%$( 5"essed 5e !-ita( 5"essed 5eG !Ocean Mist( 5"essed 5eG

!Shado%star( 5"essed 5eG !Larne( 4are%e"" Lord and Lady* @e&art our circ"e) #ut #e a"%ays %ith us* 5"essed 5eG !Jehana( 5"essed 5eG So Mote it 5eG !G%ynndon( 5"essed 5eG !C$ai( 5"essed 5eG !Ladyha%$( SNo% turn in your mind?s eye once a ain to the EastT 4are%e"") Po%ers of the East 'e than$ you for Your attendence and &rotection Peace e+er #et%een thee and %eG S4ace SouthT 4are%e"" Po%ers of the South 'e than$ you for your attendence and &rotection Peace e+er #et%een thee and %eG Sface 'estT

<011 4are%e"" Po%ers of the 'est 'e than$ you for your attendence and &rotection Peace e+er #et%een thee and %eG

Sface NorthT 4are%e"" Po%ers of the North 'e than$ you for your attendence and &rotection Peace e+er #et%een thee and %eG Sonce more face East and menta""y sa"ute once a ainT The circ"e is o&en) #ut un#ro$en Merry meet and merry &art and merry meet a ainG !Shado% Ha%$( Merry Meet and Merry Part) and Merry Meet A ainG !Ladyha%$( SThe -ite is endedT !Shado% Ha%$( !&assin food( !Jehana( !Passin drin$( !Larne( I?"" ha+e some of those ca$esG

<010 Ju"y /0) 0HH0 012/1 E@T This fi"e contain a transcri&t of the 0HH0 Lammas ritua" he"d on"ine in the Com&uSer+e -ELIGION forum Section F* The &artici&ants %ere2 Dser Dser I@ Name 9999 9999999999999 9999999999999999999 0 E<1B=):<= Cy nus < E<E/1)<B1/ aius / E0B11)B<0 Jehana

: E/E0=)0==< E EB/1:)/E0< F E0B:1)/E00 01 E=/<=)0::0 0< E0=01)E/

Larne HA'; Si"+erHa%$ Shado% Ha%$ Pe y

This e+enin s ritua" %as desi ned and "ed #y Shado% Ha%$*

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> U V denotes an edit* Te,t in UV has #een chan ed) mo+ed or editied in some fashion A4TEthe ritua" %as com&"ete* ! ( denotes action* If you see !te,t( in &arentheses) it indicates somethin you shou"d do* 3 3 denotes somethin to say +er#a""y* If you see 3te,t3 in quotes) it is somethin for you to re&eat* If you see te,t #y itse"f) read and fo""o% a"on ) o$7

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O$) you a"" %i"" need #read) charcoa") a cau"dron8#raiser of some $ind*** that you can i nite the charcoa" in*

@oes e+eryone $no% %hat Lammas is a"" a#out7 O$) Lammas is a ritua" dedicated to the Sun God) or the Corn God Or a +ariety of other Gods that are $no%n as sacrificia" ods ca""ed #ecause the ancients #e"ie+ed that the sun at it?s hi hest &oint !midd"e of summer( died) and that the essense %ent into the food to sustain "ife durin the "on co"d %inter ahead* This is the

time of the Corn ;in ) as %as said) the first of the Har+est times %hen the first cro&s %ere #rou ht in* o$) then) %e #e in*** LAMMAS


> !Cisua"iAe a c"oud of incense fa""in across the %or"d) c"eansin and &urifyin ) and sayin )( 35y the S&irits of Air and 4ire I c"eanse thee*3

!Cisua"iAe a rain of %ater and the stren th of the Earth risin u& and say)( 35y the Creatures of 'ater and Earth I c"eanse thee*3

> !E+eryone +isua"iAe and connect %ith the south) the e"ement of 4ire*( Ye Guardians of the 'atchto%ers of the South) ye Po%ers of 4ire6 S&irits of I""umination and @esire) I do summon) stir) and ca"" you u&) to %itness our rites and to uard the Circ"e*

!Connect %ith the 'est and the s&irit of 'ater) ( Ye Guardians of the 'atchto%ers of the 'est) ye Po%ers of 'ater6 S&irits of @eath and Initiation) I do Summon) stir) and ca"" u&on

you to 'itness our -ites and to uard the Circ"e*

!Connect %ith the North and the s&irit of Earth)( Ye Guardians of the 'atchto%er of the North) ye Po%ers of Earth) ;ee&ers of the Northern Porta"s) S&irits of Mountain and P"ains) I do summon) stir) and ca"" u&on you to %itness our -ites and to Guard the Circ"e*

!Connect %ith the East and the s&irit of Air) ( Ye Guardians of the 'atchto%ers of the East) ye Po%ers of Air6 S&irits of C"ear 'i"" and ;no%"ed e) I do summon) stir) and ca"" you u&) to %itness our rites and to uard the Circ"e*

!Cisua"iAe the Earth Herse"f i""uminated in a Circ"e of si"+er Li ht* (

<01/ The Circ"e is cast) %e are #et%een the %or"ds) #eyond the #oundaries of time) %here Ni ht and @ay 5irth and @eath) Joy and Sorro%) meet as one*

> Listen to the %ords of the Great Mother) she %hom of o"d %as a"so ca""ed amon men Artemis) Astarte) Athena) @ione) Me"usine) A&hrodite)

Cerrid%en) @ana) Arianrhod) Isis) 5rid) and #y many other names* 'hene+er you ha+e need of any thin ) once in the month) and #etter it #e %hen the Moon is fu"") then sha"" ye assem#"e in some secret &"ace and adore the s&irit of Her) %ho is Pueen of a"" %itches* There sha"" ye assem#"e) ye %ho are fain to "earn a"" sorcery) yet ha+e not %on its dee&est secrets) to these %i"" She teach thin s that are yet un$no%n* And ye sha"" #e free from s"a+ery) and as a si n that ye #e rea""y free) ye sha"" #e na$ed in your rites) and ye sha"" dance) sin ) feast) ma$e music and "o+e) a"" in Her &raise* 4or Her?s is the secret door that o&ens u&on the Land of Youth) and Her?s is the cu& of the %ine of "ife) and the Cau"dron of Cerrid%en) %hich is the Ho"y Grai" of Immorta"ity* She is the Gracious Goddess) %ho i+es the ift of Joy unto the hearts of Man* D&on Earth) She i+es $no%"ed e of the s&irit eterna") and #eyond death) She i+es &eace) and freedom) and reunion %ith those %ho ha+e one #efore* Nor does She demand sacrifice) for #eho"d) She is the Mother of a"" "i+in ) and her Lo+e is &oured out u&on the Earth* Hear ye the %ords of the Star Goddess) she in the dust of %hose feet are the hosts of Hea+en) and %hose #ody encirc"es the Dni+erse* She %ho is the #eauty of the reen Earth) and the %hite Moon amon the stars) and the mystery of the %aters) and the desire of the hearts of man) ca""s unto thy sou"* Arise) and come unto Her* 4or She is the sou" of Nature) %ho i+es "ife to the uni+erse* 4rom

Her a"" thin s &roceed) and unto Her a"" thin s must return) and #efore Her face) #e"o+ed of Gods and of men) "et thine innermost di+ine se"f #e enfo"ded in the ra&ture of the infinite* Let Her %orshi& #e %ithin the heart that re.oiceth) for #eho"d) a"" act of "o+e and &"easure are Her ritua"s* And therefore "et there #e #eauty and

<01: stren th) &o%er and com&assion) honor and humi"ity) mirth and re+erence %ithin you* And thou %ho thin$est to see$ for Her) $no% thy see$in and yearnin sha"" a+ai" thee not) un"ess thou $no%est the mystery) that if %hat thou see$est thou findest not %ithin thee) then thou sha"t ne+er find it %ithout thee* 4or #eho"d) She has #een %ith thee from the #e innin ) and She is that %hich is attained at the end of desire*

