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through Bertha Dudde 7538

Short or long lifetime ....

The time given to you for your earthly life i not long! "om#ared to the infinitely long time of your #reliminary develo#ment! the duration of $hi"h "annot #o i%ly %e e timated %y you. &nd your earthly life "an even %e horter if you are "alled %a"' into eternity #rematurely. Therefore you hould eagerly "on ider your oul! you hould #rovide it $ith a mu"h nouri hment a #o i%le o that it $on(t have to tarve if it only live for a hort time on earth .... )ou hould "on tantly #rovide it $ith am#le food and drin' and never rely on a very long earthly life! for you don(t 'no$ the day and hour of your #hy i"al death .... But your oul $ill al o %e a%le to mature in a hort #eriod of time if you are of good $ill and hel# it to mature. *o+one "an determine or 'no$ ho$ long he $ill live! and #re"i ely thi la"' of 'no$ledge ought to en"ourage him into a"tively im#roving hi oul! hi $ay of life hould %e u"h that he "an "almly "on ider every day to %e hi la t $ithout having to $orry a%out hi oul( $elfare. &nd a great many #eo#le $ill lo e their live during the la t day ! for a large a##rai al $ill till ta'e #la"e and many #eo#le $ill yet %e re"alled #rematurely for the a'e of their oul( alvation! %e"au e they had negle"ted their # y"hologi"al $or' %ut neverthele hall not fall #rey to the mer"ile fury of God( adver ary $ho $ould only dra$ them ever dee#er into the a%y if the e oul $ere not aved from him %efore. , #e"ially #eo#le $ithout #iritual a #iration don(t "on ider an

early death and live irre #on i%ly although they "annot %e "alled %ad. God ta'e #ity on them and $ant to hel# them to develo# further in the %eyond! $hi"h $ill in fa"t %e far more diffi"ult %ut not im#o i%le! $herea on earth the fate of oul $ho live $ithout a en e of re #on i%ility "ould ea ily re ult in a "om#lete de "ent into the a%y . )ou are offered enough o##ortunitie on earth to rea"h full maturity in your earthly life! %ut if you don(t ta'e advantage of them you are not ma'ing the mo t of your life a a human %eing either! although it $a only given to you for the #ur#o e of your oul( maturity. -f you don(t u e the gra"e of your em%odiment a a human %eing and hel# your oul a"hieve final maturity then it i al o irrelevant $hether you live for a long or .u t a hort time on earth. )et even if you rea"h old age! earthly life "an till %e regarded a %rief "om#ared to the time of your #reliminary develo#ment. *everthele ! even a very hort time on earth $ill uffi"e to fulfil your #ur#o e on earth. &nd thu your maturity i not de#endent on the length of your earthly e/i ten"e %ut #urely on your $ill of ma'ing e/#edient u e of thi e/i ten"e. Through the Word of God you are ho$n time and again the right #ath in order to a"hieve your oul( #erfe"tion .... you are re#eatedly reminded of the divine "ommandment of love! the fulfilment of $hi"h i the only #ur#o e and goal of your e/i ten"e a a human %eing .... &nd you "an al$ay #ra"ti e love even if your life i hort! your oul $ill derive a %enefit if you live a life of love .... 0o$ever! if you don(t 'ee# the e t$o "ommandment your life $ill %e in vain and your re #on i%ility even greater the longer you live on earth1 in $hi"h "a e you "an only %e than'ful if your life $ill %e hortened and you till have the o##ortunity to develo# further in the 'ingdom of the %eyond! o that you $ill not go "om#letely a tray at the end of the day $hen everyone $ill %e .udged a""ording to hi effort ....


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