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Flood management and river training works in the form of embankment, bank revetment, spurs, porcupines, sluices, Gabions, Retaining walls, Diaphragm walls etc. are provided to manage/control the floods, to check the bank erosion and to improve drainage system. Construction of these works makes use of different kind of materials depending on the nature of problem and the structure provided.



Different construction materials have their own uniqueness and are used according to the site conditions, availability, transportability, cost effectiveness, low maintenance cost etc. Materials like boulders, timber are in use since ages, but due to their increased usage in other sectors leading towards reduced supply and their environment un-friendly nature, use of them now-a-days is decreasing. High wear and tear of timber structures in underwater and near water situation makes it less suitable for their use in anti- erosion measures. Nowa-days, new innovative materials like Geo-textile in the form of Geo-textile bags, Geo-textile tubes, Sand filled Geo-mattress, Neoweb, submerged vanes and RCC porcupines, Gabions, Steel Sheet Piles ,Diaphragm walls are being increasingly used in construction of revetments, spurs, groynes, embankments etc. These materials are used due to their unique characteristics like durability, resistance to chemical waste, environment friendly nature, easiness in installation etc. Different construction materials being used for structural measures for flood management are described below in detail.


RIVER BED MATERIALS Considering economy and ease in availability, river bed materials
including sand and boulders are widely used in flood management and Flood Protection works. However, rounded river boulders are used in contained forms like gabions/crates but avoided in loose for pitching of the banks.

The soil is used as a fill material for flood embankments and spurs. The soil is also used for filling Geo-textile bags, mattress and tubes. The soil shall preferably be coarse sand and free from organic material. Loamy and clayey type soil should be avoided

11 | P a g e 2

Bou ulders are naturally availa able mate erials and d are us sed as con nstruction material in n various works, inc cluding slo ope protection for emb bankment, bank rev vetment, spurs s etc. The boulders shap pe, size, wei ight, grada ation plays s an impo ortant role in their effective e use. The bou ulders in a revetmen nt should be well gr raded thro oughout th he layer thic ckness. Th he boulders s used sho ould be angular and regular in n shape. The e boulders s should have h sharp p clean ed dges at the e intersect tions of rela atively flat faces. Rou unded bou ulders shou uld be avoi ided.


quality When appropria ate size and boulders s are not available, a g gabions or r crates filled wit th the bou ulders sho ould be use ed. The gabions are rect tangular boxes ma ade of hexagon nal double e twist steel s wire mesh filled wi ith the sm mall size boulders/c b cobbles. Crates are small ler in size than gabions. Opening g of the ga abions or crates sho ould be smaller than the size e of smallest boulder/ /cobble so o that they are kept intact.
Figure 2-1: A wire-me esh gabion


Revet-ma attress is rec ctangular mattress s made with hexagonal h double twisted steel wire mesh, where the dept th is small s in proportio on to its length an nd width. mattre Revet ess can n be different tiated with h the gab bions due to its lesser l hei ight. It is s divided into se everal cel lls by tr ransverse Figure 2-2 2: Hexagon nal double twist t steel wire mesh, revet-mattress diaphrag gms.

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Rein nforced cement c co oncrete (RC CC) is mainly m used for of con nstruction RCC porcupine screens s d due to ease of construction n,longer dur rability and a low cost. of Fur rther details RCC give porcupines are en in sect tion 6. Th he use of RCC is in repl lacing th he timber con nstruction of por rcupine scre eens.
Figure e 2-3: A sketch of typical RCC R porcupin ne


A synthet tic materia al in the form of st trong flexible sheets s either wo oven or non-wove en, permea able, water r tight membranes etc e is used d to impro ove soil quality and a perfor rmance in n different t applicat tions like lining, dr rainage, specific filtration, separat tion, rein nforcement and protection n. For applicatio on in flood man nagement works, products like geo o-textile bags/tubes, geo-m membrane, geo-grid, geo-mattr ress are used. u The generic name giv ven to all these materials m is referred as geo o-synthetic cs. As stipulated d by Ind dian Road d Congres ss (IRC:SP P 59)publ lications major important t products s of geosy ynthetic are a been described d in brief along with their appl lication. The geo-synthetics s have different d a application ns and perform p d different functions s, as descri ibed below w in Table 2-1 2 below:
Table 2 : Id dentification n of the usu ual primary function fo or each type e of geosynthetic c
Type of f Geo-synthetic Separatio on Reinforce emen t Filtrat tion Drainag ge Containm ment

Geo-texti ile Geo-grid Geo-net Geo-mem mbrane Geo-synt thetic Clay Liner Geo-foam m Geo-cells s Geo-composite Geo-texti ile tube & bag

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2. .1.5.1

The ba asic raw material m w which is used u in geo-tex xtile is pol lymer and d the most t widely used p polymeres are po olypropylen ne and polyester. Based d upon the manufa acturing process s, geo- te extile is often o cate egorized as wov ven or non n woven. Woven W geo o-textile are ma anufacture ed by wea aving weft thread through h warp thread. t W While non woven from ra geo-tex xtile is produced p andomly distribu uted cont tinuous or o staple fibers which are bon nded together chem mically, therma ally or mech hanically

2. .1.5.2

G Geo-memb brane mat terials are e relativel ly thin and a imper rvious sheets of p polymeric material, m u used primarily for li inings and d covers of f liquids- or o solids storage facilities. Th his includ des all ty ypes of la andfills, re eservoirs, canals, a and other r containm ment facil lities. Thu us the pr rimary fun nction is always c containmen nt as a liq quid or mo oisture barrier or both. Geo- membrane e are of d different ty ypes as pe er density and textu ure. Use of f geo- mem mbrane is rapidly increasing in areas of soil sta abilization, landfills, lagoons, lining, l pav vement, d dams and spillways etc. These e membran nes can be e classified d into HDP PE (high d density pol lyethylene) ) and LDPE E (Low den nsity polyethylene).

2. .1.5.3

A geo-grid deformed/ / non is d deformed g grid like polymeric material m fo formed by y intersec cting ribs joined a at junctio ons. Main n function n of a g geo-grid is s reinforcem ment by friction m mechanism m. Geo-grid ds are: (a) ) Either stretched s in one or two direction ns for im mproved physical p propertie es (b) ) Made on o weaving or knitting k machinery by standard s textile manufac cturing met thods (c) By bondi ing rods or r straps tog gether.

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2. .1.5.4

A geo-co omposite consists s of a c combinatio on of ge eo-textile, geo-grids, g geo-nets and/or geo-membr g rane with h n numerous applicatio on areas. The major r f functions encompass e s the entir re range of f functions listed for geo o-synthetic c previo , d discussed ously: s separation r reinforcement, filtra ation, drai inage, and d c containmen nt.


G Geo-textile tube is a tube made of geo-te extile and is i generall ly filled wit th sand o or dredged d materia al. These tubes are e generally y about 1 m to 3 m in d diameter, though th hey can be customi ized to an ny size depending on o their a application n. Today, geo-textile g tubes ran nging in diameters d from 1 1.5 m to 5.0 5 m are used in many m coast tal and flo ood protec ction applic cations. G Geo-textile bags ar re made of o woven or non woven ge eo- textile fabrics and high w which are e specially y designe ed for good soil tightness t h seam 3 e efficiency. Geo-textile e bags ran nge in volu ume from 0.05 m to around d 5 m3, a and are pillow shap ped, box shaped s or r mattress s shaped depending d on the r required application a . Geo-text tile bags have h also been use ed as reve etment, b breakwater rs, etc to build eros sion protec ction meas sures. A sample s of a geot textile tube and bag g is show wn in the Figure F 2-4 4 and Figur re 2-5.

Figure 2-4: Geo-textile G bag b

F Figure 2-5: Geo-textile e tube


Erosion n control mats can c be of o biodegrada able or no on degrada able type. Erosion E control mat pro ovides im mmediate erosion control and hi igh moist ture content to establis sh vegetat tion. It cr reates hos spitable conditio ons for inv vasion and d establishment of plants. Biodegr radable mats m are made m of coir or straw fibers wh hich are used for r short term erosion control unit u grow wth of vegetation Biodeg gradable mats m are made m of coir or straw fibers which are a used fo or short term erosion control unit u grow wth of vegetation.

F Figure 2-6: Erosion con ntrol mat

While synthetic mat ts consist of UV stab bilized non n-degradab ble polypro opylene fibers that are heat h bonded at the conta act point ts to pro ovide a dimension nally stable matrix for soil erosion protection n. For ver ry high embankm ments and embankm ments with h steeper slopes, sy ynthetic mat m can be reinfor rced with galvanize ed mesh with w or without w PV VC coatin ng. The composite e nature of reinfor rced mat adds to the eros sion contr rol and sediment trapping function f o the geoof -synthetic matrix.


Mat terials including gabions, revet t-mattress, geo-textil le tubes an nd bags are used with h specific strength s an nd durability require ements as per the prop posed stru ucture. Th he detaile ed technic cal specifi ications of these inno ovative materials m along wi ith the test meth hods and d their reco ommended d values fo or each par rameter ar re being described in n paras belo ow in detai il.



This s work may m cons sist of fu urnishing, assembl ling, and filling mec chanically woven do ouble twist wire me esh gabion ns with bo oulders. These specifi ications are a mainly y in acco ordance with w Intern national Stan ndards EN N 10223, EN E 10244 MATERIAL L /STRUCTURAL PR ROPERTIES

Des sired prope erties for various c component ts for fabr rication of mes sh gabions s are as un nder wire WIRE W
All tests on the wire w mesh h, lacing wire w shou uld be performed prior p to manufact turing the mesh. Tensile strength: Both the wire w used for the manufactur m re of gabio ons and the lacing g, shall ha ave a tens sile strengt th of 350-500 N/mm2, in

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accordance with EN 10223-3. Elongation: Elongation shall not be less than 10%, in accordance with EN 10223-3.The length of the sample should be more than 25 cm for conducting this test ZINC COATING Minimum quantities of zinc should meet the requirements of EN 10244-2. The adhesion of the zinc coating to the wire shall be such that, when the wire is wrapped six turns around a mandrel having four times the diameter of the wire, it does not flake or crack when rubbing it with the bare fingers, in accordance with EN 10244. The mesh wire shall show no rusty spots on any part of the surface excluding the cut ends. Minimum quantity of zinc (gm/sqm) based on the internal diameters of 2.2 mm, 2.7 mm & 3.4 mm should be 230, 245 and 265 respectively

The initial properties of PVC coating material shall have a demonstrated ability to conform to the following requirements. The Specific Gravity should be in the range from 1.30 kg/dm3 to 1.35 kg/dm3, when tested in accordance with Test method ISO 1183. Tensile Strength should not less than 20.6 Mpa, when tested in accordance with test method ISO 527. Elongation at break should not be less than 200% in accordance with ISO 527. The PVC coating shall not show cracks or breaks after the wires are twisted in the fabrication of the mesh. Wherever, there is high changes of corrosion, alternate wetting and drying, high salinity, presence of shingles in water etc a further refinement in coating shall be used like Galmac (where Zinc + 10% Aluminum) coating to the main steel wire mesh. Further, if there is more severe condition, an additional coating of PVC coating shall be applied

MESH CHARACTERISTICS Mesh wire: Diameter Inner diameter shall be 2.7 mm for the Zinc coated wire and when measured with PVC coating the outer diameter shall be 3.7 mm. Selvedge wire: Diameter Inner diameter shall be 3.4 mm for the Zinc coated wire and when measured with PVC coating the outer diameter shall be 4.4 mm. Mesh opening: Nominal Dimension D =100 mm. Lacing and stiffener wire: Diameter Inner diameter shall be 2.2 mm for the Zinc coated wire and when measured with PVC coating the outer diameter shall be 3.2 mm

17 | P a g e BOULDERS
The boulders for gabions shall be hard, angular to round, durable and of such quality that they shall not disintegrate on exposure to water or weathering during the life of the structure. The size may be between 0.15 m and 0.25 m. The range in sizes shall allow for a variation of 5% oversize and/or 5% undersize rock, provided it is not placed on the gabion exposed surface. The size shall be such that a minimum of three layers of boulders must be achieved when filling the gabions of 1m thick


Wire: Wire tolerances based on the internal diameters of 2.2 mm, 2.7 mm & 3.4 mm should be 0.06 mm, 0.06 mm and 0.07 mm respectively in accordance with EN 10218-2. Mesh opening: Tolerances on the hexagonal, double twisted wire mesh, opening shall not exceed -4% to 16% on the nominal dimension value. Gabions: 5 % () on the length, width, and height



Different tests to be carried on the gabion material are tabulated along with references and standards in Table 2-2.
Mesh Type Table 2-2: Tests for the gabions 10' x 12' 100 +16% to 4% 5% 2.7/3.7 (Inner Dia/Outer Dia) 0.08 240 3.4/4.4 (Inner Dia/Outer Dia) 0.10 260 2.2/3.2 (Inner Dia/Outer Dia) 0.06 220 3.0/4.0 (Inner Dia/Outer Dia) 2.2/3.2 (Inner Dia/Outer Dia) 240 Grey-RAL 7037 0.50 ASTM A 641 ASTM D 1482 ASTM A 975 BS1052 ASTM A 641 References of Specifications EN10223 EN10223 ASTM A975 EN10223 BS1052 ASTM A 641 EN10223 BS1052 ASTM A 641

Mesh Opening D mm Mesh Tolerance Unit Dimensions Tolerances in sizes of units Mesh Wire Diameter (mm) Tolerance () mm Zn Coating Min (gsm) Selvedge/Edge Wire Diameter (mm) Tolerance () mm Zn Coating (Selvedge/Edge Wire) Min (gsm) Lacing Wire Diameter (mm) Tolerance () mm Zn Coating (Lacing Wire) Min (gsm) Fasteners (mm) Stiffeners (mm) Zn coating on fastener/ stiffener (gsm) PVC Coating Colour Thickness Nominal (mm)

18 | P a g e

Thickness Minimum (mm) Specific Gravity Tensile strength Modulus of Elasticity Hardness Brittleness temperature Weight loss Abrasion Resistance

0.38 1.30 1.35 Not less than 20.6 MPa Not less than 18.6 MPa Between 50 and 60 Shore D Not higher than 90C Less than 5% after 24 hour at 1050 C The percentage of weight loss shall be less than 12% a) The PVC shall show no effect after 3000 hours of salt spray exposure b) The PVC shall show no effect of exposure to ultraviolet light with test exposure of 3000 hours using apparatus Type E at 630C c) After the salt spray test and exposure to ultraviolet light, the PVC coating shall not show cracks or noticeable change of colour, or blisters or splits. In addition, the specific gravity, tensile strength, hardness and resistance to abrasion shall not change more than 6%, 25%, 10% and 10% respectively from their initial values.