> !Li ht charcoa" and Ta$e &iece of #read in hand* ( no% is the time to "i ht your charcoa") and ta$e the #read in hand*

This is the time of Lu h) the Shinin One) the 5ri ht One) the Go"den One) the Sacrificed One* He %as concei+ed in the de&ths of 'inter) %as 5orn in the S&rin ) @anced and Lo+ed in the Summer) and no%) He @ies in the Har+est so that %e may Li+e throu h the "on 'inter?s Ni ht*

Corn ;in ) Sun ;in ) @ie and 5e -e#ornG !4ee" the death in the #read) the rains that re% under the Sun) fee"in the %ind and the rain on their hus$s) the sythin of the rain so that the #read may #e made) the sacrifice of Life so that Life cou"d "i+e* ( !4ee" the Life in the #read) that %hich has i+en u& "ife) yet is fi""ed %ith "ife) %ith the sustanence that it &ro+ides) contem&"ate hun er) and then the fi""in of that need* See enou h #read to feed the %or"d*) for the GodUdessV is not stin y) #ut "oo$s after a"" Her Chi"dren* ( !Ho"din the 5read in your hand) offer it u& for 5"essin s* ( 3Oh Mi hty Mother of us a"") #rin er of a"" fruitfu"ness) i+e us fruit and rain) f"oc$s and herds) and chi"dren to the tri#e) that %e may mi hty* 5y the -ose of thy "o+e) do thou descend u&on the #ody of thy chi"dren*3 35eho"d) the Ho""y ;in is dead) he %ho is a"so the Corn ;in * He has em#raced the Great Mother) and died of his "o+e) so has it #een) year #y year) since time #e an* 5ut if the

<01= Ho""y ;in is dead) he %ho is the God of the 'anin Year) a"" is dead6 a"" that s"ee&s in Her %om# of Earth %ou"d s"ee& fore+er* 'hat

sha"" %e do therefore) that the Ho""y ;in may "i+e a ain73 3'e Sha"" eat of the #read of Life* Then sha"" s"ee& "ead on to re#irth*3 !Tear off &art of the 5read and offer it to the 4"ame* As it i nites and smo$es) see the s&ar$ of "ife that %i"" #e re#orne in the %om# of the Earth Mother in the 'inter*( As the #read smo$es) see "ife and death in the smo$e) one "i+es on the other*** and %ithout #oth) %e %ou"d not #e* 3Come #ac$ to us) Ho""y ;in ) that the "and may #e fruitfu"*3 I am the #att"e9%a in s&ear6 I am a sa"mon in the &oo"6 I am a hi"" of &oetry6 I am a ruth"ess #oar6 I am a threatenin noise of the sea6 I am a %a+e of the sea6 'ho #ut I $no%s the secrets of the unhe%n do"men7

!4ee" the Essense of the God) His 5irth) His Life) and His @eath) Gent"e ton ue) end"ess &assion) stren th of His arms) the 'armth of His Touch) and $no% that Thou art God as %e""*( !Eat the 5read) and fee" the essense of the God on your ton ue) and fi""in your #ody %ith strenth for the tria"s of the Har+est and 'inter*(

> U!Connect %ith the East and fee" the Air dyin do%n*( Ye Po%ers of the East) than$s #e yours for attendin our -ites) and ere ye de&art to your Sacred rea"ms) %e #id you Hai" and fare%e""*V

!Connect %ith the North and fee" the Earth sin$in do%n( Ye Po%ers of the North) than$s #e yours for

<01B attendin our -ites) and ere ye de&art to your Sacred rea"ms) %e #id you Hai" and fare%e""*

!Connect %ith the 'est and fee" the ocean retreatin *( Ye Po%ers of the 'est) than$s #e yours for attendin our -ites) and ere ye de&art to your Sacred rea"ms) %e #id you Hai" and fare%e""*

!Connect %ith the South and fee" the fire su#sidin *( Ye Po%ers of the South) than$s #e yours for attendin our -ites) and ere ye de&art to your Sacred rea"ms) %e #id you Hai" and fare%e""*

!Cisua"iAe the Circ"e e,&andin ) #eyond the earth and out into s&ace) #rin in hea"th and ood har+est throu hout the %or"d*( 3The Circ"e is O&en) #ut ne+er 5ro$en) Merry Meet) and Merry Part) and Merry Meet a ainG3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS IS THE EN@ O4 THE 0HH0 LAMMAS ONLINE -ITDAL* Than$s to Shado% Ha%$ for "eadin us this e+enin and than$ you a"" for attendin !&ast or &resent( and I ho&e you %i"" #e a#"e to .oin us in &erson for our ne,t atherin * If you ha+e any questions or comments) you can contact2 E=/<=)0::0 9 Shado% Ha%$ E0B11)B<0 9 Jehana E0B:1)/E00 9 Si"+erHa%$ On the Com&uSer+e -ELIGION forum in Section F !Ne%A e8Pa an8Occu"t(* Peace and &ros&erity to you and yours* Si"+erHa%$ >>8 S

<01E Com&uSer+e On9Line Lammas -itua") 0HH1

SS Shado% Ha%$ has as$ed us for our "ocations to aid in TT SS &"ottin the circ"e* TT !F9:)Jehana( @an#ury Conn !F90<)NC( Ne% Yor$ !F90)Ladyha%$( LA county) Ca"ifornia !F9H)Si"+erHa%$( E"$ Gro+e Ci""a e) IL !F900)Larne( Ne% Ha+en) CT* !F90/)@a"e( Lon Is"and Ne% Yor$ !F90B)Shado%star( Houston) Te,as !F9/) nat( Chica a%) I""inoise !F9E)-i""a( Grand -a&ids) Michi an !F9=)G%ynndon( 5aton -ou e) La !F90E)Cait"in( LeLees#ur ) CA SS An e,&"anation of the ritua" has #een requested TT !F9F)SH( Lammas is the time %here the fie"ds are ready for har+estin ) and it is too "ate to %orry if you ha+e done enou h for the oncomin %inter* It is a Corn God) !Lu h( oriented festi+a"* It is a ce"i#ration and remem#erance for the "ife that dies*** so that "ife may "i+e* SS 999999999999999999999 STA-TING 9999999999999999999TT !F9F)SH( #e innin **** As you sit) #e in s"o% dee& #reaths*** re"a,) center) fee" the earth #eneath your feet fee" the "ife coursin in your +eins fee" the #reath f"o%in in your "un s fee" the fee" of #ein a"i+e sa+or that) #e that) e,&erience that a"i+eness) for %inter is comin * !F9F)SH( 'e dra% the Circ"e) #e innin in the south* In your mind?s eye) see the Circ"e of 4ire as it stretches in an arc from Te,as) u&%ard) s%ee&in cur+e) to Ca"ifornia* As the circ"e &asses the 'est) the 4ire #ecomes 'ater)

and a "ine of "iquid #"ue s%ee&s u&%ard and across the country to the north) far North) into the home of Earth* The Circ"e of "iquid 5"ue no% #ecomes dar$) dar$ as the ferti"e earth) and the arc &roceeds to the East) to the home of Air) %here the Circ"e #ecomes ye""o%* The Arc continues on to the South) to the home of 4ire) and the Circ"e is Cast) 'e are in the &"ace 5et%een the 'or"ds) outside the S&ace of Time) %here Life and @eath ha+e no meanin * 'e ha+e come home* !F9F)SH( Shado%star) from the South) %i"" you &"ease in+o$e the 'atchto%er of the South) as is your ri ht7 Ladyha%$) from the 'est) %i"" you in+o$e the 'atchto%er of the 'est*** %hen Shado%star is finished7

