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SAN JOSE MAJOR SEMINARY in opus ministerii

Circular Letter Concerning the Preparation and Celebration of the Easter Feasts By the Congregation for Divine orship and the Discipline of the !acra"ents PASCHALES SOLEMNITATIS #anuary $6% $&'' Preface $( )he Easter !ole"nity% revised and restored by Pius *++ in $&,$% and then the -rder of ee/ in $&,,% 0ere favorably received by the Church of the 1o"an 1ite( )he !econd 2atican Council% especially in the Constitution on the !acred Liturgy% repeatedly dra0ing upon tradition called attention to Christ3s Paschal 4ystery and pointed out that it is the font fro" 0hich all sacra"ents and sacra"entals dra0 their po0er( 2( #ust as the 0ee/ has its beginning and cli"a5 in the celebration of !unday% 0hich al0ays has a paschal character% so the su""it of the 0hole liturgical year is in the sacred Easter )riduu" of the Passion and 1esurrection of the Lord% 0hich is prepared for by the period of Lent and prolonged for fifty days( 6( +n "any parts of the Christian 0orld% the faithful follo0ers of Christ% 0ith their pastors% attach great i"portance to the celebration of this rite% and participate in it 0ith great spiritual gain( .o0ever% in so"e areas 0here initially the refor" of the Easter 2igil 0as received enthusiastically% it 0ould appear that 0ith the passage of ti"e this enthusias" has begun to 0ane( )he very concept of the vigil has al"ost co"e to be forgotten in so"e places 0ith the result that it is celebrated as if it 0ere an evening 4ass% in the sa"e 0ay and at the sa"e ti"e as the 4ass celebrated on !aturday evening in anticipation of the !unday( +t also happens that the celebrations of the )riduu" are not held at the correct ti"es( )his is because certain devotions and pious e5ercises are held at "ore convenient ti"es and so the faithful participate in the" rather than in the liturgical celebrations( ithout any doubt one of the principal reasons for this state of affairs is the inade7uate for"ation given to the clergy and the faithful regarding the Paschal 4ystery as the center of the liturgical year and of Christian life( 8( )he holiday period 0hich today in "any places coincides 0ith .oly ee/% and certain attitudes held by present9day society% concur to present difficulties for the faithful to participate in these celebrations( ,( ith these points in "ind% the Congregation for Divine orship% after due consideration% thin/s that it is a fitting "o"ent to recall certain ele"ents% doctrinal and pastoral% and various nor"s 0hich have already been published concerning .oly ee/( :ll those details 0hich are given in the liturgical boo/s concerning Lent% .oly ee/% the Easter )riduu" and paschal ti"e retain their full force% unless other0ise stated in this docu"ent( +t is the ai" of this docu"ent that the great "ystery of our rede"ption be celebrated in the best possible 0ay so that the faithful "ay participate in it 0ith ever greater spiritual advantage( .oly +( Lenten Season 6( ;)he annual lenten season is the fitting ti"e to cli"b the holy "ountain of Easter( ;)he lenten season has a double character% na"ely to prepare both catechu"ens and faithful to celebrate the Paschal 4ystery( )he catechu"ens both 0ith the rite of election and

scrutinies% and by catechesis% are prepared for the celebration of the sacra"ents of Christian initiation< the faithful% ever "ore attentive to the ord of =od and prayer% prepare the"selves by penance for the rene0al of their baptis"al pro"ises(; :( Concerning the Rite of Christian Initiation >( )he 0hole rite of Christian initiation has a "ar/edly paschal character% since it is there in that the sacra"ental participation in the death and resurrection of Christ ta/es place for the first ti"e( )herefore Lent should have its full character as a ti"e of purification and enlighten"ent% especially through the scrutinies and by the presentations< naturally the Paschal 2igil should be regarded as the proper ti"e to celebrate the sacra"ents of initiation( '( Co""unities that do not have any catechu"ens should not ho0ever fail to pray for those 0ho in the forthco"ing Paschal 2igil 0ill receive the sacra"ents of Christian initiation( Pastors should dra0 the attention of the faithful to those "o"ents of significant i"portance to their spiritual life nourished by their baptis"al profession of faith% and 0hich they 0ill be invited to rene0al in the Easter 2igil% ;the fullness of the lenten observance(; &( +n Lent there should be catechesis for those adults 0ho% although bapti?ed 0hen infants% 0ere not brought up in the faith and conse7uently have not been confir"ed nor have they received the Eucharist( During this period penitential services should be arranged to help prepare the" for the sacra"ent of 1econciliation( $0( )he lenten season is also an appropriate ti"e for the celebration of penitential rites on the "odel of the scrutinies for unbapti?ed children% 0ho are at an age to be catechi?ed% and also for children already bapti?ed% before being ad"itted to the sacra"ent of penance( )he bishop should have particular care to foster the catechu"enate of both adults and children% and according to circu"stances% to preside at the prescribed rites% 0ith the devout participation of the local co""unity( B( Celebrations During the Lenten Season $$( )he !undays of Lent ta/e precedence over all feasts and all sole"nities( !ole"nities occurring on these !undays are observed on the preceding !aturday( )he 0ee/days of Lent have precedence over obligatory "e"orials( $2( )he catechesis on the Paschal 4ystery and the sacra"ents should be given a special place in the !unday ho"ilies% the te5t of the Lectionary should be carefully e5plained% particularly the passages of the =ospel 0hich illustrate the diverse aspects of Baptis" and of the other sacra"ents% and of the "ercy of =od( $6( Pastors should fre7uently and as fully as possible e5plain the ord of =od% in ho"ilies on 0ee/days% in celebrations of the ord of =od% in penitential celebrations% in various reunions% in visiting fa"ilies or on the occasion of blessing fa"ilies( )he faithful should try to attend 0ee/day 4ass% and 0here this is not possible they should at least be encouraged to read the lessons% either 0ith their fa"ily or in private( $8( ;)he lenten season should retain so"ething of its penitential character(; ;:s regards catechesis% it is i"portant to i"press on the "inds of the faithful not only the social conse7uences of sin but also that aspect of the virtue of penance% 0hich involves the detestation of sin as an offense against =od(; )he virtue and practice of penance for" a necessary part of the preparation for Easter( Fro" that inner conversion of heart should spring the practice of penance% both for the individual Christian and of the 0hole co""unity 0hich% 0hile being adapted to the conditions of the present ti"e% should nevertheless 0itness to the evangelical spirit of penance and also be to the advantage of others(

)he role of the Church in penitential practices is not to be neglected% and encourage"ent is to be given to pray for sinners< this intention should be included in the prayer of the faithful( $,( ;)he faithful are to be encouraged to participate in an ever "ore intense and fruitful 0ay in the lenten liturgy and in penitential celebrations( )hey are to be clearly re"inded that both according to the la0 and tradition% they should approach the sacra"ent of Penance during this season% so that 0ith purified heart they "ay participate in the paschal "ysteries( +t is appropriate that during Lent the sacra"ent of Penance be celebrated according to the rite for the reconciliation of several penitents 0ith individual confession and absolution% as given in the 1o"an 1itual(; Pastors should devote the"selves to the "inistry of reconciliation and provide sufficient ti"e for the faithful to avail the"selves of this sacra"ent( $6( ;:ll lenten observances should be of such a nature that they also 0itness to the life of the local Church and foster it( )he 1o"an tradition of the ;stational; churches can be reco""ended as a "odel for gathering the faithful in one place( +n this 0ay the faithful can asse"ble in larger nu"bers% especially under the leadership of the bishop of the diocese% or at the to"bs of the saints% or in the principle churches of the city or sanctuaries% or so"e place of pilgri"age 0hich has a special significance for the diocese(; $>( ;+n Lent the altar should not be decorated 0ith flo0ers% and "usical instru"ents "ay be played only to give necessary support to the singing;< this is in order that the penitential character of the season be preserved( $'( Li/e0ise% fro" the beginning of Lent until the Paschal 2igil% ;:lleluia; is to be o"itted in all celebrations% even on sole"nities and feasts( $&( )he chants to be sung in celebrations especially of the Eucharist% and also at devotional e5ercises should be in har"ony 0ith the spirit of the season and the liturgical te5ts( 20( Devotional e5ercises 0hich har"oni?e 0ith the lenten season are to be encouraged% for e5a"ple the !tations of the Cross( )hese devotional e5ercises should help foster the liturgical spirit 0ith 0hich the faithful can prepare the"selves for the celebration of Christ3s Paschal 4ystery( C( Particular Details Concerning the Days of Lent 2$( ;-n the ednesday before the first !unday of Lent% the faithful receive the ashes% thus entering into the ti"e established for the purification of their souls( )his sign of penance% a traditionally biblical one% has been preserved a"ong the Church3s custo"s until the present day( +t signifies the hu"an condition of the sinner% 0ho see/s to e5press his guilt before the Lord in an e5terior "anner% and by so doing e5press his interior conversion% led on by the confident hope that the Lord 0ill be "erciful( )his sa"e sign "ar/s the beginning of the 0ay of conversion% 0hich is developed through the celebration of the sacra"ent of Penance during the days before Easter(; )he blessing and i"position of ashes should ta/e place either in the 4ass or outside of the 4ass( +n the latter case it is to be part of a Liturgy of the ord and conclude 0ith the prayer of the faithful( 22( :sh ednesday is to be observed as a day of penance in the 0hole Church% one of both abstinence and fasting( 26( )he first !unday of Lent "ar/s the beginning of the annual lenten observance( +n the 4ass of this !unday there should be so"e distinctive ele"ents 0hich underline this i"portant "o"ent% e(g(% the entrance procession 0ith litanies of the saints( During the 4ass of the first !unday in Lent% the bishop should celebrate the rite of election in the cathedral or in so"e other church% as see"s appropriate(

28( )he =ospel pericopes of the !a"aritan 0o"an% of the "an blind fro" birth and the resurrection of La?arus are assigned to the third% fourth and fifth !undays of Lent in year :% and of particular significance in relation to Christian initiation< they can also be read in years B and C% especially in places 0here there are catechu"ens( 2,( -n the fourth !unday of Lent% Laetare% and on sole"nities and feasts% "usical instru"ents "ay be played and the altar decorated 0ith flo0ers( 1ose9colored vest"ents "ay be 0orn on this !unday( 26( )he practice of covering the crosses and i"ages in the church "ay be observed if the episcopal conference should so decide( )he crosses are to be covered until the end of the celebration of the Lord3s passion on =ood Friday( +"ages are to re"ain covered until the beginning of the Easter 2igil( ++( Holy Week 2>( During .oly ee/ the Church celebrates the "ysteries of salvation acco"plished by Christ in the last days of his life on earth% beginning 0ith his "essianic entrance into #erusale"( )he lenten season lasts until the )hursday of this 0ee/( )he Easter )riduu" begins 0ith the evening 4ass of the Lord3s !upper% is continued through =ood Friday 0ith the celebration of the passion of the Lord and .oly !aturday% reaches its su""it in the Easter 2igil% and concludes 0ith 2espers of Easter !unday( ;)he days of .oly ee/% fro" 4onday to )hursday inclusive% have precedence over all other celebrations(; +t is not fitting that Baptis"s and Confir"ations be celebrated on these days( :( Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday) 2'( .oly ee/ begins on ;Passion @or Pal"A !unday; 0hich Boins the foretelling of Christ3s regal triu"ph and the procla"ation of the passion( )he connection bet0een both aspects of the Paschal 4ystery should be sho0n and e5plained in the celebration and catechesis of this day( 2&( )he co""e"oration of the entrance of the Lord into #erusale" has% according to ancient custo"% been celebrated 0ith a sole"n procession% in 0hich the faithful in song and gesture i"itate the .ebre0 children 0ho 0ent to "eet the Lord singing ;.osanna(; )he procession "ay ta/e place only once% before the 4ass 0hich has the largest attendance% even if this should be in the evening either of !aturday or !unday( )he congregation should asse"ble in a secondary church or chapel or in so"e other suitable place distinct fro" the church to 0hich the procession 0ill "ove( +n this procession the faithful carry pal" or other branches( )he priest and the "inisters% also carrying branches% precede the people( )he pal"s or branches are blessed so that they can be carried in the procession( )he pal"s should be ta/en ho"e 0here they 0ill serve as a re"inder of the victory of Christ 0hich they celebrated in the procession( Pastors should "a/e every effort to ensure that this procession in honor of Christ the Cing be so prepared and celebrated that it is of great spiritual significance in the life of the faithful( 60( )he 4issal% in order to co""e"orate the entrance of the Lord into #erusale"% in addition to the sole"n procession described above% gives t0o other for"s% not si"ply for convenience% but to provide for those situations 0hen it is not possible to have the procession(

)he second for" is that of a sole"n entrance 0hen the procession cannot ta/e place outside of the church( )he third for" is a si"ple entrance such as is used at all 4asses on this !unday 0hich do not have the sole"n entrance( 6$( here the 4ass cannot be celebrated there should be a celebration of the ord of =od on the the"e of the Lord3s "essianic entrance and passion% either on !aturday evening or on !unday at a convenient ti"e( 62( During the procession% the choir and people should sing the chants proposed in the 1o"an 4issal% especially Psal"s 26 and 86% as 0ell as other appropriate songs in honor of Christ the Cing( 66( )he passion narrative occupies a special place( +t should be sung or read in the traditional 0ay% that is% by three persons 0ho ta/e the parts of Christ% the narrator and the people( )he passion is proclai"ed by deacons or priests% or by lay readers( +n the latter case% the part of Christ should be reserved to the priest( )he procla"ation of the passion should be 0ithout candles and incense% the greeting and the signs of the cross are o"itted< only a deacon as/s for the blessing% as he does before the =ospel( For the spiritual good of the faithful the passion should be proclai"ed in its entirety% and the readings 0hich precede it should not be o"itted( 68( :fter the passion has been proclai"ed% a ho"ily is to be given( B( The Chrism Mass 6,( )he Chris" 4ass% 0hich the bishop concelebrates 0ith his presbyteriu" and at 0hich the holy chris" is consecrated and the oils blessed% "anifests the co""union of the priests 0ith their bishop in the sa"e priesthood and "inistry of Christ( )he priests 0ho concelebrate 0ith the bishop should co"e to this 4ass fro" different parts of the diocese% thus sho0ing in the consecration of the chris" to be his 0itnesses and cooperators% Bust as in their daily "inistry they are his helpers and counselors( )he faithful are also to be encouraged to participate in this 4ass% and to receive the sacra"ent of the Eucharist( )raditionally the Chris" 4ass is celebrated on the )hursday of .oly ee/( +f% ho0ever% it should prove to be difficult for the clergy and people to gather 0ith the bishop% this rite can be transferred to another day% but one al0ays close to Easter( )he chris" and the oil of catechu"ens is to be used in the celebration of the sacra"ents of initiation on Easter night( 66( )here should be only one celebration of the Chris" 4ass given its significance in the life of the diocese% and it should ta/e place in the cathedral or% for pastoral reasons% in another church 0hich has a special significance( )he holy oils can be brought to the individual parishes before the celebration of the evening 4ass of the Lord3s !upper or at so"e other suitable ti"e( )his can be a "eans of catechi?ing the faithful about the use and effects of the holy oils and chris" in Christian life( C( The Penitential Celebrations in Lent 6>( +t is fitting that the lenten season be concluded% both for the individual Christian as 0ell as for the 0hole Christian co""unity% 0ith a penitential celebration% so that they "ay be helped to prepare to celebrate "ore fully the Paschal 4ystery( )hese celebrations% ho0ever% should ta/e place before the Easter )riduu"% and should not i""ediately precede the evening 4ass of the Lord3s !upper(


+++( T e Easter Tr!"##$ !n %eneral 6'( )he greatest "ysteries of the rede"ption are celebrated yearly by the Church beginning 0ith the evening 4ass of the Lord3s !upper on .oly )hursday until 2espers of Easter !unday( )his ti"e is called ;the triduu" of the crucified% buried and risen;< it is also called the ;Easter )riduu"; because during it is celebrated the Paschal 4ystery% that is% the passing of the Lord fro" this 0orld to his Father( )he Church by the celebration of this "ystery% through liturgical signs and sacra"entals% is united to Christ her !pouse in inti"ate co""union( 6&( )he Easter fast is sacred on the first t0o days of the )riduu"% during 0hich% according to ancient tradition% the Church fasts ;because the !pouse has been ta/en a0ay(; =ood Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence< it is also reco""ended that .oly !aturday be so observed% in order that the Church 0ith uplifted and 0elco"ing heart be ready to celebrate the Boys of the !unday of the resurrection( 80( +t is reco""ended that there be a co""unal celebration of the -ffice of 1eadings and 4orning Prayer on =ood Friday and .oly !aturday( +t is fitting that the bishop should celebrate the -ffice in the cathedral% 0ith as far as possible the participation of the clergy and people( )his -ffice% for"erly called ;)enebrae%; held a special place in the devotion of the faithful as they "editated upon the passion% death and burial of the Lord% 0hile a0aiting the announce"ent of the resurrection( 8$( For the celebration of the Easter )riduu" it is necessary that there be a sufficient nu"ber of "inisters and assistants 0ho are prepared so that they /no0 0hat their role is in the celebration( Pastors "ust ensure that the "eaning of each part of the celebration be e5plained to the faithful so that they "ay participate "ore fully and fruitfully( 82( )he chants of the people and also of the "inisters and the celebrating priest are of special i"portance in the celebration of .oly ee/ and particularly of the Easter )riduu" because they add to the sole"nity of these days% and also because the te5ts are "ore effective 0hen sung( )he Episcopal Conferences are as/ed% unless provision has already been "ade% to provide "usic for those parts 0hich should al0ays be sung% na"elyD aA )he =eneral +ntercessions of =ood Friday% the deacon3s invitation and the accla"ation of the people< bA chants for the sho0ing and veneration of the cross< cA the accla"ations during the procession 0ith the paschal candle and the Easter procla"ation% the responsorial ;:lleluia%; the litany of the saints% and the accla"ation after the blessing of 0ater( !ince the purpose of sung te5ts is also to facilitate the participation of the faithful% they should not be lightly o"itted< such te5ts should be set to "usic( +f the te5t for use in the liturgy has not yet been set to "usic it is possible as a te"porary "easure to select other si"ilar te5ts 0hich are set to "usic( +t is% ho0ever% fitting that there should be a collection of te5ts set to "usic for these celebrations% paying special attention toD aA chants for the procession and blessing of pal"s% and for the entrance into church< bA chants to acco"pany the procession 0ith the .oly -ils< cA chants to acco"pany the procession 0ith the gifts on .oly )hursday in the evening 4ass of the Lord3s !upper% and hy"ns to acco"pany the procession of the Blessed !acra"ent to the place of repose< dA the responsorial psal"s at the Easter 2igil% and chants to acco"pany the sprin/ling 0ith blessed 0ater(


4usic should be provided for the passion narrative% the Easter procla"ation% and the blessing of baptis"al 0ater< obviously the "elodies should be of a si"ple nature in order to facilitate their use( +n larger churches 0here the resources per"it% a "ore a"ple use should be "ade of the Church3s "usical heritage both ancient and "odern% al0ays ensuring that this does not i"pede the active participation of the faithful( 86( +t is fitting that s"all religious co""unities both clerical and lay% and other lay groups should participate in the celebration of the Easter )riduu" in neighboring principal churches( !i"ilarly 0here the nu"ber of participants and "inisters is so s"all that the celebrations of the Easter )riduu" cannot be carried out 0ith the re7uisite sole"nity% such groups of the faithful should asse"ble in a larger church( :lso 0here there are s"all parishes 0ith only one priest% it is reco""ended that such parishes should asse"ble% as far as possible% in a principal church and there participate in the celebrations( :ccording to the needs of the faithful% 0here a pastor has the responsibility for t0o or "ore parishes in 0hich the faithful asse"ble in large nu"bers% and 0here the celebrations can be carried out 0ith the re7uisite care and sole"nity% the celebrations of the Easter )riduu" "ay be repeated in accord 0ith the given nor"s( !o that se"inary students ;"ight live fully Christ3s Paschal 4ystery% and thus be able to teach those 0ho 0ill be co""itted to their care%; they should be given a thorough and co"prehensive liturgical for"ation( +t is i"portant that during their for"ative years in the se"inary they should e5perience fruitfully the sole"n Easter celebrations% especially those over 0hich the bishop presides( +2( Holy T #rs"ay E&en!n' Mass of t e Lor"(s S#))er 88( ith the celebration of 4ass on the evening of .oly )hursday ;the Church begins the Easter )riduu"% and recalls the Last !upper% in 0hich the Lord #esus% on the night he 0as betrayed% sho0ing his love for those 0ho 0ere his o0n in the 0orld% he gave his body and blood under the species of bread and 0ine offering to his Father and giving the" to the :postles so that they "ight parta/e of the"% and he co""anded the" and their successors in the priesthood to perpetuate this offering(; 8,( Careful attention should be given to the "ysteries 0hich are co""e"orated in this 4assD the institution of the Eucharist% the institution of the priesthood% and Christ3s co""and of brotherly love< the ho"ily should e5plain these points( 86( )he 4ass of the Lord3s !upper is celebrated in the evening% at a ti"e that is "ore convenient for the full participation of the 0hole local co""unity( :ll priests "ay concelebrate even if on this day they have already concelebrated the Chris" 4ass% or if% for the good of the faithful% they "ust celebrate another 4ass( 8>( here pastoral considerations re7uire it% the local -rdinary "ay per"it another 4ass to be celebrated in churches and oratories in the evening% and in the case of true necessity% even in the "orning% but only for those faithful 0ho cannot other0ise participate in the evening 4ass( Care should nevertheless be ta/en to ensure that celebrations of this /ind do not ta/e place for the benefit of private persons or of s"all groups% and that they are not to the detri"ent of the "ain 4ass( :ccording to the ancient tradition of the Church% all 4asses 0ithout the participation of the people are on this day forbidden( 8'( )he )abernacle should be co"pletely e"pty before the celebration( .osts for the Co""union of the faithful should be consecrated during that celebration( :

sufficient a"ount of bread should be consecrated to provide also for Co""union on the follo0ing day(

8&( For the reservation of the Blessed !acra"ent% a place should be prepared and adorned in such a 0ay as to be conducive to prayer and "editation% seriousness appropriate to the liturgy of these days is enBoined so that all abuses are avoided or suppressed( hen the tabernacle is located in a chapel separated fro" the central part of the church% it is appropriate to prepare the place of repose and adoration there( ,0( During the singing of the hy"n ;=loria in e5celsis; in accordance 0ith local custo"% the bells "ay be rung% and should thereafter re"ain silent until the ;=loria in e5celsis; of the Easter 2igil% unless the Conference of Bishops3 or the local -rdinary% for a suitable reason% has decided other0ise( During this sa"e period the organ and other "usical instru"ents "ay be used only for the purpose of supporting the singing( ,$( )he 0ashing of the feet of chosen "en 0hich% according to tradition% is perfor"ed on this day% represents the service and charity of Christ% 0ho ca"e ;not to be served% but to serve(; )his tradition should be "aintained% and its proper significance e5plained( ,2( =ifts for the poor% especially those collected during Lent as the fruit of penance% "ay be presented in the offertory procession% 0hile the people sing ;Ebi caritas est vera(; ,6( +t is "ore appropriate that the Eucharist be borne directly fro" the altar by the deacons% or acolytes% or e5traordinary "inisters at the "o"ent of co""union for the sic/ and infir" 0ho "ust co""unicate at ho"e% so that in this 0ay they "ay be "ore closely united to the celebrating Church( ,8( :fter the post9Co""union prayer% the procession for"s% 0ith the crossbar at its head( )he Blessed !acra"ent% acco"panied by lighted candles and incense% is carried through the church to the place of reservation% to the singing of the hy"n ;Pange lingua; or so"e other Eucharistic song( )his rite of transfer of the Blessed !acra"ent "ay not be carried out if the Liturgy of the Lord3s Passion 0ill not be celebrated in that sa"e church on the follo0ing day( ,,( )he Blessed !acra"ent should be reserved in a closed tabernacle or py5( Ender no circu"stances "ay it be e5posed in a "onstrance( )he place 0here the tabernacle or py5 is situated "ust not be "ade to rese"ble a to"b% and the e5pression ;to"b; is to be avoided( )he chapel of repose is not prepared so as to represent the ;Lord3s burial; but for the custody of the eucharistic bread that 0ill be distributed in Co""union on =ood Friday( ,6( :fter the 4ass of the Lord3s !upper the faithful should be encouraged to spend a suitable period of ti"e during the night in the church in adoration before the Blessed !acra"ent 0hich has been sole"nly reserved( here appropriate% this prolonged eucharistic adoration "ay be acco"panied by the reading of so"e part of the =ospel of !t( #ohn @chapters( $69$>A( Fro" "idnight on0ards% ho0ever% the adoration should be "ade 0ithout e5ternal sole"nity% because the day of the Lord3s passion has begun( @62A ,>( :fter 4ass the altar should be stripped( +t is fitting that any crosses in the church be covered 0ith a red or purple veil% unless they have already been veiled on the !aturday before the Fifth !unday of Lent( La"ps should not be lit before the i"ages of saints( 2( %oo" *r!"ay ,'( -n this day% 0hen ;Christ our passover 0as sacrificed%; the Church "editates on the passion of her Lord and !pouse% adores the cross% co""e"orates her origin fro" the side of Christ asleep on the cross% and intercedes for the salvation of the 0hole 0orld(

,&( -n this day% in accordance 0ith ancient tradition% the Church does not celebrate the EucharistD .oly Co""union is distributed to the faithful during the Celebration of the Lord3s Passion alone% though it "ay be brought at any ti"e of the day to the sic/ 0ho cannot ta/e part in the celebration( 60( =ood Friday is a day of penance to be observed as of obligation in the 0hole Church% and indeed through abstinence and fasting( 6$( :ll celebration of the sacra"ents on this day is strictly prohibited% e5cept for the sacra"ents of Penance and :nointing of the !ic/( Funerals are to be celebrated 0ithout singing% "usic% or the tolling of bells( 62( +t is reco""ended that on this day the -ffice of 1eadings and 4orning Prayer be celebrated 0ith the participation of the people in the churches @cf( n( 80A( 66( )he Celebration of the Lord3s Passion is to ta/e place in the afternoon% at about three o3cloc/( )he ti"e 0ill be chosen 0hich see"s "ost appropriate for pastoral reasons in order to allo0 the people to asse"ble "ore easily% for e5a"ple shortly after "idday% or in the late evening% ho0ever not later than nine o3cloc/( 68( )he -rder for the Celebration of the Lord3s Passion @the Liturgy of the ord% the adoration of the cross% and .oly Co""unionA% that ste"s fro" an ancient tradition of the Church% should be observed faithfully and religiously% and "ay not be changed by anyone on his o0n initiative( 6,( )he priest and "inisters proceed to the altar in silence and 0ithout any singing( +f any 0ords of introduction are to be said% they should be pronounced before the "inisters enter( )he priest and "inisters "a/e a reverence to the altar prostrating the"selves( )his act of prostration% 0hich is proper to the rite of the day% should be strictly observed% for it signifies both the abase"ent of ;earthly "an%; and also the grief and sorro0 of the Church( :s the "inisters enter the faithful should be standing% and thereafter should /neel in silent prayer( 66( )he readings are to be read in their entirety( )he responsorial psal" and the chant before the =ospel are to be sung in the usual "anner( )he narrative of the Lord3s passion according to #ohn is sung or read in the 0ay prescribed for the previous !unday @cf( n( 66A( :fter the reading of the passion a ho"ily should be given% at the end of 0hich the faithful "ay be invited to spend a short ti"e in "editation( 6>( )he =eneral +ntercessions are to follo0 the 0ording and for" handed do0n by ancient tradition "aintaining the full range of intentions so as to signify clearly the universal effect of the passion of Christ% 0ho hung on the cross for the salvation of the 0hole 0orld( +n case of grave public necessity the local -rdinary "ay per"it or prescribe the adding of special intentions( +n this event the priest is per"itted to select fro" the prayers of the 4issal those "ore appropriate to local circu"stances% in such a 0ay ho0ever that the series follo0s the rule for =eneral +ntercessions( 6'( For veneration of the cross% let a cross be used that is of appropriate si?e and beauty% and let one of the for"s for this rite as found in the 1o"an 4issal be follo0ed( )he rite should be carried out 0ith the splendor 0orthy of the "ystery of our salvationD both the invitation pronounced at the unveiling of the cross% and the people3s response should be "ade in song% and a period of respectful silence is to be observed after each act of veneration9the celebrant standing and holding the raised cross( 6&( )he cross is to be presented to each of the faithful individually for their adoration since the personal adoration of the cross is a "ost i"portant feature in this celebration< only 0hen necessitated by the large nu"bers of faithful present should the rite of veneration be "ade si"ultaneously by all present( -nly one cross should be used for the veneration% as this contributes to the full sy"bolis" of the rite( During the veneration of the cross the antiphons% ;1eproaches%; and hy"ns

should be sung% so that the history of salvation be co""e"orated through song( -ther appropriate songs "ay also be sung @cf( n( 82A( >0( )he priest sings the invitation to the Lord3s Prayer 0hich is then sung by all( )he sign of peace is not e5changed( )he Co""union 1ite is as described in the 4issal( During the distribution of Co""union% Psal" 2$ or another suitable song "ay be sung( hen Co""union has been distributed the py5 is ta/en to a place prepared for it outside of the church( >$( :fter the celebration% the altar is stripped< the cross re"ains ho0ever% 0ith four candles( :n appropriate place @for e5a"ple% the chapel of repose used for reservation of the Eucharist on 4aundy )hursdayA can be prepared 0ithin the church% and there the Lord3s cross is placed so that the faithful "ay venerate and /iss it% and spend so"e ti"e in "editation( >2( Devotions such as the ay of the Cross% processions of the passion% and co""e"orations of the sorro0s of the Blessed 2irgin 4ary are not% for pastoral reasons% to be neglected( )he te5ts and songs used% ho0ever% should be adapted to the spirit of the Liturgy of this day( !uch devotions should be assigned to a ti"e of day that "a/es it 7uite clear that the Liturgical celebration by its very nature far surpasses the" in i"portance( 2+( Holy Sat#r"ay >6( -n .oly !aturday the Church is% as it 0ere% at the Lord3s to"b% "editating on his passion and death% and on his descent into hell% and a0aiting his resurrection 0ith prayer and fasting( +t is highly reco""ended that on this day the -ffice of 1eadings and 4orning Prayer be celebrated 0ith the participation of the people @cf( n( 80A( here this cannot be done% there should be so"e celebration of the ord of =od% or so"e act of devotion suited to the "ystery celebrated this day( >8( )he i"age of Christ crucified or lying in the to"b% or the descent into hell% 0hich "ystery .oly !aturday recalls% as also an i"age of the sorro0ful 2irgin 4ary can be placed in the church for the veneration of the faithful( >,( -n this day the Church abstains strictly fro" the celebration of the sacrifice of the 4ass( .oly Co""union "ay only be given in the for" of 2iaticu"( )he celebration of "arriages is forbidden% as also the celebration of other sacra"ents% e5cept those of Penance and the :nointing of the !ic/( >6( )he faithful are to be instructed on the special character of .oly !aturday( Festive custo"s and traditions associated 0ith this day on account of the for"er practice of anticipating the celebration of Easter on .oly !aturday should be reserved for Easter night and the day that follo0s( 2++( Easter S#n"ay of t e Lor"(s Res#rrect!on :( The aster !igil >>( :ccording to a "ost ancient tradition% this night is ;one of vigil for the Lord%; and the vigil celebrated during it% to co""e"orate that holy night 0hen the Lord rose fro" the dead% is regarded as the ;"other of all holy vigils(; For in that night the Church /eeps vigil% 0aiting for the resurrection of the Lord% and celebrates the sacra"ents of Christian initiation( $( The meaning of the nocturnal character of the aster !igil


