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The Hitchhikers Guide to the Inner Sphere

An Introduction to the Battletech Universe

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Inner Sphere

Original Writing The Battletech 3056 MUS Michael !l"nn#s The $o%pan" Store The Battletech30&5 'a%e Editor (an )*riard Illustration )atricks Battletech Archive Battletech $entral Maps Inner Sphere $arto'raph" Societ" +"stein Tvedten


INTRODUCTION...................................................... T!E ST"R #E"$UE..................................................% M"&OR '"CTIONS.................................................() MERCEN"R* 'ORCES........................................... )+ ,#"*ER-S !"NDOUT.............................................).

BattleTech and Mechwarrior are ,e'istered Trade%arks o- !ASA $orporation. /ri'inal BattleTech and Mechwarrior %aterial $op"ri'ht 0" !ASA $orporation. All ,i'hts ,eserved. Used 1ithout per%ission. An" use o- !ASA $orporation#s cop"ri'hted %aterial or trade%arks in this -ile should not 0e vie1ed as a challen'e to those cop"ri'hts or trade%arks. The sole purpose o- this source0ook is to raise the level o- popularit"2 and a1areness o- Battletech and Mechwarrior. I ur'e ever"one to 'o and 0u" the Battletech and Mechwarrior source0ooks. The" are 1ell 1orth the %one".

Chaos Hardware Productions

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Inner Sphere

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Version 1.0, July 14, 1998. This document outlines the principles underlying the OpenContent (OC mo!ement "nd m"y #e redistri#uted pro!ided it rem"ins un"ltered. $or leg"l purposes, this document is the license under %hich OpenContent is m"de "!"il"#le &or use. The origin"l !ersion o& this document m"y #e &ound "t http'(( LICENSE Terms "nd Conditions &or Copying, )istri#uting, "nd *odi&ying +tems other th"n copying, distri#uting, "nd modi&ying the Content %ith %hich this license %"s distri#uted (such "s using, etc. "re outside the scope o& this license. 1. ,ou m"y copy "nd distri#ute e-"ct replic"s o& the OpenContent (OC "s you recei!e it, in "ny medium, pro!ided th"t you conspicuously "nd "ppropri"tely pu#lish on e"ch copy "n "ppropri"te copyright notice "nd discl"imer o& %"rr"nty. /eep int"ct "ll the notices th"t re&er to this 0icense "nd to the "#sence o& "ny %"rr"nty. "nd gi!e "ny other recipients o& the OC " copy o& this 0icense "long %ith the OC. ,ou m"y "t your option ch"rge " &ee &or the medi" "nd(or h"ndling in!ol!ed in cre"ting " uni1ue copy o& the OC &or use o&&line, you m"y "t your option o&&er instruction"l support &or the OC in e-ch"nge &or " &ee, or you m"y "t your option o&&er %"rr"nty in e-ch"nge &or " &ee. ,ou m"y not ch"rge " &ee &or the OC itsel&. ,ou m"y not ch"rge " &ee &or the sole ser!ice o& pro!iding "ccess to "nd(or use o& the OC !i" " net%or/ (e.g. the +nternet , %hether it #e !i" the %orld %ide %e#, $T2, or "ny other method. 2. ,ou m"y modi&y your copy or copies o& the OpenContent or "ny portion o& it, thus &orming %or/s #"sed on the Content, "nd distri#ute such modi&ic"tions or %or/ under the terms o& 3ection 1 "#o!e, pro!ided th"t you "lso meet "ll o& these conditions' " ,ou must c"use the modi&ied content to c"rry prominent notices st"ting th"t you ch"nged it, the e-"ct n"ture "nd content o& the ch"nges, "nd the d"te o& "ny ch"nge. # ,ou must c"use "ny %or/ th"t you distri#ute or pu#lish, th"t in %hole or in p"rt cont"ins or is deri!ed &rom the OC or "ny p"rt thereo&, to #e licensed "s " %hole "t no ch"rge to "ll third p"rties under the terms o& this 0icense, unless other%ise permitted under "pplic"#le $"ir 4se l"%. These re1uirements "pply to the modi&ied %or/ "s " %hole. +& identi&i"#le sections o& th"t %or/ "re not deri!ed &rom the OC, "nd c"n #e re"son"#ly considered independent "nd sep"r"te %or/s in themsel!es, then this 0icense, "nd its terms, do not "pply to those sections %hen you distri#ute them "s sep"r"te %or/s. 5ut %hen you distri#ute the s"me sections "s p"rt o& " %hole %hich is " %or/ #"sed on the OC, the distri#ution o& the %hole must #e on the terms o& this 0icense, %hose permissions &or other licensees e-tend to the entire %hole, "nd thus to e"ch "nd e!ery p"rt reg"rdless o& %ho %rote it. 6-ceptions "re m"de to this re1uirement to rele"se modi&ied %or/s &ree o& ch"rge under this license only in compli"nce %ith $"ir 4se l"% %here "pplic"#le. 7. ,ou "re not re1uired to "ccept this 0icense, since you h"!e not signed it. 8o%e!er, nothing else gr"nts you permission to copy, distri#ute or modi&y the OC. These "ctions "re prohi#ited #y l"% i& you do not "ccept this 0icense. There&ore, #y distri#uting or tr"nsl"ting the OC, or #y deri!ing %or/s here&rom, you indic"te your "ccept"nce o& this 0icense to do so, "nd "ll its terms "nd conditions &or copying, distri#uting or tr"nsl"ting the OC. NO WARRANTY 4. 56C9436 T86 O26:CO:T6:T (OC +3 0+C6:36) $;66 O$ C89;<6, T86;6 +3 :O =9;;9:T, $O; T86 OC, TO T86 6>T6:T 26;*+TT6) 5, 9220+C9506 09=. 6>C62T =86: OT86;=+36 3T9T6) +: =;+T+:< T86 CO2,;+<8T 8O0)6;3 9:)(O; OT86; 29;T+63 2;OV+)6 T86 OC ?93 +3? =+T8O4T =9;;9:T, O$ 9:, @+:), 6+T86; 6>2;6336) O; +*20+6), +:C04)+:<, 54T :OT 0+*+T6) TO, T86 +*20+6) =9;;9:T+63 O$ *6;C89:T95+0+T, 9:) $+T:633 $O; 9 29;T+C409; 24;2O36. T86 6:T+;6 ;+3@ O$ 436 O$ T86 OC +3 =+T8 ,O4. 38O40) T86 OC 2;OV6 $940T,, +:9CC4;9T6, O; OT86;=+36 4:9CC62T9506 ,O4 9334*6 T86 CO3T O$ 900 :6C6339;, ;629+; O; CO;;6CT+O:. A. +: :O 6V6:T 4:0633 ;6B4+;6) 5, 9220+C9506 09= O; 9<;66) TO +: =;+T+:< =+00 9:, CO2,;+<8T 8O0)6;, O; 9:, OT86; 29;T, =8O *9, *+;;O; 9:)(O; ;6)+3T;+54T6 T86 OC 93 26;*+TT6) 95OV6, 56 0+9506 TO ,O4 $O; )9*9<63, +:C04)+:< 9:, <6:6;90, 326C+90, +:C+)6:T90 O; CO:36B46:T+90 )9*9<63 9;+3+:< O4T O$ T86 436 O; +:95+0+T, TO 436 T86 OC, 6V6: +$ 34C8 8O0)6; O; OT86; 29;T, 893 566: 9)V+36) O$ T86 2O33+5+0+T, O$ 34C8 )9*9<63.

Chaos Hardware Productions


Most o- this in-or%ation 1as takin' -ro% the ne10iene1s on the BTech33056 MUS . I a% 1illin' to take an" su''estions -or descriptions -or an" o- the -actions listed here. These -iles are intended to help 'ive 0ack'round in-or%ation on the various -action in the Btech Universe -or ,) value. The" are not %eant to replace BTech source0ooks and do not contain an" rules to pla" BTech. Most -iles contain in-or%ation up to and around 305&. !or paranoid and le'al reasons2 I do not plan to update theses -iles to contain the latest and 'reatest in-or%ation -ro% !A4A. B" the 35st centur"2 hu%anit" has spread to thousands o- 1orlds2 1hile a hand-ul o- po1er-ul e%pires 1a'e continual 1ar -or the ri'ht to rule the stars. !ore%ost a%on' the 1eapons used in that stru''le are BattleMechs. 6oaded 1ith autocannons2 %issile launchers2 lasers2 and char'ed7particle 0ea% 1eapons2 these -usion7po1ered 1ar %achines o- articulated ar%or stand up1ard o- ten %eters hi'h. )ilotin' the% are Mech8arriors2 the 0est2 %ost intensivel" trained %en and 1o%en availa0le. 6ike the ar%ored kni'hts o- an earlier a'e2 Mech8arriors are popular heroes2 and their e9ploits are the stu-- o- le'ends. 7 Michael !l"nn ditors :ote3 The -iles have 0een edited to contain in-or%ation up to and around 30&52 ;ust prior to the <th Succession 8ar.

Battalion3 3 $o%panies =36 @ehicles> ,e'i%ent3 3 Battalions =50? @ehicles> In1antr2 Organi/ation SAuad3 B troops )latoon3 < SAuads =&? troops> $o%pan"3 3 )latoons =?< troops> Battalion3 3 $o%panies =&5& troops> ,e'i%ent3 3 Battalions =B56 troops>

Currency Conversion Chart

Currency CC5ills @urit" )"!ion 3teiner *"ri/ 0i"o C-Bills 1.00 0.80 0.90 1.10 0.D0 0.A0 Kurit 1.2A 1.00 1.17 1.78 0.88 0.E7 ! "ion 1.11 0.89 1.00 1.22 0.D8 0.AE Steiner 0.91 0.D7 0.82 1.00 0.E4 0.4A # ri$ 1.47 1.14 1.29 1.AD 1.00 0.D1 Li o 2.00 1.E0 1.80 2.20 1.40 1.00

Standard Military Unit Structure

BattleMech Organi/ation 6ance3 < BattleMechs $o%pan"3 3 6ances =5& BattleMechs> Battalion3 3 $o%panies =36 BattleMechs> ,e'i%ent3 3 Battalions =50? BattleMechs> "erospace Organi/ation 6ance3 & Aerospace !i'hters !li'ht3 3 6ances =6 Aerospace !i'hters> $o%pan"3 & !li'hts =5& Aerospace !i'hters> 8in'3 3 $o%panies =36 Aerospace !i'hters> ,e'i%ent3 3 8in's =50? Aerospace !i'hters> "r0or Organi/ation 6ance3 < @ehicles $o%pan"3 3 6ances =5& @ehicles>

Chaos Hardware Productions

The Star League

The Star #eague

%onths the trip had previousl" reAuired. Because o- the -usion7po1er plant#s e--icienc"2 space vessels could no1 %aintain hi'her7acceleration 0urns -or %uch lon'er periods. The develop%ent o- e--icient -usion drives %ade possi0le the -irst 1idespread e9ploration o- Terra#s star s"ste%. B" &0502 the Alliance had scienti-ic outposts throu'hout the Sol s"ste%2 had dispatched un%anned interstellar pro0es to Tau $eti2 psilon ridani2 and psilon Indi. B" this ti%e2 private %ultinational corporations also 0e'an to participate in space-arin' activit"2 esta0lishin' %inin' colonies in the asteroid 0elt2 and ven transportin' entire asteroids -ro% the 0elt to the Terra7Moon s"ste%. These corporations also en'a'ed in technolo'ical research that resulted in 0reakthrou'hs such as the develop%ent odense70ut7li'ht1ei'ht %aterials -or spacecra-t and space7 station construction and a variet" o- s%all2 porta0le -usion reactors -or eAuip%ent use. :ot all the 0reakthrou'h research o- the &5st centur" took i%%ediate e--ect2 ho1ever. 8orkin' to'ether at Stan-ord Universit"2 A%erica#s Tho%as Fearn" and Eapan#s Taka"oshi !uchida pu0lished a series o- papers -ro% &05?7&0&5 that attacked the theoretical undepinnin's o- %odern ph"sics. The scienti-ic co%%unit" ridiculed their 1ork2 and 0oth %en died in o0scurit" 0e-ore the centur" 1as hal- over. As had 0een the case 1ith so %an" innovators2 onl" -uture 'enerations 1ould respect and honor the value o- these t1o %en#s darin' research. It 1ould 0e another ?0 "ears 0e-ore their theories 1ould co%e to -ruition. Mean1hile2 %edical prosthetics research had led to the develop%ent o- pol"acetene -i0ers called G%"o%ers.G Under the in-luence o- electricit"2 0undles o- these -i0ers 1ould contract stron'l"2 like %uscles. Un-ortunatel"2 the %ini%u% 0undle len'th reAuired -or the process 1as -ar lon'er than an" hu%an li%0. This line o- research 1ould lie -allo1 -or the ne9t three centuries.

reakthrough !"##$%"$##&
At the 0e'innin' o- the &5st centur"2 li-e on Terra had not chan'ed %uch -ro% 1hat it had 0een at the close othe &0th centur". Cespite atte%pts at reconciliation in the 5DD0s2 the planet#s t1o 'iant superpo1ers still opposed one another2 0ut no1 their tan'led 1e0 o- 1eaponr" stretched out1ard into space. /ver the ne9t 500 "ears2 ho1ever2 the situation chan'ed dra%aticall". B" the end o- the &5st centur"2 the people o- Terra stood poised in apparent unit" on the 0rink o- their -irst e9pansion into the stars. )oliticall"2 hu%anit"#s ne1 a'e 0e'an in &055 1hen the 0lood" Second Soviet $ivil 8ar tore that nation per%anantl" asunder. As the Soviet stri-e threatened to 0rin' the rest o- the planet to the 0rink o- nuclear 1ar2 a ;oint -orce o- :orth A%erican and 8estern uropean troops intervened to end hostilities in &05<. This outco%e 'reatl" stren'thened political ties 0et1een nations o- the 8estern Alliance2 resultin' in a -or%al uni-ication o8estern %ilitar" -orces. B" &0&<2 the 8estern Alliance included Eapan2 the ne1l" li0erated astern uropean nations2 and the no17separate seven ,ussian states. ,eplacin' the de-unct United :ations as a 1orld -oru% 1as the Alliance )arlia%ent. As a vi'orous sponsor oscienti-ic research and space7e9ploration activities2 the Alliance handso%el" re1arded si%ilar e--orts 0" its %e%0er states. As the econo%ic 0ene-its o- Alliance %e%0ership 0eca%e o0vious2 nation a-ter nation petitioned the Alliance -or %e%0ership status. B" &0?62 the 8estern Alliance had 0eco%e the Terran Alliance2 e%0racin' %ore than 5&0 %e%0er7states. A co%ple9 -or%ula 0ased on date oentr"2 1ealth2 population2 and %ilitar" po1er deter%ined each %e%0er#s votin' stren'th in )arlia%ent. The &5st centur" 1as an a'e o- unsurpassed scienti-ic innovation2 %ost nota0l" the develop%ent o- -usion po1er as a %a;or source o- po1er. Alliance scientists 0uilt the -irst -ull7scale -usion reactor in &0&02 and sent the -irst -usion7po1ered spacecra-t -ro% Terra to Mars in &0&B. The vo"a'e took onl" 5< da"s2 a -raction o- the -ive