ASTM A 975 ASTM D 792 ASTM D 412 ASTM D 412 ASTM D 2240 ASTM D 746 ASTM D 2287 ASTM D 1242

Salt spray Exposure and Ultraviolet Light exposure

ASTM B 117 ASTM D 1499 and G 23

The material should be woven with multifilament yarn in both warp and weft direction or non-woven needle punched type with continuous filament. The geo-textile shall be preferably made of polypropylene. The material may have about 70% polypropylene and rest may be polyethylene or any other equivalent material. The standard roll length and width should be 100 m and 5 m.
Table 2-3: Properties of geo-textile as filter Properties Marginal Value Mechanical Properties 1 Tensile strength (Warp/Weft)(=>) 28/26 KN/m 2 Elongation at designated peak tensile load 25%/25% (Warp/Weft)(<=) 3 Trapezoid tear strength Warp/Weft) (=>) 300 N/300N 4Puncture Strength(=>) 250 N Hydraulic properties 1 Apparent opening size(<=) 75 microns 2 Permeability(=>) 10 l/m2/s Physical Unit Weight(=>) 140g/sqm Reference for Test Method IS 1969 IS 1969 ASTM D 4533 ASTM D 4833 ASTM D 4751 ASTM D 4491 ASTM D 3776

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Geo-textile bags are made of woven/non-woven polypropylene/polyester geo-textile. Double layer geo-textile bags using woven and non-woven geo-textile are used for harsh conditions. Geo-textile used to manufacture geo-textile bags should have high mechanical properties for enhanced durability along with enhanced puncture, abrasion and U.V. resistance be inert to biological characteristics. Geo-textile should degradation and resistant to naturally encountered chemicals, alkalis, and acids. Geo-textile used to manufacture geo-textile bags made of nonwoven material may conform to the properties listed in Table 2-4.
Table 2-4: Properties of non-woven geo-textile bag Properties Reference for Test Unit Values Method Properties of Geo-textile Polymer Type Polyester/PP Nominal Mass ISO 9864 Gms/Sq. 400 m Tensile' Strength ASTM D4595 kN/m 20 Tensile Elongation ASTM D4595 % 40% & 90% Puncture Resistance ASTM D4833 kN ' .40 Opening Size ASTM D 4751 mm 0.07mm & 0.16mm UV ' resistance ASTM' D 435 %/Hr 70/50 Properties of Geo-textile Bag Seam Type Double Seam 103 cm x 70 cm Preferably flat dimensions

Geo-textile used to manufacture geo-textile bags having double layers both for woven and non-woven material should conform to the properties listed in Table 2-5.

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Table 2-5: Properties of double layer geo-textile bag Properties Reference for Unit Values Test Method Non Woven Woven Properties of Geo-textile Polymer Type Weight Tensile Strength Tensile Elongation Tensile Strength Grab Elongation Puncture Resistance Opening Size UV Resistance Seam Type Preferably dimensions flat ISO 9864/ ASTM Gms/Sqm D5261 ASTM D 4595 kN/m % ASTM D 4595 ASTM D4632 ASTM D4632 ASTM D4833 ASTM D4751 kN % kN mm PP 300 12 30% & 90% 0.80 30% & 90 ' .40 0.06 & 0.17 70/500 PP 230 35 05% & 30% 1.5 05% & 3' % 0.10 & 0.25 70/' 00

ASTM D4355 %/hrs Properties of Geo-textile Bag

Double Seam 2.00m x 1.50m

21 | P a g e


Geo-textile tubes should be made of high-tenacity polypropylene yarns which are woven into a stable network such that the yarns retain their relative position. These geo-textile tubes are often filled hydraulically with slurry of sand and water, although many other fill materials may also be used. Each fill port may consist of a Geotextile sleeve having a length of at least 1.5 m and a circumference slightly greater than that of the filling pipe. Sometimes double layer of sheets of woven textiles may also be required in consideration of added UV protection for a prolonged life and sufficient abrasion resistance. The geo-textile tubes should be constructed to meet the dimensions, type of materials and properties mentioned in Table 2-6, table 2-6 and table 2-7 respectively.
Table 2-6: Dimensions for Geotextile tube Property/Parameter Units Geotextile tube length M 20 Geotextile tube diameter M 3 Filling port length M 2 Filling port diameter M 0.5 Filling port spacing M 5 Seam strength efficiency(=>) % 40 Values

Table 2-7 contains type and structure of material to be used for geotextile tubes.
Table 2-7: Type of fabric for geo-textile tube Reference for Units Values Test Method Polymer n/a n/a Poly propylene Roll dimensions (LxW) n/a n/a 100mx5m Structure Woven with multifilament n/a n/a yarn in both warp and weft directions Weight per unit area ASTM D 3776 Gm/m2 >=330 Properties of geo-textile tubes are given in and Property

Table 2-8 contains properties of geo-textile tubes.

N Table 2-8: Properties for geo-textile tube Properties Marginal Value Reference for Test Method IS 1969 IS 1969 ASTM D 4533 ASTM D 4833 ASTM D 4751 ASTM D 4491

Mechanical Properties 1 Tensile strength (Warp/Weft)(=>) 80/78 KN/m 2 Elongation at designated peak tensile 25%/25% load (Warp/Weft)(<=) 3 Trapezoid tear strength Warp/Weft) (=>) 1600 N/1600N 4Puncture Strength(=>) 600 N Hydraulic properties 1 Apparent opening size(<=) 250 microns 2 Permeability(=>) 18 l/m2/s

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The vetiver is a special type of grass having longer roots of length. This grass is infertile in nature. Due to their long roots and high tensile strength this grass is resistant to the high velocity streams and checks the erosion Desirable properties of the vetivers are given in Table 2-9.
Sr 1 2 3 4 5 Table 2-9: Properties of vetivers for bank protection Properties Mar Value Average tensile strength 75 MPa Root length Up to 3 m Life under 14 m of water Up to 5 months Air temperature range for sustainability -140C to 550C Soil Ph 3.0 to 10


Design practices and specifications adopted by the Maccafferi India Pvt Ltd. Draft for 2nd revision of IS code 8408.

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Ex xisting Bank ks of Sabarm mati are une even with lo ots of Rain Cuts and in n unstable co ondition . Sam me shall be constructed d in 2H:1V Slope with intermedia ate Berm of 5 m width at a Mid height. Th he Embankm ment Constr ruction will be carried out o with selected Borro ow area in control c lift th hickness at OMC to 95 5% Proctor Density abu utting with Existing E Ba anks. Th he Existing Banks B will be b trimmed at least by 0.3 m for ab butting with h Proposed new constru uction of Embankme ent . Th he Embankm ment will be e protected with w Stones s in Wire Cr rates ( Gabio on Mattress ses) as per Pro ovision of BIS. B To Prevent the eft of Wire Crates, Con ncrete Linin ng of 75 mm m Thickness s over Stone es in Wire Crates C proposed on n the slope and a which will w give aesthetically better b view. . is p Th he Toe Prote ection will be b carries ou ut with Laun nching Apr ron with Sto one in wire crates as pe er Pro ovision of BIS. B Top of the Em mbankment can c be deve eloped as Ri iver Front Scheme S or as a Various U Utilities.


Figure e1

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Various Utiliti ies Developed

Lining Over Stone S In Wire Cra ates


Figure 3

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Figure 4

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Al levee or dy yke may be e defined as a an earth hen emban nkment ext tending gen nerally par rallel to the river cha annel and designed to t protect the t area beh hind it from m overflow w of flood waters. w Em mbankmen nts are the oldest kno own forms s of flood protection works w and ha ave been us sed extens sively for th his purpos se. These serve to pre event inu undation, when w the stream s spi ills over its s natural section, s an nd safeguar rd lan nds, village es and oth her properties against t damages s


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BIS code 12094: 2000 stipulates that the following data is required for planning of an embankment


Index plan showing area to be protected, contour survey plan of the area, past river courses, plan and section of earlier executed works

Discharge, gauge, velocity, carrying capacity, extent of spill of river, cross sections and longitudinal section of river, Design data of Sant Sarovar ,Design Flood of Sant Sarovar, Water Surface Elevation at Design Flood and Check Flood and river behavior like aggrading or degrading etc.

BIS code 12094: 2000 stipulates that the height of embankment and the corresponding cost and Benefit Cost Ratio will be worked out for Design Flood and Check Flood of Sant Sarovar. The degree of protection which gives the optimum Benefit Cost Ratio should be adopted.


The design flood for this type of embankment is kept 25 years for fixation of crest level


The design flood for Protection of GIFT City embankment will be carried out for Flood discharge of 7.25 Lacks Cusecs and Check Flood of 8.38 Lacks Cusecs as GIFT City is located just D/S of Sant Sarovar and no other Intermediate catchment between them. BIS code 12094: 2000 stipulates following guidelines related with the alignment and spacing of the embankment.

The embankments will be aligned on the natural bank of the river, land is high and soil available for the construction of embankments. The alignment is planned such that important township, vital installations, properties, cropped area is well protected by the embankment. The alignment is such that high velocity flow is quite distant from the toe of embankment to avoid scouring of the same also slope and toe protection in the form of pitching along with launching apron using the stones in wire crates, geo-mattress, Diaphragm wall is proposed. Alignment should also be planned so that land acquisition is feasible and not prolonged.

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The spacing of the embankment and their alignment needs careful consideration with respect to their vulnerability to the river and the rise of high flood levels on account of reduction in flood plain storage by construction of the embankment. The spacing of embankments along the jacketed reach of the river should be aligned according to existing Toe of the River Bank and which is almost equal to Lacey wetted perimeter for the design flood discharge. Lacey wetted perimeter Lacey wetted perimeter (P) =4.75 (Qdesign)] respectively. Length of the embankment: The length of the embankment directly depends upon the alignment and both ends of the embankment will be tied up to some high ground or existing highway or railway or any other embankment nearby conforming to the design height of the embankment.


BIS code 12094: 2000 embankment is used for design of the

2.2.1 TYPES.
Type of Embankment proposed is Homogeneous Type of Embankment.

1) Homogenous embankment.
This is the simplest type of earthen embankment and consists of a single material and is homogeneous throughout. A blanket of relatively impervious material (stone pitching) shall be provided at river side. A purely homogenous section is used, when only one type of material is economically or locally available. A purely homogenous section, abutting with the existing Banks is proposed, there is no need of stability of D/S Slope only U/S Slope stability for sudden Draw down condition and other conditions mentioned in BIS Code 12094 for U/S Slope will be adopted.


The top of the embankment should be so fixed that there is no danger of overtopping, even with the intense wave wash or any other unexpected rise in water level due to sudden change in river course or aggradations of river bed or settlement of embankment. Free board will be taken as 1.8 m for Design discharge of 7.25 Lacks Cusecs and Adequacy of Free Board will also be checked for Check Flood of 8.38 Lacks Cusecs.

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The top width of the embankment should be sufficiently enough to accommodate the vehicular traffic. The top width of the embankment is kept as 5.0 m. Turning platform of length 15 m to 30 m and 3 m width at C/S side slope at an interval of 1 km or more will be provided. An embankment should be provided with suitable soling over filter for proper drainage.. For embankments protecting towns, industrial and vital installations, necessity of providing all weather roads of 3 m to 3.5 m width will be provided.


The side slopes are dependent upon the material and height of the embankment. The side slope should be flatter than the angle of repose of the material of the embankment. For drainage purpose, longitudinal drains on the berm and cross drains at suitable places will be provided to drain out the water.


The river side (R/S) slope should be flatter than the under-water angle of repose of the material. The slope should not be steeper than 2H:1V and in case of high embankments, slope should not be steeper than 3H:1V, when the soil is good and to be used in the most favorable condition of saturation and drawdown. In case of higher embankment protected by rip-rap/pitching, the slope of embankment may be 2H:1V or 3H:1V depending upon the type of slope protection. If the construction material is sandy, the slope should be protected with a cover of 0.6 m thick good soil; and It is usually preferable to have more or less free draining material on the river side to take care of sudden drawdown. In case of high and important embankment, slopes may be protected by the stone pitching, concrete blocks with open joints or sand filled geo-mattress to protected against sudden drawdown or erosive action of river flow. Stability of Embankment will be carried by slip circle method for finalizing river side slope (IS 7894).

30 | P a g e 2


The High Bank are available on Countr ry side and Embank kment Plan nning will be carried d out abu utting to existing e hi igh Banks s. Therefor re Stability y of D/S Slope is not n required d.

Typical cross se ection of f an ear rthen em mbankmen nt is sh hown as under as s Figure 6.


2.2.5 2

B BORROW PITS. P As per p BIS code c 11532, for tak king out soil s for us se in embankment, borr row pit sho ould be preferred on n the river side and lo ocated at minimum m dista ance of 25 2 m from m the toe of emban nkment. In n order to obviate deve elopment of o flow par rallel to em mbankment t, cross-ba ars of widt th 8 times the depth of borrow b pits s @ 50-60 m c/c sh hall be left in the bor rrow pits. Whe en adding new eart thwork to existing embankm ment, the old bank shal ll first be cut and benched into i steps with trea ads sloping slightly towa ards centr re of the embankm ment. Surf face of old work should be prop perly wette ed so that new n earth may adhere to old Work. W


Stru ucture will be sta able under all st tages of construct tion and cond ditions of saturatio on and dr rawdown. Stability checks for various cond ditions wil ll be done e to ensur re safety. Seismic forces f will l also be cons sidered fo or high embankme e ents. The factor of f safety should be high her than 1. .3. Safe ety against t cracks due d to une equal settl lement and wetting: Unequal settl lements i s n o t e n v i s a g e d fo f r S a b a r m a t i l o o k i n g t o t h e s oi l p a r a m e t e r s a n d t h e s a m e ca an be larg gely avoide ed by prep paring the foun ndations properly an nd by selec cting suita able materi ial for cons struction. Well l graded homogenou h us materia als are mo ost suitabl le for cons struction. In high h emba ankments it would be b desirab ble to mec chanically compact the earth fill in suita able layer rs with a view to o achieve optimum dens sity with appropria ate moistu ure conte ent. Break king of big b clods espe ecially in clayey so oils is to be done ad organi ic/vegetab ble matter sepa arated to safeguard against a see epage/leak kage/pipin ng.

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Sluices with regulating arrangements would be provided for country side drainage. The size of sluice will depend upon the intensity of rainfall and the catchment area to be drained. Sluices may be designed as per provision of BIS code IS 8835:1978. 2.2.8 CAUSES OF FAILURE OF EMBANKMENT As stipulated by the CBIP publication - 1989 River Behavior Management and Training Volume-I, in the absence of proper maintenance and supervision, embankments are susceptible to breaches due to various causes given below. (a) Improper compaction and settlement of embankment. (b)Transverse cracks due to unequal settlement. (c) Inadequate drainage and pore pressure development. (d)Erosion of riverside slope due to river current and wave wash. (e) Caving-in of the banks. (f) Increase in moisture content of the soil material.


An embankment under direct attack of a river needs protection against failure. Different protective measures which are commonly employed to protect embankment are as under. (a) Revetment/mattressing to protect against erosive action of river. (b) Spurs/groynes to deflect/dampen high velocity attacking the embankment (c) Improving shear strength of embankment soil by growing shallow rooted vegetation.

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The criterion for stability analysis for high embankment is based on the stability analysis of embankment dams. The most important cause of failure of an embankment is sliding. A portion of the earth may slide downwards and outwards with respect to remaining part, generally along a well defined slice surface. The failure is caused when the average shearing stress exceeds the average shearing resistance along the sliding surface due to various loading conditions. Slope stability is generally analyzed by Swedish Slip Circle method, the rupture surface is assumed cylindrical or in the cross- section by an arc of a circle. The sliding wedge method assumes that the failure surface is approximated by a series of planes. High embankments the section proposed should be checked for stability by Swedish Circle method. The minimum factor of safety aimed at should be 1.3.



The embankment material shear strength is obtained by performing triaxial tests of borrow area materials compacted to densities aimed at during construction. The foundation material strength is obtained by tests with undisturbed samples from tri-axial shear testing. Testing in each case shall be from zero to maximum normal stress expected in the embankment. The design shear parameters for fill material is fixed at 75% availability from an adequate number of samples, and for foundation soils minimum shear strength values along foundation obtained are adopted after rejecting extreme or freak values.


The procedure of arriving at driving and resisting forces involves assumption of a tentative cross-section of the embankment, a possible circular failure surface, division of the slip circle mass into a number of slices, calculation of forces on each slice and summation of the forces. The factor of safety against sliding for assumed failure surface is obtained by the equation:

33 | P a g e

FS = S/V = C + (N-U) tan/W sin Where: FS = Factor of safety S = Resisting or stabilizing Force T = Driving or actuating force C = C1x (b/ Cos ) N = Force normal to the arc or slice U = Pore water pressure. = Angle of shearing resistance W = Weight of the slice = Angle made by the radius of the failure surface with the vertical at the centre of slice. C1 = Unit cohesion, and b = Width of the slice

The slope stability analysis is carried out to get the minimum factor of safety for a tested section under different loading conditions for upstream slopes. The computer programmes used for static analysis are used for the computations



Based on the results of studies for slope stability by static and pseudo static method, final section of the embankment may be selected. In this selection, great emphasis is put on the experience of the designer and the data of behavior of embankments constructed in almost identicalsituations.

