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Understanding child
Janine Spencer, Brunel University, gives an overview of how children change
from birth to eight years of age – particularly in terms of perception, conception,
memory and language – and highlights the importance of this knowledge in
responsible marketing

HIS ARTICLE DISCUSSES some of without reference to what people in the real
the changes that happen during child- world, such as teachers, parents and marketing
hood: changes in the way children think, people, need to know about children.Therefore,
changes in the way children interact, changes developmental psychology needs to be applied
in the way children behave. Of course, I do not to the real world to solve real world problems
have space to discuss all the changes that occur and questions.
through childhood, so I have picked out a few Children change gradually over time.
very important cognitive and social changes Different children develop different abilities at
that children go through just to give you an different ages. Even when a child develops a
idea of how rapidly children develop. I want to particular ability at quite an early age, it does
make clear that it is not possible just to look at not mean that they can or will use that ability in
a new product or packaging and give an analy- every context. For example, by the age of two
sis of how it will appeal to children of different children are learning how to communicate
ages. I know there are all kinds of questions using basic language. Although they have this
about what appeals to children. For example, ability, if they become absorbed in a task or
which characters do children find most amus- have a tantrum, these learnt behaviours can dis-
ing and memorable, what is most likely to draw appear. This is of course true even for adults.
a child’s attention on a toyshop shelf, which We all have the ability to act rationally at all
words or language in an advertising campaign times, but no one would claim we always do so.
will maximally appeal to a wide age range, and A lot of child development is very counter
so on? intuitive. For example, at what age can children
In order to address questions like these it is distinguish between cats and dogs? Maybe
important to understand more about children. when they learn to say cat and dog? In actual
Therefore, in this article I will give an overview fact, by three months infants can easily differ-
of how children change from birth through to entiate pictures of various breeds of cats and
eight years of age. I also hope to persuade you dogs. It is also very easy to take thinking for
why the scientific understanding of children’s granted, because children’s abilities develop so
development is fundamental to children’s mar- rapidly and with seemingly so little effort. But
keting. It is crucial for designing products and most of the abilities we take for granted are
services for children; it is crucial for marketing incredibly sophisticated. For the purpose of this
to children; and it is crucial for doing market article I will discuss the following main areas of
research with children. Much of the research in child development: perception and attention,
developmental psychology has moved forward conception, memory, and language.

16 YOUNG CONSUMERS Quarter 4 2004 © World Advertising Research Center 2004


Perception and attention A child’s environment –

Being able to perceive the world seems easy.
its home, school,
When we want to pick something up, we simply everywhere – is full of
reach out and grab it. How often do we think continuous visual
about turning in the right direction when some-
one calls our name? We take these things for stimulation. We are all,
granted. But the biological processes that let us by necessity, incredibly
perceive help us develop conscious thought.
How well do we see? Seeing isn’t simply the
selective of what we look
process of focusing light on the eyes. As much as at and attend to
one third of the brain is involved in processing
visual information. These structures are in place
at birth but they take a long time to develop. So, although infants may prefer pure colours in the
how well a child can see depends on how old laboratory, when it comes to product design,
they are and what you want them to see. A colour, contrast sensitivity and the luminance
child’s environment – its home, school, every- between colours need to be taken into account.
where – is full of continuous visual stimulation. If children are going to be able to engage fully
There is so much visual information in the envi- with their environment, they have to encode
ronment that we are all, by necessity, incredibly what they see and hear, form a mental represen-
selective in what we actually look at and attend tation of that information, and then retrieve that
to. information at a later date.This is a far more dif-
We know that babies can see from birth. But ficult cognitive process than it sounds and
some processes may take more than ten years to begins with attention.
mature. The things that are most obvious about Think of an Easter Egg Hunt. Easter eggs,
seeing develop rapidly. But we need to be able to wrapped in bright shiny foil are placed, often in
interpret and understand the visual world. For full view, around the house or garden. But even
example seeing in three dimensions is an incred- if an egg is in full view of a child it can take an
ibly complicated process, yet we learn to do this astonishingly long time for them to notice it.
automatically within a few months of birth. Children love chocolate and children love bright
Colour is very important. Children like bright shiny objects – so why is it so difficult? And if
colours. Little girls love pink. But, how closely children can find it so difficult to find something
related is this to the science of colour percep- they are desperate to get hold of, what are they
tion? We know that colour vision is almost going to notice about an advert on a billboard or
mature at about four months of age. There has even a TV ad if they’re not attending to it?
been some research on infant’s initial colour Being able to focus attention is crucial to
preferences before they are swayed by culture. If thinking. It is easy to observe that young chil-
babies are shown lights that vary only in colour dren lack the ability to engage in sustained
– and this can only be done in a laboratory – attention. They are easily distracted and find it
there is some evidence that they prefer pure difficult to focus on any one task for a prolonged
colours like red and green to mixed ones like period of time. When young children do attend
orange or pink. But this is very misleading. We to objects or events, they do not always attend to
do not live in a laboratory. In the real world, all those details which are most relevant. For exam-
the objects we see vary not only in colour, but ple, two to three-year-olds may be more likely to
also in lighting, shading, reflectance, texture. So, attend to the waiter in a restaurant than the