'(odus !"$#"%")$)&
In &50&2 scientists announced the 'reatest scienti-ic 0reakthrou'h o- the last t1o centuries2 the theoretical protot"pe -or a -aster7than7li'ht starship. Ironicall"2 their 1ork 1as 0ased on the once7scorned theories o- Fearn" and !uchida. The Terran )arlia%ent authoriHed the Cei%os )ro;ect2 a crash pro'ra% to develop an !T6 drive. Althou'h the Cei%os pro;ect cul%inated in the %aiden vo"a'e o- the -irst !T6 ship to Tau $eti in &50?2 the 0illions spent on it created resent%ent and even riotin' in so%e o- the poorer Alliance %e%0er7states. This ri-t in the apparent unit" o- Terra 1as never co%pletel"

Chaos Hardware Productions

The Star League

repaired and the stru''le 0et1een the GhavesG and Ghave7notsG 1ould continue to pla'ue the Alliance. Shortl" a-ter1ard2 Alliance ship"ards 0e'an producin' !T67drive ships. B" &5562 the -irst per%anent space colon" 1as esta0lished on Tau $eti I@ =:e1 arth>. As en'ineerin' i%prove%ents reduced the cost o- 0uildin' !T6 ships2 corporations and even dissident private 'roups 0e'an to acAuire their o1n vessels to e9ploit the see%in'l" li%itless potential o- the stars. The Terran )arlia%ent soon acted to place coloniHation under its sole authorit"2 passin' la1s reAuirin' that all ships have a Terran naval escort2 and placin' all colonies under Terran ;urisdiction in the -or% o- an Alliance7appointed 'overnor. In &5B&2 the -irst Alliance Grand Surve" reported the e9istence o- %ore than 500 settled hu%an colonies spread across a sphere ?0 li'ht "ears in dia%eter. The -ourth surve"2 conducted in &&352 recorded the settle%ent o- %ore than 600 1orlds. As %ore and %ore planets 1ere settled2 the colonists 0e'an to encounter the pro0le% o- i%pure 1ater supplies suita0le neither -or hu%an consu%ption nor -or irri'ation. As the costs o- 1ater puri-ication eAuip%ent 1ere prohi0itive -or %ost colon" 1orlds2 the lack o- pota0le 1ater tended to discoura'e ne1 e9ploration. In &5BB2 ho1ever2 entrepreneur ,udolph ,"an patented a process -or trans-or%in' interplanetar" tankers into !T67driven GiceshipsG a0le to Auickl" transport hu'e ice0er's across interstellar space. 8ithin a -e1 short "ears2 the ,"an $artel 0eca%e the sin'le %ost pro-ita0le enterprise 1ithin the Alliance2 and its iceships sti%ulated the coloniHation o- %an" 1orlds previousl" 0elieved onl" %ar'inall" ha0ita0le. 8ith each e9pansion o- hu%an7occupied space2 the ti%e needed to trans%it %essa'es to and -ro% Terra also increased2 %akin' it di--icult -or )arlia%ent to ad%inister colon" 1orlds directl". This -orced the Alliance to dele'ate %ore authorit" to its appointed 'overnors2 1ho2 in turn2 had to 'rant e9tensive ho%e7rule authorit" to colonists. 8hen a coalition o- colonies alon' the outer reaches o- kno1n space declared its independence in &3552 there 0e'an a 0itter2 5?7%onth 0attle 1ith Terra2 1hich 0eca%e kno1n as the /uter ,eaches ,e0ellion. Much to its surprise2 the Terran 'overn%ent lacked 0oth the %ilitar" resources and the political support needed to crush the re0ellion. The loss o- these re0el 1orlds set o-- a political crisis 1ithin the Alliance that ulti%atel" resulted in a vote ono7con-idence a'ainst the rulin' 9pansionist )art". Upon takin' po1er2 the ne1 6i0eral 'overn%ent 1ithdre1 Terran troops and ad%inistrators -ro% all -rontier 1orlds2 'rantin' the colonies independence2 1hether the" 1anted it or not. This isolationist polic" soon proved ;ust as unpopular as e9pansionis% 0ecause o- the resultin' political tur%oil and econo%ic upheaval. B" &&<&2 the 0oundar" o- Alliance holdin's 1as no %ore than 30 li'ht "ears -ro% Sol2 a sin'le ;u%p 0" an !T67ship. !or the ne9t B0 "ears2 neither %a;or political part" 1as a0le to esta0lish parlia%entar" control on Terra2 and their respective re'i%es alternated2 -allin' as Auickl" as the" rose. To escape the constant political unrest and econo%ic hard ti%es2 %an" o- Terra#s 0est and 0ri'htest 0ecan to %i'rate to the no17independent colonies durin' the latter hal- o- the &3rd centur". 6ater historians du00ed this period Gthe 9odus.G Terrans coloniHed %ore than 5500 ne1 planets durin' the 9odus2 e9tendin' the 0orders o- hu%an7occupied space to %ore than 550 li'ht "ears -ro% Sol. 8ith %ore and %ore o- Terra#s resources devoted to coloniHation2 scienti-ic research la''ed. /n the stru''lin' colon" 1orlds2 too2 the colonists 1ere too pressed 1ith the pro0le%s o- survival to think %uch a0out developin' ne1 technolo'". Mean1hile2 so%e othe e97colonies 1ere atte%ptin' to consolidate their independence 0" 0andin' to'ether -or %utual support. In &&B52 the Treat" o- Marik 1as si'ned 0" three %inor heads o- state. Thus 1as 0orn the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue2 the -irst o- the 'reat -ederations that 1ould one da" vie -or po1er and do%inion over all the rest.

Consolidation !")$*%")+,&
The Terran Alliance ulti%atel" collapsed 0eneath the 1ei'ht o- its o1n discontent in Septe%0er &35<. 8hen a short2 vicious 1ar vroke out 0et1een rival 9pansionist and 6i0eral -actions2 !leet Ad%iral Ea%es McFenna intervened 1ith Alliance %ilitar" -orces to halt the con-lict. McFenna 1as a proud2 charis%atic career o--icer 1ith a spotless %ilitar" record and a lon' -a%il" herita'e oservice to the Terran Alliance =and the 8estern Alliance 0e-ore it>. He 1as the archet"pal hero2 appearin' at a critical ;uncture and turnin' the tide o- histor" in a ne1 direction. McFenna 1as deter%ined to restore his native Terra to its -or%er proud position as leader and pro'enitor o- GHo%o stellaris.G A-ter dissolvin' the Alliance2 he declared hi%sel- ruler o- a ne1 state2 the Terran He'e%on". Under his leadership2 the He'e%on" e%0arked on an active and ca%pai'n to restore Terra#s political control over its -or%er colonies. B" the ti%e oMcFenna#s death in &33D2 the He'e%on" had used %ilitar"2 political2 and econo%ic %eans to reassert its authorit" over %ore than 500 1orlds.

Chaos Hardware Productions

The Star League

In &3<02 Michael $a%eron2 McFenna#s nephe12 1as elected to succeed his uncle as Cirector7General. Curin' $a%eron#s ter% o- o--ice2 the He'e%on" en'a'ed in an a%0itious 'overn%ent7sponsored research e--ort. The -irst si'ni-icant product o- these e--orts 1as the develop%ent o- a protot"pe 8orkMech2 a -usion7po1ered %inin' vehicle that reproduced 0od" %ove%ents throu'h arti-icial %uscle structure 0ased on the %"o%er technolo'" developed 0ack in the &5st centur". The ree%er'ence o- Terra as 0oth a political and scienti-ic -orce created a ne1 era o- detente and relativel" peace-ul develop%ent -or the 1hole hu%an sphere. Startin' 1ith the $rucis )act o- &35B2 a nu%0er o- %utual7de-ense lea'ues and trade a'ree%ents si%ilar to the Treat" o- Marik 1ere si'ned a%on' 1orlds. Althou'h %ost o- these a'ree%ents 'ranted %e%0er7 1orlds total soverei'nt" over internal %atters2 the" also allo1ed %ore developed colonies to control poorer2 "oun'er nei'h0ors. B" the ti%e the He'e%on" and other states o- the Inner Sphere undertook the Grand Surve" o&3?D2 ten separate states 1ith stron' central 'overn%ents had e%er'ed2 each controllin' 1orlds 1ithin co%%unications ran'e o- their capitals. Si9 stron' states had e%er'ed in the GInner Sphere2G and other2 s%aller 'overn%ents had sprun' up at the -rin'es ocoloniHed space2 no1 kno1n as Gthe )eripher".G There 1ere2 ho1ever2 -reAuent disputes over 0order 1orlds2 especiall" those 1ith a%ple 1ater or %ineral resources. This tended to %ake the 0oundaries o- the various states a %atter o- tension or even 1ar. As con-rontations over these planets 're1 %ore -reAuent2 an ar%s race -ollo1ed2 -urther e9acer0atin' tensions throu'hout hu%an space. Thou'h the other -ederations and states tried to -ollo1 the lead o- the He'e%on" in supportin' ne1 research -acilities2 %ost la''ed 0ehind. In one respect2 ho1ever2 the other 'overn%ents %irrored the He'e%on" a0solutel"3 the creation o- a hereditar" leadership2 e%0odied in a sin'le rulin' -a%il". $o%%entin' on this2 social historians have ar'ued that the d"nastic -or% orule pro0a0l" o--ered a co%-ortin' reassurance a-ter the chaos o- the 9odus "ears. 1ars in %ore than a centur". A ne1 era o- 0lood" con-lict had 0e'un. In &<5&2 a-ter a -ierce 0attle in the Tintavel s"ste% resulted in thousands ocivilian casualties2 reppresentatives o- the ten states o- the Inner Sphere and the )eripher" %et in the cit" o- :e1 /l"%pia on the planet Ares to discuss a re%arka0le set o- chivalric interstellar la1s 'overnin' the conduct o- 1ar. Instead oatte%ptin' to prevent 1ar2 the Ares $onventions sou'ht to le'iti%iHe its conduct2 0annin' it in heavil" populated areas and prohi0itin' %ilitar" disruption o- civlian econo%ies. All si9 states o- the Inner Sphere si'ned the a'ree%ent2 0ut onl" t1o o- the )eripher" States did so. As a result o- the Ares $onventions2 1ar 0eca%e al%ost a continuous -act o- li-e in the &5th centur". It 1as trans-or%ed2 ho1ever. !ro% 0ein' an a1eso%el" destructive event2 1ar 1as no1 a curious2 st"liHed -eint and counter-eint in 1hich out%aneuvered -orces o-ten surrendered rather than -i'ht un-avora0le odds. $o%pliance 1ith the $onventions 1as al%ost universal2 drasticall" reducin' the hu%an and econo%ic costs o1ar. Un-ortunatel"2 it also pro%oted 1ar as a %eans oresolvin' even the %ost %inor dispute. Throu'hout the ne9t centur" and a hal-2 the various interstellar states -ou'ht hundreds o- little 1ars a%on' the%selves2 all o- the% inconclusive. :one o- the 'overn%ents 1as a0le to -or% either per%anant2 lastin' alliances 1ith one anotheror to esta0lish lon'7ter% supre%ac" over its nei'h0ors. :evertheless2 the hereditar" 'overn%ents o- these states survived the "ears o- violence surprisin'l" intact. The one e9ception ca%e in &<5D2 1hen the childless2 un%arried 6ad" Curant2 leader o- the ,i% 8orlds ,epu0lic2 na%ed Terens A%aris as her heir7apparent. In &<632 6ad" A%aris succeeded Curant2 and %e%0ers oher line 1ould rule in un0roken succession -or al%ost three hundred "ears. The Terran He'e%on" had its -air share o- 0attles durin' the A'e o- 8ar. In &<352 Cirector7General ,ichard $a%eron ordered his ar%" to seiHe the Fentares s"ste% -ro% the !ederated Suns2 and in &<B52 it crushed a !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue invasion -orce at /riente. In 'erneral2 ho1ever2 the leaders o- the He'e%on" hoped to avoid con-lict2 atte%ptin' to consolidate their po1er econo%icall" and technolo'icall". 8hatever the He'e%on"#s intentions2 the state also 0eca%e %ilitaril" superior 1ith the invention o- the BattleMech in &<3D. Cerived -ro% the %inin' #Mechs o- the previous centur" and usin' the sa%e %"o%er technolo" to po1er their

-ge o. /ar !")+,%"00#&

In &3D?2 a territorial dispute 0et1een the $apellan $on-ederation and the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue erupted into a shootin' 1ar2 as 0oth 'round and naval -orces clashed in the Andurien s"ste%. This con-lict 1as onl" the -irst o- a doHen 0lood" 0ut li%ited 1ars -ou'ht 0et1een &3D? and &<5& over o1nership o- ke" -rontier 1orlds2 the -irst such

Chaos Hardware Productions

The Star League

%ove%ent2 Terra#s BattleMechs soon de%onstrated 'reater %o0ilit" and adapta0ilit" to environ%ents than conventional ar%ored vehicles. The" 1ere also %ore heavil" ar%ed2 1ith a -ull inventor" o- conventional and ener'" 1eaponr". The other states o- the Inner Sphere also coveted #Mech technolo'"2 0ut it onl" 0e'an to spread a-ter a 6"ran $o%%on1ealth co%%ando raid on the He'e%on" #Mech7production -acilit" on Hesperus II in &<55. The He'e%on" %aintained superiorit" in the -ield2 evolvin' ne1 and 0etter desi'ns 1ith %ore %o0ilit" and 1eaponr" at lo1er cost and hi'her e--icienc". )erhaps 0ecause o- its %ilitar" %i'ht2 the He'e%on" 0e'an to assu%e the role o- %ediator as the &5th centur" dre1 to a close. e--orts to persuade the% to ;oin the 6ea'ue. These 1ere the /ut1orlds Alliance2 the Taurian $oncordat2 the Ma'istrac" o- $anopus2 and the ,i% 8orlds ,epu0lic. Their traditions o- autono%" 1ere no1 centuries old2 and the" 1ould -i'ht to re%ain 0e"ond the ;urisdiction o- the po1er-ul Star 6ea'ue. The )eripher" leaders 0e'an stren'thenin' their %ilitaries2 kno1in' that con-rontation 1as inevita0le. In &5B52 the Star 6ea'ue issued the )ollu9 )rocla%ation2 orderin' the )eripher" states to ;oin the 6ea'ue either voluntaril" or or 0" dint o- -orce. T1o %onths later2 the )eripher" states re;ected the de%and outri'ht. In the ne9t several "ears2 the t1o sides -ou'ht a nu%0er o- skir%ishes and 0attles2 0ut all7out 1ar a'ainst the )eripher" 1as not declared until &5B?. The ,euni-ication 8ar 1as a series o- desperate ca%pai'ns that lasted &0 lon' "ears and clai%ed %ore soldier and civilian lives than the entire A'e o- 8ar. It -inall" ended in &5D62 -ollo1in' the -inal 0lood" ca%pai'n that led to the surrender o- the Taurian $oncordat. In &5DB2 the -our conAuered )eripher" states 0eca%e Territorial States o- the Star 6ea'ue. The 6ea'ue i%%ediatel" launched a vast pu0lic7relations ca%pai'n ai%ed at 0uildin' popular support -or %e%0ership a%on' the people o- the conAuered territories. The e--ort 1as ulti%atel" success-ul2 1ith the 6ea'ue a0le to 1ithdra1 %ost o- its 'arrison troops 1ithin ten "ears.

