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VOL. I.NO. 1.






o P u b l i s h e d o n t h e l O t h a n d 85th. o f E a c h M o n t h . 3STEW Y O B K . [Entered according to Act of Congress, In the year 1891, by E. H. Cratge, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.

THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, referred t o in another column, under the heading of " P a t e n t s , " is the very best publication in this country for those intei ested in science, engineering, mechanics, inventions, etc. I t is amoDg our most highly-prized exchanges. I t is a valuable index t o the progress of all t h e arts and sciences, and has been looked up to as an authority by a whole generation of practical men.


ONE OF THE HANDIEST little tools imaginable for t h e sewing machine (News Letter.) FELIX, Augusta, Me. man, whether his duties be in an office or outside, is advertised b y (News Letter.) TAKEUP, this firm. I t combines several of t h e muchdesired-and-not-usuallyMarinette, Wis. at-hand instruments t h a t keep us on t h e h u n t just when we are in a GUNFLINT, (Reminiscences(concl tided.) Jonesboro, Ind. hurry to go somewhere or do something. (News Letter.) TINKER, And what lady is there, with any sewing machine experience, Little Rock, Ark. (News Letter.) who h a s not hunted all over t h e house for something with which to RANDOM, Parkersburg, W. Va. pierce the belt ? The little screw-driver is as easy to find as t h e b i g THE MYSTERY OF BLOODY RUN (concluded.) By Bill Bind. one, if you have this combination.


THIS PAPER aims t o be a representative of t h e trade in its larger compass, embracing t h e interests legitimately dependent on or contributary to it, giving News, Useful Information and general Reading of interest to all who are concerned in the Production or Marketing of Sewing Machines. CORRESPONDENCE IS INVITED on all germane subjects, and discussion of such as are of general i n t e r e s t ; both sides may be heard t h r o u g h its columns. ITS OWN VIEWS, on m a t t e r s t h a t belong t o t h e public, will be freely spoken, in t h e belief that " Trade Journalism," worthy t h e name, involves more than furnishing a vehicle for t h e thoughts of others.

TEN YEARS IN THE MARKET, the H a n d Powers advertised by this company are well-known to t h e trade. They are t h e only goods of the kind sold in the general trade, and of course our readers buy them when they need anything of the kind. PERFORATING MACHINES, also offered by them, a r e , so far, only known t o the larger machine offices, where A r t Departments have been established. Now, with so cheap an instrument as is advertised, the smallest machine agency can have this rainy-day and moneymaking adjunct.

NOT TO. MAKE MONEY, b u t simply for t h e accommodation of our


Subscribers, we have arranged to supply the line of books listed on another page. rI hey are all good books. None of them a r e trashy, either i n subject or in manufacture. "We give them at cost, and are THE DOMESTIC IN PHILADELPHIA. glad t o be of service t o o u r regular Subscribers. Any one whose subscription is paid u p can have them for t h e price named. Old or ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT deals that h a s come t o o u r notice New Subscribers are treated alike. lately is t h e purchase by t h e Domestic Company of their Philadelphia representative's business. This office, which has been conducted as a buying agency for a A MISSING NUMBER. long term of years, is an important one, having, next to New York To COMPLETE OUR FILES for binding we want a few copies of No. City, t h e largest population of any local office. 465, F e b r u a r y 25, 1891, of T H E UNITED STATES SEWING MACHINE TIMES. Mr. Dean, t h e retiring dealer, bought this business from E . B. If parties who received specimen copies of that number, and not Jordan, who succeeded F . M. Johnson. All of these gentlemen were wishing to preserve them, will send to us in good order, we will, in experienced men, and conducted a profitable business, t o which t h e payment, send SEWING MACHINE TIMES free for three months. company now succeeds. W e are informed by the management that t h e company do not, RECORD OF PATENTS. at present, contemplate any material change in t h e conduct of t h e SUBSCRIBERS will bear in mind that we purpose publishing, at the business, except such expansion as a company's capital and opportuniend of t h e year, a supplement containing t h e record of Sewing ties permit beyond what a dealer deems judicious. Mr. Dean, one of t h e old war horses of t h e trade, has not yet Machine P a t e n t s granted prior t o this date, within t h e year 1891, so t h a t with those published hereafter t h e record of t h e year will b e made public h i s intentions r e g a r d i n g future business, b u t h a s several sewing machine ventures under advisement. complete in t h e colums of SEWING MACHINE TIMES.

rerdy done so should write at once t o Jaaaes Vick, seedsman, Rochester, N. ., enclosing 10 cents for his " Floral Guide." There is no time t o losethe spring is here. The " Floral Guide " is valuable for t h e mass of information i t contains, b u t it costs nothing, as t h e price paid for i t is deducted from the purchase made. Read the advertisment on our last pageand do not fail to write a t once, mentioning this paper.


Sewing Machine Trade:





above all others,

Issler i Wilson Irimpbi

The Official List oj Awards at the




to all of its competent, honorable, industrious salesmen ?




of S E W I N G


Exposition Universelle,

with all the latest complete improvements? DO YOU WANT TO BE ABLE to supply



T Y P E of F A M I L Y


PARIS, 1889,

with which to meet competition ? DO YOU WANT TO HAVE a t your command the

BEST a n d L A T E S T of E V E R Y T H I N G ,
to insure a successful contest ? DO YOU WANT TO BE SURE, NOW AND ALWAYS, that you will be




in T E R R I T O R Y
can give f

a n d PRICE,


by a guarantee which no other organization



and supply any one who wants to sew anything by machinery 1 DO YOU WANT TO REPRESENT THE HOUSE WHICH, beyond all question,

LEADS t h e T R A D E T H R O U G H O U T a l l t h e W O R L D ?
DO YOU WANT TO RISE according to your merits in a house where

and continued success means an assured





If you want all this, and if you also want to represent the House which is not only the oldest, and by far the strongest, but which is to-day the most progressive and if you want to sell a machine which is now Q u e e n o f t h e H o m e , K i n s o f t h e F a c t o r y and L e a d e r in the march of scientific improvement,






T h e BEST M E N c a n have t h e BEST O P P O R T U N I T I E S ,





two, possibly threethe Raymond, the Osborne, and I think, the Armes. There For the Convenience of Our Subscribers. is only Raymond's factory left, and it is being r u n at half time. Down east in Having frequent inquiries from small Montreal there were t w o good factories, dealers and agents remote from the points and the only one now is the Williams ; the Singer Company, I believe, only p u t where cheap and tasty printing can be their machines together there after importhad, we arrange to supply small quanti- ing them. The sewing machine industry ties, as stated in our advertising columns. has been greatly hurt by the tariff. I t is We make no profit on the goods. W e absurd to say that the difference is in the men. Some time ago I went through the only seek to benefit our subscribers by this factory of the White Sewing Machine Company of Cleveland, and found Canadians at the top in all departments. CANADIANS CAN COMPETE. D'Aarcy Porter, the mechanical superinEffect of the N. P. on the Sewing Machine tendent, is a man who went there from Hamilton. I n the tool department the Industry. chief is J . Cline, who got his training un"Mr. J . T. B. Lee, of Bathurst street, is a der Raymond of Guelph. In most of the Canadian who believes in the ability of his departments I visited I saw Canadians fellow-countrymen to compete with all the well u p the ladder, twelve or fifteen of world. He is an ardent free trader, and them foremen and principal men. T h e sees in the present policy of the Reform girl selected to show the ladies of Paris party a step toward that end. I n his busi- the work of the machine during the Paris ness relations he has had occasion to min- Exposition is a CanadianMiss Lewis, of gle a good deal among sewing machine Toronto. I t is a disgrace to say that we manufacturers, and in conversation told can't compete in face of these facts. These of t h e disastrous effect of the tariff on people have been driven out of our counthat industry. " W h y , " said he, " t h e in- try by the tariff. I know any number of crease in the cost of raw material, and the Canadians who have risen high in compelimitation of market caused by the pro- tition with American labor. J . O. Maditective policy, has had a disastrous effect son, late of Peterboro', is now editor-inon the trade. I n 1878 there were in Ham- chief of The American Tailor and Cutter, ilton three sewing machine manufactories and stands head and shoulders above a n y the Wanzer, t h e Gardner and the Wil- man in America as an instructor in cutson & Bowman. They have been wiped ting. G. M. Deeks, a builder of Morrisout completely. The capital invested has burg, forced out by hard times, had not been wasted and eaten u p . I n the case of money enough to go away with. Now in two of them they did not pay 100 cents on St. Paul he is rated as worth from $25,000 the dollar and it is not yet known what to $30,000, and last year had a big conthe other will pay. I n Guelph there were tract for the Spokane Falls depot. There CALENDARS-

The President of the Company.

Morrison C. Hull, who died at the ag of sixty-seven, a few weeks ago, was well-known and highly respected residen of Birmingham, where he represented thi Domestic machine. At the beginning of the War he was en gaged in business in Birmingham, whicl he left to give his services to his country enlisting in the Twenty-third C. V., A u g 27, 1862. He served through the w a r being with Sherman in his memorabh march to the sea. He passed through the ordeal of battle unscathed and was lionably discharged. He returned here after the close of the War and engaged in the sewing machine agency business, in which he remained till his disability. A few years ago Mr. Hull was r u n into while driving in Shelton, thrown out of his vehicle, striking on h i s head, and was so seriously injured t h a t his life was despaired of. He never fully Button-Hole Machinery. recovered from the injuries received, and The newspapers are s a y i n g : " T h e his death is attributed to this cause. A Reece Button-hole Machine Company, of few months ago he entered the hospital for Boston, and the Hand Method Finishing disabled soldiers at Noroton, where a few Machine Company, of Lynn, have been the weeks ago he was seized with an apoplecleading contestants regarding ownership tic attack, which he never fully rallied rights for the finishing of buttonholes by from, passing quietly away, Wednesday. machinery. Lately information was reHe was buried at Derby, Conn., t h e ceived from Washington that a decision home of his family. (by whom it is not stated) had been made in favor of The Reece Button-hole Machine Company for priority of invention on all Attractive shops and polite attention work done by the Reece method and Singer seem to be universal attributes of the S'f finishing machines. James H. Lange and ger Sewing Machine Company. The ofU Fred. P . Fish, for the Reece Company; C. at Charlottesville is especially to be c( Brown, C. F . Perkins and C. P . Tuttle, for mended for the neatness of the room the Hand Method Company. the efficiency of the employees, under management of Mr. H . C. Witt.Oh cle, Ya. ! S E W I N G M A C H I N E T I M E S , $ 1 . a year.

are any number of cases within my own knowledge where Canadians forced out of business here have gone to the States and prospered. " Judson Black, lately of Guelph, worth nothing when he left there, runs the Blue Store, Detroit, furniture, carpets, etc.,and is now worth at least $100,000. Again, very frequently in Buffalo, Detroit, and several other cities, you will see advertisements for accountants, etc., wanted, and in it ' Canadian preferred.' H . Pimlott, formerly of Angus, is now in Chicago getting, I understand, $150 per month, and his brothers George and Frank are in Detroit, doing as well. I n Claflin & Co.'s, of New York, you find Canadians occupying important positions. Mr. Derbyshire, of Richmond, told me he had two Canadians and preferred them. Canadians are n o t afraid of competition with Americans." Toronto Globe.



If you want something that will reduce your office expenses and attract customers, try Hall's Bazar Forms. dressmaking.
HALL'S BAZAR FORM is the only practical folding form in existence, and is the only form endorsed by the leading fashion

They sell almost entirely to

the families who buy machines, and are indispensable for successful home

dealers throughout this country and Europe.



Complete Form in use. Fits every member of the family. \ 7 R x ' w P FGFNT HJjULilHi S T R E E T kJ 1 iVJ_ii-i i

LONDON. * , I ' S I , , S'

" A long-felt Patterns.

Closed. Opened. Complete Form. Separates at Waist.

" The best ever invented."The Butterick Publishing Company. "Suits our system to perfection."Annie Jenness-Miller. "The only practical folding form."James McCall tO Co., Bazar Patterns.

want admirably supplied."Publisher Harper Bazar

"Indispensable for home dressmaking."Madame Demorest Fashion Co. "There is nothing made thai can equal it."S. T Taylor French Sys tern, of Cutting and Fitting.

P A K K E B & CO.,



will contract for the manufacture of light IRON OR BRASS, articles of in large or small lots, at moderate prices. m o d e l s and E x p e r i m e n t a l Machinery will receive special attention. Newark and New York References.

II. It. Goodrich and Kingsbury &, Co.,

47 Jackson Street, CHICAGO, ILLS.

1 4 9 W . Sixth St., CINCINNATI, 0.


I M P R O V E S m Bun m


Sewing Machine Supplies


17 and 19 Mechanic Street, Newark, New Jersey.

We are prepared to make

Nye's Celebrated Pure Sperm Sewing Machine Oil.

We are desirous of corresponding with every Sewing Machine Dealer in the United States. Our Confidential Prices will interest you. SEND FOR OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. SEWING MACHINE MEN OF T H E W E S T , Y o u c a n always save TIME., SEWING a n d nearly always MOSTEY^ LINE OF

Special Attachments,
S u c ha s Hemmers, Binders, Embroiderers, &c. An extended experience in this line will guarantee satisfactory results fo all -who intrust iheir work to us.



C. SHAWL, 30 Second Street, San Francisco, California



The Davis Sewing Machine Go,

THE DAVIS SEWING New Shops of the Davis Sewing Machine Co. at Dayton, 0. 'MACHINE CO. was organized and made its first machines at Watertown, N. Y., in 1866, since which time it has twice enlarged its factory at that place. The largely increased business of the past few years has exceeded the Company's ability to supply the demand from the old works, making it necessary to abandon them and build anew on a much larger scale. The new factory is located at Dayton, Ohio, and is the most complete as well as the largest sewing machine plant, except one, in the United States, its capacity being over four hundred machines per day. I t has over four acres of floor SrYLE No. 7. space, requiring a walk of more than a mile to go through the NEW DAVIS WOODWORK. building. Is not this proof of success ?also proving conclusively that the success is founded on the superior merits of the Davis Vertical Feed Sewing Machine. The Davis has no competitor in range and quality of work. It has the finest and best finished wood work in American Walnut, French Walnut, Antique Oak, Mahogany, Hungarian Ash, and French Walnut inlaid with Mahogany and Maple, that can be produced, and it possesses more completely than any other machine offered to the public all that can be desired in a family sewing machine. Correspondence with interested parties solicited.

