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Nursing Diagnoses 2012 2014

Domain 1 Health Promotion

Deficient diversional activity Se den ta ry lifestyle Deficient commun ity health Risk-p rone health behavio r In effective health maintenance Readiness for enhan ced immu nization sta tus In effective p rotection In effective self-health manageme nt Readiness for enhan ced self-health mana ge ment In effective family therapeutic regimen ma nagemen t

Domain 4 Activity/ Rest

Ins omn ia Sleep deprivation Rea diness for e nha nced sleep Disturbed s leep pattern Risk for d is use syndrome Impaired bed mo bility Impaired physica l mob ility Impaired w hee lcha ir mobility Impaired trans fer a bility Impaired walking Distu rbed e nergy field Fatigue Wanderin g Insufficient Activity intole ran ce Risk for a ctivity intoleran ce Ineffe ctive brea th ing pattern Decreased ca rd ia c ou tp ut Risk for ine ffective gas trointes tinal perfu sion Risk for ineffective renal perfus ion Impaired spontaneous ventilation Ineffe ctive pe ripheral tissue pe rfus ion Neona tal Risk for decreased ca rd ia c tissue perfusion Risk for ineffective cere bral tissue pe rfusion Risk for ineffective peripheral tissue pe rfus ion Dys fu nctional ventilatory wean ing response Impaired home ma inte nan ce Rea diness for enhanced self-ca re Bathing s elf-care deficit Dress in g se lf-care deficit Feeding self-ca re deficit Toiletin g self-care de ficit Self-ne glect

Domain 2 Nutrition
breast milk In effective infan t feed in g pa ttern Imb alance d nutrition: less than body requiremen ts Imb alance d nutrition: mo re tha n body requ ireme nts Risk for imb alanced nutrition: mo re than bod y requ irements Readiness for enhanced nutritio n Imp aired swallo wing Risk for unstable blood glucose le vel jaundice Risk for neona tal jaundice Risk for impaired liver fun ction Risk for electrolyte imba la nce Readiness for enhan ced fluid bala nce Deficient flu id volume Excess fluid volume Risk for deficient fluid volume Risk for imbalance d fluid volume

Domain 3 Elimination and Exchange

Functional urinary incontinence Overflow urinary inco ntinence Reflex urinary incontinence Stress urinary incontinence Urge urinary incontinence urge urinary inco ntinence Impaired urinary elimination Readiness fo r enhanced urinary elimination Urinary retention Constipatio n Perceived constipation Risk fo r co nstipatio n Diarrhea Dysfunctional gastrointestinal motility Risk fo r dysfunctional gastrointestinal motility Bowel inco ntinence Impaired gas exchange

Domain 5 Perception/ Cognition

Unilateral neg lect Impaired environmental interpretatio n syndrome Acute confusion Risk for Chronic confusio n Risk for acute confusion Ineffective impulse control Deficient knowledge Readiness for enhanced knowledge Impaired memo ry Readiness for enhanced communication Impaired verbal communicatio n

Domain 6 Self-Perception
Hopelessness Risk for compromised human dignity Risk for lo neliness Disturbed personal identity Risk for disturbed personal identity Readiness for enhanced self-co ntro l Chronic low self-esteem Risk for chronic low self-esteem Risk for situational low self-esteem Situational low self-esteem Disturbed body image

Domain 8 Sexuality
Sexual dysfunction Ineffective sexuality pattern Ineffective childbearing process Readiness fo r enhanced childbearing pro cess Risk fo r ineffective childbearing process Risk fo r disturbed maternal-fetal dyad

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Domain 7 Role Relationships

In effective b reastfeed ing In te rrup te d breastfeeding Readiness for enhan ced b reastfeeding Ca re giver ro le s train Risk for caregiver role s train Imp aired pa rentin g Readiness for enhan ced parenting Risk for imp aire d parenting Risk for impaired attach ment Dysfunctio nal fa mily p ro cesses In te rrup te d fa mily p ro cesses Readiness for enhanced family processes In effective relations hip Readiness for enhanced relationship Risk for in effective relationship Pa re ntal role conflict In effective role pe rforman ce Imp aired social inte ra ction

Domain 10 Life Principles

Rea diness for enhanced ho pe Rea diness for enhanced spiritual well-being Rea diness for e nha nced de cision-making Decisional conflict Moral dis tress Noncomp lian ce Impa ire d religiosity Rea diness for e nha nced relig iosity Risk for impaired religiosity Spiritua l distress Risk for s piritual distress

Domain 11 Safety/ Protection

Risk for infection Ineffe ctive airway clearance Risk for aspiration Risk for b leeding Impaired den titio n Risk for dry eye Risk for falls Risk for injury Impaired oral mucous memb ra ne Risk for perioperative positio ning injury Risk for peripheral neu ro vascular dysfun ction Risk for s hock Impaired skin integrity Risk for impaired skin integrity Risk for s udden infan t death syndrome Risk for s uffo cation Delayed surgical re co very Risk for the rma l injury Impaired tiss ue integ rity Risk for tra uma Risk for vascular trau ma Risk for o ther-directed violence Risk for s elf-directed violence Self-mu tila tio n Risk for s elf-mutilatio n Risk for s uicide Contamin ation Risk for contamination Risk for p oisoning Risk for a dve rse reaction to iod inated co ntrast media Risk for a llergy res po nse R isk Latex alle rg y respo nse Risk for latex a lle rg y re spo nse Risk for imbalanced body temp eratu re Hyp erthe rmia Hyp othermia Ineffe ctive thermo regu la tion

Domain 9 Coping/ Stress Tolerance

Post-trauma syndrome Risk for post-trau ma syndrome Rape-trau ma synd rome Relo cation stress synd rome Risk for re lo cation stress synd ro me In effective a ctivity pla nning Risk for in effective activity plan ning Anxiety Compromised fa mily coping Defe nsive cop ing Disabled family coping In effective coping In effective commun ity coping Readiness for enhanced cop ing Readiness for enhanced family coping Death anxiety In effective denial Adult failu re to thrive Fear Grie ving Complicated g rieving Risk for complicated g rieving Readiness for enhanced powe r Po werlessness for powerlessness Imp aired individual resilience Readiness for enhanced resilien ce Risk for comp ro mised resilien ce Chronic sorrow Stress o verload Risk for disorganized infa nt beh avior Autonomic dysreflexia Risk for auton omic dysrefle xia Diso rg anized infant behavio r Readiness for enhanced o rg an ized infan t be havior Decreased intracrania l a dap tive capacity

Domain 12 Comfort
Impaired comfort Readiness for e nhanced comfort Nausea A cu te pain Chronic pain Impaired comfort Rea diness for enhanced comfort Social iso la tion

Domain 13 Growth/ Development

Risk for disproportionate growth Dela yed g ro wth and developme nt Risk for delayed deve lo pment

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