I1periu1 and 2euni.ication !"00$%"3##&

A centur" and a hal- a-ter the A'e o- 8ar 0e'an2 the He'e%on"#s role as %ediator eventuall" 0rou'ht an end to the 1ars throu'h ar0itration o- a dispute 0et1een Houses 6iao and Marik over the planet Andurien. In an iron" o- histor"2 these sa%e t1o co%0atants had -ou'ht over this 1orld 550 "ears earlier2 initiatin' the A'e o8ar. :ot onl" did Ian $a%eron2 53th Cirector7 General othe He'e%on". persuade the $apellan $on-ederation and !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue to si'n peace a'ree%ents2 0ut he earned the -riendship o- their leaders2 Terrence 6iao and Al0ert Marik. In &5562 the three states si'ned the $lasped Hands A'ree%ent2 a secret su0treat" to the Andurien peace accords. The secret pact esta0lished special trade relations and pro%ises o- non7a'ression. This led al%ost i%%ediatel" to the Treat" o- Geneva2 1hich esta0lished these three as the -ounders o- the Star 6ea'ue. Bet1een &556 and &56D2 $a%eron used his %ediator#s skill to ha%%er out si%ilar a'ree%ents 1ith the !ederated Suns2 6"ran $o%%on1ealth2 and the Craconis $o%0ine2 the other three states 1ithin the 0orders o- the Inner Sphere. In &5B52 $a%eron and the rulers o- the other -ive states had esta0lished a ne12 uni-ied he'e%on" called the Star 6ea'ue. In e9chan'e -or their reco'nition o- Ian $a%eron as !irst 6ord o- the Star 6ea'ue and ar0iter o- 6ea'ue -orei'n polic"2 the 6ea'ue Articles 'ranted each o- the other -ive leaders a seat on the Hi'h $ouncil2 autono%" over all do%estic polic" %atters2 and o--icial sanction o- the e9istin' line osuccession. Most i%portant2 all no1 had -ree access to the Terran %ilitar" research apparatus. The )eripher" 'overn%ents2 on the other hand2 1ished to %aintain their independence and resisted all diplo%atic

The Good 4ears !"3#$%"50#&

Curin' the 550 "ears -ollo1in' the ,euni-ication 8ar2 the -ar7-lun' territories o- the Star 6ea'ue e9perienced a ne1 1ave o- scienti-ic innovation and colonial e9pansion. To reduce the ad%inistrative pro0le%s caused 0" len'th" interstellar7co%%unicatin la's2 the Star 6ea'ue developed a vast and intricate net1ork oco%%unications rela" stations e%plo"in' !T6 trans%itters. Fno1n as h"perpulse 'enerators =H)Gs>2 these trans%itters 1ere developed -ro% technolo'" 0ased on Fearn"7!uchida h"perdrive principles. ,esearch 0e'un in &655 ca%e to -ruition 55 "ears later 1hen the -irst H)G %essa'e 1as success-ull" trans%itted -ro% Terra to the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth. The H)G 1as essentiall" a lar'e G'unG that -ired a hi'h7-reAuenc" co%pressed pulse throu'h F7! space at a tar'et 1orld. The pulse traveled the i%%ense distance instantaneousl"2 ;ust like a -aster7than7li'ht spacecra-t. Thou'h the ener'" cost -o a sin'le trans%ission 1as othe sa%e %a'nitude as -or a ;u%p 0" an !T6 ship2 an H)G pulse could travel up to 50 li'ht "ears2 1hile a ship could ;u%p a %a9i%u% o- 30 li'ht "ears. 8hen co%pleted2 the s"ste% e--ectivel" cut the avera'e co%%unication ti%e 0et1een Terra and the )eripher" -ro% %ore than a "ear to a0out si9 %onths.

Chaos Hardware Productions

The Star League

$o%%unications ti%e could 0e cut to da"s2 0ut onl" at 'reat cost. At the sa%e ti%e2 6ea'ue en'ineers developed a ne12 lo17cost 1ater7 puri-ication s"ste%. It 1as si'ni-icantl" cheaper to operate this s"ste% than to i%port 1ater2 %akin' it econo%icall" -easi0le to settle Inner Sphere 1orlds previousl" i'nored durin' the 9odus. The s"ste% also provided %an" settled 1orlds 1ith an une9pected econo%ic 0oo%. The ,"an $artel2 the 'reat iceship %anu-acturer and operator2 1as nearl" driven 0ankrupt as -e1er and 1orlds relied on its service. B" &B002 %ore than a thousand ne1 1orlds had 0een settled2 and the Star 6ea'ue had e9panded to control a sphere rou'hl" 5<0 li'ht "ears in dia%eter. In a -inal i%portant develop%ent2 en'ineers 1orkin' to i%prove BattleMech %o0ilit" 1ere a0le to develop an i%proved2 %ore e--icient %"o%er. This i%prove%ent -inall" %ade it possi0le to construct arti-ical G0ionicG li%0s o- hu%an siHe2 as 1ell as -ull7scale2 super7strin' hu%an e9oskeletons -or use in industr". Spurred 0" the adoption o- a universal currenc" and the re%oval o- the arti-ical trade 0arriers i%posed 0" the A'e o- 8ar2 trade and co%%erce also 0oo%ed. As prosperit" 're12 Star 6ea'ue 1orlds 0eca%e increasin'l" independent. 8ith develop%ent and transportation costs lo12 %an" planets developed hi'hl" specialiHed econo%ies that %ade the% dependent on other 1orlds -or 0asic co%%odities such as -ood2 1ater7puri-ication eAuip%ent2 and replace%ent parts. /nl" one %a;or political crisis occured durin' this 'olden a'e2 and it 1as resolved -airl" easil". In &6502 reports reached Terra that Tadeo A%aris2 leader o- the ,i% 8orlds Territorial7State2 1as e9pandin' his personal ar%" at an alar%in' rate. Michael $a%eron2 havin' recentl" succeeded to the title o- !irst 6ord o- the Star 6ea'ue2 convened a special %eetin' o- the Star 6ea'ue Hi'h $ouncil2 1ho% he persuaded to issue an edict restrictin' te siHe o- personal %ilitar" -orces that an" 6ea'ue %e%0er could raise. To 0ack up this ad%inistrative action2 $a%eron 'ave A%aris a 1arnin' 0" sendin' several Star 6ea'ue Ce-ense !orce BattleMech re'i%ents to conduct e9tended %aneuvers ;ust 0e"ond the 0oundar" o- the ,i% 8orlds. Shortl" a-ter2 6ea'ue intelli'ence con-ir%ed that A%aris had apparentl" dis0anded his e9tra re'i%ents. In truth2 A%aris and other state leaders continued in secret to stren'then their %ilitia and reserves. Thou'h the Star 6ea'ue represented apparent unit" a%on' the stars2 %e%0er7states continued to -i'ht GHidden 8arsG durin' this G'olden a'eG o- peace and prosperit".

Crisis and Civil /ar !"50$%"5,*&

In !e0ruar" &B552 Si%on $a%eron2 the -i-th !irst 6ord othe Star 6ea'ue2 1as accidentall" killed durin' a %inin'7 colon" inspection on :e1 Silesia2 leavin' his ei'ht7"ear7 old son ,ichard as sole heir. A-ter deli0eratin' -or %ore than a %onth2 the Star 6ea'ue Hi'h $ouncil na%ed "oun' ,ichard as !irst 6ord2 0ut appointed Aleksandr Ferensk"2 co%%ander o- the Star 6ea'ue Ce-ense !orces2 as ,e'ent and )rotector. It soon 0eca%e apparent2 ho1ever2 that the $ouncil 6ords perceived the%selves as the Star 6ea'ue#s true authorit". Curin' the ten "ears o- the ,e'enc"2 the $ouncil passed t1o edicts that 1ould have -ar7reachin' conseAuences -or the 6ea'ue#s -uture. The -irst 1as a reversal o- Michael $a%eron#s dict o- &650. This ne1 edict allo1ed each 6ea'ue %e%0er7state to dou0le the stren'th o- its private -orces2 thus initiatin' a period o- 'eneral %ilitar" 0uildup. The second 'ranted each o- the si9 %e%0er7 States ruled 0" the $ouncil 6ords a 'reater share o6ea'ue revenues2 1hile 0oostin' the ta9 assess%ents on the -our Territorial States. :ot surprisin'l"2 this second action provoked i%%ediate unrest and re0ellion in the )eripher"2 -orcin' Ferensk" to stron'l" rein-orce the ,e'ular Ar%" BattleMechs 'arrisoned there. /n !e0ruar" D2 &B6&2 !irst 6ord $a%eron reached his %a;orit" at a'e 5? and took his place on the Star 6ea'ue throne. A -e1 da"s later2 he issued 9ecutive /rder 5562 orderin' the co%plete dis0and%ent o- all private House ar%ies. nra'ed2 the $ouncil 6ords 1asted no ti%e strikin' do1n the /rder 556 as unconstitutional2 eventuall" -orcin' "oun' $a%eron to rescind it. /nl" Ste-an A%aris2 ruler o- the ,i% 8orlds State2 supported ,ichard#s initiative. ,elations 0et1een the Hi'h $ouncil and the !irst 6ord -urther deteriorated 1hen ,ichard dissolved the Hi'h $ouncil in &B6&2 vo1in' to rule 0" decree. The ne9t "ear ,ichard#s Ta9ation dict o- &B63 -urther 0urdened the )eripher"#s -inances2 escalatin' civil unrest. 8hen the people o- the )eripher" re;ected the dict2 ,ichard ordered General Ferensk" to the -rontier to co1 the Territories into su0%ission. In &B6<2 Ste-an A%aris si'ned a secret a'ree%ent 1ith ,ichard2 pled'in' to de-end Terra in the event o- trou0le. 8hen even %ore troops2 includin' $a%eron household units2 1ere sent to the -rontier -ollo1in' the secession o- :e1 @anden0er' and 5B other )eripher" 1orlds in April &B652 the secret a'ree%ent see%ed al%ost prophetic.

Chaos Hardware Productions

The Star League

B" &B662 three7Auarters o- the ,e'ular Ar%" 1as en'a'ed alon' the )eripher". /n Terra2 troops 0orro1ed -ro% Ste-an#s household 'uard replaced the ,e'ular units sent to :e1 @anden0er'2 eventuall" outnu%0erin' ,e'ular -orces re%ainin' on Terra. In late Cece%0er othat "ear2 A%aris seiHed his chance2 assassinatin' 6ord ,ichard $a%eron as 1ell as ever" other %an2 1o%an2 and child 1ith a drop o- $a%eron 0lood2 si%ultaneousl" %ovin' his troops a'ainst Terra and the other 1orlds othe Terran He'e%on". /n the -irst da"2 D5 o- the 503 planets -ell to the surprise attack. In Eanuar" &B6B2 A%aris declared hi%sel- !irst 6ord o- the Star 6ea'ue. :e1s o- this coup did not reach Ferensk" until Ma" o&B6B 1hen Ste-an#s -orces co%pleted their takeover othe Terran Me%0er7State2 and A%aris reopened co%%unications contact. Ferensk" i%%ediatel" i%posed a cease7-ire 1ith all )eripher" real%s e9cept the ,i% 8orlds ,epu0lic2 1hile declarin' 1ar a'ainst the usurper. Both A%aris and Ferensk" called on the $ouncil 6ords to aid their cause2 0ut none 1ould co%%it to either side. In Au'ust &B6B2 Ferensk" took the ,i% 8orlds ,epu0lic2 then advanced on the Terran He'e%on" 1orlds A%aris had captured. The ensuin' stru''le lasted t1elve 'ruelin' "ears2 0ut Ferensk"#s -orces ine9ora0l" advanced -ro% 1orld to 1orld2 -inall" li0eratin' Terra itsel- on Septe%0er 32 &BBD. /n the last da" o- that %onth2 Ferensk" captured A%aris2 1ho ordered all his troops to surrender. In retaliation -or Ste-an A%aris# %urder o- the $a%erons2 Ferensk" e9ecuted the usurper and his entire -a%il" in :ove%0er &BBD. The civil 1ar 1as over2 0ut the Star 6ea'ue Ar%" had taken horri-"in' losses2 droppin' -ro% <?6 divisions to 553. 0ne hundred %illion had died2 -our ti%es that nu%0er 1ere 1ounded2 and ten ti%es %ore le-t ho%eless. Auall" disastrous 1as the severe da%a'e to the interstellar co%%unications net1ork2 the li-e 0lood o- the Star 6ea'ue. Ferensk" proclai%ed hi%sel- )rotector o- the ,eal% once %ore2 and invited the Hi'h $ouncil to reconvene on Terra. !earin' Ferensk"#s popularit"2 the Hi'h $ouncil i%%ediatel" re%oved the 'eneral -ro% his post as )rotector2 orderin' hi% to disperse his ,e'ular Ar%" troops to create 'arrisons -or the Terran Me%0er7State 1orlds. The $ouncil also appointed Eero%e Blake as Minister o- $o%%unications2 char'in' hi% 1ith the restoration o- the 6ea'ue#s co%%unications net1ork2 an e--ort that 1ould succeed 0e"ond the 6ords# 1ildest intentions. Ferensk"2 %ean1hile2 returned to :e1 arth2 te%porar" headAuarters o- the Star 6ea'ue ar%". Thou'h his troops 1ere read" to help hi% overthro1 the Hi'h $ouncil2 Ferensk" re-used to 0etra" the Star 6ea'ue2 the onl" 'overn%ent that ever united hu%anit" under one 0anner. The Hi'h $ouncil2 ho1ever2 could %ake no 0oasts a0out unit". ach $ouncil 6ord asserted his o1n clai% to the Star 6ea'ue throne2 until all 1ere e9hausted 0" the -utilit" o- the stru''le. /n Au'ust 5&2 &B?52 the" o--iciall" dissolved the Hi'h $ouncil2 each 6ord returnin' ho%e deter%ined to 0uild his o1n ar%" in order to seiHe po1er -or hi%sel-. As the -or%er $ouncil 6ords o- the Star 6ea'ue 0uilt up their %ilitaries2 %an" re%nants o- Ste-an A%aris# -or%er re'i%ents -ound ne1 e%plo"%ent as %ercenaries. Soon the 6ords 1ere atte%ptin' to 0u" the services o- ,e'ular Ar%" re'i%ents as 1ell. 8hen Ferensk" atte%pted to prevent the leaders o- the Great Houses -ro% their recruit%ent e--orts a%on' the S6C!2 the" called -or his resi'nation. Instead2 he su%%oned %ore than 500 division co%%anders and an eAual nu%0er o- lesser o--icers to a secret %eetin' on :e1 arth2 on !e0ruar" 5<2 &B?<. A-ter this %eetin'2 Auarter%asters spent the ne9t si9 %onths Auietl" acAuirin' %ore than &00 transports as 1ell as supplies and parts. The precoccupied $ouncil 6ords took no heed until %id7su%%er 1hen the" 0e'an to notice troop %ove%ents in the )eripher". /n Eul" ?2 Ferensk" -lashed a one71ord order to the ships asse%0led at the :e1 arth ;u%p point and to those asse%0led a0ove 50 other stars throu'hout the Inner Sphere. The one 1ord 1as2 G 9odus.G More than a thousand ships %ade ;u%ps that da". /n :ove%0er 52 this %assive -leet had %ade its 1a" to the :e1 Sa%arkand s"ste% in the Craconis $o%0ine. i'ht" percent o- the Star 6ea'ue ar%" had chosen to ;oin their -ates to that o- Ferensk". It took a 1hole da" -or the enor%ous ar%ada to %ake its co%0ined ;u%ps out o- the s"ste%. !ro% that da" on2 Ferensk" and his -leet disappeared into the dark e%0race o- the )eripher"2 apparentl" a0andonin' the Inner Sphere -orever.

