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Social and economic problems faced children

Social problems by children :

Reports of infanticide, mutilation, abandonment and other forms of physical and sexual violence against children are widespread. Child abuse is a global problem that is deeply rooted in cultural economic and social practices. An estimated 57 000 children were victims of homicide in the year 2000. Many child deaths, however, are not routinely investigated making it difficult to know the true extent of the problem.

Deaths are only the visible tip of the problem. Millions of children are victims of non-fatal abuse and neglect. In some studies, between one-quarter and one-half of children report severe and frequent physical abuse, including being beaten, kicked alcohol and drug abuse cognitive impairment and developmental delays delinquent, violent and other risk-taking behaviors eating and sleep disorders poor school performance poor relationship post-traumatic stress disorder depression and anxiety suicidal behavior and self-harm.

Vulnerability to child abuse whether physical, sexual or through neglect depends in part on the childs age and sex. Young children are most at risk of physical abuse, whereas the highest rates of sexual abuse are found among children who have reached puberty or adolescence. In most places, boys are the victims of beatings and physical punishment more often than girls, while girls are at higher risk of infanticide, sexual abuse, forced prostitution, and educational and nutritional neglect. Globally, more than 130

million children between the ages of 6 and 11 years are not in school, 60% of whom are girls. Parents more likely to abuse their children tend to have low self-esteem, poor control over their impulses, mental health problems and to display antisocial behavior. They also tend to be uninformed and have unrealistic expectations about child development. Research also shows that child maltreatment is more likely in communities with high rates of poverty and fewer of the social networks and neighborhood support systems that have been shown to protect children.

the characteristics of gifted children often lead to social and emotional problems that can affect their emotional and social development. To understand your gifted child completely, it's a good idea to see how your child's giftedness can influence his or her behavior

Economic problems by children :

poverty :

The federal poverty level is $22,050 for a family of four. This equates to 21% of all children (15 million children) are considered in poverty. Just to cover basic expenses for a family of four you would need to have a salary of $45,000. This means that nearly 50% of our children are living in poverty. Half of those kids receive no government assistance because their parents earned more than $22,050 that year. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP), that poverty is the single greatest threat to childrens well-being. Poverty

impedes learning and contributes to social and behavioral problems. And guess what? There is no income to counteract these problems. Mommy cannot afford a tutor or Daddy cannot afford a counselor. There is a huge opportunity for society to stop being so materialistic and in turn poverty wouldnt be such an issue because most children will all have the same things things they need instead of what they want. This would decrease violence in schools because fewer kids would be teased.

2- Shifting Economy :

America used to sustain itself with making its own products through manufacturing and then turning around and selling those products. The economy is shifting to more of a service industry versus a manufacturing industry. In order to cut costs and keep product prices down companies are forced to outsource manufacturing to other countries. Other countries can produce products at much lower labor costs. Some companies have even begun to outsource call center jobs to keep labor costs down. Not only is America now having lower paying service jobs than the average blue-collar job with a sustainable income but our economy is now a global economy. For example, what happens in Japan or Iraq can drastically alter prices for our stock exchanges, gas/oil, and many other products. What exactly does this mean for our youth? The youth cannot graduate or even dropout of school without going through the pains of a low-income job. The jobs offered with no experience pay very little with very little room for pay increases. In fact, the competition to get a promotion can be fierce. In the past, your high school senior could graduate and go work at the local factory for the rest of his or her life and make a good living. They would not necessarily need to have a college education to survive. In fact, youth today will graduate from college with multiple degrees and still cannot find work that pays enough to sustain a decent lifestyle.

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