YOUNG CONSUMERS Quarter 4 2004 17


It is not until the age of that they have a mental representation of the cat-
egories theme parks and holidays.
seven to eight years that Many categories form a hierarchy. The struc-
children have the ability ture of these hierarchies goes from a single
to screen out distracting instance to a generic level concept. So, we may
have a number of general concepts such as soft
information and focus drinks and alcoholic drinks. Within a category,
on what is relevant. we have familiar examples, such as Coca-Cola
and Pepsi.
Therefore, your brand Children first learn that there are dogs, and
has to stand out that there are cats – and this can happen as early
as three months of age. Later, they learn that
there are different breeds of dog and that differ-
food. Consequently, it is the waiter they remem- ent breeds have very different properties –
ber about their meal out. As children develop, labradors are friendly, chihuahuas are snappy,
their attention levels increase so that by the time greyhounds are speedy.With development comes
children are four years old they can focus their the ability to learn what makes a dog a dog.
attention for sustained periods of time. A further function of concepts is that it
However, four-year-olds still find it difficult to allows us to go beyond what something looks
ignore irrelevant information. Attention like (Bruner et al 1956). When we see some-
depends on being able to ignore distracting thing new, such as a dog, the only knowledge we
stimuli and it is only by the time children are have about it is what it looks like. However, it is
approaching their sixth birthday that they begin essential that we can go beyond the basic
to learn how to do this. So what does this mean appearance of the dog and draw upon related
for child marketing? Well, selective attention is knowledge. For example, even if a dog has a
important for children recognising and attend- wagging tail, and looks furry, not all dogs are
ing to your brand. However, preschool children friendly, and some may even be dangerous.
find it hard to choose where to attend and Therefore, having a concept of a dog allows us
become easily distracted. This is especially true to link the perceptual information (what some-
for two to five-year-olds. It is not until the age thing looks like) with our knowledge of what
of seven to eight years that children have the other dogs can be like.
ability to screen out distracting information and So what does this mean? Young children may
focus on what is relevant.Therefore, your brand see Coke and Pepsi as separate concepts and
has to stand out. refuse to drink Pepsi, believing it to be a very
different category of drink to Coke, even though
they could not really tell the difference in the
Conceptual development
Pepsi Challenge. As they get older, they recog-
Concepts represent people’s knowledge of the nise that Coke and Pepsi are very similar
world. Knowledge is divided into concepts and members of the same category but by this stage
concepts stand for categories in the world. In they may have a very strong brand preference
other words, concepts classify things into cate- imprinted. What we need to know is why chil-
gories. They reflect the way in which we divide dren conceptualise some brands more easily
up the world into classes such as friends versus than others and at what point a brand becomes
family. So for a child to have a concept of a concept.This is best addressed within research
Disneyland as a good place for a holiday means in developmental psychology.