Succession /ars !"5,0%)#66&

Ferensk"#s dra%atic e9odus re%oved the last real o0stacle to civil 1ar. In Cece%0er &B?62 Minoru Furita declared hi%sel- !irst 6ord o- the Star 6ea'ue2 and the other -our $ouncil 6ords Auickl" -ollo1ed suit. 8ithin %onths2 1ar had en'ul-ed the entire Inner Sphere. The !irst Succession 8ar lasted -ro% &B?B to &?&52 a con-la'ration o- unparalleled 0rutalit". The 1arrin' 6ords o- the -ive Great Houses cast aside the Ares $onventions2 s%ashin' cities2 destro"in' vital industrial -acilities2 and 0utcherin' hundreds o- %illions o- civilians. !e1 1orlds escaped unscathed2 and all 1ere a--ected 0" the co%plete disruption o- trade2 co%%erce2 and co%%unications. B" &?552 the 1arrin' states had lost %ost o- their !T6 ship0uildin' capacit". The intense

Chaos Hardware Productions


The Star League

concentration o- econo%ic resources into %ilitar" production had also -orced a %a;or drop in consu%er 'oods production2 creatin' a severe decline in trade. This loss o- trade proved particularl" disastrous -or those 1orlds rel"in' on hi'h7tech 1ater puri-ication eAuip%ent. 8ithout proper %aintenance or spare parts2 %an" othese -acilities 0e'an to -ail2 -orcin' a0andon%ent o- the 1orlds or a return to iceship technolo'ies. B" the 1ar#s end in &?&52 1ater7rich planets had 0eco%e as strate'icall" valua0le as the" had 0een <00 "ears 0e-ore. The peace o- &?&5 1as uneas"2 resultin' %ore -ro% e9haustion than an" true reconciliation. Thou'h no House 6ord could clai% to have %ade %uch pro'ress to1ard his 'oal o- do%inion2 too %an" atrocities had occurred to allo1 an" sort o- lastin' settle%ent. !ro% &?&5 throu'h &?&B2 the -ive survivin' rulin' Houses re0uilt as %uch otheir %ilitar" %i'ht as possi0le2 concentratin' their survivin' scientists and en'ineers on those -e1 1orlds 1hose industrial capacit" re%ained intact. Bet1een &?&? and &?302 tensions alon' the 0orders o- each rival state erupted2 leadin' once %ore to all7out 1ar. The Second Succession 8ar lasted -ro% appro9i%atel" &?30 to &?6<2 and 1as ;ust as deadl"2 destructive2 and indecisive as its predecessor. Hundreds o- %illions %ore died in countless 0attles across the Inner Sphere2 thou'h onl" a -e1 doHen 1orlds ulti%atel" chan'ed hands. As the 1ar destro"ed %ore industrial -acilities and killed o-%ore scientists and en'ineers2 so%e t"pes o- specialiHed kno1led'e and technolo'" 0e'an to disappear entirel". B" the end o- the Second Succession 8ar2 1hat had 0eco%e kno1n as the Successor States# overall level otechnolo'ical kno1led'e sunk to a level 0arel" a0ove that o- Terra in the earl" &5st centur". It 1as no lon'er eas" to 0uild advanced co%puters2 lar'e -usion po1er plants2 or starships. Instead2 the leaders o- the Successor Houses 0e'an to canni0aliHe e9istin' eAuip%ent -or the spare parts necessar" to keep their current 1ar %achines in 1orkin' order. A-ter a second 0rie- respite2 the Third Succession 8ar erupted in &?66. It 0e'an 1hen advance -orces o- the Craconis $o%0ine invaded the core1ard portion o- the 6"ran $o%%on1ealthI 1ar soon spread across the Inner Sphere. In the "ears that -ollo1ed2 co%0at 0eca%e such a -act o- ever"da" li-e that the period 0eco%e kno1n si%pl" as Gthe Succession 8ars.G :onetheless2 ca%pai'ns durin' this period never %atched the violence o- previous t1o 1ars. At -irst2 the decrease in destruction and 0loodshed appeared to 0e %ore a -unction o- each ar%"#s reduced resources than philosophical chan'e in tactics. As ti%e passed2 ho1ever2 and the e9i'encies o- a scaven'er econo%" took hold2 each o- the Houses realiHed it could ill a--ord -urther losses o- vital resources. Graduall"2 an in-or%al set o- rules o- 1ar evolved2 si%ilar to the Ares $onventions. #Mech units and ar%ies still -ou'ht over possession o- operational -actories2 0ut neither side atte%pted to har% the -acilit" itsel-. =The losers si%pl" consoled the%selves 1ith the idea that the" 1ould 1in the planet in the ne9t 1ar>. Ma;or #Mech 0attles2 especiall" 0et1een %ercenar" units2 1ere o-ten -ou'ht in sta'es2 1ith 0oth sides allo1in' ene%" Techs to enter the 0attle-ield durin' periods o- truce to attend to da%a'ed #Mechs. /ther #Mech units2 a'ain especiall" %ercenaries2 revived the old tradition o- surrenderin' to a superior -orce and pa"in' a ranso% to o0tain their o--7 1orld release. Most i%portant2 ever"one reco'niHed the sanctit" o- an" side#s Eu%pShips2 and strictl" o0e"ed the prohi0ition a'ainst attackin' such cra-t. A-ter all2 1ithout Eu%pShips2 the 1ar -or supre%ac" could not 0e 1a'ed at all. A second out'ro1th o- the destructiveness o- the Succession 8ars 1as the rise o- -eudalis% throu'hout the Inner Sphere. The central 'overn%ents o- the rulin' Houses no lon'er possessed either the ad%inistrative %achiner" or a0solute %ilitar" resources to %aintain centraliHed control over their territories. Instead2 each House 6ord ruled a hierarch" o- planetar" no0les. These no0les 1ere o-ten dra1n -ro% the leadership o- his %ost elite #Mech units2 havin' 1on -ull authorit" over 1orlds in e9chan'e -or the pled'ed service o- their BattleMechs. Indeed2 the "ears o- con-lict 1reaked havoc 0e"ond the 0orders o- the Successor States2 creatin' the pheno%enon kno1n as the Bandit Fin's o- the )eripher". As the 1ars ra'ed 0ack and -orth alon' the -rontier2 doHens o- #Mech units 7 %ost o-ten co%posed either the -ra'%ents o- de-eated units or %utinous %ercenaries 7 -led into the vastness o- the )eripher". Several o- the units e%er'ed a'ain2 o-ten a-ter a nu%0er o- "ears2 as Gkin'sG o- one or %ore s%all 1orlds seiHed 0" -orce oar%s. B" the end o- the 30th centur"2 %ore than 60 kno1n s%all kin'do%s and principalities rin'ed the Inner Sphere2 creatin' the ever7present threat o- raids and pirac" to the -rontier 1orlds o- each Successor State.

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Ma7or 8actions
Ma3or 'actions

Capital4 Terra Ruler4 M"undo 8aterl" Title4 )ri%us !eir4 :JA !ounded in &B?? 0" the Blessed Eero%e Blake2 $o%Star 'uards and %aintains the h"perpulse 'enerator co%%unications net1ork and other valua0le technolo'ies developed durin' hu%anit"#s 'olden a'e2 'uardin' kno1led'e that %i'ht have 0een lost -orever 1ere it not -or the -oresi'ht o- our Blessed !ounder.

convinced that its %ission la" in conAuerin' hu%anit" rather than protectin' it. These apostates reached the Henith o- their po1er under )ri%us M"undo 8aterl".

The Capellan Con.ederation

Capital4 Sian Ruler4 Ma9i%illian 6iao Title4 $hancellor !eir4 ,o%ano 6iao

Blake reco'niHed t1o 'reat responsi0ilities in the 1ake othe collapse o- the Star 6ea'ue3 preservin' as %uch othe currentl" availa0le technolo'ical kno1led'e as possi0le2 and preventin' the Successor States -ro% seiHin' the interstellar co%%unications net1ork and %isusin' it to destro" each other. In &B??2 Blake took control o- Terra and declared it a neutral 1orld. He o--ered secure interstellar co%%uncation to all Successor States that 1ould pled'e to respect the neutralit" o- the h"perpulse 'enerator stations and personnel. The Inner Sphere leaders reco'niHed that open co%%unications 1ere crucial to their survival2 a'reed to Blake#s de%ands2 and the 0lessed order o- $o%Star 1as 0orn. Blake created the !irst $ircuit to ad%inister $o%Star#s a--airs and -ostered a Gsecret 0rotherhoodG %entalit" a%on' $o%Star#s %e%0ers in order to keep the secrets o- the Star 6ea'ue sa-e. A-ter Blake#s death in &?5D2 $onrad To"a%a o- Cieron took control o- $o%Star. He replaced its corporate structure 1ith a ri'id2 reli'ious hierarch"2 and shrouded its activities in %"stic rituals. To"a%a declared hi%sel)ri%us2 the hi'hest authorit" in $o%Star2 0eAueathin' that au'ust title and its responsi0ilities to ever" leader o$o%Star 1ho -ollo1ed hi%. Initiall"2 )ri%us To"a%a#s care-ull" cra-ted reli'ious %"ster" served Blake#s vision 0" -osterin' the 0elie- that the sacred %a'ic o- H)G trans%issions could onl" 0e 1ielded 0" $o%Star adepts2 ensurin' that no Successor State 1ould atte%pt to take control the Star 6ea'ue#s technolo'ical le'ac". /ne -action o- $o%Star 'raduall" -or'ot the true %eanin' o- Blake#s vision2 ho1ever2

The s%allest and "oun'est o- the Successor States is the $apellan $on-ederation2 a narro1 0and o- relativel" rich 1orlds separatin' the !ree 8orlds lea'ue -ro% the !ederated Suns. %0attled -ro% its 0e'innin's in &36B2 !ranco 6iao -or%ed the $on-ederation out o- several alliances o- 1orlds 0reakin' apart in a tu'7o-71ar 0et1een the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue2 The !ederated Suns2 and the Terran He'e%on". The ruthless deter%ination that 1as to %ark this nation 1as -irst evidenced 1hen 6iao -orces destro"ed their o1n capital to de-eat the occup"in' Cavion -orces 1ithin. Since that ti%e2 the en%it" 0et1een the 6iao and Cavion Houses has 0een the stu-- o- le'end. The $apellan $on-ederation is co%%onl" perceived as a %onolithic police state2 standin' upon the 0acks o- its people to elevate itsel- to the level o- a Great House. In -act2 this is a vie1 0orn %ore o- pre;udice and %isunderstandin' than -act. 8hile it is true that the hi'hl" centraliHed 'overn%ent o- the 6iao d"nast" %aintains a -ir% hold on the %eans o- production and support in the state2 the peoples o- the $on-ederation actuall" en;o" a re%arka0le personal -reedo% 1ithin certain 0oundaries. The no0ilit" o-ten -eels stron' 0onds to the people under its care2 and 1orks hard to shelter the% -ro% the e9cesses o- an occasionall" erratic $hancellor. This stran'e alche%"2 co%0ined 1ith a 'ood suppl" overdant and resource7rich 1orlds2 has provided a s"ner'" that has kept the $on-ederation intact a'ainst the stor%s o- 1ar that have continuall" ra'ed throu'hout the Inner Sphere. Indeed2 1hat the $apellans lack in %i'ht or -le9i0ilit"2 the" %ore than %ake up -or in -ocus. :o state co%es close to %ovin' as o- a sin'le %ind as does the $apellan $on-ederation2 and this serves the% 1ell in the %ilitar" as 1ell as the political arena.

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Ma7or 8actions
The near7-anatical lo"alt" o- the $apellan troops and special operatives %akes the 6iao intelli'ence net1ork the -inest in the Inner Sphere2 and the -e1 elite troops availa0le to operations o- 1ar are 1orth -ive ti%es their nu%0er in re'ulars. It is -ortunate2 perhaps2 that 6iao is so centraliHed and s%all2 or the" 1ould Auickl" %ove to a do%inant role a%on'st the Great Houses. As it is2 the rulers o- the $on-ederation never cease their drive -or pri%ac"2 and their e%0attled histor" has usuall" served to help the% eventuall" e%er'e stron'er -ro% each devastatin' set0ack. The $apellan $on-ederation is eas" to dis%iss2 0ut perilous to i'nore. Althou'h the state71ide adherence to the ancient histor" and traditions o- -eudal Eapan did not 0eco%e o--iciall" sanctioned =and reAuired> until the &Bth centur"2 the $o%0ine has al1a"s cherished those values2 o-ten to the 0e1ilder%ent o- allies and ene%ies alike. 8hat so%e see as 9enopho0ia2 Furitans see as -ierce sel-7reliance. 8hat others see as ruthlessness2 the Cracs see as sel-7%aster". And not all o- the closel"7held virtues o- the Craconis $o%0ine are %ilitar" in nature. The ancient arts opoetr"2 calli'raph"2 and the peace-ul rituals o- an ancient culture all take their place2 in 1hat is to so%e the %ost alien o- the %a;or cultures o- the Inner Sphere. It is -ortunate2 perhaps2 that the po1er-ul !ederated Suns 0orders one side o- the $o%0ine2 1hile the %ercantile 6"ran $o%%on1ealth a0uts the other. ,elativel" poor econo%ic skills have prevented e--ective co%petition 1ith the $o%%on1ealth2 1hile the %ilitar" %i'ht o- the Cavions has %ana'ed to 0lunt the -urther i%perialistic a%0itions o- House Furita -or so%e ti%e no1. /- course2 -or the innocents cau'ht 0et1een 'iants2 it is not -ortunate at all.