>'( ;)he entire celebration of the Easter 2igil ta/es place at night( +t should not begin before nightfall< it should end before daybrea/ on !unday(; )his rule is to be ta/en according to its strictest sense( 1eprehensible are those abuses and practices 0hich have crept into "any places in violation of this ruling% 0hereby the Easter 2igil is celebrated at the ti"e of day that it is custo"ary to celebrate anticipated !unday 4asses( )hose reasons 0hich have been advanced in so"e 7uarters for the anticipation of the Easter 2igil% such as lac/ of public order% are not put for0ard in connection 0ith Christ"as night% nor other gatherings of various /inds( >&( )he Passover 2igil% in 0hich the .ebre0s /ept 0atch for the Lord3s passover 0hich 0as to free the" fro" slavery to Pharaoh% is an annual co""e"oration( +t prefigured the true Pasch of Christ that 0as to co"e% the night that is of true liberation% in 0hich ;destroying the bonds of death% Christ rose as victor fro" the depths(; '0( Fro" the very outset the Church has celebrated that annual Pasch% 0hich is the sole"nity of sole"nities% above all by "eans of a night vigil( For the resurrection of Christ is the foundation of our faith and hope% and through Baptis" and Confir"ation 0e are inserted into the Paschal 4ystery of Christ% dying% buried% and raised 0ith hi"% and 0ith hi" 0e shall also reign( )he full "eaning of 2igil is a 0aiting for the co"ing of the Lord( 2( The structure of the aster !igil and the significance of its different elements and parts '$( )he order for the Easter 2igil is arranged so that after the service of light and the Easter Procla"ation @0hich is the first part of the 2igilA% .oly Church "editates on the 0onderful 0or/s 0hich the Lord =od 0rought for his people fro" the earliest ti"es @the second part or Liturgy of the ordA% to the "o"ent 0hen% together 0ith those ne0 "e"bers reborn in Baptis" @third partA% she is called to the table prepared by the Lord for his Church9the co""e"oration of his death and resurrection9until he co"es @fourth partA( )his liturgical order "ust not be changed by anyone on his o0n initiative( '2( )he first part consists of sy"bolic acts and gestures% 0hich re7uire that they be perfor"ed in all their fullness and nobility% so that their "eaning% as e5plained by their introductory 0ords of the celebrant and the liturgical prayers% "ay be truly understood by the faithful( +n so far as possible% a suitable place should be prepared outside the church for the blessing of the ne0 fire% 0hose fla"es should be such that they genuinely dispel the dar/ness and light up the night( )he paschal candle should be prepared% 0hich for effective sy"bolis" "ust be "ade of 0a5% never be artificial% be rene0ed each year% be only one in nu"ber% and be of sufficiently large si?e% so that it "ay evo/e the truth that Christ is the light of the 0orld( +t is blessed 0ith the signs and 0ords prescribed in the 4issal or by the Conference of Bishops( '6( )he procession% by 0hich the people enter the church% should be led by the light of the paschal candle alone( #ust as the children of +srael 0ere guided at night by a pillar of fire% so si"ilarly% Christians follo0 the risen Christ( )here is no reason 0hy to each response ;)han/s be to =od; there should not be added so"e accla"ation in honor of Christ( )he light fro" the paschal candle should be gradually passed to the candles 0hich it is fitting that all present should hold in their hands% the electric lighting being s0itched off( '8( )he deacon "a/es the Easter Procla"ation 0hich tells% by "eans of a great poetic te5t% the 0hole Easter "ystery placed in the conte5t of the econo"y of salvation( +n case of necessity% 0here there is no deacon% and the celebrating priest is unable to sing it% a cantor "ay do so( )he Bishops3 Conferences "ay adapt this procla"ation by inserting into it accla"ations fro" the people(


',( )he readings fro" !acred !cripture constitute the second part of the 2igil( )hey give an account of the outstanding deeds of the history of salvation% 0hich the faithful are helped to "editate cal"ly upon by the singing of the responsorial psal"% by a silent pause and by the celebrant3s prayer( )he restored -rder for the 2igil has seven readings fro" the -ld )esta"ent chosen fro" the La0 and the Prophets% 0hich are in use every0here according to the "ost ancient tradition of East and est% and t0o readings fro" the Fe0 )esta"ent% na"ely fro" the :postle and fro" the =ospel( )hus the Church% ;beginning 0ith 4oses and all the Prophets; e5plains Christ3s Paschal 4ystery( Conse7uently 0herever this is possible% all the readings should be read so that the character of the Easter 2igil% 0hich de"ands that it be so"e0hat prolonged% be respected at all costs( here% ho0ever% pastoral conditions re7uire that the nu"ber of readings be reduced% there should be at least three readings fro" the -ld )esta"ent% ta/en fro" the La0 and the Prophets< the reading fro" E5odus chapter $8 0ith its canticle "ust never be o"itted( '6( )he typological i"port of the -ld )esta"ent te5ts is rooted in the Fe0% and is "ade plain by the prayer pronounced by the celebrating priest after each reading< but it 0ill also be helpful to introduce the people to the "eaning of each reading by "eans of a brief introduction( )his introduction "ay be given by the priest hi"self or by a deacon( Fational or diocesan liturgical co""issions 0ill prepare aids for pastors( Each reading is follo0ed by the singing of a psal"% to 0hich the people respond( 4elodies should be provided for these responses 0hich are capable of pro"oting the people3s participation and devotion( =reat care is to be ta/en that trivial songs do not ta/e the place of the psal"s( '>( :fter the readings fro" the -ld )esta"ent% the hy"n ;=loria in e5celsis; is sung% the bells are rung in accordance 0ith local custo"% the collect is recited% and the celebration "oves on to the readings fro" the Fe0 )esta"ent( :n e5hortation fro" the :postle on Baptis" as an insertion into Christ3s Paschal 4ystery is read( )hen all stand and the priest intones the ;:lleluia; three ti"es% each ti"e raising the pitch( )he people repeat it after hi"( +f it is necessary% the psal"ist or cantor "ay sing the ;:lleluia%; 0hich the people then ta/e up as an accla"ation to be interspersed bet0een the verses of Psal" $$>% so often cited by the :postles in their Easter preaching( Finally% the resurrection of the Lord is proclai"ed fro" the =ospel as the high point of the 0hole Liturgy of the ord( :fter the =ospel a ho"ily is to be given% no "atter ho0 brief( ''( )he third part of the 2igil is the baptis"al liturgy( Christ3s passover and ours is no0 celebrated( )his is given full e5pression in those churches 0hich have a baptis"al font% and "ore so 0hen the Christian initiation of adults is held% or at least the Baptis" of infants( Even if there are no candidates for Baptis"% the blessing of baptis"al 0ater should still ta/e place in parish churches( +f this blessing does not ta/e place at the baptis"al font% but in the sanctuary% baptis"al 0ater should be carried after0ards to the baptistry there to be /ept throughout the 0hole of paschal ti"e( here there are neither candidates for Baptis" nor any need to bless the font% Baptis" should be co""e"orated by the blessing of 0ater destined for sprin/ling upon the people( '&( Fe5t follo0s the rene0al of baptis"al pro"ises% introduced by so"e 0ords on the part of the celebrating priest( )he faithful reply to the 7uestions put to the"% standing and holding lighted candles in their hands( )hey are then sprin/led 0ith 0aterD in this 0ay the gestures and 0ords re"ind the" of the Baptis" they have received( )he celebrating priest sprin/les the people by passing through the "ain part of the church 0hile all sing the antiphon ;2idi a7ua"; or another suitable song of a baptis"al character( &0( )he celebration of the Eucharist for"s the fourth part of the 2igil and "ar/s its high point% for it is in the fullest sense the Easter !acra"ent% that is to say% the co""e"oration of the

!acrifice of the Cross and the presence of the risen Christ% the co"pletion of Christian initiation% and the foretaste of the eternal pasch( &$( =reat care should be ta/en that this Eucharistic Liturgy is not celebrated in haste( +ndeed% all the rites and 0ords "ust be given their full forceD )he =eneral +ntercessions in 0hich for the first ti"e the neophytes no0 as "e"bers of the faithful e5ercise their priesthood< the procession at the offertory in 0hich the neophytes% if there are any% ta/e part< the first% second or third Eucharistic Prayer% preferably sung% 0ith its proper e"bolis"s< and finally% Eucharistic Co""union% as the "o"ent of full participation in the "ystery that is being celebrated( +t is appropriate that at Co""union there be sung Psal" $$> 0ith the antiphon ;Paschua nostru"%; or Psal" 66 0ith the antiphon ;:lleluia% alleluia% alleluia%; or so"e other song of Easter e5ultation(

&2( +t is fitting that in the Co""union of the Easter 2igil full e5pression be given to the sy"bolis" of the Eucharist% na"ely by consu"ing the Eucharist under the species of both bread and 0ine( )he local -rdinaries 0ill consider the appropriateness of such a concession and its ra"ifications( 6( Some pastoral considerations &6( )he Easter 2igil Liturgy should be celebrated in such a 0ay as to offer to the Christian people the riches of the prayers and rites( +t is therefore i"portant that authenticity be respected% that the participation of the faithful be pro"oted% and that the celebration should not ta/e place 0ithout servers% readers and choir e5ercising their role( &8( +t 0ould be desirable if on occasion provision 0ere "ade for several co""unities to asse"ble in one church% 0herever their pro5i"ity or s"all nu"bers "ean that a full and festive celebration could not other0ise ta/e place( )he celebration of the Easter 2igil for special groups is not to be encouraged% since above all in this 2igil the faithful should co"e together as one and should e5perience a sense of ecclesial co""unity( )he faithful 0ho are absent fro" their parish on vacation should be urged to participate in the liturgical celebration in the place 0here they happen to be( &,( +n announce"ents concerning the Easter 2igil care should be ta/en not to present it as the concluding period of .oly !aturday% but rather it should be stressed that the Easter 2igil is celebrated ;during Easter night%; and that it is one single act of 0orship( Pastors should be advised that in giving catechesis to the people they should be taught to participate in the 2igil in its entirety( &6( For a better celebration of the Easter 2igil% it is necessary that pastors the"selves have an ever deeper /no0ledge of both te5ts and rites% so as to give a proper "ystagogical catechesis to the people( B( aster Day &>( 4ass is to be celebrated on Easter Day 0ith great sole"nity( +t is appropriate that the penitential rite on this day ta/e the for" of a sprin/ling 0ith 0ater blessed at the 2igil% during 0hich the antiphon ;2idi a7ua"%; or so"e other song of baptis"al character should be sung( )he fonts at the entrance to the church should also be filled 0ith the sa"e 0ater( &'( )he tradition of celebrating baptis"al 2espers on Easter Day 0ith the singing of psal"s during the procession to the font should be "aintained 0here it is still in force% and appropriately% restored(


&&( )he paschal candle has its proper place either by the a"bo or by the altar and should be lit at least in all the "ore sole"n liturgical celebrations of the season until Pentecost !unday% 0hether at 4ass% or at 4orning and Evening Prayer( :fter the Easter season the candle should be /ept 0ith honor in the baptistry% so that in the celebration of Baptis" the candles of the bapti?ed "ay be lit fro" the"( +n the celebration of funerals% the paschal candle should be place near the coffin to indicate that the death of a Christian is his o0n passover( )he paschal candle should not other0ise be lit nor placed in the sanctuary outside the Easter season( 2+++( Easter T!$e $00( )he Celebration of Easter is prolonged throughout the Easter season( )he fifty days fro" Easter !unday to Pentecost !unday are celebrated as one feast day% the ;great !unday(; $0$( )he !undays of this season are regarded as !undays of Easter% and so ter"ed% and they have precedence over all feasts of the Lord and over all sole"nities( !ole"nities that fall on one of these !undays are anticipated on the !aturday( Celebrations in honor of the Blessed 2irgin 4ary or the saints 0hich fall during the 0ee/ "ay not be transferred to one of these !undays( $02( For adults 0ho have received Christian initiation during the Easter 2igil% the 0hole of this period is given over to "ystagogical catechesis( )herefore 0herever there are neophytes the prescriptions of the -rdo initiationis Christianae adultoru"% nn( 6>980 and 26,926&% should be observed( +ntercession should be "ade in the Eucharistic Prayer for the ne0ly bapti?ed throughout the Easter octave in all places( $06( )hroughout the Easter season the neophytes should be assigned their o0n special place a"ong the faithful( :ll neophytes should endeavor to participate at 4ass along 0ith their godparents( +n the ho"ily% and according to local circu"stances% in the =eneral +ntercessions "ention should be "ade of the"( !o"e celebration should be held to conclude the period of "ystagogical catechesis on or about Pentecost !unday depending upon local custo"( +t is also appropriate that children receive their first Co""union on one of the !undays of Easter( $08( During Easter ti"e% the pastor should instruct the faithful 0ho have been already initiated into the Eucharist on the "eaning of the Church3s precept concerning the reception of .oly Co""union during this period( +t is highly reco""ended that Co""union be brought to the sic/ also% especially during the Easter octave( $0,( here there is the custo" of blessing houses in celebration of the resurrection% this blessing is to be i"parted after the !ole"nity of Easter and not before by the parish priest or other priests or deacons delegated by hi"( )his is an opportunity for e5ercising a pastoral "inistry( )he parish priest should go to each house for the purpose of underta/ing a pastoral visitation of each fa"ily( )here he 0ill spea/ 0ith the residents and spend a fe0 "o"ents 0ith the" in prayer using te5ts to be found in the boo/ De Benedictionibus( +n larger cities consideration should be given to the gathering of several fa"ilies for a co""on celebration of the blessing for all( $06( :ccording to the different circu"stances of places and peoples% there are found a nu"ber of popular practices lin/ed to celebrations of the Easter season 0hich% in so"e instances% attract greater nu"bers of the people than the sacred liturgy itself< these are not in any 0ay to be undervalued for they are often 0ell adapted to the religious "entality of the faithful( Let Episcopal Conferences and local -rdinaries% therefore% see to it that practices of this /ind 0hich see" to nourish popular piety be har"oni?ed in the best 0ay possible 0ith the sacred liturgy% be i"bued "ore distinctly 0ith the spirit of the liturgy% in so"e 0ay derived fro" it% and lead the people to it( $0>( )his sacred period of fifty days concludes 0ith Pentecost !unday 0hen the gift of the .oly !pirit to the :postles% the beginnings of the Church and the start of its "ission to all tongues and peoples and nations are co""e"orated(;


Encourage"ent should be given to the prolonged celebration of 4ass in the for" of a vigil% 0hose character is not baptis"al as in the Easter 2igil% but is one of urgent prayer% after the e5a"ple of the :postles and disciples% 0ho persevered together in prayer 0ith 4ary% the 4other of #esus% as they a0aited the .oly !pirit( $0'( ;+t is proper to the paschal festivity that the 0hole Church reBoices at the forgiveness of sins% 0hich is not only for those 0ho are reborn in holy Baptis"% but also for those 0ho have long been nu"bered a"ong the adopted children(; By "eans of a "ore intensive pastoral care and a deeper spiritual effort% all 0ho celebrate the Easter feasts 0ill by the Lord3s grace e5perience their effect in their daily lives(; =iven at 1o"e% at the -ffices of the Congregation for Divine $&''( orship% #anuary $6%

Pa#l A#'#st!n Car"!nal Mayer Prefect +!'!l!o Noe )itular :rchbishop of 2oncaria !ecretary



E&en!n' Mass of t e Lor"-s S#))er Cele0rat!on of t e Lor"-s Pass!on Sole$n +!'!l on t e Holy N!' t of Easter
:ppendi5 :

./ 12 34 /14 /35 /34

Sole$n Mass on Easter Morn!n'

:ppendi5 B

Re'!na Cael!
:ppendi5 C





As I a&e lo&e" yo#7 so yo# s o#l" also lo&e one anot er8
@#n $6% 68A

EUCHARISTIC CELE,RATION INTRODUCTORY RITE Entrance :ntiphonD e should glory in the cross of our Lord #esus Christ% for he is our salvation% our life and our resurrection< through hi" 0e are saved and "ade free( @!ee =al 6% $8A PA%9AALAALA


,EST O* ,U:AS PALAD +OL8 / Manoling "rancisco# S$

,ayan7 $#l!n' $a't!)on; A<!tan an' Pan'!noon; Sa )!'!n' sar!<a!n7 )a'l!l!'tas N!ya sa at!n; Bayan ating alalahanin% panahong tayoGy inalipin( Fang Hngalan FyaGy ating sa"bitin% paanong Hdi tayo lingapin(

%REETIN% PresiderD

In t e na$e of t e *at er7 an" of t e Son7 an" of t e Holy S)!r!t8

1( 2( 1(


T e Lor" 0e <!t yo#8

:nd also 0ith you(

INTRODUCTION TO THE CELE,RATION AND PENITENTIAL RITE )he Presider introduces the celebration in these or si"ilar 0ords(

Dear 0rot ers an" s!sters7 <!t t !s e&en!n'-s l!t#r'y7 <e enter !nto t e Pasc al Tr!"##$7 to cele0rate t e )ass!on7 "eat an" r!s!n' to ne< l!fe of o#r Lor" an" Sa&!or7 Jes#s C r!st8 T !s !s t e oly s#))er of t e Lor"7 !n < !c e stoo)e" to <as t e feet of !s "!sc!)les8 In t e 0roken 0rea" an" <!ne o#t)o#re"7 e left !n t e E#c ar!st7 t e $e$or!al of t e sacr!f!ce t at e <as to offer on t e Cross8 ,y t !s e s o<s #s

< at <e are to "o !n !s $e$ory8 He '!&es #s a ne< co$$an"$ent to lo&e an" ser&e one anot er so t at <e $ay a&e l!fe7 an" l!fe to t e f#ll8 Rel!&!n' t e <or"s an" 'est#res of t e Lor" Jes#s7 <e <ant to take )art !n !s t o#' ts7 !n !s feel!n's7 !n !s lo&e t at 0ro#' t #s sal&at!on8 Let #s t erefore )re)are o#rsel&es to cele0rate t e 'reat $ystery of t e Lor"-s self9'!&!n' lo&e 0y #$0ly ackno<le"'!n' o#r nee" for !s re"e$)t!on8
: pause for silent reflection follo0s( :YRIE )he Cyrie is said or sung(

Jes#s7 Lor" an" Master7 yo# 0eca$e lo<ly an" "<elt a$on' #s as a ser&ant8 Lor"7 a&e $ercy8

Lord% have "ercy(

Jes#s7 Pr!est of t e Most H!' %o"7 yo# offere" yo#r l!fe !n sacr!f!ce8 C r!st7 a&e $ercy8

Christ% have "ercy(

Jes#s7 sent 0y t e *at er7 yo# s o<e" yo#r lo&e #nt!l t e en"8 Lor"7 a&e $ercy8

Lord% have "ercy(

)he Presider says the absolutionD

May al$!' ty %o" a&e $ercy on #s7 for'!&e #s o#r s!ns7 an" 0r!n' #s to e&erlast!n' l!fe8




%LORIA )he Presider intones the =loria( )he bells of the church are rung(


Ryan Cayabyab

L-<al at! sa D!yos sa ka!taasan;

:t sa lupaGy /apayapaan sa "ga taong "ay "abuting /alooban( Pinupuri Ca na"in( Dinarangal Ca na"in( !inasa"ba Ca na"in( Filulu0alhati Ca na"in( Pinasasala"atan Ca na"an( Dahil sa da/ila 4ong /alG0alhatian( Panginoong Diyos% .ari ng LangitI Diyos :"ang "a/apangyarihan sa lahatI Panginoong .esuCristro% Bugtong na :na/% Panginoong Diyos% Cordero ng Diyos% :na/ ng :"a( +/a0 na nag9aalis ng "ga /asalanan ng sanlibutan% 4aa0a Ca sa a"inI )anggapin 4o ang a"ing /ahilingan( +/a0 na nalulu/lo/ sa Canan ng :"a( 4aa0a Ca sa a"inI !apag/at +/a0 la"ang ang Banal( +/a0 la"ang ang Panginoon( +/a0 la"ang% - .esuCristoI Casa"a ng Espiritu !anto !a /alG0alhatian% ng Diyos :"aI

Entil the =loria during the Easter vigil% the bells of the church are no longer to be rung( )he organ "ay still be played% but only to support the singing(



Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

%o" o#r *at er7 <e are 'at ere" ere to s are !n t e s#))er < !c yo#r only Son left to !s C #rc to re&eal !s lo&e8 He 'a&e !t to #s < en e <as a0o#t to "!e an" co$$an"e" #s to cele0rate !t as t e ne< an" eternal sacr!f!ce8 We )ray t at !n t !s e#c ar!st <e $ay f!n" t e f#llness of l!fe an" lo&e8 %rant t !s t ro#' o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 yo#r Son7 < o l!&es an" re!'ns <!t yo# an" t e Holy S)!r!t7 one %o"7 fore&er an" e&er8


LITUR%Y O* THE WORD *IRST READIN% )he la0 for the Passover


A rea"!n' fro$ t e 0ook of E6o"#s

$2% $9'( $$9$8(

)he Lord said to 4oses and :aron in the land of Egypt% J)his "onth shall stand at the head of your calendar< you shall rec/on it as the first "onth of the year( )ell the 0hole co""unity of +sraelD -n the tenth of this "onth every one of your fa"ilies "ust procure itself a la"b% one piece for each household( +f a household is too s"all for a 0hole la"b% it shall Boin the nearest household in procuring one and shall share in the la"b in proportion to the nu"ber of persons 0ho parta/e of it( )he la"b "ust be a year9old "ale and 0ithout ble"ish( Kou "ay ta/e it fro" either the sheep or the goats( Kou shall /eep it until the fourteenth day of this "onth% and then% 0ith the 0hole asse"bly of +srael present% it shall be slaughtered during the evening t0ilight( )hey shall ta/e so"e of its blood and apply it to the t0o doorposts and the lintel of every house in 0hich they


parta/e of the la"b( )hat sa"e night% they shall eat its roasted flesh 0ith unleavened bread and bitter herbs( J)his is ho0 you are to eat itD 0ith your loin girt% sandals on you feet and your staff in hand% you shall eat li/e those 0ho are in flight( +t is the Passover of the Lord( For on this sa"e night% + 0ill go through Egypt% stri/ing do0n every first9born of the land% both "an and beast% and e5ecuting Budg"ent on all the gods of EgyptL+% the LordI But the blood 0ill "ar/ the houses 0here you are( !eeing the blood% + 0ill pass over you< 0hen + stri/e the land of Egypt% no destructive blo0 0ill co"e upon you( J)his day shall be a "e"orial feast for you% 0hich all your generations shall celebrate 0ith pilgri"age to the Lord% as a perpetual institution(M T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

)han/s be to =od(
$$6% $29$6( $,9$6( $>9$'(


O#r 0less!n' c#) !s a co$$#n!on <!t t e 0loo" of C r!st8

.o0 shall + "a/e a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for "eN )he cup of salvation + 0ill ta/e up% and + 0ill call on the na"e of the Lord( 1( O#r 0less!n' c#) !s a co$$#n!on <!t t e 0loo" of C r!st8 Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his faithful ones( + a" your servant% the son of your hand"aid< Kou have loosed "y bonds(

O#r 0less!n' c#) !s a co$$#n!on <!t t e 0loo" of C r!st8

)o you 0ill + offer a sacrifice of than/sgiving% and + 0ill call upon the na"e of the Lord( 4y vo0s to the Lord + 0ill pay in the presence of all his people(

O#r 0less!n' c#) !s a co$$#n!on <!t t e 0loo" of C r!st8

SECOND READIN% Entil the Lord co"es% every ti"e you eat this bread and drin/ this cup% you proclai" his death(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e f!rst letter of Pa#l to t e Cor!nt !ans


$$% 26926

+ received fro" the Lord 0hat + handed on to you% na"ely% that the Lord #esus on the night in 0hich he 0as betrayed% too/ bread% and after he had given than/s% bro/e it and said% J)his is "y body% 0hich is for you( Do this in re"e"brance of "e(M +n the sa"e 0ay% after supper% he too/ the cup% saying% J)his cup is the ne0 covenant in "y blood( Do this% 0henever you drin/ it% in re"e"brance of "e(M Every ti"e then% you eat this bread and drin/ this cup% you proclai" the death of the Lord until he co"esI T e Wor" of t e Lor"8 1( )han/s be to =od(
)he lectionary is re"oved fro" the a"bo if the Boo/ of the =ospels is used(


=lory and praise to Kou% Lord #esus ChristI

+ERSE ,E*ORE THE %OSPEL #n $6% 68

I '!&e yo# a ne< co$$an"$ent= lo&e one anot er as I a&e lo&e" yo#8 =lory and praise to Kou% Lord #esus ChristI
%OSPEL Fo0 he sho0ed ho0 perfect 0as his love(

T e Lor" 0e <!t yo#8

1( 2( 1(

:nd also 0ith you(

A Rea"!n' fro$ t e oly 'os)el accor"!n' to Jo n

=lory to you% - Lord(

$6% $9$,


efore t e feast of Passo&er7 Jes#s real!>e" t at t e o#r a" co$e for !$ to )ass fro$ t !s <orl" to t e *at er8 He a" lo&e" !s o<n !n t e <orl"7 an" <o#l" s o< !s lo&e for t e$ to t e en"8 T e "e&!l a" alrea"y !n"#ce" J#"as7 son of S!$on Iscar!ot7 to an" Jes#s o&er? an" so7 "#r!n' t e s#))er7 Jes#s@f#lly a<are t at e a" co$e fro$ %o" an" <as 'o!n' to %o"7 t e *at er < o a" an"e" e&eryt !n' o&er to !$@rose fro$ t e $eal an" took off !s cloak8 He )!cke" #) a to<el an" t!e" !t aro#n" !$self8 T en e )o#re" <ater on a 0as!n an" 0e'an to <as t e "!sc!)les- feet an" "ry t e$ <!t t e to<el e a" aro#n" !$8 T #s e ca$e to S!$on Peter7 < o sa!" to !$7 ALor" are yo# 'o!n' to <as $y feetBC Jes#s ans<ere"7 AYo# $ay not real!>e no< < at I a$ "o!n'7 0#t later yo# <!ll #n"erstan"8C Peter re)l!e"7 AYo# s all ne&er <as $y feet;C AIf I "o not <as yo#7C Jes#s ans<ere"7 Ayo# <!ll a&e no s are !n $y !n er!tance8C ALor"7C S!$on Peter sa!" to !$7 At en not only $y feet7 0#t $y an"s an" ea" as <ell8C Jes#s tol" !$7 At e $an < o as 0at e" as no nee" to <as De6ce)t for !s feetE? e !s ent!rely cleanse"7 F#st as yo# are? t o#' not all8C GT e reason e sa!"7 ANot all are <as e" clean7C <as t at e kne< !s 0etrayer8H After e a" <as e" t e!r feet7 e )#t !s cloak 0ack an" recl!ne" at ta0le once $ore8 He sa!" to t e$= ADo yo# #n"erstan" < at I F#st "!" for yo#B Yo# a""ress $e as ITeac er- an" ILor"7an" f!tt!n'ly eno#' 7 for t at !s < at I a$8 ,#t !f I <as e" yo#r feet@ I < o a$ Teac er an" Lor"@ t en yo# $#st <as eac ot er-s feet8 W at I F#st "!" <as to '!&e yo# an e6a$)le= As I a&e "one7 so yo# $#st "o8C T e %os)el of t e Lor"8

Praise to you% Lord #esus Christ(



)he ho"ily should e5plain the principal "ysteries that are co""e"orated in this 4assD the institution of the Eucharist% the institution of the priesthood% and ChristGs co""and"ent of brotherly love(

WASHIN% O* THE *EET )he persons 0ho have been chosen are led by the "inisters to chairs prepared in a suitable place% unless they have already assu"ed their designated places at the beginning of the 4ass( )he Presider introduces the rite in these or si"ilar 0ords(

T !s !s t e n!' t !n < !c t e Lor" 'a&e #s a ne< co$$an"$ent to lo&e one anot er as e !$self lo&e" #s8 Let #s )ray for one anot er as <e rel!&e t !s 'est#re of t e Lor" Jes#s7 < !c e 'a&e to #s as an e6a$)le of #$0le ser&!ce8 May <e 0e a0le to follo< !s co$$an" to "o for one anot er as e as "one for #s8
)he Presider re"oves his chasuble and receives a to0el 0hich he "ay 0rap around his 0aist( ith the help of the "inisters he pours 0ater on each oneGs feet and dries the"(

:AI,I%AN7 :APANALI% Tim %frasio# S$ & ddie 'onti(eros# S$ :ng atas /o sa inyo% "ga /aibigan /o% ay "ag"ahalan /ayo tulad ng pag"a"ahal /o sa inyo( 4ay hihigit pa /ayang da/ila sa pag9ibig na laang ialay ang buhay alang9alang sa /aibiganN Cayo ngaGy /aibigan /o /ung "atutupad ninyo ang iniaatas /o(



CayoGy di na alipin% /undi /aibigan /o( Lahat ng "ula sa :"aGy nalahad /o na sa inyo( CayoGy hinirang /o% Hdi a/o ang hinirang nGyo( Loob /ong hu"ayo /ayo at "agbunga ng ibayo( +to nga ang siyang utos /o% na bilin /o sa inyoD 4ag"ahalan /ayoI 4ag"ahalan /ayoI

HESUS NA A:IN% :APATID duardo 'onti(eros# S$ .esus na a/ing /apatid% sa lupa na"iGy bu"ali/ iyong "u/haGy ibang9iba% hindi /ita na/i/ilala(

T#l#tan $on' ak!n' $ata7 $a$#lat sa katoto anan7 !ka< Poon $ak!k!lala sa taon' $a)a'k#$0a0a8
.esus na a/ing /apatid% puti/in "an ang Hyong sapin% punit9punit ang Hyong da"it% na0aGy "apasa9a/in( .esus na a/ing /apatid% sa bu/id /a nagtatani"% o sa paleng/e rin na"an% i/a0 ay naghahanap9buhay(

:fter the ashing of the Feet% the Presider puts aside the to0el and puts on the chasuble( )he celebration continues 0ith the Prayers of the Faithful(



At t !s o#r7 Jes#s )raye" for !s "!sc!)les an" for t ose < o 0el!e&e !n !$ !n e&ery a'e8 Let #s l!ft o#r )rayers <!t conf!"ence7 kno<!n' t at e <!ll o0ta!n for #s fro$ t e *at er all t at <e ask !n !s Na$e=

"ather# gi(e glory to your Son)

$( For the holy Church% living in the 0orld% that she "ay not give in to the persecution of the 0orld% but re"ain faithful to Christ% the faithful servant of =od( 4ay she al0ays testify to her Lord in the !pirit of )ruth guided by the sa"e :dvocate 0ho reveals #esus% the ay% the )ruth and the Life 0ho leads us to the Father( Let us pray to the Lord(

"ather# gi(e glory to your Son)

2( For our bishop% .onesto and all priests% that they "ay al0ays belong to Christ and not be lured by the passing glories of the 0orld( 4ay they be confor"ed to Christ% our .igh Priest 0ho "a/es intercession for us% and preserve the floc/ the Lord entrusted to their care by enduring the hardships and difficulties of their "inistry in fidelity to Christ and to their "ission( Let us pray to the Lord(

"ather# gi(e glory to your Son)

6( For all those preparing for baptis"% that they "ay be consecrated in truth and sent into the 0orld


as 0itnesses to Christ and to the fullness of life he shares 0ith the Father( 4ay they co"e to share in the glory that #esus gives to all believers and in the fello0ship in 0hich he gathers all 0ho re"ain in hi"( Let us pray to the Lord(

"ather# gi(e glory to your Son)

8( For the unity of all 0ho believe in the Lord #esus% that the 0orld "ay recogni?e in their fello0ship the -ne 2ine 0ho is Christ and the Co""union of the Father and the !on in the !pirit( By the 0itness of all believers% "ay all people co"e to believe in Christ 0ho" the Father sent for the salvation of all hu"anity( Let us pray to the Lord(