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MERITS AND DEMERITS OF EMBANKMENTS Merits and demerits of flood embankments have been listed out below:

Merits of embankment as method of river training works are as under: Embankments are the main mean of preventing inundation during flood season. The initial cost of construction of embankment is low, although when raised subsequently, they may become a bit expensive. Construction is easy and presents no difficulty, as it can be done by utilizing local resources in unskilled labor and materials. Maintenance is equally simple and cheap. They can be executed in parts, provided thats ends are properly protected

Embankments cause rising of high flood levels. In the event of a breach, there is a sudden and considerable inflow of water which may cause damage in the country side and deposition of sand making the area infertile. Embankments are susceptible to direct attack of the river flow which can erode and undermine them. In the case of river carrying considerable amount of silt, then deposition of silt on the river bed causes rise in the water level which may be lead subsequent overtopping of the crest level of embankment.




3. 4. 5. 6.

BIS code 12094:2000 BIS code11532:1995 Preliminary draft Guidelines for planning and design of river embankment (Levees) (Second revision of IS 12094) (Feb, 2011) Embankment manual (1960) Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic structures-1995 - S. K. Garg River Behavior Management and Training Volume-I (Central Irrigation and Power (CBIP), 1989

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4.1 4

CBI IP-manual River Behavior B M Managemen nt and Tr raining Vo olume-I 198 89 stipula ates that protection p of banks is a part and parce el of river trai ining work ks because bank cavi ing is one of the cau uses of det terioration of river r condi itions. Riv ver passing g through populated d/agricultu ural areas nec cessitates protection p of adjacent lands and a properties threa atened by the erosion. The T protect tion of rive er bank from the thre eat of erosi ion comes und der Anti Erosion E w works. The purpose of bank protection n may be trai ining of riv ver, protect tion of adjacent land d and prop perties, pro otection of nea arby hydra aulic structures lik ke embank kments etc c. Genera ally, bank protection wo orks are auxiliary a t to river tra aining wor rks and expensive. e cause of th he high cos sts involve ed, all avai ilable mate erials are u used. The Bec rive er bank co onsists of the t upper (above th he Lowest water w level or LWL) and d lower sections (B Below the LWL). Th he lower bank acts as the foun ndation fo or suppor rting the upper ba ank and, is, genera ally more sus sceptible to o erosion. Recession n of bank is caused d by the erosion e of low wer bank, particularl p ly at toe. The reces ssion is fa ast, especia ally when ther re is sandy y substrata a below. The e upper ba ank is the portion be etween LW WL and High Flood lev vel (HFL). Action on thi is bank po ortion is most m severe e when th he current impinges nor rmal to the e bank. Du uring high h stage of floods, ero osion is also due to stro ong curren nt along th he bank


36 | P a g e

4.2 4


CBI IP-manual l River Behavior B M Managemen nt and Tr raining Vo olume-I 198 89 stipula ates followi ing causes s of bank fa ailure as li isted below w. (a) Wash hing away o of the soil particles p fr rom the ba ank by stro ong curren nt. (b) Under rmining th he toe of ba ank by edd dies, curre ent etc followed by collapse of overhanging ma aterial deprived of su upport. ng or Sloug ghing of sl lope when saturated d with water by flood ds of long (c) Slidin duration. Satur ration decr reases the shear str rength of soil. s The stability is er reduced d by the pressure of seepage s flo ow. furthe (d) Piping g in sub-la ayers due to movem ment of gro ound water r towards the river, which h carries aw way mater rial with it. . Cau uses (a) an nd (b) of ba ank failure es may be attributed d to erosion n. Failure und der (c) is due d to red duction in n shear str rength and d under (d d) results from m foundati ion failure. An erode ed bank is shown in Figure 4-2 2.




IS code 14 4262:1995 mentioned following g provision ns regardin ng plannin ng of bank revetment t or pitchin ng. R REQUIREM MENT OF DATA

Following data is req quired for planning of o a bank revetment. r T TOPOGRA APHICAL DATA D

Index plan n showing area affec cted, bank k slope, typ pe of soil, plan and section s of earlier exe ecuted wor rks H HYDROLO OGICAL DA ATA & OT THER DAT TA

Discharge, velocity, bank to bank cros ss sections s and long gitudinal section s of river, bed material grain g size etc. e


The design flood for pitching/revetment will be calculated for Design Flood.



IS code 14262:1995 provides for following provisions regarding design of bank revetment.


Stones/boulders, used in revetment for bank protection, are subjected to hydrodynamic drag and lift forces. These destabilizing forces are expressed in terms of velocity, tractive forces etc. The stabilizing forces acting against these are component of submerged weight of the stones and downward component of force caused by contact of the stones. The weight of stones on slopes (W in kg) may be worked using the formula given below

:W (in kg) = 0.02323*Ss*V6 /K* (Ss-1)3 -------------------------------- (1)

Where K (correction factor for slope) =[1-Sin2/Sin2 ]1/2 Ss=specific gravity of boulders (may be adopted as 2.65) = Angle of repose of material of protection works (adopted as 30 0 for boulders) = Angle of sloping bank2 (H) :1 (V) (26.560) V= Velocity in m/s K =[1-Sin226.560/ Sin2300]1/2 = =0.447 Hence weight of stones for 2H:1V slope W (in kg) = 0.02323*Ss*V6/0.447* (Ss-1)3 For river training works, sub-base is to be graded to a stable slope depending upon the angle of repose and cohesion of bank material under saturated condition and height of the bank. For a high bank, berm needs to be provided. For important works, stability of bank with designed slope and berm should be checked by slip circle method. For normal bank protection works, a slope of 2H:1V or flatter is recommended


Size of stone (Ds in m) may be determined from the following relationship. Ds (in m) = 0.124* (W/Ss) 1/3 ------------------------------------------- (2) Where W= Weight of stone in kg Ss= Specific gravity of stone (may be adopted as 2.65) Minimum dimension of stones > Ds Generally, the size of stone should be such that its length, width and thickness are more or less same ie stones should be more or less cubical. Round stones or very flat stones having small thickness should be avoided.

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THICKNESS OF PITCHING Minimum thickness of pitching (t) or protection layer is required to withstand the negative head created by the velocity. This may be determined by the following equation. Minimum thickness of pitching (t in m) = V2/2g (Ss-1) ------------ (3) V= Velocity in m/sec g= Gravitational acceleration in m/sec2 Ss= Specific gravity of stone (may be adopted as 2.65). Two layers of stones of minimum size should be provided, when pitching is being provided with boulders in loose


PITCHING IN CRATES At high velocity, required weight of stones (to be found by equation No (1) comes out to be higher, which makes handling and placing of stones a bit difficult. In such cases or in case when requisite sized stones are not available, small size stones filled in GI (Galvanized Iron) wire crates may be used for pitching purpose. In this case single layer of GI wire crates filled with stones having thickness more than may be used as pitching. The specific gravity of the crate is different from the boulders due to presence of voids. Porosity of the crates (e) may be worked out using the following formula.
E = 0.245+ 0.0864/ (D50)0.21 --------------------------------------------- (4) Where D50= mean diameter of stones used in mm. let us assume D 50 as 250 mm e = 0.245 + 0.0864/ (250)0.21= 0.27 The opening in the wire net used for crates should not be larger than the smallest size of stone used. The mass specific gravity of protection (Sm) can be worked out using the following relationship. Sm = (1-e) *Ss-------------------------------------------------------------- (5)

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Thi is mass specific s gr ravity may y be used to work out the weight w of the e crates and a this weight w sh hould be more than n weight of stone req quired, wor rked out by y the equa ation No.1. Cra ates should be laid d ban nk. Crates s must be add ditional pr rotection. If I lay yers should d be tied to GI wire with lon ng dimens sion along g the slop pe of the tied to o each other by 5 mm GI wire as crates are a being provided p i layers then in t each each oth her at suitable interv val using the t 4 mm

4.4.5 4 FILT TER

A graded filter of size 15 50 mm to 300 mm th hickness may m be laid d beneath the pitching to t prevent t failure by y sucking action by high veloc city. Geosyn nthetic filte er may also o be used as that is easy to la ay, durable e, efficient and d quality control c is easy. A 150 mm th hick sand layer over r the geosyn nthetic filte er may be laid l to avoi id rupture of fabric by b the ston nes

4.4.6 4 PAN NELING

Pan neling may y be provid ded in the pitching where w slop pe length is s more so tha at slopes may m remain more st table. The size of pa anel may be varied dep pending up pon the len ngth of rive er reach to o be protec cted and the t length of slope s length. A typica al bank pit tching in crates c is sh hown in Fig gure 4-9.


4.4.7 4 TOP P KEY/BE ERM

In case c of rev vetment on n slopes up p to NSL, which w is be elow HFL, a top key or capping c be erm should be provi ided for al llowing flow w of water r over the topsurface.

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IS code 14262:1995 mentions following provisions regarding toe protection. To prevent the sliding and failure of the revetment on slope, toe is required to be protected. This may be in the form of simple toe-key, sheet pile/Diaphragm wall or launching apron.

4.5.1 TOE WALL

When hard strata is available below the river bed at a reasonable depth to recommended. The thickness of the toe wall depends upon height of wal an overlaying pitching. The toe wall may be design as retaining wall and be co masonry along with provisions of weep holes etc

4.5.2 TOE KEY

Simple key may be provided at the toe (may be called as toe key) when rock or un-erodible strata is available just below the river bed and the overlaying banks are erodible. The key is in the form of stone/bricks or concrete blocks filled in the trench below the hard river bed for depth equal to the thickness of pitching t for proper anchorage. Sole purpose of this key is to provide lateral support to the pitching. The key may be of mortar or in geo-bags, if the pitching is provided in mortar or geo- bags.


When firm strata is not available at reasonable depth below the river bed, toe protection in the form of sheet pile or launching apron may be provided. The sheet pile may be made of RCC, steel. The sheet piles/Diaphragm walls may be drilled below the river bed up to maximum scour depth.

Sheet piles/Diaphragm walls/Cut off walls are difficult to drive; therefore Launching apron is preferred and provided with revetment. Launching apron should be laid at low water level (LWL). The launching apron may be laid using the stones or geo-bags. The stones/geo-bags in the apron should be designed to launch along the slope of scour and provide a protection layer so that scouring is checked. The size of launching apron should be such that it should form a protection layer up to level of maximum scour depth. Slope of launching apron may be taken as 2H:1V. Filter below the launching apron may also be provided so that river bed material is safe against suction.

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Width of the launching apron depends upon the scour depth below HFL. Depth of scour below HFL (D) may be worked out using the following formula: D = 0.473 (Q/f)1/3 -------------------------------------------------------------- (6.1) and D= 1.33 (q2/f)1/3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ (6.2) Where Q = design discharge in cumecs and q = design discharge per unit width or design discharge intensity in cumecs/m f is silt factor. Silt factor (f) may be calculated using the following formula f= 1.76 (d) 1/2----------------------------------------------------------------------- (7) where d is mean particle diameter of river material in mm

Generally scour depth (D) below HFL should be calculated using the design discharge (equation no. 6.1). In some cases (for braided rivers) scour depth may be calculated using the design discharge intensity (equation no. 6.2).
Maximum scour depth (Dmax) below HFL= 1.5* Scour depth (D below HFL). Maximum Scour depth (Dmax) below LWL = (Dmax) below HFL (HFL-LWL) If the launching apron is being laid at LWL then width of the launching apron should be calculated using the following formula. Width of launching apron= 1.5 * (Dmax) below LWL Thickness of launching apron (T) = 1.5* thickness of pitching (t). In some cases, thickness of the launching apron is kept different from T due to size of crates etc (if launching apron is being provided in crated stones), then width of the launching apron may be revised keeping the volume of stones/geo-bags same per unit length of the apron.


ANCHORING IS code 14262:1995 mentions following provisions regarding anchoring.

Proper anchor is required for keeping the revetment in place and serving the desired function. Upstream edge from where the revetment starts should be secured well to the adjoining bank. Similarly, downstream edge where the revetment ends also needs to be secured well .

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Spu urs/Groyn nes are structures, construc cted trans sverse to the river flow w and ex xtended fr rom the bank into o the rive er. Spurs/groynes, pro otruding in nto river come un nder purv view of an nti erosion n works. These types of works are provid ded to keep p away flo ow from th he erosion one bank. The spurs s are prov vided alon ng with la aunching apron to pro pre event scouring und der the water w and consequen nt fall of spurs. A typ pical spur is i shown in Figure 10. 1




IS code 8408:1994 mentions m fo ollowing pr rovisions regarding planning of spurs s


Spu urs may be aligned either normal n to o flow direction or at angle poi inting towa ards u/s or o d/s of th he flow. A spur poin nting u/s of o the flow rep pels the flo ow away from f the bank and d is known n as repel lling type spu ur/groyne. When a short leng gth spur ch hanges on nly directio on of flow wit thout repe elling, it is know wn as de eflecting spur/groyn s ne. Spur poi inting d/s s of the flow fl attrac cts the flo ow towards s the ban nk and is known as attracting g spur/gr royne. Ge enerally repelling type or def flecting sp purs are provided p for anti eros sion measu ures. Repe elling type 0 0 spu urs may be b kept at an angle of 5 to 10 again nst the dir rection of flow w. Alignment of spu urs at ben nd is show wn in Figure 11-1 al lso Figure 11-2 and 11-3 showin ng orientati ion and sh hapes spu urs respect tively that ma ay be adopted.

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FUNCTIO ONS OF SPURS Spurs ser rve followi ing functi ions:
(a) Training the river r along the desir red cours se concentration of flow w at the po oint of atta ack. (b) Protecting g the bank by keeping g the flow away from m it. (c) Creating a slack flo ow with th he object of o silting up u the are ea in the vicinity of the river bank. b to red duce the

(d) Improving g the depth hs for navig gation purp pose 5.2.3 R RECOMM MENDED TYPE T OF SPUR
1) Imperm meable or solid spu urs are con nstructed with earth h or rock-fill. Nose and ad djacent shank portio on is prote ected by heavy h mate erials like stones in crates or Gryones.


2) In case e of rivers carrying considerab c ble amount of silt, permeable spurs are preferr red. The permeable e spurs offers o flex xibility in construc ction and mainte enance and d any alte ernation in n later stag ge, if requ uired, can be made. Common constru uction ma aterial for these typ pe spurs is RCC po orcupines. Genera ally RCC porcupine e spurs are prefer rred as these t are easy to constru uct, more durable an nd give bet tter perform mance

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5.2.4 5


IS code 840 08:1994 & Draft fo or revision n of IS 8408:1994 8 mention following prov visions reg garding orientation of spurs.

5.3 5


provisions IS code 840 08:1994 mentions m f following s regardin ng design of spurs s


L LENGTH AND A SPAC CING The e length of o spur sh hould be decided on the ba asis of av vailability of land on the t bank. Effective e length of the sp pur should d be the por rtion whi ich is lik kely to face/coun f nter the river flow w. Extra len ngth given n in the spur only y for the e purpose e of tagg ging the spu ur with high h grou und shou uld not be b taken into i consi ideration for adoption n as effective lengt th of spur r. Length h shouldnt be less tha an that re equired to keep the scour ho ole formed d at the no ose away from m the ba ank. Thu us assum ming angle e of repo ose of sa and tobe 2.5 5H:1V and d anticipa ated max ximum sco our depth h below river r bed (ds), the leng gth should d be more e than 2.5 5xds. Shor rt length may m lead to bank eros sion at u/ /s and d/ /s of the groyne du ue to form mation of edd dies at no ose. On th he other hand, h too long l spur r may obstruct the rive er and may m not withstand d the att tack on account a o heavy of discharge co oncentratio on at the nose.