The 9raconis Co1:ine

Capital4 6uthien Ruler4 Takashi Furita Title4 $oordinator !eir4 Theodore Furita

2asalhague Military 9istrict

The ancient G8a" o- the 8arriorG ostensi0l" 0inds all othe Craconis $o%0ine to its hereditar" rulers2 the Furitas. The all7po1er-ul $oordinator o- this vast e%pire descends directl" -ro% Shiro Furita2 a cunnin' and charis%atic 1arrior7states%an steeped in the ancient sa%urai traditions o- 5Bth centur" Eapan. This unusual up0rin'in' on :e1 Sa%arkand2 one o- the lar'est colon" 1orlds o- the &<th centur"2 prepared hi% -or the -ierce %ilitar" and political 0attles that 1ould 0e reAuired ohi% as he secured and ce%ented the 1orlds o- the e%er'in' Craconis $o%0ine. Shiro holds the du0ious distinction o- 0ein' the -irst to 0rin' -ull7scale interstellar %ilitar" operations into e9istence2 as he e9panded his Alliance o- Galedon =ori'inall" a %ercantile pact> into an e%pire 1ith the speed and skill o- none since Ale9ander the Great. The Furitas have al1a"s ruled 1ith an iron -ist2 and their -ollo1ers 1ould have it no other 1a". In a -a%ous letter2 Shiro Furita set the tone -or the Craconis $o%0ine =and indeed even the na%e> 1hen he advised his 5<7"ear old son to adhere to the Gvirtues o- the dra'onGI na%el"2 Gstren'th2 cunnin'2 and a 1illin'ness to destro" -or the sake o- its o1n po1er.G This ruthless e9pansionis% has %arked the House indeli0l"2 and to this da" the $o%0ine drea%s o- rulin' the entire Inner Sphere. The ori'ins o- the ,asalha'ue Militar" Cistrict date to the %"thic a'e 1hen interstellar travel 1as so ne1 that onl" the adventurous or desperate dared tr" it. A-ter the Second Soviet $ivil 8ar2 Scandinavia 1as le-t 1ith the dou0le 0urden o- pa"in' assess%ents to re0uild the Soviet States 1hile dealin' 1ith the in-lu9 o- %ore than a %illion Soviet re-u'ees. The !ederal Ce%ocratic ,epu0lics o- S1eden2 !inland2 and :or1a" coped stoicall"2 thou'h the 1ar7da%a'e ta9es continued until the %id7&3rd centur". 8hen the lev" -inall" ended2 %an" citiHens decided to e%i'rate2 selectin' a planet -ar -ro% the oppression and 0ureaucrac" o- Terra. 8ithin 60 "ears2 these Scandinavians had coloniHed and heavil" populated ,asalha'ue and its ei'ht nearest nei'h0ors. In the late &3rd centur"2 the people o- the re'ion created the ,asalha'ue $onsortiu%2 a ;oint 'overn%ent to oversee the -urther develop%ent o- their 1orlds. The $onsortiu% included all the varldherren or 1orld lords2 and %e%0ers o- po1er-ul -a%ilies. The hi'hest 'overn%ent o--icial 1as an elected )ri%e Minister. As the $onsortiu% ca%e into contact 1ith nei'h0orin' states and associations2 it evolved into the )rincipalit" o,asalha'ue2 headed 0" the lected )rince. The people o- ,asalha'ue 0eca%e kno1n -or their isolationis%2 0ein' %ore concerned 1ith e9pandin' and developin' their o1n 1orlds in a 1a" least da%a'in' to the environ%ent. Cespite ,asalha'ue#s political

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Ma7or 8actions
neutralit"2 the Craconis $o%0ine harassed it2 attacked it2 and eventuall" conAuered the )rincipalit" in &330. A-ter 0ein' incorporated into the $o%0ine as the ,asalha'ue Militar" Cistrict2 the re'ion chan'ed little. Thou'h $o%0ine leaders encoura'ed Asians to e%i'rate to the ne1l" created district2 these colonists never outnu%0ered the Scandinavian %a;orit"2 nor 1ere the" a0le to dilute the native custo%s. Be-ore the !ourth Succession 8ar2 the o--icial lan'ua'e o- the re'ion 1as Furitan Eapanese2 0ut the vast %a;orit" continued to speak S1edish. ven -ro% the earliest da"s o- Furita rule2 secret societies atte%pted to -o%ent re0ellions2 0ut all -ailed 0ecause o- the lack o- coordination a%on' re0el 'roups. re'i%es o- the near0" $apellan $on-ederation and Craconis $o%0ine. :e1 Avalon2 the capital and trend7setter o- the !ederated Suns2 1as settled ori'inall" 0" colonists o- 8estern uropean descent =pri%aril" -ro% Scotland2 Ireland2 n'land2 Ger%an" and the Scandinavian countries>2 lendin' a stron' %onarchial tendenc" to House Cavion. A-ter the upheavals o- the collapse o- the Terran Alliance and the rise o- the e9pansionist Terran He'e%on"2 the $rucis )act that -or%ed the !ederated Suns in &35B dre1 to'ether scores o- 1orlds discontented 1ith Terran rule. 6ucien Cavion2 )ri%e Minister o- :e1 Avalon at the -or%in' o- the !S2 1as succeeded 0" his "oun'er 0rother2 and the Cavion d"nast" 0e'an. The A'e o- 8ar tested House Cavion sorel"2 and so1ed the 'rud'es that live on toda" in the near7ceaseless tensions 1ith its closest nei'h0ors. Althou'h relations 1ith the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue and especiall" the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth are Auite 'ood2 there see%s little chance that an"thin' 1ill co%e o- this2 'iven the lack o- a co%%on 0order -or %utual de-ense. The 0itter and on'oin' -eud 0et1een Cavion and House Furita tends to overshado1 %ost peace overtures2 and seldo% are the 0orders 0et1een these t1o 'iants Auiet.

The 8ederated Suns

Capital4 :e1 Avalon Ruler4 Hanse Cavion Title4 )rince !eir4 :JA

The !ederated Suns is the lar'est alliance o- 1orlds in the Inner Sphere2 co%prisin' over 500 inha0ited 1orlds. Bound in a care-ul 0alance o- local -reedo%s and centraliHed 'overn%ent2 the neo7-eudal s"ste% o- the !ederated Suns serves to protect the citiHenr" 1hile takin' leadership -ro% the no0ilit"2 and ulti%atel" the )rince. Cespite the 0est e--orts o- House Cavion to raise the standard o- livin' -or its su0;ects2 there is a %arked dichoto%" o- 1ealth2 due to the uneven distri0ution oresources. So%e 1orlds are incredi0l" rich2 1hile %ost are relativel" undeveloped in co%parison. Althou'h it clai%s to hold ti'ht to the principles ode%ocratic 'overn%ent and personal -reedo%2 the e9i'encies o- centuries o- 1ar have %ade no less de%ands upon this state than an" other. The Cavions rule their spra1lin' e%pire -ro% :e1 Avalon throu'h a 1arrior aristocrac"2 and at ti%es the idealistic clai%s othe state propa'anda %achine rin' hollo12 1hen %ilitar" necessit" rein in the lu9uries o- the co%%on %an. :onetheless2 the rulers o- the !ederated Suns have as o-ten sou'ht to rule throu'h protection and the nurturin' o- individual concerns as throu'h suppression. The result is a -iercel" dedicated citiHenr" that has -or centuries 1ithstood the predications o- the %ore totalitarian

The Lyran Co11onwealth

Capital4 Tharkad Ruler4 Fatrina Steiner Title4 Archon !eir4 Melissa Steiner

Third in siHe2 the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth is -irst in ter%s oecono%ic %i'ht 1ithin the Inner Sphere. :o other real% co%es close to the standard o- livin' or %aterial 1ealth 1ithin the $o%%on1ealth. Blessed 1ith a surplus oresource7rich planets and a 0usiness acu%en second to none2 the rulin' Steiner -a%il" continues to prosper despite the occasional %ilitar" set0ack. Indeed2 6"ran currenc" is stron'er than that o- $o%Star2 the %"stical keepers o- the 'ala9"#s co%%unications net. !ounded ori'inall" as a trade alliance s1orn to %utual de-ense a'ainst the depredations o- 0andits and the increasin' -reAuenc" o- incursions -ro% the ne1 Craconis $o%0ine2 the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth 1as 0uilt around the ancient Greek s"ste% o- a co7rulership o- Archons2 each the head o- an independent cit"7state. Ho1ever2 as the di--iculties o- leadin' such a vast and vi'orous alliance revealed the%selves2 sel-7interest 0e'an to drive the

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Ma7or 8actions
decisions o- the nine Archons2 until in &3B5 ,o0ert Marsden sta'ed a success-ul and 0lood" coup and 'athered the rich 1orlds o- the $o%%on1ealth into his hand. It 1as Fatherine Steiner2 ho1ever2 1ho in &<0? -ounded the current d"nast" o- 6"ran rulers2 1hen she succeeded her dead hus0and2 Alistair Marsden2 to the throne. %0od"in' the ideals the $o%%on1ealth still reveres toda"2 she 1as coura'eous2 deter%ined2 shre1d2 and perhaps %ost i%portantl"2 a 1o%an o- deep passion. That passion has %ore than once 0een dee%ed the %ark o- a ruthless leader2 0ut it is an indivisi0le part othe 6"ran ps"che no1. The -irst o- the Great Houses to e%plo" BattleMechs2 the 6"rans still en;o" 0etter technolo'" and sli'htl" %ore po1er-ul #Mechs than the other Houses2 althou'h their un-ortunate lack o- stron' 'eneralship has al1a"s cost the% their share o- 0attles as 1ell. A lon'7standin' -eud 1ith the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue has caused the 1orlds 0orderin' the t1o states to chan'e hands repeatedl" over the "ears2 0ut this econo%ic ;u''ernaut has al1a"s su--ered -ar less -ro% the disruption2 resultin' in a relativel" even pla"in' -ield 1ith its %ore %ilitaril" co%petent rival. place in the van'uard. The internal stri-e this produces has 0een the 0oth the succor and 0ane o- the peoples othe 6ea'ue2 -or as the individual li0erties 1a92 the national identit" and securit" tend to 1ane. In an atte%pt to 0rin' the %ilitar" -orces o- the 6ea'ue into closer accord2 the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue took a pa'e -ro% histor"2 and the tale o- $incinnatus. The $aptain7 Generalc" placed te%porar" co%%and o- all %ilitar" -orces into the hands o- one person durin' ti%es o- stri-e2 and 'ave e9traordinaril" s1eepin' political and econo%ic po1ers at the sa%e ti%e. Althou'h the appoint%ent 1as ori'inall" intended to 0e -or the duration o- the crisis at hand2 the near7constant con-licts o- the A'e o- 8ar served to institutionaliHe and consolidate the po1ers oleadership into a per%anent position. As the 6ea'ue )arlia%ent tended al1a"s to elect %e%0ers o- the Marik -a%il"2 the position eventuall" 0eca%e hereditar"2 0ut it is not as authoritarian a roe as that o- the other -our Great Houses. The !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue continues to ha%strin' its po1er-ul %ilitar" and -ree econo%" 1ith internal 0ickerin' and lo00"in'.

The 8ree /orlds League

Capital4 Atreus Ruler4 Eanos Marik Title4 $aptain7General !eir4 :JA

!ounded in &&B52 the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue is the oldest othe Successor States2 and the onl" one to predate the Terran He'e%on". /ri'inatin' as an alliance o- three hi'hl" independent states =Marik2 /riente and ,e'ulus>2 the 6ea'ue has al1a"s %aintained the closest thin' to a representative 'overn%ent to 0e -ound in the Inner Sphere. ach re'ion2 and indeed each 1orld2 %aintains its o1n 'overn%ent2 culture and socioecono%ic structure2 and seeks al1a"s to preserve such independence as 0est the" can. 8hile this does tend to serve the individual interests o- the %e%0er states 0etter2 it rarel" serves the 6ea'ue as a 1hole. :o state has 0een %ore ri-e 1ith internecine stru''le2 uprisin's2 secessions or political %aneuverin' than the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue. 6ea'uers are consu%%ate politicians2 and no si'ni-icant political %ove%ent in the Inner Sphere has -ailed to see the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue secure the%selves a

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The Periphery The Magistracy o. Canopus

Capital 4 $anopus I@ Ruler 4 F"alla $entrella Title 4 Ma'estri9 !eir 4 %%a $entrella The %iniature Ma'istrac" e%er'ed alive and surprisin'l" health" a-ter t1o and a hal- centuries o- 1ar-are2 thou'h a %ere shado1 o- its once7illustrious past. The destruction o- 'alactic trade and touris% durin' the Succession 8ars has le-t the 'reat %a;orit" o- $anopian 1orlds lackin' the 0arest o- technolo'ical necessities. :ever sel-7su--icient even in the 0est o- ti%es2 the Ma'istrac" has seen nu%erous -a%ines and a'ricultural -ailures2 leadin' to si'ni-icant depopulation and social unrest. 8ith the di--icult" o- civilian space travel durin' the Succession 8ars era77and thus -e1 custo%ers a0le to 0u" their pleasures77the Ma'istrac" has turned to %ore %undane industries. /nce noted -or their -a%ous courtesans and dancers2 the $anopians o- toda" are hi'hl" re'arded as healers2 %an" o- 1ho% travel -ar a-ield in service o- their state. 8ear" o- their past adventures2 poorer in 0od" and spirit2 0ut nonetheless 1iser -or their su--erin'2 the Ma'istrac"#s intelli'entsia is 0e'innin' a slo1 resur'ence that %a" "et have a pro-ound i%pact on the rest o- the )eripher".