"ather# gi(e glory to your Son)

,( For all of us no0 gathered around the table of the Lord% that 0e "ay learn to love and serve one another as the Lord hi"self teaches us( 1e"aining as branches in the 2ine% "ay 0e al0ays bear in abundance the fruits of charity to give glory to the Father and so co"e to share in the fullness of Boy( Let us pray to the Lord(
1( PresiderD

"ather# gi(e glory to your Son)

*at er7 '!&e 'lory to yo#r Son7 as <e 'lor!fy yo#r Na$e !n #n!on <!t


%at er yo#r )eo)le !n #n!ty an" '!&e #s al<ays t e consolat!on of t e S)!r!t so t at l!&!n' !n yo#r fello<s !) of lo&e <e $ay co$e to )artake !n yo#r f#llness of l!fe8 We ask t !s !n t e na$e of Jes#s t e Lor"8




PREPARATION O* THE ALTAR AND O* THE %I*TS :t the beginning of the liturgy of the Eucharist% there "ay be a procession of the faithful 0ith gifts for the poor(

HAN%AD Charlie Cen*on# S$ :ng sinu"ang sa a/iGy "ananahan% "ananahan din a/o sa /anya at /ung siyaGy "a"unga nang "asagana% siyaGy sa :"a Hy nagbigay ng /arangalan(

M#la n'ayon kayo-y ak!n' ka!0!'an H!nan'o sa "!l!$ at ka0a0aan8 An' ka!0!'a-y $a'9aalay n' sar!l! n!yan' 0# ay7 <alan' ! !'!t sa yar!n' )a'9aalay8
Cung paanong "ahal a/o ng a/ing :"a% sa inyoGy a/ing ipinadara"a sa pag9ibig /o /ayo sana ay "anahan at bilin /o na /ayo ay "ag"ahalan( Pinili /aGt hinirang upang "ahalin% nang "a"ungaGt bunga "oGy panatilihin( .u"ayo /aGt "a"unga ng "asagana( Cagala/ang 0alang hanggan ipa"a"ana( U,I CARITAS Ta!>e Ebi Caritas et a"or% Ebi Caritas% Deus ibi est( )he Presider ta/es the paten 0ith the bread and% holding it slightly raised above the altar saysD

,lesse" are yo# Lor"7 %o" of all creat!on8 t ro#' yo#r 'oo"ness <e a&e t !s 0rea" to offer7 < !c eart as '!&en an" #$an an"s a&e $a"e8 It <!ll 0eco$e for #s t e 0rea" of l!fe8
1( Blessed be =od forever(
)he Presider% or a concelebrant% pours 0ine and a little 0ater into the chalice saying inaudiblyD


,y t e $ystery of t !s <ater an" <!ne $ay <e co$e to s are !n t e "!&!n!ty of C r!st7 < o #$0le" !$self to s are o#r #$an!ty8
)hen the Presider ta/es the chalice and% holding it slightly raised above the altar saysD

,lesse" are yo# Lor"7 %o" of all creat!on8 T ro#' yo#r 'oo"ness <e a&e t !s <!ne to offer7 fr#!t of t e &!ne an" <ork of #$an an"s8 It <!ll 0eco$e o#r s)!r!t#al "r!nk8
1( Blessed be =od forever(

)he Presider says inaudiblyD

Lor" %o"7 <e ask yo# to rece!&e #s an" 0e )lease" <!t t e sacr!f!ce <e offer yo# <!t #$0le an" contr!te earts8
.e "ay no0 incense the offerings and the altar( :fter0ards% a "inister incenses the Presider% concelebrants and the congregation( Fe5t% the Presider stands at the side of the altar and 0ashes his hands saying inaudiblyD

Lor"7 <as a<ay $y !n!J#!ty? cleanse $e fro$ $y s!n8

!tanding at the center of the altar% facing the people% he e5tends and the Boins his hands% sayingD

Pray 0ret ren7 t at o#r sacr!f!ce $ay 0e acce)ta0le to %o"7 t e Al$!' ty *at er8

4ay the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his na"e% for our good and the good of all his Church(


Lor"7 $ake #s <ort y to cele0rate t ese $yster!es8 Eac t!$e <e offer t !s $e$or!al sacr!f!ce7 t e <ork of o#r re"e$)t!on !s acco$)l!s e"8

We ask t !s !n t e na$e of Jes#s t e Lor"8

1( :"en(

EUCHARISTIC PRAYER )he !acrifice and !acra"ent of Christ

2( 1(

T e Lor" 0e <!t yo#8

:nd also 0ith you(


2( 1( 2( 1(

L!ft #) yo#r earts8

e lift the" up to the Lord(

Let #s '!&e t anks to t e Lor" o#r %o"8

+t is right to give hi" than/s and praise(

*at er7 all9)o<erf#l an" e&er9l!&!n' %o"7 We "o <ell al<ays an" e&ery< ere to '!&e yo# t anks t ro#' Jes#s C r!st o#r Lor"8 He !s t e tr#e an" eternal )r!est < o esta0l!s e" t !s #nen"!n' sacr!f!ce8 He offere" !$self as a &!ct!$ for o#r "el!&erance an" ta#' t #s to $ake t !s offer!n' !n !s $e$ory8 As <e eat !s 0o"y < !c e 'a&e for #s7 <e 'ro< !n stren't 8 As <e "r!nk !s 0loo" < !c e )o#re" o#t for #s7 <e are <as e" clean8 No< <!t an'els an" arc an'els an" t e < ole co$)any of ea&en7 <e s!n' t e #nen"!n' y$n of yo#r )ra!se8
)he choir and the asse"bly together sing the Sanct#s(


Ryan Cayabyab !antoI !antoI !antoI Panginoong Diyos 4a/apangyarihan( Fapupuno ang Langit at Lupa ng /alG0alhatian 4oI -sana sa CaitaasanI Pinagpala ang naparirito% !a Fgalan ng PanginoonI


-sana sa CaitaasanI
EUCHARISTIC PRAYER I )he Presider% 0ith hands e5tended% saysD

We co$e to yo#7 *at er7 <!t )ra!se an" t anks'!&!n' t ro#' Jes#s C r!st yo#r Son8
.e Boins his hands and% "a/ing the sign of the cross once over both bread and chalice% saysD

T ro#' !$ <e ask yo# to acce)t an" 0less t ese '!fts <e offer yo# !n sacr!f!ce8
ith hands e5tended he continuesD

We offer t e$ for yo#r oly cat ol!c C #rc 7 <atc o&er !t7 Lor"7 an" '#!"e !t? 'rant !t )eace an" #n!ty t ro#' o#t t e <orl"8 We offer t e$ for ,ene"!ct K+I7 o#r Po)e7 for Honesto7 o#r 0!s o)7 an" for all < o ol" an" teac t e cat ol!c fa!t t at co$es to #s fro$ t e a)ostles8

Concelebrant -neD

1e"e"ber Lord% your people% especially those for 0ho" 0e no0 pray% @F% and F(A(
.e prays for the" briefly 0ith hands Boined( )hen% 0ith hands e5tended% he continues(

1e"e"ber all of us gathered here before you% you /no0 ho0 fir"ly 0e believe in you and dedicate ourselves to you( e offer you this sacrifice of praise for ourselves and those 0ho are dear to us(

e pray to you% our living and true =od% for our 0ell9being and our rede"ption(
Concelebrant )0oD

+n union 0ith the 0hole Church 0e celebrate that day 0hen #esus Christ% our Lord% 0as betrayed for us( e honor 4ary% the ever9virgin "other of #esus Christ our Lord and =od( e honor #oseph% her husband% the apostles and "artyrs% Peter and Paul% :ndre0 O#a"es% #ohn% )ho"as% #a"es% Philip% Bartholo"e0% !i"on and #ude< 0e honor Linus% Cletus% Cle"ent% !i5tus% Cornelius% Cyprian% La0rence% Chrysogonus% #ohn and Paul% Cos"as and Da"ianP and all the saints( 4ay their "erits and prayers gain us your constant help and protection(


)he Presider% 0ith hands e5tended% continues aloneD

*at er7 acce)t t !s offer!n' fro$ yo#r < ole fa$!ly !n $e$ory of t e "ay < en Jes#s C r!st o#r Lor"7 'a&e t e $yster!es of !s 0o"y an" 0loo" for !s "!sc!)les to cele0rate8 %rant #s yo#r )eace !n t !s l!fe7 sa&e #s fro$ f!nal "a$nat!on7 an" co#nt #s a$on' t ose yo#r a&e c osen8
.e Boins his hands% 0ith ar"s outstretched over the offerings% he saysD

,less an" a))ro&e o#r offer!n'?


Make !t acce)ta0le to yo#7 an offer!n' !n s)!r!t an" !n tr#t 8 Let !t 0eco$e for #s t e 0o"y an" 0loo" of Jes#s C r!st7 yo#r only Son7 o#r Lor"8
.e Boins his hands( )he 0ords of the Lord in the follo0ing for"ulas should be spo/en clearly and distinctly% as their "eaning de"ands(

T e "ay 0efore e s#ffere" to sa&e #s an" all #$an!ty7 t at !s to"ay7

.e ta/es the bread and% raising it a little above the altar% continuesD

e took 0rea" !n !s sacre" an"s

.e loo/s up0ardD

an" look!n' #) to ea&en7 to yo#7 !s al$!' ty *at er7 e 'a&e yo# t anks an" )ra!se8 He 0roke t e 0rea"7 'a&e !t to !s "!sc!)les an" sa!"=
.e bo0s slightly(


t !s7 all of yo#7 an" eat !t= t !s !s $y 0o"y '!&en #) for yo#8

< !c <!ll 0e

.e sho0s the consecrated host to the people% places it on the paten% and genuflects in adoration( )hen he continuesD

W en s#))er <as en"e"7

.e ta/es the chalice and% raising it a little above the altar% continuesD

e took t e c#)8 A'a!n e 'a&e yo# t anks an" )ra!se7 'a&e t e c#) to !s "!sc!)les7 an" sa!"=
.e bo0s slightly(

ake t !s7 all of yo#7 an" "r!nk fro$ !t= t !s !s t e c#) of $y 0loo"7 t e 0loo" of t e ne< an" e&erlast!n' co&enant8 It <!ll 0e s e" for yo# an" for all so t at s!ns $ay 0e for'!&en8 Do t !s !n $e$ory of $e8
.e sho0s the chalice to the people% places it on the corporal% and genuflects in adoration( )hen he sings or saysD

Let #s )rocla!$ t e $ystery of fa!t 8

)he choir and the asse"bly sing the Accla$at!on(

") Ramire*# S$ !i Cristo ay gunitain( !arili ay inihain% bilang pag/aiGt inu"in( Pinagsasaluhan natin( .anggang sa !iyaGy du"ating( .anggang sa !iyaGy du"ating(
)hen% 0ith hands e5tended% the Presider and concelebrants sayD


*at er7 <e cele0rate t e $e$ory of C r!st7 yo#r Son8 We7 yo#r )eo)le an" yo#r $!n!sters7 recall !s )ass!on7 !s res#rrect!on fro$ t e "ea"7 an" !s ascens!on !nto 'lory? an" fro$ t e $any '!fts yo# a&e '!&en #s <e offer to yo#7 %o" of 'lory an" $aFesty7 t !s oly an" )erfect sacr!f!ce= t e 0rea" of l!fe an" t e c#) of eternal sal&at!on8 Look <!t fa&or on t ese offer!n's an" acce)t t e$ as once yo# acce)te" t e '!fts of yo#r ser&ant A0el7 t e sacr!f!ce of A0ra a$7 o#r fat er !n fa!t 7 an" t e 0rea" an" <!ne offere" 0y yo#r )r!est Melc !>e"ec 8

Bo0ing% 0ith hands Boined% he continuesD

Al$!' ty %o"7 <e )ray t at yo#r an'el $ay take t !s sacr!f!ce to yo#r altar !n ea&en8 T en7 as <e rece!&e fro$ t !s altar7 t e sacre" 0o"y an" 0loo" of yo#r Son7
.e stands up straight and "a/es the sign of the cross% sayingD

let #s 0e f!lle" <!t e&ery 'race an" 0less!n'8

.e Boins his hands( Concelebrant )hree or Concelebrant -neD

1e"e"ber% Lord% those 0ho have died% :nd have gone before us "ar/ed 0ith the sign of faith% especially those for 0ho" 0e no0 pray @F% and F(A(
.e prays for the" briefly 0ith hands Boined( )hen% 0ith hands e5tended% he continues(

4ay these and all 0ho sleep in Christ%


find in your presence% light% happiness and peace(

.e Boins his hands( Concelebrant Four or Concelebrant )0oD

For ourselves% too% 0e as/% so"e share in the fello0ship of your apostles and "artys% 0ith #ohn the Baptist% !tephen% 4atthias% Barnabas% O+gnatius% :le5ander% 4arcellinus% Peter% Felicity% Perpetua% :gatha% Lucy% :gnes% Cecilia% :nastasiaP and all the saints(
.e stri/es his breast 0ith the right hand% sayingD

)hough 0e are sinners% 0e trust in your "ercy and love(

ith his hands e5tended as before% he continuesD

Do not consider 0hat 0e truly deserve% but grant us your forgiveness(

.e Boins his hands(

through Christ our Lord(

)he Presider says aloneD

T ro#' !$ yo# '!&e #s all t ese '!fts8 Yo# f!ll t e$ <!t yo#r l!fe an" 'oo"ness7 yo# 0less t e$ an" $ake t e$ oly8

)he Presider ta/es the paten 0ith the host and the chalice( Lifting the" up% he sings or says% Boined by the concelebrantsD


T ro#' !$7 <!t !$7 !n !$7 !n t e #n!ty of t e Holy S)!r!t7 all 'lory an" onor !s yo#rs7 al$!' ty *at er7 for e&er an" e&er8

)he choir leads the congregation as they respondD AMEN Manoling "rancisco# S$ :"en% :"en% :"en% :"en% :"en% :"en% :"enI


THE LORD-S PRAYER )he Presider introduces the LordGs prayer in these or si"ilar 0ordsD

On t !s n!' t7 Jes#s )raye" t at !s *at er-s <!ll an" not !s o<n 0e "one8 W!t t e o0e"!ence an" fa!t of Jes#s7 let #s )ray for t e co$!n' of t e :!n'"o$ as e !$self ta#' t #s8
)he choir leads the asse"bly in the singing of the LordGs Prayer 8 AMA NAMIN 'onti(eros# S$

:"a na"in su"asalangit Ca% sa"bahin ang ngalan 4o% "apasaa"in ang /aharian 4o% sundin ang loob 4o dito sa lupa para nang sa langit( Bigyan 4o /a"i ngayon ng a"ing /a/anin sa ara09ara0% at pata0arin 4o /a"i sa a"ing "ga sala% para nang pagpapata0ad na"in sa nag/a/asala sa a"in( :t hG0ag 4o /a"ing ipahintulot sa tu/so at iadya 4o /a"i sa lahat ng "asa"a(

)he Presider 0ith hands e5tended% continues aloneD

Del!&er #s Lor" fro$ e&ery e&!l7 an" 'rant #s )eace !n o#r "ay8 In yo#r $ercy kee) #s free fro$ s!n an" )rotect #s fro$ all an6!ety as <e <a!t !n Foyf#l o)e for t e co$!n' of o#r Sa&!or7 Jes#s C r!st8

!apag/at saGKo ang Caharian% Capngyarihan at Capurihan( Fgayon at "agpa/ailan"an( Fgayon at "agpa/ailan"an(


SI%N O* PEACE )he Presider% 0ith hands e5tended% says aloudD

Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 yo# sa!" to yo#r a)ostles= I lea&e yo# )eace7 $y )eace I '!&e yo#7 Look not on o#r s!ns7 0#t on t e fa!t of yo#r C #rc 7 an" 'rant #s t e )eace an" #n!ty of yo#r k!n'"o$ < ere yo# l!&e for e&er an" e&er8


)he Presider% e5tending and Boining his hands% addsD

T e )eace of t e Lor" 0e <!t yo# al<ays8


:nd also 0ith you(

)hen the Presider "ay addD

Let #s offer eac ot er t e s!'n of )eace8

:ll present "a/e an appropriate sign of peace( ,REA:IN% O* THE ,READ

MASS *OR PEACE Ryan Cayabyab Cordero ng Diyos na nag9aalis% ng "ga /asalanan ng "undo% 4aa0a Ca sa a"in( Cordero ng Diyos na nag9aalis% ng "ga /asalanan ng "undo% 4aa0a Ca sa a"in( Cordero ng Diyos na nag9aalis ng "ga /asalanan ng "undo% +pag/aloob Po Finyo% sa a"in ang /apayapaan( 4ean0hile% the Presider ta/es the .ost and brea/s it over the paten( .e places a s"all piece in the chalice% saying inaudiblyD

May t !s $!n'l!n' of t e 0o"y an" 0loo" of o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st 0r!n' eternal l!fe to #s < o rece!&e !t8

)he Presider says inaudiblyD

Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 Son of t e l!&!n' %o"7 0y t e <!ll of t e *at er an" t e <ork of t e Holy S)!r!t yo#r "eat 0ro#' t l!fe to t e <orl"8 ,y yo#r oly ,o"y an" ,loo" free $e fro$ all $y s!ns an" fro$ e&ery e&!l8 :ee) $e fa!t f#l to yo#r teac !n'7 an" ne&er let $e 0e )arte" fro$ yo#8
COMMUNION )he Presider genuflects( )a/ing the host% he raises it slightly over the paten and facing the people says aloudD

T !s !s t e La$0 of %o" < o takes a<ay t e s!ns of t e <orl"8 Ha))y are t ose < o are calle" to !s s#))er8

Lord% + a" not 0orthy to receive you% but only say the 0ord and + shall be healed(

)he Presider says inaudiblyD

May t e 0o"y of C r!st 0r!n' $e to e&erlast!n' l!fe8

.e reverently consu"es the body of Christ( )hen he ta/es the chalice and says inaudiblyD

May t e 0loo" of C r!st 0r!n' $e to e&erlast!n' l!fe

.e reverently drin/s the blood of Christ( :fter this he ta/es the paten or other vessel and goes to the co""unicants( .e ta/es a host for each one% raises it a little% and sho0s it sayingD

T e ,o"y of C r!st8
1( :"en( Co""union :ntiphonD )his body 0ill be given for you( )his is the cup of the ne0 covenant in "y blood< 0henever you receive the"% do so in re"e"brance of "e( @$ Cor $D 2892,A


hile the faithful receive co""union% Eucharistic songs are sung(

SA DAPIT9HAPON +) Tabuena & ) 'onti(eros# S$ )G0ing da/ong dapit9hapon% "ina"asdan /ong lagi% ang paglubog ng ara0% hudyat ng ta/ipsili"( =anyan ang a/ing buhay% /ung "ay dili" ang bu0an hihi0at sa baybayin sa pagsapit ng dili"( Cung "aga0a /o la"ang% ang hangin ay "apigil% at ang dili" ng hatinggabi hu0ag sanang "ag"a"ali0I Epang ang pala/aya ay laging "asagana( sa tangan /ong li0anag ang /a0aGy lalapit(

Noon' "akon' "a)!t a)on7 )!'!n' n' Pan'!noon7 sa $'a ka!0!'an ay $a' #l!n' a)#nan8 Sa 0a'on' sal#9salo7 na'"!r!<an' an' 0ayan7 an' tan'!n' kanyan' a!n ay sar!l! n!yan' 0# ay8

TINAPAY N% ,UHAY Manoling !) "rancisco# S$ Ika<7 Hes#s7 an' t!na)ay n' 0# ay7 0!nas0asan7 !nat!-t !n!alay8 ,# ay na 'ana) an' sa a$!-y kaloo0 at )a'sasalon' <alan' an''an8 Basbasan ang buhay na"ing handog% na0aGy "atulad sa pag9aalay "o( Buhay na laan nang lubos% sa "undong sa pag9ibig ay /apos( 4arapatin sa /ap0a "aging tinapay% /agala/an sa nalulu"bay% /atarungan sa naaapi at /anlungan ng bayan "ong sa0i( :fter the distribution of co""union% the ciboriu" 0ith hosts for =ood Friday is left on the altar( : period of silence "ay be observed after co""union% or a psal" or song of praise "ay be sung(



Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

Al$!' ty %o"7 <e rece!&e ne< l!fe fro$ t e s#))er yo#r Son 'a&e #s !n t !s <orl"8 May <e f!n" f#ll content$ent !n t e $eal <e o)e to s are !n yo#r eternal k!n'"o$8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


)he 4ass concludes 0ith this prayer(

THE TRANS*ER O* THE HOLY EUCHARIST :fter the prayer% the Presider stands before the altar and puts incense in the thurible( Cneeling% he incenses the Blessed !acra"ent three ti"es( )hen he receives the hu"eral veil% ta/es the ciboriu"% and covers it 0ith the ends of the veil( PROCESSION


)he Blessed !acra"ent is carried through the church in procession% led by a cross9bearer and acco"panied by candles and incense% to a place of reposition prepared in a chapel suitably decorated for the occasion( During the procession% the hy"n Pan'e L!n'#a @e5clusive of the last t0o stan?asA or so"e other eucharistic song is sung( Pange% lingua% gloriosi Corporis "ysteriu" !anguinis7ue pretiosi Que" in "undi pretiu" Fructus ventris generosi 1e5 effudit gentiu"( Fobis datus% nobis natus E5 intacta 2irgine Et in "undo conversatus !parso verbi se"ine !ui "oras incolatus 4iro clausit ordine( +n supre"ae noctae cenae 1ecu"bens cu" fratribus -bservata lege plene Cibis in legalibus Cibu" turbae duodenae !e dat suis "anibus( 2erbu" caro% pane" veru" 2erbo carne" efficit Fit7ue sanguis Christi "eru" Et si sensus deficit :d fir"andu" cor sinceru" !ola fides sufficit(

hen the procession reaches the place of reposition% the Presider sets the ciboriu" do0n( )hen he puts incense on the thurible and% /neeling% incenses the Blessed !acra"ent% 0hile the Tant#$ Er'o is sung( )he tabernacle of reposition is then closed( )antu" ergo !acra"entu" 2enere"ur cernui< Et :nti7uu" docu"entu" Fovo cedat ritui< Praestet fides supple"entu" !ensuu" defectui(


=enitori% =enito7ue Laus et iubilatio< !alus% honor% virtus 7uo7ue !it et benedictio< Procedenti ab utro7ue Co"par sit laudatio( :"en( :"en(

:fter a period of silent adoration% the Presider and "inisters genuflect and return to the sacristy( )hen the altar is stripped and% if possible% the crosses are re"oved fro" the church( +t is desirable to cover any crosses that re"ain in the church( )he faithful are encouraged to continue adoration before the Blessed !acra"ent for a suitable period of ti"e during the night% but there should be no sole"n adoration after "idnight(




C r!st 0eca$e o0e"!ent for #s e&en #nto "eat 7 "y!n' on t e cross8

@Phil 2% 'A

CELE,RATION O* THE LORD-S PASSION )he altar should be co"pletely bare% 0ithout cloths% candles% or cross( )he celebration of the LordGs passion ta/es place in the afternoon% about three oGcloc/% unless pastoral reasons suggest a later hour( )he celebration consists of three partsD liturgy of the 0ord% veneration of the cross% and holy co""union( )he Presider% the concelebrants and the deacons% 0earing red vest"ents as at 4ass% go to the altar( )here they "a/e a reverence and prostrate the"selves% or they "ay /neel( )he people /neel and all pray silently for a 0hile(


)hen the Presider goes to the chair 0ith the "inisters( .e faces the people% and% 0ith hands Boined% says one of the follo0ing prayers(

PRAYER .ands Boined( Let us pray is not said(

Lor"7 0y s e""!n' !s 0loo" for #s7 yo#r Son7 Jes#s C r!st esta0l!s e" t e Pasc al $ystery8 In yo#r 'oo"ness7 $ake #s oly an" <atc o&er #s al<ays8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8

Lor"7 0y t e s#ffer!n' of C r!st7 yo#r Son7 yo# a&e sa&e" #s all fro$ t e "eat <e !n er!te" fro$ s!nf#l A"a$8 ,y t e la< of nat#re7 <e a&e 0orne t e l!keness of !s $an oo"? $ay t e sanct!fy!n' )o<er of 'race el) #s to )#t on t e l!keness of o#r Lor" !n ea&en < o l!&es an" re!'ns fore&er an" e&er8


LITUR%Y O* THE WORD *IRST READIN% 4y servant shall be raised high and greatly e5alted(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e 0ook of t e )ro) et Isa!a

,2% $69,6% $2


!ee% "y servant shall prosper he shall be raised high and greatly e5alted( Even as "any 0ere a"a?ed at hi"L so "arred 0as his loo/ beyond that of "an% and his appearance beyond that of "ortalsL !o shall he startle "any nations% because of hi"% /ings shall stand speechless( For those 0ho have not been told shall see% those 0ho have not heard shall ponder it( ho 0ould believe 0hat 0e have heardN )o 0ho" has the ar" of the Lord been revealedN .e gre0 up li/e a sapling before hi"% Li/e a shoot fro" the parched earth< )here 0as in hi" no stately bearing to "a/e us loo/ at hi"% nor appearance that 0ould attract us to hi"( .e 0as spurned and avoided by "en% a "an of suffering accusto"ed to infir"ity% -ne of those fro" 0ho" "en hide their faces% spurned% and 0e held hi" in no estee"( Ket it 0as our infir"ities that he bore% our sufferings that he endured% hile 0e thought of hi" as stric/en% as one s"itten by =od and afflicted( But he 0as pierced for our offenses% crushed for our sins< Epon hi" 0as the chastise"ent that "ade us 0hole% by his stripes 0e 0ere healed( e had all gone astray li/e sheep% each follo0ing his o0n 0ay< But the Lord laid upon hi"% the guilt of us all( )hough he 0as harshly treated% he sub"itted hi"self and opened not his "outh<

Li/e a la"b led to the slaughter or a sheep before the shearers% he 0as silent and opened not his "outh( -ppressed and conde"ned% he 0as ta/en a0ay% and 0ho 0ould have thought any "ore of his destinyN hen he 0as cut off fro" the land of the living% and s"itten for the sins of his people% : grave 0as assigned hi" a"ong the 0ic/ed and a burial place 0ith evildoers% )hough he had done no 0rong% nor spo/en any falsehood( @But the Lord 0as pleased to crush hi" in infir"ity(A +f he leaves his life as an offering for sin he shall see his descendants in a long life% and the 0ill of the Lord shall be acco"plished through hi"( Because of his affliction% he shall see the light in fullness of daysD )hrough his suffering% "y servant shall Bustify "any% and their guilt he shall bear( )herefore% + 0ill give hi" his portion a"ong the great% and he shall divide the spoils 0ith "ighty% Because he surrendered hi"self to death and 0as counted a"ong the 0ic/edD :nd he shall ta/e a0ay the sins of "any% and 0in pardon for their offenses( T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

)han/s be to =od(
6$% 2( 6( $29$6( $,9$6( $>( 2,




*at er7 !nto Yo#r an"s7 I co$$en" $y s)!r!t8 @L/ 26% 86A

+n you% - Lord% + ta/e refuge< let "e never be put to sha"e( +n your Bustice rescue "e( +nto your hands + co""end "y spirit< you 0ill redee" "e% - Lord% - faithful =od(

*at er7 !nto Yo#r an"s7 I co$$en" $y s)!r!t

For all "y foes + a" an obBect of reproach% a laughing stoc/ to "y neighbors% and a dread to "y friends< they 0ho see "e abroad flee fro" "e( + a" forgotten li/e the unre"e"bered dead< + a" li/e a dish that is bro/en(

*at er7 !nto Yo#r an"s7 I co$$en" $y s)!r!t

But "y trust is in you% - Lord< + say% JKou are "y =od(M +n your hands is "y destiny< rescue "e fro" the clutches of "y ene"ies and "y persecutors(

*at er7 I )#t $y l!fe !n yo#r an"s8

Let your face shine upon your servant< save "e in your /indness( )a/e courage and be stouthearted% all you 0ho hope in the Lord(

*at er7 !nto Yo#r an"s7 I co$$en" $y s)!r!t

SECOND READIN% .e learned obedience fro" 0hat he suffered% and beca"e the source of life for all 0ho obey hi"(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e letter to t e He0re<s

8% $89$6< ,% >9&

e have a great high priest 0ho has passed through the heavens% #esus% the !on of =od< let us hold fast in our profession of faith( For 0e do not have a high priest 0ho is unable to sy"phati?e 0ith our 0ea/ness% but one 0ho 0as te"pted in every 0ay that 0e are% yet never sinned( !o let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive "ercy and favor and to find help in ti"e of need( +n the days 0hen he 0as in the flesh% Christ offered prayers and supplications 0ith loud cries and tears to =od% 0ho 0as able to save hi" fro" death% and he 0as heard because of his reverence( !on though he 0as% he learned obedience fro" 0hat he suffered< and 0hen perfected% he beca"e the source of eternal salvation for all 0ho obey hi"(

T e Wor" of t e Lor" 1( )han/s be to =od(

)he lectionary is re"oved fro" the a"bo if the Boo/ of the =ospels is used(


=lory and praise to Kou% Lord #esus ChristI

+ERSE ,E*ORE THE %OSPEL Phil 2% '9&

C r!st 0eca$e o0e"!ent for #s e&en to "eat 7 "y!n' on t e cross8 T erefore %o" ra!se" !$ on !' an" 'a&e !$ t e na$e a0o&e all ot er na$es8 =lory and praise to Kou% Lord #esus ChristI

%OSPEL .e bo0ed his head and delivered over his spirit(

#n $'% $9$&% 82(

)he Passion is proclai"ed 0ithout candles or incense( )he greeting and the sign of the cross are o"itted( 2(

T e Pass!on of O#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st accor"!n' to Jo n


#esus 0ent out 0ith his disciples across the Cidron 2alley( )here 0as a garden there% and he and his disciples entered it( )he place 0as fa"iliar to #udas as 0ell @the one 0ho 0as to hand hi" overA because #esus had often "et there 0ith his disciples( #udas too/ the cohort as 0ell as guards supplied by the chief priest and the Pharisees% and ca"e there 0ith lanterns% torches and 0eapons( #esus% a0are of all that 0ould happen to hi"% stepped for0ard and said to the"% AW o !s !t yo# <antBC @)hey replied%A ,$esus the -a*orean),

C Crd

.e ans0ered% AI a$ e8C @Fo0% #udas% the one 0ho 0as to hand hi" over% 0as there 0ith the"(A :s #esus said to the"% J+ a" he%M they retreated slightly and fell to the ground( #esus put the 7uestion to the" again% AW o !s !t yo# <antBC )hey repeated% ,$esus the -a*orean), #esus said% AI a&e tol" yo#7 I a$ e8 If I a$ t e one yo# <ant7 let t ese $en 'o8C @)his is to fulfill 0hat he had said% J+ have not lost one of those you gave "e(MA )hen !i"on Peter 0ho had a s0ord% dre0 it and struc/ the slave of the high priest% severing his right ear( @)he slaveGs na"e 0as 4alchus(A :t that% #esus said to Peter% CP#t yo#r s<or" 0ack !n !ts s eat 8 A$ I not to "r!nk t e c#) t e *at er as '!&en $eBC )hen the soldiers of the cohort% their tribune% and the #e0ish guards% arrested #esus and bound hi"( )hey led hi" first to :nnas% the father9 in9la0 of Caiaphas 0ho 0as high priest that year( @+t 0as Caiaphas 0ho had proposed to the #e0s the advantage of having one "an die for the people(A

C Crd C

!i"on Peter% in co"pany 0ith another disciple% /ept follo0ing #esus closely( )his disciple% 0ho 0as /no0n to the high priest% stayed 0ith #esus as far as the high priestGs courtyard% 0hile Peter 0as left standing at the gate( )he disciple /no0n to the high priest ca"e out

and spo/e to the 0o"an at the gate and then brought Peter in( )his servant girl 0ho /ept the gate said to Peter%
!= C Ptr C