Dayton, Ohio. London.


Cleveland. Milan.


IT 18

Button Machines
Button-Hole Machines,

A Screw-Driver! A Needle-Case! A Belt Punch! A Shuttle Screw-Driver!

and can be carried in the vest pocket. any agent or salesman. Worth its weight in gold to

Button-Sewing Machines,
But just Plain, Simple

SAMPLE I 5 c t s . or 2 FOR 2 5 cts. FREE BY MAIL.

For Wholesale Prices, etc., write to

Button Machines
A Profitable Article, FOR USE in Sewing Machii\e Offices.




the door. Now was Byrnes' time. H e gently opened the shutters, slipped in the room, took the bottle of CHAPTER VII. wine on the book and exchanged it for the one Coxe evidently intended for his own use. This done he BY BILL 1JLUD. returned to the veranda and waited their return. H e had only gotten safely on the outside, and closed the Written for Sewing Machine Times. shutters, when Coxe and Camille came into the room. Duke Mason spent a few days in Everett collecting Byrnes saw Camille pick u p the bottle tjiat was evidence, then he went to Altoona, and from there to ' fixed,' and then leave quietly for her room. Byrnes New York. He had considerable trouble getting the did not wait, but flew to Duke Mason's room and told desired information from the N Y. officials of the him everything. Co., as they were suspicious of his being a secret " W h a t shall we do ?" asked Duke excitedly, member of their Mexican agents. Duke eventually " Wait !" calmly said Byrnes. convinced the N. Y. people that he was hunting the " B u t suppose Coxe drinks of the poisoned wine ?" murderer of old man Hoke. said Duke. F r o m N . Y. Duke went direct to El Paso. H e " Ah !" and Byrnes was on his feet in a moment. had no trouble in finding Joe Pike, and they deter" I have it ! Duke, you go down stairs, quietly hunt mined to use their united efforts to hunt down the up a magistrate, and bring him u p here. Go quickmurderer of Hoke. They both suspected Tom ly-" Coxe. They took precaution by having one of Joe sat in his own room, half dreaming, half thinkByrnes' men of N . Y. to assist them. It was necesing. He had taken a generous portion of wine, and sary to get sufficient evidence against Tom Coxe weird thoughts, some pleasing and some confused, before arresting him, and they must get him on American soil before attempting the arrest. Joe and chased through his brain. With other fancies came Poe's Raven, and in his mind he was repeating : D u k e had secret consultations on the subject, and " Once upin a midnight dreary, decided to get fully acquainted with Coxe and his While I pondered, weak and weary, band. A chance came sooner than they expected. * * Over many a pae of forgotten lore, Suddenly there came a rapping Camille Trolando easily convinced Joe that she had As 1f some one gently tapping, been acting a part in his room, and excused herself Tapping at my chamber door, for her abrupt entrance by inviting Joe to a little "Tls some visitor,' I murmured, This it istap-tap-tap." party held in the rooms of one of her acquaintances on the suburbs of El Paso. Joe accepted and at" What's that ?" said Joe, starting up and going to tended the party. He met Tom Coxe among the the door. rest of the men present and did everything in his " From the lady, sir," said the sleepy " F r o n t , " as power to get thoroughly acquainted with him. The he handed the bottle into Prince's room. supper was splendid, the wine flowed freely, and the Camille composed herself for her desperate vigil ; cigars were of the best. After the cigars card parties with every nerve strained and every sense quickened were formed. Joe found he had Camille for his partby excitement, she listened for the sounds that would ner, and a good one she was. He was initiated in the tell her the plan was successful. At last, through game of whist, and then a little game of draw the thin partition, it came ; the cork was drawn, the poker. glass clickedhe had drank. Now she could wait Joe returned to his hotel pleased with his evening's more patiently ; it would n6t be long. Still she listened. By-and-by all sounds ceased. Her time had entertainment. The next day he went t o the city of come and she must act. Mexico and did not return for a week. W h a t is that ? A loud noise in the hall startled In the meantime Duke Mason and the N . Y. detecher. A knock on her door. She rushed out. Men tive worked u p a good case against Tom Coxe. were at Coxe's door in great excitement, She flew They found out Mr. Coxe had been absent for nearly to the scene. Great Heaven ! W h a t did she see ? two weeks. N o one could or would tell where, b u t There on the floor was Tom Coxe in the throes of it was surmised that Coxe had spent his time in Beddeath. She gave one scream and fell on his body. ford Co., P a . " He is poisoned ! he is poisoned !" she cried. When Joe returned from Mexico City, he made a Coxe rallied, and was given some brandy. full and complete report of his investigations to N. Y. " I am going to die," said he, " s e n d for an officer, officers, and advised them that he wanted to be reI want to make a confession." lieved for a few weeks to attend to some personal business. He was granted a vacation. By this time Joe had awakened and came into the Shortly after Joe's return to Paso, Camille Trolando room. The Magistrate took Coxe's confession and handed it over to Byrnes, the detective. invited Joe to join a party to go to Denver on an # * * * * excursion to hear the famous Patti sing her farew e l l ^ ) song to the miners. Joe accepted the invitaSix months later, Duke Mason and his wife, Kathation, not forgetting to inform Duke and detective rine, are living in Katharine's magnificent residence at Byrnes. This was just what they wantedto get Saxton. In one corner of the room is a sewing maTom Coxe on American soil, accuse him of the murchine with a history. Y o u know all about it. Back der of Hoke, and let future events help them prove in the cemetery is a grave that covers the mortal rehis guilt. mains of old man Hoke. Down in the hollow and The party consisted principally of the same people up six mile run the furnaces and coal mines are runwho attended the wine supper Joe first attended. ning full time. Neat little cottages along the mounArriving at Denver, all p u t u p at the best hotel, tain sides tell the tale of prosperity and happiness in Joe being sandwiched in a room between Camille and the " B r o a d Top region." Duke Mason is the king Tom Coxe. Across the hall was Duke Mason, next among the rough miners and iron men. " to Coxe's room was Byrnes' room. After the opera Sheriff Lashley was quite disappointed in not havJoe escorted Camille to the hotel. While walking ing a " h a n g i n g " while he held the office. along the hall to their rooms, Joe met Duke and Joe Pike is a famous traveler on the road to-day. Byrnes. He shook hands with Duke and was introSome of you have met him ; if you have not, I'll induced to Byrnes. J u s t then Tom Coxe came u p and troduce you to him when we meet at the World's greeted Duke warmly. They all aecepted Tom's Fair. invitation to a supper in his rooms. A t a late hour Of course you have all guessed who murdered old the party broke u p . man Hoke ? Yes ? Well it was a horrible deed, and Byrnes had noticed a veranda running along on the as you know how it was done we will not repeat Tom outside of Coxe's room. Thinking he might hear Coxe's confession. something to advantage he quietly slipped out of the Katharine? Yes, she has a history, b u t it would hall and along the veranda to Coxe's window ; creeponly cause her pain and misery to have the world ing close to the wall, he stopped just outside and p u t know it. Be generous, dear readers, and let dead his ear close to the blinds ; the windows being u p he sorrows rest. could hear everything said in Coxe's room. H i s t ! Me ? I am off for the World's Fair. " W e must get the papers to-night, sure," said a voice in a hoarse whisper. Communication Interrupted. " B u t how are we to get them ?" said another voice, A series of robberies of the wires of the New York which Byrnes recognized as Camille's. and New Jersey Telephone Company has taken place " I ' l l tell you h o w , " continued the first voice. in Union County lately. A gang of daring thieves " Camille, you must beard the lion in his den. Send are operating, who climb the poles, cut the wires and this bottle of wine to Prince. I will fix it. If he carry the latter off. The wires leading to the Singer drinks it will soon do its work, and then you must machine works were stripped from all the poles along act. Do you understand ?" Trumbull street. " I do, the veranda; you shall have^no cause for disappointment. I will get the papers." Here's To His Good Health. Byrnes had gained a position where he could see Mr. Fred. Higgins, who for seven years has wielded everything going on in the room. He saw Coxe take the yard-stick in a most popular manner at the d r y a little phial from his pocket and p u t the contents in one of two bottles of wine. Coxe was careful to set goods store of C. H. Gray, has resigned his position i this bottle on a book, saying to Camille, " This is the as clerk and will engage for a while as an agent for i one for Prince ; make no mistake, it's the one on the sewing machines, in order to improve his health, 1 which has suffered from too close confinement. book." " D o n ' t you think we ought to take a stroll and see if everything is safe ?" asked Camille. W . P . Bolles, who died recently a t Nashua, was a t " Yes, you are right," said Coxe. one time connected with the sewing machine manuCoxe and Camille silently left the room and closed factory there. THE MYSTERY OF BLOODY RUN. AFTER THE FAIR. Gunflint More AggressiveSees Many Changes Stieks to his Trade, but Changes his Politics.
Written for Sewing Machine Time*.

(Concluded.) Well, the racket being over, and the many congratulatory expressions in regard to my achievement, I will return home, feeling about as large as a boy witli his first pair of pantaloons, wiser if not a better man. I had thought that a fair was, as the name indicates, b u t now hold to the belief that the decision of three judges, who make a hurried examination, not taking time to see whether a machine has a feed, a shuttle or a needle, is worth no more than that of the spectators, hundreds of whom have every opportunity, during several days, to examine and test both the machines and their work. These things considered, upon my arrival home I resolved to lay the proceedings of Messrs. Judges before the public in one of our country papers, which 1 did about word for word, and took special pains to furnish the judges with copies. Here another breeze was raised. His judgeshipMr. Foreman, came five miles to scare me into the belief that I had better countermand, otherwise he would reply in the paper. These were soft words to my ears, b u t he looked as though he would like to tan m y jacket. After interviewing Mr. Editor, he calmly retreated, leaving me to have it my own way. About this time was a remarkable change. Many changes took place in the management and conduct of the business in this county. Mr. Jaynes, of Singer renown, of Marrion; also Scott, of Singer; and Vinson, of Howe, of Fairmount, had withdrawn ; so also had J . Holt, who canvassed for Ruly. Ruly was left to sell from his grocery store. Adams had left, or did leave soon after, leaving J. Q. Jennings, American, to hold the sack for a few more yellow boys to drop in. Jennings continued to sell from his hardware store. Both of these merchants sold at starvation prices, making nothing for themselves or the manufacturers. R. A. Delaha left the Singer and went south for his health, and one J . W . Bates took his place. R. L. Jones, of Upland, had quit the Domestic for other business. The management of the Singer department a t Marion was placed in the hands of a Mr. Steel. Many of the TIMES' readers have heard their grandfathers tell how they used to procure fire before the lucifer and friction matches were placed upon the market, by means of the flint and steel. The required implements being at hand, we made the sparks fly during the term of Mr. Steel's administration. Brother J . W . Bates, of this place, drove a wagon for him. As I have given you to understand, there had been a radical change in the manner of my doing business, but the cause of the changes amongst the many agentsI do not claim to be, nor was Ibut I tell you what I did do, as I have many times told you what I tried to do, and failed. This time, will say I came off victorious in eight competing sales, during one summer and fall, over one of the most popular machines in the county. This was the following season after the aforesaid fair. This season I did not attend the fair, and was accosted some days afterward by a friend, who asked me why I did not. " Well," said he, " T h e e has done more towards bringing the Royal St. John before the public b y thy writing than attending many fairs would have done." Alluding to the newspaper discussions which I mentioned in a former number, he said, " I anxiously wait each issue to see who comes out ahead." Many others did also. Finally I became so uncomely that certain maehine agents became disgusted at my appearance on the streets of their villages with a machine on my wagon. It is now about nine years since the time I attended the fair above alluded to, and I have not attended a fair since, believing, as I do, that in nine cases out of ten it is the operators, instead of the machines, that secure the premiums. In concluding the recital of these common-place incidents in the every-day life of a working sewing machine agent, I have spoken, as I thought, of the little things that together make the sum total of our experience. Every man in the business has had more or less of the same troubles and the same pleasures, and looks back with more or less pleasure on them. I look on them with pleasure as the history of honest effort in an honest cause, that gave me fair return for the labor. During the time I have covered, the great changes that have taken place in sewing machine construction and sewing machine management have been only in keeping with the changing conditions of all about us. Customs, fashions, and politics, all give w a y to the requirements of the times. In the overturning of the latter, I, once a high tariff man, have become a tariff reformer, and I would like to hear from the boys on that subject. Who will speak first ?
Jonesboro, Ind. S E W I N G M A C H I N E T I M E S , f 1. a year. GUNFLINT.







Dear Long-Suffering Dealer:

"STANDARD" Rotary Shuttle

Without the Standard all you can do to meet your weak-kneed brother in making sales is to cut prices The "Standard" is the only machine that ladies are willing to pay a good price for. They want the best, and the "Standard" fills their ideal every time. No Other will. All old-style machines are virtually alike; sales depend upon cutting prices. Its a case of " dog eat dog." Is "throat-cutting" good business ? Quit i t ! Get the Standard! Its merit sells i t ; price don't count; practically


there is no competition.

Power Transmitter.

It is indeed the Nation's Pride. BEST POWER MACHINE MADE.

WHOLESALE DEALERS, A.O. VERY, 173 Tremont St. Boston, Mass. A. H. TENNIS, 26 Union Square, N. Y. C. C. EMMONS, Pittsburg, Pa. S. B. LUCY & CO.. Richmond, Va. JNO. BOO TH, New Orleans, La. T H E BURTON GARDNER CO., Salt > Lake Qity, Utah. CHAS. F. STOKES, Chicago, 111. I. S. COHEN, San Francisco, Cal. D. SNITTER, St. Louis, Mo. J. W. NEWBURN, Anniston, Ala FRANK MACK, President. EDWARD L. DAY, Vice Pres. and Treas. D. E. COLE, Secretary. W. A. MACK, General Seprintendent.