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Normally the effective length of spur shouldnt exceed 1/5th of width of flow in case of single channel. In case of wide, shallow and braided rivers, the protrusion of spur in the deep channel should not exceed 1/5th of the width of channel on which the spur is proposed excluding the length over the bank. The spacing of spurs is normally 2 to 2.5 times its effective length.


TOP LEVEL/TOP WIDTH AND SIDE SLOPE The top level of spur will be above design flood level with adequate free board. Free board may be adopted as 1m/1.5m. Non-submerged spur will be tied with the embankment, and top level of embankment and top level of spur may be kept same with similar free board and design HFL. The top width of spur should be 3 to 6 m as per requirement. Side slopes of the spur may be kept 2H:1V or 3H:1V depending upon the material being used for construction


WEIGHT OF STONES FOR PITCHING Stones/boulders used in pitching are subjected to hydrodynamic drag and lift forces. These destabilizing forces are expressed in terms of velocity, tractive forces etc. the stabilizing forces acting against these are component of submerged weight of stones and downward component of force caused by contact of the stones. The weight of stones on slopes (W in kg) may be worked using the formula given below.
W (in kg) = 0.02323*Ss*V6 /K* (Ss-1) 3 ---------------------------------------- (1) Where K (correction factor for slope) =[1-Sin2/Sin2 ]1/2 Ss = specific gravity of boulders (may be adopted as 2.65) = Angle of repose of material of protection works (adopted as 300 for boulders) = Angle of sloping bank 2 (H) :1 (V) (26.560) V = Velocity in m/s K = [1-Sin226.560/ Sin2300]1/2 = 0.447 Hence weight of stones for 2H:1V slope W (in kg) = 0.02323*Ss*V6/0.447* (Ss-1)3

47 | P a g e


Size of stone (Ds in m) may be determined from the following relationship. Ds (in m) = 0.124* (W/Ss) 1/3 --------------------------------------------------- (2) Where: W = Weight of stone in kg Ss = Specific gravity of stone (may be adopted as 2.65) Minimum diminution of stones > Ds Generally, the size of stone should be such that its length, width and thickness are more or less same ie stones should be more or less cubical. Round stones or very flat stones having small thickness should be avoided.


THICKNESS OF PITCHING Minimum thickness of pitching (t) or protection layer is required to withstand the negative head created by the velocity. This may be determined by the following equation.
Minimum thickness of pitching (t in m) = V2/2g (Ss-1) ------------------ (3) V= Velocity in m/sec g= Gravitational acceleration in m/sec2 Ss= Specific gravity of stone (Generally adopted as 2.65). Therefore thickness of pitching should be higher than t (as obtained above). Two layers of stones of minimum size t should be provided when pitching is being provided with boulders in loose.

At high velocity, required weight of stones (to be found by equation no 1) comes out to be higher, which makes handling and placing of stones a bit difficult. In such cases or in case when requisite sized stones are not available, small size stones filled in GI (Galvanized Iron) wire crates may be used for pitching purpose. In this case single layer of GI wire crates filled with stones having thickness more than t may be used as pitching. The specific gravity of the crate is different from the boulders due to presence of voids. Porosity of the crates (e) may be worked out using the following formula e = 0.245+ 0.0864/ (D50) 0.21 ---------------------------------------------------(4) Where D50 = mean diameter of stones used in mm. let us assume D50 as 250 mm e = 0.245 + 0.0864/ (250)0.21 = 0.27

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The opening in the wire net used for crates should not be larger than the smallest size of stone used. The mass specific gravity of protection (Sm) can be worked out using the following relationship. Sm= (1-e) *Ss------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) This mass specific gravity may be used to work out the weight of the crates and this weight should be more than weight of stone required, worked out by the equation no.1. Crates should be laid bank. Crates must be additional protection. If layers should be tied to GI wire. with long dimension along the slope of the tied to each other by 5 mm GI wire as crates are being provided in layers then each each other at suitable interval using the 4 mm


A graded filter of size 150 mm to 300 mm thickness may be laid beneath the pitching to prevent failure by sucking action by high velocity. Geosynthetic filter may also be used as that is easy to lay, durable, efficient and quality control is easy. A 150 mm thick sand layer over the Geosynthetic filter may be laid to avoid rupture of fabric by the stones.



IS code 8408:1994 & 14262:1995 mentions following provisions regarding launching apron. To prevent the sliding and failure of the spur due to scouring action by the river current, provision of launching apron is kept to take care of the scouring at nose and at shank (portion in the river) of the spur. Launching apron should be laid at low water level (LWL). The launching apron may be laid using the stones or geo-bags. The stones/geo-bags in the apron should be designed to launch along the slope of scour and provide a protection layer so that scouring is checked. The size of launching apron should be such that it should form a protection layer up to level of maximum scour depth. Slope of launching apron may be taken as 2H:1V. Filter below the launching apron may also be provided so that river bed material is safe against suction



Width of the launching apron depends upon the scour depth below HFL. Depth of scour below HFL (D) may be worked out suing the following formula. D = 0.473 (Q/f) 1/3 -------------------------------------------------------------- (6.1) and D= 1.33 (q2/f) 1/3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- (6.2) Where Q= design discharge in cumecs and q= design discharge per unit width or design discharge intensity in cumecs/m. f is silt factor. Silt factor (f) may be calculated using the following formula f= 1.76 (d) 1/2---------------------------------------------------------------------- (7) where d is mean particle diameter of river material in mm

49 | P a g e

Generally scour depth (D) below HFL should be calculated using the design discharge (equation no.6.1). In some cases (for braided rivers) scour depth may be calculated using the design discharge intensity (equation no. 6.2). Maximum scour depth (Dmax) below HFL= 1.5* Scour depth (Dbelow HFL). Maximum Scour depth (Dmax) below LWL = (Dmax)below HFL (HFL-LWL) If the launching apron is being laid at LWL then width of the launching apron should be calculated using the following formula at different locations of the groyne. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Width of launching apron at nose Width of launching apron at transition from nose to shank and first 30 m to 60 m in u/s Width of launching apron in shank portion for next 30 m to 60 m Width of launching apron at transition from nose to shank and first 15 m to 30 m in d/s (2-2.5) * (Dmax) below LWL 1.5 * (Dmax) below LWL = 1.0 * (Dmax) below LWL = 1.0 * (Dmax) below LWL

Thickness of launching apron (T) = 1.5* thickness of pitching (t).In some cases, thickness of the launching apron is kept different from due to size of crates etc (if launching apron is being provided in crated stones), then width of the launching apron may be revised keeping the volume of stones same per unit length of the apron.



Draft for 2nd revision of IS code 14262:1995 mentions following provisions regarding permeable spurs


Unlike impermeable spurs which do not allow any water to flow through its body (except seepage due to differential head),permeable porcupines are pervious enough so that the flow takes place across the groynes through their bodies. Up to 35% permeability (defined as the area of opening to the total area of flow intercepted by spurs i.e. the product of its length normal to the flow and the depth of flow), the behavior of a permeable spur, as far as its effectiveness in bank protection is concerned, is almost similar to that of an impermeable groyne. As the permeability increases, the length of the protected reach of bank gets reduced since eddies are reduced. As the flow passes through the permeable groynes, the micro eddies and the turbulence produced downstream of the groynes cause dampening of flow (due to energy dissipation) and consequent reduction in velocity. As a result the erosive power of the flow is reduced.

50 | P a g e


They are made of RCC having cubical shaped box at the central portion with their legs extending in different directions. The central box is filled with stones for the stability of the individual units of porcupines having size varying from 2 to 3 m. The individual units are placed side by side in a row and are tied. The spacing between the two consecutive units of porcupines will depend upon the desired permeability varying from 30 to 50%. The spacing of two consecutive rows of porcupines varies from 3L to 4L, where L is the length of spur.


Unlike impermeable spurs which are un-submerged with freeboard, permeable spurs may be either un-submerged or submerged. Submergence up to 50% is acceptable for porcupines.



Considerations similar to those as already discussed for impermeable groynes under clause 5.2 should be followed in deciding length and spacing of permeable spurs. Very long spurs should not be provided due to difficulties in construction as well as maintenance against scour. The spacing of spurs will be determined by their lengths. Shorter spurs at closer interval is desirable in curved outer banks of a meandering stream compared to those in the straight reach of rivers. Arrangement of RCC Porcupine structure adopted in River Ganga is shown in Figure 14 Permeable spurs are less costly compared to impermeable ones. Submerged types is proposed for meandering reaches with deep water near concave bank. Due to dampening of flow, the sediment carrying capacity of flow behind the spurs get reduced resulting in deposition of sediments and building of banks along the affected reach.

51 | P a g e


52 | P a g e

6.1 6


General design d feat tures of RC CC porcup pine are given g below w in detail. .


Dam mpening of o velocity is i achieved d by using g the perm meable stru uctures. If the flow is se ediment laden, siltat tion is indu uced in th he slack flo ow region and d the channel is shift ted away fr rom the pr rotected reach. If th he flow is not carry ying the su ufficient se ediments, only dampening of velo ocity can result. Sedimentat S tion may not be achieved a near the pro otected reac ch. Onl ly partial obstruction o n to the flo ow of abou ut 15 to 20% only is envisaged e in the t design. . Higher ob bstruction causes more diversi ion of flow w resulting in undesired u scouring around th he propose ed structu ures, partic cularly at the nose po ortion. Add ditional protection p to the nose n and flanks is requ uired to avoid a such scour. Th herefore, ob bstruction n more tha an 20% is avo oided.

6.1.2 6


Permeabl le structur res serve one or more e of the following fun nctions: (a) Trainin ( ng the river r along the e desired co ourse. ( Reducin (b) ng the inte ensity of flo ow at the point p of riv ver attack. ( Creatin (c) ng a slack flow f to ind duce siltation in the vicinity v of the t permea able structu ures and in n the d/s reach. ( Providin (d) ng protecti ion to the bank by dampening the velocit ty of flow along a the bank. Use of RC CC porcupines for sla ackening the t flow is shown in Figure F 15.


53 | P a g e


STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS The elements used in the RCC porcupine spurs are as under: (a) Members: The porcupines are made of RCC members/elements. These members are casted in-situ at the site or location near the site. Generally six members are used to construct one porcupine. (b) Nails: Standard commercially available nails of length 100 mm to 150 mm are used to join the porcupine members. Double nailing at critical joints may be provided. (c) GI Wire: 4 to 5 strands of 4 mm GI wire should be used for interconnecting the porcupines and may be anchored with the ground. Alternatively, 12 mm 3-4 strands wire ropes should be used for the interconnecting the porcupines.



(a) In case of high velocity flows, implementation of only RCC porcupine works is not favored. However, use of RCC porcupine works in between the reach of two solid boulder spurs is more effective (b) .Generally additional quantities of RCC porcupines is kept for placing the RCC porcupines in 2nd year or during consequent years at locations where partial silting has been taken place after implementation of RCC porcupines in 1st year. In the absence of placing additional porcupine, the silted region near the bank may not become firm.


REFERENCES 1. Guidelines for planning and design of Permeable structures in

alluvial rivers


CBIP-manual River Behavior Management and Training Volume-I 1989 stipulates that the success of repelling type spur depends upon the extent and the quickness with which scour occurs at the nose, and also on how quickly the pockets between the spurs get filled up with sediment. This condition make the impermeable groynes useless in boulder rivers, in which the rate of silt deposition may be slow or in flashy rivers in which floods rise and fall so quickly that desired silting doesnt take place. The spurs cant be relied upon to afford immediate protection. It is also observed that silting between the successive spurs can be accomplished only when their lengths are sufficient. Short spurs dont offer sufficient protection. In case of narrow and deep rivers, the cost of solid spurs above high water is substantial. Moreover, because of the narrow width of rivers, solid spurs cant be extended much as otherwise they can cause harmful conditions on the opposite bank or further d/s. In such cases submerged spurs are recommended.

54 | P a g e

As the tractive force on the slope is maximum at 1/3 depth from the bottom, the top of spur should be kept at least half of depth of water. A single submerged spur may not be as effective as series of submerged spurs. Since flow over the spurs produces turbulence and scour below them, silting may not take place as rapidly as required. It may be concluded that permeable spurs are effective only in rivers which carry heavy suspended load.


1. IS code 8408:1994. 2. Irrigation and Hydraulic structures- S. K. Garg. 3. River Behavior Management and Training Volume-I (Central Irrigation and Power (CBIP), 1989). 4. Draft for revision of IS code 8408:1994

55 | P a g e



Cost estimate per running meter for proposed bank protection work by constructions of embankment with stones in wire crates and launching apron and constructions of embankment with stones in wire crates and cut off wall is calculated below . The Rates for the proposed work are taken from following SOR. 1) SOR of Ahmedabad Irrigation Department of year 2012-2013 2) SOR of Narmada Water Resources water supply and Kalpsar Department 20122013 for South Gujarat

56 | P a g e


DESCRIPTION Stripping the Canal Construction width and Borrow area in all sorts of soil soft murrum including depositing the materials as and where directed for inspection road etc with lead upto 1 KM and all lifts etc comp . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3 Trimming of Slope in 3.5H:1V H=12m Therefore L=12*3.5 =42 m Slope length =(42^2+12^2)^0.5 =43.7 m Slope length= 43.7 +10 =53.7 m Earthwork in embankment from Borrow Pits in all sorts of soil and Soft murrum or other suitable Strata as directed including breaking the clods and dressing to the design sections including cutting the proud section with lead as under and all lift including site clearing etc complete . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3.










For Lead 200 to 1000 Mt. 1 1 1 EMBANKMENT QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 17.25 5 17.25 17.25 5 3.6 42 6.1 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 13.8 1.8 12 12 Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum 59.52 34.5 59.52 119.0 3 69 3.24 252 73.2 19.61


57 | P a g e

Compaction of Earth work in Embankment in layers of 15 cms to 23 cms thick at requisite moisture content to required dry density including necessary watering and rolling with roller of suitable type. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 10 Hexagonal Zn Pvc Coated Box Wire Mesh Gabions Size 4mx1m X1m Filled With 30 To 50 Kg. Trap Rubble Stone (Approximate 4.5) Tone With Mesh Size 10x12cm Including Packing Interlocking Of Stones And Fusing Top Of Gabion And Tying To Each Other & Laying To The Required Line Level Slope With All Leads & Lifts As Directed Etc. Comp In River Side Slope Sor Narmada Water Resources Water Supply And Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 For South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr No 14 Providing and laying Dry Rubble pitching with base of inverted filter as per design and Drawing including providing Headers or hand packing trimming and dressing of slopes etc complete for leads as specified and all lifts etc complete SOR Narmada Water Resources water supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 1 Sr no 13 30 cm thick pitching with 15 cms filter.









58 | P a g e

Hexagonal Zn Pvc Coated Box Wire Mesh Gabions Size 4mx1m X1m Filled With 30 To 50 Kg. Trap Rubble Stone (Approximate 4.5) Tone With Mesh Size 10x12cm Including Packing Interlocking Of Stones And Fusing Top Of Gabion And Tying To Each Other & Laying To The Required Line Level Slope With All Leads & Lifts As Directed Etc. Comp In Launching Apron Sor Narmada Water Resources Water Supply And Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 For South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr No 14 Providing and laying 7.5 cms thick controlled cement concrete lining of M-15 grade in Bed ,side, slopes and curvature including weight ,batching, mixing, transportation, placing ,vibrating dressing the slopes and bed in earth to correct profile with finishing as required to the exposed surfaces making asphalt joints as directed and watering curing including dewatering where required etc complete SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 4 Sr No 11. Proving And Laying Geo Fabric Filter (Gwf-50-300 Category ) Over The Excavated Surface As Per Specification Including Stitching With Overlap To Design Profile As Directed In Tidal Range Etc complete. SOR Narmada Water Resources water supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr no 1 B = 42.16+9 =51.16 m





51.1 6



59 | P a g e

Sr no

DESCRIPTION Stripping the Canal Construction width and Borrow area in all sorts of soil soft murrum including depositing the materials as and where directed for inspection road etc with lead upto 1 KM and all lifts etc comp . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3 Earthwork in embankment from Borrow Pits in all sorts of soil and Soft murrum or other suitable Strata as directed including breaking the clods and dressing to the design sections including cutting the proud section with lead as under and all lift including site clearing etc complete . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3. For Lead 200 to 1000 Mt.