J:re you not one of this "anGs follo0ersNM

.e replied%
JFot +(M

Fo0 the night 0as cold% and the servants and the guards 0ho 0ere standing around had "ade a charcoal fire to 0ar" the"selves by( Peter Boined the" and stood there 0ar"ing hi"self(

)he high priest 7uestioned #esus% first about his disciples% then about his teaching( #esus ans0ered by saying% CI a&e s)oken )#0l!cly to any < o <o#l" l!sten8 I al<ays ta#' t !n a syna'o'#e or !n t e te$)le area < ere all t e Je<s co$e to'et er8 T ere <as not !n' secret a0o#t anyt !n' I sa!"8 W y "o yo# J#est!on $eB M#est!on t ose < o ear" $e < en I s)oke8 It s o#l" 0e o0&!o#s t ey <!ll kno< < at I sa!"8C :t this reply% one of the guards 0ho 0as standing nearby gave #esus a sharp blo0 on the face( .e said% M+s that the 0ay to ans0er the high priestNM #esus replied% AIf I sa!" anyt !n' <ron'7 )ro"#ce t e e&!"ence7 0#t !f I s)oke t e tr#t < y !t $eBC :nnas ne5t sent hi"% bound% to the high priest Caiaphas(

= C

:ll through this% !i"on had been standing there 0ar"ing hi"self( )hey said to hi"%

Crd C Ptr C

,.re you not a disciple of his/, .e deniedD

M+ a" notIM

-ne of the high priestGs slavesLas it happened% a relative of the "an 0hose ear Peter had severedLinsisted%
MBut did + not see you 0ith hi" in the gardenNM

! C

Peter denied it again( :t that "o"ent a coc/ began to cro0(


:t daybrea/% they brought #esus fro" Caiaphas to the praetoriu"( )hey did not enter the praetoriu" the"selves% for they had to avoid ritual i"purity if they 0ere to eat the Passover supper( Pilate ca"e out to the" and de"anded%
J hat accusation do you bring against this "anNM

P C Crd

)hey retorted% ,If he 0ere not a criminal# 0e 0ould certainly not ha(e handed him o(er to you), :t this% Pilate said%
J hy do you not ta/e hi" and pass Budg"ent on hi" according to your la0NM


C Crd C

)he #e0s ans0ered% ,1e may not put anyone to death), @)his 0as to fulfill 0hat #esus had said% indicating the sort of death he had to die(A



Pilate 0ent bac/ into the praetoriu" and su""oned #esus( .e as/ed hi"%
J:re you the Cing of the #e0sNM


#esus ans0ered% AAre yo# say!n' t !s on yo#r o<n7 or a&e ot ers 0een tell!n' yo# a0o#t $eBC Pilate retorted%
J+ a" no #e0I +t is your o0n people and the chief priests 0ho have handed you over to "e( hat have you doneNM


#esus ans0ered% AMy k!n'"o$ "oes not 0elon' to t !s <orl"8 If $y k!n'"o$ <ere of t !s <orl"7 $y s#0Fects <o#l" 0e f!' t!n' to sa&e $e fro$ 0e!n' an"e" o&er to t e Je<s8 As !t !s7 $y k!n'"o$ !s not ere8C :t this% Pilate said to hi"%
J!o% then% you are a /ingNM


@#esus replied%A AIt !s yo# < o say I a$ a k!n'B T e reason I <as 0orn7 t e reason < y I ca$e !nto t e <orl"7 !s to test!fy to t e tr#t 8 Anyone co$$!tte" to t e tr#t ears $y &o!ce8C Pilate said%
J)ruthI hat does that "eanNM




:fter this re"ar/% Pilate 0ent out again to the #e0s and said to the"D
J!pea/ing for "yself% + find no case against this "an( 1ecall you custo" 0hereby + release to you so"eone at Passover ti"e( Do you 0ant "e to release to you the /ing of the #e0sNM

C Crd C

)hey shouted bac/% ,1e 0ant +arabbas# not this one2, @Barabbas 0as an insurrectionist(A

PilateGs ne5t "ove 0as to ta/e #esus and have hi" scourged( )he soldiers then 0ove a cro0n of thorns and fi5ed it on his head% thro0ing around his shoulders a cloa/ of royal purple( 1epeatedly% they ca"e up to hi" and 0hile slapping his face% said% ,.ll hail# 3ing of the $e0s2,



Pilate 0ent out a second ti"e and said to the cro0dD

J-bserve 0hat + do( + a" going to bring hi" out to you to "a/e you reali?e that + find no case against hi"(M

hen #esus ca"e out 0earing the cro0n of thorns and a purple cloa/% Pilate said to the"%
JLoo/ at the "anIM


:s soon as the chief priests and the te"ple guards sa0 hi"% they shouted% ,Crucify him2 Crucify him2, Pilate said%

Crd C


P C Crd

J)a/e hi" and crucify hi" yourselves< + find no case against hi"(M

)he #e0s responded% ,1e ha(e our la0 and according to that la0 he must die because he made himself 4od5s Son), hen Pilate heard this tal/% he 0as "ore afraid than ever(


=oing bac/ into the praetoriu"% he said to #esus%

J here do you co"e fro"NM

#esus 0ould not give hi" any ans0er( Pilate as/ed hi"%
JDo you refuse to spea/ to "eN Do you not /no0 that + have the po0er to release you and the po0er to crucify youNM

@#esus ans0ered%A AYo# <o#l" a&e no )o<er o&er $e < ate&er #nless !t <ere '!&en yo# fro$ a0o&e8 T at !s < y e < o an"e" $e o&er to yo# !s '#!lty of t e 'reater s!n8C


:fter this% Pilate 0as eager to release hi"% but the #e0s shouted% ,If you free this man you are no 6"riend of Caesar)5 .nyone 0ho ma7es himself a 7ing becomes Caesar5s ri(al), Pilate heard 0hat they 0ere saying% then brought #esus outside and too/ a seat on a BudgeGs bench at a place called the !tone Pave"entL

=abbatha in .ebre0( @+t 0as the Preparation Day for Passover% and the hour 0as about noon(A .e said to the #e0s%
P C Crd C P C CP C

JLoo/ at your /ingIM

:t this they shouted% ,.0ay 0ith him2 .0ay 0ith him2 Crucify him2, Pilate e5clai"ed%
J hatI !hall + crucify your /ingNM

)he chief priests replied%

M e have no /ing but Caesar(M

+n the end% Pilate handed #esus over to be crucified(


#esus 0as led a0ay% and carrying the cross by hi"self% 0ent out to 0hat is called the Place of the !/ull @in .ebre0% =olgothaA( )here they crucified hi" and t0o others 0ith hi"D one on either side% #esus in the "iddle( Pilate had an inscription placed on the cross 0hich read% #E!E! ).E F:R-1E:F% ).E C+F= -F ).E #E !( )his inscription in .ebre0% Latin and =ree/% 0as read by "any of the #e0s since the place 0here #esus 0as crucified 0as near the city( )he chief priests of the #e0s tried to tell Pilate%
MKou should not have 0ritten% H)he Cing of the #e0s(G "an clai"ed to be Cing of the #e0s(GM rite instead% H)his



Pilate replied%
M hat + have 0ritten% + have 0ritten(M

:fter the soldiers had crucified #esus they too/ his gar"ents and divided the" four 0ays% one for each soldier( )here 0as also his tunic%


but this tunic 0as 0oven in one piece fro" top to botto" and had no sea"( )hey said to each other%
! C

M e should not tear it( Let us thro0 dice to see 0ho gets it(M

@)he purpose of this 0as to have the !cripture fulfilledD )hey divided "y gar"ents a"ong the"< for "y clothing they cast lots(MA :nd this 0as 0hat the soldiers did( Fear the cross of #esus there stood his "other% his "otherGs sister% 4ary the 0ife of Clopas% and 4ary 4agdalene( !eeing 4ary there 0ith the disciple 0ho" he loved% #esus said to his "otherD AWo$an7 t ere !s yo#r son8C +n turn% he said to the disciple% AT ere !s yo#r $ot er8C Fro" that hour on0ard% the disciple too/ her into his care( :fter that% #esus% reali?ing that everything 0as not finished% said to fulfill the !cripture% AI a$ t !rsty8C )here 0as a Bar there full of co""on 0ine( )hey stuc/ a sponge soa/ed in this 0ine on so"e hyssop and raised it to his lips( hen #esus too/ the 0ine% he said% ANo< !t !s f!n!s e"8C )hen he bo0ed his head% and delivered over his spirit(

:ll /neel and pause "o"entarily(



!ince it 0as the Preparation Day the #e0s did not 0ant to have the bodies left on the cross during the sabbath% for that sabbath 0as a sole"n feast day( )hey as/ed Pilate that the legs be bro/en and the bodies be ta/en a0ay( :ccordingly% the soldiers ca"e and bro/e the legs of the "en crucified 0ith #esus% first of the one% then of the other( hen they ca"e to #esus and sa0 that he 0as already dead% they did not brea/ his legs( -ne of the soldiers ran a lance into his side% and i""ediately% blood and 0ater flo0ed out( @)his testi"ony has been given by an eye0itness and his testi"ony is true( .e tells 0hat he /no0s is true so that you "ay believe(A )hese events too/ place for the fulfill"ent of !criptureD JBrea/ none of his bones(M )here is still another !cripture passage 0hich says% J)hey shall loo/ on hi" 0ho" they have pierced(M

:fter0ard% #oseph of :ri"athea% a disciple of #esus @although a secret one for fear of the #e0sA as/ed PilateGs per"ission to re"ove #esusG body( Pilate granted it% so they ca"e and too/ the body a0ay( Ficode"us @the "an 0ho had first co"e to #esus at nightA li/e0ise ca"e% bringing a "i5ture of "yrrh and aloes% 0hich 0eighed about a hundred pounds( )hey too/ #esusG body% and in accordance 0ith #e0ish burial custo"% bound it up in 0rappings of cloth 0ith perfu"ed oils( +n the place 0here he had been crucified there 0as a garden% and in the garden a ne0 to"b in 0hich no one had ever been buried( Because of the #e0ish Preparation Day they buried #esus there% for the to"b 0as close at hand(

T e %os)el of t e Lor"8

Praise to you% Lord #esus Christ(

:t the conclusion of the reading% the boo/ is not /issed( HOMILY :fter the reading of the Passion there "ay be a brief ho"ily( %ENERAL INTERCESSIONS

)he general intercessions conclude the liturgy of the 0ord( )he Presider stands at the chair% or he "ay be at the lectern or at the altar( ith his hands Boined% he sings or says the introduction in 0hich each intention is stated( :ll /neel and pray silently for so"e period of ti"e% and then the Presider% 0ith hands e5tended% sings or says the prayer( )he people "ay either /neel or stand throughout the entire period of the general intercessions( $( *or t e C #rc

Let #s )ray7 "ear fr!en"s7 for t e oly C #rc of %o" t ro#' o#t t e <orl"7 t at %o" t e al$!' ty *at er '#!"e !t an" 'at er !t to'et er so t at <e $ay <ors !) !$ !n )eace an" tranJ#!l!ty8
:ll /neel for so"e "o"ents of silent prayer( :ll rise and the Presider continues 0ith hands e5tended(

Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 yo# a&e s o<n yo#r 'lory to t e nat!ons !n C r!st7 yo#r Son8 %#!"e t e <ork of yo#r C #rc 8 Hel) !t to )erse&ere !n fa!t 7 )rocla!$ yo#r na$e an" 0r!n' yo#r sal&at!on to )eo)le e&ery< ere8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


2( *or t e )o)e

Let #s )ray for o#r Holy *at er7 Po)e ,ene"!ct K+I7 t at %o" < o c ose !$ to 0e 0!s o) $ay '!&e !$ ealt an" stren't to '#!"e an" 'o&ern %o"-s oly )eo)le8
:ll /neel for so"e "o"ents of silent prayer(


:ll rise and the Presider continues 0ith hands e5tended(

Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 yo# '#!"e all t !n's 0y yo#r <or"7 yo# 'o&ern all C r!st!an )eo)le8 In yo#r lo&e7 )rotect t e )o)e yo# a&e c osen for #s8 Un"er !s lea"ers !)7 "ee)en o#r fa!t an" $ake #s 0etter C r!st!ans8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


6( *or t e cler'y an" la!ty of t e C #rc

Let #s )ray for Honesto o#r 0!s o)? for all 0!s o)s7 )r!ests an" "eacons? for all < o a&e a s)ec!al $!n!stry !n t e C #rc an" for all %o"-s )eo)le8
:ll /neel for so"e "o"ents of silent prayer( :ll rise and the Presider continues 0ith hands e5tended(

Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 Yo#r S)!r!t '#!"es t e C #rc an" $akes !t oly8 L!sten to o#r )rayers an" el) eac of #s !n o#r o<n &ocat!on to "o yo#r <ork $ore fa!t f#lly8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8
1( :"en( 8( *or t ose )re)ar!n' for 0a)t!s$

Let #s )ray for t ose Ga$on' #sH )re)ar!n' for 0a)t!s$7 t at %o" !n !s $ercy $ake t e$ res)ons!&e to !s lo&e7 for'!&e t e!r s!ns t ro#' t e <aters of ne< 0!rt 7 an" '!&e t e$ l!fe !n Jes#s C r!st o#r Lor"8
:ll /neel for so"e "o"ents of silent prayer( :ll rise and the Presider continues 0ith hands e5tended(


Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 yo# cont!n#ally 0less yo#r C #rc <!t ne< $e$0ers8 Increase t e fa!t an" #n"erstan"!n' of t ose Ga$on' #sH )re)ar!n' for 0a)t!s$8 %!&e t e$ a ne< 0!rt !n t ese l!&!n' <aters an" $ake t e$ $e$0ers of yo#r c osen fa$!ly8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


,( *or t e #n!ty of C r!st!ans

Let #s )ray for all o#r 0rot ers an" s!sters < o s are o#r fa!t !n Jes#s C r!st7 t at %o" $ay 'at er an" kee) to'et er !n one C #rc all < o seek t e tr#t <!t s!ncer!ty8
:ll /neel for so"e "o"ents of silent prayer( :ll rise and the Presider continues 0ith hands e5tended(

Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 yo# kee) to'et er t ose yo# a&e #n!te"8 Look k!n"ly on all < o follo< Jes#s yo#r Son8 We are all consecrate" to yo# 0y o#r co$$on 0a)t!s$7 Make #s one !n t e f#llness of fa!t an" kee) #s one !n t e fello<s !) of lo&e8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


6( *or t e Je<!s )eo)le

Let #s )ray for t e Je<!s )eo)le7 t e f!rst to ear t e <or" of %o"7 t at t ey $ay cont!n#e to 'ro< !n t e lo&e of !s na$e an" !n fa!t f#lness to !s co&enant8

:ll /neel for so"e "o"ents of silent prayer( :ll rise and the Presider continues 0ith hands e5tended(

Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 lon' a'o yo# 'a&e yo#r )ro$!se to A0ra a$ an" !s )oster!ty8 L!sten to yo#r C #rc as <e )ray t at t e )eo)le yo# f!rst $a"e yo#r o<n $ay arr!&e at t e f#llness of re"e$)t!on8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8
1( :"en( >( *or t ose < o "o not 0el!e&e !n C r!st

Let #s )ray for t ose < o "o not 0el!e&e !n C r!st7 t at t e l!' t of t e Holy S)!r!t $ay s o< t e$ t e <ay to sal&at!on8
:ll /neel for so"e "o"ents of silent prayer( :ll rise and the Presider continues 0ith hands e5tended(

Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 Ena0le t ose < o "o not ackno<le"'e C r!st to f!n" t e tr#t as t ey <alk 0efore yo# !n s!ncer!ty of eart8 Hel) #s to 'ro< !n lo&e for one anot er7 to 'ras) $ore f#lly t e $ystery of yo#r 'o" ea"7 an" to 0eco$e $ore )erfect <!tnesses of yo#r lo&e !n t e s!' t of all )eo)le8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


'( *or t ose < o "o not 0el!e&e !n %o"

Let #s )ray for t ose < o "o not 0el!e&e !n %o" t at t ey $ay f!n" !$ 0y s!ncerely follo<!n' all t at !s r!' t8
:ll /neel for so"e "o"ents of silent prayer( :ll rise and the Presider continues 0ith hands e5tended(


Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 yo# create" $ank!n" so t at all $ay lon' to f!n" yo# an" a&e )eace < en yo# are fo#n"8 %rant t at7 !n s)!te of t e #rtf#l t !n's t at stan" !n t e!r <ay7 t ey $ay reco'n!>e !n t e l!&es of C r!st!ans t e tokens of yo#r lo&e an" $ercy an" ackno<le"'e yo# as t e one tr#e %o" an" *at er of #s all8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8
1( :"en( &( *or all !n )#0l!c off!ce

Let #s )ray for t ose < o ser&e #s !n )#0l!c off!ce7 t at %o" $ay '#!"e t e!r $!n"s an" earts so t at all $ay l!&e !n tr#e )eace an" free"o$8
:ll /neel for so"e "o"ents of silent prayer( :ll rise and the Presider continues 0ith hands e5tended(

Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 yo# kno< t e lon'!n's of $en-s earts an" yo# )rotect t e!r r!' ts8 In yo#r 'oo"ness7 <atc o&er t ose !n a#t or!ty so t at )eo)le e&ery< ere $ay enFoy rel!'!o#s free"o$7 sec#r!ty an" )eace8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


$0( *or t ose !n s)ec!al nee"

Let #s )ray7 "ear fr!en"s7 t at %o" t e al$!' ty *at er7 $ay eal t e s!ck7 co$fort t e "y!n'7 '!&e safety to tra&elers7 free t ose #nF#stly "e)r!&e" of l!0erty7 an" r!" t e <orl" of false oo"7 #n'er an" "!sease8
:ll /neel for so"e "o"ents of silent prayer( :ll rise and the Presider continues 0ith hands e5tended(


Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 yo# '!&e stren't to t e <eary an" ne< co#ra'e to t ose < o lost eart8 Hear t e )rayers of all < o call on yo# !n any tro#0le so t at t ey $ay a&e t e Foy of rece!&!n' yo#r el) !n t e!r nee"8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


*IRST *ORM O* SHOWIN% THE CROSS )he veiled cross is carried to the altar% acco"panied by t0o "inisters 0ith lighted candles( !tanding at the altar% the Presider ta/es the cross% uncovers the upper part of it% then elevates it and begins the invitationD

T !s !s t e <oo" of t e Cross7 on < !c <as #n' t e Sa&!or of t e <orl"8


Co"e let us 0orship(

:ll /neel and venerate the cross briefly in silence( )he Presider re"ains standing and holds the cross high( )hen the Presider uncovers the right ar" of the cross% lifts it up% and again begins the invitation(

T !s !s t e <oo" of t e Cross7 on < !c <as #n' t e Sa&!or of t e <orl"8


Co"e let us 0orship(

:ll /neel and venerate the cross briefly in silence( )he Presider re"ains standing and holds the cross high( )hen the Presider uncovers the entire cross% lifts it up% and begins the invitation a third ti"e(

T !s !s t e <oo" of t e Cross7 on < !c <as #n' t e Sa&!or of t e <orl"8


Co"e let us 0orship(

:ll /neel and venerate the cross briefly in silence( )he Presider re"ains standing and holds the cross high(


:cco"panied by t0o "inisters% the Presider then carries the cross to the entrance of the sanctuary or to another suitable place( Candles are placed on either side of the Cross( .e venerates it hi"self and the rest follo0 after hi"( )hey "a/e a si"ple genuflection andSor so"e other sign of reverence according to local custo"% for e5a"ple% /issing the cross( SECOND *ORM O* SHOWIN% THE CROSS )he Presider or deacon% acco"panied by t0o "inisters% or by another suitable "inister% goes to the church door( )here he ta/es the @uncoveredA cross% and the "inisters ta/e lighted candles( )hey go in procession through the church to the sanctuary( Fear the entrance% the one carrying the cross stops% lifts it up and sings the invitationD

T !s !s t e <oo" of t e Cross7 on < !c <as #n' t e Sa&!or of t e <orl"8


Co"e let us 0orship(

:ll /neel and venerate the cross briefly in silence( )he one 0ho carries the cross re"ains standing and holds the cross high( +n the "iddle of the church% the one carrying the cross again stops% lifts it up and sings the invitationD

T !s !s t e <oo" of t e Cross7 on < !c <as #n' t e Sa&!or of t e <orl"8


Co"e let us 0orship(

:ll /neel and venerate the cross briefly in silence( )he one 0ho carries the cross re"ains standing and holds the cross high( :t the entrance to the sanctuary% the one carrying the cross stops% lifts it up% and sings the invitation a third ti"e(

T !s !s t e <oo" of t e Cross7 on < !c <as #n' t e Sa&!or of t e <orl"8


Co"e let us 0orship(

:ll /neel and venerate the cross briefly in silence( )he one carrying the cross re"ains standing and holds the cross high( )hen the cross and candles are placed at the entrance of the sanctuary( )he Presider venerates the cross hi"self and the rest follo0 after hi"(


)hey "a/e a si"ple genuflection andSor so"e other sign of reverence according to local custo"% for e5a"ple% /issing the cross( O SACRED HEAD SURROUNDED Sir 1)') +a7er & 'ans Leo 'assler - !acred head surrounded by cro0n of piercing thorn(

- bleeding head so 0ounded% reviled and put to scorn( -ur sins have "arred the glory of thy "ost holy face( Ket angel hosts adore thee and tre"ble as they ga?e( )he Lord of evGry nation 0as hung upon a tree( .is death 0as our salvation% our sins his agony( - #esus% by thy passion% thy life in us increase( )hy death for us did fashion our pardon and our peace(
PA%:A,I%HANI Panalangin ni !an Francisco #avier .le8o# S$ & "rancisco# S$ .indi sa langit 4ong panga/o sa a/in% a/o naaa/it na CitaGy "ahalin( :t hindi sa apoy /ahit anong lagi"% a/o "apipilit nginig Cang sa"bahin( Faaa/it a/o nang /itaGy "a"alas% na/apa/o sa /rus hinaha"a/9ha"a/( Faaa/it ng HKong /ata0ang "ay sugat% at ng tinanggap 4ong /a"atayaGt liba/( Faaa/it a/o ng HKong pag9ibig% /ayaGt "ahal Cita /ahit 0alang langit( Cahit 0alang apoy sa HKoGy "anginginig( .G0ag nang "ag9abala upang ibigin Ca( Pag/at /ung pag9asaGy bula la"ang pala alang "agbabago% "ahal pa rin Cita( ONLY THIS I WANT Dan Schutte


Only t !s I <ant7 0#t to kno< t e Lor" an" to 0ear !s cross so to <ear t e cro<n e <ore8 :ll but this is loss% 0orthless refuse to "e% for to gain the Lord is to gain all + need( + 0ill run the race% + 0ill fight the good fight% so to 0in the pri?e of the /ingdo" of "y Lord( Let your hearts be glad% al0ays glad in the Lord% so to shine li/e stars in the dar/ness of the night( O HESUS7 HILUMIN MO Manoling !) "rancisco# S$ O Hes#s7 !l#$!n $o ak!n' s#'atan' )#so nan' ak!n' $a an'o ka)<a kon' kas!n' 0!'o8 .apis at pait% iyong pata"isin at hag/an ang sa/it nang "agningas ang ri/it( :/ing sugatang di0aGt /ata0an na0aGy "aging daan ng Hyong /aligtasan( PA%:A:AI,I%AN Charlie Cen*on# S$ :ng sinu"ang sa a/iGy "ananahan% "ananahan din a/o sa /anya at /ung siyaGy "a"unga nang "asagana% siyaGy sa :"a Hy nagbigay ng /arangalan(

M#la n'ayon kayo-y ak!n' ka!0!'an H!nan'o sa "!l!$ at ka0a0aan8 An' ka!0!'a-y $a'9aalay n' sar!l! n!yan' 0# ay7 <alan' ! !'!t sa yar!n' )a'9aalay8
Cung paanong "ahal a/o ng a/ing :"a% sa inyoGy a/ing ipinadara"a sa pag9ibig /o /ayo sana ay "anahan at bilin /o na /ayo ay "ag"ahalan( Pinili /aGt hinirang upang "ahalin% nang "a"ungaGt bunga "oGy panatilihin( .u"ayo /aGt "a"unga ng "asagana( Cagala/ang 0alang hanggan ipa"a"ana( HESUS NA A:IN% :APATID duardo 'onti(eros# S$ .esus na a/ing /apatid% sa lupa na"iGy bu"ali/ iyong "u/haGy ibang9iba% hindi /ita na/i/ilala(


T#l#tan $on' ak!n' $ata7 $a$#lat sa katoto anan7 !ka< Poon $ak!k!lala sa taon' $a)a'k#$0a0a8
.esus na a/ing /apatid% puti/in "an ang Hyong sapin% punit9punit ang Hyong da"it% na0a<y "apasa9a/in( .esus na a/ing /apatid% sa bu/id /a nagtatani"% o sa paleng/e rin na"an% i/a0 ay nagahahanap9buhay(

CRUCEM TUAM Tai*e Cruce" tua" adora"us% Do"ine( 1esurrectione" tua" lauda"us% Do"ine( Lauda"us et glorifica"us% resurrectione" tua"% lauda"us Do"ineI

:fter the veneration% the cross "ay be placed in a suitable place in the sanctuary% 0ith candles on either side ot it(

HOLY COMMUNION )he altar is covered 0ith a cloth% and the corporal and boo/ are placed on it( )hen the deacon% or if there is no deacon% the Presider% brings the ciboriu" 0ith the Blessed !acra"ent fro" the place of reposition to the altar 0ithout any procession% 0hile all stand in silence( 4inisters 0ith lighted candles acco"pany hi" and they place their candles near the altar or on it(


)hen the deacon or the Presider places the ciboriu" on the altar and uncovers it( )he Presider @co"ing fro" his chairA genuflects @and goes up to the altarA( ith hands Boined% he says aloudD

Let #s )ray <!t conf!"ence to t e *at er !n t e <or"s o#r Sa&!or 'a&e #s8
.e e5tends his hands and continues 0ith all presentD

O#r *at er !n ea&en7 oly 0e yo#r na$e? yo#r k!n'"o$ co$e7 yo#r <!ll 0e "one on eart as !t !s !n ea&en8 %!&e #s t !s "ay o#r "a!ly 0rea" an" for'!&e #s o#r s!ns as <e for'!&e t ose < o s!nne" a'a!nst #s8 Do not 0r!n' #s to t e test 0#t "el!&er #s fro$ e&!l8
)he Presider 0ith hands e5tended% continues aloneD

Del!&er #s Lor" fro$ e&ery e&!l7 an" 'rant #s )eace !n o#r "ay8 In yo#r $ercy kee) #s free fro$ s!n an" )rotect #s fro$ all an6!ety as <e <a!t !n Foyf#l o)e for t e co$!n' of o#r Sa&!or7 Jes#s C r!st8

For the /ingdo"% the po0er% and the glory are yours% no0 and for ever(

PRI+ATE PREPARATION )hen the Presider Boins his hands and says inaudiblyD

Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 <!t fa!t !n yo#r lo&e an" $ercy7 I eat yo#r 0o"y an" "r!nk yo#r 0loo"8 Let !t not 0r!n' $e con"e$nat!on7 0#t ealt !n $!n" an" 0o"y8

COMMUNION )he Presider genuflects( )a/ing the host% he raises it slightly over the paten and facing the people says aloudD

T !s !s t e La$0 of %o" < o takes a<ay t e s!ns of t e <orl"8 Ha))y are t ose < o are calle" to !s s#))er8

Lord% + a" not 0orthy to receive you But only say the 0ord and + shall be healed(

)he Presider says inaudiblyD

May t e 0o"y of C r!st 0r!n' $e to e&erlast!n' l!fe8

.e reverently consu"es the body of Christ( )hen he ta/es the chalice and says inaudiblyD

May t e 0loo" of C r!st 0r!n' $e to e&erlast!n' l!fe

.e reverently drin/s the blood of Christ( :fter this he ta/es the paten or other vessel and goes to the co""unicants( .e ta/es a host for each one% raises it a little% and sho0s it sayingD

T e ,o"y of C r!st8


NOW WE REMAIN Da(id 'aas We ol" t e "eat of t e Lor" "ee) !n o#r earts8 L!&!n'7 no< <e re$a!n <!t Jes#s t e C r!st8 -nce 0e 0ere people afraid% lost in the night( )hen by your cross 0e 0ere saved< dead beca"e living% life fro" your giving( !o"ething 0hich 0e have /no0n% so"ething 0eGve touched% 0hat 0e have seen 0ith our eyesD


this 0e have heard% life9giving


.e chose to give of hi"self% beca"e our bread( Bro/en% that 0e "ight live( Love beyond love% pain for our pain( e are the presence of =od% this is our call( Fo0 to beco"e bread and 0ineD food for the hungry% life for the 0eary( For to live 0ith the Lord% 0e "ust die 0ith the Lord( H-WA% MAN%AM,A Manoling !) "rancisco# S$ Cahit Hdi "alina0 Hyong patutunguhan% /ahit Hdi "atana0 ang /inabu/asan% hG0ag "anga"ba% lagi /itang pangungunahan% "agti0ala a/oGy sundan( Lahat ng ta/ot "oGy a/ing naranasan( Lahat ng hirap "oGy a/ing naraanan( Cailan a/o Hdi naasahanN Cailan /ita pinabayaanN 4agti0ala a/oGy sundan( H-<a' $an'a$0a7 H-<a' $a0al!sa7 H-<a' $a0a ala8 Sa l!'al!' !n"! kota )a"arak$a8 Manal!' ka7 $a't!<ala at $a)aya)a8 Pa'9!0!' kon' kalasa' $o-y sa)at na8 Cahit Hdi "alina0 a/ing /alooban% o "a/itid ang pinatataha/ /ong daan( :sahan "ong /apayapaaGy "atata"o sa hantungan( 4agti0ala% a/oGy sundan( Hwag mangamba, Hwag mabalisa, Hwag mabahala. Sa ligalig hindi kota padarakma. Manalig ka, magtiwala at mapayapa. Pag-ibig kong kalasag moy sapat na. Pag-ibig kong kalasag moy sapat na. HOLY DAR:NESS +nspired by !aint #ohn of the Cross Dan Schutte


Holy "arkness7 0lesse" n!' t7 Hea&en-s ans<er !""en fro$ o#r s!' t8 As <e a<a!t yo#7 O %o" of s!lence7 <e e$0race yo#r oly n!' t8 + have tried you in fires of affliction< + have taught your soul to grieve( +n the barren soil of your loneliness% there 0ill + plant "y seed( + have taught you the price of co"passion% you have stood before the grave( )hough "y love can see" li/e a raging stor"% this is the love that saves( ere you there 0hen + raised up the "ountainsN Can you guide the "orning starN Does the ha0/ ta/e flight 0hen you give co""andN hy do you doubt "y po0erN In your deepest hour of dar7ness) I 0ill gi(e you 0ealth untold) 1hen the silence stills your spirit# 0ill my riches fill your soul) .s the 0atchman 0aits for morning# and the bride a0aits her groom# so 0e 0ait to hear your footsteps# bas 0e rest beneath your moon)

:fter the distribution of co""union% a suitable "inister "ay ta/e the ciboriu"% if there are re"aining hosts% to a place outside the church or% if circu"stances re7uire% he "ay place it in the tabernacle( : period of silence "ay be observed( )he Presider then says the follo0ing prayer( PRAYER A*TER COMMUNION

Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 yo# a&e restore" #s to l!fe 0y t e tr!#$) ant "eat an" res#rrect!on of C r!st8 Cont!n#e t !s eal!n' <ork <!t !n #s8