Sewing Machine Co.,

Cleveland, O.

New Style S o . 75 Organ.

E s t a b l i s h e d i n 1 8 6 6 , and continuing in the trade, we have acquired


Successors to W. M. BLHLOCK,

Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in

Such F A C I L I T I E S , Such K N O W L E D G E , Such E X P E R I E N C E ,

that we can give greater value than is found in other instru ments of corresponding prices. Superior A c t i o n


Accessories, Needles, Farts, Best Sperm Oil, Attachments, etc. Satisfaction Given, or Money Refunded. The Quality of all goods Guaranteed. business card for price list, (dealers only.) Addre, Send nam< and

The BLELOCK MANUFACTURING CO., 369 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.

Touch, Tone and W o r k m a n s h i p , in

insure satisfaction to the Purchaser, and a sure, continued profit and reputation to the Dealer.


Bobbins for All Machines. All Goods Warranted.

Office and Works,


Send for




PATENT SINGER SHUTTLES. 8 0 cents each, full dozens, $ 8 . 0 0 .




Tinker Touches up Little Rock.
Correspondence of Sewing Machine Times.


The Ice Going OutThe Freshet Subsiding.
Correspondence of Sewing Machine Times.


Correspondence of Sewing Machine Times.

At Little Rock, spring weather at last has p u t forth in all its grandeur, which has added much to the glory of the sewing machine man, who, in this favored climate, gets at his spring work while some of your readers are still cultivating their ice farms. The genial W . S. Holt, manager of the Union Manufacturing Company, and his dozen travelers in Arkansas, Texas, and the South-West, are certainly enjoying an early harvest, if the loads of machines being transferred to the various railroad depots is an index from which to judge. I t is a daily occurrence to see the large transfer wagons loaded down with " Union " machines on the streets, while we are informed at the office that the larger orders and carload lots are shipped to the large dealers direct from the factory at Toledo, Ohio, where, in the past year, the capacity has been largely increased. Well, this is all that could! be looked for under the management, as W . S. Holt is a pusher, and only p u t s to the front pushers of industry and intelligence. He has shown himself to be the right man in the right place. The Singer Manufacturing Co., under its able manager, is doing a splendid business in this State. An army of canvassers and dealers are pushing its trade in a respectable and legitimate way, thus commending themselves and the business to good people. The chatter boxes of the eighties are things of the past, so far as relates to the S. M. business in Arkansas, and it is to be hoped that the disgraceful scrambles of the past for sales and business are gone to never again be repeated. S. B. Kirby is now traveling for the White Co. through Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana, and doubtless getting his share of trade. J . P . Selsor, known among his friends as the " lucky man," is now touring the State for the N e w Home. Fred Church has been duly installed b y Phil Jacobs as a ' 'Noble" man. He will go to the front full of enthusiasm for the little gem, and endeavor to convince the sewing machine trade that the Noble is the best and grandest work of man. The interest of D . Snitzer is looked after in Arkansas by Mr. Hurlbut, until recently manager of the Missouri branch of the Singer Manufacturing Co., with headquarters at St. Louis. J . J . Bundy, M. W . Shaw, and several other old veterans out in the interest of the " Union," recently visited this city, b u t were soon off, sending back

I can look out of my back window down upon the heaving, rolling, seething bosom of the broad Kennebec and imagine the riches likely to reach our wharves as soon as the ice j a m , two miles below us, singles out and mingles with the saline atmosphere that hangs hungrily over the river's mouth. White-winged ships are in the offing, uneasily wallowing away the time, straining at the icy leash that holds them, anxious to bring us that partial wealth which for months has been wholly in our minds. Maine winters are hard enough without extras. The one almost past can boast all the fixins necessary for a complete freeze-out. Still we live, and are thankful that we are to-day allowed to gaze across the foaming river, intermingled with mud and sticks, logs and ice, and more than thankful that instead of six feet of water in our lower basement, as yesterday, to-day there is b u t two. We are and shall always be thankful for improvements, and it is good ground for thankfulness to know that the water has risen so high that it can't go higher, and must recede. Have I any news to write? Well, no, not much Eryesjust a wordcome to think. The genial face of Mr. Howey, traveling agent for New Home Sewing Machine Co., dropped in on us this morning, and claims good business in Maine. Their agent at Vassalboro, Mr. Pope, is said to be suffering from hemorrhage, and it is feared will be obliged to go out of the sewing machine business altogether. At Waterville we notice the Singer folks have two offices. Upon inquiry we learn that one man is a Frenchman, the other talks United States, and they work the population in English and French, as the case may be. One of the offices is in with an undertaker, the coffin and casket sign being displayed from the same front as the sewing machine signstill we hope their juxtaposition has no particular significance. The other machines are fairly represented by men who are all music-dealers as well; and while they claim some sales, all agree that collections arenothing. The Singer and White are as usual having it hot and heavy at Lewiston, but from the occasional advent of a car-load of White's for Charlie Hildreth I imagine he is still on deck. Bean & Hamlen, at this place, seem to be handling some Standards and N e w Homes, and get, as usual, their share (and part of the other fellow's, too, I reckon) of the trade, in connection with their large music business. Their store, at 127 Water street, is undoubtedly the finest store of the kind in Maine, orders. TINKER. and if any of the brethren come this way it will do Little Rock. them good to call. IS IT TRUE? Regarding Mr. Lindsay, whose suicide you mentioned in your last number, I desire to bear m y testiQuestioning Mr. Felix's Position. mony to the universal esteem in which he was held by Correspondence of Sewing Machine Times. his acquaintances. Mr. Lindsay was a n old sewing I have read with interest, b u t with many doubts, machine man, having acted as traveling man and adseveral assertions in your paper that sewing machine juster for the Singer Boston office, afterward manager men were unfitted, as a result of such occupation, for for the same company at Bangor, Me. H e was one general business. I use the term assertions, because I of the few men that had no enemftsno, not one. see little in the way of argument to prove the claim Among all his many acquaintances in Maine, there t h u s advanced. Mr. Felix, who writes like an educatcannot be found one person b u t what was glad to ed and experienced man, is one of those who take that see Brother Lindsay at any and all times. He called ground, b u t he does not make it very plain to me that on us on the Tuesday before he committed the rash it is the correct one. I notice that Webster takes issue act, Friday night, and seemed in excellent spirits; with Felix, and instances himself in support of his was having a fair trade, and the news of his death theory. was a severe shock to those of us who knew him for a jolly, whole-souled fellow. This may not be strictly modest in W.and I don't know as he wishes to be considered modestbut it is The cause for his taking his own life can be traced bold and open, and it encourages me to speak up and easily to his losses at cards (his only bad habit). Luck say, " M e t o o ! " I have had a little experience in had been against him ; but his embarrassments were some other kinds of business, and have done tolerable so inconsequential that they would have been relieved, well. I do not see that five years of close application if known, by any of his friends, or, as they tell me, to the sewing machine trade, as a starter, in any way by his employers. So it goes. unfitted me for general merchandising, which I afterThe new management of T H E T I M E S , the best of ward followed. I think the experience was benesewing machine papers, has the well-wishes of ficial to me, just as m y clerking then was of benefit A u g u s t a , Me. FELIX. to me in my later sewing machine work. I am very sure that I can drop this business and make a living otherwise. W h a t is there in sewing machines that The Davies in Wilkesbarre, Pa. could have such a bad effect on a man ? PROGRESS. The News Dealer says : " Eberly & Miller, the furniture dealers on Main street, are becoming more The Milwaukee Suicide. popular every day and are building u p a very large Alfred Belsing, the suicide, mentioned in our last, trade in connection with their furniture business. was 35 years old. He was arrested in October on a They have accepted the sole agency of the Davis sewcharge of embezzling money from the Singer Sewing ing machine, in which they are doing a large busiMachine Company. He was acquitted for lack of ness. All cleaning and repairing done gratis for one evidence. Afterward he became involved in trouble year." with his wife, which led him to make some severe charges against her to the neighbors. "What I Know About Sewing Machines. Belsing called at the house of Mr. Beck and left a note for Mrs. Beck. The note read : The N e w York Mail and Express is a pretty good " Mrs. Beck : I take back all that I said about m y newspaper, b u t see what it says about t h e sewing wife being a thief. It is not true. I am going to kill machine : myself. ALFRED BELSING." " T h e progress of work produced by the sewing After leaving the note Belsing started back through machine during the last decade is truly wonderful the yard to his own house. After going a short dis- and marvelous. W h a t was ten years ago a clumsy, tance he pulled a revolver from his pocket, placed the noisy piece of mechanism, is now a beautiful piece of muzzle to his mouth, and pulled the trigger. The furniture, easy of manipulation, rapid in speed and ball pierced his brain and he fell dead in his tracks. almost noiseless."

Parkersburg, W . Va., and the country around, is improving rapidly. I t is an active and generally prosperous region,embracing mineral, manufacturing and farming interests. Coal and timber are sent out in large quantities, and sheep raising is an item of considerable importance. The country is filling u p with settlers very fast. New railroads are being built and many new manufactories started. The high water has not been as disastrous as in some previous seasons, but the roads are still bad and traveling impeded. A little April weather will dry up the m u d and then I predict a good season for machines. Dr. Hall, with the New Home ; Hopkins & Amos, with the Wheeler & Wilson : and the Singer Company, are all doing a little in a quiet way, but waiting for hard-bottomed roads before making much exertion. The firm of H u n t & Wetherell, dealers in pianos, organs and sewing machines, is closing out business, on account of the death of the senior member of the firm, Dr. L. C. H u n t . 0 . A. Stapleton, lately with the Singer Co.,is employed to collect the claims of the firm and the private accounts of Dr. Hunt. Joseph Hailey has been a very successful salesman for Dr. Hall, with the New Home, in this city and in the country. George Whitty, formerly with Hunt & Wetherell, at Parkersburg, has engaged with Whaley & Bowers, at Albany, O. He is an active man, and though young in years, not lacking in experience. H e will keep the American ball rolling. * At Athens, O., the prospect has never been better than now. The Standard, American and Singer are in the field. T h e American is, perhaps, most generally in use. Cromwell & Co., dealers here for some time past, are about to remove to Parkersburg. At Nelsonville, O., the only machine represented, and that is doubly represented, is the Singer, T w o offices, under Pittsburg and Cincinnati, divide the trade that one could do if territorial differences were settled. Nelsonville is a mining town of 7,000 in habitants. A t Lancaster, O., James Brinkley, White agent, has just returned from Kentucky, from his wedding tour. I regret to hear that Mrs. Brinkley is quite ill. James Thompson, formerly Howe agent_ a t Lancaster, is now in Mr. Brinkley's employ, and is doing good service. L. E . Sackett, Singer agent, Marietta, O., is a very popular man in the sewing machine circles of this section. H e is well posted and could entertain the readers of T H E T I M E S if he would take up his pen. Whaley & Bowers, of Albany, O., are preparing for a vigorous campaign with the No. 7 American, with George Whitty as manager. Thomas Wheetley, Pomroy, O., makes the White his king. The American is sold by O. F . Hawk, at Hawk's Station, O. J . H. Homes, formerly with the Singer, at Pomroy 0 . , is now with the same company at Parkersburg, W . Va. Parties at Zanesville, O., are perfecting a ball-joint pitman for all machines. New agencies have been established by the Wheeler & Wilson, at Breman, W . Va. ; by the White at Ratcliff Station ; by the Singer at Gloucester, O. H . D. Byers, general traveling agent for the Williams, and George D . Henderson of the Standard, are now looking through this section in the interest of their machines. Several adjusters are plying an itinerant trade with moderate success in this vicinity. They obstruct the trade in old machines, but " l i v e and let live."
Parkersburg, W . Va. RANDOM.

More Wanzer Rumors. After half-a-dozen other rumors are disposed Of comes this, in the Toronto Empire : " I t is said that a Scotch company is negotiating for the purchase of the Wanzer sewing machine factory. The City Council will probably be asked to give some financial encouragement to the enterprise." That Is So. Our enthusiastic Domestic friend, Auerbach, questions our geographical and nautical knowledge, and claims that however it may have been when the campfires burned round about " South East," Washington, D, C., is not under the hill now. Then he kindly lets us into the secret of his Capitol Hill branch. It was not, as we innocently supposed, opened to catch trade ; merely to accommodate the residents of that section and save them the long journey to Demestic headquarters, where they were all flocking. A n d then he forgives our ignorance and promises us the freedom of the city when we are elected to Congress. W e never could box the compass in Washington N. W.N. E.S. W . - S . E . - D . C . - U . S. A.


Sewing Machine Times.

Published by E. H. CRAIGE,
O n t h e lOlh a n a 2 5 t h o r E a c h

TIMES TALK. M. E . Hartzler, of York, Pa., has been spending a few days in this city. He is one of the old Grover & Baker disciples, who became domesticated, and now, after twenty years in the harness, is as enthusiastic as ever, and works his extensive territory in southeastern Pennsylvania for all it is worth. He sells only Domestics. He tells us that this year business in that section will be greater than last. His is a rich agricultural region, in which tobacco is a leading crop. The tobacco crop of the last season was a good one, and the money for it is just now in circulation. Elmira, N . Y.M. L. McDowell, the live furniture dealer of this place, has taken the agency of the Helpmate, and will doubtless sustain the high position the machine now occupies in that section. Olean, N . Y.Messrs. Weaver & Williams, who are among the largest dealers in southern New York, handle the Helpmate, principally, with a few of other makes, and report an excellent trade through the month of March. W. H. Burt, representing the New Home in Virginia and Tennessee, writes from Chattanooga of the favorable condition of the machine trade there, and of the general success of his agents. ART EXHIBITS. But Little Doing l a t e l y . Daily and weekly papers from various points tell us That Mr. Belmont, Singer agent at Santa Rosa, Cal., assisted by Mrs. Somers, has made a successful exhibit recently. That some fine pieces of work done in silk are on exhibition at the new store of the White Sewing Machine Co. in Chelsea, Mass. That A. L. Moore, assistant general manager of the White Sewing Machine Co., of Cleveland, O., was in Rockford, 111., making arrangements for a grand display of fancy work executed on their machine, which was shown at the World's Fair in Paris. The only one that suggests any special mention is that given by Mr. A. C. Tucker, with Heaslen & Young, operators, agent for the Davis a t Newcomerstown, O. The Davis exhibits have always had a character, somewhat their own, of practical utility, and in this instance the affair was made particularly so by giving away an elegant machine. Miss Lulu Tidock,. of Newcomerstown, was the fortunate and happy recipient of the gift.