Quantit y








19.61 Compaction of Earth work in Embankment in layers of 15 cms to 23 cms thick at requisite moisture content to required dry density including necessary watering and rolling with roller of suitable type. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 10 Hexagonal Zn Pvc Coated Box Wire Mesh Gabions Size 4mx1m X1m Filled With 30 To 50 Kg. Trap Rubble Stone (Approximate 4.5) Tone With Mesh Size 10x12cm Including Packing Interlocking Of Stones And Fusing Top Of Gabion And Tying To Each Other & Laying To The Required Line Level Slope With All Leads & Lifts As Directed Etc. Comp In River Side Slope SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply And Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 For South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr No 14 Note: Rate for Gabion Mesh Per meter Length = Gabion Mesh of Size 4x1x1/4











60 | P a g e

Providing and laying Dry Rubble pitching with base of inverted filter as per design and Drawing including providing Headers or hand packing trimming and dressing of slopes etc complete for leads as specified and all lifts etc complete SOR Narmada Water Resources water supply and Kalpsar Department 20122013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 1 Sr no 13 30 cm thick pitching with 15 cms filter. Hexagonal Zn Pvc Coated Box Wire Mesh Gabions Size 4mx1m X1m Filled With 30 To 50 Kg. Trap Rubble Stone (Approximate 4.5) Tone With Mesh Size 10x12cm Including Packing Interlocking Of Stones And Fusing Top Of Gabion And Tying To Each Other & Laying To The Required Line Level Slope With All Leads & Lifts As Directed Etc. Comp In Launching Apron Sor Narmada Water Resources Water Supply And Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 For South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr No 14 Note: Rate for Gabion Mesh Per meter Length = Gabion Mesh of Size 4x1x1/4 Providing and laying 7.5 cms thick controlled cement concrete lining of M-15 grade in Bed ,side, slopes and curvature including weigh, batching, mixing, transportation, placing ,vibrating dressing the slopes and bed in earth to correct profile with finishing as required to the exposed surfaces making asphalt joints as directed and watering curing including dewatering where required etc complete SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 4 Sr No 11. Proving And Laying Geo Fabric Filter (Gwf-50300 Category ) Over The Excavated Surface As Per Specification Including Stitching With Overlap To Design Profile As Directed In Tidal Range Etc. Complete. SOR Narmada Water Resources water supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr no 1 TOTALRSPERRUNNINGMETER

















61 | P a g e


Stripping the Canal Construction width and Borrow area in all sorts of soil soft murrum including depositing the materials as and where directed for inspection road etc with lead upto 1 KM and all lifts etc comp . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3 Trimming of slope in 3.5H:1V H=12m Therefore L=12*3.5 =42 m Slope length =(42^2+12^2)^0.5 Slope length= 43.7 +10 =53.7 m









Earthwork in embankment from Borrow Pits in all sorts of soil and Soft murrum or other suitable Strata as directed including breaking the clods and dressing to the design sections including cutting the proud section with lead as under and all lift including site clearing etc complete . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3.

For Lead 200 to 1000 Mt. 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 DEDUCTION TOTAL 0.5 1 17.25 5 17.25 17.25 5 3.6 42 6.1 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 13.8 1.8 12 12 Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum 59.52 34.5 59.52 119.03 69 3.24 252 73.2 19.61

62 | P a g e

Compaction of Earth work in Embankment in layers of 15 cms to 23 cms thick at requisite moisture content to required dry density including necessary watering and rolling with roller of suitable type. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 10 Hexagonal Zn PVC Coated Box Wire Mesh Gabions Size 4mx1m X1m Filled With 30 To 50 Kg. Trap Rubble Stone (Approximate 4.5) Tone With Mesh Size 10x12cm Including Packing Interlocking Of Stones And Fusing Top Of Gabion And Tying To Each Other & Laying To The Required Line Level Slope With All Leads & Lifts As Directed Etc. Comp In River Side Slope SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr no 14






Providing and laying Dry Rubble pitching with base of inverted filter as per design and Drawing including providing Headers or hand packing trimming nd dressing of slopes etc complete for leads as specified and all lifts etc complete SOR Narmada Water Resources water supply and Kalpsar Department 20122013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 1 Sr no 13 30 cm thick pitching with 15 cms filter. Excavation in all sorts of soil with yellow ,sandy gravelly soil including sorting and stacking and depositing the excavated stuff in uniform layers as and where directed up to lead of 30 mt and lift as shown below including clearing the site etc complete.(including dewatering ).SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 1 0 to 3 m Depth 3 to 6 m Depth




1 1

1 1

0.6 0.6

3 6

Cum Cum

1.8 3.6

63 | P a g e

Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of M 25Grade in Cut off wall with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching mixing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc. complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 4 Sr no 10




Providing and laying HYSD Steel bar reinforcement for R.C.C Works and anchor bars with providing binding wires including cutting ,bending, welding, binding in position hooking, placing in position with all leads and lift etc. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 3 Sr no 7 Providing and laying 7.5 cms thick controlled cement concrete lining of M-15 grade in Bed ,side, slopes and curvature including weight ,batching, mixing, transportation, placing ,vibrating dressing the slopes and bed in earth to correct profile with finishing as required to the exposed surfaces making asphalt joints as directed and watering curing including dewatering where required etc complete SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 4 Sr No 11. Proving And Laying Geo Fabric Filter (Gwf-50300 Category ) Over The Excavated Surface As Per Specification Including Stitching With Overlap To Design Profile As Directed In Tidal Range Etc. Complete. SOR Narmada Water Resources water supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr no 1 Providing and laying (Paralink 200) 200 KN/m High Strength uniaxial Geogrid with low creep characteristics, Geogrid consisting of PET and having an outer protective coating of low density polyethylene sheath conforming to detailed specifications and drawings. At Cut Off

80 kg/m3














64 | P a g e


Stripping the Canal Construction width and Borrow area in all sorts of soil soft murrum including depositing the materials as and where directed for inspection road etc with lead up to 1 KM and all lifts etc comp . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3 Earthwork in embankment from Borrow Pits in all sorts of soil and Soft murrum or other suitable Strata as directed including breaking the clods and dressing to the design sections including cutting the proud section with lead as under and all lift including site clearing etc complete . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3. For Lead 200 to 1000 Mt. TOTAL Compaction of Earth work in Embankment in layers of 15 cms to 23 cms thick at requisite moisture content to required dry density including necessary watering and rolling with roller of suitable type. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 10 Hexagonal Zn PVC Coated Box Wire Mesh Gabions Size 4mx1m X1m Filled With 30 To 50 Kg. Trap Rubble Stone (Approximate 4.5) Tone With Mesh Size 10x12cm Including Packing Interlocking Of Stones And Fusing Top Of Gabion And Tying To Each Other & Laying To The Required Line Level Slope With All Leads & Lifts As Directed Etc. Comp In River Side Slope SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr no 14 Providing and laying Dry Rubble pitching with base of inverted filter as per design and Drawing including providing Headers or hand packing trimming and dressing of slopes etc complete for leads as specified and all lifts etc complete SOR Narmada Water Resources water supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 1 Sr no 13 30 cm thick pitching with 15 cms filter.
























65 | P a g e

Excavation in all sorts of soil with yellow ,sandy gravelly soil including sorting and stacking and depositing the excavated stuff in uniform layers as and where directed up to lead of 30 mt and lift as shown below including clearing the site etc complete.(including dewatering ).SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 1 0 to 3 m Depth 3 to 6 m Depth Cum Cum 1.8 3.6 54 56 97.2 201.6

Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of M 25Grade in Cut off wall with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching mixing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 10 Sr no 10 C Providing and laying HYSD Steel bar reinforcement for R.C.C Works and anchor bars with providing binding wires including cutting ,bending, welding, binding in position hooking, placing in position with all leads and lift etc. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 20122013 Chapter 3 Sr no 7 Providing and laying 7.5 cms thick controlled cement concrete lining of M-15 grade in Bed ,side,slopes and curvature including weight ,batching, mixing, transportation, placing ,vibrating dressing the slopes and bed in earth to correct profile with finishing as required to the exposed surfaces making asphalt joints as directed and watering curing including dewatering where required etc complete SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 4 Sr No 11. Proving And Laying Geo Fabric Filter (Gwf-50300 Category ) Over The Excavated Surface As Per Specification Including Stitching With Overlap To Design Profile As Directed In Tidal Range Etc. Complete. SOR Narmada Water Resources water supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr no 1


















66 | P a g e


Providingandlaying(Paralink200)200KN/mHigh Strengthuniaxialgeogridwithlowcreep characteristics,GeogridconsistingofPETandhaving anouterprotectivecoatingoflowdensity polyethylenesheathconformingtodetailed specificationsanddrawings. TOTALRSPERRUNNINGMETER






67 | P a g e

Existing E Bank ks of Sabarm mati gets eroded during H High Flood a as they main nly consist si ilty sandy so oil ha aving erosiv ve nature . Du uring each Flood F the Bo ottom of the Banks gets eroded and Top portion of th he Bank beco ome over ha anging cliff which w collap pse after som me time and B Banks becom me eroded. The T Stone in n Wire Mesh Gabion will l act as Rigid d Wall and w withstand er rosive forces s du uring high Flood F and pe ermanent Reg gime Condit tion is developed The T Gravity wall w of Stone es in Wire Crates C will be e to massive e and require ed stones and d cr rates will be very difficu ult to obtain and construc ct and involv ve huge cost t. The T Terrames sh System co onsist of Fac cia Gabbion and with a s section of th he mesh ex xtending into o the soil wh hich act as so oil reinforce ement into th he backfill so oil, which will re educe the ma assive Gravi ity section.

68 | P a g e


Terramesh is defined as PVC coated heavily galvanized steel wire mesh boxshaped basket with a section of the mesh extending into the soil to act as soil reinforcement into the backfill soil. The basket is filled on site with clean-hard stones. The selvedges of the Terramesh are the thicker perimeter and edge wires to which the wire mesh is securely tied to withstand sudden or gradual stress from any direction. The diaphragms are the internal wire mesh partitions which divide the Terramesh box into approximately equal sized cells. Lacing and bracing wire is the wire used to assemble and join the Terramesh units. Connecting wires are the internal wires used to prevent the Terramesh from bulging during filling.


Terramesh is made from flexible woven wire Heavily Galvanized and PVC Coated 80mm type mesh boxes with integral panels of dimensions as specified in the Contract drawings or an approved equivalent. Terramesh system can be placed in two ways 1)Terramesh with Vertical Face 2)Terramesh with a Battered Face.

69 | P a g e


The front face f box an nd the soil reinforcem ment tail sha all be made e from one continuous mesh pan nel For Ter rramesh th he mesh tw wists are or riented vertically on o the gabion face an nd perpend dicular to t the front fa ace in the reinforcem ment panel.


70 | P a g e

1.3 (i)


All steel wire used in the fabrication of the Terramesh, and also in the wiring operations during construction, shall be to BS 1052, having a tensile strength of not less than 380 N/mm2 and not exceed 550 N/mm2.


Wire Diameter

Wire diameters and relevant tolerances shall be in accordance with the following table: Wire Diamet 2.20 2.70 3.40 Wire use Lacing Wire Body Wire Selvedge Wire Toleran ce 0.06 0.08 0.10


Zinc Coating

All wire used in the fabrication of the Terramesh and in the wiring operations during construction shall be heavily galvanized and exceed BS 443, the minimum mass of the zinc coating shall be according to the figures shown in the table below: Diameter of Wire 2.2 2.7 3.4 Weight of Coating 24 26 27

The adhesion of the zinc coating to the wire shall be such that when the wire is wrapped six times around a four wire diameter size mandrel it shall not flake or crack to such an extent that any zinc can be removed.


PVC Coating

All wire used in the fabrication of Terramesh and in the wiring operations during construction shall have extruded onto it (after coating it with zinc in accordance with the foregoing specification) a coating of Poly Vinyl Chloride, otherwise referred to as PVC, or other plastic material having superior characteristics than PVC as otherwise approved.

71 | P a g e

The coating shall be 0.50mm average thickness with a tolerance of 0.05mm, and nowhere shall be less than 0.40mm thickness.

The PVC shall be grey in colour. It shall be capable of resisting deleterious effects of natural weather exposure, immersion in salt water and not show any material difference in its initial characteristics which are : a) Specific Gravity Shall be 1.30 to 1.35 in accordance with ASTM D 792-91 Durometer Hardness Shall be 50 to 60 shore D, in accordance with ASTM D 2240-91 (ISO 868-1985) Volatile Loss At 105C for 24 hours - Shall not be greater than 5% In accordance with ASTM D 2287-92 E2. Residual Ashes shall be less than 2% according to ASTM D2124-62T. Tensile Strength Shall not be less than 210 kg/ in accordance with ASTM D 412-92. Elongation Shall not be less than 200% and not greater than 280% in accordance with ASTM D 412- 92. Modulus of Elasticity at 100% of Elongation Shall not be less than 190 kg/ in accordance with ASTM D 412-87. Resistance of Abrasion The loss in volume shall be less than 0.30cm3 in accordance with ASTM D 1242-56. Creeping Corrosion Maximum penetration of corrosion of the wire core from a square cut end shall not be greater than 25mm when the specimen has been immersed for 2000 hours in a 50% solution of HCL (Hydrochloric Acid 12 BE).








72 | P a g e

Testing for deterioration shall be as described below. Variation of the initial characteristics may be allowed, as specified hereunder, when the specimen is submitted to the following tests : Salt Spray According to ASTM B 117-90 Period of test = 1500 hours Exposure to Ultraviolet Light According to ASTM D 1499-92 and ASTM G 23(93) apparatus type E. Period of test = 2000 hours at 63C. Exposure at High Temperature According to ASTM D 1203-89, (ISO 176-1976) and ASTM D 2287-(92)E2. Period of test = 240 hours at 105C. Brittleness temperature : cold bend less than -30C test method BS2782104A; cold flex less than +15C in accordance with BS2782-151A(84). After the above tests have been performed, the PVC coating shall exhibit the following properties : a) Appearance The vinyl coating shall not crack, blister or split and shall not show any marked change in colour. Specific Gravity Shall not show change higher than 6% of its initial value. Durometer Hardness Shall not show change higher than 10% of its initial value. Tensile Strength Shall not show change higher than 25% of its initial value. Elongation Shall not show change higher than 25% of its initial value. Resistance to Abrasion Shall not show change higher than 10% of its initial value.

a) b) c) d) e)


Brittleness Temperatures Cold-bend not exceeding -20C; cold-flex not exceeding +18C.

73 | P a g e


WIRE W MES SH Wire W mesh h shall be mechanically pre-fa abricated t to become a uniform m hexagonal l woven mesh m wherein the joi ints are for rmed by tw wisting ea ach pair of wir res throug gh three ha alf-turns (c commonly y known as s double twist), in such s a ma anner that unravelin ng is preve ented.

Double-twist mes sh is demo onstrated in the ske etch below w The T tightne ess of the twisted jo oints shall be such t that a forc ce of not le ess th han 1.7 kN k is required when n pulling o on one wi ire to sepa arate it from th he other wire, w provi ided each wire is pr revented fr rom turnin ng under t the applied a forc ces, and the wire is all in the same pla ane. T mesh tensile st trength, in n soil, is to be equ ual to or greater th han The 47 4 kN/m. All wire used u in Te erramesh u units shal ll be PVC c coated. Certain C oth her wire di iameters may m be uti ilized if sp pecified by y the engineer. The T wire mesh m dimen nsional lay yout is as per the d diagram below: b

74 | P a g e

Mesh 8

X ( mm ) 82

Y ( mm ) 122

Tolerance % +5%


SELVEDGES The cut edges of all mesh used in the construction of Terramesh System, except the bottom edges of diaphragms and the end of the soil reinforcing tail shall be tightly selvedged with a wire having a diameter of at least 3.40 mm. The side selvedge of all and any mesh panels shall be woven integrally with the main mesh as described in the above clause 1.5 with a selvedge wire of at least 3.40 mm in diameter. Where the selvedge is not woven integrally with the mesh but has to be fastened to the cut ends of the mesh, it must be attached by mechanically binding the cut ends of the mesh two and half turns around the selvedge wire or by other approved method, provided that the force of not less than 8.5 kN applied in the same plane as the mesh, at a point on the selvedge of a mesh sample one metre long, is required to separate it from the mesh.