6"in' out1ard o- the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue2 the Ma'istrac" o- $anopus is the third lar'est o- the )eripher" States. !ounded in &530 0" Fossandra $entrella2 an e97Marik Mech8arrior2 the $anopian Ma'istrac" is an autocratic state 1here 1o%en traditionall" %ana'e the 'overn%ent and the %ilitar". In the earl" "ears o- the Ma'istrac"2 population pressure and social pre;udice 1ithin the Inner Sphere produced 1idespread e%i'ration to %an" $anopian 1orlds. Takin' advanta'e o- the a0undant %ineral resources -ound there2 !loral $entrella2 third Ma'estri9 o- the $anopian !ree States2 trans-or%ed this 0ack1ater collection o- %is-its and %alcontents into a prosperous -inancial and political entit". !or nearl" a centur"2 the $anopian Ma'istrac" 1as s"non"%ous 1ith decadent sensualit" and -reedo% oe9pression =in ever" sense o- the ter%>. The riches that the $anopians collected eventuall" proved their undoin' 1hen the" 0eca%e a pri%e tar'et in the ,euni-ication 8ar. The $anopians# uniAue social contri0utions and siHa0le cash reserves2 ho1ever2 did %uch to %iti'ate the conseAuences o- %ilitar" occupation 0" the Star 6ea'ue. As a Territorial State under Star 6ea'ue control2 the $anopian Ma'istrac" returned to its old 1a"s2 encoura'ed 0" an in-lu9 o- i%%i'rants 1ho e%0raced the philosoph" o- GHapp" Ca"s and Hectic :i'hts.G !ollo1in' the 0reakup o- the Star 6ea'ue2 the Ma'istrac" 0e'an a %assive rear%a%ent pro'ra% and hired %an" %ercenaries2 1hich once %ore dre1 to the% the un1anted attention o- their a%0itious nei'h0ors. Be'innin' in the earl" &?00s2 the Ma'istrac" lost %an" holdin's in a series o- 0order disputes 1ith the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue2 the Taurian $oncordat2 and the $apellan $on-ederation. Seein' the pleasure planets and re%ainin' industrial centers 0ein' repeatedl" sacked and looted2 the hereditar" leaders o- the $anopian %atriarch" =House $entrella> ordered its -e1 re%ainin' industrial plants to 0e %oved deep 1ithin the $anopian hold-ast.

The ;utworlds -lliance

Capital 4 AlpheratH Ruler 4 :eil Avelar II Title 4 6ord Avelar !eir 4 :JA

/- all the 'overn%ent s"ste%s to e%er'e in the )eripher"2 the /ut1orlds Alliance clai%s the stran'est collection o- separatists and anti7social t"pes. Indeed2 %an" political co%%entators have re-erred to the /ut1orlds Alliance as a 'eo'raphic e9pression ocollective political chaos. Unlike the Taurian $oncordat or the Ma'istrac" o- $anopus2 the /ut1orlds Alliance 1as never intended to 0e a lastin' political entit". Indeed2 its e9istence 1as due to accident as %uch as to desi'n. The -oundin' -ather o- the /ut1orlds Alliance 1as Ad%iral Eulius Santia'o Avellar. As a ;unior naval o--icer in the closin' "ears o- the &300s2 Avellar 1as appalled 0" the ease 1ith 1hich the states o- the Inner Sphere sou'ht to settle their di--erences throu'h increasin'l" destructive 1ars. 8ithdra1in' to the 1orld o- AlpheratH in &<532 Avellar devoted the rest o- his li-e to literar" denunciations o- the 1ar%on'ers o- the %a;or Houses.

Chaos Hardware Productions


The Periphery
Thou'h he %a" have planned to live out his li-e in o0scurit"2 Avellar 0eca%e the leader o- a virtual cult. His co%passionate pleas -or an end to 1ar created the /%niss2 a ne1 philosophical sect. Advocatin' the re;ection o- an" technolo'" that did not contri0ute to the preservation o- li-e2 -ollo1ers o- /%niss -locked to Avellar#s a'rarian haven in the )eripher"2 %uch to the cha'rin o- the her%it7like Avellar. Be-ore lon'2 people -ro% ever" social order 0e'an to descend on his ho%e on AlpheratH. As the hundreds Auickl" 0eca%e thousands and the thousands 0eca%e tens o- thousands2 Avellar#s ho%estead 1as Auickl" overrun 1ith political and social dissidents. 9pandin' out1ard -ro% AlpheratH in all directions2 /%niss -ar%ers and their supporters 0e'an to coloniHe nei'h0orin' star s"ste%s in a -renH"2 persuaded 0" Avellar#s 1ritin's that 'alactic doo%sda" 1as ;ust around the corner. !aced 1ith the 'ro1in' pro0le%s o- %ana'in' and carin' -or the 1ell7%eanin' 0ut technolo'icall" inept %ultitudes on his doorstep2 Avellar 1as -orced to do the one thin' that he hated %ost3 to create a 'overn%ent a0le to provide -or the needs o- his ne1-ound -ollo1ers. The result 1as the /ut1orlds Alliance2 a union 0orn %ore o- necessit" than actual desire. Since the 0e'innin' o- the 35st centur"2 the situation in the /ut1orlds Alliance has 0eco%e particularl" 'ri%. 8ith the 'eneral loss o- technolo'"2 Alliance 1orlds have su--ered -ro% declinin' population and literac" levels. Thou'h protected 0" a stron' %ilitar"2 %an" o- these planets are una0le to -eed their o1n people. The people -eel that their 'overn%ent has 0etra"ed the%2 and there have 0een %an" riots and de%onstrations a'ainst the hereditar" Avellar re'i%e in recent "ears. Althou'h no one has "et seriousl" challen'ed the ri'ht o- House Avellar to rule the /ut1orlds2 ar%ed re0ellion is likel" ithe deterioratin' situation does not reverse itsel-. 'overn%ent2 a hi'h literac" rate2 and a stron' %ilitar". The" appear to 0e the )eripher" co%%unit" %ost likel" to survive the ne9t centur"2 as 1ell as to 0eco%e a leader in )eripher" a--airs and even an in-luence on the Inner Sphere. The Taurian $oncordat 0e'an as a desperate venture into the une9plored space o- the H"ades $luster. Be"ond the reach o- Inner Sphere 'overn%ents2 the $alderon e9pedition coloniHed %ineral7rich 1orlds and Auickl" trans-or%ed the% into centers o- political and social eAualit". In turn2 these 1orlds attracted thousands ore-u'ees uprooted 0" 1ars in the Inner Sphere. As earl" as the %id7&<th centur"2 the Taurians 1ere -orced to -i'ht a''ressors -ro% the Inner Sphere. The $oncordat %aintained a tense state o- ar%ed neutralit" in the A'e o- 8ar 0ut2 unlike its Inner Sphere counterparts2 it also devoted a %a;or portion o- its resources to1ard i%provin' li-e -or its citiHens. /n occasion2 the success othe Taurian 1a" o- li-e 0ene-ited the Inner Sphere as 1ell2 as 1hen the !ederated Suns reva%ped its educational s"ste% alon' Taurian lines in the -irst decade o- the ne1 %illenniu%. In the late &6th centur"2 the Taurians 1ere -orced to -i'ht -or t1o decades a'ainst Star 6ea'ue -orces durin' the ,euni-ication 8ar. Thou'h eventuall" 0attered into su0%ission2 the Taurians never renounced their drea% oa -ree and independent state. A-ter t1o centuries oincreasin'l" harsh rule under the Star 6ea'ue2 the Taurians revolted in the latter hal- o- the &?th centur". 8ith the -all o- the 6ea'ue and the start o- the Succession 8ars2 the Taurians 0eca%e -ree ointer-erence -ro% the House 6ords o- the Inner Sphere2 and their independence has 'ro1n stron'er. In the last t1o centuries2 ho1ever2 the Taurians have had to de-end the%selves a'ainst -orei'n invasion -ro% another part o- space. Because o- clashes 1ith the Ma'istrac" o- $anopus over disputed 0order 1orlds2 as 1ell as incursions 0" rene'ade %ercenar" units and pirates2 the $oncordat is o0li'ed to %aintain a lar'e and e--icient %ilitar". 8ith the rise o- the !ar 6ookers2 a philosophical sect advocatin' the e9ploration o- space 0e"ond its charted li%its2 the $oncordat has e9panded its 0orders2 settlin' 1orlds 0e"ond the notice o- the rapacious Inner Sphere. $o%Star is unsure o- ho1 %an" 1orlds have 0een settled so -ar2 althou'h 1e can 0e sure that none o- the% is su--icientl" developed to 0e incorporated into the $oncordat itsel-. :o si'ni-icant 0ene-its have co%e to the $oncordat -ro% these ne1 colonies as "et2 0ut the

The Taurian Concordat

Capital 4 Taurus Ruler 4 Tho%as $alderon Title 4 )rotector !eir 4 :JA

/- the %an" states in the )eripher"2 the Taurian $oncordat %aintains the closest rese%0lance to a Successor State. Under the direction o- House $alderon2 the hi'hl" independent Taurians have a stron' central

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The Periphery
potential o- une9plored space is2 as 1e all kno1 -ro% e9perience2 unli%ited. So%e esti%ates have indicated that 1hen the ne1 %ap o- the $oncordat is dra1n2 it %a" 0e co%para0le in siHe to the $apellan $on-ederation2 thou'h no1here near as densel" populated. predator" culture restrained onl" 0" the availa0ilit" ospace7'oin' vessels. The )irates o- Star#s nd have not 0een a0ove lendin' a hand to either the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth or the Craconis $o%0ine in their -reAuent clashes in the Succession 8ars. In each instance2 ho1ever2 pirate involve%ent 1as no%inal and purchased at a hi'h price in hard cash and eAuip%ent. This not1ithstandin'2 the pirate 0ands lod'in' in the asteroid -ields o- the Star#s nd s"ste% have 0een kno1n to 0reak their contracts 1ithout 1arnin' 1hen an e%plo"er presents the least si'n o1eakness. These pirates have con-ined their activities to nei'h0orin' Eu%p )oints 1ith an e"e to1ard capturin' valua0le %achiner" and spare parts -or their vessels. The Star#s nd s"ste% contains several starship construction -acilities -ull" capa0le o- repairin' and 0uildin' ne1 vessels at a %odest annual rate. The present leader othe pirate coalition is Mor'an !letcher2 a s1arth"2 s1a''erin' 1o%an 1hose actions are %otivated as %uch 0" her hatred o- %en =especiall" those o- the Inner Sphere> as -ro% a 'enuine love o- 1ealth.


andit <ingdo1s

8hen people think o- the )eripher"2 the thou'ht that i%%ediatel" co%es to %ind is that o- 0andits2 %odern7 da" pirates pre"in' on the vital trade that is the li-e70lood o- the Inner Sphere. Thou'h %ost in-or%ation on these space -arin' 0ri'ands is 0ased lar'el" on hearsa" and ru%or2 the various Bandit Fin'do%s have a 1ell7deserved reputation -or slau'hter and rapine. Born o- the con-licts o- the A%aris $ivil 8ar and the Succession 8ars2 the Bandit Fin'do%s consist o- desperate %en and 1o%en 1ho2 in their o1n rapacious %anner2 atte%pt to survive as 0est the" can. !ollo1in' is a su%%ar" o- veri-ia0le in-or%ation concernin' these desperate peoples. 8ith the e9ception o- the $ircinus !ederation and the /0eron $on-ederation2 little -or%al contact 0et1een $o%Star and the Bandit Fin'do%s has 0een possi0le -or several centuries. 8hat -ollo1s2 there-ore2 is the result o- nu%erous independent investi'ations2 %an" o- 1hich have ended in tra'ed". In-or%ation on speci-ic 1orlds2 individual leaders2 and selected %ilitar" units is provided2 thou'h the dan'erous nature o- these investi'ations has le-t so%e areas oinAuir" inco%plete.

Circinus 8ederation
Capital 4 $ircinus Ruler 4 $. E. GBo0G Mclnt"re Title 4 )resident !eir 4 :JA

elt Pirates
#ocation4 /ut1ard o- the Craconis $o%0ine2 near Santander#s 8orld Nu05er o1 Worlds4 /ne Current Ruler4 Mor'an !letcher Militar2 Strength4 5 Battalion Technolog2 #e6el4 Good #iterac2 #e6el4 !air A-ter the end o- the ,euni-ication 8ar2 re-u'ees -ro% the ,i% 8orlds ,epu0lic re-used to la" do1n their ar%s a'ainst the Star 6ea'ue and decided to settle the Star#s nd s"ste%. Since then2 the )irates o- Star#s nd have %aintained a stead" strea% o- scaven'er raids a'ainst 0oth the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth and the Craconis $o%0ine. ventuall"2 pirac" 0eca%e a 1a" o- li-e that has 0een passed do1n throu'h the 'enerations. The inha0itants o- Star#s nd are a pri%e e9a%ple o- a #ocation4 /utside o- the )eripher" ;uncture o- the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth and the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue Nu05er o1 Worlds4 :ine Militar2 Strength4 5 ,e'i%ent Technolog2 #e6el4 )oor #iterac2 #e6el4 !air A-ter 0ein' accused o- contract violation a'ainst the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue in &BB02 the Black 8arriors %ercenar" unit a0andoned Marik space2 narro1l" escapin' capture 0" the !ree 8orlds nav". @o1in' eternal ven'eance on House Marik -or their outla1ed status2 the Black 8arriors settled on the planet $ircinus and ;oined the pirates alread" operatin' there. $olonel Kachariah $irion2 leader o- the Black 8arriors2 0e'an to support his people throu'h a series o- sneak attacks a'ainst outl"in' Marik a'ricultural 1orlds. Both the Star 6ea'ue and the Marik House -orces had their hands -ull 1ith the A%aris $risis2

Chaos Hardware Productions


The Periphery
and so the $ircinus pirates -lourished in the a0sence oreprisals. In &B?52 a s%all convo" o- settlers -leein' the destruction in the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth landed on the planet to %ake a ne1 start. 8arrior and -ar%er co%0ined their -orces to esta0lish a via0le econo%" and culture. The 6"ran -ar%ers apparentl" 1ere never -ull" a1are othe nature o- their ne1 allies. The pirates 1ere involved in 1hat re%ained Gcovert operations2G 0ut the -ar%ers asked no Auestions as lon' as their allies provided the tools and consu%er 'oods the -ar%ers needed. The pirates2 -or their part2 1elco%ed the -ar%ers -or t1o reasons. !irst2 the" provided sta0ilit" and the possi0ilit" o- internal la1 and order =1ithout the 0rutal punish%ents and inti%idation that %ark pirate societies else1here>2 that 1ould keep the 0and o- cutthroats -ro% turnin' on one another. Second2 the" helped the pirates present the illusion o- a respecta0le2 a'rarian societ" to the nei'h0orin' 1orlds 1ho 1ere their victi%s. Cespite the -act that the !ree 8orlds %ilitar" occupied $ircinus durin' a lull in the Second Succession 8ar2 it is still the %ost success-ul o- the Bandit Fin'do%s2 havin' lon' since adopted a presidential s"ste% o- 'overn%ent. )irac" is a %a;or 'overn%ental -unction2 1ith covert Ga'enciesG responsi0le 0oth -or the raids the%selves and -or coverin' the% up. 6"ran pundits o-ten note that the $ircinian president#s chie- dut" is to look the other 1a" so that he 1ill not have to ackno1led'e the cri%es his 'overn%ent is constantl" co%%ittin'. In recent decades2 the inha0itants o- $ircinus have 0een cautiousl" settlin' nei'h0orin' star s"ste%s2 clai%in' ei'ht planets 0et1een &DD0 and 30&0. !ro% this ne1 e%pire2 )resident $. E. GBo0G Mclnt"re has entered into a series o- ;oint reconciliation talks 1ith leaders o- Both Inner Sphere 'overn%ents. Throu'h skill-ul diplo%ac" and ;udicious return o- prisoners2 and 1ithout once ad%ittin' to an" 1ron'doin' on the part o- his people2 Mclnt"re has %ana'ed to avert a 1holesale counterattack a'ainst his !ederation 1hile pla"in' on the %utual suspicions o- his Marik and Steiner counterparts. Mclnt"re#s position has latel" i%proved 1ith the arrival onu%erous %ercenar" recruits 1ho see hi% as a :apoleon o- the )eripher". Moreover2 0" convincin' 0oth House Marik and House Steiner that his support could 0e invalua0le2 he has %ana'ed to acAuire ship%ents o0adl" needed BattleMech spare parts and a s%all contin'ent o- AeroSpace !i'hters. :evertheless2 several o- Mclnt"re#s lieutenants2 "earnin' -or %ore 1ealth and po1er2 have challen'ed his position. Because o- the continued in-i'htin' 0et1een Mclnt"re and his su0ordinates2 it is uncertain 1hether the !ederation 1ill co%%it itsel- to either House. The chie- othe o--iciall" none9istent pirates is Ada% $irion2 a descendant o- Kachariah $irion2 -ounder o- the !ederation.

