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Structural And Statistical Pattern Recognition Based Tissue Classification

Athira.v Student, Dept. of ECE YCET, Kolla Kerala athira!""#$g

Abstract( Cell is the basic functional unit of an organism.

Aneesh.P.Than%achan Associate professor, Dept. of ECE YCET, Kolla Kerala aneeshpt#&&'$g there are outside pressures placed on the replace ent process that pro ote errors. 1ost of these ista%es are corrected /additional elegant s-ste s or the ista%e leads to the death of the ne.l- ade cell, and another nor al ne. cell is produced. So eti es a ista%e is ade, ho.ever, and is not corrected. 1an- of the uncorrected ista%es have little effect on health, /ut if the ista%e allo.s the ne.l- ade cell to divide independent of the chec%s and /alances that control nor al cell, that cell can /egin to ultipl- in an uncontrolled anner. 2hen this happens a tu or can develop. Colon adenocarcino a, .hich accounts for 3&453"4 of all colorectal cancers, originates fro epithelial cells and leads to defor ations in the orpholog- and co position of gland structures for ed of the epithelial cells 67ig. 89. 1oreover, the degree of the defor ations in these structures is an indicator of the cancer alignanc- 6grade9.

The cells together form a tissue and tissues together form an organ. Cancer causes deviations in the distribution of cells, leading to changes in biological structures that they form. Correct localization and characterization of these structures are crucial for accurate cancer diagnosis and grading. A new hybrid model is proposed here that employs both structural and statistical pattern recognition techniques for tissue image classification. This hybrid model relies on representing a tissue image with an attributed graph of its components, defining a set of smaller query graphs for normal gland description, and characterizing the image with the properties of its regions whose attributed sub graphs are most structurally similar to the queried graphs. In order to identify the most similar regions ,the proposed hybrid model searches each query graph over the entire tissue graph using structural pattern recognition techniques and locates the attributed sub graphs whose graph edit distance to the query graph is smallest. It then uses graph edit distances together with textural features extracted from the identified regions to model tissue deformations. The identified regions in cancerous tissues are expected to be less similar to the query graphs than those in normal tissues.
Index Terms cancer, colon tissue, raph embedding, !tructural pattern recognition, "uery graph



Ever- da- .ithin our /odies, a assive process of destruction and repair occurs. The hu an /od- is co prised of a/out fifteen trillion cells, and ever- da- /illions of cells .ear out or are destro-ed. )n ost cases, each ti e a cell is destro-ed the /od- a%es a ne. cell to replace it, tr-ing to a%e a cell that is a perfect cop- of the cell that .as destro-ed /ecause the replace ent cell ust /e capa/le of perfor ing the sa e function as the destro-ed cell. During the co ple0 process of replacing cells, an- errors occur. Despite re ar%a/l- elegant s-ste s in place to prevent errors , the /od- still a%es tens of thousands of ista%es dail- .hile replacing cells either /ecause of rando errors or /ecause

7ig. 8. Colon adenocarcino a changes the orpholog- and co position of Colon glands. This figure sho.s the gland /oundaries on 6a9 nor al and 6/9 cancerous tissue i ages. )t also sho.s the histological tissue co ponents the te0t .ill refer to on 6c9 nor al and 6d9 cancerous gland i ages.