DIAPHRAGMS AND END PANELS The rear/side panels shall be selvedged on the top, bottom and vertical sides as described in clause1.6. The diaphragms shall be selvedged and on the top and vertical sides. The rear and side panels of the box gabion section of the Terramesh unit shall be formed by a continuous panel connected to the main panel, along the bottom of the rear panel, either by a spiral wire through the mesh openings or by being mechanically placed with four connecting rings.

1.7 LACING AND BRACING WIRE Sufficient lacing and bracing wire must be supplied with the gabion cages to perform all the wiring operations to be carried out in the construction of the Terramesh work.

75 | P a g e

The lacing and bracing wire shall be made from Heavily Galvanized Wire, coated with PVC and have a core diameter of 2.20 mm.


Terramesh shall be mechanically pre-fabricated in such a manner that the sides, ends and diaphragms can be assembled at the construction site into rectangular baskets of the standard sizes indicated below or as specified and shown in the contract drawings. Mesh type Width (W) Length (L1) Length (L2) Depth (D) Diaphragm 80mm 2m 1m To suit design 0.5m and 1m Every 1m

All Terramesh dimensions shall be within a tolerance limit of 5% of the required size. Terramesh shall be mechanically pre-fabricated in such a manner that the sides, ends and diaphragms can be assembled at the construction site into rectangular baskets of the standard sizes indicated below or as specified and shown in the contract drawings. Mesh type Width (W) Length (L1) Length (L2) Depth (D) Diaphragm 80mm 2m 1m To suit design 0.5m and 1m Every 1m

All Terramesh dimensions shall be within a tolerance limit of 5% of the required size.



The material used for Terramesh facing box fill shall be clean, dense hard and durable stone, rounded and angular shape. No rock shall exceed 250mm and at least 85% by weight of the stone shall have a size equal to or larger than 100mm. No rock shall pass through the mesh.

76 | P a g e



The embankment forming the reinforced soil structure should be constructed with material having the soil properties as specified in the design and approved by the Engineer. Ideally, the backfill shall be granular, free draining and have the following specification, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer : not more than 15% by mass of total material to be finer than 75 micron sieve opening. at least 90% by mass of total material to be finer than the 100 mm sieve opening maximum particle size to be limited to 125 mm. The soil should not exhibit any deterioration in these characteristics with time



This part of the specification details the requirements from the assembly stage through to the final wiring of the completed Terramesh units. The contractor shall provide to the Engineer, for his approval, full details and specifications of the Terramesh he proposes to use in this contract. Only those products so approved by the Engineer shall be allowed to be incorporated in the works.

The site shall be surveyed, cleared, trimmed level and the ground compacted accordingly. Prior to assembly, the Terramesh units shall be opened out flat on the ground and stretched to remove all kinks and bends. The Terramesh units shall be assembled individually by raising the front panel (with lid), the hinged rear panel, and the two ends vertical ensuring that all creases are in the correct position and that tops of all four sides are even. The diaphragm panel should be located in a vertical plane centrally within the facing box.

77 | P a g e

The four corner edges of the facing box shall be laced first followed by the edges of the internal diaphragm to the sides. In all cases, lacing shall commence by twisting the end of the lacing wire tightly around the selvedge/s. It shall then pass round the two edges being joined using alternate single and double loops at 100mm intervals and be securely tied off at the bottom. The ends of all lacing wires shall be turned to the inside of the box on completion of each lacing operation. Each loop shall be pulled tight to prevent the joint opening during filling.


Only assembled boxes, or groups of boxes, shall be positioned in the structure. The side, or end, from which work is to proceed, shall be secured either to the completed work, or by rods or stakes driven into the ground at the corner. These stakes must be secure and be high enough to reach at least to the top of the gabion box. Further gabion boxes shall be positioned in the structure as required, each being securely laced to the preceding one along all common corners and diaphragms using the lacing technique described above. Adjacent panels shall be laced longitudinally to provide a homogeneous reinforcement layer. All lacing wire shall be PVC coated.


Non-woven geotextile, as specified in the contract drawings and approved by the Engineer, shall be placed vertically at the back of each gabion box section of the Terramesh units, and extend backwards into the fill at least 0.5m parallel to the mesh of homogeonous lower panel and also 0.5m below the panel directly above the unit, to prevent migration of fines.


Final stretching of the gabion boxes shall be carried out using a pull-lift of at least one tonne capacity, firmly secured to the free end of the assembled gabion boxes. Whilst under tension, the gabion box section of the Terramesh units shall be securely laced along all edges (top, bottom and sides) and at diaphragm points, to all adjacent boxes.

78 | P a g e


Filling shall be carried out whilst gabion boxes are under tension. The front face and all other faces which will be exposed in the completed structure shall be hand packed with the stones placed so as to produce a neat face free from excessive bulges, depressions and voids.

Internal bracing wires shall be provided on the exposed faces at the rate of 4/cu.m at 330mm centres to prevent distortion of the units during filling and in the completed structure. These bracing wires shall be wrapped around two of the mesh wires and extend from front to back. Additional bracing wires shall be provided on exposed ends at a rate of 4/sq.m of face. Mechanical filling equipment may be used with the approval of the Engineer, providing adequate precautions are taken to protect the PVC coating from abrasion during filling operations. Tension on the gabion boxes shall be released only when fully laced and sufficiently full to prevent the mesh from slackening. All gabions shall be overfilled by 25mm using flat stone to allow for minor settlement and to provide a level surface for subsequent layers.



Select backfill shall be placed between each subsequent mesh panel layer to the full extent of the mesh reinforcement at each level.


The select backfill shall be compacted in lifts not exceeding 250-300 mm to 90% of maximum density as determined by Test or specified by the engineer. Care shall be taken to ensure heavy compaction equipment does not come into contact with the mesh panels or within 1.0 m of the front face. Tracked construction equipment shall not be operated directly upon the mesh reinforcement. A minimum fill thickness of 150mm is required prior to operation of tracked vehicles over the mesh.

During construction, the surface of fill should be kept horizontal. A slight sloping surface shall be maintained to facilitate drainage of surface water

79 | P a g e

Compaction adjacent to the front edge should be done using hand operated rollers or plate compactors.



Permeability of the front face, guaranteeing drainage of the backfill. Flexibility ,enabling the structure to tolerate differential ground settlement without compromising structural integrity Ease of construction Significant soundproofing characteristics (18-28 decibels) The reduction of environmental impact through the use of vegetation incorporated into the front face of the structure The Versatility of gabions, which allows the formation of a structure with vertical, battered or stepped front face as required and minimization of environmental impact.



Maintenance For very tall gabion stacks, any damage to the lower areas requires the removal of the upper wall elevations, which can be costly and timeconsuming. Wall Assembly and Cost Although gabion walls offer a good economic choice for most applications, they remain more expensive to install. Gabion walls require heavy equipment to construct, since mechanical lifting is required to set heavy walls sections in place. Endurance In instances of high velocity streams and wave interaction, gabion wall wire mesh baskets can abrade and tear open, spilling the rock fill.

80 | P a g e

Cost estimate per running meter for proposed bank protection work by construction of Gabbion Retaining Wall With Teramesh System. The Rates for the proposed work are taken from following SOR. 1) SOR of Ahmedabad Irrigation Department of year 2012-2013 2) SOR of Narmada Water Resources water supply and Kalpsar Department 2012- 2013 for South Gujarat

81 | P a g e


DESCRIPTION Stripping the Canal Construction width and Borrow area in all sorts of soil soft murrum including depositing the materials as and where directed for inspection road etc with lead up to 1 KM and all lifts etc comp . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3 Trimming of slope in 3.5H:1V H=12m Therefore L=12*3.5 =42 m Slope length =(42^2+12^2)^0.5 Slope length= 43.7 +10 =53.7 m Earthwork in embankment from Borrow Pits in all sorts of soil and Soft murrum or other suitable Strata as directed including breaking the clods and dressing to the design sections including cutting the proud section with lead as under and all lift including site clearing etc complete . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3. For Lead 200 to 1000 Mt.











DEDUCTION TOTAL Compaction of Earth work in Embankment in layers of 15 cms to 23 cms thick at requisite moisture content to required dry density including necessary watering and rolling with roller of suitable type. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 10

1 1 1 0.5 0.5

5 5 32 3.6 42

7 14 14 1.8 12

Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum

35 70 448 3.24 252 304.2 4


304.2 4

82 | P a g e

Proving And Laying Geo Fabric Filter (Gwf-50-300 Category ) Over The Excavated Surface As Per Specification Including stitching With Overlap To Design Profile As Directed In Tidal Range Etc Complete. Hexagonal Zn Pvc Coated Box Wire Mesh Gabions Size 4mx1m X1m Filled With 30 To 50 Kg. Trap Rubble Stone (Approximate 4.5) Tone With Mesh Size 10x12cm Including Packing Interlocking Of Stones And Fusing Top Of Gabion And Tying To Each Other & Laying To The Required Line Level Slope With All Leads & Lifts As Directed Etc. Comp In River Side Slope SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply And Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 For South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr No 14 Providing and laying (Paralink 200) 200 KN/m High Strength uniaxial Geogrid with low creep characteristics, Geogrid consisting of PET and having an outer protective coating of low density polyethylene sheath conforming to detailed specifications and drawings. At Cut off TOTAL Excavation in all sorts of soil with yellow ,sandy gravelly soil including sorting and stacking and depositing the excavated stuff in inform layers as and where directed up to lead of 30 mt and lift as shown below including clearing the site etc complete.(including dewatering ).SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 1 0 to 3 m Depth 3 to 6.5 m Depth












Sqm Sqm

10 104.5

1 1

1 1

0.6 0.6

3 3.5

Cum Cum

1.8 2.1

83 | P a g e



Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of M 25Grade in Cut off wall with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching missing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 4 Sr no 10 Providing and laying HYSD Steel bar reinforcement for R.C.C Works and anchor bars with providing binding wires including cutting ,bending, welding, binding in position hooking, placing in position with all leads and lift etc. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 3 Sr no 7 Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of M 20 Grade in Anchor slab l with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching missing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 20122013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 10 Sr no 10 B Providing and laying HYSD Steel bar reinforcement for R.C.C Works and anchor bars with providing binding wires including cutting ,bending, welding, binding in position hooking, placing in position with all leads and lift etc. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 3 Sr no 7




80 Kg/m3





25 kg/m3



84 | P a g e


DESCRIPTION Stripping the Canal Construction width and Borrow area in all sorts of soil soft murrum including depositing the materials as and where directed for inspection road etc with lead upto 1 KM and all lifts etc comp . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3 Earthwork in embankment from Borrow Pits in all sorts of soil and Soft murrum or other suitable Strata as directed including breaking the clods and dressing to the design sections including cutting the proud section with lead as under and all lift including site clearing etc complete . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3. For Lead 200 to 1000 Mt. TOTAL Compaction of Earth work in Embankment in layers of 15 cms to 23 cms thick at requisite moisture content to required dry density including necessary watering and rolling with roller of suitable type. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 10 Proving and Laying Geo Fabric Filter (Gwf-50-300 Category ) Over The Excavated Surface As Per Specification Including Stitching With Overlap To Design Profile As Directed In Tidal Range etc Complete. Hexagonal Zn Pvc Coated Box Wire Mesh Gabions Size 4mx1m X1m Filled With 30 To 50 Kg. Trap Rubble Stone (Approximate 4.5) Tone With Mesh Size 10x12cm Including Packing Interlocking Of Stones And Fusing Top Of Gabion And Tying To Each Other & Laying To The Required Line Level Slope With All Leads & Lifts As Directed





Cu m




Cu m




Cu m












85 | P a g e

Etc. Comp In River Side Slope Sor Narmada Water Resources Water Supply And Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 For South Gujarat Region Chapter 6 Sr No 14 Providing and laying (Paralink 200) 200 KN/m High Strength uniaxial Geogrid with low creep characteristics, Geogrid consisting of PET and having an outer protective coating of low density polyethylene sheath conforming to detailed specifications and drawings. (Market Rate) TOTAL Excavation in all sorts of soil with yellow ,sandy gravelly soil including sorting and stacking and depositing the excavated stuff in inform layers as and where directed up to lead of 30 mt and lift as shown below including clearing the site etc complete.(including dewatering ).SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 1 0 to 3 m Depth 3 to 6.5 m Depth Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of M 25 Grade in Cut off wall with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching missing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 10 Sr no 10 C Providing and laying HYSD Steel bar reinforcement for R.C.C Works and anchor bars with providing binding wires including cutting ,bending, welding, binding in position hooking, placing in position with all leads and lift etc. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 3 Sr no 7 Sqm 104.5 220 22990

Cu m

1.8 2.1

54 56

97.2 117.6

Cu m


4639. 4






86 | P a g e



Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of M 20 Grade in Anchor slab l with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching missing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 10 Sr no 10 B Providing and laying HYSD Steel bar reinforcement for R.C.C Works and anchor bars with providing binding wires including cutting ,bending, welding, binding in position hooking, placing in position with all leads and lift etc. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 3 Sr no 7

Cu m

4507. 1








87 | P a g e

The bank of o the rivers is eroded du uring strong current of fl lood, resultin ng into the loss l of land at top of o the banks and shifting of banks. To eliminat te the erosio on of the ban nks, the cons struction of R.C.C R Retaining wall/Co ounter Fort wall is adopted to support s earth h or loose stra ata, which would w not be stable. Diaphragms s walls / Sh heet Piles ar re constructe ed right from the toe of o the banks s with foundation below scour r depth. These types s of structure es though are e expensive gives g much better b and fo oolproof prot tection to the banks s for a longer r period com mpared to oth her type of str ructures.


88 | P a g e


89 | P a g e

Diaphragm walling is a technique of constructing a continuous underground wall from the ground level. Diaphragm walls provide structural support and water tightness. These reinforced concrete diaphragm walls are also called Slurry trench walls due to the reference given to the construction technique where excavation is made possible by filling and keeping the wall cavity full with bentonite-water mixture during excavation to prevent collapse of vertical excavated surfaces. These retaining structures find following applications: earth retention walls for deep excavations; basements, and tunnels; High capacity vertical foundation elements; Retaining wall foundations; water control.

Typical wall thickness varies between 0.6 to 1.1m. The wall is constructed panel by panel in full depth. Panel width varies from 2.5m to about 6m. Short widths of 2.5m are selected in less stable soils, under very high surcharge or for very deep walls. Different panel shapes other than the conventional straight section like T, L are possible to form and used for special purposes. Traditionally, panel excavation is carried out using cable supported Grab. Hydraulic grabs with Kelley arrangement have recently been introduced in India on large Infrastructural projects. More recently developed hydraulic cutter type machines are not being used in India hence have not been discussed here.

90 | P a g e

Slurry wall technique is a specialized technique and apart from the crane mounted Grab, other equipment involved are cranes, pumps, tanks, de- sanding equipment, air lifts, mixers etc.

Steps involved in the construction of diaphragm wall can be broadly listed as follows: Guide wall construction along alignment Trenching by crane operated Grab/ hydraulic grab Bentonite flushing Lowering reinforcement cage

It must be remembered that Diaphragm walls are constructed as a series of alternating primary and secondary panels. Alternate primary panels are constructed first which are restrained on either side by stop-end pipes. Before the intermediate secondary panel excavation is taken up, the pipes are removed and the panel is cast against two primary panels on either side to maintain continuity. Water stoppers are sometimes used in the construction joints between adjacent panels to prevent seepage of ground water.