<01F !F90B)Shado%star( Hai") 'atcher of the South) Po%er of 4ireG Join us here this ni ht and #e %e"comeG !F9F)SH( 5"essed 5E !F90)Ladyha%$( Hai") 'atcher of the 'est) Lord of the oceans) rain and "a$es*** I #id you come) .oin us in this rite and "end your &rotection*** 5e %e"comeG 5"essed 5eG !F9F)SH( 5"essed 5EG !F9F)SH( Jehana) %i"" you in+o$e the 'atchto%er of the North7 !F9:)Jehana( Hai") 'atcher of the North*** Earth6 the #ones of the continents #eneath our feet*** Hai" and %e"come

!F9F)SH( Cait"in) %i"" you &roceed7 !F90E)Cait"in( Hai") reat s&irit and %atcher of the East**** s&irit of Air) %hich nourishes a"" that "i+es**** come no% to our circ"e6 c"eanse us and he"& us to tra+e"*** free"y in your %or"d) aided #y your force* 5"essed #eG !F9F)SH( 5"essed 5eG !F9F)SH( Hai" Lady) 5ri ht Mother) @ar$ Mother*** 'e ca"" to you) from your home in the Stars) 4rom your home #eneath our feet) your chi"dren ca"" to you* Come) #e %ith us) uide us toni ht in your -ites* Hai" Sun God) Hai" Corn God) %e ca"" you you* 4rom your 4iery Chariot) %e #id you come*** 4rom the 4erti"e 4ie"ds) %e #id you come*** 5e %ith us) uide us) in your -ite toni ht* No% is the time of the death of the Sun God) as %e %a"$ into the dar$ of ni ht* 5reath dee& of the "i ht of the Go"den One) Lu h) the Sun ;in ) for the "on ni hts are comin * No% is the time of the death of the Corn ;in ) %ho dies as the fie"ds are rea&ed* 'e stand in the time of %aitin ) for the fa"" of %inter is u&on us) and the round sha"" "ie "ife"ess under the hand of the -ea&er* Loo$ at the fie"ds of your "ife* Ha+e you so%n %e""7 Ha+e you tended your fie"ds %ith care7 'hat do you fear7 !F9F)SH( No%) ta$e your cand"e) and "i ht it* No%) ta$e a &iece of #read in your hand) a sma"" &iece) and ho"d it

<01H thin$ a#out your fears that haunt you in the ni ht*** focus them into the #read) and chant the name of your fear into the &iece of #read* %hen you ha+e focused your fear into the #read) ho"d the char ed #read to the f"ame) and chant your fear 5EGONEG As the #read smo$es and #"ac$ens) your fears are #urned a%ay a"" fears are #urned a%ay Ta$e these fears and feed them to the 4ire) free yourse"f from fear* Gi+e your fears to the fire) and "et them o) you do not need them* !F9F)SH( In this fire) may it &ass from me) May it &ass) May it &ass) May it &ass on the outf"o%in tide And #urn %ith the red sun As the year dies And fade As e+erythin fades) As e+erythin &asses) A"" fades a%ay) As e+erythin &asses) A"" fades a%ay* 'hat do you ho&e to har+est7 Thin$ a#out your Har+est) %hat %i"" you rea&7 !F9F)SH( ta$e the rest of the #read) and ho"d it in your hand) Chant %hat you desire) %hat is your har+est) %hat are your ho&es7 !F9F)SH( In this ni ht ho&e manifests May it come) may it come)

May it come on risin tide) And ro% #y the red sun As the year dies And "i ht fades As ho&e rises As ho&e soars As ho&e remains As ho&e soars As ho&e remains Ho&e is a Star) #urnin #ri ht in the ni ht !F9F)SH( 4ee" the ho&e char e the #read of Life tear the #read in ha"f !F9F)SH( 5eho"d the Corn ;in ) eat of the 5read of Life) that dies to #e re#orn* Eat of the 5read of Life) that you mi ht "i+e throu h the "on %inter?s Ni ht* 4or it is %ritten that Life must die so that Life can "i+e* A"" is in the hands of the Mother) from 5irth) unti" @eath) and to 5irth a ain*

<001 4are%e"" Go"den One) 4air%e"" Corn ;in ) 4air%e"" Sun ;in * You %i"" #e re#orn throu h the Mother) Creatri, and @estructress* 'e sha"" a%ait your return* Corn ;in ) Life ;in ) @eath ;in ) your death %i"" #rin us "ife* !F9F)SH( Hai" Corn ;in Go"den One) 'a+in Gent"y in the Sun) 5rou ht to rest #y scythe?s shar& $iss S"ee& in Her arms* !F9F)SH( Ta$e of the 5read of Life) the Corn ;in ) and eat)

that you may "i+e throu h the "on ni hts ahead* Eat the 5read of Life) and remem#er) "ife dies so that Life "i+es* the #read that is "eft) offer to Her) so that Her creatures may "i+e thou h the "on ni hts ahead too* "ater toni ht) &"ace the #read outside %ith a &rayer and your than$s for the ift of Life* 5reath dee&) fee" the Life %ithin 4ee" the +eins thro# %ith "ife 4ee" the #read of Life rechar in your "ife force* Meditate on this) that Life comes from @eath) and @eath from Life* The cyc"e oes around) and %e are a &art of it) as sure"y as the Corn ;in himse"f*

!F9F)SH( Cait"en) %i"" you dismiss the 'atchto%er of the East &"ease7 !F90E)Cait"in( 5"essed #e) you s&irits of the air6 de&art in the &eace of the Lady**** than$ you for attendin on our ca""* Stay %ith us as %e &ass throu h this earth* 5"essed #e !F9F)SH( 5"essed 5e !F9F)SH( Jehana) %i"" you dismiss the 'atchto%ers of the North) &"ease7 !F9:)Jehana( 5"essed #e) Creatures and 'atchers of the North*** Of the "and #eneath our feet**** Than$ you for attendin to our ca"") **** Hai") and 4are%e""GG !F9F)SH( 5"essed 5e

!F9F)SH( Ladyha%$) %i"" you dismiss the 'atchto%er of the 'est7 !F90)Ladyha%$( Hai" 'atchers of the 'est) Lords of 'ater*** Than$ you for attendin our ca"")

<000 Hai" and 4are%e""GG !F9F)SH( 5"essed 5e !F9F)SH( Shado%star) %i"" you dismiss the 'atchto%er of the South) &"ease7 !F90B)Shado%star( Hai" 'atcher of the South) Po%er of 4ireG Our than$s for attendin our ca""* Hai" and 4are%e""GG !F9F)SH( 5"essed 5e !F9F)SH( Hai" Lady 4aire) than$ you for attendin our -ite toni ht*** for the 5"essin s you ha+e i+en us) the ift of Life* Hai" Sun ;in ) Corn ;in for the ift that you ha+e i+en us*** the ift of Life* Lady and Lord) %e than$ you for your attendance to this your -ite*** And may %e %a"$ %ith the $no%"ed e of you in our thou hts*** and the Lo+e of you in our hearts* 4are%e"" Lady) 4are%e"" Lord) and Than$ you* 5"essed 5e !F9F)SH( No% see the Circ"e around us sin$in do%n) do%n into the Earth***

Carryin Life itse"f into the round) ferti"iAin and char in the Earth for the comin ni ht* Gradua""y) the Circ"e disa&&ears from si ht) s"o%"y disso"+in ) startin in the East) mo+in #ac$) retracin it?s &ath to the north) and from there to the %est* 4rom the %est #ac$ to the South) endin at the #e innin * And %e are returned to this %or"d* The Circ"e is o&en) #ut ne+er #ro$en !F9F)SH( Merry Meet) and Merry Part And Merry Meet a ainG SS This mar$s the end of toni ht?s -ite* The -ite is o+er #ut TT SS the re+e"ry has .ust #e un GG TT