18 YOUNG CONSUMERS Quarter 4 2004


As children develop, so does their ability to

think quickly. The ability to think quickly means
Even if children like a particular advert, game or that you can think about more things. Four to
programme, it is essential that they remember it. five-year-olds are easily confused when faced
It is well-known that preschoolers have a poor with something complex, whereas seven to eight
memory. Nevertheless, their recognition mem- -year-olds’ larger processing capacity signifies
ory (knowing whether a stimulus or event is the that they are beginning to be able to multitask.
same or similar to a previously seen one) is con- This increased processing capacity means that a
siderably better than their recall memory. If four child can talk to a friend on the telephone, watch
to five-year-olds are presented with 10 different television and eat a snack all at the same time.
toys in a row, even when those toys are mixed up Therefore, it is important for advertisers and
with novel ones, the children can still recognise child marketing people to know what informa-
the original toys; this is recognition memory. tion is meaningful to children at different stages
However, if you ask the same children to in their development.
name the toys when they are hidden from view,
these same children can rarely recall more than
four items; this is recall memory. This type of
memory requires that the child can generate a Communicating using language is simple. I do
mental image of an object or event and then not even have to pronounce a word correctly in
recall that image in the absence of the original order to be understood. For example, if I say the
stimulus. Recall memory is notoriously more word handbag quickly, the sound that is often
difficult than recognition memory even in produced is more like ham bag. So, it sounds like
adults. Nevertheless, recall memory is signifi- a bag made of ham, not a bag you carry in your
cantly poorer in preschool children, mainly hand. Nevertheless, it is very rare for people to
because they do not have sufficient memory misunderstand me when I say this. Now, the
capacity for using sophisticated memory strate- main purpose of language is to communicate.
gies, such as rehearsal or grouping things So it really does not matter whether I say ham-
together. When preschoolers do use memory bag or handbag as long as the person I am
strategies, they tend to be for things when recall talking to understands what I am saying.
results in a desired goal such as eating sweets. Between birth and six years the advances chil-
Despite this deficit in recall memory in dren make in language development are
young children, if a stimulus or event is mean- momentous. On average, children say their first
ingful to children, they can show surprising words by their first birthday. By six years of age
recall ability. For example, one study tested two they have an average vocabulary of about
and a half and four and a half-year-old chil- 10,000 words. By the age of four years, children
dren’s memories of Disneyworld six months understand many of the social aspects of lan-
and 18 months afterwards. Both age groups guage. This involves understanding that other
were able to recall a large amount of informa- people have different thoughts and feelings to
tion regarding their trip as verified by their their own. At about the age of two years, chil-
parents. So it would appear that preschool chil- dren are beginning to become aware that other
dren’s memory is good, but only for meaningful people have different ideas to them. However,
information. By to eight to nine years of age they struggle to adapt their own ideas to fit in
children are able to jog their memory by think- with those of other people.
ing of clues to stimulate recall such as the first It is only by the age of three to four that chil-
letter of a product name they like. dren come to realise that beliefs and desires can