Marian Hege1ony
Capital 4 Alphard Ruler4 Marius /#,eill" Title 4 He'e%on" I%perator !eir 4 :JA

#ocation4 /utside o- !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue2 0et1een Ma'istrac" o- $anopus and $ircinus !ederation Nu05er o1 Worlds4 i'ht Militar2 Strength4 5 ,e'i%ent Technolog2 #e6el4 Avera'e #iterac2 #e6el4 !air The Marian He'e%on" is a recent addition to the )eripher". $entered on the trade 1orld o- Alphard2 the He'e%on" consist s o- the re%ains o- the Alphard Tradin' $orporation =AT$>. In &D&02 Eohann Se0astian /#,eill" arrived on the desolate and uninha0ited planet Alphard. Thou'h the 1orld see%ed like a 1asteland2 he chanced upon a hidden storehouse o- 'er%aniu% 1orth at least 50200020002000 $7Bills. 8ith this ne1-ound 1ealth2 /#,eill" hired #Mech units and esta0lished a colon" on Alphard. Eohann -or%ed his ne1 Marian He'e%on" alon' the disciplined lines o- the ancient Terran ,o%an %pire durin' its repu0lican da"s. The arrival o- 1ar re-u'ees helped to e9pand the He'e%on"2 1hose people 0e'an to settle other star s"ste%s in the vicinit". Under the leadership o- Eohann#s 'randson2 Marius /#,eill"2 the Marian He'e%on" vie1s e9pansion as the ke" to survival. In the last decade2 the Marian nav" and 'round -orces =esti%ated at rou'hl" three s%all 0attalions o- assorted BattleMechs> have clashed repeatedl" 1ith their nei'h0ors over possession o- 0order 1orlds. The He'e%on" 1elco%es the presence o$o%Star2 0ut onl" at the price o- an annual tri0ute to the I%perial Treasur".

Chaos Hardware Productions


The Periphery Morgraine=s >alkyrate

#ocation4 /utside o- 6"ran $o%%on1ealth2 near /0eron @l Nu05er o1 Worlds4 !ive Current Ruler4 Co%inatri9 Maria Mor'raine Militar2 Strength4 5 Battalion Technolog2 #e6el4 )oor #iterac2 #e6el4 )oor The ne1est o- the pirate clans to populate the )eripher"2 Mor'raine#s @alk"rate is a collection o- -ive ice 1orlds 0e"ond the 0order o- the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth. /ri'inall" a lieutenant o- Hendrik Gri%%2 Mor'raine 0roke 1ith her %aster a-ter her lover2 ,ed;ack ,"an2 1as e9pelled -ro% the /0eron $on-ederation. Cenouncin' the G%ale7do%inatedG rule o- the Gri%% pirate d"nast"2 Mor'raine and her -e%ale -ollo1ers esta0lished their o1n pirate outposts2 -ro% 1hich the" have 0e'un to raid 6"ran space. 8ithin this -e%ale pirate haven2 %ales are accorded ri'hts and privile'es accordin' to their a0ilities2 0ut all co%%and decisions are reserved to Mor'raine and her valk"ries. Much o- the @alk"rate#s social order %irrors that oancient Terran :orse %"tholo'". Given ti%e2 this veneer o- :ordic tradition 1ill continue to evolve. Mor'raine currentl" holds -orth in her court on Gotterda%%erun'2 rulin' 1ith an iron hand over an esti%ated -ive to si9 thousand inha0itants scattered over her various holds. Cue to Mor'raine#s 9enopho0ia2 atte%pts to place ,/M a'ents in this re'ion have all -ailed. Successor State. The -irst $olonel Hendrik Gri%% 1as an o--icer in the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth %ilitar"2 1hose re'i%ent 1as 0attered 0" Marik troops on Graha% I@. Believin' that the 6"ran hi'h co%%and had le-t the% to die2 the survivin' %e%0ers o- the 65th 6"ran ,e'ulars %ade -or the )eripher"2 eventuall" settlin' on the 1ar% te%perate 1orld o- /0eron @l. Soon a-ter2 %an" Inner Sphere soldiers 1ho 1ere 1ear" 1ith the endless 1ar-are traveled to /0eron in search o- an alternative. Curin' its earl" "ears2 the people o- the /0eron state conducted pirate raids a'ainst 0oth the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth and the Craconis $o%0ine2 usuall" in search o- spare #Mech parts and electronics. !or the %ost part2 ho1ever2 the descendants o- Hendrik Gri%% I have 0een concerned pri%aril" 1ith the 1el-are o- their su0;ects rather than 1ith plunder -or its o1n sake. 9pandin' out1ard -ro% /0eron2 the citiHens o- the $on-ederation have %ana'ed to coloniHe their nei'h0orin' star s"ste%s. /- all the Bandit Fin'do%s in the )eripher"2 the /0eron $on-ederation alone is sel-7 su--icient. /n a social level2 a li%ited -or% o- de%ocrac" has 0rou'ht a0out educational s"ste%s -or the "oun'2 trainin' -acilities -or Mech8arriors and technicians2 and even a %odest pension plan -or o--icers and enlisted personnel 1ho have served the $on-ederation. The recent develop%ent o- /0eron into an increasin'l" sta0le2 diversi-ied state is due %ainl" to the vision oHendrik Gri%% III. 8here Gri%%#s 'rand-ather -ounded the state as a %ocker" o- a 'overn%ent2 and his -ather si%pl" continued the -a%il" 0usiness o- 0rutalit"2 Fin' Hendrik III takes the duties o- his o--ice seriousl". Another si'n o- /0eron#s 'ro1in' political %aturit" is Gri%%#s attitude to the near0" l"sian !ields. Thou'h /0eron see%s to 0e approachin' the sta'e that $ircinus reached t1o centuries a'o77that o- a via0le nation7state supported in part 0" pirac"77Gri%% appears to 0e seekin' the respecta0ilit" that standard interstellar trade 1ill 0rin'. Thus2 Gri%%#s pirates are not allo1ed to raid the l"sian 1orlds. Indeed2 Hendrik has entered into trade and territorial a'ree%ents 1ith the%2 the %ost i%portant o- 1hich o--ers Gri%%#s nav" dockin' ri'hts in return -or %ilitar" protection a'ainst the %an" other Bandit Fin'do%s in the area. As the l"sian !ields continue to develop2 and thus 0eco%e %ore te%ptin' tar'ets2 ties 0et1een the t1o real%s can 0e e9pected to 'ro1 closer. The potential -or provincial uni-ication77 si%ilar to that 1hich led to the -oundation o- the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue and $apellan $on-ederation seven centuries a'o77%a" 0eco%e irresisti0le to the leaders o0oth real%s.

;:eron Con.ederation
Capital 4 /0eron @I Ruler4 Hendrik Gri%% III Title 4 General !eir 4 :JA

#ocation4 /utside o- the 6"ran $o%%on1ealthI -or%erl" part o- ,i% 8orlds ,epu0lic Nu05er o1 Worlds4 Ten Militar2 Strength4 & ,e'i%ents Technolog2 #e6el4 Good #iterac2 #e6el4 )oor /- the %an" pirate holdin's in the )eripher"2 the /0eron $on-ederation co%es the closest to 0ein' a %iniature

Chaos Hardware Productions


The Periphery
,eco'niHin' the utilit" o- social sta0ilit" on their 0orders2 representatives -ro% 0oth House Steiner and House Furita have approached Hendrik III 1ith o--ers o- -or%al alliance. To date2 Gri%% has 0een reluctant to co%%it his peoples one 1a" or the other2 re%ainin' cautiousl" neutral. Another version o- the stor" o- ho1 ,"an 0roke a1a" -ro% /0eron states that ,"an apparentl" has no other interests in li-e than rapine2 and so he could not -ace the prospect o- handlin' actual responsi0ilities2 as Gri%% 1anted hi% to do. 8hether ,"an#s o1n %ost vicious lieutenant2 A'nar Satanson2 1ill turn on ,ed;ack the 1a" he turned on Gri%% re%ains to 0e seen. Attracted 0" the lure o- 0oot"2 ,"an has 1on nu%erous recruits since his 0reak 1ith Gri%%2 enou'h to %aintain t1o 0attalions o- BattleMechs. ,"an#s hold on his su0ordinates is tenuous at 0est2 ho1ever. He spends as %uch ti%e 'uardin' a'ainst a kni-e in the 0ack as he does plannin' his ne9t raid. 6e-t to their o1n devices2 the pirates o- Butte Hold %a" 1ell destro" the%selves. In addition2 one raid too %an" a'ainst an irritated 6"ran or Craconis 'overn%ent %a" 0rin' a -ull7scale assault a'ainst the pirate hold-ast.

Pirates o.

utte Hold

Capital 4 Butte Hold Ruler4 ,ed;ack ,"an Title 4 Fin' o- Butte Hold !eir 4 :JA

#ocation4 /utside o- the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth2 near /0eron @l Nu05er o1 Worlds4 /ne Militar2 Strength4 & Battalions Technolog2 #e6el4 )oor #iterac2 #e6el4 )oor !ounded in 305?2 Butte Hold is one o- the %ore recent additions to the %an" Bandit Fin'do%s. The inha0itants are a %otle" collection o- cutthroats no%inall" under the co%%and o- ,ed;ack ,"an2 an arro'ant2 struttin' Mech8arrior 1ith delusions o- 'randeur. The )irates oButte Hold epito%iHe the 1orst characteristics o)eripher" 0andits. ,ed;ack ,"an 1as once a 0attalion co%%ander under Hendrik Gri%%. In 305B2 1hile Gon loanG to the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth2 ,"an#s unit 1as ordered to occup" a Marik 0order 1orld. Curin' the course o- his occupation o- 6"sidas2 ,"an#s troops sacked the cities2 enslaved the populace2 and destro"ed %an" industries2 includin' a -usion po1er plant. The destruction o- the -usion plant poisoned hal- the planet#s at%osphere2 0rin'in' an i%%ediate halt to ,"an#s carousin'. !ollo1in' this 0lunder2 troops -ro% 0oth the /0eron $on-ederation and the !ree 8orlds 6ea'ue pursued ,"an and his %o0 out o- the Inner Sphere. ,"an took his %en to Butte Hold2 1here he set up shop. Since then2 the 0andit has launched a series o- indiscri%inate raids a'ainst the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth2 the Craconis $o%0ine2 and even an occasional snipe at a $on-ederation 1orld. To date2 none o- these 'overn%ents have retaliated 0ecause o- the %an" prisoners ,"an holds hosta'e. !e1 like to conte%plate 1hat an an'r" ,"an %i'ht do to the%.

Santander=s /orld !Santander >&

Capital 4 Santander @ Ruler4 Hel%ar @alasek Title 4 $o%%ander !eir 4 :JA

#ocation4 /ut1ard -ro% the Craconis $o%0ine Nu05er o1 Worlds4 /ne Militar2 Strength4 5 Battalion Technolog2 #e6el4 )oor #iterac2 #e6el4 )oor 8hat little is kno1n a0out the pirates o- Santander#s 8orld is not ver" pleasant. !ounded in 305D 0" e97 Cavion o--icer Hel%ar @alasek2 Santander#s 8orld 0oas s one o- the %ost vicious pirate 0ands operatin' in the )eripher". 8hereas %ost o- the )eripher"#s pirate 'roups en'a'e in raidin'2 Santander#s 8orld has 0eco%e a Murder Incorporated. Much o- @alasek#s treasur" consist s o- pa"%ents %ade -or covert assassination atte%pts. /peratin' sin'l" or in s%all 'roups2 Santander assassins are kno1n to have penetrated Cavion and Furita space to slau'hter 'overn%ent o--icials and -inanciers. 8here practical2 Santander raiders en'a'e in kidnappin'2 o-ten stoppin' %erchant vessels alon' esta0lished trade routes to re%ove 1ealth" passen'ers -or later ranso%. In addition2 @alasek contracts -or terrorist activities and %a" 1ell have a--iliations 1ith various dissident 'roups 1ithin the Inner Sphere.

Chaos Hardware Productions


The Periphery
All %e%0ers o- @alasek#s 0and take a 0lood oath to their %urderous leader2 vo1in' to die %ost horri0l" should the" GsAuealG on their -ello1s. More than once have these pirates killed their o1n %e%0ers suspected o- renouncin' their pled'e. The Santander pirates are an irritant that the Successor States 1ill pro0a0l" destro" at the -irst opportunit". It is 0elieved2 ho1ever2 that @alasek %aintains an intricate 1e0 o- spies and in-or%ants that %i'ht tip o-- @alasek to an" i%pendin' strike. There-ore2 an" such attack 1ould have to 0e %ade 1ith the ut%ost secrec". In the last t1o centuries2 the Tortu'a raiders have struck deep into the !ederated Suns and the Taurian $oncordat. Alread" kno1n -or utter depravit" and ruthlessness2 it appears that the Tortu'ans are 0eco%in' %ore desperate as their planets are no1 -inall" 0e'innin' to run out o- resources.