May <e < o )art!c!)ate !n t !s $ystery ne&er cease to ser&e yo#8 We ask t !s !n t e na$e of Jes#s t e Lor"8


PRAYER O+ER THE PEOPLE For the dis"issal% the Presider faces the people% e5tends his hands to0ards the"% and says the follo0ing prayer(

Lor"7 sen" "o<n yo#r a0#n"ant 0less!n' #)on yo#r )eo)le < o a&e "e&o#tly recalle" t e "eat of yo#r Son !n t e s#re o)e of t e res#rrect!on8 %!&e t e$ )ar"on? 0r!n' t e$ co$fort8 Make t e!r fa!t stron'er an" t e!r eternal sal&at!on 0e ass#re"8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


:ll depart in silence( )he altar is stripped at a convenient ti"e(





EASTER +I%IL +n accord 0ith ancient tradition% this night is one of vigil for the Lord @E5 $2% 82A( )he =ospel of Lu/e @$2% 6,ffA is a re"inder to the faithful to have their la"ps burning ready% to be li/e "en a0aiting their "asterGs return so that 0hen he arrives% he 0ill find the" 0ide a0a/e and 0ill seat the" at his table( )he night vigil is arranged in four partsD @aA a brief service of light< @bA the liturgy of the 0ord 0hen the Church "editates on all the 0onderful things =od has done for his people fro" the beginning< @cA the liturgy of baptis"% 0hen ne0 "e"bers of the church are reborn as the day of resurrection approaches< and @dA the liturgy of the Eucharist% 0hen the 0hole Church is called to the table 0hich the Lord has prepared for his people through his death and resurrection( )he entire celebration of the Easter 2igil ta/es place at night( +t should not begin before nightfall< it should end before daybrea/ on !unday(

Even if the Easter 2igil ta/es place before "idnight% the Easter 4ass of the resurrection is celebrated( )hose 0ho participate in the 4ass at night "ay receive co""union again at the second 4ass of Easter !unday( )hose 0ho celebrate or concelebrate the 4ass at night "ay celebrate or concelebrate the second 4ass of Easter !unday( )he Presider% the concelebrants and the deacons 0ear 0hite 4ass vest"ents( Candles should be prepared for all 0ho ta/e part in the vigil(

SOLEMN ,E%INNIN% O* THE +I%IL= THE SER+ICE O* LI%HT :ll the lights in the church are put out( : large fire is prepared in a suitable place outside the church( hen the people have asse"bled% the Presider goes there 0ith the "inisters% one of 0ho" carries the Easter candle( %REETIN% 2( 1(

T e Lor" 0e <!t yo#8

:nd also 0ith you(

INTRODUCTION TO THE CELE,RATION )he Presider introduces the celebration in these or si"ilar 0ords(

Dear fr!en"s !n C r!st7 on t !s $ost oly n!' t < en o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st )asse" fro$ "eat to l!fe7 t e C #rc !n&!tes er c !l"ren t ro#' o#t t e <orl" to co$e to'et er !n &!'!l an" )rayer8 T !s !s t e )asso&er of t e Lor"= !f <e onor t e $e$ory of !s "eat an" res#rrect!on 0y ear!n' !s <or" an" cele0rat!n' !s $yster!es7 t en <e $ay 0e conf!"ent t at <e s all s are !s &!ctory o&er "eat


an" l!&e <!t

!$ for e&er !n %o"8

: brief pause for silent reflection follo0s(


Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

*at er7 <e s are !n t e l!' t of yo#r 'lory t ro#' yo#r Son7 t e l!' t of t e <orl"8 Make t !s ne< f!re oly7 an" !nfla$e #s <!t ne< o)e8 P#r!fy o#r $!n"s 0y t !s Easter cele0rat!on7 an" 0r!n' #s one "ay to t e feast of eternal l!' t8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8



PREPARATION O* THE CANDLE Depending on the nature of the congregation% it "ay see" appropriate to stress the dignity and significance of the Easter candle 0ith other sy"bolic rites( )his "ay be done as follo0sD :fter the blessing of the ne0 fire% an acolyte or one of the "inisters brings the Easter candle to the Presider 0ho cuts a cross in the 0a5 0ith a stylus( )hen he traces the =ree/ letter alpha above the cross% the letter o"ega belo0% and the nu"erals of the current year bet0een the ar"s of the cross (

U 2 0 T 0 6

4ean0hile he saysD :s he traces the vertical ar" of the crossD


C r!st yester"ay an" to"ay

)he hori?ontal ar"D

t e 0e'!nn!n' an" t e en"

:lpha% above the crossD

Al) a
-"ega% belo0 the crossD

an" O$e'a

)he first nu"eral in the upper left concern of the crossD

all t!$e 0elon's to !$

the second nu"eral in the upper right cornerD

an" all t e a'es

the third nu"eral in the lo0er left cornerD

to !$ 0e 'lory an" )o<er

the fourth nu"eral in the lo0er right cornerD

t ro#' e&ery a'e an" for e&er8



hen the cross and other "ar/s have been "ade% the Presider "ay insert five grains of incense in the candle( .e does this in the for" of a cross sayingD

$( 2( 6( 8( ,(

,y !s oly an" 'lor!o#s <o#n"s $ay C r!st o#r Lor" '#ar" #s an" kee) #s8

/ . N 1 2



LI%HTIN% O* THE CANDLE )hen the Presider lights the candle fro" the ne0 fire sayingD

May t e l!' t of C r!st7 r!s!n' !n 'lory7 "!s)el t e "arkness of o#r $!n"s an" earts8

PROCESSION )hen the @deacon or theA Presider ta/es the candle% lifts it high% and sings aloneD

C r!st o#r l!' t8


L#$en C r!st!8

)han/s be to =od(

Deo gratias(

:ll proceed to the church% led by the @deacon or theA Presider 0ho holds the Paschal candle( +f incense is used% the thurifer goes before the Presider( :t the church door% the Presider lifts the candle high and sings a second ti"eD

C r!st o#r l!' t8


L#$en C r!st!8

)han/s be to =od(

Deo gratias(
hen the deacon

:ll light their candles fro" the Easter candle and continue in the procession( arrives before the altar% he faces the people and sings a third ti"eD

C r!st o#r l!' t8


L#$en C r!st!8

)han/s be to =od(

Deo gratias(
are put on(

)hen the lights in the Church


EASTER PROCLAMATION hen he co"es to the altar% the Presider places the Easter candle on its stand at the "iddle of the sanctuary or near the lectern and goes to his chair( +f incense is used% the Presider puts so"e in the censer(

+f the one 0ho is to proclai" is a deacon% he as/s the blessing of the Presider 0ho says in a lo0 voiceD

T e Lor" 0e !n yo#r eart an" on yo#r l!)s t at yo# $ay <ort !ly )rocla!$ !s Easter )ra!se8 In t e na$e of t e *at er7 an" of t e Son7 an" of t e Holy S)!r!t8


)he blessing is o"itted if the Easter procla"ation is to sung by one 0ho is not a deacon( )he boo/ and candle "ay be incensed( )hen the deacon% the Presider% or another "inister sings the Easter procla"ation at the lectern or pulpit( :ll stand and hold lighted candles(


ea&enly )o<ers; S!n'7 c o!rs of an'els; E6#lt7 all creat!on aro#n" %o"-s t rone; Jes#s C r!st7 o#r :!n'7 !s r!sen; So#n" t e tr#$)et of sal&at!on;

ReFo!ce7 O eart 7 !n s !n!n' s)len"or7 ra"!ant !n t e 0r!' tness of yo#r :!n'; C r!st as conJ#ere"; %lory f!lls yo#; Darkness &an!s es for e&er;


ReFo!ce7 O Mot er C #rc ; E6#lt !n 'lory; T e r!sen Sa&!or s !nes #)on yo#; Let t !s )lace reso#n" <!t Foy7 ec o!n' t e $!' ty son' of all %o"-s )eo)le;

)he follo0ing are to be o"itted by one 0ho is not an ordained "inisterD

My "earest fr!en"s7 stan"!n' <!t $e !n t !s oly l!' t7 Fo!n $e !n ask!n' %o" for $ercy7 t at e $ay '!&e !s #n<ort y $!n!ster 'race to s!n' !s Easter )ra!ses8
2( T e Lor" 0e <!t 1( :nd also 0ith you( 2( 1(


L!ft #) yo#r earts8

e lift the" up to the Lord(

2( Let #s '!&e t anks to t e Lor" o#r 1( +t is right to give hi" than/s and praise(


It !s tr#ly r!' t t at <!t f#ll earts an" $!n"s an" &o!ces7 <e s o#l" )ra!se t e #nseen %o"7 t e all9)o<erf#l *at er7 an" !s only Son7 o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st8 *or C r!st as ranso$e" #s <!t !s 0loo"7 an" )a!" for #s t e )r!ce of A"a$-s s!n to o#r eternal *at er; T !s !s o#r )asso&er feast < en C r!st7 t e tr#e la$07 !s sla!n7 < ose 0loo" consecrates t e o$es of all 0el!e&ers8 T !s !s t e n!' t < en f!rst yo# sa&e" o#r fat ers=

yo# free" t e )eo)le of Israel fro$ t e!r sla&ery an" le" t e$ "ry9s o" t ro#' t e sea8 T !s !s t e n!' t < en t e )!llar of f!re "estroye" t e "arkness of s!n; T !s !s t e n!' t < en C r!st!ans e&ery< ere7 <as e" clean of s!n an" free" fro$ all "ef!le$ent7 are restore" to 'race an" 'ro< to'et er !n ol!ness8 T !s !s t e n!' t < en Jes#s C r!st 0roke t e c a!ns of "eat an" rose tr!#$) ant fro$ t e 'ra&e8 W at 'oo" <o#l" l!fe a&e 0een to #s a" C r!st not co$e as o#r Re"ee$erB *at er7 o< <on"erf#l yo# care for #s; Ho< 0o#n"less yo#r $erc!f#l lo&e; To ranso$ a sla&e7 yo# 'a&e a<ay yo#r Son8 O a))y fa#lt7 O necessary s!n of A"a$7 < !c 'a!ne" for #s so 'reat a Re"ee$er; Most 0lesse" of all n!' ts7 c osen 0y %o" to see C r!st r!s!n' fro$ t e "ea"; Of t !s n!' t scr!)t#re says= AT e n!' t <!ll 0e clear as t e "ay= !t <!ll 0eco$e $y l!' t7 $y Foy8A T e )o<er of t !s oly n!' t "!s)els all e&!l7 <as es '#!lt a<ay7 restores lost !nnocence7 0r!n's $o#rners Foy? !t casts o#t atre"7 0r!n's #s )eace7 an" #$0les eart ly )r!"e8 N!' t tr#ly 0lesse" < en ea&en !s <e""e" to eart an" $an !s reconc!le" <!t %o";


T erefore7 ea&enly *at er7 !n t e Foy of t !s n!' t7 rece!&e o#r e&en!n' sacr!f!ce of )ra!se7 yo#r C #rc -s sole$n offer!n'8 Acce)t t !s Easter can"le7 a fla$e "!&!"e" 0#t #n"!$$e"7 a )!llar of f!re t at 'lo<s to t e onor of %o"8 Let !t $!n'le <!t t e l!' ts of ea&en an" cont!n#e 0ra&ely 0#rn!n' to "!s)el t e "arkness of t !s n!' t; May t e Morn!n' Star < !c ne&er sets f!n" !ts fla$e st!ll 0#rn!n'= C r!st7 t at Morn!n' Star7 < o ca$e 0ack fro$ t e "ea"7 an" s e" !s )eacef#l l!' t on all #$ank!n"7 yo#r Son < o l!&es an" re!'ns for e&er an" e&er8
)he people sing the responseD 1(



@!hort for"A


ea&enly )o<ers; S!n'7 c o!rs of an'els; E6#lt7 all creat!on aro#n" %o"-s t rone; Jes#s C r!st7 o#r :!n'7 !s r!sen; So#n" t e tr#$)et of sal&at!on;

ReFo!ce7 O eart 7 !n s !n!n' s)len"or7 ra"!ant !n t e 0r!' tness of yo#r :!n'; C r!st as conJ#ere"; %lory f!lls yo#; Darkness &an!s es for e&er; ReFo!ce7 O Mot er C #rc ; E6#lt !n 'lory; T e r!sen Sa&!or s !nes #)on yo#; Let t !s )lace reso#n" <!t Foy7 ec o!n' t e $!' ty son' of all %o"-s )eo)le;

)he follo0ing are to be o"itted by one 0ho is not an ordained "inisterD 2( T e Lor" 0e <!t 1( :nd also 0ith you( 2( 1(


L!ft #) yo#r earts8

e lift the" up to the Lord(

2( Let #s '!&e t anks to t e Lor" o#r 1( +t is right to give hi" than/s and praise(


It !s tr#ly r!' t t at <!t f#ll earts an" $!n"s an" &o!ces7 <e s o#l" )ra!se t e #nseen %o"7 t e all9)o<erf#l *at er7 an" !s only Son7 o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st8

*or C r!st as ranso$e" #s <!t

!s 0loo"7

an" )a!" for #s t e )r!ce of A"a$-s s!n to o#r eternal *at er; T !s !s o#r )asso&er feast < en C r!st7 t e tr#e la$07 !s sla!n7 < ose 0loo" consecrates t e o$es of all 0el!e&ers8 T !s !s t e n!' t < en f!rst yo# sa&e" o#r fat ers= yo# free" t e )eo)le of Israel fro$ t e!r sla&ery an" le" t e$ "ry9s o" t ro#' t e sea8 T !s !s t e n!' t < en C r!st!ans e&ery< ere7 <as e" clean of s!n an" free" fro$ all "ef!le$ent7 are restore" to 'race an" 'ro< to'et er !n ol!ness8 T !s !s t e n!' t < en Jes#s C r!st 0roke t e c a!ns of "eat an" rose tr!#$) ant fro$ t e 'ra&e8 *at er7 o< <on"erf#l yo# care for #s; Ho< 0o#n"less yo#r $erc!f#l lo&e; To ranso$ a sla&e7 yo# 'a&e a<ay yo#r Son8 O a))y fa#lt7 O necessary s!n of A"a$7 < !c 'a!ne" for #s so 'reat a Re"ee$er; T e )o<er of t !s oly n!' t "!s)els all e&!l7 <as es '#!lt a<ay7 restores lost !nnocence7 0r!n's $o#rners Foy8 N!' t tr#ly 0lesse" < en ea&en !s <e""e" to eart an" $an !s reconc!le" <!t %o";

T erefore7 ea&enly *at er7 !n t e Foy of t !s n!' t7 rece!&e o#r e&en!n' sacr!f!ce of )ra!se7 yo#r C #rc -s sole$n offer!n'8

Acce)t t !s Easter can"le7 $ay !t al<ays "!s)el t e "arkness of t !s n!' t; May t e Morn!n' Star < !c ne&er sets f!n" !ts fla$e st!ll 0#rn!n'= C r!st7 t at Morn!n' Star7 < o ca$e 0ack fro$ t e "ea"7 an" s e" !s )eacef#l l!' t on all #$ank!n"7 yo#r Son < o l!&es an" re!'ns for e&er an" e&er8
)he people sing the responseD 1(


For an alternative version of the short for"% 0ith "usic and an accla"ation for the people% see page $6&(



+n this vigil% the "other of all vigils% nine readings are provided% seven fro" the -ld )esta"ent and t0o fro" the Fe0 )esta"ent( )he nu"ber of readings "ay be reduced for pastoral reasons% but it "ust al0ays be borne in "ind that the reading of the 0ord of =od is the funda"ental ele"ent of the Easter vigil( :t least three readings fro" the -ld )esta"ent should be read% although for "ore serious reasons the nu"ber "ay be reduced to t0o( )he reading of E5odus $8% ho0ever% is never to be o"itted( :fter the Easter procla"ation% the candles are put out and set aside and all sit do0n( Before the readings begin% the Presider spea/s to the people in these or si"ilar 0ordsD

Dear fr!en"s !n C r!st7 <e a&e 0e'#n t !s sole$n &!'!l8 Let #s no< l!sten attent!&ely to t e <or" of %o"7 recall!n' o< e sa&e" !s )eo)le t ro#' o#t !story an"7 !n t e f#llness of t!$e7 sent !s only Son to 0e o#r Re"ee$er8 T ro#' t !s Easter cele0rat!on7 $ay %o" 0r!n' to )erfect!on t e sa&!n' <ork e as 0e'#n !n #s8
)he readings follo0( : reader goes to the lectern and proclai"s the reading( )hen the cantor leads the psal" and the people respond( :ll rise and the Presider sings or says Let #s )ray( hen all have prayed silently for a 0hile% he sings or says the prayer( +nstead of the responsorial psal"% a period of silence "ay be observed( +n this case% the pause after Let #s )ray is o"itted( +f the short for" is used% the indented te5t in brac/ets is o"itted(

READIN% I =od created the 0orld and sa0 that it 0as good(

T e 0e'!nn!n' of t e 0ook of %enes!s +n the beginning% 0hen =od created the heavens and the earth%

$% $L2% 2 or $% $( 2696$(

Othe earth 0as a for"less 0asteland% and dar/ness covered the abyss% 0hile a "ighty 0ind s0ept over the 0aters(


)hen =od said% ;Let there be light%; and there 0as light( =od sa0 ho0 good the light 0as( =od then separated the light fro" the dar/ness( =od called the light ;day%; and the dar/ness he called ;night(; )hus evening ca"e% and "orning follo0ed99the first day( )hen =od said% ;Let there be a do"e in the "iddle of the 0aters% to separate one body of 0ater fro" the other(; :nd so it happenedD =od "ade the do"e% and it separated the 0ater above the do"e fro" the 0ater belo0 it( =od called the do"e ;the s/y(; Evening ca"e% and "orning follo0ed99the second day( )hen =od said% ;Let the 0ater under the s/y be gathered into a single basin% so that the dry land "ay appear(; :nd so it happenedD the 0ater under the s/y 0as gathered into its basin% and the dry land appeared( =od called the dry land ;the earth%; and the basin of the 0ater he called ;the sea(; =od sa0 ho0 good it 0as( )hen =od said% ;Let the earth bring forth vegetationD every /ind of plant that bears seed and every /ind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit 0ith its seed in it(; :nd so it happenedD the earth brought forth every /ind of plant that bears seed and every /ind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit 0ith its seed in it( =od sa0 ho0 good it 0as( Evening ca"e% and "orning follo0ed99the third day( )hen =od saidD ;Let there be lights in the do"e of the s/y% to separate day fro" night( Let the" "ar/ the fi5ed ti"es% the days and the years% and serve as lu"inaries in the do"e of the s/y% to shed light upon the earth(; :nd so it happenedD =od "ade the t0o great lights% the greater one to govern the day% and the lesser one to govern the night< and he "ade the stars( =od set the" in the do"e of the s/y% to shed light upon the earth% to govern the day and the night% and to separate the light fro" the dar/ness( =od sa0 ho0 good it 0as( Evening ca"e% and "orning follo0ed99the fourth day( )hen =od said% ;Let the 0ater tee" 0ith an abundance of living creatures% and on the earth let birds fly beneath the do"e of the s/y(; :nd so it happenedD =od created the great sea "onsters and all /inds of s0i""ing creatures 0ith 0hich the 0ater tee"s% and all /inds of 0inged birds( =od sa0 ho0 good it 0as% and =od blessed the"% saying% ;Be fertile% "ultiply% and fill the 0ater of the seas< and let the birds "ultiply on the earth(; Evening ca"e% and "orning follo0ed99the fifth day( )hen =od said% ;Let the earth bring forth all /inds of living creaturesD cattle% creeping things% and 0ild ani"als of all /inds(; :nd so it happenedD =od "ade all /inds of 0ild ani"als% all /inds of cattle% and all /inds of creeping things of the earth( =od sa0 ho0 good it 0as( )henP =od saidD ;Let us "a/e "an in our i"age% after our li/eness( Let the" have do"inion over the fish of the sea% the birds of the air% and the cattle% and over all the 0ild ani"als and all the creatures that cra0l on the ground(; =od created "an in his i"age< in the divine i"age he created hi"< and fe"ale he created the"( "ale

=od blessed the"% sayingD ;Be fertile and "ultiply< fill the earth and subdue it( .ave do"inion over the fish of the sea% the birds of the air% and all the living things that "ove on the earth(; =od also saidD ;!ee% + give you every seed9bearing plant all over the earth

and every tree that has seed9bearing fruit on it to be your food< and to all the ani"als of the land% all the birds of the air% and all the living creatures that cra0l on the ground% + give all the green plants for food(; :nd so it happened( =od loo/ed at everything he had "ade% and he found it very good( OEvening ca"e% and "orning follo0ed99the si5th day( )hus the heavens and the earth and all their array 0ere co"pleted( !ince on the seventh day =od 0as finished 0ith the 0or/ he had been doing% he rested on the seventh day fro" all the 0or/ he had underta/en(P T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

)han/s be to =od(
$08% $92( ,96( $0( $2( $69$8( 28( 6,(


Lor"7 sen" o#t yo#r S)!r!t7 an" rene< t e face of t e eart 8 @60A Bless the Lord% - "y soulI - Lord% "y =od% you are great indeedI Kou are clothed 0ith "aBesty and glory% 1obed in light as 0ith a cloa/(


Lor"7 sen" o#t yo#r S)!r!t7 an" rene< t e face of t e eart 8 Kou fi5ed the earth upon its foundation% not to be "oved forever< ith the ocean% as 0ith a gar"ent% you covered it< above the "ountains the 0ater stood(


Lor"7 sen" o#t yo#r S)!r!t7 an" rene< t e face of t e eart 8 Kou send forth springs into the 0atercourses that 0ind a"ong the "ountains( Beside the" the birds of heaven d0ell< fro" a"ong the branches they send forth their song(


Lor"7 sen" o#t yo#r S)!r!t7 an" rene< t e face of t e eart 8 Kou 0ater the "ountains fro" your palace< the earth is replete 0ith the fruit of your 0or/s( Kou raise grass for the cattle% and vegetation for people to use% producing bread fro" the earth(


Lor"7 sen" o#t yo#r S)!r!t7 an" rene< t e face of t e eart 8 .o0 "anifold are your 0or/s% - LordI

+n 0isdo"% you have 0rought the" allL the earth is full of your creatures( Bless the Lord% - "y soulI

Lor"7 sen" o#t yo#r S)!r!t7 an" rene< t e face of t e eart 8


Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 yo# create" all t !n's !n <on"erf#l 0ea#ty an" or"er8 Hel) #s no< to )erce!&e o< st!ll $ore <on"erf#l !s t e ne< creat!on 0y < !c !n t e f#llness of t!$e yo# re"ee$e" yo#r )eo)le t ro#' t e sacr!f!ce of o#r )asso&er7 Jes#s C r!st7 < o l!&es an" re!'ns for e&er an" e&er8


READIN% II :braha" did not 0ithhold his beloved son(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e 0ook of %enes!s

22% $9$' or 22% $92( &( $09$6( $,9$'(

=od put :braha" to the test( .e called to hi"% ;:braha"I; ;1eadyI; he replied( )hen =od saidD ;)a/e your son +saac% your only one% 0ho" you love% and go to the land of 4oriah( )here you shall offer hi" up as a holocaust on a height that + 0ill point out to you(; OEarly the ne5t "orning :braha" saddled his don/ey% too/ 0ith hi" his son +saac% and t0o of his servants as 0ell% and 0ith the 0ood that he had cut for the holocaust% set out for the place of 0hich =od had told hi"( -n the third day :braha" got sight of the place fro" afar( )hen he said to his servantsD ;Both of you stay here 0ith the don/ey% 0hile the boy and + go on over yonder( e 0ill 0orship and then co"e bac/ to you(; )hereupon :braha" too/ the 0ood for the holocaust and laid it on his son +saac3s shoulders% 0hile he hi"self carried the fire and the /nife( :s the t0o 0al/ed on together% +saac spo/e to his father :braha"( ;FatherI; he said( ;Kes% son%; he replied( +saac continued% ;.ere are the fire and the 0ood% but 0here is the sheep for the holocaustN; ;!on%; :braha" ans0ered%


;=od hi"self 0ill provide the sheep for the holocaust(; )hen the t0o continued going for0ard( hen they ca"e to the place of 0hich =od had told hi"% :braha" built an altar there and arranged the 0ood on it( OFe5t he tied up his son +saac% and put hi" on top of the 0ood on the altar(P )hen he reached out and too/ the /nife to slaughter his son( But the L-1D3! "essenger called to hi" fro" heaven% ;:braha"% :braha"I; ;Kes% Lord%; he ans0ered( ;Do not lay your hand on the boy%; said the "essenger( ;Do not do the least thing to hi"( + /no0 no0 ho0 devoted you are to =od% since you did not 0ithhold fro" "e your o0n beloved son(; :s :braha" loo/ed about% he spied a ra" caught by its horns in the thic/et( !o he 0ent and too/ the ra" and offered it up as a holocaust in place of his son( O:braha" na"ed the site Kah0eh9yireh< hence people no0 say% ;-n the "ountain the L-1D 0ill see(;P :gain the L-1D3! "essenger called to :braha" fro" heaven and saidD ;+ s0ear by "yself% declares the L-1D% that because you acted as you did in not 0ithholding fro" "e your beloved son% + 0ill bless you abundantly and "a/e your descendants as countless as the stars of the s/y and the sands of the seashore< your descendants shall ta/e possession of the gates of their ene"ies% and in your descendants all the nations of the earth shall find blessingLall this because you obeyed "y co""and(GG T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

)han/s be to =od(
$6% ,( '( &9$0( $$(


:ee) $e safe7 O %o"? yo# are $y o)e8 @$A - Lord% you allotted "y portion and "y cup% you it is 0ho hold fast "y lot( + set the Lord ever before "e< 0ith hi" at "y right hand + shall not be disturbed(


:ee) $e safe7 O %o"? yo# are $y o)e8 )herefore "y heart is glad and "y soul reBoices% 4y body% too% abides in confidence< Because you 0ill not abandon "y soul to the nether0orld% Vnor 0ill you suffer your faithful one to undergo corruption(


:ee) $e safe7 O %o"? yo# are $y o)e8


Kou 0ill sho0 "e the path to life% fullness of Boys in your presence% the delights at your right hand forever(

:ee) $e safe7 O %o"? yo# are $y o)e8


Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

%o" an" *at er of all < o 0el!e&e !n yo#7 yo# )ro$!se" A0ra a$ t at e <o#l" 0eco$e t e fat er of all nat!ons7 an" t ro#' t e "eat an" res#rrect!on of C r!st yo# f#lf!ll t at )ro$!se= e&ery< ere t ro#' o#t t e <orl" yo# !ncrease yo#r c osen )eo)le8 May <e res)on" to yo#r call 0y Foyf#lly acce)t!n' yo#r !n&!tat!on to t e ne< l!fe of 'race8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


READIN% III )he Lord is gloriously triu"phant(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e 0ook of E6o"#s

$8% $,L$,% $


)he L-1D said to 4oses% ; hy are you crying out to "eN )ell the +sraelites to go for0ard( :nd you% lift up your staff and% 0ith hand outstretched over the sea% split the sea in t0o% that the +sraelites "ay pass through it on dry land( But + 0ill "a/e the Egyptians so obstinate that they 0ill go in after the"( )hen + 0ill receive glory through Pharaoh and all his ar"y% his chariots and charioteers( )he Egyptians shall /no0 that + a" the L-1D% 0hen + receive glory through Pharaoh and his chariots and charioteers(; )he angel of =od% 0ho had been leading +srael3s ca"p% no0 "oved and 0ent around behind the"( )he colu"n of cloud also% leaving the front% too/ up its place behind the"% so that it ca"e bet0een the ca"p of the Egyptians and that of +srael( But the cloud no0 beca"e dar/% and thus the night passed 0ithout the rival ca"ps co"ing any closer together all night long( )hen 4oses stretched out his hand over the sea% and the L-1D s0ept the sea 0ith a strong east 0ind throughout the night and so turned it into dry land( hen the 0ater 0as thus divided% the +sraelites "arched into the "idst of the sea on dry land% 0ith the 0ater li/e a 0all to their right and to their left( )he Egyptians follo0ed in pursuit< all Pharaoh3s horses and chariots and charioteers 0ent after the" right into the "idst of the sea( +n the night 0atch Bust before da0n the L-1D cast through the colu"n of the fiery cloud upon the Egyptian force a glance that thre0 it into a panic< and he so clogged their chariot 0heels that they could hardly drive( ith that the Egyptians sounded the retreat before +srael% because the L-1D 0as fighting for the" against the Egyptians( )hen the L-1D told 4oses% ;!tretch out your hand over the sea% that the 0ater "ay flo0 bac/ upon the Egyptians% upon their chariots and their charioteers(; !o 4oses stretched out his hand over the sea% and at da0n the sea flo0ed bac/ to its nor"al depth( )he Egyptians 0ere fleeing head on to0ard the sea% 0hen the L-1D hurled the" into its "idst( :s the 0ater flo0ed bac/% it covered the chariots and the charioteers of Pharaoh3s 0hole ar"y 0hich had follo0ed the +sraelites into the sea( Fot a single one of the" escaped( But the +sraelites had "arched on dry land through the "idst of the sea% 0ith the 0ater li/e a 0all to their right and to their left( )hus the L-1D saved +srael on that day fro" the po0er of the Egyptians( hen +srael sa0 the Egyptians lying dead on the seashore and beheld the great po0er that the L-1D had sho0n against the Egyptians% they feared the L-1D and believed in hi" and in his servant 4oses( )hen 4oses and the +sraelites sang this song to the L-1DD + 0ill sing to the L-1D% for he is gloriously triu"phant< horse and chariot he has cast into the sea( T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

)han/s be to =od(
E5 $,% $92( 698( ,96( $>9$'(




Let #s s!n' to t e Lor"? e as co&ere" !$self !n 'lory8 @$A

+ 0ill sing to the L-1D% for he is gloriously triu"phant< horse and chariot he has cast into the sea( 4y strength and "y courage is the L-1D% and he has been "y savior( .e is "y =od% + praise hi"< the =od of "y father% + e5tol hi"( 1( Let #s s!n' to t e Lor"? e as co&ere" !$self !n 'lory8 )he L-1D is a 0arrior% L-1D is his na"eI Pharaoh3s chariots and ar"y he hurled into the sea< the elite of his officers 0ere sub"erged in the 1ed !ea( )he flood 0aters covered the"% they san/ into the depths li/e a stone( Kour right hand% - L-1D% "agnificent in po0er% your right hand% - L-1D% has shattered the ene"y(

Let #s s!n' to t e Lor"? e as co&ere" !$self !n 'lory8 Kou brought in the people you redee"ed and planted the" on the "ountain of your inheritance( )he place 0here you "ade your seat% - L-1D% the sanctuary% - L-1D% 0hich your hands established( )he Lord shall reign for ever and ever(


Let #s s!n' to t e Lor"? e as co&ere" !$self !n 'lory8


Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

Lor" %o"7 !n t e ne< co&enant7 yo# s e" l!' t on t e $!racles yo# <orke" !n anc!ent t!$es= t e Re" Sea !s a sy$0ol of o#r 0a)t!s$7 an" t e nat!on yo# free" fro$ sla&ery !s a s!'n of yo#r C r!st!an )eo)le8 May e&ery nat!on s are t e fa!t an" )r!&!le'e of Israel7 an" co$e to ne< 0!rt !n t e Holy S)!r!t8