YOUNG CONSUMERS Quarter 4 2004 19


Children understand far Discussion

more than they can say – I know that was a lot to take in – eight years in a
do not be afraid of using few thousand words – and I have really only
complicated phrases in ads scratched the surface in discussing some of the
differences in development between these age
groups and the things you have to think about
form the basis for human action.With the devel- when you’re addressing them. I want to return to
opment of what we call Theory of Mind what you really want to know about. How does
(understanding that other people may have dif- knowing about children help us work out how
ferent intentions) children learn to adapt their they will respond and react to different product
inflection depending to whom they are talking packaging, advertising or marketing?
and what they are talking about. I should start with a warning. You can tick all
However, preschool age children are not very the boxes, make sure that something appeals on
competent in changing what words they use, every level: children of all ages are attracted to it,
bridging conversations and changing topics, or they like it, and they remember it. Nevertheless,
in using non-verbal cues relative to certain situ- the product can fail because of context.
ations. All of these skills improve dramatically by How well a product stands out on a super-
seven to eight years of age. market shelf, for example, depends to an
Joke telling is a clear demonstration that a enormous extent on what is next to it on the
child’s social language is developing. There are a shelf. You might have the best possible packag-
number of skills involved in successfully ing in the entire world, but it will be completely
recounting jokes. For instance, it is important to ignored if something is more attention-grabbing
listen to your audience, gauge their mood and on the next shelf. This is why controlling the
perhaps adjust what you say to make it maxi- product environment is so important.
mally funny to that audience. Joke telling also It is amazing how you can go into a shop with
involves being able to tell a joke at the right a child, and they can somehow immediately spot
speed. All of these abilities are usually beyond Angelina Ballerina on a wide shelf packed with
the cognitive capacities of young children.When different brands. How do they do this? The
preschool children do engage in joke telling it processes going on in their brains are actually
usually involves simply saying a funny word like very complicated, but there are simple rules to
‘poo’. By seven to eight years of age children are make products stand out. The first is that chil-
learning how to adapt their language depending dren are quicker to recognise objects, shapes or
on to whom they are talking. Different speech brands with which they are familiar. The second
styles and different words are often used with is to do with the way an object is presented.
their friends from with their teachers or parents. Bright colours make a product or object stand
This ability to adapt language to the context is a out, but on a shelf full of bright colours, it is very
sign of advanced understanding of other peo- difficult to make something stand out purely on
ple’s intentions. the basis of colour. People have also got to
So, why is it important to know about chil- recognise quickly that it is an object or product
dren’s language abilities? We know that language in which they are interested.
comprehension develops far earlier than language Our brains are better at picking out objects if
productions. Therefore, if we only rely on what they stand out from their background – that is,
children say, then we will underestimate their lan- they are much lighter or darker than their back-
guage knowledge and how much they know. ground. Often the product text or the logo or

20 YOUNG CONSUMERS Quarter 4 2004


character will be in a vivid colour, but on top of are likely to attend to. Blitzing with the same
a similarly vivid background. images will lead to a deliberate and automatic
Bright yellow text on a bright red background ignoring of that image. If you want to get chil-
is much harder to read than bright yellow on dren to remember your brand you have to target
dark red, or dark yellow on bright red. The them in lots of different ways.
greater the contrast between the two, the easier
something is to make out. Conceptual development – product
Graphic designers and artists are well aware awareness
of most of these guidelines in perception, but Children must understand the concepts you are
sometimes in trying to meet a particular brief, trying to get across before forming their own
some basic important factors can be overlooked. opinions. This depends on their age and ability,
If you de-saturate a product or object – remove and the nature of the concept. Concepts should
the colour and leave it in shades of grey – you be more pictorial for younger children, and get
can get a good idea of how noticeable your more abstract for older ones.
product is. If when you de-saturate it, everything
is a similar murky grey, the product is unlikely to Language – spreading the word
be noticed easily, no matter how vivid the Children understand far more than they can say.
colours are. But if the brand or logo in greyscale Do not be afraid of using more complicated
still stands out because it is much brighter or phrases in ads. When conducting market
darker than the background, then the product is research, you may think that because their utter-
much more likely to be noticed. ances are quite simple they do not understand the
In a visually crowded display such as a concepts you are trying to get across. But this is
toyshop shelf it is important for a product to not necessarily the case.
quickly attract attention. This requires three
things: it must be different from the other prod- Memory – customer loyalty
ucts; it must stand out in some specific way; and Remember there is a difference between recogni-
the name and identity of the product must be tion and recall. Of course, children can recognise
very rapidly recognised. your advertising message if they are prompted.
Developmental psychology can help in break- But they must be able to recall it spontaneously
ing down what children easily perceive and from their own memory at the appropriate time.
attend to, how they form categories of brands
and what types of products and advertising they
will best remember.
Bruner, J.S., Goodnow, J.J. & Austin, G.A. (1956)
A study of thinking. New York: Wiley.
Concluding thoughts
Dr Janine Spencer is a lecturer
I believe the four topics of child development I
in developmental psychology at
have discussed can easily be applied to child Brunel University where she is
marketing in the following ways: also Director of the Centre for
Research in Infant Behaviour
Visual attention – advertising (CRIB). Dr Spencer holds a BSc
I want to get across the message that you can not in social psychology and a PhD
in developmental psychology
bombard children with visual images and hope from the Medical Research
that some of it gets through.They have to attend Council’s Cognitive
to images, so you have to know what children Development Unit at UCL.

YOUNG CONSUMERS Quarter 4 2004 21

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