<00< Com&uSer+e on9"ine Im#o"c -itua") 0HH/ !F9F)Jehana( You are sittin in your room) the com&uter #efore you*** You fee" your o%n &o%er and ener y #ui"din ) ro%in *** A &a"e #"ue "i ht surrounds you*** It e,&ands out and a%ay from you) formin into #"ue f"ame*** Gro%in ) ro%in ) reachin e+er out%ards*** 5oston*** 5oston #"ue f"ame *** ener y rid*** mo+in out%ard*** Connecticut*** She"ton**** 5roo$fie"d*** #"ue f"ame**** ener y rid** mo+in out%ard*** Ne% Yor$ City**** #"ue f"ame) s&eedin south%ards*** Jersey City**** 5"ue f"ame ) s&readin south%ards***

5aton -ou e*** 'est%ards**** North%ards*** 5"ue f"ame) ener y) &o%er rid) connectin *** @etroit**** 5"ue f"ame) racin #ac$ to%ards east*** Connectin 5oston* The Circ"e is Cast*** The Circ"e is f"uid6 those %ho see$ to ate in "ate may %e"" e,&and this circ"e* The Circ"e Is Cast* !F90F)Ta&estry( Guardians of the East* 'e %e"come you* Your #reath of fresh air* Your s&rin #reeAes* Your ne% #e innin s6 and their &romise of infinite &otentia"* 5e here no%G Guardians of the South* 'e %e"come you* That s&ar$ of "ife that smo"ders %ithin the s"um#erin seed and the &re nant e%e and the forsythia #uds* Your &romise of Summer?s heat* The ur ency of "o+e?s &assion* 5e here no%G Guardians of the 'est* 'e %e"come you* The me"tin ice) dri&&in from the ea+es* The s&rin rain that misti"y dra&es us %ith "o+e* The hea"in sound of %ater #ur#"in from a s&rin * 5e here No%G Guardians of the North* 'e %e"come you* The roc$s #eneath the %inter sno%* The roots of trees see$in earth?s %armth do%n%ard* The s%e"" of the hi""s) the thrust of the reat mountains) The trac$s of the %o"f in the ne%9fa""en sno%* 5e here no%G !F9F)Jehana( 'e ca"" u&on 5ri hid) &atron Goddess of

<00/ the 4ires of the 4or e6 the 4ires of Ins&iration* 'e ca"" u&on 5ri hid) &atron Goddess of the %aters that i+e "ife Gi+in "ife) transformin seeds #uried dee& #e"o% the frost into the amaAin ift of Gro%th and Possi#i"ity and Potentia"* 'e ca"" u&on 5ri hid and #ecome "i$e the S%ord) for ed #y fire) and tem&ered #y %ater* Hai") and Greetin sG !Here) any and a"" are %e"come to mention their o%n &ersona" in+ocations( S aT !F90/)5a#s( Hai" Lady of the 4or e* !F9<<)Lynne( I ca"" %hite and o"den "i ht to the Earth for her hea"in I as$ 5rid et to send a #"essin onto the Earth !F90/)5a#s( Ma$e it so* !F90F)Ta&estry( Ho"d a seed in your hand* Pro.ect yourse"f #eyond the hard seed co+erin * To the soft $erne" inside* At one end of the $erne" is a tiny) shar& &oint* The $erne" can s&"it in ha"f and the shar& &oint #ecomes a tiny ermina" &"ant* Ima ine the seed &"anted in the soft soi" of the arden* The sno% co+erin the round insu"ates the seed from the co"d %inter %inds as it s"ee&s* The tiny erm fee"s the ent"e %armin of the sun and

the moisture of the me"tin sno% as it s"o%"y %a$ens* This %a$enin of the tiny) hidden em#ryo of the &"ant is Im#o"c 9 the first stirrin s of S&rin * The time %hen the tiny seed"in thrusts roots into the soi") and &re&ares "ea+es to ca&ture the sun?s future nourishment and %armth* 'hen the round is soft) the sno% one) and the sun smi"in u&on the "and it %i"" #e ready* Im#o"c is the time %hen the &re nant mares de+e"o& #u" in udders for their foa"s) and a#out t%o %ee$s #efore they de"i+er) the ooAin co"ostrum dries into a %a,y co+erin on the teats* 'hen this ha&&ens) the farmer $no%s that her time is near* S&rin %i"" arri+e soon) and #oth the mare and the farmer %i"" #e ready* This is Im#9o"c* The name comes from the 3Oim3 !e%e?s( 9 3o"c3 !mi"$(* The e%e?s udder) "i$e the mare?s) s%e""s and &re&ares for the #irth of t%in "am#s 9 usua""y in "ate 4e#ruary or ear"y March* This si n %as +ery im&ortant for herdsmen in the north #ecause e%es usua""y "oo$ for a sec"uded &"ace to i+e #irth) and if her time %as near %ith a #itter co"d sna& or "ate %inter storm #re%in ) the resu"ts cou"d #e disastrous* This is a"so a day one9third throu h the Ce"tic Lunar

<00: Month of Luis6 the -o%an tree* The ce"e#ration of 5ri hid?s !5reed( @ay) or Cand"emas) one of the : Great 4ire 4esti+a"s of the Ce"tic Year* The others are2 5e"tane) Lammas) and Samhain* 4or each) a #a"efire) #onefire) or cand"e %as "it to mar$ the s&iritua" #e innin of the season* It %as seen as the re#irth of s&irit) the s&ira""in out a ain from dar$ness* Let us o to s"ee& toni ht thin$in a#out these ne% #e innin s* These ne% #irths) and the #e innin of our ne% se"+es* To concentrate on our o%n #e innin s %ithin the %om# of the Mother* Ho% %e #e in ane% %ith

the understandin ) com&assion) and "o+e concei+ed %ithin her ferti"ity* Let us concentrate on maintainin a roundedness %ithin Her* Concentrate on "earnin to focus ourse"+es to the tas$s at hand and com&"ete them %ith the ca"mness of $no%in that She uides our e+ery mo+e and thou ht* In so doin ) %e %i"" #ecome more carin and com&etent) "o+in and assured* !F9F)Jehana( !Pause to ref"ect and meditate on this( Than$ you) 5ri hid* 'e acce&t Your ifts and Your #"essin s* Hai" and 4are%e"" G !F9F)Jehana( Guardians of the East) %e than$ you* 4or your #reath of fresh air) for your s&rin #reeAes) for the ne% #e innin s you #rin us) %e than$ youG Hai" and 4are%e""G Guardians of the South) %e than$ you* -emindin us of the s&ar$ of "ife that smo"ders %ithin the s"um#erin seed) the &re nant e%e) the forsythia #uds* 4or your &romise of Summer?s heat) for the ur ency of "o+e?s &assion) %e than$ youG Hai" and 4are%e""G Guardians of the 'est) %e than$ you* The me"tin ice) dri&&in from the ea+es* The s&rin rain that dra&es us %ith "o+e* 4or the hea"in sound of %ater #ur#"in from a s&rin ) %e than$ youG Hai" and 4are%e""G Guardians of the North) %e than$ you* 4or the roc$s #eneath the %inter sno%* 4or the roots of trees see$in earth?s %armth do%n%ard6 the s%e"" of the hi""s) the thrust of the reat mountains) The trac$s of the %o"f in the ne%9fa""en sno%*

%e than$ youG Hai" and 4are%e""G


!F9F)Jehana( The ener y that surrounds us) contains us6 the #"ue f"ame*** See it*** Cisua"iAe the #"ue f"ames that surround this our Circ"e See them f"ame #ri ht"y* And no%) %iddershins) the #"ue f"ame starts to fade* 4ire sea" the Circ"e round) Let it fade #eneath the round Let a"" thin s #e as they %ere Since the 5e innin of Time*

<00B 4u"" Moon -itua" A&ri" 0HH/ !09<)Hi h Priestess( Chi"dren of the Lady) Gather you around this ni ht) !09<)Hi h Priestess( 4or as in days of o"de) %e are commanded to re+erence Her) !09<)Hi h Priestess( She %ho is the Life of Life) the Lo+e of Lo+e and the ;iss !09<)Hi h Priestess( of Passion* !09<)Hi h Priestess( Chi"dren of the Lady) Gather you around this ni ht) !09<)Hi h Priestess( 4or as in days of o"de) %e are commanded to come #efore