SINGER NOTES. Along t h e Susquehanna. Fred Moore, Harford, Susquehanna Co., Pa., has accepted a position as agent for the Singer Manufacturing Co. Fred is a young man of rare ability. He will sell to all of the single girls in his territory, sure. Mr. Charles R. Curtis. W . Burlington, Bradford Co., Pa., has been appointed agent and collector for the Singer in his district. Mr. Curtis thinks he can make more money selling the Singer than he can farming. We bespeak for him a successful career in the business. Mr. S. M. White, Evergreen, Bradford Co., Pa., has sold out his store, resigned the postmastership and engaged in selling the Singer. Mr. White is so well-known, he will only have to say the word and his machine is sold. He certainly has lots of business tact and energy. Henry Williams, Springville, Susquehanna Co., Pa., an old reliable Singer man, has re-engaged in the sale of that machine. His first week's work netted him two cash sales. His record for 1891 will eclipse all former records. He is a little u p in years, but is still in the ring, and will make his competitors hustle. He has a nice double team and a new Newton wagon. Frank Fletcher, Singer agent, Towanda, Pa., has recently returned from Rochester, where he was successfully treated for an annoying disease. He has bought another horse, and is going to make the Singer loom u p in great shape for 1891. A. L. Fawcett, New Albany, Bradford Co., Pa., has decided to push out for more business. He sells the Singer. A good organ man can make a deal with Mr. Fawcett.Reliable. THE LUMBER COUNTRY. When t h e Snow Goes Off the l u m b e r m e n Will Bring Money and Business.
Correspondence of Sewing Machine Times.



Subscription, . . Foreign Subscription,

. -

$1.00 per annum. 1.50

A D V E R T I S I N G R A T E S L O W , and made known on application. Entered at the Post-offlce at New York as second-class mall matter. SUBSCRIPTIONS from England and the Continent will be received and forwarded by the INTERNATIONAL ^EWS COMPANY, ll Bouverle Street 4Fleet Street), LONDON ENG. JUST A WORD. To Sewing Machine Men.I have purchased the

I will try and send you a few items of news from the pine woods of northern Wisconsin and Michigan. Sewing machine business is somewhat dull for the past four weeks, owing to the large amount of snow first number of the U N I T E D S T A T E S S E W I N G M A C H I N E that has fallen in that time. Sewing machine comTIMES, and to many succeeding issues. panies are very well represented in this place and Menominee. Singer, Domestic, White, Standard To My Friends.I hope to make S E W I N G M A C H I N E American and Davis, make a list amplv sufficient to T I M E S an exponent of the trade, and a reflex of the supply the country, Very soon the "men will be thought that pervades it. I ask your kind co-operaAnd t h e Back Towns Not All Heard F r o m Yet. coming out of the woods; and then, while their tion. E . II. CKAIGK. money is being distributed through the avenues of One would think that the tail, Motor, was wagging the dog, Sewing Machine, as unconcernedly as the trade, our city will be busy and the sewing machine office boy does the feather duster, if credence was man will have his share of the profits. Until then we THE "FIRST THOUSAND." must be content to keep quiet. given to the Southern newspapers. The following is from the Chattanooga Times, of March 22 : The Singer business of the two cities is now handled The Magical Number with which Promotors Daze " The Read Sewing Machine Motor Company held by J . H. Rooney, an experienced man, who is giving the Public, Directors Encourage t h e Stockhold_ his competitors a lively tilt. He don't allow the a meeting yesterday afternoon to consider the numer T s , and Superintendents Excuse Delays. ous propositions being received by manufacturers other fellows to make eatu sales. Mr. Rooney was seen sailing u p the street this morning with a signal and new towns, b u t owing to the absence of some This all-instructive, all-satisfying phrase is slipping of danger around his neck. This red flannel, we are of the stockholders, the matter was deferred to next Tuesday. Several sewing machine manufacturers told, is the only remaining unpleasantness left from off the end of the reporter's pencil, and exhibiting a bad cold that tried to knock him out. Although have applied for the privilege of making them on the newspaper knowledge of shop-talk, so frequently somewhat disabled he managed to remain in the royalty. now that it must make the old-times blush for their ranks. " T h e company has also received propositions from ignorance. Mr. Risdale, Domestic dealer, is pushing trade as new towns and this city to erect works to engage in far as he can feel justified. His agent, Mr. Arthur, making them. The wonder is how the old fellows got along withis an old hand in the business, and a first-class man, '' The motor has been described by the News. I t out it. How could they ever have raised money, built always on the lookout for business. He has been in was invented by a Chattanooga man, and consists of factories and sold sewing machines without a "first Mr. Ridsdale's employ for a number of years. a clock-work driven by a spring. The motor is first G. T. Winstou, agent for the White, Standard and wound u p by a crank, and drives the machine tintil thousand?" And another wonder, akin to the mysAmerican, is pushing his line for all he is worth, and tery that surrounds pins and Patti's "farewells," is : it runs down." And this is from the same paper one day later, as intends to have as big a share of the trade as one W h a t becomes of all the " first thousands?" wagon is entitled toeven if he has to work for it. news from Sequachee : However, all things that are must have a beginMiss Lottie Hubble is the book-keeper at the Singer " T h e sewing machine factory is completed and is office. She is not only a first-class book-keeper, b u t ning, and the "first thousands" of the past, the receiving the machinery. I t will be ready to start u p can sell a sewing maching as quick as most of the in a few days." present and the future, have our best wishes. expert agents. Nebraska papers of March were overflowing with THIS WEEK'S CORRESPONDENCE. F. O'Roork, late of Oshkosh, Wis., is now canthis : vassing Marinette and Menominee in the interest of The Mystery of Bloody Run is solved. The villain the Singer Manufacturing Co. " T h e Noble sewing machine factory will in a few has paid his penalty, and all the deserving ones are Tom O'Conor, of Marinette, intends giving u p days place its first thousand machines on the market. happy. The detective has earned his fee, and Mr. selling sewing machines and going back to sawing It is the only factory of the kind west of the MissisBind is free to dream of the World's Fair. in the mill as soon as it starts u p . sippi." Last week, Felix's back window view disclosed Oley Rollins, of Iron Mountain, Mich., is doing a The Atlanta Constitution, of 2d ult., contributes boys hooking tom-cods through the ice. Now he sees rushing business for the Singer Co. on the Range. running ice and logs. Next week a four-master will this, from its own store of knowledge, to the general He bobs u p at Marinette occasionally. lay alongside his ice-house, and he will be depositing fund : Mr. Jas. Medbury, Singer agent at Escanaba, Mich., checks drawn by the Consumers Ice Co. Meantime was in town j esterday. He reports business boom" The first 1,000 is always the hardest to make, Bret is wondering if Felix will have to break the ice ing in his territory. He is one of the successful ones for tools, called " j i g s , " must be made for almost for his horse in the old trough at the " forks of the who never gets " done u p . " TAKEUP. every part. This has to be done with the first 1,000." road " again before Thanksgiving. Marinette, Wis. Then it quotes the foreman of the Brosius factory Gunflint brings his interesting reminiscences to a close and gives u s the impression that he has a pretty thus : Another Frenchman Gone Wrong. " When we begin to turn out the first 1,000 ma- good opinion of the sewing machine business, At Lowell, Mass., the last week in March, George Takeup tells us that the winter is most gone in the chines we will, of course, not turn them all out at Manseault, also known as Provenchal, was arrested great Pine Region, and that the lumberman's winter once." and taken to Haverhill, where on Saturday he was earnings will soon gladden the hearts of the tradessentenced to six months in the Lawrence House of men. Sentiment Beats Business. Correction for embezzlement of money from the Singer Tinker tells us that Arkansas trade is good, and Sewing Machine Company. Since his arrest it has better yet, that it is conducted in an intelligent, busiMrs. CobwiggerHowever did you induce your ness-like manner, free from all questionable methods been discovered that he has served other sewing mahusband to get that nice electric motor to run your chine agencies in the same way ; and that u p to the of obtaining trade. sewing machine ? present time four wives have been discovered, all of Random gives us lots of information concerning Mrs. YounghusbandI told him it would rock the whom claim him and desire his punishment. the territory of which Parkersburg is the centre, cradle as well.Epoch.

that foundation will publish this paper. I am familiar with the making and selling of sewing machines, from the time pig iron enters the foundry till the old machine is broken u p to be melted again. I know where to feel for the pulse of the business, and will make the paper respond to its beat. To Advertisers.The paper will furnish effective and economical service. To Readers.It will give such matter, pertinent to sewing machines, as will interest and instruct. T o Correspondents.Personally unknown to you, I have been among and of you. I contributed to the



Paymaster Tucker, whose arrest at Elizabeth was mentioned in a late number of this paper, was held for the Grand Jury in $700 bail, which was furnished. The Bridgeton agent who illegally repossessed a machine and was compelled to carry it back, recently, has since been fined $9 for the trespass and damage. A new "sewing factory," i. ., a manufactory of clothing, is being erected at Bridgeton, which is quite a centre for this industry.

ing machine dealer, has associated his brother, Mr. G. B. Malone, with him in the business, and the firm name is to be M. A. Malone & Brother. The new firm is a strong one and should meet with great success.


The New Home Sewing Machine Company has filed a petition in the District Court to set aside the deed of trust lately executed by T. J. Shuck and for the appointment of a receiver of the property conveyed by it. Shuck disappeared about the time of filing the deed of trust, and it is said he is now in San Francisco.

James Brock, sewing machine dealer, at Maiden, is having a handsome delivery wagon built at Hender son's, in Cambridge. He received the prize from the Davis Sewing Machine Co.a handsome gold watch, for selling the most machines of any agent during the month of February. The Singer Sewing Machine Company have shipped a large number of machines to their agent, Mr. Cady, who will open in the Lawrence Block, in Wolcott, for business, April 1st. The Morley Button Sewing Machine Company, of Boston, has declared a quarterly dividend of 2 | per cent., payable April 1 to stock of March 27. Horace M. Hadley, formerly employed by the New Home Company, at Orange, goes to Belvidere, 111., to take a position with the June Company. Charles F. Howes, seventeen years in the Singer service, died recently at his home in East Dennis . Louis Taylor, proprietor of the instalment store at 183 Essex street, Lawrence, met with a mishap while rounding the corner of Appleton street on to Essex. As the wagon in which he was seated slewed around the corner, five second-hand sewing machines which were in it toppled over and crashed to the pavement, where they were literally broken to pieces. The fragments were gathered up and carried away. Mr. Taylor said the accident cost him about $50.

G. E. George, a sewing machine agent at Aspen, has been arrested upon the charge of embezzlement of $200.

Miss Adda Smith, who has been in the employ of the Singer Machine Company in Beatrice, goes to Lincoln soon to take a situation with the same company.

Will Rogers, a sewing machine agent, aged 55 .years, was found dead in his room at the Commercial Hotel in Memphis. His death was caused by congestion.

The local branch of the Singer Sewing Machine Co., at Westerly, will move from Hinckley & Mitchell's into new quarters, No. 60 High street, its old stand, April 1st.

At Beaver, a j ury was called in case of Household Sewing Machine Co. vs. Dr. D. McKinney, jr., and by agreement rendered a verdict for the defendant. The new building to be constructed as an addition to the Provincial House of the Good Shepherd, at Thirty-fifth street and Fairmount avenue, Philadelphia's to be at the rear of the house.on Melon street. It will be a plain structure of brick, 20 by 132 feet, two stories in height. The lower floor will be used as a sewing machine room, and will accommodate about 70 machines. The steady growth of the House, the number of whose inmates is now 487 all told, has made the erection of the new bulding a necessity. Oscar Harris, aged 18 years, residing on Kensington avenue, above Cambria street, and George Jones, aged 19 years, residing on Kipp street, above Somerset, Philadelphia, were arrested by Policemen Jones and Creighton on the charge of larceny of a sewing machine from the residence of Harris's mother. She had gone out and locked the door, and the two, it is alleged, broke it open and stole the machine. They were arrested while trying to sell it.

At Peru, recently, James Brown, a second-hand man, brutally assaulted Mrs. Thomas Holman with an ax, on account of the woman's inability to pay 50 cents due on a sewing machine. Mrs. Holman was seriously injured. Brown is in jail. The Singer works in South Bend are crowded to their fullest capacity now. The number of employes have been increased to nearly 1,000, and they are working full ten hours a day, stopping only half an hour at noon and quitting at 5:30 in the evening. Mr. John S. Evans, of the White Sewing Machine agency, New Albany, has received the contract to furnish the sewing machines for the New Albany Clothing Company. It will take over one hundred machines.

Geo. H. Lowe, representing the White Sewing Machine Company, was in Rockford in conference with P. N. Anderson, in reference to establishing an agency in this city.

S. W. Elliott, agent for the New Home, is doing quite a good business in Stratford. At Exeter, Frank Kean, agent for the sale of sewing machines for shoe shops, while setting up a new machine recently, run a screw-driver through his hand, causing a painful wound.

Tyler Crockett, of Searsport, is doing a thriving business in sewing machines, as he furnishes all styles and makes. Joseph Mourset, a Lewiston sewing machine agent, is dangerously ill from a fall on the ice. Mr. H. A. Day, of Waterville, who represents the Singer Sewing Machine Company in that part of the State, returned Tuesday from a trip to Madison. He is working up a good trade in that lively town, and reports everything booming up there.

