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<html> <script language="VBScript"> Sub Rep(x, y) For a=1 to x Document.Write(y) Document.Write("<BR>") next End Sub Rep 7,"name" Calling the subroutine and passing the arguments </script> </html> Q13. <html> <script language="VBScript"> Sub leap(x) z=x MOD 4 If z=0 Then Document.Write("Its a leap year") Else Document.Write("Not a leap year") End If End Sub leap 2001 Calling the subroutine and passing the arguments </script> </html> Q14 <html> <script language="VBScript"> Sub tri(x,y,z) If x< y+z and y< x+z and z<x+y Then Document.Write("Its a triangle") Else Document.Write("Not a triangle") End If End Sub tri 6,7,16 Calling the subroutine and passing the arguments </script> </html> Q15 <html> <script language="VBScript"> Sub GetLargest(x,y,z) If x> y and x> z Then Document.Write(x & " is the largest") Else If y> x and y> z Then Document.Write(y & "is the largest") Else Document.Write(z & " is the largest") End If End If End Sub GetLargest 6,7,16 Calling the subroutine and passing the arguments </script> </html>

Q16 <html> <script language="VBScript"> Dim result result=1 Function getexponent(x, y) For a=1 to x result=result *y next getexponent= result End Function z=getexponent(3, 2)

Function returns value Calling Function and storing value in a new variable Output is with the new variable

Document.Write("2 raised to power 3 is "& z) </script> </html> Q17

<html> <script language="VBScript"> sub pattern(x) max=Len(x) for a=1 to max document.write(Left(x,a)) document.write("<br>") next End Sub pattern "HELLO" Calling the subroutine and passing the argument </script> </html> Output:

These are from out of the book

<html> <script language="VBScript"> Sub pattern(x) max=Len(x) for a=1 to max document.write(strreverse(Left(x,a))) document.write("<br>") next End Sub pattern "HELLO" </script> </html> Output:

Same as above just reversed

Function to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius <html> <script language="VBScript"> Function converttocelsius(F) converttocelsius=(F-32)*5/9 End Function Temp=InputBox("Enter Temperature in Farhenhiet") Cel=converttocelsius(Temp) Document.Write("Temperature in Celsius is "&Cel) </script> </html>

<html> <head> <script language ="vbscript"> Sub B1_OnClick F1.T2.Value=Month(CDate(F1.T1.Value)) F1.T3.Value=Year(CDate(F1.T1.Value)) End Sub </script> </head> <body> <Form Name="F1"> <P>Enter your Date of Birth: <Input type="text" Name="T1" > <P>You were born in :<Input type="text" Name="T2" > Month <P>You were born in :<Input type="text" Name="T3" > Year <P> <Input Type="Button" Value="Submit" Name="B1"> </Form> </body> </Html>

In this above code I have a form named F1 and a subroutine B1_OnClick to handle the form when user inputs Date of Birth in Textbox T1 and clicks the Submit button. The Button will automatically trigger the Subroutine B1_OnClick. The subroutine will convert the value stored in Textbox T1 of form F1 into date using CDate inbuilt function then in textbox T2 it will store Month using the inbuilt function and in textbox T3 it will store Year using the inbuilt function.

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