!09<)Hi h Priestess( Her) She %ho is the Pueen of Hea+en and the Pueen of He") !09<)Hi h Priestess( and she %ho is the Pueen of E+er%hen* !09<)Hi h Priestess( Toni ht is the ni ht) the ma ica" ni ht) %hen the Po%ers !09<)Hi h Priestess( once more %a"$ the Land* Chi"dren of the Lady) come forth) !09<)Hi h Priestess( Gather you around as is your ri ht* !09<)Hi h Priestess( I ca"" u&on you s&irits of the Earth) s&irits of Air) !09<)Hi h Priestess( s&irits of 4ire) and s&irits of 'ater* COME) Gather you !09<)Hi h Priestess( around this ni ht* 4or as in days of o"de) 'e ca"" you to !09<)Hi h Priestess( come and %orshi& Her) She %ho is Pueen of a"" that is) %as !09<)Hi h Priestess( and %i"" #e* !09<)Hi h Priest( I %a"$ the circ"e -ound and -ound) I !09<)Hi h Priest( cast the Circ"e on the Ground* I !09<)Hi h Priest( %a"$ the Circ"e round and round) I !09<)Hi h Priest( cast the Circ"e on the round* !09<)Hi h Priest( 'i""o%) %i"" you ca"" the directions) #e innin in the !09<)Hi h Priest( North7 999"ost transmission for North) East999 !09/)'i""o%( S&irits of the South) the !creatures "ost( !09/)'i""o%( #rin your f"ame of "ife and "o+e to your chi"dren to dance in unti" the 'inter ru"es a ain* 5e %ith us no%* !09/)'i""o%( S&irits of the 'est) the do"&hin) the dra onf"y) !09/)'i""o%( #rin us your &eace and hea"in "o+e* !09/)'i""o%( Let the %arm %aters %ash us c"ean and &urify us in this sacred rite* !09/)'i""o%( Let the %aters of the mother #e %ith us no%*So mote it #e*

!09<)Hi h Priest( So mote it #eG !09<)Hi h Priest( 'e are in the &"ace that is not a P"ace) in a time that

<00E !09<)Hi h Priest( is not a Time) and in a s&ace that is not a S&ace* Let !09<)Hi h Priest( none distur# that %hich the Gods ha+e decreed* !09<)Hi h Priestess( This is the time of the 4u"" Moon) the hi h tide of !09<)Hi h Priestess( &o%er* As %e are #id to assem#"e) at "east once in the !09<)Hi h Priestess( month to see$ Her #"essin s) so %e are here toni ht* !09<)Hi h Priest( Maiden) Mother) Crone as One) Tri&"e 4aced Goddess) %e !09<)Hi h Priest( ca"" u&on you* Your Chi"dren ha+e come as in the o"de !09<)Hi h Priest( days) %ith .oy in our eyes and Lo+e in our hearts* 'e !09<)Hi h Priest( %a"$ the o"d &aths) %e sin the o"d son s) %e chant the !09<)Hi h Priest( o"d chants and %e ca"" the o"d ca""s* !09<)Hi h Priest( Goddess of the S&rin ) %e ca"" u&on you) Pueen of the !09<)Hi h Priest( reat %oods) @iana) %e o&en our hearts to you* !09<)Hi h Priestess( Chi"d of Cine and Chi"d of fie"d) %e ca"" u&on you) !09<)Hi h Priestess( @ionysus) Shinin One) Mother?s Son) Lo+er in the !09<)Hi h Priestess( 4ie"ds) %e o&en our hearts to you* !09<)@iana( Chi"dren of the Ni ht) Thrice #"essed are you %ho %a"$ !09<)@iana( My Path) for Mine is the Path of Ne% 5e innin s* None !09<)@iana( sha"" %ither and ro% sta nant %ho &u""s on the 5o% of !09<)@iana( Life) and "aunches themse"+es into the Stars u&on my

!09<)@iana( Arro%* !09<)@ionysus( Chi"dren of the @ay) Thrice #"essed are you %ho %a"$ My !09<)@ionysus( Path) for Mine is the Path of Ne% 5e innin s* None !09<)@ionysus( sha"" @ie %ho $no%s the secret of my seed* !09<)@iana( Listen to me) Oh my Chi"dren) and %a"$ %ith me in the !09<)@iana( 'oods* !09<)@iana( Around you I %ea+e my s&e"" and mi ht* The trees ro% !09<)@iana( thic$er and stron * Off in the distance you hear the !09<)@iana( sound of a "ar e anima" crashin throu h the #rush) and !09<)@iana( c"ose you hear the chir&in of #irds* The ent"e hum !09<)@iana( of sacred #ees a#out their "a#or of co""ectin &o""en !09<)@iana( for Me) for I am their Pueen too* !09<)@iana( The 'ind s%ir"s around us) and the scent of "ife fi""s !09<)@iana( the air* Tan y &ine) shar& ceder) far off a&&"e trees !09<)@iana( a"" cast their ca"" u&on the air* !09<)@iana( The sound in the #rush ets c"oser and c"oser) ti"" a !09<)@iana( reat Sta #ursts forth from the #rush* Head thro%n !09<)@iana( #ac$ he #e""o%s his cry* Then %ith a t%ist he is off) !09<)@iana( quic$er than the thunder ro""in do%n from the hi""s) !09<)@iana( he s&eeds* 5ut) I am faster* !09<)@iana( 5o% t%an s) arro% f"ies) and %ith the muted sound of an !09<)@iana( earthqua$e) he dies* !09<)@iana( Loo$ at me) my Chi"dren* I am the Goddess of !09<)@iana( S%iftness) %ith a "oo$ I can #rin death* And #endin !09<)@iana( do%n) I touch the Sta ) and %ith a start he #ounds

<00F !09<)@iana( a%ay* I am the Goddess of S%iftness) %ith a touch I !09<)@iana( can #rin "ife* I am Life Eterna") and I am @eath !09<)@iana( Eterna"* !09<)@ionysus( Her hand is the 5"ade) her Eye the Arro%) Her touch the !09<)@ionysus( ;iss of Life and @eath* And I "o+e her* !09<)@ionysus( Mine is the secret of the Cyc"e) the Secret of the !09<)@ionysus( @oor%ay #et%i,t Life and @eath is Mine* !09<)@ionysus( 5eho"d) I i+e you this seed* In this seed is the

!09<)@ionysus( comin Year* Char e it %e"" %ith your %ishes toni ht) !09<)@ionysus( that Her 5"essin s %i"" ro% %ith you throu h the year* !09<)@ionysus( I am the Seed of Ne% 5e innin s) and Her?s is the 'ater !09<)@ionysus( of Life* !09<)@iana( Chi"dren of the Ni ht) #rin forth your Seed) that I !09<)@iana( may touch them and #rin you the ifts that are mine to !09<)@iana( share* !09<)Hi h Priestess( !e+eryone &"ant at "east one desire in their Cirtua" !09<)Hi h Priestess( Seed and ho"d it in your hands* Cisua"iAe a %hite !09<)Hi h Priestess( "i ht comin from the Center of the Circ"e and a"" the !09<)Hi h Priestess( seeds ta$e on it?s "i ht*( !09<)Shado% Ha%$( I &"ace %ithin my seed the desire for finances to meet my needs* !09<)Shado% Ha%$( I &"ac% %ithin my seed the desire for ood fortune for my chi"dren) !09<)Shado% Ha%$( #oth natura" and ste&chi"d* !09<)Shado% Ha%$( 'i""o%) do you ha+e a desire7 !0901)@a+e( merry meet e+eryoneG !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Merry Meet @a+e) Ta$e a seed from the hand of the God) and*** !09<)Shado% Ha%$( &"ace your desire for the comin year in it* !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Many 5"ue S&ar$s) &"ease do the same %ithin the Circ"e !0901)@a+e( Aye) that I %i"" do*** !09/)'i""o%( I &"ace %ithin my seed the desire to fi"" our ne% home %ith "o+e and the &romise of a marria e fi""ed %ith #eauty and %onder* !09<)Shado% Ha%$( So mote it #e 'i""o%G !09/)'i""o%( So mote it #eG !09<)Shado% Ha%$( many 5"ue S&ar$s7 !090)Many 5"ue S&ar$s( I &"ace %ithin my seed the desire for a &ath that