H. G. Freeman, of Dubuque, has moved t > 940 Main street. Call and see his fine stock of sewing machines, pianos and organs. E. L. Seymore, connected with the Singer sewing machine agency of Burlington, was arrested recently by Sheriff Buchanan, of Henry County, and taken to Ft. Madison to serve a three yearteim at the penitentiary. About a year and a half ago he was convicted at Mt. Pleasant of raising a note from $20 to $35, and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary for the offence. He took an appeal to the Supreme Court and was released on bond, at least it is supposed so, for he has been at liberty ever since, and for some time past has been engaged with the Singer sewing machine agency in this city. With commendable grit Mr. R. Hellyer, manager of the Domestic sewing machine emporium at Dcs Moines, has opened up anew at 616 Locust street.

We claim relationship to the reverend gentleman whose name heads this mention, on two groundshis newspaper life, and his sewing machine associations. Harlan G. is the eldest son of Wm. B. Mendenhall, who has been for so many years at the head of the American Sewing Machine Co. Howard L., the second son of President Mendenhall, has been prominently identified with the American company since his entrance into business life. He was manager of that company's Baltimore office until 1889, since which time he has occupied the position of general manager, with headquarters at the factory in Philadelphia. The name Mendenhall is almost synonymous with the American B. O. and S. M. Co. The New York Tribune had this to say recently: "Another ex-newspaper writer and editor in a prominent pulpit is the Rev. Harlan G. Mendenhall, who lately accepted a call to the Greene Presbyterian Church, after resigning a college presidency in the West. Mr. Mendenhall is forty years old, and was born of Quaker parentage at Coatesville, Penn. He was educated in Washington and at Williston Seminary, at Easthampton, Mass., where he prepared for college. But he had gained a taste for newspaper work by corresponding for "The Springfield Republican," and at the age of eighteen he joined the staff of that newspaper, and soon was put in charge of its page of New-England news. After a year at this work he entered Lafayette College, and after graduation studied in the Western Theological Seminary at Meadville, Penn., and was graduated in 1874. His first pastorate was at the Third Presbyterian Church at Fort Wayne, Ind. After three years he resigned and made a tour of Europe, and upon his return he accepted a call to the Sixth Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg. In 1883 he went to North Dakota for his health, and became pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Grand Forks. He was also editor of "The Plain Dealer," the only morning daily paper in the place. In 1889 he became president of the Jamestown University, a young institution, and successfully managed its affairs for a year. He then returned to the East, and after the Rev. W. J. Bridges resigned from the Greene Avenue Presbyterian Church he was invited to occupy its pulpit. Finding the climate of Brooklyn suited to his health he accepted a call to the church recently, declining a call to Boston at the same time. Mr. Mendenall promises to be one of the most interesting preachers in the city, as he takes up the topics of the day, looked at from a newspaper point of view, for the subjects of many of his sermons."
T h o m a s M. F e r g u s o n A b s o r b s t h e B u s i n e s s of J . W. H a r v e y & Co.

The New Home Sewing Machine Company is doing an immense business in Columbus and surrounding territory through their house located here. Mr. B. F. White, the clever local manager, stated yesterday that for the past three weeks he has received a carload of machines every week, and last week they sold more sewing machines than was ever sold in Columbus before in the same length of time.

O. F. Storm, who has been employed in a sewing machine company of Montgomery, was picked up on the streets, on Monday night, very drunk. He was carried to the barracks, where it was discovered that his leg was broken. Storm knew nothing about it, and could not remember how is happened.

The New York Sewing Machine & Manufacturing Co. has been organized, and signed contract with the Perpetual Investment, Construction & Deposit Co., to erect a sewing machine factory in East Richmond.

Miller & Hutchinson, Allentown, once handling the best machines to some extent, are said to be on the $19.50 level now. The machinery of the Love works has been shipped to Smithville, N. J. Mr. M. Jacobs, an agent and collector for the Singer Sewing Machine Co. at Erie, while driving out on the Buffalo road last week, to make collections, was upset, and dislocated his left shoulder. Drs. Silliman and Montgomery attended the injured man, who is now suffering much pain, and will be laid up for some time. The upsetting was caused by the wretched condition of the road. At Bloody Corners, near Castile, Fred De Wolf, a Buffalo sewing machine man, and Orrie Otis, of Cas tile, had a quarrel recently that resulted in blows De Wolf was knocked head foremost against a door. Friday he was taken violently insane, a blood vessel near the brain having burst. His chances for recovery are slight. John Kirchen is located at Mayfield as agent for the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine. From this point he expects to wake the echoes in the Mohawk Valley as soon as the sap flows. At Tonawanda the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Company have opened an office on North Canal street, with Joseph Lewis in charge. The Singer Manufacturing Company has rented the half of the store with F. C. Alvoord on South Main street, Gloversville. Mr. Post, New England agent for the Domestic sends us some very pretty specimens of his advertising!

Messrs. J. W. Harvey & Co. announce to the public that they have sold to Mr. Thos. M. Ferguson their sewing machine business, and in connection therewith they desire to state to their former friends and patrons that in Mr. Ferguson they will find a gentleman thoroughly versed in the sewing machine business, and one in whom they can have the utmost confidence' Mr. Ferguson will be found at his well-known stand on the Brookshire corner, and with a line of the best sewing machines in the world. Call and see him. J. W. Harvey will be found with Thos. M. Ferguson, aud will be pleased to have his many friends call
and see him. J. W. HARVEY & Co.

Concerning the above purchase, our friend Ferguson writes : " I have now, so to speak, a monopoly of the sewing machine trade of this section, and I hope to keep it. I have four of the best machine canvassers in East Mississippi. I sell, in connection with the celebrated Davis, the White, Wheeler & Wilson Domestic and Crown. "Mr. Jno. C. Campbell, the popular Davis man, is here on his annual visit, and meets a warm welcome from his many friends. "The trade prospects are very good, and particularly encouraging when compared with the few months just passed."
Riotous Cloakmakers Demolish Sewing Machines a n d D e s t r o y Goods w i t h V i t r i o l .

Mr. M. A Malone, the well-known music and sew-

A gang of about 30 of the striking New York City Broadway cloakmakers went to Jamaica and raided the house of Brattler & Goodman, a firm that a week ago moved from New York and established a nonunion workshop here. The strikers smashed in the door, and with axes, iron bars and clubs, demolished the sewing machines', after which they destroyed several bundles of goods by throwing vitriol over them. A 7-year-old child of Mr. Goodman was severely burned about the head and face by the vitriol sprinkled by the strikers. The riotous mob departed for Brooklyn on an electric car after smashing everything to their satisfaction. Most of the gang were arrested and held for trial.



United States Patents Affecting Sewing Machine Interests.

Claim.\. In a sewing-machine, the combination,"^!th an oseij* bating or rotary shuttle and a needle, of a vibrating thread -guard, Arranged to press against the front or outer face of the said shuttle; and operated independently thereof, said thread-guard vibrating in av direction parallel to the movement of the said shuttle, or approxw mately so, and projecting behind or inside of the shuttle-thread and i between the latter and the shuttle to hold the said thread out of the oath of the beak of the shuttle when the latter is approaching the?1 needle, substantially as set forth. 2. In a sewing-machine,.the combination, with the needle-bar <? and its needle c, of the oscillating or rotary shuttle D, having the outwardly cnrved or inclined beak d, the spring thread-guard,c\ having an upwardly and outwardly curved end bearing against tile front or outer face of the shuttle and co operating with the beak of the latter to prevent said beak from catching the shuttle-thread, and the vibrating lever E, carrying- said thread-guard and moving back and forth parallel to the plane of movement of the shuttle, said lever being operated independently of the shuttle, as set forth. Claim. 1 The combination, with the needles of a gang sewingmachine, of a presser-foot the working-face of which is provided with two series of fingers, one series located at the point at the front and the other at the rear of the needles, both series being in alignment with the needles, substantially as described: 2. The combination, with the needles of a gang sewing-machine, of a presser-foot provided with apertures for the needles and having D, operated by means of the movement of the wheels of the carnage, the levers G, foot-levers d*, and the levers N, having the pawls i, rods i8, and fu!?rumed on the bars 0, substantially as set forth. 3. The combination, with a presser-foot N, of a spring applied to throw the said presser-foot downwardly, a bent lever N"8, pivoted upon the frame of the machine and provided with a horizontal arm connected v/7th the presser-foot, a rock-sbaft N6, provided with a depending arm engaging the said lever N8 and with a second arm extending to a point adjacent to the driving-shaft of the machine, ami a cam upon said driving-shpft engaging said second arm of the rock-shaft, substantially as described. 4. The combination, with a feed-dog located above the workplate of the machine, an arm P. sustaining said dog, and means for movably sustaining the said arm from the machine-frame, affording a vertical and horizontal motion in the feed-dog, of means for giving a combined oscillatory and vertical movement to said feed-dog, consisting of a revolving shaft provided with two cams severally acting upon a part rigidly connected with said arm, a spring for depressing the feeddeg, and a frictional retarding device attached to the machine and acting upon the movable part supporting the feed-dog, whereby the horizontal movement of the feed-dog, under the action of the cam, is limited or controlled, substantially as described. o. The combination, with a feed-dog located over the work-plate of the machine and an arm Q, sustaining said feed-dog, of means for movrbly sustaining the said arm from the machine-frame, affording a vertical and horizontal motion in the feed-dog, an arm Q8,rigidlyattached to said arm Q, a revolving shaft provided with two cams acting upon the upper end of said arm Q8, and a friction device consisting of a plate or plates Q6, connected with the frame, a bolt passing through 4 : 4 7 , 4 0 1 . FEEDING MECHANISM FOR SEWING-MACHINES, the said plate or plates and the arm Q8, and a spring-washer or equivaMi mmAu GiBDsTKR, Aurora, HL, assignor to Thomas E Bail and James; lent means producing frictional engagement between said plate or Stone, same place, and Simon Floraheim. Chicago. Dl Filed Sept 10. plates Q* and arm Qs, substantially as described. 1889. Serial No 323.538 (No modeD 5 A take-up device for the needle-threads of a gang sewing-machine, consisting of a series of slotted rods M' M', a series of sliding rings upon said rods, springs actuating said rings, and a bar located adjacent to the ends of the several rods, transverse to the latter, and sustained by a spring arm. or arms, substantially as described


M a r * l i :t, 1 8 0 1 .

4 4 7 , 3 0 6 . SEWING-MACHINE, MARSBALL GARDKBR,Aurora,III, assignor to Thomas H. Bah and James Stone, same place, and Simon Florshelm, Chicago, Q L Piled Aug. 17,1888. Serial No, 282,999. (No model)

Claim. 1. The combination, with a series of parallel circular shuttle-races, of a series of circular hooked shuttles engaged therewith and a segmental oscillating driver engaged with said shuttles, said shuttles being each provided with a central recess concentric with the axis of rotation of the shuttle for containing a flat cop, an exit thread-guide passing through the side wall of the shuttle at the center of said recess, and a flat cover for closing said recess, substantially aak described. 2. The combination, with a circular shuttle-race, of a circular hooked shuttle engaged therewith and an oscillating segmental driver, said shuttle being provided with a central recess concentric with the axis of rotation of the shuttle, an exit thread-guide passing through the side wall of the shuttle at the center of said recess, a flat cover closing said recess, a tension-spring located in a cavity outside of the central recess and provided with guide-notches for holding the thread in engagement with said spring, substantially as described. 3. The combination, with a series of needles and a series of parallel circular shuttle-races, of a series of circular hooked shuttles engaged with said shuttle-races and a throat-plate extending over the shuttles and having in its under surface grooves forming parts of the shuttle-races, said throat-plate being provided with needle-apertures at the sides of the shuttle-races, and provided.also with * series of narrow guide slots or recesses for the thread-loops, extending upwardly from the shuttle-races and laterally from the needle-apertures at one side thereof in a direction transverse to the paths of the points of the shuttles, substantially as described.

4 4 7 , 4 : 9 6 . FRICTION ATTACHMENT FOR SPOOLCREEM Wal, T X R SLADB, Pascoag, R. I. Filed Apr. 14,189a Serial No. 347,859 (No model)

Claim.1. A spool-creel provided with an adjustable re voluble friction-head adapted to press eccentrically against the bead of the inserted spool, substantially as described. 2. The combination of the eccentrically-arranged sliding frictionhead, the supporting-bar, the adjustable collar, and the operating spring, substantially as described. 3. The combination, with the friction-head adapted to press eccentrically against one head of the spool, of a spring placed upon the journal of the opposite end of the spool, substantially as described.

. ^ 4 7 , 3 0 7 . SEWING-MACHINE. MARSHALLGAawrra,Aurora,111., assignor to Thomas H Ball and James Stone, same plane, and Simon Floraheim, Chicago, I 1 L Filed June 21,1887. Renewed Jan. 7.1891. Serial No. 876.974. (No model) Claim. 1. The combination, with a curved shuttle-race, of a shuttle-carrier comprising two horizontal bars I' I*. the bar I' adjacent to the point of the shuttle being provided with a guide-groove for the needle and if ith an adjacent notch to receive the edge of the shuttle,* substantially as described. 2. The combination, with a series of oscillating shuttles, of aj curved shuttle-race formed of two horizontally-arranged parts or cast-' tngs H H\ arranged at opposite sides of the needles and provided with, a series of parallel downwardly-opening guide-grooves in their under surfaces, a shuttle-carrier located beneath the several shuttles and supporting the same io engagement with the race, one of said parts or castings, as H', being pivoted at its outer margin to the frame, whereby it may be moved to permit the extraction and insertion of the shuttles,] substantially as described 3. The combination, with a' series of oscillating shuttles moving in parallel planes, of a curved shuttle-race provided with a series of! downwardly-opening guide-grooves, and an oscillating shuttle-carrier comprising two bars I' Is, each engaging the said several shuttles and' sustaining them in engagement with the grooves of the race, the said shuttle-race consisting of two pieces or castings H H', one of which' is pivotally supported to admit of its being removed to allow the exJ traction and insertion of the shuttles, substantially as described. 4. The combination, with the reciprocating needle-bar of a sew-' big-machine and an oscillating take-up arm for the needfe-threacl, or a spring take-up comprising a slotted rod, a sliding block orringupon the rod, and a spring for actuating said block or ring, the said rod being arranged with its end toward which the ring is thrown by the' spring downward and remote from the take-up arm, and a guide fori the needle-thread located above said rod, whereby the needle-thread 'is drawn npwardly away from the ring at both aides of the latter-, sttb-I, ataatiallj as described.,

Claim.A feed device for sewing-machines, comprising two feed* dogs, one located below and the other above the work, and means for. actuating said dogs, comprising two bars pivotally supported at points between their ends and severally connected with and actuating said feed-dogs, a single driving-shaft provided with a series of pairs of cams, one pair engaging each of said bars and g'vjng both longitudinal and lateral movement thereto, and shifting-pivots severally engaging, and supporting said bare, whereby the length of the stitch may be changed, substantially as described

4 4 : 7 , 5 7 0 . aUILTING-MACHINR MATTHIAS KOOH, New York, N.Y., assignor to Louis Schuitz, same place. Filed Feb. 10,1888. Serial No, 263,569. (NomodeL)^

447,40Q. SEWING MACHINE. MARSHALL GARDNER. Chicago. assignor to Thomas E Ball and James Stone, Aurora, and Simon Flor* shelm, Chicago, DL Original application filed June 21.1887. Serial No 241.960 Divided and this applicationfiledJune 1. 1888. Serial No 362,144. (No model-)



United States Patents Affecting Sewing Machine Interests.