Tortuga 9o1inions
#ocation4 :ear the 0order o- the Taurian $oncordat and the !ederated Suns Nu05er o1 Worlds4 Si9 Current Ruler4 Ca%e )aula Trevaline Militar2 Strength4 T1o $o%panies Technolog2 #e6el4 )oor #iterac2 #e6el4 )oor The Tortu'a Co%inions are a result o- the ,euni-ication 8ar a'ainst the Taurian $oncordat. Curin' the latter sta'es o- that con-lict2 the !ederated Suns &3Bth 6i'ht $avalr" ,e'i%ent 1as all 0ut destro"ed in a 1aste-ul penetration raid a'ainst the Taurian outpost o- Sterope. Una0le to hold their positions and un1illin' to 0e thro1n into the vicious -ra" so%e1here else2 the &3Bth opted to ;u%p out1ard into the unkno1n. A 'eneration a-ter settlin' a s%all2 pleasant 1orld 0e"ond the -rin'es o- the !ederated Suns2 the ne1l" -or%ed )irates o- Tortu'a 0e'an operations a'ainst their callous -or%er co%rades in the !ederated Suns. 8ith eAuip%ent and %achiner" 1on at 'un point -ro% hal- a doHen Cavion 1orlds2 the Tortu'ans 0e'an to e9pand their -oothold in their ne1 1orld. 8ithin a centur"2 the" 1ere sta0le and sel-7su--icient enou'h to 0e'in coloniHation e--orts o- their o1n. B" the earl" &B00s2 the Tortu'ans had settled -ive nei'h0orin' star s"ste%s. A0undant radioactives and ra1 %aterials on these ne1l" clai%ed 1orlds helped the rise o- 1hat has since 0eco%e kno1n as the Tortu'a Co%inions. /- all the Bandit Fin'do%s in the )eripher"2 the Tortu'a Co%inions %aintain the lar'est space -arin' nav". sti%ates place the siHe o- the Tortu'a ;oll" ro'ers at a0out 552 thou'h a lack o- spare parts and %achiner" has -orced the Tortu'ans to canni0aliHe several o- these.

Chaos Hardware Productions


Mercenary 8orces
Mercenar2 'orces

"$st Centauri Lancers

CO 4 Thaddeus Fusaka Ran7 4 $olonel Si/e 4 5 ,e'i%ent Status 4 lite Current E0plo2er 4 Marik !o0eworld 4 :estor

'ridani Light Horses

CO 4 :athan Ar%stron' Ran7 4 Brevet General Si/e 4 3 re'i%ent Status 4 lite Current E0plo2er 4 Cavion !o0eworld 4 $olchester The %ost tradition70ound %ercenar" unit in the Inner Sphere2 the ridani 6i'ht Horse has %an" %e%orials and rituals that serve as a constant re%inder o- its illustrious histor" and ri'id honor. So%e outsiders have co%%ented that ridani o0servances see% al%ost reli'ious. !or e9a%ple2 the 50th Heav" $avalr" and ?th ,econ Battalion are s1orn to protect all the civilian %e%0ers othe ridani 6i'ht Horse in %e%or" o- their -a%ilies# e9ecutions on Sendai. 8hether escortin' civilian transports or 'arrisonin' their settle%ent2 onl" the 50th and ?th Battalion %e%0ers are involved in the sa-et" oridani dependents. 8herever the" are enca%ped2 all %ilitar" units in the Successor States set up t1o -la'poles3 one -or their unit 0anner and one -or their e%plo"er or House leader. Unlike other units2 ho1ever2 the 6i'ht Horse has never -lo1n the -la' o- its e%plo"er. /ne -la'pole re%ains 0are2 1hile the 0anner o- the 6i'ht Horse -lies at perpetual hal-7%ast. /ri'inall"2 the ridani standard 1as ;ust a prancin' horse upon a sun7"ello1 disc. The 0lack 0order 1as added as a s"%0ol o- %ournin' -or the e9odus oGeneral Ferensk". The 6i'ht Horse re%e%0ers the loss o- the 5Dth Striker ,e'i%ent on A%it" throu'h so%e curious traditions. 8henever the three re'i%ental co%%anders %eet 1ith the ridani co%%ander2 a place is set at the con-erence ta0le -or the co%%ander o- the 5Dth. In addition2 durin' social -unctions2 the host al1a"s sa"s a pra"er -or the %e%0ers o- the lost re'i%ent. ,etirin' soldiers 1ho serve the 6i'ht Horse 1ith distinction 0eco%e o--icial %e%0ers o- the 5Dth Striker. The" receive lapel pins 1ith the 5Dth#s s"%0ol2 a rearin' 0ronco2 in honor o- their services and devotion to the ridani 6i'ht Horse. ver" 6i'ht Horse %e%0er cele0rates the anniversaries o- 'reat victories and special 0irthda"s2 and %ourns the anniversar" o- lost 0attles and tra'ic deaths. /- all the da"s o- %ournin'2 the %ost sole%n occurs on the date oGeneral Ferensk"#s 9odus. All nonessential -unctions are shut do1n as ever"one 'athers in the central park. There

/ri'inall" a 0attalion -ro% House 6iaos St. Ives Ar%ored $avalr"2 the 6ancers %utinied a'ainst their re'i%ental co%%ander over 1a'es nine %onths overdue. The 6ancers ransacked the ,e'i%ental BattleGroup and captured so%e o- the $avalr"s Cropships and a Eu%pship as pa"%ent. Beco%in' %ercenar"2 the &5st served each Successor State e9cept -or House 6iao2 a'ainst 1hich it still har0ors a 'rud'e. $olonel Thaddeus Fusaka2 leader o- the 6ancers2 is one o- the ver" -e1 1ell7respected and trusted %ercenar" leaders in the Inner Sphere. Honest to a -ault2 Fusaka de%ands inte'rit" -ro% ever"one -ro% the lo1liest astech to the $aptain7General hi%sel-.

Cranston Snords Irregular

CO 4 $ranston Snord Ran7 4 Haupt%ann Si/e 4 5 $o%pan" Status 4 @eteran Current E0plo2er 4 Steiner !o0eworld 4 $linton $ranston Snords Irre'ular have 1idel" di--erent reputations2 dependin' on 1ho "ou ask. Fatrina Steiner thinks o- the unit as one o- the %ore e--ective2 iunorthodo92 units in her e%plo". House Marik 1ould like to rid the Inner Sphere o- the unit and has 0een tr"in' -or %an" "ears. Eai%e 8ol- sees the unit as a 0and olooters 1ho have %ade 'ood. /ne 1a" or the other2 the Irre'ulars are pro0a0l" 0est kno1n -or their a0ilit" to 'et into and out o- ti'ht spots created 0" their never7endin' Auest -or the lost arti-acts andJor treasures o- Mankinds past.

Mercenary 8orces
an honor 'uard un-urls an ancient Star 6ea'ue standard and runs it up the usuall" 0are -la' pole. The 0ase co%%ander then reads $olonel Bradle"#s co%%uniAu* in-or%in' General Ferensk" o- the 3rd ,e'i%ental $o%0at Tea%#s decision to sta". As the honor 'uard lo1ers the Star 6ea'ue standard2 the %ilitar" 0and pla"s the Star 6ea'ue anthe% so-tl" and slo1l". Gra"son Ceath $arl"le 0eca%e kno1n as one o- a hand-ul o- %en and 1o%en 1ho -ou'ht to hold the dark tides o- sava'er" at 0a" -or "et a little 1hile lon'er. That is a distinction 1on 0" ver" -e1 1arriors in %ans 0lood" histor".

8uchidas 8usillier
CO 4 Michael M Mad Mac N Iverson Ran7 4 Ma;or Si/e 4 5 Batallion Status 4 ,e'ular Current E0plo2er 4 Marik !o0eworld 4 $ascade The %en o- !uchidas !usilliers trace their ori'in 0ack to the -or%er ,i% ,epu0lics Tartan Bri'ade2 one o- the household unit that -ou'ht valiantl" Lal0eit on the losin' side7 durin' the 0rutal civil 1ar 0et1een the usurper Stephan A%aris and the Star 6ea'ue -orces under Aleksandr Ferensk". A-ter the end o- that 1ar2 the e%plo"%ent as %ercenaries pled'ed to coordinator Minoru Furita. In the intervenin' "ears2 the rena%ed !usilliers have led a no%adic e9istence2 %ovin' -ro% contract to contract and never re%ainin' in the service oan" e%plo"er -or %ore than a -e1 "ears at a ti%e. A-ter three previous stretches under the House Marik 0anner =&?3<7&?<52 &??&7&?D?2 &D357&D35>2 the" re;oined House Marik in 30&5 -ollo1in' a ca%pai'n 1ith House Cavion. Thus -ar2 the" have 0een deplo"ed alon' the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth2 1here the" have conducted a variet" oraidin' and sa0ota'e %issions.

Hansens 2oughriders
CO 4 Gerhardt Hansen Ran7 4 $olonel Si/e 4 5 ,e'i%ent Status 4 @eteran Current E0plo2er 4 Steiner !o0eworld 4 Suk II

$olonel Gerhardt Hansen asse%0led the unit -ro% the re%nants o- the 5&th Atrean Cra'oons and le%ents othe 5st Atrean Cra'oons2 a unit that he lead in unsuccess-ul re0ellion a'ainst Eanos Marik durin' the Marik civil 1ar. The ,ou'h,iders pre-er close co%0at2 and considerin' the rather rou'h7house nature2 it is eas" to see 1h"2 %ost o- the Mech ,e'i%ent $o%panies are co%posed entirel" o- heav" Mechs. The unit 1as also chosen to receive the -irst ne1 ,o%%elJ)atton tanks2 due to the -act that it 1as the %ost active and a''ressive o- all the Tank corps in the 6"ran $o%%on1ealth. The ,ou'h,iders are -a%ed -or their deep raids2 into 0oth Furita and Marik space and heav" ur0an co%0at.

<ell Hounds
CO 4 Mor'an Fell Ran7 4 $olonel Si/e 4 5 ,e'i%ent Status 4 @eteran Current E0plo2er 4 Steiner !o0eworld 4 )aci-ica

Gray 9eath Legion

CO 4 Gra"son $arl"le Ran7 4 $aptain Si/e 4 ,ein-orced 6ance Status 4 ,e'ular Current E0plo2er 4 Marik !o0eworld 4 Hel%

8hat 1as perhaps %ost unusual a0out the 6e'ion 1as the %oral Aualit" o- their -i'ht. 8hat 0e'an as a desire -or reven'e a'ainst House Furita 0eca%e a virtual crusade a'ainst the technolo'ical 0ar0aris% and inhu%anit" that Furitas ca%pai'ns and the Succession 8ars the%selves had co%e to represent. Mech 8arrior

In 30502 Mor'an and )atrick Fell2 a'ed &< and &&2 decided to -or% the Fell Hounds. Arthur 6uvon2 the late hus0and o- then Archon Fatrina Steiner2 had 0een the Fell#s cousin. Upon his death -ro% cancer in Au'ust o30502 the Fells inherited a 'reat deal o- %one"2 1hich the" used to -or% the Fell Hounds.

Chaos Hardware Productions


Mercenary 8orces Marshiga1as Legionnaires

CO 4Eu76ei Marshi'a%a Ran7 4 $olonel Si/e 4 5 $o%pan" Status 4 @eteran Current E0plo2er 4 6iao !o0eworld 4 Hollo1a" This 0attle7hardened unit is %ade up o- hi'hl" skilled Mech1arriors. Marshi'a%as troops are 1ell7versed in varied t"pes o- co%0atand kno1 %an" personnel o%ercenar" and House units. The last o--ensive operation this unit has seen 1as in 30&<2 1hen it raided :e1 Ara'on and its 'arrison2 the Ara'on Borderers. $learl" outclassed2 the 6e'ionnaires 'allantl" held their 'round in the closin' sta'es o- this ca%pai'n2 thou'h scorin' onl" %inor casualities on their opponents. Cistressed 1ith this de-eat2 1hich interrupted an un0roken strin' osuccesses2 these seasoned veterans are ea'er to 'et even 1ith the Borderers. the Cra'oon #Mechs pursued hi%2 and one crushed the Mech8arrior under its -oot.

/ilsons Hussars
CO 4 Cavid 8ilson Ran7 4 $aptain Si/e 4 5 $o%pan" Status 4 ,e'ular Current E0plo2er 4 :one !o0eworld 4 :one /-ten derisivel" la0eled G8ilson#s 8i%psG2 these desperate Mech1arriors are co%pletel" out o- luck. Under the leadership o- $aptain Cavid 8ilson2 the Hussars 1ill accept an" assi'n%ent2 -ro% an" e%plo"er2 to help the% escape their current situation. As o- 30&52 the Hussars are still located in the /ut1orlds Alliance2 0arel" tolerated 0" the local authorities and desperate -or 1ork. $aptain 8ilson still leads the Hussars2 0ut the constant strain o- the unit#s dire situation has drained hi%. /- the Hussars 1ho survive2 onl" a hand-ul served durin' the Michael 6an'stro% period. The re%ainders are various unluck" and unrelia0le han'ers on2 Mech8arriors do1n to their last credit2 desperate -or an" chance to save the%selves. Because o- the Hussars# reputation as 0andits2 8ilson has -ailed to 'ain e%plo"%ent 1ith the Alliance. 6ord $orri'an2 the local 'overnor2 distrusts the% and %a" soon -orce the% to leave.

/aco 2angers
CO 4 8a"ne 8aco Ran7 4 $olonel Si/e 4 5 ,e'i%ent Status 4 ,e'ular Current E0plo2er 4 Steiner !o0eworld 4 Bessara0ia In 300B2 $aptain 8a"ne 8aco o- the soon7to70e dis0anded 5st Tau $eti ,an'ers resi'ned his co%%ission -ro% House 6iao and recruited 55 do1n7and7out Mech8arriors to -or% a %ercenar" co%pan" called the 8aco ,an'ers. /ddl" enou'h 6iao 1as their -irst e%plo"er2 and the ,an'ers 1ere soon on the -ront line2 atte%ptin' to ste% a Cavion advance. 8hile on :e1 Ara'on in 300?2 there2 8aco ,an'ers 1ere strun' out on picket dut" -or Mc$or%ack#s !usiliers2 a1aitin' the assault o- 8ol-#s Cra'oons. Ho1ever2 8ol-#s attack 1as une9pectedl" Auick2 and the Cra'oons trapped $aptain 8aco#s onl" son2 6ieutenant Eohn 8aco2 in the l Cia0lo )ass. :o one is sure 1hat happened ne9t2 0ut so%e o0servers later reported that no -e1er than -our BattleMechs surrounded Eohn 8aco#s Stin'er and s"ste%aticall" tore it apart. (oun' 8aco e;ected2 0ut

/ol.s 9ragoons
CO 4 Eai%e 8olRan7 4 $olonel Si/e 4 5 ,e'i%ent Status 4 lite Current E0plo2er 4 Furita

:o %ercenar" re'i%ent is %ore 1ell kno1n2 nor as universall" respected. Indeed other units o- the Inner Sphere validate their pro1ess 0" survivin' an encounter 1ith the Cra'oons. Since appearin' in the Inner Sphere in 3005 at :e1 Celos2 the Cra'oons have 0een e%plo"ed in turn 0" ever" House o- the Successor States. The heart and soul o- the Cra'oons is Eai%e 8ol- and :atasha Ferensk"2 kno1n as the Black 8ido1.

Players Handout

,la2er-s !andout
)olitical Inner Sphere Map 30&5 =pd-> Eu%p )ath Inner Sphere Map 30&5 =pd->

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