"eads from dar$ness* !09<)Shado% Ha%$( So mote it #eG !090)Many 5"ue S&ar$s( So mote it #eG !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Then %e continue !09<)Shado% Ha%$( OP8name Hi h Priestess !09<)Hi h Priestess( !e+eryone chant +er#a""y %ith me %hi"e ho"din their seed( !09<)Hi h Priestess( !a"" chant %ith me +er#a""y(

<00H !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AAara$) h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Lome"a$) h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Cernunnos) h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AradiaG h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AAara$) h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Lome"a$) h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Cernunnos) h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AradiaG h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AAara$) h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Lome"a$) h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Cernunnos) h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AradiaG h Priestess( @ar$some Ni ht and shinin Moon) h Priestess( East) then South) then 'est) then North) h Priestess( Hear$en to the 'itch?s -un) h Priestess( Here %e come to ca"" thee forthG h Priestess( Earth and %ater) air and fire) h Priestess( 'and and &entac"e and s%ord) h Priestess( 'or$ ye unto our desire) h Priestess( Hear$en ye unto our %or$G h Priestess( Cords and censer) scour e and $nife) h Priestess( Po%ers of the %itch?s #"ade) h Priestess( 'a$en a"" ye unto "ife) h Priestess( Come ye as the charm is madeG

!09<)Hi h Priestess( Pueen of hea+en) Pueen of He") !09<)Hi h Priestess( Horned Hunter of the ni ht) !09<)Hi h Priestess( Lend your &o%er unto the s&e"") !09<)Hi h Priestess( And %or$ our %i"" #y ma ic riteG !09<)Hi h Priestess( In the earth and air and sea) !09<)Hi h Priestess( 5y the "i ht of Moon or Sun) !09<)Hi h Priestess( As %e do %i"") so mote it #e* !09<)Hi h Priestess( Chant the s&e"" and #e it doneG !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AAara$) !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Lome"a$) !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Cernunnos) !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AradiaG !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AAara$) !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Lome"a$) !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Cernunnos) !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AradiaG !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AAara$) !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Lome"a$) !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) Cernunnos) !09<)Hi h Priestess( E$o) E$o) AradiaG !09<)Hi h Priestess( so mote it #eG !09<)@iana( No% Chi"dren) Ta$e your seed and &"ant it in my 4orest) !09<)@iana( that it %i"" ro% stron throu hout the year* !09<)@iana( @ionysus) Come to Me) for it is time* Ta$e u& your !09<)@iana( "ance and 4i"" my Grai"* I) your Pueen) command it* !09<)@iana( As the Lance is to the God !09<)@iana( So the Cha"ice is to the Goddess !09<)@iana( And %hen the T%o are One !09<)@iana( The Greatest Ma ic is #e un* !09<)@ionysus( 5rothers and Sisters) come) for no% it is time to drin$ !09<)@ionysus( and eat*

<0<1 !09<)@ionysus( !&assin %ine and ca$es( !09<)Shado% Ha%$( @rin$ from your cha"ice and eat of your #read)

!09<)Shado% Ha%$( sa+in some for offerin after the ritua" to the Lady* !09<)Shado% Ha%$( This is the &"ace %here %e sit and re"a, in the &resense of the Gods**** !09<)Shado% Ha%$( 'e"come to the first 4u"" Moon of S&rin G !09/)'i""o%( 5"essed #e) friendsG !090)Many 5"ue S&ar$s( 5"essed #eG !09<)Shado% Ha%$( 5"essed 5e 'i""o%) !toastin 'i""o%?s ne% home and honey( !0901)@a+e( 5"essed 5e) e+eryoneG !09/)'i""o%( I %ou"d "i$e to) %hi"e in this sacred s&ace) !09/)'i""o%( than$ the di+ine inter+ention of A&hroditeG !09/)'i""o%( She introduced Crai and I !09<)Shado% Ha%$( 'i""o%) do you $no% her +erse in that reat &a an c"assic) !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Gimme that O"d Time -e"i ion7 !09/)'i""o%( and) than$fu""y) my "ife %i"" ne+er #e the sameG !toast to A&roditeG( !09<)Shado% Ha%$( !raisin cha"ice to A&hrodite( !09/)'i""o%( Can you hum a fe% #ars7 !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Hmmmmmmmmmm**** !09<)Shado% Ha%$( 'e %i"" %orshi& A&hrodite) !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Tho she seems a "itt"e f"i hty !09/)'i""o%( oh) no !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Comin na$ed in her Ni htie) !09<)Shado% Ha%$( And that?s Good enou h for meG ! rin( !09/)'i""o%( Oh) GodsG !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Yes Goddess7 !090)Many 5"ue S&ar$s( HeeG !0901)@a+e( Tiss a nice ryme there shado% Ha%$* !09<)Shado% Ha%$( !&ourin more 'ine for e+eryone( !09<)Shado% Ha%$( @a+e) there are a#out <11 or so +erses*** !09/)'i""o%( Hey) this may #e a S&rin ritua") #ut I?m en a edG !09<)Shado% Ha%$( my fa+orite is the one that oes*** !09<)Shado% Ha%$( 'e %i"" %orshi& "i$e the @ruids !09<)Shado% Ha%$( @rin$in stran e fermented f"uids

!09<)Shado% Ha%$( -unnin Na$ed throu h the %oods !09<)Shado% Ha%$( and that?s ood enou h for meG !09<)Shado% Ha%$( !Gimme that o"d time re"i ion****( ! ( !09/)'i""o%( MY fa+orite oes*** !09<)Shado% Ha%$( 'i""o%) en a ed in %hat7 !09/)'i""o%( Here?s to the od of discord) !09/)'i""o%( %hi"e this may not rhyme !0901)@a+e( @on?t %orry 'i""o%) so are %e !my Lady and I that is(G !09/)'i""o%( or e+en ma$e any sense) !09/)'i""o%( it?s ood enou h for me0 !09<)Shado% Ha%$( heh heh heh !090)Many 5"ue S&ar$s( 2( !09/)'i""o%( -i ht no%7G7 !0901)@a+e( no% %hat7 !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Of courseG ! (

<0<0 !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Hmmm**** !09<)Shado% Ha%$( 'e %i"" %orshi& mi hty Thor) !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Tho he "ea+es the maidens sore !09<)Shado% Ha%$( They $ee& comin #ac$ for more) !09/)'i""o%( not a in*** !09<)Shado% Ha%$( and that?s ood enou h for meG !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Not a ain7 That #rin s us to**** !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Oh the Christians are a hummin) !09<)Shado% Ha%$( cause they say their God?s a commin !09<)Shado% Ha%$( Our God Came and $ee&s on Commin !09<)Shado% Ha%$( And that?s ood enou h for meG !090)Many 5"ue S&ar$s( S-O4LT !09<)Shado% Ha%$( ! otta "o+e them S&rin 4erti"ity ritua"sG ! ( !0901)@a+e( E+eryone) sorry for the tardiness) #ut %i"" re.oin at another time*** !09<)Shado% Ha%$( 5"essed 5e @a+e !cuttin a door%ay out( !0901)@a+e( #*#*