We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8



READIN% I+ ith great tenderness% + 0ill ta/e you bac/

A rea"!n' fro$ t e 0ook of t e )ro) et Isa!a .e 0ho has beco"e your husband is your 4a/er< his na"e is the L-1D of hosts< Kour redee"er is the .oly -ne of +srael% called =od of all the earth( )he L-1D calls you bac/% li/e a 0ife forsa/en and grieved in spirit% : 0ife "arried in youth and then cast off% says your =od( For a brief "o"ent + abandoned you% but 0ith great tenderness + 0ill ta/e you bac/( +n an outburst of 0rath% for a "o"ent + hid "y face fro" you< But 0ith enduring love + ta/e pity on you% says the L-1D% your redee"er( )his is for "e li/e the days of Foah% 0hen + s0ore that the 0aters of Foah should never again deluge the earth< !o + have s0orn not to be angry 0ith you% or to rebu/e you( )hough the "ountains leave their place and the hills be sha/en% 4y love shall never leave you nor "y covenant of peace be sha/en% says the L-1D% 0ho has "ercy on you( - afflicted one% stor"9battered and unconsoled% + lay your pave"ents in carnelians% and your foundations in sapphires< + 0ill "a/e your battle"ents of rubies% your gates of carbuncles% and all your 0alls of precious stones( :ll your sons shall be taught by the L-1D% and great shall be the peace of your children( +n Bustice you shall be established% far fro" the fear of oppresion% 0here destruction cannot co"e near you( T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

,8% ,9$8


1( )han/s be to =od( RESPONSORIAL PSALM I+ 1(

60% 2( 8( ,96( $$9$2( $6

I <!ll )ra!se yo#7 Lor"7 for yo# a&e resc#e" $e8 @2A + 0ill e5tol you% - L-1D% for you dre0 "e clear and did not let "y ene"ies reBoice over "e( - L-1D% you brought "e up fro" the nether0orld< you preserved "e fro" a"ong those going do0n into the pit(


I <!ll )ra!se yo#7 Lor"7 for yo# a&e resc#e" $e8 !ing praise to the L-1D% you his faithful ones< and give than/s to his holy na"e( For his anger lasts but a "o"ent< a lifeti"e% his good0ill( :t nightfall 0eeping enters in% but 0ith the da0n% reBoicing(


I <!ll )ra!se yo#7 Lor"7 for yo# a&e resc#e" $e8 .ear% - L-1D% and have pity on "e< - L-1D% be "y helper( Kou changed "y "ourning into dancing< - L-1D% "y =od% forever 0ill + give you than/s(


I <!ll )ra!se yo#7 Lor"7 for yo# a&e resc#e" $e8


Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7 'lor!fy yo#r na$e 0y !ncreas!n' yo#r c osen )eo)le as yo# )ro$!se" lon' a'o8 In re<ar" for t e!r tr#st7 $ay <e see !n t e C #rc t e f#lf!ll$ent of yo#r )ro$!se8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8



READIN% + 4y 0ord shall not return void but shall do "y 0ill(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e 0ook of t e )ro) et Isa!a )hus says the LordD :ll you 0ho are thirsty% co"e to the 0aterI Kou 0ho have no "oney% co"e% receive grain and eat< Co"e% 0ithout paying and 0ithout cost% drin/ 0ine and "il/I hy spend your "oney for 0hat is not bread< your 0ages for 0hat fails to satisfyN .eed "e% and you shall eat 0ell% you shall delight in rich fare( Co"e to "e heedfully% listen% that you "ay have life( + 0ill rene0 0ith you the everlasting covenant% the benefits assured to David( :s + "ade hi" a 0itness to the peoples% a leader and co""ander of nations% !o shall you su""on a nation you /ne0 not% and nations that /ne0 you not shall run to you% Because of the L-1D% your =od% the .oly -ne of +srael% 0ho has glorified you( !ee/ the L-1D 0hile he "ay be found% call hi" 0hile he is near( Let the scoundrel forsa/e his 0ay% and the 0ic/ed "an his thoughts< Let hi" turn to the L-1D for "ercy< to our =od% 0ho is generous in forgiving( For "y thoughts are not your thoughts% nor are your 0ays "y 0ays% says the L-1D( :s high as the heavens are above the earth% so high are "y 0ays above your 0ays and "y thoughts above your thoughts( For Bust as fro" the heavens the rain and sno0 co"e do0n :nd do not return there till they have 0atered the earth% "a/ing it fertile and fruitful% =iving seed to hi" 0ho so0s and bread to hi" 0ho eats% !o shall "y 0ord be

,,% $9$$


)hat goes forth fro" "y "outh< +t shall not return to "e void% but shall do "y 0ill% achieving the end for 0hich + sent it( T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

)han/s be to =od(
+s 22% 296( 8( ,96(


Yo# <!ll "ra< <ater Foyf#lly fro$ t e s)r!n's of sal&at!on8 @6A =od indeed is "y savior< + a" confident and unafraid( 4y strength and "y courage is the L-1D% and he has been "y savior( ith Boy you 0ill dra0 0ater at the fountain of salvation(


Yo# <!ll "ra< <ater Foyf#lly fro$ t e s)r!n's of sal&at!on8 =ive than/s to the L-1D% acclai" his na"e< a"ong the nations "a/e /no0n his deeds% proclai" ho0 e5alted is his na"e(


Yo# <!ll "ra< <ater Foyf#lly fro$ t e s)r!n's of sal&at!on8 !ing praise to the L-1D for his glorious achieve"ent< let this be /no0n throughout all the earth( !hout 0ith e5ultation% - city of Rion% for great in your "idst is the holy one of +sraelI


Yo# <!ll "ra< <ater Foyf#lly fro$ t e s)r!n's of sal&at!on8


Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

Al$!' ty an" eternal %o"7


only o)e of t e <orl"7 0y t e <or"s of t e )ro) ets yo# )rocla!$e" t e $yster!es <e are cele0rat!n' ton!' t8 Hel) #s to 0e yo#r fa!t f#l )eo)le7 for !t !s 0y yo#r !ns)!rat!on alone t at <e can 'ro< !n 'oo"ness8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


READIN% +I :ll 0ho cling to 0isdo" 0ill live(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e 0ook of t e )ro) et ,ar#c .ear% - +srael% the co""and"ents of lifeD listen% and /no0 prudenceI .o0 is it% +srael% that you are in the land of your foes% gro0n old in a foreign land% Defiled 0ith the dead% accounted 0ith those destined for the nether 0orldN Kou have forsa/en the fountain of 0isdo"I .ad you 0al/ed in the 0ay of =od% you 0ould have d0elt in enduring peace( Learn 0here prudence is% 0here strength% 0here understanding< )hat you "ay /no0 also 0here are length of days% and life% 0here light of the eyes% and peace( ho has found the place of 0isdo"% 0ho has entered into her treasuriesN .e 0ho /no0s all things /no0s her< he has probed her by his /no0ledgeL .e 0ho established the earth for all ti"e% and filled it 0ith four9footed beasts< .e 0ho dis"isses the light% and it departs% calls it% and it obeys hi" tre"bling< Before 0ho" the stars at their posts shine and reBoice< hen he calls the"% they ans0er% ;.ere 0e areI; shining 0ith Boy for their 4a/er(

6% &9$,( 62L8% 8


!uch is our =od< no other is to be co"pared to hi"D .e has traced out all the 0ay of understanding% and has given her to #acob% his servant% to +srael% his beloved son( !ince then she has appeared on earth% and "oved a"ong "en( !he is the boo/ of the precepts of =od% the la0 that endures forever< :ll 0ho cling to her 0ill live% but those 0ill die 0ho forsa/e her( )urn% - #acob% and receive herD 0al/ by her light to0ard splendor( =ive not your glory to another% your privileges to an alien race( Blessed are 0e% - +srael< for 0hat pleases =od is /no0n to usI T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

)han/s be to =od(
$&% '( &( $0( $$


Lor"7 yo# a&e t e <or"s of e&erlast!n' l!fe8 @#n 6% 6&A )he la0 of the L-1D is perfect% refreshing the soul( )he decree of the L-1D is trust0orthy% giving 0isdo" to the si"ple(


Lor"7 yo# a&e t e <or"s of e&erlast!n' l!fe8 )he precepts of the L-1D are right% reBoicing the heart< )he co""and of the L-1D is clear% enlightening the eye( Lor"7 yo# a&e t e <or"s of e&erlast!n' l!fe8 )he fear of the L-1D is pure% enduring forever( )he ordinances of the L-1D are true% all of the" Bust%



Lor"7 yo# a&e t e <or"s of e&erlast!n' l!fe8


)hey are "ore precious than gold% than a heap of purest gold< !0eeter also than syrup or honey fro" the co"b(

Lor"7 yo# a&e t e <or"s of e&erlast!n' l!fe8

Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

*at er7 yo# !ncrease yo#r C #rc 0y cont!n#!n' to call all )eo)le to sal&at!on8 L!sten to o#r )rayers an" al<ays <atc o&er t ose yo# cleanse !n 0a)t!s$8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


READIN% +II + 0ill sprin/le clean 0ater upon you to cleanse you of all your sins(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e 0ook of t e )ro) et E>ek!el

66% $692'

)hus the 0ord of the L-1D ca"e to "eD !on of "an% 0hen the house of +srael lived in their land% they defiled it by their conduct and deeds( +n "y sight their conduct 0as li/e the defile"ent of a "enstruous 0o"an( )herefore + poured out "y fury upon the" @because of the blood 0hich they poured out on the ground% and because they defiled it 0ith idolsA( + scattered the" a"ong the nations% dispersing the" over foreign lands< according to their conduct and deeds + Budged the"( But 0hen they ca"e a"ong the nations @0herever they ca"eA% they served to profane "y holy na"e% because it 0as said of the"D ;)hese are the people of the L-1D% yet they had to leave their land(; !o + have relented because of "y holy na"e 0hich the house of +srael profaned a"ong the nations 0here they ca"e( )herefore say to the house of +sraelD )hus says the Lord =-DD Fot for


your sa/es do + act% house of +srael% but for the sa/e of "y holy na"e% 0hich you profaned a"ong the nations to 0hich you ca"e( + 0ill prove the holiness of "y great na"e% profaned a"ong the nations% in 0hose "idst you have profaned it( )hus the nations shall /no0 that + a" the L-1D% says the Lord =-D% 0hen in their sight + prove "y holiness through you( For + 0ill ta/e you a0ay fro" a"ong the nations% gather you fro" all the foreign lands% and bring you bac/ to your o0n land( + 0ill sprin/le clean 0ater upon you to cleanse you fro" all your i"purities% and fro" all your idols + 0ill cleanse you( + 0ill give you a ne0 heart and place a ne0 spirit 0ithin you% ta/ing fro" your bodies your stony hearts and giving you natural hearts( + 0ill put "y spirit 0ithin you and "a/e you live by "y statutes% careful to observe "y decrees( Kou shall live in the land + gave your fathers< you shall be "y people% and + 0ill be your =od( T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

)han/s be to =od(
82% 6( ,< 86% 6( 8


L!ke a "eer t at lon's for r#nn!n' strea$s7 $y so#l lon's for yo#7 $y %o"8 @Ps 82% 2A :thirst is "y soul for =od% the living =od( hen shall + go and behold the face of =odN


L!ke a "eer t at lon's for r#nn!n' strea$s7 $y so#l lon's for yo#7 $y %o"8 W 0ent 0ith the throng and led the" in procession to the house of =od% :"id loud cries of Boy and than/sgiving% 0ith the "ultitude /eeping festival(


L!ke a "eer t at lon's for r#nn!n' strea$s7 $y so#l lon's for yo#7 $y %o"8 !end forth your light and your fidelity< they shall lead "e on( :nd bring "e to your holy "ountain% to your d0elling9place(


L!ke a "eer t at lon's for r#nn!n' strea$s7 $y so#l lon's for yo#7 $y %o"8 )hen 0ill + go into the altar of =od% the =od of "y gladness and Boy< )hen 0ill + give you than/s upon the harp%

- =od% "y =odI


L!ke a "eer t at lon's for r#nn!n' strea$s7 $y so#l lon's for yo#7 $y %o"8


Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

%o" of #nc an'!n' )o<er an" l!' t7 look <!t $ercy an" fa&or on yo#r ent!re C #rc 8 ,r!n' last!n' sal&at!on to $ank!n"7 so t at t e <orl" $ay see7 t e fallen l!fte" #)7 t e ol" $a"e ne<7 an" all t !n's 0ro#' t to )erfect!on7 t ro#' !$ < o !s t e!r or!'!n7 o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 < o l!&es an" re!'ns for e&er an" e&er8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8



%LORIA :fter the last reading fro" the -ld )esta"ent% the altar candles are lighted% and the Presider intones the =loria% 0hich is ta/en up by all present( )he bells of the church are festively rung(

%lory to %o" !n t e !' est7 an" )eace to !s )eo)le on eart 8 Lor" %o"7 ea&enly :!n'7 al$!' ty %o" an" *at er7 <e <ors !) yo#7 <e '!&e yo# t anks7 <e )ra!se yo# for yo#r 'lory8 Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 only Son of t e *at er7 Lor" %o"7 La$0 of %o"7 yo# take a<ay t e s!ns of t e <orl"= a&e $ercy on #s? yo# are seate" at t e r!' t an" of t e *at er= rece!&e o#r )rayer8 *or yo# alone are t e Holy One7 yo# alone are t e Lor"7

yo# alone are t e Most H!' 7 Jes#s C r!st7 <!t t e Holy S)!r!t7 !n t e 'lory of %o" t e *at er8 A$en8


Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

Lor" %o"7 yo# a&e 0r!' tene" t !s n!' t <!t t e ra"!ance of t e r!sen C r!st8 M#!cken t e s)!r!t of sons !) !n yo#r C #rc ? rene< #s !n $!n" an" 0o"y to '!&e yo# < ole earte" ser&!ce8 %rant t !s t ro#' o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 yo#r Son7 < o l!&es an" re!'ns <!t yo# an" t e Holy S)!r!t7 one %o"7 for e&er an" e&er8



EPISTLE Christ% once raised% 0ill never die again(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e letter of Pa#l to t e Ro$ans

6% 69$$

:re you not a0are that 0e 0ho 0ere bapti?ed into Christ #esus 0ere bapti?ed into his deathN )hrough baptis" into his death% 0e 0ere buried 0ith hi"% so that% Bust as Christ 0as raised fro" the dead by the glory of the Father% 0e too "ight live a ne0 life( +f 0e have been united 0ith hi" through li/eness to his death% so shall 0e be though a li/e resurrection( )his 0e /no0D our old self 0as crucified 0ith hi" so that the sinful body "ight be destroyed% and 0e "ight be slaves to sin no longer( : "an 0ho is dead has been freed fro" sin( +f 0e have died 0ith Christ% 0e believe that 0e are also to live 0ith hi"( e /no0 that Christ% once raised fro" the dead% 0ill never die again< death has no "ore po0er over hi"( .is death 0as death to sin% once for all< his life is life for =od( +n the sa"e 0ay you "ust consider yourselves dead to sin but alive for =od in Christ #esus( T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

)han/s be to =od(

REINTRODUCTION O* THE ALLELUIA :fter the Epistle% all rise% and the Presider sole"nly intones the alleluia% 0hich is repeated by all(


Psal" $$'


+f necessary% the cantor hi"self "ay intone the alleluia(

RESPONSORIAL PSALM )he cantor sings the psal" and the people ans0er( 1(

$$'% $92( $6( $>( 22926

Allel#!a; Allel#!a; Allel#!a;

=ive than/s to the Lord% for he is good% for his "ercy endures forever( Let the house of +srael say% "ercy endures forever(M

Allel#!a; Allel#!a; Allel#!a;

)he right hand of the Lord has struc/ 0ith po0er% the right hand of the Lord is e5alted( + shall not die% but live% :nd declare the 0or/s of the Lord(

Allel#!a; Allel#!a; Allel#!a;

)he stone 0hich the builders reBected has beco"e the cornerstone( By this has the Lord been done< it is 0onderful in our eyes(

Allel#!a; Allel#!a; Allel#!a;

+ncense "ay be used at the =ospel% but candles are not carried(

%OSPEL ACCLAMATION 1( :lleluiaI :lleluiaI :lleluiaI

$ Cor ,% >9'

C r!st as 0eco$e o#r )asc al sacr!f!ce8 Let #s feast <!t Foy !n t e Lor"8



:lleluiaI :lleluiaI :lleluiaI

%OSPEL =o and tell "y disciples(

T e Lor" 0e <!t yo#8

1( 2( 1(

:nd also 0ith you(

A Rea"!n' fro$ t e oly 'os)el accor"!n' to Mark

=lory to you% - Lord(

$6% $9'


en t e Sa00at <as o&er7 Mary Ma'"alene7 Mary t e $ot er of Ja$es7 an" Salo$e7 0ro#' t )erf#$e" o!ls <!t < !c t ey !nten"e" to 'o an" ano!nt Jes#s8 +ery early7 F#st after s#nr!se7 on t e f!rst "ay of t e <eek7 t ey ca$e to t e to$08 T ey <ere say!n' to one anot er7 AW o <!ll roll 0ack t e stone fro$ t e entrance to t e to$0BC W en t ey looke"7 t ey fo#n" t at t e stone a" 0een rolle" 0ack8 GIt <as a #'e one8H On enter!n' t e to$07 t ey sa< a yo#n' $an s!tt!n' at t e r!' t7 "resse" !n a < !te ro0e8 T !s fr!' tene" t e$ t oro#' ly 0#t e reass#re" t e$= AYo# nee" not 0e a$a>e"; Yo# are look!n' for Jes#s of Na>aret 7 t e one < o <as cr#c!f!e"8 He as 0een ra!se" #)7 e !s not ere8 See t e )lace < ere t ey a" la!" !$8 %o no< an" tell !s "!sc!)les an" Peter7 IHe !s 'o!n' a ea" of yo# to %al!lee7 < ere yo# <!ll see !$ F#st as e tol" yo#8-C T ey $a"e t e!r <ay o#t an" fle" fro$ t e to$0 0e<!l"ere" an" tre$0l!n'? an" 0eca#se of t e!r 'reat fear7 t ey sa!" not !n' to anyone8 T e %os)el of t e Lor"8
Praise to you% Lord #esus Christ(


LITUR%Y O* ,APTISM )he Presider goes 0ith the "inisters to the baptis"al font% if this can be seen by the asse"bly( -ther0ise a vessel of 0ater is placed in the sanctuary( +f there are candidates to be bapti?ed% the Presider introduces the rite in these or si"ilar 0ordsD

Dear fr!en"s !n C r!st7 as o#r G0rot ers an" s!stersH a))roac t e <aters of re0!rt 7 let #s el) t e$ 0y o#r )rayers an" ask %o"7 o#r al$!' ty *at er7 to s#))ort t e$ <!t !s $ercy an" lo&e8
+f the font is to be blessed but there is no one to be bapti?ed(

Dear fr!en"s !n C r!st7 let #s ask t e al$!' ty *at er7 to 0less t !s font7 t at t ose re0orn !n !t $ay 0e one <!t !s a"o)te" c !l"ren !n C r!st8
)he litany is sung by t0o cantors( :ll present stand% as is custo"ary during the Easter season% and ans0er( +f there is to be a procession of so"e length to the font% the litany is sung during the procession( +n this case% those to be bapti?ed are first called for0ard( )hen the procession beginsD the Easter candle is carried first% follo0ed by the candidates 0ith their godparents% and the Presider 0ith the "inisters( )he above instruction is given before the blessing of the 0ater( +f there is no one to be bapti?ed and the font is not to be blessed% the litany is o"itted% and the ,less!n' of Water ta/es place at once( +n the litany% so"e na"es of saints "ay be added% especially the titular of the church% the local patrons% or the saints of those to be bapti?ed(

LITANY O* THE SAINTS Lord% have "ercy(


1( Lord# ha(e mercy) Christ% have "ercy( 1( Christ# ha(e mercy) Lord% have "ercy( 1( Lord# ha(e mercy) .oly 4ary% 4other of =od% !t( 4ichael% .oly angels of =od% !t( #ohn the Baptist% !t( #oseph% !t( Peter and !t( Paul% !t( :ndre0% !t( #ohn% !t( 4ary 4agdalene% !t( !tephen% !t( +gnatius% !t( La0rence% !t( Loren?o 1ui? de 4anila% !t( Perpetua and !t( Felicity% !t( :gnes% !t( =regory% !t( Leo the =reat% !t( :ugustine% !t( :thanasius% !t( Basil% !t( 4artin% !t( Benedict% !t( Francis and !t( Do"inic% !t( Francis *avier% !t( #ohn 4ary 2ianney% !t( +gnatius of Loyola% !t( Catherine% !t( )eresa% !t( )herese of the Child #esus% :ll holy "en and 0o"en% Lord be "erciful% Fro" all evil% Fro" every sin% Fro" everlasting death% By your co"ing as "an% By the death and rising to ne0 life% By your gift of the .oly !pirit% Be "erciful to us sinners% +f there are candidates to be bapti?edD


pray for us


Lord# sa(e your people)


Lord# sa(e your people)


Lord# hear our prayer)

=ive ne0 life to these chosen ones by the grace of baptis"% +f there are no candidates to be bapti?ed% but the font is to be blessedD By your grace% bless this font 0here your children 0ill be reborn( #esus% !on of the living =od% Christ% hear us( Lord #esus% hear our prayer( 1( Christ hear us) Lord $esus# hear our prayer)


,LESSIN% O* WATER )he Presider then blesses the baptis"al 0ater( prayerD ith hands Boined% he sings or says the folo0ing

*at er7 yo# '!&e #s 'race t ro#' sacra$ental s!'ns7 < !c tell #s of t e <on"ers of yo#r #nseen )o<er8 In 0a)t!s$ <e #se yo#r '!ft of <ater7 < !c yo# a&e $a"e a r!c sy$0ol of t e 'race yo# '!&e #s !n t !s sacra$ent8 At t e &ery "a<n of creat!on yo#r S)!r!t 0reat e" on t e <aters7 $ak!n' t e$ t e <ells)r!n' of all ol!ness8 T e <aters of t e 'reat floo" yo# $a"e a s!'n of t e <aters of 0a)t!s$7 t at $ake an en" of s!n an" a ne< 0e'!nn!n' of 'oo"ness8

T ro#' t e <aters of t e Re" Sea yo# le" Israel o#t of sla&ery7 to 0e an !$a'e of %o"-s oly )eo)le7 set free fro$ s!n 0y 0a)t!s$8 In t e <aters of t e Jor"an7

yo#r Son <as 0a)t!>e" 0y Jo n an" ano!nte" <!t t e S)!r!t8 Yo#r Son <!lle" t at <ater an" 0loo" s o#l" flo< fro$ !s s!"e as e #n' #)on t e cross8 After !s res#rrect!on7 e tol" !s "!sc!)les7 A%o o#t an" teac all nat!ons7 0a)t!>!n' t e$ !n t e na$e of t e *at er7 an" of t e Son7 an" of t e Holy S)!r!t8C *at er7 look no< <!t lo&e #)on yo#r C #rc 7 an" #nseal for er t e fo#nta!n of 0a)t!s$8 ,y t e )o<er of t e S)!r!t7 '!&e to t e <ater of t !s font t e 'race of yo#r Son8 Yo# create" #$an 0e!n's !n yo#r l!keness7 cleanse )eo)le fro$ s!n !n a ne< 0!rt of !nnocence 0y <ater an" t e S)!r!t8
)he Presider "ay lo0er the candle% either once% or three ti"es% as he continuesD

We ask yo#7 *at er7 <!t yo#r Son7 to sen" t e Holy S)!r!t #)on t e <aters of t !s font8

.e holds the candle in the 0aterD

May all < o are 0#r!e" <!t C r!st !n t e "eat of 0a)t!s$ r!se also <!t !$ to ne<ness of l!fe8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


)hen the candle is ta/en out of the 0ater as the people sing the accla"ationD


!prings of 0ater% bless the Lord( =ive hi" glory and praise for ever(
:ny appropriate accla"ation "ay be sung(

CELE,RATION O* ,APTISM RENUNCIATION O* SIN AND PRO*ESSION O* *AITH )he Presider spea/s to the parents and godparents in these 0ords( +n the case of the baptis" of adults% he addresses the" directly and refers to their o0n faith and responsibility(

Dear G)arents an" 'o")arents7 or 0rot ers an" s!stersH= Yo# a&e co$e ere to )resent Gt ese c !l"ren or yo#rsel&esH for 0a)t!s$8 ,y <ater an" t e Holy S)!r!t7 Gt ey or yo#H are to rece!&e t e '!ft of ne< l!fe fro$ %o"7 < o !s lo&e8 On yo#r )art7 yo# $#st $ake !t yo#r constant care to G0r!n' t e$ #) or )erse&ereH !n t e )ract!ce of t e fa!t 8 See t at t e "!&!ne l!fe < !c %o" '!&es Gt e$ or yo#H !s ke)t safe fro$ t e )o!son of s!n7 to 'ro< al<ays stron'er !n Gt e!r or yo#rH earts8 If yo#r fa!t $akes yo# rea"y to acce)t t !s res)ons!0!l!ty7 Grene< no< t e &o<s of yo#r o<n 0a)t!s$H reFect s!n7 )rofess yo#r fa!t !n C r!st Jes#s8 T !s !s t e fa!t of t e C #rc 8 T !s !s t e fa!t !n < !c Gt ese c !l"ren or yo#H are a0o#t to 0e 0a)t!>e"8
.e then as/s the"D

Do yo# reFect SatanB


+ do(

An" all !s <orksB


+ do(

An" all !s e$)ty )ro$!sesB


+ do(


.e continues%

Do yo# 0el!e&e !n %o"7 t e *at er al$!' ty7 creator of ea&en an" eart B

+ do(

Do yo# 0el!e&e !n Jes#s C r!st7 !s only Son7 o#r Lor"7 < o <as 0orn of t e +!r'!n Mary7 <as cr#c!f!e"7 "!e" an" <as 0#r!e"7 rose fro$ t e "ea"7 an" !s not seate" at t e r!' t an" of t e *at erB

+ do(

Do yo# 0el!e&e !n t e Holy S)!r!t7 t e oly Cat ol!c C #rc 7 t e co$$#n!on of sa!nts7 t e for'!&eness of s!ns7 t e res#rrect!on of t e 0o"y7 an" l!fe e&erlast!n'B

+ do(

+f those to be bapti?ed are adults% the Presider invites the first of the candidates to the font 0ith his godparents( )hen he as/s the" individually% using their na"eD

N87 !s !t yo#r <!s to 0e 0a)t!>e" !n t e fa!t of t e C #rc 7 < !c <e a&e all )rofesse" <!t yo#B

+t is(

+f those to be bapti?ed are children% the Presider invites the first of the fa"ilies to the font( )hen he as/s the parents and godparents% using the na"e of the individual childD


Is !t yo#r <!s t at N87 s o#l" 0e 0a)t!>e" !n t e fa!t of t e C #rc 7 < !c <e a&e all )rofesse" <!t yo#B

+t is(

)he Presider then bapti?es the candidates% saying(

N87 I 0a)t!>e yo# !n t e na$e of t e *at er7

.e i""erses the candidate or pours 0ater on hi" or her(

an" of t e Son7
.e i""erses the candidate or pours 0ater on hi" or her% a second ti"e(

an" of t e Holy S)!r!t8

.e i""erses the candidate or pours 0ater on hi" or her% a third ti"e( .e as/s the sa"e 7uestion and perfor"s the sa"e action for each candidate( :fter each baptis"% it is appropriate for the people to sing a short accla"ation% such asD

,lesse" 0e %o" < o c ose yo# !n C r!st8

For adults% if baptis" is to be done by i""ersion% the godparent holds or touches the candidate( +f baptis" is done by the pouring of 0ater% the godparent places his or her right hand upon the right shoulder of the candidate( For children% if baptis" is perfor"ed by the pouring of 0ater% it is preferable that the child be held by the "other @or fatherA( here% ho0ever% it is felt that the e5isting custo" should be retained% the god"other @or godfatherA "ay hold the child( +f baptis" is by i""ersion% the "other or father @god"other or godfatherA lifts the child out of the font( +f the nu"ber of children to be bapti?ed is large% and other priests and deacons are present% these "ay bapti?e so"e of the children in the 0ay describe above% and 0ith the sa"e for"( ANOINTIN% WITH CHRISM

)hen the Presider saysD

%o" t e *at er of o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st as free" yo# fro$ s!n7 'a&e yo# a ne< 0!rt 0y <ater an" t e Holy S)!r!t7 an" <elco$e" yo# !nto !s oly )eo)le8 He no< ano!nts yo# <!t t e c r!s$ of sal&at!on8 As C r!st <as ano!nte" Pr!est7 Pro) et an" :!n'7 so $ay yo# al<ays l!&e as $e$0ers of !s 0o"y7 s ar!n' e&erlast!n' l!fe8


Fe5t% the Presider anoints each of the candidates on the cro0n of the head 0ith chris"% in silence( +f the nu"ber is large% and other priests and deacons are present% these "ay anoint so"e of the ne0ly bapti?ed 0ith chris"(

CLOTHIN% WITH WHITE %ARMENT )hen the Presider saysD

GN87 N87H yo# a&e 0eco$e a ne< creat!on7 an" a&e clot e" yo#rsel&es !n C r!st8 See !n t !s < !te 'ar$ent t e o#t<ar" s!'n of yo#r C r!st!an "!'n!ty8 W!t yo#r fa$!ly an" fr!en"s to el) yo# 0y <or" an" e6a$)le7 0r!n' t at "!'n!ty #nsta!ne" !nto t e e&erlast!n' l!fe of ea&en8


)he 0hite gar"ents are placed on the ne0ly bapti?ed( : different color is not per"itted unless de"anded by local custo"( +t is desirable that the fa"ilies provide the gar"ents( :dults are confir"ed i""ediately after baptis"% if a bishop or a priest 0ith the faculty to confir" is present(


,LESSIN% O* THE WATER I* THERE IS NO ONE TO ,E ,APTIOED +f no one is to be bapti?ed% and the font is not to be blessed% the Presider blesses the 0ater 0ith the follo0ing prayerD

My 0rot ers an" s!sters7 let #s ask t e Lor" o#r %o" to 0less t e <ater e as create"7 < !c <e s all #se to recall o#r 0a)t!s$8 May e rene< #s an" kee) #s fa!t f#l to t e S)!r!t <e a&e all rece!&e"8
:ll pray silently for a 0hile( ith hands Boined% the Presider continuesD

Lor" o#r %o"7 t !s n!' t yo#r )eo)le kee) )rayerf#l &!'!l8 ,e <!t #s as <e recall t e <on"er of yo#r creat!on an" t e 'reat <on"er of o#r re"e$)t!on8 ,less t !s <ater= !t $akes t e see" 'ro<7 !t refres es #s an" $akes #s clean8 Yo# a&e $a"e of !t a ser&ant of yo#r lo&!n' k!n"ness= t ro#' <ater yo# set yo#r )eo)le free7 an" J#enc e" t e!r t !rst !n t e "esert8 W!t <ater t e )ro) ets anno#nce" a ne< co&enant t at yo# <o#l" $ake <!t $an8

,y <ater7 $a"e oly 0y C r!st !n t e Jor"an7 yo# $a"e o#r s!nf#l nat#re ne< !n t e 0at t at '!&es re0!rt 8 Let t !s <ater re$!n" #s of o#r 0a)t!s$? let #s s are t e Foys of o#r 0rot ers an" s!sters7 < o are 0a)t!>e" t !s Easter8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


RENEWAL O* ,APTISMAL PROMISES hen the rite of baptis" @and confir"ationA has been co"pleted% or if there is no baptis"% i""ediately after the blessing of 0ater% all present stand 0ith lighted candles and rene0 their profession of faith( )he Presider spea/s to the people in these or si"ilar 0ordsD

Dear fr!en"s7 t ro#' t e Pasc al $ystery7 <e a&e 0een 0#r!e" <!t C r!st !n 0a)t!s$ so t at <e $ay r!se <!t !$ to a ne< l!fe8 No< t at <e a&e co$)lete" o#r lenten o0ser&ance7 let #s rene< t e )ro$!ses <e $a"e !n 0a)t!s$ < en <e reFecte" Satan an" !s <orks7 an" )ro$!se" to ser&e %o" fa!t f#lly !n !s oly Cat ol!c C #rc 8 An" so=
.e as/s the"%