This approach odels a tissue i age /- constructing an attri/uted graph on its tissue co ponents and descri/es .hat a nor al gland is /- defining a set of s aller =uer- graphs .)t searches the =uer- graphs, .hich correspond to nondefor ed nor al glands, over the entire tissue graph to locate the attri/uted su/ graphs that are ost li%el- to /elong to a nor al gland structure. 7eatures are then e0tracted on these su/ graphs to =uantif- tissue defor ations, and hence to classifthe tissue. This approach includes three steps> graph generation for tissue i ages and =uer- glands, locali?ation of %e- regions that are li%el- to /e a gland, and feature e0traction fro the %e- regions. A. Tissue Graph Representation )n this section, a tissue i age is odeled .ith an attri/uted graph < @ AB, E, CD .here B is the set of nodes, E is the set of edges, and C is a apping function. This graph representation relies on locating the tissue co ponents in the i age ,identif-ing the as graph nodes and assigning the graph edges /et.een the nodes /ased on their spatial distri/ution .:o.ever the e0act locali?ation of the co ponents e erges a different seg entation pro/le an appro0i ation is used that defines circular o/Eects to represent the co ponents. The i age pi0el has to /e =uantified into t.o groups in order to define these o/Eects> nucleus and nonFnucleus pi0els. 7or that the stain is separated using deconvolution ethod and threshold it .ith +tsuGs ethod. Then a set of circular o/Eects is located on each group of pi0els using circle fit algorith . This appro0i ation gives t.o groups of o/Eects> one group defined on the nucleus pi0els and other group defined on the nonFnucleus pi0els. These groups are called HnucleusI and H.hiteI o/Eects. *ote that in this appro0i ation there is not al.a-s oneFtoF one correspondence /et.een the co ponents and o/Eects. 7or instance a nucleus co ponent t-picallcorresponds to a single nucleus o/Eect .hile a lu en co ponent usuall- corresponds too an- .hite o/Eects. After defining the o/Eects as graph nodes their spatial relation is encoded /- constructing a tissue graph using Delauna- triangulation. B. Query Graph Generation Juer- graphs are su/ graphs that correspond to a nor al gland structure in an i age. To define a =uer- graph < s on the tissue graph < of a given i age, a seed node 6o/Eect9 is selected and it is e0panded on the tissue graph < using the /readth first search 6B7S9, until a particular depth is reached. Then the visited nodes and edges /et.een nodes are ta%en to generate the =uer- graph. The apping function C attri/utes each selected node .ith a la/el according to its o/Eect t-pe and the order in .hich the node is e0panded /- the B7S algorith . 7our la/els are defined> KnFin and K.Fin for the nucleus and .hite o/Eects .hose e0pansion order is less than the B7S depth and K nFout K.Fout for the nucleus and .hite o/Eects .hose e0pansion order is e=ual

to B7S depth. )t is .orth nothing /ut last t.o la/els are used to differentiate the nodes that for the outer parts of a gland fro the inner ones and this differentiation helps preserve the gland structure /etter.

7ig.#.An illustration of generating a =uer- graph

The =uer- graph generation and la/eling process are illustrated in 7ig.8. )n this figure a =uer- graph is generated /ta%ing the dash /ordered .hite o/Eect as the seed nodes and selecting the depth as !.This graph illustration uses a different representation for the nodes of a different la/el .)t uses /lac% circles for KnFin, .hite circles for K.Fin, /lac% circles .ith green /orders for KnFout and .hite circles .ith red /orders for K.Fout. )t also indicates the e0pansion order of the selected nodes inside their corresponding circlesL note that the order is not indicated for the unselected ones. The search process for %e- region locali?ation uses the sa e algorith to o/tain su/ graphs to .hich a =uer- graph is co pared .:o.ever, these su/ graphs are generated /- ta%ing each o/Eect as the seed node and selecting the depth as the sa e .ith that of =uer- graph .Thus the search process for %eregion locali?ation involves no anual selection. C. Key Region Localization This locali?ation of %e- regions in an i age includes a search process. This process co pares each =uer- graph <s .ith su/ graphs <t generated fro the tissue graph of the i age and locates the ones that are the *F ost si ilar to this =uer- graph. The regions corresponding to the located su/ graphs are considered as the %e- regions .Since a =uer- graph is generated as to represent a nor al gland, the located su/ graphs are e0pected to correspond to the regions that have the highest pro/a/ilit- of /elonging to a nor al gland. T-picall-, the su/ graphs located on a nor al tissue i age are ore si ilar to the =uer- graph than those located on a cancerous tissue i age. Thus, the si ilarit- levels of the located su/ graphs together .ith the features e0tracted fro their corresponding %e- regions are used to classif- the tissue i age. The search process re=uires ine0act graph atching /et.een the =uer- graph and the su/ graphs, .hich is %no.n to /e an *PFco plete pro/le .