!090)Many 5"ue S&ar$s( 55) @G !09<)Shado% Ha%$( O$) uess it is time to %ra& it u&* !09<)Shado% Ha%$( !standin u& in C*-* Circ"e !09/)'i""o%( 5efore %e%e?re a"" drun$ %ith @ionysis? %ine) %e shou"d %ra&* !090)Many 5"ue S&ar$s( -a&) nah I on"y chanted* !09<)@iana( Chi"dren of the Ni ht) it is time to return to your !09<)@iana( %or"d* 5"essed #e thy 4eet that ha+e #rou ht you on !09<)@iana( this &ath* 5"essed #e thy $nees that ha+e $nee"ed at !09<)@iana( the Sacred A"tar* 5"essed #e thy 5e""y) %ithout %hich !09<)@iana( thy $ind %ou"d not #e* 5"essed #e thy 5reast) formed !09<)@iana( in Stren th and 5eauty* 5"essed #e thy Mouth) that !09<)@iana( sha"" s&ea$ the Sacred %ords of Lo+e* !09<)Hi h Priest( Great Goddess) Huntress of the Ni ht) %e than$ you for !09<)Hi h Priest( your %or$s here toni ht* Go if you must) Stay if you !09<)Hi h Priest( %i"") for %e are your adorin Chi"dren* !09<)Hi h Priestess( Great @ionysus) than$ you for your "au hter and "i ht !09<)Hi h Priestess( toni ht* 5"essed #e thy Seed) %hich sha"" ro% o+er !09<)Hi h Priestess( the comin year and c"othe the face of the Mother in !09<)Hi h Priestess( Life* Go if you must) Stay if you %i"") for %e are !09<)Hi h Priestess( your #rothers and sisters* !09<)Hi h Priestess( 'i""o%) %i"" you dismiss the directions) startin in the 'est7 !09/)'i""o%( S&irits of the %est) %e than$ you for your he"& !09/)'i""o%( and attendence here toni ht* !09/)'i""o%( -eturn to the %aters of the Mother* !09/)'i""o%( Stay if you %i"") o if you must* 'e than$ you* !09/)'i""o%( S&irits of the South) %e than$ you for your he"& and attendence her toni ht*

<0<< !09/)'i""o%( -eturn to the fires of creation* !09/)'i""o%( Stay if you %i"") o if you must* 'e than$ you* !09/)'i""o%( S&irits of the East) %e than$ you for your he"& and attendence here toni ht* !09/)'i""o%( -eturn to the %arm #reeAes of ne% #e innin s* !09/)'i""o%( Stay if you %i"") o if you must* 'e than$ you !09/)'i""o%( S&irits of the North) %e than$ you for your he"& and attendenct here toni ht* !09/)'i""o%( -eturn to the coo" ca+es of the Earth* !09/)'i""o%( Stay if you %i"") o if you must) 'e than$ you* !09/)'i""o%( So mote it #e* !09<)Hi h Priestess( SO mote it #eG !09<)Hi h Priest( I mo+e to the North) and %a"$in %iddershins) the Circ"e of 4ire su#sides !09<)Hi h Priest( #ehind me* !09<)Hi h Priest( @o%n do%n into the round) ne+er more to #e found*** !09<)Hi h Priest( do%n do%n into the round) out to the ed e of the co+ens&ace* !09<)Hi h Priest( -eturnin to the north) I face the Circ"e*** !09<)Hi h Priest( The Circ"e is O&en) #ut Dn#ro$en) Merry Meet) Merry Part) and Merry Meet a ainG !09<)Hi h Priest( 5"essed 5eG !09/)'i""o%( 5"essed 5eG !090)Many 5"ue S&ar$s( 5"essed 5eG !09<)Shado% Ha%$( 5"essed 5e 'i""o% and Many 5"ue S&ar$sG


Com&uSer+e 4u"" Moon -itua" Au 0HH< HPS9 Jehana HP 9 Shado% Ha%$ !09F)Shado% Ha%$( Lady Jehana) %i"t thou ca"" the sacred rite to order7 !09=)Jehana( Lord Shado% Ha%$) %e are ready to #e in* !09F)Shado% Ha%$( A"") &"ease ta$e a moment to dra% some dee& #reaths*** !09=)Jehana( I assume a"" ha+e their "ass of #e+era e) and &iece of #read8crac$ers* Ta$e a moment to re"a,) usin re u"ar) &atterned #reaths*** 4ee" a"" &arts of your #ody) from toes to head) radua""y re"a,*** a #"ue "o%in fie"d surrounds you*** the #"ue "o%in fie"d s"o%"y ro%s to surround your room*** the #"ue "o%in fie"d s"o%"y ro%s to encom&ass the to%n8city you "i+e in*** the #"ue "o%in fie"d s"o%"y ro%s to encom&ase the "andsca&e*** the #"ue "o%in fie"d s"o%"y ro%s to encom&ass North America*** and each of you connect in %ith the fie"ds of a"" the others*** the #"ue "o%in fie"ds of a"" the others here %ithin Circ"e*** 4ee" its ener ies s&innin from East*** to South*** to 'est*** to North*** and re9connectin %ith East a ain* !09F)Shado% Ha%$( in your minds) &"ease face the East**** -o#in?s e #"ue) &ure and c"ean Hai") oh deniAens of the EastG Of Air6 of incense smo$e

'in ed Ones) ridin the %ind Join us) if you %i"" Shar& discernment Too" of our Mind** Hai"6 and 'e"comeG !09=)Jehana( In your minds) &"ease face the South*** 4ire9#ri ht red) rich %ith &o%er Hai") oh deniAens of the SouthG Of 4ire6 of f"ic$erin matches6 of sa"amanders that ra e and #urn and sear Join us) if you %i"" Passion and 'i"" Too"s of our hand*** Hai"6 and 'e"comeG !09F)Shado% Ha%$( In your minds) &"ease turn and face the 'est***

<0<: Aquamarine Green) #urstin %ith &o%er Hai") oh deniAens of the 'estG of 'ater6 of Cau"dron dee&6 Of Dndines that ride the %a+es Join us) if you %i"" Emotions and fee"in s Too"s of our Heart** Hai"6 and 'e"comeG !09=)Jehana( In your minds) &"ease turn and face the North*** @irt #ro%n) rich %ith humus Hai") oh deniAens of the NorthG of earth6 of roc$ and "eaf and root6 of nomes that #urro% industrious"y #e"o% Join us) if you %i"" Centered and firm

Heart of our roots*** Hai"6 and 'e"comeG !09F)Shado% Ha%$( 5"essed Goddess) Pueen of Hea+en and Earth) You %ith the Stars in your eyes) and "o+e in your heart*** @escend to this our Circ"e on your Ni ht of Po%er* !09=)Jehana( I am the Lady of the starry hea+ens I am she %ho is the Mother of a"" "i+in thin s I ha+e %or$ed the "andsca&e into mountains "ay the %aters into their ocean #eds) and set the %inds in their course* E+ery sno%f"a$e) e+ery s&ec$ of soi" or sand 5ears my im&rint* My countenance a&&ears in the faintest f"ic$er) and the "ar est star6 The Dni+erse is My handi%or$* I am She %ho conso"es the sorro%fu") and I am She %ho tends to the sic$* I #rin so"ace to those in "ife) and &eace and understandin in death* I am the chan in Goddess 99 Maiden) Mother) and Crone 99 The Ha hidden dee& %ithin*** I ha+e #een to the Dnder%or"d) and I ha+e -eturned* Let there #e #eauty and stren th) Po%er and com&assion) Honor and humi"ity) Mirth and re+erence %ithin you* And you %ho see$ to $no% Me) To fee" My s&irit Come #efore Me %ith a sincere heart) #urn incense u&on my a"tar Listen and #e sti""2 ;no% that your see$in and your yearnin %i"" a+ai" you not) Dn"ess you $no% the Mystery2

4or if that %hich you see$)