Diaphragm walls are commonly designed as flexible retaining walls. Such retaining systems are considered to be vertical cantilever designed to resist lateral earth and ground water pressures, and to rotate about some point b below the dredge level). The flexibility leads to development of passive pressure at the toe in the backfill side of the wall. Blums simplification replaces the passive pressure behind the retaining wall with a force applied to the wall at some height above the toe . The necessary depth of penetration is found by taking moments about the replacement force position, C. Moment equilibrium gives the required depth of penetration, provided that the net pressure diagram is calculated including the effects of groundwater. The computed may be increased by 20 to 40% beyond the point required by equilibrium (Teng, 1962); or the effective horizontal pressure on the passive side may be reduced by applying a factor of safety of 1.5 to 2.1 before the embedment depth of pile is computed. Unit length of diaphragm wall is considered for determining its reinforcement requirements, whilst for contiguous piles, the c/c spacing is used for estimating reinforcement quantity.

91 | P a g e


N E T P A S S IV E ( P p- Pa)

N E T P A S S IV E (P p- Pa) (b ) ID E A L IZ E D P R E S S U R E D I S T R IB U T I O N

(a ) A S S U M E D M O D E O F W A L L M O V E M E N T



Diaphragm wall construction is relatively quiet, and minimum noise and vibration levels make it suitable for construction in urban areas. The water tight walls formed can be used as permanent structural walls and are most economical when used in this manner. The finished structural wall formed prior to excavation allows subsequent construction of the basement in a water tight and clean environment. Once the diaphragm walls are constructed, work can be planned to proceed simultaneously above and below the ground level. There is a minimum of space wasted. Work may be carried out right against existing structures and the line of wall may be adjusted to any shape in plan.

92 | P a g e


Cou unterfort cantileve red retain ning walls s incorpor rate wing walls pro ojecting u pward fro om the he el of the footing in nto the st em. The e thicknes ss of the stem s betw ween coun nterforts is i thinner r (than for cantileve ered walls ) and spa ans horizo ontally, as s a beam, bet tween the counterfo ort (wing) walls. Th he counte erforts act t as can ntilevered elements s and are structura ally efficie ent becau se the cou unterforts s are taper red down to a wide er (deeper r) base at the hee el where moments m are highe er. The hig gh cost of f forming the cou unterforts s and the infill stem m walls make m such h walls usu ually not t practica l for walls s less tha an about 16 1 feet hig gh. See Fi igure 20.



93 | P a g e

The spacing between counterforts for economical design is usually one-half to two-thirds the wall height. The width of the footing will usually be about two-thirds the wall height, or larger for surcharges or sloped backfill


As per preliminary design following sections for counter Fort wall is adopted. Top thickness of stem = 0.20m Base thickness of stem = 0.75m Width of Toe slab =2.00m Width of Heel slab = 3.75m Thickness of Slab = 0.75 m Spacing of counterfort= 4.0 m c/c Thickness of counterfort= 0.60m Height of wall from the foundation =10.0m Grade of Concrete = M25 Grade of steel= Fe-500 TMT/HYSD bar

The design of a counterfort wall can be somewhat complex because the number of components which must be designed differently than for a conventional cantilevered wall. The steps in the design of a reinforced concrete counterfort wall are as follows (each step will be discussed later): a) After establishing the retained height, select a spacing for the counterforts, usually one-half to two-thirds of the retained height. Determine the footing width required and soil bearing at both the toe and heel because you will need these dimensions to establish the counterfort dimensions, and for stability calculations design as if the wall is a continuous cantilevered wall. You can add an estimated weight of the counterforts prorated as a uniform longitudinal axial load. b) Design the wall as described in the following section as a two-way slab, fixed at the base and at the counterfort crossings and free at the top. c) Design the footing toe as a cantilever from the wall. d) Design the heel as a longitudinal beam spanning between counterforts. e) Design the counterfort. It will be a tapered trapezoidal shaped tension member.

Check the final design for stability, overturning, sliding, and soil pressures

94 | P a g e

Cost Estimate Per Running Meter For By Construction Of Rigid RCC Counter Fort Wall With Diaphragm Wall Construction. The Rates for the proposed work are taken from following SOR. 1) 2) SOR of Ahmedabad Irrigation Department of year 2012-2013 SOR of Narmada Water Resources water supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat

95 | P a g e


DESCRIPTION Stripping the Canal Construction width and Borrow area in all sorts of soil soft murrum including depositing the materials as and where directed for inspection road etc with lead upto 1 KM and all lifts etc comp . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3 Trimming of slope in 3.5H:1V H=12m Therefore L=12*3.5 =42 m Slope length =(42^2+12^2)^0.5 Slope length= 43.7 +10 =53.7 m Earthwork in embankment from Borrow Pits in all sorts of soil and Soft murrum or other suitable Strata as directed including breaking the clods and dressing to the design sections including cutting the proud section with lead as under and all lift including site clearing etc complete . SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter No 1 Sr No 3.











DEDUCTION TOTAL Compaction of Earth work in Embankment in layers of 15 cms to 23 cms thick at requisite moisture content to required dry density including necessary watering and rolling with roller of suitable type. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 10

1 1 1

1 1 0.5

10.75 31.25 42

4 13.8 12

Cum Cum Cum Cum

43 431.25 252 222.25



96 | P a g e

Excavation in all sorts of soil with yellow ,sandy gravelly soil including sorting and stacking and depositing the excavated stuff in inform layers as and where directed upto lead of 30 mt and lift as shown below including clearing the site etc complete.(including dewatering ).SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 5 Sr no 1 0 to 3 m Depth 3 to 6m Depth Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of M 25Grade in Cut off wall with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching mixing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 4 Sr no 10 Below River Bed Above River Bed TOTAL Providing and laying HYSD Steel bar reinforcement for R.C.C Works and anchor bars with providing binding wires including cutting ,bending, welding, binding in position hooking, placing in position with all leads and lift etc. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 3 Sr no 7 Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of M 20 Grade in Anchor slab l with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching mixing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 10 Sr no 10 B

1 1

1 1

0.6 0.6

3 3

Cum Cum

1.8 1.8

1 1

1 1

0.6 0.6

6 4

Cum Cum Cum

3.6 2.4 6







97 | P a g e

Providing and laying HYSD Steel bar reinforcement for R.C.C Works and anchor bars with providing binding wires including cutting ,bending, welding, binding in position hooking, placing in position with all leads and lift etc. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 3 Sr no 7 For Anchor Slab Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of P.C.C M 15 Grade below Anchor slab with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching mixing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 10 Sr no 10 B Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of M 25 Grade in Bottom slab of Counter Fort Wall with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching mixing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 10 Sr no 10 C Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of M 25 Grade in Stem of Counter Fort Wall with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching mixing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for












4.87 5






98 | P a g e

South Gujarat Region 10 Sr no 10 C




Providing and laying plain /Reinforced ordinary Portland cement concrete of M 25 Grade in Counter Fort Placed at 4 m c/c with cement sand and coarse aggregates including centering shuttering batching mixing transportation placing vibrating smooth finishing curing etc complete for all leads and lift SOR Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department 2012-2013 for South Gujarat Region Chapter 10 Sr no 10 C Providing and laying HYSD Steel bar reinforcement for R.C.C Works and anchor bars with providing binding wires including cutting ,bending, welding, binding in position hooking, placing in position with all leads and lift etc. SOR Ahmedabad Irrigation Department 2012-2013 Chapter 3 Sr no 7 ForCounterFortRetainingwall






80 Kg/m3


1013 .2

99 | P a g e


DESCRIPTION StrippingtheCanalConstructionwidthand Borrowareainallsortsofsoilsoftmurrum includingdepositingthematerialsasand wheredirectedforinspectionroadetcwith leadupto1KMandallliftsetccomp.SOR AhmedabadIrrigationDepartment20122013 ChapterNo1SrNo3 EarthworkinembankmentfromBorrowPitsin allsortsofsoilandSoftmurrumorother suitableStrataasdirectedincludingbreaking theclodsanddressingtothedesignsections includingcuttingtheproudsectionwithlead asunderandallliftincludingsiteclearingetc complete.SORAhmedabadIrrigation Department20122013ChapterNo1SrNo3. TOTAL CompactionofEarthworkinEmbankmentin layersof15cmsto23cmsthickatrequisite moisturecontenttorequireddrydensity includingnecessarywateringandrollingwith rollerofsuitabletype.SORAhmedabad IrrigationDepartment20122013Chapter5Sr no10 Excavationinallsortsofsoilwithyellow ,sandygravellysoilincludingsortingand stackinganddepositingtheexcavatedstuffin uniformlayersasandwheredirectedupto leadof30mtandliftasshownbelowincluding clearingthesiteetccomplete.(including dewatering).SORAhmedabadIrrigation Department20122013Chapter5Srno1 0to3mDepth 3to6mDepth Providingandlayingplain/Reinforcedordinary PortlandcementconcreteofM25GradeinCut offwallwithcementsandandcoarse aggregatesincludingcenteringshuttering batchingmixingtransportationplacing vibratingsmoothfinishingcuringetccomplete forallleadsandliftSORNarmadaWater ResourcesWaterSupplyandKalpsar Department20122013forSouthGujarat RegionChapter4Srno10










1 Cum 222.25 61






1 1

Cum Cum

1.8 1.8

54 56

97.2 100.8




100 | P a g e

ProvidingandlayingHYSDSteelbar reinforcementforR.C.CWorksandanchor barswithprovidingbindingwiresincluding cutting,bending,welding,bindinginposition hooking,placinginpositionwithallleadsand liftetc.SORAhmedabadIrrigationDepartment 20122013Chapter3Srno7 Providingandlayingplain/Reinforcedordinary PortlandcementconcreteofM20Gradein Anchorslabwithcementsandandcoarse aggregatesincludingcenteringshuttering batchingmixingtransportationplacing vibratingsmoothfinishingcuringetccomplete forallleadsandliftSORNarmadaWater ResourcesWaterSupplyandKalpsar Department20122013forSouthGujarat RegionChapter10Srno10B ProvidingandlayingHYSDSteelbar reinforcementforR.C.CWorksandanchor barswithprovidingbindingwiresincluding cutting,bending,welding,bindinginposition hooking,placinginpositionwithallleadsand liftetc.SORAhmedabadIrrigationDepartment 20122013Chapter3Srno7 ForAnchorSlab Providingandlayingplain/Reinforcedordinary PortlandcementconcreteofP.C.CM15 GradebelowAnchorslabwithcementsand andcoarseaggregatesincludingcentering shutteringbatchingmixingtransportation placingvibratingsmoothfinishingcuringetc completeforallleadsandliftSORNarmada WaterResourcesWaterSupplyandKalpsar Department20122013forSouthGujarat RegionChapter10Srno10B

















COUNTERFORTRETAININGWALL Providingandlayingplain/Reinforcedordinary PortlandcementconcreteofM25Gradein BottomslabofCounterFortWallwithcement sandandcoarseaggregatesincluding centeringshutteringbatchingmissing transportationplacingvibratingsmooth finishingcuringetccompleteforallleadsand liftSORNarmadaWaterResourcesWater SupplyandKalpsarDepartment20122013for SouthGujaratRegionChapter10Srno10C






101 | P a g e




Providingandlayingplain/Reinforcedordinary PortlandcementconcreteofM25Gradein StemofCounterFortWallwithcementsand andcoarseaggregatesincludingcentering shutteringbatchingmixingtransportation placingvibratingsmoothfinishingcuringetc completeforallleadsandliftSORNarmada WaterResourcesWaterSupplyandKalpsar Department20122013forSouthGujarat RegionChapter10Srno10C Providingandlayingplain/Reinforcedordinary PortlandcementconcreteofM25Gradein CounterFortPlacedat4mc/cwithcement sandandcoarseaggregatesincluding centeringshutteringbatchingmixing transportationplacingvibratingsmooth finishingcuringetccompleteforallleadsand liftSORNarmadaWaterResourcesWater SupplyandKalpsarDepartment20122013for SouthGujaratRegionChapter10Srno10C ProvidingandlayingHYSDSteelbar reinforcementforR.C.CWorksandanchor barswithprovidingbindingwiresincluding cutting,bending,welding,bindinginposition hooking,placinginpositionwithallleadsand liftetc.SORAhmedabadIrrigationDepartment 20122013Chapter3Srno7 ForCounterFortRetainingwall












54570.96 198944


102 | P a g e


IS code 8835 5:1978 sti ipulates th hat drains s are cons structed with w the obje ect of relie eving exce ess water from f agric cultural an nd other areas a and disp posing of surplus s wa ater which h is not req quired for normal n agr ricultural ope erations. Th he proper disposal of o surplus rain r water r is also essential to avo oid its perc colation do own to the e water lev vel which may m otherw wise lead to rise r in the water table thereby aggravatin ng or creating the pr roblem of wat ter logging. The e drains may m be natu ural or arti ificial. As per p accepte ed principl les, these are generally aligned al long the va alley lines between ridges. r Ho owever, in som me cases in n order to reduce th he length of o the drain n or to hav ve proper out tfall condit tions, the drains d are taken acr ross valleys s. These ar re known as forced f or diversion d re eaches. Providing ade equate dra ainage system where e natural drainage system s is insu ufficient is s the basic requirem ment to lessen the distress d ca aused by floo ods in the area. A cro oss draina age work is s shown in Figure 21.



Var rious aspe ects related d to plann ning of dra ainage/cha annel imp provement wor rks includ ding data collection, degree of protectio on, classifi fication of dra ains, alignm ment of drain, capac city of drain ns etc. are e described d in paras belo ow.


For r the plann ning of th he drainage e/channel l improvem ment follow wing data will l be collecte ed.

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1..2.1.1 TOP POGRAPHI ICAL DATA A Plan n showing g area af ffected, ba ank slope e, type of f soil, catc chment area a, plan and d section of o earlier ex xecuted wo orks. 1..2.1.2 HYD DROLOGICA AL AND METEOROLOGICAL DA ATA
Disc charge, gauge, g flow w depth, velocity, cross sections an nd long sect tion of rive er etc.



IS Code 8835:1978 st tipulates that t drain ns may be e designed d for 3 day y rainfall of 5 year r return period. However, H in specific c cases requ uiring high her degree e of protec ction, return period of 10 or 15 1 year may y also be adopted. a A Adoption of f higher re eturn perio od rainfall should be justified j in n term of f economic cs. Cross drainage works w sho ould be designed for 3 day rain nfall of 50 0 year retu urn period. Construc ction of cros ss drain un nder the embankment is show wn in Figur re 22.



IS Code C 8835 5:1978 sti ipulates th hat the dr rains are broadly b cla assified into o the follow wing categ gories acco ording to th he purpose for which h these are constructed: (a) Outf fall drains- These ar re the main n drains ou ut falling in nto a nalla ah or a river r from a pa articular catchment. c . (b) Link k Drains- These T are branch b dra ains draini ing sub-ca atchment into the

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outf fall drain. These T are aligned a alo ong subsid diary valley y lines.


1.4 ALIGNMEN A NT OF DRA AINS IS code 85 535:1978 envisage es follow wing guid delines fo or the alig gnment of f the drain nage chan nnel. The e drains should s ge enerally follow f the e drainage e line ie. lowest vall ley line. As A far as s possible the ali ignment of o the main m or out tfall drai in should d be in the centre of th he area to be dra ained. If the align nment crosses any y depress sions, pon nds or ma arshes, th he drain should not n pass through these, as s apart from m the difficulties d in exca avation, it i affects the hyd draulic per rformance e of the drain. In n such ca ases, it is i prefera able to tak ke the dra ain away from the depressio on or pon nd, and su uitably con nnect it to t the dra ain if it is i require ed to dra ain the po ond or dep pression. In selecting alignmen nts, care should be b taken to see that as far as possi ible these e do not pass thr rough vill lage habi itation. In the force ed reaches, care should s be e taken to t see th hat the embankmen nts of the e drains are not of o an exce essive height in ord der to min nimize the e danger of o flooding g in the ev vent of breaches in the t emban nkments. As far as po ossible, th he alignm ment of th he drain s should be e such tha at the full l supply level is below b the natural surface le evel. A slu uice with gates g

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1.5 Capacity /desig gn discha arge of dr rains. IS code 8535:197 8 8 envisages fol llowing guideline es cap pacity/des sign disch harge of th he drainag ge channe el.