1)Query Graph Search:;et <s@ABs,Es,CD/e a =uergraph and vs M Bs /e its seed node fro .hich all the nodes in Bs are e0panded using the B7S algorith untill the graph depth ds is reached.)n order to search this =uergraph over the entire tissue graph <@AB,E,CD the candidate su/graphs <@ABt,Et,CD are enu erated fro the graph <. 7or that,a procedure is follo.ed si ilar to the one that is used to generate the =uer- graph.Particularleach node is ta%en that has the sa e la/el as a seed node and this node is e0panded using the B7S algorith until the =uer- depth ds.The nodes of the candidate su/graphs are also attri/uted .ith the la/els in A@AK nFin, K.Fin, KnFout, K.F apping function C,.hich .as used to la/el outD using the the nodes of the =uer- graphs. After the- are o/tained, each of the candidate su/ graphs <t is co pared .ith the =uer- graph <s using the graph edit distance etric and the ost si ilar * non overlapping su/ graphs are selected .To this end the selection is done .ith the ost si ilar su/ graph and eli inate other candidates if their seed node is an ele ent of the selected su/ graph. The process is repeated * ti es until the *F ost si ilar su/ graphs are selected. *ote that although there a- not e0ist * nor al gland structures in an i age ,the algorith locates the *F ost si ilar su/ graphs, so e of .hich a- correspond to either ore defor ed gland structure or false glands. )n this stud-, these glands are not eli inated since the graph edit distance /et.een the =uer- graphs and the su/ graphs of ore defor ed glands are e0pected to /e higher and this .ill /e an i portant feature to differentiate nor al and cancerous tissue i ages. This feature is especiall- i portant in the correct classification of high grade cancerous tissues since su/ graphs generated fro these tissues are e0pected to loo% less si ilar to a =uer- graph, leading to higher graph edit distances. These higher distances ight /e effective in defining ore distinctive features. So eti es there a- e0ist * nor al gland structures in an i age /ut the algorith a- incorrectl- locate su/ graphs that correspond to nonFgland tissue regions. :o.ever since it locates * su/ graphs instead of a single one, the effects of such non gland su/ graphs could /e co pensated /- the others provided that the nu /er of the nonFgland su/ graphs is not too uch. +ther.ise, the locali?ation of these su/ graphs ight lead to isclassifications. )Graph !"it #istance Calculation: To select the su/ graphs Gt$%&t'!t'() that are *ost si*ilar to the +uery graph Gs$%&s'!s'(') 'the propose" *o"el uses the graph e"it "istance algorith* ',hich gi-es error .tolerant graph *atching. The graph e"it "istance +uanti/ies the "issi*ilarity 0et,een a source graph Gs an" a target graph Gt 0y calculating the *ini*u* cost o/ operations that shoul" 0e applie" on G s to trans/or* it into Gt. This algorith* "e/ines three operations: insertion that inserts a target no"e into Gs' "eletion that "eletes a source no"e /ro* Gs an" su0stitution that changes the la0el o/ a source no"e to that o/ target no"e. These operations allo, *atching "i//erent size" graphs Gs an" Gt ,ith each other.

7ig.N. An illustration of la/eling and atching processes used /- proposed odel> 6a9 a =uer- graph <S, 6/956d9 t.o graphs <8 and <# that are to /e atched .ith <s , and 6c956e9 the atches /et.een the deco posed su/ graphs of the =uer- graph < s and the target graphs < 8 and <# . This odel uses different attri/utes for la/eling the inner and outer nodes of the sa e o/Eect t-pe. This helps the atching algorith /etter opti i?e the atching cost, preserving the glo/al structure of a gland.

;et 6e1 '1' ei '1.'en) "enotes a se+uence o/ operations e i that trans/or*s Gs into Gt. The graph e"it "istance "ist2Gs' Gt) is then "e/ine" as dist 2Gs'Gt) $ *in 3cost2ei) 6e8,...ei,O.,en9

2here cost 6ei9 is the cost of the operation ei. Since finding the opti al se=uence re=uires an e0ponential nu /er of trials .ithin the nu /er of nodes in < s and <t, the proposed odel e plo-s the /ipartite graph atching algorith , .hich is an appro0i ation to graph edit distance calculation. This algorith deco poses the graphs <s and <t into a set of su/ graphs each of .hich contains a node in the graph and its i ediate neigh/ors. The /ipartite graph atching algorith can handle atching in relativel- larger graphs. :o.ever, since it does not consider the spatial relations of the deco posed su/ graphs, it a- give relativel- s aller distance values for the graphs that have different topologies /ut contain si ilar su/ graphs. This a- cause isleading results in the conte0t of our tissue su/ graph atching pro/le . To alleviate the shortco ings of this algorith , this odel proposes to differentiate the nodes that for the outer gland /oundaries fro the inner nodes /- assigning the different attri/ute la/els .7or e0a ple, suppose .e .ant to atch the =uergraph <s sho.n in 7ig.N 6a9 .ith t.o different graphs, < 8 and <#, that are sho.n in 7ig.N 6/9 and 6d9 respectivel-. )n this figure, considering their o/Eect t-pes, the graphs <s and <#

corresponds to a nor al gland .hereas the graph < 8 corresponds to a nongland region. The /ipartite graph atching algorith .ith the definition of inner and outer nodes .ill co pute a larger graph edit distance for the < sF<8 atch than the <sF<# atchL the atches found /et.een the deco posed su/ graphs of <s and the target graphs <8 and <# are illustrated in 7ig.N6c9 and 6e9, respectivel-.