Claim.I. In a sewing-macMne, the combination, with sewing mechanism, of a support for the work, a main shaft, a shaft extending parallel with the main shaft and deriving motion therefrom, two pattern-cams mounted on said second shaft, a third shaft deriving motion from the second-named shaft and extending at right angles thereto, two pattern-cams mounted on said third-named shaft, and gearing, substantially such as described, operated from the pattern-wheels mounted on the second-named shaft, for causing a fore-and-aft motion of the said work-support, and an arm operated from the pattern-wheels mounted on the third-named shaft for causing a side-to-side movement of said work-support, substantially as specified. 2. In a sewing-machine, the combination, with a sewing mechanism, of a support for the worfc,a main shaft, two pairs of pattern-cams for imparting motion to said work-support, and arms extending between said pattern-cams, each of said arms bearing two pins or projections, one of which pins or projections bears upon one of the cams of the pair with which it co-operates and the other of said pins or projections bears upon the other of said pair of cams, said arms serving to transmit motion to the work-support, substantially as specified. Claim.1. In a quilting-machine, the combination, with a series of needles and two work-carriages arranged one upon the other for supporting and moving the fabric universally in a plane transverse to the reciprocation of the needles and pattern-wheels for moving saia carriages, of mechanism, substantially such as described, between one of the carriages and its pattern-wheel, whereby the direction of certain motions of such carriage may be reversed without reversing the pattern-wheel, substantially as specified. 2. In a quilting-machine, the combination, with a series of needles and two work-carriages arranged ooe upon the other for supporting and moving a fabric universally in a plane transvetae to the reciprocation of the needles, of a rack on one carriage, a gear-wheel engaging with the rack, a shaft carrying the gear-wheel, a rack-bar extending over this shaft, a long pinion supported on the shaft so that it may be shifted into or out of engagement with the rack-bar, bearings for a second shaft, and gear-wheels on the second shaft arranged so that wheu the second shaft is in place and the long pinion is shifted oue of these gear-wheels on the second shaft will engage with the long pinion and the other with the said rack-bar, substantially as specified. 3. In a quilting-machine, the combination, with a series of needles and two work-carriages arranged one upon the other for supporting and moving a fabric universally in a plane transverse to the reciprocation of the needles, of a rack r on one carriage, a gear-wheel E, engaging with the rack, a shaft B', carrying the gear-wheel, a rack-bar E8, extending over this shaft, a long pinion Bs, supported on the shaft so that it may be shifted into or out of engagement with the rack-bar, bearings 2 3 for a second shaft 4, and gear-wheels 5 6 on the second shaft, arranged so that when the second shaft is in place and the long pinion is shifted one of these gear-wheels on the second shaft will engage with the long pinion and the other with the said rack-bar, substantially as specified.

3. In a sewing-machine, the combination, with sewing mechanism, of a support for the work, a pair of pattern-cams, a shaft upon which said cams* are mounted, an arm provided with projections bearing upon the peripheries of said cams, said arm being provided with a rack, a gear-wheel with which said rack engages, a shaft upon which aid gear-wheel is mounted, other gear-wheels mounted on said shaft, and racks upon the work-support, with which the last-named gearwheels engage, substantially as specified. 4. In a sewing-machine, the combination, with sewing mechanism, of a support for the work, a rack and pinion for imparting a'raovetnent to the support, a shaft upon which said pinion is mounted, a pinion provided with elongated teeth, also mounted on said shaft, a 4 4 7 , 7 Q 9 SEWING-MACHINE-NEEDLE GUIDE GBGRGE a RILL. rack engaging said last-named pinion, and pattern-wheels imparting a Lynn, Mass., assignor to The Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Comlongitudinal movement to said last-named rack, substantially as specipany, Bridgeport. Conn. Ffled Mar. 29, 1887 Serial No 232,848 fied. (No model) 5. In a sewing-machine, the combination, with sewing mechanism, of a support for the work, a pair of pattern-cams, a shaft upon which said cams are mounted, an arm provided with projections bearing upon the peripheries of said cams, said arm being provided with a rack, a shaft mounted on the work-support so as to move with the latter, a gear-wheel engaging said rack and mounted on the last-named Claim.In a sewing-machine, the presser-bar and its presser-foot Shaft so as to move with the same, other gear-wheels mounted on said or roller, combined with the vertically-reciprocating needle-guide c. last-named shaft, and racks upon the work-support, with which said constructed of a piece of metal bent essentially at right angles, and last-named gear-wbeels engage, substantially as specified. thus projecting from the presser-bar into the path of the needle, and 6. In a sewing-machine, the combination, with sewing mechanism, having the needle-holes 4 5 at one- end and secured at its other end to of a support for the work, a shaft, a pattern-cam controlling the rota- the presser-bar at a height that will keep it out of contact with the tion of said shaft, a gear-wheel rotated by said shaft, a second gear- material being sewed, while serving to stay the needles at the point of wheel rotated by the gear-wheel first named, a shaft mounted upon the greatest strain upon them in entering the material to be sewed, subsaid work-support and bearing the gear-wheel last named, a third gear- stantially as described. wheel rotated by the second-named shaft, said gear-wheels and shafts G r a n t e d M a r c h IO, 1 8 9 6 . being connected to hare a relative sliding movement, feed-rollers, and gearing intermediate of said last-named gear-wheel and the feed-roll4 4 7 , 7 5 8 TABLE-LEAF SUPPORT. LBWI& 0. CASH, Russellville. ers for transmitting motion to the latter, substantially as specified. Mo? Filed Aug.'JL .1890 Serial-No. 301,044. (NomodeD 7 In a sewing-machine, the combination, with sewing mechanism, of a support for the work, a shaft, a pattern-cam controlling the rotation of said shaft, feed-rollers, a second shaft, intermittently-operating bevel gear-wheels for transmitting motion from the first-named to the second-named shaft, other intermittently-operating bevel gear-wheels for transmitting motion from the second-named shaft to the feed-rollers, one of said last-named gear-wheels being movable lengthwise on the second-named shaft, substantially as specified.

4 4 7 , 5 7 1 . QUILTING-MACHINE. MATTHIAS KOCH, Chicago, 111, assignor to Louis Sohultz, New York. N. Y. Filed May 25,1889. Serial Ha 312,082. (No model)

Claim.1 The combination, with the support having the opposite screw-eyes, the leaf, the plates secured to the rear under side of the leaf, said plates being reduced at their rear ends and bent to form hooks for engaging the eyes and at their front ends bent to form perforated lugs, and bearing-lugs located at the front ends of the leaf and opposite the plates, of V-shaped brackets having their upper terminals reduced to form bearings and entering the lug and their lower ends rearwardly bent, and the arms pivotally connected to the elbows and provided upon their under sides and rear ends with sockets and rubber buffers mounted in the same, substantially as specified. 2. The combination, with a leaf hinged at its upper rear edge to its support, of a bracket-arm depending therefrom and secured thereto a short distance in front of its rear edge, and a short arm hinged to the lower end of the bracket-arm, adapted to fold up against the bracket-arm, and provided at its outer edge and at its end with bearings 20 and 18, respectively, substantially as specified. 4 4 7 , 7 9 1 . MACHINE FOR CUTTING AND STITCHING BUTTOjj HOLES." JABS* A. OBTBlHonT, Troy, N. Y., assignor to the NaUonv. Machine Company, same place Ffled Dec 22,1885. Serial No. 188 426 (No model >

Claim.1. In a button-hole sewing-machine, the combination, with its stitch-forming and work-moving mechanisms, of a work-cutter and its carrier normally elevated, a depressor which ordinarily does not depress the cutter-carrier and cutter, a cutter-controller connected to and moving with the said work-moving mechanism, and connections between the said cutter-controller, cutter-carrier, and depressor, whereby the latter is temporarily caused to depress the cutter-carrier and cutter, substantially as set forth. 2. In a button-hole sewing-machine, the combination, with its stitch-forming and work-moving mechanisms, of a work-cutter and its carrier normally elevated, a depressor which is operated by the needle-actuating mechanism of the sewing-machine, and which ordinarily does not depress the. cutter-carrier and cotter, a cutter-controller connected to and moving with the said work-moving mechanism, and connections between the said critter-controller, cotter-carrier, and de pre sor, whereby, the latter is temporarily caused to depress the cuttc-carrier a'nd cutter, substantially as set forth. 3. In a button-hole sewing-machine, the combination, with its stitch-forming and work-moving mechanisms, of a work-cutter and its carrier normally elevated, a depressor which is operated by the needlecarrier of the sewing-machine, a'nd which ordinarily does not depress the cutter-carrier and cutter, a cutter-controller connected to and moving with the said work-moving mechanism, and connections between the said cutter-controller, cutter-carrier, and depressor, whereby the cutter - carrier and cutter are temporarily depressed by the said depressor, substantially as described. 4. In a button-hole sewing-machine, the combination, with its stitch-forming mechanism, work-clamps, and mechanism including s rotary feed device for operating the work-clamp, of a work-cuttei and its carrier normally elevated, a depressor which ordinarily does not depress the cutter-carrier and cutter, a Cutter-controller connected to and rotating with the said rotary feed device, and connections between the said cutter-controller, cutter-carrier, and depressor, whereby the said depressor is temporarily caused to depress the cutter-carrier and cutter, substantially as set forth. 5. In a button-hole sewing-machine, the combination, with a stitchforming mechanism, a work-clamp, and mechanism including a rotary feed device for operating the work-clamp, of a work-cutter and its carrier normally elevated, a depressor operated by the needle-actuating mechanism of the' sewing-machine, a cutter-controller connected to and rotating with the said rotary feed device, and connections between the said cutter-controller, cutter-carrier, and depressor, whereby the cutter-carrier and cutter are temporarily depressed by the said depressor, substantially as set forth. 6. In a button-hole sewing-machine, the combination, with a stitchforming mechanism, a work-clamp, and mechanism including a rotary feed device, for operating the work-clamp, of a work-cutter and its carrier normally elevated, a depressor operated by the needle-carrier of the sewing-machine, a cutter-controller connected to and rotating with the said rotary feed device, and connections oetween the said cutter-controller, cutter - carrier, and depressor, whereby the cuttercarrier and cutter are temporarily depressed by the said depressor, substantially as described. 7. In a button-hole sewing-machine, the combination, with a stitchforming mechanism, a work-clamp, and mechanism for operating the work-clamp, of a depressor operated by the actuating mechanism of the sewing-machine, a work-cutter, its carrier, means to elevate the cutter-carrier, and means to support it when elevated and disconnected from said depressor, a cutter-controller connected to and moving with the mechanism for operating the work-clamp, and connections between the said cutter-controller, cutter-carrier, and depressor, whereby the cutter-carrier is temporarily connected with and depressed by the said depressor and is thereupon elevated and disconnected from the depressor, substantially as described. 8. In a button-hole sewing-machine, the combination, with its stitch-forming mechanism, work-clamp, and mechanism for operating the work-clamp, of a depressor connected with and operated by the needle-carrier of the sewing-machine, a work-cutter and its carrier, means to elevate the cutter-carrier, and means to support it wheu elevated and disconnected from said depressor, a cutter-controller connected to and moving with the mechanism for operating the workclamp, and connections between the said cutter-controller, cutter-carrier, and depressor, whereby the cutter-carrier is temporarily connected with and depressed by said depressor and is thereupon elevated and disconnected therefrom, substantially aa described. 9. In a button-holesewiog-machine, the combination, with a stitchforming mechanism, a work-clamp, and mechanism for operating the work-clamp, of a depressor and an elevator operated by actuating mechanism of the sewing-machine, a work-cutter and its carrier, a support for the cutter-carrier when elevated and disconnected from said depressor, a cutter-controller connected to and moving with the said mechanism for operating the work-clamp, and connections between the said cutter-controller, cutter-carrier, depressor, and elevator, whereby the cutter-carrier is temporarily connected with and depressed and elevated by said depressor and elevator and is thereupon disconnected from said depressor, substantially as set forth. 10. In a button-hole sewing-machine, the combination, with a stitch-forming mechanism, a work-clamn, and mechanism for operating.



