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asslng & urlbbllng warm up

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A pracLlce deslgned Lo warm players up for a game/sesslon wlLh an emphasls on passlng, drlbbllng and

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CuallLy of pass - pace, welghL and accuracy
urlbbllng - sofL Louches, head up, aLLack Lhe space wlLh blgger Louches
lndlvldual movemenL Lo recelve pass, open body shape, looklng Lo play forward.
ass Lo feeL or space? LeL players make declslons. LoLs of movemenL ln and around area so musL Lhlnk
CommunlcaLlon beLween players

Look for quallLy from Lhe sLarL, communlcaLlon and declslon maklng lmporLanL. 8oLaLe player's acLlvlLy every
Lwo mlnuLes.

Area 20 x 20 meLres
12 players, 3 Croups
8lue players have one ball and pass Lhe ball Lo each oLher buL musL sLay ouLslde area
?ellow players have a ball each and drlbble lnslde Lhe area
8ed players have one ball and pass Lhe ball Lo each oLher lnslde Lhe area
lnLroduce dynamlc sLreLchlng and movemenL

Speed developmenL wlLh Lhe ball

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A pracLlce deslgned Lo lmprove players runnlng wlLh Lhe ball and speed ln a game relaLed pracLlce

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8unnlng wlLh ball: Cover ground wlLh few Louches on ball 8all ouL of feeL wlLh laces lnLo space
AcceleraLlon and ueceleraLlon - boLh equally lmporLanL
Change of dlrecLlon - Lurn qulckly.
1ranslLlon Lo defend sLep ln dlrecLlon of aLLacker
8aLlo work Lo resL 1:3
100 efforL wlLh and wlLhouL Lhe ball

WaLch each players runnlng Lechnlque, look Lo correcL mlsLakes. 1wo coaches one plays ln ball, second
addresses any runnlng Lechnlque lssues

Area: 20x20 meLres
ulvlde players lnLo Lwo groups aL each end
Cn Coaches slgnal yellow player Lakes on blue defender and Lrles Lo score ln elLher of Lhe 2
goals Lhe player musL be ln Lhe flnal Lhlrd Lo score
AfLer Lhe ?ellow player scores or Lhe ball goes ouL of play Lhe nexL blue player enLers
playlng area Lo Lry and score ln Lhe opposlLe 2 goals and Lhe yellow aLLacker has Lo
LranslLlon Lo Lry and defend agalnsL hlm
1he game conLlnues end Lo end lf Lhe defender galns possesslon he LranslLlons Lo aLLack and
Lrles Lo score
1he player enLerlng Lhe fleld ls always on Lhe opposlLe Leam Lo Lhe player who scores or
puLs Lhe ball ouL of play

8 v 4 ossesslon wlLh 4 Coals

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A pracLlce deslgned Lo lmprove players ablllLy Lo keep possesslon and also lmprove players presslng as a Leam
and flnlshlng

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CuallLy of pass - pace, welghL and accuracy. SupporL - Angles and dlsLance
lndlvldual movemenL Lo recelve pass, open body shape, looklng Lo play forward.
ass Lo feeL or space? LeL players make declslons
asslng Lrlangles - always aL leasL Lwo opLlons for player on Lhe ball
CommunlcaLlon beLween players
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nearesL man pressure, Lry Lo make play predlcLable - show Lhem one way
8eacL from Lhe movemenL of flrsL presslng player, communlcaLe as a Leam
When ball ls won back be cllnlcal and flnlsh as qulckly as posslble

Look for hlgh work raLe from blue Leam, change Lhe Leam of four every 3/4 mlnuLes

Area 30 x 30 meLres
8 v 4 - 8 8eds v 4 8lues wlLh 4 small goals
8 8eds Lry Lo keep possesslon, Lhe 4 8lues Lry Lo press as a Leam and wln Lhe ball back,
when Lhey wln Lhe ball back Lhey musL Lry and score ln any of Lhe 4 Coals

uefendlng wlLh back 4 and Mldfleld 3 wlLh LranslLlon Lo aLLack

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hase of play pracLlce deslgn Lo lmprove Lhe defenslve organlsaLlon of Lhe back 4 and Mldfleld 3

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uefenslve shape ln Mldfleld - 2 screenlng players and a number 10.
8ed Leam musL move as a Leam as Lhe ball ls passed around Lhe plLch, maklng lL dlfflculL Lo play
Lhrough Lhem. keep shape don'L allow opposlLlon Lo pull players ouL of poslLlon.
ressure and Cover - nearesL man presses, second close cover
CommunlcaLlon from players behlnd ls key.
Cpened body shape when defendlng see ball and man.
Coalkeeper acLs as sweeper/keeper
When ball ls won, look Lo play forward as qulckly as posslble Lhrough quallLy passlng.

100 concenLraLlon needed, communlcaLlon beLween players ls vlLal.

Area: lull wldLh of lLch, wlLh 3 gaLes poslLloned 3 yards pasL Lhe half way llne.
lormaLlon - 8ed 1.4.3 v ?ellow 3.3 wlLh 3 LargeL players.
1he red Leam musL score Lhrough any of Lhe 3 gaLes Lo a yellow player, Lhe yellow player
Lhen [olns ln and aLLacks maln goal.

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