co /ined the- have the properties of a assivel- parallel superFco puter. )n ultiFla-er neural nets, each neuron is connected to other neurons via a .eighted co unication line. The .eights of the connections are adEusted in training to represent the %no.ledge of the neural net.or%. +ne ethod for adEusting these .eights is .ith a training algorith . *eural net.or%s are good .hen dealing .ith a/stract pro/le s, li%e those /ased on features and patterns. Artificial neural net.or%s are ainl- used in t.o areas> feature detection and pattern apping. The local features are e0tracted /- using structural as .ell as statistical pattern recognition techni=ues. The first t-pe includes e /edding of graph edit distances to the =uer- graph and the second one co prises te0tural features of the %e- regions. ))). RES,;TS.

Al ost all co parison algorith s e0tract their features on entire tissue pi0els of an i age .:o.everL this a- cause isleading results due to e0istence of nonFgland regions in the i age, .hich are irrelevant in the conte0t of colon adenocarcino a diagnosis. 1oreover, in so e i ages, these irrelevant regions a- /e larger than gland regions, and hence, the- contri/ute to the e0tracted features ore than the gland regions. As opposed to these previous approaches, this odel uses structural infor ation to locate the %e- regions, .hich ost li%el- correspond to gland regions, and e0tract its features fro the %e- regions.

7ig.!. The atches /et.een a =uer- graph <s and t.o target graphs <8 and <# .hen the odel does not differentiate the inner and outer nodes.

)f there is no differentiation /et.een the inner nodes and the outer nodes for the graphs given in 7ig.N,the corresponding graphs are illustrated in 7ig !.)n this case, the /ipartite graph atching algorith .ould find si ilar costs for atching the =uer- graphs <s .ith these t.o graphs, although < s is ore si ilar to <# than <8 in conte0t. This is /ecause of the fact that this algorith atches the deco posed su/ graphs of the source and target graphs .ithout considering the spatial relations of these deco posed su/ graphs. +n the other hand, the differentiation of the inner and outer nodes helps the atch algorith /etter opti i?e the atching cost, preserving the glo/al structure of a gland. #. 4eature !5traction an" Classi/ication The tissue i age is characteri?ed /- e0tracting t.o t-pes of local features and classifies the i age using neural net.or% classifier. *eural net.or%s are /ased on appro0i ate odels of the /rain. The /asic /uilding /loc% of an artificial neural net.or% is the neuron. The /rain in ade up of a/out 8&& /illion neurons, .ith an average of 8,&&& to 8&&,&&& input connections per neuron. 2hen an- of these neurons are

7ig.". Test set accuracies as a function of nu /er * of selected su/ graphs.

This h-/rid odel uses t.o feature t-pes 6structural and te0tural9. )t gives /etter results than the algorith s that co /ine glo/al te0tural and structural features, .hich are defined on the entire i age.



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A h-/rid odel is introduced that e plo-s /oth structural and statistical pattern recognition techni=ues to locate and characteri?e the /iological structures in a tissue i age for tissue =uantification. The ain contri/ution of the paper is t.ofold. 7irst, it descri/es a nor al gland in ter s of a set of =uer- graphs and odels the tissue i age /- identif-ing the regions .hose su/ graphs are ost si ilar to the =ueried graphs. Second, it e /eds the graph edit distances, /et.een the ost si ilar su/ graphs and the =uer- graphs and the te0tural features of the identified regions in a feature vector and uses this vector to classif- the tissue i age. As opposed to the conventional tissue classification approaches, .hich =uantif- tissue defor ations /- e0tracting glo/al features fro their constructed graphs, the proposed odel use graphs directl- to =uantif- the defor ations. Additionall-, it e0tracts features on onl- identified %e- regions, .hich allo.s focusing on the ost relevant regions for cancer diagnosis. This odel represents a tissue i age as an attri/uted graph of its co ponents and characteri?es the i age .ith the properties of its %e- regions. The proposed odel leads to higher classification accuracies, co pared to the conventional approaches that use onl- statistical techni=ues for tissue =uantification.






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