SEWING MACHINE EXPORTS. large, a n d so powerfully a n d intelligently w o r k e d , t h a t y o u w i l l s e r v e y o u r t r u e inF r o m t h e P o r t of N e w Y o r k f o r t h e M o u t h , t e r e s t s b y e n g a g i n g w i t h t h e m if posof M a r c h , 1 8 9 1 . sible. N o o n e n e e d l o o k o u t s i d e o u r list of 'Compiled expressly for the S. M. TIMES from a d v e r t i s e r s for t h e substantial, reliable a d the manifests of outward-bound vessels.] DESTINATION. VALUE v a n t a g e s w h i c h C a p i t a l . E x p e r i e n c e , P r e s Antwerp $ 517 t i g e a n d E n t e r p r i s e g u a r a n t e e . T h e p r o Aberdeen 267 Brazil 2,178 d u c t i o n s of t h e s e c o m p a n i e s will a d v e r t i s e Brussels 1,126 t h e D e a l e r ; h e d o e s n o t h a v e t o sell t h e m Berwick 180 o n h i s o w n r e p u t a t i o n . Barcelona 800 British Australia 43.057 T H E S I N G E R M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O M P A N Y ; British Africa 92 AND T H EW H E E L E R & W I L S O N M A N U British East Indies , 889 FACTURING COMPANY. British Honduras . 287 British Guiana ..: 64 W h a t m a y p r o p e r l y b e said i n t h i s conBritish West Indies 410 Central America 14,314 n e c t i o n of e i t h e r o n e of t h e s e c o n c e r n s , a p China ..80 p l i e s t o t h e o t h e r . J u s t a s t h e a d v e r t i s e Chill 309 m e n t s s t a n d , s i d e b y s i d e o n o u r p a g e , s o Christiana 1,444 t h e s e p r o m i n e n t h o u s e s h a v e s t o o d f o r Cuba, 5394 Dutch West Indies 295 n e a r l y f o r t y y e a r s , s u b s t a n t i a ] m o n u r n e n t s Ecuador 1.761 of l e g i t i m a t e , e a r n e d a n d m e r i t e d s u c c e s s . French W. Indies 63S T h e i r v e r y n a m e s c a r r y a g u a r a n t e e of Geneva 192 Glasgow 19,899 h o n o r a b l e d e a l i n g , a n d t h e a c c u m u l a t e d Honduras 234 k n o w l e d g e a n d facilities of t h e i r l o n g e x Haytl 404 p e r i e n c e g i v e t h e m a d v a n t a g e s t h a t a l l Havre 6.140 c a n a p p r e c i a t e . Hamburg 46 330 Lyons 1,493 T H E S T A N D A R D S E W I N G M A C H I N E C O M London 26,822 PANY. Liverpool 10391 Liberia 20 A m o n g the newer companies, t h e StandMilan 1,095 Mexico 8829 a r d h a s been c o n s p i c u o u s f o r t h e e n t e r PortoElco 38 p r i s e a n d e n e r g y w i t h w h i c h i t h a s e a r n e d Peru 1,812 its p l a c e in t h e confidence a n d e s t e e m of t h e Sandwich Islands 860 Slam 362 p u b l i c . W i t h n e w e s t of e q u i p m e n t s , a n d San Domlntro 398 g u i d e d b y e x t e n s i v e p r i o r . e x p e r i e n c e , t h e U. s. ol Colombia 6.679 m a n a g e r s of t h i s c o m p a n y w e r e e n a b l e d Venezuela 6 191 Vienna 2830 t o p u t i t o n a firm b a s i s i n t h e first y e a r s Miscellaneous 50 of i t s e x i s t e n c e ; a n d t h e i r s u c c e s s is a t e s t i m o n y t o t h e w i s d o m of t h e i r m e t h o d s . TOTAL *8I9.T4 DYER & HUGHES. Corresp'dlng time 1890 186,494 W e t h i n k t h e t e s t i m o n y of m u s i c i a u s is INCREASE $33,251 b e t t e r t h a n a n y t h i n g w e c a n s a y of t h i s FOR THE YEAR. firm or i t s i n s t r u m e n t s . First three months lu 1891 $562,185 See w h a t s o m e of t h e m o s t n o t e d m u s i -1890 5 3 9 883 cians say a b o u t the Dyer & H u g h e s Organ : INCREASE $22,302 N e w E n g l a n d C o n s e r v a t o r y of M u s i c , ) E . Tourjee, Director, > EMPLOYMENT. F r a n k l i n S q u a r e , B o s t o n , M a s s . , J u n e 1, 1886. Four Insertions F o r $1.00
OSITION WANTED by a young man with family. l i a s had ten years' experience with P some of t h e best companies, and In various



To their Elegant Machine and its

Of P o p u l a r i t y and L e a d e r s h i p ,
i n w h i c h i t h a s s t a k e d o u t t h e p a t h of S e w i n g Machine Invention.

G e n t l e m e n T h e O r g a n w e ordered from y o u r factory for use in t h e Conservatory departments; desires a field where Industry, is g i v i n g g r e a t satisfaction, n o t o n l y for energy, and a knowledge of the business may i t s t o n e a n d q u a l i t y , b u t e s p e c i a l l y in t h a t have an opportunity. Address, "Experience," tone power w h i c h r e n d e r s s u c h efficient aid care of this paper. in l e a d i n g a l a r g e b o d y of s i n g e r s . I c a n heartily recommend the instrument. SPECIAL NOTICES. Yours truly, Not Exceeding 1 Inch, T w o Insertions F o r 81.00.



OR SALE.Half Interest In a Well-Established Sewing Machine Business. Established In F 1878. The only dealer In a city of 85 000 Inhabit-

Office of C. E . F r e e m a n , A m h e r s t , ) N o v a Scotia, O c t . 8, 1890. i

M E S S R S . D Y E R & H U G H E S , P i a n a a n d Or-

Of G r o w t h and I m p r o v e m e n t ,
constantly advancing in Perfection of C o n s t r u c t i o n a n d V a l u e of A p p l i a n c e s .

gan Manufacturers, Foxcroft, Me. ants. The business neted a profit of $5,000 durD e a r S i r s Y o u r s t y l e B , m a h o g a n y fining the past year, and Is Increasing, w a n t a live sewing mnchlne man with cash and a good repu- ished, h a s a r r i v e d , a n d it n o t o n l y l o o k s tation. For further particulars address No. 210 w e l l b u t s o u n d s w e l l , b e i n g c l e a r , s w e e t N. Summer street, Nashville. Tenn. a n d p o w e r f u l - t o n e d . I t h a s been m u c h ANTED" Buckeye " Sewing Machine. The a d m i r e d , a n d b i d s fair t o b u i l d u p a solid advertiser wishes to purchase a " Buckeye' a n d l a s t i n g r e p u t a t i o n . I w i s h y o u t h e hand macUne In good order, a n d of t h e well- m e r i t e d s u c c e s s w i t h y o u r P i a n o s t h a t y o u known refflar make. In answering, state price h a v e n o w a l r e a d y w i t h y o u r O r g a n s . asked and condition of machine. Address BuckRespectfully yours, eye, care ot U. S. S. M. TIMES. New York.

It Has the Points.

Of W e a r and P r a c t i c a l Test,
to which it h a s been subjected, a n d which Demonstrate its Durability.

C. E .


T h e N e w Y o r k S u n s a y s : " M o d e s t y is o u t of p l a c e i n a n a d v e r t i s e r . H i s b u s i n e s s is t o r e c o m m e n d h i s g o o d s a n d t o p u t h i s a d v e r t i s e m e n t of t h e m i n t h e m o s t a l l u r i n g and convincing form that occurs t o h i m . If h e h a b i t u a l l y e x a g g e r a t e s , h i s c u s t o m e r s will find h i m o u t in t i m e , a n d w i l l cease to be attracted b y his advertisements, b u t h a b i t u a l u n d e r s t a t e m e n t is n o t r e q u i r e d of h i m .

The Shoemaker's Friend. A strong point made stronger the completely universal feed, s u p p l e m e n t e d b y t h e smallest arm of a n y m a c h i n e i n t h e world. " B o o t s a n d shoes repaired while y o u w a i t , " i s a t h o r o u g h l y p r a c t i c a l s c h e m e , if t h e s h o e m a k e r h a s t h i s friend.

It Stands the Test.

Of C o n f i d e n c e
in which Dealers

and R e l i a n c e ,
have handled it with a



Profit that Proves its Superiority.

speak a good w o r d for its Advertising P a t r o n s ; not meaningless mention, b u t j u s t s u c h e n d o r s e m e n t a s h o l d s t h e endorser. * O u r advertising columns bear testimony, t o t h o s e w h o h a v e a w i d e a c q u a i n t a n c e in t h e circle, t h a t t h e y l a r g e l y r e p r e s e n t t h e c o n t r o l l i n g a n d d i r e c t i n g e l e m e n t of t h e trade. T o t h e b u y e r w h o is n o t s o f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e s u b j e c t w e c a n s a y a n d we s a y it f r o m p e r s o n a l k n o w l e d g e t h a t from t h e s e a d v e r t i s e r s y o u c a n o b t a i n all t h e i m p o r t a n t a d v a n t a g e s t h a t c a n b e offered o r desired. T o those w h o are seeking e m p l o y m e n t we say, with equal emphasis, that the field c o v e r e d b y t h e s e a d v e r t i s e r s i s s o

It Never


. A pamphlet of information and abs t r a c t of the laws, Showing How to/ v.Obtain Polenta, Oive.its, Trader ^Marks, Copyrights, sent 1fQ*/A
Address M U N f J

A. C O . . New Y o r k .






T O S B ' W I l S r a - MACiaCIIlXrE A.GrEKTTS.






HE only successful low-priced Perforator ever offered. It is used en any sewing machine table, not as an attachment to the sewing machine, nor interfering with its use, but driven by the same foot-power. Full instructions accompany, and i!s useiis easi'y learned. I t is thoroughly practical, and with an assortment of our patterns as guides, and a supply of our stamping materials, it enables any person of intelligence (o conduct all branches of the stamping busi ness. Supplies and new designs can be obtained from us as needed, and the ingenuity and skill of the operator utilized to tho fullest extent. With one of these machines patterns can be produced at a trifling cost, and sold at enormous profit. With each machine we send a box of Powder, a Pouncet, and a Catalogue, from which our designs may be selected. We can furnish paper, as ordered, by mail, for $1 per quire. The machine packs in a box 14xl5x3J inches, and is shipped, by express only, F . O . B . , $ 1 5 . 0 0 .

HE art of stamping, as now practiced, by means of perforated paper patterns and resinous powders, has come to be an essential aid, not only to designers and

manufacturers, but to the convenience of the household. Both fancy work and the plain practical work of the family afford continual opportunities for its application, and it must be acknowledged as one of the leading features of the home economy of the day. The process of stamping is simple, and so generally understood that it requires little explanation. I t s already extensive use has familiarized most ladies with it. I t requires

only the small outfit of a box of our prepared powder and a pouncet, and such perforated patterns ai may be required from time to time. These we can always send by mail immediately, on receipt of order, accompanied by the price, which is affixed to each illustration in our catalogue.




Universal Attachment Co.,



LL Sewing Machine Agents understand the imperative, though limited demand for a hand-pouer. In every community there are occasional calls for such an attach ment, and the sale of a regular machine may depend on the ability to furnish one. Many attempts have been made to fill this want, but with the exception of our goods all the devices offered have proved more or less unsatisfactory. Ours have now been continually in the market for nearly ten years, and are admitted to be all that can be expected in that direction. They are cheap enough to give away as make-weights ; and they are good enough to sell at a large profit. They are splendid door-openers for canvassers and sales men, as their use furnishes an attractive subjVct of conversation, especially to ladies. They are small and compact, can be sent by mail, can be carried in the pocket. I h e turn of a single screw attaches one to a machine without any mechanical work or preparation.

Publisher and Printer,
155 West Broadway, W BE.
Estimates given on any style of Work, from a Visiting Card to a Newspaper.


B R O O K L Y N , N .Y .


B<M)K LIST. Genuine! Genuine! Genuine! (DOR FIFTY CENTS BACH

The Word "GENUINE" has been our Motto for Years.
TO S U B S C R I B E R S T O T H I S P A P E R O N L Y .

Genuine Parts and all Sewing Machine Accessories AT BOTTOM PRICES.