<0<= you find not %ithin yourse"f) You %i"" ne+er find it %ithout* 4or 5eho"d2 I ha+e #een %ith you from the #e innin ) and I am that %hich is attained at the end of desire* !09F)Shado% Ha%$( 5"essed 5eG !09F)Shado% Ha%$( 5y the 4"ame that #urneth #ri ht O? Horned OneG 'e ca"" thy name into the ni ht) O? Ancient OneG Thee %e in+o$e) #y the moon9"it sea) #y the standin stone and the t%isted tree* Thee %e in+o$e) %here ather thine o%n) #y the name"ess shrine for otten and a"one* Come %here the round of the dance is Trod* Horn and Hoof of the Goatfoot GodG 5y moon9"it meado%s on dus$y hi"") %hen the haunted %ood is hushed and sti""* Come to the charm of the chanted &rayer* As the moon #e%itches the midni ht air) e+o$e thy &o%ers) that &otent #ide* In shinin stream and the secret tide) in fiery f"ame #y star"i ht &a"e) in Shado%y host that rides the a"e) and #y the fern9#ra$es fairy9haunted of forest %i"d and %oods enchanted* ComeG O? ComeG To the heart9#eat?s drumG 'hen the #road %hite moon is c"im#in s"o%* Throu h the stars to the hea+en?s hei ht* 'e hear thy hoofs on the %ind of ni htG

As #"ac$ tree9#ranches sha$e and si h) 5y Joy and terror %e $no% thee ni h) 'e s&ea$ the s&e"" thy &o%er un"oc$s) At So"stice) Sa##at) and Equino,* 'ord of Cirtue the +ei" to rend) 4rom Prima" @a%n to the %ide 'or"d?s end) Since time #e an) the #"essin s of Pan 5"essed #e in stren th and "o+e) 5"essed #e) %her?ere %e ro+e) Cision fade not from our eyes Of the Pa an Paradise* Past the ates of @eath and 5irth) Our inheritance of Earth* 4rom our sou" the son of S&rin 4ade not in our %anderin ) Our "ife is one) 5y #"ac$est ni ht or the noonday Sun* E"dest of Gods on thee %e ca"") 5"essin #e on thy Creatures a""* I ca"" u&on thee) O? Ancient Horned One 'ho art the Comforter and the Conso"er of Men I ca"" u&on thee) O? Great God of the 'itches* -u"er of the Sa##at) Lord of the 'i"d 'oods) I ca"" u&on thee in the Name of your Lady) Come out of the North u&on

<0<B the #ac$ of the 'inds* And .oin the Lady Cerrid%in at this Ho"y Sa##at8Es#at* I ca"" thee #y thy most ancient name Cernunnos* !09=)Jehana( This is 4u""moon Au ust*** This is the season of A#undance*** and out of 'isdom in accessin that A#undance*** ;no%in the difference #et%een %hat %e 'ant*** And %hat %e Need*** 5earin this in mind**

each of us %i"" ha+e a chance*** to mention somethin or se+era" somethin s %e need*** P"ease fee" free to s&ea$*** !09B)A"( I as$ that I "earn &atience) to acce&t others for %hat they are and to hear their thou hts and "earn their %isdom* !09=)Jehana( I as$ for continued se"f9 ro%th and se"f9acce&tance !090)He"en( I as$ for freedom from fear of a#undance* !09=)Jehana( I as$ for a cure for AI@S) and for on oin treatments for those %ho are in need* I as$ for an understandin of en+ironmenta" issues %hich face this &"anet* !09=)Jehana( Ho"d the ima e of the thin s) conce&ts) *** and ideas you need6 **** and that your friends in Circ"e need*** 4ee" the ener y ro% and f"o%*** fee" the &o%er f"o% and ro%*** fee" yourse"+s en+e"o&ed #y a tree*** #y a haAe" tree*** Turn to%ards the Lord and Lady*** and as$*** in Perfect Lo+e and in Perfect trust %e stand #efore Thee*** 4ee" the ener y and Po%er ro%*** each root and trun$ and "im#*** of that haAe" tree*** -aise your hands) radua""y*** %ith the ener y*** Pre&are to send*** One*** T%o*** TH-EEGGGG And) note) %hat you send out returns to you*

!09=)Jehana( No%*** Cisua"iAe #efore you an onion fresh from the har+est*** Cisua"iAe your athame s"icin it horiAonta""y*** See #efore you the %hite disc of the 4u"" Moon*** !09F)Shado% Ha%$( Cisua"iAe #efore you a second onion fresh from the har+est***

<0<E Cisua"iAe your $nife s"icin it +ertica""y*** See #efore you the East and 'est facin crescents of the 'a,in and 'anin Moon* !09=)Jehana( No%) ta$e your "ass of chosen #e+era e2 !for #"essin of that #e+era e(*** In #a"ance %e stand !09F)Shado% Ha%$( Ni ht and Li ht !09=)Jehana( In #a"ance %e stand !09F)Shado% Ha%$( Cha"ice and 5"ade !09=)Jehana( In #a"ance %e stand !09F)Shado% Ha%$( Cerrid%yn and Herne !09=)Jehana( @rin$ ye of the 'aters of @ar$ness !09F)Shado% Ha%$( @rin$ ye the 'aters of LI4EG !09=)Jehana( !&ause to ta$e a si&( !09=)Jehana( No%) ta$e your &"ate of #read2

!09F)Shado% Ha%$( As the 'hee" turns !09=)Jehana( My cro&s a&&ear !09F)Shado% Ha%$( As the 'hee" turns !09=)Jehana( My cro&s ro% hi h !09F)Shado% Ha%$( As the 'hee" turns !09=)Jehana( My har+est comes throu h !09F)Shado% Ha%$( 4east ye on the rains of My Endea+ors !09=)Jehana( 4east ye on the 'hee" of LifeG !09=)Jehana( !Pause to eat of the #read(

!09F)Shado% Ha%$( Oh Horned One) May e+er your ca"" rin across the hi""s) fie"ds and %oods dee& Ca""in a ain to her Chi"dren to @ance #y her Li htG No% %e than$ you for your aid) And #id thee safe .ourney to your Sacred G"ades*** 5"essed 5e !09=)Jehana( 5ri ht Lady6 Maid) Mother Crone*** Lady Cerrid%yn*** 'e than$ thee for your aid6

<0<F %e than$ thee for your a#oundin "o+e and com&assion %e than$ thee for your 'isdom*** %e #id thee safe .ourney to your Sacred G"ades****

!09F)Shado% Ha%$( P"ease turn and face the East in your minds*** 'in ed Ones*** Inte""ect 5ri ht** Too" of our mind Eastern Air) %e than$ and ac$no%"ed e you* !09=)Jehana( P"ease turn and face the South in your minds*** Sa"amanders*** Passion and 'i""*** Too"s of our hands*** Southern 4ire) %e than$ and ac$no%"ed e you* !09F)Shado% Ha%$( P"ease turn and face 'est in your Minds*** Dndines) Emotion and @ri+e** Too"s of our Hearts** 'estern %ater) %e than$ and ac$no%"ed e you* !09=)Jehana( P"ease turn and face North in your minds*** Gnomes*** Centered and 4irm*** Heart of our roots*** Northern Earth) %e than$ and ac$no%"ed e you* !09=)Jehana( Around you no%) sense the #"ue "o%in fie"d*** the #"ue "o%in fie"d that connects a"" of you to ether*** across North America*** 4ee" its ener ies s&innin *** from East*** to North*** to 'est*** to South*** to East*** 4ee" the ener ies un%indin **** Sense your #odies re9a#sor#in the Ener ies of the Circ"e*** s&ira""in in*** into your room*** The #"ue "o%in fie"d*** a &art of your #ody***

Ta$e it in*** Let a"" return to as it has #een* !09F)Shado% Ha%$( 4ire Sea" the Circ"e -ound) Let it fade #eneath the round*** "et a"" thin s #e as they %ere since the 5e innin of Time* !09=)Jehana( Merry meet*** and merry &art*** and merry meet a ainG !09F)Shado% Ha%$( Merry meetG 5"essed 5e) Jehana*


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