Do yo# reFect s!n7 so as to l!&e !n t e free"o$ of %o"-s c !l"renB


+ do(

Do yo# reFect t e 'la$or of e&!l7 an" ref#se to 0e $astere" 0y s!nB


+ do(


Do yo# reFect Satan7 fat er of s!n an" )r!nce of "arknessB


+ do(

.e continues%

Do yo# 0el!e&e !n %o"7 t e *at er al$!' ty7 creator of ea&en an" eart B

+ do(

Do yo# 0el!e&e !n Jes#s C r!st7 !s only Son7 o#r Lor"7 < o <as 0orn of t e +!r'!n Mary7 <as cr#c!f!e"7 "!e" an" <as 0#r!e"7 rose fro$ t e "ea"7 an" !s not seate" at t e r!' t an" of t e *at erB

+ do(

Do yo# 0el!e&e !n t e Holy S)!r!t7 t e oly Cat ol!c C #rc 7 t e co$$#n!on of sa!nts7 t e for'!&eness of s!ns7 t e res#rrect!on of t e 0o"y7 an" l!fe e&erlast!n'B

+ do(

%o"7 t e all )o<erf#l *at er of o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 as '!&en #s a ne< 0!rt 0y <ater an" t e Holy S)!r!t7 an" for'!&en all o#r s!ns8 May e also kee) #s fa!t f#l to o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st for e&er an" e&er8


)he Presider no0 sprin/les hi"self and the asse"bly 0ith the blessed 0ater% 0hile all sing I sa< <ater< or any other song% baptis"al in character% "ay be sung( :ntiphonD + sa0 0ater flo0ing fro" the right side of the te"ple% alleluia( +t brought =odGs life and his salvation% and the people sang in Boyful praiseD alleluia% alleluia( @E? 8>% $92( &A HAN%O SA TU,I% Marty 'augen


Han'o sa t#0!' tayo ay !nan'at n' D!yos sa kal!'tasan P#r! !n s!yan' sa at!n ay t#$a<a' nan' sa t#0!' tayo-y 0!nya'an8 Laging a0itin ating /asaysayanI ('ango sa tubig# % 7anyang bayan2) +pahayag /anyang /aligtasanI ('ango sa tubig# may 7aligtasan2) 4ula sa dili" /anyang sininaganI ('ango sa tubig# % 7anyang bayan2) Canyang ginapi ating /a"atayanI ('ango sa tubig# may 7aligtasan2) ISAN% PANANAMPALATAYA .)4) Santos & ) 'onti(eros# S$ Isan' )anana$)alataya7 !san' )a'0!0!nya'7 !san' Pan'!noon an'k!n!n nat!n' la at; .abilin ni .esus noong siya ay lu"isan% Cayo ay "ag/atipon sa pag"a"ahalan( :"a% pa/inggan "o% ang a"ing panalangin% dalisay na pag9ibig sa a"iGy su"apit( 4ga alagad /o% paGno "a/i/ilalaN )apat nilang pag9ibig% 0ala nang iba pa( 4ean0hile% the ne0ly bapti?ed are led to their place a"ong the faithful( +f the blessing of the baptis"al 0ater does not ta/e place at the baptistery% the "inisters reverently carry the vessel of 0ater to the font( -ther0ise% the blessed 0ater is put in a convenient place( :fter the people have been sprin/led% the Presider returns to the chair( )he Profession of Faith is o"itted and the Presider directs the =eneral +ntercessions% in 0hich the ne0ly bapti?ed ta/e part for the first ti"e(



C r!st o#r Lor" learne" o0e"!ence fro$ < at e s#ffere"7 an" no< $a"e )erfect7 e !s t e so#rce of l!fe for all < o o0ey !$8 Let #s conf!"ently a))roac t e t rone of 'race to rece!&e $ercy an" to f!n" 'race for t!$ely el)8

Lord# hear our prayer)

$( For the holy Church% that beco"ing lo0ly li/e Christ 0ho beca"e a servant% she "ay learn to sy"phati?e 0ith the Boys and pains of all people( 4ay she beco"e a true channel through 0hich =od co""unes 0ith hu"anity and hu"anity dra0s near to =od( Let us pray to the Lord(

Lord# hear our prayer)

2( For our nation% that being tested in every 0ay% 0e "ay persevere in righteousness% and learn obedience fro" our suffering( 4ay 0e be raised up 0ith Christ% 0ho 0as cro0ned 0ith glory and honor because of his endurance( Let us pray to the Lord(

Lord# hear our prayer)

6( For all 0ho have received the gift of baptis"% that consecrated by Christ and beco"ing his brothers and sisters% they "ay live in the true freedo" of the sons of =od( 4ay they al0ays be faithful to their Christian co""it"ent and bring liberty to those in bondage and slavery(


Let us pray to the Lord(


Lord# hear our prayer)

8( For the poor and the suffering% that they too "ay feel the Boy of the 1isen Lord% and e5perience his salvation in their life( 4ay the co"passion of Christians help bring the healing light of the !avior to all 0ho live in pain and dar/ness( Let us pray to the Lord(

Lord# hear our prayer)

,( For all of us no0 gathered around the table of the Lord% that filled 0ith grace in the Boy of this night% 0e "ay go out and proclai" the =ood Fe0s of ChristGs 1esurrection and beco"e his active and transfor"ing presence in the 0orld( Let us pray to the Lord(
1( PresiderD

Lord# hear our prayer)

*at er of lo&e7 yo# f!ll t !s n!' t <!t t e l!' t of t e r!sen C r!st7 an" f!ll o#r earts <!t t ey Foy of !s Res#rrect!on8 %lor!fy t e ,o"y of C r!st )resent !n t e <orl" an" $ake #s7 yo#r C #rc 7 a eal!n' )resence t at '!&es l!' t an" Foy to all )eo)le8 t ro#' t e sa$e C r!st o#r Lor"8



LITUR%Y O* THE EUCHARIST PREPARATION O* THE ALTAR AND O* THE %I*TS PANALAN%IN SA PA%I%IN% ,U:AS9PALAD Manoling "rancisco# S$ Panginoon% turuan "o a/ong "aging bu/as9palad( )uruan "o a/ong "agling/od sa iyoD na "agbigay ng ayon sa nararapat na 0alang hinihintay "ula sa Hyo na "a/iba/ang di inaalintana "ga hirap na dinaranas sa tu0inaGy "agsu"i/ap na hindi hinahanap ang /apalit na /aginha0ahan na di naghihintay /undi ang a/ing "abatid na ang loob "oGy siyang sinusundan( )he Presider ta/es the paten 0ith the bread and% holding it slightly raised above the altar saysD

,lesse" are yo# Lor"7 %o" of all creat!on8 t ro#' yo#r 'oo"ness <e a&e t !s 0rea" to offer7 < !c eart as '!&en an" #$an an"s a&e $a"e8 It <!ll 0eco$e for #s t e 0rea" of l!fe8
1( Blessed be =od forever(

)he Presider% or a concelebrant% pours 0ine and a little 0ater into the chalice saying inaudiblyD

,y t e $ystery of t !s <ater an" <!ne $ay <e co$e to s are !n t e "!&!n!ty of C r!st7 < o #$0le" !$self to s are o#r #$an!ty8
)hen the Presider ta/es the chalice and% holding it slightly raised above the altar saysD

,lesse" are yo# Lor"7 %o" of all creat!on8 T ro#' yo#r 'oo"ness <e a&e t !s <!ne to offer7 fr#!t of t e &!ne an" <ork of #$an an"s8 It <!ll 0eco$e o#r s)!r!t#al "r!nk8
1( Blessed be =od forever(
)he Presider says inaudiblyD

Lor" %o"7 <e ask yo# to rece!&e #s an" 0e )lease" <!t t e sacr!f!ce <e offer yo#


#$0le an" contr!te earts8

.e "ay no0 incense the offerings and the altar( :fter0ards% a "inister incenses the Presider% concelebrants and the congregation( Fe5t% the Presider stands at the side of the altar and 0ashes his hands saying inaudiblyD

Lor"7 <as a<ay $y !n!J#!ty? cleanse $e fro$ $y s!n8

!tanding at the center of the altar% facing the people% he e5tends and the Boins his hands% sayingD

Pray 0ret ren7 t at o#r sacr!f!ce May 0e acce)ta0le to %o"7 t e Al$!' ty *at er8

4ay the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his na"e% for our good and the good of all his Church(


Lor"7 acce)t t e )rayers an" offer!n' of yo#r )eo)le8 W!t yo#r el)7 $ay t !s Easter $ystery of o#r re"e$)t!on ,r!n' to )erfect!on t e sa&!n' <ork yo# a&e 0e'#n !n #s8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


EUCHARISTIC PRAYER )he Paschal 4ystery


T e Lor" 0e <!t yo#8


1( 2( 1( 2( 1(

:nd also 0ith you(

L!ft #) yo#r earts8

e lift the" up to the Lord(

Let #s '!&e t anks to t e Lor" o#r %o"8

+t is right to give hi" than/s and praise(

*at er7 all9)o<erf#l an" e&er9l!&!n' %o"7 We "o <ell al<ays an" e&ery< ere to '!&e yo# t anks t ro#' Jes#s C r!st o#r Lor"8 We )ra!se yo# <!t 'reater Foy t an e&er on t !s Easter n!' t < en C r!st 0eca$e o#r )asc al sacr!f!ce8 He !s t e tr#e La$0 < o took a<ay t e s!ns of t e <orl"8 ,y "y!n' e "estroye" o#r "eat ? 0y r!s!n' e restore" o#r l!fe8 An" so7 <!t all t e c o!rs of an'els !n ea&en7 <e )rocla!$ yo#r 'lory an" Fo!n !n t e!r #nen"!n' y$n of )ra!se8
)he choir and the asse"bly together sing the Sanct#s(

EUCHARISTIC PRAYER I+ )he Presider% 0ith hands e5tended% saysD

*at er7 <e ackno<le"'e yo#r 'reatness? all yo#r act!ons s o< yo#r <!s"o$ an" lo&e8 Yo# for$e" $an !n yo#r o<n l!keness an" set !$ o&er t e < ole <orl"

to ser&e yo#7 !s creator an" to r#le o&er all creat#res8 E&en < en e "!so0eye" yo# an" lost yo#r fr!en"s !)7 yo# "!" not a0an"on !$ to t e )o<er of "eat 7 0#t el)e" all $en to seek an" f!n" yo#8 A'a!n an" a'a!n yo# offere" a co&enant to $an an" t ro#' t e )ro) ets ta#' t !$ to o)e for sal&at!on8 *at er7 yo# so lo&e" t e <orl" t at !n t e f#llness of t!$e yo# sent yo#r only Son to 0e o#r Sa&!or8 He <as conce!&e" t ro#' t e )o<er of t e Holy S)!r!t7 an" 0orn of t e +!r'!n Mary7 a $an l!ke #s !n all t !n's 0#t s!n8 To t e )oor e )rocla!$e" t e 'oo" ne<s of sal&at!on7 to )r!soners7 free"o$7 an" to t ose !n sorro<7 Foy8 In f#lf!ll$ent of yo#r <!ll e 'a&e !$self #) to "eat ? 0#t 0y r!s!n' fro$ t e "ea"7 e "estroye" "eat an" restore" l!fe8 An" t at <e $!' t l!&e no lon'er for o#rsel&es 0#t for !$7 e sent t e Holy S)!r!t fro$ yo#7 *at er7 as !s f!rst '!ft for t ose < o 0el!e&e7 to co$)lete !s <ork on eart an" to 0r!n' #s t e f#llness of 'race8
.e Boins his hands and holding the" outstretched over the offerings% says% 0ith the concelebrantsD

*at er7 $ay t !s Holy S)!r!t sanct!fy t ese offer!n's8 Let t e$ 0eco$e
.e Boins his hands and% "a/ing the sign of the cross once over both bread and 0ine% saysD

t e 0o"y an" 0loo" of Jes#s C r!st o#r Lor"

.e Boins his hands% and continuesD


as <e cele0rate t e 'reat $ystery < !c e left #s as an e&erlast!n' co&enant8 He al<ays lo&e" t ose < o <ere !s o<n !n t e <orl"8 W en t e t!$e ca$e for !$ to 0e 'lor!f!e" 0y yo#7 !s ea&enly *at er7 e s o<e" t e "e)t of !s lo&e8 W !le t ey <ere at s#))er7
.e ta/es the bread and% raising it a little above the altar% continuesD

e took 0rea"7 sa!" t e 0less!n'7 0roke t e 0rea"7 'a&e !t to !s "!sc!)les7 say!n'=

.e bo0s slightly(

Take t !s7 all of yo# an" eat !t= t !s !s $y 0o"y < !c <!ll 0e '!&en #) for yo#8
.e sho0s the consecrated host to the people% places it on the paten% and genuflects in adoration(

)hen he continuesD

In t e sa$e <ay7 e took t e c#)7 f!lle" <!t <!ne8

.e ta/es the chalice and% raising it a little above the altar% continues

He 'a&e yo# t anks7 an" '!&!n' t e c#) to !s "!sc!)les7 sa!"=

.e bo0s slightly(

Take t !s7 all of yo# an" "r!nk fro$ !t? t !s !s t e c#) of $y 0loo"7 t e 0loo" of t e ne<

an" e&erlast!n' co&enant8 It <!ll 0e s e" for yo# an" for all so t at s!ns $ay 0e for'!&en8 Do t !s !n $e$ory of $e8
.e sho0s the chalice to the people% places it on the corporal% and genuflects in adoration(

Let #s )rocla!$ t e $ystery of fa!t =

)he choir and the asse"bly sing the Accla$at!on(

Dy!n' yo# "estroye" o#r "eat 7 r!s!n' yo# restore" o#r l!fe7 Lor" Jes#s7 co$e !n 'lory8
)hen 0ith hands e5tended% the Presider says% 0ith the concelebrantsD

*at er7 <e no< cele0rate t e $e$or!al of o#r re"e$)t!on8 We recall C r!st-s "eat 7 !s "escent a$on' t e "ea"7 !s res#rrect!on an" !s ascens!on to yo#r r!' t an"? an" look!n' for<ar" to !s co$!n' !n 'lory7 <e offer yo# !s 0o"y an" 0loo"7 t e acce)ta0le sacr!f!ce < !c 0r!n's sal&at!on to t e < ole <orl"8 Lor"7 look #)on t !s sacr!f!ce < !c yo# a&e '!&en to yo#r C #rc ? an" 0y yo#r Holy S)!r!t7 'at er all < o s are t !s 0rea" an" <!ne !nto t e one 0o"y of C r!st7 a l!&!n' sacr!f!ce of )ra!se8
Concelebrant -neD

Lord% re"e"ber those for 0ho" 0e offer this sacrifice% especially Benedict *2+ our Pope% .onesto our bishop% and bishops and clergy every0here( 1e"e"ber those 0ho ta/e part in this offering% those here present and all your people% and all 0ho see/ you 0ith a sincere heart(


Concelebrant )0oD

1e"e"ber those 0ho have died in the peace of Christ and all the dead 0hose faith is /no0n to you alone( Father% in your "ercy% grant also to us% you children% to enter into our heavenly inheritance in the co"pany of the 2irgin 4ary% the "other of =od% of !aint #oseph% her husband% and your apostles and saints( )hen% in your /ingdo"% freed fro" the corruption of sin and death% 0e shall sing your glory 0ith every creature
.e Boins his hands(

through Christ our Lord through 0ho" you give us everything that is good(

)he Presider ta/es the paten 0ith the host and the chalice( Lifting the" up% he sings or says% Boined by the concelebrantsD

T ro#' !$7 <!t !$7 !n !$7 !n t e #n!ty of t e Holy S)!r!t7 all 'lory an" onor !s yo#rs7 al$!' ty *at er7 for e&er an" e&er8
)he choir leads the congregation as they respondD AMEN "rancisco# S$ :"en% :"en% :"en% :"en% :leluyaI


Purihin ang DiyosI Purihin ang DiyosI :"en% :leluyaI :"en% :"en% :"en% :"en% :leluyaI

COMMUNION RITE THE LORD-S PRAYER )he Presider introduces the LordGs prayer in these or si"ilar 0ordsD

Jes#s ta#' t #s to )ray to t e *at er7 < o ne&er a0an"one" !$ !n !s s#ffer!n's7 an" ra!se" !$ #) !n 'lory on t e t !r" "ay8 W!t t e f!l!al tr#st an" fa!t of Jes#s7 let #s )ray t e )rayer e !$self ta#' t #s8
)he choir leads the asse"bly in the singing of the LordGs Prayer 8

AMA NAMIN 'onti(eros# S$

:"a na"in su"asalangit Ca% sa"bahin ang ngalan 4o% "apasaa"in ang /aharian 4o% sundin ang loob 4o dito sa lupa para nang sa langit( Bigyan 4o /a"i ngayon ng a"ing /a/anin sa ara09ara0% at pata0arin 4o /a"i sa a"ing "ga sala%

para nang pagpapata0ad na"in sa nag/a/asala sa a"in( :t hG0ag 4o /a"ing ipahintulot sa tu/so at iadya 4o /a"i sa lahat ng "asa"a(

)he Presider 0ith hands e5tended% continues aloneD

Del!&er #s Lor" fro$ e&ery e&!l7 an" 'rant #s )eace !n o#r "ay8 In yo#r $ercy kee) #s free fro$ s!n an" )rotect #s fro$ all an6!ety as <e <a!t !n Foyf#l o)e for t e co$!n' of o#r Sa&!or7 Jes#s C r!st8

For the /ingdo"% the po0er% and the glory are yours% no0 and for ever(

SI%N O* PEACE )he Presider% 0ith hands e5tended% says aloudD

Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 yo# sa!" to yo#r a)ostles= I lea&e yo# )eace7 $y )eace I '!&e yo#7 Look not on o#r s!ns7 0#t on t e fa!t of yo#r C #rc 7 an" 'rant #s t e )eace an" #n!ty of yo#r k!n'"o$ < ere yo# l!&e for e&er an" e&er8


)he Presider% e5tending and Boining his hands% addsD

T e )eace of t e Lor" 0e <!t yo# al<ays8


:nd also 0ith you(

)hen the Presider "ay addD

Let #s offer eac ot er t e s!'n of )eace8

:ll present "a/e an appropriate sign of peace( ,REA:IN% O* THE ,READ


:ORDERO N% DIYOS .9uino# S$ Cordero ng Diyos na nag9aalis ng "ga /asalanan ng sanlibutan% "aa0a Ca sa a"in% "aa0a Ca sa a"in( Cordero ng Diyos na nag9aalis ng "ga /asalanan ng sanlibutan% "aa0a Ca sa a"in% "aa0a Ca sa a"in( Cordero ng Diyos na nag9aalis ng "ga /asalanan ng sanlibutan% ipag/aloob 4o sa a"in ang /apayapaan( 4ean0hile% the Presider ta/es the .ost and brea/s it over the paten( .e places a s"all piece in the chalice% saying inaudiblyD

May t !s $!n'l!n' of t e 0o"y an" 0loo" of o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st 0r!n' eternal l!fe to #s < o rece!&e !t8
PRI+ATE PREPARATION )he Presider says inaudiblyD

Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 Son of t e l!&!n' %o"7 0y t e <!ll of t e *at er an" t e <ork of t e Holy S)!r!t yo#r "eat 0ro#' t l!fe to t e <orl"8 ,y yo#r oly ,o"y an" ,loo" free $e fro$ all $y s!ns an" fro$ e&ery e&!l8 :ee) $e fa!t f#l to yo#r teac !n'7 an" ne&er let $e 0e )arte" fro$ yo#8
COMMUNION )he Presider genuflects( )a/ing the host% he raises it slightly over the paten and facing the people says aloudD

T !s !s t e La$0 of %o" < o takes a<ay t e s!ns of t e <orl"8 Ha))y are t ose < o are calle" to !s s#))er8

Lord% + a" not 0orthy to receive you% but only say the 0ord and + shall be healed(

)he Presider says inaudiblyD

May t e 0o"y of C r!st 0r!n' $e to e&erlast!n' l!fe8


.e reverently consu"es the body of Christ( )hen he ta/es the chalice and says inaudiblyD

May t e 0loo" of C r!st 0r!n' $e to e&erlast!n' l!fe

.e reverently drin/s the blood of Christ( :fter this he ta/es the paten or other vessel and goes to the co""unicants( .e ta/es a host for each one% raises it a little% and sho0s it sayingD

T e ,o"y of C r!st8
1( :"en( Co""union :ntiphonD Christ has beco"e our paschal sacrifice< let us feast 0ith te unleavened bread of sincerity and truth( :lleluia( @$ Cor ,% >9'A

hile the faithful receive co""union% Eucharistic songs are sung( IN MY HEART Manoling !) "rancisco# S$ In $y eart7 I kno< $y Sa&!or l!&es8 I can ear !$ call!n' ten"erly $y na$e8 O&er s!n an" "eat e as )re&a!le"8 In !s 'lory7 !n !s ne< l!fe <e )artake8 + /no0 he lives as he has pro"ised% for "e heGs risen that fro" fear + "ay be free( Fot even death can separate "e fro" hi" 0hose 0hose love and "ight re"ain in "e( For + have seen and touched hi" risen% through all the 0orld 0ill + proclai" his "aBesty( ith Boy + sing to tell his story that in our hearts "ay live his "e"ory( :nd all the earth shall bo0 before hi"( .is blessed na"e all 0ill adore on bended /nee( .is truth shall reign% so shall his Bustice< in Christ "y !avior let all glory be( PA%SI,OL .rnel dC) .9uino# S$ Ba0at huni ng ibon sa pag9ihip ng a"ihan 0angis "oGy a/ing natatana0( Pagda"pi ng u"aga sa nanla"ig /ong /ala"nan% init "oGy pangarap /ong hag/an(


Pan'!noon7 !ka< an' kas!0#lan n' 0# ay7 P#so-y "al!say ka!lan )a $an8 I)a !nt#lot $on' ako-y $a)a an"#say sa s#$asa!0ayon' ka'!n a<a an8 Fangungulilang "alay% binulungan ng tinig "ong nagdulot ng /ati0asayan( Paghahanap /at0iran% nilusa0 "o sa si"buyong /arilagan ng pag"a"ahal( IN HIM ALONE Manoling !) "rancisco# S$ In !$ alone !s o#r o)e7 In !$ alone !s o#r stren't 8 In !$ alone are <e F#st!f!e"8 In !$ alone are <e sa&e"8 hat have 0e to offer that does not fade or 0itherN Can the 0orld ever satisfy the e"ptiness in our hearts in vain% 0e denyN hen 0ill you cease running in search of hollo0 "eaningN Let his love fill the hunger in your soul Htil it overflo0s 0ith Boy you yearn to /no0( ANIMA CHRISTI $andi .rboleda !oul of Christ% sanctify "e( Body of Christ% save "e( ater fro" the side of Christ% 0ash "e( Passion of Christ% give "e strength( .ear "e% #esus( .ide "e in thy 0ounds that + "ay never leave thy side( Fro" all the evil that surrounds "e% defend "e( :nd 0hen the call of death arives% bid "e co"e to thee that + "ay praise thee 0ith thy saints forever( SURREKIT CHRISTUS Tai*e Ooo P S#rre6!t C r!st#s7 allel#!a; Ooo P Cantate Do$!no7 allel#!a;


: period of silence "ay be observed after co""union% or a psal" or song of praise "ay be sung(


Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

Lor"7 yo# a&e no#r!s e" #s <!t yo#r Easter sacra$ents8 *!ll #s <!t yo#r S)!r!t an" $ake #s one !n )eace an" lo&e8 We ask t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8


RE%INA COELI )he Presider addresses the asse"bly in these or si"ilar 0ordsD

Sat#r"ay !s t e "ay <e onor O#r La"y 0eca#se on t at f!rst Sat#r"ay7 < en all o)e see$e" to a&e fa!le"7 s e ke)t er fa!t !n t e )ro$!se of t e Lor"8 ,lesse" !s s e for f!r$ly 0el!e&!n' t at t e )ro$!ses s)oken to er 0y t e Lor" <!ll 0e f#lf!lle"8 Allel#!a;
)he Presider incenses the i"age of -ur Lady as the asse"bly sings the Re'!na Coel! @see "usic on page $6'A or any other suitable 4arian hy"nD RE%INA COELI 1egina coeli% laetareI :lleluiaI Quia 7ue" "eruisti portareI :lleluiaI 1esurre5it sicut di5itI :lleluiaI -ra pro nobis Deu"I :lleluiaI - Queen of heaven% be BoyfulI :lleluiaI )he !on 0ho" you did bury in sorro0I :lleluiaI 1ose in splendor as he pro"isedI :lleluiaI Pray for your children% 4aryI :lleluiaI


1eyna ng Langit% "agdi0ang% alleluiaI )u0a ng iyong sinapupunan% alleluiaI :y nabuhay na"ang tunay% alleluiaI Ca"iGy ipa"agitan% alleluiaI *INAL ,LESSIN% PresiderD

T e Lor" 0e <!t yo#8


:nd also 0ith you(

.e invites the people to bo0 their heads and invo/e the blessing of =od(

,o< yo#r ea"s an" )ray for %o"-s 0less!n'8

.e then prays 0ith hands e5tended over the peopleD

May al$!' ty %o" 0less yo# on t !s sole$n feast of Easter an" $ay e )rotect yo# a'a!nst all s!n8


T ro#' t e res#rrect!on of !s Son7 %o" 'rante" #s eal!n'8 May e f#lf!ll !s )ro$!ses an" 0less yo# <!t eternal l!fe8


Yo# $o#rne" for C r!st-s s#ffer!n's? no< yo# cele0rate t e Foy of !s res#rrect!on8 May yo# co$e <!t Foy to t e feast < !c lasts fore&er8


May al$!' ty %o" 0less yo#7 t e *at er7 an" t e Son7 an" t e Holy S)!r!t8




T e Mass !s en"e"7 'o !n )eace to lo&e an" ser&e t e Lor"8 Allel#!a; Allel#!a;

)han/s be to =od( :lleluiaI :lleluiaI

:fter the sole"n blessing% a fitting f!nal son' is sung(

HUMAYO-T IHAYA% "rancisco# S$ & Catalan# S$ & 4o# S$ .u"ayoGt ihayag% @purihin !iyaIA at ating ibunyag @a0itan !iyaIA Pagliligtas ng Diyos na sa /rus ni .esus ang siyang sa "undoGy tu"ubosI Langit at lupa% !iyaGy papurihanI :ra0 at tala% !iyaGy parangalanI :ting Hpagdi0ang pag9ibig ng Diyos sa tananI :leluyaI :t isiga0 sa lahat% /alinga FiyaGy 0agas( Cayong du/haGt salatD pag9ibig Fiya sa inyo ay tapatI .alinaGt su"aya0% buong bayanI Lu/so sabay siga0% sanlibutanI :ng ngalan Fiyang ang/in% Hsing ningning ng bituinD Li0anag ng Diyos% su"aatinI Langit at lupa% !iyaGy papurihanI :ra0 at tala% !iyaGy parangalanI :ting Hpagdi0ang pag9ibig ng Diyos sa tananI !a tananI :ting Hpagdi0ang pag9ibig ng Diyos sa tananI :leluyaI






T e Lor" as !n"ee" r!sen7 allel#!a8

@L/ 28% 68A

EUCHARISTIC CELE,RATION INTRODUCTORY RITE Entrance :ntiphonD + have risenD + a" 0ith you once "ore< you placed your hand on "e to /eep "e safe% ho0 great is the depth of your 0isdo"% alleluiaI @Ps $6&% $'( ,96(A UMAWIT :AYO; .rnel dC .9uino# S$


U$a<!t kayo n' 0a'on' a<!t!n sa Pan'!noon' 0#t! !n; Kah0eh /ong "ahal% /ahanga9hanga ang Hyong "ga /a"ay( :ng bisig "o a/ing tagu"pay( +pina/ilala ng ating Diyos sa lahat ng bansa Canyang /apangyarihan at a0a( Kah0eh /ong tapat% Hdi "o nili"ot ang Hyong "ga su"pa( :ng pag9ibig "o ay "atatag( FgayoGy u"aa0it ang buong daigdig sa iyong tagu"pay% at paghango sa a"in% Hyong bayan( Kah0eh /ong :"a% /ay lu0alhati ng Hyong "ga li/ha( !a /alangitan "ay pagdiri0ang( :ng "ga dagat at ilog "an ay nagsusu"iga0 sa Hyong /ada/ilaan at dangal( Magsumiga0 sa 7aligayahan: itanghal 7ada7ilaan ng Diyos# ng Diyos2

%REETIN% PresiderD

In t e na$e of t e *at er7 an" of t e Son7 an" of t e Holy S)!r!t8

1( 2( 1(


T e Lor" 0e <!t yo#8

:nd also 0ith you(

INTRODUCTION TO THE CELE,RATION AND PENITENTIAL RITE )he Presider introduces the celebration in these or si"ilar 0ords(

Dear 0rot ers an" s!sters7 on t !s $ost Foyf#l "ay7 <e are 'at ere" to cele0rate t e 'lor!o#s r!s!n' to ne< l!fe of o#r Lor" an" Sa&!or Jes#s C r!st8 T e Res#rrect!on of t e Lor" !s t e fo#n"at!on an" center of o#r C r!st!an fa!t 8 ,eca#se t e Lor" !s r!sen7 <e are re0orn7 <!t ne< l!fe an" ne< o)e?

an" <e 0el!e&e t at 0y s ar!n' !n !s "eat 7 !n '!&!n' of o#rsel&es F#st as e s o<e" #s 0y offer!n' !s l!fe on t e Cross7 <e <!ll also s are !n !s f#llness of l!fe8 Co$!n' to'et er to cele0rate t e $e$or!al of t e Lor"-s Pasc al Mystery7 let #s #$0ly ackno<le"'e o#r o<n nee" for !s re"e$)t!on an" 0e' for !s eal!n' $ercy8
: pause for silent reflection follo0s( :YRIE )he Cyrie is said or sung(

Lor" Jes#s7 yo# ra!se #s to ne< l!fe7 Lor"7 a&e $ercy8


Lord% have "ercy(

Lor" Jes#s7 yo# for'!&e o#r s!ns7 C r!st7 a&e $ercy8


Christ% have "ercy(

Lor" Jes#s7 yo# fee" #s <!t yo#r 0o"y an" 0loo"7 Lor"7 a&e $ercy8

Lord% have "ercy(

)he Presider says the absolutionD

May al$!' ty %o" a&e $ercy on #s7 for'!&e #s o#r s!ns7 an" 0r!n' #s to e&erlast!n' l!fe8
1( %LORIA )he Presider intones the =loria( )he bells of the church are festively rung(



%lory to %o" !n t e !' est7 an" )eace to !s )eo)le on eart 8 Lor" %o"7 ea&enly :!n'7 al$!' ty %o" an" *at er7 <e <ors !) yo#7 <e '!&e yo# t anks7 <e )ra!se yo# for yo#r 'lory8 Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 only Son of t e *at er7 Lor" %o"7 La$0 of %o"7 yo# take a<ay t e s!ns of t e <orl"= a&e $ercy on #s? yo# are seate" at t e r!' t an" of t e *at er= rece!&e o#r )rayer8 *or yo# alone are t e Holy One7 yo# alone are t e Lor"7 yo# alone are t e Most H!' 7 Jes#s C r!st7 <!t t e Holy S)!r!t7 !n t e 'lory of %o" t e *at er8 A$en8

Let #s )ray8 Don t !s Easter $orn!n' for t e l!fe t at ne&er a'a!n s all see t e "arknessE
Pause for silent prayer(

