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CHAPTER 3 : MATTER Introduction

Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. This means that almost everything around us is matter. The air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat are matter. We are also matter, as a plants and animals. Matter can exist in three forms that is GA , !"#$"% and &!"%. 3.1 Matter Has Mass and Occupies Space '. Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. (. Therefore we can say that everything around us is matter. ). *xamples of matter include air, water, soil, other non+living things and living things. ,. -on+matter also exists. -on+matter does not have mass and does not occupy space for example gravity, sound and light. Activity 3.1 Matter has Ai Materia!s and Apparatus ass and occupies space . To show that matter has mass and occupies space . /alf+metre ruler, ( balloons, thread, water, needle, cellophane tape, retort stand and clamp, beaker and basin.


Prepared by Haryati Mustafa

Procedure '. 0alance two balloons on a half+metre ruler as in a %iagram 1a2. (. 3uncture 0alloons 0 with a needle through the cellophane tape and observe what happen. ). 3ress an empty beaker into a basin of water as a %iagram 1b2. ,. &bserve whether water will enter into the empty beaker. "uestion '. What happens to the si4e of the balloons as you blow more and more air into it5 (. What happens when one of the balloons punctured with a needle5 ). Give inference to your observation of activities 1a2 and 1b2 Activity 1a2 . Air has 6666666666 Activity 1b2 . Air occupies 666666666666 ,. What conclusion can you make from your observation5 E#ercise 3.1 '. (. ). ,. 7. *verything on *arth has 6666666666666 and occupies 666666666666. *verything on *arth is 6666666666 Matter does not exist in a 666666666666 A balloons gets bigger as you blow air into it because air occupies 66666666666 Which of the following statements does not describe what is matter is5 A Matter has mass 0 Matter is everything that occupies space 8 Matter only include things which can be seen % Matter exist in three states 9 solids, li:uids and gases Which of the following best describe what matter is made of5 A Matter is made of the food we eat 0 Matter is made of the water we drink 8 Matter is made of the air we breathe % Matter is made of small and discrete particles


3.$ The Three States o% Matter &hat is atter is ade up o%' Matter is made up of very s a!! partic!es. These particles are so small that they cannot be seen even with a microscope. There are spaces (et)een the partic!es because there are discrete. The particles of matter can move. Three States O% Matter '. (. ). ,. 7. Matter can exist in three states namely so!id, !i*uid and +ases. <or example ice is water in solid state. Water in the li:uid state is called water. "f water is boiled, it turns into gas and is called steam. "f water changes into gas at temperature below '==>8, it is called water vapour.

Prepared by Haryati Mustafa

The Arran+e ent and the

ove ent o% partic!es in the three states o%


The three state of matter differ in the arrangement and movement of their particles. Table ).' shows the properties of solids, li:uid and gases. Ta(!e 3.1

E#ercise 3.$ '. Match each phrase in 3art " to a suitable word in 3art "" Part I Arrangement of particle is close and regular paces between particles are very big 3articles glide over one another Water in the form of solid Water in the form of gas ) Part II !i:uid "ce olid team Gas
Prepared by Haryati Mustafa


tate three properties of solids. i.66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ii. 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 iii 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 tate three properties of li:uids. i. 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ii 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 iii 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 a. "n the boxes below draw the arrangement of the particles of matter in a solid, a li:uid and a gas.






b. "n which state of matter do particles i. posses most kinetic energy5 ii. vibrate in their own position5 iii. experience the greatest force of attraction between one another

3.3 ,ensity &hat is ,ensity'

Prepared by Haryati Mustafa

0oth the boxes have the same volume. 0ox A has more balls than box 0. Which box has more mass555 0ox A has more mass because it has more balls in the box. 0ox A is denser than 0ox 0 because it has more mass in the given volumeas compared to 0ox 0. o, if 0ox A has more density than 0ox 0, can u define what is density55

'. %ensity is defined as the mass per unit volume of an ob?ect. (. %ensity can be calculated from the formula @ Mass %ensity A 66666666 Dolume ) ). The units used for density are gcm 1gBcm ) 2 ,. Cnowing the mass and volume of an ob?ect allows us to determine the density of the ob?ect.

Activity 3.$ -indin+ the density o% a re+u!ar o(.ect and an irre+u!ar o(.ect Ai . To find out the density of a regular ob?ect and an irregular Prepared by Haryati Mustafa 7

ob?ect. Materia!s and Apparatus . 0eam 0alance, '==ml measuring cylinder, marbles and small stones Procedure '. $se the apparatus and materials provided by your teacher to plan a way to find out the density of marbles (. Eecord your measurements in the table given below. Mass of '= marbles 1g2 Eeading of water level in the measuring cylinder before putting in the '= ml marbles 1ml2 Eeading of water level in the measuring cylinder after putting in the '= ml marbles 1ml2 Dolume of '= marbles 1cm ) 2 %ensity of the marbles ). ,. 7. Eepeat the above activity to find the density of stone provide. Make another table to record your measurements how your calculation.

