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Key Principles of Effective Communication

Marinita Schumacher

Effective Communication
is crucial for working successfully with others enables to maintain relationships accomplishes tasks with both individuals and groups motivates helps to overcome obstacles creates a relaxed, comfortable, trustful and psychologically safe feeling

What is Communication?
Communication is a dynamic process that individuals use to exchange ideas, relate experiences and share desires through speaking, writing, gestures or sign language.

Glenn & Smith, 1998

Components of Communication
anthropological component
communication happens between at least two human beings

social component
participants have certain intensions when communicating and understanding each other

signal component
during communication participants refer to a socially adapted set of signs in order to transmit a message

process component
there are continuous changes during communication
Krallmann/ Ziemann, 2001

One can't not communicate!

Any kind of behaviour is communication Communication is an interactive process of sending and receiving messages Communication can be seen as the link between the senders and receivers internal experiences
The effectiveness of any communication depends on how closely the receivers understanding matches the senders intent

Watzlawick, 1996

Sender and Receiver

= a recognisable term, the sum of the messages in interpersonal communication

The only message that matters is the one the other person receives

deciphers this signal so that a similar meaning is stimulated in his mind

encodes the meaning in his mind to a signal

Schulz von Thun, 2001

Verbal and non-verbal signals

Verbal signals
transmit the content are the words of the message deal with speech, intonation, pitch, rhythm, etc.

Non-verbal signals
transmit the relational dimension postures, body movements, touches, tone of voice, eye contact, pauses, rate of speech and volume

Each message consists of verbal and non-verbal signals

Birkenbihl, 2005

A simple example from daily life

Verbal example
I am amused The sentence is spoken, the sense can be recognised by the different words and letters used

Non-verbal example
Somebody is laughing In this case laughing is body language which can indicate the fact, that the person is amused

Four sides of a message

Factual information Self-revelation





Schulz von Thun, 2001

Explanations of the four sides

Factual information
explains the fact

expresses the sender himself and his feelings

expresses what the sender expects from the receiver and what kind of relationship (contact) exists between the parties

seeks to have an influence on the other
Schulz von Thun, 2001

A simple example from daily life

Factual information

Your presence is nice

I am lonely

Its nice that you are here again SON




You dont visit me enough

Schulz von Thun, 2001

Few tips towards Active Listening: Understand your own communication style. Be an active listener. Use normal communication. Give Feedback

Improving Body Language Tips

Keep appropriate distance Touch only when appropriate Take care of your appearance Be aware - people may give false cues Maintain eye contact Smile genuinely

Thank You

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