The following list is composed of Dollar a n d Dollar a n d a Q u a r t e r Books B O O K S T H A T A R E B O O K S , n o t t o b e s p o k e n of i n c o m p a r i s o n w i t h t h e so-called " Novels " a n d c h e a p p a p e r - b o u n d books u s u a l l y offered a s p r e m ' i ms. They ere a credit to t h e L I B R A R Y S H E L V E S , they a r e a n ornament on the P A R L O R T A B L E . W e furnish t h e m w i t h o u t profit, t o O L D S U B S C R I B E R S o r N E W , F O R F I F T Y C E N T S E A C H , s i m p l y as a n a c c o m m o d a t i o n : o t h e r s can b u y t h e m front t h e book stores a t t h e r e g u l a r prices. 94 Way Down East, Downey. 1 Uroone, Daniel, Life of. 95 Margaret Moncrieffe, the Beautiful Spy. 2 Crockett, Davy, Life of. 96 Hero Girl. 3 Carson, Kit, Life of. 97 Royalist's Daughter. 4 Hunting Scenes in Africa. 98 Female Life Among Mormons. 5 Hunting Sports in the West. 99 Male Life Among Mormons. 6 Hunting Adventures in Northern Wilds. 100 Six Hundred Receipts. 7 Indians, Thrilling Adventures Among. 101 American Practical Cookery. 8 Block House, Six Night in a. 102 Modern Cookery. 9 Early Settlers, Thrilling Adventures Anion] 10 Lewis Wetzel, Life of. T. S. ARTHUR'S POPULAR WORKS. 11 Pioneer, Life in the West. 103 After the Storm. 12 Forest and Prairie. 104 Nothing But Money. 18 Doomed Chief. 105 Out in the World. 14 Gaut Gurley. 106 Our Neighbors in the Corner House. 15 Perils and Pleasures of a Hunter's Life. 107 What Came Afterwards. 10 Wild Northern Scenes. 108 Light on Shadowed Paths. 17 Gerard, the Lion Slayer. 109 Sketches of Life and Character. 18 Barth's Travels in Africa. 110 Leaves from Books of Human Life. 19 Anderson's Explorations in Africa. 20 American History, Thrilling Incidents in. 111 Lights and Shadows of Real Life. 21 Revolution, Battlefields of the. 112 Advice to Young Ladies. 22 Pauline Cushman, Life of. 113 Advice to Young Men. < S 3 Davis and Jackson. 114 Allen House. il Sam Houston, Life of. 115 Angel and Demon. 25 Andrew Jackson, Life of. 116 Angel of the Household. 26 Francis Marion, Life of. 117 Before and After Marriage. 27 Napoleon and His Campaigns. 118 Golden Grains from Life's Harvest Field. 28 Corsica and Early Life of Napoleon. 119 Hand Without the Heart. 120 Mary Ellis (Runaway Match). 29 Louis Napoleon, Life of. 121 Old Man's Bride. 30 Nicholas I. Life of. 122 Sparing to Spend. 31 War la India. 123 Steps Toward Heaven. J2 Mexico, War with. 124 Three Eras in a Woman's Life. 33 Oar Boys in the Army. 125 Trials and Confessions. 34 Our Campaigns (2nd Pa. Reserves). 126 Way to Prosper. 35 Rebellion, Thrilling Stories of. 127 What Can Woman Do. 4t> Texan Rangers, Scouting Expeditions of. 128 Withered Heart. W Robert Warren the Texan Refugee. 129 Young Lady at Home. IS Men Who Have Risen. 130 Good Time Coming. > 9 Livingston, David, Personal Life of. 131 Heart Histories ana Life Pictures. 19 Crusades, Proctor's History of. 132 Home Scenes. H Cause and Cure of Crime. 133 Martyr Wife. 42 Robinson Crusoe. 134 True Riches, Wealth Without Wings. 13 Comfort for Small Incomes. 44 Abraham Lincoln, Life of. 135 While It Was Morning. 45 Benjamin Franklin, Life of. 136 Sweet Home. 46 Alexander Hamilton, Life of. 137 Woman's Mission and Influence. 47 Stephen A. Douglass, Life of. 138 Spiritualism Exposed. 43 Henry Clay, Life of. 139 Morning Star, The Symbols of Christ. 49 George Washington, Life of. 140 Deserted Family. 59 Daniel Webster, Life of. 141 Christian's Gift. 51 Thomai Jefferson, Life of. 142 Wreath of Gems. 52 Elisha Kent Kane, Life of. 143 Living and Loving. 53 Captain John Smith, Life of. 144 Fatal Glass, The. 54 $59U9 a Year on the Farm. 145 Anna Clayton. 55 $2000 a Year on Fruits and Flowers. 146 Enchan ted Beauty, The. 56 Family Doctor. 147 Galileo, Personal Life of. 57 Woman and Her Diseases. 148 Cook's Voyages around the World. 58 Young Woman's Book of Health. 149 Little Trapper, The. 59 Boyhood's Perils and Manhood's Curse. 150 Angel Visitor. 60 Homer's Iliad. 151 Fanny Hunter's Western Adventures. 61 Homer's Odyssey. 152 Land and Sea, Adventures by. 62 Thomas Moore, Poetical Works of. 153 White Rocks, or The Robber's Den. 63 Mrs. Sigourney, Poetical Works of. 154 Great Expectations. 64 Mrs. Heman's, Poetical Works of. 155 Soldier and Sorceress. 65 Mrs. Osgood, Poetical Works of. 156 Southern Matron, Recollections; of. 66 Tupper, M. F., Poetical Works of. 157 Forger's Daughter, The. j7 James Montgomery, Poetical Works of. 158 Funny Adventures on a Crutch. 68 Antoinette, Marie, Memoirs of. 159 Joker's Knapsack. 69 Josephine, Secret Memoirs of. 160 Young Lady's Own Book. 70 Anne Boleyn, Memoirs of. 161 Fashionable Dissipation. 71 Mary Queen of Scots. 162 Madagascar, Three Visits to. .'2 Queens of France. 163 Siberia, Oriental and Weslern. ,3 Life of Christ, Fleetwood's. 164 Grains for the Grangers. 74. Pilgrim's Progress. 165 Nicaragua, History and Description. 75 History of Palestine, Kitto. 166 Horse Training Made Easy. ;e Heaven and Its Scriptural Emblems. 167 Lora, A Pastoral Poem. 71 Mornings with Jesus. 168 Songs from the Lowlands. 78 Evenings with Jesus. 169 Rev. Mr. Dashwell. 79 Rainbow around the Tomb. 170 That Mother-in-law of Mine. 30 Mrs. Judson's, Lives of the Three. 171 Ladies' Hand Book of Ornamental Work. 81 Rev. A. Judson, Life of. 172 Hoyle's Games. 32 Methodist Episcopal Church, History of. 173 Life of Lorenzo Dow. 83 M. E. Preachers, Lives of Eminent. 174 Life of Horace Greeley. 84 Wesley, John and Charles, Lives of. 175 Russo-Turkish War. 81 Belle of New York. 176 Evervbody's Lawyer and Book of Forms. 88 Fatal Feud. 177 Fatal Secret, IdaGlenwood. 37 Orphan Girls. 178 Natural History, Wood. 33 Orphan Boy. 179 Mrs. Partington's Knitting Work. 39 Heroic Women of History. 180 Horse and Diseases, Jennings. 90 Twelve Years a Slave. 181 Cattle and Diseases, Jennings. 91 Hajjibaba. Persian Explorer. 182 Sheep, Swine and Poultry., Jennings. 92 Winter Amid the Ice, Jules Verne. 183 American Horse, Cattle and Sheep, McClnre 93 Thirty Years in Arctic Regions.

Send for Catalogue Just Out.

G. B. BARKER & CO., Limited.

65 East Ninth Street, NEW YORK

The best a n l cheapest Screw-driver you ever saw. Will never turn In the handle, nor come out. SIZPS 2 to 12 Inches. Ask ror t h e Wing: F l a n g e " Screwdriver a t your Sewing Machine Supply Store, or send 10 cents In postal stamps for sample and prices to

l l H I I . i : .1 A n n s , I I Clinton P l a c e , N e w Y o r k , Sole M a k e r .


Send for Descriptive Circular,


9 Spruce Street, New York

P . O . B o x 2531.

SMOKE of Leaves, Barks, Saturated Paper, and Pastiles WILL



A S T H M A . A S T H M A is is c a u s e d b y a specific poison in t h e blood (often h e r e d i t a r y ) .

long list of required

ELIMINATES and DESTROYS t h e B i f l Y I Y M I I I I I I V I N o P O I S O N . '""in>..Jnitl**llll

o r m o n t h s of treatment, nor any clap-trap or nonsense resorted to. W e only ask a n y o n e suffering from A s t h m a to T R Y A F E W D O S E S o f A s t h m a l e n e . W e m a k e

er\ Uriaf S o f t f e t o HftoAe b u f f e r i n g iJrorrj ffii<& Terrifcfe Mafail^.

( S F ' S E N D u s y o u r n a m e o n a postal card a n d w e will mail e n o u g h of D r . T a f t ' s A s t h m a l e n e t o s h o w i t s p o w e r o v e r t h e d i s e a s e , s t o p t h e s p a s m s a n d give a g o o d n i g h t ' s r e s t , a n d prove t o you ( n o m a t t e r h o w b a d y o u r c a s e j t h a t A S T H M A L E N E CAN CURE. A S T H M A ' a n d y o u n e e d n o l o n g e r n e g l e c t y o u r b u s i n e s s o r sit i n a c h a i r a l l n i g h t g a s n i n g for b r e a t h for fear o f suffocation. S e n d u s y o u r full n a m e a n d post-office a d d r e s s o n a p o s t a l c a r d . THE OR, TAFT BROS., MEDICINE CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y.


BUY the FOUNTAIN-USE IT on the COMMON PEN! 5 Cents Each. 4 5 Cents for IOO. $1.50 t o r 1,000.

Sewing Machine Times, $1. A Year.










Catalogue and Prices.

Catalogue and Prices.

New Style G, Upright Grand Piano, made in Rosewood, Mahogany and Figured Walnut.

IMaiiiifaotiired l>y the

Braumuller Company,
1 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I.I I I I I I |.| I.I I l-l-l !! I.l l.t f l l ' 1 - l . l . l l.l I 1 I I.I I.t .( 1-1 1:11,1.1.1 I.I I I ' f ' l ' l . l . l . l . l f l ' l I I.I.l.J.

FACTORY AND WAREROOMS, 542 and 544 W E S T F O R T I E T H Street,


The Others Must Have Been Liars. " See here, sir," she said, as she entered a sewing machine office the other day, " your agent has imposed upon me." " I s it possible, ma'am ? I n what respect ?" " Y e s , s i r ; he has lied to me, and I don't want your machine !" " How has he deceived you?" " W h y , he came into my house and told me that your machine was the best in the worldtold it right before witnesses, and I can prove every word of i t ! " " B u t that was not deceiving you, ma'am!" " Y e s , it was! I hadn't the machine two days before another agent called and said his was the best, and he had a circular to back it u p . He had hardly got out doors when another called and said his machine had taken ten medals." " B u t we have taken fifteen, ma'am." " Oh, have you ? " " A n d are sure to get the premium at the next World's Fair." "Indeed !" " A n d we have issued a challenge for a public trial, which no other machine dare accept." " I s that so ? Then your machine is the best after all ?' "Certainly." " Then you will please excuse me. I thought I had been imposed upon, and I guess I was a little hasty. T h e other agents must have been the liars."Detroit Free Press. The Man, t h e Elephant and t h e Fly. A sewing machine agent who was traveling across the country on foot saw an elephant approaching, and to avoid the danger he climbed a large Tree on the Weekly Installment Plan. The Elephant, who was a firm Believer in the Force Bill, passed on his W a y without seeing t h e Agent, but the latter had scarcely tittered a Chuckle of satisfaction when he was Bitten so Severely by a Small Fly that he Fell from his Perch and was Grievously wounded. " I t isn't so much that I have broken three Ribes, barked m y Shins, Split m y head and Bitten my Tongue !" wailed the Victim as he lay on the Grass, " but it is that I Escaped such a big Animal as the Elephant to be knocked out by such an Insignificant thing as a Fly. MoralTaken every premium for the last twenty years, and guaranteed to lend all others in every respect.Somebody's advertisement in a Salt Lake Paper.

Also CROWN HEWING MACHINES; 333-333 S. C a n a l Street.

The only Machine that will Sew Back, wards as well as Forwards.
T H E WONDER OF T H E AGE. No one can do himself justice without seeing this Machine. Q n l e t , L i g h t R u n n i n g . A d j u s t a b l e In a l l Its P a r t s .

W e Make
The "Simple Automatic" and Old Tension Wilcox & Gibbs system ma chines and parts for the same.

Union Manufacturing Co.,

C M K B A L OFFICES : 535 M a i n S t . . L i t t l e R o c k A r k . 56o F o u r t h A v e n u e , L o u i s v i l l e , Ky. I609 H o w a r d S t r e e t , O m a h a , N e b . 918 O l i v e S t . , S t . L o u i s , M o .


124 East 14th St New York
BRANCH: aaq North 8th Street, Philadelphia



POCKET CALENDAR. Delivered free, by mail, ftt $1.50 for 1,000, and $1.25 for each additional thousand ordered at same time.


A GRAND INVESTMENT for the Family, the School, or the Library. Revision has been in progress for over 10 Years. More than IOO editorial laborers employed. $300,000 expended before first copy was printed. Critical examination invited. Get the Best. SoldbyallBooksellers. Illustratedpamphletfree. G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., IT. S. A. Cantion!There have recently been issued several cheap reprints of the 1847 edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, anedition long since superannuated. These books are Y given various names," Webster's Unabridged," 'The Great Webster's Dictionary," " Webster's Big Dictionary," " Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary," etc., etc. Many announcements concerning them are very misleading, as the body of each, from A to Z, is 44 years old, and printed from cheap plates made by photographing the old pages.





fl'lU 16 W 23 l'l B0 31 11 13 IV''.11 20 fl

July. Au6.


(One-half Size.) Throws only a small quantity of oil at a stroke. No leakage. Handsomely nickel plated. For sale everywhere. Price, 50c. each. CUSHMAN & DENISON, 176 Ninth Ave., New York.

Feb. Mar.
VJ'U'M 1 'JO 21 20 27 28

13 H 2u *:i M


12 1

ILLUSTRATED HAND-BOOK FREE upon application. Mention tills paper.

r H I In I 0 Washington, D. C.

10 11 *25

11 I 2 ' l 3 U 19I20 26 MI27



S O L D B Y ALL, J O B B E R S .

i. 16 Id 20,30 I | 7 1814 ai.21 e , *TJ2S!W


For t h e accommodation of sewing machine agents who desire a good advertising card in small lots, we furnish the calendar shown above, with your advertisement in t h e space we occupy. N o deviation in size, style, or price. Cash must accompany orders. Address, SEWING
M A C H I N E T I M E S , N e w York, N . Y.

Retailers should give their orders n o w , so that jobbers c a n be prepared t o deliver w h e n the season opens.
S3.45 1.25 MAKIN A rOF 84.70 S Send for our new and elegant Floral Guide* 1S91 * and select what vou want, or send for one of our popular Family Packages, splendid assortment, in collection of either Flowers or Vegetables, for $1, $2, $3 or $5. New Carnation NFT,T,TF I J F W I S , grand, exquisite pink, fragrant, 50c. each ; three $1.25; six $2.25. Hose VIC-K'!* CAPRICF* only Striped Rose in the world. Flowers satiny pink, striped and dashed with white and carmine. Good plants, each 25c. Extra stronsr two-vear plants each 50c ; three$1.25 six $2.25; dellvereaatyouxdoor. , J A M E S y , C K > S E E D S M A N , R o c h e s t e r , N . YS e e d s t o A m o u n t of > Vick's I l l u s t r a t e d M o n t h l y Magazine One Year, .

A L L F O R $3.00 C A S H !

^ E^-S"

Mr. Sylvester Pendleton, the veteran sewing machine salesman of Stockton, Me., is at home for a few days. H e seldom takes a vacation, and has been in business many years.

N o stock w i l l be made up t o carry through t h e S u m m e r . If von delay too l o n g you w i l l not be able t o get the goods.

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