Activity 3.3 -indin+ the density o% di%%erent !i*uids Ai . To find out the density of different li:uids Materia!s and Apparatus . 0eam balance, '== ml measuring cylinder, water, cooking oil and alcohol Procedure '. Measure the mass of an empty measuring cylinder. Make sure that the measuring cylinder is clean and dry. (. <ill the measuring cylinder with 7= ml of water. ). Measure the mass of the measuring cylinder and water. ,. Eecord your measurements in the table given below. Mass of empty measuring cylinder Mass of measuring cylinder F 7= ml of water Mass of 7= ml Dolume of water %ensity of water 7. ;. Eepeat the above activity to find the density of cooking oil and alcohol. 0ased on the results of your observation, arrange water, cooking oil and alcohol according to their density, starting from lowest to the highest.

&hy so e su(stances %!oat and so e su(stances sin/'

Prepared by Haryati Mustafa

E#ercise 3.3 G
Prepared by Haryati Mustafa

'. 8hoose the correct answer from the words given in brackets. a2 %ifferent things of the same volume do not have the same 1mass , weight2 b2 A cork can float in the water because it has a density 1lower , higher2 than 'gBcm ) c2 "n a mixture of kerosene and water, 1kerosene, water2 will float on top. d2 An ob?ect will sink or float in a li:uid depending on its 1weight , density2 e2 To find the density of a substance, we need to know the mass and the 1weight, volume2 of the substance. (. (= cm ) of a substance has a mass of 7(g. a2 What is its density5 b2 %oes the substance float or sink in the water5 Why5 Su(stances P " R Mass 0+1 ;7 H= ;= 2o!u e 0c '7 (= '(


Arrange the three substances in order, starting with the least dense substances. A E, 3, # 8 E, #, 3 0 3, E, # % #, 3, E ,. Which of the following explains why metals are dense substances5 A The atoms of metals are large and occupy more space. 0 The atoms of metals are very closely packed together. 8 The atoms of metals attract one another. % Metals are made up of atoms. 7. /ot air balloons float upwards because A hot air is less dense than normal air. 0 natural windy condition lifts the balloons. 8 there are fan blades to push the balloons upwards. % hydrogen which is less dense than air is used to fill the balloons.

Prepared by Haryati Mustafa

3.3 The use O% Properties o% Matter in Everyday 4i%e 5sin+ The states o% atter '. Gases like cooking gas and oxygen are compressed from the gaseous state into the li:uid state. This enables us to store the gases in cylinders and transport then easily. (. Air is compressed into tyres of motor vehicles to enables the wheels to support the vehicles and move them on the road. ). A li:uid takes up the shape of a container. o the perfumes and li:uor are stored in beautifully designed bottles to attract attention. ,. A li:uid find its own level. A spirit level makes use of a coloured li:uid and an air bubbles in a glass tube to check whether a surface is perfectly level. 7. "ron and plastics are heated until they melt and are then poured into moulds to obtain the re:uired shapes of the ob?ect. ;. olid metals are very strong. 0ridges, engines and pillars are built of solid iron or steel.

Prepared by Haryati Mustafa

5sin+ The ,ensities O% Su(stances '. A float is made so that it is less dense than water. "t is used to keep us afloat in water. (. A buoy is made to float in certain areas of the sea to guide ships. ). 0amboos or logs are tied together to form a raft. Eafts are used as boats to transport goods and people. ,. 3lastics balls are tied to fishing nets so that the nets can stand erect in the sea for catching fish. 7. !ogs are floated down the river from a forest to a sawmill. This method saves energy, time and money. ;. oil containing tin ore is washed down a JpalungK with water. The denser the tin ore sinks the JpalungK while the soil is washed away. G. A submarine fills its ballast tanks with sea water to make itself denser and sink in the sea. The sea water is pumped out of the tanks to allow the submarine to move up to the surface of the sea. E#ercise 3.3 '. <ill in the blanks with the suitable words. a2 Gas turns into 66666666666 when kept under high pressure. b2 !i:uefied gas changes into gas again when the 6666666666 is released. c2 /ot air is less 6666666666 than cold air (. <ill in the blanks with suitable words from the information given. transport seawater less density water meteorological balloons air store aeration

a2 Man uses his knowledge of the different states of matter to 6666666666 and 66666666666 gases and li:uid. b2 The concept of 66666666666 is used to make rafts and floats. c2 ubmarines float on the surface of water because it is 66666666666 dense than 6666666666666 d2 /elium gas is less dense than 66666666666 and this enables it to be used in 6666666666666666666. e2 6666666666666 can be used in an a:uarium because air is less dense than 66666666666666. Prepared by Haryati Mustafa '=


Prepared by Haryati Mustafa

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