Nor rmally th he drain is provid ded to accommod date the design disc charge where w dra ains follow w natura al valley lines. In n such cas ses, no em mbankmen nts shoul ld be prov vided alon ng the dr rain so as to allow w free flow w of water from the t surro oundings areas. Wh herever em mbankments are necessary n y for acc commodating a por rtion of the de esign discharge or wher re disposal of exc cavated soil s will be very y costly, large ga aps shou uld be pro ovided in the emb bankment ts on eith her side so as to o allow unr restricted inflows, and in ca ase of dis scharges higher h th han the cha annel cap pacity, th he water should spill s over r the are ea and retu urn to the e channel l freely wh hen the discharge d in it reced des. In the forced or o diversio on reach hes, emba ankments on both h sides are, howeve er, provid ded as the desig gn discha arge cann not be acc commodat ted within n the cut section of the drain. d Ho owever, even in suc ch cases attempts should be made by selec cting a pro oper alignm ment to keep k the height h of the emba ankments to the min nimum. In I such cases, c inlets of adequate size shou uld be pro ovided in the em mbankme ents to admit th he water from sur rrounding g areas. A typical dr rain is shown in Figure 25.

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I Intensity of o Rainfal ll- Analys sis of the storm rainfall througho out the c country in ndicates that t gene erally the duration n of the storm s is a about 3 d days. The erefore, fo or design n of the drains, d a storm rainfall r of f 3 day d duration should s be e taken 1.5.1 1 DESIGN N FREQUEN NCY OF RA AINFALL I In fixing the t design n capacity y of the d drain the following g factors have to b be taken i into accou unt:
a) Econ nomics- Dr rains of a bigger siz ze for cate ering a rain nfall of infrequent occu urrence pr rove to be e costly co ompared to t the ben nefits. Dra ains are neve er designed d to cater for the wo orst condit tions. In ot ther words s, in any drai inage proje ect, occurr rence of damage at periodical intervals is to be acce epted. b) Perf formance- The T experi ience indic cates that drains of a bigger size s tend to deteriorate d e fast, as these ar re not req quired to carry the e design disc charge frequently. Consequen ntly in carrying c smaller discharge, drai ins tend to o get silted d soon. On n the othe er hand, Drains D of a smaller size remain in n a better r condition n and can n occasion nally carry y higher disc charges wit th margina al scour of f bed and sides and encroachm ment on free board. c) Land d requirem ment- On account of o small la and holdin ngs, bigger r drains invo olve larger land acq quisition resulting in n a permanent loss s of the cultivated land d. d) Design freque ency- Gene erally the drains sh hould be designed d f for three day rainfall of o 5 year frequency. f . Studies carried ou ut indicate e that 5 year r frequenc cy gives op ptimum be enefit cost t ratio. Ho owever, in specific case es requirin ng a higher r degree of f protection n, the freq quency of 10 1 or 15 year r can also o be adop pted. Adop ption of su uch highe er frequenc cies will need d to be justified in terms of the e economic cs

1.5.2 2

PERIOD D OF DISPO OSAL The period of f disposal of the exc cess rainfa all is entir rely depen ndent on
the tolerance of individu ual crops. Crops Like e paddy ca an general lly stand subm mersion for f a peri iod of 7 to 10 days witho out suffering any sign nificant da amage. The erefore, in n paddy growing g ar reas, the drainage d shou uld aim at t disposing g of the rai in water in n a period varying fr rom 7 to 10 days. Based on experience e the follo owing per riods of d disposal

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are recommended. # (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Crops Paddy Maize, bajra and other similar crops Sugarcane and bananas Cotton Vegetables Period of Disposal 7 to 10 days 3 days 7days 3 days 1 day (in case of vegetables, 24 hour rainfall will have to be drained out in 24 hours)


Run-off coefficients depends on the type of soil, crops, general topographical conditions like land slopes, etc. In plain areas, the run- off percentage is generally of the order of 15 to 20. In semi- hilly areas the percentage may be higher. Until precise data becomes available, the following run-off coefficients for different soils are recommended for plain areas.
# (i) (ii) Type of catchment Run-off Coefficient 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.05-0.20 0.70 0.55

Loam, lightly cultivated or covered Loam, largely cultivated and suburbs with gardens, lawns, macadamized roads (iii) Sandy soils, light growth (iv) Parks, lawns, meadows, gardens, cultivated area (v) Plateaus lightly covered (vi) Clayey soils stiff and bare and clayey soils lightly covered


In large areas, there are often different types of crops grown. In such cases, the field and link drains can be designed on the basis of the crops grown in a particular area. For the outfall drain, either a composite discharge can be worked out or the total discharge can be worked out by taking into account the discharges from individual link drains. As the area grows larger, the chances of synchronization of discharge from the entire area become less. As such, working out a composite discharge may also serve the purpose. However, individual cases will have to be studied on their own merit. A typical gated sluice for high embankment is shown in Figure 26.

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IS code 853 35:1978 stimulates s that cro oss drain nage work ks are alwa ays design ned for a higher di ischarge than t the cut sectio ons of the drains. Th his is mai inly on ac ccount of the fact that t the damage d caus sed to the e structure es in the event e of flo ows resulting from r rainfall high her than the t designed rainfall, can be much more than to the drain n. Besides s, any rem modeling of o the stru uctures at a later da ate for high her discha arges will not only be costl ly but ti ime consu uming, apar rt from involving i d dislocation ns to facil lities like roads, rai ilways, irrig gation cana als, etc. Th he drains can, howe ever, be rem modeled without w muc ch dislocation. The present pra actices vary y considera ably. All the t cross drainage structures s should, therefore, be design ned for a 3d day rainfal ll of 50 ye ear frequen ncy, time of disposa al remaining the sam me dependi ing on the e type of crop. c In fixing fi the waterways s, care shou uld be take en to see th hat afflux is within the permiss sible limits s


The e drain sho ould be designed as per Laceys regime theory so that t no silti ing/scouring is occu urred in the drain section. s D Design proc cedure for the drain nage chann nel may be b done as a per des sign of irri igation cha annel by La aceys theor ry. The des sign procedure is as under. Velocity of o the flow w (V in m/s sec) = (Qf2/ /140)1/6 Where Q = design discharge d in cumecs s and, f is the silt fac ctor, which h can be worked out o using the formu ula f = 1.7 76 (d) 1/2, where w d is s the aver rage bed mate erial size in n mm Hydraulic mean de epth (R in m) = 2.5* (V ( 2/f) Area of channel c se ection (A in n m2) = Q/V Wetted perim meter (P in m) m = 4.75 nd Bed slope (S) = (f 5/3) / (Q) 1/2 an (3340*Q Q1/6) IS code c 8535 5:1978 env visages fol llowing gu uidelines fo or the des sign of the drainage channel. c

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The drain section shall be adequate to carry the designed discharge and the velocity shall be non-silting, non-scouring to be determined by Mannings formula.


In order to obtain the discharge capacity of a drain it is necessary to know the mean velocity of flow as obtained above which when multiplied by the area of the cross section of the drain in square meters will give the discharge in m3/s.


In selecting the side slopes for the drain, it will be necessary to consider the kind of material through which the drain is to be excavated. Generally side slopes of 1.5H : 1V are provided.


Although deeper sections of the drain may be desirable, the width to depth ratio should be so selected that the section is both hydraulically efficient as well as economical in excavation. In the case of drains with embankments, the berm width equal to the depth of the drain, subject to a minimum of 1 m should be provided between the toe of the embankment and the section of the drain. The top of the embankments should be 1 m higher than the design full supply level. Wherever, there is likelihood of backing up effect on account of floods in a river into which the drain outfalls, the top of the embankments should be so designed that the flood levels on account of back water conditions are accommodated within the section over which the minimum freeboard is to be provided.


Whenever the drain is out falling into a river, the FSL should be slightly higher than the dominant flood level. The dominant flood level is the stage of river/outfall which is (a) attained and not exceeded for more than 3 days at a time; and also (b) attained and not exceeded 75% of time over a period of preferably not less than 10 years. In cases where the topography permits, the FSL can be above the highest flood level. However, if such a level results in flatter slopes or in FSL becoming higher than the natural ground level, FSL at outfall should be kept slightly above the dominant flood level. In such cases, there will be backing up in the drain when the river rises above the dominant flood level. Such occurrences being infrequent and of short duration can be tolerated. Care shall, however, be taken in determining the dominant flood discharge and the level.

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The FSL of the drain as far as possible should be at or below the ground level. Where it cannot be ensured, the FSL should in no case be more than 0.3 m above the average ground level at the starting point of the drain. The hydraulic should then be determined adopting the stipulation and the criteria laid down for fixation of FSL at outfall.

1.7.7 FALLS
Normally no falls should be provided in drains except in rare cases where there is a sudden appreciable drop in the natural surface level or where the FSL s likely to be more than natural surface level without provision of falls.


IS code 8535:1978 envisages following guidelines for deciding the longitudinal profile of drainage channel.


The following data should be collected while carrying out surveys along different alternatives alignments of drains: (a) (b) (c) (d) Cross section of drain. Natural ground, design bed and full supply levels . Locations of inlets of link/field drains with related hydraulic data. Full data of all crossings like roads, railways, irrigation canals, etc.


(a) Fix outfall level considering the dominant flood levels in the river/drain and the likely backing up. (b) Hydraulic slope to be determined on the basis of the ground levels, permissible submersion and the outfall levels determined in (a). (c) Plot the natural ground levels, design bed levels, full sully levels.

1.9 REFERENCES 1. IS code 8535:1978: Guidelines of Planning and design of

surface drains.

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From the following studies and discussions the following conclusion can be drawn 1) As present site is located just 1200 meter d/s of Sant Sarovar weir ,the design flood of 7.25 Lack cusecs considered for Sant Sarovar Design will be adopted for protection work design between Shahpur Bridge and d/s of GIFT City. The check flood of 8.38 Lack cusecs adopted for Sant Sarovar will hold god for protection work also. 2) Looking to the Flood discharge and water way of River Sabarmati only existing alignment will be adopted for proposed protection work. 3) For the protection work existing bank alignment will be strictly adhered and eroded Banks, Farms and agriculture land will be reclaimed by Flood protection schemes. 4) Embankment construction will be carried out from River Bed material and Borrow pits location will be adopted as specified in the IS 11532 and IS 12094. 5) The velocity calculated by model study for Sant Sarovar at 1200 m d/s and at Shahpur Bridge varies from 4.86 m/s to 5.32 m/s on right and left bank respectively. Considering erosive effect due to these velocity on the banks the protection works will be designed accordingly. 6) The velocity mentioned above will be calculated by mathematical model study based on Total station survey and cross section collected at certain interval along the river by HEC-2 Computer program developed by Hydrologic Engineering center, US Army corps of Engineers ,U.S.A and protection work will be designed accordingly. 7) Water surface elevation will be worked with protected banks/Jacketing river course for adopted design flood as well as check flood by HEC 2 Computer program. 8) Free board of 1.8 m will be adopted and water surface elevation corresponding to check flood of 8.38 lacks cusecs will be contained within the Proposed free board will be ensured. 9) The foundation investigation will be carried out along the banks for engineering classification, Grain size analysis , Silt factor and shape bearing capacity. 10) Silt factor will be adopted for working out scour depth and 1.27 times scour depth will be adopted for scour at the banks and design of Launching apron ,cut off ,Diaphragm ,sheet pile will be carried out accordingly. 11) Existing Drains outfall discharging from country side in to the river Sabarmati will be effectively Drain into river by constructing appropriate structures.

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12) For protecting erosion prone bank Spurs/Groynes type of structures can be proposed transverse to the river flow and extending from the bank into the river. However additional scour at curvature and meandering of river additional depth of scour will be worked out and depth of cut off /Diaphragm wall/Sheet pile will be provided .Launching Apron length and thickness will be extended for addition la scour at curvature .The bank protection with additional erosive effect at curvature shall be protected with Rigid boundary protection on slopes and excessive scour by additional depth of cut off and additional length of launching apron will prevent construction of spur and groynes. Rigid boundary will create permanent regime condition and further change in course of river and meandering will be prevented. 13) Based on preliminary design for protection works 3 alternatives have been worked out and which are as follows

The Homogeneous embankment will be constructed with River side slopes of 2.5:1 abutting with existing banks with berm of width 5 m at intermediate level with available River bed material as borrow area and protection works on Banks with Stone in Wire crates and Geo Fabric filter.

For Scour protection 2 alternatives are proposed 1) Launching apron in wire crates 2) Cut off wall/Diaphragm wall/Sheet pile. Based on preliminary design following geometrical parameters are considered bank height required of 13.8 m, side slope of 2.5:1,intermediated berm of 5 m country side slope of 2:1 The protection works on the banks consist of Geo Fabric filter ,1 m thick stones in wire crates ,country side slopes protected with 300 mm thick dry stone pitching ,for aesthetic purpose as well as to improve conveyance carrying capacity of the river 7.5 cm thick lining with paver finish is proposed . The river bed is protected with Launching Apron of 9 m length and 1m thick Gabion Mattresses and Geo filter below mattresses .Alternatively River Bed protection with 600 mm thick cut off wall /Diaphragm wall/sheet pile with anchorage at top with Wire mesh is proposed. The top of embankment can be developed as assess road all along the Bank as well as river front and intermediate berm can act as lower promenade ,Jogging Street.

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Cost of construction for Embankment with stones in wire crates and launching Apron is Rs 1,37,183 and for Embankment with stones in wire crates and Cut off wall is Rs 1,49,994

The Flood protection retaining wall with Terramseh system consisting of Fascia of stones in wire crates and reinforced earth with Geo Mesh is proposed. The total height of retaining wall is divided in two parts of height 7 m each with intermediate berms of 5 m. Granular material available in river bed is most adequate for reinforced earth technology proposed here . Layers after Layer in control lift thickness of 30 cm will be constructed at OMC to 95% Proctor Density by vibratory roller and reinforcing with GEO Mesh will be carried out and stability of the same will be ensured by slip circle analysis. Geo Fabric filter is proposed behind the stones in wire crates for preventing Fine particles migration from the stones in wire crates. The river bed is protected with Ln with 600 mm thick cut off wall /Diaphragm wall/sheet pile with anchorage at top with Wire mesh is proposed. Due to vertical Flood protection wall construction additional land of approximate width of 30 to 35 m will be available at the top which can be developed as Service road/River Front Road with various recreational facilities. For the above alternative cost of construction per running meter is calculated as Rs 1,18,494

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The Flood protection wall consist of R.C.C Retaining wall of approximate height of 10 m from the stagnant water pool / full reservoir level extending above lower promenade as proposed in Ahmedabad Sabarmati River FRONT Development is proposed . Cut off wall /Diaphragm wall/sheet pile is proposed below river bed for scour protection and same wall is extended above stagnant pool water level /full reservoir level with adequate free board and lower promenade of 10 m wide is proposed The lower promenade will be submerged during high flood level and will act as a part of River Front and other recreational facilities. The depth of cut off wall is worked out to 6 m based on check flood discharge of 8.38 lack cusecs and thickness provided is 0.6 m and same is extended up to lower promenade level i.e. above full reservoir level. Due to vertical Flood protection wall construction additional land of approximate width of 30 to 35 m will be available at the top which can be developed as Service road/River Front Road with various recreational facilities. Cost of construction per running meter is calculated as Rs 1,98,944.

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