%o" o#r *at er7 creator of all7 to"ay !s t e "ay of Easter Foy8 T !s !s t e $orn!n' on < !c t e Lor" a))eare" to )eo)le < o a" 0e'#n to lose t e!r o)e an" o)ene" t e!r eyes to < at t e Scr!)t#res foretol"7 t at f!rst e $#st "!e7 an" t en e <o#l" r!se7 an" ascen" to t e *at er-s 'lor!o#s )resence8 May t e r!sen Lor" 0reat e on o#r $!n"s an" o)en o#r eyes7 t at <e $ay kno< !$ !n t e 0reak!n' of 0rea"7

an" follo< !$ !n !s r!sen l!fe8 %rant t !s t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8



LITUR%Y O* THE WORD *IRST READIN% =od raised hi" up on the third day(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e Acts of t e A)ostles

$0% 68( 6>986

Peter addressed the people in these 0ordsD J+ ta/e it you /no0 0hat has been reported all over #udea about #esus of Fa?areth% beginning in =alilee 0ith the baptis" #ohn preached< of the 0ay =od anointed hi" 0ith the .oly !pirit and po0er( .e 0ent about doing good 0or/s and healing all 0ho 0ere in the grip of the devil% and =od 0as 0ith hi"( e are 0itnesses to all he did in the land of the #e0s and in #erusale"( )hey /illed hi" finally% Hhanging hi" on a tree%G only to have =od raise hi" up on the third day and grant that he be seen% not by all% but only by such 0itnesses as had been chosen beforehand by =odL by us 0ho ate and dran/ 0ith hi" after he rose fro" the dead( .e co""issioned us to preach to the people and to bear 0itness that he is the one set apart by =od as the Budge of the living and the dead( )o hi" all the prophets testify% saying that everyone 0ho believes in hi" has forgiveness of sins through his na"e(M T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

)han/s be to =od(


RESPONSORIAL PSALM 1( Ito an' ara< na '!na<a n' Pan'!noon7 tayo-y $a'saya at $a'alak;

Psal" $$'

4agpasala"at /ayo sa PanginoonI Butihin siya% /anyang ga0aGy 0alang hanggan( !abihin ng sa"bayan ng +srael% 0alang hanggan /anyang a0a(
1( Ito an' ara< na '!na<a n' Pan'!noon7 tayo-y $a'saya at $a'alak;

Canang /a"ay ng Diyos% sa /iGy hu"ango( :ng bisig nGya% sa a/in ang tagapagtanggol( :/oGy hindi "apapaha"a/ /ailan"an( +pahahayag /o% lu0alhati niya(
1( Ito an' ara< na '!na<a n' Pan'!noon7 tayo-y $a'saya at $a'alak;

:ng a/ing Panginoon% "oog ng buhay( !iya ang batong tinanggihan ng tagapagtayo( Cahanga9hanga sa ating "ga "ata% ga0ain niya% purihin siyaI
1( Ito an' ara< na '!na<a n' Pan'!noon7 tayo-y $a'saya at $a'alak; SECOND READIN% Living in the 1isen Christ(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e letter of Pa#l to t e Coloss!ans

6% $98

!ince you have been raised up in co"pany 0ith Christ% set your heart on 0hat pertains to higher real"s 0here Christ is seated at =odGs right hand( Be intent on things above rather than on things of earth( :fter all% you have diedI Kour life is hidden no0 0ith Christ in =od( hen Christ our life appears% then you shall appear 0ith hi" in glory( T e Wor" of t e Lor"8
1( or Enleavened loaves for the feast of the ne0 Passover(

)han/s be to =od(

A rea"!n' fro$ t e f!rst letter of Pa#l to t e Cor!nt !ans


,% 69'

Do you not /no0 that a little yeast has its effect all through the doughN =et rid of the old yeast to "a/e of yourselves fresh dough% unleavened loaves% as it 0ere< Christ our Passover has been sacrificed( Let us celebrate the feast not 0ith the old yeast% that of corruption and 0ic/edness% but 0ith the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth( T e Wor" of t e Lor"8

)han/s be to =od(

SEMUENCE @Prose te5tA

)o the Paschal 2icti" let the Christians offer a sacrifice of praise( )he La"b redee"ed the sheep( Christ% sinless% reconciled sinners to the Father( Death and life 0ere loc/ed together in a uni7ue struggle( LifeGs captain died< no0 he reigns% never "ore to die( )ell us 4ary% J hat did you see on the 0ayNM J+ sa0 the to"b of the no0 living Christ% + sa0 the glory of Christ no0 risen( J+ sa0 angels 0ho gave 0itness< the cloths too 0hich once had covered head and li"bs( JChrist "y hope has arisen( .e 0ill go before his o0n into =alilee(M e /no0 that Christ has indeed risen fro" the dead( Do you% con7ueror and /ing% have "ercy on us( :"en( :lleluiaI
@Poetic te5tA

Christians% to the Paschal 2icti" offer your than/ful praisesI : La"b the sheep redee"sD Christ 0ho only is sinless% reconciles sinners to the Father( Death and life have contended in that co"bat stupendousD )he Prince of life% 0ho died% reigns i""ortal( !pea/% 4ary% declaring% 0hat you sa0% 0ayfaring% J)he to"b of Christ 0ho is living% the glory of #esusGresurrection< bright angels attesting% the shroud and nap/in resting(

Kes% Christ "y hope is arisenD to =alilee% he goes before you(M Christ indeed fro" death is risen% our ne0 life obtaining( .ave "ercy% victor Cing% ever reigningI :"en( :lleluiaI
)he lectionary is re"oved fro" the a"bo if the Boo/ of the =ospels is used( %OSPEL ACCLAMATION 1( :lleluiaI :lleluiaI :lleluiaI

$ Cor ,% >9'

C r!st as 0eco$e o#r )asc al sacr!f!ce8 Let #s feast <!t Foy !n t e Lor"8
1( :lleluiaI :lleluiaI :lleluiaI .e sa0 and believed(


T e Lor" 0e <!t yo#8

1( 2( 1(

:nd also 0ith you(

A Rea"!n' fro$ t e oly 'os)el accor"!n' to Jo n

=lory to you% - Lord(

20% $9&

arly !n t e $orn!n' on t e f!rst "ay of t e <eek7 < !le !t <as st!ll "ark7 Mary Ma'"alene ca$e to t e to$08 S e sa< t at t e stone a" 0een $o&e" a<ay7 so s e ran off to S!$on Peter an" t e ot er "!sc!)le Gt e one Jes#s lo&e"H an" tol" t e$7 AT e Lor" as 0een taken a<ay fro$ t e to$0; We "on-t kno< < ere t ey a&e )#t !$;C At t at7 Peter an" t e ot er "!sc!)le starte" o#t on t e!r <ay to<ar" t e to$08 T ey <ere r#nn!n' s!"e 0y s!"e7 0#t t en t e ot er "!sc!)le o#tran Peter an" reac e" t e to$0 f!rst8 He "!" not enter 0#t 0ent "o<n to )eer !n7 an" sa< t e <ra))!n's ly!n' on t e 'ro#n"8 Presently7 S!$on Peter ca$e alon' 0e !n" !$ an" entere" t e to$08 He o0ser&e" t e <ra))!n's on t e 'ro#n" an" sa< t e )!ece of clot < !c a" co&ere" t e ea" not ly!n' <!t <ra))!n's7 0#t rolle" #) !n a )lace 0y !tself8 T en t e "!sc!)le < o a" arr!&e" f!rst !n t e to$0 <ent !n8 He sa< an"


0el!e&e"8 GRe$e$0er7 as yet t ey "!" not #n"erstan" t e Scr!)t#re t at Jes#s a" to r!se fro$ t e "ea"8H T e %os)el of t e Lor"8
1( Praise to you% Lord #esus Christ( HOMILY ALTERNATI+E RITE *OR THE RENEWAL O* ,APTISMAL PROMISES )he Presider introduces the rite in these or si"ilar 0ords(

In t e Res#rrect!on of t e Lor"7 <e are re0orn to ne< l!fe8 Let #s rene< t e )ro$!ses of o#r 0a)t!s$7 so t at "y!n' to s!n an" "eat 7 <e $ay tr#ly l!&e as a )eo)le re"ee$e" 0y C r!st8
.e as/s the"%

Do yo# reFect Satan7 all !s <orks7 an" all !s e$)ty )ro$!sesB


e are a people redee"ed by Christ( !in and death has no po0er over us( e have been freed by hi" and 0e are slaves no longer( +n his death% 0e died to our life of sin< in his rising% 0e no0 live a ne0 life of grace(
PresiderD %lory an" )ra!se PeopleD =lory and praise for everI

for e&er;

Do yo# 0el!e&e !n %o"7 t e *at er al$!' ty7 creator of ea&en an" eart B

e believe in =od% the Father of our Lord #esus Christ% rich in "ercy and full of all co"passion( .e created us in love to share in his life and 0hen 0e turned our bac/s to hi" in sin% gave us his only !on% our Lord #esus Christ 0ho reconciles us to hi" and "a/es us in baptis"% his adopted sons and daughters(

PresiderD %lory an" )ra!se PeopleD =lory and praise for everI

for e&er;

Do yo# 0el!e&e !n Jes#s C r!st7 !s only Son7 o#r Lor"7 < o <as 0orn of t e +!r'!n Mary7 <as cr#c!f!e"7 "!e" an" <as 0#r!e"7 rose fro$ t e "ea"7 an" !s no< seate" at t e r!' t an" of t e *at erB

e believe in #esus Christ% the Eternal !on of =od% 0ho% in the fullness of ti"e% beca"e "an li/e us in all things but sin( Because he 0as hu"bled% 0e are no0 raised< because he died% 0e no0 have life< and because he rose again% 0e inherit eternal Boy( Fo0 he lives in glory 0ith =od% pleading to the Father on our behalf( e 0ait for hi" 0ith eager hope% brea/ing bread in his "e"ory% until he co"es again as he bid us do(
PresiderD %lory an" )ra!se PeopleD =lory and praise for everI

for e&er;

Do yo# 0el!e&e !n t e Holy S)!r!t7 t e oly Cat ol!c C #rc 7 t e co$$#n!on of sa!nts7 t e for'!&eness of s!ns7 t e res#rrect!on of t e 0o"y7 an" l!fe e&erlast!n'B

e believe in the .oly !pirit% Lord and Life9giver% ChristGs Easter gift to the Church% 0ho gathers us as his holy people and leads us sinners and saints called together and 0al/ing hand in hand% to everlasting life 0ith the 1isen Lord(
PresiderD %lory an" )ra!se PeopleD =lory and praise for everI

for e&er;



%o"7 t e *at er of o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 'a&e #s ne< l!fe !n 0a)t!s$ 0y t e "eat an" res#rrect!on of !s only Son8 May e also )reser&e #s !n o#r ne< l!fe of 'race an" $ake #s 'ro< to'et er !n ol!ness as C r!st-s oly )eo)le t ro#' t e sa$e C r!st o#r Lor"8


)he Presider no0 sprin/les hi"self and the asse"bly 0ith Easter 0ater( HAN%O SA TU,I% Marty 'augen Han'o sa t#0!' tayo ay !nan'at n' D!yos sa kal!'tasan P#r! !n s!yan' sa at!n ay t#$a<a' nan' sa t#0!' tayo-y 0!nya'an8 Laging a0itin ating /asaysayanI ('ango sa tubig# % 7anyang bayan2) +pahayag /anyang /aligtasanI ('ango sa tubig# may 7aligtasan2) 4ula sa dili" /anyang sininaganI ('ango sa tubig# % 7anyang bayan2) Canyang ginapi ating /a"atayanI ('ango sa tubig# may 7aligtasan2) ISAN% PANANAMPALATAYA .)4) Santos & ) 'onti(eros# S$ Isan' )anana$)alataya7 !san' )a'0!0!nya'7 !san' Pan'!noon an'k!n!n nat!n' la at; .abilin ni .esus noong siya ay lu"isan% Cayo ay "ag/atipon sa pag"a"ahalan( :"a% pa/inggan "o% ang a"ing panalangin% dalisay na pag9ibig sa a"iGy su"apit( 4ga alagad /o% paGno "a/i/ilalaN )apat nilang pag9ibig% 0ala nang iba pa(




,eca#se of !s o0e"!ence e&en #nto "eat 7 t e *at er ra!se" Jes#s on !' an" $a"e !$ o#r ea&enly !' )r!est < o $akes !ntercess!on for #s8 W!t fa!t !n Jes#s7 let #s )ray to t e *at er=

"ather# hear us for the lo(e you bear your Son)

$( For the holy Church% that she "ay faithfully carry out in the Eucharist the "e"orial of the LordGs redee"ing sacrifice( 4ay she live out his Paschal 4ystery% until he co"es again( Let us pray to the Lord(

"ather# hear us for the lo(e you bear your Son)

2( For our nation% that 0e "ay e5perience the transfor"ing po0er of the risen Christ 0ho lives a"ong his people( 4ay the Boy and peace of the resurrection fill our ho"es and heal our land( Let us pray to the Lord(

"ather# hear us for the lo(e you bear your Son)

6( For all 0ho have received the gift of baptis"% that they "ay persevere in their co""it"ent to Christ and beco"e 0itnesses of his salvation to the 0orld( 4ay they live out their ne0 life in #esus and dra0 others to believe in hi"( Let us pray to the Lord(

"ather# hear us for the lo(e you bear your Son)

8( For all our departed brethren% that they "ay e5perience in the 1isen Lord% the fulfill"ent of the pro"ise of eternal life( 4ay they find everlasting peace and Boy

in conte"plating the vision of his glorious face( Let us pray to the Lord(

"ather# hear us for the lo(e you bear your Son)

,( For all of us no0 gathered around the table of the Lord% that 0e "ay continue to proclai" to all people% the good ne0s of the 1isen Christ% by living out the love 0hich he sho0ed us by giving his life on the cross( Let us pray to the Lord(
1( PresiderD

"ather# hear us for the lo(e you bear your Son)

*at er7 yo# f!ll #s <!t Foy at t e res#rrect!on of yo#r Son8 Hear o#r )rayers7 an" let o#r )et!t!ons 0e "ealt <!t 'rac!o#sly7 t ro#' t e sa$e C r!st o#r Lor"8


LITUR%Y O* THE EUCHARIST PREPARATION O* THE ALTAR AND O* THE %I*TS ISAN% PA%:AIN7 ISAN% :ATAWAN7 ISAN% ,AYAN Lucio D) San Pedro Catulad ng "ga butil na tinitipon upang "aging tinapay na nagbibigay buhay


/a"i na0aGy "atipon din at "aging bayan "ong gili0( I!san' Pan'!noon7 !!sa an' :ata<an7 !san' 0ayan7 !san' la ! sa-yo na')#)#'ay Catulad rin ng "ga ubas na pinigaGt naging ala/% sinu"ang u"ino" nito "ay buhay na 0alang hanggan% /a"i na0aGy "aging sang/ap sa pagbuo nitong bayang liyag( )he Presider ta/es the paten 0ith the bread and% holding it slightly raised above the altar saysD

,lesse" are yo# Lor"7 %o" of all creat!on8 t ro#' yo#r 'oo"ness <e a&e t !s 0rea" to offer7 < !c eart as '!&en an" #$an an"s a&e $a"e8 It <!ll 0eco$e for #s t e 0rea" of l!fe8
1( Blessed be =od forever(

)he Presider% or a concelebrant% pours 0ine and a little 0ater into the chalice saying inaudiblyD

,y t e $ystery of t !s <ater an" <!ne $ay <e co$e to s are !n t e "!&!n!ty of C r!st7 < o #$0le" !$self to s are o#r #$an!ty8
)hen the Presider ta/es the chalice and% holding it slightly raised above the altar saysD

,lesse" are yo# Lor"7 %o" of all creat!on8 T ro#' yo#r 'oo"ness <e a&e t !s <!ne to offer7 fr#!t of t e &!ne an" <ork of #$an an"s8 It <!ll 0eco$e o#r s)!r!t#al "r!nk8
1( Blessed be =od forever(
)he Presider says inaudiblyD

Lor" %o"7 <e ask yo# to rece!&e #s an" 0e )lease" <!t t e sacr!f!ce <e offer yo# <!t #$0le an" contr!te earts8
.e "ay no0 incense the offerings and the altar( :fter0ards% a "inister incenses the Presider% concelebrants and the congregation( Fe5t% the Presider stands at the side of the altar and 0ashes his hands saying inaudiblyD

Lor"7 <as a<ay $y !n!J#!ty?


cleanse $e fro$ $y s!n8

!tanding at the center of the altar% facing the people% he e5tends and the Boins his hands% sayingD

Pray 0ret ren7 t at o#r sacr!f!ce May 0e acce)ta0le to %o"7 t e Al$!' ty *at er8

4ay the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his na"e% for our good and the good of all his Church(


Lor"7 <!t Easter Foy <e offer yo# t e sacr!f!ce 0y < !c yo#r C #rc !s re0orn an" no#r!s e" t ro#' C r!st o#r Lor"8
1( :"en(

EUCHARISTIC PRAYER )he Paschal 4ystery

2( 1( 2( 1( 2(

T e Lor" 0e <!t yo#8

:nd also 0ith you(

L!ft #) yo#r earts8

e lift the" up to the Lord(

Let #s '!&e t anks to t e Lor" o#r %o"8



+t is right to give hi" than/s and praise(

*at er7 all9)o<erf#l an" e&er9l!&!n' %o"7 We "o <ell al<ays an" e&ery< ere to '!&e yo# t anks t ro#' Jes#s C r!st o#r Lor"8 We )ra!se yo# <!t 'reater Foy t an e&er on t !s Easter "ay < en C r!st 0eca$e o#r )asc al sacr!f!ce8 He !s t e tr#e La$0 < o took a<ay t e s!ns of t e <orl"8 ,y "y!n' e "estroye" o#r "eat ? 0y r!s!n' e restore" o#r l!fe8 An" so7 <!t all t e c o!rs of an'els !n ea&en7 <e )rocla!$ yo#r 'lory an" Fo!n !n t e!r #nen"!n' y$n of )ra!se8
)he choir and the asse"bly together sing the Sanct#s(

SPECIAL EUCHARISTIC PRAYER )he Presider% 0ith hands e5tended% saysD

,lesse" are yo#7 O %o" of ol!ness= yo# acco$)any #s <!t lo&e as <e Fo#rney t ro#' l!fe8 ,lesse" too !s yo#r Son7 Jes#s C r!st7 < o !s )resent a$on' #s an" < ose lo&e 'at ers #s to'et er8 As once e "!" for !s "!sc!)les7 C r!st no< o)ens t e Scr!)t#res for #s an" 0reaks t e 0rea"8
.e Boins his hands and holding the" outstretched over the offerings% says% 0ith the concelebrantsD


%reat an" $erc!f#l *at er7 <e ask yo# to sen" "o<n yo#r Holy S)!r!t to allo< t ese '!fts of 0rea" an" <!ne7 t at t ey $ay 0eco$e for #s
.e Boins his hands and% "a/ing the sign of the cross once over both bread and 0ine% saysD

t e 0o"y an" 0loo" of o#r Lor"7 Jes#s C r!st8

.e Boins his hands% and continuesD

On t e e&e of !s )ass!on an" "eat 7 < !le at ta0le <!t t ose e lo&e"7
.e ta/es the bread and% raising it a little above the altar% continuesD

e took 0rea" an" 'a&e yo# t anks? e 0roke t e 0rea"7 'a&e !t to !s "!sc!)les7 an" sa!"=

.e bo0s slightly(

Take t !s7 all of yo# an" eat !t= t !s !s $y 0o"y < !c <!ll 0e '!&en #) for yo#8
.e sho0s the consecrated host to the people% places it on the paten% and genuflects in adoration( )hen he continuesD

W en s#))er <as en"e"7 e took t e c#)?

.e ta/es the chalice and% raising it a little above the altar% continues

a'a!n e 'a&e yo# t anks an"7 an"!n' t e c#) to !s "!sc!)les7 e sa!"=

.e bo0s slightly(


Take t !s7 all of yo# an" "r!nk fro$ !t? t !s !s t e c#) of $y 0loo"7 t e 0loo" of t e ne< an" e&erlast!n' co&enant8 It <!ll 0e s e" for yo# an" for all so t at s!ns $ay 0e for'!&en8 Do t !s !n $e$ory of $e8
.e sho0s the chalice to the people% places it on the corporal% and genuflects in adoration(

Let #s )rocla!$ t e $ystery of fa!t =

)he choir and the asse"bly sing the Accla$at!on(

)hen 0ith hands e5tended% the Presider says% 0ith the concelebrantsD

An" so7 *at er $ost oly7 <e cele0rate t e $e$ory of C r!st7 yo#r Son7 < o$ yo# le" t ro#' s#ffer!n' an" "eat on t e cross to t e 'lory of t e res#rrect!on an" a )lace at yo#r r!' t an"8 Unt!l Jes#s7 o#r Sa&!or7 co$es a'a!n7 <e )rocla!$ t e <ork of yo#r lo&e7 an" <e offer yo# t e 0rea" of l!fe an" t e c#) of eternal 0less!n'8
Concelebrant -neD

1ene0 by the light of the gospel the Church of the diocese of Cubao% strengthen the bonds of unity bet0een the faithful and their pastors% that together 0ith Benedict *2+ our pope% .onesto our bishop% and the 0hole college of bishops% your people "ay stand forth% in a 0orld torn by strife and discord% as a sign of oneness and peace(
Concelebrant )0oD

Be "indful of our brothers and sisters% 0ho have fallen asleep in the peace of Christ% and all the dead 0hose faith only you can /no0( Lead the" to the fullness of the resurrection and gladden the" 0ith the light of your face( hen our pilgri"age on earth is co"plete% 0elco"e us into your heavenly ho"e% 0here 0e shall d0ell 0ith you for ever( )here% 0ith 4ary% the 2irgin 4other of =od% 0ith the apostles% the "artyrs% and all the saints% 0e shall praise you and give you glory(
.e Boins his hands(

through your !on% #esus Christ(

)he Presider ta/es the paten 0ith the host and the chalice( Lifting the" up% he sings or says% Boined by the concelebrantsD

T ro#' !$7 <!t !$7 !n !$7 !n t e #n!ty of t e Holy S)!r!t7 all 'lory an" onor !s yo#rs7 al$!' ty *at er7 for e&er an" e&er8
)he choir leads the congregation as they respondD AMEN "rancisco# S$ :"en% :"en% :"en% :"en% :leluyaI Purihin ang DiyosI Purihin ang DiyosI :"en% :leluyaI :"en% :"en% :"en% :"en% :leluyaI


COMMUNION RITE THE LORD-S PRAYER )he Presider introduces the LordGs prayer in these or si"ilar 0ordsD

,y !s "eat an" res#rrect!on7 Jes#s reconc!le" #s to t e *at er7 < o $a"e #s !n !$7 !s a"o)te" sons an" "a#' ters8 *#ll of Foy an" conf!"ence7 let #s )ray t e )rayer C r!st !$self ta#' t #s8
)he choir leads the asse"bly in the singing of the LordGs Prayer 8 AMA NAMIN 'onti(eros# S$

:"a na"in su"asalangit Ca% sa"bahin ang ngalan 4o% "apasaa"in ang /aharian 4o% sundin ang loob 4o dito sa lupa para nang sa langit( Bigyan 4o /a"i ngayon ng a"ing /a/anin sa ara09ara0% at pata0arin 4o /a"i sa a"ing "ga sala% para nang pagpapata0ad na"in sa nag/a/asala sa a"in( :t hG0ag 4o /a"ing ipahintulot sa tu/so at iadya 4o /a"i sa lahat ng "asa"a(


)he Presider 0ith hands e5tended% continues aloneD

Del!&er #s Lor" fro$ e&ery e&!l7 an" 'rant #s )eace !n o#r "ay8 In yo#r $ercy kee) #s free fro$ s!n an" )rotect #s fro$ all an6!ety as <e <a!t !n Foyf#l o)e for t e co$!n' of o#r Sa&!or7 Jes#s C r!st8

For the /ingdo"% the po0er% and the glory are yours% no0 and for ever(

SI%N O* PEACE )he Presider% 0ith hands e5tended% says aloudD

Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 yo# sa!" to yo#r a)ostles= I lea&e yo# )eace7 $y )eace I '!&e yo#7 Look not on o#r s!ns7 0#t on t e fa!t of yo#r C #rc 7 an" 'rant #s t e )eace an" #n!ty of yo#r k!n'"o$ < ere yo# l!&e for e&er an" e&er8


)he Presider% e5tending and Boining his hands% addsD

T e )eace of t e Lor" 0e <!t yo# al<ays8


:nd also 0ith you(

)hen the Presider "ay addD

Let #s offer eac ot er t e s!'n of )eace8

:ll present "a/e an appropriate sign of peace( ,REA:IN% O* THE ,READ :ORDERO N% DIYOS .9uino# S$ Cordero ng Diyos na nag9aalis ng "ga /asalanan ng sanlibutan% "aa0a Ca sa a"in% "aa0a Ca sa a"in(


Cordero ng Diyos na nag9aalis ng "ga /asalanan ng sanlibutan% "aa0a Ca sa a"in% "aa0a Ca sa a"in( Cordero ng Diyos na nag9aalis ng "ga /asalanan ng sanlibutan% ipag/aloob 4o sa a"in ang /apayapaan( 4ean0hile% the Presider ta/es the .ost and brea/s it over the paten( .e places a s"all piece in the chalice% saying inaudiblyD

May t !s $!n'l!n' of t e 0o"y an" 0loo" of o#r Lor" Jes#s C r!st 0r!n' eternal l!fe to #s < o rece!&e !t8
PRI+ATE PREPARATION )he Presider says inaudiblyD

Lor" Jes#s C r!st7 Son of t e l!&!n' %o"7 0y t e <!ll of t e *at er an" t e <ork of t e Holy S)!r!t yo#r "eat 0ro#' t l!fe to t e <orl"8 ,y yo#r oly ,o"y an" ,loo" free $e fro$ all $y s!ns an" fro$ e&ery e&!l8 :ee) $e fa!t f#l to yo#r teac !n'7 an" ne&er let $e 0e )arte" fro$ yo#8
COMMUNION )he Presider genuflects( )a/ing the host% he raises it slightly over the paten and facing the people says aloudD

T !s !s t e La$0 of %o" < o takes a<ay t e s!ns of t e <orl"8 Ha))y are t ose < o are calle" to !s s#))er8

Lord% + a" not 0orthy to receive you% but only say the 0ord and + shall be healed(

)he Presider says inaudiblyD

May t e 0o"y of C r!st 0r!n' $e to e&erlast!n' l!fe8

.e reverently consu"es the body of Christ( )hen he ta/es the chalice and says inaudiblyD

May t e 0loo" of C r!st 0r!n' $e to e&erlast!n' l!fe


.e reverently drin/s the blood of Christ( :fter this he ta/es the paten or other vessel and goes to the co""unicants( .e ta/es a host for each one% raises it a little% and sho0s it sayingD

T e ,o"y of C r!st8
1( :"en( Co""union :ntiphonD Christ has beco"e our paschal sacrifice< let us feast 0ith te unleavened bread of sincerity and truth( :lleluia( @$ Cor ,% >9'A

hile the faithful receive co""union% Eucharistic songs are sung(

IN MY HEART Manoling !) "rancisco# S$ In $y eart7 I kno< $y Sa&!or l!&es8 I can ear !$ call!n' ten"erly $y na$e8 O&er s!n an" "eat e as )re&a!le"8 In !s 'lory7 !n !s ne< l!fe <e )artake8 + /no0 he lives as he has pro"ised% for "e heGs risen that fro" fear + "ay be free( Fot even death can separate "e fro" hi" 0hose 0hose love and "ight re"ain in "e( For + have seen and touched hi" risen% through all the 0orld 0ill + proclai" his "aBesty( ith Boy + sing to tell his story that in our hearts "ay live his "e"ory( :nd all the earth shall bo0 before hi"( .is blessed na"e all 0ill adore on bended /nee( .is truth shall reign% so shall his Bustice< in Christ "y !avior let all glory be( ANIMA CHRISTI $andi .rboleda !oul of Christ% sanctify "e( Body of Christ% save "e( ater fro" the side of Christ% 0ash "e( Passion of Christ% give "e strength( .ear "e% #esus( .ide "e in thy 0ounds that + "ay never leave thy side(


Fro" all the evil that surrounds "e% defend "e( :nd 0hen the call of death arives% bid "e co"e to thee that + "ay praise thee 0ith thy saints forever( PA%SI,OL .rnel dC) .9uino# S$ Ba0at huni ng ibon sa pag9ihip ng a"ihan 0angis "oGy a/ing natatana0( Pagda"pi ng u"aga sa nanla"ig /ong /ala"nan% init "oGy pangarap /ong hag/an( Pan'!noon7 !ka< an' kas!0#lan n' 0# ay7 P#so-y "al!say ka!lan )a $an8 I)a !nt#lot $on' ako-y $a)a an"#say sa s#$asa!0ayon' ka'!n a<a an8 Fangungulilang "alay% binulungan ng tinig "ong nagdulot ng /ati0asayan( Paghahanap /at0iran% nilusa0 "o sa si"buyong /arilagan ng pag"a"ahal( IN HIM ALONE Manoling !) "rancisco# S$ In !$ alone !s o#r o)e7 In !$ alone !s o#r stren't 8 In !$ alone are <e F#st!f!e"8 In !$ alone are <e sa&e"8 hat have 0e to offer that does not fade or 0itherN Can the 0orld ever satisfy the e"ptiness in our hearts in vain% 0e denyN hen 0ill you cease running in search of hollo0 "eaningN Let his love fill the hunger in your soul Htil it overflo0s 0ith Boy you yearn to /no0( SURREKIT CHRISTUS Tai*e Ooo P S#rre6!t C r!st#s7 allel#!a; Ooo P Cantate Do$!no7 allel#!a; : period of silence "ay be observed after co""union% or a psal" or song of praise "ay be sung(



Let #s )ray8
Pause for silent prayer(

*at er of lo&e7 <atc o&er yo#r C #rc an" 0r!n' #s to t e 'lory of t e Res#rrect!on )ro$!se" 0y t !s Easter sacra$ent8 We ask t !s !n t e na$e of Jes#s t e Lor"8


*INAL ,LESSIN% PresiderD

T e Lor" 0e <!t yo#8


:nd also 0ith you(

.e invites the people to bo0 their heads and invo/e the blessing of =od(

,o< yo#r ea"s an" )ray for %o"-s 0less!n'8

.e then prays 0ith hands e5tended over the peopleD

May al$!' ty %o" 0less yo# on t !s sole$n feast of Easter an" $ay e )rotect yo# a'a!nst all s!n8


T ro#' t e res#rrect!on of !s Son7 %o" 'rante" #s eal!n'8 May e f#lf!ll !s )ro$!ses an" 0less yo# <!t eternal l!fe8


Yo# $o#rne" for C r!st-s s#ffer!n's? no< yo# cele0rate t e Foy of !s res#rrect!on8

May yo# co$e <!t Foy to t e feast < !c lasts fore&er8



May al$!' ty %o" 0less yo#7 t e *at er7 an" t e Son7 an" t e Holy S)!r!t8



T e Mass !s en"e"7 'o !n )eace to lo&e an" ser&e t e Lor"8 Allel#!a; Allel#!a;

)han/s be to =od( :lleluiaI :lleluiaI

:fter the sole"n blessing% a fitting f!nal son' is sung(

TELL THE WORLD O* HIS LO+E Trina +ellamide For =od so loved the 0orld% he gave us his only !on #esus Christ our !avior% his "ost precious one( .e has sent us his "essage of love and send those 0ho hear to bring the "essage to everyone 0ith a voice loud and clear( Let #s tell t e <orl" of !s lo&e7 t e 'reatest lo&e t e <orl" as kno<8 Searc t e <orl" for t ose < o a&e <alke" astray an" lea" t e$ o$e8 *!ll t e <orl"-s "arkest corners <!t !s l!' t fro$ #) a0o&e8 Walk e&ery ste)7 e&ery $!le7 e&ery roa" an" tell t e <orl"7 tell t e <orl" of !s lo&e8









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