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Executor Office. MYRON CHARLES RICE, Estate Nation Michigan. enera!"#ost Office. enera!"#ost $ox " %&''(.

)etroit " *o+n. ,nite- States Minor, Out!.ing Is!an-s. Near. /01%%&"(((12 night " of eight A3ri! t+o"4ero one"four O55ICE O5 *HE CHAR*ER ONE6R$S CI*I7ENS $AN8 MR. $R,CE 9AN SA,N, CHIE5 E:EC,*OR O55ICER Ro.a! $an; of Scot!an- rou3 #LC One Citi4en )ri<e Ri<ersi-e, Rho-e Is!anCertifie- Mai!= &>?% %%?> >>>% 0@@A (A?' ,.S.A. /(((((2 *o= Office of the Charter One6R$S Citi4ens $an; B#a.orC

5roD= *he Office of Executor" the MYRON CHARLES RICE, Estate. a;a RICE*ECH #RO#ER*Y MANA EMEN* *R,S* BReci3ientC RE= ReEuest ?>((">I)s Co!!atera! Interest IncoDe Fithho!-ing as *ax )e-uctaG!e for IRS on *ax Years= %>>(, %>?>, %>??, %>?% H %>?@. Account I 0'>0>>@?0A

Mr. $ruce 9an Saun ,n-er Charter One6R$S Citi4ens #ersona! )e3osit Account AgreeDent, Section ?&BcC an- IRS instructions an- Statutor. La+s .ou, Mr. $ruce 9an Saun, Chief Executor Officer, is reEuire on -eDan- an- notice to fi!e ?>(("OI) Interest IncoDe Fithho!-ing an- gi<e to Estate Breci3ientC a co3. $. *he Charter One6 R$S Citi4ens chec;ing account nuDGerBsC is I :::::::::: *he -etai!s for re3orting Origina! Issue- )iscounts BOI)C6 Securit. Interest IncoDe are 3ro<i-e- for the $an;6Association is in the fo!!o+ing La+s an- #uG!ications= a. #uG!ication= Charter One #ersona! )e3osit Account AgreeDent, Section ?&BcCHB-C J Interest Fithho!-ing.. G. #uG!ication= enera! Instruction for 5orDs ?>((, ?>(1, '0(1 H F"%g J Section M StateDents to Reci3ients B$orro+er, )eGtors, )onors, Insure-Ks, #artici3ants, #a.er6$orro+ers, #o!ic.ho!-ers, Stu-ents, *ransferors, or Finners on Certain 5orDsC. c. #uG!ication= Instructions for 5orDs ?>(("IN* H ?>(("OI) J S3ecific Instructions for 5orD ?>(("OI). -. La+= *it!e ?%= $an; an- $an;ing, ?% ,SC 0?% A33!.ing for 5RN, collateral required. e. #uG!ication= O3erating Circu!ar No.?>, A33!ication for Interest IncoDe an- -efinitions. f. La+= *it!e %A ,SC A>0( J Re3orte- Returns Regar-ing #a.Dents of Interest. g. La+= *it!e %A C5R ?.?%&? thru ?.?%&@ " Origina! Issue- )iscounts BOI)C -efine- an3roce-ures. h. La+= *it!e %A ,SC ?%&? thru ?%&0 J Origina! Issue- )iscount BOI)C -eterDinations. i. La+= Statutes at Large, 9o!uDe ?>>, 3age %??0, Sec A& BaC, BGCB?C H BeC J IRC of ?(1A. L. La+= Statutes at Large, 9o!uDe ?@, 3age (( thru ??1 J Nationa! Currenc. Act. ;. La+= *it!e %A ,SC ?A@ H ?A@BeC J Interest H OI) as tax -e-uction.

,n-er the 5e-era! Reser<e Act of ?(?@, Gan;s6associations are fe-era! go<ernDent agencies an- the ,S Secretar. of *reasur. is ho!-ing our origina! signe- Gon-s BChec; -e3osit, Fritten Chec;s, Cre-it Car-s recei3ts H oG!igations of the ,.S.C as co!!atera!. *herefore, the exchange- Securit. InterestM is taxaG!e 5e-era! Fithho!-ing to Ge fi!e- as gross incoDe. Securit. Interest is the exchange of Co!!atera! Securities G. the Charter One6 R$S Citi4en $an;ing Association <ia 5e-era! Reser<e $an;s to Ge -e3osit +ith the Secretar. of *reasur. in trust. *he !a+ for the exchange enacte- on March (, ?(@@= EDergenc. $an;ing Act, &@r- Congress, session I, Cha3ter ?, *it!e I9 Sec. 0>?. Sec. 0>?. The Sixth paragraph of Section 18 of the Federal Reserve Act (1913) is amended to read as follows "Upon the deposit with the Treasurer of the United States, (a) of any direct obligations of the United States or (b) on any notes, drafts, bills of exchange, or bankers' acceptances acquired under the pro isions of the !ct, any "ederal reser e bank #aking such deposit in the #anner prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury shall be entitled to recei e fro# the $o#ptroller of the $urrency circulating notes in blank, duly registered and countersigned% &hen such circulating notes are issued against the security of obligations of the United States, the a#ount of such circulating notes shall be equal to the face alue of the direct obligations of the Unites States so deposited as security' and, when issued against the security of notes, drafts, bills of exchange and bankers' acceptances acquired under the pro isions of this !ct, the a#ount thereof shall be equal to not #ore than () per cent of the esti#ated alue of such notes, drafts, bills of exchange and bankers' acceptances so deposited as security%" #ena!ties for not fi!ing Re-eeDing Notes on )eDan- an- Notice= a. Statutes at Large, 9o!uDe ?@ 3ages ??@, Sec 0A thru '> " fai! to re-eeD circu!ating notes u3on -eDan- notice, H CoD3tro!!er of the Currenc. 3ena!ties. G. ?1 ,SC ?A%? J #erLur. genera!!. Fith that sai-, Mr. $ruce 9an Saun, 3!ease res3on- to the Notar.Ks a--ress Ge!o+, +ithin ?' -a.s froD the -ate of this !etter. 5urtherDore, -o .our -ue -i!igent, so that the ?>((">I) interest6cre-it sha!! Ge re3orte- to IRS, an- Dai! co3. $ to Estate Breci3ientC re3resentati<e an- re-eeD cre-it to the *reasur. of the ,nite- States in trust BStatutes at Large, 9o!. ?@ 3age ?>' Sec.?(C on the Gan;Ks Geha!f. If an. of the 3roce-ures an-6or !a+s aGo<e is incorrect then note the -eficienc. ansuGDit changes +ith Co-es, S!i3 !a+s or Statutes at !arge as e<i-ence of correctness. Mar. L. $utts #.O. $ox %@%0' )etroit, Michigan 01%%@

o<ern .ourse!f accor-ing!. Certifie- No. &>?% %%?> >>>% 0@@A (A?' $.= ExecutorNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Office of Executor

CC= )oug!as H. Shu!Dan, CoDDissioner of the IRS $i!! Schuette, Attorne. enera! of Michigan *hoDas O. Curr., CoD3tro!!er of the Currenc. OacoG O. Le+, Secretar. of the *reasur.



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